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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 12, 1903)
in THE OMAHA DAILY TIKE: THURSDAY.' NOV E.MREIl 12. i03. OFFERS REWARD FOR OUTLAWS treet Railway Officials Will Par far Arrest anil ( nnvlrllnn of Three Itnhbers. The Omaha A Council Fluffs Btreet Rail way compsny In offr-rlng a reward for the apprehension and conviction of the three masked men ho held up and robbed the conductor and motnrrnun of a Tark Una ear laat Saturdny M'ht at the west al.le of Harac(irr park, when Crmlurtor P. M. Valentine was relieved of Me watch, and $21 B,nl Motormnn Ira FlnmiKnn lost $2 51 and a gold watch valued at t.D. "Th. company Is determined to nip such efforts of the masked trlhe In the bud." aid Secretary II A. I-cussler. "We have offered this reward for the arrest and con viction of the men who floured In that rob bery Saturday night and it Is also Intended a a measure of protection to employes. feel that If we were Indifferent In th!s matter It would lead to the commission of other depredations asalnst our men. We will readily pay over this reward for the almple Information which will lead to the arrest and conviction of these men." AmxBBBaaatzssz HOI'K KAI.K. Oilraa-o A Great Western Railroad. The houses located upon the property re eently purchased hy the Chicago Great Western railroad will be sold Thnradav, November 12. at 10 o'clock a. m., at the temporary offlce of the undersigned, at 20th and Mason streets. These houses have all been signed and given a number, and will be aold according to number. The mini mum price will be announced at the hour of aale and other necessary Information as to terms and time of removal wilt then be given. There are between 70 and 80 houses to be old. M'CAOUK INVESTMENT COMPANY, Agents. Offlce Salvage yard, Doth 'and Mason. Telephone No. 2471. Annoanremt-nt of the Theaters. Thli evening Miss Millie James begins ber engagement at the Boyd In her great success, "The Little Princess." An Im pression seems to have gotten abroad that this Is a play exclusively for children. Nothing could be farther from the facts. "The Little Princess" Is as much for grown-up folks as anything that has been on the stage In a long time, and not only tells a pretty story In a pretty way, but points a moral as well. It also possesses a peculiar but not exclusive interest for the children, and for this reason It has been apoken of as a children's play. The company presenting It is tho same that made It a aucoesa In New York last winter, and comprises a number of very clever peo ple. The engagement lasts until after Saturday, with a matinee on Saturdny afternoon. "The Peddlor" Is the name of a new four-act comedy drama from the pen of Hal Held, which serves to Introduce Joe Welch In a new character he has under taken to portray on the American stage, and one that admirably suits him. He will be seen at the Krug tonight nnd for the remainder of the week, and throughout the action of the play will have many op portunities to dlxplay his histrionic ability. "The Peddler" Is entirely different from the usual run of plays; It is full of heart Interest, and holds the Interest of the audience from start to finish. The acenlo effecta from the brush of that well-known acenic painter, Harley Merry, are most elaborate, and the Bettings are all that v can be desired. The Orpheum will give a matinee this afternoon, and la featuring a treat for tha children In the shape of an Illustration of the entire production of Harriet Beecher Btowe'a great work, "Uncle Tom's Cabin" in Ufa 'motion pictures, projected by the klnodrotne. Nearly J.000 feet of film la ahown, and even with the older folka Its impreastvenesa haa been manifested everv night this week by the enthusiastic ap plause. The other seven features of the program embrace comedy, music, dance and Juggling of the quality that pleases. Horee covers maae to m your horse. Omaha Tent and Awning Co.. 11th and Harney atreeta. Great Specials Ladies' Wear $12. 50 Long Kersey Coats at $8.98 A smart new long coat made of two ca pes, stitched flat collar, lined throughout and new pouch uleeves coat la 42 In. long, all colors made to retail at $12.BO Thursday at M Milk ' coat, made "I! J; F M 8,98 $25 Long: Coats at $14.85 Highly fashionable long winter of heavy -English ker- teed satin lining, new velvet collars, and cuffs, with the Jaunty military button trimmings, new colors, worth $23. OO each, at 14.85 Odd Lots of Tailored Suits A great thowing ofiviU in odd "5 lots of different lines, that told at $13. SB, $15, 117.60 wi ttj. it 'we can fit you in tki$ lot at.. M 0UI ft -W ' 9.98 Special Values in the New -Furs Electric seal cluster scarfi with four big tails, at Double hair scarfs, eight tails extra long, at , Double electric hlended river mink, mutrta and fox, at.... 89c 1.50 1.98 Double fox French coney y QQ wlih cords, at A.O Specla.1 value In beautiful and fash- l?tn"I,.l.e. W 7.50 & 9.98 8. R. Patten, dentist, Mccegue building, in nn. CRKE Ella, wife of Judson Cree, aged 80 years Funeral from St. Peter's church Friday at I a. m. November 13. Residence, 16 South i weniy-aecona street. THE TIME WAS when very few men could afford a tailored uit but tines Niooll beg-an making guita to totaeure vary few than oau afford to wear the ready mode clothes that are made to fit any ' body and fit nobody. Nlooll't price, a, quality and fit made the change. ' Over 1300 different patterns to aelect from Suits $20, $25, $30, $35 Trousers $5 to $12 All garments made In Omaha. 2a Ann ,r 209-211 South 15tb St FRED PAFFENH ATH, Manager. OPERV GLASSES Let us show you the . t lateat in them. Splendid Bargains n Millinery SIO Trimmed Hats sit S3. 95 Just 310 trimmed hats, greatly reduced Velvet dress sliupes, toques and turbans, fur and chenille combinations, etc., all tastily trimmed some with ostrich and ornaments, others with folinge and ribbon, values up to q ffi $10.00, at UiVu $3 and S3. SO Trimmed Hats at 9So Here Is a special line of very pretty trimmed bats, all ne and handsomely njj fashioned, goat '. "OC SI.50 and $2. SO Street Hats. 25c Draped felt and velvet nov elty materials, some wing and breast trimmings, worth 'OCr, up to $2.50 eaoh, at AuC House Bouquets for Thanksgiving A floral pitce ad"ds greatly to Vie nttraetivenes of 4ht dining lahle. Wt offer (too special for this purpose, fltnoert that are $et in AC QSZ large shells and present a very attractive picture at 1 " a O O Fall Kid Gloves at 59c New fall kid gloves, all the late shades worth up to $1.80, at '. , fpj THW Mfc:LIAHI.k: SI-OHK. Wonderful Coupon Sale 59c Coupons with every purchase. The most liberal and valua ble tickets ever given absolutely free with every purchase. To still further prove that these coupons are absolutely free, note the prices quoted for the following Bales. No other house east or west can or will offer such values liavden Bros1 Cloak Department. The Most Extraordinary Sale of Women's Tailor Suits Ever Known- Four manufacturers of women's suits- made in all 1175 beautiful high class suit for 5 Eastern retailers, who refused to take them on account of the late delivery. They are beautiful creations, made especially for the better clnsg of trade of the eastern cities. Ae got thm at half the cost of manufacture and this la how we will sell them: $18. no and $19.00 women's suits, for, each $22.50 and $3 suits for, each ,,, $.12.50 and $35 suits tor, each .9.90 .1495 24.75 These suits are the greatest values of the eeuson. CHRISTMAS is sure to come. Be wise look ahead do much of your shopping; early and avoid the rush which never falln to come. Nothing- more suitable as a Klft than a box of handsome stationery various Slses adapted for correspondence acknowledgments or regrets stamped with an address die, monogram or cuat-of-arms. Correspondence solicited. The Moyer Stationery Co. 220 and 222 So. 16th St. Pinaud Parisian Perfumer The name PINAtTD Is a familiar one to all users of Perfume und other toilet re quisites. Our stock of the goods manufac tured by the celelirater French firm is a complete one. Indeed, and tmbpni'Mi nil ih old-time favorites. WE MENTION A FEW: PI AID'S BOTT1.KD HANDKERCHIEF FX TH ACTS. 1V4-OS. bottles AURORA TUMP $1.10 2--os. Domes r rencli i'ansey Jl.oo IVt-oz. bottles Vlolette Relne $l.i5 -os. bottle Vlolette Heine $1.75 l4-o. bottles Ixora .Hreonl $1.00 1-os. bottle Vlolette de Panne, conical pome srw H4-os. bottle Ilrisaa de la Pampas fl.iu iV noma i-aquiia liiy f.) lVos. Ixittle Peau d'Enpagne $1.00 IVi-os. bottle Vlolette Beneatlon $1.25 PIXAt'D'S BILK KITH ACTS. These we have In TRIPLE. OTTAT1- ti.ijt-L.Kj ana yui.N t kusemik quality. min.B Knurm at te ckk ox,, We sell the regular 60c odors at 39c per PEA I' D ESPAUNE3. CHY PRE. WHITE IRIS. Ksa. BonynET. BLUK NYMPHIA. PIVAIDS tlIKSSECES AT OOo PKH )l t i;. Theee are not the trlule or UI'ANHl'Pi.K extract, but the QUINTESSENCES, which usually mail for $1.00 per ounce. Our price tiitc per ounce. V miitini some of the odors: W ul n less-ence CI 1 R Y S A N TH E M E. Oiilnteuaunce FRENCH i'aumatiom PINK. Quintessence ROYAIj MI'OCET. Qtilnte.-wence ROYAI, DAISY. QuIntfSKence WHITE Vlol.ET. Quadruple VELVET HEINE. Sherman &McConnell DruiGo. Druggists and Perfumers, Cor. loth and Dodge Sta., Omaha. Our Long Lasting Steel Ranges - -VV- - I C0 LL A R in., n A number of husbands havn nlromtv ordered our lonr-hiHilnir Hteni nnva u Thanksgiving preHenls to their wives. That thiH Thanksgiving will be a happy one to families need not be doubted. The way ineir iiiikPH will bn roaxted and the rest of their dinner rooked will be a lasting 'limine io ineni. Mr, 1 nucKer. ZYSi i'a.ln- well, suys: ''The flteel Range we bought of u i bucii a marvel ot perfection that now we want a Rochester Hrnw Kiirnar " We make the wholesale price for cash, or $6.00 down and $5.0i) per month payments. 'urs is me only exclusive utove store in me wesi. The Stoetzel Stove Co 714 S. 16th St. Women's Goats Nobby, Btyllsh garments, strictly up-to-date in every respect, trimmed with buttons and fancy velvets these come in seven different colors, and are lined with Skin ner's satin and fancy taffeta. PRICES $25.00, $20.00 and $17.50 Women's military coats, made of Amer ican wool kersey, with double capes, made with stitched strapped seams, new tight fitting back, new alev .tnu rorntearhIar..?!5. 0.00 zlbellnes. military style, In castor, brown, ilbellnes, military style. In castor, brown. Diue ana oiacK, regular $12.50 IC flft WiUU value, for - Furs! Furs! Furs! Owing to the stylo of the collars on all the stilts and coats, every woman needs a fur scarf We were aware of this months ego and prepared enormous stocks and all kinds of furs the greatest lot ever shown in the west. THREE SPECIAL8 FOR THURSDAY Bpcclal No. 1 You can't beat It for scarfs, extra long, 2 full skins, with the tails, furriers' would ask you $1 III ft ft our price only, each IVtUU Special No. 2 O'possum and sable scarfs and Isabella dyes, regular $8.90 B Hfl values, Thursday only, each WiUU Bpeclal No. 3375 fur scarfs, a mixed varie ty, worth up to $7.50 Aft Thursday only, each fi9U EXTRA SPECIALS- '. Women's capes, in castor, made of fine kerseys, lined throughout with an tin. S3 Inches In length, regular $10 C lift values, for, each W'Ull Women's silk waists, all colors, 4 AO $5.00 quality, for 9(J Women's flannelette wrappers, I nil $1.50 quality, for IUU Women's eiderdown aacques, TO regular $1.50 quality for IIW Infant's ripple eiderdown cloaks, trimmed with Angora fur, worth $2.50, I 9Q for only, each Is! Women's black mercerlied under- in skirts, for I9C Certificates of Deposit We ihsuo certificates of deposit for three, six or twelve months, bearing four per cent interest, and all of our de posits are payable on demand. J. L. Brandeis & Sons, Bankers. Burlin gton l'ay Checks Cashed. Great Values in Women's Coats ice Tools A Good Bath Brush for . Just 15c These brushes are worth double the money. Thte price is for one dav Thursday. eruna a MKtorla Riomo gt Itrer 10c. 2iie, oc and 76c i e:trs iiriM.iit.. ... . uraliani a Catarrh I'ure. guaranteed to cure " 750 Klder Flower B.Mip. 3 cakes li'o Mennen'a Talcum Powder 1 'c wc Perfume ail odora f.c lu Ulan.-he Powder 36c mmwFMk Wc carry the only stock in the west;1 Wm. T. Woods & Co's celebrated tools. Send for 1094 catalogue. Jas. Morton & Son Co. 1511 Dodge Street Exclusive Afents Vspvty snats TStartnaaraaSV Food Inspaotar. f!. LRAHACCIDTTI. 0. V. S. CITT VJCTITKIWAJUAJI. OfBoa and lo&rssary, tVlh an4 Mas ts l?AV??av - -gitegbws r. WATCHES 'Make a lasting present for Christ mas. For a lady, for a gentleman, for a boy. for a girl. We have the largest and most ele gant stock we have ever shown. The prices ranxe from $13 In a gold-tilled watch to $i60 In (he finest gold watch. We will be g!ad to lay one away for you until Christmas If you wish. BROWN & B0RSHEIM, 27J South 16th Street. YES, THEY CUT the price. But when? AFTER WE MADE THEM. How much did they cut? JL'ST AS MUCH AS WE DID on some thlnga! You aee, the druggists of OMAHA und SOUTH OMAHA are hanging on to the long price plan like grim death, but they see It clipping awy from them like a to after OLD SOD cornea out from behind the clouds. The NKWBI'Ai'EHs eaid the cut price drug business was a tmng 01 tne past, lil'T Bomutlmes the uewspapers get MIXED. i'to Graves' Tooth Powder... 600 t'otsonl Face Fowder... $1.00 Temptation Tonic uuc Oern Catarrh t'owder.... $1.00 Coke s Hair Tonic 10c 27c 3V. .-.c $1.0U Feruna all you want ssc 2oc Dazailve Ilromo Quinine 5c $1.09 Iler's Malt Whiskey 0 $1.00 Pure Canadian Malt Whiskey Tie U Chester's Uenuine Pennyroyal Pills.. ..$l.uu CUT PRICE DKUQ STOkB SGIIAEFER'S 16th and Chleaeo. Omaha. 'Phones 717-787. 241 h and N Sts., Kouth Omaha. 'Phone No. Perfield's C utPrlce Piano Co. Bt BIJr ,' Rofti 7. Telephone 701 Star ACJark. LudwU sailr. THE NEW POTAY We have Just received a new yelour I calf in the blucher cut, with dull calf top on the great Potay last. vve a iso nave tne new last in a patent colt button, both styles with military heel, at $3.50. We're at no extra expense in selling this particular shoe, and consequently can put more value in them for the money than stores that have only one Hue. DREXEL SHOE CO., 1419 Farnam Street. Omaha's L'p-to-Dats Shos House TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Addresa Oaaaha, WOMEN'S NEW MIDIT ART COAT Made of fins English ker sey or Imported sibellne. In all shades, high military collar double breasted front and shoul der capes, strapped front and back a J1S.00 value Thursday $10.75 WOMEN'S THREE-QU ARTElt IjENQTH COATS-n Mbollnea. kerseys or cheviots, all hew shapes, loose or half tight fitted backs, with shoulder capes and tha very newest sleeves, gar ments worth up to $36.00 Thurs day $16,75 WOMEN'S VERT SWELL MILI TARY COATS-We are the only house In Omaha showing the "Originals" of these exclusive and decided effects others have tried to copy ahem "but there Is a difference" that you cajinot fail to notice when comparing . Uiem we are showing theae gar ments In different materials kerseys, cheviots, ooverta and xlbellnes don t fall to see them If you want a correct and most up-to-date garment of th sea son at prices 519.75, $22.50, $24.75, $29.75 and $37.50 ft I Ladies' Shoes Thursday we will provide you with shoes that your best taste approves. There's style to them and there's quality to back the style and the price you pay for a "Nebraska shoe' wont buy its EQUAL ANYWHERE LISTEN TO THESE VALUES: , ....'. LADIES' SHOES Made of genuine Paris kid and box calf in lace, with good heavy soles and extension edges, made on the Vassar, Princeton and University toes WOKTII $2.50 Cf ouit rmcE pi.VvJ LADIES' SHOES Made of glazed kid, fleece-lined, in lace, with good heavy soles, for street wear (Pi 1 Cf woii'm $2.00 ouii price pi .OO LADIES' FELT JULIETS Fur trimmed, in red and black, also beautiful felt slippers, in the newest styles, with leather soles a great fC value at iplsULI LARGEST EXCLUSIVE RETAIL MILLINERY HOUSE IN THE WEST. Cutting Prices on Stylish Millinery Pretty Hats at $3.00, $5.00 and $6.50 Investigate-It. Pays. 1508 Douglas Street DEWEY & STONE FURNITURE CO, 1115-1117 FARHAM STREET,' Dressers and Chiffoniers mm Preasera In quartered oak, bird's-eye maplo, curly blr-h arid mahogany full swell front drawers beautifully rmisned inside and out large pni- lem plate mirror the finest icoods manufactured at 31.50 CfclEToaiera and Dreaacra to. aaatcfc, la early birch, bird's jr maple, anahocaar, quar tered oak and rtrraaslaa wal at. Special Talaea for tha balaaeo of the week. Chiffoniers made of selected quality of quartered oak, curly birch, bli d' eye maple or mahogany with pU;n or fancy front to match dreeer targe paiiern piaie mirror beauti fully made and finished at uiaicn arenser 30.00 Dewey & Stone Furniture Go i FiroircStreet GOLD CHAINS and Fobs regular shape and IJIcki-na Chains, 14 k., from tut iiti ilnl.i Ki.Iim fr.iin & utt W. arm t.. n . , line of thea goods and the large handnum Una In Killed l iiuins an. i t urn. Bpena a lew minutea in our siore Look for the name g. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler and Optician. liUDvuflMMraet. ! 1