Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 16, 1903, Image 1

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    Omaha Daily Bee.
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KKTAHMKIIKI) JlTNi; 10. 1871.
President of Republic of Panama Makes
L'ght of T lk of War.
Wide Vorasiei Protect Land Routa and
Dnitsd 8tatea Wa'.ohei Uarbors.
Income Probably Iuereased by let of Sep
arating from Co ombia.
People Are Taking Ip with Work
of Independent Nation tad Mar
Adopt Policies Advocated
by the Liberal Party.
PANAMA, Nov. IS. President Marro
quln'e statement, as conveyed In a cable
gram to Oeneral Plaso, president of Ecua
dor, General Reyes, Cabelleros, Osplna
and Holguln are now marching on the Isth
mus to "suppress the Isthmian traitors"
has set the entire population of the Isthmus
laughing. Protected by the ImpenetrMilllty
or the land and the many leagues of ovist
line separating the Isthmus from Colom
bia and conrtdent that the Vnlted States In
tends to prevent the landing of Colnmbl.-in
aoldlers from the sea. the Isthmians feel
that their security Is absolute. The loss
tf the Isthmian territory. Is, of course, a
tragedy for Colombia. The government at
Kogota Is probably Ignorant of the attitude
taken by the government of the United
States during the last two weeks. , In a
frensy .o "save the face;" to appease an
k angry and disappointed populace, and to
satisfy the public demand for some ap
pearand of activity and an attempt to
save the honor and the territorial Integrity
of Colombia, the government la no doubt
promising and threatening to send forces to
the coast and to take other aggressive
aleps. The realisation by the Colombian
government of the Impossibility of sending
troops to the Isthmus would not necessarily
deter It from taking these steps which are
Intended merely to satisfy the people.
Well Informed people on the Isthmus be
lieve that the Colombian government Is
gotng through all these forms of organis
ing an expedition not merely for the fore
going reasons, but owing to the necessity
of forestalling or weakening the threat
ened revolutionary outhreak In Bogota.
Telling Against Marroqaln,
The, growing feeling against President
Marroquln Is believed to be due to the fact
that he did not show sufficient deter
mination to effect the ratification .of the
canal treaty which would have saved the
Isthmus to Colombia and because he ap
pointed General Obaldla governor of the
department of the Panama after Obaldla
had declared that he would remain Co
lombian If the treaty were ratlfled.but that
otherwise he would only be a Panamanian,
general Obaldla was born In Chlrlqulrl,
In the state of Panama
Miners and others familiar with the coast
on both sides of the Isthmus declare that
any attempt to march an army from any
part of Colombia to the Isthmus would be
futile. Both coasts consist of Impassable
Jungles and swamps and rivers without
towns or roads or any means for the pro
visioning of an army. The members of the
Junta have not the slightest fear that any
such expedition will be attempted and they
receive the reports of such expeditions with
What Is described here In Panama as the
"United BUtea' " or "broad" Interpretation
of the treaty of 1845 regarding the protection
of traffics across the Isthmus la deemed
ample for the suppression of the transpor
tation of troops by sea and consequent hos
tilities. The Pacific Steam Navigation company,
a British ooncern plying between Panama
and Buena Ventura, has clause In Its
contract with Colombia saying that It
"must, under normal conditions," transport
government troops. It can, however, be
said that the company will not transport
Colombian troops to the Isthmus under
, present conditions and that It has not been
asked by the Colombian government to
do so. Other vessels which bring troops
from any Colombian port for any point In
the Republic of Panama will be prevented
by the naval authorities from disembark
ing them In case they insist on so doing
after warning haa been given..
Revenues "Will Meet Expenses
The revenues of the new republic. If
economically used, promise to meet all ex
penses. These revenues consist of the 10
per cent aa valorem duty on Imports,
laughter house taxes, liquor licenses and
similar sources of Income as well th.
yearly sums received from those receiving
a, monopoly or the tobacco business, from
the gambling privileges at Panama and
Colon and from the lottery. These sources
of revenue do not Include $6,000 In gold per
week formerly paid by the Panama Hall
road company, a United States concern,
to the Bogota government, which retained
$4,600, giving to the state of Panama only
1000. The government of the new republic,
realising the necessity of keeping Its army
In contented condition. Is paying Its of
ficers and soldiers with the utmost prompt
ness. Ueneral Obaldla appeared on the ati-rets
of Panama yesterday for the first time
Ince November S. when the Independence
f the Isthmus was proclaimed. He was
greeted cordially by friends and acquaint
ances. It Is generally asserted that the Isthmus
will eventually Insist on the separation of
church and state, as sepuratton was one of
the measures demanded by the liberal party
In the last revolution ai1 the population of
the Isthmus Is largely liberal.
The question of the admission- of Chinese
Is being seriously discussed by the press
and In other quarters the consensus of
opinion appearing to be opposed to such
The Junta haa Invited designs for a Pan
ama, coat of arms.
Generals Start' for Panama.
BOGOTA, Tuesday, Nov. W.-Oenerals
Reyes, Holgutn and Osplna left here today
for Panama on a diplomatic mission with
full powers to offer the Isthmians a satis
factory treaty and such other concessions
as may bring the Isthmus back to the Co
lombian, union. It Is expected that amicable
arrangements will be made and such sre
heartily desired here. News from ths State
department at Washington Is anxiously
Italy U Told of Panama.
ROME. Nov. n-lnlled Kt.i.. Am Kb a.
Mdor Meyer yesterday communicated to
me roreign office the fact that Prealdent
Roosevelt haa fully recognised the .Re
publio of Panama, and had formally re
ceived lis minister, M. Phillips Bunau-YarUla,
frnrfleal I'ooaoll'totlon of merman
Institutions Makes It Strongest
llr. nk In Knrope.
BERLIN, Nov. 15. -The Dresdner hank
V the HchasfThausen Bank verein have
fed a community of Interests, the
V, '1 it to continue for thirty ears be
v ....
nnuary next. Both bunks will
separately hut the earnings
Will L
w.ii i, V' uiviuea in propon
the cap.1 C. "nerve fund of each.
nd divided in proportion to
According ubllshed statement the
combination v approximately to
fusion and tht J of all the advan
tages thereof w.. : .. avoiding Its disad
vantages. The bank agrees to elect two
directors and three members of the board
of overseers of the other bank thus secur
ing the mutual direction of the institutions,
The capital of the Dresdner bank Is $32.500,.
000 while that of tho Bchaaffhausen bank
verein Is $2i,OO0,0OO. The reserve funds of
the two banks amount to $13,500,000 and
their joint capital to $71,000,000, thus mak
lng their union the strongest aggregation
of banking capital In the world with the
exception of the bank of Kngland.
The Oerman financial world was com
pletely surprised by the announcement of
the combination, not the slightest Intima
tion of which has leaked out until the
matter was published In today's news
papers. There has been a vague suspicion
however that some large financial opera
tions were forthcoming owing to active
buying of the stocks of both banks which
operators on the market were unable to
Government of aB Domingo Consents
to Appoint Arbitrators for
SAN DOMINGO. Thursday. Nov. 12.
United Statea Minister Powell has finally
carried his point against the Dominican
government that It should agree to
the provisions of the protocol regard
ing the Bun Domingo Improvement
company. The government today In
formed the minister that It would accede
to his request, carrying out the provisions
of the protocol and appoint arbitrators to
day. This is considered a great victory for
the American Interests.
There was heavy fighting here this morn
ing. The forts around the city were en
gaged with the Insurgents and there was
considerable cannonading on both side.
The town was not damaged and the situa
tion is unchanged. The United States
cruiser Baltimore arrived here this after
noon. Business Is at a standstill.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 15. Confirmatory
Information of the attack on San Domingo
by the revolutionists reached the State de
partment today in a dispatch from Min
ister Powell. He reported that the revo
lutionists were attacking the city on three
sides. There were no other details In
Minister Powell's cablegram. ' The cruiser
Baltimore, which was ordered to San Do
mingo waters. Is now there, so that Amer
ican Interests will be given full protec
Papers shew Complicity 'in tho Swin
dle of the Humbert
PARIS. Nov. 16. II. Kieken, an archi
tect, and Lulgl Loir, a well known artist,
who were prominent members of the Jury
which returned a verdict of guilty against
the Humberts on, the trial for fraud, In
Interviews with them, declare that the
papers submitted during the trial fully
Justified an Investigation Into the posstbli
complicity of certain politicians In the
tase and Insist that the authorities were
perfectly aware of the Humberts' where
abouts In Madrid during the latters' stay
there, but were unwilling to arrest them
until practically forced to do so.
The removal of Mme. Therese Humbert
to Rennes and of Frederick Humbert to
Thouars today was not attended by any
Incident of note. The transfer of the pris
oners ends the regime of slight favors
which have been granted to them at the
Fresnea prison and henceforth they will
both wear the convict dress.
Head of Philippine Schismatics Ob
jects to Action of Cat hollo
MANILA, Nov. 15. Agulpay, the nominal
head of the schismatics, has protested
against the action of Monslgnor F. J.
Rooker, bishop of Jaro, in tuking pos
session of the Catholic church at La Pas,
Hollo. Mgr. Rooker has threatened to
take drastic measures to curb the schis
matics. The heads of departments huxe cabled
President Roosevelt their endorsement of
Arthur W. Ferguson, executive secretary
for the vacancy upon the board of Philip
pine commissioner's which will be created
by the retirement of Governor Taft.
The constabulary has captured the last
of the lud rones operating in Mindanao.
Bars Former Premier.
VANCOUVER, B. C, Nov. 15.-An appeal
from a Judgment In the supreme court of
British Columbia will be heard tomorrow
by the full court In the case of Edna Wal
lace Hopper against James Dunsmulr, ex-
premier or xsrmsn Columbia. The appeal
is la nen rrom an order of court
dence might be taken by a co
Miss Hopper's case la to have the will of
her stepfather, A. L. Dunsmuir, set aside.
Secures Turkish Contract.
BERLIN. Nov. i5.-The Frankfurter Zel
tung's Constantinople correspondent says
the Pennsylvania Steel company has been
awarded the contract for 20,0u0 tuns of
steel rails for the Mecca railway. In com
petition with the Krupps and several other
German and Belgian establishments. The
price Is $2! 8 per ton. delivered at Beyroot.
Emperor's Condition Satisfactory.
BERLIN, Nov. 15.-A bulletin Issued to
day from the New palace at Potsdam re
garding the condition of Emperor Wil
liam says the wound is nearly healed and
that the emperor has been permitted to
whisper freely since yesterday. The next
bulletin will be Issued Tuesday.
Weal brook-Handy.
TANKTON. 8. D.. Nov. I5. Special. -Judge
8., A. Boylea of the county court
last night performed the ceremony for the
oldest pair of lovers it has ever been his
lot to make as one. Mr. W. W. West
brook, aged i'l. and Mrs. Elisabeth Handy,
aged 72. were the contracting parties.
They will spend their hone) moou lu Yank
ton, and will continue to make their home
In this city through what their friends
hope will be a long and happy married
Six Score Hew Member? Seek Fsiti on Inv
portint Committees.
Each One Takes Himself Srrloasly
and Believes Himself Destined
to Do threat Things (or
Ills Country.
(From a Staff Correspondent)
WASHINGTON, Nov. 16. (Speclal.)-Con
gross Is once more upon the president's
hands and It bids fair to continue on his
hands until the political conventions of
next year. The kmg-antlcipated election
of Speaker Cannon has been consummated
and the cut and dried program for the
election of the house officers has been
carried out to the letter. The members
of the lower lawmaking body have selected
their scats and the machinery of the Fifty
eighth congress Is In motion.
Speaker Cannon will announce the com
mittees 6f the house within the next 'two
weeks. . A force of clerks Is already en
gaged In scheduling the requests of mem.
bers for committee assignments. These re
quests are being put Into compact shape
for Mr. Cannon's benefit. So fur as the
old-timers are concerned the speaker knows
their several capabilities. He has not
served twenty years In congress for noth
ing and there is probably no man on the
floor of the house of representatives who
has a more exact knowledge of public men
than has Joseph G. Cannon. He Is not at
all troubled over assignments on com
mittees for those who served with him.
His trouble Is in finding places for the
126 new members who come Into the lime
light with the birth of the Flfty-sighth
congreew. Each one of these 125 new mem
bers takes himself seriously some more
seriously than others. There are those In
the lower house, and also In the upper who
believe that their manifest destiny Is to do
groat tilings for their country. And It is
these men who with largely extended
frontal bones and expanded chests look to
Speaker Cannon to give them places on
ways and means, appropriation, Judiciary
and the other Important committees.
Life Stories of Lawmakers.
The new congressional directory for the
Fifty-eighth congress shows much that Is
Interesting to the student of politics. It
shows particularly how the self-made man
has won In the battle of life shoulder to
shoulder with his academic colleague. The
directory tells In simple phrase the story
of brain and brawn. It nets forth those
who by reason of Indomitable courage and
perseverance have risen above their humble
surroundings to high positions in the state
and nation. The farm has sent more peo
ple to congress than the factory. The men
with common school education are far In
the majority over those who have had a
university trainings Some of the Ufa
stories told In the congressional directory
are pathetic. Others are highly ludicrous.
Robert Baker, democrat, of Brooklyn. N.
Y., an Englishman by birth, taxes 650 words
to tell the story of bis ?trenuout life. This
Is the same Robert Baker who received a
floral train of cars on the opening day cf
congress for having returned an annual
pass over the Baltimore te Ohio railroad.
The floral offering turned out to be more
of an advertisement for the Baltimore &
Ohio than It was a tribute to Mr. Baker
for his pass-declined proclivities.
Senator Depew of New York uses up
nearly a page of the directory to tell of
his achievements In his business and po
litical life.
Robert Bruce Macon, democrat, of Ar
kansas, according to his biography, "haa
never known a home outside of his native
county (Philips); left an orphan when 9
years of age and without resources was
put to work on a farm, where he remained
until large enough to shove himself away
from the plow handles."
Senator George Clement Perkins of Cali
fornia was reared on a farm with limited
educational advantages. He went to sea
at the age of 12 as cabin boy, following
this calling and that of a sailor for several
years. He shipped before the mast In 18(5
on a sailing vessel bound from Kennebunk
port, Me., his birthplace, to San Francisco.
Biographies That Are Brief.
The shortest biography In the new di
rectory Is that of A. W. .Oregg. democrat,
of Texas, who takes eighteen woids to tell
the etory of his life. Adam Byrd, a demo
crat of Philadelphia, Mus., is next with a
nineteen-word biography.
Judge M. P. Klnkald. republican, of
O'Nell, Neb., has the next shortest biog
raphy. These men have failed to tell their
birthplace or the year of their birth.
Whether it waa modesty on their port or a
desire to withhold that knowledge from an
anxious public the deponent sayeth not.
Francis Cushman of Washington, 'that
lank humorist of the Pacific coast, has a
record for versatility In the matter of oc
cupations followed not approached by any
of his associates. Beginning life as water
boy on a railroad he has successive. y
worked as a section hand, cowboy, lumber
man, restaurant manager In Omaha, school
teacher and law clerk, finally reaching the
liouse of representatives four years ago.
There are all aorta and conditions of
man In congress. There always have been
and always will be. There are men on
the floor who represent districts In which
the drinkers -are the predominant political
factors and there are others whose con-
that evl- j u'uents are largely of the element deslg
nmlsaion. I nated "temperance people." But while
It may be truthfully said that a majority
of the members of the present congress are
the reverse of prohibitionists it Is certainly
true that not one in ten of the members
who "take a drink when they feel like it"
would dare to vote to repeal the act which
prohiblta the sale of anything Intoxicating
In the capllol of the United Statea.
. Twenty Have All They Need.
One of the local newspapers said on Tues
day last that for the first time In twenty
years, or longer, no liquor Is sold In the
building today. This statement la literally
true. But on the other hand there never
was a time in fifty years when so many
"speakeasies" existed within the walls of
the capllol. During the recess of congress
the officers of the government who are
charged with the duty of fitting up the
committee rooms have seen to It that fa
cilities should be provided for the proper
care of spirituous liquors wherever the ne
cessity existed. As a result it is possible
for the thirsty man whose business takes
him to the capitol building to obtain all
the liquid refreshments which his system
requires without hs payment of a single
cent. In other words, It Is true that a drink
cannot be bought In the capitol. but why
buy a glass of liquor when you can get
all you want for nothing? There Is more
liquor today In the t ailed Btatea c-pitol
thau there has ever been before. Even
In the days when Senator Edmunds of Ver
mont and Senator Beck of Kentucky kept
(Continued eB tSiXLo Pa
Cincinnati nnd lie Suburbs Given Over
to 'Women's Christian Tern
pernnce Union.
CINCINNATI, Nov. 15.-Over M0 pulpits
In Cincinnati and Ohio and Kentucky
suburbs were occupied today, morning and
evening, by women who are delegates.
lecturers, organisers or other attendants
at the thirtieth national convention of
the Woman's Christian Temperance union.
At the same time thirty visiting clergymen
of the Anti-Saloon league occupied other
The plutform meeting at Br. Paul's Meth
odlst church In the morning was addressed
by Mrs. Viola D. Romans, Miss Mary C
liraehm, Dr. Sarah G. Elliott and Mrs,
Cornelia Dawson on the work of their re
spective departments In the Woman's
Christian Temperance union and by Miss
Olive Christian Malvery on "Temperance
Work In India." Mrs. Frances W. Graham
of New York, national musical director,
had charge of the music.
The leading event of the day was at the
Ninth Street Baptist, church In the after
noon, where there also was an elaborate
musical program and where the annual
sermon was delivered by Mrs. Katherlne
Lente Stevens, president of the Massa
chusetts Woman's Christian Temperance
union. Mrs. Stevens forcibly presented pro
cesses of evolution from the local crusade
thirty years ago to the present Interna
tional organization of the Woman's Chris
tlan Temperance union. While her praise
of the crusaders was most eloquent, she
held that ft was found necessary "to, pre
vent" as well as 'to cure," and that the
Woman's Christian . Temperance union,
which was an outgrowth of the crusade.
had to be established afterward on broader
grounds, for permanent organization In
the conflict against the liquor traffic She
urged the members to remember their
origin and their development to keep up
the fight until public sentiment brought
about "the golden age of man."
Tomorrow morning the delegates and
others go to Hlllsboro, O., where the cru
sade started In 1873 and where "Mother"
Thompson and other original crusaders still
Plan Similar to That In United States
Adopted on Emerald
CINCINNATI. Nov. 15. National Secre
tary Anthony Matre has received an official
communication from the supre secretary
of the Catholic Association of Ireland in
forming him that Ireland now has a fed
eration of Catholic societies and established
on the plan of the American federation and
the German volksverein. A year ago Matre
communicated with Rev. Father Glendon
of Dublin, Ireland, who expressed himself
as solicitous of establishing a federation
among the Irish societies. Secretary Matre
sent the necessary Instructions and litera
ture and the matter was taken up by both
clergymen nnd laity A constitution was
submitted to the archbishops and bishops
of Ireland, who after adopted the fol
lowing resolution: . "
The blshons of Ireland view with great
satisfaction the proposed establishment of
a national Catholic association, for the
purpose of forwarding the temporal In
terests of Catholics in Ireland and for
f romottng the practical support of the
rish language, literature, art and Industry.
The work of the Irish federation is
line the one In the United States and not
of a' political nature. Supreme Secretary
Hugh Kennedy requests Secretary Matre
to give the new Irish federation the bene
fit of his communications.
Secretary Matre sayes that the officers
of the American Federation of Catholic
Societies, the Philippine Centro Cotholico,
the Porto Rico Catholic Association and
the Catholic Association of Ireland are now
taking steps to get the German Centerists
and volksverein In a movement which will
closely unite the Catholic federations of
the world.
t. Lonls Traveling Man Shoots While
Party la Out with Ac
tresses. BT. JOSEPH, Mo Nov. 15. Irving Mo
Donald, a young and wealthy business
man, was shot and killed today by J. F.
Furlong, a traveling man whose home Is
given y him as 2332 Howard street, St.
Louis. Furlong says his act was in self
defense, as he waa assaulted by four men
and shot only when he Veliuved hU
life to be In danger. VThen arrested he
had a .38-callber revolver in his pocket,
one chamber being empty.
In company with Mrs. Lester Myrlck and
Grace Holt of tan "Th Governor's Son"
company and several other friends Furlong
and McDonald went to an Edmond street
cafe after the performance of "The Gov
ernor's Son." They are said to have been
drinking freely, though, so far as any of
those supposed to be acquainted with the
facta in the case will admit, there was no
quarrel while the party remained at the
cafe. Shortly after 6 o'clock the party left
the cafe, walked down Felix street to Third
street and turned north oh Third atreet.
When Third and Francis streets was
reached, according to Ui police, words
passed between the two and Furlong drew
a revolver. Placing the weapon almost
against McDonald'a stomach Furlong hesi
tated a moment. McDonald dared him to
fire and Furlong pulled the trigger.
The women are held as witnesses and for
investigation. They reside in New York
city. William R. Lynch, a traveling man
from Cleveland, O., a member of the party,
was detained at police headquarters for
two hours, but was finally released.
Says Ha Knows Nothing About In
dictment tor Bribery In Mis
souri. NEW YORK. Nov. 15. William Zeigler,
when seen at his residence tonight, said
he knew absolutely nothing regarding the
Indictment reported to have been found
against him In Jefferson City,
"This Is all Greek to me," said Mr.
Zeigler, "and I have no idea why any
charge should be brought against me. I
have nothing to Bay now, In fact, can
say nothing, .because I am entirely at sea
In tne matter. Until I see the Indictment
and learn Its nature I can make no In
telligent statement."
Major W. K. Graham.
KANSAS CITY. Nov. 15. Major W. R.
Graham, paymaster U. 8. A., of Dee
Molms, la., died today in this city from
uremic poisoning resulting from Injuries
received In the Philippine Islands. Hia body
waa takeu t Pea Mvluca for burial.
Company C'a'mi to Hare Men to Operate
All Lines if Protected.
So Farther Steps Taken by Inter
ested Parties or Head of State
Board of Arbitration to
Settle Strike.
CHICAGO, Nov. 15. A victory, temporary
at least, was scored by the management
of the Chicago City railway against Its
striking employes. From early In the morn
ing until dark tonight the company started
In maintaining a regular service on Us
Wentworth avenue line, which extends
from Seventy-ninth street to he down
town district, a distance of eight miles.
Tho first car, manned by a newly hired
nonunion crew, left the car barn, guarded
by a dozen policemen, at 8 o'clock and waa
followed four minutes later by another
Twenty-five cars In all were put Into the
service, but the schedule was frequently
Interfered with by delays caused by ob
structions being placed on the tracks
and the inexperience of men In charge of
tho cars. The most serious trouble oc
curred during the morning when a number
of arrests were made, but clashes between
the police and the crowds that lined the
streets were frequent during the afternoon
and when darkness aet In, It waa not con
sldered safe to send more cars from the
barn. The last car returned to the bams
at 4:30 o'clock, and after It had been safoly
housed, the day's work came to an end
More arrests were made during the day
than any since the strike was declared.
Itnlld Barricades on Tracks.
The most trouble was experienced be
tween Twenty-second and Thirty-ninth
streets. In the blocks bounded by these
thoroughfares, crowds of men, women and
children congregated, and aa the first cars
passed, hooted at the police and nonunion
employes. 1
This was soon followed by more violent
demonstration. . Huge barricades were piled
upon the tracks, stones were thrown at the
cara and a hand-to-hand conflict between
the police and the crowd followed In sev
erai instances. several patrol wagons
which had previously been called were
soon filled with prisoners.
One of the men arrested, who gave hia
name as McQuald Is slid to have placed
a cartridge of large calibre upon the track
near. Harrison and Clark streets. Thou
sands of spectators were In the atreet at
the time and fearing dynamite became
panic stricken, and dashed for places of
safety. Assistant Chief of Police Herman
Sehluttler. who waa near at the time re
moved the cartridge, and arrested Mc
Quald. It being Sunday, the absence of
traffic teams on the streets lessened the
trouble of the police In the matter of
blockades, but another source of serious
annoyance was the great crowds of Idle
sightseers and sympathisers who were at
tracted by thousands to the streets through
which the cars had to pasa. ' ' '
. Dtir'Tie; the latter prrt of the afternoon,
however, the interferences with the cara
had greatly diminished.
According to the officials of the company,
n attempt will be made tomorrow to
nerate some of the other lines of the sys-
e.rn If the police department can supply
Knough non-union motormen have been
cured. It Is said, to extend tne service
'n all directions If nollce sld Is forthcomlnsr.
nut this. It Is claimed, is Impossible, as the
city has been taxed to the limit to pro
feet the Wentworth avenue line alone. If
it Is found Impossible to open up any of
the other lines tomorrow morning, all the
efforts of the company will be confined
to the Wentworth avenue line and the
regular schedule will be Inaugurated If
As far aa known, no further attempt
was made today by either the officials of
the company,' the striking employes, or the
state board of arbitration to bring about
a settlement of the trouble and the Indica
tion tonight are for a protracted Strug
s' o.
Factories Shut at Quebec.
QUEBEC, Nov. 15.-Twenty boot and ahoe
factorlea In thla city have closed, the shut
down being on account of trouble with the
machinists, who have refused to abide by
an agreement In 1901 creating a conciliation
The specific complaint on which actlrn
was taken waa that of, four machinists who
left the Marsh factory because they were
refused an increase of wages without sub
netting the demand to the arbitration com-
rnlainn. The manufacturers will no longer
recegnixe the Shoe Machinists' union, but
will insist upon Individual contracts. Five
thousand operators are affected by the
Delegates Off l)nlr.
BOSTON, Nov. 15,-After a busy week
crowned with busy sessions the delegates
to the convention of the American Feder
ation of Labor tudf-y gave up their time
to enjoyment. In the afternoon a trip waa
taken in trolley cars over the road traveled
by Paul Revere on the night In April, 1775,
when he warned the patriots that the Brit
ish oolalers were ru'vanelng. Special cara
were provided and si guide and announcer
accompanied each car. The party started
at 2 o'clock and rt?;urned about four houra
later, the entire- distance traversed being
about fifty m!es.
At Concord and Lexington the cara
Btoujwd Iwg enough to give the excursion
ists an opportunity to visit the famous
revolutionary battlefields In these towns.
Entertainments for the delegates were
given this evening by the various local
Longshoremen's union No. 302 held a mass
meeting tonight. Among those present were
John Mitchell, president of the United Mine
Workers' union. President D. J. Keefe and
National Secretary Barter of the Interna
tional Longshoremen'a union.
Tomorrow evening the delegates will be
guests of Boston Typographical union No.
13 at a banquet at the Revere house. On
Wednesday evening a reception will be
given at Fapuell hall by the Central Labor
Delegatea from 8an Francisco have an
nounced their Intention of making a atrong
contest to secure the 1904 convention for
their city.
Conference la Cotton Mill District.
FALL RIVER, Mass., Nov. 15. The re
quest of the Textile Council for a con
ference with the cotton mill manufacturers
regarding the announced plan of the manu
facturers to return on November p to the
wage schedule In existence prior to March
18, 190-J, haa been referred to the executive
committee of the Manufacturers' associ
ation. Delegatea to the Textile Council
atill hope for a favorable answer from
the executive committee before Wednesday
evening at which time the various unions
will meet to discuss the situation.
The council wishes to lay before the
IC'onUuuod cm Second Page.);
forecast for Nebraska Fair with Cold
v ave juonuay; Tuesday Fasr and Cold.
Temperature at Omaha Yesterday!
A a. m . .
O a. tn . ,
Dear. Hour Ilea.
. tl 1 p. m 42
. .'Id Si p. m 41
!tfl .1 p. na.,. 41
HH 4 p. ra to
. fi p. m...... al
.41 11 p, m n.n
.4.1 T p. m ftA
.43 H p. tn 84
p. m aa
K a. m. .
9 n. m , .
IO a. ni . .
13 m.
Witness Declares Methods Employed
by Federal Attorney to Be an
ine swarm of witnessea who are still
In Omaha at the end of the second week
of the federal grand Jury's session are
vigorously complaining at the delay In
being kept here, away from their homes
and business apparently at the design of
the I rlted States district attorney.
"I was called in by Summers for a prl
vate interview with him aa I understand
all the witnesses have been called up. on
the carpet or will be." said a wit
ness yesterday. "He insisting on know
ing m advance what we will testify
to when we are brought before the grand
Jury. I told him all I knew In the matter
on which I had been subpoenaed and
begged to. be allowed to testify and go
" 'Is that all you are going to tell?" asked
Summers, when I had given him my state
"It a all I know; I can't tell any more.
You can't expect me to perjure myself even
to help you out," I replied.
" 'Well,' he said. In a thunderous voice.
'If you can't testify to more than that you
can t go before the grand Jury.'
"Thon you'll let me go home, won't you?
1 naked.
" 'No, sir, you'll stay right here till
get ready to call you In or let you go, waa
nia reply, 'and In the meantime,' he con
tinued, 'If you can think of any more to
testify to let me know and I'll Bend for
My experience Is pratlcally the aame
ae that of several other witnesses here,
who. If allowed to tell their own stories,
without threats or bulldoxlngs. would
give evidence that would disprove all these
wild rumors that have been set afloat.
"I think It Is an outrage the way we
are being treated. I believe the depart
ment at Washington would not tolerate
auch a misuse of power on the part of
a federal official If It knew what waa go
ing on. Summers Is letting the grand Jury
near only such evidence as he wanta it
to hear. No man Is safe from Indictments
with such an unscrupulous man In a posi
tion to Bring bills against them on these
hearsay yarns."
Bnloglsea (irent Philosopher na Su
premely Great la All His I a
dertaklngs. The sporlsl r:'. turi of fie Omaha Ph'lo
aophical society's meeting at the Pax ton
hotel Sunday afternoon waa the address
on the life and character of Benjamin
Franklin by E. A. Benson. Mr. Benson
characterised Franklin as great in all
things; great aa a Journalist, diploma Ust,
statesman, philosopher and oclentlst.
"He waa the moving aplrlt of the decla
ration of Independence," said Mr. Benson.
"Fearless In his advocacy of human rights,
close to the hearts of the great common
masses, yet the equal In diplomacy with
the brightest minds In an era of great
men, and a towering figure In the epoch
of great events. Some men were great In
one thing, but Franklin was supremely
great in many things. He waa a century
In advance of his age, and aa an inventor
he stands unequalled. He foresaw the
greatness of modern sclencV, and was Its
pioneer. His scientific experiments were
at first scoffed at, but before his death he
waa an honored member of the leading acl-
entlflc and philosophical societies of the
world. His whole rugged life was devoted
to the betterment of mankind. He quailed
not before kings, and In hia homespun garb
he pleaded the cause of human rights be
fore the monarchs of. the old world, and
was respected by them as no man before
or since. Unlike Charles V. of Stialn. or
John of England, who algned the bills of
rlgtis and Magna Charta to save their own
Uvea, he Inspired the Magna Charta of hu
man liberty, the declaration of Independ
ence, and with hia aeventy-two compeera
signed It to save humanity and proclaim
liberty to all the world, at the Jeopardy
of their own lives. All of his achievements
were great, and the world Is the better
for his having lived In It. No monument
can add to his memory, nor eulogy to his
Dr. Murray at Laredo Thrown from
' Buggy and Probably Fatally
LAREDO. Tex., Nov. 15,-The official bul
letin Issued tonight Is aa follows: New
cases, 22; deaths, 2; total number of coses,
888; total deaths to date, 84.
While In pursuance of their duty today
Drs. R. D. Murray and G. M. Gulteraa of
the Marine Hospital service met with a
serious accident In a runaway. They were
driving to their hotel, when the horses
became frightened and ran away, the
buggy colliding with terrific force with a
large stone pillar and throwing both the
physicians. Dr. Murray sustained Injuries
which may prove fatal, owing to his ad
vanced age, and which at least will confine
him to the hospital for a period of alx
months. Dr. Gulteraa sustained severe
bruises. Ills condition, however, will not !
prevent him from continuing the work he
haa been doing. Dr. Murray's home Is at
Key West and he enjoya an International
reputation as a yellow fever expert.
The fever haa been almost atamped out In
Nuevo Laredo.
Soath Amerlcaaa. Says Bishop Me
Cnbe, Revere Memory of
Martyred MeKlnley.
Bishop McCabe declares that he haa
been deeply impressed by the cordial
respect and love of certain foreigners for
the late President MeKlnley.
"We had a big prayer-meeting at Monte
video, at which more than 1,000 persons
were present," said the bishop. "We had
sung a number of songs, and a general re
quest then came up for us to sing Presi
dent McKlnley's sting, 'Nearer, My God,
to Thee,' and I was astounded and deeply
affected with the fact that the entire au
dience Joined In singing that beautiful
hymn, and the fact that they admired It
particularly because It was Uke favorite
soaQ of Uie dead presldeut."
Houe Will Begin CotiiJerttion of the
Cuban Beoiprtoity Bill Thii Morning.
At Conclusion of That Term Bill Undoubt
ilj Will b Pami
That Body Experts No Work but Treaty
and 0o. firm&tion.
General Impression That Canal Qnes
tlon Will Not Be Brought Vp
.In Congress Until Regular
Session Convenes,
WASHINGTON. Nov. 15-The bill mak
ing effective the Cuban reciprocity conven
tion, reported by the wave and means com
mittee, will be taken up In the house to
morrow and disposed of Thursday. It prob
ably will bo sent to the senate Friday.
Mr. Payne of New York, chairman of
the ways and means committee. In accord
ance with the notice he gave on Friday,
will ask the house as soon as It convent a
tomorrow to begin Its consideration. A rule
will be reported by tho committee on rules
providing for a vote at 4 p. m. Thuraday
without Intervening motion. On the adop
tion of the rule the house will co intn
committee of the whole and discussion of
inn iuDan hill will be begun.
The program ot the mlnnrltv 1. -n
defined hy the resolution adopted at the
democratic caucus last night. A r,le cut
ting off amendments will be opposed In
order that an amendment may be offered
striking out the differential on refined aumr
and eliminating the five-year clause. The
resolution made It the sense of the caucus
that democratic members ahould rota for
the bill either "upon the adoption or re
jection of the amendment."
With the house In the committee of ih.
whole Speaker Cannon will bo given an
opportunity to consider further the makeup
of the house committees for the present
Senate Will Walt for Bill.
It is the intention Of the cenata leaden
to confine as closely as possible the legis
lation of the present eitra session to the
bill to carry Into effect the Cuban treat v.
and with that end In view the dally sessions
of the senate during the present week will
be brief and another adjournment will be
taken on Thuraday or Friday until tho
following Monday. The work of Introduc
ing bills and of presenting petitions will
go forward, but with the exception of the
Cuban bill, selther bills nor petitions wUI
be taken up in' committee nor discussed In
the eenate during the week. It la quit
well understood that Senator Morgan la pre
pared for a prolonged discussion of the situ- .
atlon on the isthmus ot Panama, hut, while
be aeenis not to liave taken anyone Into his
confidence, the general supposition Is that
he will defer hia speeches until the new
canal treaty ahall be sent to ths senate.
There la an understanding on the part of
senators that even though the negotiations
of the new convention be forthwith com
pleted. It will not be transmitted to the
senate until the beginning of the regular
session of congress In December. It Is ex
pected that .the Cuban bill will be received
from the house on Friday and It is probable
that a session will be held on that day In
order that the bill may be referred to the
committee on foreign relations, which will
begin its consideration at once. .
The committee on military affairs will
meet during the week to consider the nom
ination of General Wood and as soon as
practicable after the committee reporta on
the question of confirmation will be
brought before t;e senate In executive ses
sion In consideration of other nominations.
Senator Hale, who la chairman of the re
publican committee on organisation com
mittee expresses the opinion that the or
ganisation will be completed by the close
of the week. Other senators say It will be
Impossible to complete the work until the
following week.
Miners In Northern Colorado Din.
trlct Decide to Continue
the Strike.
LOUISVILLE, Colo., Nov. 15.-The official
count of the votes cast by the miners of
the northern coal district last night re
verses the decision and defeats the propo
sition for a aettlement of the strike. The
subdlstrict board met here today and can
vassed the vote. They announced that the
proposition waa .defeated and there would
be no work tomorrow, but refused to make
public the vote. It haa leaked out that
here was a majority of six votes In favor
of rejecting the proposition.
The mistake occurred In the counting of
the votea last night at the various unions
and It took but few votes to change the
decision. Several things entered Into the
cause that resulted In the defeat of the
ratification of the agreement between the
company and miners. The men were afraid
to accept a conditional eight-hour day on
account of the effect It would have on the
aoiith. Then again, all other miners ex
cept day men work only eight houra and
receive only eight hours' pay and these
men are greatly In the majority.
National Representative Ream of Iowa,
the special representative of Jehn Mitchell,'
came out to Erie last night and worked
hard to carry the measure, but It was de
feated there by a majority of over two to
one. All of the members of the committee
who met the operators worked to have the
measure accepted by their various Unions,
but without success.
Residence on Reservation
PENDER, Neb., Nov. U-iSpecial.)-Mr.
Buck, United Statea mull carrier between
the agency and Winnebago, had the mls
fortuno of losing hia house and contents
by fire last Thursday. Mystery surrounds
the origin of the fire. All the family was
away at the time except a hired hand, who
was left on the premises and who dis
appeared with the horse, and nothing haa
been heard of or seen of him since. When
the neighbors arrived they found what waa
left and the bureau displaced and the well
dry, which lead to the belief that he fought
tiia fire.
Will Suppress Rising.
BERLIN, Nov. li-The governor of
Wlndhuk, German Southwest Africa, says
the attempts which are now being made
to suppress the rising of the Bondelswar
tribes at Warm bad will probably be suo-vesatuL,
"11 i..i twm