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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 12, 1903)
0 TIIE OMAHA DAILY HEE: THURSDAY, NOVEMRER 12. 1003. f. ( GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Ganeral Liquidation Came Lower Fricea in 111 Oraina at Chicago. GOVERNMENT REPORT AFFECTS CORN Selling- Frrnore Cornea In Oats Mar ket After Stamp la Price of Corn Provision Market Follows Decline. CHICAGO, Nov. 11. General liquidation In both the grain ana provisions pus iauu lower pnee ml aiuu.iu mi tne Ilia, a ot Traae loaay, iJnemw-r wneat cluainK no lower, liecrmber torn wm down s44c, oaia were olt V0"c, while January p.o.t slons were Iroin mo to lVc lower. comparatively firm cables nruuKiit out a (airly good demand (or both Liecember ana vjrtaywncat at tne atart ana Unemuei opened rJ-c hlgner at 77V77toc. Offer ings were naiit early li the aay and wlui a lair advance in the price 01 Decemuer at MinneaHlis the market here mowed good gains, the pi Ice advancing to 7 vt,c within the drat hour. Later in the ua tlid aentlment changed and tenlng became gen eral. Mtop hiss order came out on the de cline and there was alto conquerable short selling, which added to the general weak ness. Cloning pi Ices Were at about tne bottom, Willi December c lower at 7t;C, alter It naa touched 7b'c. Clearances o( wheat and flour were equal to 144, 0j bu. Primary receipts were l.ovil.uoo bu., aguinst l,3)4.liiO bu. a year ago. Minneapolis, CnK cago and Duluth reported receipts of 7fl cars, against $ cars last ween and 874 cars a year ago. Corn ruled extremely weak after a firm opening. During the first half hour the market showed a fair degree of firmness on small receipts, unfavorable weather and early strength In wheat, but later In the day a flood of selling orders appeared In the pit and prices took a severe slump. Commission houses and local bear leaders led In the selling. The bearish government report was the principal Influence In caus ing the selling pressure. After selling be tween 42c and 43Vie December doped at UHtHMc a loss of tic. Liocat re ceipts were lfta cars, 6 of contract grade. Oats enjoyed a fairly steady market un til the corn break set In and then the sell ing pressure was renewed and prices de clined steadily. A feature of the early trade was buying of December by caeh houses, and that option was quite firm, but the close was weak, with a loss of Wtc at 33T3j34c, after selling between 3j-Sc and 85c. Local receipts were 1& cars. Provisions were steady early In the day on a good cash business and on a strong demand for lard, but later, with grain prices showing weakness, the market turned weak. Packers and local traders sold early, which helped to bring about the reaction. January pork closed )24c lower at $11.2H, January lard was 7Vq1"c lower at l.(7Vi, while ribs were down 7c at W.10. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 125 cars; corn, 235 cars, oats, 200 cars: hogs, 23,000 head. The leading futures tanged as follows: Artlcle. Open. Hlgh. Low Close.Y''ty. Wheat tDec. May, July Corn Dee. May July Outs Dec. May Pork Jan. May La rd Dec. Jan. May Ribs Jan. May I 7W4 7tfc 73Vjpl 74 731417314 I 4-'-JH 43'4 42HlSI424ifr'4, 42 42HfM4 41S 4114: I 4HI 35 syiisjTs'ftv 85 11 82141 30 I it) 11 (CHI 11 ?H U 70 I 11 7214 11 86 it w 214 S 85 0 80 72V4i 0714 66 7214 674 75 70 77W I 17HI 6 2714 20 'l 6 821 10 6 20 10 6 2214 No. I. tNew. Cash otiotatlons were as follows; FLOUR Active but weak; winter pat ents. $4.00ff4.20; straights. $3.7064.1O; spring patents, $4.OifK40; straights, $3.7(nfi3.90; bak ers, $2.90fg3.30. WHEAT-No. , 7Gc; No. 2 red, 76 7e. CORN-No. 2, 47c; No. 2 yellow. 43V e. OATS No. J, Uo; No. I white, S3fc37c, RYE No. J. B3"c. BARLET Oood foedlng, 8338c; fair to PEED No. 1 flax. Sic: Na 1 nnrthweatnm (M4e: prime timothy $3.(0; clover, contract grade. $1.60. PROVISIONS-Mespork. per bbl., $11,821 C11.76. Lard, per J00ms.. $.85gi6.8714; short nun sines iooe.i, rt mui.m; snort clear Idea (boxed), .7&.t7. . The following were tne recti pts of flour ina grain: Rer'W. 8hlpment Flour, bbls.. Wheat, bu.. Com, bu,... Oats, bu.... Ryei bu.... .... 53.200 J9.SO0 ....424.900 69.200 ....310,200 l&3,fino ....481,300 112.310 .... 19.000 3.500 Parley, bu. ...373.000 9.700 On the Produce exchange todav the hut. ter market was steady; creameries, 15 -ii uauies, ivmc. r.Ktr: nrm, at mark, casea Included, 21 H& 2314c Cheese, easy, 103 11c. NBW YORK GEifBRAL MARKET. tlaotatloas of the Day Tarioos Cosamodltles. NEW YORK. Nov. ll.-FLOUR-Rocelnts. 2S.6Sg bbls.; exports, 12,435 bbls. the maraet waa aun ana weak; winter pat ents, $4.00ia4.35; winter straights, $3.9&ffi-4.10: Minnesota patents. 14.6041 4. 76: winter extra. $3.003.40; Minnesota bakers, $3. 7543.90; win ter low grades, $2.803.20. Rye flour, steady, fair to good. 33.2ixii3.40: choice to fancv JM5SJ.eo. Buckwheat flour, dyll at U-Mit CORNMEAL Easy; yellow western, $1.02; li-w, Kim unou, d.uf(d.-o. K YE Nominal: No. I western, 61e f. o. b. afloat; state and Jersey. 6&tt68c. BARLEY Wulet; feeding, 4214o c. t. t. mnmm, mailing. oPXfttr e. i. i., Hiirralo. WHEAT RecelDts. 43.875 bu.: ernnrt. 11 150 bit,; spot, weak; No. 2 red. 3c elevator; No. t red, 84Hc t o. b. afloat; No. 1 north ern Duluth, MWo f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 hard Manitoba, nominal. Options ooened stead v and for a time acted tliun on room cover ing. Then heavy offerings of December appeared, breaking prices sharply in that itlon, followed by general liquidation and heavtneaa after midday, due to poor export demand and big western receipts. The close waa S'Ol'mo net lower: Hav. 81fS82e closed, Uc; December, 837&S3 3-16c, closed. CORN Receipts. 123.760 bu.: exports. 23. 04 bu.; spot, easier; No. t, 501o elevator ana suo i. o. n. anoat; no. x yeuow, noc: No. I white, 6014c. Option market opened steadier on rains west and covering. bas-Hl on the Idea that rroD reoort flcurea had been discounted! Later It gave way with wneat ana closed heavy at trlo net de. cllne, making new low prices for the sea eon: May. 47Si48Hc. closed. 47ic: Julv, 47SIQI48I4C, closed. 4714c; December, 46i9 604c, closed. 48'4c OATS Receipts. 191100 bu.; exports. 116 bu.; spot, easy; No. 3. 4014c: standard white. 4214c; . . 46c; No. t white. 4314c; No t wnite. nc; iraoa wniie, iiiac. HAT Cfilet; aprlng, aute; good to HOVa Steady: Galveston, 30 to 25 lbs., Hltikil-lturfv 0.1v..tAH A . S ,1 lie: California, 31 to 26 lbs., 19c; Texas dry. 1 p ffv nr. I.KATH KR Steady: acid. 23ift23Ue PROVISIONS Beef, steady; family. $10.00 S11.0U; mess, W.ftiftiS 50; beef hams. $20.5m( .A. . 1 . . . . I. . - I. , J . . . . . . wrmi, v& iwwiu.w. city, extra India mess. $15 0i7'17.00. Cut meats, oulet: nlckled bellies. $9.26o10.76; pickled shoulders, $5.50 (.Tt; pickled hams. Ul Ouotn 50. Lard, easy; western steamed. $7.45: refined, easy; con pound. W.fcVol-OO. Pork easy; famllv $10.00; abort clear, $13.2ift 16.00; mesa. $12.73 ii 13.50. RICK Steady : domestic, fair to extra. 4-a tc: Japan, nominal. TALLOW Firm; city, 414c; eountry, 414 Bt'TTER Receipts. $.772 pkgs.; unset tled; creamery, lwi-'-ic; state dairy, bcf sue. CHEESE Receipts, t.058 tihn 01, 1. 1 etsts, full cream, fancy, small 'colored September. HV,c; October, lic; small white, epteroier. nc; tictotier. HiVc large colored. September, llljc; Octtber, EGOS Receipt a. 10.389 pWgs.; flrm; wtst ern seconds to firsts. 2W:9c. POl'LTRY Alive, steady; western rhlek ens. 11c; fowls, lie; turkeys, 13i14c I reused, quiet; western chickens, llHijjUc low is, 11c; turkeys, inc. Philadelphia Prvdaee Market. PHILADELPHIA. Nov. ll.-BCTTER. Firm and prints lc higher; extra western creamery, t-'Sc. LGG8 Firm; good demnnd; fresh nearby 3e lis off: weaiern. 2Mjjyc; southwestern! Sttfirro: soutnern, zviFMi. CHEESE Steady; fair demand; New 1 or it tun creams Fancy, izc; choice, llc lair to gooo, iiijuhc. Mlaaeavolls Wheat. Floar aad Bras MINNEAPOLIS, Nov. 11 -WUEAT-lK cember. iV: May. ,tH7iV. On track No. 1 hard, 7vc; No- 1 northern, 77V: No I northern, iSo; No. 1 northern, 3au73V "LOC'H Fust (lateuU, $4.6.H l.iu; tcui,d patents, $4.4n4 M: first clears, tt.5OtfS.H0; second clears. $2.4"fi2.5n. FLAX Close, cash, 92'c; to arrive, Kc; November, 92V:; December, 92c; May, 95'i.e. KRAN-Jn bulk, $13 23. OMAHA WHOLESALE MARKET. Condition of Trade and annotation oa Staple aad Fancy Produce. EOCS-Kresh stock, loss off, 22e. I.1VK POl I.TKY-Hens, T44ic; spring chickens, 9ii9c; roosters, sccordlng to age, 4i:'ic: turkeys, 14c; ducks, 9c; geese, 7sc. B uTTEH Packing stock, 3H-; choice to fancy dairy, In tubs, liiwlfcc; separator, 21c. FHK8H F18H Fresh caught trout. 10c; pickerel, Sc; pike, lc; perci, e; bulTal, VVx'tJtie; blueflsh, loo; whiietish, 15c; salmon, 11c; haddock, 10c; codtlsh. i2c; redsnapper. 11c; lobsters, boiled, per lb., 30c; lobnters, green, per lb.,2Sc; bullheads, 11c; cattish, 14c; black bass, tfKa.'&c; haliDUt. 9c. crapples, tic; hen lug. fic; white bass, lwc; blueflns, lo. OYBTfc,Hr New York counts, per can, 4.1c, per gal., 12.00; extra selects, per can 35c, per gal., II. 75; standard, per can, 27c. per gal, $1.15. KUAN Per ton, $14 50. HA Y Prices quoted by Omaha Who: sale Dealers' association: Choice No. 1 up land. $8.00; No. 2, $7.60; medium. $7.oi; coarse, 6 60. Rye straw, $6 50. These prices are tor hay or good color ana quality, ise mand fair and receipts light. I UK IN 4KC. OATA- HYK-No. 2. BOo. VEGETABLES. POTATOES Colorado. 85c; Dakota, pet bu., 7'Vh7iic; native, 66'f70e. ifWKisx pu l A rotio noma grown, per basket, 8jc; Virginian, per 3-bu. bbl., 13.00. JNAVi H r, A IM s I er bu., 33.2a. CELERY Small, per do.. 2536c: large western, 45e. ONIONS New home grown, dry. P lie; Htmnlsh, per crate. $1 60. CAHHAOE Wl isconsln Holland. IVie. TURNIPS Canaita Rutabaraa. ner lb le; white, per bu., 60c.- CA ft ROTH Per bu., soc. PARSNIPS Per bu.. 60c. FRTJIT81 PEARS Colorado and Utah Kelfsra. $1.78. Winter Nellls, $2 2btiM. APPLK-Mlchlgan stock, $3.15: Califor nia Bellflowers. per box. 31.00: New York Greenings and Baldwlne, $3.25; eating- vari eties, 33.50. QHAPES California Tekavs. $1.: New York, por 8-lb. basket, $0c; pony CatawbaN, Z2c; inverted Maiaras, pea Keg. X6.(HK3.&0. CRANBERRIES Per bhl.. 8.50: oer box. $3 .00- Wisconsin Bell Bugle. $.. ritTMT'O 1 1 i 1. aVt saw eJLlilVCfO.HIIIUrilieV, (XT LWK, ! IO ' TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANGES Florida brlahts and rusaela. all sizes, $4.U0. LiUaiONS California fancy. 300 to 380 sizes, (4.50; choice 240 to 270 sixes, $1.0034.25. ma caurornia, per 10-lD. cartons, goc; mported Smyrna, J-crown. 14c: 6-crown. 16c; 7-crown, ISc. COCOANUTS Per sack. $4.00: oer dox.. 60c. DATES Persian, ner box of SO nackaaes. $2.00; per lb., in 60-lb. boxes, 6c. -BANANAS Per medium slsed bunch. $2.01 62 60; Jumbo, $2.75T3.26. MISCELLANEOUS. CHEESE Wisconsin twins, full cream. 1214c; Wisconsin Young Americas, J314c; block SwlsH, 15c; Wisconsin brick, 131sc; Wisconsin llmbsrger, 12c. nuiNe.1 fseuraHKa, per Z4 frames, $3.50; Utah and Colorado, per 24 frames, (3.60. MAFLK SUGAK Ohio, per lb., 10c. CIDER Per bbl., (5.76; per 14-bbl., $3.23. POPCORN-Per lb.. 2'c; shelled. 3(&314c. HORSE RA DISH Per case of 3 do. . parked, 80c. NUTS Walnuts, No. 1 shoft-ahell, per lb., 15c; hard-shell, per lb., 14c; No. 2 soft-shell. er 10., i.jc; iso. i nara-sneu, per id., 13c; Inislla tip 1H 11AIIL A1K..,. i v. IKijIlHc; almonds, soft-shell, per lb., 15c; iiara-nneii, per id., pecans, large, per lb., lOtfllc; small, per lb.. 9H4T10C; peanuts, -i iu., u-ic; rutnii-a peanuts, per id., 7c; 'hill walnuts. 12ul3c: lsrae hlckorv note per bu., $1.75; shell-barks, per bu., $1.75 2.00; black walnuts, per bu., $1.25; eastern chestnuts, per lb., 14c. HIDES No. 1 green, 6'c; No. 2 green. Bc; No. 1 salted, 714c: No. 2 ealted. 6V: No. 1 veal calf. 8 to 12 lbs.. 8tAo: No 1 v..l calf, 12 to 15 lbs., 614c; dry salted hides, m sheep pelts, 25j75c; horse hides, $1.50 St. Loots Gralat and Provlaloaa. ST. I-niTTH Knv 11 TX'XJ PIT T No. 2 red cash, elevator, nominal; track! 87 8714c; December, 8614c: May. 7814c: No. hard. 74&78!4o. ('ORN UlAP- KTa S ..ah 11 m . . 1. 4014c; December, 3Mic; Mav, 39c. OATS Lower; No. 2 cash, 36c: track, 3fi!4tr371.c: December, 35c; May, 35?43614c; .- S Willie, 03 C. ft i r. vuiet at 64c fif-i 1(1 ' avln tanetv an A .In I m-Y, . rvyK-l n. Clear, $3.6i3.60. seed Timothy, steady at $2.3032.76. CORNMEAL Steady at $2.30. BRAN Easy; sacked; east track, 74iff77c. HA Firm: llmnlhv XT bleRII no- $6 a 10.00. ' r ' IKON COTTON TIES $1.05. B A 1 1 M G 6Vi (B6140. HEMP TWIlNk-oc. PRtl VTSIONH VtrV' tn,' nkkl.. llinH. n... 111 7t T I . T 1 .... ,ii.iu, .M.,u, iuwer $'i.714. Bacon steady; baxed extra shorts. til KA ..Inn -.11. rC . k. . 1 -am ni, fa. iu, ciiiuri ciour, sv.w. 1,1 11 1 rirm; cnicsens, 6c; springs 9c: turkeys. 11c: ducks. 4i9c: 714c. HTTTTKR Steariv! prumnv 97Lof3An. dairy. 13(ai8c. " KUUH Light, 24c, loss off. Flour, hhls 9 iv lmvii Wheat, hn CT'nrm rVrnvi Corn, bu 17io0O 2o(KXI Oats, bu 64,000 24,000 Kansas City Cralat and Previsions. KANSAS CITY. Nov. 11 WHEAT n- cember, tttjc; May. 6jc; cash. No. 2 hard. 7H4j72c: No. 3. 67t70c; No. 4. 604c; re iected, 5814&u9l4c; No. Tred. 8081c; No. $, PrtRV Tl.nnn. K.p Ul... lln.. 1 . ' ' " - ....... ., wu-v , ' 1 J , twoMti;, cash, No. 2 mixed, 40c; No. 2 white, 41 14c; No. 1. 41c. OATS No. 2 white. 25fi36c: No. 1 mlixl 34Hc. i KYR-NO. 2. 49C. HAY-Choice timothy. $9.00(RS.60: choice prairie, d. BUTTER Creamery, 1814020c; dairy, fancy. 18c. EOOS Firm; Missouri and Kansas, cases returned, 21c; new No. 2 whitewood cases included, 2114c. Recelnts. ShlDmenta. Wheat, bu 154.400 152.000 Corn, bu 14.400 Oats, bu 8.0U0 10,000 MHtrankee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE. Nov. 11. WHEAT weak;No. 1 northern. 81c; No. 2 northern, loyo'iw; Liecemner, iec asaea. Ktr; Hteaay no. 1. 6ac. BARLEY Dull: No. 2. 64c: samDle. 39(9 i:urn-steady; November, 4614c: Decern ber, 4214c bid. Liverpool Grain Market. LIVERPOOL. Nov. 11. WHEAT Snot. steady; No. 2 red western, winter, 6a 2d. Futures steady; December. 6s 6d: March. 6s 4Vd: May, ia td. CON Spot, easy; American mixed. 4s ttd. Futures steady; December, 4s d; January, 3a lld. Dnlnlh Grnla Market. DULUTH, Nov. 11. WHEAT On track. No. 1 northern. 7714c; No. 3 northern, 74!4c; lipmmiifr. nc; may, o-l ifcC. UAie-uo 1 rac a ana to irrirt, sse. Tnled Sed Market. TOLEDO, Nov. 11 SEED Clover, raah $S52V4: December. M.52'4: January, l&ao February. $6.66; March. $6-6714. Timothy, prime, si.aj. aibirc, prime, Peoria Grain Market. PEORIA, Nov. 11. CORN-Steady; No. $, 43c; No. 4. 42c. OATS Easy; No. 3 white. S4VmSc: Nv f wnite, ac. (I and Molasses. NEW YORK. Nov. 11 SUGAR-Raw flrm; fair refining, $6-16c; centrifugal. 96 lest, jij-ibc: moiases sugar, a 1-lSc. Re- nneo. nominal; iso. . t.auc; no. 7, 4.26c; No. . 4 20c; No. 9. 4 )5c; No. 10, 4.10c; No. 11. 4.06c; No. 12. 4c; No. 13. $95?: No. 14. 3.90c. coiitectioners A, i.sac; mould A, 4 96c; cut loaf, 5.3uc: cruihed. 6c; powdered, iuc; granulated. 4.70c; cubes, 4 95c MOLASSES Steady; New Orleans open kettle, gocd to choice, 3l43o NEW ORLEANS. Nov. 11. SUGAR uuiet ana easier; open kettle centrlf ucul. SVu-JV": centrifugal, white, 3 13-16c; yellow. 5'si3 316c. MOLASS12S Quiet; open kettle. 27632c; ct niriniKai, lvt-tc. SYRUP Easier at 21j.3oc. Whisky Market. PEORIA. Nov. 11. WHISKY Steady on dbis 111 nniNnea gooaa, si ?d. BT. LOUIS. Nov. U.-WHISKY-Steady. CHICAGO. Nov. ll.-WHISKY-On basis of man wines, steaoy, n.31. CINCINNATI. Nov. 11 WHI8KY Distil lera' finished goods, steady, on basis of Dry Goods Market. NEW YORK, Nov. ll.-DRY OOOD8 The market lias prexenled the same ele ments c. Mrength ahlch have character Ited sellers for some lime past. The atti tude of buyers hua been aomewhat more conservative on account ot the uncertain ties of the ruw material, the purchase I not being last week Uhln the or more. NEWYORKSIOCKSAKD BONDS Ifariat fiwampod Under Torrent of Penn iWaoia Etoo Which Wai lold. UNITED STATES STEEL IS UNCHANGED General Ton of the Market Weaker and Traasaetlons Are Fairly Heavy on Loner Prices la Most Lines. NEW YORK, Nov. ll.-Todays stock market was literally swamped under the torrent of Pennsylvania stock, the total sales of which numbered almost as much as the aggregate sales of shares of all other stocks sold during the day. Even when it Is allowed that the total number of Pennsylvania shares sold, being $50 per share, should be halved for comparinon with sales of other stocks, the volume of selling of this stock which had to be ab sorbed In the market was truly formidable. During the early part of the day the con trary movement In United States Steel preferred served as an offset, held the downward course In Pennsylvania, but the lierelstence of the latter movement ulti mately undermined the market and deter mined Its general tendency. As a result, net losses of 1 to 114 are Indicated for many of the prominent active stocks. United States Steel preferred is not included, that stock again having closed unchanged from last night and from the night before. It ranged as high as 14 over Inst nights level, and lost Its rise in sympathy with the weakness of Pennsylvania, The large vol ume of new . bond Issues by subsidiary companies, coupled .with the recent expan sion in the company's own capital stock, and the consequent large Increase in the requirement on earnings In order to main tain the present rate of return on bonds and stocks, waa an acknowledged factor In the liquidation. Subscribers to lh r. rent Issues at 120 msy be counted nmongl me umuppuiniea noiaers at tne present level. The rebound In United States Steel secur ities were largely attributed to the round figures of 10 and 60 reached yesterday In the course of the long decline, figures that have a natural attraction to the speculative mind as a culmination for a campaign. Reports that yesterday's steel meetings had decided -against further cuts at present in prices also helped these stocks. The news that the Amalgamated mines were to re open explained yesterdsy's advance in that stock, but did not more than a fraction today. Its reaction was furthered by the sharp break in the raw copper mar ket, following the resumption of the large productive operations by the Amalgamated company. The market closed rather dull and weak, with Pennsylvania at 112U. or only 14 above the lowest. Additional engagements of gold for im port were made in London, and the fur ther drop In exchange indicated the prob able continuance of the movement. Bonds were dull and heavy. Total sales per value, $1,516,000. United States bonds were unchanged on the last call. Following are the rinsing quotations on the New York Stock exchange: Sales. High. Low. Close. ..10.8f) 64'4 63'4 63", Atchison' ... do pfd Baltimore A do pfd Ohio. ..48,650 75 75 V 885 87H 8714 Canadian Pacific...., Cen. of New Jersey Chesapeake & Ohio 2.300 117 117 1,000 1,400 Chicago & Alton...., do prd Chicago Ot. Western. do 11 pfd Chicago & Northw'n.. Chic. Term. 4 Trans.. do pfd C. C. C. & St. L Colorado Southern.... do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Delaware & Hudson.. v., 1a & W Den. Rio Grande.. do pfd Erie do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Great Northern pfd.. Hocking Valley do pfd Illinois Central Iowa Central do pfd Kansas City South'n. do pfd Ixulsv. & Nashville. 2.100 10014 mannatian Lt Metropolitan St. Ry. Minn. aV St. Lau1s... Missouri Pacific 6.700 139 138 7,3"0 112 111V 600 . 4SV $.400 19 M.. K, ft T do pfd 100.. 35 36 Nat. R. R. of M. pfd. VO 37 37 New York Central.. ..11.850 116 115 Norfolk & Western.. 2,450 66 65H v.v, i?.u ....... . ........ . ..... ..... ..... no Ontario & Western... l.Sflrt 109T4 109 10M4 Pennsylvania .......;.259.290 I14 1124 112i P., C. C. & St. L 65 T I nmuiiig .... 33,460 43 41 41 do 1st prd do 2d pfd 76 67 Rock Island Co 7.552 6u0 23 21 23 6874 68 68 60 60. 45 44 44 12 12 12 do pfd St. L. A San FVan. do pfd do id Dfd ' 350 Bt. Louis Southw'n do pfd , 19,800 138 136 136 Bt. Paul do pfd in 4Mi 16 Southern Pacific 9200 Southern Railway 8,400 7314 87 11714 155 24 2S 2K'i 27 27 27 "too "id" 'h 14 2614 600 165 161 162 8 1614 200 70 70 69 690 12 11 11 "iso "6" '26" 19 155 300 236 234 235 1S14 100 65 65 65 14.920 27 26 26 2,600 6614 6374 65 100 43 48 4774 160 69 100 80 8074 8X14 20,250 12974 129 12 19 100 31 31 31 16 .... 29 994 99 138 t 111 45 48 88 88 16 34 37 115 W 17 16 73 71 22 22 17 17 26 26 71 69 85 85 18 1S 3274 82 14 14 15 15 34 33 do pfd 9110 Texas ft Pacific 100 Tol., St. U & Western 100 :6 do pfd 600 Z5 70 Union Pacific 40,820 do pfd 183 85 18 32 K Wabash 2n0 do Dfd 2.300 Wheeling ft Lake Erie 100 14 15 33 228 183 ( !!$ Wlscon-ln Central.... 600 da pfd 200 Adams American United States Wells-F8rgo Amalr. opoer 4b,u Am, Car ft Foundry.. 1,700 39 37 19 18 66 66 37 lk do pfd 82s 65 : 25 1 Amer. Unseed Oil do pfd Amer. Locomotive 10 12 754 42 12 76 42 do ofd 100 74 Am. 8mlt. A Refng.. 6J0 do pfd 8 Amer. Sugar Refining 2,500 lis 114 114 Anaconda Mining Co 200 65 fS 63 Bklyn Ran. Transit. .17,fi 37i sbm, 36 Colo. Fuel Iron.... 8v 29 2 Col. ft Hock Coal.... 160 9 9 26 9 Consolidated Gas 176 148 10 Oenersl Elecflc 100 148 14H International Paper.. 800 10 10 do pfd SI SO 68 International Pump do pfd National Biscuit National Land 13 70 23 91 25 67 210 6 4V 13 68 ? 75 a w 1014 w I - 65 Nor'h American Pacific Mall 100 People's Ooa ?0 ?3H 93 86 67 93 25 67 ,215 6 pressed btesi car.... 4 do pfd l' Pullman Palace Car., 1(10 215 Renubllc Steel 4"0 7 do pfd I.sio vty. 48 'TO ? 7 75 M V v 83 Rubber Goods do pfd win 70 Tenn. Coal ft Iron.... v Zi V. S. Tether 8 7 do Did.' IOTI V. K RUbbef. 740 a I 4 yM vii ss TJ. TlKeet rUTTS 14 de- pd $.4a $n Western X'-lon........ 400 63 Nrthrn f4ecurltles. . Total sales for the day, 763,400 shares. Boston Stack sanitations. BOSTON. Nov. 11 Call loans. 6 per cent; time loans, &rfr per cent. Official rioting prices on stocks ana oonas: Atcblsoa 4s.. safe Amalgamated . 74 . 1 . 81 .44 . 1 . ' . 13 . 11a . . 15 . . U . 17S . so . Hi . u . f-M . 1714 . rJi . ; .. is, . VWi. Oaa. 4a Atrklaon o pfd Rnaton ft Albany. Roatoa ft Maine., nosina Rlevated . .. 'Ilaly West ., MSiHlnfhem .. M Cal. ft Hecla ..:! jCenteaolsl , ..171 Copper Range ..14(1 tlomlnloa Coal ... N. T.. N. H. ft H..104 Pranklln , Isle Rorele I'ltrhbura ptd .1 I'nloa Pacific Mei. Central Amer. Sugar do pfd Amer. Tel. ft Tel. pom. Imi) A Bteel. Mesa. Electric do pfd I'nlted Fruit U. 8. Steel do pfd Weetlnchouaa com. Adventure Alloues 41 '4 Mohawk 14 Old Dominion ... 1W-4 Osceola lis As Parrot , 12i4 Oulncy t Ssnia Pa Copper. 14 Tamarack It Trinity , M t'nl'.d Btataa la fl'taa , (0 VI -torla o3 Winona 4 Woler(ne 414 New York Mlnlnaj 4aotatlona. NEW YORK. Nov. 11. The following are the closing quotatior. on mining stocks: Adaais Cos Mule Caiet Alice Rreece - Brunswick Ooa.. Comstock Tunnel Coa. Cal. ft Vs.. 14 It 4 I M 104 'talaris rhir Pl.oealx Potoal Saves Hlerra Nevada Small Hopea . Blaadard ..lit .. 1 .. 1 .. li .. W .. 1 Horn Silver ... Iron Bluer .... Leadvllle Coa . Offered. .! .... I rarelga FlnnnelaL IXNDON. Nov. II. MON E Y The ' de mand In the market today slackened ap- (ireclably. Discounts were flrm owing to nrreaacd foara of early shipments of gold to the I'nlted States, ttiough it is now doubted that the bank of England will raise Us rale of discount tomorrow. While the I'nlted fctatea is acquiring ail the avail able supplies la the opeu market and en- hanelng the price of gold, it Is believed that sn advance in the bank rate will le offered ss long as possible. Business on the stock exchange wns irregular. Home rails were weak on poor earnings. Ameri cans opened fair with only fair business. They hardened Ister and closed firm and below the best prices of the day. Grand Trunk waa fiat on the truffle returns not equalling expectations. Rio Tintos were weak. Copper wns flat on realisations. Irge trading In the metal was excited by the report that the Montana mines would op?n tomorrow morning. The metal closed st 6. Bullion to the amount of 15,i)0 was withdrawn from the Bank of England tod.iy for rhlpment to South America, 5, ono to Holland and 215.000 destination not given. PARIS. Nov. 11 Stocks were heavy and business was Inactive on the bourse today. At the close the mnrket was calm. Three per cent rentes, 9Kf 20c for the account. Exrhange on Ixindon, 25f 19c for checks. BERLIN, Nov. 11. Prices on the bourse today were weaker. Iron shares broke up on large selling orders from the Rhine country. Canadian Pacific wns lower. Ex rhange on London, 20m 43pfgn for checks. Discount rates, short bills, 3 per cent; three months' bllle, 3 per cent. New York Money Market. NEW YORK. Nw. 11 MONEY On call, stronjr; 3!95 per cent; closing bid and offered, 4; time loans, firmer; sixty days and ninety days. 6 per cent; six months 6: prime mercantile pnper, 6 per cent. STERLING EXlllANUK-vvcsn, men sWdy, with actual business In bankers' bills at $4.8310f(i4.K315 for demand and at $4.794.7910 for sixty days; posted rates, 4 80 4.80 and $4.844.85; commercial bills, $4.78. SILVER Bar, 66c; Mexican aouars, 43c. BONDS Government, steady; railroad, hevy. The closing auotatlons on bonds are as follows: V. rf. rua ,.10 lN. DI. s wr 4e eoueon ..let MrnMlua e. a. 4S..10I to U. is 1 0 60 coupon log Mex. Central 4a... do 1st Ino Minn, ft St. U M.. K. ft T. 4a. do U in aev 41, rg 1144 da coupon 13! 60 old 4a, Kg Ill do coupon Ill do t. r( 101 4 So cospon mSL rt ai T N. R. R. of M. 14 N. T. C. g. We N. J. C. sn. a N. ParlSc a 11H do l Nor. W. eoa. 4a.. M'4 Ore. 8. In 4a ft at... l Penn. conT. t4a M' ReadlBI (n. 4a St. L. A 1. M. e. ie.lUH. St. L. ft 8. P. f. 4a. kl ft. L W, la II Seaboard Air Line 4a 47 ?. Pavlflo 4a 7V4 . Railway U 112 Atrhlnon fen. 4a lot do a!). 4s SU Atlantlo Coast L 4a US B. ft O. 4a loou do 8H Contra) of Oa. ....10I do 1st tne tt dies, ft Ohio 4Wa.. lilV. Chi. A Alton S'ii. .. IV. ('., B A Q. new 4a.. 1'4 C, M . Bt. P. a. 41.110 C. ft N. W. con. 71..1W4 C, R, I. P. col. 4a 72S Tex. ft P. la 11. T., Bt. L. ft W. 4e. Union Paclde 4i l"t'4 do conv. 4 9H V. 8. Bteel 3d Si.... Wabaah 1 11SV4 do deb. B kS W. ft L. K. 4e 7H Wll, Central 4 Colo. Fuel conv. to.. 48 do col. 6a li rrc. at. l. g. 4. 4 cm. lerm. 4a 7R Con. Tobacco 4i Uk Colo. A a. 4s I) ft R. O. 4a MV& Erls prior lien 4a... M' ao ten. 4a K.1 Ft. W. A D. C. lt..lou Hoclilns Valley 44a. lot 1 -uiterea. London Stoek Market. LONDON, Nov. 11. Closing quotations: Consols for money. 84; t-l New York Central.. Ill do account si 11-14 Norfolk ft Western. Ansconda Atcblsoa 144 do pfd... , MHIOntarlo ft Weitern.. do pfd Baltimore ft Ohio. 24 Pennsylvania 4-I14 9 ll i 11 1 14 4'4 73 8V 10 "4 I9W II in Ksnd alines Canadian Paclflc... Chesspeska ft Ohio ,ui . l.V Keadlna do 1st pfd do Id pfd t'hlcaco u. w.. I'.. M. ft Bt. PeBeers P....H2 ZOVs II" 4IC4 S"4 (WW 49v Southern Hallway... do pfd Houthern PaclBc.... Union Pacific do pfd United Btataa Bteel. do pfd Wsbssh do pfd Denver ft R. O.... do pfd Erie do 1st pfd do Id pfd Illinois Central l.eutsvllle ft Nash. Missouri, K. ft T . . .136 .103, . 11 BAR SILVER 26d per ounce. MONEY 3'o4 per cent. The rate of dis count in the open market for short bills and for three months' bills Is 4Vu' per cent. Bank Clearings. OMAHA, Nov, 11. Bank clearings for to day were 41.294,001.69, an Increase of $2,349.89 over the corresponding day last year. Cotton Market. NEW YORK, Nov. 11. COTTON-The market opened steady at an advance of t points to a decline of 3 points, the irregu larity being In keeping with the ra.ber con flicting nature of the early news, wnich In cluded llrmer cables than expecteu and rather unsettled weather as uppesed to reports of an unfavorable turn In ar alt era affairs and the prospect of continued full receipts. At first there was some dis position to sell and prices on the tall worked a llttlei tower, but almost Imme diately the market rallied very sharply by the aggressive attitude of the buils on covering and the execution of over-night buying orders for the various sources. '1 he market was weak alt afternoon and was steady at near the last of the session and 2 points higher to. 6 points lower. Kales esti mated at 800,000 bales. NEW ORLEANS. Nov. ll.-COTTON Firm; sales, 7,14$ bales. Ordinary, 81-lSc; low middling, 10 7-16V; middling, 10 1S-16c; good middling, lie; mlddl ng tulr, llc. Re ceipts, 19,678 Dales; stock, Zil,0.4 bales. Fu tures were steady; November, 10.77((jl0.7c; January, 10.86& 10.87c; March. 11. 0411. 6c; April, 11.0911. 10c; Mav, 11.2itijril.21c; June, 11.224) 11.24c; July, ll.SE,11.3jc. LI VERPOOL. Nov. ll.-OOTTON-Bpot, in fair demand, prices 14 points higher; American middling fair, 6.30d; good mid dling, 6. 12.1 ; middling, 6.04d; low middling, &.08d: ordinary. 6.6Sd. The sales of the day were 7,0u0 bales, of which 1.000 were for speculation and export and Included 6.0.0 American. Keceipts. ts.uuo bales, no Amer lean. Futures opened and closed flrm American middling, g. o. c, November, 6.96 ffi5.7d; November and December, fi.SOfoS.Sld; December and January, B.87iiil.88d; January and February, S.86d; February and March, K 86J; March and April, B.8Cf5.86 !; April anl May, 6.86$5.86d; May and June, 5 KM; June and July, 4.84d; July and August, i.Sil. Metal Blarket. NEW YORK. Nov. 11.-METAD8 Tin de clined about 17s 6d in Ixinddn, spot there doping at 115 6s. and futures at U6 3s6d. Icully the decline quoted rates waa about 36 points, with spot closing at 32S.0O2S.25. Copper was 2 17s 6d lower in London, spot there closing at 56 6s and futures at 55 16s. Locally copper was quiet. Lake Is quoted at 81.1.50, electrolytic at 813.25, and casting at $13.00. Lead was unchanged at 11 Is 3d In London, and at 14.50 In New York. Spelter was 35 points lower In the New York market, closing at 85.50 nnmlnnl. The London market was unchanged at 21. Iron closed nt 4$s91 In Glasgow and at 42s 104d in Mldd'esbonugh. Locally Iron was unchanged: No. l foundry northern is quoted at fl5 0 416.fO; No. 2 foundry north ern ut 313.2cijfl5.oe: No. 1 foundry southern and No, 2 foundry southern soft at $14. O 14.25. ST. LOria, Nov. ll.-METAT.S Lejd, dull at (4.22H: spelter, dull at 85.15. Wool Market. BOSTON, Nov. ll.-WOOL-Kentucky, and fine grades. Quotations: Kentuekv, Indiana, etc. -hlood. 244125c; -blood. 24j 25c; braid, 22Cn3c. Territory and Idaho Fine. 144il5c; tine medium, WflTc; medium, lKijtlSc. Wyoming Fine 14ft 15c; fine me dium. 16W17c; medium, lRH19c. ftah and Nevada Fine, l.Vpltic; fine medium. V,(l'. 17V Dakota Fine. 15jrl6c; fine medium, 1;Vs17c; medium. WtfWV. Montana Fine choice. Imitate; fine medium choice. 19$ 30c; staple; tOejilc: medium fine choice; SeVrfe. BT. LOL IB, NOV. 11. WOOL-Nomlnsl. Medium grades, combing and slothing, 170?l'o: light fine. lf-cn7Wv heavy fine. UaWic; tub washed, 2mU30c. CosTee Market NW YORK. Nov. 11. COFFEE-Spot Rio steady; No. 7, Invoice, e'isc; mild. Arm. The market for futures opened steady at an advance of 64710 points on rather better European cables than expected and a light bull support. The bulge attracted realizing, however, and after the call, prices were rather easier, with the mar ket finally steady, net 8 points lower to 6 points higher. Sales were 72.000 bags, including November at 5.45c; December, 8 60Co6.o5c; January. 66brq.-6.7be; March. 6X5 i5.KJo; May. 6 (V(iV,.lue; July, 6 lu4.20c; September, C. 26ft 4. 30c; October, 8.35c. St. Loala Live Stoek Market. ST. LOl'IS. Nov. 11. CATTLE Receipts, 8.0110 head. Including 3.0U0 head Texana; market steady to strong; native shipping and export steers, 84 6ii.i.25; dressed beef and butcher steers. 4.i"(i.).u6; steers under l.tmO lbs., $3.4ia4.s5; stmkers and feeders, 12 304J3.8": cows and heifers. 82.2Ci4jl4.26; can pere. $1 6W&2.00; bulls. t2.3oi3.0u; calves. $3.00 (6.50; Texas and Indian steers, 82.36&3.30; cows snd heifers. 82.0ii2.70. HOGS Receipts, 4.5uO head; market Steady; pigs and lights. 84.6O4i5.0O; packers, $4.401-4.80; butchers' and best heavy, $4.66 4i4:) SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1609 head; market strong: native muttons. 33-U0 tti.-.b; lambs. 84 3oii5.3S; culls and bucks, J.0u34 60; stockera and feeders, 82.352.75. St. Jasepk l ive Stoek Market. ST. JOSEPH, Nov. 11. CATTLE Re ceipts, 2.670 head. The market was steady to 10c higher; natives, 33.76ftj6.36; cows and heifers. 31.264.60; stockers and feeders, fj 6i4 00. HOGS Receipts, R.150 head. The market was loinJic lower: light H&otf 4.10; medium snd heavy, $4 4mu4.aa. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 1.4X1 he-d. The market was steady; top lambs, 85.26; ewes, 8328. OMAHA LIVE STOCIi MARKET Raoaipts of Cattle Quite Liberal and Frieei Eaaed Off a Little. . HOGS OPENED ABOUT A NICKEL LOWER Only at Few tars of thttp Arrived and Best Killers Bold at Steady to Strong; Prices, Wklle Feeders Held Jaat Aboat Steady . SOUTH OMAHA, Nov. 11. Receipts were Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Official Monday . 1.414 Z4,b. Omclal Tuesday a" 6. Kid 7. U00 n.,6.1 13,t6 8.0f 16,o73 86,2.8 7,800 6i,Di'4 4a,J5 b7,463 6 i, 2iM 72.8V4 Oftlcial Wednesday b.CnO 'three days tins week 2u,o3 Mame days laal week 31,16 Same week before 3o,64 tame three weeks ago 27,616 Same four weens ago 18, mil Same daya last year 27,73 KA,'Ell-18 FOK TUB YEAK TO DAT t. The lollowing table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omana for the year to date aim comparisons with ast t CIS! i 1903. Cattle 944,l Hogs l,la,7M Sheep l,ba,W Averaae uncea i.mrf 19ii2. Inc. Dec 8&,6t& m.Jil l.DU.IHo 3,207 1.4il,tiW lul,392 tor hogs al boum Omaha for the last several days with coot' panaons: Data. 1 isai. isox.ioi.iaia).im.iJM.naaf. Oet. 11... CVrf IS ... fVil 8 1 8 89 I 84 a all 20 Oct. ft ". 4 11 let 4 lb 4 ill iUi 4 is 4 14 8 701 Jill Oct. ia... Oct 1,.. Oct a... Oct a... Oct. a... Oct 33... I Tl i 1U 3 66, 3 U 3 owl 8 a 16 3 661 3 68 3 4 16? Oct. 34... Oct. a.. Oct as... 4 II 4 18 4 101 4 10 lit 8 84 a 41 Oct. 27... Oct 28... Oct 29... Oct. 30... Oct. ... 1 b' 3 42 3 3K 8 38 3 t e s a 8 41 2 43 3 43 3 44 8 40 e ' 3 64 3 41 3 31 3 32 tu 4 97 3 47, 3 64 e a 40C. 4 97TSJ 4 861 4 031 4 01! 4 04 4 V4 3 66 NOV. 1 8 Nor. 8 46 3 46 3 61 Nov. Nov. Nov 4 Ss 4 u: a 4 01 4 02 4 03 4 13?4 3 62i Nov. 72'k, i i7S, e 3 66 3 62 3 47 8 47 Nov. Nov. Nov 4 8m 4 03 4 03 4 02i Nov. 10! 4 67 4 62V, Nov. 11. 3 43 Indicates Sunday. The official number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was: cattle. Hoirtt Khenn H'r'a C, M. ft St. P. Wabash ny... s 1 7 IA 8 IS 4 82 81 t 11 4 l: 1 14 8 2 4 44 7 02 8 37 4 M I 8 18 4 H 8 83 4 U S83iS ( 70 8 OS 4 62 8 7u IN 4 jl 74 8 01 4 61 71 8 OS 4 48 00 4 18 8 61 4 it 81 t 88, 8 61 i 81 4 82 b 89 t 72 4 80 8 61 6 67 4 47 8 84 8 73 4 81 t 72 4 60 8 61 4 6b 6 49 6 82 61 6 71 4 6tJ 4 62 8 71 4 64 ( 66 8 68 4 Si 6 41 8 67 4 71 6 74 4 6 6 36 4 741 6 26 6 72 I 27 1 1 23 18 21 17 1 1 15 6 7 1 6 .. .t 3 1 '4 v. K9 29 8 Mo. Pacific Ry I'nlon Pac. System. C. & N. W. Ry F.. K. & M. V. R. R 5 64 117 C, St. P., M. & O. Ry B. ft M. Ry C, B. & Q. Ry K. C. ft St. J 7 80 16 25 3 S 2 2 C, R. I. ft p. east C, R. I. ft P. west. Illinois Central Chicago Great W. Total Recelnts... 317 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head indicated: Buyers Cattle. Hogs Sheep. 1,3.10 327 214 1.361 Omaha' Packing Co. 67 8K0 Swift and Company. 1,450 1.2i5 Cudahy Packing Co. 1,247 1.961 Armour ft Co 1,2X6 1.5M. Armour & Co., 8. C. 29 2,003 Omaha Co., St Jo.. 64 .... Cudahy Co., K. C... 647 Vansant ft Co ill Carey ft Benton 364 .... Dobman & Co 83 .... McCreary ft Carey. 112 .... W. I. Stephen 257 Hill ft Huntxlnger.. 69 Livingstone & Root 215 .... H. F. Hamilton 393 j. F. Huss 192 Wolf ft Murnan.... 308 .... Hobblck ft R 64 I-ee Rothschild 10 Morton & Gregson 609 M. Hagerty 59 Other Buyers 653 .... 20,328 Total 8.086 8.279 23,661 CATTLE Receipts were quite liberal this morning and packers were incllued to be bearish on r.early all kinds. Salesmen were holding for steady prices and ss a result trading was rather slow from start to fin ish and the morning well advanced before much business was transacted. Receipts Included about twenty-five cars of cornfed steers, of which there were a few loads of good quality. The bulk of them, though, were shortfed and packers started In from the beginning to pound the market. It would be safe to quote the gen eral market oi&loc lower, especially on the shorter fed varieties. lt was late before a clearance was made. The cow market was also slow and lower. There were quite a few Included In the offerings and buyers were slow to take hold and their bids were all of 6il0c lower than yesterday's general market. In other words, a large share of the advance of Monday and Tuesday was lost. The same as with steers, it was late before a clear ance wns made. Bulls were dull and weak, but veal calves sold about the same as they have all along. The stocker and feeder market was dull and lower. The demand from the country has been way below expectations and as a result cattle have been accumulating In the hnia nt anecnlntors. Owing to that fact they were very slow to take hold this morning except In the case of the very best grades, which were not a great deal lower, but all others were dull alid gen erally a dime lower than yesterday. Parkers seemed to wsni ine oeiier grapes of western grass beef steers and paid Just about steadv prices for them. Aside from the more desirable bunches, though, the market was if anything a little weaker. Range cows were domic lower ana siocsers and feeders were slow snd generally 10c lower, with possible exception of something extra good. Representative sales: Ko Av. Pr. No. A. tv. I lilt 1 IS IS llf. 4 15 1 1140 4 II 1 114 4 4S ll5 4 II It 1144 4 M 14 1424 S SO BTKfc-KS AMI Jllilr 11... 6... 1... I... 1... 11... 1.. , 77 I 40 11 1171 4 0 454 11a COV.o. ii.v) s : 1:4 1131 t 14 1 UU Vo 9 1-S7 3 M 16 I 44 HEIFERS. 474 1 75 II 444 I 40 BULLS. ..1140 I 41 NEBRASKA. 1 cow 1030 16 cows 9i7 1 heifer.... 690 4 feeders.. 7h0 1 cow 10SO 6 cows &) 3 cows 1010 2 00 2 35 4 cows... . 962 .120 . 767 2 00 1 90 1 00 300 2 00 1 CO 1 16 1 bull.... 4 feeders, 12 cows... 7 cows... 1 bull...., 1 3n 2 76 3 00 2 00 3 00 2 00 .. 95S .. 951 ..1270 ..1320 1 steer Rao 1 bull... 8 steers) ,.1100 3 30 SOUTH DAKOTA. t feeder.. M feeder, 2 cow... 1 cow...., 1 cow .1230' 8 8u 1 bull. .1390 1 60 1 76 1 80 1 90 1 45 t 46 3 40 2 00 1 70 1 20 3 60 .101 J BO 1 bull... t .. 4 cows. . ...134 1 90 1 90 t 46 895 83 .. 830 ..1040 ... 916 A. T. ... 890 ...1061 2 cows.., 900 3 cows 3 46 10 cows 1018 Chamberlain Neb. 41 cows. tl cows. 2 40 2 cows 89 8 40 2 00 3 60 8 30 8 30 2 cows 10n6 1 bull 1620 1 steer..., 1 steer..., 43 feeders 38 feeders 930 910 890 feeders, 1011 33 feeders., 97 9H3 O. B. Beard Neb. 6 feeders.. 1 feeder... 1 calf t feeders.. re 3 00 6 heifer.. 6 7W MO t 23 t 36 4 0 810 3 00 1 heifer..., 1 60 1 calf 800 3n0 784 W C. Beede Neb. 1 feeders. 940 3 30 3 bulls 1396 3 75 1 steer 1160 3 60 1 steer 1190 2 60 1 cow 94i) 2 00 17 cows s9i 1 86 3 60 t 60 1 00 3 00 34 cows 1049 1 steer K70 1 steer 1020 3 cows 9M Curran Bros. Neb. 69 feeders.. 1072 3 36 C. H. Iron Neb. 19 cows 1052 2 66 1 COW 990 2 26 8 feeders.. 1066 8 40 E. Meyers Neb. 28 cows.. 2 bulls.. 969 2 20 38 cows 915 1440 1 76 8 calves... 176 1 85 4 60 R. W. Boyer Neb. , ISA 9 steers.... 1070 t 00 .1018 8 00 G. a. Ware Neb. , 694 3 10 3 feeder 935 3 75 ,915 1 40 E. S. Smith Neb. .1093 3 25 13 feeder. 3 steers... 21 feeder. 19 cows.... 41 cows.... J. 11. Scott Neb. . 736 3 30 3 feeder. . m 6 feeders 2 50 f36 11 cows..... 9u7 3 35 1 cow 780 S 00 8 heifers... 44 O. 2 cows 956 31 cows 807 A. Smith-Neb. 1 00 14 cows. 972 t 25 t 26 1 if) 8 cow IOuO 1 cow 660 1 90 W. H. Wlncom-Wyo. 8 cow 980 2 65 3 cows Vf 1 66 8 60 3 li 3 75 T cows.. 1047 t 65 26 feeder.. 913 M. Grinder Wyo. .Ii0 1 6 6 cows 1046 .till IK 3 cows 1070 .. ftU) 8 L. W. Marcum Wyo. .. 914 3 75 1 cow 906 ..l'JUO I 88 I cows 1165 1 bull 1 bull 21 feeders 1 steer.. 1 cow.... I 80 8 80 IS cows 923 2 90 1 Stag 1150 I 73 Swan Land ft Cattle to. Wyo. 131 feeders. 999 3 & 4 steers... .1183 126 Swand I -and ft Cattle Co. Wyo. 25 leer....l(4 8 05 39 steers.. ..1143 3 33 C. Kelley Wyo. 69 feeders.. 9!' 4 8 30 Scows 993 3 00 3 cows 9- 2 65 8 cows luua 2 3a M. K. Hoff-Wyo. 1 bull 1210 175 1 cow 1070 2 00 6 cuws. l"lt 2 25 Is steers... .1196 8 50 1 So 1 bull LM 1 7a 3 bulls c. 947 Harrison 8. D. 2 10 1 row 920 2 10 7 cows... J. H. Whlte-8. D. cow liwo 3 10 22 cows 966 2 60 2 : 0 1 bull 1290 1 76 2 20 cows 9J6 bull 16.V 8. D. Palnter-8. D. 1 feeder. 1 cow.... 1 tow 6 steers. . ..llM) ..1UK0 ..1UH0 3 40 2 cows. r... 1130 2 65 1 COW 1090 2 66 9 steers.. ..1HM i 66 1 steer 1210 3 4D 9 cows 10U0 3 65 1 66 2 66 3 65 3 60 2 66 1 95 3 46 3 65 2 66 3 10 3 3i 2 40 2 40 1 li ..1263 10 feeders.. 1i22 1 steer 1210 10 feeders.. 827 8 cows 1126 3 ou 8 cows.. 2 4o 6 cows.. .. 992 ..1007 Uuillan Bros. 8. D. 2 cows looi 2 00 21 cows 1023 26 steers.. ..1139 3 34 7 cows 965 14 feeders. .HI96 3 2j 33 steers. ...1114 4 steers.. ..1W7 2 Wl 34 steers., M. Eaton-8. D. 13 steers.. ..1W1 2 SO Scows... ..4173 ..1093 .. 9s0 ..1476 1 cow . , 1250 1 85 1 cow.... 1 75 2 bulla... 3 10 2 bulls.... 54 feeders. .1170 . 9X6 W. H. Falkner-S. D. 1 steer. 1 steer. 1080 lll.d) 2 00 1 steer. ..1530 .. 960 .. 944 .. 9r ,. .1UH6 ..1470 3 00 3 10 8 00 8 30 8 40 3 40 3 00 8 00 8 00 3 30 3 40 1 steer... 16 steers., 6 feeders 39 steers., 1 steer... 3 steers. ...1043 1 steer lti,u 9 feeder.. 943 3 steers.. ..1226 J. 23 steers.. ..lisi V Palanode 8. D. 4 00 , Catron S. D. 3 4T 1 steer 970 A. Haaser 8. D. 3 30 26 feeders.. 1072 3 80 Carpenter Mont. 3 (A 1 cow 900. 16 steers 1141 A. 11 1076 W. 8 45 8 00 I 86 3 86 16 steers... 4 feeders. 8 heifer.. 39 cows.... 910 Vmi t sit 60 feeder.. 1061 f n Colbert Kfont 20 cow 1023 2 35 .1 caw 1100 1 00 P. Dunn Mont. 8 cow. 10191 3 40 9 cows 766 110 2 40 21 cows 9) 2 40 21 cows 970 1 cow 1000 2 10 O. W. Baker N. M. I feeders.. 8S6 8 05 28 feeders.. 7F6 3 feeders.. 76 2 50 25 steers.... 840 8 00 2 70 8 steers.... 912 3 10 HOGS The heaviest run of hoars arrived this morning that has been here in a long time. Kenorts from other points were none too favorable to the selling Interests snd as a result nrlces eased off a little. The market could be quoted Just about a nickel lower than yesterday's average. Trading was fairly active, so thai all the early arrivals were disposed of in good season, but trains kept arriving all day, so the market did not come to a close until a late hour. The same as usual, the close was hardly as good as the opening and the general market could best be descrioeu ny calling It a nickel lower, closing weak. Heavy hogs sold largely at $1.60 and 84.62H. medium weights from $4.65 to $4.70, and lights sold up to $4.80. Representative sales: No. 21... At. ...120 ..2S4 ..3K1 ..121 ..S07 ..20 ..116 ..20 ..104 ..140 ..301 ..UK) ..308 ..111 .324 ..171 ..nw ..2C0 ..a'6 . .3211 . .Sit ..244 .121 ..111 ..21 . .MS ..271 ..SU ..311 ..206 ..101 ..262 ..267 ..29S ..134 . .106 ..318 ..274 ft. 4 45 4 66 4 66 4 66 4 H 4 66 4 40 4 40 4 10 4 40 4 40 4 10 4 10 4 40 4 10 4 10 4 40 4 40 4 10 4 60 4 CO 4 60 4 40 4 60 4 in 4 60 4 10 4 60 4 CO 4 40 4 10 4 60 4 40 4 60 4 60 4 40 4 40 4 40 No. M M 13 66 tl tl 66 77 80.. .. fl 63 6! 78 77 71 66 17 0 87 66 42 71 70 II .... 18 II 26 64 SI::::: Av. ,.71 .21 .246 .2X6 .247 .274 .262 .262 .'.It .140 .ZHI .244 .111 .261 .217 .271 .271 an. too 200 160 80 SO 200 80 160 40 40 40 140 120 240 200 80 120 210 4d 80 0 200 120 81) 80 40 120 80 SO 40 40 '40 160 80 Pr. 4 624 4 62 4 I24 4 62 4 4W 4 621, 4 6! '4 4 2 4 24 4 62 4 4 In 4 46 4 46 4 66 4 66 4 66 4 19 4 06 4 r,6 4 16 4 65 4 66 4 65 4 4. 4 16 4 46 4 66 4 16 4 6.1 4 66 4 16 4 I7Uj 4 471, 4 74 4 I7V 4 70 4 70 4 70 4 8u 11... IT... 12... 44... II... U... to... fid... 60... CI... 68... 42... M... 61... 1... 61... K'... S... 2ii4 ....272 ....261 . ...'Jtl ,...2&! 20 . . . . 200 ... 264 ...-.276 ....234 ....2K8 261 241 ....241 ....272 ....23 ....211 ....2.H ....231 ....260 ....161 ....166 II... 41 . . 11... 14... Pf... ... b... 70... sr.... 30... 71... II... .. 7S.. $7.. 66. . 7L. 14.. 71.. If.. II... II..., II. . 4 C-'4 4 42 17. 2"4 117 4 10 SHEEP After vesterdav'a record break ing cheep run the arrivals today, amount. n 10 anout twenty-eight cars, sevmea very small. 'There was an outlet for the ar rivals yesterday and ns a result the mar ket was not at all choked today and all the desirable offerings were disposed of without trouble. packers were again anxious for the bet ter grades of lambs and anything answer ing to that ileal r.'ntlon could he ouoted strong and active. The fair to good grades soia aoout steady, as there were only a few that would do for packer' use, the market came to an early close. The feeder market showed very little change from yesterday. There was no great amount or activity, but still the better grades changed hands freeiy at steady prices, with common stuff dull the same as usual. Quotations lor grass stock: Choice west ern lambs. 14.50414. 7.".! fair to rood lamha $4.2584.50; choice yearlings, $3.25f3.40; fair to good yearlings, $3.0l'(3.26; choice weth ers. $3!5'&3.25; fair to good wethers, $2. 90 3.16; good to choice ewes, $2.5ncd2.75; fair to good ewes. $2. 259 2 50; choice feeder lambs. $3.90(814.10; fair to good feeder lambs, $3.259 2.76; baby lambs. $2.503.OO: feeder vear- lings. $3.1(Ka3.Sn: feeder wethers. $2.90ff3.15; feeder ewes, $2.0O2.26; culls, $1.002.00. Rep resentative sales: NO. Av. Pr. 65 1 00 83 12 70 1 25 t-3 1 60 83 1 60 8S 1 75 9 2 00 83 2 25 17 2 40 95 2 60 , 95 3 ti 96 , 2 65 M 3 00 83 3 00 49 3 00 65 3 60 52 3 60 63 3 65 60 4 20 55 4 25 79 1 65 Ro 1 10 88 1 9) 66 2 00 65 2 (0 66 2 6 i 2 75 .70 3 75 92 2 75 103 3 00 64 8 10 46 8 12H 65 8 25 97 3 38 91 8 85 64 3 60 63 8 60 54 3 60 51 3 60 66 3 60 72 Wyoming cull yearlings... 119 Wyoming cull ewe,.,.,., 240 Wyoming cull ewes f93 Wyoming cull ewes 634 Wyoming cull ewes 662 Wyoming cull ewe. 3S2 Wyoming feeder ewes 27 Wyoming cull yearlings.... 3.0 Wyoming feeder ewes 126 Wyoming ewes 604 Wyoming ewes 194 Wyoming ewes 5K3 Wvomlnir feeder vearllnsa 1704 Wyoming feeder yearlings. ivy v yuniing teener lamps 263 Wyoming feeder lambs 324 Wyoming feeder lambs 329 Wyoming lambs 855 Wyoming feeder lambs 361 Wyoming feeder lambs 700 Wvomlnir feeder ewea 626 Wyoming feeder ewes 604 Wyoming feeder ewes Nebraska feeder ewes Nebraska cull lamha 13 f9 5 Nehraaka cull lamha ISO Nebraska cull lambs 277 Nebraska feeder yearlings. 33 , - .-ii 1 aonci iccucr ewes 603 Idaho ewe? 25 Nebraska vesrlinera 102 Nebraska feeder lambs 4t'il Wyoming feeder vearllnira 40 South Dakota yearlings m ninun uaKou yearlings 364 Wyoming feeder lambs fS Wyoming feeder lambs 337 Wyoming feeder lamha 34S Wyoming feeder lambs 469 Wyoming feeder lambs CHICAGO LIVE STOCK, MARKET. Fair Recelnts of Stoek, with Price of Cattle nnd Sheep Higher. "HliA.OO, Nov. 11. CATTLE Receipts, 20,000 head, including 2,000 westerns. The market- opened steady to 10c higher and closed weak: arood to nHra iImh . M. 'ast 8.70; poor to medium. 832f4r4.76; stockers and feeders, $1.764.26; cows, $1 60A4 li; heifers. 82.00iU4.76; canners. $1.6ut? 30; bulls. $1.76t.4.86; calves, $2.0l47.60: Texas fed steers. $2.764i3.50: western steers. 33.004.28. HOGS Receipts today, 25.0U0 head; esti mated tomorrow, 26,000 head. The market was steady to 10c higher; mixed and butchers, $4.60iS10; good to choice heavy, $4 6a4 96; rough heavy, $4 204 60; light, $4,4Mi4:; bulk of sales. $4.6(Vr4.0. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt, 26,000 head. The market was steady to weak; good to choice wethers, 83.754.26; fair to choice mixed, $2.6ivq3 50; western sheep, $2.25i4.25: native lambs, $4.005.76; west ern lambs, $3.76jJ6.15. New York Live Stoek Market. NEW YORK. Nov. 11. BEEVES Re ceipts, 3,750 vhead. The market for steers was rather slow, but steady; for top grades, firm; for bulls, steady; for cows, steady to loo lower. Native steers. 83 75 5.60; oxen. $1.26A2.25: fat stags. $4.8Mi6 .00; bulls, $260fi4.10; cows, X.tmiM; stockers, 82.96. Cables ouoted live cattle lower at ttoc per pound for whole range dressed weight; sheen ateady; refrigerator beef selling at V'ic. CALVES Receipt. 1.879 head. The mar ket for veals wns firm to 25c higher: for grussers and westerns, steady. Veals, 84 & "'tl' 75 ; tops, $9 i: culls, $4.00; grassers and fed calves, $2.7513 60; westerns, $.100 nlCH. City dressed veals, firmer, at &t 11c per pound; country dressed. tVallo. HOGS Receipts. 4.9M head. The market was easier. State hogs. $5 506.66. SHEEP AND LAM US Receipts. 8.067 head. The market for sheep waa atesdv; for lambs. 16r:fic higher. Sheep, $J.5fii3 76; lamb. 15. 20O6. 26; culls, 84.UoiQ4.60; lambs. $5.204560. Kansas City live Stoek Market. KANSAS CITY. Nor. 11. CATTLE Re ceipt. 11,100 head natives. 900 head Texans, SO head native calves. 60 head Texas ca'ves; com fed rattle, steady to 10c lower; west ern beeves, steady to lower: Texas and western canning cons, steady to strong; stockers and feeders, slow; choice export and dressed beef steer. 84eOi6.25; fair to good, U.254Y4.50; stockers and feeders, $2 f"t 3.90; western fed steers, $2.26tf4.30; Texas snd Indian steer, $l.7."(u.1 no; Texas cows, 8l.4V7t2.15: native fnas, $l.:Wi3.50; nntlvf heifers. $2.2Tv,i 4.20; rnnners. $l.t.m2.30; bulls jf $IMi2fiO; calves, $2 nv,i6.on. - Hi iGS Receipts, 7,M head; market r.flinf lower; top, $5.m; bulk of sales, $4 7'Wi 9.'. ,' heavy, $4 6iV?i4 90 ; mixed packers. $4 4 9.". ; light. $4 SHfo.OO; yorkers, $1 9.Hj5.00; pigs. $4 !M4 97. SHEEP AND LAM P.H Receipts. 4.(M heed; market 10c higher; tistlve lamb tlfcVg3..W; western lambs, $2.9."ifl.2o: fed ewes, $2.SOCn3.90; Texas clipped yearlings, 82.6kIi4.(W; Texas clipped sherp, $2. 4 "(J 3. 1.1; Blockers and feeders, $2.0tKn3. M. Moos City Live Stork Market. PIOVX CITY, la.. Nov. II. (Special Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts, 1,11 head; stockers, strong; killers, steady: hoeves, $1 onrnvi isi; cows, hulls and mixed, $2.0 j 3 2; stockers and feeders, $2.Mj! 3.6.1; calves and yearlings. $2. 2541.1 40. HOO8-Receipts. 5.oo head; Rc (owe-; re.:. In;, $4.45)14.65; bulk, $1.55. Slork In Sight. Following nre the receipts of live stocs nt the six principal western cities yester day: , Catll?, Omaha 6,500 Chicago 20' tun Kansas City 12.110 St. Louis K.ium St. Joseph 2 670 Sioux City l.tsaj Hogs. 7.1(10 0 7.kki 4. 500 8.150 6,110 8hep 7.8i 2li.(l( 4.'1C l.W l.isl Totals .48. ISO. 66,650 40.7S1 REAL ESTATK THAMFERS. Deeds filed for record yesterday as fur nished by the Midland Guarantee and Trust company, bonded abstracter, I614 Farnam street: William W. Cotton, et al, to Florence A. chase, lot 16 and 20 feet of lot 16. block I, Yate ft Herrtple'e ad dition 1 J Florence A. Chase snd husband "to John W. Edwards, eH5 feet of lot 15, block 2, Yates ft Hemple's addition.. 32f A. C. Troup, et al, to James 11. Adams, lots 13, 14 and 15, block 7, Monmouth Park addition 1 Mary Houfel and husband to Gene vieve Tylee. sty of lot 22, block 2. Dwornk'a addition 1 F. J. Fltsgerald and wife to Henry O. Harte. Iota 1, 2 and 3. block 111, Dund' e Place 7"1 Anna C. Meredith, et al, to James H. Adams, lots 13. 14 and 16, block 7, Monmouth Park addition 1 Ellen DeLand and husband to James T. DeLand. Iota 4 and 6, block 84, Florence 2,000 William K. Potter, receiver, to Florus Partlett, lots 23 and 24, block 2, Millr.rd Place addition 9,500 Genevieve Tylee to Erick Anderson, s of lot 22, block 2. Dworak's ad dition '. 150 Charles B. Smith and wife to Charles F. Martin, lot 10, block 1, Halcyon e Heights 1,100 Charles S. Huntington, et al, execu tors, to William B. Parks, lot 7, block 14, Florence 1U Clara T. Yule and husband to Chris tina Schommer. lot 25, block 1L Cllf ton Hill addition 1.150 Pnxton & Gallagher company to Fran cis E. Harnett, el32 feet and n60 feet of lot 4, block 4, Kountxe'a 4th addition 400 Erna Hammel to Friederlch Edalbauer. undivided" of W17 feet of lot and el7 feet of lot 7, block 1, South Omaha view S Frank J. Flnnegan to Frank Vocnsek, lots 17 and In, block 8, Brown. Park addition 1 Augusta Lockner and husband to Christian it. inttmer, evd or ntu feet of lot 79, Hartman's addition 600 Tobacco Heart max be cured. Don't neglect yonr symp toms. Dr. Miles' Heart Cure Is a great heart and blood tonic about tvhlch you will learn a great deal and also about heart trouble ly sending postal for free book on diseases of the heart and nerves. UK. MU-E8 MEDICAJL CO.. Elkhart, Did. QUAKER MAID RYE Delightful a Beverage. Healthful at a Tonic. For sale at the lead ing bare, cafe and drug store. m W sr i liiRSCH & CO. Kasiai Clrj, Ma. esse Dr.Searles&Searles SPECIALISTS Cur All Special DISEASES OF fiEN BLOOD POISON WEU, NERVOUS MEN KIDNEY MO BLADDER DISEASES Xr.aisnen4 and Meallelna $5.00 PER MONTH Examinations and advice free at office or by mall. Written contracts given In all curable diseases jr refund money paid for treatment. Treatment by mall. 14 year In Omaha. Cer. 14tk sus Dongla. OMAHA. 318, CHICAGO MINNEAPOLIS Mala office) rUnhatUn Building-, ST. PAUL, flJNN. Denier In Stocks, Grain, Provisions Bought and eo'.d for cash or on reasonable Margin. Members Important Kxchanajea, Prlvnte Mires. Write for our dally market letter and p.V vat telegraph cipher n'tlis Ship Your Grain to Us. Prompt Return. Best Facilities. Liberal Advances. Rraarh Offleesi 1O0 Bee Dldg. 'Phono 8314 Omaha, Kebraskn, DfLl'TH. WISSIPEQ. afrfTsET C3MHISSI0H STOCKS AND BONDS GRAIN AND PROVISIONS We have over 160 ence. References: 178 8tat and Nat l Bank. Ol It SERVICE IS THE REIT. Out of Town Business Solicited. Osasa Braacbi 1413 Par ass St- Yal.34d7 TH0S. M. WADDICK. Correspondent. rMiiiwsi.!...i!, . .i..i.j.Mj..jiiiiiiii.!iii.i,...iJi mm 1 3 ISIS0 1 8 43 EdivordSj. t7ood A Co f