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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 8, 1903)
is 'TRIE OMATTA" DAILY J1EE: 8UXDAT, NOVEMIlETt P, 1903." 9 i. 1 ! i 1 SPECIAL NOTICES A4ter(limU for tkese colanaas wilt b takea aatll n. for the ealtlea and anll iao a. at. for niriln aarf Saajflay ealtlon.' Rates, 1 l-a- a erd first lasertloa. Ja word thereafter. Solhln- takea for Iraa thaa Z5e for (he flrat laser tloa. The advertisements mast be rmm eoaaeeallTely. Advertisers, br rrqaestlasj: a mm. aered check, ran liae anawera an dreaaed to a nnmliered letter la earn f The He. Aas era ao addreaaed will be dellrered oa preaenlatloa of the check, oalr. WANTED SITlATluNfl. TOUNG man wants place to work for bourn wince atteud.iig ecuool. uoyiea college, 'j el. In. A OOu 9 POSITION wanted; expert lady book keeper; nine yeui' . jeeiiei.uu lire and Ilia Insurance. Addreaa i' 41, bee. aiso 8x WANTED, plain rewlng to be uone at home; nai work ana reeouauiti (..ices. Addteaa U 4, bee ohice. A ! li ax YOUNG LADY attending shorthand school wlnhea to do ligne v.oriv ni.jii.lugi and vanings in exchange for board ami roo.n. Address U IX, feet:. . A . 8 ."WANTED To learn drug business; no alary expected; only want opportunity to learn rapidly. Aduress U 27, Bee. A-140 8x WASTED-MALK HELP. JOHN WANAMAKEK said: "lit these days buainesa la difficult. The young man who starts In at this time wnl stand but little chance wltnout a Luslness training." , BOYLES COLLEGE, , N. Y. LIKE BLDU.., X the leading pusnies iiaii-.mj institute. Apply for Catalogue. GOOD rneaaengei s wunlea; Mist c.ass pjy. A. I). 1. .., b. m. tt .WANTED, for b. S. army, abla-bouied, un mairieu men, ieiwetn gea 01 11 and j, ciilzena ot cnlietl biacea, o. wcou cudi-ai.-ter and temperate liao.n, i, can pe.K. react anu wma cJi...mi. Hr iiiU'iuidtiuu apply 10 recruiting omcer, luih and iAidge is., Omaha, and Uiana isianu, isu. B M154 WANTED, two agents at one ; good ial irv' mix avnrlf a IO A .... . a 1 ,n liuwara mi. B 4i?b ANTED, a newspaper or magaslne so icltor 10 worn the city on a new prop is U Ion. Call at circulation Dept., Omani lee, M UNO MAN, bright, ever 18, to pra ere for gov 1 ptx.ii 1011; good salary; per lanent, gradual promotion-, box L70, Ce dar Kiinida. In. n AAi W7 i J"-'' .WANTED A shoemaker; steady Job for a , " ' good one. Aau Blackledge. Aima, Neb. U-M 8x WANTED, first-class furnishing goods man at once; permanent position. Audreys U 12. Bee. B-M8i2 8x .WANTED, a competent telephone ex , change manager to take charge of plant. Must have best of releronces. ill. C. Ward. Yankton, 8. D. U M866 8 OOOD, all around tailor. J. E. Peters, Corning, la. Fare furnished to r.gnt party, B-SS3 lix LABORERS wanted. 3902 Davtnpor. B 4ol 8x DETECTIVE, shrewd, reliable man wanted In every locality for profitable secret serv ice; experience unnecessary. - Write American Detective Association, Indian apolis, Ind. B tuij 8x MEN to plant mushrooms In cellars rooms etc., at home and send us produce; 112 per week; we pay all express charges. Bend addressed envelope for Instructions and year's contract. Combined Growers' Co., I Beekmun St., New York. B .i 8x .WANTED, everywhere, men willing to dls . tribute samples, tack signs, etc., at $3 dally; peimanent; no canvassing. Con tinental Distributing Service, h;crgo. tslt I. ; B-959 8x MAN WANTED; money earned at home gliding tickets; good vork; good pay. For particulars send stamped uud.erfsed en velope. L. J. Noel, UK W: LSth St.. New York. B-6X 8x EXPERIENCED . Salesman, or phvslclan not practicing, to sell to doctors; also one for central Nebraska; established trade; permanent; remunerative. P. O. Box tb Philadelphia. B W0 6x LOCAL branch .office manager; IX and com.; aend stamp.. Godfrey Co., St. I ou's. Mo. B 9J5 8x SALESMAN, traveling on the road, eoe'n? the dry goods trade, to handle a stron? and popular lino of 1 ice, e-nbrol-ler e 1 and novelties, on good conmlelon bas1; state references and territory covered. J. M.' Meyers & Co., 401 Brcudwiy. New York. B 9:0 Sx MANAGER wanted In every hrgte county, "Game o' Skill" nickel slot machine for drinks, cigars or money; tHkes place of forbidden slot machinea: str'ctly liwful everywhere: rented or sold on e.i"v oay ments; SO.O'iO now in me. Cunningham Furniture Co., Department 85, Ciiharo. B 502 8x AGENTS to sell our Antts pito Attachment for telephone mouth-piece . Every tele phone user needs one, lecause the at tachment keen the mouth-piece disin fected, deodorlred uni free from dual; sells at $1.00; lthn-nl profits allowed to agents and exclusive tcrltory clven 1 men who demonstrate ability; send 85 cents for samnle. A-ldress West Dl.'la fectlng Co., 26 E. 9th Et., New York. B 843 8x ' WANTED Men to leorn barber trade. Thoroughly practical course. Steady practice, careful instructions, years saved. Can earn neurlv all expenses before com pleting. Established 1S93. Investigate this opportunity. Call cr write. Moler Barber Collegt:, 130J Douglaa at. B-M035 13x ADVERTISER wants private secretaries, clerks. I stenoKrnihe.H. salesmen, sales ladles, alao sullied and unskilled labor; send two references and flv 2-cent st:i -ps to cover po.t(KO for Investigation. 11 n-ployera- and Employes' Co-Operative As sociation, Bt. James Bldg., JMvrlway, New York, B-9a 8x w7: ANTED Yours; mnn with ci munn se'-ml education to quallfv for thing Iomiio:i. v . 1. ll.iaiUS nl- cao. UX) fx A BCSINES9 MAN Cerlrlrg a bich rrade position Salary !l.or'i-t3.(). Write Hnri nea Opportunity Company, 1 1'nlon Bnuare, New York. B 917 Zx DETECTIVE Every locality, good stiRrv. experience unnecKiery. Intcrnition'il Detective Agency, t Milwaukee, Wl. B-M3 tx WANTED RVERTWHRBR lft'r.TLERS TO TACK nlsna, dlxtrihute circulars, samples, etc.; no canvaayinr; gcod pity. Sun Advertising Bureau, Chlcrro. . B9S3 8x YOUNG men with only a common s-hnol elucatlon may secure go-d clv'l ae-lc government 10 I I nv Ful ln? rm en free. Columbian Corrc'poudenco Co e;e, Washington. D. C. 1J AN opportfn'ty t"r educated nersen'. D ' lal's taiiKh Iv Hm) Cirrespo:idnca School, Pi .lladc'.pHi. B- SHORTHAND in SO dav; Bo yds fivllall'; no ruled lines ro shiidlng; ro lng to confuse: only 9 chsrecte-s: easily reni: study by mall; circulars, '.e.ilmnn'ils anl first leeson covering en-f'irlb fte course for two f-cent stamps. CMeajro torresponderce Hchoola. Incorrorated 6 National Life Bid.. Chicago. IP. 13 WANTED Livn. ene-pe I" man o ravl, t'aclna sample tcck In Nebravka. 8t'av weekly and exrense; expt-lence n neceaaary: pr mo'lon If wo-k uilaac tr. Addreaa Manager, room 702 Star bi'1l g, Cbicugo. B 8j7 kx THK Riu VRKMU'I" EMPI1TMKKT IiKPAKTMENT fonlria et"-ap-ri without t-trpe ''l. 14 oe c"l r.t office, corner 17th and Far nam S". B-M1I4D-T WANTED A $18 S. 8ti ave. Must have re(reno. Bt-lWI 8 tOXTXQ MAN. with exi erltnce In Iroad work, si'i'citing t'VI"al issra; ro'irol- UO-i. AJJrta U M, Bra. ts 11 x WAJtTErf ALt5 1TB LP. NEW. CLASSES . TOMORROW In All Departments . . at the Omaha Commercial Oolleee 17th and Douglas Sts. Day and Evening SEssions. Thoae who Intend taking a business course or course In Shorthand, typewriting or Telegraphy ahould begin tomorrow. New elates will be started in all Departments. The demand continues for our students as bookkeepers, stenographers and tele graph oieraiorn. Hit months spent with us means a good position. Mosher Shorthand No system ever devlsej equals It In merit. Tne new revised edition Is Just out.. Over u orders have a!y been received and will be tilled tomorrow. It la the finest textbook on shorthand now published. Price by mall 1.60. It will pay you to loarn Moaner Shorthand. Call or write for par ticulars. ' , Address ROHRBAUGH BROS., Omaha. WANTED, engraver and Jewelry repairer, or enar.ver and watch repairer; must have Al reterence as to honestv; a fair woiKmnn can by in-urtiice Improve him eeit; a pennanunt position can be de pended upon. Aonress Clem B. Altman, .tainiii St., Kansas City, Mo. H-M1N WANTED, American physician for special office work. Address Box 1& Oroana. Bifil 8 WATCHMAKER wanted; liberal division 01 receipt to nood workman; chance for right man to tnako good money. Address al once, V 03, Bee. B M1S3 lCx IB' YOU are earning less than 25 per week we can double jour Income by teaching you how to write old lino life lnsuranc und we win make you money while you are learning the buslneas; If Interested biu.tss care of this paper, U 31. B-155 8 ' CLERKS and others with common educations only, who wish to qualify for ready positions nt $a a Week and over, to write for free copy of my new pros pectus and endo-uomcnts from leadlnv concerns everywhere. One craduate fills n, piace. anomer o,iwu, and anv num ber earn ll.soo. The best clothing ad writer In New York owes his succeia within a few months to mv teachings. Demand exoeeda nurrnlv. Deorre If Pow. ell. Advertising and Business Expert, 1U6 Temple Court, New York, WANTED, a competent man with ladv as sistant to menage a salesofflce In Omaha. Must have a good standing to dignify a clean, Rllt-edgo opporturlty. No canv. ss ipg. Address The Electrua Company, ti 20 E. Jefferson St., Syracuse, N. Y. B-- ARE YOU SATISFIED with you present position or salary? If not. write us for plan and booklet. We have openings for Managers, Secretaries. Advertising Men and Salesmen Also Technical, Clerical and Executive men of all kinds. High grade exclusively. .Offices In twelve different cities. HAPGOODS (Incorporated) . Suite 629, Monadnock Building, Chicago. B $18 PER week and expenses to a hustler to distribute snmples nnd collect for .manu facturer in Nebraska; expenses advanced: salary raid weekly. Adver.l lng Dept.. 702 StarB.dg., Chicago. B 9G) 8x WE will pay any man $CE.00 per month and all traveling expenses, such as horse hire, railroad fare, hotel bills, etc.. to take or ders for the greatest portrait hi use in the world. Your salary will be guaranteed and Dild to you weekly If preferred. Addreaa :.. D. Curry, Dept. 662. Chicago. 111. B 7 Sx fVANTED A flrst-c'a chocolate and tream rMprer for real' store: steady pis! tlon artd good wgen with Al bjard to right party. Address E. O. Fisher, Hastings. Neb. B 118 8 WASTED SALESMF.X. WANTED, a salesman traveling In the west and northwest to take as a tide line sean.lesa cotton sacks. Address Geo. A, Wugeneiv Charleston. S. C. M833 H'x CAPABLE salesman to cover Nebraska with staple tine. High commissions wltn uovance of $1i0 monthly. Permanent po sition to right man. Jeaa H. Smith Co., Detroit. Mich. 968 Sx SALESMEN wanted, to fill vacancies. Two nrst-cluns traveling grocery specialty salesmen; well known house; trade well eatablished; permanent employment; men worth- good aatarlea. Write, gUIng age, experience and references. Personal in lei vew if aatlafactory. Address L' il, Bee. 937 fx TRAVELING salesman for Neb.; no tech nic il knowledge, out ae.lve, all-round hustler; established, well rated house. Box 624, Detroit. M.cb.- . , 661 8x WANTED Salesmen to reduce our stock of $.5,000 worth ' of 1901 calendars good side line. 1 Small outflt. Liberal rommta sion. S.inlples tOc. PRESS NOVELTY CO.. Station E, Buffalo. N. Y. 931 &x SALESMEN Bide line men immediately; up-to-date, beat and moat reliable propor tion thla year. Floyd Co., Atwater St., W. Detroit, Mich. - 9i4 8x TRAVELINO ral'fman for Nebraska capa , ble of producing results with ataple line to country merchants. Bond required. Box 608. St. Louts, Mo. , . . ail tx WANTED At once, experienced traveling salesman for Nebraska. We want a aalea man; none other need apply. Adirt-as Drawer 8, Chicago. 807 fcx WANTKD, salesman; $H0 monthly snd ex penses; permanent. Brown Bros. Co.. Rochester. N. Y. 8AI-ESMEN WANTED Stocking season Just opered. Liberal da.lngi. Exclusive or ride tine; no aamples to carry; expe rience unnecessary. A aix mmtni har vft for sood inert who can recognise a really golden opportunity and g ao Jt quickly. Kiolcch PjIiU Co., St. IaiiI.. ' 9&i 8x SALESMAN At once for a new patented aril-lc. Chat., R. fceeck, Mi.waukte, Wis. 8-J8 Sx WE raid one rn'esman th's yrar. from Jan uary to Jul v. fl.dti commission for selling Wtlr a White Iead a a side line. Wrlle for our pronositlon. D. T. Weir White Lead Cc St. Iouls, Mo. 07 8x CIGAR SALESMAN WANTED Cigar n'e'ma-i In our loeillty for city1 and country irade; 'experience unneceiary; p pre mouth and rtntn'ti; enclose a amp for oerticu'ara Pioneer Cigar Co.. Dept. 74, T.l?Jo, O. 971 fx WANTED Salesmen, exper'enced. to carry eomplet" ll"e of g'.ove s&mp'ea from fac tory to retail trade; one for Michlaan, oie 'or lllnneeota and Wisconsin, one for Iowa, n for NebraskL and Stnth D krta. Baleetre' without estsbll h d ac q' tntpnee red not enply. Appllcs'lon mIH not receive attent'on unleai accompa nied h references. Mason. Caraph-ll at Co.. Johnstown. N. Y. 96.1 tx WANTED FEMALE HELP. HO girls. Cu Canadian office, 15th at Dodge. Cu4 WANTEIV-Glrl for 10 A Georgia ave. general housework. C 790 W ANTED A good cook. Mrs. T. J. Rog ers, lia) park ave. CtLx) VVANTED An expert lady stenographer and typewriter; aiuat have had several yeara' practical experience; atata posi tions formerly occupied and salary ex r eeled. Address U 8. Be. C klitt 8 WANTKD Kxrcrlenred second glrL Mrs. Fred Meta. jr.. Mo feL tKih st. C ui 8 LADIES to write letters home; $ a hun dred. Addressed envelope for particulars. American Novelty- Co., Dept. I, Suutb Beud. lud. . C-t x MEN AND WOMEN LOOKING FOR POSITIONS PLACE 'SW' WAKTKD FEMALE HF.I.P. LADIES $30 per hundred writing short let ters. No deposit. No canvspglng. Htamjed envelope partlculsrs. lndlea bupply Co., Dept. K. Indianapolis, Ind. C 871 8x WANTED, energetic lady to travel In Ne braska advertising nnd collecting;' 180 monthly from start also all expenses. Ad dressed envelope for reply. Address Dept. 1a 211 Pontlac bldg., Chicago. C 980 8x LADT WANTED. Money earned at home f tiding tickets. Good work; good pay or particulars send stamped addressed envelope. L. J. Noel, 128 W. K6th Bt., New York. C 64 8x LADIE8 MAKE 83 A DAY. We want active lady workers everywhere to take orders for our fine made-to-order skirts and corsets. Write today for full particulars. American Skirt and Corbet ' Co., Ltd., 94 Woodward ave.. Detroit. Mich. C-M9l llx $30.00 per thousand paid for copying letters; several other lines of work to give out; $8.09 weekly, working evenings. Enclose stamp for reply. Parisian Supply Co., Grand Rapids, Mich. C-9S 8x LADIE9 do plain sewing st home; $ to $15 paid weekly; experience unnecessary; ma te: Ial sent free everywhere; send stamped envelope for particulars. Weber Mfn. Co., 1126 Broadway, New York. C M8 8x $2.00 PER 100 copying letters home; send stamped envelope for sample. Standard Jewelry Co., Jersey City, N. J. C M9 8x WANTEW Ladle to learn hair dressing, manicuring and facial massage. Thoroughly practical course. Free work. . careful instructions. Can earn some wages from start. Call Moler OolleKe, 1302 Douglas St. C M93S 13x LADIES $12 a week at home. Send ad dressed envelope, you can Rtrt work the moment you receive our reply. No can vassing. Nothing to sell. I nlted Product Co., Dept. 89, 00 Broadway, N. Y C-' 929 8x LADIES to do piece work at their homes. We furnish all ma'eriaU and pay from $7 to $12 we3kly. Send stamped envelope to Royal Co., 84 E. Monroe at., Chicago. C-913 8x LADIES having fancy work to sell, dollies, center pieces. Battenberg and drawn work, flend stamped envelope. Ladles' Ex change, 34 D, Monroe St., Chicago. C 9:9 8x LADIES Something new. $10 to tl5 per week. No canvasBlng. , Steady work. Send atompe.1 envelope. Surety Mfg. Co., ChU cago. 111. C 908 8x $25 pr 100 WRITING letters from copy. Psy weekly. StnmDcd addressed envelope. Arolo Chemical Co., Dept. 49. Marine Bldg., Chicago. C 921 8x AN oppcrtunlty for educated persons. Ds talis taught by Home Correspondence School, Philadelphia. C A GOOD position awaits every woman who will sell our beautiful petticoats and solid comfort walking sHrts; exclusive terri tory; nig profits: no exnerlence neeessirv; rend for catalogues and particulars. Paris Skirt Co.. 117 Viaduct. Cleveland. Ohio. C WANTED Sopranos and altos for church i"nr: nrerai nrononltion ; give adorers. Chorister, U 26, Bee. , C 126 x WANTEtv N'irse atlrl to take care of child. Apply Bill Pacific St. C M158 9 FOR nENT FURNISHED ROOMS. NICELY furnished rooms; all modern im provements. 3Z4 im. lain 01.: i minutes walk from poatofflce. E M 797 9x LARGE.. LIGHT, AIRY ROOMS. .. $12.50 and up per month. Zc and up n day. AT THE DELLONE, 14th at. and Capitol ave. Steam heated; electric Hunted, private and fenera: baths; all convenience; flrat ciasa service. -. 1 Eat where you please. 1 ROOM AT THti DaLLoNii E jli-J .03Cx FOR RENT, 1 or 2 furnished "roomB, single ur rniuui, private in mil y. 414 a. .4111. K Mm NICELY furnished rooms. Inquire Omaha bteam Ltunclry, 1760 Leavenworth. 'Pnonc A-1783. , E-407 NICELY ;urnlshed loom In private family; bouse new and modern. iir.Iy .'ones St. , E-M'JlO O. It. E. hauls trunks. Telephone 611. E-304 DESIRABLE rooms at The Farnam. 19th and Farnara sts. E MiM DEWEY European hotel, 13th and Farnam. . E uoo ROYAL HOTEL, Europeutl, 16th : Chlcapo. K i'lii NICELY furnished rooms; everything new and modern; gentlemen preferred. I0I8 Webster St. E-M337 FOR. RENT Rooms, 115 8. 25th at. E-122 Sx EXCELLENT room, one block from high school. ik9 N. 23d. E 152 kx NICELY furnished room; two gentlemen ! urefen-ed; in refined private family; j . . E-184 8x FURNISHED ROOMS 4-KD DOAHU. BACHELORS' HOTEL. .'0th .and Farnam, bus two family suites and three single rooms st reasonable prices. F MaoJ 8 ROOM and board in desirable location lor ' young man, atenograpner preferred, who tie-Urea to make extra money during even . inga. Address U lit. Bee. F MsUl 8x ROOM with board for two; mode.n room for young man, $1. 'Phone A2I99. 2232 Farnam. F 900 Sx FRONT room nnd board. 626 8. 19th at. F 18 dtix BOARD and room, very reasonable, one block from car. Addreaa 17'f S. 2Kth st. F-121 x ri'RNISBED ROOMS AND BOARD. TWO unfurnished or furnished rooms for light housekeeping; modern; heated. I:i80 I S. 27th st. J MbiS bx ' THREE nice rooms, parlor floor; good loca tion. ;jU3 Douse st. (.lt!j2 lox FOR RENT 2 or 8 unfurnished rooms with buth. 1840 8. i7th. ' U !K1 Sx FURNITURES PACKING. Peterson Lundberg, 115 8. 17th. Tel. L-2358. H-61U FOR RENT STORES AND OFFICES. FOR RENT Building suitable for whole sale purposes at l Farnam. 22x90, four ttoric-s and first-class cemented basement, elevator, fire and burglar proof vault, of fice counter and fixtures. For price and particulars inquire C. C. Roaewater, sec retary the Bee Building Co., room 100, Bee buUding. I-M5ti7 FOR RENT The building formerly occu pied by The Bee at Old r amain st. It haa four alorlea and a basement, which was formerly used by The Bee prens room, 'this will be rented very reasonably, if Interested apply at office of C. C. Roae water, secretary, room luO. D. e buoldlng. 1 Al UNITED STATFf NAT. BANK BLDG Two large offices Famum alien nunt--Heat and Janitor service free. CHAS. E.i WILLIAMSON COMPANY, Room 23. 1-108 8 FOR RENT, three upper atorles In four atory building at kit Farnam St., two stories If preft-rrad. Address C. C. Rose water, Sec y Room lu. Bee bldg. i-Maaa FOR RENT, storeroom and basement In good location, particularly adapted for a plumber show room and work room or a manufacturer with similar requirements, power f urn lnhed If reeiulr-sd. K. C Peters it Co.. rsiilaJ agents, grwuud floor H bulUliug. 1-M7M READ FOH HCnT- tlORES AND OFFICES. 8-STORY and basement, 22x100; 1005 Fa mam at. Inquire 814 First Nat l Bank Bldg. I-6U AuBXTS WANTED. WANTED Canvassing agents In every county to solicit suoscripllons to THE TWENTIETH CENlXKlf FAMKH. Steady employment with assured good In come. Agents In the country with borsa and buggy especially desired. Canvasser make easily o0 to I1U0 per month. Ad dress Century Farmer Solicitors' Bureau, Bee building, Omaha. J 218 STOP runaways; hitch horses solid In stantly; carry in pocket; sight seller; agents wanted. iJot'Het liitchingpost Co., Itichmond, Ind. j Mrl 8x AGENTS! We make the best selling line of househoe. anicles lnAmerlca; all new: sell In every houxtt. Can't be obtained elsewhere; exchiHive territory given. Ad dress Spring Beater Mlg. Co., Buffalo, N. Y. J 987 8x AGENTS making money selling new auto matic burglar alarm lor doors, windows; retails boc; state managers wanted. Ha muli Co., 148 West 241 St., New York. J 89X 8x . WANTED Agents to sell first -class, relia ble and conservative oil stock; company of low capitalisation: will bear closest investigation: sure dividend payer; full information furnished. Address The Oil News, Lima, O. J-4H4 8x WE START you selling diamonds. Don't accept employment until setting our liberal offer 85 dally sure. Carbon Diamond Co., Syracuse, N. Y. J DM 8x AGENTS Newest, fastest Belling 80c novelty: can make $10 per day; no capital reijuired: over loo per cent profit; winner for holidays. Goodspeed Co., Dept. 2, 95 Washington St., Chicago. J 637 8x SALESMEN Every city to sell high grade iCL'FF HOLDER. Fine specialty or side line. Entirely new. PERFECT CUFF HOLDER CO., 167 Washington St., Chi cago, 111. J-432 8x OUTFIT free, credit given; cut price Christmas books, 60c book, 12Hc; $1 nook 2m.; $1.60 book 60c. Ferguson, 6824 Fifth, Clnclnnltl, O. J 928 8x AGENTS $50 a week guaranteed; auto matic washers sell themselves. Agent writes: "Exhibited sample to ten women: took ten orders." Time, 46 minutes; profit over $50; guaranteed to do a washing in 30 minutes; furnishes its own power; re quires no labor; costs less than any other machine; free sample and exclusive ter ritory furnished. Automatic Washer Co., Station U, Chicago. J 994 8x AGENTS Drop everything and write us for special terms on our latest office specialty; sells Itself; greatest money maker In years. Address American Lock Crnnk Co., Milwaukee, Wis. J-91C 8x LADIES AND GIRLS refined and In fluential desiring profitable, congenial occupation for all or part of their time write for proposition to Dent's Mfg. Co., Market and Lake, Chicago. J 918 8x $3 TO $10 A tAY easily made by our men , selling glasses. Fronts enormous. Full Instructions furnished. Wholesale ca talogue and ILLUSTRATED EYE BOOK FREE. JACKSONIAN OPTICAL COL LEGE -"Chartered), 104 . Main St.. Jack- son. Mich. J 819 8X AGENTS Elegant 36c novelty; no chest nut; entirely new: attractive, ornamental, beautiful; hot se ler; costs you 10c; write for particulars now. Artprlnt Company, Pekln, 111. J WOMEN agents to sell novelties which every woman will buy on sight. Steady income of $15 to $2!) per week. You risk no'hlng. Write us today. Norcrcaa & Co., 441 Marquette Bldg., Chicago. . J WE INSURE TTP TO 94. Qr.od side line for insurance agents. American Life Ins. Co., Box 24, Elkhart, Ind. J- I WANTED Field Sunt.: wide-awake man; no selling; established business; position permanent. Luke Brothers Co., Interna- ;lonal Nurseries, Chicago, 111. J BEGIN business for yourself; stop working for others. We start you In profitable mail-order business at your home. Pl.ns. I ant work; immerse prcflts; unlimited pos- eioiiiiiea. run information lor stamp. Franklin-Howard Co., Denver, Colo. J DON'T be an agent. Be the boss. We start you in business. Big money. Particulars for stamp. New Mfg. Co., Kansas City, Mo. J AGENTS WANTED Sell our $1 bottle B.irEaparllla for 35 centa; beat seller; 200 per cent profit. Write today for terms nd territory. Address F. R. Greene, 69 Dearborn Bt.. Chicago. J TO SELL the Climax Drop Light, adjust able to' any height; does away with table and can be Instantly attached to chande lier; a money maker. Write the Grove Mfg. Co., Springfield, Ohio. J AGENTS or deputies to represent largest sick, accident and death benefit associa tion in the west; up-to-date plan; choice territory; big contract to men who can produce buslners. American Benevolent Association, Bt. Louts, Mo. J WANTED-Agents in Iowa; $75.00 weekly Bnrt expenses easily made writing health and accident Insurance; experience un necessary. Royal Fraternal Union. St. Louis, Mo. J 977 8x AGENTS $30 to $50 weekly easily made. We prove this. Luminous namepl-'es. numbers, signs readable dark't nights; samples free. Right Supply Co., Ensrle wood. 111. J 974 8x WE PAY $32 a week and expenses to men with rigs to Introduce poultry compound; ears' contract. Imperial Mfg. Co., D54, Parsons. Kan. . J WANTED TO RENT. TV ANTED, board and pleasant furnished or unfurnished rooms (or family of three grown persons in private family, or where there are but few other boarders; vi ol nl I y of Capitol Hill preferred. Answer to IT 7, Bee office, describing rooma and naming price, il'ernmnent arrangement d osl rod. K M&30 kx TWO UNFURNISHED rooms with board or 5 or ti unfurnished rooms suitable for . hotn-ekeeplne give location. Address U 19 Bee Office. K-924 8x HAVE you a vacant bouse? If so we can rent It for you, ai we have nearly 300 ten ants and no vacant houses. Ringwall Bros., Barker block. K liS 8 WANTED By lady, large front room with board In private family, west of 27th and Harney. Address U 26, Bee office. K 138 Sx YOUNG couple want board and one or two rooma; mu.t be first claaa and desirable locality. Addreas U 32. Bee. K-165 Sx WANTED TO BUY. WANTED To buy at once, a neat , little home In north part of city. State price, terms of tale, condition of house and siaa of lot. Address U 23. Bee. N U7 fcx WANTED Good horse for delivery wagon. Must be sound and weigh 1.100 to 1.300. 419 8. 11th et. N-M130-8X FOR SALE FIRNITTRB. FULL line of hard coal stovea now on sale. Chicago Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge st. 0-5U OAK sideboard for sale. 2209 Bpencer st. Ot&l FOR BALE Contents of eight-room house, stovea, carpets, furniture, piano, dinties, etc., etc.; will sell very cheap. Address U 21, Use. O K08 11 FOR SALE HORSES, WAGONS, ETC. MONROE sells pleasure vehicles at 811 N. Itita st. P 613 NEW and 2d hand vehicles for sale; re pairs. 11. Froat, 14th and Leavenworth. P-9J0 FOR BALE Horse, harnexa and trap; one of the best family rigs In Omaha, at a bargain. Inquire Windsor Blahle-s. , i?-U3-8x THE WANT ADS. WHEN YOU HAVE A FOR SALE MISCKLLA.EOLS. BCHMOLLER A MUELLER, PIANO MANUFACTURER!. 1313 FARNAM STREET, offer great Inducements in slightly used Grand and Upright Pianos. Uprights $100.00 upwards. Grands 8200.00 upwards. In new pianos we carry the STEINWAY, BTEGKR. BTKCK. A. B. CHASE. VOSE, KMEKBON, HA HUMAN, and our own hand made MUELLER Piano, guaranteed to 20 years und sold at factory prices, via: $226, $260, $276 and $300. We take old instruments In exchange at full value and sell on terms of 110 00 cash and $5.00 per month. New pianos for rent,' 83, 84 ana t montniy. r.xperi tuning ana repairing by factory workmen. 'Phone 1B25. OMAHA WAREROOMS IMS Farnam St. COUNCIL BLUFFS WAREROOMS-602 Broadway. LINCOLN WAREROOMS-136 8. Uth. Q 128 8 INDIAN goods and relics.' 1119 Farnam. U-61? IRON A wire fences, trcto guards, trellises. Western Anchor Fence Co., 206 N. 17th st. W-ul9 CATALOGUE cut drug prices free. Sher man A McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. y 530 FOR BALE, several scholarship In a first class standard school in Omaha, compris ing complete course In business, short hand and typewriting. Inquire at Bee office. Q 863 FOR SALE, coal business. Capital required. $2,000.00. Address J 21, Bee. Q 621 2DHAND safe cheap. Derlght, 1119 Farnam. Q-&22 , BILLIARD and pool tables, bought, sold, exchanged and repaired. Bar fixtures and saloon supplies. The Western Bar Fixture and Hotel Supply Mfg. Co., 1407 Harney St., Omaha, Neb. Q M7ii8 30 FOR BALE CHEAP Doors, 2x4s, lath, radi ators, baseboard, casing, corner blocks, plinths, marble tile, window screens, kindling, hydraulic elevator. c. W. Partridge, Barker Hotel, Omaha. y 8c6 llx GOOD mi'k cows, 43d and Center sts. Tel. Black-1123. Q-846 8x CHEAPEST OAK BLAT CORN CRIB BING. Long fir timbers. 901 Douglas. FOR SALE Building material from Chl csgo & Great Western houses, 60,000 U 100.000 second-hand brick; also, second hand doors, windows with frames and csslngs, complete baseboards, caalnga, lath and all kinds of finished and rough lumber. Inquire at 79th and Mason sts. M'CAGUE INVESTMENT CO.. Agents. Q S99 9 FINE Barred Plymouth cockerels for sale at 1503 N. 38th St., Omaha. Q 983 Sx Second-Hand Sewing Machines We have the following second-hand box-top machines that have leen thoroughly over hauled and are In condition to do good work, at the following prices, and com plete with attachments: White $ 4 .00 Household ; 6.00 Household 11.00 Singer , 6.00 ' Singer i . 10.09 Singer 12.00 New Home 9.00 ' Standard (dressmaker's, good as new) 10.00 Wilcox A Glbbs (good as new) t 25.00 Blnirer (tailoring; in good con- - ditlon) 10.00 Standard (tailoring; almost -new) 16.00 DROP-HEAD MACHINES That have been slightly used, but are In Serfect condition. .- The latest thing the liferent factories produce, from $17.50 (o $25.00. These are exceptional bargains. We rent machines for 75c per week, and sell and repair, parts of any machine manufactured. Nebraska Cycle Co., Corner 15th and Harney 'Phone lBW 834 Broadway, Council Bluffs. 'Phone BH18 812 N. 24th be, South Omaha.. 'Phone 4i!i5 Q-129 8 COUPE for pair or singe horse, excellent condition; must Bell. Addreas U 22, liei office. Q M113 14 FOR SALE Extra good milch cow, fresh. Inquire at 2548 Chicago st. Q 146 Sx FOP. SALE, at a bargain. 4 good Bruns-wIcke-Balke alleys, taken up ready to ship; will Bell two or four. Address 17 28, Bee. Q 145 Sx FOR BALE, a pair of black cocker spaniel ptipplesi beauties. Address Dr. M. V. Byers, Osceola, Neb. Q 144 8 FOR SALE. Knabe concert grand piano; condition good. Address Lock Box 66, GUtner. Neb. y 196 CLAIRVOYANTS. GYLMER, palmist. 715 N. 23d; 'phone B- 32'6. S-62J MRS. CARRIE SMITH. SOVEREIGN LADY yUEEN of clairvoyants; every thing told, past, present Vnd future. Sat isfaction or no pay. 807 N. 18th. 8524 ELECTRICAL TREATMENT. MME. SMITH, baths, 118 N. 15. tt floor, r. 2. T M851 D&x PERSONAL. PRIVATE hospital during confinement; babies adopteu. Mrs: Uardela, t&A Lake. Tel. Ked-lt4. U Ud NOTICE. From and after this date I will not be re sponsible for any debts contracted by my wife. 8. E. FlSK. U-M887 SX PRIVATE Sanitarium for ladles before and during confinement. Dr. and Mrs. Uer sen, 3625 California st. Terms reasonable. U-625 WE RENT sewing machines at 75c per week. $2 per month; we repair and Bell parts for every machine manufactured; second-hand machines from 1 to $10. Neb. Cycle Co., loih and Harney: U 630 THE OMAHA Plating Co. will soon move Xo larger quarters at 15oS Harney st. U-M440 PRIVATE home during confinement; bab'eJ adopied. The Good Samailtan Sanitarium, 728 fat ave.. Council Bluffs, la. Ubii "VIA VI" way to health. 346 Bee building. Omaha. U 628 PRIVATE hospital before and during con finement. Mrs. L. Fisher, 15ul Mnton. .Tel. 1889. U 529 MAGNET PILE KILLER. IT CURES. At druggists, $1. U-53I PR. PRIES treats successfully all diseases and Irregularities of women from any cause; experienced and reliable. 15J.S Dodge at., Arlington block, Omaha. U-432 COSTUMES for rent $318 8. Mth. Sack. IJ M9 Dec 1 I BEEK HUSBAND for lady aged 20, worth $J0.0o0; wklow 86, $.10,rtio nd slock farm; lady 22. $,0U0 and beautiful suburban home. Address Jessie. 19 8. Broadway, St. Louis, Mo. U 94 6x HOW BIG IS YOUR BUST?-Dr. Con wsy'B Bust Tabloids ts the only remeilv on earth which enlarges the butt 4 to 10 Inches: no injurv. no app'lancea, no pol. sons: home treatment; $l.orio If we can't Bea'ed fets, 4c stamp. I'UNWAT SPE CIFIC CO., 15 Temple Place Boston. Mass. U-911 Sx MATRIMONIAL ASSOCIATION INCOR PORATED; over 500 descriptions sent sealod loc. many wealthy; best of refer ence given. R. L. LOVE, Denver Colo. U 939 8x MARRY AND PROSPER Large number of honorable persona aak marriage, many having means, some wealthy; Infor mation free and confidential; dex-rlbe yourself. Box 35. Toledo. O. U-833 8x A NICE, healthy baby boy and girl for adoption at 2319 8. 13th Bt., Omaha. Neb. U M192 I2x PERSONAL. PERSONAIe-Breed squabs for profit; payi nanuiiimriT, on large or small outlay. Send for booklet. Tells how to start Western Homer Squab Lofts, Lisle, 111. U-997 Sx MARRIAOH Directory free to all. Pay when marrle.i. New plan; send no money. For particulars address H. A. Morton, Dept. 297. Tekoneha, Mich. U 9lu Sx SUPERFLUOUS hair, warts and moles permanently removed by electricity; con sultation free and contidentlal ; all work guaranteed. Miss Allender, 422 N. Y. L. U-016 8x MARRIAGE MAGAZINE, published monthly. Ads of poor and rich, who want to marry. FREE for stamp. The in telligencer. Los Angeles, Cal. V 947 Rx SISTERS In DESPAIR S needy relief. Ah normal suppression any cause. Write for remedy. Safe. sure. Dr. Martha Walker Co., 163 State, Chicago. U 970 8x FIFTY square pianos, an makes, $26 and up; 50c weekly pnyments. BCHMOLLER A MUELLER, P1ANOMAKERS. 1313 Farnam St.. Omaha. 602 Broadway. Council Bluffs. 135 8. Uth. Lincoln, Neb. U-127 1 NOTICE Mr. W. E. Chambers of Omaha. Neb., has not been a member of the American Society Professors of Dancing of New York since September. lfW9. Any report to the contrary Is misleading. By order of Henry Dorlng, President American Society Professors of Dancing of New York. P. B. Carpenter, Secretary. U M197 9x MONEY TO LOAN-REAL ESTATE. FAPM "d city loans, low rates. W. IL 1 homaa. First Nat l Bank bldg. Tel. 1643. W-638 PRIVATE money. Sherwood, 937 N. T. IJfe. W-584 4 TO IP, C, money. Bemls, Paxton block. W-637 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1520 Douglas. W-39 WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Bmlth A Co., 1320 Farnam st. W-633 WANTED Real estate loans and warrants. R. C. Peters A Co., Bee bldg. W 635 FlVn per cent loan Garvin Bros., 1604 Farnam. ; W-536 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. ,,..MONEY LOANED ON FURNITURE, PIANOS. LIVE STOCK. SALARIES, ETC. Low ratea and easy terms. Business confidential. , - .Try us if you want to save money. m ' PHOENIX CREDIT CO., 633 Paxton block. Mth and Farnam ata. X 540 MONEY loanded on pianos, furniture, jew. elry, horses, cows, etc. C. F. Reed, 318 S 18. X-643 FAY TO GET CnJ I 1 0 PAY Beet explains our methods. We loan on furniture, pianos, warehouse rece pta, etc. Or It you nave a permanent position we can make you a SALARY LOAN without security, except your own aareo "1 to ,r?Pa ur "Tvic Is quick and confidential and we always try to please. All that we aak Is that you give us a call before you borrow elsewhere. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO., 119 Board of Trnde Bldg. Tel. 2295. (Established 1892). 306 8. 16th St. . X M545 LARGEST BUSINESS IN LOANS TO,, mercnants, team sters, boarding houses, etc.. without se curity; easiest terms; 40 offices In prin cipal cities. Tolman, 440 Board of Trad Blag. . X-641 MONEY loaned on plain not to salaried people; business confidential; lowest rates. 614 Paxton block. The J. A. Hutton Co. X 542 CHATTEL salary and Jewelry loans. Foley Loan Co., R 8. Barker Block. X 644 MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE, PIANOS. LIVE STOCK, SALARIES. ETC. IT COSTS YOU NOTHING to call and be convinced that our rate are the cheapest in Omaha. We want your business and be'.leve an In vestigation of our methods will get It even if at the present you are dealing elsewhere. KIND. COURTEOUS TREAT MENT to all. Our offices are the best equipped to handle your buMness with privacy of any in the city. Come in and see us, whether you borrow or not. Open Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays until 8 p. m. RELIABLE CREDIT CO.. Room 307-308 Paxton block. Rooms 307-908. X-841 MONEY To salaried emDloves and ware earner Get our system of loans that gets you out of debt. Any lady or gentleman', ma chinist or engineer, etc., having reliable employment can get, Just on his note: Half Monthly. Monthly. Weekly. $:00 Return to us.. $26.66 or $13.35 or $6.65 $ 60 Return to us.. 18.33 or 6.65 or 3.35 $ 25 Return to us.. 6.66 or 8.83 or 1.66 $ 15 Return to US.. 4.00 or 2.00 or 1 00 Easiest terms, lowest rates, confidential. No Inquiries. Quick service. Courteous treatment. THE STAR LOAN CO., 624 PAXTON BLK. X FOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR YEL IADW PINE in the Soft Yellow Pine Belt. Thla timber compares favorably in quality with the White Pine of Wis consin and Michigan. Can all be legged with big wheels. No Are risk. Complete and reliable information. Perfect title. LANDS WE CONTROL AND CAN DE LIVER 26.000 ACRES, avorag 2,000.000 to the Quarter section, uric 87.50 Der A. 10,000 ACRES, average 2,000,000 to the quar ter section, price $6.00 per A. 9.000 ACRES, average 2,000,000 to ths quarter section, price fn.uu per a. 8,000 ACRES, average 2,600,000 to the quarter section, prlc $9.00 per A. 14,000 ACRES, Sprue and Hemlock, aver age i.aou.ouo to ui quarter section, price $12.00 per A. CERTIFIED FOREST RE8ERVE SCRIP in large and small amounta at the market price. Reference furnished. Correspond ence solicited. Adrese , AMERICAN TIMBRR m .i E. M. Runyan, Mgr., Marquam Bldg., Port- 1 ana, Kjro. M308 novlBx, ACCORDION PLEATING. GOLDMAN, 200 Douglas block. -652 ACCORDION pleating. cheapest, best. quickest, urs. a. u. Mark, litn and Doug la. M748 BALE TIES. OMAHA Hay Bale Ti Co., 811 N. Uth st. i BRASS FOUNDRY. BRASS and aluminum easting, nickel plat ing and finishing. Specialty Mfg. Co., il N. Msln 81.. Council Bluffs. COSTIMES. Theatrical and masq. Lteben, 1018 Far. wj CHIROPODISTS. DR. ROY, room 2-8, 1505 Farnam St. 6 CARPENTERS AND JOINERS. ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing promptly attended to. J. T. Ochlitrea, ioth and Luke ats. 370 CORNICEMAKERS AND TINNERS. SAVAGE, 222 Farnam. furnace work cor nices, rldgrrbll gutters, skylights. Tel. 2111. -MK98 Ij DANCING ACADEMY. MR. AND Mrs. Morand'a 15th and Harney, aduita Tuesday and Friday, 8 p. m ; as semblies, Wednesday; children, Saturday, 10 a. in. and 3 p. in.; all danoea taugnt rapidly; private lensoiis our specially, daily. Call or telephone 1041. MS29 D4 FI R DRESSING. J. E. WALLACE, Taxidermist, 6u5 S. 11th. 7ul DRESSMAKING. KEISTER'8 Coller. J70S Cuming. Bults to order. Night class, Mon. A Thurs. 7 to 9 SO. 569 IN FAMILIES. Miss Sturdy. 809 N. 27d. M449 1X STANDARD Garment Cutting Collere, rsi Farnam. M4f.& N'.'S 1 1 "S DETECTIVES. CAPT. T. CORMACK, 517 Karbach block. Tel. A2SS2. f. DF.ROUT Detective agency, 708 N. Y. Life, Tel. 3f.4P, NIX ENTERTAINMENTS FURNISHED. FOR lodges, sottetles, receptions, churches, schools snd colleges. Write for circular. O. M. Ritchie. N. 2Sd st. 153 8x EXPERT ACCOUNTANT. O. R. RATHBUN. room 15, Com'l Nat l bank. Private lessons In bookkeeping, eto. 671 FOR RENT-FARMS. A LARGE and well Improved farm In Stanton county for rent; 640 acre with $10,000 worth of Improvements. R. C. PETER8 CO.. Ground Floor Bee Building. -M707 FLORISTS. HESS A BWOBODA, 1415 Farnam. -671 I HENDERSON, florist. 1619 Farnam St. --6TS GARBAGE. ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO., clean cesspool snd vaults, removes garbage ftnd dead animal at reduced prices. 621 N. 16th. Tel. 1779. 653 ' 1 . -a GOLD AND SILVER PLATING. OMAHA PLATING CO.. Be bldg. Tel. 2TJ5. 554 -. . g nORSES WINTERED. HORSES wintered. 43d and Center. Tel. Black-1123. -846 29x LAW AND COLLECTIONS. STILLMAN A PRICE, 410 1st Nat. Bk. bldg. 656 NEW BNOW-CHURCH CO., 1st floor N. Y. Lai oiu., anurney ana collector every where. 66S ' Jt3 LAWK MOWERS. SHARPENED. P. Melcholr, 13th A Hownrd. 16( LOCKSMITH. C. R, HEFLIN, 809 N. 16th st Tel. 3974. M-66H LOST. LOST Black silk watch fob with silver tun, in, lemrii 10 ceo omce and receive reward. Lost 849 Sx LOST Gold dragon pin with pearl letting; nu mi xee unice xor rewara. Lost 848 Sx LOST-palr of gold eyeglasses. Mrs. Mc- viuioii, iu sum ave. .fnone smi. Lost 131 8x LOST, English setter . dog; collar and cuain; name piate, J. AI. Bntchelder. Dixon. 111. Return to 1424 N. 17th St.; re celve reward. Lost 190 Rx MEDICAL. Piles Cured WITHOUT PAIN , Graduate of Belle'vue Hospital Medical Col lege or New York City. 624-6 Bee Building, Omaha, Neb. Private Reception Room for Ladles. LADIES,, our harmless remedy relieve wunoue ran aeiayea or abnormally sup- Sreased menstruation. For free trial ad ress Paris Chemical Co., Milwaukee. WlB. LADIE81 Chichester's Rngllsh Pennyroyal m -r- h- V., B.f. All.Kl. i k -v, i.ii.wia, 1 a. n ,11, other. Bend 4c.. stamps, for particulars. "Relief for Ladles," in letter by return mall. Ask your druggist. Chichester Chemical Co.. Philadelphia.. Pa. DR. W. mJTCHINBON, specialist of women and children: 30 year' practice Office, 3306 Cumin. Residence telephone, F-2790; office, B-3836. DR. PRIES, German graduate, renowned for his skill and experience In confine ments; cprb sterility, long standing dis ease of uterus and ovaries, cures painful, profuse, retarded or suppressed menstru ation, from any cause, recent or of long standing. Ladles who have suffered for years, hopeless and dejected, can be cured without operation or the hospital. If a personal Interview Is Impossible stato your case fully, Inclose stamp and answer and advice will promptly b given. Address R. F. Pries, M. l., 1518 Dodge St., Omaha. Neb. MORPHINE, laudanum, opium, cocaine and liquor habits permanently and pain lessly cured at home. No detention from business. Action Immediate. Leaves pa tient in natural, healthy condition with out desire for drug. Cure guaranteed for $10.00. Write for particulars. Dr. Long Company, 760 Empire, Atlanta, Oa. MISCELLANEOUS. PHOTOGRAPHS. gK 6x9 oval regular price f 5 dor. i 2 00 Special for holiday only. 15 for Choice of 4 styles of mounting. PROCTOR. 616 South 16th St MUSICAL. THOa J. KELLY, voloe. Davldge block. 369 LETOV8KT'S ORCHESTRA. Tel. L-2684. bi'J ZERKOWSKT, violin. R. 10, Wlihnell blk. M 401 Nt GENUINE BARGAINS IN PIANOS ' SEND for our 12 page bargain list of pianos returned from rental. Splendid pianos f all leading makes must he sold Immedi ately to make room. Get particulars of the uprights at $126. $140 snd $1K5. We ship pianos everywhere. Monthly pay ments. Frelaht Is only about $5. Strongest gua HEALYT 67 uarantee. write ror list i.yijn Adam St., Chicago. 922 8x OSTEOPATHY. Johnson Institute, 615 N. Y. Life Bldg. T. KCl 6il The Hunt Infirmary, McCagu Bldg. T. 2332 602 Ataen Farwell, Paxton Blk., 604-7. T. ISA 663 DR GRACE DEEGAN, 832 N. T. Ufa. Tel. 2686. DR8. LAIRD Sc. LAIRD, 203 Karbach Tlllr. M 107 N20x PATENTS. H. J. COWGILL No fee unless successful. (It 8. Uth St., Omaha. Tel. 1798 -65 PATENTS Sue Sc. Co.. Omaha, Neb. Il lustrated patent book free. Tel. 16:3. M 670 NI5T" PAWNBROKERS. EAGLE Loan office. Reliable, accommodat ing; all business confidential. 1301 Douglas. ft, SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. A. C. VAN SANT'8 school. T17 N. Y. Life. -474 NEB. Business St Shorthand College, Bovd'a Theater. ANITORIIM. OMAHA Florence Sanatorium. 'Phone Red 224; 1 blk. w. of car line. City 'phone, UW. City bath and uiwhk parlors, 21 1 Ike. J : 1! i I