n THE OMAHA- DAILY DEE: TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 17, 190.. SPECIAL NOTICES A4vertlaMeata far these mlimii Will fce taken smtll 12 m. for the veal ear edition and natll M1.I0 p. m. far nonlac aad Sunday edition. Rate, 1 l-2e a word rt Insertion, la a word thereafter. Motblng taken for less than 30 for Ihr flmt Inser tion. Thee advertisements nut be raa eensecntlvely. Advertisers, r reqnestlna- a iin beaod cheek, can hare aaawera ad dr eased to a nonahered letter la rare f The Bee. Aaawera ao addressed will k dellrered oa presentation of the cheek oalr. HISCKLLASEOlg. HORACE MANN SAID: If a father wishes to glvs hta aon a legacy that will endure while life ex ists, let him send him to an Institution where ha can obtain a general business education, and he will have the satisfaction of knowing that he haa given him what Is bettre than houses, lands and farms, or ren gold or silver. These things may sud denly take wlnga and fly away, but this knowledge will last while life and reason exist. BOYLES COLLEGE, N. T. LIFE BUX1., OMAHA, la the leading business training Institute for Nebraska and Iowa. Day and Night. Apply, for catalogue. PHOTOGRAPHS price per oo. Choice of 4 styles of 2 mounting, special lor noliaay oniy 15 for"' PROCTOK, 616 South 16th St lv So4. SPPPIAI For limited time we will at you with a guaranteed PAIR OF SPECTACLES FOR $1.00. Dun t miss tola clmaoa, U. B. OFUCLANS. $98 NO. imi ST. R-M216 PER FIELD'S Cut-price Piano Co., Bee Bldg., Koom 7. Tel. 7ul. Weber, buiry Clark, Lodwlg Hchllor. RiiU JIM Is your "lucky number" In our win dow? Then come and get your shoes ONIMOD. Regent Shoe Co., Sue 8. loth. It iw. EXPRESSMAN'S Delivery Co., moving and t storage. 214 N. 16th. Tel. 1196. R M238 MONEY loaned on all valuables. 418 N. 16th. R mu lhirrtrVVitr et relief; corns removed. ur. Koy, r Z-i 2, 1506 Farnam. k 246 TRY THE CHICAGO LAUNDRY. If you don't, we both lose. Good work: prompt attention, 214 N. 16th. Tel. 206. R 250 TOO BUSY making clotbea to close. Open evenings. Come any time. Suits, $20 to $40. Trowsers. $6 to $10. Dresber, 1616 Farnam. R 24 D-10 COLE-M'KAT COMPANY, UNDERTAK ERS. 1617 Capitol ave., tel. 464. R M266 Soles, 40c; with rubber heels 75c. J17 N. 16th. R M267 DU DON'T STRAIN YOUR EYES . with a poor light when you can get life beat for the least money; the leader gaso line lamp 100-candle power soft and mel low, easy on the eyes, only 26c a month: lighted with one match; burning In lull iurce within 10 seconds; absolutely safe; guaranteed for one year; will repair free of charge. LOUIS FLEBCHER, 1632 Capitol ave. R M266 AMERICAN. German Employment Bureau, 152 Dodge. H U DU READ ! HEED! ) HAVE ROOT y PRINT IT. SUCCEFD! t A- root. inc.. , JUUUCLUI J 414-16 B. 12th. 'Phone 1604 - R-M294 OMAHA Mirror Mfg., 70$ N lth at. It M m D12 GOLD crown from $3; fillings rom 2Sc: aet of teeth $1; teeth extracted free. Union Dental Co., 1621 Douglas, room 4. R-M287 TRUNKS, traveling bags, suit cases; trunk repaired. Om. Trunk Factory. ia Farnam. R Mao Henry He doesn't keep stationery. Be sells it-t 1616 Farnam au R 804 D13 BOOKS bought and sold. Room 622 N. Y. Life Bldg. Bhonfeld, the Antlguartan. R 803 DU IF YOU WISH TO GET "" a Holiday Sweater order It Early Of B1LZ the Knitter ' 123 a 16th. R-M31I D1S TmnW AND BAGS AT REDUCTION. liUUild Alfred Cornish, 1210 Farnam. R M311 D18 . COLUMBIA RECORDS. Aak H. E. Fredrirkaon, -S ft C Uth and Capitol Ave., Omaha. y li H M323 D13 JACK DAW WHISKY. PtTRB RYE, U YEARS OLD; BE8T FOR MEDICINAL PURPOSES. CACKLEY BROS, BOLE OWNER8. 121 N. 16th AND CAPITOL AVE. R-M319 D31 HORSES WINTERED GOOD stabling and yards at Benson; on ear line. Crelghton Palace Stables. Omaha. ' B M318 20 IF YOll DON'T KNOW, YOU OUGHT TO that CO-LON-CO la an absolute cure for catarrh, stomach and kidney diseases, chrcsnlc rheumatism and facial blemishes. Thousands know It. 14th and Harney. Omaha. k MJ-'7 2j A FULL Una of high grade meerschaum and briar pipes, also a complete stock of Key W eat and domestic cigars; largest assortment of tobaccos. DTOLCKER CIGAR CO., 1404 Douglas R-A7 OMAHAjJPLATING CO. alias moved to 1606 nlt! ' Established - 16 - years. UentlSt Full - Set - Teeth - S5.00. II Bailey Teeth- Extracted-Palnl es jra-Moor Paxton - block. R-M173 D14 YSlaa Wa ,s.a .-a ... uiimwr mTs aaiau WfJ Will Mil you o. whft iUK Dining Table For $33 M. BAKER FURNITURE CO. R-M664 23 MEDICAL. WE CURE blood poison In SO to ) dais pimples, sores, nervous debility in 30 to 60 uays. nerve wasie, Drain lag, madder dis eases, no matter now long standing. Cook Medical Co.. 110-113 8. 14th at., over Dally Newa. Omaha. Neb. Orrtce hours, 8 a. m. to p. m.; Sundays, 10 a. m. to 13:30 p. m. ail dii LIQUOR HABIT CURED In 3 days-pay when cu rod; no hypodermics. Write for 341-D14 LADIES! Chieheeter'a English Pennyroyal rim in. inau Hit, rciiaDIS. l ass r.o otht r. Bend 4c . stamps, for particulars. "Relief for Ladles," In letter by return mall. Ak your druggist. Chichester Lntmicii io.. rrjiisaeiDiiia, ri. FIBMHHKD ROOMI AND BOARD. FRONT room and board. 2ti S. ltth st. ' F-8 dx liOOMjj with board: modern, ateam heat; also table board. The Dresner, iu2 a. loih . F M231 D10 G'HID Iwiard and rooms $4.60 a we'. 7u7 Farnam. Tels. F3241. F-M344 17 FOR ' RENT elegaatly furnUhed south rvom in strict y modern hours, to two ruileusn. good home to right parties. i.e(eieucai rktilre. Addrtss W V) Bee. '-Mi3MijL. TERIOJIIL Penmanship by an Expert The flmtiha Commrrlnl College Is the only renvoi in the cuy wnlon miploys an Xk.ort ln.nn. It you Uuiibt It, send to eat'ii one lor a cprliniii ami the name ot Hie H-iiinan. 'Hie lniet uusiness wnteis in Oaiana were etuuents ot frof. lamp mati, our IK-nman. Uood writing is es-st-imsl. S tetu ii It Ut.lliKtlUl OH BROS., Telephone lis. liin ami uouglas Sts. OMAHA. NEB. WE RENT sewing muthities at 7jc per week, ti per month; w repair in.l sell parts lor every machine manufactured; second-hand machines irom $1 to H". Nau. Cycle Co.. loih and Harney. L" 630 "VIAVI" way to health. Sit Bee luilldln,, Omaha. U 62s PRIVATE 8anitarlum for ladies before and during continemenl. Dr. and Mrs. Uer.ach, Nc canlurniu su 'lerma reasonable. U-63 PRIVATE hospital during confinement; babies adopted. Mrs. Gardels, 'iM4 Lake. 71. Red-lnM. U 626 THE OMAHA Plating Co. will soon move tu miner uuuriurs bi jjjo nuiuvy pi. U M440 PRIVATE home duririg confinement; babies nuopieo. Tbe uoon b.imailtau eanitarium, 26 1st ave.. Council liluns, la. U 626 PRIVATE hospital before and during con- nnemeni. Mrs, Li. -f isQcr, vil v inmn. Tel. 1S83. U 62 MAGNET PILE KILLER. IT CURES. t arugglsts. $L. U 631 DR. PRIES treats suceeaHfully all diseases ana irregularities ot women from any cause; experienced and reliable. 1613 Dodge St., Arlington block, Omaha. U 633 COSTUMES for rent. 3313 8. Snth. Sack. U M6o9 Dec 1 WHAT'S nicer than accordion r,e,nr? v e oo noining nut tne nnest. uoiamun Pleating Co., 00 Douglas block. U M256 MIDDLE-AGED gentleman of means would line 10 rorm the acquaintance or well educated widow, 30 to 35 years old, matri monially Inclined. Address U SO, Bee. U M444 17. WILL the tall gentleman who sat opposite nrunene young lady on J'arR avenue car Saturday about four p. m. address IT. 66, care Bee. U M641-17I. Win the dinner set and the Baker Furniture Co will sell you a $.'.'5.00 Sideboard For $15.00. U-MB63 Tt PER80NAL An Englishman. aged 32. would like to make the acquaintance of a young woman, view early marriage. Write, stating ag-e, height, etc. All let ters will be treated with strikt confidence: no general delivery answered. Address U 61. Bee. U M584 PERSONAL A gentleman of means would liKe to make the acquaintance of a thor oughly rellned and dlooreat lady. Address In confidence, W 8, Bee. Uj-585 BISIXESS CHANCES. WHEN you want to buy, sell or exchange any property or uusiness quick, see J. it. Johnson, iU N. Y. Life. Y W7 FOR SALE, to active man. Interest in es tablished business; personal services and $o,0U0 required. Excellent opportunity or right party. Address T 37, Bee. Y 416 EXCHANGES of all kinds; to buy or sell a business or exchange merchandise ror a land or city property, call or write Sholes Armstrong Co.. 7J1-2 N. Y. Life. Tel. 49. Y-M793 FOR SALE Coal and leed business in Omaha; fine location:' good opening for some. man. Address U 43, Bee. Y M288 22x MEAT market for sale; only shop In a thriving town; doing good business; com plete outfit of axtures and tools. Address V 46, Bee. Y-M308 17x RARE CHANCE for prentable Investment, io.uuu acres or denuded pine lana in tne finest section of the fruit and truck region of the south; write for particulars. The Lodwlck Lumber Co., Lodwlck, Texas. Y Mlfikj 19x CA8H for dry goods, clothing and general merchandise Blocks, $10,000 to im.ouu.- Ad dress, wltn full particulars, 3il First Nat l Bank, Omaha, Neb. Y333 A PROFITABLE INVE3TMENT can be made Just now In December wheat; ccndl tlona are e,dom as iaorablj and you w.ll be miss ng a lnagnincent caanca to mike money if ou do not .uke advantage of this opportunity. Wrue fur our tree booklet. It tells all about our methods and ex plains fully the many advantagea of mir glnal investments. We are a responsible company, inviting the fullest lnvtsilgal.on and furnishing the highest references. Experience on your part Is unnecessary and large capital is not required. Your investment is subject to withdrawal on demand. Your account will be handled by the president of this company, wno has been a member of the exchange here for twenty years. This ineures prompt serv ice, fair treatment and the serAcea of an experienced and reputable broker. Send for our booklet today. It costs you noth ing and may be the meana of your realiz ing large protitf. Delmar Grain C, 31 Granite block, St. Louis, Mo. Y M354 A WELL equlped ranch with cattle for saie lor casn or wui trade ror a good stock of merchandise. W i. Bee Office. Y-M544-18. DO YOU want cash for your business or real estate, ir so send ror my free book let telling how to git It. It don't matter where you live. Emerson DePuy. Des Moines, la. Y M543-21. FOR SALE or trade Valuable patent on wagon dox ana rac nrtr. Homelnlng every man who rvuts a wagon must have. A fortune In hands of rinht pairtv. Ask for full pat'liculars. Emermm DPuy, Des Molnen. la. Y MSrtl-IS. When You Write lo Advertisers remember it only takes an extra stroke (if two of tb pen to mention the tact that you saw the ail in The Bee. HOTEL BARGAINS. TWO hotela in western Iowa anil on in central Missouri for trude or sale, "i tseae hotels nil havn r)n trade, two of tl.am at railroad Junction end Si .lay houses. Write the undersigned for particulars and terms. Bartholomew & Ballantyne, Moor head, la. Y M 6Vi ax WATCH for our Sunday bulletin of busi ness chances, farms and ranches. It will he In The Bee every Sundny. The Abbott Cowan Company, 313-314-315 Brown Block. Y-M57! FOR EXCHANGE. TRAVELING man desirous of going Into business will trade his home, centrally located, very desirable for home or rent ing, for stock of merchandise. F. D, WE AD, 1524 DOC'GLA" ST FOR REST-FIHXISHED ROOMS. LARGE, LIGHT, AIRY ROOMS. tU.a0 and up per month. 75c and up a day. AT THE DELLONE, 14th at- and Cupilul ave. Steam healed: electric linted; private and general baths, all cuuveuieuccsi liisl-t-iaas seivice. Eat where you please. ROOM AT THE DELLONE. E M12 NovJOx DEW&Y European hotel, 13th aud Farnam. O. M. E. hauls trunks. Telephone 41 L E-404 FOR RENT, 1 or 3 furnished rooms, single or eusuila; private lumlly. 4J4 8. 241U. E M441 NICELY furnished rooms. Inquire Omaha bit-am Laundry, 17oy Lfcaveuworm. '1'liuna A-i;. e-; NICELY furnished room in private lamily; liou new aud uioduru. Joaes faU. E A1910 DESIRABLE rooms aud Farnuia sts. it The Farnam, lih E Ma4 ROYAL HOTEL European, lbth 4k Chicago. E ooo NICELY furnished rooms; everything new and uiLiitrn, guuUcweu preferred. 16:4 Webster at. E M&i FRONT room (or two; modern. 2i' N 17th. E J4.Ua T11KEI nice rooms, light housekeeping, liu d. inn L L-ia.a Everybody Will Mis-spelled words this week. A hint ad and every word will be KCR REST-riRSISHKU ROOMS. DESIRABLE ROOM. 24 Farnam. E Mzl5 I7x FURNISHED rooms for rent. 6C8 N. 23d, Gentleman preferred. E M330 17 TWO. rooms, furnished, for rent. l(Mt Geor gia ave. - E-M4D3 17x PARIiOR floor, furnished, housekeeping. . 2i'0 N. ??d. E 2?F HELP WASTED. ADDRESSES of bookkeepers, stenogra phers, clerks salesmen, window trim- ' mers, pharmacists, civil engineers. Roas Emp. Agency, 204 State St., Salt Lake Ctty, MM2 21 x FOR I ALE MISCELLANEOUS. A FURORE IN THE PIANO MARKET. Clearing out of ICO new and slightly ued grand, square and uprights at prices that mean a substantial saving to the shrewdest buyer. It's the piano opportunity of a life time. Cost and profits are not considered. Wo need the room for holiday stock and to move about 100 pianos quickly we offer the following unprecedented bargains: 3 squares, odd styles, $16, $41, $25. Emerson square, worth double the money, Vose square, round corners, $45. K tin be square, fine condition, $5. Stelnway square, good as new, $SS. Ebony upright, fully repaired, $fl0. Mahogany upright, almost new, $lu6. Oak upright returned from rental. $12S. Walnut upright, used only at two con certs. $135. STORY AND CLARK, TAKEN IN EX CHANGE FOR ONE OF Ol'H HAND MADE MUELLER PIANOS, $147. Hallet & Davis, large slse. $185. Kranlch & Bach, parlor grand, $275. Kimball Baby grand, golden oak case, $325. Knabe Concert grand, excellent condi tion, $4T5. The above bargains will be sold on terms of $10 CASH AND $5 PER MONTH. Credit freely given to all and a child can buy from us as cheaply ss an adult. BCHMOLLER & MT'EL7,ER. THE GREATKST PIANO BARGAIN GIVERS IN THE WORLD. 1313 Farnam 8t.. Omaha. 62 Broadway, Council Hluffs. 135 South 11th St., Lincoln, Neb. Q-M565 21 Second-Hand Sewing Machines Ve have the following second-hand box-top iimiuiicB umi nave ueen inorougniy over hauled and are In condition to ao good work, at the following prices, ana com plete with attachments: White $ 4 oo Household B OO Household 11. oo Singer B.nO Singer 10.00 Binger 12. 00 New Home 8.00 Standard (.dressmaker's, good as new) 10.00 Wilcox & Glbbs (good as new) 25.00 Einger (tailoring; in good con dition) 10.00 Standard (tayloring; almost new) 15.00 DROP-HEAD MACHINES That have been slightly used, but are In perrect condition. tne latest thing the different factories produce, from $17TE0 to $25.00. These are exceptional hrln. We rent machines for 160 per week,, and sen ana repair .parts oi any machine manufactured. Nebraska Cycle Go., Corner 15th and Harney ....'Phone 1663 334 Broadway, Council Bluffs'... 'Phone Bil8 613 N. 24th St.. South Omaha. ...'Phone 4.(65 Q2HH iZ FOR SALE, two very fine bull terrlor mma moil c. .. , t , a m n t A A .1 1 I ... Worrell. Sutherland, Neb. Q M42$17x SECOND-HAND VEHICLES t six pass, rockaways, 1 coupe, 3 landaus, ( ous. wagons, a. j. Bimpbon, uirj uodge. " Q 438-D14 60 SQUARE PIANOS 160 EACH. CO CENTS PER WEEK. BCHMOLLER & MUELLER. Largeat Piano Dealers in the West, 1313 Farnam. Q M344 CIGAR store, fixtures; finest In city; must be so'.d; for particulars address U 43, Bee. U-M28& D12 INDIAN goods and rellce. Farnam. IRON eV wire fences, tree guards, trellie-a. Western Anchor Fence Co., 2u6 N. 17th sL g uiii CATELOGUE cut drug prices free. Sher man & McCounell Drug Co., Omaha. U-520 FOR SALE, several scholarships in a first class standard school In Omaha, comprla- - ing complete course in Uuslress, short hand and typewriting. Inquire at Bue office. Q u FOR BALE, coal business. Capital required. $2,OOO.UO. Address J 21, Bee. U oil 2DHAND safe cheap. Derlght, 111 Farnam. BILLIARD and pool tables, oought, sold, exchanged and repaired. liar fixtures and saloon supplies. The Western Bar Fixture and Hotel Supply Mfg. Co., 1407 Harney St., Omaha, Neb. Q M7S 30 CHEAPEST OAK SLAT CORN CRIB BING. Long fir timbers. Sul Douglas. 44 3f FOR SALE, Knabe concert grand piano; condition good. Address Lock Box 66, Gilmer. Neb. Q 195 TWO fine depot wagons, 1 rockaways, 1 coupe, 2 traps, 1 wagonette, 3 drays. Drummond Carriage Co., Uth and Har tley. Q 231 CLOSING out hard coal stoves at less than H price from $5 up. Furniture cheap. Chicago Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge. Tel. 2020. Q 274 SECOND-HAND billiard and pool tables: billiard tables repaired; a large stock or cheap bar fixtures, cigar counters, etc. The Brunswick-Balks Collender Co., 407-1 8. 10th at. Q-M2V2 HARD coal base burner, good condition, very cheap. 241 N. 37th St. Q 548 ltix China Cabinets Mahogany and Antwerp Oak for Christmas. $14.00 to t3f.no. BAKER FURNITURE CO. t M561 K FOR SALE COW. Jersey cow years old, giving milk; fresh in sixty days; have pedigree. Call 4121 Nicholas st. Q-M575 22 MONEY TO LOAM CHATTELS. MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITtRE. PIANOS, LIVE STOCK. SALARIES, ETC. IT CObTS YOU NOTHING te call and be convinced that our rates are the cheapest In Omaha. We want your business and be'leve an In estigatlon of our methods will get li nen if at the preaent you are dealing elsewhere. KIND. COURTEOUS TREAT MENT to all. Our offices are the best equipped to handle your builnesa with privacy of any In the city. Come In and be us, whether you borrow or not. Open Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays until p. m. RELIABLE CREDIT CO.. Rooms 3U'i-3m Paxton block. Rooms 307-301, X-4HX ALL about North Dakota and where to buy f ood lands cheap; descriptive foidar and ist Sent free; reliable representatives want d. Whitney It Wheclock. IS Broad way. Fargo, N. D. RE tell BEE Chris Boyer before buvlng 22d and Cumins- 'Bh"ne "4 RK MIH4 I"14 STAMMKHIMa AftD STITT EHItZ CURED. Julia Vaughn. 430 Rtnige Bldg. FOR S ALK R KAL ESTATE. A Handsome Home Facing Park Avenue Not built to rent, but one of those well built homes designed for comfort. Pleasant rooms, a big, shady yard and a splendid neighborhood. Nine rooms, modern plumb ing and heating, porcelain bath. Just newly painted, easy to heat, cool and shady In summer. The Improvements alone cost over $3,000. BEAUTIFUL SHADE TREES A DELIGHTFUL NEIGHBORHOOD 75 feet, east front, on Park Avenue, and went front on 30th St lot 130 feet deep a splendid, shady play ground for children. EASY TERMS A BARGAIN AT THE PRICE This beautiful home will be sold for $3,500 on the following terms. Cash $2,500.00, and $48.00 per month until paid. As easy as paying rent and you own your own home. It Is seldom that as attractive a home Is put on tha market The first oftor gets it. GEORGE' & COMPANY, 1601 FARNAM ST. $550 x Buys one of the best build ing lots in Bemis Park. Paved street. Lot SOxlSO. R. H. LANDERYOU. 443 Board of Trade. RE 345 17 ENGLISH & CO. Paxton Bl'k MUST GOAT ONCE 9 room modern residence in west Farnam distiict. 51,800.00 RE M340 21 HOUSES and lots In all parts of city; also acre property and farm lands. Tne O. F. Davis Co., Room Mi Bee bldg. RE 6i0 BALINE county took first prise at Ne braska's fair; bargalna In terms; $36 to $i0 per acre; Vi section of valley land la Dawson county very cheap at $7.2uu. F. O. Johnson, University Flace, Neb. RE Mfflg 20 FOR SALE, twelve-acre fruit farm at Braldentown, Florida; water front, young orange and banana grave, end good house. Address Lock Box .OUtner, Neb. , . ' ... RE-196 CHAS. UilliomCr-in Pr V- 8. Nat l jj. t? imuaijuii ( Hank Bid RE-64 When You Writ to Advertisers remember It only takes an extra stroke or two of the pen to mention ths fact that you saw tho ad In The.Bee. $2,400 New six-room house at 8715 Leaven worth; modern except furnace; corner lot; 70 feet front; car line pusses door; g-ioO cash, balance easy payments at t per cent. Telephone 27. KE 460 . FARMS FOR SALE. 200 acres 10 miles from South Omaha, all bottom land, 150 acres cultivation, bal ance pasture; Improved; S3) per acre. 80 acres 9 miles west of city near Dodge st. road; a very choice tract of land. GEORGE Sc COMPANY. ' 1601 Farnam St. . RE-M505 1. On Easy Payments $Go0.00 Double house, lot 60xl2S, 2017 Martha. $v75.0O 7-rooni house, 3721 Ohio st. lJoO.00 4 rooms, lot WxltvS, &!2a Pierce. kooo.oO 6-room cottage, 341 Mason. ).'0.00 4 rooms, lot ouxitU, 3016 Charles. HkiO.OO 4-room cottage. -424 Hurdette. $1,250. 7 rooms, full lot, 3518 N. 27th St. OARVIN BROS., 1004 Farnam st. RE M470 TEMPTATIONS FOR INVESTORS. Lot 55x120, east front, 10-room house, on 22d st. near Poppleton ave., close to where the elevator will be built, $2,500.00. Lot, 60x140, south front, paved st. and aide walk, 8 or 9 room house, city water and bath, sewer, close to 31st and MaBon BtS., $2,300.00. 4-room house, south front, on Capitol ave. and 25th fct., $3.&JO.0O. Five 2-story s-room houses, east front, close to schools and street cars; brings In in come of $100.00 per month; it bargain at $8,500.00. J. A. LOVGREN, 436-7 Paxton Block. Omaha. RE M4K7 21 Want a Home? BUY IT NOW. Payments or Cash. 2904 Decatur St., ' rooms-Jl.OOO. 2907 Charles St.. t rooms $750. 2810 Miami St., 6 rooms $1,000. 2711 Burdette St., 4 rooms $850. 1707 8. 10th St., room-$l.800. 1819 Locust st, 7 rooms-4)1.800. 2421 Wirt St., rooms $1.6U). 2123 Locust St., 7 rooms $2,200. Four houses on 15th St., south of Vinton $1.2u0 each. Modern brick house, rents for $1,440 per year, first class $12,000. W.T. GRAHAM, 'Bee Building. RE 284 II NORTH CF FLORENCE $ acres on Calhoun road, well Improved; J acres In fruit, $1.0u0. i acres 3 mile nurth. In timber, only $200 for the piece. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, S10-51I N. T. Life. RE-65J WATCH FOR HARRISON A- MORTON'S COLUMN OF REAL ESTATE BAR GAINS WEDNESDAY. RE-U2 17 FIVE-ROOM rottase and east front lot; nice fence and lawn; barn and hennery; Ambler Place, weet of Hanscom Park; Vic. U.0JU. F. D. WAD, 124 IxiCOLAti. RE 51 U Hun - : Put in your want read. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. FARM LANDS. 28 acres of land In city limits of Iowa town of 6,000, Including Ice business, tools and wagons. We have this entire proposition for thirty days at $6,000. The property easily worth $12,000. Biggest bargain we have. Investigate now. 153 acrm of second bottom land, six miles from center of Council Bluffs. Fine crops this year. Price, $60 per acre, and u gieat bargain. Time on $5,000 If desired. Land near beins; held from $75 to $100 per acre. 40 acres of land In Woodbury r-rjr.'y, Iowa, for $l,5o0; $1,000 cash, balance on time. Will trade for good business In Omaha or Council Bluffs. 200 acres of fine farm land near Bancroft. Neb., at $57 50 per acre. Well Improved and In cultivation. Surrounding land being held at from $75 to $V per acre. Will take a first-class general merchan dise stock for $4,000 of the purchase price. Must be a good business, as this Is a cash price. Have a tract of 4S0 acres of rich bottom land near Herman. Been cultivated 31 years with never a crop failure. We are dividing this into farms ot 80 and 16J acres at $76 per acre. Long time at low rate of interest on large part of the pur chase price If desired, if you want a lrge or small farm there is no better land In the state. . 160 acres three miles southeast of Atwoofl, Kan.; 80 acres In crops, balance pasture and hay land. Five-room house, carriage house, stable, barn (40x60), good fences rnd well Improved In every way. Price $20 per acre. 1,600-acre ranch near Dunning, Neb., two mil., rlv. f-nn, 1l2ft 11 miles fence, 150 head cattle and horses. Price of ranch, $8,000 agreed upon price for stock. Will trade tor eastern Ne braska farm or good business near good schools. The Cowan-Abbot Co., V $12-314-316 BROWN BLOCK. RE 456 16x CITIZENS Of Adjacent Towns Look ing for Omaha Investments. OMAHA REAL ESTATfe GOOD AS WHEAT. The following are a few of what we have to offer: l'ar.cr, near I9th, 5 looms, $1,500. i-o. Omaha, 6 rooms, iargu lot, 11,800. $lw.lam1' "ear "tl' 8 10ol" puiieibin bath, Maple, near 22d, 6 rooms, nice lot, $2 8:0, bpaulding, .near :',lh, 8 rooms, .,6v0. Locust, near 18th, 7 rooms, nice, 2,(00. Ames ave,, near 25th, 6 rooms, new, $i',800. Maple at., 2U7-19. want offer. Near Lake, -n 22d. 7 rooms, fine; $3,3oO. Douglas St., U566-8, double house, $4,5u0. West Harney, new, lirst class, $4,7iQ. On South loth, near Hickory, large house and cottage, fronting loth st., and two cot tages fronting 9th St.; get partlculnis. St. Mary'a ave., near 21st, 9 rooms, $6,500. Business building, 8 story, excellent loca tion; pays over 6 per cent, net price $50 000. UNIMPROVED: Oood west front lot on 3ath, near Burt. $600. Bouth front, on Burt, near 35th, $1,000. Two south front lots on Dodge, near 35th. $3,000. Choice corner, 36th and Jackson (two lots adjoining sold recently); price $3,500; noth ing finer. W. FARNAM SMITH Si CO. 133) Farnam street. RE-M4S0 17 Vacant Property $750 buys "a fine building lot 167 feet deep, on grade, having south front on Hurt street, lust west of 24th street. GEORGE & COMPANY, 1601 Farnam st. RE Mjoti 17 OFFERED AT A BARGAIN 6-room house, good south front lot. In ex cellent locality, 251S Maple st. ; look It over and make ua an offer. W. . Russell at Car, 46 Ramge bldg. Tel. 857. RE-&54 17 TWO 7-r houses, all modern, with furnace lust put In, excellent repair, N. 2130-32 N. 28th, to good tenant with snffill family, each, $15.00. F. D. WEAD. 1524 DOUGLAS ST. RE 546 1$ DO YOU WANT TO SELL A FARM? If you want to sell a farm or ranch tell the farmers and ttock raisers about It, Tl4 best way to reach them is through THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER This agricultural weekly g.ies to 46.0K) homes of farmers and stock raiwrs, so If you have a good piece of land to eell at a reasonable price you will find a buyer among them. The est of an advertisement Is small 3 cents per word In tmall type or 12.50 per Inch if set In large type. THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER, OMAHA, NEB. RE-32 HASTINGS 8c HEYDEN. 810 N. Y. Life Bldg. Will build a new house for you In nny part of the city and sell on ezy terms. RE M576 19 RANCH and faim lands for sale by the 1" n lull Pacific Railroad company. B. A. Mi'Allaster, land coninilHttkiucr. LuloK Pactilu htsdquai tors, tviuaba. Neb. RE-G1 FOR SALE REAL F.XTATE. ON 21ST NEAR MANDtRSON A neat five-room house, with gas. city water snd sewer connections. Oood sel Inr. Must be sold this week. Price, $1,100. I'AVNK INVESTMENT CO., Flret Floor N. Y. Life. RE 5!4 18 FREE homes; send t-cent stamp for mnp of Rosebud reservation, giving f-.ill Infor mation. D. W. Forbes. Bonesierl. 8. D. RE Ml7 BARGAIN FOR $1,100. Owner going to Brittle. Lrand new five room house with room for two more nlmve. A very nent place, with good well and cistern. Young fruit trees. Within half bl ck of Fort strei-t car line. No. 6317 No. 26th. full lot. lt14 Farnam St. N. P. DODGE & CO. 1614 Farnam st. RE M 579 COMPLETE HOME, 2,350. Six-room, story and ono-hulf house, elite roof; near liith and Corby. All modern, except furnace. New brick stable with box stall. Purchaser need not spend $10 on property. Present tenant will lease until spring at $:'5 per month. N. P. DODGE & CO. 1614 Farnam st. RE M528 IS ACRE PROPERTY. 160 acres Improved, In Jefferson county $40 per acre. 40 acres In Mills county, Iowa, near Qlnn wood; under cultivation; good orchard $100 per acre. 20 acres in Mills county, Iowa, near Glen wood $40 per acre. 160 acres In Frontier county, Nebraska $6 per acre. 320 acres In Custer county, Nebraska $8.60 per acre. CITY PROPERTY. 4-room house, lot 30x127, Charles St., be tween X2d and 3Sd $650. 4- room house. 28th ave. and Rugglea; good sized lot $1,400. 5- room house, Charles street, between 82d and 33d; lot 2.1x127 $70. 10-room, modern hotie, lot 100x150 $6,000. VACANT T OTR 2flth and Burt sts.. 5fixl!iA $1,100. 27th and Saratoga, 100x127 $00. Several other pieces of desirable property. CHRIS BOYER, 22d ar.d Cuming. 'Phone H9. RE M f6 17 FOR RI'.NT HOt SES. PAYNE-BOSTW1CK A CO.. choice houses. 001-603 New York Life Bldg. 'Phone 1016. D 504 SEVERAL good houses, $10 to $18. Chris Boycr, 2Jd and Cuming. 'Phone 2049. Dr-MilO FOR RENT, 7 room house. 1&27 N. ISth. D W3 WE MOVE pianos. Moggard Van ft Stor age Co., Tel. 14U6. Omco. 1713 Webster st, D 503 FOR RENT, 7-room houe, city water, gas, furnace, all modern, on Park ave, $30. 4-room hoine, city water, 514 Mason st. . C. M. Bachmann, 436-37 Paxton Block. D MM)5 FOR RENT Seven-room cottage, large yard. In good condition. Win. K. Poller, rec, 303 Brown block. D M114 HOUSES, Insurance. Ringwalt, Barker BTk. D M HOI 1QPQ In all parts of the city. The liUUJtO o. F. Davis Co., 608 Bee Bldg. 1 4S HOI 1QPQ In all farts of the city. R. tlUUJLO y. peters & Co., Bee Bldg. D tu; TO MOVE right get Omaha Van Storage Co., office 1511Vk Farnam, or Tela. 1559-803. D-600 2606 DAVENPORT, 10 rooms, modern except flimnce burn 812 Parke Ave., 7 rooms, modern except furnace, xx.'.oo. W. Farnam Smith & Co., 1320 Farnam St. -ROOM modem house, nicely furnished. two blocks north of High scnool; lease till next June $45.00 Tier month. W. Farnam Smith & Co., 1320 Farnam St. FOR RENT, 6-room house, 266$ Wool worth Ave., -"J per month; possession given Oc tober 17. Apply to Mel Uhl, core Dally News office. D M997 NEW 8-room modern house. Immediate possession given. J. N. Marsh, 'phone 2181, 445 Board of Trade. D 143 8-r house and barn, 1952 S. 3oth ave....$lS.00 5- r house and barn, 2120 N. 16th 20.00 6- r house, modern, 2211 Seward 20.00 F. D. WEAD, 1524 DOUGLAS ST. D 545 18 WALLACE, Brown. Block. $350011 Sherman ave., 8 large rooms, all conveniences, laundry, barn, good repair, pleasant home. D 560 MODERN house, west part of city, In ex cellent condition. For good tenant at once an extra low rate will be made. William K. Potter, receiver, SC3 Brown block. D-49 HOUSES FOR RENT. 3KI7 Decatur St., 7 rooms $10.00 4il North 3flth St., 6 rooms 14.00 ti9 North 43d St.. R or 9 rooms 20.00 lN FURNISHED ROOMS. 70 South 17th Rxe., 2 rooms $6.00 1!32 South 12th St., 3 rooms .....6.00 N. P. DO DOR A CO. 1614 Farnsm St. D M5S1 19 FOR RENT 3012 Marcy St., 8 rooms, mod ern, $'6: 4101 Dodge st., 6 rooms, modern, new, $22.50. The O. F. Davis Co.. 608 Bee Bldg. D-MD33 23 FOR HE.NT STORES AND OFFICES. . FOR RENT Building suitable for whole sale purposes at io Farnam, 2x90, four stories and rrsl-class cemented basement, elevator, tire and burglar proof vault, of fice counter and fixtures. For price and particular Inquire C. C. Rosewater, sec tetary the Bee Building Co., room loo, Bee building. I Mat7 FOR RENT The building formerly occu pied by The Lee t Mti Furiiam St. It has four stories ano a baHement, which was formerly used by The Bee press room. This will be rented very reasonably. If interested apply at oflice of C. C. Rose wutcr, secretary, room 100, Bee buolding. 1 FOR RENT, storeroom and basement In good location, particularly adapted for a plumber show room and work room or a manufacturer with similar requirements; power furnished if required. R. C. Peters & Co., rental agents, ground floor lies building. 1-M791 3-STORY and basement. 22x100: 10O5 Farnam at. inquire 814 First Mat I Hank Bldg. For Rent At a Bargain. The large double store In Be Building, formerly occupied by MacCarthy Tailoring Co. 44 feet plate glass front, the only one of Its kind In Omaha. Present monthly rental, $176. Will rent to single tenant for $133 per month. Or will remodel Into two stores N and rent each store for $75. Excellent location for men's furnishing store, shoe store. Jeweler, milliner, etc. Every tenant ofthe Immense Bee Build ing, City Hall, Court House and New York Life Building a pos sible patron. For further particulars, see MacCarthy Tailoring Company, 304-306 So. 16th St FOR RKT STORES ASD OFFIlKg. FOR RENT, three upper stories In four- story building at 916 Farnam St., ioA siortes ir preferred. Address C. C. Itosr- water, Sec y., Room luo, lies bldg. 1-M9S? MOKY TO LOAX CHATTELS. P ACV TO GET CAO I IO PAY Best explains uur methods, e. ? ,CM"1 Qn furnlture, pianos, warehouse receipts, etc. ur it ou have a permanent position we cm make' you a ... SALARY LOAN without security, except ywiir own agree men' ,0 repay. Our eervlra Is quick ami confidential and we alwaa try to please. AM that we ask I si that you give us a cull before you borrow elsewhere. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO, 119 HoMtd of Trade llldg. Tel. r.V5. (Established It;';, am 8. 16th St. X &I54J CHATTEL salary rnd Jewelry loans. Foley Loan Co., it s, Marker Block. X 544 iriTi,x,,mr.MoN'':Y LOANED ON FURNITURE, PIANOS. LIVE STOCK. SALARIES, ETC. Low rates and ensy terms. Business confidential. r .VAA'?.,!.WB,,t " Hnve money, en v...1 MP.KNlx -'Ki:niT co.. 33 laxtou block. lfith. and Farnnm sts, X 4V40 L?lGFiT.rr.T,liVSlji,S lNlTtANir TO f.ei:A,i"KnH1 KVl ,'K' merchants, team boH,'"n houses, etc.. without se S .r!.yAm"8lr"JL. vrm'- mca in prin cipal cities, lolman, 440 Board of Trails j2id- X-641 MONEY lor.tied on plain nottosa"la7led people; business confidential; lowest rates. 614 Paxton block. The J. A. Hutton Co, . X 612 MONEY loanded o:i pianos. furnHu7e,"jewT elry, horses, cowm. etc. C. F. Reed, 319 8 13. X-543 CLAIRVOYANTS. FREE! FREE! FREE! PROF. ZANZIC. the eminent clairvoyant has consented lo place his services withiii reach of all. If interested in love, mar riage, domeetlu affairs, divorce, invest ments, or any other important question call on thla wonderful man today, a lit Is nere for a short time only. This ween he will give to each and all who call for readings the most wonderful book of I tin ago on "Hidden and Forbidden Knowi rdge,'' which Is alone worth thousands to either man or woman. All work and readings at half price this week only FREE BOOK also with mall reiiolngH If $1.00 Is enclosed. Parlors 1709 Dodge si hours I to It S-332" GYLMER, palmist. 82'6. 713 N. 23d; 'phone B . S-oJJ MRS. CARRIE SMITH, SOVEREIGN LADY QUEEN of clairvoyants; every thing told, past, present and future. Sat isfaction or no pay. S07 N. ISth. 8 3"l MME. GYLMER, Omaha's Favorite Palmist. 7 years in Omaha. Others come and go, but Mme. Oylmer re mains the most wonderful palmUt of the nge. She will tell you nnyinlng yon ant to know. Don't fall to consult her; she can benetit you. Parlor, iUi N. :j'd s,. 8 M5J0 PROF. LAUZIE, the Egyptian .Wizard mi l Clairvoyant. All revealed nothing con' ceaiea. FREE! FREE! FREE! A wonderful book of forbidden knowledu.j FREE this week to all who have ren i ings. If In trouble of any klna, or It in terested In love, courtship, marriage, changes, travel or business, CALL AT ONCE. lie reunites lovers, brings good luck, causes happy und speedy marriage;, removes evil Influences, etc. In fact, lu does for you all that others have fulled to !o. Personal magnetism and clairvoyance quickly developed to the highest degree. Call today, as he will positively be hro but a short time. Parlors, 1709 Dodge,. Hours 9 to 9. S M586 20 MADAM MOYNIHAN, graduate Bchool of Occult Science, New York. Expert palm ist, Clairvoyant, physiognomist; traces and describes thieves or friends; locates minerals. I will guarantee my readings nnd the charges will be nothing If I can not see your friends as they are or descrlba ' vour home. I have read for the Into President McKlnley, Mrs. Potter Palmer. Mme. pattl and many other promlnont people. WUI accept engagements to rend and entertain In homes. 1616 Douglas st. 8 M5S2 lSx MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. FARM and city loans, low rates. W. H. Thomas. First Nat l Bank bldg. Tel. 1644. W 638 PRIVATE money. Sherwood, 937 N. Y. Life. W-534 4 TO 6 P. C. money. Bemis, Paxton block. W-6JI PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1620 Douglas. W-639 WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith & Co., 1320 Farnam st. W 633 WANTED Real estate loans and warrants. K. c peters 4c Co., uee Dldg. w- FIVH per cent loans. Garvin Bros., 1604 Farnam. W Uii WAATED MALE HELP. MEN to learn barber trade$ free railroad fare upon our failure to convince you ot this being the lit.SC, largest and only reliable, most practical oarber collcgo lu this section of the country: write lor catalogue today. Western Barbers' Insti tute, Omaha, Neb. U MjCO GOOD messengers wanted; first-class puy. A. D. T. Co., m 8. .Ulll. B 1V4 WANTED, for U. S. army, able-bodied, un married men, between ages of ::1 ai,u j, citizens of United States, of good charac ter and temperate habits, who can xpaik. read and wrue English. For lntorniau.in apply to recruiting otticer, lbth and Di,d4 m., Omaha, aud Grand Island, Neb. U Ml54 WANTED, two agents at once; good sal ary; city work. C. F. Adams Co., ll Howard st. U 436 WANTED, neat, bright young man; willing to work and learn optical grinding. The H. J. Penfold Co., 1408 Farnuin bt. B M211 WANTED Piano player; one who roads music; none other need apply, lit; S. sin street. B-M232 17.x WANTED Good, steady, reliable printer, $10 per week; young man preferred. Ad dress Monitor, Bluomfleld, Neb. B M265 17X MANUFACTURER wants" reliable man to deliver and collect; horse and wagon and $150 deposit necessary; $21 a week and expenses; permanent. Franklin, box 7a, Philadelphia, Pa. B M317 20x MAN with references for commercial trav eler, to call on merchants and rtgciits; experience not required; salary VJi ;r week with expenses advanced. National, Caxton bldg., Chicago. B MJ16 2x SPLENDID chance for men to learn barber trade by our method of free barbering and careful Instructions; more actual practice In one month than by apprentice ship in years; little expense; wages Sat urdays; tools given; particulars mailed. Muler Barber College, U02 Doug'as at. B-Mai4 19X WANTED Experienced clothing salesman, single man preferred. Address with par ticulars It. ltlller, Waverly, la. B 331 ltW MAN Under 85. fair education, to pccpiu.j for Gov't Position. Begin with $!ii0 salary. Box 670, Cedar Rapids, la. B 445 D:x WANTED, an experienced clerk for fur nishing goods dept.; permanent i.s!d..n. Addresa U 12. Bee. B-M5.'7 20x j TAIIXiR wanted to mend second-ban 1 clothes. Wuxman. 1205 Chicago st. E 653 lSx WANTED Boy with bicycle, at S. liafer's cut price drug store. B 61577 19 FCH REST HFIRM8HED ROOMS. THREE unfurnished rooms, first fl'wjr, water In kitchen. 2363 Hi. Marvx ave. 41 M 672 19x DRESSMAKI.0. KEISTER'S College, 1706 Cuming Suits to order. Night class, Mun. 4 Tliuia. 7 tuS 80. STANDARD Garment Cutting College. Farnam. -UIm N-s