Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 18, 1903, Page 11, Image 11

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100 glila. ; full Caaadlan office, l.'.th fcionfe,
WANTED A good cook, tin. T. J. I ff
. era, 1120 I'arV ave. C -'.
WANTED I.dla to Introduce to the fam
ily trade a lah luxury, both loral and
for traveling; salary paid. Apply nwrn
Ing to F. W. Tlbbits, room 23. Midland
hotel. . , C 18x
SPLENDID chance for ladies to Irarn
tiiili.ft easing, msnlrurtng or facial mas
sage hv otir method of free work and
careful Instructions; more actual practice
In one wrck than, by apprenticeship In
month; visit our parlors and see for
. yourfu lf., Moler College, 1302 Ivmrlas at.
C MAI lx
HKI'ARTMKNT furnishes Htenographer
. without chatge.. IcL KN4 or call at oi'.lc.
luinci jVUi and Faiiiam Kts.
. C-M134 1)7
A' COMPETENT U1RL for general hn7ie
work In family of three. m Mason.
- C M539
Dinincr Chairs
Mahogany or Onld'-n Oak, well made and
strong. J1.I0 to t.7."i.
i , . . C M5t3 22
WANTED 'llrl for general housework nt
.No.-. Sol Dodge a. . . , C M 569
WANTFD, n girl to do clean washing; and
ironing; at tho rcche, lth and Hnrnev.
, c-trnv
LADIES Mit per hundred writing short l-t-ters.
No deposit. N Canvassing. Stamped
envelop purtlculnra. Ladles' Supply
to., jlhu.ii.. u. inuianapoiis, inu.
V.;. . ; . . c-mijoo ix
TVANTEt Woman aa aecond cook. tJO per
month, board and lodging. Address Com
menlfl Hotel, M'Cook. Neb.
," ... .. c-mom is
ill to isi WBKKLT. easily earned knitting
seamless hosiery for tia to aell New fork
market: tnuchlnea furnished trustworthy
families on trial; easy payments: simple
to operate; Knits pair socks in : minutes;
write 'today: start making monev; dis-
tapew no" - hindrance. . Home Industrial
Hnltttng Machine Co.. Detroit. Mich.
" ' ' ' r-M"07 1
young man, 23
"WANTED Situation by
... . I . .......I ..... I.... I O.r.
years.'., experience In clerical and office
work; can rurnmn nrst-cuisa references.
Address u . JK-e. A--2ii t:x
ADDRKSSKa of fcookkeepera. alencigra-
-i Uhara. clerka, talesmen, window trim-
merer pharmaclata. civil engineer. Horn
Km jr. At:my,. Mi Btuta Bi , Hi'lt l.aka
City. - M53S Six
4hniv lnatltut. tit N. T. Ufa Bid. X. WA
,. r .... - -j-J. "C- -..' '"6''t
The Hunt innrnwiy, MnCafua Bide T. I'ii!
Atten 6 Fnrwell, Paxfog Blk., 604-7.
' l)H. aRKCE pElpaAN, fSZ N. Y. Life. Tel.
Vixa. I.AIRD & LAIKt, IW Knrha-h TtlJt,
M iti N?llx
VAifTi:VCitvaaBlhg niconla In -every
cointV to :-ollelt enb!cl iiitloiia to Tllfl
Steady eitinlovment with assured good In
' come. Agenta tn tha country with horK
and buggy eepeoially desired.1 'Canvuaaera
' in a he ohmIIv ttio to SluO per month. Ad
- H reaa Century Farmer Koliultors' , Bureau,
jrtea-'Duiiair.a;, urmiiia. - - J n
WANTED-Field sunerlntenUcnt. M'lilo
awnke man. No selling. Hatublllied
'''bimlnwMt.- -'Poirition permanent. I.irl;e
Hrothi'a. company, International Nuraer
lea, t:nictiB-o, iii. j ymn m
OMAHA' Florence Snhntorlum. 'Phone Red
.?fM;l blk. . of catrllne.. City rjbone. jlKi
vity nein ana mafeags pariora, ii-i
- 5 X8 N !8
A. O. VAN SANT'S school. 717 N. Y. Life.
.. 1,4
KF.H.-BURineas 4k. Shorthand College. Bovd'
Theater. 675
T1XLMAN A PRICE. 410 1st Nat. Bk. bldg.
-. . K
Julia Vaughn.
tJO Ramga Bldg.
iHiiiii a and vaulta. removea garonaa
.and dead animala at reduced prices, all
n. join. lei. uiv.
HOKHES wintered. t3d And Center. Ti-L
Plat k U21 Mi x
THREE unfurnished roo-nr, first floor,
water In kitchen. X-63 SL Marys ave.
1-U bi2 lx
addresieed only), via Vancouver and Vic
torla, R. C. cloee here dully at :! p. m.
up to December IS, Incluaive, for dispatch
fer a. s. Moana.
UNA and JAPAN, via Tacoma. dope
here dally at :. p. m. up to Decemhor
22. Incluelve, for dispatch per s. s. Bhaw
mut. NOTE tnleas otherwlae addreeaed, West
Australia la forwarded via F.urope, and
New Zealand and Philippines via Sin
Francisco the quickest routes. Philip
pines specially addressed "via Canada"
or "via Europe" must be fully prepaid at
the foreign rates. Hawaii la forwarded
via Pan Francisco exclusively.
Transpacific malls are forwarded to port of
sailing dally and the schedule of closing
la arranged on the presumption of their
uninterrupted overland transit. IRegte
tered mnil closes at 6 p. m. previous day.
CORNEI.TfS VAN COTT, Postmaster.
Postofflce, New York, N. Y., November 18,
EAGLE Loan office. Reliable, accommodate
lug; all buainesa confidential, uvi uougias.
H. i. COWOILL-No fee unless successful.
118 8. .St.. I'lnnlw. Tel. 17 ftiiS
OM. Van fitor. Co., tfllH Farn.
Tela. 1559-MJ.
WANTED, room snd board In private fam
ily, not too tar out. yuole rates. Ad
dress W B. Hee. K MT.X5-18X.
When You Write ,
To Advertisers
remember It only takes an extra stroke or
two of the pen to mention the fact that you
saw the ad in The Baa.
190S. Pealed proposals In triplicate will be re
ceived here until 2 p. m., November 21. 1!3,
for material and labor ill nutting elcctilc
light fixtures In one double barrack snd on
Military Post Exchange, with necessary
trsnsformers. meters and lightning arres
tors. Information furnished upon applica
tion. 1'nlled States reserves right to accept
or"relect anv or all proposals or any part
thereof. Envelopes containing proposals to
he marked "Proposals for electric ngm
fixtures," addressed C. D. Vogdee, Capt.
N9-10 17-18M
iShuuld be itud DAILY by all lntuieatcd.
as changes may occur at nny lime.)
J'oreign malls for the week ending No
vember ZUfOJ. will close (1'KOMPTLY In all
CdxcB) at the Oeneral i'estotnee as fol
lows: l'ARCELB-Pt8T MAILS close ono
huur earlier than cloning time shown be
low; Purcels-Post Malls lor Germauy close
at i p. ni. Monday.
Regular and supplementary mails clone
at kurelgn Station half hour later than
cloxlna tune shown below (except that Bup-
plenuntaiy Malls for Europe ann ceniiai
Amei'k a. via Colon, close one hour Inter at
FojeiKii Station).
Transaxial at lei Malls.
WEDNESDAY At 1:30 a. m. for EUROPE.
per a. s. Oceanic, vlii Queenstown; at 7:au
a. in. for NETHERLANDS direct, per s.
a. Amsterdam (mall muxt be directed
"ier a. a. Amaterdam"!.
Tlfl'RSDAY At ? .ii. ni. for FRANCE.
Qt'EZ, per t. e. La Savole, via Havre
(mall tn other purl of Europe must be
directed "per . a. La 8avte )
FRIDAY At 6 30 p. m. for AZORES
ISLANDS, per S. a. Vancouver, from Los
ton. SATURDAY At 3:3" a. m. for IRELAND,
per a. k. Umbrla, vKi ueenstnwn (mull
for other parts, of Europe must be dl-
. i-'-iKed "por s. a. . Cmbriu.' );,at a. m. for
K1!HJPH per a. . New York. vlH'Sotith-
t amiiton; at 8:30 if. tn. i'or BKLOC1M dl
rei't, per h. s. Kronlauil (mall miijit be dl
v retted "per s. a. Wroiilund"; at S:30 a. m,
. fm- ITALY direct per a. s. lioliensollern
. (mull must be directed "per s. a. Hohen.
sollern"); at H a. ni. for LEXMARK ll
rect. per a. s llekla (mail must be di
rected "per s. S. Hekla") cleing of the. Supplement.iry
' Trar.xiitlantic Malls named above, addi
tional Supplementary Mails nro oix-ued
' on the plei-s of the American, English,
French and German steamers, and re
main open until within Ten Minutes of
the jiour-of sailing of steamer.
Malls for SoatU and Central America a,
, West Indies, Etc.
-.per s. Daggry (mall must be directed
"per s. e. -Dnggry"; at 12 m. (suppler
meutarv 12:o p. m.) fop BAHAMAS, pet"
f4To Ant Ilia: at u:w n. m. (suiipiemeniai j
v. m. for TURKS ISLAND and DOl
MINK AN KEPL BL.IC, ler a. s. v.:nero.
master, Sheridan. Wyo.. Oct. IS, 1603.
Sealed proposals in triplicate will be re
ceived here until 10 . m.. November 20,
lfltrj, for construction of a 12-bed brick hos
ultnl at Fort Mackenaic. Wvo. Work on
building shall commence hot later than
fiarcii l. ism. fians. specincauons, in
structions to bidders., proposal blanks and
other Information may lie obtained nt of
fices of depot uuartermastera at Omaha,
St. Paul. Denver and Chlcage and at this
office. U. 8. reserves the right to accept
or reject any or nil proposals or any part
thereof. Envelops containing propo-'als
should be endorsed. "Propoenls for hos
pital," addressed Capt. Thos. Swobe. Q. M.
. OIK-20-21-22-N18-10M
reasons, that no stir will be made concern
ing them. . .
City Treasurer Ilennlngs, who was In Lin
coln this week, returns with a strong Im
pression, that the new revenue law will he
sustained, as n whole, hut will have certain
protested features modified by the courts.
Illheralaaa Dram I n Crowds to Al
tered ' Tlay Bearing; Irish
Pntrlot's Name.
Tin Ancient Order of Hibernians In
Omaha and South Cmnlia have arranged
for a bonifit during- the appearance at the
Krug theater of the frlay "Robert Emmet."
This will be In : Omaha during the
first of next week and the Hibernians are
working up crowds for MuViday, Tuesday
and Wednesday nights.
The name" Robert Emmet eertalfTiy looks
good to the Irish-Americans in any connec
tion, and the Ancient Order will be In evi
dence. At Kansas City the Knights of
Columbus turned out to a theater party,
Robert Conness, who plnys the title role,
being a Karisas City man.-
ERS. The annuul meeting of the stockholder
of the Chtsna Mining and Improvement
company will be held at the office of the
company, room I0 New York Life building.
Omuha, Neh., on December 6, W.t, at 10
o'clock a. tn. GEO. A. MEAD,
KEW SNOW-CHURCH CO., 1st floor N, Y.
Life bldg., attorneys ana collectors every-
MUE. SMITH, baths, 11 N. 16, 2d floor, r. 1
HESS A 8WOBODA. 1416 Parnam. 7S
U HENDERSON, florist.
151 Fa mam St.
OMAHA Hay Bale Tie Co.. 111. N. 16lh at.
COSTUMES for rent. Back, m 8. Join at.
' t'-MH'j lec1
Peterson. Lundberg. lit S. 17th. - Tel. L-23tS.
n oiv
WANTED To borrow $00 to Sl.OOO at T per
cent on gooa aouin cimsna rental prop
' arur; security ample. Address T 26. bee.
TRAVEIJNU man desirous of going Into
. business wllr trade his borne, centrally
loc ted. 'very desirable for home or rent
ing, for stock or merchandise.
K: 1. WEAll, 161.4 lMJUULAS ST.
7. W7 IS
R. HEFLIN, 30 N. 16th St. Tel. rti,
aa eos
ACCORDION '' tdeallna. cheepeat. beat,
uuUkeat. Mrs. A. C. Mark, 17th and
Douglas. M74K
Theatrical end masq. - Lieben, 10:1 Far.
ALL k'nds of carpenter work and reialrin(
promptly attended to. i. V. Ocnl.trea,
f"n sua
Lake sis
THOS. J. KELLY, voloe. DavlUgc block.
- -olcea, ndgaroU guitora, skylights Tet. 214.
aiiaa lx,
CAPT. T. COKMACK. 617 Karbacb block.
bKUOl'T Detective agency. 'M N. Y. Life
" ft. 3 A". -S' NIS
O. R. RATHliUN. room U, Com I Nat l
bana. 1'rivale leaaeua la buokkeepiug.
c o.i
1 n V ALLACh 1IJci Uilsl. M 8. Hth.
Illinois Central.
Leave. Arrive.
Chicago Express ..u 7:35 am a i:)0 ptn
Cl icaao. Miuneapoiis He
St. Paul Limited..-...." V:5o pm a S;ifi am
Minneapoli,- Ac til. Paul
Uxoreys hT:35'am b!0:33 p;n
CliloiHO Loeul ..i:. M:A'im
Chicago Kxpress !il":S5 am
llilcao A Northwestern. '
The North western Line. '
Two Arrested for Street Car Holdnn
Dear the I barg In Poller
Frank Wells, Dlclt Johnson and Charles
Smith, the three young men charged with
holding up Conduotof F. M. Vohntlne and
Motorman Ira Flgnagan of the park car
Hoe a week ago -last Sunday night, were
arraigned In police court, pleaded not gutlty
and asked for a hearing, Which was set for
Friday next.
On the partial confession of Johnson the
police are morally sure they have the trio
wanted. Evidence lacking ,to establish
guilt beyond a doubt Is not wanted except
In the case Of Wells, Smith and Johnson
having been identified by the street car
Verdict of Coroner's Jary Over Body
of Pioneer Kportaman, Who
Dies Knddenly.
Fat Chicago
Ixcal S'.oux City...
Daylight St- Vaul.
D.iylight Chicago..
Limited Chicago..
Jical Carroll
FaKt Chicago
Kaet St. Paul......
St. Paul lixpress..
Fast Mall
laical r?liux city
1 v. m.
kee: at 12.30 p. m. (aupplementary l::rpi
. ' . . . n n. . . . . . . , . . . ,,11,11 V I I." 1
In. I lor 1. ino.MAn, rt i . i.. rwiv. i.r.r.
GUIrtNA, per s. a. Carihnee.
THURSDAY At S a. m. for CUBA, per s.
a. Esperansa tmail for Mexico, via
Progreso, Campeche and Vera Crux munt
,be directed " ptr S. s. Ksperanxa"): at 12
m. for MEXICO. ler s. a. Saratoga, via
Tnmnlco unall milat be directed "per s. s.
Saratoga"; ut 7 p. m. for NEWFOUND
LAND, per a. s. Corean, from Philadew
ZIL, per s. s. Dunstan. via rara Manaoa,
SATURDAY At 8 a. m. for BERMUDA,
rar a Pretoria: at K:: a. m. (supple-
mentarv l:30 a. m.) for CURACAO and
VENEZUELA, per a. s. Zulla (mall for
fVvanilla and Cartagena must be directed
"per s. s. Zulia' j; at a. m. for PORTO
RICO, per a. s, coamo. viu. Ban juan; hi
S:30 a. m. (sunnlementary 10:W a. ni.) for
TOWN, per s. a. Alleghany (mall for
Costa Rica must be directed "per s. s.
Alleghany"): at 1ft a. m. for CUBA, per
. a. Mexico, via Havana: at 10 a. m. for
AUX CAYF.S and JACMEL. ier s. s.
Prlns Wlllem IV. (mall for other oarts of
Haiti. Curacao. Venexueln, Trinidad and
British and Diflch Guiana must be di
rected "per a. a. Prlns Wlllem IV. ); at
lft-30 n. m. (supnlementary 11:30 a. m.) for
INAOUA and HAITI, per s. s. Bolivia.
Malls Forwarded Overland. Kte., KxE.
evpt TranspaclBr.
CUBA Via Florida,, clones at this ofh.-e
daily, except Thursday, at u:ju a. m. (ine
connecting mails cloMe here on Wednes
days and Saturdays via Tampa, and on
UnnAnv. via Miami!' -
MEXICO CITY Overland, unless Specially
addressed for fllsnutcn DV sieamer. closes
at this office dally, except Sunday, at 1:30
p. m. and li:uu p. m. eunuaya ai .w p.
ii and lt'0 n in.
Kcivmi:M)l.AKD-Bv rail to North Syd
ney, and thence ny steamer, eiosea ai inn
office dally at s:30 p. m. (connecting mans
close here every Monday, Wednesday end
Rntnrd.ivl. i '
JAMAICA By rail to Boston, and thenea
by steamer, closes at tins omce at :! p.
m. everv Tuesday. '
By rail to Philadelphia and thence by
steamer, closes st this office at 11:30 p. tn,
everv YVednesda V.
MlyUELDN By fall to Boston, and thence
by steamer, closes at mis omce auuy at
-30 r m.
. OIIATEMALA By rail to New Orleans,
and thence by steamer, closes ni this oS
rice dallv. except Sunday, at t:3U p. m.
and and 111:30 p. in., Sundaya at 11:00
p. ni. and (11:30 p. m. (connecting mall
closes here Mondays at (11:30 p. m.).
COSTA RICA By rail to New Orleans, and
thence by steamer, closes at this office
dally, except Sunday, at (1:80 p. m. and
111:30 p. ni., Sundays at Jl:O0 p. ni. and
(11:30 p. m. (connecting mall closes here
Tuesdavs at 111:30 p. ni.).
R EG 1 STEREO MAIL closes at p. m.
previous day.
Traaspaeiae Mails.
. JJIN'E ISLANDS, via San Francisco,
close here daily at i.M p. ni. up to No
vember incluaive, for dispatch per a.
' s. Oaellc.
HAWAII, via Sail Francisco, close here
dully at 6:30 p. m. up to November I A
In.-luHlve. for dispatch' per e. a. Alameda.
CHINA and JAPAN, via Vancouver arnj
Victoria, 11. C. close here dally at :30 p.
m. up to November (v!4. Inclusive, for dls
pattli per r. a Empress of China. (Mer
chandise for United 8tates Postal
agency at Shanghai cannot be forwarded
via Canada.) -
CHINA and JAPAN, via Seattle, close her
dally at f : p. m. up to November 1:5,
Incluaive, for dispatch per s. s. Kiojun
Cisco, clou here daily at :30 p. m. up to
November ?16. Inclusive, for dispatch pet
lr. 8. tianp'rt.
San Francisco, close here daily St :S0 p.
in up to Noveniler ('.'6. Inclusive, for
illxnatch per s. s Mariposa.
PINE ISLANDS, via San Francisco, close
here daily at 6 30 p. ni. up to November
("8. inclusive, for dispatch per s. a. Hong
Kong Maru
SAMOA and HAWAII, via San Francl-eo
cloxe here daily at S.30 p. m. un to Dec-ember
(5, IncliiHlve. for disuatrh per
a. Ventura. (If the Cunard s'atmer carry
ing the British mull for New ZoiNnd
tl- not rrle In time to connett with
this difual. h extra iiihIIs - l,.ina at
a m. and ,0 a. m. and ( 3ii p m ; Sun
.davs at 4. a. ni.. I a. ni. and ( Sit p. m.
will i,e made uo aiul foiwwrded until the
r.tiivnl of t he Cunaid semer )
AUSTRALIA ("-xie'il West). FIJI ISL-
a J:in am a TfiO r.m
...a fc:oa pm a 8::i'j am
...a t:lo am a l:8o pm
...a 7:So uni ul0:00 pin
...a :') am all:10 pni
...a 8:15 pni n D:16 nnt
...a 4:"0 pni a um
. - o.ixi pin u 3:45 pm
...a S:10 pm a 7:06 uni
a 11:30 um
a 2:40 pm
...b 4:00 nm b !):S0 am
Norfolk & 3onesteel....a 7:25 am nlf:S5 am
Lincoln K- long P!nv....b 7:25 am bl:3i am
Local Chicago 11:30 am
i nlou Pacific.
Overland Uniited a 9:40 am a 1:50 pm
The Fast Mail ,. a 3:25 put
California Express. a 4:20 pm.
Pacific Express all:30 pni
Eastern Express.. a l:$0 pm
The Atlantic Express... a 7:80 am
The Colorado Special. ..a 7:10 am a 3:40 am
Chloago BpeoiHl . a 1:40 am
Lincoln. Beatrice A . .....
Stromsburg Express. .b 4:00 pm blj:o0 pn
North Platte Local a 8:09 am a 6:15 pm
Grand Island Local b 5:30 pm b S:3S am
Cnleaa-o, Rock island & Pavlflc.
' . ! EAST.. . . 4
Chicago Daylight Lt'd.a S:55 am a 1:50 am
Chicago Iaylight Looula 7:00 ani a 9:35 pm
Cliicago Express.. -, bll :1a am. a 5:35 pm
Des Moines Express. ,. .a 4:30 pm. bll:5o am
Chicago Fut Lxpre..a 6:30 pm al:'J pm
Rockv Mountain L t d.. a 7:30 am a 7:25 nm
Lincoln. Colo. Springs,
Denver, Pueblo and .
West a, 1.30 pm a 5:00 pm
Texas, CallCornla and
Oklahoma Flyer t S:t5 pm al2:40 pm
Chicago Great Western Ry. Co.
21 St. Paul A Minne
apolis Limited a 6:55 am
104 Ft. Dodge Exprea..a 7:35 am .
1 Ft. Dodge Expiess..a S:2f pm
20 St. Paul ft Minne
apolis Limited a 7:55 pm
T Ft. Dodge Express.. all:10 am
1(8 Ft. Dodge Express.. a 8:30 pm
( hit-ago. Milwaukee A St. Paal.
Chicago Daylight a 7:45 am all:15 pm
Chicago Fast Express. .a t:45 pm a 3:40 pm
Chicago. Limited :(5 Pln 2 50 um
An inquest was held by Coroaer Braliey
over the body of the late Charles F. Hlg-
glns yesterday and a verdict assigning
apoplexy as the cause of his sudden death
was returned by the Jury. The funeral of
Mr. HiRg-lns will take pluce Thursday aft
ernuoii, the exact' hour not yet having been
determined. Services will bo held at the
late home. 2011 Leavenworth, and Interment made at, Fairview .cemetery, Coun
cil Bluffs, whore a mother and other rela
tives of deceased tire buried.
Union Pacific. Announce! Ntw Echednl
Iffecive Nxt Cundaj.
m m m
Revised Table Leaves Only Two In
stead of Three Through
Trains to the Golden
. Gate.
' . . y,
The Culun I'aclllc has nnnounceJ the new
passenger train schedule which will go
Into effect on that line Sunday, November
22. Several changes will take place In
the tr.aln service, the most important of
which Is the cutting off of one California
through train, which leaves but two trains
that will run through to the Golden Gate
Instead-of three, as heretofore'.
Beginning Sunday the trains will arrive
and depart as follows:
No. i, ihe Overland Limited, arrives at
Omaha at 6:16 a. ro. and departs at' 9:40
a. m. There Is no chance In the time of
this train. No. , ! tlie Colorado Express,
arrives at Omaha at 3:40 p. m. and dcpaits
at 4:20 p. in. The. Pacific Express. No. 5,
which is now a Portland train Instead of a
California train aa hertofor-, arrives at
Omaha at 2:10 p. tn. and departs lit 3:20
p. m. This technically makes two through
California trains instead of three, as here
tofore, as No. 6 Is now only a through
train to Granger. 1
Eastbotind No. 2f the Overland Limited,
arrives at Omaha at k:05 p. ni. and leaves
at 8:25 p. m. instead of arriving at 7:50 p.
m. and departing at 8:15 p. in. No. 6, the
Eastern Expsess, arrives at Omaha al 5:80
p. m. and leaves at 5:50 p. m. NO. 4, the
Atlantlo Express, which has heretofore been
a through California train, will no longer
run through Item San Francisco. .
Service to Portland, .
The Portland service will be as follows:
No. 5, the Pacific Express, will arrive at
Omaha at 2:40 p. rn. and depart at 8:20 p. m.
This is a new train for Portland.' .No. 1,
the Chlcago-Portlund Special, wllVhrrive at
Omaha nt 9:15 a. in. and depart at 9:40 a.
in. EuAtbound the service will be:j No. 2,
the Chicago-Portland Spcclul, will avrivuttt
Omaha at 8:05 p. ni. and depart at 8:25. p.
m.,.lnuead ot :50 p. m. and, as Tor
Germ Infected Air. .
Malaria is not confined exclusively to the swamps and
marshy regions of the country, but wherever there is bad air
this inPklioua foe to health is found. Foi9onoua vapors and
rases frdtn sewers, and the musty air of damp "cellars, are
laden with the germs of this miserable disease, which are.
breathed into the Jungs and taken up by the Mood and
transmitted to every 'part of tbe body. Then you begin to
feel out of sorts without ever suspecting the cause. ' No
energy or appetite, dull headaches, sleepy and tired and
completely fagged out from the slightest exertion, are some
of the deplorable effects of this enfeebling malady. As the
disease progresses and the blood becomes more deeply poi
soned, lwils and abscesses and dark or yellow spots appear
upon the skin. When the poison is left to ferment and;
the microbes and terms to multiply in the blood, Livr and
Kidney troubles and other serious complications often arise.' . As Malaria '
begins and develops in the blood, the treatment to be effective must begin
there too. 3. S. a. destroys tue germs and poisons
and purifies and strengthens the polluted blood,
and under its tonic effect the debilitated constitu
tion rapidly recuperates and the system is soon clear
rtf all ejertta nf tkia flertrwaclnor fltaeaOA ? .'-) i
S. v4. S.-is a guaranteed purely vegetable remedy, mild, pleasant and (
harmless. Write u if you want medical advice or any special information s
about your case. This will cost you nothing. " ;
of Transportation 13. Bucklnghnm, Super
intendent of Motive Power W. R. McKeen,
Jr., and several other officials Of the Union
Pacific dearted about 9:30 o'clock Tuesday
morning for the west In a .dyminometer
car attached to a freight train. The trip
is tnnde for the purpose of testing tho
pulling capacity of the various types of en
gines whlchj gre owned by the Union Pa
ciHe, and also to arrive at the cost of
pulling trains up grades of various de
grees. The' party will go as far as Suit
Lake City. ' Engines will be changed in
each district and the test given each pat
tern will be thorough. .
The car In which the party goes Is spe
cially constructed for the purpose of mntf
lng.suoll' tests, it Is equipped with ma
chinery,' which .denotes the pull which Is
b?lng exerted, the grade resistance, wind
resistance Snd several other things which
It la the desire of the management to find
out. All of the- markings ore minis auto-
m... instead ot ,;& p. ni. and t.U, as ror- t mateaJiy Uy electrical machinery.
merly. No, 6, the Eastern Express. Will ar- , . ... ...........
.i. . .-. .i. , . i . . .1 Northern Pnelne tHiJecta
nig ai uuiauu u l j. lit. auu iir('ai i hi
Colored Proprietor of Third Ward
I'lnee t craned of Comlnrtlna
Gambling; Resort.
C'oiuplaint was filed In police court by
As8Jataut County Attorney Weaver .charg
ing Victor AValkCrv colored, with keel ing
'a gambling house rtitlie'rear-of 1319 Doug-
lU3 street. This. was the. place raided by
tile police last Sunday night, when twfnty
nlrie colored lnmdf'-s:iwere urrestcd, The
case cornea up Frliliiy. , .
W. C. lvea. law tartierf W. J. Connell.
With offices at Jt i Uee building, was op
erated on ajt It yesv rda.y tnoining lor ap
pendicitis by Dr. jA,iB. .iSomrTs, assisted by
Drs. Jonas and Bridges. At last reports
Mr. Ives, had nof-recorered consciousness,
being still under1 tJte;lnrf ence of the auues
thetlc. In the estimation of the physicians,
however, he stood the operation well and Is
in a favorable condition. Mr. Ives was
confined to his -hmhe, W2 Ndrth Thirty
ninth street, about three weeks ago. At
tiiat time it was ivut known .what was the
nature of his ailnrent. Dr. Homers, who
had charge of the onset nailed In Dr. Jonas.
Dr. Bridges and Dr. A, F. Peterson, a blood
sMc1allt, and after Consultation it was
decided an operation was necessary.
E:50 . m. I
The Denver trains will run as follows;
No. 3, the Colorado Express, will arrive at
Omaha at 3:40 p. m. and leave at i:23 p. in.
It will arrive at Denver at 8 :1m a. m. No.
11, the Colorado Special, will arrive at 11:10
p. in. and leave at 11:30 p. m., arriving at
Denver .at 1:30 p. m. the following day.
This train formerly left Omaha at 7:20 u.
m. . This service gives two trains arriving
at Denver daily, one in the forenoon and
one-in the afternoon. Eastbound No. 1"2,
the Eastern Express, leaves Denver at 9:4V
p. m. and arrives at Omaha at 8:20 p. m.
No. 12, the Chicago Special, leaves Denver
at 1:20 p. tn., arriving at Omaha at 3:40
a. ni. Omaha passengers will be permitted
to occupy their berths on this train until
8 a. m., as the car will be sidetracked.
Trains Nos, 7 and 8, the Cohtmbus locals,
will not be taken eft as .announced some
time ago. No.' 7 wl!l leave Omaha at 0:30
a. m., und No. 8; eastbound, will arrive ut
the Union depot ut 9:25 a. m.
Train No.-lol,-the Fast Mail, will arrive
t Omaha at 8:45 ai in. and depart at 8:50
a, m. " It M carry two day coaches as far
as North Platte. No. .102. the Fast Mail,
will arrive-at Omaha at 3:20 p, m. and
leave at 8:30 p. tn. , '
. To. Test Engines'' Capacltlra. ,
President Horace O. Burt, Superintendent
. , Too Free with Hii Jackknlfe. .
' 'John Kelly was fined (15 and costs In po
lice court for drawing ti knife on John Mox,
bartender at the Nullum saloon. Eleventh
and Howard streets, Monday night. Kellv
is to stand committed -until fine Is paid
or time la served. Kejiy admitted his
guilt, but pleaded - that he was
intoxicated and did-not Know what he was
doing. Mox said tie. knew what Kelly . In
tended to do. unci at ne paa not. witn the
WeoinxSre'ss'-:: ?! SS I i ?S -P A.UVL h,m.
Owing to an objection made by, the North
ern' Puclfic, a notice has been received
from the Burlington general offices in Chi
cago to the effect that no mores tickets
wiU be sold from territory north of the
Illinois and Wisconsin state lines from the
lakes to the Mississippi river, and thence
west along the line of the Illinois Central
via the Missouri river and points along the
Northern Puclfic west of Billings. This
probably will divert some traffic which has
heretofore been going through Omaha.
The objection of the Northern Pacific was
that the Burlington was securing the long
haul, which rightly belonged to It.
Make In vesications Before Deciding
on Contesting the Election of
Considerable Interest Is manifested at the
court house ?pver Uie matter of the pro
posed election contest between the Broad
well and. Bingham taction for the office
of clerk of the district court. The at
torneys for Mr. -Bingham announce that
they are' t!l ' making '. Investigations and
untliv they 'have, oompleted. their work they
will, not' be In a position to say positively
whether the contesting of the election wlll'l
be carried Into the courts. ' It la kjiown
that alleged discrepancies have been found
In certain precincts In South Omaha.' but
whetrtVf these are sufficient grounds upon '
which' to base a contest will not ie known'
until the attorneys for the defensW conclude
to"ush or drop the matter. .
i i , " - -
Cunnt)-' ('ontmlsslnners Take Kicep- .
Hons to Hoad Repair and J - ,'
t 'May Replace It. . , ... .';
M ... -,'. .
The county commissioners announce that
they are dissatisfied with the character ot :
the work, which Is being Anne In repairing '
the county road by 10.. D. Van . Court, to
whom the contract tor the Class "B" work ,
was let some lime ago. And -now the, an
nouncement is made that the board will'
advertise for bids for tho cliiSs "A" Work.
The commissioners wijl order some of this
work laid Immediately In order that they
may see Whether It "could, be better for.
the rond to be repaired' Its fitllre" length
with this class pf work, there la tl radical
different" betwerrr the cluss "A rind clnaj
"B" work, but the cnnrhilssloners author-
Ised the latter ; UeeaUse itr 'Vs miic i'v
cheaper, and now that (Mlf an e.miunt
of this kind of -work already in b.e i 1
done the commissioners are so JissutlsneJ '
with It that it teems to be nece.siry t,
make a change and fitt In the cfuss "B
work. : ' ; '
The county road has been tt' matter ot '
considerable, trouble to the commissioners '
lor a good many moons and to get it off their.'
minds for some time to come, the commis-''
sioners contemplate putting' In the highest,
grade of repair work. . '., .. ' , '
A special session of the commissioners ',
has been called for Saturday; .when thlg" '
matter will be considered. .... t- -"
Dr. Berdlek Holds, Meetings.
A series of eVangeUsUo rrf eetlhgs" Is being
held this week at-Castellar Btreet lt-esby-.,
terian church. Sixteenth and Castellur
streets. The service will bo 'oraiduoted by
Rev. Newland Hall Burdick, pitor of the
8eoond Presbyterian church Mn- Burdick
devoted all his time to this work before he
came to Omaha under' the direction of the
General Wssembty committee. All the peo
ple of the south aide have' been especially
jovitea .to atiena.:
St. Ixiula "Cannon Ball'
Exp.-ess a :m pm i in
El. Louis Local, Coun-
rll Blurrs .-a sua am aio su pm
Missouri I'aclnc.
St. jou Express a 10:00 am a 6:25 pm
K. C. at St. L Express.. al0:50 pm a 6:15 am
Chicago, Burlington A 4.alacy.
Leave. Arrive.
Chicago Special a 7.00 am a 8:56 am
Chicago Vestlbuled ex. .a 4:10 pm a 7:45 am
Chicago Local a 9:18 am all:00 pin
Chicago Limited a 8:05 pm a 7:45 pm
Fast Mall 2:40 pm
Burlington A Missouri Rrer.
Wymore, Beatrice and
Lincoln a 8:50 am bl2:03 pm
Nebraska Express a 8:50 am a 7:45 pm
Denver Limited a :iv pm a : am
Black Hills and Puget
Sound Express all :10 pm a 8:19 pm
Colorado v'estlbult-i
flyer ' a 8:10 pm
Lincoln Fust Mai) ..J S.J2 pm a 9:08 am
Fort ciook and Platts-
mouth b 8:15 pm bl0:35 am
Pellevue A Pacifio Jet. .a 7.50 pm a 8:27 am
Bellevue A Paclno Jut. .a 8:50 am
, Mauaas City, St. Joseph 4k Connell
Bluffs. .
B ansas Cltv Day Ex. ...a 9:15 am a 6:08 pm
St Louis t'lyer a 5:25 pm all.t am
Kansas City Night Sx..al0:45 pm a 6:30 am
Chicago, , St, Paal. Minneapolis A
Leave. Arrive.
Twin- City Passenger... a 6:30 sm a 9:10 pm
Sioux City Paaeuger...a z:w pm aii:o wn
Oakland Local b 6.4o pm b 8:4i am
: Cbleaao A Nort hvreslern, Nebraska
and Wyoming; Division.
Black Hills, Deadwood,
Lead Hot Springs a 1:00 pm a 6:00 pm
Wyoming, Casper and
Douglas d 8:00 pas e t:00 pm
Hastings. York, David
City, Superior, Oeneva,
Exeter and Seward. ..b 8:00 pm b 5 00 pm
Missouri Pnclfle. ,
Nebraska Local. Via '
Weeping Water ...b 4:10 pra a 10:36 am
a Dally, b Dally except Sunday, d Dally
except Saturday. Daily except Monday.
might have become the.
coroner s jury.
Mortality Statistics.
The following births and deaths hare
been reported to trie Loard rf Health:
Births Anton Bofcac,- 89 Douglas, boy;
Aaron Ferer, 1910 Chicago, boy; Ormond
Peterson, 280 North'Sixteenth, boy; Charles
Miles. 1437 North Twentieth, boy; John
Glover, 2102 North ' Twenty-seventh, boy;
B. O. Hargadlne,' 3481 Taylor, girl: Frank
Peter, 1417 South Fourteenth, girl; Mike
Sobcsyk. 2509 Bancroft, girl.
Deaths Infant Johnson. 2004 Lake, 12
days; Mrs. Jdlla Bales. 3113Vi Webster. 36;
Harry-A. Johnson, lt2i South Fourth, 10;
Barney Tunison; Nela J. Peterson, 8608
Hamilton, 67. -
Considers No Values V'ntH Supreme
Court Rules on the New
Revenue Law:
No consideration of values has been made
by the Board of Review and Tax Commis
sioner Fleming says It will bo a week or
more before affairs are In such shape as to
permit actual reviewing. Controversy over
the new revenue law has delayed the
assessment work in various ways and the
rolls are not In anything like the shape
that they were at a corresponding time in
previous years.
About a dosen complaints have been re
ceived by the board to date and each case
Investigated as soon aa presented.
It will be well toward the middle of the
sitting before summonses are aent out de
manding the presence of large property
holders. Various kinds of business Inter,
esia will bear the brunt of investigation
this year, the railroads and corporations
being ao aiineU. for wholly different
47S Girl's A proa,
..SJotareera. .--
Girls' Box Reefers, 457tt Loose coata are
exceedingly smart for young girls, aa wall
as for the older folk, and are. to be com
mended from ever? point of view. They
slip. on over the gown with ease and readi
ness, they do not 'rumple the' waist worn
beneath and they are more generally becom
ing to youthful figure than are the tighter
ones. This model An made of dark blue
sibeline, with collar of velvet, and Is
stitched with silk, but all of the cloaking
materials of the season are appropriate,
cheviot cloth and the like.
The coat is made with fronts and back
and is fitted by means of shoulder 'and
under arm. (earns. The fronts are faced
and turned back to form lapels whlcb
meet the collar, that Is seamed to the neck.
The sleeves re wide and ample below the
elbows, but snug above. In conformity
with the latest fashion, and are finished
with shaped cuffs.
The quantity of material required for
medium else. V2 years) Is SA, yards 44 Inches
wide or 8 yards 52 inches wide.
i ne pattern. 40., is cut In sixes for girls
of 8. 10, iz and 14 years of age.
For the acoommoagtion or The - Bee
readers these patterns, which usually retail
at from 28 to M cents, will be furnished at
a nominal price. 10 cents, which covers all
expense. In order to get a pattern enclose
19 cents, give cumber atd najie of pattero.
. 1 . i t 1 ' " . , ,. .
r ' V' " .'.'.- .- ' f. ... ... 't, '( .
1 Y ' ' TO) - 99 m
. - &fw' fry ' ' By Julia R. Tutwiler::,,'; 3
' JtZSit 1 I n George Gibbs,isone : w j
. M : " ' ,H j :' of the 12 shortstories p
fei. " AUtl . ; amearinc: in the ' fel
1 .ie-i .. - B tt , 11 W S
1 vF:
1 Wtf-: F '
. !-. c -r m ii sss, mm
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1 VIM Tffl..
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I TfirMtntrrfirrtiiiutiMrnrrTTTffrtfrrrrfffwrf
. , .
. ,
A .
' - u't - - - ,
Besides these, there
are, 4 descriptive ar
ticles,. 11 P oems and
Maurice Hewlett's
Love Story of Mary
Queen of Scots
The Above on
'Sale at
c I zs m? aam sr -
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