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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 8, 1903)
"At Home" Gowns for Winter Afternoons rh tup . .. v.. i , I I noon "at home' the selection of a.wa B niiyum w a.lclll.l VI vital Importance. "It ahould set the keynote of the 'at home'," aid a well known woman of fashion. "It hould decide whether It In Intended to be a cosy half hour over the 4 o'clock teacups, or an elaborate 'crush.' In the former case he should select something which is gweetly simple, but for the latter nothing: an be too regal, too costly. The sown an thus run the gamut from Inexpensive llk wools and vlo!es, through every grade of chiffon, silk and velvet extravagance." It Is noticeable that the fashionable ar biter makes no mention of the once popular teagown. It Is a thing of the past In England dainty lace and net coffee Jackets over silk slips of white or some brilliant shade have usurped Its place. On this side of the water there has been no substitute. The fall brides will have neg ligees of bewildering beauty, but these are for boudoir wear only. For her first "at home" the bride picks out her prettiest reception gown, for then he makes her first bow as a married woman, and It behooves her to support the new dignity in a suitable fashion. One of the late brides who Is "at home" every Friday afternoon has thus far not re peated a single gown. Perhaps the pret tiest of the series Is a dress of panne vel vet of the most delicate apricot shade, combined with white lace spangled with opalescent tints and medallions of Venetian point The spirt Is of spangled lace. It seems a pity to cover such loveliness, but It Is trimmed with shaped, graduated flounces of the velvet. The Rpangled lace Is worn over a silk foundation of the same apricot hade, so that the effect is delightful. The sure Reginald Is going to be great mechanical engineer," said a fond mother recently. "There Is nothing in the house which he has not taken apart." Unfortunately, this Investigating habit Is too destructive one. If the grown-up Reginald falls to attain distinction as an ngtneer, he will still retain the reputation of a breaker not only of Images, but also of all things visible. It is for children of bis type that parents of limited means are seeking for Indestructible toys. Importers and manufacturers of toys nearly all have families, and practical ex perience makes them fully realize the Im portance of meeting the demands for In destructible dolls and toys. The fad of children, generally, for having dollies In their bath tubs, and trying to teach swim ming to a heavy sawdust doll and ateam face massage to a wax one, has led to the production of the floating doll and of sev eral varieties of really indestructible dolls. The floating doll Is an Imported article and Is really beautiful, with its exquisitely formed limbs, body and face, even to the dimples In the baby knees and elbows. The floating doll reconcile many a child to Its, bath, and some children need reconcllatlon to It, ks was Illustrated In a prominent New York church recently, when little Margaret Aurelia alipped from the side of the font, where she and her baby brother were about to be baptised, and hid under a pew, from whence she had to be dragged Frills of Fashion Drawnwork medallions figure on all kinds of wash neckwear. Siberian blue, a medium tint, la one of fashion's favorites. High class milliners are ulng soft crushed leather belts as hat bands. Peacock feathers are mounted on brooches, hatpins, buckle and charms. The newest handbags are fashioned from patent leather In a variety of colors. Four hatpins are required to securely anchor the modish types of headgear. To lend a touch of brightness to gray costumes, dark orange velvet Is employed for garniture. Bme of the new satins are exquisite In texture, particularly one variety which is as soft as spun silk. Pretty little chain bracelets of gun metal, with watches having cases of the same material, are much lean expensive. Bracelets from the severely, plain to the elaborately decorated varieties are ex pected to have a greater vogue this Beason than for some time past. Patent leather belts, so glossy and allur ing in their dainty shades, have not es caped the fad for open work notions, some of them showing off very bold designH, through the vacant spaces of which gleams tiie color of the blouse For the duchess of Westminster a Iondon Jeweler has produced a costly ornament ill diamonds. It may be used as a necklace, a hair ornament or a corsage decoration. It Is a flexible ribbon of diamonds and cost $100,000. The ribbon Is formed on a founda tion of platinum hingea. The ends are fringes of small stones. The ribbon may be lied in a howknot to be fastened to the gown. Another way the duchess wears the Jewel is to have it entwined In her gulden-brown tresses. The diamond band, which is a foot long and two Inches wide, admits, of many pMsibiullea as a hair or nament. Again the duchess may wear it tied about her neck. Iondnn society won- ' ders why the duoheaa wants an ornament of this sort. Bhe has enough handaoine necklaces to fit out n half dosen women and her tiaras and tiemiorbwns number five. The Went minuter emeralds are wonders. tSl wlAM I Ml L3 flounces themselves are again encrusted with lace medallions and headed and fin ished by narrow edging of the same pat tern lace. The full corsage Is also of the lace, but is again covered by an unusually long bertha flounce of the medallion en crusted velvet. This parts In the front by an Interval of three Inches, which Is bridged by three velvet straps, studded with opal and silver buttons. The bouffant sleeves are of white chiffon run with many tiny ruffles, each finished off by a narrow fold of velvet. The deep cuffs are of the spangled lace and extend far over the hand. This style of cuff has a maarked popu larity for the moment. It Is not every wo man who has a pretty wrist. For such a woman the cuff covers something which she would fain conceal. In any case, the hand seems more delicate and slender when thus appearing between the soft folds of chiffon or lace. I.ace ruffles are used for the same pur pose and with even more graceful effect. A simple gown can be quite transformed by a bertha of lnce and chiffon, with wrist ruffles to match. The shops are show ing these sets at every price and In every style. The prettiest ruffles are of accor dion pleated chiffon, but lace Is more dur able. If more costly. White will be worn at receptions by women of every age. The time la past when black or gray was the only shade permissable to the woman past middle age. It was the Vienna fashion makers who discovered that white had a far more softening effect to the old face than the more uncompromising black. American mothers and grandmothers are gaining courage to follow their example. White cloth Is one of the prettiest fa brics for the reception gown, especially Toys for Curious out and hack to the font, yelling. "I don't want to be washed:" all the way. Babies from S months to 6 years of age love a floating doll In the bath. As this species of doll Is a novelty, pleasure Is in store for many a child this Christmas. The doll Is of aluminum and Is colored and made in such a way that it can be knocked about In any sort of fashion and stilt float serenely on top of the water. It Is made In all sizes and is dressed and undressed, and frequently comes In a tub of Its own, with a folding bathroom and wash stand all fitted up with towels, combs, brjishes, mirrors and every accessory for the toilet of a baby, even to the nursing bottle and Ivory ring with Its rubber tip. Another Indestructible doll Is of brass or copper, made like the floating doll, only fashioned with moveable heads and limbs. The color of the skin Is perfect, and the Tipples of the short metal hair artistic. Composition dolls of the Indestructible variety share honors with these metal nov elties, grow in every size and are adorned In garments suitable to either high or low life. What these composition dolls are made of it Is impossible to tell, but they are pretty and valuable, since one will last an Indefinite time. Of course, nearly every child who has one will try to find out what It is made of. "How Is a child to learn any other way?" asks modern mothers, plaintively, when this destructive element In their offspring Is called to their atten tion. So some baby may yet be able to tell the construction of an Indestructible. For and About Womeiv. Miss Alberta Gallatin, who I a daughter of the confederate general, Albert Gallatin, has been denied honorary membership in the Virginia Daughters of the Confederacy because she is acting in the play "Ghosts." which the Virginia daughters condemn on moral grounds. Evanston girls are nothing if not origi nal. One of them accepted the attentions of a "masher" and lured him to the police station on pretense of letting him accom pany her home. It waa a good stunt, but It required a quality of nerve that few girls outside the immediate vicinity of Chicago possess. The power of Hawaii's political boss is waning since Princess Therewa Wilcox failed to carry the home rule convention. For Hawaii's political boss Is . a woman and also a princess of the royal blood. That is, she says she is u princess, and no one who has felt the sting of her tongue dares to say her nay. The Prlnoeaa Theresa is the most prominent person before the Hawaiian public today. For the first time the board of trustees of the Carnegie institute In Pittsburg has elected a woman to fill one of its positions. Miss Sara K. Weir has been chosen as sistant secretary in recognition of her long and faithful service as private secretary to the different treasurers. In her new position she will practically have super vision over the disbursement of a building funu which amounts to over $5,000,000. Fencing among women promises to achieve a popularity this season never be fore accorded the sport by fair devotees. Tills Is eMH-clally noticeable in the larger eastern cities, nearly all of whom have fencing clubs. Many competitions are scheduled, indicating women's appreciation of this exercise, which can be Indulged in by them without public dlxptays and with out fear of acquiring "manny" charac teristics. The Fencers' club of New York offers to Its female member advantages that tend to advance the game. The offi cers of the- National Amateur Fencers' league -of .America-contemplate a series of intercity - team con lewis between the fencing clubs of New York, Boston, Phila delphia and Washington. If It Is relieved with embroidery or Inser tions of some contrasting tint. A charming afternoon toilette la of Ivory white nun'a veiling, trimmed with applique bands of the same rabrlc hand embroidered In sage green and dull gold. The clinging skirt la divided Into panels by triple groups of narrow tucks.. Nar rower stitched panels come up to meet these from the bottom and the meeting point Is maraked by a green and gold but ton. These stitched panels are of. gradu ated height, so that something of a flounce effect Is given to the bottom of the skirt. The tucked waist has a V shape yoke or shallow vest of cream lace over white taffeta. The blouse fastens over this, sur plice fashion, and the edge is cut out In odd points and trimmed with the hand em broidered bands. The points of the bands are finished off by green and gold tassels. The sleeves are tight fitting to the elbow and adorned by short stitched tabs, held In place by buttons. Below the elbow each sleeves widens out Into a decided puff, but this is soon drawn Into a narrow, em broidered hand cuff. This outer sleeve only reaches to the wrist, while a tight fitting under sleeve or cuff extends far down over the hand In the fashion described above. White is often flcat choice In selecting a gown, because It makes a pleasant back ground for the pastel colored appliques now so much In vogue. The embroidered flowers for appllqulng are particularly lovely. Indeed, it would take an expert to distinguish them from real handworked em broidery. They can be had In roses of many shades and In many-hued chrysanthe mums. The new French heliotrope shade Is as delicate as the perfume of the flower from which It la named. A fetching white gown Is appllqued with chrysanthemums of this fashionable nu Boys and Girls doll and the component parts of Its system. The endeavor to provide unbreakable toy ha not ended with dolls. All the Midway delights have beer, provided for this Christ ma and the "loop-the-loop," the "shoot-the-chute." the Eiffel tower, the Ferrla wheel, and all the other whirligigs which make a child yell with delight are made of the strongest metal, contrived so that It would require a good deal of force and much trouble to destroy them. Doll are provided with vehicles of every description known to the world. One would learn much about the amusement of dis tant people by looking over the array of wheeled vehicle of all sizes, made for and occupied by doll attired In the costume of the countries to which their carriage belong. These run the gauntlet from a first-class automobile to a garbage wagon and a Russian drosky to a Chinese Jinrick shaw. All are made to wear well and to stand the rough handling of careless owner. Ivvery Piece a Work of Art The clearness, brilliance, perfection of cutting and the beauty of its exclusive design has made LIBBEY the standard by which cut glass is judged. The name KXt f.lMIVH SAMUEL BURNS, A tkin of beauty U a Jou fortvtr. I. T. FELIX GOURAWS ORIENTAL me, in nAulCAL BEAUTiflER Itaatovas Tkm. rracklaa. Moth raica. ar sad Ski bla- rl mm. ad evara Jl BU K004 tMt (. art?-! u4 la aa I karaiaaa a Uata U U to sua. Acmi M oauatarfatt of altai- lax aataa. I A. twin Or. aid la s kaut- 'too (a aaliant) lad las Mill than. I at-ommaad "OOlEAUD CREAM" aa Ua i of aii ua aaia araparmuoaa." For ml my a 4 trusflau aaa taaoy oo4 Aaaiara la Ike Vsltai featiaa anal I'm naa harmful FEKD. T. HOPKINS, Prop'r. ance. There are buds as well as full rounded flowers, and they are sprinkled lavishly over the skirt flounce and on the smart bolero. These applique flowers are par ticularly effective on both lace and chiffon. Since black velvet has developed Into one of the season's favorites. It Is being used for reception dresses not only by milady, but also by her debutante daughter. Noth ing Is more striking than a sumptuous vel vet made In a princess rashton and un trlmmed except for some lace garnishlngs In the form of a cape collar or bertha. An effective black velvet gown has a yoke of hand-meshed silk netting. The oddly shHped bertha Is edged with black tsffeta ribbon ruchlnga and finished with a deep fringe. The fullness of the waist Is drawn down under a high girdle of black taffeta. This la well boned and shaped to the figure. The sweeping skirt Is shirred Into the band. It Is trimmed In flounce ef fect by ribbon ruchlnga, while a niching edged band of black passementerie forms the hem at the bottom. The widely flaring sleeve Is similarly decorated, though Its beauty is lost sight of when Its flare reveals the dainty ruffles of the white chiffon and lace undersleeve. Another striking reception gown Is of metallic velvet. The corsage and the uoper portion of the skirt are of the velvet In a spangled design. The chiffon yoke Is also spangled and ornamented with sketches, motifs of Bruges lace, with pendant pieces of modern Italian lace. The sleeve Is a large circular puff of double black chiffon, drawn Into a cap of the spangled chiffon edged with lace. The curve of the cap Is paralleled two Inches farther down the sleeve by a lace applique. The circular flounce of the skirt Is decorated with double ch.Jfon ruchlngs. whose flufflness relieves th. heavy folds of the velvet. HARRTKT HAWT.F.T. ' Nor I the mercenary spirit of the ago unrepresented among the Christmas toy. Doll have strong and well-furnished houses built for them and also shops , of every character likely to be congenial and profitable to a doll, from a millinery to a drug store, a laundry to a candy hop. Needles to say, the latter la a favorite among children. They well know that no parent wilt refuse to All the Jar that stand upon the shelves and counter with dainties. , It Imperishable dolls and their belonginga promise lasting delight at Chrlstmas-Ude, the cheap novelty of an Inflated rubber doll will be no less appreciated. These have grotesque faces, which lie In shrivelled wrinkles until a concealed tube la filled with air, when ludicrous characters from Dickens or the Sunday "Comic" Immedi ately take shape, dressed In costume to match the characters, made from tissue paper, bits of cotton batting and a little wool. CUT GLASS The World's Best engrave J en every fiete. ACKNT FOR OMAHA 1318 FARNAM ST. Bcaatifal Craplutltav . earn Eessma and Tat tar. Aba aotsuiir ana rarmaawnuy tuackhaada, ao ktra. fimM. kaOuaaa. But it saoia and laa. Ua-4 with 2 laraia-ItoTala Soap a tWa aoia an 4 laa. Vmi villa j Iso akia to laaataA. . i fry SoM k? DraMMs. t , V Miy ka artiarad ircl. at-Vale, 1 a sM-Uta. m IMMtp, M Mil I Vmimitt amJ Trifr aaifi ttml am one oottie raun to Agents, VakJB an-iMf x als col, (TLX T3 g ji rtw f aa syw TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Make Moat t'sefal Present.