Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 09, 1903, Image 1

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    ESTABLISHED JUNE 19, 1871.
Extra Cet'ioo of Conrr8 Will Be Callad to
Order it Twtlra CToloek.
Eeo:gu!'ion of Eonta Will Be Followtd
by Introduction a? Bills.
Morgan of Alabama From'iei to Call Up
Panama Affair.
Pr-evloae to that Time Perfnaetory
Work of Kleetlag Officers of
Hon Will Tak Plaee
aad letM Will Wall.
WASHINGTON, Nov. I. The house of
representatives will b cailed to order ht
noon tomorrow by Alexander McDowell,
the clerk. The opening of congress always
la of sufficient Interest to attract a much
larger crowd to the capital than the gal
lerlea will accommodate, ao adrelselon will
be by card, two being aupplied to each
member. There will be the usual floral
displays to lend plctureaqueneas to what
will necessarily be a routine proa-ram. 1
The proclamation of the president con
vening congress In extraordinary session
having been read, prayer will be offered
by the chaplain and then the roll will be
called by states.
Mr. Cannon, who has been selected aa
the unanimous choice of his party for
speaker, will be formally elected. After
the oath of office Is administered to him
by the "father of the house," a title be
stowed upon the member who has seen
the longest continuous service, the speaker
will administer the oath to the members
'generally, ',
The old officers of the house having been
made the nominees of the republican
eaucus will be re-elected and sworn In.
Speaker Cannon will appoint a committee
to join a committee of the senate to notify
the president that a quorum of the two
houses has assembled and that congress
la ready to receive any' communication he
may deslr to make.
Presides.' Message Tnesday.
After adopting resolutions agreed upon
In the republican caucus, making the rules
of the Fifty -seventh congress the rules
of the Fifty-eighth congress, and fixing
an hour for, the convening of the dally
sessions, thJ drawing of seats will take
place. The necessary preliminary work
having been disposed of, the house In all
probability will adjourn out of respect to
the memory of members who have died.
On Tuesday the house will listen to the
reading' of the president's .message. For
the remainder of the week little can be ac
complished, but it is understood to be the
duel re of the house leaders that considera
tion of the question of reciprocal trade
with Cuba be pushed aa rapidly as poo
atbleV ' . '' . ' - - ;
It Is said to be probable that the com
mittees of the house may be named at
this session, but It is said that not much
headway can be made in the matter of
complete organisation of the house within
two or three weeks and that little will
be attempted In the way of general legis
lation until organisation has been com
pleted. la the Seaata.
The first week of the extra session will
be devoted to the usual preliminaries of
a new session of congress. The program
for the week is to have four brief ses
sions and an adjournment on Thursday
until the following Monday.
Tomorrow there will be the usual roll
call of senators and the proclamation call
ing congress in extraordinary session
will be read. These will follow the ap
pointment of a committee to notify the
president that a quorum of the senate has
met and la ready to receive any communi
cation be has to make. On Tuesday the
president's message will be received and
read. Adjournment will follow He read
ing, as a caucus of republican senators
is to be held In the afternoon.
Wednesday will be devoted largely to the
Introduction of bills, and Thursday will
be a short legislative -. session unless dis
cussion of the Panama situation Is precipi
tated by the Introduction of resolutions
asking for Information.
It Is the Intention of Senator Morgan
to Introduce resolutions on the subject
and these may be discussed under the
rules on the day following their presenta
tion. The republican members of the sen
ate will Interpose no objection to a discus
sion of the Panama question, but it is not
likely that any action will be taken until
aTter the committee are reorganised.
Most Insortaat Oae Is that Prevtd
lagf for Open I a ef Gregory
Coaaty Loads.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON. Nov. (.(Special Tele
gram.) Representative Burke will tomor
row Introduce a large batch of bills of gen
eral Interest in South Dakota. Among the
more Important Is that opening to settle
ment the lands of the Rosebud Rlotix In
dians In Gregory county. The measure aa
drafted will doubtless be opposed by the
Indian office. It flits the price to be paid
to the Indian at 1160 an acre Instead of
15. as provided In the treaty negotiated
with the tribe.
Another bill to be offered by the South
Dakota representative Is that proposing to
ratify the agreement with the lower Brule
Indiana relating to the cession to f?ie
government of two or three townships In
the state and also one restoring the annui
ties of the Santee Sioux.
He will also present the t per cent land
bill, as amended to the laws relating to
Indian depredations, providing that persons
other than citizens of tha I'niii o..
shall have a right to submit a claim before
the court of claims.
The bill ratifying the agreement with the
Tankton Sioux for the sale of the plpeetone
quarry In Mlnnesota and a bill giving to
the stato of South 'Dakota the right to
select and enter school, endowment snd
other lands In the ceded -portion of toe.
Sioux reservation.
Mr. Burke will also endeavor to have
public bulldUiss authorised for Watertown
and Huron fai-h to cost $175,000.
King Peter Wilt Net Abdicate.
LONDON. Nov. S.-Plcrtdited rumors of
the forthcoming abdication of King Peter
. ft't Servia and of unsuccessful attempts to
, Insure his life have been In circulation for
some days. Aa authoritative denial of this
was received from Belgrade tonight.
aits Miaor Parts at Comedl
alu aad Wlas Lao re Is
Berahnrdt's Theater.
(Copyright. 1903, by Press Publlslng Co.
PARIS, Nov. 8 (New Tork World Cable
gram Special Telegram.) Mile. Moreno
haa made a triumph at the Bernhardt thea
ter In the principal role of Alrard's "Le
gends Du Coeur." In which Bernhardt her
self scored a success in the summer in the
old Roman theater of Orange, In Provence.
For twelve years Mile. Moreno was a
member of the Comedle Francalse, the
classic theater of France, and In that time
the most Important role allotted to her
was that of the Muse on the birthday of
Racine, Cornellle or Mollere In the short
"Apropos" wrlteen In their honor for the
Once or twice she was given the star
role In "Griselldls" and "Phedre." and
once. In the midst of a hot summer, she
played with success. In spite of all In
Rodnnbach'a "Le Voile" ("The Veil"). But
ordinarily, outside of her stereotyped role
of "The Muse" she wss only cast for the
part of Lucy Watson In "Le Monde
S'sennule" ("Everybody Is Bored").
Morena finally grew weary and resolved
to break with frozen classlo traditions. M.
Clarenle, the manager of the Comedle
Francalse, tried to dissuade her In vain
She took an engagement at the Bernhardt
theater and opened Its season in Alcard's
"Legende du Coeur." for "the Divine
Sarah" was touring. In addition to the
beet role In this drams, she has played
the strong woman's part In "Polyeucte"
and Marguerite in "La Dame aux Camel
lias?" She says that she has no reason to regret
having d sorted the Comedle Francalse, for
she feels that she can make a career for
At the recent reception given by the
Franoo-Itallan league to the municipal
council of Paris "La Legende du Coeur"
was presented, with Mile. Moreno as the
star. The entertainment was in honor of
thi visit of Italy's king and queen, and
(he piece was chosen because the author,
Alcard, is a favorite of Victor Emmanuel.
Aloard wrote for the occasion an interlude
called "Italy and France."
"Such beauty suffices to render a coun
try glorious," exclaims Catulle Mendes,
the widely known French writer, referring
to the young woman who has bridged the
gap between the Conservatoire and the
hlatoiio Comedle Francalse at a single
bound. As a rule the dramatlo aspirant
who emerges from the Conservatoire serves
an apprenticeship In some lesser theater
till she Is sufficiently polished for, the
house of Mollere. But Mile. Roblnne,
fresh from study, was at once promoted
to the scene of eo many classic suc
cesses, largely. It is said, because of a face
and form that have set all Paris raving.
Her appearance at the Comedle Is hailed
with the enthusiasm given a great artist.
riaally Lad
a Moaatala
la the
Midst mt a laew
. Storm.
(Copyright, 19C8, by Press Publishing Co.)
PARIS. Nor. 1 New Tork World Ca
blegramSpecial Telegram.) Dele , Vaulx
and Count de Castlllon de Saint Victor got
some new sensations on the night of Octo
ber 30 In the big balloon, Djinn. They were
carried on the winga of a tempest, encoun
tering rain and fogs for sixteen hours until
they reached by a xlgxag course a peak of
the Doubs at Valdahon with ballast ex
hausted, snow thick on top of the balloon
and surrounded by higher peaks. They had
been out of ballast since 8 o'clock In the
morning. Exhausted by the night's strug
gle, the aeronauts landed safely in the
wildest district of Baumes lea Dames. The
distance they had covered was 230 miles.
Another steerable balloon named Francis
I will shortly be tried over the bay of
Tulon. It is the Invention of an army en
gineer and has three propellers one placed
In front of the two others In the rear, one
of which is used .for steering. In form
this balloon resembles a torpedo and has
a capacity of 500 cublo meters. The Inven
tor le confident of crossing the Mediter
Twa Deaths la the Ring Cause a
Pablle Outcry la
(Copyright, 19CS, by Press Publishing Co.)
PARIS, Nov. I. (New Tork World Ca
blegramSpecial Telegram.) Humanitari
ans have been greatly stirred up by two
recent bull fights at Nlmea and Marseilles.
In the arena at Nlmee a Spanish toreador
named Belelta was about to execute a
mantle pass with his weapon close to the
barrlcade when, the infuriated bull rushed
at blm, goring htm frightfully In the ab
domen. He le now lying between life and
While the bulls were less fierce at Mar
seilles and the interest therefore much de
creased, practically the same horror was
repeated. Miguel Monbera and Lorete
Chlco were the sufferers In this Instance.
The bull Chlco had goaded and tossed him
twice upon his horns before ripping open
his stomach. Protests against such specta
cles are heard throughout France.
Wealthy Raealaa Beat to slkerla for
Ctrealatlag the Writer's
(Copyright. 1903. by Press Publishing Co.)
MOSCOW, Nov. 8. -(New Tork World Ca
blegramSpecial Telegram.) Maxim Gorki
Is now a marked man under the Russian
censorship. M. Sklrmunl, a wealthy ad
mirer of the peasant novelist, who pub
lished his works In Moscow, has been sent
to Siberia for five yeara Sklrmunl la not
a real publisher, but he thought to benefit
the Russian people by devoting large sums
to circulation of Gorki's works. These
are now being subjected to careful re
examination by the censorship and several
have been suppressed, though formerly
they were allowed to circulate freely.
Espeeto tm Reach This (oaatry la
May aad Visit Kxposltloa
While Here.
(Copyright, ldOS, by Press Publishing Co.)
BERLIN, Nov. . New Tork World Ca
blegramSpecial Telegram.) Hermann Bu
drrman starts soon on a Journey around
the world, going by the Siberian railroad.
The tour Is for his health, but he will
visit Japan to look for new subjects. He
expects to reach San Francisco in May and
go to the St. Louis exposition, where he
hopes to see some of his plays performed.
He contemplatea delivering a aeries of lec
tures In America on the dramatic art If his
health alio we.
"ht Hundrad Ilea Join Union in Out Day
at Trinidad.
Mlaes "it Was Expected Pew
Weala ,ave Will Hot Be Able to
Start aad Railroads Dis
charge Mea.
TRINIDAD, Colo., Nov. I. It is now evi
dent that the strike of the coal miners in
the first district of the Colorado Fuel and
Iron company Is no small affair. In fact it ia
a strike out of all proportions to that even
hoped for by the officers of the United Mine
Workers' of America and larger than was
looked for by the coal operators. At the
meeting of superintendents and pit bosses
held In the Colorado Fuel and Iron offices
at Trinidad last Thursday night, reports
were made that In no camp would enough
men go out to cause a shutdown. It Is now
doubtful If enough men can be found In the
whole district by tomorrow to work the
mines at Primero.
At Gray Creek every miner but one has
quit and the camp Is surrounded by armed
guards. At Bowen the, men are quitting
rapidly. At Terclo the men quit early. At
Starkvllle, one of the camps reported as
being wholly company men, nearly every
man quit. At Piedmont the new Rock
Mountain Fuel company men took their
tools home. There la not one mine In thla
section that can start up tomorrow with
half a crew of miners.
All day the chiefs and miners have been
swarming into Trinidad, nearly all of them
having their pay checks, running from 818?
down. The checks were for such amounts
that business men could not cash them, and
hence lost thousands of dollars In trade.
Maay Jala TJaloa.
All day long the miners have been Joining
the United Mine Workers' union. The police
who were stationed near the office of that
organisation to prevent any possibility of a
clash between the union and nonunion men
estimated that at least 800 joined and came
out, showing their union cards.
Commercial street for two blocks was at
one time choked with the new union men.
The Italians have quit almost to a man.
They have not joined the union to any ex
tent, giving as their reason that they were
sold out by the labor organisation on two or
three occasions, and they prefer to go out
on their own responsibility on this occasion.
They will stay out their officers say, until
the last one goes back to work. They have
plenty of money, aa Individuals, and their
society haa large sums of money on deposit
In banks here. The Colorado V Southern,
Santa Fe and Denver at Rio Grand rail
roads have reduced their crews nearly one
half. It Is said, while the Colorado Wyom.
Ing la practically out of business aa a coat
Sheriff Clark secured deputies In bunches
today, many of the men having been
brought down from the sawmills and the
timber lands In the Stonewall valley. Today
160 men were sworn In and twenty-five men
have been sent to Hastings.
So far as can be learned there haa been no
violence, but a clash Is feared at Hastings.
The expense on the operators for armed
guards Is now estimated at not leas h.
11,200 a day.
Trying to Settle Strike.
CHICAGO. Nov. 8.-Arrangements were
made tonight for a conference' tomorrow
between the officials of the Amalgamated
Street Railway Employes' association and
General Manager McCulloch of the Chicago
City Railway company. In an effort to
bring about a peaceable adjustment of
a threatened strike of the men. Unless the
company agrees to some sort of a compro
mise It Is thought a strike will be called
early this week.
Hope for Better Thlags.
NEW HAVEN. Conn.. Nov. ..-President
Theodore Schaefer of the Amalgamated
Iron, Steel and Tin. Workers' union at a
mass meeting of local union labor men here
this afternoon, said:
I am hopeful of better things. In the
$VSh, T'J"1" ot tne wor In behalf
Rl.h a?ortn,cla","e bv Bishop Vottwand
Bishop Ireland. In public life we havs
Mark Hanna and President Roosevelt A
J.'h.,.0r!!t.0, ,Jt,er", between theaUon the
U.U,Ahme"rlinabIS;pT.U for
Strike la Northern Field.
DENVER, Colo.. Nov. 8.-A general strike
in the northern Colorado coal fields was de
clared at Louisville tonight. In all about
l.m men are idle or will be tomorrow
morning. At Louisville GOO in the Rex I
Rex I and Hecla voted to go out. At Lafayl
ette 150 struck on the Simpson. 60 on the
Garfield and 75 on the Mltenell. At Erie
M men struck tielng up all of the mines
except the Blue Ribbon. At Superior 100
men struck, while at Marahall nearly aoo
are out. At Mitchell fifty men employed
at the Joe Mitchell have joined the strike.
This makes the shut-down practically com
plete and only a few of the small Independ
ent mines will open tomorrow morning.
The action of the miners of the northern
fields was a surprise to the operators. After
the conferences held in this field in which
practically every demand except the eight
hour day was granted to the men. they de
termined to strike.
CHETENNE. Wye,. Nov. .-Tomorrow Is
the day set for the walkout of the ooal
miners of district No. 6, but so far as the
miners of Wyoming are concerned there
will be very few men who will quit work.
There are, only a few union miners scat
tered over the state, but even If they all
go out It will not affect the mlnea In the
Efforts were made some time ago to or
ganize the miners of Wyoming, but It
proved a signal failure. The chief objection
to organization by the men was that they
were receiving top wages and were satisfied.
Another obstacle was that seven-eighths of
the men are foreigners of various nationali
ties. In several camps the men have local or
ganisations, but they do not affiliate with
the national organization.
Rasalaas Asslga Roaaoa for
Reoeeapatloa of Mak
'd... the
LONDON. Nov. I.-The Che Foo corre
spondent of the Morning Post says that a
Japanese steamer has been arrested at
Port Arthur for entering the port without
having a pilot on board, pilotage being
now compulsory.
The correspondent of the Dally Mall at
Tien Tain cables that the Russian govern
ment explains that the reoccupatlon of
Mukden was made necessary because Japan
was menacing the province of Shin Kin.
The Dally Mali's Tien Tsin correspondent
says the news has been received from
Peking that the empress dowager is pre
paring to leave Peking for Kal Fong. capi
tal of the province of Ho Nan, la view of
possible trouble with Russia,
Pablle Procurator of Breathitt Coaaty
Doee Not Dare to Attend
LEXINGTON, Ky., Nov. t-A. Floyd
Byrd, commonwealth attorney of Breathitt
county, who gained a reputation In the
prosecution of Curtis Jett and Thomas
White for the Marcum murder in a long
distance telephone communication to the
Associated Press correspondent tonight con
firmed the rumor that be has decided to
remain away from Breathitt county dur
ing the term of court which begins at Jack
son, Ky., tomorrow. '
His action is taken upon the Insistent
solicitations of friends and relatives, who
declare that. Judging from the past history
of the county, his life would be In constant
peril there. He has not received a warn
ing of a definite plot to take his life, as
has been rumored. i
T. P. Cole of Jackson has been temporar
ily appointed prosecuting attorney. There
will be no Indictments at the coming term
of court. Mr. Byrd says. In connection
with the numerous assassination cases, and
further Investigation will be postponed tor
the present.
Mr. Byrd's term of office will expire on
January 1. He will then move to Win
chester, Ky., to reside permanently, but
does not expect to sever himself entirely
from the mountains In which he has been
instrumental in bringing about a revolution
In favor of law and order. He has been
urged to run for congress from the Tenth
Kentucky district to succeed John B. White,
and he may do so, but has not yet an
notified himself.
Only minor cases are on the docket of the
Breathitt county circuit court, but trials
which begin this week will be In marked
contrast to the last term of court, when
Jett and White were tried, when the court
house was surrounded by soldiers and citi
zens stored their weapons in an Improvised
"armory" before entering the court house.
Baltimore Police Investigating Caases
Which Leo to Death ot Deatal
BALTIMORE, Nov. B.-The police are in
v estimating the cause of the death of Mar
tin Loew, 28 yeara old, a student In the
dental department of the University of
Maryland, whose- lifeless body was found
today in his room at his boarding house.
His room mate. Ephralra Stone, 28 years of
age, was lying unconscious beside the bed.
Loew la from Silesia, Germany, and Stone
halls from Capetown, Sonth Africa. Loew,
It Is said, has relatives in New Tork City.
His body is at the morgue.
It Is said the men were Initiated last week
Into the Xi Pal Chi society of the college,
of which many of the students of the uni
versity are members. From the bruises on
the bodies It would Seem that they hod
been roughly handled. Whether from the in
itiation or otherwise la not known. An In
quest and post-mortem examination will be
held by the authorities tomorrow. Stone
haa been removed to the Maryland hos
pital. He haa regained consciousness. It Is
reported by the physicians, but they will
permit no one to eee him. He la said to be
In an improved condition tonight.,
'Stanley B. Smith - St. Johns, N. B..
president of the Fraternity, was arrested
tonight on' the technical charge of as
sault. Twenty-five rnembers of the society
have been cited to appear before the cor
oner's jury to testify. Late tonight Stone
made a rambling statement as to the
experience of himself and Leow during
last night. Neither was physically able to
assist the other, he said, although each
thought the other was dying In great
agony. He claims that the bruises on the
bodies of himself and Leow are due to
"hazing" by their classmates, but admits
that he and Leow had been recently initi
ated into the Phi Psl Chi fraternity.
Coaveatloa of American Federation
of Labor Assembles at
Faaaell Hall.
BOSTON, Nor. 8. The convention of the
American Federation of Labor will open
In Fanueil hall tomorrow. Nearly all the
delegates are here, today's arrivals Includ
ing President Samuel Gompera and Presi
dent Mitchell. The convention will be In
session at least ten days and tit delegates
will .be In attendance.
One of the principal queetlons to be con
sidered by the convention will be whether
the American Federation of Labor will
recommend that its affiliated members ally
themselves with that political party which
in their judgment will best promote the
cause of labor. It la said that a resolution
will be considered pledging the federation
to the cause of socialism..
Among other questions to be considered
will be those of industrialism against trade
autonomy, women and child labor, the
eight-hour question, trade jurisdiction, ar
bitration of labor difficulties and unionism
In government offices.
Threo Mea Conaected with Defunct
Colorado Coaeera Charged with
Taking Money Illegally.
CRIPPLE CREEK. Colo.. Nor. .-James
F. Hadley, president; Bruno Hobbs, vice
president, and A. G. Jones, assistant cashier
of the Bimetallic bank, which was closed
last Thursday, were arretted late last night
on complaint sworn to by James E. Mosler
of the Harder-Mosier Mercantile company
of Cripple Creek.
The information, filed with Assistant At
torney Cole, alleges that the above named
defendants accepted 8400 from tha Harder.
Mosler Mercantile company for deposit In
the Bimetallic bank when they knew the
Institution to be In an insolvent condition.
The prisoners were released on bonds of
85,000 each.
Kltroglyeerlae Struck by Stoao Re
salts la the Death ot
LANCASTER. O.. Nov. J. -Four
were Instantly killed by an explosion of
nitro-giycerlne at Buck's Run, In Hock
ing county, today. The dead are: Oscar
Bonn, aged 14; Charles Bonn, aged 12;
their 8-year-old sister, and a son of Rob
art Conrad.
The children were playing with a can
which had contained nltro-glycerlns and
It is supposed some one struck It with
a stone. The bodies of the children were
terribly mutilated.
To Modify Belgtaa Tariff.
BRUSSELS, Nov. I -A bill modifying ths
Belgian tariff laws will soon be introduced
In Parliament. It will propose Increased
dutiea oa wine, fruits and aluminum war a.
Bar. Dr. Mason Sera it Only in Educating,
Moral aa Wall as Mental.
Maay Pronalaent Mahts of the Society
aad of Methodist Chorea. Gather
for the Aaaaal Meetlag
la Llacola.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Nov. 8 -(8pecial.) "The solu
tion of the race problem must be through
Christian education." said Dr. M. C. B.
Mason, secretary of the Freedmen's Aid
and Southern Education society of the
Methodist Episcopal church. In a sermon
before the Young Men's Christian associa
tion this afternoon. Continuing, he said:
"The basis for the education of the blacks
especially must be ethical and moral. Per
sonal worth. and Individual purity, which
will lead to every-day, practical usefulness,
will do more good In the uplifting of the
negro than anything else. In other words,
education, higher or Industrial, is of no
avail unless the basis for it all Is a man
whose greatest plea for rights and privi
leges Is his own individual worth."
In speaking of the schools of the south
established by the society Dr. Mason said
the Bible was a textbook In each of them,
and the nlm was to build up the moral aa
well as the Intellectual man. ."What effect
this line of education has already exerted
upon the ethical life of the people," he said,
'Is apparent. During all these years since
the schools have been established not a
single student who haa ever attended any
of them has ever been charged with any
high crime against purity and the home.
This fact in itself Is a more eloquent appeal
for larger and more continued giving to thla
benevolence than any word of Its friends
could ever be."
The occasion of Dr. Mason's presenco here
Is the meeting of the general committee of
the society, of which he Is secretary, to he
called tomorrow morning and continue In
session until Tuesday afternoon. The meet
tng la for the purpose of reviewing the en
tire work of the year, making apportion
ments to the churches and appropriations
to the schools. These appropriations are
made for the school year 1904 and 1905. Dr.
Mason Is the senior secretary of the so
ciety and was born a slave. He wns edu
cated In the schools tstahllshed by the
Freedmen's society, and he Is a national fig.
ure. He was entertained at dinner todny
by Dr. Wharton, pastor of St. Paul's Metho
dist Episcopal church.
Draws the Color Line.
Most of the delegates to the convention
arrived yesterday and thla morning, and
among them are several colored' men who
aland high In Methodist church circles. The
presence of these brought the race problem
close at home, for the hotela would not
allow them to come to the dining rooma
with the other guests. Dr. Paine explained
that when the committee met at Philadel
phia he sat down and ate at the same table
with a negro delegate and thought nothing
of It. The hotel men, however, would not
relent, and the colored delegatea were eent
to pther places, some of them being -entr-talnd
at the imrtea of the church people.
Today the visiting ministers-occupied
various pulpits in the city, being appor
tioned as follows:
lnT'DryMB,r &hn M' w?In. morn
ing, ur. m. C. B. Mason, evening.
Dr8t Le;a,Ua"ibe,rthe0veningV-
lnmDranRe hUrE- U' 7homI,on- morn
iv . , Rust, evening.
..VnMerB,,y ."ce-Blshon James N. Fitz
gerald, morning; Dr. W. P. Thirkleld, even-
Asbury-Dr. J. M. Shumpert? afternoon
lngerman MethodIt-l'-' C. GolJerr mor'n
lllstory of Society.
In his talk thla afternoon Dr. Mason
gave a history of the organization of the
Freedmen's society. Its work and its ac
complishment. The Freedmen's Aid and
Southern Educational society was organ
ized In 1886 and the work done until 18SS
waa entirely among the colored people, in
that year, however, at the general con
ference, held In New York City, the work
was enlarged to Include the mountain
whites and such others among the white
people of the south as were needy and
wanted help. At present the society has
control of forty-seven lnsUtutions. twenty,
five among the colored people and twenty
two among the whltea The property la
valued at 82.0K8.400. During the laat year
680 teachers were employed, of whom 123
were practice and the others regular. There
were 7,874 colored students and 8,787 whltea
Dr. Mason said:
Th.",.work of tnl" oclety Is to aid In the
establishment and maintenance of Chris
tian schools in the sixteen southern states
for both colored and white T peoplS in
carrying forward this needy workof Chris"
tian education In the south, the Free
men s Aid and Southern Education society
has not attempted the exclusive use If
ln me.tho for.ho "P"" "! enlight
enment of the people. Our methods have
been as numerous and many sided as the
situation demanded. wa
The sixteen southern states, nonulatlon
Sfeli A941'"8- Jen of nd o,
19.S,023. of whom 4.2U4, 916-21 .8 per cont
cannot read or write. Divided by races the
aS2Cfw: Whlt8' 37.67. f whotn M77,!
V-P I?,r cent-ore nmerate: colored
6.643.4o6 of whom 2,727.300-48 per cent
can not read or write.
Compared with ISifO, there Is much en
couragement. The per cent of Illiteracy
among the people of the aouth. aa a whole
has decreased In ten years from 87 8 per
ST .1 in1-? prMnt; mong the whites
. ..2 10 '3, anl mng the colored 67 I
to 44.6 per cent. These flgurea are very
encouraging. For the first time since Lin
coln Issued the emancipation proclamation,
'he rising tide of Illiteracy baa been
our work, however, must be continued
with renewed energy, for of the l.TOtUM
Illiterates of voting age in this country
1 132.337 are found In the eleven le con!
federate states. There are also
nai alio igur Or ITlOre.
illiterate millions for society and the schools
. .ru wiiii in mg next generation.
It Is safer and cheaper to educate them
now than then. The most distinctly Amer
ican white population is, by all odds In
the southern states. As a rule, the foreign
born of public school age In the south is
only a small fraction of 1 per cent- In
New York state It la 12 per cent; In Mass,
chusetts, 15 per cent. A score of academies
aaxtated by this society, are located among
these native whites In the hill country
stretching from Virginia to northern Ala
bama. These schools are training the
teachers and preachers of the people
At St. Paul'a, church this afternccn a
mass meeting was held. Addresses were
delivered by Dr. Maveety, Dr. H. A.
Monroe, colored, of Philadelphia, Bishop
Joyce and others. This meeting adjourned
Inttrae to hear Dr. Mason at the Oliver
theater. !
Peraoaael of Committee.
The personnel of the general committee
BlHhops Stephen M. Merrill. Edward W.
Andrews. Henry W. Warren, Cyrus D.
Fobs, Isaac W. Joyce. John M. WHlden.
WllUrd V. Mallaleu. Charles H. Fowler,
John M. Vincent, James N. Fitzgerald.
tCocUaued en Sixth Page.)
Forecast for Nebraska Rain or Snow and
Colder Monday; Tuesday Fair.
Temperatare at Omaha Vesterda
Hoar. Dew.
S a. m ..... . no
41 a. ra 4t
T a. ra. . . . . . 414
a. ra 4f
a. m ..... . no
IO a. m n.t
It a. m. . , . . . twi
IS m... sit
1 P.
S P.
S P.
4 p.
1. .
1 .... .
. tit
. A.1
, M
. n
. a-i
. Oil
. i
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. 5
8 p. in. ... .
r. m
T p. at
p. m
p. m . . , , .
Wreag Party (iets the Credit for
Havlac aa I'aased Marriage
CHICAGO, Nov. 8.-(Speclal Dr. Fred
Farmer, Thirty-ninth street and Langley
avenue, denies he Is the Chlcagoan who
walled In vein for Miss Hazel Muslck In
an Omaha hotel while she waa marrying
Asa Hunt. Then comes Dr. Frank C.
Farmer of 8242 Lake Park avenue and, to
save his friend and namesake. Dr. Fred
Farmer, confesses he Is the man with the
unused marriage license.
Dr. Frank Farmer's trouble seems on the
Increase. He was a close friend of Dr.
Fred Farmer and engaged to Miss Hazel
Muslck of Omaha until October 23. He like
wise seemed the successful suitor and to be
triumphant over Asa Hunt after a year of
bitter rivalry for Miss Muslck a hand. He
left Chicago bidding a happy farewell to
Dr. Fred Farmer and went to Omaha to get
Miss Muslck, heavenly maid, waa young,
and she changed her mind suddenly. She
excused herself for a moment while she
and Dr. Frank Farmer were valting In a
hotel for the minister, stepped Into a car
riage and drove away. Ten minutes later
he was Mrs. Asa Hunt.
The disappointed Dr. Frank Farmer came
back to Chicago only to find that some In
accurate Omaha reporter had called him
Fred. Likewise he found that Dr. Fred
Farmer Imagined that his patients would
think that he had been disappointed In
So yesterday, Dr. Frank C. Farmer,
whose offices are at 67' Washington street,
made the amende honorable and announced
that he, and not Dr. Fred Farmer, had been
the victim of Asa Lochinvar Hunt. Like
wise he stated that, although the biggest
fish usually are the ones that escape, there
were still good ones In the sea.
Massachusetts Maa Arrested aad Im
plicates Residents of Ohio
aad New York,
LYNN, Mass., Nov. 8. What Is believed
to be an extensive swindle was hrnnirht to
light by the police today.
William 8. Wells, 46 yeara of age. Is under
arrest, charged with printing lottery tickets
and also larceny and with obtaining money
unaer raise pretences. The police claim
that counterfeit tickets of several wtar4a
have been sent from here to all parts of the
country, wells made a partial confession,
in which he Implicated a man In Dayton, O.,
as being the head of the plan, and a New
York man was named as being the active
manager... ..'Vhe poue rfueKtA give the
names of these two men, but have notified
the New York and Dayton police of Welle'
arrest and confession. 1 '
The plan of operation, according to Wella'
statement, was to get genuine lottery
tickets and have photographic plates made
from them. A record was kept of the num
bers of the tickets and a list of drawing
numbers waa sent with each shipment,
none of the numbers of the drawings corre
sponding with any number of a ticket in
the shipment.
Little Improvement at Laredo and Bad
Coadltloaa Across Mexican
LAREDO, Tex., Nov. -Notwithstanding
the efforts of the physicians, the yellow
fever continues without much abatement.
The official bulletin Issued tonight Is: New
cases, 12; deaths, none; total cases, 723;
total deaths, 66.
Dr. B. D. Murray, the International yel
low fever expert, returned yesterday from
a trip as far as Saltlllo, where he haa been
Investigating the yellow fever situation. In
an Interview today he stated that condi
tions In Monterey, if Judged by other cities
where yellow fever haa been epidemic, lndl
cated no less than 28,000 cases there this
year, with the mortality rate placed con
servatively at 6 per cent.
All the stations on the line of the Mexi
can Central, he says, between Laredo and
Saltlllo have suffered an Invasion of the
yellow fever and this has contributed a
number of deaths and new cases.
Falls fader Wheels While Attempt.
Ing to Board a Moving
CHICAGO, Nov. 8.-Special Telegram.)
Valentine Horan, a butcher living In
Omaha, attempted to board a Chicago A
Northwestern railroad train at Campbell
avenue and Twenty-first street Saturday
evening and waa killed Instantly. Horan
lost his footing and fell under the wheels
of the second coach and when he was
reached by the train crew he waa dead.
Tha police at the Hlnman street police sta
tion were summoned and the dead man's
body waa removed to Smith's undertaking
rooms. Horan was formerly employed in
the Union Stock yards by Llbby, McNeill
& Llbby.
Noted Tobaeeo Haaafartarer Stricken
with Paralysis aad Death
Is Exported.
CHARLOTTE. N. C. Nov. 8. -Colonel W.
T. Blackwell of Durham was stricken with
paralysis today and no hops is held out
or his recovery.
Starting out aa a poor boy. he amassed
a fortune In the manufacture of tobacco.
Id late yeara he lost his fortune. He was
postmaster at Durham- under President
Cleveland's administration.
Damage at Ola the.
OLATHE. Kan., Nov. 8. The fire that
destroyed the Range block here last night
did damage amounting to 8300,000. The
heaviest Individual losers were the owners
of the Johnson County Co-operative as
sociation, said to be the largest co-opera-Uve
concern of the kind in the United
States and I which does a general mer
chandise bustnesa Their loss Is placed
at 180.000. There were 1,000 persons In the
Grange theater auditorium when the fire
started, but all escaped without Injury,
Beoreta7 Pact 8ara They May VmKZ
on Iithmut of Panama,
Member of Cabinet Jntt Satnrnad fro
Englaad Declines to Talk.
Boata Which Carried Report of Eatolutioa
Hart Not Returned.
Colon Hears Americans aad Other
Foreigners at Capital of Colombia
Are Killed, hat Report la
Kot Confirmed.
NEW TORK, Nov. 8.-"Tes1 there Is a
possibility that troops may have to be
sent to the Isthmus," eald Secretary of
War Root In speaking of the Panama
situation on his arrival from Europe to
day. "There always Is a possibility; that
Is what the army Is for, but I hardly
think It will be necessary In this case."
Beyond this he declined to be quoted,
pleading lack of Information about the
situation, but he read eagerly a number
of Associated Press dispatches which were
shown him on the steamer, commenting
on the statement of Secretary Hay and
the Instructions cabled to the minister at
Bogota and the acting consul at Panama
that, "this is very Interesting."
Mr. Root, who went abroad aa one of
the American commissioners on the Alas
kan boundary, said thla as Celtic
docked this morning. lie was met b
Major General Corbln, commanding t
Department of the East, with whom
had a long talk.
Concerning the attitude of the Canadn
commissioner, Mr. Root would make I10
statement, but he declared that the mnik
Ing of the boundary of the 130-mlle slip
not covered by the tribunal would h a
matter of no dlfllculty and would be dVne
In accordance with the principles alrealr
laid down as soon as the neoessary datab
le obtainable by survey. Mr. Root waa
asked about his resignation, but declined
to make any statement beyond what la
generally known.
Conditions at Coloa.
COLON, Nov. 8. Up to tonight no news
has been received from Bocaa del Toro,
The United States cruiser Atlanta sailed
for there last night. The steam launch
which was eent to Bocae del Toro Thurs
day night to capture that place In the
Interest of the new republlo haa not re
turned, it Is reported that the United
States gunboat Nashville has gone to
Cartagena. v
Wild rumors are in circulation here that
the American and other foreign residents
of Bogota are being maasacred. The ru
mors are not confirmed and hre looked
upon as altogether improbable. Colon last .
night gave Itself up eutlrely . to proper
. Bands of muslo pafaded the street until
early this morning, playing national and
American airs, stopping la front of the
residence of Colonel Shaler, Governor Mel
endea and others. The greatest enthusiasm
prevailed and there was not tha slightest
Paaama Minister Is Fvench Clttaea.
PARIS. Nov. 8. While satisfaction to ex
pressed here over the appointment of M.
rhllllppe Bunau-Varllla as diplomatic agent
of the republic of Panama at Washing
ton, attention la called to the fact that It
Is probably unprecedented for a French
citizen to be selected to represent a foreign
government without first consulting the
government to which the appointee owes his
allegiance or without that government
being asked whether In the event Vf his ac
cepting the agency he would not thereby
forfeit his French nationality.
The Gaulols suggests . that M. Bunau
Varllla might obtain from the French gov
ernment special permission to act for the
republic of Panama. Such permission has
occasionally been granted to Frenchmen
serving temporarily in foreign armies.
Colombia riles Protest,
WASHINGTON. Nov. 8,-It was learned
In official circles tonight that the United
States of Colombia haa lodged a protest
with the State department against the ac
tion of the United States in connection with
the events which have occurred on the
Isthmus of Panama. The terms of the
protest could not be ascertained tonight,
but It Is known that strong objection la
made to the attitude of the Vnlted States
In general and against Interpretations made
by this government of the treaty ot l4
between the United States of America and
the United States of Colombia. Ths State
department has the protest under serious
consideration, but the nature of Its reply,
If any, or the time when it will be made
Is not known. Other than admitting that
such a document had been filed in the)
State department the officials there wm
aay nothing about the matter.
Word reached the Navy department to
day of the arrival of the United State
cruiser Boston at Panama yesterday. Com
mander Piehl, In reporting Its arrival,
announcing also the receipt of Instructions
from the Navy department which direct
the keeping open of the transit of the
Isthmus. He also said that at this time
the traffic was undisturbed.
The president's yacht, Mayflower, left the
navy yard here today for Colon. Aboard
It Is H. A. Gudger, the United States consul
general at Panama, who goes to that place
to assume full charge of the American
consular affairs. Mayflower Is expected
to reach Its destination In about eight
days. On his arrival at Panama Mr. Gud
ger will do business with the new govern-'
ment at Panama. He has full Instructions
from the secretary of state governing hla
dealings with the new government
M. Phillips Bunau-Varllla, whose appoint
ment as diplomatic agent of the Panama
republlo was announced yesterday, and
who reached here laat night from New
Tork, saw Assistant Secretary Loomls of
tha State department today. It is ex
pected tluit the new diplomatic agent will
be presented to Secretary Hay and the
president In a oay or two, the Btata w
partcnent probably accepting aa satisfac
tory ths telegraphic credentials of the new
envoy and waiving the usual requirements
of more formal credentials. The envoy did
not see the president or Secretary Hay to
day. Minister to Bo Received.
The Associated Press can announce that
M. Phllllppe Banau-Varllla will he received
by Secretary Hay tomorrow morning at
the State department and duly recognised
aa the minister plenipotentiary and envoy
extraordinary of the new Republlo of
Panama to tha United States, After the
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