Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 17, 1903, Page 3, Image 3

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Pick Br-'liirhe ai;d relirr i.l tlie trniiMea IneA.
dent to a blli"ii mate of the eji" in,, "ich I1'
sineta, Nania, Proirgir."-, D'a'reae after eating,
fain In tue Ac. While their moat remai
alio sucrtaa tins leca thrvvn curing
line nniioying impji .nf, while ih v rUoornrt
il ditoni'-ri of Ihf imnicli. M:mnirrt' the livrr
tad regulate tbe Wtc.. Kwn it id y only ami
Ab they would tir-atum. j rivt WF, to trm wh
tifr from th dtf re- tmiir toir.plft:iii ; but fmln
f lately tbe fncKii.aM ito-n nut end her, and twiM
ttlioonce try In v.l will fl:id Ihew little nilln ln
n in to mr.T ! tMt th 'r wfM not fw wiUmg
to do without thrm. But after All sick bead
laths bans of io many lives tbt tierc where we
Biake onr ( buaat. Oar Ul euro it while
there 1o nut.
(in r'l Little Liver Tilla are yen em ill an
Very eaejr to take. One or two lolla oiakea dose.
Tftey are etrirriy veeetable aun do not gripe or
pnrffe, bat by their penile action p!aeealiwho
tine tlicm. IB 1alaat ' retim; ft for $1. Suit
by dragg.eta evcrywt-ifn, or aant by mail.
Ken York Cltj
The Only Double
Trfick Railway
between the
Missouri River
and Chicago.
B1iicnrt"ant oM fUlly '.A.nta CM;fo. Oorepnn
Dint and iliiwlns-rntiin trf!ina cnr. iihrnrjr, hutTnt,
brtrber bith. tii honw. di .itu; run and observation
tin, Eleuirio lifihr( tlirtiiK Jt.
Fallmnn rimwinireriMiui imi toiiri"( leM'lnic cue and
diotn ci. , eud Xi-ee rociiuinti chitir earn.
Pqllmnn drawlnK-ronm nnd totiriat nleplniT oar,
frfi recMninh ctmii cra, bullot librery end lutokiug
ere. Siimnu arm,
3 fl I II TJrnwInn-r-iom ntnepIntT eer: buffet moh
a4U AM 'n-' Nud liitr.irr vivn mi '1 free rHcliuiutf
ctmli ir.iH to Clilnug li iiiiia; cam,
II flfj f, Tlitotit'li errvic.e Omnhn to C'hicniro.
lauU h'tll ANiai a i;:ulnrd diiy coocuee
itiid i :e cttttir cirti , Dlninw earn.
7C fl A U OhnnrvKtioii ctfe cam. parlor oare and
UU A ill ooechet.
81 fl P LI PnHnaeVt "leerluB enre, buffet library
i I U 11 c.r.nt free reullninu ohair caie
H. Ilf I PL To Pretnnttt, Lincoln. Vahoo,IeTidf';tr,
Yol'k. IlaiMliUfla NWUId. 4triBTa. MuntW
rlor, Norfolk, Iconic I'iiih, Cantor, Hot Hprintite,
1 eednr-'Oit nni Lml, Through reclioiug chair rur(
lullinaa e!uettint col' Sftrviue.
I 7 IJ 1o Frrraov. Mnroln, Wehoo, Norfolk.
fiatU Ioti: lne, Vrititii-e, Hcneateel and the
lioiHtliud Inditsii lleaiairviitioti ruutitry.
1401 and 1403 Farnam Street.
. mm
Mnid" kve'
f'.iwK pnrkle and
li'l-t t the eye
We niaH o( the Rlnna
an lnne na it last.
Ami l!ien 1y it down
tli a ii:h.
X , KNia City Mo.
A tlcin of beauty U i j'iy forever.
j 5 S vfjl? ' KmrTu Tan. Pimplvtv
ww, iuil ererf
Itrmiiih on btui,
ma uttteti (Jficiiion.
ii iuei mood tlic ti'M
o.' filt)-Bvt yuate,
and U ao h&i in I eta
Uate It to be
ure it ta property
kiaJu. Acct pt &e
roiuterMt o( simi
lar Dam. l)r. I.
A. Hre eald to a
jf of I he haut
ton U patleut):
"Al nil lalf Itaat
.ill ua t'.iam. I
t- Linmf,id "COl k AID'S CRT M" as th l&Ait
fcirmfu! of all tlia "kin prvtaai-ailoiia.' For ale ef
l drufsiat nr. 4 fiy comJm duUra In tae I'Dlted
Vute aod Kuriir.
r 1 KD. T HOPKINS, Prnp'r.
IT Cue I Jones St.. N'. T.
U lnuraai ann liinniri r
. -"Vt5n' 1 "':trl- i Bin. 119 tpray
I'l ii,m,ra k. . . . -
Vaufaal PHJ. irAA
ateea mv. it-. SM(
It tea, lataUalaj
aiii-i, l 11 id i .1 in 1. (or ii
I alt mnA oiiri'. t.i . In.
Vil'Ul;.tui:i;i.'l Mlltkl .-A
(loom iu Tuaea Bld., M. T,
For aale only by
ChrcLe Than AII'OthersT
1 FilcGREW
.Ale Cl
Treat all farmaal
A Medical E a pert
2S Yerra' Lipericnca
IS V ara la Omaha
N.r Id rum r. . r j
T.nme!r. nyrtrmlc. Bluoa ir.. tt. k iure
CIM, Mnou. i.fc.'m. r tiiv..L ai2 Vit.i.
w an f'TUia 4l U
Hit f-.r.... .w
Tetoitm.i( t, .. , r ft,,!.
fiXw w 1-j a. iU (,. y-H aa.
r WHIT! ault. LjK6:n-iir.V;auiiiin,)'tii'r.
I.y fi.,-n; i.rn.k. I;..- i:i.( iiu., jc.r ,i.rh raum4
ai.t .111' i;1 u ;i.; rrni.i. i.n ca 1 1 any ikmi
iLu ut MniiiuHi kuw t(.a u paticnLi bacictfi ai a
bhvniiau aV aluConuei: lrug CJ., Omaha.
hye J
. r
v . . r c
Euprema Conrt Commission Equ?U Fur
ther Tims to ContiJer Cai.
Official Hrlarna Show Rarnee, Rrpub
llcaa, Una Over .Mac Thousand
I'lurallly anil Reseats Oftr
Twenty Thoaaaud.
(From a Stuff t'orrrsiiomlent.)
LINCOLN, Ndi., Nov. lb tSpecial.)
The Bucremu court commlaMoners, before
wHom th arifiiment In tlio revenue law
ruuta ( rn maiV, did not hand down their
ui'liuuM today and In all probability will
not until the last, of the week. Judge
Harried said the niatur was of no much lm-portnm-e
that tile commission-r had not
tt had time to formulate tholr opinion and
had naked for further time. It wai ex
pected thai the oplon would be rendered
either today ir tomorrow.
In the meantime Attorney General Prout
ha har.ded down an opinion 'at the re
quest of the county attorney of Otoe
county regarding the time personal taxes
become delinquent and he holds that De
cember 1 la the time under the new revenue
law. This opinion does not meet with the
approval of the legal departments of the
rallinadn and their representatives were
here this morning to see Mr. Prout. Tieae
mads some time ago Informed Treasurer
Mortensen that their taxes would bo paid
by December 1 but' after the attacks were
made on the revenue law, they evidently
changed their minds thinking to get In
under the provisions of the old law, Febru
ary 1, aa none of them have paid.
The opinion of the attorney general
Section 150 of the new revenue
law provides: "On the 1st day of
December of the year In which taxes shall
have been HflxeKseri all utipnld personal
taxes, except In cities a uthorized by law to
l vy and collect their own tuxes, shall be
come delinquent and shall draw thereafter
In per cent per annum, which Interest shall
be collected the same as tax an due."
If this provision Is now in full force and
effect, rcrsonnl taxes for 19'3 will become
delinquent December 1. It has been sug
gested, however, that tbe personal taxus
for I'jiiS were levied under the old revenue
law, according to section KB thereof, and
will not heconie delinquent until February
1. This suggestion seems to be based
on the saving clause In section 242 of the
new act, whli'h Is us follows:
"Nothing In this act shall be construed
to rele'iM', discharge or In any manner af
fect the validity or tha collection of any
tax heretofore ansessed and levied tinder
the revenue laws In force prior to the tak
inif effect of this act, nor shall the. same
afreet pending actions founded thereon or
causes of action which may have accrued;
but all rights In relation to such taxes and
the collection thereof and all rights tljat
may have accrued to persons under the rev
enue laws of this state are hereby saved
and reserved."
Releases No Borden.
H is clear to my mind that this saving
clause does not keep In torce the old
.lulu lory enactment that unpaid taxes on
personalty shall become delinquent on tne
l.;t day of February of the year after the
taxes were assessed. The saving clause It-i-elf
does not ho state an w-t never In
tended to terve any such purpose. The
new act In olrect terms roniraolct such a
theory, and the old act was repealed. An
examination of the saving clause will dis
close that It waa not intended to telease
taxpayers from any burden imposed by the
new. law or to delay the time tor enforcing
payment of taxes. The saving clause was
tor the benefit of the state and persons who
bad acquired vested rights under the old
law. It was the intention of the legs,ature
in enacting tho saving clause to prevent
evasion or payment of taxes already lev
ied, and tt was not the Intention to sus lor f-everal months the operation of
that part of the new act declaring that un
paid personal taxes shall become delinquent
Decomber 1. Thin Is the only law In ex
istence fixing the time of such delinquency,
the similar provision In the old act navlng
been repealed, - Any, other intention would
be inconsistent with 'the new act, if not ab
surd. No leu-.edy for enforcing payment of
taxes exists except that contained In the
new law. and I see no sense or reason In
tl.e assertion that part of the repealed rev
enue law Is kept in force for the sole pur
pose of defeating Jor a time tnu enforce
ment of tin? new provision that personal
taxes shall become delinquent December 1.
Am already intimated there Is another
reason why section !M of the new statute
goes Into effect before February 1. 19"3. and
that is, the statute nya so. Section 243
following the saving els use enacts:
"This act thall take effect and be In force
from and alter the 1st iluv of December,
This section would have been different
had ttie legislature Intended to suspend
until February 1 the operation of section
l, relating to delinquencies. Besides, the
old provision on this subject was repealed
by section 244 of the present liw and tho
repeil went Into effect September 1. l!"fl.
I am therefore of the opinion that thH
yenr's unpaid tixes on personal property
will become delinquent December 1,
OlMcliil Klectlon Returns.
The return from the various counties are
all in, and will be officially canvassed on
Monday. The returns show Judgo liarnes
received 96,H11 votes, Judge Sullivan 87,96ti,
a plurality for Burnea of 9,(U.
The vote on regents resulted as follows:
('. 8. Allen, 101.U42; W. O. Whltmore.
"vV. A. Jones, 79.811; E. O. Weber, 77,J.
The uverage republican majority Is SI, 433.
Allen, the high man on the republican
ticket,) received a majority of 21,831 over
Jones, and Whltmore received a majority
of M,K14 over 'eber.
War on Traiupa.
The Nebraska tramp Is to go. A war
baa been started on him by the State
Poard of Charities and Correction -that
will make this state look to him like a
wood pile. Saturday Secretary Davis of
the board called upon the county commis
sioners of Douglas county and secured the
promise of that board to co-operate with
him In tho work, which had Its Inception,
so far us this state is concerned, at the
last national conference of Charities and
Correction. Mr. Davis Intends to get every
county and city In the state 'interested lu
the movement, to the end that no tramp
will be allowed to roam on Nebraska's
prairies or grow fat on Nebraska's prod
ucts. Kvery state In tho union Is taking
tip the work simultaneously, and the end
that Is expected Is thai In a few years
theie will be no tramps In the entire United
At the last national conference com
mittee was appointed to adopt rules for tho
guld-nco of the varlcua states In tho hand
ling: of the tramp problem, a well as pre
paring a plan for the care of the -needy.
The rules adopted by the committee are
taken from the plan that has been followed
for some years by the National Conference
of Jewish Charities, and as it has been
proven that the trump problem has been
extended und complicated by injudicious
All good doctors
prescribe "Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral
for coughs. Lr..r
transportation, this matter Is one of the
Important ones considered in the rules.
The committee claims that needy people
are often pauperised and subjected to
cruel humiliation and often have their
condition and opportunities Impaired by
being granted transportation which they
ought not to receive, or by being sent to
places where no provision for them exists;
charity resources are frequently wasted
In providing transportation which is un
necessary, inadequate or Injurious; com
munities and charitable organizations are
often unjustly burdened by there being
fent to them without their consent, de
pendents for whom they have no respon
sibility. Befor any person Is granted transporta
tion or low rate to a certain place, the
orrsnlzatlon of that place Is communi
cated with by a telegraph code adopted
by the committee, ns to whether the ap
plicant will be cared for or has anyone
there to look after him. '
The plan is in thing more nor less than
a trust against the tramps and the charity
grafters und It will, before the present
members are through with It, be the lar
gest trust In the world, taking In nearly
every state in the union.
Chances Aaralnat Hoards.
In all probability Governor Mickey will
be called on before long to investigate
charges of cruelty preferred against some
of the guards at the state penitentiary.
Secretary Davis of the State Board of
Charities and Correction for some time
has been In possession of evidence that the
guards were not as gentle as they should
be, and while he denied this morning that
he had filed any formal charges as yet, he
admitted- there was room for Improvement
In the conduct of the guards.
"All regulated penitentiaries," he said,
"are considered reformatories more than
places where criminals are punished. This
latter used to be the Idea of a prison, and
the only thing wrong out at the Nebraska
prison is thst the guards are still of the
old opinion."
Governor Mickey denied that anyono had
spokrn to him about the matter and Mr.
Davis stated that for the last year the
Board of Charities and Corrections hud
discussed It informally. Warden Beemer,
it Is said. Is fully advised of the situation,
but ho is practically powerless to do any
thing because every guard had a pull with
which he landed ids office, and If any dis
charging is done it will iavo to be done
by the governor.
Object io Bandar Trips.
At a meeting of the Ministerial associa
tion this morninc a committee was ap
pointed to investigate the charge that some
of the students of tho Statu university,
who were fired with foot ball fever, hid
desecrated the Sabbath by riding on trains.
During the discussion Rev. Wharton stated
that as riding on trains on Sunday, was
no worse than riding on the stree cars and
as many church members did this, he rec
ommended that nothing be done about the
matter. Ho waa overruled, however, and the
committee was appointed. Rev. Wharton,
however, was chosen as a member of the
committee and It la. expected that the
church members who ride on street cars
will be brought up on tho carpet with the
students unless tho traction company geta
out an injunction to prevent the investiga
tion. This, it Is rumored tonight, may oe
done by tho company, aa such a course on
tho part of the church would greatly Injure
Its business and moat of tho church mem
bers are Sunday patrona of the car line.
Rev. Lorimer, who headed the fight
against the Sunday riding, stated in the
course of his remarks that many of tho
boys and girls who left Lincoln Friday
night and returned Sunday afternoon were
from Christian homes and that did their
parents know of their actions many of
them would be In tears. He said some of
the offenders attended his church regularly
and when the hour for aervlces arrived yes
terday none of them was present. Rev.
Lorimer concluded by saying: "We, as
pastors under the one great Shepherd, are
directly responsible for our young people
here In Lincoln and this Sabbath desecra
tion must not go on."
The committee appointed to look Into the
matter Is composed of Revs. Wharton, Lori
mer, Iong, Hamlin and Buswell.
The social evil and the display of lewd
advertisements also came in for a good
share of the time of the association. Tho
meeting ended with the reading and dis
cussion of a paper by Rsv. N. 8. Haynes
on "Authority In Religion." .
Porter Files Another Answer.
W. F. Porter, ex-secretary of state, whoso
answer o the suit of the state to recover
the $923 i'.iat the state rajs he had no right
to receive as a member of the marks and
brands committee was recently held by
Judge F.ost to offer no defense. Hied a new
one this morning.
B. F. Jchnson, who represents Mr. Porter,
takes the ground that1 the state is estopped
from c'.alming that the money is its because
of the fact thut it. through its legislature,
passed the law which provided that the
money should belong to tha secretary of
Conflict of Orders.
HASTINGS. Neb., Nov. 16.-(8peclal.)-Last
Saturday night K. C. Roberts asked
tha Salvation army captain to lead his
corps awa"y from Immediately In front of
his drug store, where the passage was
blocked and ingress to his store interfered
with. The Salvation army man refused
and the mayor and chief of police were
summoned to argue with him. He waa
asked to move to another corner, but re
fused on the grounds that the Lord had
enjoined him to occupy that particular
corner. He. also informed the police that
In all likelihood the Lord would lead him
to that corner every Saturday night, where
upon the authorities led him to the city hall
to reconsider the matter and the result
Is that hereafter he will occupy another
lrle Party.
TKCUM8EH. Neb..' Nov. 16.-(SpeciaI.)-Mrs.
A. W. Huffum entertained a company
of her friends at dinner one day recently,
and the personnel of tho company was re
markable for its ages. There were eleven
women in tho company, and the aggregate
ages of all waa 7W years, or an average
of over 70 years. The hostess was tho
youngest of tha company, and her ago Is
GO years. Following are the names of the
women present, with their resnvUv.
Mrs. Ann Smith, S4. Mis. Belle Greer, fc2;
airs. u. w. Mann. 71: Mrs. Wlllism nia.
lleld. 70; Mrs. S. K. Marsau. tifi: Mr Knhi .
Best. Wi; Mrs. J. S. I'insmore, 63; Mrs.
Laura M. Phillips, 72; Mrs. J. W. Buffum.
04; Mrs. W. W. Jubes. C2; Mrs. A. W. ur.
turn. CO.
Feeble Minded Youth Kseapea.
BEATRICK. Neb.. Nov. 16. (SdscIbI Tel..
gram.) Frank Mason, an inmate of the
institute lor Feeble Minded Youth, escaped
rrom nls apartments yesterduv mnmi,..
by Jumping through the window, clad only
in nis nignt clothes. He waa captured last
night by Officer Hall in the north part of
the city. When turned OVer In Qlinarln.
tendent Johnson, Mason showed that ha
was suffering considerably from exposure.
He la 18 yeara of age and a son of a
farmer living west of this city. '
Arrested on Telesrana from lana.
BEATRICK. Neb . Nov. 14. -Special Tele
gram.) Roy Ileffeinnger was arrested here
today arul lodged in Jail on receipt of a
telegram from the city marshal of Valley
Junction. la., stating that he was wanted
there for stealing clothing. An officer will
be here' tomorrow after tho prisoner, whoso
homo ia la this city.
Is Pleased with General Ccnditioni at
Grand Island.
Experts to Send Expert Aceoaatant to
Check Vp the Allraed Dlserep.
aelea la the National Got
erament'a Account.
GRAND ISLAND, Neb.. Nov. .-(Special.)
Governor Mickey arrived in the city
Saturday afternoon and Immediately went
out to the Soldiers1 home, where, while it
was yet daylight, he inspected the farm
department of the Institution. He said to
a reporter that he found everything in quite
a satisfactory condition. It has been stated
that tho stock, particularly the cattle, had
been permitted to run down under the pres
ent administration. j.f anything, he found
the contrary to be true. An effort had ap
parently been made to better the grade of
rattle, tho governor said. The hogs were
In fine condition. No formal complaint had
ever been made as to this department, but
the governor wanted to know of his own
account. Hta attention had been called. In
a complaint, to the sale of a horse by Com
mandant Cole under the former adminis
tration, but tho records showed that the
horse was Cole's own and that It was sold
to an employe, the terms agreed upon being
that the employe make Installment pay
ments out of his wages. There was noth
ing Irregular about it.
A campflre was held Saturday night,
at which tho executive addressed tho mem
bers of the home, his comrades. It was
largely attended arid the veterans were
greatly pleased with tho address. After
the campflre tho governor made a partial
Investigation of the matter which has been
mentioned In tho last week that of a dif
ference between the state and the national
inspectors arising from men being out of
the home and represented to be present,
thus drawing from tho national per capita
appropriation contrary to tho regulations.
Will Send aa F.xpert.
A complete statement and Investigation
of this is to be made. Governor Mickey
will send out on expert accountant to go
f.ver tho records and ascertain Just what
this is. This person will probably be the
governor's son, an accountant fully compe
tent to do tho work.
An inquiry as to the possible difference
between the accounts of the stale and tho
department at Washington led to tho In
formation that the nearest estimate that
can now be made would place the amount
nt about M0, though It may not bo as
There are no charges f gainst the com
mandant of the home, na lnentlv Mnni-l a.i
land It appears that, from any Irregularities
that might exist In the accounts, no individual-
e'ther in the home, or out of It
was a beneficiary, and that the only irreg-
maniy was as bihipu in inese recoras of j
persons present. As to the women, such
irregularities would not operate against
the department at Washington, for the $100
per annum impropriation does not apply to
women irembers. The only difference,
therefore, that it would make, and it would
be so slight as to be immaterial, would be
in the per capita computation. The mat
ter, as Governor Mickey stated in an in
terview in a state paper, first came up
some months ago last June and orders
were given that the strictest records should
be kept thenceforth.
Tto Denial is Made.
AH parties here admit that such has ben
done. The Investigation will go Into the
administration of Mr. Cole under Governor
Savage, or, from January 8, this year, back
to the beginning of Mr. Cole's command
antship, and then from January 8 to the
present time. i
The executive was not prepared to say
when the appointment of Mr. Cole's suc
cessor would be made, but intimated rather
than said that the matter was now be
tween two or three of the applicants. Gov.
ernor Mickey was very well pleased with
the general condition of the home.
He attended the services of the First
Methodist Episcopal church t'unday norn
lng, Rev. W. W. Carr, pastor, and left at
1:60 for Lincoln. '
lirparet to Flsht Fire.
TECUMSEH, Neb.. Nov. 16. (Special.)
Tho Tecumsch fire department will this
week submit plans to half dozen whole
sale firms for an additional lot of equipage.
At present the department is composed of
two volunteer hose companies, and it is
proposed to form a hook and ladder com-l
pany and to provide the necessary equip
ment for the same. A hook and ladder
truck, with the ladders, hooks, buckets
and ropes, as well as some Babcock fire
extinguishers will be purchased. Citlsens
have assisted the department in making the
purchase a financial possibility.
Confirmation Service at Harvard.
HARVARD. Neb., Nov. 16. (Special.)
Yesterday was an oocaBion of much in
terest to Catholics of this city. In the
morning Father McShane addressed a large
audience, many being present from sur
rounding towns, and especially fine music
being furnished by the choir. In the after
noon Bishop Ronacnm from Lincoln, was
present and the service of confirmation
had, a class of some seventy persons be
ing confirmed.
Ilnral Carriers Organise.
HASTINGS, Neb., Nov. 16.-(Special.)-
The rural mall carriers of Adams county
have perfected an organization and will
affiliate with the state and national as
sociations. The following were the officers
elected: N. W. Coleman, president; George
Reynolds, vice president; Frank Wheeler,
treasurer; Howard" Sargort, secratary and
B. F. Hill, corresponding secretary.
Stare nt Verdlaro Hobbed.
VERDIGRE. Neb.. Nov. 16. (Special.)
The store of Havlick Gross waa en
tered last night and goods to the value
of iijOO taken. A bloodhound from Oakland
ia on the trail and Sheriff John Burns of
Crelghton is hot after the robbers.
York's Champion Cora Masker.
YORK, Neb.. Nov.' 1C. (Special.) Anton
Welnken so far 1s considered tho boes corn
husker of York county, it reported that
he picked 117 bushels lu one day last week
of the suffering and danger in store for her, robs the expectant mother
of all pleasant anticipations of the coming event, and casts over her t
shadow of glcjpm which cannot be shaken off. Thousands of women
have found that the use of Mother's Friend during pregnancy roU
confinement of all pain and danger, and insures safety to life of mother
and child. This scientific liniment is a god-send to all women at the
time of their most critical trial. Not only does Mother' Friend
carry women safely through tha perils "of child-birth, but its use
gently prepares the system for the coming event, prevents "mornine
ticknets, and other dis - 6
comforts of this period. H H TTTF Jl ITKB
containing valuable information
Ike Brdf.eld Betjulatof Co., Atlanta,
for Mr. Henry Dlnkleman, a farmer liv
ing In Beaver township, this county. Farm
ers, of Tork county believe they have one
of tho largest crops of corn that will com
pare with and exceed that of tho best lo
calities in Illinois.
Criminal Itocket In la Cass.
FLATTSMOUTH, Neb.. Nov. l.-(Spe-clal.)
The Jury term of tho district court
was convened In this city today with Judgo
Paul Jessen on tho bench. The most of tho
day was spent In securing a Jury l,i tha
caso of the state against William Shepard,
who is charged with breaking Into the Mis
souri Pacific depot at Weeping Water last
April for the purpose of robbery.
Addlaar to Sarpy Courthouse.
FAPILLION. Neb., Nor. 16.-(Speclol.)
On account of Insufficient room to accom
modate tho new offices of clerk of the dis
trict court and assessor tho commissioned
have decided to enlarge the court h uso.
The west part of tho building will be raised
another story where the new offices and a
new Jury room will be located. Architect
McClaskey has charge of the work.
Mad Dog Scare at Pnpllllon.
FAPILLION, Neb., Nov. l.-(Speclal.)
A mad dog caused quite a stir here yester
day. With its mouth foaming it ran
through the streets making several unsuc
cessful attempts to bite other dogs and
horses and scaring people, who hurriedly
sought refuge In tho nearest buildings. Tho
animal waa shot before doing any damage.
More Flah at Table Rock.
TABLE ROCK, Neb., Nov. 16.-(8peclal.)
The fish car went through hero Friday,
and about 600 fish were taken out of it und
put into the cut-pff lake two miles north
of here. This lake is to be greatly im
proved, nnd work will begin on It in the
near future.
Cold Ware Strikes York.
YORK. Neb.. Nov. 16.-(Speclal.)-The
cold wave struck York county this morn
ing and coal dealers are rushed with
orders. Farmers have complained of tho
weather being too warm to shuck corn.
There was a slight flurry of snow also.
nig Drop In Thermometer.
NORFOLK, Neb.. Nov. lfl.-(SpeclaI.)-A
very severe cold wave struck tho entire
northern half of Nebraska last night, as
forecasted by tho weather bureau. Tho
thermometer fell twenty to thirty degrees.
Maht Snow at Plattsmouth.
PLATTSMOUTH. Neb., Nov. 10.-(8le-clal.)
The first snow of the season fell In
this vicinity today, making the hills and
valleys white, but the sun caused it to dis
appear before night.
First Snow of Seaaon.
HARVARD, Neb., Nov. 16.-(Speclal.)
A few flakes of snow fell this morning,
the first of the season, but the present In
dications are that It will clear away with
out a storm.
A Preparation That Will Destroy the
Dandruff Germ Discovered.
Finally the scientific student has discov
ered a certain remedy for dandruff. When
t first became known that dandruff is the
result of a germ or parasite that digs into
the scalp and saps the vitality of hair at
the root, causing falling hair and baldness
biologists set to work to discover some
preparation that will kill tho germ. After
a year's labor In one laboratory the dan
druff germ destroyer was Discovered; and It
Is now embodied in Newbroa Herpiclde.
It prevents baldness, stops falling hair and
speedily eradicates dandruff. "Destroy the
cause, you .remove the effect,'.'. Bold by
leading druggists. Send loo in stamps fo;
sample to Tho Herpicido Co.. Detroit, Mich.
wC,,. mcajonnell Drug Co.. special
. i'et of Ueortro III.
NEW YORK, Nov. 16.-Miss Mari Pt
rum Hairison, who was in iT; rff fJT1:
day. petted by GeS?g i" 'king of k 'H
FarnamCXPt?' bnded iSS
Bessie Mlddleton and husband to A
8'HMH,nJ4h.L"d company 'to Steve
H?Z? chr7'bf "i'iarry b."Reed,
lot 13. block "t-; "eea. .
Emma A Christensen an. I i.V.LuiL'i '
Place v manor
William '67 Ure' and' 'wife "to Da vi'd " A. 600
and Eva H . Moyer. s41 feet of lot
o 'm r,1? ' Hrbcirs 2d addition.... 1.(60
O. M. Oieson and wife to Andrew J
B,l me 13V block 18- Hill . 275
Sheriff to Mrs. Marv F. ika'wle'y ' "lot
3. block 11 and strip' city '.7.. ' ;oo
MHrKaJ''t Adelia Schneider to James!0:,l u- 8outh , ,M
Mary f Campbell to Catherine"' "
Ournett. wVi of nlM feet of lot 7
block 2, Park Place addition j 300
Aiiiue M. Ptupps und husband to John '
L. Lyons, lot 0, block . Plainvlew
addition tsn
Ai,W- 'Irki'll "nd wife to Thomas "f". '
.ttuht'i".'...lut J- b!ock 7' Lincoln
Place addition lyn
Mymi w. Hall and wife to Do'l'n'e'c'.
Hall nJO acres of e,. se, 17-16-12.... 1
Blanche Hammond to Eugenia M
Earle, lot 6, block 6. Omaha View...! 1M
Hugh McCaffrey and wlfo to Axe)
Anderson, wft of lot 12, block 61.
South Omaha ,
Frank Reynolds and wlfo to "fit'ori
Brewing cointianv. lot 7 l.inxi. m
.V WU11I1 W. H fltla In. I'll ,ij
Florence '
Omaha Safe Deposit and TruBt'com-
psny to Jesse W. Jennings, lots 6.
7. 8. and 10, block 7, Brighton
George Warren Smith to LetitU
S3 '
Blanche Baldrlge, n70 feet of lot
1, block S, West Omaha .....4 375
Jennie E. Brown and husband to
Thomas R. Kimball, nan nf to 1.1 1
s, b-io-13
Mary C. Croaks to Thomas E.
Croaks, undivided part tax lot
, 9-li-13
John- C Croaks and wife to Thomas
E. Croaks, undivided part tax lot
6, -15-i:i
Thomas E. Croaks and wife to Thomas
R. Kimball, undivided1, part tax
lot 5. 9-15-13
Clinton II. Brlggs and wife to Sarah
M. Kitchen, lots 16, 16, 17, and 18,
block 3, Brlggs' Place
Edward nettle, Jr., and wife to Fran
cis Robblns, stiO feet of lots and
10, block 15, Patrick s 2d addition....
an ordeal which all
women approach with
indescribable fear, for
nothing compares with
the pain and horror of
ViiM.v,;k i'ui x.4.
1 mwr
tFrf$Wk' r- ;
. -.1 4MMrHr.'-. V.- I..,,, . .-i.
1 -
Have You Rheumatism, Kidney, Liver or
Bladder Trouble?
To Prove what SWAMP ROOT, the
Remedy, will do for YOU, all
Bottle Sent Free by Mail.
Pain or dull ache in the back Is unmis
takable evidence of kidney trouble. It Is
Nature's timely warning to show you that
tho truck of Health Is not clear.
If thse danger signals, are unheeded,
more serious results are sure to follow;
Brlghfs disease, which Is the worst form
of kidney trouble, n.ay steal upon you.
Tho mild and the extraordinary effect of
the world-famous kidney and bladder rem
edy, Dr. Kilmer's Swntnp-Rnot, is soon
realized. It stands tho highest for Its
wonderful cures of the most distressing
cases. A trial will convince anyone und
you may have a samrle bottle free, by
1 waa a conatnnt sufferer for a
number of yeara with linck dcIic,
rheumatism nnd frequent desire o
uilnate, bat after nalnx Dr. Kilmer's
Snamp-Root, I am entirely -urc-d
and can cheerfully recommend this
wonderful remedy to any one who
may anrTer from these common 00111
plalnta. Moat truly yours, J
w. t.-. Haily, Xtl Lieut, of Police,
Columbus, tin.
Lame back Is only one symptom of kid
ney trouble one of many. Other symp
toms showing that you need Swamp-Root
are, being obliged to pass water often dur
ing the day and to. get up many times
during the night, inability to hold jour
urine,' smarting or :rrltatlon in passing,
brick-dust or crdlment In the urine, ca
tarrh of the bladder, uric acid, constant
headaqhe, dlssiness, t'eeplesnness, nerv
ousness, :rregular heart-beating, rheuma
tism, Moating irritability, wornout feeling,
lack of ambition, loss of flesh, sallow complexion.
"We make no misleading; slat ements or niibnalncaallke propoal
lona to the afflicted, neither do we proniiae n cure In a few days
In order to aecure their patron acre, bat we sunrantee a perfect, aufe
and laatlnat cure In the quick eat possible time, without Iearlnnt
lojurloua after-effects la the ayatem, and at the lowaat poaaible
cost for honest, skillful and sacrcsafnl services.'
If you are a victim of Nervo-Sexual De
bility, with air" its distressing symptoms,
you certainly do not intend to remain so.
The fact that you have taken Inferior rem
edies to no avail hliould not destroy your
faith lu all treatment, nor your hope of a
radical cure. During my long term of
scientific study and practical experience I
have evolved a special treatment for Nervo
Sexual Debility, Impotency. that is uniform
ly successful In cases where success was
before by other doctors deemed Impossible.
I. does not stimulate -temporarily. Inn re
stores permanently. It allays the Irritation
of the delicate tissues surrounding the lax
and unduly expanded seminal duets, con
tracting them to their normal condition,
which stops night emissions dries up day
drains, and prevents prematuroness. ft
tones up and Btrenut liens the blood vessels
that carry nourishment to the weakened
parts, which regain full power, size and
vigor. Meanwhile all other symptoms Im-
Crove, and the patient realizes a great
light has been lifted from his life.
and all diseases and weaknesses of man due to Inheritance, evil liabtta, IX-
ceases or ine result 01 speciiic aiseases.
State Electro-Epical Institute
1308 Farnam 8L, Bet, 13th
The Bee
fLsfi' : i "
is the standard of office exeellr-nce in Omaha. if j
office the-e your address is as jrood a recommendation as
the character of the people with whom you go.
h??,M lrier.sant room with gjod
This room is a very pleasant ottlc.
tir niVnih "" waior ana
ROOM StMWThis Is 'the" only' targe'
it.fa.. 'DU. '! ""T1 and U 08 "'tusoine roclln H tl,(.-re is lu thu
la-lldlng. ibe suite connlxta of a waiting room nnd two private
offices, ho thut It would be admirably suited for t.j prof. s iloanl
L .,l Jt'1" a, larB lui'til"i--I lo-t ault ani is a most desirable
n? i - V-f. ?;.'? ln 'vfr.y l--- Rental price per month .Vi.l..l
ROOM I lid-1 Ma loom la located on the secun.l Ii i.,r. Ft faces tlia
broad corridor off of the court. It Is the only m..lium sized r. om In
the bulldintt vacant and i a very pleasant, desn.ible office Kent, I
price per month ; V II. (ii
Rental Agents.
1 iLi-'.,Ja
Great Kidney, Liver and Bladder
our Readers May Have a Sample
If your water when allowed to remain
undisturbed In a glass or bottle for twenty
four hours, forms n pediment or Bettling.
or has a cloudy appearance. It in evidence
that your kidneys und bladder need Imme
diate attention.
In taking Swamp-Root you afford natu-
1 ral help to Nature, for Swamp-Knot Is thu
nost perfect healer and gentle aid to the
kidneys that is known to medical science.
Swamp-Root is the cieat discovery of
Dr. Kilmer, the eminent kidney and blad
der specialist. Host Itals use It with won
derful success in both slight i.nd severe
capes. Doctors recommend It to their pa
tients nnd use It In own families,
because they recognize in tho
greatest nnd most piiccexnful emedy for
any derangement of the kidney, liver and
bladder. ' .
You may have a sample bottle of tli's
wonderful remedy, Swamp-Root, f.ent ab
solutely ifee by mall, also 11 book telling
nil about Swamp-Root, i,i:d containing
many of tho -housands upon thousands of
testimonial letters received from n.en and
women cured. In writing; to I: Kilmer
& Co.,, N. Y., be sure to say
that you read this generous offer In Tha
Omaha Daily Pee.
It you aro already convinced that Snamp
T'oot is what yod -need, you run lurtha.sQ
tho regular .fty-ecnt and one-dollar rUe
b-;fles at crug stores everywhtro. Don't
rruke any mistake, but remember the ratne,
Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamo-Root,
and the address, Blnghamton, N. Y., 0:1
eery bottle.
-Write If you cannot call. ' Office hours,
8 a. m. to 8 p. in.; Sundays, 10 to 1 only.
and 14th Sts , Omaha, Neb.
light and w..s recently decorate-:
both winter end summer. The
janitor tiervicu. JUntal price
Vmm'Virbe" 'biiVldYn' oe;.V ' i.
Ground floor,
I lie iiio
t "-"'J lie"' rkrl
Traa. J - iKWe?vYjrsWi7!iitrrt wr-ra