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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 11, 1903)
Tnn OMAFIA DAILY niSIS: WKDNESPAi", NOVEMBER 11, 1903. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Weakriw, Lei hr Lower Corn Prices Ap parent on Oh'eigo Boa d. CORN DKOPS A CENT, WITH OTHERS OFF wVheat Affected bw FnrrUn nplr, Corn hy Poor Whipping- Conditions, While Oafs ami Provisions Arc Affected mpat hctlrallr. CIifCAOO, Nov. 10 Weakness led bv lower nun prln-H i nwt'nt In the list of nearby 1 I vorlcs of gmln and provisions today. Net Inures for tn day In Urcctihi-r options wi-re: Wheiit. n w, corn. Vale; OHtw, 'VrVfcf-. January pruvlc ions closed with a loss of Tt'a2P-a'. Htatislic nnil cur rent rrn; gossip wax of a rharartrr de signed to weaken the f;tlth of holders, par ticularly the owner of rnrn. With lower chIjU-m. rvulently relloctlng free offerings of KiiKHlnn and Argentina lock, heavy receipt In the northwest and excellent weather tor a continuance of the movement to market, wheat opened weak, Iecemher a shade to 'tir. lower, at T7Vo to 77Vi-. This option during a flurry of buying to ohorts to secure profits touched 77-. Selling wan resumed with renewed vigor Inter, under the Influence of the corn weakness ami Uradsti eet's report of an In crease of 7,4i,io bu. In thp world's visible supply, and December touched bottom at 7c. Receipts at Chicago. Duluth and Minneapolis reached a total of 1.544 cars, against 1,3-3 last week, and 1,15k a year ago. Frlmary receipts were l.xIS.OuO bu., com pared with 1,198,000 bu. the corresponding any of last year. Heabnnrd clearances were lJb.ono bu. Klevator Interests sold December corn on a liberal scale,, und the price, having touched at the opening, underwent a sheer descent of lc, during which a num ber of stop loss orders were executed. Mav suffered sympathetically, but to a less ex tent. Support from an influential operator was given both options, but the recovery was slight, and the tone at the ftnlh was weak, December 'frtfilc under yesterday at 42c. The chief Influences were the un satisfactory condition of the shipping and the unsatisfactory bear market. Local re ceipts were 402 cars. Oats were dull and fluctuations narrow, but the weakness In neighboring pits, com bined with a slow cash demand and liberal receipts, sent the price to a lower level. December closed VWHc denresaed at 8l4jC. Local receipts were 306 cars. January provisions opened easy In gym- Sathy with a drop In hog prices, and ropped further In sympathy with corn. Pork closed 22c lower at 111.75. Lard, 10i!ij'12V4c down at K7rf?i.77V4, and ribs 7Hc under yesterday at 8S.17V4. estimated recelnls tomorrow: Wheat, 345 cars; corn, 180 cars; oats, 135 cars; hogs, WI heBd. The leading futures ranged as follows: Artlcles. Open. Hlgh. Iow. .Close. Safy. Kfi 77V'77M(frS 77 774i774'.t 73 731 7 Hi 42il 424 43V, 4CK42H'" 43f'i, M 42 42T4 I 'Wheat I ttc. vvtn n I Mav 'Tkfi'W 77A4 I July 74'.174V J Corn- May 42V.7, 'Wivti A 1 ts- I .Dee. I Mi 84 aT'May 3336 38 j'n' Pork- I ' Jan. I 11 85 Ml 7UI S5 35 36' i 11 75 11 75 11 97 11 12V, 11 86 12 074 6 82V6 ffi 9?V4 75 6 77V4 87J 6 72M 75 6 85 17HI I 17H1 6 75 S 27Vil 6 27HI 6 35 May I 11 7 12 00 I lBi d I - I Dee. 1 6 R2V4 90 Jan. I R5 ft May 6 80 82 Hlbs- ' I 1 ' Jan. I 6 22Vfcl K May 6 3J I 321 No. t New. Cash quotations were as follows: FLOUR Easy; winter patents. $4.0(Vfft 20; Jtralghts, $3.70r4.10; spring patents. $4.1(xa 4.40: straights. $3.708 0: bakers, t2.SmS3.30. WHEAT No. I. 79tfOc; No. 2 red, 77 78Sc. CORN No. 1 43c; No. 2 yellow, 43e. OATS No. 2, 34Vi35c; No. t white, 31Hc. RYE -No. 2, Bic. BAR LE Y flood feeding. 86g40c; fair to Choice malting. 48jJ5Be. SEED No. 1 flax, 90c; No. 1 northwestern, 4c; prlwe timothy, t2.85; clover, contract rsde. $10.50. .PROVISIONS Mess pork. rr $11.S7H jll.60. Lard, per 10 lbs., t1.R7Mifi8.90; short fibs aides (loose). 7.257.75; short clear idea (boxed), $8.7537.13. The' following were the receipts of flour and grain; , Receipts. Shipments. ... 22,21 21,200 ...121.000 105.5(10 ... 38.200 133.P10 ...288.500 3t4.2INI ... 6.6i0 2.400 bbls. Wheat, bu. . Corn, bu Oats, bu Pva Vin Xlarley, bu. ..284,500 26.5O0 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was firm; creameries, 15 2lHc: dairies, 1418Hc. Epga, firm, at mark, cases included, 21I&23C. Cheese, teady, 104illc. NEW YORK GENERAL MARKET. (notations of the Day on Varlona Commodities. NEW YORK, Nov. 10. -FLOUR Receipts, 88.784 bbls: exports, 14.5K0 bbls. The market was easier and lower to sell; winter pat ents. $4.0004.35; winter straights, H.HC(ii 4.1"; Minnesota patents, $4. 604.76; winter extras, t3.00ft3.40; Minnesota bakers, $3.754.10; win ter low grades, $'..80i3.20. Rye flour, steady, fair to good, $3,204(3.40; choice to fancy, J t 46 3.60. Buckwheat flour,, easy at $2.30 140. CORNMEAL Quiet; yellow western, $1.04; city, $1.02; kiln dried, $J.2083.25. RYE Normal; No. 2 western, 61o, nom inal f. o. b. afloat; state and Jersey, 60ti58c. BARLEY Dull; feeding. 420 c. 1. f. PufTalo: mal'lna. B?4j6! c. I. f.t Buffalo. WHEAT Receipts, 38,260 bu. The market for spot was weak; No. 2 red, MTc eleva tor; No. 2 red, Su'.c f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth, 87c, f. o. b. afloat: No. 1 hard Manitoba, nominal f. o. b. afloat. Options deyeloped further severe weakness tinder the burden of a heavy northwest movement, a big Increase In world's stock for the week, lower cables and poor export Inquiry. The close was unsettled at S'nsic net decline. May, M4&82c, closed, 81o; July, closed, 78Vc; December, SlVaiiSi 11-lCc, closed, 86c. CORN Receipts, 99,400 bu.; exports, 68, 687 bu. The market for spot was weak; No. 2, 50VC, elevator and 60So f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 yelow, 5H4c; No. 2 white, 61c. Option market reached low point of the season under stop loss selling, weak cables and fears of a bearish crop report, closing VtTc net lower. May. 4SVfi 4fSic, closed, lkci December, 49 l-l)j50Hc, closed, OATS Receipts, 39.000 bu. The market for spot was easy; No. 2. 4flc: standard white. 4!c; No. S, 40c; No. 2 white. 42-c; No. 1 white. 43c; track white, 41'a lfHc HAY Dull; spring, )k(u75c; good to choice, 6r(i5c. HOPS Steady ; Galveston, 20 to 25 lbs., 102. 21&:'c; olds, Ifltfllo. HIDES Stead v; Ualveston. 20 to 25 Ins., He; California, 21 to 25 lbs,, 19c; Texas dry. 24 to 0 lbs.. 14c. T.KATMKR Stedv; scld, EW!2".4c. PROVISIONS Beef, dull: family, tlO.OOrft 1100; mess. $8.00Trf8 60; beef hums. $.'0 50. 2! W; packet. $9 utVi 10.00; city, extra India moss, tl6.OOiW17.00. Cut meats, quiet; pickled lel!lee. $9.26yil.OO; pickled Khoulders. $5.50 1.75: pickled hams, $11.00'fill.60. Lard, easy; western steamed. $7.45; refined, dull; con tinent, $7.70; South America. $8.35; com- tound. $ii.2ii4i7.0O. Pork easy; famll 10.00; short clear, $13.25ijl5.00; mess, $13.00 i 13.75. RICE Steady; domestic, fair to extra, Vtt lc- Jsoien. nominal. TALLOW Firm; city. 44c; country, 44 tlic. BUTTER Receipts, 92 pkga. ; unset tled; creumery, l'Vy-'l'Hc; stute dairy, 15(3 to.-. CHEESE Recelpls. 9.056 pkgs. ; nulet; state, full cream, fancy, smrWI rolnred. September, HSc; -tober, W.c; small vlilte, September, llc: October. li'4c; large colored, September, 114c; October, rc. EGGS Receipts. 10.3S9 n'tgs. ; firm; west ern seconds to Urals. 25(i?:9c. POULTRY Alive, steady; western rhlck sns, 11c; fowla, 11c; turkeys, 1Mi14c. pressed, quiet; western chickens, HVt''il2c; fowls, 11c; turkeys, 16c. Kanaaa City 4raln and Provisions. KANSAS CITY. Nov. 10 WHEAT De cember. 67c; May, eibft;4c; cash No. 2 hard. 72$724c: No. 3. 7ti70c; No. 4. 6W,iJ5c; r tec ted, 6ni0e; No. 2 rd, 8'fc!jiC; No. J. 7e. CORN December. Wc; May. SeMJTS'Ve; rash No. 2 mixed. 41c; No. 2 white, 4lc; No. I. 404c OATS No. 2 white. S5fc364c; No. t mixed, tl3Sc. PYE No. 48c. HAY Choice timothy, $?.001i9.50; choice fi IH-SiS 25. P.UTTKR-Crcamery, 134Ht20c; dairy, fancy. Inc. Ktri'S Flr-v Missouri and Kansas, cases returned. 204c; new No. 2 whltewood runt Included. 21c Keceints Shlpn'n Wheat, bu. Porn, bu.... Data, bu .261. 800 i;.3fi 4.SH0 1J.01A :7,vo Dnlnth Grain Market. DUT.UTH. Nov. 10-WHEAT-OtV tn-k, No. 1 northern, TSVic: No. 2 norlhe-ii- 75e; S'-. I spring. T2c; December. 74c May. OMAHA WHOLESALE MARKET. Condition of Trade aad (taotatloaa fttaple and Fanrw Prod ace. KOr.S-Fresh stock, loss off. 22c. LIVK PuL'i.'1'iili lUna, spring ebb kens, d'akic; roosters, according to age, 4fi.ic; turkeys. 13c; ducks, c; gerse, 7fic l.'L'TTKK Packing stock, 13Hc; choice to farcy dairy, in tuns, ltylxc; separator, Zlo. r'Hiail FlSH-r'resn caught trout, lc; plcktrtl 8c; pike, lix ; percn, So; buff all, 'VtfSr; bluellsn, lie; whliefish, 15c; salmon, lie; haddock. We; codfish, 12c; re.lsnnpfwr, 11c; lotisters, billed, per lb., 30c; lobsters, green, per lb.,c; bullheads. 11c: cattish, 14-; black basi, '.'i i Tc; haliout. c; croppies, L'e; herring. Be; white tas. Pic; blueflns, lo. OYH'1'fc.hst .New York counts, per cm, 4.1c, per gal., $2 01); extra selects, per can 'Sir, per unl.. il ia, siundard, per tan, 27c, per gal.. J. 35. II HAN' IVr ton. $14 50. HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Whole sale Deal ra' nsauf lailon : Choice No. 1 up land. IM.iiii; No. 2. $7.50; medium. $7.(1; coarse, Jt 50. Hye straw, 6 5o. These pr.ces arc for hay of good color and QUillty. Lo maml fair and receipts light. CORN 4Hc. OATS-3iic. HYE No. 2. Rrtc. VEGETABLES. POTATOKS Colorado, 80c; Dakota, pef bu.. 7'K(f75c; native. 65'o70c. SWEET l'OTATOKS Home grown, pef basket. S5c; Virginias, per 3-bu. bbl., $3.00. NAVY 11 KAN'S Per bu., $2.25. CELERY Small, per dot., 2535c; largo Western, 45c. .N IONS New home grown, do', per lb., lVje; Rpanlfh, per crate. $1 50. CAKHAOK Wisconsin Holland. I'ic. Tl.n.NIPS Canada Kutabagas, per lb lc; white, tier bu.. Rrtc CAR HOTS Per bu.. 50c. PARSNIPS Per bu.. 60c. FRUIT PRUNES Italian, per box, $1.00. PEARS Colorado and Utah Keifcrs. $1.75, winter Nellls, 2 :'Bia2.50 APPLKS-Mlchlgan stock, $3.25: Califor. nla Heilflowers. per box. II.Cj: New York Oreerlncs and Baldwins. 3 25; Siting vari eties, J3.50. U'APKS California Tokays, $1.65; New York. ;itr 8-Ib. basket. 30c; ponv Calawbaw, 2ic; imported Maiaras, pr keg. f5O.6 50. ANBEKRIE8-Per hb;.. 8.K; per bog $3 00; WIconln Mell Bugle, $9.50. QUINCES California, ner box, $1.75. TROPICAL. FRUITS. ORANGES Mexican, all sixes, $4.00. LEMONS California lancv, 300 ti CSO 54-'jl': c,le 240 to 270 Mze. 4.0u4.2i. I- KS California, per 10-lb. cartons, gjc; mported Smyrna, 3-crown, 14c; 6 crown. ltc; i-crowu, lHc. KjJfL lb- ,n fi0"10- boxes, 6c. r-? o, ANAS Per mp''lum tUed bunch, $2.00 (2 50; Jumbo, $2.753.25. MISCELLANEOUS. .,?HEE8E-Wisconsin twins, full cream. l-Vic; Wisconsin Young Americas, 13'c; block Swiss, lie; Wisconsin brick, 12c; V ls oiiMln limberger, 12c. ItoNKY Nebraska, per 24 frames, $.;,50; UU oV!''01""'1". PT 24 frame, W.6J. MAPLE SLUAH-OhlO, per lb., (.c i iiJtK-rer bbl., $5.75; per -bbl.. $3 25. Dfi pIpH filar NI.TS-Valt?ut, No. 1 phoft-ahell. per lb., o'er' rhard,-.h."'il E "Ei No. 2 soft-she.i: per io., j.ic; iNo. -i hard-she , per Ib..-- iir iii . I j , iiioeris, Dor Ih . sof i-fcheli, per lb., 15c; hard-shell, per lb ner 1'"!e"m"11' ?eI h.rrtKH0c; peanuts. Rwi. - VCi roasted peanuts, per lb.. 7o: Vm. i1-7', "hell-harks, per bu., $1.75i crstrp'rb'iv" bu-eBter" B-'cilalt'ed; o0 2N,aedB74nt No 1 veal calf. 8 to 12 bS 84c! No 2 v?A C-JLl 15 J.b,-V6''y "ry 'alted hides, 4 12c; sheep pelts. 25(tf75c; horse hides, $1.0K$ ijc; pecans, larg". tier St. I.onla Grain and Provisions. ST. LOUIS. Nov. in XVtJAT r No. 2 red cash !... ".11.. H87c: December. Mav ' 8'e: hard. 74'fi78e. ..ORN Lower; No. 2 cash, 414c- track ecember, 40HO40HP; MayWc ' s-Se. lrlMfr-J?- ra8h- rack. 37 ftvV1! l3cc; No. 2 white. 40c RYE Firm at 64f644c. &rineR.7.8trady; r1 winter patents. $4.00 flea?; r3.f60."Cy " SEED Timothy steady at $2 20W2 75 $6",10o ": tlmo,hr' 7-612.00; prairie, 1 RON OOTTnw TIES $1 05 H A GO 1 NO-y4(4o. HEMP TWl.Nil -3c. t iun isiojs-Pork. lower: lobbing standard mess, Lsrd. higher at $" 0 Bacon steady; boxed extra shorts, $8.50; clear ribs. $8.75; short clear, $9.00, POULTRY-Firm; chickens. 7c; springs BL ri KR Steady; creamery, 18(&I3c; ducks, 13!fil8c. " " EUGS-Hlgher at 24c, loss off. Kecelpte. Shipments. Flour, bbls. Wheat, bu. Ccrn, bu... Oats, bu... .12.000 16,000 ..84.000 . .81.000 ..46.000 92.000 34.000 42,000 Visible Snpplr of Grain. .FaKY, YO"K. Nov. 10.-Speclal cables and telegraphic communications received by Bradstreet s show the following changes In availuble supplies as compared with last account: Wheat-United States and Canada, east of the Rocky mountains, increase, 8,800. HLHib, vl011 for. and In Europe, increase, 1.600000 bd. Total supply, increased, 7,406. UOO bu. Corn United States and Canada, east of the Rocky mountains, increase, 607,000 bu. Oets United States and Canada, east of the Rocky mountains. Increase, 307.C00 bu. Leading increases reported this week Include the following: 155.000 bu. in Mani toba storage points; 600.000 bu. at north western interior elevators: 330.000 bu. at Rochester; 823.000 bu. at Chicago private elevators; mX0 bu. at Deoot Harbor lfT.COO bu. at Keewatln: 95.000 bu. at Omaha, and 90,f00 bu. at St. Joseph. 1 be leading decreases are 66.0110 bu Nashvlllo and 55,000 bu. at Detroit. at Philadelphia Prodnee Market. PHILADELPHIA. Nov. 10.-BUTTER Steady; fair demand: extra western cream ery. 224c: nearby prints, 23c. EGGS Firm; good demand; fresh nearby, 30c loss off; western. 2S(J29c; southwestern. 26.1i37c; southern. 24C26c. CHEESE Unchanged ; New York full creams fancy, 12c; choice. llSic: fair to good, US 114c. Mlnueapolla Wheat, Floor and Bran. MINNEAPOLIS, Nov. 10. WHEAT De cember, 774c. On track: No. 1 hard, 74c; No. 1 northern, 7H7c: No. 2 northern, 764c; No 3 northern, 9'674c. FIXIUR First patents, $4 50fff.60; second patents, $1,4044 50; first car, $3.&04J'$.60; second clears. $2.40if?2.50. BRAN-I11 bulk. $13.25. Mllvrankee Grain Market. MILWAI'KEE, Nov. 10 WHEAT tow er; No. 1 northern, 814i7ifS2c; No. 3 northern, 79iSou; Dccembe'. 774c asked. RYE Steady; No. 1, 664'67c. BARLEY Veak; No. 2. 64c; sample, 39 CORN -Steady; No. 3, 464c; December. Liverpool tiralu Market. LIVERPOOL. Nov. 10 WHEAT-Steady ; No. 2 red. western, winter, 6s 2d. Futures steady: December, 6s 44d; March, 6s 44d: May. 6s 5d. CORN Spot quiet; American mixed. 4s 14d. Futures easy; December, 4s Id; Jan uary, 4s. Toledo Seed Market. TOLEDO. O.. Nov. 10. -SEEDS-Clover. steady; December. $6,474; January, $6,624 February, $6 55; March. $6574. Prime al sike. $6.60. Prime timothy, $1.33. Metrl Market. NEW YORK. Nov. 10-METALS-8pot tin was 7s 6d higher in London at 116 2a 6d and future advanced 10s to 117 6s, locally, hewever. tin was unchanged and quiet at $25.L,5Si2o.50. Copiier was firm at about 1 higher iu London, wheru spot closed at f9 2a6d and rut urea at 58 2a6d. Lake quoted at $10.7u; electrolytic, $13 624. and fueling at $13.50. I,eud was steady at $4.60 In the local market, declined Is 3d in Ixn don to 11 Is 3d. Spelter declining 10 points to t'r .9) in New York remained unchanged at 21 In London, iron closed at 48s d in O asgow and at 42a lojd in Mlddlesborough. Locally iron wus quiet; No. 1 foiuidry northern la quoted at $15.0oti 16.00; No. 3 foundry northern, $14.25113.00; No. 1 foundry s uthern and No.-l foi ndry southern soft. $14 "Ha 14.25. ST. UtCIS. Nov. 10. MET A I A Lead, dull at $-1 224; spelter, dull at $5.30. near aad Molasses. NEW YORK. Nov. 10 Sl'QAR-Raw, nominal; fair refining, 1 1-lSo; centrifugal t$ est. S13-loc; molasses sugar, 3 l-16c. Re fined, quiet; No. 6. 4.30c; No. 7. 4.2ie; No. S. 4.20c; No. . 4.16c; No. 10, 4 10c; No. 11. 4 0Ck -, No. 12. 4c; No. 13. 3 95c; No. 14. 3.90c. Cc nfoctloners' A. 4.55c; mould A. 4 9oc: cut loif. 5 -; cru-hed. 6 Sue; nowdered, isuc; granulatrd. 4 7ue; cubes. 4 9k; MtiLASSES Steady; New Orleans open kettle go d to choice, 3lt42c vl NEW ORLEANS. Nov. la SCOAR Quiet: centrifugal, granulated. 44c; whites, 3 11-13 15-16c; yellows. 34t(J U-16c; seconds. MOLASSES Easier: open kettle Wlc; ceiiiit.'ugl. 1-Sc- Syrup, taaier, 25 31c. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Etilroad Escnritiei Affected Mora Than Heretofjr. by Sfel Wjakmsa. MARKET IN HAND? OF PROFESSIONALS Severn! C hanaea Alleged to Hare Been leased by Persons Not Directly Interested In Real Valne f Stocks. NEW YORK. Nov. lO.-Rnllroad stocks were more affected today In sympathy with the recent weakness of United. States Steel than at any time during the heavy llauldn turn of that stock. The sharp rebound In prices at ine end gave room for the suppo sition that much of the selling of railroad stock was for short account and room traders found the supply scanty when they attempted to cover their shorts. The dem onstrative way in which the break In rail rood stocks was heralded and tipped from professional quarters furthered the suspi cion of the professional character of the selling, t nited states Steel preferred ended today unchanged from l:tssnlght, although u sola at one time at 4'JV 1 he relaxa tion of the severe pressure against this stock seemed to deprive the bears of some of their war material and furthered their disposition to cover. It was generally ex- nected that soma further eiita In Hteel I prices would be announced tialav as a re suit or the meetings amongst authorities in the trade and the failure of these last an nouncements was a relief to the United States Steel securities. The number of Pennsylvania shares dealt in rose over the number of United States Stoel preferred, but Pennsylvania stock la In half shares. The scute weakness of this stock, which sold down to 1144, hnd much to do with the general weakness developed In the other railroad stocks. It wad re ported that a large loan by the trust com pany In which Pennsylvania stock figured to Tin important extent as collateral was closed out. The argument wan used with effect that the depression In the iron and coal trades would be bound to affect the traffic of the trunk lines unfavorably and most of all Pennsylvania. The heavy bond and stock Issues by sub sidiary companies recently made, whl?h have reached an aggregate considerably over $50,000,000, was a factor In the depres sion of stocks, and was aggravated by the report of further issues. It Is to be con sidered that numerous requirements for rnilroad bond Issues still overhang the mlirket which may bo good policy to fore stall. Transfers of currency to the Interior to day again rose to $600,000 and call money agnln loaned In some abundance at 6 per cent. Sterling exchange, however, made another downward plunge to a point where foreign bankers estimated that it would be profitable to Import British sovereigns. There were rumors current of impending Imports of several million dollars' worth, but no definite announcements were made. The obvious likelihood of rumors helped the late recovery in the market. New Y'ork corporation stocks made an early advance In the face of the general downward ten dency. In the late dealings Amalgamated Copper took the lead In the advance and closed 7ilth a gain of 2S. Two rumors of strikes in the Rio Tlntos mines, which depressed that stock In London, probably prompted the. advance In Amalgamated here In the same way that the decline in Amalgamated on the closing down of the Montana works caused an advance In Rio Tlntos In London. The market closed dull and barely steady. The bond, market was dull and heavy. Total sales, par value. were $2,345,000. United States bonds were unchanged on the last call. Following are the closing quotations on the New Y'ork Stock exchange: Sales. High. Low. Close. ..13.200 M f.4 M4 .. 100 R94 804 894 AtcTilson do pfd Baltimore & Ohio , 75 74 .. 225 874 "74 ... 4,00 118 U74 714 do pfd 874 117- 156 2R4 28 S3i 144 1H3U 8 17 71 12 5:4 VII ', 1531, 2?0 19 654 M4 86 484 180 70 Canadlin Pacific . Central of N J Chesapeake Ohio.... 950 Chlcnpo & Alton 400 2R4 27 'i44 28 do pfd Chicago Gt. Western.. 650 15 do B pfd : , Chicago & N. W Chicago Term. & T... 100 do pfd i0 C. C, C. A St. L Colorado Southern ... 200 do 1st pfd fOO do 2d pfd 2,000 Delaware & H'tdson.. Del.. Lack. West... SOD Denver & Rio Grande 100 8 17 12" 524 rov. 153 2304 1!4 854 'W, 804 484 8 17 ii" 524 :o 153 2304 1W 65 88 48 do pfd 120 Erie 10.9T1 do 1st pfd 850 do 2d pfd 1.800 Ot. Northern pfd Hocklne; Valley do Pfd 100 80 80 80 Illinois Central 1,860 13 1194 1304 Iowa Central i an pfd K. C. Southern 100 16 1 do Dfd 32 14 294 V 1.W 1114 44 89i 164 3 37 llil'l 55-4 194 1114 55 434 76 CO 234 K94 53 01 444 124 90 1374 172 414 174 73 2"4 174 254 704 854 184 3?4 S.14 213 1R 100 195 3i4 19 G6 9 26 1?4 74H 4?4 SOU 1154 66 1 85 Txulsvi;ie Nashville 2.roO f!nhattan L 10.9fi0 I004 134 112 45 894 17 35 ii74 904 1SSV. 110 44 84 17 844 554 'l94 1144 Metropolitan St. Ry... -7.100 Minn. St. Iouls.. Missouri Pacific ... Mo.. Km. & Tex... do Dfd ?00 ..XX: .. ?oo 600 N. R. R. of Mex. pfd.. .. N. Y. Centrnl 10.00 No-folk & Western.... 1.500 do pfd Ontario A Western.... 3.610 Pennsylvania 21,232 -!04 1104 P.. C. C. & St. L. Reading ,. do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Rock Island Co... do pfd St. L. Sc Ban F... do 1t pfd do 2d pfd S. Louis 8. W do nfd ..15.750 .. 200 .. 100 .. 5.995 .. 1,000 4 '4 77 894 24 69 4" 77 P94 674 '400 ?oo fno 11.935 454 i?H 80 13SH 174 74 2?4 174 '7i4 86 19 S2T4. '154 344 45 1"4 .30 1374 17 724, ??4 "4 '704 854 184 314 'is" 334 St. Paul do nfd Southern Pacific . Southern Railway do pfd Texas Pacific . T. St. L. & W.... do pfd Union Pacific do pfd Wibssh do pfd Wheeling L. E. Wisconsin Central do pfd Adams Exnress .. .. 6.8110 .. 1.075 .. 1.310 .. 100 "S3.670 .. 385 .. 800 .. 4.700 i! "fVio .. E50 American Express 1T. 8. Express Wells-Fargo Express.. 100 Amal. Copper 63.00 American Car Si F.... 1.350 do pfd 100 American Linseed OH do nfd American Locomotive J00 do pfd ?20 American Smelt. & R. 1.100 do nfd 200 SSVt 14 654 M0 as i 654 124 74 4r, 1?4 74 424 1144 61 36 26 177" 148 104 614 American Sugar R 2,(V0 JOO 1154 6 3 284 178' 19 1 614 Anaconda Mining Co. Rrooklvn K. T Colo. Fuel Iron... Columbus ft H. Coat Consolldsted Om ... Oeneral Elertrlo .... Internstlonal Paper do pfd International Pump. do pfd National Biscuit National Iesd North American .... Pacific Mall People's Oas Pressed Steel Car.... do pfd Pullman Palace Car Republic Steel do pfd , Ri'bbee Goods do pfd Tenn. Coal ft Iron... U. 8. Leather do pfd V. 8. Rubber d pfd V. S. Steel do pfd Western 1'nlon Vnrthern Securities . .24.4SO 620 'rVlO 2l0 100 140 24 94 177 148 1"4 61 80 69 K44 114 704 214 9r4 ?5 66 V 115 4 4i 134 69 754 854 104 504 824 inn ii 1,630 3oi1 830 1! 714 ?7 91V 2J4 1? 71 4 ?1 9?4 !54 150 3,240 7 494 T 484 t .200 t 000 ia 27 74 754 25 74 754 .55 210 .219i55 . 700 104 61 4 83 10 44 824 87 Total sales for tne oay, iu.m snares. I.eadis Stock Market. LONDON. Nov. 10. Closing quotations: Conaola for money 47 lt-l do account if lt-lt Anaconda ti Atrhlnn " do pfd - Baltimore ft Ohlo..TI'4 Canadian PaclBc ltl ik fhreapaake A Ohio.. " Chicago O. W C. 14. ft ft. T Hi lieReera Uravar A E. O l du pfd Erla do lat pfd do Id pld to Illlnola Caatral. 14. luluia ft Naah. luJSa Ulaaourl. K. ft T.. 141a New York Central. .121 4 Norfolk ft Waaler . . ia do pfd at Ontario ft Western.. Pennartvaata 41 '4 Rand Mlaea Reading fi do let pfd 40 do td pfd II 1 Southern Railway.... 1H, do i,fd ;s Southern Paclno..., I'nloo Pacilc do pfd I'nlted Statea Steel do pfd Wabash do pfd 4 If US, ls HAH SILVER Quiet at 27d per ounce. MONEY 344J-4 per cent. The rata of dis count In the open market for short bills and for three months' bills la 4U44 per rent. Forelga Fluaarlal. IX) N DON, Not. 10 MONET ws in good demand In the market today. The condi tion of New Tors exchange caused a re bardening ,ei dlacount rates but much of the business wss subject to the respect of a change In the bank of England's rate of discount. Business on the stock exchange opened quiet and dull. Consols were weak pending the announcement of the bank rate on Thursday. Americans opened dull and below parity and with the stocks ne glected. There was some slight improve ment inter, though the flatness of steel shares depressed a few railroad securities. A general reaction set in during the last hour and the market closed we.ik. For eigners were firm on continental support, especially Aigentlnes. Copper was firm at 5Mc. Bullion to ihe amount of 32.000 was wuhdiawn from the Bank of England today for f-hipment to South America. PARIS, Nov. 10. Prices on the bourse today openfM fluctuating but became firmer In tho afternoon. Three per cent rentes, !f 25c for the account. Exchange on Lon don 2ff, 18c for checks. BERLIN, Nov. 1. Trading on the botirss was dull and prices had a weaker tendency. Exchange on Ixindon, 20 marks 46 pigs, for rhecks. Discount rates short bills. 8 per rent; three months bills, S4 per cent. The weekly statement of the Imperial Bank of Germany shows the following- changes: Cash In hand. Increased, 8.870,000 marks; treasury notes. Increase, 281,1100 marks; other securities, decrease. 48.8(10,000 mnrk: nots in circulation, decrease, 50.560,000 marks. New York Money Market. NEW YORK. Nov. 10 MONEY On call, strong. 346 per cent; closing bid, 24 per cent; offered at 3 per cent. Time loans, firmer; sixty davs and ninety days. 6Vt'fi; six months. 54 bid. Prime mercantile paper, 6Vfiti per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Weak with ac tual business In bankers' bills at $4.8XVf( 4 8.355 for demand, at 4.T97O14.79R0 for sixty days bills; posted rates. $4,804.814 and $4.844ffM.8fi; commercial bills. $4.74. SILVER Bar, 484c; Mexican dollars, 444c. BONDS Government, steady; railroad, heavy. The closing quotations on bonds are as roj:ows: U. B. rrf. ia rrg do coupon do 3a. reg do coupon ..... do new 43, reg., do coupon do old 4a, reg... do coupon do 6n, reg do coupon ...... Atrhlaon gen. 4s.. do ad. 4s Atlantic Coaat L. B. ft O. 4a do 3Us M,. N. unl. 4 M4 ..KM Manhattan con. (. 4l.lW ..10 , Mex. Onlral 4a 71 . .!" do M Inc ..134'VMInn. St. h. 4a... ? ..13I4M.. K. ft T. 4a 74 ..111 do !a 75 S ..111 IN. R. R. ot M. 0. 4a 14 ..1014 N. Y. C. (. Ia Mi ..lil'i'N. J. C. , so. ( i2fl ..100 N. Pacific 4a 1015, .. it an, la 70 I.. P2 Nor. Wt c. 4i... f7 ..lont. Or. 8. K 4a A pt... li Prnn. conr. ma.... ! Hearting n. 4a MS Central of Oa. 6a.... 104 do lat Inc m St. L. ft I. M. e. 6a. 110 St. I.. A I. r. fa. 4a. at . CTiena. ft O. 4Ha.. ( hi. ft A. ma (".. P. ft Q. new 4a .101 i:st. u. s. w. ia...... 11 l'a ReahoaM Air Lin 4a 67 4 C, M. ft St. P. g 4a 110 pacme 4a Railway 6a. 111'.. l. ft N. W. Con. 7a..l30l B .. . 1. r. in. do col. 6a Ore. ft St. L. g. 4a Oil. Term. 4a Con. Tobacco 4e... Colo, ft 8. 4a f. ft R. O. 4a Erla prior lien 4a.. 72 Tr. ft P. la 117 724 T.. St. I. ft W. 4a. Mll'nlon rai-lflc 4a lo! 't 75 v 64 V, do conr. 4a.... i'. f. s. steel Sd 6a. Wahach a do deb. R Si .114 . n-t . 874 . M . 4 084 S W. A L. K. 4a... ao gen. 4a 3 Wla. Central 4a. L 1!;' " c' l't-1041 Colo. Fuel conr. (a. Offered. noston Stork Quotations. DOSTON, Nov. 10-Call loans, 445 per cent; time loans, &4fi per cent. Official closins; prices on stocks and bonds'. Aii niaon la SH Allnuel 44 , 544 21 411 1 S U 7'4 6 M'4 104 6 17 15 H 1 to 64 17', 1 84 US Mex. ten. 4a M Ainalgniated Ati-hlaon i4'i ulngham Uo P'd. "ht Cal. ft Hocla uneion Ainany....:41 Centennial nomon Maine 171 Copper Range ... Boatun Klevaled N. Y.. N. H. ft ,.H0 Pomtnton Coal.... . .l?o Franklin .136 Isle Royale . 71 Mchawk . i Old Dominion .... lluVi Oreola .lld'-i Parrot .1ZS4 Uulncr K Ranta Fa Copper.. .144 Tamarack . Trinity . It United States .... . m t tah . 10 Victoria . 60 Winona . "It , Wolverine H. rttchburg r'd i nlon faclQc Mex. t-antral Am. Sugar do pfd Am. Tel. ft Tel... Dum. Irn" ft Bteel Ceneral klrrtrlc .. Maaa. Kleclrlc ... do pfd fnlted Prult V. 8. Steel do pfd Weatlnghouaa com Adventure 1w Y'ork Mining; Quotations. NEW YORK. NOV. 10 The fnllnwln "if tioniiia quumuunii on mining; stocks Adama Con. 10 14 10 Little Chief 7 Allcr Ontarlg "rlllr 1'hoenlx Potoal ...450 ...IS') ... T ... in ... ) ... 94 ... IS ...U0 , Ureeca Prunewlck Con.... .. 4 .. t .. l ..1M4 Comatock Tunnel. Con. Cal. ft Va... Horn Bllar Iron Fllvcr leadvllle Con .... Offered. Sitage Sierra Nevada .1 small Hopea . . un,ard Bank Clearings. OMAHA, Nov. 10 Bank clearings for to day, $1,244,890.40, a deeerease of $85,886.47 from corresponding day last year. Cotton Market. NEW YORK, Nov. 10. COTTON Tho market opened weak at a decline of HUt points under cables, the outlook for tre mendous receipts, good picking weather and further liquidation by Wall street. The lowest price of the day. however, waa reached on the call, when December sold at 10.70c, January at 10.72c, March at 10.".6c and May at 10.78c. Tills renreaerited n nt loss since the high level of the previous morning of about 40 riolnts ami to represent the bulls' idea of a reaction for Immediately prices were rallied. In the afternoon room shorts turned to cover and the bull leaders supported the market January sold 'at 10.60c and July at 11 03c. Just before the close there was a reaction of 3'ii5 points from those figures under re alizing, but the market wns finally firm at a net advance of 4 to 10 points. Sales were estimated at 700.000 bales. Receipts of cot ton at the porta today were 102.193 bales, agdlnst S9.9S3 last week and 69,046 lat year. For the week. 410,000 bales, against 412,217 luilpfi lust wt!-K NEW ORLEANS, Nov. 10. COTTON Th) market opened easy and closed firm: sales, 9,200 bales; ordinary, 7 15-16c; good ordinary. 94c; low middlings, lOc; good middlings. 10 13-16o. Receipts, 3,040 bales; stock, 193.814 bnles. Futures were steady; December, 10. 77f 10.78c; March, 10 99toll.O0c; April. 11.0411.060; May. ll.06ll.07c; June, 11.09A1 11.12c. LIVERPOOL, Nov. 10.-COTTON Spot, quiet; prices 20 points lower; American middling, fair at 6.1rtd; middling, 6.90d; low middling, 5.84d; good ordinary, 6.74d; ordi nary, 6.64d. The sales of the day were 6,0u0 bales, of which fOO were for speculation and export and Included 4.400 American. Re ceipts, 4,000 bales, Including 32.000 American. Futures opened easy and closed steady. American middling g. o. c, November, 6.78d; November and December, 6.72')4.73d: December and January, 6.70d: January and February, 6.68?i6.6&d; February and March. 6.6S5.69d; March and April, 6.60d; April and May, 6.68d: May and June. 6.67!9o.68d; June and July, 6 67d; July and August, 6.66d. ST. LOl'lS, Nov. 10 COTTON Market firm, unchanged: -middling, 104c; sales, none; receipts. 137 bales; shipments, none; stock, 5,704 bales. Wool Market. NEW YORK. Nov. lO.-WOOLBteady; domestic fleece, 284j32c. ST. IOl'lS. Nov. 10 WOOL Steady; me dium grades, combing and clothing, 17ft 214c; IlKht fine. 15il74c; heavy fine, ltj 14c; inn wasnea, zikm.hic. BOSTON, "Nov. 10WOOt-The demand continued quiet this week. Purchasers con fined their dealings to such lots as manu facturers are forced to have to keep their machinery employed. Vulues ns a whole have held about steady. The market for fleece wools Is. quiet. There are few deal ings In foreign wools. For territory wools the call Is working well toward fine medium and fine grades. Quotations: Kentucky, Indiana, etc. 4-hIood. 244j2Sc; 4-blood. 24ift) 25c; braid. 2I'(i23c. Territory and Idaho Fine. 14fgl5c: fine medium. 16ffl7c; medium, 1hi19c. Wyoming Fine. 1'15c; fine me dium. I6i17c; medium, 184fqlc. Ctah and Nevada Fine. Walfr-; fine medium. 171i 174c. Dakota Fine. 15ffl6c; fine medium, 164'i17c; medium. lfcaiOc. Montana Fine choice, laMc; fine medium choice, 19320c; staple, 20i?21c; medium fine choice, 20'y21c. Coffee Market NEW YORK, Nov. 10. COFFEE! Spot Rio, steady; No. 7 Invoice, 64c. Mild, firm. The market for futures opened steady at an advance of fyglO points, following higher European rabies, continued small receipts and bullish advices concerning the growing crop, out demand was limited and soon after the call prices bgan to sag off, and In the last few mlnutrs the market ruled very weak under liquidation. The close was weak at a net decline of 6&15 points. Sales were 95.000 bags, Including: December, 6.75c; January, 5.K0ti6 85c; March, 6.8Mi6 0oe; April. 10c; May. 6utKii;.J0c; July, 10gi.3Oc; Sep tember, 6 2536.40c; October. 6.46c. Whisky Market. PEORIA. Nov. 10. WHISKY-Steady. on be nla of finished goods, $1 25. 6T. LOCIS, Nov. 10.-VHISKT-Steady, $1.31. CHICAGO. Nov. 10.-WrHISKY-On basis of hlL'h wines, steady, $1.26 CINCINNATI. Nov. 10-WHI8KY-Dlstll-lers' finished goods, steady, on basis of $1.25. Stock ia Sight. Following are the receipts of live stock at tne six principal western cities yesterday Cattle. Hogs. Sheen. Omaha 6.4 241 36.178 Chicago 4,000 2800 18O0 Kansas City 19.1'' 8.640 7.000 St. Ixuls 6.000 6.6i0 l,o"0 81. Joseph 2.UH8 8.4 1,(24 Sioux City 8J 6.C4K) Totals It.Xt sTtJ 43.313 OMAHA LIVE STOCli MARKET Bsceiptg of Otttle M.drt and Pricei Shoved Little Change. ' NOTHER SHARP DECLINE IN HOGS Largest Ris of Sheep la tho History ot tho Yards, bat Prices oa Fat Staff Held Steady, While Feed ers Were Not Much Different. SOUTH OMAHA, Nov. 10. Receipts were: . . Cattle. Hogs. Sheep Official Monday 7,414 a,s!l2 24.5.6 Uftlclal Tuesday 5.400 b.liW a.i.1 1 wo days this week l:,814 lu.bta b.714 Same days last week 1.7(9 8,;i.i3 M.S44 Same week before 1H.811 6.W4 41,u; Same three weeks a;o....r,W9 6.7.i6 44,(t'5 Same four weeks atu IZMi b.Ki 49.023 Samo days last year 18,09-1 9.413 28,5h3 HEUElKrB FOR THE YF.AH TO DAT K The lollowina table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year lo date and comparisons with last . , 1903. 1902. Inc. Dec, Cattle 941,210 853.9a 87.283 "KS 1,901,103 l,9-i5,M9 4,736 ""-p l,Wi&.36 1.4J7.uai 1B8.36T .. Averaau prices paid lor hog at South w....un tor ine last several days witn com paiisons: Date. I ltct. l$OJ.U01.1900.llB.Il9l.ll8t Oct. 15.. Oct. 1.. Oct. 17.. Oct. 18.. Oct 1.. Oct. 20.. Oct a.. S 494 7 00 18 4 82 lt ill 5 34 91 22 4 72 4 20 $ & i 22S 7 16 29 4 4 4 16 $ 70 7 02 27 4 62 4 lo I 67 $ I 8 114 6 23 4 41 4 15 I 73 I tW 6 U4 02 4 W 4 61 2 71 H 54 6 01 6 82 26 4 13 $ 68, $ 62 t 164 70 OS 4 12 t 561 t M $14 I 76 t 99 4 Jl 4 16 I 63 5 144 ( 74 til 4 61 4 14 1 661 (71(054484 18 3 6834 (ZS 00 4 (8 4 18 $ 54 3 41 6 184 8 61 4 61 4 lOi 3 kit 3 42 6 OS ( 61 t 89 4 101 3 471 3 38 4 97 S 61 6 81 4 62 3 641 3 38 4 924 I. 59 6 72 4 60 4 0t I 3 5i 4 974 61 6 67 4 47 4 03 8 661 (664 673 4 61 4 Oil 365 33 4 994! 6 72 4 SO 4 04 45 I 41 4 804 6 El 4 oti 4 04 8 46 8 43 i 8O4 49 S 82 4 02 8 61 3 43 4 734 61 6 71 4 66 3 62 3 44 4 724 6 62 S 71 4 641 4 01 3 46 4 774 65 6 68 4 671 4 02 3 65 41 6 67 4 71 4 03 3 62 3 54 4 814 6 74 4 69 4 03 8 47 3 41 4 674 36 4 74 4 03 3 47 3 81 Oct 22., Oct a.. uct. M., Oct. 25.. Oct 16.. Oct 27.. Oct 28.. Oct 2.. Oct. 30.. Oct. M.. NOV. I rov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Not. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. 2... ... 4... 6... 6... 7... ... 9... 10... Indicates Sunday. The official number of cars of stock Drought in today by e-ich road was: f'eHla Cl,un U'o'a 17 2 14 ""46 "j 13 1 1 22 40 U 3 15 51 5 3 1 3 3 lf9 136 "i abash Mo. Pacific Ry 2 If. P. system 95 C. N. W. Ry I V., E. & M. V. 75 C St. P.. M. & 0 3 B. & M. Ry 61 .:.. B. & J. Ry 7 K. C. & St. J 3 C. , R. I. P., east.. 7 C. R. I. & P., west... 3 Illinois Central 4 Chicago Great W Total receipts ....26S The disposition of the day s receipts waa fs follows, each buyer purchasing the rum- v IIDau II UlUaLBQ Buyers. Cattle. Hops. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co... Swift and Company.., Cudahy Packing Co.. 6.T5 810 6P5 ..1.279 ..1,060 1,250 719 1,483 1.4.15 S.2-i4 1.364 3.S58 Armour i I'o Omaha Pkg. Co.. St. Jo.. 761 40 09 256 134 87 58 107 21 237 199 221 162 162 175 29 679 Armour & Co., from 8. C. Vansant & Co Carey & Benton Lobman & Co McCrcary & Carey W. I. Stephen Iwls & Underwood .... Livingstone & Root II. F. Hamilton L. F. Husi Wolf & Murnan Hobblck ft B Sam Werthelmer Morton & Gregson M. Hagerty Other buyers G49 14.276 Total 6.261 3.406 25,i27 CATTLE There was another moderate run of cattle here this rooming, which makes the receipts for the two days this week considerably smaller than lor the same days of last weeV and also of last year. While there was no great amount of iicltvity the better grades sold without difficulty at steady prices. There were more corn fed steers on sale this morning than have arrived in some little time. The bulk of them though were short fed, and the same as usual, that class was neglected and certainly no more than steady. In some cases sales were made that looked a little lower. It would be safe, though, to quote good to choice cornfeda steady and in good demand. The cow market was fairly active and fully steady. The better grades in fact sold a little stronger than yesterday, which makes the market today Kiil6c higher than at the close last week, the greatest Im provement being on the desirable grades. The quality of the offerings today waa rather common, which, no doubt, explains the strength of the better grades. Bulls, veal calves and stags did not iihow any change worthy of mention. There waa a fair supply of stockers and feeders in sight, but must of the arrivals were rather common. speculators nil seemed to want a few of the better grades and as a result that class commanded cteady to strong prices. The Inferior grades were rather slow and certainly no more than steady. The demand from the coun try yesterday was not anything extra and that made speculators a little cautious this .i'.jiu" itjjiiui. getting too many of the ommon aunaa. '.Vestern grnss beef steers sold at gener ally steady prices. The same as usual the better grades sold freely, while the com moner kinds were neglected. Range cows sold at steady to strong prices, the strength being confined largely to the better grades. The same was true of stockers and feeders. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. No. I... It... 64... 14... II... 4... 1..., II... . A. ....1260 ...1S41 ....1117 ....1211 ....1371 .... ISS ....1410 .... DUO Pr. No. A. Pi-. 4 25 II 1472 4 70 4 15 1 1120 4 tO 4 40 14 1174 4 70 4 46 It 1224 4 tO 4 70 II IMS ( 00 COWS, t M 1001 1 41 1 : t usa it 26 1 1244 I 24 BULLS. 1 SO 1 1410 I 00 NEBRASKA. .1220 41 feeders.. 82$ 3 06 6 feeders.. 824 $ 25 2 15 11 ralves... loo 4 00 2 25 2 feeders.. 960 3 10 3 16 1 feeder... 1070 2 16 3 25 23 feeders.. 1033 3 10 1 bull. 1 bull , 8 feeders. 23 feeders. calves.., 1 heifer... 2 calves.., . 80 . 880 .1002 COLORADO. 840 3 40 1 calf 390 3 00 4 2 60 3 calves... lo 4 00 R. Harvey Neb. 10 feeder.. 827 3 00 R. W. Boye Neb. 20 bulla 1277 1 75 66 feeders.. 864 8 16 22 feeders. f94 3 10 O. W. Sagley Neb. 4 steers.... 72 1 calf li 4 steers.... 870 1 cow 3 feeders.. 10-J6 87 cows 991 3 00 4 50 3 0) 2 60 2 75 2 steers.... 800 2 60 3 50 2 26 3 46 2 00 1 steer 12'-0 , cow 1020 40 feeders.. 106.1 E cows 996 Pluinmer Neb. 1 cow 1000 1 bull 980 2 (5 Valentine at 1 COW 1020 2 2f 1 76 1 00 2 25 1 75 1 75 2 00 12 bulla 1395 1 85 1 75 2 25 1 75 8 cows.... HJ0 2 cows 106 3 cows.... 1 steer.... 1 cow 5 feeders. 1 feeder.. 4 cows.... 2 calves.. 4 cows 13 cows...., 1 cow 900 , 760 1 steer 9J0 1 cow 710 810 1 75 10 bulls 1152 John Davis Neb. 74 1 26 4 feelers.. 83'. 3 25 fnO 2 60 3 cows 933 2 $5 13 1 75 7 cows 96S 2 35 416 2 30 R. Hsney Neb. 965 2 00 1 feeder... 980 , 8 46 971 2 45 1 feeder... 1000 8 45 2 45 6 rows 1060 2 45 100 w. . Ballard Neb. (1 feeders. .1017 3 40 4 feeders. 3 00 6 feeders. .1012 .10J . Si0 . 810 . 816 . T5'J .1040 . 801 .1118 . 966 3 35 2 it 2 00 2 40 2 40 2 20 3 45 2 20 2 45 2 45 16 feeders.. lii5 1 calf biO 2 50 lcalf 2 40 1 heifer.. 2 40 2 heifers. 32 heifers... 7"0 3 heifers. 1 cow 2 cows... 3 cows... 2 cows... 1 cow 785 820 840 970 1046 2 20 1 cow 2 20 1 cow 2 46 8 cows..., 2 20 3 cows 2 46 24 cows.... 940 lxiwer & F. Wyo. (cows 840 2 68 4 cows..., 1 cow 80 2 10 866 2 10 D. B. Brooks Wyo. 22 cows 1042 3 1 Oeorge A. Hettle Wyo. 1 cow... 8 rows.. ( steers ..1230 2 60 1 cow 11'4) 1 raw 870 6 feeders.. 11 to 3 feeders.. 676 1 cow l?rt 3 feeders.. V 20 1 cow 1"6 2 AO 2 on t 90 2 2 65 8 85 2 :s .. Hrt 2 26 3 1" 3 n 2 66 8 ?S 3 8-. 3 35 ...VK IS feeders.. 996 4 cows PSD ( feeders.. 161 14 feeders.. 1017 13 feeders.. 0 M. Oueley- -Wyo 18 cows.. 3 bulls.. ..'04 2 (0 $ cows ..1"95 ..1(20 2 m 1 65 ..14.0 1 0 2 bulls. J. Jones Wvo 12 feeders.. 936 $ 05 1 steer... ( feeders.. le'ta 2 6ft 980 2 75 O F. Hobbs Wyo. t rows... . r 20 4 cows 1 f"w 1A 1 0 J ei'f I4v 1 DUU......X401 1 80 1 buiL... 1 r 2 t 00 . 910 . !H M. . 8V7 . !"0 . 9:10 E. . 842 . 910 . 9:4 .1100 J 20 1 HO t cows $63 1 90 Johnson Wyo. 1 2i 2 ffe.lers 2 60 11 cows... 2 cows... F. Steele Wyo. . p:5 . 977 .1175 t 90 2 55 2 60 1 25 2 50 2 55 3 20 1 76 50 2 60 2 00 2 00 4 cows... 2 cows... 21 cows. . . 2 leeders 12 feeders 2 5o o feeuers.. 793 3 o'l 1 cow llso 2 no 12 cows "MO 3 50 12 feeders.. 9n3 3 A) 1 bull l.f.O . 884 Umb & C yo. .... 79o i (0 3 rows 93.1 ... KIM 2 14) 1 cow paa) . ...l"o5 2 W) 1 cow lil ... 9J3 2 ID 1 cow hlW 4 cows. 10 cows. 2 cows. 3 cows. 1 cow.., 7 cows. , 1 cow... 1 bull... 5 cows.. 1 bull... ... sill z 60 Oivirge llltchew Wyo. ...1"10 2 ho 1 cow 980 I KH ... 970 2 00 1 bull 12i0 1 60 ...10,11 1 lei J. Morgan Wvo ...1016 2 75 20 steers.. ..1130 3 60 t. c. Kimball Wvo, ..1300 2 00 1 steer. . 760 . 910 .1130 , 9"! .1061 . 8'iO . 255 t 75 2 60 2 15 3 15 2 15 1 65 8 4J 6 cows.... 1 cow , 2 cows.... 6 cows 4 cows.... 1 calf 7 cows.... ... 951 J. 2 60 4 rows... E. Qnieb Wyo. 2 15 1 cow 2 15 1 cow 2 15 3 corns... 1 65 1 cow 2 25 2 calves., Hagerson Wyo. 2 65 W. Lang Wvo. 20 17 cow's..., 880 9V) 705 190 Mrs. 977 A. 1 cow 1040 .1096 2 CO 2 cows lux 2 00 S. V. Hoff-Wyo. 18 rows 1P." 2 cows 10;'6 1 cow lino 3 feeders. .1i3 1 row 980 1 feeder. ..1190 60 12 cows. . 95 .1100 J 90 2 50 2 9) 2 fO 3 50 2 00 2 60 2 25 1 90 365 2 30 2 50 ? 90 2 25 2 90 3 25 1 9n 2 85 1 75 2 40 3 cows. 2 cows. .12:5 1 feeder... 1010 1 heifer.... 9SO 1 bull 1180 2 cows 1210 2 cows 910 $ cows 760 24 cows 1085 6 feeders. .1T.3 1 cow. . . .inso .11100 .12.V0 . 940 W. 1 cow. . 1 bull.. 1 cow.. L. Tillotson Wyo. 12 heifers... 54 2 15 6 heifers... 673 10 feeders.. li2 !l 13 feeders.. 70 14 feeders.. 675 3 00 32 cows 877 13 cows 838 2 25 11 calves. .. 293 9 calves... 848 3 50 R. Cook & Son Wyo. l!eowa 1014 2 0 14 feeders. . 885 W. R. Coy Wvo. 11 feeders.. 10fi3 $50 1 fce'd-r... 610 R. A. Walker Wyo. la feeders.. 926 3 30 11 cows 863 Cooper Wilcox & Co. Wyo. 26 feeders.. 1108 3 40 3 feed -rs. .1108 E. C. Mortenson Wvo 1 15 3 00 2 00 2 40 8 10 3 00 1 75 3 00 2 60 3 10 2 4o 32 steers.. ..1150 3 45 12 cows 10S3 11 steers.. ..1025 3 10 10 steers.. .1043 16 feeders.. 922 2 75 8 cows 899 11 cows 1017 2 45 E. A. Hawker. Wvo. 3 heifers... 996 2 75 4 heifer MS 2 75 3 90 lo steers.... 1307 3 90 13 steers.... 1303 1 steer 13'0 3 90 Tint on JS. T Wva 11 cows 1040 2 40 64 feeders.. 1001 3 10 3 05 2 35 2 05 2 IS 2 25 3 60 3 40 2 0a 4 00 4 00 C. W. Ballard Colo. 19 feeders. . 946 3 30 7 feeders 760 10 cows,. ...1012 2 35 2 heifers... 650 9 heifera... 912 2 45 8 cows 933 Pawnee fsttle rn Colo 26 calves... 100 4 00 28 cows 780 T. K carer Coio. 24 feeders.. 863 3 15 35 cows 804 H. Hcuch Colo. 1 heifer... 410 1 50 1 04 feeders.. 62$ 6 feeders., tftvi 3 00 IS feeders.. 81) 7 feeders.. 455 3 00 i8 cows 963 II. Bnnett S. D. Scows 12no 2 80 7 stters....I394 1 steer 14l'0 4 s 3 steer.. ..1416 9 steers.. ..lis 2 95 J. CI. Klntr 8. D. 10 steers. ...1134 3 2i 2 bull 1470 2 00 2 65 2 50 2 20 2 50 1 65 2 00 3 cows 9i3 2 25 u cows" 1061 ueorge Raver 8. D. 7 feeders.. 10O4 3 10 3 feeders.. 1147 14 feeders.. 976 3 no 9 feeders.. 1003 2 00 1 cow...... t9) 2 5o 1 bull 1180 2 50 4 cows 958 3 CO 1 cow 830 1 cow 1120 10 cows H186 9 cows 1170 William Smith H. D. 110 feeders. 1052 3 10 9 steers. ...1213 3 80 1 ) 4 cows 2 tows.... .1213 2 50 2 cows 990 .1014 Z ib Wm. Smith S. D. ...1026 8 00 James Bumnter H. D. 15 cows., 25 cows 103?. 2 80 27 heifers... 766 2i HOGS There was a more liheral run at nogs nere tins morning and, as Chicago was quoted l('(j20c lower, the market suf fered a decline at this noint also. Th maiket opened I04(15c lower than yester day. Packers, though, were very slow to pay the prices, and as a result but little Dusinets waa transacted. As iha mom n advanced the situation grew worse, unt at the close the decline amount.! to 1R,71 iii-avr iiuii soiu largely irom 4.bU to 4.70, medium weights fiom $4.7u to $1.76 biiu iigois oomi as nign as i.yu. owing to tne lacK or activity all dav it , rath, late before a clearance was made. ToJav's ecune taxes tne marKet to the low point of the year to date. Prices are now about 1.00 per iuv pounas tower man a, year ago. Representative sales: No. At. sn. rr. No. 40 4 r.o 8.e. MO 4 50 T... Pr. At. .290 .116 .140 ,.276 .19 .271 .275 .247 .242 .375 .225 .241 7 Pr. 4 6 4 46 4 45 4 16 4 47i, 4 47 4 174 4 70 4 70 4 70 4 70 4 70 4 70 4 70 4 70 4 TO 4 70 4 70 , 4 70 ! 4 70 4 70 4 70 4 70 4 70 4 70 4 724 4 72", 4 79 4 80 4 824 4 86 4 10 IT... 17... 411... W... r4... t... M... 4... M... ... 10... ... ... 13... 14. .. tl... M... r7... 111... It... 4... to... M... 64... t"... en... f... ... 72... M... 44... 67... It... ..I4 ...114 ..24 ..292 . .294 ..270 . .281 ..lf, ..121 ..321 ..311 ..131 . .276 ..340 ..242 ..241 ..306 ..2 ..SOU ..303 ..2S4 . 2 . :2 . .290 ..30. ..277 ..293 . .290 ..294 ..301 ..? ..2 4 r.o 4 60 4 60 4 40 4 40 4 M 4 0 4 40 4 0 4 0 4 40 4 to 4 424 4 2ha 4 42 4 C24 4 et 4 M 4 t 4 (4 4 45 4 f 6 4 66 4 4 46 4 46 4 46 4 46 4 46 4 (It 4 46 4 16 7... 1M 4 0 M .. i. . A 40 4 M !..? no 4 0 t... 40 4 40 42... 120 4 (0 lit... 120 4 40 M..., T4... 14... 200 120 0 0 120 160 160 KK) 320 10 120 40 40 r 274 68 2l 1 264 73 247 47... ..2S9 ..271 ..253 ..287 ..267 ..262 ..181 ..241 ..244 .218 . .1?5 ..2i8 ..149 ..184 ..168 23... (I... 14. .. 71... 47... 40 .. It... 77 ... 68... 61... 30. . . 4... 111.. IS... 2S 4 W SHEEP The largest receipts of sheep In the hhitorv of the yards arrived this morn-Int,-, 36,178 head being reported. The largest previous run was on November 3, 190J, when 33,884 head arrived. Today's run breaks the record by over 1.200 head. This big run was In the nature of a surprise to the trade, as only moderate receipts for this week were anticipated. In spit's of the enormous run the market held up In very satisfactory manner. Pack ers all took hold freely of everything that had any kill to It. whether sheeD or lambs was disposed of In good seuBon at steady I l't t r.o. x iic 4UHIUJ 01 1110 arrivals, mougll, was nothing extra. A few native fed sheep and lambs arrived and sold at verv satisfactory prices. Ewes sold for $3.2j, wethers $3.75 and lambs $5.00. The feeder market was steady so far as the better grades were concerned. Quite a few buyers ' put in an appearance and bought freely. Common kinds, though, were pretty slow sale and were generally a little lower in view of the enormous re ceipts. Ewes and lambs made up a large percentage of the offerings. Quotations lor grass stock: Choice west ern lambs. $4 50n4.75: fair to good lambs, $4.2T.(fi4.50; choice yearlings. $3.25fi3.40; fair to good Vfarllng. $3.0ufa3.25; choice weth ers. $3.1.Vii3.26; fair to good wethers, $'90 3.15: good to choice ewes. $2 5f2 75: fair to good ewes. n.2ifi2 50: Choice tVeilee l-rk. T90ifi4.10; fair to good feeder lambs. $3.23 a umuv mmua, jj o,tfj uu; feeder year lings. $3.10fi3 30: feeder wethers. $?90fi3 15 feeder ewes. $2.0(V82.28; culls, $1.00(7 2.0). Rep resentativo sales: No. 2"4 Wyoming feeder ewes 2n0 Wyoming feeder ewes 235 Wyoming feeder ewes 5J0 Wyoming feeder ewes 300 Wyom'ng feeder ewes 176 Wyoming feeder ewes l.'l South Dakota feeder ewes... 374 Wyoming cull lambs 61 Wyoming cull Iambs 200 Wyoming feeder yearlings... lot Wyoming feeder Iambs 193 Wyoming feoder yearlings... 373 Wyoming feeder lambs 212 Idaho feeder yearlings 2i2 Idaho feeder yearlings 249 Wyoming feeder lambs 2V1 Wyoming feeder lambs Ill Idaho feeder lambs 160 Wyoming ffeder lambs 9W Wyoming feeder lambs 2( Wyoming feeder lambs ,. 49 Wyoming cull ewes 24t Wyoming cull ewes bu'. Wyoming ewes 451 Wyoming ewes li Wyoming feeder lambs tet Wyoming feeder yearlings... 75S Wyoming ewes and wethers. 277 Wyoming ewes and wethers. 2X0 Wyoming feeder yearllugs.., 1224 Wyoming wethers 71 Wyoming yearlings 210 western fed ewes 44 native fed ewes 11 native fed wethers 5 native cull lambs 2 native fed lambs 1 row. .. . I cows... t feeders, 1 feeder.. 1 cow.,,., A v. Pr. 86 1 75 Si I 2 00 82 2 00 82 2 00 81 2 00 83 2 00 81 2 40 46 2 80 60 2 90 65 3 00 46 8 26 76 3 30 49 3 25 811 8 30 89 ( 35 61 3 50 62 3 60 69 3 60 63 3 60 66 3 70 66 3 76 75 1 26 73 1 25 93 2 75 106 2 95 46 3 00 81 3 15 100 3 2J 100 t 20 . 91 8 224 1W 3 25 86 3 25 104 3 00 117 3 25 118 8 75 58 4 00 78 5 00 St. Joseph Live Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. Mo.. Nov. 10. CATTLE Receipts, 2. 008 head: market active and steady; natives, $3 406.15; cows and heif ers. $1.60w-4.50; stockers and feeders, $.'.40 i3 85. HOfJS Receipts. 8.408 head; market 15ci3i:c lower; light, $4 6jtt.).00; medium and heavy, il.oncuS.W. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 1621 head; lambs 2"25c higher than last week s clone; top, $5.25. t Kiaiai t'ltw live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. Nov. 10. CATTLE Re ceipts. 16.6U0 bead of natives and l. head of Tela as; ralves. 660 head of natives and 460 bead of Texans. The market for corn fed steers was steady to lower; for win tered westerns, strong: for Texas and west ern cauiui, steady 10 strong, (or native cows, slow; for stockers and feeders, quirt but steadv. Choice export and dressed beef steers, 84.6t(5.40; stockers and feeders, 5Kii3.76; western fed steers, $3.1Mil.'.; Texas and Indlsn steers, $.'.6Mi3 65; Texas tows, $1.2502.26; native cows. $1 6"'u-3.90; na tive hcifrrs, $2.26414.76; ennners, 76o to $-.40; bulls, $1,754)2.36; calves, $17.Vij.00. 1KM1S-Receipts, 8.500 hesd. The market was (Vir'5c lower; top, $5 06; bulk of sales, 4; heavy, $4 t4 90; mixed packers, $4.8o'ii5.iift; light, $4.874'(i5.06; yorkers, $il t5 if.; pigs. f4.6Vtf4.95. SHEEP AND 1A MBS Receipts. 7.000 head. The market wss strong to 15c higher; native lambs, $3.3.V-i6.3tl; western lnmbs, $-' Hi'ci5 .15; fed ewes. $.'.3iv.f3.76; Texas clipped yearlings, $5off 4. 00; Texas clipped sheep, $.'.4'!i3.76; stockers ond feeders. $2.0inj3.50. CHICAGO 1.1 VK STUCK. MARKET. Light Receipts ot Cattle, with Fair Receipts of Hogs and ghep. CHICAGO, Nov. lO.-CATTLE-Recelpts, 4.000 head. Including 1.20 head of western; good to prime steers, $5.25415.66 ; poor io mediums, $3.25g4.7S; stockers and feeders, $1.7&$rl.25; cows. $!.?r.'7f-4.25: heifers. $'.'.tH 4.60; canners. $1.262.3-; bulls, $1.75' 1.25: calves, 2.ik4)7 .60; Texas fed steers. $2."5ul 8.60; western steers, $1.(rt4 25. H o s Receipts todav, 28.000 head; to morrow, sn.oio head. Prices were 13S250 lower; mixed and butchers, $4 6ofrV06: good to choice heavy, $4 AWt.nO; rough heavv, M.l'Vo-l.fft; light. $4.5tyiii4SK); bulk of sales, $4.50fi4. )n. SHriEP-Rerelpts, 1S.C00 head. The mnr ket for sheen and lnmbs waa strong to 15a higher; good to choice wethers, $S 2M4.1X; fair to choice mixed. $2 501.25; western sheep, $3 00f4.1S: P'ttlva lambs, $4.0ttg-6.75; western lambs, $4 25M6.10. Sioux City LIT Stock Market. BIOCX CITY, la., Nov. 10 Specisl Tele, gram. ) CATTLE Receipts, Sou; stockers strong: killers stendv; beeves. $3.75175 00; cows, bulls snrt mixed. $2.004 JOO; stockers jnd eedprs, $2 5(ii3.56; calves and yearlings, MOjjSrRocelpts. 6 000; 10c lower at $4 5X9 4.70; bulk, $4.60(.65. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. DEEDS filed for record yesterday, as fur nished by the Midland auarsnteo and Trust company, bonded abstracter, Kill rarnam street: Joseph O. Vorasek and wife to Frank vocaseg, wj reel lot ao, lilock 2. Pot ter or t uboi id addition $ 8') Edward Vocasek and wife to Joseph Q. Vocasek, e41 feet lot 18, block 2, same 1 Enos R. Leigh and wife to Alfred Mattson. s27 feet lot 0, block 127. """h '!. . ST) Wilson T. Graham and wife to Mnrv a. i.u.-hlan, lots 1 and 2. block E", l.owo'n nddltlon 800 Henry J. Noyce to Sarall H. Novce. a---- if wl4 acres of e4 iw'i ec. 8-16-12 loo Shei.ff lo William O. Vre, S4I feet lot 1, block 1. Horbach's 2d addition 709 Samuel I. Oordon nnA wife to Emma A. ntarxey Nevlns, w40 feet e56 feet SI184 feet lot 11, Barkera allot ment 1 Henry A. Moe to Wilson T. Oraham. lots 15, 16 and 19, block 2, Moe's sub. of Tuttles sub 1 El'a lr. Ross and husband to Oeorge 11. narr. wi ot 4. mock 15. Bh nni addition 1,400 Louis O. Harder to Qeorge T. Mills. 'ct 11. niocic . 1st add. to Fowler Place; lot 17, block 2, 1st add. to Mis souri Avenue tiarg 1,200 W. J. Connell and wife to City ot Omaha, part lots 42. 48, 44 and 45, Hickory Place nddltlon 1 800 800 47 476 750 Fr"d D WW wife to Stephen D. itangs, lots 1 and z, PlocK 3, Wash ington Hill i.ddltlon Ltiverty Orier and wife to Charles If. Butler, lots 4. 5 and , block 12, Oak Chatham addition Charles 8. Huntington et al.. execu tors, to Olof Hansen, lot 7. block 234: lots 3 and 7, block 236; lot , block 237 and lots 4, 6 and 7, block 233, Florence Olof Hansen and wife to H. P. Ham ilton, same ,. First National Rank of Cambridge City to jarres Neville, part lot 9, Capital addition Omaha Realty company to Howard Kennedy. 2S"t feet lot Z4Vfc. Millard & Caldwell's addition 1,800 Watch for the triangular label on the bottle It stands for u n i -fortuity and all that's good and pure in beer. Alway$ tht m good old Biota YAL. BLATZ BREWING CO., Milwaukee Omaha Branch 1412 Douglas 8t. Tel. 10$ g CHICAGO. OMAHA. MINNEAF.IIS ivards, Room A rUnbattan Bid;., ST. PAUL, MINN. Dealers In Grain, Provisions, Stocks Bought and sold for cash or on reasonable margins. Members Inpartaat Bxctaaages. Irt vat Wl res. Write for our dally market letter and pri vate telegraph cipher mailed free. Ship Your Grain to Us. Best Facilities. Liberal Advances. Prompt Returns. la Bid. rkeae Salt Osaaakta, Itkrasks, Dalatk. Wtaalges. The Merchants National Bank of Omaha. Neb. 0. S. Deaaalt iry Capital aad Surplus. 600.000 PtANf ftutrtnr. r. trt . wooo. v. rm. LTritl MAKE. Cifkkr. rtANK T. IAMILT0N. AuL Carta. Haealva acaeunu at saaaa. bankara, corsor. ttioua. traaa ssf Isaindaala ea tavarabla tar ina. Foralcn Ksrhaaca bought sa4 aolt. Ltan of Cr4it laaura'. availaMe Is all sarta of tba world InUraat pals an Tlroa rartiSeatas of DwpoaU. Collaetlotia Bia4a promptly aaa ocoaomlcaiiF. Wa rwuoaat corroavoadanoa. ftTMS COMMISSION VWlk (JUMP ANY STOCKS AND BONDS GRAIN AND PROVISIONS We hare over 150 offices. References: 17a State and Mat'l Banks. OIK IKRVKK IS Till BEST. Out of Town Business Boiled tad. Osiaas Breach: 118 Far ass 5t Tat 8467 TH0S. M. WADDICrC Cf respondent bm iiaiuisi sun iii aiy 14.1111. iiiii npipa 9 jZj MILWAUKEE. wood v.