TITE OMAHA DAILY Hl'i:: BtTXDAY. NOVKMKEK 1". 101. CURRENT NEWS OF IOWA. COUNCIL BLUFFS. Micron MKvnov Carls Mil drug. I;efTert's glasses flt. Btockert sells carpeta, , A store for men "Beno's." Celebrated Met ber on Up. Neumayar. Diamond betrothal ring at Lertert's, 4i Broadway. 14-K and 1t-K wedding rings at Leffert's 40 broadwajr. Born to Mr. and Mrs. George F. Hughes, Friday night, a Fon. Picture framing. C. K. Alexander Co., 33 Broadway. Tel. W. Alderman C. W. MclJnnald returned home yesterday from a western trip. Pyrography outfit and supplies. C. E. 'Alexander & Co., 3&I VJroidwa). A new revolving ooor to coat 1700 1 to be placed at the east entranre of the post offlce. A raae of diphtheria In the family of R. Vanderwalker, m South Sixth street, haa been reported to the Board of Health. : Florence Carr, a HX-year-old pupil of St. 1 Francla' academy, died Friday from pneu monia. Her parenta live In Deadwood. i Carol Norton, C. 8. D.. of New York City will deliver a free lecture on Christian Rclenca Monday evening at the New theater. For rent, office room ground floor; one Of the moat central locations In the busi ness portion of tha city. Apply to Tba Be office, city. Jamea O. Moss van yesterday appointed administrator of the .estate of Tracy H. Moss, who died October 18 last. His bond was placed at flO.MU. For rent my 12-room residence. 330 Oak land avenue. In part or all. Furnished or unfurnished. Modern In every respect; also good barn. O. P. Mo Kesson. , Christian Science lecture by Carol Norton, C. 8. V., of New York, at New theater w Monday night, November 16, 8 o'clock. Public. Invited. Admission free. A number of ministers attending the Methodist Missionary conference In Omaha will occupy the pulpits of the several Meth odist churches In this city today. John Connors, chnrged with bootlegging, was brought In from Malvern last night by Deputy United Spates Marshal McCoy. Commissioner Crawford committed him to tha county Jail. , Clarence Halle, an Idaho miner, has ar rived to spend the winter with hla brother, John Halle, member of the Hoard of Trus tees of Kane township. This la their first meeting In twenty-eight years. W. II. Iewls, living at Seventeenth street and Avenue F whs arrested last evening on suspicion of having broken Into the prem laea of F. D. leaner at B7 North Seventh treat and stolen several articles. A motion for a new trial In the suit of W. C. Utterback against V. A. Wells was filed yesterday. This Is the suit In which the plaintiff sued to recover over $000 paid for beer while he was conducting a saloon In this city, but the Jury found for Wells. The Ashlock Hydro-Carbon burner for heating and cooking stoves. The only crude oU burner In the market. On ex hibition at 221 Main street. Excellent prop osition for good live agent with small cap ital. Whitney & Shipley, general agents. Nearly 200 members of the Masonic fra ternity of this city and surrounding towns attended the meeting of Bluff City Masonic lodge Friday evening and after witnessing the exemplification of the work In the third degree enjoyed a banquet and a social sua sion. Judge Preston yesterday overruled a mo tion to set aside the Judgment given the plaintiff In the Suit of Hesley against Man hardt. The Judgment waa given the plain tiff owing to the failure f the defendant and his attorney to appear when the case waa called.- Deputy Treasurer John M. Matthews Is mourning the loss of a well fed hog. Dur ing Friday night some nervy thief went to tha hog pen on Mr. Matthews' farm Just outside the city and not only slaughtered one of tha largest hoga, but watted to dress It before carrying It away. Tha "red hat" parade of Harvey DeLong yesterday afternoon was almost us big an attraction as a circus parade. He niirer- tlsed for IM) little girls and about 5 put 'In an appearance nnd took part In the pro cession. In retirn for taking part In the parade and wearing a tall coiuc.il re J paper hat each lltiij maid was presented will! a Filipino doll. The fourth annual appearance of the Dramatic club In the clever new society comedy, "'Coulter, Jr.." promises to be un vent of universal Interest. Rehearsals under the direction of Mine Fitch ere prog ressing finely, and the production nromlHes to excel any previous efforts of thU populir goal, vi j(iiiBBiitii. A 1 1 r ' mil i m iui iiiq benefit of the Associated Charities. SALOON WAR IS AT AN END Attoraeji for Bo'.h Fco imi Ait to Haw Omi Jtidaoitly Postpoiti AGENT WELLS TO REMAIN IN THE FIELD rgr rowel Gathers In Cowrt Rsosi Expecting to Witness Lively Times, bat They tio Away Disappointed. The saloon fight In Council Bluffs was de clared off yesterday morning and tho war ring factions decided to bury the hatchet. This outcome of the controversy has been looked for, as It was known that pressure was being brought to bear on both factions Friday night to make peace and end tha fight. When district court convened yesterday morning tho court room was thronged with attorneys, witnesses and Interested spec tators. Attorney Benjamin, acting for the faction- which precipitated the struggle by bringing Injunction suits against the Storx Brewing company's saloons, and Attorney Wadsworth, representing the Ston Brew ing company'a interest, both asked that all the saloon Injunction cases set for hearing be continued Indefinitely and Judge Preston made an order to this effect. This for mality completed the crowd filed from the court room. It Is understood that the white winged dove of peace now reigns supreme and that the Injunction cases on both sides will never be brought to trial. The Blue Rib bon and Plnnell saloons, owned by the Storx Brewing company, and which had been closed a week ago under landlord's last night that he had been held up and I robbed by two tramps In the Northwest- ern railroad yards. Glndney said he waa forced to surrender his entire wealth, amounting to f2.(M at the point of a revolver Glodney told the police that he was trying to make his way back east and was wait ting In the north end of the yards, ex pecting to Jump a freight train when he met two fellows. The tramps Invited him to take lufich with them and he did so, Ms hosts rooking some meat over a Are they had built alongside the right-of-way. After partaking of the repast Glodney ex cused himself saying he was going to catch a train. Before he could get away one of the tramps pulled a big revolver and held It to his face, while the other went through his pockets. Having relieved lilm of his cash the tramps told Glodney to go ahead and catch his train. nDM4 VOTIXU CONTEST. the Mr. O. Talbott Leads tbe List at End of the First Week. DeLong'a Grandma Voting Contest hag taken a little start during the first week, but there Is plenty of chance yet for new contestants to enter. Next week, how ever. It In expected that the voting will become lively, to If yonr favorite Is not on the list It will be better to get her started at once. One thing that should be taken Into consideration Is, that this 'con test will not drag along all winter. The closing date, which was stated at the be ginning, Is Saturday, December 5. leaving Just three weeks more for the contest to run. The vote at o'clock last evening was as follows: , Mrs. O. Talbott 1,0.18 Mrs. W. . Moyne 1,OT7 Mrs. John Under l Mrs. Alice Davis, 900; Mrs. I. C. Bonham, S35; Mrs. Mary Tibbltts. 7S0; Mrs. John Rogers, 413; Mrs. Eliza Newton, 410; Mrs. Lucy Turker, 275; Mrs. 8. C. Whittlesey, 276; Mrs. Mary Pfelfer. 189; Mrs. L. Sher wood. 175; Mrs. Jane KIrby, 119, and twenty two others with less than 100 votes each. One vote Is given wKh each cent's worth purchased In Harvey DeLong'a printing or writ of attachment as a precautionary move on the part of the brewing company, "tationery departments, 107 Broadway. The reonened for business yesterday afternoon, i Prizes, which can be seen at Petersen & It Is also understood that no further ef fort will be made by Mr. Benjamin's clients to drive Agent Wells of the Stora company from the field. N. Y. Plumbing Co., Tel. 2M. Night, F-667. GUARDS DOWN COLLEGIANS Win Bard Contest from Tarklo by a Score of Fifteen to Nothing. The collegians from Tarklo, Mo., proved no match for the Dodge Light -Guards and the game yesterday afternoon on the grid Iron at Lake Manawa resulted In their de feat by the score of 15 to 0. The game despite the fact that Tarklo foiled to score, was a good one from atart to finish. The soldiers had at several points In the con test to exert all their muscle to hold the visitors from crossing their Una. The at tendance was most disappointing to the Dodge Light Guards who have to bear tha expense of bringing the visiting team to this city, as there was not over 100 persona In the grand stand. The halves were twenty-five and twenty minutes: The Guards won the tons and chose the south goal. ' Ferrler kicked off for Tarklo and Dietrich caught the pigskin Rchoenlng's, are as follows: First prize, bed room suite; second prise, Morris chair; third prize, upholstered rocker. Matters In District Court. "It's no use giving me no attorney. J'se guilty and I knows it. Judge," was the answer Ed Moore, the negro charged with the theft of a hat and a pair of gloves from tha store of tho John Bono company, when Judge Preston asked him yesterday If he had an attorney. Moore, together with seven defendants Indicted by the grand Jury, were being arraigned and assigned attorneys to defend them. Marlon Bell, Indicted for the theft of an overcoat from the Grand Army hall during n dance, also plead guilty, while the other defendants took time to plead. Richard Devaney and Peter Nelson, the young fellows Indicted for Breaking Into a Northwestern freight car on October 4, were arrested yesterday nnd committed to the 'county Jail In default of bonds placed at 1500 each. James Luce, who with Charles Brownies and Sterling Forrest, was indicted on tho charge of looting Pullman cars In the yards of the Northwestern railroad, by which they were employed as car cleaners, was arrested yesterday. In default of ball placed at $500 he was sent to Join Brownlee and Forrest In the county. Jail. et the five yard line. After a number of! l"'r two inaicimenis agmmsi eacn or Urtm nl,i' thai rjiiArrin corHrd the hall for I the three. club at her home on Broadway, Friday evening Mr. ard Mrs. M. Wollmnn and little son and Mr. nnd Mrs. John Keller will leave tomorrow for Los Aniteler. Cal., where they will spend the winter. Mrs. Washington Runyon of Park nvenue has issued Invitations for a reception to be given at her home Monday afternoon, No vember 23. from 3 to 6. The marriage of Mr. (Jeorge Oerner and Mine Frances Bowman will occur Wednes day evening at the home of Miss Bowman's sister, Mrs. Wood Allen. Miss Hazel Manderson entertained the members of the Kuchre club at her I o -e on Saturday evening. The prize at card., was won by Mrs. Robert Theinhardt. The members of the Dramatic club are holding two rehesriHls a week for the play which they will present for the benefit of the Associated Charities at the New theater on December 4. The members of the Council Bluffs Woman's club will hold their annual re ception Friday. November i7. The mem bers of the literature and art departments will act as hostesses. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Hunt entertained at their home on Avenue L on Friday evening about fifty of their friends. A pleasing mimical prcgram formed the feature of the evening's entertainment, following which n dainty lunch was served. The West Council Bluffs Soclnl club en tertained Inst Alnndny night at u masqne ade ball. Miss K. Demiey was awarded the prize for the handsomest costume, while the prize for the most unique cos tume whs won by Mies K. Donnelly. The entertainment given Friday after noon and evening by the pupils of the Pierce street school was attended by a large number of the patrons and frlendB of the school. Miss Grace Bsrr. Mrs. MulMs and Hale Blxhy assisted In the program. The members of the Daughters of the American Revolution gave a card party on Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. Thomas Metealf. They will give another curd party Novemler 24. at the home of Mrs. Ernest Kldred Hart. Miss Ethel Lemen, daughter of Rev. J. O. lrfmcn. manager of the Christian Home, was married last Tuesday In Pittsburg to Mr. Bidnev Smith. Mr. Smith Is a member of Mrs Flak's "Mary Magdala" company. The announcement of Miss Icemen's mar riage came as a great surprise to her large circle of friends In this city. Miss Caroline Murphy entertained at a 7 o'clock course dinner at her home on Ave nue F on Tuesday evening. White chrys anthemums were used In profusion In the decorations. Covers were laid for eight, the guests being the Misses Anita Bououet. Nellie Johnson. Claudia Scott. Etna Hlllls Emma Rink, and the Misses Daisy Hlir glns and Eleanor Coffeen of Omnha. Fol lowing the dinner the hostess and Mlsi Hlggins rendered a pleasing musical pro gram. ON CHARGE OF CHECK FORGING Man Who Circa Kamc of Pan! Kevins to Police Identified as Passer of Boarna Pir. LOGAN, la.. Nov. 14. (Special.) A man who gave Ms name to the police as Paul Kevins and claims Bloomington. Wis., as his home, was arrested last night on a charge of forging a check. Yesterday afternoon Mm. N. M. Hade man, who owns a store at Loveland, sold a small mil or goods to a man who. gave his name as John Parks. He offered In payment a check for U2.70 signed by Rob ert Hatcher, a prominent farmer living fou miles east of Loveland'. Parks re ceived some change In cash and departed, leaving the goods to be called for. He was next aeen at the station, where he waa Just too late to catch a train nnd started for Council Bluffs on foot. The ctiwk was soon found to be forged and a constable waa placed on tha trail. zssznsz 111 JUST SUMMER LIKF A VACATION Wearing? n Pair of SHOl:S I I. ted t . . . SARGENT'S seventy yards Into Tarklo's territory but lost It on downs. This was In seven min utes of play. Tarklo then punted on tha twenty-five yard line but with strong ltne playing the soldiers succeeded In keeping the ball most of the time In Tarklo'a terri tory. The first touchdown was secured by Nlcoll for the soldiers after sixteen min utes of play but Richmond failed to kick For the remainder of the half honors were about equally divided until within two seconds to play Dietrich crossed Tar klo's line, secured the second touchdown for the soldiers. Ooff attempted to kick goal but failed. Score 10 to 0 In favor of the Guards. In the second half Tarklo attempted to retrieve Its fortunes and did some strong playing, keeping the ball well In the Guards' territory for the large part of the ha'f. With strong line playing the Guards forced Tarklo back about the middle of the half and Richrronl was literally pulled over Tarklo's line, thus making the third touchdown for the soldiers. Rlch 1 mond again essayed to kick goal but failed. I Two end runs by Chestnut and NIcoM were nraciicaiiy me umy mar uuti vi i.ivt I Guards for the remainder of the half. The I collegians after the third touchdown pulled i themselves together In grand thape and the Guards had all they could do to hold the visitors from crossing their line. The game closed with the ball In the soldiers' territory. no nog Chf otnol rVtoraoa.... Colt Wfc Mi(D... Pml Thumu Klroll Stuart Hulherfori. Dtwrltk.... RiuhmuDd.. Ron ling at Elks' t lab. The opening game of the bowling tourna ment at the Elks' club resulted In a victory for team No.- 2, captained ' by A. V. Frush, who was substituted for Dr. Deet kln. The score follows: TEAM NO. 1. Wilcox ...... Hazelton .... Rons Phepard (Beebe) Hill lfiS I-'' 99 137 Totals Totals. TEAM (Frush) Deetkln Oardlner 1 (Turner) Dm vnport (Harlc) GrejnHhleld. Zuer .nuehit n G9t NO. 2. 1st. 14 120 111 X23 t 635 2d 174 112 9.S IIS 118 620 d. 175 Itil 154 Ht 131 767. Totals Totals, 2.071. The next game will be Monday between Tam No. S, captained by Etnyre, and Team No. 4, captained August Bereahelm. 3d. 1G1 143 . 157 81 IM 74 3d. 13 135 H ' 119 117 679 night 8. L. by ,0uo turkeys. Wanted. J. Zoller & Co. Ol'ARDS.- V. U u. r..'n. T.tR. O.lH. ftl: Til, KM.. U.IQ. n.in. I) IF. TAJ.KIO . yun ...Stwr( ..McMillan ..... .Smith fctrwira ...:..wiim Moris Nlcolt cl .......K1r Frrlr Real Xstrte Transfers. Tlicae transfers were filed yesterday In the Abstract, title and loan office of Squire A Annls, IM pearl street: Isnlah Roosa to Lavlna E. Wood. lot IS. block 20. Burn's add., w. d..$ 1 Margaret L. McGee and husband to Many E. Overocker. lot 1, block 23, Howard add., w. d i'i George L. Martin and wife to Maud mid Ethel W. Kentlle. lot 6. Muck 12. My lister's add, v.-. d 2,1M J.'k;V fV-v;.i-,:'.:w;-:.v'-- 4 3 HI than our 6 Is no more bewildering stock of Uintor Oucrcoo No Old StockNot a -coat that has been carried over, but our elegant stock of new fresh styles of this year's productions. Long, medium and extra long in plain and belted backs, and in all the correct mixtures of browns, olives, oxfords and navies, at SIO, SI2.50, SI5, $17.50, $20 to $30. "Get the Habit." JOE SMITH CO., 415 Broadway; Council Bluffs, la. A man who waa identified as Parks was overtaken on tho road to Council liluffa ind was arrested and brought back. He gave his name as Paul Nevlns of Bloom ington, Wis., and denies that he Is the man who forged the check. WHAT'S THE tJSE Why are people satisfied with the 3 per cent paid by banks on their tsavings? The money in safe, but is it as well invested as it would be in a good piece of prop ertyor will it .increase as rapidly?. i Kl.ftCO-300 North fclghth street. Cottage S rooms, closets, cellar, gas. shade, lawn, water In kitchen. Slxe 4'ixS3 feet. Rents for tic per annum. ?.l,KO-316 North Eighth Street. Cottage, C rooms, closets, gas, bath, furnace, hot and cold water, lawn, corner lot. Sizo 55x68 feet. Rents for (218 per annum. These two properties Join, are In good condition, well rented, and have a tot.il frontage on Eighth street of 95 feet. FIGIRKS DON'T I. IE. Kiai'RES FROM OI R BOOKS ON THIS " PROPERTT: Rental Income, one year. Taxes ' Water rent Insurance nnd it p.ilrs.... Total outlay ITSI.O J4v:a so. so ..... 72.40 I1C9.50 Net Income (equal to 7',4 per eent ' lit 1. 97 A bank would pay 3. per cent on the . $3,Z 193.00 WE HAVE OTIIEIJS EQUALLY AS GOOD. SQUIRE & ANN IS. TELEPHONE 96. 101 PEARL STREET 9 j Hsfer sells lumber Cntch the Idea? Three transfers, total. 12.141 The ladies of Broudway Methodist Krls- ' copal church will hold their annual btiiiuir at Royal Arcanum hall. Wednesday and Thursday, November IS and 19. Luncheon, , 15 cents. Chicken pie luner. ?3 cents. St'iiscrlptiouai taken for the I.itilin' Home Jourrnl and Saturday Evening Post. PAST WEEK IN BLUFFS SOCIETY THOSE BACV SIS With the t'harrkes. At 8t. raul'a Episcopal church there will be morning praytr ard sermon by P.ev. 3. H. Finn of Cedar Rapid", at 10:J0 o'clock.' The evening rcrvVe wi'l be om'Med. 1 At flrnce FpifopM rhureli there will he mornliFg service nt 11 o'e'erk, with a rer lron by the rector. Rov. T. J. Brookes. Verj.er service. at 4 p. in. Sundy school, will be nt 10 a.' m. . j This evening at the Second Preabyterian I church the pastor. Rev. Harvey Hosteller. , Mr j , Stewart has gone to Clr.rlnna'l will deliver an Illustrated sermon on t to visit relatives. "Paul, the Missionary." presenting a num- I Mr. and Mrs. J. C aldwell are home from ber of ,flne stereoptleon views. At the morning service Rev, m ambrr of Interesting; Rorli lata, but tiilu!4' of a (ration S-ture. 1 Uallirr. Pre- OF SI Pp-- Vr B KJ lie preai Mr. a visit to Okernaha. I. T. u win i.k! mr- anu Mrs- inorne or Avenue si enter Hostctler will, take ulrud t..ld. .v..,lll the subject of hla sermon "The Public Mrs. Horace Everett 1m snerulina- the week and Character Making." t vivitir.g f:iends at Kansaa City. First Christian church there wi'l; m Miss Genevieve Baldwin lias returned rrom a vimi tun riu-i.us in i r.Kao. and 7:30 We told you something ubout llu-rn 'n nu" Friday advertisement, but they will t.Unl repetition. Ordinary hoe stare slight the children's line, but with us It is given a much If not more attention thn oiher parts of our business, and as a result peo ple are becoming more fur, 111 if with Cm fact that what you want n alw lys be had at this store. LOOK rKI.OW l INFANTS' WARM I-INE1 PH3i:&. turned "...V.. OUC 75c ilea, twee or alses J to 5. .CHILD 8 of the same lira I to t INFANTS' FANCY I to I eTHUJ'8. of the sume sue. sises ( to I JNFANT8' BPRlNtl H EEL CtHOES, CLOTH TOP '.ACE. 76c 1.00 slses i to i. preathmg serviies at 11 a. in lu m. In the evening the tastor. Rev. W D. CKmmer. will deliver the third of a ; rerles of popul.ir prirtlral discourses to I ' v u.rg people, t.tklng as bis subject. "The Ideal Yourg Man A Young Woman'! Bay So." Plh school will be at a. m. ' I Elder C. Scott will preach at 10:80 a. m. i ( and T:J6 p. m at the Latter Day Pa'nts' I church today. Surdsy schto! will le at ) rotn. and the regular midweek prayer ; oiertlug Wednesday evening at 7;IW o'e'ock. ( i The First Church t'f Christ (Scientist) will hold servlcrs In the 8pp build ng at ; 11 a. in., when the subject of the less o i . will I e. "Soul and Oody." Sunday school j will lie held at tha close of the services. Tr regular testimonial meeting will be , Wlnrday evening at I o'clock. j The 8e-ond Church of Chr!t (Scientist) x Jf e HI I'o'd rervlees In Modern Wrodmen of , tr-'ir-. hall In Merriaia b'oik. at : ! . m Subject. "Soul and Fody." Scnday rt 1 o"! Immediately after the srlce. Oa Sune to Wheeling. W. weeks vlxii with Atlantic, la.. S. Croinwe.l, Miss' Oibson hai V., tor a couple irieuas. Mis. J. Q. Gieenly of vUiung her sister, Mrs. J iirr.acn sirvvt. The Danish Krotb-rhojd will give a masquerade ball In oraud Army ha. I neat Saturday night. The members of the Tueaday. History club will meet Tuesday afteruoon with Mrs. L. A. Urdy. The members of the Woman's Whist club will meet Ti:ei.day afternoon wlin Mrs. C. 8. lfferts. ' Mis. R. 8. Terwlll'ger entertained a few ifiitnds Informally at a luncheon given at i her hum Friday. I Tho meir.l rrs of the Eut hie club will be . entertained Tuesday tfternoou at the home l of Mlas hicks of Omaha. I The members of the Elks' lodge will give ! a i ompiimentary dance Monday evening. November u. at tne ciun house. Mr. and Mrs. William MeClure and run. i- 1 Homer, of Van Werl. t).. are guevts of Mi.' Met lure's sister. Mrs. i ! Oldhum. Mrs. T. C. Ifleris ente-talned a nunl of her Omaha frln'S at a kt'siiiKto.". DIAM ON OS We invite you to come and set our superb asortinent of exquisite Diamond Kings, CIuh lers, TAVO-Stoue Combinations, CiivletM and 8olitaiiTB. New goods, fresh (rom the ciitttrs, at surprisingly low prices. ' THE RO YA L RED CROSS t' 1 i Can't be matched as a heat producer and a handsome parlor heater. Its reputa tion is such that we have calls from all sections, and when they find notwith standing its very high qual ity, that our price is right, the sale is about made. If you haven't been in to see Stoves and come in and , let them to you. t us Uanges. show Svaine h T.lauor 336-SI8 BROADWAY, COUNCIL BLUFS. 1A. JAGQUE RAISES 27 MAIN STrtEET From A to 1 We know our buine.K, ami if yi-u want satisfactory woik call on u. We liiike a specialty of fine sanilHiy plumbing, and yleldo none for sk 11 In that line. Hove made a reputation and kuhmIii It. i:.li mates furnlahed and Jobbing promptly ex ecuted. Prices very reusmyilile, too. You'M ilnd us reliable, our woik tirnt-clasH ond our charges rcas-orable. J. C. Bixby6c Son, UIKi Pearl ft. CouncM HlutTs. ! Irate Jr. if0m W f : f fffs l '"' 'ri-vr5 ?Kf' i A New and Complete Line o' r i 302 Mala St. Telepbeae 103. THE DUNCAN SHOE COMPANY, 23 Main Street ! Wednesday evening. ! 7:1-.. tesllnonlal meetir.g at Hel4 la by Trana. Constantlne Qloditey, who. clnlms Tirk City as his home and who said he had been visiting friends In g ven at her ben'e 1 in. S'.. . HfUrmiwi II. . W. II. Her. on -.J Mis. E. II rn of l.oone. 1 ere Ma's of Mrs. Herr- n I siste Mrs. F. A. Bi.iptco. of Avenue B The da'.iing perly to be given by the New High Rehool Cadets will occur Thurtdav evening, rvuveir.uer M, in l.ovai Arcmuiiu Kail Omaha frj , w Vlllrliell nlertalned the loem- I Mrs J W several ntooths, complained to the pollca 1 bcrs of the I'nltad VooimercUl Travelers' It's a QustiOii of Fact that what you send to our laundry you get back, at the right limu. In the right way. In the right atyle. Our time la mostly taken no with the work. We'll guarantee that's right. The prices wa il leave to you lv you think they're right? Get the work done and test. Special rates to agents. Write to us. Bluff City Laundry, WALLACE A GROUT. Trops 'Phone 111 V-U North Main Street Stylish Pettico We have just put in a fuil S the "ORIGINAL KALA. Petticoats, They are in:.:, high quality mercerized ( i the French Garment Co.. . n zoo, Mich. Every one is iu , 1 fresh from the factory. T. c ; c very distinctive and exclusive in style and character, rossensiirj i chie and modish arningcment of rufftcH and outlines. You will find them very ntylisli jind beauti ful garments at $1.75, $2.50, $3.00, $3.50, $4.00. A I.I, THE EltV LATEST AOVKI.TIKI IW TAII.OIIEII Mill) l MKIHTN MFKt lAL, IIKDU Ell llll EM IJ Al l. Mll.l.l EH Y. ANNA II. MOORE,rrSfwoy HANSEN & MARKS, Jewelers A Specialty In Manufacturing an j Rspalrin. Telephone L620 203 South Main St. (Opposite Merriam Block) The Wisest of Men Are thoric who try to get the most for their n.oiiey. and iviicn von hnv coal, vou want coal not dirt anl Klnle mixed willi it. Wo screen all our coal beforehand.' When ii to you it is alwayH nice and dry. We have all kinds is of deli vci ed co;il. WM. WELCH, Otfire i 10 N. Tel. Main St. Tel. U'S. Iiraneh Office til ' . -Main Si. Yard, 8tli and 11th A .-nue.