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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 12, 1903)
THE OMAHA DAILY MiE: THUfrPDAY, XOVEMBEK 11!. 190.1 r. w"1 SPECIAL NOTICES Adveralarnaenta for Ities colnmna will be takfi til IB m. for tee evening edition and til 8 p. tn. for moralait and Sanday rdltlon. Rates, 1 l-c a word II rat Insertion, le a word Ihrmllrr. Nothing likra for leaa thaa !c for the Brat Inser tion. These advertisements mnaf be ran eonaeenlit el. Advertisers, by requesting; a nam aered check, can have) aaawers nd. dressed to a nembered letter In care of The Ilea. Answers ao addressed will be delivered on presentation of tba check only. MISCELLANEOUS. oval regular nricA aa IK l uua cnoice of 4 styles ot ml moununi, special lor liuliday omy Id tor PKUUlOK, b!6 bouth 10th bt. CpppiAl For a limited time we will fit wl CVxIAL. ja vmb. a guaranteed VAltX Ot)' oPEClACl.. d iVtt i.W. Don i miso tins cnance. R-Mil6 FERFIELD8 Cut-Price Piano Co., Bee BldK . Room 7. Tel. 7j1. Webajy niory A , CJafk,':. Lodwig bcflllor, JIM U yomVlqcky. number". In .out.' Win-, do? "I'Hen" com. ah "kV your shoes OMMODt :Ri;bHA HrVberc6;i. Jw& to. loth. , - r li ' 'jfr-a. EXPRESSMAN'S Delivery ctv movuig and Storage.1 ?l itthV- '(VI. Ilife. K M2J8 MONEY loaned on all valuables. 418 N. J nth. '-' - KM2 ChtirrruAr OVt (relief; orns removed. VlllIUlJUy nr. 4toy..rt4, 16u6 Farnum. H 2i TRY the Chicago laundry. . If you don't, we both loae. Good work: prompt auu tlon. 214 N. 16th., f fl. . R-2jU TOO BUSY nv 'ig clothes to close. Orn evenings, .:c..- any time. Suits, i!i) to MO. Trousers, $8 to 1U. L)iesher, IBlo FarnsTn. , K 248 u-10 COIjK-M'KAY COMPANY, UNDBRTAK KH3, lul7 Cupltol ave., tel. 454. H MUuD Boles, 40c; with rubber heels 7fk. 217 N. 16th. . R-MAI7 L11 DON'T STRAIN YOUR EYES with a poor light when you can get the best for the ast moneys the leader gaso line lamp lOO-randle power sot t and mel- iw, eaay on tna eyes, orwy zac a moiiin: ghted with one match burning In full fnrco within a) fecoiicln; absolutely sate; guaranteed, for one year; will repair free of charge. i f 1OUlS FL.E8CHER, 1623 Capitol ave. -. . .... K-MitiS WASTED MALK HELP. . ALBERT S. BOLLES. Editor Bankers Magazine, says: "The conutilona ot success in buslneaa are far more intricate than they were ever be fore, and' a careful study ot them' la nec essary to lrmurs successful prosecution of lu The need of a systemntlc education for business is imperative.!'- V. BOYLES COLLEGE, , ifi't. J4F4S-BLLta., OMAHA, la the leauliig bUHUieas training institute ..-! -Apply f o iCatalogue. ' GOOD messengers wanted;' firat-clas pay. m.. u. i, w, ui a. idm. x w WANTED, fo4 U. S.'army, able-bodied, un rnaiiied men,- berweeh" dges ot 'Jtl and vUlsens of L'nliea blf.tes. of good cuarac " ter and temperate hauus, who can apeak; lead and' wi-tte-tngitsn. FoB-informailon appiy tovecrviiDfK xiuicer, iiiiii and JUodge iltfi, Oaiaha,' kiitf Uiand islurtU) iNeb. ' p l.y , -Miey, VIANTBCr'twoingerit at out'; gooa sal ary; vuy w vrk, w., F. Auama TCo., lult Howard at. .J , . B 4: UOOD, all around tailor. i, .- Peters, Corning, la. Fare, furnished to right party, .' B 6S3 ux. . WANTED Men to learn barber' -trade: Thoroughly practical "course.- Steady fractlce, oareful Instructions, years saveq. an earn nearly all expenses before com pleting. , , Eatabllahed lKWi. "Invsatlgate this opportunity. Call or write. Moler Barber College, 1302, -XtoUgtas St. B-MS85 13X THE SMITH PREMIER EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT furnishes stenographers without charge. Tel. 14 or call at oltlce, -corner ,i;Ui and Farnam Sts. v - " B-M1S4-D-T WANTED Firtt-claaa tubular well man to operate Ulmook machine; will pay good wages. Write or teiurat- J. O- lllllery, , .Aipena, vanaoa, uMJi J-X WANTED, neat, bright young mah willing i'J wui j. iu- iarii optical gnnoing, ne li. i. renioia .o., ltua r arnam uc. . - ; . - . . ..'. P-M218- W NEED COMPETENT MRN to fill poaiUona aa Managers, Accountants. Advertising Men, H teamen -and Book keepers. AJad Technical and Execiitiva Man. .high rade exclusively. y, have oft ices In Qive'Ciiies. vriie lor pian ana oooklet. - fiAruuuun (incoi Derated 1 Suit 29, Monadnock Building, Chicago. WANTED Piano player; one who-reads munlo;. none other need apply. 116 8. Hth Street.. ,, B M232 17x WANTED Night Clerk. Must be a good ' rustler for night trains.. Must be of good nanus., no cigarette nenua need apply. Wageri. $25 taonth, board and lodging. Address, commercial Hotel, Mccook, Neb. ZVt 12 WANT1CD First elaaa bunhelraaa: tailor clothing department, The Bvmirtt coin- ; pany- - . . ; - is mjw i4x WANTKU Quarrymen and laborers near H(M'lBgneld, MeD. lnqeiee-SU' B. st. B M26i 13x WANTED-Sood." steady, reliable printer . $10 per week; youn man preferred. Ad dress Monitor, ujouiutieid, Meo. . . . ,v . . , . B-M2S6 17x ' .. V : WANTED 81dvllK.rtnakainto 11 .from pnoii'grapiui'Hjaiu),'i- p roeuc corn mlaslon. Ainerican Chewing Uum Co., St Louis, nu. m MS ibx I W ANTED KEMA-E HELP. lu girla Call Canadian office, 16th Dodge. rt- -j . - c WANTJPD-A tood, pjt. ...Mrs. T. J. Rog i are, j n;ve. uom LADIES MAKE S3 A DAY. We want active lady workers everywhere to take orders for our tine made-to-oider shirts and corsets. -IW rite todav for full jiartk tilma Aineriitan Kklrt and Corset t;a., iia.. r ooawara ave., Detroit, Mich. - r C-id Hx WANTEW Ladle to learn hair dressing, manicuring and .facial massage. Thoroughly practical course. Free work, carrful Instructions. Can earn soni wages from start. - Call Moler Celirge, i4uj uuu(j i. aioo ux WAMTKLk-A took. Mrs." ..Foy, Siautoo la. . , C M Mi 15 WANTED -A competent - girl for general . C 2oa 11 WANTED, a girl at the Creche; wages $L5 uiiNiiu mm ooaru. iyin anu tiurm-v. CZtl lix f s wi r,.' V I., Tm.-v . . - ' ' . r nit.n r.n giri ror general house- i wuun. iin. uurt iirett. C M2J7 lSx WANTED (J srl for general housework , ail a. . l uaey, su Chicago. , : - 1 -: C-347-13 WANTKIV-GIrl for general housework! 1U Chit go St. c 2M 13 ,WANTI!D-adles to Introduce to the fam- j'y umj a o e luxury, ootn local and 7..- lrul-w In.- .ulan. . . .. I I , . .. 4 ings IS F. W. Ticblts. room , Midland hotel,. C M7 lx WANTBIV-Glrl for tD-heral housework; gw4 wagea. 4 WuilUingion Place. . c-;j u FOR RENTHOUSES. THE LITERARY SOCIETY OF THE Omaha Commercial College 17TH AND DOUGLAS 8T8., meets every Saturday night at 8 o'clock. Ih i the college Auditorium. All ex-siuuenia are Invited to lifcora members. Strangers are always welcome. Fine literary and inimical irograms. Why not spend your evenings with us? It will pay you. TELEPHONE 1289. PAYNK-ROSTW1CK & CO.. choice houses. twl-iw3 New York Life Bldg. 'Phone Jul. D 602 SEVERAL good houses. $10 to tl8. Chris liner. 22d and Cuming. Phone 204B. ' D-M110 NEW 8-room modern house. Immediate possession given. J. N. Marsh, 'phons 2181, 446 Hoard ot Trade. u i FOR RENT, 7 room house. 1827 N. 18th. D-595 ' vk move olanc-. Mnggard Van Stor age Co., Tel. UX. Olnce. 1713 Webster Bt. TO MOVE right get Omaha Van Storage Co.. olllce .s - ariiam, or io. jiir-nw D6W Av . ner month: possession given Oc tober 17. Apply to Mel Chi, care Dally News olllce. man FOR RENT. 7-room house, city water, gas, furnace, an mooern, on x-arn .v., 4-room house, city water. 3124 Mason at.' 7.nnnM HOTE.' slrlctly modern. J20 Maniiereon si. inquire usiunnm', v. Wth 8t. D-M217 12x FOR RENT 8even-ronrn cottage, large yard, In good conuition. w m. rv. x-wnti rec, 003 brown block. D M114 GOOD 6-room' modern house, furnlahed, IX per month; 44u Farnam St. - lurrawn o Morton, 12-13 N. it. Life,-. Tel 42n Patrick avende, $10. 11941 rirctit ttOO A. P. TL'KEY & BON, 444-44B Hoard of Trade. u u HOUSES, lnsuranca. Blngwalt, Barker Blk. ii-iicpp I- all narts of the city. The hUUSCO u. F. Davis Co., 60S Bee Bldg. FOR RENT, ten-room house, modern, ami I . . ... . T.- . rfl.ln lt -Mrrt IT I barn, in West Farnam- district. Wm. K, Pottor, ttec.) mo. i mown x D 601 When You Write to Advertisers h.r If onlv takes an extra stroke or two of the pen to mention the fact that you aw the aa in me on, UrWIQEQ ln H TrU of te city. R. I nUUOLJ c. Peters Co., Bee Bldg. I D 49 FOR REST FURBISHED ROOMS. LARGE, LIGHT, AIRY ROOM 8. $12.50 and up per month. 75c and up a day. AT THE DELLONE, lith ut and Cauitol ave. I ii.ui.ii- Mlt.r-tHn hvlited: nrlvate and 1 general Uaths; all conveniences; nrai. class aervica. Eat where; you please. ROOM AT THE "D-LLONE. E Ml NovSOx DEWEY European hotel, 13th and Farnam. WW O. M. E. hauls trunks. Telephone 611 K 604 FOR RENT, 1 or 2 furnished rooms, single ur oiiauiie, uuvaiv laiimgr. . -i.,., -M44l '" ! NICELY turniHhed rooms. Inquire Omaha UrAu... T u ..... I - 1 ..I 1 auW.nWlinn I H 1,1. I 17S '. i i ' aovi pMOBL'V furnished -room ii privute family; fiouao new and modern. an Jones su I . - DF8iR? r.J.m " Th' FarnE-1M9Mh KOI Ah IWI-U Luropean, . . u... i I virvt V furnlahed rnoma: evervthlra nW and modern: gentlemen preierrea. low Webster st. E-M337 CENTRAL, steam heat, all moderd: I ele gantly furnished rooms, zm is. aa. ... 1 . 4 . E 22P FRONT room for two; modern. 21S N nth. .- THREE nice rooms, light housekeeping. 1112 8. 11th St. -muni FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. FRONT room and board. 626 8. lth at. r s au ROOMS with board; modern, Unm heat; also table board. The ureener, a. wn. F-M231 Dltf FOR RENT UNFURNISHED ROOMS. DESIRABLE ROOM. 2224 Farnam. yj -i 1 FURNITURE PACKING. Peterson Lundberg. UJ 8. 17th. Tel, L-2368. eiu FOR RENT STORES AD OFFICES.. FOR RENT Building suitable for whole sale purposes at Slu caruain, xjv, iuui Stories and nrst-ciaas vauieiueu uaaamonv, kM.i., .,r,. ..i. uf. . a.i.Trr:. hr.,r rri.- and particulars Inquire C. C. Rosewater. sec retary the Bee Building Co., room 100, Bee building. I-M567 FOR RENT The building formerly occu- piea oy in- dv v .. - four stories and a basement, which was formerly used by The Bee press .room. This will be rented Very reasonably. If Interested apply at otllce of C. C. Rose- water, secretary, room iw, oe uuoiuiug. I 2til FOR RENT, three upper stones in four- it ".eferred Addreai C C "Rose- ?rr" kL'USJm iw ? bld. i inpoa ... w tOR RiiNT. .atoteroom and. basement . In I.good iJcatloq.. particularly adupted fqr.,a .puiuuiel buuw.1H'uiii uu,aui iwimi w .' manufacturer with .similar requirements; ;...U.J. r..rn,'wh.H If r.nlr.t Hi KVtpr. f iW;." --. jw-T: building. "4 8-8TORY and basement. 22x100: 1006 Farnam SlUri Rim UHlCUllll, AlW, . m it. Inquire 814 First Nat 1 Bank Bid -111 AGENTS WANTED. WANTED Canvassing agents In every county to solicit subscriptions to THE TWKNTIK'i'H CENTURY FAMER. Ai.dv etnolovment with assured good In come. Agenie In the country with horse an, I huaav especially desired. Canvassers :Ues Cntu'rFaVmVr BoTcitor.' BureTu, Be. building, Omaha. J-2U muke easily $00 to $100 per month. Ad- WANTED TO BUY. DON'T give your furniture and carpets away. J. evine pays tin ingi i oau price Tele lion rie i.i. N M218 'FOR BALE FIRKITURE. FULL line of hard coal stoves now on sal. Chicago Furniture Co., iu -.uogei OAK sideboard for sale, 2209 Spencer St. O t&i FOR SALE Contents of eight-room house, Btuvci. c-rDrts. furniture, piano, dishes. etc., etc.; will sell very cheap. Addiess U 21. Uee. O a 11 FOR SALE-HORSES, WAGONS. ETC. MONROE sella pleasure vehicle at 811 N FOR SALE 2 medium slsxd black mint. Uo-i work team or breeders. Apply lulT N. lOlh DU AC .1. IIUIIUK) cu. fAili WE PAY $32 a wfek and expenses to men ,0..aU ana ha convinced that ou rates are with rigs to Introduce poultry compound; the cheapest In Omaha. veara' contract Imperial Mfg. Co., D64 w want yur business and be'leve in In. l!,r.nn. Kn imperial aiig. v.u., wn. ve.stlgation of our methods will get lt 1 hi sons, ivan. - .yen )f ( ,he prnt yw, ar dealn- " " elsewhere. KIND. COURTEOUS TREAT- BEE WANT BECAUSE THEY FOR SAUK HORSl'., W AGONS, KTC. BISIESS C HtMEI. NEW and M hand vehicles for sale; re- FOR BALE l6.non slock of dry goods, no- pairs. H. Frost, 14th and Leavenworth. Hons, shoes and groceries, located In one P yjO of the best towns In western Iowa; store . . . .n fa in center of main bu;nA.s block, sise 3f.K ., ,,.,,,. , 10; biick; rent reasonable. A good oppor- OR SALE MISCKLLAMiOlS. tunltr fcr parties looking for a well es- .... 1 " t.ibllshed biiHiness; stock new and In flrst- 1NDIAN goods and relics. Ui Farnam. cla88 continion. Address U 38, Hee. Vt-'' Y-MJ71 13 IRON A wire fences, tree guards, trellises. Ex'CHANOES Of all kinds: to buy or sell Western Anchor Fence Co., ioS N. lith sU a business of exchange merchandise for W 6l land or city property, call or write Sholes- ; ; Armstrong Co., 721-2 N. Y. Life. Tel. 49. CATALOGUE cut drug price free. Sher- , " , Y M793 man & McCbnnell Drug Co., Omaha. . y 620 for sale, In fertile northwestern agrl- ; cultural county, abstract set and lncl- FOH SALE, several scholarships In a first- denteal business paying 4.X yearly; class standard school In Omaha, compris- price ii 000. Address U IS Bee. Y M8G8 12 lug coir.piete course In . business,, snort- - ! . . ' hand and typewriting. Inquire at Bee ELEGANTLY equipped bsarber shop on utiles. . y 80S ground floor; one of the finest on the . : Pnelflc coast; location most desirable; FOR BALE, coal business. Capital required. palatial baths; everything up to date. $2,000.(10. Address J a. Bee. y 621 This proposition clears big money and . w), AT ost seal chlng Investigation. 2DHAND safa cheap. Derlgbt, lilt Farnam. por full particulars address P. o. Box W-6" 65, OaklanS, Cal. T-MS67 16x BILLIARD and pool tables, bought, sold, FOR 8ALE $5,000 stock of hardware and exchanged and repaired. Bar ltxtures Implements, located in one of the beft and saloon supplies. The Western Bar towns in western Iowa; store In center of Fixture and Kutel uAfV Mi. joV 1J . -,,-atri . business .-block, le 25x70, size of Harney St., Omaha, Neb. , UrMMl. 'implement room 36x60. With basement on m'cHip faihirajr!; . CSartlKS ators. : baseboard,-casihg, unifier blocks, f- well '-estllihed-buslriess; stork; new pllntji.' nial-ble tile,' ' wlmfow ' ScVeei'iS, jn a first-lass condlUon. Address U -iilnrtjirtgi 'hydrauiief elevator U,- W. 11 1 Be A .. ' '.;-Y-M72 . i'Mruiuse. Barker Hotel, Orpaha. . . - , . 1 '; . y-855-r;lU .' ' ' 7 i.-, " - a ' FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. ' CliAPEST OAK SLAT CORN CRIB- ' ; i ,B1AG Long tlr timbers. -01 Douglas. , .' . 1 : . 1 1 . . fj'it . . FI'LL east front Hanscoitr Place lot; new COUPE for pair or singe horse," 'excailimT . tVphalt favement, slagollthlc walk, sewer. .condltlon;, must sell. Address U 22. Bee rAU these specials paid for; $1,600, for .'"c'' . . ' : Q-MU. qulck Bal.; Harrison Morton, 812 N. T. FOR Att:; Jtnnbf concert grand piano; Life. Tel. ili. ;- RB 900 condition yood. Address Lock Box 66, ' : 11 Glltner, Neb.'. - :' . Q 196 . - p ' 4 Q TWO fine .depot wagons, rockaways, 1 .. I IllCrV l .OTl coupe, 3 traps, 1 wagonette, 2 drays. X Vil-V- - ' v- 4 Drummond Carriage Co.,- 18th and Mar- r -a. m Clifton Hill House CLAIRVOYANTS, GYI.MER, palmist 715 N. 23d; 'phone B 8o MRS. CARRIE SMITH, . SOVEREIGN t 1T1V l.,:.'L- ... ..1.. I. . LADY ul.'EEN of clairvoyants: every thing told, past, present and future. Hat is I arTi(irnopny.Hn7N.1Kth.Sf.2l ELECTRICAL TREATMENT. MME. SMITH, baths, US N. 15, 2d floor, r. 2. T IK)1 JJliX - PERSONAL. WE KENT sewing machines at 75c par wiek, $2 per month; we repair and sell parts lor every machine manufactured; i-econd-hand machines from $1 to $10. Neb. M0. IN el U-630 Cycle Co., luili and. Harney. I "VIAVI" way to health. 346 Bee building. Omaha. U 52a PRIVATE Sanitarium for ladles before and during confinement. Dr. and Mrs. Uer.sch, MUs California st. Terms reasonable. U-625 ' ' tai? aib nmpuai auring conunemeni; babies adopted. Mrs. Gardela, 2234 Lake. Tel. Red-lnM. U a THE OMAHA Plating Co. will aoon move - to larger quarters at 1A0 Harney st. UM440 PRIVATE home during -confinement; halves nuopiea. ine ijoon eamai'itan sanitarium, 728 lat avar. Council Bluffs, la. V 62 PRlVATlThospltal before and during con finement. Mrs. L. Fisher. 1501 lnton. Tel. 1883. .- U 529 ' r invert mi T.- vrrr - m ,1 7v .-V. TT P"i7l.r .V" VW' U-C31 " pn. PRIES treats successfully all diseases , and irrsgnliirtties bl WQmen.'Jfom any cause;... ttlTeiicea and.' rlibla,.'.,'l3 d'"rff.T".Arilfo T.i.- s. vVT.i,: ;; i. - - - , V 0- t06TUMs . for'rent 33tf a. 20th." Sack. U MfioSt Dec ,1 A X,CE henItny. banv bov BnV tlrl tnr .1HnHin 9ID a 11. w . . . 1 . 1 ' ri"'"" . p. 111 pi., . vino-ntt, nvu, ' U M192 12x WHAT'S nicer than accordion pleating? .We do nothing but the finest, . Goldman Pleating Co., 200 Douglas block., , . . . . . .U-M3M a M w MONEY TO LOA- REAL ESTATE. FARM and city loans, low rates. W. II. Thomas, First Nat l Bank bldg. Tel. 1648. " W-6 PRIVATE money, Sherwood. 937 N. Y. Life, 1 . ' XXT tili 4 TO 5 P. C. money.. Bemls, Faxton block. . ... v tmj PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1520. Douglas. w 3 WANTED City loans and warrants. W. rarnam Hmlin & Co., 1320 Farnam st. W-533 -. . . 1 1 i 1 ' WANTED-Real estate loans and warrants. i. .. x-et.ers o.. Bee Dldg. w 636 Wm Pr cent loans. Garvin Bros., 1B04 farnam. - . W 63 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. MONEY LOANED ON FURNITURE, PIANOS, LIVE STOCK. SALARIES, ETC. Low rates and easy terms. Business eontldentlal. Try us it you want toVave money. t-u.-NiA. ckedit cor. 3 Paxton block. lfith and Farnam sts X540 MONEY loanded o:i pianos, furniture, Jew- A. 643 EASY.iorAV Best elolHln our methods. Wo loan Oil furniture. lilMntli WHrhnn receipts, etc. Or if you have a perm-neat --" L71 fAif t. 'thout -"ty. except your: own ,gre. ."Pay. Our .eric1li quhuc.-and coutldentlal and we alwAvV'tW toha . All that we ask ls 4but JoiiAlve us a Call Bwriaw eisew.iu-rek . "'-'t; V UHAIlAHtOHTUAtii;: Lf)AN.yVy -11SI' Hoard 'KUade Bldg.5vi'el. Vtsb, - tE-tabliehed-l92). '30b B ltith t. ., ; : x. Aii4S I LARGEST - Er!8fNES8. ; IN ' LOANS TO 8i iHirii. UbiiPi r. ..! stera. oardlag houses, etc..' without se curltyt easiest -.terms; .40 offices wi. prin cipal cities. Tolman, 440 Board of Trade Bldg. , . , . -. X-41 , : MONEY loaned on plain note to salaried people; ouaineas conndeDtialiioweat rates. 514 paxton -look. The J. Ar Huttoo, Co. -' X.-5U CHATTEL salary and Jewelry loans. Foley oan . io., ll s, iJaraer loca X-444 MONET TO LOAN ON FURNITURE ANOST LIVE STOCK. IT COsViYOl? NOTHING . MEN'T to all. Our offices are the best equipped to handle your business with privacy of any In the city. Come In and see ui, whether you borrow or not. ' Open Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays unui g p. in. RELIABLE CREDIT CO.. Rooms 307-S-8 Pa Hon block. Rooms 807-30$. X-811 BUSINESS CHANCES. I FOR BALE $7,500 stock of clothing, located I In one of the best towns In Western Iowa; store room in center or tns in la busi ness ' blot k, slse :&x70; brick; rent rea sonable. A good opportunity for party looKing ror a wen eai.Diisned Duslness; stiH k new and in hral-viass co d Hon, Aaaresa u s, ee. x M.70 u WHEN you want to buy. Mil or exchange any property or cusino i quick, sea i. lL Johnson, 843 N. Y. Life. Y-647 . FOR 8ALE. to active man. Interest In e tat.llahed business: peraunal services and $5.0iU required. Kxcellent opportunity fur rigui party. Aaarssa a i, Mi I I ADS PAY BEST REACH TWICE AS MANY READERS. We offer 4208 Grant street for $1,300. This Is a neat Blx-rooni cottago with olty water and gas. Newly painted. Bouth front and east slope. In good nelghgorhood. It Is vacant now and ready to move Into at once. A. P. TUKEY BON, 444-443 BOARD OF TRADE. HE-252 13 FREE homes; send 2-cent stamp for mnp of Rosebud reservation,, giving full Infor mation. D. W. Forbes, Boneateel, S, D. RE M177 A SNAP. , Good 4 room house and lot, city water. For quick sale. Cash $275. O. C. Olsen, 1704 Farnam St RB 224 12 TRACKAGE AND BRICK WAREHOUSE. Good sized, well built brick warehouse with 128 feet trackage on Mo. Pacific at 47th and Dodge,' admirably adapted for small coal or building material business; for quick, sale, $L200; Improvements worth more money. Harrison & Morton, 912-913 N. Y. Life. . Mi- xtE-8W FOR SALE OR TRADJ! ."OR SMALLER PROPERTY 9-room modern housti and splendid burn, lot 42,xl04. Apply owner . 2514 N. 2Gth at. . UE-M724 14 , .. ,W. Farnarri Srnjtji &i Cp. An "excellent '9-iroom mddevu Jiouse, barn; 4a rife' yard, tine shade Kree, shrubberyi Ohio at..: near boulevtirdi If Aim- W.uit "this" at 3,i50; you' will t6 secure ft this Week. ' -J ' .. . lxok at 26i4 CaldWeJl tH.,lit.m, gas and water, line, large yard", Wiud,' paving all Puld. Mnt be sold. IVloe. $1,760. In the West Farnam location, t rooms, newi excellent construction and nuiit ror a home. Price, $4,760. A ijood lot closer in might be accepted 111 trade. No poor stuff. ' !. W.; Farriam' Smith & Co. , ' . ' .V RE 210 '. WALLACE'S SUBDIVISION The newest addition on the market, -. ONLY SEVEN 1iTS. But every one a bargain. ' Facing 27th ave., between Grant ad Lake, across street. from Moore's . sub., which popular lots are about, all . sold, good neighborhood, car, i sewer, water, gaa; only . 3Q0 . $300 $300 . $300 each, $400 for corner--two sold. Get terms at once. WALLACE. BKOWN BLOCK. - . RK-22J 11 750. 00 . Buys a fine 50-foot lot on 40th Street isouth of Farnam, $750.00. . .THE fcYRON REED CO. . ' . RE-M242 12 FIVE-ROOM cottage and east front lot; nice fencd and lawn; burn and hennery; Ambler Place, west of tfanscom Purk; price, $i,0oo. ,F. Dr Weud, 1624 Douglas street. , RK M236 13 MU8t BE SOLD AT ONCE ON EASY TERMS, A NEW. MODERN 5-ROO.M HOUkUi.. EAST FRONT; FULL LOT, oS GRADE. PHONE U 2M. . , r- R-M24512 ALL about North Dakota and where to buy good laud cheap; descriptive tulder and list Sent free; reliable representatives wanted. Whitney Wheelock, 13 Broad way, Fargo, N. V. .. , - RE-981 RANCH and farm lands for sale by the Union Pacific Railroad company. B. A. McAUaaler, land commissioner, Union . Paul no headquarters, Omaha, Neb. RE Oil - .400--New six-room house at 3715 Leaven- .. wfAh :- utndesu.exceuL tumaoe: corner lot: 7 feet, front; cat-, line, pankes: door;..$4o0 MA-tr, bsiance easy pa muuts at a per ceot. HOJU8ES and lo4s In all parts' of city; also '.acre property ana rarm anus; ' T ln U. f'. Davis Co., Room tut Bee Udg. - RE &a ' r SALINE county . took , Out prize at Ni prustia s lair; purgains in. larms; A) to $(0 per acre; 'rj section or, valley land in ifawson county very cneap hi b.zuu. f. ,1 i .... i -,. . . . .. c, t , , v- u " RE M888 20 FOR SALU, twelve-acre c fruit farm at liraldentown, Florida; water front, young orange ana Danana grove, ana gooa tiouse, Address Lock Box 66, Glltner, Neh. KB-196 ' CHA8. Uilliamcnn Pn U- 8.- Nat'l . niiiiwf ' i -ar.K ii 4. : J IE 549 . When You Write to Advertisers remember It only takes an extra stroke or two of the pen to mention the fact that you saw the ad In The Bee. . SUNDAY estu A SNAP FOR SOMEBODY. A good nine-room house, ail modern, and a convenient barn, oil corner lot In Went Farnam district, for less than coat to build the buildings; $1,6U0 cash required, balance time. J. B. Piper, 611 Bee bldg. RE M200 13 12,860. We offer for the first time a aix-room, story end a half cottage, near 16th and Corby; this house has slate root-and Is In excellent condition; hot and cold water, bath, gas and sewer; new brick barn, box stall; room for two buggies; paved street; permanent wa'ks; this Is a splendid home and purchaser need not expend $10 for ro paire; let us show It to you. N. P. Dodge Co. . RB M268 13 t BUILDING LOTS. On 24th at., cIom to Leavenworth street school; Just the place to move one of thuae cheap houses from the Great West ern right-of-way. Haallng Hayde-n, tUO-tli, N. Y. Ufa RE-M243 13 FOR 9AI.K REAL, ESTATE. t ACRK8 Close to Florence on Calhoun road: good hojse, barn, chicken house, etc.; 2 acres in fruit; this Is a snap and must be sold. Hastings Heyden, bio-oll N. y. Lite. RE-M2M 13 FOR SALETIMBER LASDS. WE ARB HEADQUARTERS FOR YEL LOW PINK In the Soft Yellow Pine Belt. This timber compares favorably In quality with the While Pine of Wis consin and Michigan. Can all be logged with big wheels. No Are risk. Complete nrt ollt.hla I., u irxn .faffA... fltla LANDS WE CONTROL - AND CAN DE- t.ivi'.R-'? ACKi. tt n vi irn i (V dri tr I tho ouaiter section, n'rlce 17.W A. 10 (mi ACRES, avern.e 2 000.00(1 to the ouar- I ter section, price lu.OO per A. . 9,0lo ACKi;8. average 2,000,0Uf to the quarter section, price $ii.uo per A. 8,000 ACRES, average 2,500,000 to the quarter section, price $K00 per A. 14.000 ACRES. BDruce and Hemlock. 'aver-' sue 2.500.000 to the Quarter section, price $U..X per A. I'wnir iKU r iKB'i KSKKvis. B'.Kir in large and small annum is at tne market 1 : price. Reference furnished. Correspond- I . nCe solicited. Adtetiii '. - - ... ....rl' . AMERKAN TIMBER CO- , I E. M: unya, .AIr,, AURiimrn BUla,, Port-I land Orp., , .VM.IuS Kiyln- 1 n- '- -r-T - t L-r '-t-" Atroflrmj?!' pleativg ; , , ', i w. y ' -U-c m : i ;.. ACCORIUON .pleiiting. fheniifes.'; , best, qufeke-tt.'- Mr. A. . C.; MarT .i'th i. -and Douglas., M74S BALIS TIES. OMAHA lay Tie. Co., Stl N. Xgxh st. : . " ' i 1 Wf-- - . . i i , , . -.-..- I -COSTCMES.- Thearrleal and masq. Lleben, ' .1018 Far. KSti CHIROPODISTS. DR. .RQY, room 2-3, 1505 Farnam st. -fC CARPENTERS AKD JOI.NKRS. ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing promptly attended to. t. i. ucni.iree. th and Lake sts. 3.0 CORSIt KMAKKHS AM) TINNERS. 8AVAGB, 2S22 Karnam, furnace work, cor nices, rtdgeroil gutters, BKyiignts. tei. i MX!" 1 DETECTIVES. CAPT. T. CORMACK, 517 Karbach block. .Tel. A283Z. ' 520 PF.BOUT Detective agency, 708 N. Y. Life. . Tel. 3S4I. ' 9vJ MS DANCING ACADEMY. MR. AND Mrs. Morand's 15th and Harney, adults-Tuesday iind Friday, 8 p. m.;-as semblies. Wednesday: children. Saturday. 10 a. m. and 2 p. m.; all dances taught ; rapidly; private lessons our specialty, dully, call or teiepuone iu. M829' D4 DRESSMAKING. fcEISTUR'8 College, 1705 Cuming. Suits to order. Night cluss, Mon. niurs. i to v:su. , OW IN FAMILIES. Miss Sturdy, J09 N. 23d. M449 10X STANDARD Garment Cutting College, 2231 ' Fsrnaur -M45o N2g LXPERT ACCOUNTANT.' Q. R. KAf H.BUN.- room 15 Comnl"NatU bank. Private lessons In bo'okkeufplrig, FLORISTS. HESS & SWOBGDA, 1415 Parnam. 5i2 L. HENDERSON, florist, 1518 Farnam St. 0 ( FOR RENT FARMS. . .... A I.ARUR and well ImDroved farm ll Stanton county for rent; 640 acres wlia $10,000 worth or improvements... R. C PETERS CO.. Ground Floor Bee. Building. . -MT07 TUR DRESSING. J. E. WALLACE.' Taxidermist, 603 8. irsth. Y - 701 . GARBAGE. ATki and dead animals at reduced prices. 621 N. lfith. Tel. 17751. kvi GOLD AND SILVER PLATING. OMAHA PLATING CO.. Bee bldg. Tel. 2TS3. r Ot4 HORSES WINTERED, HORSES wintered. 43d and Center., Tel Black-1123. M X LAW .AND COLLECTIONS. 8TILLMAN PRICE, 410 1st Nat. Bk. bids. QUO i NEW SNOW-CHURCH CO.. 1st floor N. Y. Life bldg., attorneys and collectors every. wnere. sw' LAWN MOWERS. SHARPENED. P. Melcholr, 13th & Howard 667 LOCKSMITH. C. R. HEFLIN, 309 N. 16tb, st. Tel. 2974. m awi LOST. LOST Cut steel purse Monday on- 14th be tirti t4 tween Farjiara.and Harney? fetish te f'uruiture Co. and rceKj Tj.w'ii.rdJ. Buker F rF.WICAL. U LADIES! ChIchester'sKnltar Pennyroyal rliia are ine uni. i, iciia.m inno i . m other. Bend 4c, stamps, for particular. "Relief for Ladies.'.' In ' letter by return mail. Ask your, druggist. Chichester C hemical Co., PhtludeioUIa, Pa .- MUSICAL. TH03. J. KELLY, vorae. Davldge blo-k. LETOVSKY'8 ORCHESTRA. "11. J--2684. . OSTEOPATHY. Johnson InsUtute, 615 N. Y. Life pidg. T. 1064 . - -661 ( The Hunt Infirmary, McCague Bldg. T. 2.151 -562 Atien & Farwell, Paxton Blk., 604-7. T. 1305. 603 DR GRACE DEEGAN, 2 N. Y. Life. Tel. 2080. . K4 DRS. LAIRD LAIRD, 203 Karbach Blk M-l"7 NJtix PAWNBROKERS. EAGLE Loan office. Reliable, accommodat ing; all business confidential. 13ul Douglas 6j6 PATENTS. II J. COWGILL No fee unless successful 318 8. 15th Bt.. Oinalat. Tel. 17 605 PATENTS-ues Co., Omaha, Neb. Il lustrated patent book free. Tel. Iti23. M 670 NISx STAMMERING AND STUTTERING. CURED. Julia Vaughn. 4-0 Kamga Bldg SHORTHAND AND TYPF.WR1TINO. A. C. VAN 8ANTS School. 717 N. T. I.lfo. 674 KVR F.uslnes A Shorthand College, Boyd's Theater r. k SANITORIt M. OMAHA Florence Sanatorium. Thone Red :2,4: 1 Mk. w. of car line. City 'phone, 1TJ2. City bath and massacre parlors, :'l Lake. STORAGE. OM. Van Stor. Co., 1611H Farn. Tels. 15uA-2. 67) TICKET BROKERS. CUT RATE railroad tickets everywhere. f. H. Phllbln, la Ftrnam. 'Phone 7M. -r.77 WASTED TO BORROW. WANTED To borrow $!KX) to $1,000 at 7 per cent on gooa oouin vmana rental proe- "tyi security ample. Address T 26. Bee. M 361 When You Write to Advertisers remember it only take's an extra stroke or two of the pen to mention the fact that you saw mi aa in Tne ee. FOSTOFFICE KOTICE. (Should be read DAILY by all Interested, as-changes Jila,y qcour at any time.) . "Foreign mails for the WCcV. emiln'g .Nov em- 1WX will casesl nt the tlnner'til Pnsto'tnoA fnilum: PARCELS-POST MAILS close one hour earlier than closing time shown below. j p. ni. Wedneiday. i Regular and suoplemantary rrtalls closs at Foreign Station half hour later than closing lime shown tielow (except that Sup- rremeiVwy Aiailtf for Kurope nnd Centriil A-tn erica, via Colon, cloe tuie hour later st .,,'.-., '-. 1 .. a Transatlantic Malta. THURSDAY At 7 a. m. for FRANCE, per s. s. La Wnscogne, via Havre (mall for Other parts of Europe must be directed "per s. s. La Gascogne"); at 7:30 a. m. (supplementary 9 a. m.) for KUltoPE, rier a. s. Deutchland, via Plymouth, Cher murg nnd Hamburg; at 6:30 p. m. for AZORES ISLANDS, per B. s. Peninsular, from New Bedford. Mass. SATURDAY At 6 a. m. for EUROPE, per s. 8. St. Louis, via Southampton Imall lor Ireland and letter mall for IJverpool must be directed "per s. s. St. Louis"); at 8:30 n. m. (supplementary 10 a. in.) for EUROPE, per s. s. Campania, via Queens town; at 8:30 ii. m. for BELGIUM direct, per s. s. Vaderland .(mail must bo di rected "per s. s. Vaderland"); at 12:30 p.- m. for SCOTLAND 11rect, per s. s. Columbia (mall mult be directed "per s.s. C'Qlumbla"); After the closing of the Supplementary Transatlantic Main named a Dove, addi tional Bunnlemeniary Mails are opened on the piers oC the American, English, French and German steamers and remain open until within Ten Minutes of tho hour of sailing of Steamer. Mails for South and Central America, West Indtea. Ete. THURSDAY At :30 a. m. for BARBADOS and liKAl, per s. a. capn, via maceio, Rio Janeiro and Santos (mall for North ern Brazil, 'Argentine, cruguay ana Para guay must be directed "per s. s. Capri"; at 8 a. m. for CUBA, per s. s. Orizaba (mail for Mexico, via Progreso, Campeche and Vera Crux must be directed "per a. s. Orizaba"); at 12 m. (supplementary 12:30 p. m. for BAHAMAS, per a. e. Niagara mall for Mexico, via Tamplco. must be Hirrtf.,l "ner a. a. Nlae-ara"). FRIDAY At 6:30 p. m. for BERMUDA, per Steamer from Halifax. SATURDAY At 8:30 a. m. (supplementary P.S0 a. m.) for PORTO mcu, cukacau and VENEZUELA, per S. Caracas (mail for Savanllla and Cartagena must be direetea ."per s. s. Caracas"); at 9 a.m. for ARGENTINE. URUGUAY and PARAGUAY, per a. s. Casllda: nt 9:30 a. m. (supplementary 10:30 a. m.) for FOR TUNE ISLAND, JAMAICA. SA VANILLA . t-.ud CARTAGENA, per s. s. Alhil (mall " rTcCoata Rica must be directed "per s. m. Altul ")'. at 10 a. m. for CUBA,' per s. . Motro castle, via tinvana.; at w a. m. ior CREN-AfA,T.TKINIHAi and CI I 'DAD BOLIVAR, per s. s. Maracas; at 1:30 a.m. t:,upple(Ketitrv 11:30 a. m.) for INAGUA, HAITI and SANTA MARTA. fr a. s. Athos; at I2'30 p. nu Tor CUBA, per a. m. oiindu, via Havana. Molls Forwarded Overland,. Etc., Ex , eept Trnaapaelflc. CUBA Via Florida, closes at this otrlee dally, except lliuiaoay, at to.ou a. ni. (I he connecting maim elose here oil Wednestlvs and Suturdays via Tampa, nrni nn Mondavs via Miami). MEXICO CIT Y Overlund. unless specially addressed ror-aiupatcn vy steamer, closes at this orTi.-A dully, eicfut Sunday, at l::tO p. m. and 11:30 p. m. Sundays at 1 p. tn. and 11:30 t. m. NrrWFOUNDLAND By rail to North Sid ney, and thence ny steamer, closes at mis omce dally at 6:iK- U m. (connecting malls close here every Monday, Wednesduy and Saturday.) JAMAICA By tall to Boston, and thence by steamer, closes at tins omce at :) rfQfffc-Sf ?S't Boston, and thence by steamer, closes at tills omce dally at BELli-EmprERTO CORTEZ and GUATE MALA By rail to New Orleans, and thence by steamer, closes at this office dallv, except Sunday, at :7-y p. m. and 111:30 p. m.j .Sundays at 1 p. m. and (11:30 p. rn. (connecting mall closes here Mondays at 111:30 p. m.) COSTA RICA By rail to New Orleans, and thence by steamer, closes at this olllce daily, except Sunday, at H 30 p. m. and 111:20 p. m; Sundays at 1 p. m. and 411:30 p tn. (connecting mall closes here Tuesdays at 111:30 p. n,.t , 'REGISTERED MAIL closes at S p. m. previous day. Transpacific Malla. CHINA and JAPAN, via Tacoma, cloae here daily at 6:30 p. m. up to November 510. Inclusive, for despatch per a. s. Vlc- CH1NA and JAPAN, via Beattle, close here here daily at 6:30 p. m. up to November 111, Inclusive, for despatch per s. s. Kaga HAWAII. JAPAN. CHINA and PHILIP. PINE ISLANDS, via San Francisco, close hero dallv at 6:30 p. m. up to November 113 Inclusive, for despatch per . a. Corea. NEW ZEALAND. AUSTRALIA (except West)), Nw LAi.tuuniA, ri-u, .SA MOA and HAWAII, via San Francisco, close here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to No vember 14; Inclusive, for despatch per s. Sonoma, (ii me unara sieamer car rying the British mall for New Zealand 4r,s not .arrive In time to ronnect wi.h ,vlu .42, ,iul8 despatch, extra mails closing at 5:34 -i nm nt "a'li ia "'V yli"""' awa ; for The large double store in Bee-Huilding, formerly occupied by MacCarthy Tailoring Co. 46 feVt plate glass front, the only one of its kind in Omaha. Present monthly rental, $ 175. Will rent to single tenant for f 133 per month. Or will remodel into two stores and rent each store or $75. '.'. Excellent location for men's furnishing store, shoe ttore, jeweler, milliner, etc. Every tenant of the im mense Bee Building, City Nail, Court House and New York Life Building a possible patron. For further particulars, see MacCarthy Tailoring Co., 304306 South 16th Street. roSTOFFICB SOTK K, a. tn , 30 a. m. and ( 30 p. m.; Sund.iy.i at 4:30 a. m., 9 a. ni and 6.3u p. m. will be made up and forwarded until the ar rival of the Cunard steamer). HAWAII. JAPAN, CHINA and PHILIP PINE ISLANDS, via Han Francisco, close here daily at 6:30 p. m. up to November 20, Inclusive, for despatch per s. a. Gaelic. HAWAII, via San Francisco, close here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to November 23. In clusive, for despatch per a. a. Aiameda. CHINA AND JAPAN, via Vancouver and Victoria, It. C, cl.ise here dally at ;30 p. m. up to NovemtKjr 124, Inclusive, for despatch irr s. s Empress of China. (Merchandise for V. postal agency at Plinnglia! cannot b torwarded via Can ada I rillLIPriNE 1SIVNI8, via Pan Fran cisco, close here dally at 6 p. m. up to November !-V., Inclusive, for despatch per 1'. 8. transport. TAHITI and MARQUESAS ISLANDS via San Francisco, clone here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to November 2t, Inclusive, for despatch per s. s. Marlppsa. AUSTRALIA (. xcept West.. Fl. I9L- AND8 and NEW CALEDONIA (specially addressed only), via Vancouver and Vic toria, B. C, close here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to Ieoetnber J5, Inclusive, for despatca per s. a. Moana. NOTE Unless otherwise addressed. West Australia is forwarded via l'urone; and New Zealand and Philippine Islands via Snn Francisco the quickest routes. Phil ippines specially addressed "via Canada" or "via Europe" must oe fully prepaid at the foreign rates. Hawaii Is forwarded via San Francisco exclusively. Trnnspacltlc malls are forwarded to port o' sailing dally and the schedule of closing is arranged on the presumption of their uninterrupted overland transit. Registered mail closes at p. m. pre v'iiis risy. CORNELIUS VAN.OOTT, Postmaster., Postofflce, New Tork. N. T.,'-'November $, onl t: v GOVERNMENT' NOTtceS. . I . r ' ' -( :. i CHIEF QUARTERMASTER'S OFFK:r,. --Omaha,- Neb.,' Novmler 5, SOW'. Sealed proposals, In triplicate, will be received hero until ni n. m.. central time. Novemter 20, J903. for lrnlshlng Anthraclta, Bltnwilnous uiui orniining i oni. wooo, v nnrcoai, Bran, Hay and Bedding, at Fort' Dos Moines, la. U. 8. reserves tight to reject or atie-pt any or alf proposals, or any -part thereof. Information furnished - on p- fllcation here, -or to QilartermftsreT, Fort cs Moines, la.' Envelop-, containing proposals should be marked "Proposals for Fuel and Forage." and addressed- to wtor signed. WILLIAM E. HOIITON, Acting Chiif Quartmaaler. N 12 19M PR01OSALS FOR SINKING ONE TUH1I lar Deep Well. Olllce Chler Quartermas ter. Omaliti, Neb.. Novemlier in. 1903.--SeHled proposals In triplicate will b re ceived at this office until 12 o'clock' noon, central standard time, December 2, lnl3, and then opened, tor sinking one tubulat" deep well at Jefferson Barracks, Missouri.. The United States rcerv- the right to nc-, cept or reject any or all proposals, or any part thereof. Information and blanks fur nished on application. Envelopes contain ing proposals should be marked. "Proposal"! for Sinking Tubular Deep Well," mid ad- . dressed to William B. Horton. Captain and Q. M., U. 8. Army, Acting Chief Ouarter master. - N12-13-2H-30 SEASONABLE FASHIOKS W':; ,--'. Girl's (,'ostuine, 453 rloit wool" ijaterialg are much used for Voug lrl't frock And. re exceedingly effective made 'It.h the fashionable jthlrrlngs. This stylish' cos tume is shown in dark red caaslmere .with bands of black velvet ribbon and trimming of ecru lace. The cape portions, which, fall we!l over the arms, give the breadth which Is always an addition to childish figures and are eminently fshlonable. The box plaits at front and ba provide the long perpendicular lines which mean an eTfect of height. The novel yoke effect Is specially worthy of note and Is obtained by applying pointed lace over the lower portion and velvet bands over the cloth, which-terminate In loops at each point of the lace. The dress conslBts of the waist and the skirt. The waist Is made over a fitted body lining which Is faced to form the j oke and on which tho front, backs. and cape are arranged. The aleeves are full, with the wide cuffs of the season,; artd the neck la finished with a -simple standing collar. The skirt Is box plaited at the front and again at the back, but Is shirred at the sides and falls In soft and graceful fold, . The clos ing Is effected at the center bck Invisibly beneath the plait. '. ' (.- . -. ' The quantity of material required for , the medium nize (12 years) Is 7 yards 27 inches wide or 4V4 yards 44-Inches wide, with H4 yards of pointed lace and two pieces ' of velvet ribbon to trim as' Illustrated. ' " . The pattern 4573 Is . cut In sizes for gift of 8, 10, 12 and 14 years of age. '.v - For the' acaommodation ' of . The' Bee readers these patterns, which usually retail at from SB to 60 cents, will be furnished at a nominal price, 10 cents, which covers all expense. In order to get a pattern enclose 10 cents, give number atd name of pattern- Cincinnati Butchers Oot. '- CINCINNATI, Nov.. ll.-Between TOO and 800 butchers struck today for an increase of 10 per cent and double pay for Sundays and holidays. All of the twenty-three local firms that refuaed to recognise the Amal gamated MeHt Cutters and Butchers' Workmen's unions are affecteij. . '' ' i ' r ' T"- - J e-i 77c f -i 3 lw renl 2C barg