Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 16, 1903, Page 4, Image 4

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    Till: U.MAIIA J)AIIA' IU;E: il()MAV, MIVHMISHIE 1C. l'.HW.
Titz Omaiia Daily Bee.
Daily Bee (without Sunday). One
1'allr KM and Sunday, One tear...., Bee, one Year .
gundajr bee, UtM Tear ,
Bmurcfev Bee, One Tear
Twentieth Century Farmer, One Tear
2 00
1 60
Dally Bs (wlfnout Sunday), per ropy In
l)ally Pee (without Sunday), per week. .120
Daily Bee (including Sunday), per week. 17c
Sunday Bee, per copy.
Evening B'" (without Sunday), per week c
Evening Bee (Including Sunday), per
week V 10c
Complaints of Irregularities in delivery
should be addressed to City Circulation De
partment. OFFICES.
Omaha The Bee Building:.
South Omaha City Ha
ill BU
nainr. Twen-
ty-nfth and M streets.
Council Bluffs 10 Pearl Street,
Chloago H0 Unity Building.
New York 2328 Park Row Building.
Washington not Fourteenth Street.
Communications relating to news and edi
torial matter should be addressed; Oman
bee, Editorial Department.
nemlt by draft, express or postal order
payable to The Bee Publishing Company.
Only S-cent stamps accepted in payment or
mall accounts. Personal checks, except on
Omaha or eastern exchanges, not accepted.
State of Nebraska. Douglas County, ss:
George B. Tsschuck, secretary of Ihe Bee
Publishing Company, being duly sworn,
says thai the actual number of full ana
complete copies Of The Dally Morning,
Evening and Sunday Bee printed during
me month of October, isua, was as ioiiows;
... 1.294)30
.. ai.ioj
Total aa,oao
Lees unsold and returned copies.,.. lOvtoa
Net total sales .. i)Xs,U4
Net average sales 80,768
Subscribed In my presence and sworn to
before m this 4th any of October. A. D.,
1903. M. B. H UNGATE.
Omaha's new grain exchange la a go.
Get In on tho ground floor while you
cattf ' ''''
King Ak-Sar-Bcn hag wound up the
year with money in his pocket. No
woudor he is popular.
Now that the Methodlata hare found
that we can give them good weather
it is to be hoped they Svlll feel like
coming again.
Tho pipe - Hue between the , United
States district attorney's office and the
local popocratlc yellow journal appears
to be in tine working condition.
Again wo hare an exhibition of the
"nothing to arbitrate" spirit in the Chit-ago
street railway fracas. When peo
ple want to fight it is pretty hard 'to
.atop them.-" ' -' -
Preparation for the annual Jackaonian
blowout are about due. It la a' safe
guess that neither William J. Bryan nor
Tom L. Johiisou will , be the stellar
oratorical attraction.. ' - .
Omaha showed up nicely in the report
of comparative weekly bank clearings.
Omaha is on the increase side of the
tabje, while moat of the other large
cities are recorded in the decrease
. Omaha ia not the only city in which
gamblers are waging a fight upon one
another. .As between the supremacy of
oue of two seta of gamblers, however.
the public has little concern and less
Nebraska beats Kansas on the foot
ball field. . But then it must be remem
bered that over In the-Philippines the
Kansaa boys got the brewery while the
Nebraskans had to bo content with the
water works.
Country publishers are complaining of
the exactions of the "patent Inside"
trout If this should force the squeezed
papers to put more original matter on
the outside the trust might be a public
benefactor as well as an oppressor.
The new congressman from the Second
Nebraska district will have a chance to
distinguish himself by helping to land
an army purchasing and supply depot
for Omaha. There Is more prospect of
success In capturing this than in
lassoing another mint
The purchase of one of the leading
newspapers of St Joseph, with the pur
pose of changing its politics from demo
cratic to. republican, shews which way
the wind is blowing even in old Mis
souri, where democracy is presumed to
be thoroughly entrenched.
The Sioux Indians charged with par
ticipation in the recent fight out In Wyo
ming have all been released, the wit
nesses being unable to identify the
prisoners as having had a part In the
trouble. The popular soug will have to
be re-written. "All Indians look alike."
The wealthiest man in England is re
ported in the cable dispatches to be
planning a big game shooting expedition
into the Rocky mountains next spring,
We will be pleased to have him come
over and leave some of his money in
the west but there is no assurance that
gold and silver bullets will bring down
more animals than dirt-cheap lead used
by common sportsmeu.
Over in Iowa the democratic news
' papers never even took the trouble to
explain how it happened In the recent
election and the democratic .candidate
for governor, who was going to rut the
republican majority In half, has Cot
even peeped. The democrats in low
are wiser than their democratic co;n
patriots In certain neighboring states.
They know enough to know when to
U9 stm.
would a HMD rn trkaty.
The agreement of the house demo
crats to vote for legislntlon to' make
effective the Cuban reciprocity treaty
ssiires the early passage of the bill
presented a few flays ago by the chnlr-
mnn of the ways and means committee.
he democrats desire the treaty
mended so as to abolish the differential
duty and strike out the five-year clause,
but it Is not at all probable that this
will be done. The democratic conten
tion is that the five-year clause at
tempts to bind the hand of cougrens
gainst changing the tariff on sugar for
period of five years, thus protecting
the Sugar trust to that extent ngnlnst
foreign competition. The paragraph to
which the democrats are objecting was
added to the treaty as n senate amend
ment and provides that "while the con
vention is in force no sugar imported
from the republic of Cuba, and being
the product of the soil or industry of
the republic, shall be admitted into the
United States at a reduction of duty
greater than 20 per centum of the rates
of duty thereon, an provided by the
tariff act of 18D7." The same amend
ment makes a similar provision for the
sugar of "any other foreign country,"
except that It is stipulated that such
sugars shall not be admitted at a rate
of duty lower than that provided by
the act of 1897.
This provision and also the differential
duty, which was put into the tariff act
to apply to siigarfrom countries that
pay a bounty, afford protection to the
beet sugar industry and therefore it Is
entirely safe to say that they will be
retained. A member of the minority
party in congress is quoted as saying
that while present agitation about
changing tariff schedules will possibly
mount to nothing, in the second session
the democrats expect to get through a
bill modifying some of the present
duties. "If the Cuban treaty is Dassetl
in its amended form," he added, "no
change can be made in the sugar
schedules when we come to making up
new tariff bill."' It is difficult to
understand what the democrats base the
hope on of passing a bill modifying the
tariff. The republicans have distinctly
declared that there will be no tariff
legislation at the extra or the regular
session and so far as appears tliey are
unanimous as to this.
The decision of the house democrats
to vote for the Cuban treaty even if
they fall to have it amended as they
wish will undoubtedly be quite generally
commended as marking a departure
from the policy of obstruction that has
been so persistently followed by the
minority party In congress.
The resolution introduced In the house
of representatives by General Dick of
Ohio, providing for a congressional in
vestigation in regard to the abridgement
of the suffrage in some of the states, is
general, iu its scope.. It calls for an in
vestigation to examlno conditions in all
the states to determine what If nny,
proportion of the number of male citi
zens 21 years of age In any state, to
whom said state denies or abridges the
right to vote, except for participation in
rebellion or other crime, bears to the
total number - of male inhabitants of
such state. If such a condition exists,
the basis of representation in congress
and the electoral college shall be re
duced proportionately, according to the
terms of the fourteenth amendment and
the revised statutes of the United States.
While the resolution is not a partisan
measure, since it provides for an in
vestigation in every state where any
number of male citizens are disfran
chised by state legislation, it will of
course be treated y the democrats as
partisan and antagonized by them ac
cordlngly. Of course there will be no
action on the resolution at the extra
session, but it will probably be given
attention in the regular session. Its
passage, however, cannot be confidently
predicted. Resolutions bearing on the
same subject were introduced in the
last congress, but failed to command
much Interest. That the mutter is im
portant Is very generally recognized, yet
there appears to be a strong indlsposl
tlon to give It that consideration which
it undoubtedly should receive, as a mat
ter of plain and simple Justice to a very
large number of disfranchised cltlaens,
That the question cannot be always
Ignored may bo positively asserted and
perhaps there will never be a more
favorable time than the present to make
the Investigation which the. Dick resolu
tion propose,
The fact that agriculture in the United
Kingdom is declining has long been
known, but the figures Just presented
in the report of the British Board of
Agriculture show conditions rather more
serious than had commonly been sup
posed. There has been a shrinkage in
the acreage under cultivation for crops
of almost every description, the dlminu
tlon in the land under corn crops ex
ceeding " 124,000 acres. As recently as
1894 the extent of land under corn crops
wus a million acrer more than at pres
ent. In 1st il the area assigned to wheat
extended to near 4,000,000 acres. It is
the wheat crop, far more thun any
other, that has been sacrificed in the
withdrawal of land from cultivation.
The area under what are called "green
crops" has also declined and it appears
that only la. the cultivation of small
fruits was there any increase in acre
age. There was a moderate increase in
the number of cattle, but a considerable
decline in the number of sheep, the
latter fact being especially significant
for the reason that wool is the chief
raw material produced in Great Britain
outside of minerals. .
These facts show the Increasing de
pendence of the United Kingdom upon
other countries for foodstuffs and can
hardly fall to make an Impression ujnm
the public mind unfavorable to the pro
posal to place a tax on foodstuffs which
Is a feature of Mr. Chamberlain's flscnl
reform plan. It Is a xtrt of the conten
tion of that statesman that under the
operation of the policy he advocates
British agriculture would le stimulated,
but It this le admitted It is still certain
that it could not be developed to an
extent that would come anywhere near
meeting the home demand. As has
been well snld, if England should re
verse the policy which grew out of her
natural conditions and the energy of
her people, instead of being the cause
of them, she might become less of a
workshop and n trading center, but she
would hardly become more of an agri
cultural country without going into
The task before the Board of Review,
which Is about to begin the work of
revising the assessment lists made up
by the city tax commissioner as the
bQsls of the municipal tax levy for
1904, while perhaps not as important as
that which has devolved upon the board.3
for tho last two years precedlug, it is
still of vital concern to Omaha property
Under the statutes the Board of Re-
View has plenary power to raise or
lower any assessment return with or
without a complaint on the part of
some other aggrieved property owner.
Limited, however, to a session of thirty
days, the reviewers cannot possibly do
more than rectify and correct the most
glaring inequalities that necessarily ob
trude In any assessment roll that is
made up by more than one assessor.
It will pay neither the board, therefore,
nor our taxpaying citizens to fritter
away valuable time on trivial conn
plaints. It Is the big problems of tax
ation with reference to the valuation of
various classes of property that the
board should grapple with, and particu
larly the taxshlrklng proclivities of the
larger corporations rather than the
petty mistakes made in the returns of
small householders.
Several Important questions are pro
jected to the front by the new revenue
law under which the tax commissioner
has undertaken to act in advance of its
application to other cities-and counties
in the state. This Is all new ground and
It will devolve on the present Board of
Review to ratify or reject tlie Interpre
tation put on obscure or doubtful por
tions of the law by the tax commis
sioner. The Bee has already indicated
its idea that in these matters Omaha
should not discriminate against Omaha,
that the assessment fixed for the city
tax levy this year will necessarily be
the basis of the assessment to be made
by the county assessor next year, and
that nothing should "be done to put
Omaha at a disadvantage in the dis
tribution of the state taxation as com
pared with the taxable property outside
of the city and county.
At the, same time It must be remem
bered that the prime object of our as
sessment machinery is to produce
reasonable equality and uniformity be
tween property owners subject to the
taxing power. Every one" agrees that
there has been vast improvement in the
direction of more equitable taxation in
this city during the past few years, but
still further progress must be made,
The campaign for tax reform must con
tinue to go . forward and never back
ward. The geologists of the United States
geological survey declare that there are
geological indications that conditions
within an area 250 miles iu length, vary
lng in width from two to six miles.
stretching through the three states of
South Dakota, Nebraska and Kansas,
are similar to those in which oil and
gas have been found in other parts of
the country. We have had rumored
finds of oil fields from time to time in
various parts of Nebraska, but none of
them, so far as we know. In tho strip
located by the geologists as most favor
able to its discovery. The resources of
this section have not begun to be fully
developed. If we have oil and gas
underlying any part of Nebraska we
may be sure it will be brought to the
surface before many years.
The railroads are still endeavoring to
enlist the help of the courts to head off
the ticket scalper, particularly at St
louis, wnere excursion tramc is ex
pected to focalize next year while the
Louisiana Purchase exposition is on,
The railroads want to scalp their own
tickets for that occasion, and they na
turally prefer to have no competition in
it. Elsewhere where the scalper exists
he lives with the toleration, if not the
connivance of the railroads. When the
latter are really in earnest they will
have no trouble in reprosslng the
scalper. '
The democratic members of cohgress
have agreed to support the admlnlstra
tlou's Cuban reciprocity policy, but not
without opposition from three demo
cratic members from Louisiana, Texas
and California, championing the sugar
Interests in their states. It is to be
noted that no mention of dissent is
found from the loue democratic con
gressman from Nebraska, which is also
a sugar producing state.
The report of the secretary of the
Douglas County Agricultural society
shows that the entire receipts for mem
bershlp fees amounted to the munificent
sum of f.14, which served as a nest
egg for the appropriation of $3,000 out
of the county treasury. We know
lot of people who would like to do
similar business on the same small
The "hats o"' order in theaters is
meeting with opposition from the women
over in London, although It was quickly
and willingly complied with by all our
American women. We will give credit
to the American women for havlug more
consideration for their escorts than their
British sisters.
Real estate men all agree that the local
market Is more active now than it has
been for some time and that the pros
pects are for better still. A" city like
Omaha, on the np grade as a result of
the advent of new railroads and the
Inauguration of new Industrial enter
prises, Is sure to give Its real estate
Increasing values. There Is money to
be made in Omaha real estate invest
It Won't Cesne Off.
American Investments.
The west Is giving Wall street a great
laugh these days.
Wosderi Troop Along.
Philadelphia Record.
Who could have Imagined that such a
great volume of water could be squeezed
out of so impermeable a substance ss steel?
Doing; Business at Home.
Springfield Republican.
Spain's surplus this year is J'50,000,900,
which was simply unheard of In tho palmy
days of empire before the late war, Spain
now has a future, for she Is attending to
business right at home.
An Impertinent Suggestion.
Kansas City Journal.
Congress has not yet adopted the rule re
quiring members to show their railroad
passes before being allowed their mileage.
It takes It for granted that they have
The Iletort Harpoonle.
Chicago Chronicle.
Before taking ship for Europe, Mr. Bryan
indulged In a little further blackguardism
of the gold democrats. It Is to be noted,
however, that the gold democrats are not
contesting anybody's last will and testa
ment. la the Attitude of Knockers.
Minneapolis Journal.
If the democrats could only tell whloh
way the Panama cat would jump, they
would know what to do. They don't care
much whether the president's course has
been right or wrong: what they want to
know Is what the public thinks about it
A Vent for Hot Air.
New York World.
Our Canadian friends failed to get Alaska,
but they are taking it out In hissing
the American dag. It doesn't hurt the flag,
and it gives the same sort of real devilish
comfort that one gets in exclaiming ."Oh,
fudge!" when he has pinched his finger in
the door.
Characteristic Conceit.
Baltimore American. -Apropos
of the Goelot-Roxburghe wed
ding, the London journalists sneer at the
display of wealth by rich Americans, but
say nothing of the way In which British
hands are eagerly grabbing at that same
wealth. They take Amerloan fortunes with
dignified disdain of its Importance on
this side, and with quite as dignified ignor
ing of the virtue of consistency. x
The Hlght Thing; to Do.
' New Tork Sun.
Fair-minded men on this side of the At
lantlc will concur In the unanimous verdict
pronounced by European onlookers as to
the propriety of thej position assumed by
our national government toward the new
Republic of Panama. All attempts to dis
credit the motives or Impeach the conduct
of our State department will prove futile.
We have simply done fur duty in the prem
ises. There was nothing else for us to do.
' ' t ! JO " '' '
There must be a tremendous hullabaloo In
Hoo Hoo circles In Oklahoma. Eleven lum
ber dealers have been Indicted for violating
trust laws. ..
Ex-Senator Marion Butler, of North
Carolina, chairman of the national populist
committee, says ha cannot form any opin
ion of tho recent elections. It doesn't make
any difference. .
Mary Mac Lane would like to attach her
self to a husband If she could conveniently
shake him in a year. One who has lived In
Montana ought to be familiar with the
superior advantages the Dakotas offer In
cutting loose from encumbrances.
Dr. J. Wilson Swan, ' the inventor of
the Incandescent electrio light haa just
entered his 76th year. It Is nearly a gen
eration ago since Dr. Swan first publicly
exhibited the electrio light which has now
become universal.
The city council of Chicago has passed
a law banishing the toy pistol from the
list ef Fourth of July killers. If other
municipalities follow the example and en
force It. the problem of "race suicide" would
take several leaps toward solution.
It appears to be pretty well established
that the New Tork pie trust has crumbled
to pieces. The fact is, people, if absolutely
compelled by exorbitant prices to do so,
can manage to rub along without pies, or
can hire help competent to make some sort
of substitute for them.
An Australasian chemist who has con
trlbuted a patent feeding bottle to the eon
venlences of civilisation explains how It
works in this style: "When the baby Is
done drinking it must be unscrewed and
laid in a cool place under the tap. If the
baby does not thrive on fresh milk it
should be boiled." i
Louis Richard Schoenhelt, who com-
manded the guards at Lincoln's bier and
was one of the twenty-one bearers of the
martyred president's casket, is living at
Old Fort, the historic residence at German
Valley, N. J., which during the revolution
ary war afforded alternately shelter for the
Continental and British soldiery.
Congressman Landls was Introducing his
brother Fred to some colleagues on the
floor of the house at the opening of con
gress. A western man, by way of making
talk, asked the newcomer: "How did you
happen to come to congress, Mr. LandisT"
To tell you the truth," was the half-
laughing answer. "I was out of a job and
so I went out for this one."
Joseph Q. Fulton, for over half a century
a forage master in the United States army
and one of the best known men In Virginia,
died at Old Point Comfort a few days ago.
With him the office of forage master passes
out of existence. It was abolished several
years ago. but as Mr. Fulton was the only
person holding such a position he was al
lowed to continue for life. lie entered the
United States army In 1850.
Strange things happen In unexpected
places. Colonel A. K. McClure, former
editor and publisher of the defunct Phila
delphia Times, has been appointed clerk of
the supreme court of the eastern district of
Pennsylvania. The clerk Is paid by fees,
which are said to amount to between $12,(00
and $16,000 a year. The appointment is a
gratifying tribute to a distinguished jour
nalist who Is nearly 76 years of age and Is
said to have lost a fortune by the collapse
of the Sault Bte. Marie Industrial scheme.
Senator Vest of Missouri Is dictating a
serita of reminiscent articles to his steno
grapher. The veteran statesman la much
enfeebled physically, but his memory has
lost none of Its wonderful retentiveness.
His eyesight is so bad that he cannot look
up references, but It Is found that the dates
and minutest circumstances he gives from
memory are absolutely correct. He re
cently drew on his memory for verbatim
reproduction of a letter which he received
from Jefferson Davis nineteen years ago,
though he had not seen, the document for
many months.
Ripples on the Current of Life In
the Metropolis.
The Tammany tiger has abundant chum
for smacking Its chops snd throwing a
fit of Joy as It contemplates the approach
ing feast. Scores of unfinished public en
terprises go over to the Fourteenth street
too. They Include the municipal building
and down-town terminal, tunnel connec
tion of East river bridges, extension piers
In the North river, second tunnel to Brook
lyn, east side tunnel on Lexington avenue,
and the moving' platform enterprise. The
total cost of these and minor enterprises
reaches the enormous sum of 1100,000,000.
Contract graft Is eliminated from most of
these big jobs, as the awards have already
ben made. The new source of water sup
ply will also be a problem for the McClel
lan administration. At a cost of thousands
of dollars a commission, headed by Prof.
W. H. Burr of Columbia, has recently
completed a survey, and lias made a par
tial report recommending the purchase of
the watershed In Ulster county. Decision
will be left to the incoming administra
tion. Attorney are searching New Jersey towns
for Miss Carew, a young nurse, formerly
employed In a New Tork hospital, In or
der to pay her $10,000 under the will of
Frank J. Edwards, a civil engineer of
Pasadena, Cat
Edwards fell 111 in New Tork three years
ago and was cared for at the hospital by
Miss Carew, lie wished her to become his
wire, but she was In no hurry to desert
her profession, and after corresponding
with Edwards at Pasadena for a long
period she disappeared. The other heirs
of the estate are pushing the search be
cause the estate cannot be divided until
she shall have been found.
Charles Becker, the "king of counterfeit
ers," who has been serving a term of
eight years In a California prison for rais
ing a check for 112 to $23,000, has returned
to his home In Brooklyn. Becker Is one
of the feared criminals In the country.
Since his release from prison, more than
a month ago, he has been constantly
shadowed by secret service men, though
he had said frequently during h(3 recent
term In prison that he had reformed, and
was putting his talents to none but lawful
While In prison in California Becker In
vented a process for treating paper so as
to make It Impossible to erase figures,
change stamp marks, or alter the printing
thereon without detection. lie Is said to
be anxious to start a legitimate business
of manufacturing such paper.
Becker Is known all over the country and
In all the big cities of the world as an ex
pert engraver, as well as a clever counter
feiter. Several years ago he put In circu
lation a number of 100-franc bank notes on
the bank of France. They were admitted
to be perfect facsimiles of the originals,
and only because of duplicate numbers was
the fraud discovered.
New Tork has made an important addi
tion to its ownership of historic landmarks
and notable pleasure grounds In the buy
ing of the Jumel mansion and the lands
surrounding It. For interesting associa
tions the house and Its environment are
well worth frequent visits, and for pic
turesque scenery they will be precious to
future generations. The views of the Har
lem valley, of the Fordham heights, of
great stretches of varied pictures on both
sides of the river and of the bridges which
span the stream hold the observer spellbound.
New Tork tobacconists are following the
European custom of discouraging tobacco
chewing by not keeping the article on sale.
It Is not a matter of morals, but of profits.
Between Twenty-third and Forty-second
streets on Broadway a dosen dealers have
dropped plug and finecut from their stocks.
"When you cut off a man's chewing you
Increase his smoking capacity," said one
dealer today. "Besides, chewing is every
where conceded to be a disgusting vice,
while smoking Is generally held to be
legitimate. In Berlin and Paris no first
class dealer has the stuff on his counters.
Tobacco chewing Is almost exclusively an
American vice. 'While there Is a marked
decrease in the demand for the weed in
this form, I regret to say that the paper
covered cigarette is gaining ground. Of
course, there is money in It, and there is
no danger that It will fall under the ban
placed on chewing tobacco." On the east
aide, that abode of the Immense foreign
population of New Tork, chewing tobacco
finds little favor. It Is only the half-clvll-Ised
American who keeps the vice alive.
On the other hand, the avowed tobaoco
chewer is a stranger to many deadly vices
which are generally practiced by the for
eigners who eschew the filthy weed. This
la so in New Tork, at least
"A great deal Is heard about the swarms
of aliens that pour Into this port," writes
the New Tork correspondent of the Phila
delphia Ledger, "but when the tide turns
the other way, as it occasionally does, it Is
hardly noticed. Thousands, of foreign born
persons are for various reasons returning
to their native land Just now. Foot ball
rushes and old time cavalry charges could
not be compared with the crush yesterday
afternoon when the Italian legions
swarmed around the pier at the foot of
Amity street. Tehre were about 1.500 men,
a few women and children, all bound to
get back to Gnoa or Naples on the steam
ship Patrla, of the Fabre line. A aecrease
In the demand for labor Is said to be one
of the causes of the present rush for Europe-
n... .r hundreds of cay young Lothr-
los hanging around New Tork. They usu
ally make their headquarters in me gnu
f fashionable uptown hotels. Most
of them have fallen Into money byi In
heritance and seem to be continually try
ing to prove the old saw about "one gen
eration between shirtsleeve and shirt
sleeve" by blowing In their patrimony.
They are the beaux of this modern Baby
inn atrivlnz. as a recent magasine writer
says, "to outdo eocholher in the Ignoble
contest as to which of them might soonest
part with the attrlbues of manhood.
Conrreaaman Perkins happened In a
Aarntnwn New York office the other day
nil called upon an old friend, an alderman.
During the chat an Italian couple came and
asked In broken English If the alderman
would unite thera In marriage. The alder
man performed the ceremony, and after
accepting his modest fee politely handed
to the bride an umbrella. Tne congress
man vd the Droceedlngs gravely, and
after the couple went out asked: "Do you
iivi da that Charles?" Do wnatr
V.rrv themT Oh. yes." "No. I mean be
mar a nresent uton the bride. "A pres
ent! Why, wasn't that her nmbrellaT'
gasped the alderman. "No It wss mine
replied the congressman, sadly.
Cans for Grattaeatton.
Kn v'nrk Evening Post find.)
It- would be a strange historic reversal
If th renubllcon Darty. which began Its
life with a denunciation of the democrats
for proposing to rob a neighbor, should be
turned out of power for attempting the
m thlna-. -Yet that Is not Impossible. A
thoughtful republican was heard to say
yesterday: "This Panama blunder is tne
kind ef thing which defeats presidents."
The next few days will decide whether the
democratic party Is alert enough to seize
Its great opportunity to oppose President
Roosevelt In the name of the national
1 .
Ils Relation to the Cnban' Treaty na
Viewed from Boston.
Boston Transcript.
A correspondent in Omaha, Neb., under
taking to $ortray the profitableness of
the farm Industry of beet raising, gave
out some revealing figures. It Is the far
thest from our desire to Injure or belittle
any progressive Industry. But In our study
of the beet-sugar problem we have learned
to discriminate between the Value of lcet
culture to the farmer and the profits which
are copiously garnered by the beet-sugar
refining companies.
The Nebraska farmers, our Omaha dis
patch says, realize somo $800,000 lor their
crop in n year, and the three factories
produce 24,X,00O pounds of sugar; that is,
less than 11,000 tons. The writer says thnt
an acre of beets this year yields the farmer
$55, and that the farmer who hauls the
beets to the factories at $1 per ton saves
the railroad profit and also has the privi
lege of trucking home pulp or pomace
to feed to his stock. We are unable to
figure up so much as $000,000 for the crop;
since, taking the yield at 11 per cent In
sugar, there would be required for 11,000
tons of sugar 7S.B71 tons of beets, and their
value at $4 would be $3H.2SI. This confirms
the Impression that the Importance of the
beet culture Is much exaggerated.
A production of nine tons of beets to the
acre Is shown by the evidence before the
committees of congress to bo good yield.
Nine tons at $4 would yield $, not $r.
The October 15 sugar circular of Wlllett
tt Gray, m a report from Leavltt, Neb.,
states: "About two-thirds of a crop Is ex
pected from the acreage In the eastern
counties; the high water In August delayed
growth for a week or two, besides wash
ing out parts of the fields and covering
many of the beets with mud. The average
yield per acre expected around Fremont,
Neb., Is not more than six or seven tons.
while some fields were destroyed by water
and will not be harvested." The same
statisticians state the estimated' beet-sugar
product In twelve states this year, 233,000
tons, which, with the product of cloven
previous years, makes the total of the
Industry PID.OOO tons In twelve years, re
quiring (,501,285 tons of beets, the value of
which to the farmers at $4 would be $2,
257,640 in the whole twelve years in twelve
We object to the consideration of the
selfish demands of this truly unimportant
Industry to limit our discharge of obli
gation to Cuba or to bind the hands of con
gress for a term of five years or more and
subject the people to a heavy tax, all to
protect the beet-sugar refiners, while the
western farmers are getting but the lean
est of farmers' pay from the raw mate
rial they supply to the trust.
Boet-ralslng tor sugar requires the great
est care from the farmers and sale at
low price. The refiners admit that the
manufacture of sugar Is profitable to them
with the high price of refined sugar pro
tected by a duty of about two cents per
pound, and the added benefit in some of
the states of one-half cent to one cent
per pound bounty. The refineries repre
sent. In New Jersey corporations, some $30,-
000,000 of capital. The beet culture, beyond
the crop just harvested, represents no In
vestment for the future, in the event that
the deep-tilled soil used this year
for beets should be devoted to other crops
In 1904, according to the rule of rotation
of crops.
The American people are earnest to have
justice done to Cuba in a fair reciprocity
and their patience Is exhausted when the
beet-sugar trust, which has succeeded In
depriving Cuba of the advantages promised
for two long years, now demand a guar
anty for as long a term as the treaty for
the continuance of the present high duty
on sugar, and a pledge that the petty re
duction of one-third cent per pound shall
not be enlarged. '
Pols Vp m Astonishing; Pnca on the
Home Run.
Chicago Record-Herald.
Two months ago, when the early frosts
came, the United States suffered a short
spasm of doleful dumps over the outlook
for the corn crop. Now, however, the gov
ernment statisticians see reason to billeve
that tne 1WS crop will De larger tnan mat
of any previous year In the history of the
country, with the single exception of 1902.
The estimate is for a crop of 2,313,000,COO
bushels, grown on a little less than 90.000,000
acres of land, with an average yield of
about 25.1 bushels per acre.
Last year the corn growers not only
planted a larger'' acreage, but secured a
heavier yield. On a trifle more than 84.000,-
000 acres 2,623,000,000 bushels were grown.
the average per acre being 26.$ bushels.
This year has an advantage over last
year, however. In the quality of the corn, !
the reneral average being 83.1 per cent as ,
compared with 80.7 per cent last year. Iu
1901 the general average was 73.T per cent
and In 1900 85.5 per cent.
The corn crops of the last decade have
varied greatly In else, the worst being that
of 1894. when 62,000,000 acres produced only
1,212,000,000 bushels. Sine then the acre
age has ranged between 80,000,000 and 90,-
000,000 bushels, except In the two years 1901
and 1902, when It was above 90,000.000, and
the total yield has ranged from 1.622.000,000
to 2,523,000,000 bushels. The low figure was
In 1901.
Th 1900 the total crop of the world outside
the United States was only about 700,000,000
The good yield of this year, maintaining
as it does the purchasing power of the
corn-growing communities, will be a help
ful factor in the commercial and industrial
prosperity of the country.
Waltham Watches
12,000,000 of them to keep
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Quality and Style First Price Afterwards
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$3.50 and $5 fftRMMi 95 nnd $,6
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Destiny Points Aorth America
laser tho Folds of Old Olory.
Indianapolis News.
We tonimend to our nstlve fault-finders,
the folk thnt can never see anything good
or righteous In the notion Of our govern
ment, and nie forever holding us down to
tlie precise letter pf the law, the follow
ing comment from the World, of Toronto.
In it we get that valuable thing a sight
of ourselves as others see us. An e.pcinl
value of the present view Is the note of
cynicism that advises us that the "Tan
kee" quality of our procedure Is not lost
to sight. But what Is particularly valuable
to us Is the largeness of view that our
Canadian neighbor has. It can feel the
large significance of events a thing that
our home-grown critics never can, when
It concerns ourselves. Says the Toronto
"When the United States drove Spain
out of Cuba and Porto Rico they made
one step in the process of obtaining con
trol of Central American waters. The
lecognitlon of the de facto government of
Panama seems to be another step In the
direction. Colombia Is to be elbowed out
just as Spain was, by aiding revolution In
the territory over which control is sought.
To obtain complete control over the Isth
mian canal, the United States adopted
other methods, but with equal success.
Negotiation with Great Britain give It all
It required.
All these movements point to an effort
to obtain' maritime coktrot of ihe North
American continent for the United States,
and we are bound to say they have so far
been reasonably successful. The coast
line of the gulf of Mexico and the AUantld
1s for the most part controlled by tho
United States. The possession of Alaska
gives them the Pad tie coast all the way
from the arctic' clrole to Mexico, with tho
exception of the strip of shore of British
Colombia, left to us by the 'grotesque
travesty of justice.' . The arms of the
United States are about us; and If thn
process goes a little farther, we need not
worry about the question of coast defense.
It will be as hard for an enemy to get In
as for us to get out." ,
The Husband Maria, when was It t paid
that last Insurance assessmentT
The Wife It was on the 10th of October.
I remember it because that was the day
our tenth hired girl left us. Chicago Trib
une, "It appears that Dr. Wiley of the Agri
cultural department thinks a lack of hair
on the head is a sign of high Intelligence,"
"Pshaw!" replied Mrs. Heupeck: "what a
foolish idea! Iook at Henry. Ifls head's
as bare as an egg." Record-llerald.
"When you stahts In find In' fault," said
Uncle Eben, "you wants to stop an' remem
bah dat you's takln' tip a job dat's mlghtv
liable to never git finished." Washington
"Old Bullion Is the very soul of old school
courtesy. Isn't he?"
"What makes you think so7"
"Why, he wouldn't play bridge with his
daughter's husband for fear he might win
some of his own money back. Town
"The boss asked you what made you look
so tired, didn't he?"
"Yes. 1 told blra I was up early this
"Huh! Tou never get up early In your
life." ,
"I didn't say I got up., I said I was up."
Philadelphia Press.
Mrs. Ferguson George, what particular
falling of yours did the preacher touch on
In his sermon this morning?
. Mr. Ferguson What do you ask hie" that
question fort
Mrs. Ferguson Because you have, been
as cross as a bear ever slnca yor came
home from church. St. Louis Post-Dispatch.
' "Yes, ma'am," said the obsequious gro
cery clerk to Mrs. Bridey, who Was or
dering her first bill of supplies, "1 ve put
down parlor matches, what nextT
"Well, er, I suppose I ought to have some
kitchen matches, too, oughtn't 17" Butte
Intermountaln. , . i
White What Is the matter with Plunger's
Green Yesterday was his wooden wed
ding and he gave his wife a rol'ing pin for
a present and when he returned from cele
brating the event she returned the present
with a speech suitable to the occasion.
Detroit Free Press.
Arthur Lewis Tubhs.
Through mem'ry they are chiming still,
those bells of long ago.
With undulating tones that like a peaceful
river flow;
At twilight when I sit alone beside my
window here,
They come like voices from the past 'n
cadence sweet and clear.
Those village bells, those silvery knells,
I hear them sounding soft and low.
Those bells of long ago. .
'Tis Sabbath evening soft with June, how
mellow la the sky;
The bird to seek Its quiet nest on weary
wing goes by.
The rose thst opened to the morn and
blushed to see lls light,
Dj-oops now, and hides the dewy kiss of
nature's fond goodnight.
O, peaceful Sabbath bells, what love your
echo tells;
Sweet doth your musto ever flow.
Dear bells of long ago.
Another picture comes to view, a joyous
and a bright;
I see a gay and happy throng In concourse
of delight.
They're marching to the little church, shy
miss and bashful swain,
While friends with blossoms strew their
path it is a marriage train.
Glad wedding bells, their eadence swells
In sweetest tones that hearts may
Love bells of long ago.
But now there comes a sadder scene that
lingers through the years,
To touch the heart' with sorrow's pang and
fill the eyes with tears.
A grave in In the churchyard made, and,
though the earth be fair.
One who was more than dear to me at sleep
Is resting there.
O. pitying bells, 'tis hope that tells
Heaven's messnse In your peaceful flow.
Sweet bells of long ago.