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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 11, 1903)
t mrr OMATTA DAILY REtt WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 11, 1903. 10 iBoasscscrK QF.1AKA IS AROUSED OVER THE MOST Extraordinary dotting Sale EVER HELD IN THE WEST. Sale LlUli osrgNgbrJS Sale Ctr G7cr clothing (ale has been attended with wonder ful success. The high quality of the garments offered and the strictly moderate prices makes this event one o a record breaking bargain feature. There are thousands of swell and up-to-date suits and overcoats ready for your selection, at prices that scarcely represent the cost of tailoring. "'lid '$2o ' Suits ana Overcoats at 6 90 3 9 90 Entire fall and winter surplus stock from S. II. flARKS A CO., 10 W. 4th St. , New York At Phenomenal Bargains f'.i hi .-.':k ' i ' -"If K 1 choice of all $15.00 fine m) a nsstw Boys' odd long ftCp pants at. . .. - UJL Men's odd $1 AC pant at l Your unrestricted the $16.50 and suits and overcoats from the S. II. Marks & Co. Btock at. .. Your unrestricted choice of all the elegant $18 and $20 suits and overcoats fromth- 8. II. Marks & Co. stock at. Young men's suits and over coats ages 14 to 20 Qfl Qfl yearB, wholesale price WbLiwU up to $12. 50, at i Boys overcoats from the S. II. Marks stock, ages Q fiS Q fl 8 to 14, wholesale O ijUUU price up to $6. 50, at . . . . Csa Boys' knee pants suits- a from the S. II. Marks & Co. stock, fit i sum $11.90 SPECIAL SALE OF BOOKS An entire stock of late books on sale at about one fourth their value. $1.00 and $1 50 books at 25c Well known Copy righted books, the Dodd & Mead, Street and Smith. Coats and Caldwell Illus trated editions, Henderberry Gill Top series, books by Paul I.leester Ford, Frank R. Htockton and others. The popular books Beautiful Joe, Dicky Downy. at. Five IJttle Peppers, etc.. all worth from 75c up to i.6- 25c The Henty books at 19c 1 15c and 25o books at 7ic 4 I Well bound books. mm -l , I II fy hundreds of A fl IV I popular A Q 25 c Moat popular books for boys, all titles. frood cloth X W popular lndlnir I titles Beautiful cushion top gift -books, colored pictures embossed on cover, each page Illustrated In color, poems by standard authorH, at COLLEY GOES TO OLD MEXICO Assistant Superintendent of Smelter Takes Posltloa Under Trust la Mountain Town. , ' B. T. Colley, who has been for two years assistant superintendent at the smelter, Is about to leave Omaha for Agusscaltentes, Mexico, where he will assume a similar position under the Smelter trust. Mr. Col ley will have greater responsibility In his now location, owing- to the frequent ab sences of the superintendent. lie has had the chang in view for soma time, but ar rangements' with the local office have Just been made. Aguascallentes Is a , mountain city of 50,000 Inhabitants, about suO miles ' north of Mexico City, on the Mexican Central road, and has a consider able American population. Mrs. Colley goes with Mr. Colley. What You Keed fur Constipation. When troubled with constipation, what you need is a remedy that is sure to pro duos the desired effect.. A remedy that Is mild and gentle in Its action. A remedy that leaves the bowel In a natural and healthy condition. A remedy that is easy and pleasant, to take. Chamberlain's Stom ach and Uver Tablets meet all of these requirement!). Give them a trial and you will never wish to take another dose of pills. Vss them as directed and they will our chronic constipation. Price 25 cents. Every bos Is warranted. . Horse covtrs made to nt your horse. Omaha Tent and Awning Co.. Uth an Harney streets. Notice A. O. t. W. ISO. t All members and their families are re quested to be present at the A. O. U. W. tempi Wedueaday evening, Nov. 11, to oalebrats our 16tu anniversary. Refresh tnenta will be served. Sam'l Burns la selltug a Havlland bread tnd butter set. 13.00 S. R Patten, dentu;, Mccague building. Permits to Halld. The Hygelu. Creamery compuny has se cured a permit to coiiBtruet the basement (if Its new wurehouau and office ImlMlriK Mt Klghth and Harney streets. This work Schmoller & Mueller The Busiest Piano Store in Omaha 1313 Farnam Street We are busier than other piano hoiisos hwnuse wo exact a lens mar gin of profit, show a prenter variety ;) different makes, lnrlmilng our own hand made Ml'EM.IiR phtno) and ex tend a more liberal system of accom modation, which permits people, of small means to enjoy muslo In their homes.' You canncit become famlllur with these facts unless you visit our store and Investigate this week's special bargains. Beautiful Estey C1H Organ qIVf Shonlngrer Organ good CfC condition Mason & Hamlin Organ v 6'5rt fine tone ipiKt Wilcox & White walnut case hPh- Fine Square Pianos up from 55, $46 and qJOO J. P. Hale SfSft Upright JUO New York C&& Upright iJJOO Hazleton CflQ Upright ipVO One Mahogany ClflQ Upright qiuo One Oak a11R Upright "0 One Walnut COR Upright One HIet Davis $138 Other reliable uprights at prices to suit all buyers. In new pianos we represent the STKINWAT. STKCK, A. B. CHASE, VOSK. EMERSON, STEGEH and thir teen other celebrated makes. Our prices are the lowest terms the easi est. To out-of-town customers we rurnlsh catalogues and prices free for the asking. ill Wonderful Coupon Sale Coupons with every purchase. The most liberal and valua ble tickets ever given absolutely free with every purchase. To still further prove that these coupons are absolutely free, note the prices quoted for the following sales. No other house east or west can or will offer such values. DIG LINEN AND DOMESTIC DEPARTMENTS SPECIAL PRICES FOR WEDNESDAY 1.00 10 Yards for 1.M. Tard wide soft finish blenched muslin, worth 8 l-3c yard. Wednesday 1 yards for 21 yards lor me. Extra fine unbleached L. Ij. yard wide muslin, worth yard, Wednes- f O fl day, at Kl yarila for liJU it Yards Table I-lnen for 4!le. Snow white union table linen, 64 Inches wide, worth 4c yard, Wednes- AQ(5 day at 2 yards for 2 Tarklsh Towels for Joe. Extra heavy double warp fast edge Turk- worth 10c each, Hr , itf- !nh Towels. Wednesday at 3 for 3 Tarklsh Wash ftnas for 5c. Double warp Turkish Wash Rags, worth 6c each, Wednesday, C( 3 for WEDNESDAY IN OMAHA'S GREATEST DOMESTIC ROOM We will place on sale the grandest line of Winter Merchandise Just bought from the eastern mills at about one-third of its real value, llic and 15o goods, Fine heavy flannelettes, all colors, seersuck er ginghams, 36 Inches wido percales, 15u Royal pique and a large number of other goods Worth up to 15c yard, C all will go at 3 15C AND 19C OOODS WII.,1, QO AT 7HC 3ti Inches wide Eclipse flannelettes, 3fi Inch extra tine percules, is Inch exlr.i heavy wrapper cloth, 36 Inch extra tine and extra heavy outing flannel, ,12 Inch madras cloth, and a great many other goous wortn up to lc yard all will go at , ,74c 5C, 2flC, KC AND 9C OOODS AT IOC Klmona cloth, as fine as silk, heavy wrap per cloth, heavy cotton dress cloth, very heavy blue twills, and a large assortment of remnants, worth up to 49c itn yard, will go at , IU GOODS WORTH UP TO 50C AT 12HC Herman Imported Swansdown, Mulhatiser Flannelettes and other Imported Olf goods, worth up to 60c, per yard.... 14.3 WOOL. DRESS GOODS. WORTH 75C, 39C French plaids, sibelines, Scotch mixture., lienriettuH, novelties and other goods worth up to H.W. Including wool wait ings, French challles, etc., all will QQr. go on this sale at, yard, only 45 A large table of high grade remnants, worth up to J1.98 per yard Oft , will go at, yard 4!k' and Uf Everything exactly as advertised. THE RELIABLE GROCERY DEPARTMENT Compare Our Prices With Those of Our Competitors GIFT COUPONS WITH EVERY PURCHASE MUELLER (iNCORPORATtD) MANUFACTURE-WHOLE SALE-RETAIL F3 i M O S MAIN HOUSC AND OFFICE: 1313 FARNAM FACTORY: 131" FAUN AM TKLCPHONC 1128 OMAHA LINCOLN, NEB US . 11TH ST. TCL. T3 CO. BLUFFS, IA B03 BROADWA1' TIL. will cost 12,600 and Is the beginning of a rainy large Duuuing in the commission lls trict. Kirschbaum Bros., 1211 Howard street, recently damaged by fire, have se cured a permit authorising $2,500 worth of repairs. Announcements of the Theaters. "Th Beauty Doctor" remains at the Krug theater for only two more perform ances, this afternoon and tonight. The play Is one of the best In. the musical comedy line, and the company la a large and satisfactory one. Judging from the attendance, the major ity rule Index to which Individual opinion Is secondary the bill at the Orpheum this week has caught public fancy. The audi ences have not only been very large but also very enthusiastic. Frederick Bond and his associate players, Arthur Buchan an, Georgle Benton and Ethel Tasxen uie scoring heavily In their playette, "My Awful Dad." Mr. Bond's delineation of 'a sporty old gentleman Is wholesomo and refreshing and he sustains the vein of , humor lu which the role Is cast admirably. 1 The others give him capital support and I emphasize the effectiveness of a bright and dainty little comedy sketch. The next matinee will be Thursday. Men's Suit Salo The astonishing values offered by us in men's suits seem to be appreciated by the public. The manufacturer's loss is your gain. It's easy for you to convince your self whether these suits are genuine bar rains or not. For $6.00 you certainly don't get much of a man's suit anywhere else. You can see them in our west show window. For $7.50 we offer suits that sell almost everywhere for $12.50. Amongst the $10.00 you And double-breasted pure all wool worsted, neat, stylish patterns. A comparison Is all we ask. We leave th rest to your good judgment. THE GUARANTEE CLOTHING CO.. 1519 and 1521 Douglas Street. L'nmnnmninmi M This afternoon and evening, with bargain prices for the matinee, "On the Bridge at Midnight" will be repeated at the Boyd. On tomorrow evening Millie James and her company will give the first of four performances of "The Little Princess." a play made from Mrs. Frances Hodgson Burnett's book of the same name. This was one of the New York successes last Heason, and has been pronounced by the critics everywhere as even a stronger play than "Little Lord Fauntleroy," which made such a phenomenal record a few years ago. Miss James has won much fame for her characterization of Surah Crewe, the little heroine of the piece. The matinee of Saturday will be especially fur the children. Test by Taste x and you'll take HunterWhiskey I A m Bnld MStl lrMMf nd 7 Jabbers, I. LAKAUAN H hON,UiUioor, M4. ,rnI1UIMIIIIITITIMTTTT1 30 pounds fine granulated sugar I ft ft tor -,... iivu 10 bars best laundry soap, tUn for v B pounds hand picked navy beans, (Qc 6 pounds tapioca, sago, barley or in. rice, for IJJi' 6 pounds breakfast rolled oats, Qc .7c .7-c .IQc ...So -.5o Condensed Mince Meat, per package 2- pound package self rising pancake flour 3- pound can golden , syrup Fancy crisp ginger snaps, per pound Soda, oyster, butter or milk . crackers, per pound Neutrlta, Malta Vita, Vigor, Vim, 7 Force or Egg-O-See, per package .... I 2 1-pound package Imported Tin maccaronl f a Good drink Santos coffee, Ifln per pound B. F. Japan, English Breakfast, Of. Oolong or Gunpowder tea, pound , ... s3" Fancy California honey, per 5c fUl In Fancy California Figs for Large Brazil Cocoanuts, J,, each Large Juicy lemons, 1 each Fresh roasted peanuts, Q per measure O" Free a hot pancake to every customer In our Grocery Department. TOBACCO SPECIALS Horse Shoe tobacco, per pound Star tobacco, per pound Standard Navy tobacco, per pound A. Duke's Mixture, per pound 1-lb. package Old Tom, American or Tom Boy, per pound Climax tobacco, per pound Bull Durham, pur pound Old Style, . per pound Meerschaum Smoking tobacco, per pound 38o .38o ,35o .38o 25o ,38o .48o .25o .35o Q) 0 L2)Lft. VVE RENT, SELL OR REPAIR SEWING MACHINES on very reasonable terms and guarantee satisfaction. Only experienced men are employed. Have been in the sewing machine business for over twenty years In thlcity. When In need of anything in this, line give us a trial. We know that you will Come again, P. E. FLODMAPJ & CO., Jewelers, 15,4 TCe..p 157 ve'' Your Idle Funds Your idle funds will draw 4 per cent interest if deposited in our bank. Small accounts receive the same attention as large ones, and all deposits are payable on demand. Minneapolis and Omaha Railway Pay Checks And all other pay checks cashed at our bank. J. L. BRANDEIS & SONS, BANKERS. N m ONLY 44 DAYS . Before Christmas Articles received from the Jeweler's stock Is the prner thing tills year. Signet rings, $2.(0 up. Opal lings, $2.00 up. Hundreds of other stone rings from t2 ot up. Beautiful stuck of ladies' brooches, loeketH, rlialns, ladies' und gents' fobs, Spend a few minutes Im our store. Look for t lie mime. 5. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler and Optician, 111 ft DoujElaa Street. Joe Welch, ths Hebrew character actor, who has made such a lilt In the eastern cities, comes to the Krug Thursday, Fri day and Saturday with Ma new play, "The Peddler." The advance salo of seats 1 heavy. ...MRS. J. BENSON... Children's Cloaks i V Don't forget that we are showing the largest line of CHILDREN'S CLOAKS At popular prices in Omaha, Sizes from Infant's first long- cloak up tauten years. "rVITTifUa Srar-ssr" 1 Rcacni We Save You Money For ease, elegance and economy style and fit, the ON1MOD shoe have no equal. FROM MAKER TO WEARER. . The Shoe For Entire Satisfaction. Always $3.50 5$2.50 Rcgant Shos Go. 203 So, IStb St. You've Been Paying full price for almost everything In the drug stores of both Omaha and South Omulia until we started the cut price ball. The SAMfc people going to the SAME store have paid DIFKKKKNT PRICKS on the . SAME aj tides! Why was this? Simply because those druggists had the system of getting ALL THEY COULD FROM ONE SALE; WE HAVE Jl'HT PURCHASED THE DILLON DIU.G STORE OF SOUTH OMAHA and we found ail the staple goods MA KK El AND BE ING HOLD AT FULL PRICES, but If a customer KICKED and s;ild they -could buy their drugs for so much less at "HCHAKKKU'B UP IN' OMAHA." then the. price would be cut SOME but many tiiini iiot even then, but Instead the people' wero told to "GO TO St'HAEFElt S OR HALI FAX" or any place i-Ims. They would nut sell drugs for less th'in full pHees. THE PEOPLE WENT, BUT NOW SOUTH OMAHA PEOPLE DON'T HAVE TO, SEE? SEND IN YOUR MAIL ORDERS. CUT FRICB DKUQ STORE tffw -j m.ha 'Phnnp 747-797. 24 til fcuid N Bit., 8outh Omaha, 'frhon No. 1 SCIIAEFER'S Many soaas are sans: about me eaotlful autumn bat do not de ed too mack on Its beauty and duration If a cold wave sboald swoon down yon may not And it so pleasant If you set raaaht with your store out of working order. Bo nttend to the repair, lap; In time. Wo carry la stock repairs for mere than 17B.OOO dif ferent stoves, ranses and .fur naces, nnd w certainly ouikt to have what yon want. We have hot water heaters for stoves, ranees and furnaces, or any spe cially for water beatloa; we make. OMAHA STOVE REPAIR WORKS. 1207 Douglas Street. Telephone BHKI. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Writ fur n pampl Copy. rf1JJI1ML "'"1 ''" "" n ii hi i) ' '"'"" .wi-... "J II J-JJJL.-T 11 I ilB iTTnm. isTnnsssslii II ,; y. .i Winter for men Yesterday we told yon about n special lino of ladies' underwear. Today we tell yon of the greatest line of men's underwear that we have ever owned. 1 he underwear we tell'yoti of be- low is strictly high grade. It was bought at concessions of price. We grasp every chance to buy at concessions, that'll enable us to give you concessions. That's the way our bargains growNow listen; Men's Underwear 45c Men's Underwear Men's medium weight derby ribbed Egyp tian cotton. In natural, ecru and fanoy colors Drawers with heavy sateen bands, shirts with soft and silk trimmed fronts, with French neck a regular 7."o quttUiy, ' 4T.c all sizes. Men's medium and heavy weight natural wool underwear, for early fall and winter wear, also heavy plush back. In tan and fancy colors regular II 25 values at 7Cc. Men's fine quality Australian wool and French merino underwear. In natural, red, tan and white, well trimmed &nd properly made, best values ever shown regular 11.50 quuimes ai an sizes. Men s High Grade Underwear at $1.25 Ma?,?eB n a!?JYUt AY?1"" !' T7 .-?. . "erylcea. I V 1 vinnuio, B11U EUltn 1 lt ftA rMUIl! in i'iuc, tmu n til uth i coiorn Tlilo Jo 75c Men's Underwear Sl.00 Men's Underwaar ,..$i.25 Men's Imported Merino Underwear at $1.40 TfciB underwear Is made of an extra fine quality of Imported merino These garments were bought way below their regular price They are full fash ioned. In a beautiful shade of blue gray three-quarter full Australian wool f, one-quarter Egyptian cotton, a garment made to sell at $3.60- our price. &1.40, Is the lowest price ever named rtt a in. on underwear of such high character H 1 yf 1 WCRTH $2.60-OUR PRICE P I e ft VI Men's Combination Underwear We have the greatest assortment of men's combination underwear ever of fered In this western country We are showing strictly all wool Jersey ribbed combination suits, beautifully trimmed and properly proportioned at 2.25 2.90 and 3.50 We can fit any proportioned man long slim stout. . at 75) r? fn rn r? "r? o) Is uj uj Is 0 I Pi) Green Trading Stamps Given Free With every purchase. Collect them! They earn interest for you on the money you spend and they beat bark interest at thatl FACT!! Bargains in Crockery Uaviland & Co.'s white French Teacups and Saucers Ranson shape for set of six.... LiniT, One Set to a Customer. I. Pouyat's White French China Steins for decorating each Fancy Colored Candles each One Penny Ironstone china handled Teacups and Saucers for set of six , Rockingham nine-inch Pie Plates each . 1.20 35c 5 Penny 33c Grocery Grocery W save you money on very purchase In our famous irrooerr. W nravm It A trial Ardpr Moat sTimq Incsual uolailAl. --i " " ,,w" ,v 7c HERB IS A WINNKR-Several hundred three-pound cans Anderson's THIS PRICE FOR WEDNESDAY ONLY. ...... Corn Starch pound package Baking Soda package Mince Meat package Flu m f'uddlng can linked Beans three-pound can .. Salmon one pound ran .... ImHrted Hardines can . 4c 4c 8c 10c 10c 10c 10c Pepper Sauce sy bottle iC Chill Sauce 1fr botUe ... . 1 ,,,,, id Avf w Olives - bottle VC Preserves r one pound Jar VC BUTTER HEfEITUD DAILY. Fresh Country Butter- . 1fn per pound ..UW Bennett's Capitol Creamery Ofc per pound SvW Just necelved A bin; shipment of flne Wisconsin Crenm Cheese shonld sell for Wednesday, onr sperla iipmeat oi nne niaraun imn . a r 18e per ponnd Tomorrow, I al price will be per pound. ....... iw H 1 A Woman's Foot Fitted With a Fry Shoe Is about as perfectly dressed as a foot can be. The Fry shoe has the graceful lines, the chic style.the perfect titling qualities and the fine and finished ap pearance that gives a foot the smart, well dressed look that every woman likes. $3.50 or $5.00 Klther price will buy a FRY SHOE lu any of the popular leathers. In sny of the fu.hlon able styles and on any of the new lasts, that will give such satisfaction as you rarely find elsewhere. imrcfioE co. I ivi 11 LARGEST EXCLUSIVE RETAIL MILLINERY HOUSE IN THE WEST. Cutting Prices on Stylish Millinery Pretty Hats at $3.00, $5.00 and $6.50 Inwstlgate It Pays. 1508 Douglas Street i GOLD CROWNS FROM $3.00 Work guaranteed. Special price continued until November S. We are here to stay. Consult the profussois free. Fillings, from ..t c Set of Teeth for 12.00 Teeth Extracted FREH UNION DENTAL COMPANY 1522 DouzU St, Room 4. Opea Till 8 p m My WATCH REPAIRING department la In charg of COMPETENT WORKMEN. H yo" want your TIM E-PIECE 8KILLFULLY OVER HAULED AND ADJU8TED be U never so fine LEAVE IT HERE. Ufpairln? eomplicate.1 CH RONOCR APHS, SPLIT SECONDS ud REPEATERS iPcinHy with the Jeweler opp. the P. O. ALBERT ED HOLM, Jowolor. 107 WORTH IXTtKNTH T.