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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 8, 1903)
THE OMAHA DAILY IlEE: SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 8, 1D03. K i i (TIIK I'EOPLIi.'" FIR.MTIRB ADD CA HPET CO.) A Golden Opportunity For buyers of Furniture, Carpels and Stoves. We are con fronted by a variety of conditions compelling us to force out our stock overand above what is usual. A call will convince you that this Is your opportunity. Cash or credit you make the term. i .. a. e Hod Room Sets, with large K"loen or mahogany nnlxn, beveled mirror, In substantial drawer work and very new designs, worth (i KM f-X.OO, on Bale tomorrow '",uu Pldeboardsi finished In golden, beveled mirror, one drawer lined for silver ware, worth $25 00, sale price J1S.0O Couches, on sale tomor row at Extension table, finished In golden nicely polished, worth 112, sale price... Chairs wood Beat, golden finish, brace armB, worth $1.2, special at edire 14.50 .8.50 .5.90 79c CARPET, DRAPERY AND BEDDING SALE 4 -.Rl?Mittt tn'" "'nble 'tlma we offer astonishing values In Blankets, Com .... , . 1..WB, draperies, uurpras and KugB. He ure ana visit our fourth floor 75c 139 this week. Cotton Ulankers size 56x74 very heavy worth $1.2.t price Wool Blankets Mre fifixTH ooloi gray worth li.So sale price ... xii Brussels I'ngs In choice. O en effects worth $l&-sale price. laa.DU Stoves and Ranges Never before were we so well equipped In this department wonderful Induce ments to command your trade thia week await you. WJ? "le fton, fr Star Kstate Steet Ranges mint to last a life time Kuarantetd no superior jl equals on sale upwards 31 50 No, Cook Stove smooth castinics wide 1 a Rf flues worth 115.00 Bale price only II.OU We are sole agents for Peninsular Rase Burners Uuaranteed to hnat threo roornn all winter on two tons or coal. Factory guarantee with every O 4 K.l stove. On sale tomorrow up from 4iOU BIO SALE SOFT COAL STOVES-Estate Oak-guaranteed to keep fire 48 hours with one charge 1 A Ct of rfoft coal on sale upward from ".. 14.DU "t.1-a;.'rBfinKT,arK9 oven-good bakers 4fL fn worth $5.00 sale price '. IO.OU from ' HOt Bl"8t Hnater" upward J gQ Comforts well quilted, filled with white cotton size 64 x74 worth $2.0o sale price ... Three thousand yards all wool Ingrain Carpets worth 75 cents Etc,-, on sale at JlJV 98c -av - r. a w : . . .- .... crj r- "v. -t,.. Do you wish to earn a beautiful Bisque Doll, also a lovely ' Necklace and Ring? If so, send us your FULL name and, ad. dress and we will send 22 cards of our jewelry novelties, post paid, sell them at ten cents pet card and return us $2.20 and we will aend you, all charges prepaid, one of the . most beautiful Bisque Doll ever ' given away, together with Chain Necklace, and a Gold finished . Ring. This doU is nearly one-half yard tall, , DRESSED IN SATIN &LACr . and looks exactly like the pic ture; shown here, A perfect beauty with turning bisqua head, lovely curly hair, pearly teeth, natural sleeping eyes, Jointed body, real slippers, rtockings, etc., and is com pletely dressed, from head to foot , Understand this is not a printed cloth "or rag doll, nor a cheap plaster of Paris dolp such as some concerns givaf but a real - sleeping Bisque Doll nearly ONE-HALF YARD TALL together with a Necklace and Rlne. Fosi- Bl&niSt?'"''!' J V I tiVe1y these thrco pre"1' tfven lor aelling ItjOlJila I J- I only 2 cards of novelties. Take noticet We prepay all express and mailing charges on Zr $1020 REWARD lY." prove that we are not eivW the three premiums described above, for celling only 2 j cards of novelties. Write to-day and be sure lo sena your l ui-U name and address, if you wish to earn these beautiful premiums. D15QUE DOLL CO.. Dept. 1 ' '. . " ' - 1 N ioo Bridgeport, Conn. TOVES are famous the world over as fuel vers, and it Is the low fuel bills ..,u;u i 't i c-i . wiuvu iiiaKcs jcwci oioves ana ' Ranges the cheapest on the mar ket. " JheAsh Pan Tells the story of the rastefulness of the average siove or range. There is no etonomy in buying poor tove , L 1 1 1." at any price. Look for this trade mark and if II ZXHZll ' k the name "Detroit Stove Workr." cast t T? nume jewel. , UOn i&C f A B i "Wt i. 1 f Jewel r sold ssd recoasaeaded by Conklin HardwarcCompany. X01 Lr.Tmw.rtk It reel, Omaha. ii a on every gem cept a substitute. I,.. ... fm lm,m Ufiliu 1 ii f . fi o Des Moines savings banks were the appel RCTITIITC nc irnirniTiiDi? f UIJII1V114 V4 aUUlVtl VI WUU lants and I27K.U4 68 In Vovernment bonds were Involved In the nmreeriinn. Tii banks attacked the tnethntl of Miim.nt on purely constitutional grounds and the court, arter an extended research of au thorltles. held to the validity of the rnn stltutlonal statutory provisions attacked Fine Program Prepared for the Meeting to ct Held ia Deoember. DECIDE ON NEXT YEAR'S STATE FAJR THEN riaas Ue Awry aad A.t Ckakr la Editorial Maaaaent o( RealserLeader Will Rot Take Plare. trrom a Staff Correspondent.) DES MOINE8, Nov. 7. (Speclal.)-The Rtnte Arrlriiltursl In.tlfnle In rnnntrttnn with the annual meeting of the Iowa De partment of Agriculture will be held la Des Moines December 7-9, and an unusually fine program has been arranged for this meet Ing. There will be a corn exposition In con nection therewith and prises aggregating nearly I2P0 have been offered for corn. Prof, Holden of the State collece will do the judging. The convention will be In the fount Men's Phristlan lunrlntlnn mnma the policy of holding the slate Institutes In tne state eapitol has been found to be un satisfactory. The department meeting will elect the officers for the state fair next year and probably render a decision as to wnetner mere win be a fair at all In view of the St. Louis exposition. The program Includes a fine line of speakers, and It has been designed that It shall be of a popular character, so that there will be a large general attendance. The array of talent is larger than at any previous state Institute. In addition to the papers there will be the reports of President W. W. Morrow of Afton, Treasurer O. D. Ellyson of Des Moines and Secretary J. C. Blmcson of Knoxvllle. Proclaimed Thanks la Iowa. Governor A. B. Cummins tndsv l..n. hi. proclamation for Thanksrlvln dnv. A conference was held today by Judge carrutners of the State Exposition board with the state geologist and manufacturers of clay products to determine what can be done toward making an exhibit for Iowa at hi. iouis or clay and clay products. It was decided that an exhibit of the mimihi. tured products will be made, and this will come unaer the manufactures department. In connection with this there was consid eration of plans for a display of the won derrul iron ore deposits In Allamakee county, where there Is a mineral ridge Wlin KUWW.OOO worth Of tnlner.l l .1-1,. ine iron ore deposits have nan, K.. worked because they are so far removed from the river or from railroad. h.. are under way for the development of the inausiry. PlirarlBV Coaveatloa. I . . . . . .Aireaay mere Is much (Imrin. h. next congressional convention in tvi. ... of the state. According tn Hi. vn. the last election the situation la changed In w.o oevenin aistnct, so that it will take counties to nominate a candidate. Heretofore tho larn vni. in tii. ... ha been sufficient to leave It so that with one other delegation Polk county can make uuminaiion. me rMnnJ .i...i. " Di.uniiun inn n.rt ft TirnkahU't.i . . . - ... ui.i -me outsiaa counties win comnine to nominate a candidate and "l r resiaent or Des Moines Newspaper Chaasrea. The sale le announeod r.t k h.j.h., . Swedish newBDSDer whlh h.. k lished weekly In Des Moines the last twenty ' " ownea recently by a stock company, at the head of which was Sena tor Erlcson of Bnnna T K.. i , . the publishers of a Swedish newspaper In x now 0 otner Bw(Hj Ish paper Drinteil In tU . . di . one at o iimiiM circulation. i Plaas GO AwfW ; - " i-ii.nig wnien w.a a . . Monday by which the morning Reglstei-and w" 10 pass into the hands of measrs. A. H. FUnlt of T . . . """ J. A. or usage and T. U Maytag of New. i win not take place and Mr. Funk will not become the editor n. , and other friends of Harvey Ingham, the t-.Tracni .aiior, nave secured control of the uisjuriiy or me stock. New gavlncs Buk. A charter was l..,. . , . uwtuiaa dim or Ta . MAni, u,n . iurn,r- Paldent; M. a Porter, u V, . oever f Stuart Is 4lso heavily interested In th. v John W. Tuthlll Lumber company of Sloua Falls took out a permit to do business In me Biaie, No Pay for Matchmaker. ELDORA. la.. Nov. 7. (SDeclal.)-Mrs. Mary Adllnger of Arkley sued the estate of William Orolie. sr.. for txa. which aha claims was the expense of bringing about the marriage of Orobe with a Chicago woman. She aava nrnh a .rn-if tn n.v tK. cost of the trip, Mrs. Adllnger to bring the woman to Eldora, which she did. Judge Evans holds that the contract was against public policy and denies the claim. Flaod for Haslas;. CEDAR FALL8. Ia.. Nov. 7.--BneclBl Telosranvl Tn a trial h.fora a turv f.wlnw the six normal students were found guilty or nazina Harold Cunnln. and An a1 is and coits by Justice Knnpp. The costs make the fine a heavy one. RETURNS ON DISTRICT JUDGES Practically ' Complete Flaares from Districts Not Previoasly Reported. Sherman Dawson Custer . Buffalo TWELFTH DISTRICT. HoBtetler. R. Hand, F. KM 2019 U1S .23 3 1 Jl inn Totals 61M 6011 SIXTH DISTRICT. lfnllan lli-tm. otlnson, R. Ruder, R. beck. F. ison. F Dodge 21fiS NajifH K? Merrick 9?2 Colfax 7U6 Platte lcrjo 1716 961 10T.7 84A 1507 221 842 1175 1716 Totals ... 6K7 fiOXfi ' 6i0 FIRST DISTRICT. Kel- Onee Richardson Jefferson Nemaha Pawnee Babnock. R. 3227 1K44 I5;i7 1177 1212 11H1 Totals ...10298 Reavla, R. 2r.:f7 17H5 131 1292 11O0 1021 SIOS :7!.i M 7f.2 124t Kret- llgher, singer, 2185 1097 1H12 1018 e06 82S3 F. 2043 24M ma 176 1122 912 93M Haves Frontier Oosner Dundy Red Willow Furnas Hitchcock Chase FOURTEENTH DISTRICT White, F Orr, R, 82 736 . 4'2 363 , 103D ', 616 . U4 Totals 8766 Plirani An .fata t Sullivan, 1.019. Orr elected. THIRTEENTH DISTRICT. 206 59 4.13 223 740 406 236 2902 1,023; The Great Women's Suit Sale Continues for Monday. Resides the 547 nuita. we closed out from a kndinp man ufacturrr, at (tOc on the dollar. Wo have taken 150 buub from our regular stock, and reduced their prices 40 per cent. We have done this wherever we found one or two garments of a kind In stock, that we want to disposeof rapidly tn thia great sale. You can't tlnd more stylish suita anywhere, but you'll And much larger prices attached to inferior garments at most stores. " HEME'S THE WAY WE'LL BELL THE qUITS MOX DAY. HEAD 71 ! : Tailor- $16.00 WOMEN'S SUITS AT tW-TS Women's wade BultB, In Bliort blouse efTect, in a-v mm mm cheviots and VenetlHns. every suit III 7.S would be cheap at (16, -this sale 122.60 WOMEN'S SUITS AT $l.75-Womens Tailor-Mad oumm, an in me new i.ouis Al V style, collarltBS catw effects. med with stitched taffeta bands, perfect in fit, and workmanship. 122.60 values this snle 00 WOMEN'S SIT ITS AT 119.76-Women's stylish skirted RlnilSe nlllt mnite Of aiimlna nlioirl... fannH 1 . . a all All II II I .....ra, i.i, iiiiAiuira aiiu perfectly tailored and would be cheap at tii.PO this saie...i broa'dlotn'.TnnM.i?nZ2.MRN8 SWELL LOUIS XIV BLOUSE SUITS-made of n(W0 uroaaciotns and xlhelineB several samples In this O'Zl 7 aSBI M e M. w I?-? WOMEN'S SUITS AT 1 4. 76 - Women's Tailor Made Suits, in cheviots, broadcloths and fancy mix tures, nil this season's newest shapees, this lot In cludes some extra sizes In black cheviots . i mm from 87 to 47 bust meiiBure, 14 7 all go at one price this sale "'Iw vain) eiiecia, 16.75 lyllsh skirted mixtures snd 19.75 $35.00 WOMEN'S etamlnpa rhavfnt. lot worth doublenot a suit worth less than K6.00 this sale Great Values in Women's Coats ii 10-75 WOMEN'S THREE-QUARTER LENGTH iua.hui KiLellneA, kersovK or cheviots. All ncW hmiP lrtr.A rr half.tlorK AsJ backn, with Hhoulder capftft and the very IV im HA II ... . ioo Cheyenne Hi!!!!" 74S X-t7l HIIIB .. 16rS Bcott'8 Bluft 4; Kent ow I'euel 4K3 urant . T .1 ncnl n Logan Banner 16 Totals 2393 Grimes Is elected. FIFTEENTH DISTRICT. Rpown Sioux Rock vd Keva Paha Cherry Bherida Dawes Box Butte Totals ... Har- Flsher, , Mills, ring-ton, R. R. F. ... 40 424 287 ... 143 139 164 .. 861 857 310 ... 742 m S34 .. 1239 12O0 1778 858 60S 679 , ... m m 479 .. KM 666 ... 606 4686 4606 ' 492S Par- Sons, F. 67 ;i 178 246 1K2 lJrJ 63 1213 West over, V. 307 243 814 813 1G68 , 638 718 6b3 EIGHTH DISTRICT. Robinson, R. 1191 878 669 1112 1647 Cuming Dakota. Stanton Dlxnn Cedar Thurston Totals Graves Is elected. 6087 6249 Graves, F. 160) 774 . 742 W0 ua C3U WOMEN'S MILITARY COAT-Mada vt tine Entrllsh kersey or imported sihellne, In all shudes, hltrh military collar, double iiuni anu enouiaer capes, Btruu ped front and back , a $16 value Monday , -on i ran to see them If you want a correct and most up-to-date aarment of the selsAn t ZA 'r v J I garments worth up to jo Monaay s4.75j; &22.GO, 29;7G and. $37;GO OleoasMsarla Case. Th. cas. Involvlnsr tha Hh ' n fnargarin. In Iowa was submitted to th. district court todav on - . Armour company was Indicted as a test Case to determine whatKa. k. old in the it t ate ! .Ifflr,i.r,n. .. . . - ij cuuw lO vvi4i.-j (.u Aowa law. Bonds Art Taxable. Tiisi.. v UUB n.wi or tne milt w. i wvuiv iua morning rendered a decision In the sav ings bank cases, In which th. right of th. stat. to tax such banka far ' 4V,.. a. ajllliuuni of government bond, held by them, was HuU.H,u. iiH aeciaea with th. rcYiew I ram Which an ann.i by th. several plaintiff. ber of weeks ago. Th. Home. Peonla-. .n THE STRENUOUS LlFB A Great Strata. on. disputea th. fact Uiat X7a -" w.nuu.w in. I IU' r inai living tn a "rapid" aa-e: it l. n..v. rush from morning- until night, and com' iwuuon is so nerc that th. struggle doe. uui mwa unm ma machln. Is worn out Women, too, even when surround every comfort, beoom. . lnfectl h common spirit, and what with their clubs ana many social duties, ha v. n ,i glv. thought to their physical well-being, -..w. lu.jr ara suaa.n:y Drought to a sharp realUatlon of th. faut that rov.i.. ....... Uvea Is so important aa attention to correct v i.nunu living. It may surprU. th. reader to learn that women ar. more prone to pUea than mm, and In moat cases because It U difficult to Impress upon them th. Importanc. of reg ular movements of the bowels; Irrigulartty means straining at stool, and Straining means pile., with the certainty (under the usual methods of treatment) that the suf- ,e,w w" nave mem always with her- ny -usual methods- U meant the appllca- " " a4re Bna touona, of (as a last re ort) a surgical o Deration If there la a complaint which entallamure m.irr.. ana wnrui UpoB those, afflicted than pile, or hemorrhoids, it i. . , to the writer; fortunaUly. . however, thee. utf learning mai mer. is a r.medy that ef- iniuui; cum ui lorrus or plies; it is hi a x ji i auuu fut cure. Is in supposiiory rorin, IS applied directly to the parts, and doea Its work quickly and paln lesBly; It la Md by druggists at fifty cent, a package, or will be mailed by th. makers iu sur auuress upon receipt of prioe. Mrs. L. M. Jollff. Pharlsburir rihi' "I feel It my duty to acknowledge th. great Dcnom i oar. received from th. us. of Py. auiiu na tuit. r or several nuih. i suffered untold agony front the bleeding l"" was nnaiiy aavtaed Dy a Colum bus doctor to get Pyramid Plls Cur. at once, which 1 did, and one box oetnpieUly cured m. 1 ad via. all sufferers to use it" Wrtv. the Pyramid Drai Ca. ar.r.i..n Mich., for their inc. book on th. causes ana cur. ec piios. IRON DEMAND IS DECREASING Production of Faraaees Is Now Maea Less Thaa the Capacity. TOUNQSTOWN. O.. Nor. 1 1 n ler, jr.. president of th. Be association, gave out th. following state ment this mornlns of cia- Iron nrnA,n- of Independent and association turna.. arter yesterday's meeting In Pittsburg: nave received Information from the Various nlr iron nroriuc. In . V. . . , west, embracing Plttaburv and vlcinltv th. Vheellng district, the Mahonlna- anil nh.n. -";,V t '.i 1 "'"o. vjoiumous ai ' proaucuon In October " rai i" man capacity., on " - w- ihow a reaucilon or 49 per cent less than capacity, it is perceniage will hold good U U . III. 11VT.IUU1T FORECAST OF THE WEATHER ProsalB. of Fair Saadar. with Mala aad Cold.r Moaday la Nebraska WASHINGTON. Nov. 7,-Forecaat! For Nebraska and Kansas Fair Bima.. rain ana coiaer Monaay For Illinois Fair and warmer s,,n4.. Monday, fair tn south, rain or anow und colder .In, northern portion; Increasing southeast winds. For North and South Dakota Ruin colder Sunday; rain or anow and colder Monday. For Colorado Fair Sunday: rain or .no.. and colder Monday. ror wyomina fair in eaat ni. ...a auu colder In west portion Sunday; rain or snow ana coiaer Monday. For Montana Rain, followed bv m.. colder Sunday; Monday, partly cloudy. fur jaiBBUuri fair dudqmt. m'lth In east portion; Monday, increasing cloudl h"a with rain and colder in north uon. Local Reeord OPriOR nif TUB1 lVtriTUlTD nt.nni.. oma ii ir Nov vromciai vr.;..,. peratura and nreclnltation om,.r. the corresponding day of the last three f.aia. . ' 103. 1902. 1901. 1900, Maximum temperature .. 81 63 43 4g mean lemptiraiure 49 43 84 41 r-recipitauon 00 .00 .00 .00 necora 01 lemperature and precipitation at Omaha for this day and since March 1, V:il.a. h Av . Totial .smaa atn... 'Vf'JV'i"" IV . ' prrcipiiBiion 04 inch Pendency for the dav rd Total rainfall Blnce March'.kl lmh.i Excess since March 1 46 Inches pendency for cor. period 1902.. 60 Inches ionci.ncy ror cor. period 19ol.. 6.13 Inches DIKD, CARTER Levi, at his apartmenU In Pax- .vfii siutci,. nuventuer f, Funaral urvliw. will K. I. a, . m . . u . lora of tha Pailnn LXnH. n iowl.i " HOUDEN-Pnu! rt KovanU. . Ogden, Utah, of typhoid fever. ' Funeral Tuesday afternoon, November 10 at I o clock at All Halnta' church Tw.n. tjr-slxth and Dewey avenue. Interment ... wmi. immn isec'easea msrneu mur.tiall w; hi w u a . . , . . . . l Omaha publio library some fourteen iA.L,ii.Yteorgla C, wife ef Ira L. Rallev ... v.. v. utni, siunaa utumw m, ai tvrarnev. at ma a.a .. years, t month and 14 dava The funeral nt Mra w a wn. A. , ----- . - ,, i.i v. ruir L" November 6. will be hld - ' . . v viu. n 1 1 C 111 1 Il re.b) terian church at Hoi. nee. iuiar. I y w Our Fur Department I 3.90 5.90 We are showing1 the largest and most complete Mile of women'! .'liable furs aver iiunu an viuautai A TTITW rV rT DDCPT A T CI WOMEN'S IX)NO FUR BOA of the bet black coney fur with lit lorvn fulla. avnrl K (Uk Hl'D J D T ' WOMEN'S ISARELLA FOX SCARF-60 Inches long, with t larre ta'lls WOMEN'S IUXTRA IX)Na FUR BOA-of the'new Arabian Vox' fur, 'isaueiia'or sab, dyed, 2 large tails, scarfs o e positively worth $15.00 OUR PRICE O. O WOMEN'S HANDSOME ISABELLA FOX LOA-extra long, of very fin.' selected i kins, with 2 large very full and .a ne fluffy talis, an $18.60 value OUR PRICE I. O 1 Women's Fur Jackets WOMEN'S ELECTRIC SEAL JACKETS made of good full skins, with Neutra, collar end reivers Skinner' satin lined U2 inches long, . i ' .' ry a no. A BCECIAL. BA-RGAlN PRICte. .'...J..... ,s470 WQMEN'S NEAR SEAL JACKKTr-made .of the very best selected skins, 22 Inches long made and flnlHhed um well as any sea 1 skin garment, finest satin lining will sttnd comparison with any $60 jacket in th . market, r-t Bl OUR, PRICK OZ.OU WOMEN'S NEW BLOUSE FUR JACKET B-w. kre Bhowlng a beautiful line of the, garpients, In near seal, krlmmer and Persi an lamb, with beaver, mink or chinchilla revere at prices we guarantee to be lower than any , . e gt store in Omaha-$37.60, $47.60, $06.00 up to IOO.UU Monday We Will Sell Womens Shoes Worth $2.50, $3 and $3, 50 for $1 They are odds find eiids of siloes that we wish to sell out rapidly they come in the following sizes only: 3, 4 4J, and 5 AA, A, Ii widths. They are positively shoes that sold from $2.50 to $3.50. Women who can wear theiabove sizes will-make a big saving .on. these shoe investments. ON SALE MONDAY MOKNINQ. Ladies' 75c Gloves for 45c v ( Ladles Golf, come in blacks, white and fancy colors In mercerised, Scotch wool an cashmere beautiful styles, all sixes REGULAR 75o VALUES.FOR 'at 45c Ladles' Kid Gloves, worth fl.OO, Womea'i fo. Bile. Special lot of ladles' kid gloves. In all the newest shades, with twu clasps, black, white and colors, CQn regular $1.00 values for OlfW Vests and Paats, SSo Par Gnrraent. rood heavy welrht. Hhbed Ijinles ro fleece lined vests- snd pants, in Ervntian. Ladles' Belts worth 91. for 4 So. Special purchase of ladles' belts, ' In velvets, leathers and Bilk, the new tailor-made suit belt. In black, whlto and reds, also every shade of crushed leather, with beautiful gilt, nickel and run metal trimmlnn1. in regular $1.00 values, for C white or natural, nerfectlv shaped and trimmed, ON SALE MONDAY, PER GARMENT .. .Ladles' Combination Baits' Bo. Made of heavy ' Egyptian cotton, . In natural ecru, made to sell . AKc 25c 7' apeclal price, Monday Ladles' Kxtra Flae aaallty Uader- wear, 4Mto. Ladles' extra fine quality underwear, In Cl "M,ce1 3"sey ribbed vesU and pnnts. mi wniio,- BITU, rPKUiaX IDC ( yffKl ai-w quality for Monday Chlldrea's Vaderwear at ID. - Children's natural gray Jersey ribbed cotton combination suits ages I to 12. regular 46o quality 19C The orlca and oualitv nf Vaa.n. Sea make it a standard for tha world. It is displacing ninety per cant of all other flaked wheat foods wherever introduced. V m ABB Retails at Q cents Yet the quality is the best and the pacxage is iuu weight. 1 be largest food mill in the world enables us to do this. itt TseT trtcir far ttu Bcim 'acUfi ... If rear .rosar Soa. M kej B , Had a. .! ua a. Mo .a4w. wlllaaud M.MMik., insatd. l44na .9 aoaamanloatloa. ta Kaa-O-See, sXalaey, 111. YIBTnli There a. WIWll lunidi liealogsadsUiia lug, Uea aaajD MUs. auraaa ..ul - -- - 1 a . . w.wUUa.aa u .auH-vaa, niuenus, Moua seauiiu. IV oust l ' las varvsarli I fsiakij sa4 reialaai. ua. l!UCT!0?i Miivnns: laftaat nllef. Cnrss la several dsya mil nu mwrtAMm ... & a 'a . . Mwrmia k McCotuteU. Cauha. heb.. aaaw Mis, t. Uiw. o, ...WEVlfa. . St. Louis-Hot Springs Servico smiifo Iron Mountain Routo . ?UWfti ; and liiiin n 1 Mna 11. 1 liiiiu nuur tinu nui i n p Springs Western R, R. Commencing Sunday, Nov. 8th, the Iron Mountain Route will inaugurate its solid through fast- train service between St Louis and Hot Springs, Arkansas, via Benton. The departing and arriving time at St Louis and Hot Springs will be as follows? Leave 8:f0 p. m. St. Louis Arrive 7:35 a. m. Arrive 8 a. m. Hot Springs Leave 730 p. m. Thos. F. Godfrey. Pass, and Ticket Ajent, Omaha. H. C. Townsend, Gea'l Pass, and Ticket Arent. St. Louis. ii r wrai 4-awn ceuietery.