Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 18, 1903, Page 2, Image 2

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rets., im-spd.
-, " . ' ' W .
I, . .
lnclletla ' aad
tt defer-
KlM bt will.
V .... -.,- . f- - - -
There, isaii increatihg .demand for Itobt? Blankets and we
, Arc in lOtap to sho you a most extensive line of these desirable
Bftntds. "A ' ' " ' ;- - " .
5. 1 The' designs and colorings, are very beautiful -and especially
V'iiri4e for bath or lounging" robes. '
t "x-' 8126 of blankets is '2 yards wide by 2 1-3 to 2 1-2 yards long.
One blanket makes a, robe for lady or gentleman,
rf. f lWes,f US '2.'00, 2.50, 2.75, ?3.00, f 3.23, f 4.00, 5.00,
'i ipJ;ift.oocirh., . ,
r ;,? Indian Robe Blankets size! 6072;: made by the. IVndleton
f Voltpr5Iil1s, at "f4.0d,f5.(MVf$.00 each.;
' ' Special sale, Friday morning fl.00. and 1.25 mercerized
r ... . t T I ' J.I
! '.era
" -mm
.'Y.'M. C. A. Battding. Corner
Major .Tetoes Ectolut'oa Designating
- Ww d Herald si Official Piper.'
, '. . y f
.": k : -,'''.' ;
laterrereaefiof.Cvwrtt with Cltr Oow.
rnsaeutt Reseated r tae Kxeen- .
;,?.- five), Wat) la Sustained by ' '' '
7 . '
Lj .,, cmiu ..i
LJb., - ':,. V ' ..r -
Vsislnesa of ..routine, Jinlurt occupied the
aliotitlon of the, cvutcil tor threequartea
of; rfcwur ls.rilg-ljt, aiayor Moorea' veto
:tOljUli' tiMllV,uhrllil4! the World
.Sterijiji an U: ifllvll .-newspaper
t'Uelrijy a. ra vt i to , Dyball, Huntinii
U &,Biiit)inA.ttehroKr voting In the
DW4Uve ;(... ''.i.u' :
. . .Yhe.'eaafnr given the niayor for hla
weree.j' .'' i . "
While I at eiiyJ'aeslrntiB with your-i-eW
to- an end of the exintlng control
vpey ehem.v the olty ha.i been prevented
.4 frir.bnv1m$nn ofSoial newnnajxir. I do not
.e-f thla. wtU ba.atta.iaod ny Mie pnaae
'.tftM .resolution. ' Aa, Mated ,ia a former
V-L'OtrimqhtPB'tirm tovour honorHble body, the
. nforriihafn eietfnr condition la due td
.- t be.nranrpation oivfhetart ef the eotirt cf
, (!(. pii,l clearly ,-veatad In the mayor and
' , cqiiju'll, . . NeiUter- - the , memhera of your
hntiiifable body nor myself are In any way
reaponeible for the Injunction order Innued
t-g by JiM'.ae Read. -'-Uutll' a litial hearing is
bad of the Injunction cane In which he le
aned hla temporHt-y Injunction. I do not aee
w-bwr thltuftUon a it now exlata can be
Thia reaolntlon certainly will not aecom
lilteh the denlred purpoiw-. It Is directly In
vonfllct with the action previously taken bv
the members of your honorable body, flndi
iTH -eott-tTcoTttl lirft tht he World I'ubJIxh
vl"f ifffnpdnr'aid not hw '5.010 actual and
Vi?l Ode subscriber for the Omaha Even
U ti c orld-Herold. To pasa aod approve
thjs resolullcn would be tor the mayor and
vcrMinrll to stultify themselves. More than
Km it this, in view of the previous action
Allien and the express findings made, the
Ifl'-trtirnatlon of the Omaha lOvening World
, Mrald as the onlclal newspaper of the
'"city of Omaha Would not be a les;al'de1e
1 .Vision and all publications hereafter made
.. In Mho Evening World-Herald would be
pjn to attack oy attorneya. who are only
9 trio- anaioua to find some defect or Irregu-
1 A . v. . ....... n K. . jl
IwfterehV 'taxes arid Hiw!u -assessments ca-i
1 frpA'l V .k t,''!,Uo,'
if. vftur, )w"'0J'M,H)d)i -to the
r'.ntncorrcni resoiuiion iin. now in ion
rreni resolution xxo. zik:, now in iuii
(sM-co,nad '.efttt't, wherein It .Is expressly.
j imlafred' and determined, tn accordance
wlili, tbe, aotlon taken . by your honorable
Jiody in "executive committee, that the
'Omaha, Evening Wor4fl-.Hi ald did tiot have
?MH aetual and boiiatflde subscribers In
jtoe f tyi- ofOmaha as reouired by law, and
. that the World Publishing company was
it possessed of the qualincationa of a
itdder as required by law) and thnt The
! Met : PiiWIshing company -was entltwd to
find should receive t)ie contract for doing
Vuttt' publishing in.the.Omaba Evening
Je until July. 1804.
i't. As slrcafly stated, the passage and ap
yjroval of thia resolution would be an act
At etultlflcaiion on- the part of the, mayor
,Htii council and as I have shown your
?t?norable body Would be merely sowing
i,:e seeds of litigation whjeh. would,, pron
sfol'v resiflf irf' great loss ahd injury to
J4ve.nity. As I view the matter, we had
Vh uffer the Ills we have, .than to as-.
Sinn" y-p(nslbllFtje we khew not of.:, Jn
doing 'trrt ' we ' havew'the satisfaction of
knowing that the responsibility of the ex
lnUna.lwaUon,. with J urine-Guy R. CL
' ItaiT' and hot with the members of your
itt llow't-oodjr er the mayor., , . . ' . ..' '
. ..' ' ' Pale of Iteaewal Boada.
An ofd(aknce j' jprJihat the 1484.000 rev
newai r-pafl ,14?, wnicn nas. noi oeen ac
cepted? Vy. ih Cincinnati . hrm that pur
chsse,tt. .was placed on first and second
readlmst. nd, aew' orlinaace . Introduced,
whlchrwllj iu'pyir". faaai',
Tbe,('cft-(j(iianu .uJiKig a pontract with
the Ot&abiLSlgn ceoipany for street inter-
i secttonniarkera. waa not paaaed, owing to
' ir-M'Ktliirlt)e la ircompilttea'a report.
;mvolle'lkbeoh submitted tha fol
' l'fwirif MoVsmeot of the condition of funds
K .L'-ii-.i'.ji..'-.-,...- ; '' :
011 iuypiafjyr ru-, ;
FirtiJ. Jirfeelpts. Drawn.'. Balance.
m.t:ztr:. -a 4 i-Jte. 47 2W,S!.1J t 4.K4.8I
Water r'ent.. ' -, 7,076.87 4,718.34
Jurtmefct1;..8I7l).M ' 8.207.46
... . 1, 482.82
12.53i.76 ,
nM' ...
104.112 81
Bewer main
' 888 .8(
taining ...
6.8M.rZ '
J iPark .'vt.'-.S. VOIW
lUfhlna;..v. ...4.84;.78.
i-'-VVvHaa Ha4 Blaaerleaees.
r A "Votnan who , has used , Foetum Food
5. Coffea sine it came upon the market
lghlt- ers ago knows from expetienc the
!: neoeaalty of ttatng Poatura in place of
' coffee if one vaJuea health and a steady
t brain. , ' " ' ' , ,
f She 'aayst ' "At the lima Foe turn was
'first put 0 the market I waa, suffering
v from nervous dyspepsia and my physi
y clan had repeatedly told me not to use
-'-.tea or oySte Finally I decided to -taks
'hla , adii' and try Poetum and got a
santpte'.ana n4 it ' carefully prepared.
.'.nndtf Ut 4jncloua - j.9 he, tat, ,o 1
' continued lie us and very soon I la beoev
Hoil effeot eonvinced ma of Its value for
HrjH'i.-'y ' " -
1 . 'l ' Jiuaband, aadsbean drinkjug 00
.1 hit ,HCe vntjl ,it. naiL affected hla
Kjrt . lerrlblj. 1 persuadad hus . to shift
tti rPojt ura and Jt WAS, easy to get Jilm to
nk ,th. chanjae' Je? the, Potupj je so
dUrhua,, It-4artabfSy worked srondera for
uttv,;!' ii i-i.'I 'tV : : i. f:
"We soon learned that Puetuna doea not
hUwata er depreas . and doea not
,a4Linulaa 0JUV -b4 ,v kouitly
cAirngtaena tha. nervaa and the atomach.
To iaaa a- fag aiery - short oar entire
, faftdly haya now, u Poetuns for eight
..mja,',ilta ooaapletely , satisfying results
114 tiuwa hi .out flaa,' condltipn ef heajth
,aj -we have noticed a rather unexpected
lh)luyment . iq braa;nJ.,nerve power.'
Nam1 given by Poetum Co., Battle Creek,
Mich. ,
t tni reaaed. brain and nerve power a'ways
71-iir the uaa of Poetum In place 'of cof
f Anerlinea id a very marked - manner.
st-w-h- in each package for a copy 'of tha
famous Uttie book, 'The Boad to Well
Killed - -
Sixteenth and DoufcUj StJ
Cleaning and
sweeping ..
Curb., gutt'g
ft paving..
Paving bond
Om't newer i
Mkt place.
Dog .........
tAiud'g bond
Fire engine
9.131. H
11,711. ST.
41 . 140.87-
4.3. 0
sifl K
46.561. W
918. M
12.1.6I1 148,a0.8
5.688.06 ' 4O.B90.C3
pnul It nu 428. 01 8311.901.83
Balance general fund .....I
Amount set aside 4,024. M
Available balance. ..
Funding bond fund. Invested In
Judgments j. ......
(Cdntnued front first Page.)
templatlon. Tha only definite project, how
ever, as vet decided upon Is the Belle
Pourche, fof which plana are now In prep
arstion: Officials of the . geological sur
vey 're planning to construct reservoirs
and Irrigation -canals which, It la expected
will reclaim at least 100.000 acres In Butta
county, . 8. D.. the water supply being
drawn from Belle Kourche . river. This
protect .will cost In round figures 11.000.000
and It la hoped to have the working plana
ready within the next month, bo that ad
verttsemcnts for proposals for actual work
may be laaued. Investigations are to be
continued on various, Irrigation projects
In South Dakota, so that the geological suri
vey may be in -a, position to at once pro.
ceed to actual work should an additional
sum be allotted to South Dakota for ir
rigation projects. . '
Postal Matters.
Rural free delivery . service was ordered
Established December' 15 at -Malm. Saun
ders county, KeJ. The toute. embraces an
area of twenty ' sutfare mlfe,. containing
a poruratlon -of MO. 1 '''
Rural carrier appointed: Nebraska, Edl
son. regular, James M. Snyder; substitute,
Mary . I. .Snyder. . Iowa... Dundee,, regular,
John jdFober;' substitute, Cprolln Fober,
I "eectloMB
of Jobs) Taylor,' a
I Character of the Early, '
i jancansas umr
At the last meeting of the' Arkansas Bar.
association, tha president, George B. Rosa,
delivered an 111 teres ting address on 'The
Bar of Early Arkansas," la. which he set
himself the, task pf rescuing from oblivion
some memories cf the early leaders of the.
bar and reconstructing the conditions under
which they worked. . Among . them is pre
sented the curious figure of -John Taylor,
whose picturesque and terrible character
might well furnish a hint for a modern Sir
Walter Scott,, if we were fortunate enough
to possess a successor to the great novelist:
John Taylor waa only a . sojourner . In
Arkansas from 1837 to 1844, but he was so
remarkable a man that tie' should not be
forgotten. -. Everybody who heard
him agreed that In cupaclty for Invective,
for withering, blustering, envenomed elo
quence he excelled, hny human being that
ever sfklte, ' and that he seemed posseiised
of a demoniac power. He waa' a( tall, iank.
red-naired man, repuhtrvejy ugly, with little
green eyes that jglistened Hko those of a
snakev and with a fashion of licking out tils
tongue that waa strangely terpentine. ' He
talked '-to no- one. save on business. When
he .settled- In, Little Rock, whither he had
come from Alabama after be had beeM de
feated In- his candidacy for the f nited
Btafes senate, an tha bar called on him, but
he received them with repelling coldness,
and returned no visits. He had a wife, but
nobody eyer saw her-r-wonderful thing con
sidering the alse of Little Rock at the time.
During the seven. years', of his sojourn he
never crossed any man's threshold, and no
rdaro crossed- his. In-riding the circuit he
always rode alone, permitting no conv
panlonshlp, and while- in attendance dn
court he -would, if the weather permitted,
live in a tent pitched in the neighboring
wood, where he might not have to look on
the hated face of his fellow mam'' Tet this
modern Timon, a thousand times more em
bittered and malignant than he ef Athena.
was a devout Christian, assiduous In his at
tendance at church, and always speaking
with Intense religious conviction. But bis
strange. Invisible wife did not appear even
on the Sabbath.' As a lawyer he was a ter
ror. Hip knowledge of law waa prodigious
and his anomory of authorities almost su
perhuman. He could write out any of the
verbose, involved common law pleadings
word for word as they appeared in Chltty
without looking at a book. He was a mat
ter of every technicality by which hit ad
versary ' could be ' humiliated and over
thrown, and "-when h arose to speak hone
could resist the fierce torrent of hla fiery
eloquence. He spared no one and feared no
6n; but while he haver suggested a resort
to. fwrapnal violence, he always carried two
platola tn the pockets of hla long black
coai, in reaaineaa ' to repel any attack.
..Ia..iai he reap pared one day In our
supreme court, much aged, but still creet.
prouo, s 00m rot anq malignant," aod after
foklr-f around qn such of hit old opponents
4a survived, departed wkbout tpeaklng tt
" ono a ad -want forth upon hir lonely
way, wniiner no maq Btw.I -LW Kates.
i Bam'! Burnt' 19 per oent November re
duction Bale this week. -
. Oraltholeatsts Kleet,
aJ-T.Jr .k HIA' V0- 17 At today's
I " cunveniiun 01 tne
American Ornlthoiotte union the follow-
American uriu tftoloiBt- union the follow
liig-omoers were ele. ted President. Charlei
2 .ryi; .BoU)'; XU' President, Chsrlei
W. -WateheWer, Cambridge, Mass.;. and vlci
viwiuwi-i.. w,. ntnun, Washington. D
-i treasurer, xr. J U. Wight. New York,
Cont """i nge, furtland,
' dd.'t Hr. Samuel W. W. Woodhouse
of Philadelphia, the oldest living orni
thologist In Ameriua, was elected a cor
nwiviimiil zeiiow ui me union.
A iaeraateea Car few flUe.
Itching. Blind. Bleeding or Protruding
Plleo. Yeur druggist will refund money if
PA ZO OINTMENT fail to cure you tn 6 to
it oays- too
Btcntary Ebaw a-i Soo'i is Changed
Relatioa of Hations,
Tells New York Chamber of Com-
eerce He Is Favorable-to Tkls tor
Aay Other Plan Inearrlag
Merchant Marina.
NETW YORK. Nov. 17. The 135th annutil
dinner of the Chamber of Commerce wis
held tonight at Delmonlco", Morris K. Jes-
sup, president of the chamber presiding,
with Secretary of the Treasury Shaw on
his right and Governor Odell on hla left.
Among the other distinguished guests pres
ent were Postmaster General Henry f.
Payne, Senator William B. Allison, Senator
Chauncey M. Depew, Lieutenant General
8. M. B. Young, Major General II. C. Cor
bln. Rear Admiral Frederick Rodgers,
Judge Alton B. Parker, Carl Schurt, White
law Reld, Bishop Henry C. Potter, Bishop
William Creswell Doane and St. Cliilr Mc
Kelway. The lists of toasts were as follows: "The
President." "His Majesty, Edward VII,"
"Our Merchant Marine," repponse by Hon.
Leslie M. Shaw, secretary of the treasury;
"The Senate of the United State.?," response
by Hon. W. B. Allison: "The : Army." re
sponse by Lieutenant General 8. Mk B.
Toung, V. 8. A.; "The Navy," response by
Rear Admiral Frederick Rodgers, V. S. N.;
"Capital and Labor," response by Rt.
Rev. William C. Doane, D. D., bishop of
Albany; "The Commercial ' Imagination,"
response by Rev. Donald Bage Macay,
D. D.; "Arbitration as a Means for the Set
tlement of International' Disputes," re
sponse by Thomas Barclay, . former presi
dent of the Brltlshx Chamber of Commerce
In Paris.
Letter from President Roosevelt. -
The following letter from President
Roosevelt wss read: '
White House, Oct. 17. 1908. Gentlemen: It
Is with sincere regret that 1 find myaeir
unable to accept your invitation. If I
could leave Washington for any such pur-
Bose it would be to attend your banquet,
ut congress ineeta In special session, No
vemlier V and it will then be a hard quest
tlon -for ma to get awuy. The Chamber of
Commerce of the state of New York occu
pies a unique position. It is distinguished
not only by Its long history and by the
vast importance of the business Interests
which It represents, but slso for the hiirh
type f public and business morality which
It represents. I nay you no Idle compli
ment. Tha record of the men you have
chosen as presidents; the record of the
cause with which the Chamber of Com
merce has been identified, and, above all,
the standard of business integrity which
the Chamber of Commerce has consistently
represented and which It haa determined
among those; for whom it has in any way
stood sponsor, -shows the truth of What I
say. ......
Bouquets for Chamber.
It is surely necessary to add that no
body of men can render a greater service,
not onlv to the American bunihess world,
but to the American body politic than has
thus been rendered by the Chamber of
Commerce. The true Ideal of this country
Is that hand in hand with Its material de
velopment there- shall go a high and fine
sense of responsibility to the public on the
part of those whose power and ability en
able them to take the lead In this develop
ment. It Is the good fortune not only of
the state of New York but of all our peo
ple, that we can conscientiously say of the
Chamber of Commerce that, among' Its
members, we have found to an unusually
high degree this combination of great busi
ness ability with the spirit which practices
and .demands integrity in public and pri
vate afTalrs alike.
I congratulate ycat upon this banquet en
the one hundred and thirty-fifth unnivor
earyvf tbe Chamber's- foundation, and I
profoundly regret my inability to be prea
ent with-vou. -Sincerely yours,' TIlpO
,Afier the; toasts "The. PresidetiV and
"Ills' 'Majesty, Edward, "A'll"' hadf 0en
drunk' standing, 'it,ho orchestra' played the
national ' airs of England and America.
tAddress of Secretary Shaw. ,
Secretary Shaw-was introduced. He said;
Tiie only unprotected American industry,
Is Its merchant marine. An act of con
gress approved by George Washington and
never reueaJcd. thoUKh freauently assailed.
givet the American shipbuilder, the Ameri
can shipowner und 'the American flag.- a
monopoly in, our coastwise-tradu and we
not only nave the most efficient service,
but the cheapest coastwise rates in the
world. . - . ...
The secretary pointed out. that, by acts
of congress and through, government en
couragement this country has . the best
railway ystem. In. existence,, , aud . the
cheapest' .-ates;. its factories turn out more
manufactured products than any two.
countries on the map by more than, $3,000,-,
000,060,000 per -annum; its agricultural In
terests art more valuable than . those of
any other country, , and its inlnpral. output
haa passed the $1,000,000,000 line. The secre
tary continued:
Without attempting to give the reasoi.s
therefor, I content myself with stating tbe
fact that fortv years am we had only one-
fourth as much foreign commerce to trans
port as we have now, yet we actually car-
nea in American ooiioms roriy years ago,
three times as much foreign commerce aa
We carry today. These conditions may be
Satisfactory to you. They teem to be satis
factory to many; nut tney are not sDtis
facory to me. I am not ignorant of the
argument that If foreign countries are
willing to subsidize ships to carry our
frelaht It Inures to our advantage. This
might be a sufficient excuse for our supine
excuse If there were no other consideration
Involved than merely carrying our freight
across the Atlantic ocean In times of peace.
Unfortunately, however, there are many
other and weightier considerations.
Helpless la Time ef War.
If wsr were to be declared between any
two of the great powers of Europe, our
foreign commerce would not only te neip
less but hooelees. I forbear reference to
our military and navul condition In the ab
sence of available colliers and transports.
were the United Btates to be Involved In
uch a conflict. The urouriest navy In the
world is utterly worthless without coal.
As certain ts the world revolves tne
time will oorae when our people will give
more heed to securing a respectable there
of the trade of the South American re
publics, - South Africa, the Islands south
of the equator and the countries waahed
by the Pacific ocean. Suppose we now haft
regular lines of steamship communication
between our Dorts and the countries 1
have mentioned, the government paying the
loss until our trade should be estaDiisiien.
What would be the result? A representa
tive of these lines would wait at the door
Of every factory in the land begging for
the production or goods, specially ae
lirned tn meet the Decullar needs, desires
and whims of the country for which they
were Intended. And. mark you. gentlemen.
foreign market for n,ooo,ioo manu
factured products means a domestic mar
ket for at least $800.0uu of labor, -
World's Connie Commercial,
Nor wduld this be all. Tha establishment
of trade in these Countries would be fol
lowed by American warehouses, the Ameri
can branch omce and the American banks.
The conflict between the great powers or
the world Is no longer military, but com
mercial. Europe la not seeking to estab
lish naval stations in the direction I have
Indicated, but it has already estab
lished commercial' stations there and out
ot these are name to arise complication!
fullv as intricate and vastly more delicate,
Vm-tunatelv tha Venezuelan matter la be
ing settled by arbitration. God grant that
all difficulties of this character that may
hereafter arise on the western hemisphere
may be aolved In the rr.e way. If we
hud our share of commerce to the south
and west of us. Instead of a paltry 11)
ner cent, we would be in a poxltlun to
Insist that thev would be so settled.
I am not contending for ship subsidies
If any more feasible course can do ae
vised, but. If ship subsidies will insure
us a merchant marine, then 1 am fu
shin aubsidlea. If some other measure will
insure a merchant marine then I am fur
some other measure, If several measures
II Nam
OS) avary
Always R4mr tb Ful
I sxatlve Uromo f
s r n g.
Ctara a Col4 ka On Day, Crtpui 3
"ZTVr0 lex, 23
combined will Insure a merchant marine.
then I am for all such meaiurea.
Senator Allison, In responding td the
toast, "The Senate of the United States,"
explained the work of the senate. When
he, said that-he agreed with the secretary
of the treasury that all disputes should be
settled by arbitration, the banquet ball
rang with appaluse. .
Bishop Doane of AJinny, In speaking on
"Capital and Labor," took the position that
capitalists are laboring men. The bishop
wss hesrtlly applauded when he said he
believed that Dewttt Clinton was a harder
worker than any man who dug In his Canal.
Rev.. Dr. Donald Mackay, in his address,
said "the trust Is the greatest peril of the
commercial imagination today, because It
Is falling Into our national mistake of con
fusing quantity with quality and exalting
bigness-over greatness. Anything which
Impairs credit, i shaking public confidence,
should be fouht like a scourge."
(Continued from First Page.)
property to the United States, it la pointed
out at the State department that no such
cancellation can, be effected without a
breach of contract that, would not be tol
erated by either' the French government
or the government of the United States.
The nature of the engagement between the
United Stares government and the Panama
Canal .company It (a said, has changed
somewhat since the original undertaking
arrived at by Attorney General Knox. He
secured an undertaking from the canal
company to. sell Its property to the United
States'for 840.000,000., the option to expire
March 4, Thia option expired with
out attracting much attention, but , the
State department meanwhile quietly had
secured a new agreement which Is In fact
in the eyes of the law officers a complete
contract by the terms of which the canal
company agreed to sell Its property to the
United States for the figure named on the
conclusion'of the canal treaty. The state
department holds .that, this agreement Is
The training ship Prairie carrying a
battalion of marines arrived at' Ouantan
amo yesterday. It la said at the Navy de
partment that Prairie has not been ordered
to Colon. . ....
M, Jusserand. the French ambassador, to
day formally received. P.. Bunau-Varilla at
the French embassy. as envoy extraordinary
and minister plenipotentiary of the Rtpub
Uc of Panama. , .
-Address Kdte te Envoys.'
Accredited to the United States, the Re
public of France and to the world at large
as minister plenipotentiary and envoy ex
traordinary of the Republic of Panama,
M. Thllllppe Bunau'-Varillu, under specinl
Instructions from his government, had ad
dressed a note to the envoys of the powers
represented at '"Washington requesting that
they notify their respective governments of
the formation, qt. the sovereign state of
Panama, and expressing the hope that his
government will receive recognition at their
hands. Count Casslnl, Russians ambas
sador, as dean of the diplomatic corps,
was first addressed. '' The note lo his ex
cellency Is Identical mutatis mutundis with
the ' note; fnt to' the other embassies and
legations. Fallowing' the lead of Count Car
slni the otner'ambassadors, the. ministers
and the charges d'affaires will transmit tha
communication of the Panama minister to
their foreign pfflcsyand await instructions.
Bunch - of t.Weary.Tra elra Cleverly
HyiotrMtd TmH Made to- " '
. '.'J ft. . - .
VTalk about $'o'u'r '"optical Illusions Induced
by hypnotic 'Influence,'' said an pld trav
eler, "an experience which" I' had In India
some .ftlmcy ago served to show me what a
tremendous Influence one mind has over
another, and also gave me a clue as to the
manner In which 'the native magicians are
enabled to deceive their audiences in the
performance of flieir seemingly marvelous
tricks. I was wlrh a party of friends; we
veTe four, counting myself, and were put
ting, up for the night In a native bungalow,
after having traveled the greater part of
the day over a wide desert.
We were assembled on the plazsa In the
cool of the evening, while on all sides of
the little oasis,' with Its solitary hut and
few trees, ' stretched the wide expanse of
sand. It was just twilight when a native
juggler appeared and inquired if wt wanted
to see bis exhibition We gladly assented.
as any diversion was welcome. He began
his preparations by. spreading a linen sack
upon the ground.1 Near this was a basket
of considerable: tlxe,' but we never learned
what It countalned... All our party were
present except one, who waa inside the
bungalow .when ha began. ..
"With great solemnity the magician sa
laamed three times, at the 'same time in
toning a hymn. Tha trick, at he Informed
us, consisted 'in vivisecting a boy, placing
him In the bag and bringing him out alive.
The thing was almost Incredulous, but It
was done to all appearances. - We sat there
and watched him aa with great dexterity
he proceeded-to chop up his victim. First
the head, then arms, then limbs; until there
remained only the trunk. These be placed
together In the bag. which he tied. He
mumbled come words in Hindu and passed
his wand over the bag. In a few moments
more the child was standing before us,
smiling, without a scratch. The necroman
cer salaamed, and before wt knew it was
"We tat there scarcely believing what
we had aeen, and were recalled to ourselves
by our friend asking us what was the mat
ter. We told him what we had Just wit
nessed. lie laughingly remarked that ha
happened to see the trick from the window.
He said he saw nothing but a melon cut
up. This he saw the magician place In the
tuck. The boy, he' said, was hidden In the
basket. To my mind tba mystery Was ex
plained. The sorcerer had hypnotised us,
Wt saw Just what he wanted ua to see. It
was tho only explanation of the Impossible,
feat, for wt would have aworn that wo
taw the boy and not tha melon cut up be
fore our 'very eyes." New Orleana Timet
A Cat Sever Bleeds
After Porter"! Antiseptic Healing Oil Is ap
plied. Relieves instantly and heals at
tha sains time. For man or beast. Price, JBc.
Brick Sabstltatea for Cola.
One of the cleverest and most myste
rious thefts ever prepetrated in California
took place at Sanger.
Con IJarrigan, proprietor of the Sequoia
hotel at Millwood,' had forwarded to him
from the Bank of Central California In
Fresno a sack of coin amounting to ll,S0O.
The money went at far as Sanger by tha
express company, and was there called
for by John Price, manager of the stage
lint' to Millwood. Price put tbe sack of
coin in a valise and carried it to the stage
of&oe, putting it In a locker for safe keep.
Ing. ..)
In the morning the ataga driver put ths
valise aboard without looking into It and
delivered It to Harrigan at the hotel In' the
evening. When Harrigan opened It ht
found it contained not hit money, but a
brick wrapped up In a twlna sack. The
weight was almost equal to that of tht tack
of coin.
The , supposition Is that somebody who
knew that the money was In the stage
office entered it with a skeleton key and
substituted the brick fur money. nan
Francisco Chronicle.
aaasBtaantawaa ,
Buppoiod Attempt to Wreok it Hear Orlpp'e
Creek Fnutiated
Retail Dealers Said to Hart Decided
to Import Eastern Prodact aad
Bell at aa Advance Nearly
CRIPPLE CREEK, Colo., Nov. 17. An
alleged attempt to wreck a passenger train
filled with miners returning from work, by
removing the spikes and fish plates from a
rail on the Florence ft Cripple Creek rail
road In Eclipse Ui'l-h, was frustrated to
day. The engineer received warning and
atopped his train before reaching the spot.
The military today aireirted H. H. Mo
Kinney, Who was held a prisoner In the
guard house for fourteen days in Septem
ber and several othera suspected of com
plicity In the alleged plot.
DENVER, Nov. 17.-Retall coal dealers
who have heretofore obtained their supply
principally from the northern Colorado
fields, decided at a conference today to
bring coal from the east for their cus
tomers and an order was telegraphed for
a large shipment from Missouri river
points. This coal will be sold to con
turners In Denver at 17.26 a ton. Hereto
fore similar coal produced In Colorado has
been sold here at 14 to 4.60 a ton.
Advices from over the slate show that
the situation in many towns In the state
Is becoming serious. The town of Greeley
la almost out of coal and orders have been
sent to Illinois for five cars. The coal
will cost consumers $10 per ton. The out
put of the Eaton and Whlteash mines, a
few miles from Greeley, Is being taken by
farmers, who camp at the mine while wait
ing for their turn, being now delayed fully
a week. .
At Fort Collins the electric plant is only
operated part of the time, while at Pueblo
the street car service has been curtailed
arid at Boulder it haa been suspended en
tirely. TRINIDAD, Colo"!, Nov. 17.-The. exodus
of coal miners to other sections since the
strike was Inaugurated is estimated to ag
gregate today 1,000 men, one-seventh of the
entire working force In Las Animas and
Huerfano counties. The cold weather to
day caused a great deal of suffering among'
strikers' families who are living In tents
near the coal camps. All strikers st Hast
ings have been warned to vacate the com
pany's houses at once.
Another large shipment of miners left
here tonight for the different coal .fields
of, the south and middle west. Not a man
is working at Hastings. Hastings is a
Victor Fuel cimp and trouble Is feared
there. Five extra deputies were sent -out
tonight to join a large number of guards
already at Hastings.
Major Zcph Hll of the Colorado National
guard has been In Trinidad the last three
days investigating conditions for Governor
No trouble ot any kind has been reported
to the sheriff's office up to tonight. Tho
weather continues cold, with much anow.
Dut there is ho suffering among the strikers
and their families. All art being cared for
by the miners' union.
Perils of Stadylng UttlloMas' Whei
Went to the Poor Hons
Dodge Thlr;y Friends. " . -n
'At "the Dtitidrum petty'sesston's "court in
Dublin County nine respectable ydung men
were cnargen recently with "unlawfully as
sembling together to disturb the peace." A
policeman swore that they alt repeatedly
threw volleys of atones at him. On cross
examination he admitted that alT the time
of the stone throwing the young men were
only ten yards away from him and non of
the atones hit him. l-
The charge behind the charge was that
the young men attended a Gaelic class
where they met -"feloniously to learn"- the
language of their forebears.
Counsel for the defense offered to product
witnesses who would clearly establish tht
Innocence of the young men. But the prose
cution objected to any evidence for the de
fense, on the ground that, under the act of
Edward III, the defendant! were not tn
tltled to It. The court sustained the ob
jection and the young men were convicted.
ut here is a case less serious and mora
novel, reported In the Dublin Freeman by
tta correspondent all the way down in
"Droll Donegal."
A gentleman ' named McGroary recently
arrived In Donegal from the United States,
wnert tie had made tons of money." He
put up In a first-clasi! hotel, but he didn't
like the wsys of the people. So, in order to
escape homesickness, ht taught the bar-
Keepera now to make highballs, cocktails
and smashes. Ht toon had a large circle of
new acquaintances. They wtrt all good fel
lows, willing to glvo and take, but, al
though Mr. McGroary wat amply able to
hold his own With any one of them, he could
not stick to the pa? set for him by the
crowd. Bo he tried another hotel and soon
found himself laboring under the tame dif
ficulty. Then he rented 'a villa at Ballyweel.
There ha lived In great state and enjoyed
the boating and fishing. In the evenings
nearly all tht sports In Donegal came to
sea the "fine Amerlkln gintleman" In his
villa in Ballyweel. He had entirely too
many friends and his doctor told him that
If ha did not cut down the number the
ahadea of the long-departed Irish snakes
would all appear to him. But Mc
Groary waa a nan of resources and he
knew how to dodge snakes. So he decided
to go to the poor house, and thither be
went, sure enough, in a carriage and pair,
The master of the establishment wss flab
bergasted, but Mr. McGroary's persuasive
powers soon softened him. So he allowed
tho gentleman to have a room "a II to him
"Now," said McGroary, "here at last :
win have peace. If them blokes want to
see me they will have to hunt me up in
tht poor house."
The master tent for the legal adviser of
the Board of Guardians and explulned the
case to him. The learned gentleman .was
puzcled. In valu he searched through, all
the musty statutes. He could And no law
to keep rich people out of the poor house.
Ht advlaed tht master to bring tht matter
before the board at the next regular meet
Ing. In a few daya tht board assembled in
all Its accustomed solemnity.
' "After the transaction of the usual rou
tine business" to borrow from tha local re
porters the master rose and appeared to be
in great embarrassment. "I wish to have
the instructions of the board," said he, "aa
to what charge I should make for the main
tenance of a gentleman named Mr. Mc
Groary, who Is occupying all alone by him
self a room In tha poor bouse."
A Guardian Doea ho seem to be satisfied
with his new quarters?
Tht Maater Perfectly.
Another Guardian la he any luconveni
tnct to tht other inmates of tht establish
Tht Master Not at all, air.
The board deliberated at length, and
finally resolved to permit the gentleman to
remain In hit room. If ht would consent to
pay ont guinea a week for his maintenance.
The master waa appointed a committee of
one to Inform Mr. McGroary of the decision
of the board.
Mr. McGroary promptly bowed to the dt-
J V'
Vulcan Oak
Handsome sofj s
coal heater
Hot Blasts
Gas, smoke consum
ing heaters
Stoves and ranges sold on payments. Write torclrculms and prices.
" 1 4 tli and Farnain Sts.
the kitchen floor and guesied the time. Her meaner felt of the
oven and guessed the hent. This modem, up-to-date woman
does neither, for 8H K KNOWS. She has a New Moere'a
Steel Rang, with a reliable Ovtin ThrnmtmeUr and everv
facility for cooking with ease and certainty. He sure and give :
us opportunity to show you these before you buy.
Kor snle by eliriio
inlli Omaliii. nu. I bv
clslon. dellghled at the thought of officially ;
becoming the richest and most dlatln- i
guished pauper In all Donegal.
Prof. James Simpson.
SIOUX FALLS. S. V.. Nov. 17. -(Special
Telegram.) Prof. . James Simpson, for
nearly twenty years superintendent of the
state deaf and dumb school In this city
and a pioneer, resident, of South Dakota,
died here last night of enlargement of .the
;ver. In addition to a widow be leaves
three sons, if - 1 ,
Gus 1. Hood, . v ,
NEHAWKA, Neb., Nov. 17. (Special.)
Gus H. Rood died from . pneumonia last
night after a three days' illness. He had
been foreman In the quarries ' for E. IX
Van Court for the last sixteen years.
The Beat Cure for Colds -
Is Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump
tion. Sure, pleasant, safo and guaranteed
lo toon cure, or no pay. 60c4 $1.00. For sale
by Kulin ft Co. ,
Ivoa Tan Days la Jail.
Jennie Phillips was unable to disprove
the charge of vagrancy preferred against
her in police court and was given ten days
In tht city Jail. Miss Phillips Is a resident
of the Third ward.
trrian.ia tendered a banouet Monday night
at the Henshaw to the former and present
managements of Megeath Stationery com
pany. Nine guests were prewnu
Aarou llene, tne manuiaciurer 01 u.e
"Uncle Oxcar" elgar, has filed a suit In tha
district court lor the recovery ot SJ.iMl
damages from K. E. Bruce ft Co.
The trial In the case of Louise K. Dunn
gainst the Aetna Life Insurance company
. ,n i-ri,,A,i yi 1. 1 u a
circuit court. The complaining witness
haa occupied the stand for tlie greater part
of the day. ...
Deputy State Game Warden H. u. per
son came in rroin lion county mis morn
ing having in custody W. J. Robinson,
who Is charged with having 100 game birds
In his possession, wnicn is more irntn tne
law permits.
In a petition for divorce, wnicn waa niea
this m,.rn(iiif. Mat lie G. Bradley alienee
that John Krad.ey choked and beat her unt.l
she waa rencueu rrom ner irate nusDaua
bv neia-hbors: that ha has been g-jiliy of
extreme and gross cruelty, and that he has
been guilty or other things wnjen seem lo
make the severing of tbe marital ties a ne
cessity. The case of Charles Brown and William
Nestle, two colored boys who are charged
with robbery. Is still on trial before Judge
Day, who has charge of the cilminal divi
sion of the district court In the absence of
Judge Kstt'lle. The defendants are charged
with having waylaid Uustar Nelson in
September and robbing him of l&o in money
and a watch. -
A Gentle Aperient
Mavturtxl Laj.xA.tlvo Watte.
If you art CONSTIPATED (tht Beginning
of many derangemeatt of tht sytraiJgo at
once to your Crugziat aad get a bottle ol
- Hunyadi jXKOS. The cost Is small. Driuk
half a twsbleri ul en riairg and get prompt aad
pleasant relief. Many oi the world's greatest
female specialists have ea lortedand now pre
scribe Hunyadi linoa for CONSTIPATION.
Insist an HUSiVAUl JAnas and firmly,
rcfcM tsbotituuea. They ait otet haiojfui- J
Kvery stove must go-all our reliable,
Garland and
Radiant Home
Hard and Soft Coal Heaters
to prices that will sell tltcm
Radiant Homo :
. .. 28.50
Carbon Oaks
Large No. 10
high grade . . .
i 1
ttMiBMiT 8 SinZiirii
Not Much!.
ffranrimnther watnfi mh
a I-'urnliure A Carpet
nil lnrc Stove lt-nler.
ii gal iif iMfiniaiiii.
For the Form and Complexion. ,
I(ss fcn S'ioasniitp
UKd BT iMdlOg Mfc.
reus. s-.ojsn asS
"omtn of fashion M
mora thsa tt ybr.
Wboravor aspllad ' It
It lntuntlT absorbed
in reach tbs rent of tae
thin, and iu
nutr'tton feeds tha wsitlna
Removing Wrinkles
tfrt ry hiiifc. on iu-
lilUOB OttOS 'SkOttlDg
rtmuum. Imprero
moat. PR. , CH ARLSS
'LUSH rooD Is poil
ivly tba ealr praoara.
ilon . koowft to mMloat
aotaoca Uat will jouna
' tit tollowo lo tho seek'
Boa prosuos firm, hoalthy Ooab oa tbla ckoaka, arms
tat handa.
or traaats thrunkan from auritog It has tba blfbaati
IndoraoDMDt of phratolaDa. Two boxes 1i o'too out-;
Saiant to mat tba buat firm, largo oat boavtlful.
Rasular Brtoe. il.Ot a box, cut te sil who taks a4
vantata of thia SPECIAL. OFT EH and srnd ut eno,
dollar wa will sand two (I) boxoo. to plala wrapper.
f T71 T? A ample box and our 'book,!
It Jli hi "ART Or MA88AUB," fully II-;
' luat rated, will be aent free to tnTi
Udy stadias It tent U -tay tor eoat. at,
Aldroas J
On aale at Sherman ft MoConnaU Drug CaJ
No poisonous drugs, no
injurious decoctions are .'.;
used in
Wright's Indian
Vegetable Pills
- ' -
A pure herb remedy for ;
the Liverfand Kidneys"
of the highest merit .
Dr. Grossman's Specific
For Dlood Ptoorders
for Sale by All Dragitfsts.
Woodward ft Burgess,
Bargain Matinee Today
Night Prices- 26c. 50c, 75c and 11.00.
Thursday, Friday and Saturday Matinee
and Night J. A. Bto'ldart und.
Reuben fat tn
Prices Matinee. So, 50c, 75c; Night, Xov
y)cr 7m, fi oo. ., .. . . . .
Teleplione 15S1. 4
Every Night, Matinees Thursday, Saturday
and Sunday. -.
Franclwa Reddlug ft Co., Falke ft Se ft Remington. Panzer Trio.
Paulo ft Dlka, Alexlua, Roaa Lee ; Tyler
and the Klnodrome.
"RlCES-lOc. kv 50c. , .'
rrrofl lift Theater
IV -v
. MUSS,,';
Thursday Night "WHERE 18 COBB?"
Health. Ke reallou Pleaanre ie Buuklet.
American and Luropeau l'lau
Finest t afrs and Grill Rooms weat of N. T.
Marble Uslh Hons. Comps-tr Urniumt
Open !- Isf to May -lain.
J. Ft. HAYK8. and Manager.
J. C. WALKt K, Assort fttannger.
s a a T"
! .