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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 8, 1903)
TITE OMATTA DAILY BEE: BUND AY. NOVEMBER , mO.t. COUNCIL MlftOn MRSTIO. rvl sells drugs. Btorkert sella carpet. A store for men "Beno's." ' Celebrated Mets beer on tap. Neumayer. Diamond betrothal rings at Leffert', 409 Eroadway. H-K and 18-K wedding rings at Leffert'a Broadway. Kodak and postal card album. Alexan dra, Sift llroadway. Pyrr.graptiy outfits and supplies. C. EL Alexander tt Co., X33 Broadway. The !ady Maccabees will meet Tuesday fcflernoon at the unual time and place. I,ot Bull di.:, pup, months old,, white with black epnis, run trlinmeil. Return to rVV. 8. Goodrich and get reward. For Eale Nice, rnn tjck of groceries at ftl'O W. Brouilway; will aril or rent bull ling .with stock. B. Klshtun, 2100 W. Uroaoway. For rent, office room ground floor; one of the moat central locations In the busi ness portion of the city. Applr to The Bee office, city. The annual meeting of the Odd Fellows' Hall association will lie held Monday evening- In the ofllce of Lewis Hammer, In Udd fellows' temple. The ladles of Myrtle lodge No. 12, Degree Of Honor, will hold a bazaar In their hall , In the MerrlHtn block In the afternoon and i evening of Friday, November 13. The regular meeting of the members and ' trustees of . the Associated Charities will j b held Monday afternoon In the rooms i t 4K ,-...,....11 D,.i. A . r. .. - .. I . . V. 1 Cecil Head, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Head, died at 8:30 yeHterday afternoon at the family home, 166 Avenue O, from con gestion of the lungs. Funeral arrange ments will be announced later. The funeral of Kay, the infant on of "Mr. and Mrs. Iack Johnson, IS North Twenty-sixth street, will be held this after noon at 2.o'clock fron Cutler undertaking rooms, and Interment will be in Falrvlew cemetery. . The marriage of Arthur E. Motta of Omaha and Margaret Bititnn of Colorado , Springs, Colo., which took place on Sep tember S, has Just been announced. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Thomp son of Council Bluffs. Mrs. Pnmcla Huns, ne-ed 46. died nt her tome, fl.'T East Broadway, last evening, as j Tne resuii ni a siroae oi apoplexy, imo ar rangements have yet been mado for the funeral. Mrs. Haas leaves seven children, three daughter and four sons. John Lennan, living juHt south of the city limits, whi committed to St. Bernard tioepltal yesterday afternoon, pending ln ' relitigation by the commissioner Into his U O I- An. II. Ii..wiiiH.i. .... .-..(.. t.lrk wltt. being insane was riled by his wife, Meyer H. Pearlman, , proprietor of the 1 . 4 ' 1 . .. . 1 , . i I , xupicy proceedings brought against him j n the United State court. Is arranging to vaka a settlement of the claims against yn, and expects to be able to resume Vttnenfl In a short time. . V. Vr. Anna Jacobaen died at her home. '-East Broadway, yesterday evening. m in uineea ui eigui monins. Bile .,e a husband and three children. Mrs. ' ibson was formirlv nrertlilent of the iVlsh Sisterhood, and also of the Danish I Wy. Memters of the Danish Slster- are requested to meet at the home T " t' 1 .. I i . . ?ia a . l . 1 J.X., on Monday afternoon to make 8 r ' igements for the funeral of Mr. Ja- Vote for Orandma! N. T. Plumbing Co., Tel. 260. Night, F-667. Real Estate) Transfers. These transfer wera filed yesterday in the abstract, title and loan office of Squire & Annls, 101 Pearl street: J. W. Squlr and wife to The Ander son company, lot 3, In sub. of lot 201, lot i In lot 1W, lot 2 In lot 184, lot 2 In lot 186 and lot 4 In lot 186, all in orlgl- nal plat, . w. d $ 2,400 X. W. Kynett to same, lot S in lot 201 original plat, q. c. d 2,400 Pottawattamie county to Andrew C. Graham et al., as board of park commissioner, part of lot I in sub. of lot 91. originel plat, d 00 JW. C. Dickey to Magnus Peterson and wife, lot 8, block 20, Burn' addition, w. d Rudolph Handke and wife to W. A. Duff, lot 7, block 16. Howard addi tion, except n'i feet. w. d 800 albert H. Telfer and wife to W. A. Duff, lot 8, block IS, Howard addi tion, w. d 800 JM. W. Van Wormer and wife to Charles Winn, lot 10, block 8, Caa- 1 ady's addition, w. d 560 Anders J. Anderson and wife to The . Anderson company, lot 6, block 6, Hagg'a extension, w. d 1 Joseph J. Sleeper, receiver, nl30 feet lot IS and of w26 feet lot 14 and eM feet of nlSO feet of lot 14, In re-sur-vey of WA ne'4 30-76-43, r. d 1,230 Kin transfer, total I 8.401 Vote for Grandma! Marriage License. License to wed were Issued yesterday to the following: Name and Residence. Age. William Rogers. Wlnterset, la 48 Mary Balney, Maryvllle, Mo 45 Allan D. Falconer, Omaha , 23 Irene Carothers, Omaha 20 Our New Negligee Shirt With cuffs atached require special treat man l In luunderlng. Their delicate colors require the pureat of soaps so that the shlrta may retain their original brightness. W give these garments the moat careful treatment and return them to you In their original beauty. There is no flntxh like the J'.luPf City finish. It Is a result of having pwrfect facilities and knowing HOW to do th work properly. Special rates on family washing. Bluff City Laundry WALLACE & OROUT, Propa, 22-24 North Mala St Tel. 314. House Furnishings on Easy Payments Including our large stock of desir able Furnishings, in all th newest and finest pattern. Carpeta, Ruga. Draperies. Curtains,, Window Shades, etc., are her In larg assort men t at very low price and ay payment. An ACORN BASK BURNER la the best. They are extra good heat giv er and fuel stivers. I'ut an A CO K.N RANGE in your kitchen. Ku'-l Una of Heater. Range and Cooker at low price. Payments to suit jiurctutaer. . D. W. KELLER 407 Broadway. BLUFFS. CAME WITH DOANE IS A TIE Collejrjani Poire Tonohdtwi in Firtt Half and Onards in the Eeoond. NEITHER SIDE ABLE TO KICK A GOAL Doane Makes Another Toaichdowa, but It Is Disallowed nn Aeeoant f Tripping and Ball Goes . to (iiardi, The game at Lake Manawa yesterday afternoon between the Dodge Light Guards' foot ball team and Doane college resulted In a tie, each side scoring a touchdown. The game wa a spirited one from start to finish, and In both halve honor were about even between the two teams. Doane scored in the first half and the soldiers In the second half. Brownell. Doane's full back, made the touchdown for the col legians, while Richmond, the Guards' full back, did the same for the soldiers. The attendance was small. Doane won the toss, and chose the south goal, with the wind at their backs. Wlck ham kicked off for the guards. The first play of any particular note was a thirty yard run by Brownell, Doane' fullback, which was followed up by a number of gains by the collegians. When the ball was on the soldiers' thtrty-flve-yard Una Brownell went around right end for a touchdown, but Ttdball failed to kick goal. Thin was after nine minutes of play. After the teams had played back and forth for several minutes, Brownell ran through the Guards from a punt by Rich mond, and placed the ball back of the goal line, but the touchdown was not allowed on account of the Doane men having re sorted to "tripping." For th "tripping" Doane was penalized, and the ball given to the Guards. The half closed with the ball on Doane's twenty-flve-yard line, and in possession of the soldiers. Et I'p Score. In the second half th Guard braced up and made matters considerably more inter esting for the visitors. From the ktckoff they carried the ball seventy yards, but lost It on downs near the collegians)' goal. Then again the soldiers met with hard luck, los ing the ball on a fumble within three yards of their opponent's goal. Doane punted out, but the ball struck one of their own play ers, and they consequently lost the ball. After a few rushes, Richmond for th Guards succeeded In crossing the line and securing a touchdown. He failed, however, to kick goal. The score stood t to 6. The visitors then made a desperate effort to turn the tide of the game in their favor, but while they kept the ball most of the time In the Guards' territory, they could not cross the goal line. The second half closed with the ball in about th center of the field. The lineup: Vf GUARDS. CTieatnut I B. Thomas U. T. Goaa L. O. Wtrkham V Pool R O. DOANB. R. B Rill H. T rnhmr L. O., Jonet C Spencer I?::::::::::::::.. arayhlll ... nT Qraane R. 1. roller R. t Warner , Q. B. Dlttrlch R. H. B. Mulllrk L. H. B. Richmond r. B. L. K Ttdball Q. B... Wanti L. H. B Wandland R H. B Vanea F. B BrownaU Twenty-flve-minute halves. Refereo, Whipple, Omaha, Umpire, Mann, Doane. VOTE FOR GRANDMA. Grandma. Voting; Contest Begin Ilea. ' slay avt DeLonar. Vote for Grandma! You will har an opportunity to do so during th next four weeks. We all know how pleasant it 1 to do a kindly act for Grandma, whether she is one's own Grandma or another's. To many people Grandma seems never to grow older, for her smiles appear brighter and her face more beautiful through all the fleeting year. To quote from James Whltcomb Rlleyi "Ah, help me! but her face and brow are lovelier than lilies are." To get to th practical side of the ques tion, DeLong Grandma voting contest begins Monday. Tou are entitled to one vota for each cent of your purchases and may vote for any Orandma in Council Bluffs. The following useful and valuable prise will be awarded to th thre G sand mas receiving th highest number of Totes: First prise,- elegant bedroom suite; sec ond prize, fine Morris chair; third prize, elegant upholstered rocker. These prises were purchased at th Petersen ft Bchoen ing Co., which is a sufficient guaran tee of quality. The winner of the first prise may have a fine couch Instead of th bedroom suits. If preferred. During this contest votes will be given on all pur chase at DeLong', Including printing, rubber stamp, stationery, school supplies, subscriptions to magazines and all other sales of any kind whatever. Get your can didate started at one and other friends, will vote for her also. Printed bulletins will be Issued dally showing how th candi dates stand, and th ballot will also be printed in th Sunday newspapers. The prizes are now on exhibition in th show window of th Petersen at Bchoentng Co., Pearl street side. Now' your chance to vote for Grandma, o call at De Long's tomorrow and get your candidate started the first day. Plutnblgn and heating. Blxby V Bon. In th Cksrcku, There will be preaching aervlcea at th First Congregational church at 10:50 a. m. and 7:60 p. m. Sunday school will be held at noon and Christian Endeavor society meeting at 8:60 p. m. Rev. Jamea Thom son, the pastor, will take a th subject of his sermon la th morning "Faded Leave." . At Grace Episcopal church ther will be morning services with sermon by th rec tor, Rev. T. J. Brookes, at 11 a. m. Ves per service will be at 4 p. m. and Sunday school at 10 a. m. Rev. Harvey Hosteller will preach this morning at the Second Presbyterian church on the subject, "Exalted Christ" In th evening he will take a hi theme "A Per sonal Problem." At th First Christian church there will b preaching services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. In th evening th pastor. Rev. W. B. Clemmer, will preach a special sermon on "The Ideal Young Woman from the Young Man's Standpoint." Special, music will b furnished by th Boraca mal quartet. At th Union Christian church, Thirty fifth street and Broadway, Rev. W. B. Clemmer of th First Christian church, will preach at 1 p. m. Sunday school will be at I p. m. Rev. G. W. 8nyder, pastor of St. John's English Lutheran church, will preach at I p. m. at the People' Union church, corner of Thirty-fifth street and Avenue B. Rev. Wemmer will preach at 7 p. in. and Sunday school will b held at I p. in. Elder C. Scott will preach at 10: SO a. ra. and 7:30 p. m. at th Latter Day Silnts' church. Sunday school will b bald at noon and th midweek prayer service Wed nesday evening at 7:30 o'clock. The First Church of Christ (Scientist) will hold services at 11 a. m. In th Sapp building, when th subject of th lesaon will be "Mortal and Immortals." Sunday school will be at th clone of th services. The regular testimonial meeting will be held Wednesday evening at I o'clock. Th Becoud Churufc of Christ (Scleutlat) will hold services In Modem Woodmen of America hall In the Merrlnm block at 10:45 a. m. ; subject. "Mortals snd Immortals." Sunday school immediately after the serv ice. Wednesday evening testimonial meet ing at 7:46. At St. Paul's Episcopal church today ther will be morning prayer and sermon by Rev. J. B. Finn of Cedar Rapids, la., at 10:30 o'clock. There will be no evening service. Vote for Grandma! PAST WEEK IN BLUFFS SOC'ETY Reception Given by Mr. W. A. Manrer I n Larsrety Attended Affair. Mr. 8. Farnsworth is visiting her daugh ter at DeKalb, III. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Harvey of Kansas City are visiting friends and relatives In tho city for a few days. The High School cadets will give a dan cing party at the Royal Arcanum hull the evening of Wednesday, November S5. Mrs. J. J. Hess will entertnin the mem bers of the Euchre club at a luncheon given at her home Tuesday afternoon at 1 o'clock. The member of the Dramatic club will give their annual entertainment for the benefit of the Creche the evening of Decem ber 4, at the New theater. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Lewis, who reside near the Iowa School for the Deaf, gave a lHrge dancing party to about 200 of their friends Wednesday evening. Miss Hazel Manderson entertained the members of the Girl s Kensington club at her home yesterday afternoon. About twenty guests were In attendance. The marrlsge of Mr. George Oerner and Miss Francis Bowman will occur Wednes day evening, November IS. at the home of th bride's sister, Mrs. Wood Allen. The members of the Woman's Whist Huh met Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. Dailey of Fourth street. The Evening Whist club was niso entertained at the home of Mrs. Dailey. - Miss Hlckey ot Madison avenue enter tained about thirty of her friends at high five Wednesday evening. Prizes at rnrrli wfre won by Miss Sigafooa and Mr. Charlea MrtPanlav ' Mrs. Lincoln R. Hynes of Oakland avehne entertained about fifty of her friends at an autumn party and musical given Friday anernnon. i ne aecoraiions were In yellow and white. Mrs. Everett entertnlnixl ot o 7 dinner Thursdny afternoon, complimentary j.,,. iiiu inn. lorry cverett, wno lert yesterday morning for California, where they will spend the winter. Mrs. F. E. Fox entertained a few friends lnf.".rmal,y at h'neheon given at her home t rlday evening. The color Idea of red and green was carried out In the decoration of the rooms and In the refreshments. The members of the nauvhi.M K . v. - American Revolution will give a card partv Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. Thomas Metcalf. Mrs. Metcalf will be as sisted by Mrs. W. H. Dudley, Miss Patter son and Miss Delia Metcalf. The women of the Union Christian church surprised Mrs. C. A. Hamilton Monday evening In honor of her hinhHiv Gi,ni... sary. An elegant dinner was served, and ir. riamuion was made the recipient of numuer vt iiamisome presents. MISS Frances E. rhiinman .rl.,tln.J the members of her Sunday school class Friday evening at her home, 1118 South our? CAilllEMD'EM T Una, He Is a Dandy So are our SHOES, and Prices Are Rigfht. K Did you ever trade at a ONE PRICE SHOE K STORE? If not, try it. you will like it. Look for the BEAR, that's MILLINERY REDUCTION SALE TEMPTI0 OFFER IN HIGH CLASS MILLINERY. ' ALL THE LATEST CREATIONS IN FALL MILLINERY AT HALF PRICE AND LESS. $10.00 BEAVERS Th very latest In Beavers, artistically trimmed evvpry one bears a S- F SV touch of th most approved faahlon. Thesa are stunning bargain W SI If you want something swell. Marked-down from 110 to VJV EXQUISITE TRIMMED STREET HATS The now very popular Hiawatha. Lyceum, and other street hat In pa fg all the latest trimming effects Marked down I 1 1 I from J8.W to JJJ DRESS HATS We have some very modish ffects In this line, all In pretty fall - 'g trimming workmanship and material the very best. These hats al.nll are reduced from .( to Vevr TRIMMED HATS These are very jaunty and modish al! In the latest tailored effects trimmed pret tily with plumes flower and foliage effects, chenille and silk velvet C" combination. All are very attractive shapes, with all the pretty fall rl 1 Shades. These hats range In prloe from S5 to M.Bu, marked down to aswex- I am making these very low prices In order to have more room for my new goods that will be coming In soon. am' certain that you can find something very deslrabl at quit a saving If you are in need of anything in the millinery lin. . ANNA H. MOORE J39-34I BROADWAY. TELEPHONE F61S. Tho Orchid Silverware We bare just received a full line of Stealing silverware la the Orchid pattern. We take pleasure In presenting to our customers this latest production in Sterling Flat Ware. In the table service we can show a production combining unusual elegance with practical utility. This would make a very desirable family Xuias gift HANSEN & MARKS, 203 & ruin St. Til. L620 (Opposite Merriam Block.) Watches It's Good Business Under present and prospective conditions to buy coal now. Wholesalers will, retailers must, advance prices soon. Fill up your bins now and mark a few dollars saved on your housekeep ing slate, to say nothing of being prepared .for strike contingencies or a sudden cold snap. All kinds of coal on hand. Wm. Welch, Office, 1 N. Main BU Tel. liS. fe and nth Plxth street. An enjoysble evening was spent with various amusements ann music, following which refreshments were served. The members of the Flower Mission Initi ated a number of candidates into their smiety Ttiesdny evening st the home of Miss Davenport. Those (lmiiirn m mem Iwrshin wor. Th. M Issps Elfssbeth Beno, Marian Benton, Josephine Hlxby, Helen Wallace, nella mpiohii, "n """I"11. Holon Fl. rhprrle Wells. Evelyn Thomas, Mav Walte. Ella Beach, Marlam Tyler. Ueorgia Mitchell. The reception given by Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Maurer at their home on Second avenue UblM.,..l.v fivinin. enmnllmetltary tO Mr. and Mrs. William Helsor, was one of the largest attended events of tne season, i ne house wss lavishly decorated for the occa sion In cut flowers and palms. Assisting In the rooms were Mrs. Victor E. Render, Mrs. fttubbs, Mrs. B. M. Sargent, Mrs. Bpencer Smith. Miss Georgcne Bebblngton, Miss Adah Sflrgent and Miss Nelle Moore. About 4U0 guests were In attendance. Inspect Lincoln Library. President Rohrcr and Trustees Bcott, Balrd, Pender and Cleaver spent yesterday In Lincoln looking over the new Carnegie library building there. They were met by President Oelsthardt and Members Dobbins. Wler, Mrs. Raymond and Mrs. Callen Thompson of the library board, who es corted them through the library and rave them all the Information possible concern ing the building. President Rohrer on re turning last night stated that he was much pleased with the trip, which he believed had been of much benefit to the members of the board. Mr. Rohrer said he and other members of the board were greatly Im pressed with the arrangement of the first floor of the Lincoln library. The Carnegie library In Lincoln cost $77,000, which Is 7,0n0 more than Mr. Carnegie offered to donate to Council Bluffs. Vote for Grandma! Matters In District Court. In the district court yesterday Judge Preston granted divorce to Johanna Rosenbaugh from Phillip Rosenbaugh, Clara Hasselbarth from Harry Harselbarth, Belle Bhearer from Clifton R. Shearer. Mrs. Shearer was granted th custody of their three children. The suits In which Fred Fowler and At torney Fremont Benjamin seek to restrain the sale of liquor In the saloons of the Storx Brewing company at Scott street and Broadway and Tenth street and Broad way will come before the court Monday. Vote for Orandma! Debate Free Text Books. "Resolved, That free textbooks should not be furnished at public expense," will be the subject to bo debated between the Phllo mathlan and Delta Tau societies of the high school, December 11. The affirmative side will be taken by the Fhllomathlans and the negative by the Delta Taus. Elmer Fisher, Ray Wilcox and Harry Joslln will represent the Phtlomathlan society, while the Delta Taus will be represented by Mabel Lacey, Elizabeth Macrae and Donaldlne Bell. fJ, .OTA., .j 2af"&flt'S ? CUT GLASS Ave. Branch Office, iii S Mala St. Tai. ia, . .. . igmi1 f J CbpyngKtiooj V J Caha.Wan.poklfcC "VCKga Holiday J e A KEVELATION IN PLEASING AND A I PROP 11 1 AT E GIFTS. We have unquestionably the largest and finest stock of Diamonds, Watches, Solid Gold Jewelry, Sterling Silver, Cut Glass, Hand-painted China, Leather Hand-bags and Purses in southwestern Iowa. Come in and see this magnificent holiday display so much goodness, so much variety, so much beauty, so much style was never collected under one roof in the city be fore. Notice our window display it will interest you. Come in it is a pleasure for us to show you the goods, and we will make it a pleasure for you to buy. You will find your every want anticipated and the price irresistible. OPTICAL DBPARTMBNT I We have the best equipped Optical Department in the state, with the latest improved scientific instruments and the most modern methods for testing your eyesight. We have just added to our stock the famous "Toric" Lenses, the latest improved lens, which gives a perfect vision when looking through them .obliquely or at a right angle. We examine your eyes free of charge.. ALL MAIL ORDERS GIVEN PROMPT ATTENTION. ifcLErtlONE L607. All - This Week We want big business tn boys', and girl' Shoe thl week, and In addition to the best Shoe value In Council Bluffs, we are going to give with each pair of boys' or girls' Shoes one desk case, containing good lead and slate pencil, one penholder and a rule. In addition to being a service able article, it is an unusually good one and one that all school children will ap preciate, BOYS' SHOES W have s boys' School Shoe at $1.25 that can't be beat It's a eat In call Lac Shoe, serviceable and comfortable. In misses' we have a dongnla kid, pat ent tip, or kangaroo calf sizes from 12 to t-at I1.2S. DUNCAN SHOE CO., 23 MAIN ST., COUNCIL BLUFFS. Family Washing At a Very Low Rate We have recently mad addition to our facilities and are prepared to do FAMILT WASHING on a large scale and at a very low rata. Any finish desired on SHIRTS, COLLARS and CUFFS. Telephone 290 and w will mall you a folder giving fu'.l particular for family work and our low prlc plan. Evans Laundry Co. 522 Pearl St. Council Bluffs Coaaalt th World-raaaoas PALMIST, CLAIRVOYANT AND ADVISER PROF. KIRO S03 Foartfc street, (oaarll Blnffa, la. (Cor. Fourth St. and Willow Ave.) REDl'CED PRICES: Ladles. 6uc; gentle men, 11.00. Hours fruni a. ni. to :3u p. m. Strictly private and confidential. LEWIS CUTLER MORTICIAN, s Paari IL. CunU iiUtfa. 'Phoa 17. Our Overcoats if Are HAND-WORKED over LIVING MODELS, made from the best woven fabrics, lined with the richest silk?, satins and serges, and must be seen to be appreciated. $IO,$l2i,$l5,$l7Ito$30 GET THE HABIT." Come in and get a few "up to the minute" overcoat pointers. Joe Smith & Co., 415 Broadway. "The Home of the Stylish Suit." JEWELER AIND OPTICIAN. Your Dinner Table Shoud be decked with the JACQUEMIN SILVER All patterns carried in complete assortments both in plain work and all the fancy pieces We can supply complete dozens at any time. Try us JACQUEMIN'S GEO. GERNER. Jr., Mgr. 27 MAIN ST. I 1 f i t x v . rY I- n 1 wolrj 407 BROADWAY. The Famous ROUND AC In ths days we believe that near ly everybody, when they start out to buy a stove, ,does so with the Inten tion of securing th best. That is to say, they want a powerful heater that will burn hard or soft coal, eoks or wood economically and with per fect success; and most of all on that is nade and fitted so tight that it will hold the all right, or longer. If necessary, and all thl year after year without a hitch. Such I th Genuine Round Oak. Thousands of peopl will testify to Its superiority. The low-down fir pot, antl-cllnker grate, hot-blast linings and one-piece air tight bottom are points that are worth your considera tion. Let us thow It to you. We also sell th ROYAL RED CROSS. Th flnest parlor heater on th market and a full Una of other stoves and range. Swaine & f.'aucr, 336-338 Broadway COUNCIL BLUFFS A Handsome Chandelier In th parlor, library or dining room adds greatly to a rich and artlsllo effect In the furnishing of your noma. If your chande lier and gas fixtures are old style, or you wish to have your houa modernised by fit ting It up with gas, you will find that our work In that Una Is scientific perfection. We do all kinds of gaa fitting, plumMng. steam and hot water naating at fair prloe. If we do it Its don right. J. C. Bixby & Son 202 Mala, 203 Pri St. Ttbooa 113. Council Bluffs, low v.