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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 8, 1903)
1 he Omaha Sunday Bee. EDITORIAL SHEET. PAGES 11 TO 20. EHTAIILISIIED JUNE 19, 1871. OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 8, 1903. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. i if 4 i E" rn wfV AMI'S" THE RKLMBLB tTORB, 7 gjV Particulars as the Goods Corns in. 1 Children's Goafs Seven manufacturers' storks of women's uita, co:ils, skirts; children's coat, wllk waists, furs and wrntpers. tn all about $30,000 worth of women', garments that our buyer got for little over half price In New York and other eastern markets. The great .ale of these will he at such low prices that will pay you to come hundreds of mile, to attend. They come from tho fol lowing manufacturers, well known to the retail merchants of the United States. The suits from James Brady A Ox, Broadway, New York. fiults and conts from Bhaff & Bllberm&A, Cunal street. New York. Suits and coats from Jacogs & Qerstelrv Tenth street. New York. Furs from Levi & Mandel, Fifth avenue. New York. Skirts from Brown & Hyman, Green street. New York. Waists from Mart A Meyer, Green street. New York, and several others whom w. will mention later. Women's garments will be sold here during the next IS days at lower prices than ever known. ICO women's waists In heavy veetlngs, French flannels, albertns, heDrlettas, brllllantlnes, mohairs and other ma terials, worth up to $5. 0O on sale at $1.49 and UifG BALK EEQINS AT I SHARP. .295 775 children's long coats. In slhellnes, fine kerseys. Irish frleses and fancy mixtures, beautiful stylish garment. In all colors red, blue, brown, oxford, castor, and mixtures made to sell from $5.00 to $10 00, In two great lots at $4.9 and Skirt Department 2,300 .skirts In rainy day dress skirts and walking skirts, worth up to $10.00. 4 QQ t $4.9 and W Women's Man-Tailored Suits The newest and th. nobbiest sulta shown so far this season. LOT 1 Women's fine cheviot aults In blue, black and brown coat satin lined, made to sell at $16.60 on sal Q QQ A magnificent assortment of women's new suits In fancy mixtures and plain colors blue black and brown cheeks, and lined throughout with taffeta silk f Qfl worth up to 3 Monday lltJU Women's high class tailor suits In beauti ful slbellues, rich In color and style good values at $a5.00 sale 2 IJQ ill MMMVMW i L-ZS THS RELIABLE iTOIllO. rarvn la WOMDERFUL coupon sale Coupons with every purchase. The most liberal and val uablo over given absolutely free with ovcry purchase To still further prove that these coupons are absolutely free, note tho prices quoted for the following sales. No other house east or west can or will offer such values. SILK SALE Extraordinary, Commencing MONDAY And lasting until every yard Is disposed of . Fortunate purchases from the greatest manufacturers and Importers In America have brought into our store over 60,000 yards of black and colored silks and plain and fancy velvets, THE MOST STAKTUNtf REDUCTION IN PRICES WILL PREVAIL. DURING THIS FEAST OF BARGAINS.. t nun, 25c STARTrNO AT K 0'CIOCK PROMPT WR place on sale 100 piece, black brocade silk. white brocade silk, plain colored stik. fancy silk and entln lininas. Silks worth SUc and 75c sale price .r) YARDS CRETE DE CHINE IN Mack and 7o colors; nne all silk; rcpi'lar $1 and $1-25 qualities In this sale jQg 10,000 YARDS FANCY 8ILK, WORTH HP to $1.60; wide Persian silk, Roman silks. boticr and fancy plaid silks, black and colored double vldth grenadines, white silk and satin brocades. Silks worth up to ll.oo. on sale THOUSANDS OF YARD8 OF VELVETS, In both plain and fancy, for waists am costumes or trlmmlnrs. Fin velvets worm up to JL25 In ttala sal. 69s 59c 93c BILKS FOR SEPARATE WAI8TS OR entire suits. In 600 styles. worth $1.26. 11.60, 11.75 and $2.00 In this sale at , 7-lN. COATING VELVET. IN EITHER blue or let Mack, extra heavy and war ranted to wear, worth (2, QQ. In this sale 906 BLACK TAFFETA SILK. TJ IX. WIDE, A food strong quality, worth 66c; Ofl n this great sale WjC BLACK PEAD DH BOIE, 27-IN. WIDE, all silk arid warranted to wear. The blrrest value ever offered by any .lor. 7P- In the land f 0C 6.000 YARDS BLACK TAFFETA. 27-1N. wide, extra heavy quality, pur silk and food rustle, worth from $L26 to CO ISO. Iii this sale USG 26 PIECES 64-1N. BLACK TAFFETA. 64- Inchea wide, the widest taffeta world, oil boiled and fine to wear; actually worth $3; In this sale MIRROR PANNE VELVETS, colors These are elegant silk and are worth up to $1.76; on sale CHJFFON VEliOUR, THE NEW and costumo velvet. In colors, vets sell for $2.60 and $3; In this aal. In the 1.59 IN 60 velvet. 75c WAIST These vel- 1.75 FREE GIFT COUPON Tke first BOO ladles that cut out this coupon and send In together with their name and address, plainly written, will receive by return mall a handsom. book. Ills t rated In colors, telling of the origin and purpose of Ottttlerea silk, of which w. ar th. Omaha agents. THE LEADING DRESS GOODS HOUSE OF THE WEST. The time 1b here when we hare to clean up nil our winter dress goods and on Monday we will start with' a venRence. , PRIESTLY AND LUPIN LEADS TIIEM ALL, Black Dress Goods Extra Specials for tlonday. On lot of children's jackets, nicely trim med and well made, slae age IOC 3 to 12, only Is CQ Infants' eiderdown and cloth coats, ages 2 to S years, pretty shades In blue, brown and green only, I QQ ach . It 510 Women' mercerised underskirts, worth $1.00, on .ale at Women's fur scarfs, with 4 tails, at, each.... 49c 75c Women's silk dress skirts, regular 110.00 value, for, each Women's silk waists, at worth 15.00. Women's eiderdown sacquea, trim med with appllqua, for Women's . heavy flannelette and wrappers, $1-60 quality, for only, each , - G.50 2.98 ..75c percale .1.00 Elaydcn's Big Linen Dopartment Special Prices for Monday,.. , T5o heavy all linen German AO I Table Llnon, Monday at, yd 4JW fl .26 extra heavy Cream Irish Tablet Linen, yards wide, Monday. 1Rk at. yard , I WW iOo Union .now white Table Dam ask, Monilay at, yard 50u Homespun Table Linen pretty 4Q pattern, Monday, at, yard. (96 tl .50 full bleached double Satin Damuak Table Linen, all th. new designs. 72-ln. wide, Monday OQl 22ic at, yard. $2.60 fine Satin Damask Nap- I 70 kins, size, Monday at, do..,..... Ii I J $2.00- full bleached all Linen Napkins, fast edge. size, Monday CQ at six for OafW $1.59 all Linen Gorman Stiver Bleached Napkins, Monday Cfl. at do 096 S heavy brown IJnen Crash C. Monday at, yard , 96 $3.00 Hemstitched - Table Cloth, all pure linen, 2Va yards long, 65 Three ygrd. long at $1.98 MONDAT ONLT. SPECIAL PRICES for Monday In our mualla and sheeting department.. China Department 100-plece Imported English seml-porcelaln dinner sets, under gl&aed decoration, funuy shape these aet. are sold by other dealers vt from $10.00 to $12.00. Our price, $4.93. IXcorated toilet seta, $1.49. ' Imitation cut-glaa. aauce dishes, lo. Six fine flint-blown tumblers, l&o. decorated cereal and oy.tar bowls, (a. French pair. kc Hlx-plece cream .eta, 15o. Odda and end. In gold-finished ware, bc. Six decorated cups, saucer, and ner plate, for D5c Imported Bohemian water and win china cups and saucers, per dln- teti ig Sale on Underwear LudOnday Children's Undcmetr ribbed com- 25c rTJLBQ to 75 Children', fleece-lined, Jersey blnailon suits. In ail sites; worth 60c, at.... Children', camel hair vests, pants and drawt-r. In i-H rises from 1A to 34; worth "":."T?: 25c to 60c Children's v-sts anif pants, Ueeoe Q0 lined, worth loo, at 13 Soya' extra heavy fleece lined veets ACn and drawers; worth Uc, at t8u Children's Jersey ribbed, half wool combi nation suits. In all sizes from 2 tu 14 years: Monday, Children's black wool combination suits. In all sizes; worth $1.25, 93C Xr. fienVo'n' sleeping' garnienti, for all uus. In tine merino; RfV worth $1.00, at .......UU Children's rlunnelett drea. In also, fi om 1 to 4 year.; hllC worth Tic, at mU Ladies' Underwear Ladle Jersey ribbed, fleece-lined Vests end pants, silver and ecru.; wurih iuc, at....' 4 w ladles' half wool vest, and pants, fine oumIhv: worth 7c. at Ladle.' outing flannel gowns, mad with tucked yuktm assorted color.; w.oi th 7c, at Ladles' extra heavy outing Cannsl gun. worth II 75. at fancy silk flnlshei 5Qc wit 50 1.25 Ladle' Jorny ribbed, floece-llned ftflr combination .ultn; worth 7ic, at WW Lad e.' 4 wool combination suits. Harvard mills make, .Ilk crotcheted I Crt neck: worth t.00, at liWU Ladle, silk and wool combination soitn In all colora, eterllng mills make; O C(l worth $5.00. at O'WVJ Ladies' Sweaters Bomethlng very new In ladles' all wool mouse sweaters, trimmed In rib bon, in all shades and sixes, at.. Another lot of blouse Jacket at i$3.00. $2.75 and Ladle.' fancy vests. In all colors and sixes; worth 13 W, at Hisses' Sweaters 4.50 .2.50 .100 Priestley's SG.OO black aibeilne.. Lupin's $4.00 cheviots....'. Priestley's $&.00 cravanett Lupin' 2.!ffl voile. ..$3.60 ..$298 ..$3.0 .42-19 Lupin's $1.60 volls BSo Lupln'g cream xibellne for opera cloaks .$0.98 Vaistings All oor $1.00 and 76a walsiing will go at.60o All our 76a printed casslmere. ...K0o Lupin's colored slbelines, $2.98 grade. $2.13 Lupin's $1.98 grade. $1.19 Lupin' colored voile., the $.98 grade $1.9$ Lupin' $1.91 grade.... $1.29 French Flannels and Ghailis The $1.00 flannel 49c Th 76o challls. M..49o VYhito Dress Goods Mohairs, brllllantlnes, caaslmeres, wove taiTeta and all kind, of wool good In whit and cream from $6.00 a yard now at 60o SAMPLES OF ALL REGULAR GOODS SENT TO OUT OF TOWN CUSTOMERS SUNDAY. BALES LAST ONLY. TO TUURSDAT. 111. BO Wool Ore. Geeds, BOn. 62-Inch wide, ail-wool ladles' cloth, assorted colors, 45 ' Inch ' wide, all-wool, French whipcords, assorted colors, 46 lnoh wide wool cravenettea. In black only, worth up to $1 60, Monday 69c TB Wool Dress Good. Novelties, 3tc. JS-lnch wide, all-wool xlbellnea, all-wool voile, and Etamlnes, In assorted colors, Scotch wool mixtures, assorted colors and French plaids. In high colors, worth up to 76c, Monday .S9o ftOa Wool Novelties, 2fte. Fancy walstlngs, all-wool with silk s tripes, worth Doc. Monday 25o $!. All Wool Novelties, 49o and 8i. Hundred of waist and skirt lengths. In fancy wool walstlngs and all-wool skirt ings, worth up to $1.60, Monday. 49o and $9o 2So Values. On table loaded with tail wash fabric, plain and fleece-lined, suitable for ladle' waist., dressing sacks and house wrap pers, worth up to 26c, Monday.l2c and loo SNc Values. One table loaded with a great assortment of fall wash fabrics, light and dark colors, suitable for ladles' and children' wear, worth up to 20c, Monday .' 7 Ho lOe Values. Three table, loaded with the greatest val ue. In fall wash fabrics ever offered In any country, a great assortment of quali ties and color., plain and fleece-lined good., worth up to 19c, Monday 6o Pianos Sold on Easy If We are offering the very best Pianos it is possible to produce at prices which mean a great saving to purchasers. The amount of money we save you is astonishing. One visit to our mam moth music department will convince the most conservative buyer that our assertions are true. Our established reputation everywhere for responsibility makes customers safe at all times. We refund every dollar paid on an kistruinentMf it does not prove to be what we say it is. Our easy ; payment planmakes it possible for every, home to have a piano. Lmiddition to low prices and easy terms customers have the largest stock of standard makes to be found in this part of the country to make their selection from. Our stock consists of such well known makes as Chicker- Ing, Fischer, Estey, Decker, Wegman, Price & Teepole, Kohler & Campbell, Jacob Doll, Haines, Franklin and several other standard makes to select from. For the next few days we will offer some wonderful values in new upright pianos. We merely call your attention to a few o? them that you may place your orders now and save money. One New Upright Walnut Case $95 One New Upright Burl Walnut Case $132 One New Upright Mottled Mahogany Case $145 One New Upright Oolden Oak Case $153 One New Upright English Walnut Case... $162 We are offerincr orcans at ridiculously low prices this week. We will close out a number at S10, $12, $13, 15, ?18, $20, $25 and $27.50. New pianos for rent Pianos tuned, moved and re paired. .Telephone 16S3. One New Upright Mahogany Case.... $105 One New Upright Oak Case $115 One New Upright Dark Oak Case $127 Extra Special Salo of High Grade Shoes Monday 600 pair men's sample $3 shoe, welts and turns .. 250 pulrs women's sample $3 shoes, welts and turns ... 400 pairs women's fine kid, $2.00 .hoes Son pairs boys' and youth's $1.60 shoe. Sole agents In Omaha for the celebrated Stetson and Crossett for men and the Ultra and Urover shoe for women. NONE BETTER MADE. The Stetson Shoe for men, all leathers ' The Crossett Fhoes for men, all leathers, $3.D0 and The Vltra hoea for women, all leathers The Grover Shoe for women, $3.60 and ...5.00 ....2.50 ...3.50 .2.09 1.96 1.96 .1.59 .98c 200 pairs misses' $1 DO school shoes 125 pairs little gent $1.00 Don gola lace - GOO pair men' 75c tan, win and black .Uppers 180 pairs men's $3 satin and box calf lace snoee 98c 69c 48c 129 Don't Put it Off, Come Tomorrow Your eyes must not be neglected. We fit them right. Our prices are the lowest Satisfaction guaranteed. We have a new line of misses' buttons, at $2.00, $1.76 i' hlnnse 1nrk. ets In red and blue, all sixes, with hire pearl and . 1.50 Christmas Umbrellas We have a large line of colored umbrellas from $2 60 up to $6.00; just the thing for a Christmas gift. Ladle.i' and Gents' black umbrel- O flrt las, from too up to 0iUU Children's at SOo and Gloves! I-adles' Kaysor caaslmer slik-llned gloves at Ladles' sllk-llned glove at Ladles' and children's golf gloves, colors, both pluln and fan?y. at 6uc, ;c and , Ladles' fine French kid gloves, la all the latest shades, at , Ladles lu all sllk-llned Mocha gloves, shades, at Corset Department 1.00 Gloves!! 50c 103 In all 25 -100 1.50 Kabo Corset, medium length, six gore, dip hip for medium figures, hoe aupportei on hip and front, slxea ( Cfl IS to &. at ..-I' OU Also model, for all figure ta all length at $1.00 and up Pr. Warner Cort for straight front, dip lap, toot figure. o. f Crt 4 41 to 14 at ,...,HW.H..'yW Th "Nemo" self-reducing corset for stout figure., atses 'J) to 16, 2 50 American Beauty, dip hip Corset, hoa sup porters attached trout and aides, I ft ft La Marguerite Corsets, In style, adnpleil to all figure.. In One silk, batlste-dnid Ume.i with genuine w ha 1Ihihj price from $;.frj to liu.uu, epeciai attention given to up to I Ailing. Ladies' and Children's Hose Ladles' fine lisle thread Hose, In plain black and fancy color. good, worth from fOc to $1 Oo on wii Mouday at 3C Ladle.' plain black Hose. In light weight, meuluru and ' extra heavy, neece-lmed, regular llo quality, Ladle.' plain black seamless llwt, t! luc quullly. at IUC Children' heavy ribbed Hon with Frnrb foot and double knee, regvt- 111 P tft , UcwUl, ox.....,..4a; u Th celebrated Poney brand and Shaw knit blockings for bo) and girl. 25- Ladle.' and children' fin wool Hose In all weight, at 2Cc, Zms Cft , and OU0 Ladle.' fin. lisle thread lace Hose, In plxln blstk and fttnry colors, regular Afl. $160 quality at jJU0 Ladles' plain black silk Hose at Hardware, Stoves and House furnishings A Great Sale on Stores This W tek Prices that won't be duplicated else where. All standard makes warranted from factory as W--II as by us. Over 75 different sizes and styles to select from. Nice 10-lnch, alr-tlght oak Good 14-Inch, air-tight oak A great big 16-lnch, air-tight oak Atlaa Hot Blast, regular $1160, for The Prise Oak, a beauty; reg ular $JO.0O. for The Star Oak. none better made The Universal Oak, the best oak love ular Wood air-tight, 18-Inch for Laundry, large. No. $, two-hole The Regal Universal, the handsomest, best, the greatest heater made in this coun try, a. fine as In Omaha; MM fC ,"1 come and e It ti"UJ The Standard Junior Steel Range, extra large and very heavy, aabeato lined throughout. icely nickel plated; a reg ular $d6.U0 range 31-50 NOTE) THIS LIST. -Inch pip. So-lnch stove board Coal hods lover egg beater . Vols photo rack Fine water pail. Galvanized pvil 12-grain loaded .heils NOTE TiirJsbi fHlUi.3. ( inch elbows , ( Inch pipe ring Klre shovel. Flour sieve. Kindling hatchet Kitchen meat saw ................... 60 lb. flour can . Hammerlea shotgun .............. ...4.95 ...6.95 JU9 ...8 95 .1595 .1259 t alr-tlght made in America; reg. 1 Cfl t).w. for .U'9U 129 319 .98 Ladles plain arid fancy silk lace I rA UuN tl ! and I WW ... o . ..3'jc .. lbC ... 6c ... 7c . 70 ...13o ...4UO !U 3c ... 3o I"l9c . ..ic .$21.U Carpets and Rugs For Monday and Tuesday ws will show the Biggest Bargains eier offered In this city. xl2 Axmlnster rugs, all color, Q Oft regular $27.50 value, for 1 xl2 body Brussels rugs, best grade, com plete assortment, worth $32.60, 24. 75 9x11 all wool Smyrna rugs 22 fl treverslble), worth $30. at J. Bargains In made up stock rug Q Cfl at 1&.10 and up to $UxG0 all wool Smyrna ruga, worth $3 60, Monday at I.O-J i.000 yards of velvet carpet, bought tn lengths from the mill enough of each pat tern for one room worth up to KHp $1.10 per yard Monday only uu" 90c grade of fine tapestry carpet, all color, with or without border. 7Jn worth 0c, at, yard ... ,w $1.40 grade of Axmlnster carpets, I Ifl with border., at. yard ,,,u Heavy granite carpet. $6 Inchea wlde'Ji 4 (u. colors, worth 4ic yard, at ...... 'V Best all wool Ingrain carpet. SOf worth 76o yard, at -- W Correct Shapes in Men's Fall Headwear You can alway. rely upon exactness of style and excellence of quality when you purchase a hat at Hayden Broa, Every hat In our vast fa.l stock conforms to the latest fall fashion in men' headwear. The same styles that are accepted among good dressers in the big eastern cities are i to be found here. Shape, colors and ma terials are all correct and th price you pay for our stylUh headwear Is less than you are used lo paying for your bats any style stiff or soft hat at 1.00, 1.50, 2.00 and 2.50 WB ARE SOLK AOKNTS FOR THE "IMPERIAI." $100 HATS AMD OMAHA'S H K AUQ11 A RTKH8 FUR THE WORIJ RKNOVV NU1-) JOHN is. STETbON HATS. Great Sale of Sample Trunks and Dress Suit Cases We have purchased the entire sample line of a prominent Newark, N. J., trunk manu faourer. His good, are known a. the best and finest on' the market. There 1. an Im mene. assortment and great variety In make and style. Anyone who appreciate, the extreme care with which these pattern trunk, are made and the scrutlng to which they are subjected by the foremost trunk dealers of the country will recognise the worth of the values offered as soon a. these trunks and dress suit case, are seen. We secured them at S3h per cent off regular wholesale price. Trunks from U-75 SA an up to OU.UU Dress suit case from $1.60 in r-n up to lO.uU Valise, from 40o tC tf up to 19'UU ALL KINDS OP TRAVELERS' EFFECTS. Flannel Department neavy soaker flannel, per yard heavy Domet or outing flannel kirt patterns, worth Extra 444c. Extra flounced. Embroidered ladle1 Coo each. 26c Unbleached, extra heavy Canton flannel, per yard $c. worth t Ho liest grade, W inches wide, extra heavy outing flannel, worth tl'fco per yard, 1a. u incues wide snkolluo, worth ltc per yard. tc. Exira heavy cotton bed blanket., tan and gray, per pair 65c . Full lxe 11-4. extra heavy, tan and gray uru uuumaiot vturui i.w per pajr, DC Extra large 12-4, tan and gray blankets, worth $16o par pair, Sao. t-xtra heavy wool, and all wool. red. pay and fancy plaid bed blankets, worth d. ro ier pair, s.vo. White, fringed bed apreads, Marseille panern. lull size, worm 41 U earn, inc.. Whit, honeycomb bed spread a Maraelll pattern, hammed ready for vufj, full feUe, HATS TRIMMED FREE OF CHARGE. At Half ant! Less Than Half Price. $I5 Dress Hats 7-75 On Monday we offer one hun dred dress hats assembled from our stock to illustrate most forcibly that we underbuy and undersell. These hats at Beven-seventy-flve are the cream of the season's styles some Paris hats, but mostly American. They ore nice, new, clean, fresh ideas and r will cause a ripple of surprise to shrewd Qvl millinery O U ify shoppers, H U Monday Li $7.00 Strictly Fine Tailored )7 $15.00 Black French Ostrich Plumes far n.n jil $5.00 black silk velvet hats with ?Q hand folded chiffon facings dsBLiJUi) ns c. par Yari Our grand ribbon sale begins Monday morning, thousa or varus or all silk ribbons, an colors, over tnree mcnes wf,.u worth 20c to 23c per vard, on sale Monday at. ... , J ar-l 3 r f ftl -a I I m m r MM 4' , tatlUIUS I WW wf-OrVVVfwCJI 1 V 25c New Neckwear at 15c 50c New Neckwear at . ...'2L f 1.00 New Neckwear at .50c- Grand Belt Salo Ladies and children's silk and leather belts, worth 25e. "J f to 35c on sale Monday at Ivlw Special Leather Goods Salo Thernew Automobile Bag, up from LOO The new Carriage .Bag, up from 1.00 Men's Purses, each 3c 75c Chatelaine Bags, each. .25c f 1 Chtaelaine Bags, each. . 39c 25c Pocketbooks, each .... lOc How Veilings The very latest Drape Veil25c 25c Veilings ,per yard 7Jc , Grand Hose Supporter Sale Monday you can buy: 20c Ilose Supporters pair. Tic 15c Ilose Supporters, pair. . 4ic 50c Hose Supporters, pair, ,25c 50e Pillow Tops . 15c 10c Tooth 3rushes 5c 20c Tooth Brushes 10c 20c Back Combs lOc 15c Tack Pullers 5c . Grand Special v A Needle Case, containing 4 packages needles, 14 darning needles, 5 hat and veil pins and 80 pins. This lot worth 25c, on 'Ip sale Monday for Furniture Sale Big sale on Bedroom Furniture this week; we are overstocked and must unload. THRER-PircCB BEDROOM SUITS. BED, URESStK AJNU UUMMUUK. 19 bedroom sulu, worth fCO.00, ror 16 bedroom suit, worth $22.50 for 12 bedroom suit, worth f 25 00, for 15 bedroom sulu, worth J27.M. 17.25 . 11.50 13.25 .15.00 17 bedroom suits, worth $29.60, JQ YOUR CHOICE' OP WOOD OR IRON BEDS IN THE ABOVE SUITS. 26 dressers! worth $12 00, g 75 10 dreasers',' worth ' $iBi66,' ""Q gg 12 dressera," Vorth fjilw" "'""""" jq 2S dressers,' worth lii.'fli,' ""j2 75 19 dreMeraV"worth"$26.0oV""" ' QQ Iron beds, worth $3.00, . Iron beds, worth $4.00.' 2 Q5 Iron beds,' ' worth 16.76, "" 3. J 5 Iron be'd's7worth'$6!95,' 475 Iron bed's." 'worth $8.00, ggQ Ba Hilary steel couches, worth A $7 00. for BED SPRINGS AND MATTRESSES ARE CUT DEIJP FOR THIS SALE. WB AI-HO HAVE A FEW SPECIAL LEAD ERS IN ROCKINQ CHAIRS AND PAR LOR FURNITURE. Grand Book Sale Monday Scrlbner" copyright novels, 190. Henneberry' (lit top, 12 mo., 19a Douohue Bros., 2So Dresden books, 140. 26o paper novels, 7VsO 15c novels, ZVfcc. This lot of. book will be run at these price till entirely closed out to make room for HOLIDAY books. Free With every $1.01 new book1 a copy of Collier' Weekly free. Curtains 10 rase of fine ruffled muslin curtain, de , layed In transit, will be put on aal Mon day t about one-half price. $3i0 Curtain at $1.75. $3 00 Curtain, at $1 48. $2 60 Curtain at $1.30. $2 00 Curtainfat $1.15. Best srade of Bilkollne, worth ISo, at $Ha lOd Curtain Swiss. 40 Inchea wide, not over 20 yards to a customer, st per yard. 6a. WE HAVE THE MOST COMPLETB LINE OF TAPKBTRY PORTIERES IN THE CITY. SPECIAL PRICES FOR MONDAY AND TUESDAY. larocery peoioi THE MOST RELIABLE GROCERY DEPARTMENT IN THE WEST ; 20 lbs. fine granulated sugar for. t Lent ..kc :::::?:2S $1.00 10 bars of Lest laundry soup fiT 25c t lbs. breakfast rolled oats for lo loa. band-picked navybeans fur lKo 6 lbs. pearl barluy. sao, rice or tapioca for lo H rhL can table syrup for lie 1 (ikg. ot Imported macaroni for 7V Larite bottle pure tomato catsup ior....V2 Asparagus tips, per can Larse tumbler cur fruit lelly for... t leaned current, per id Choice Utah peaches, per lb... I.arfc Italian prunes, per lb 4o Fancy New York evaporated applea, per lb 9o Force. Neutrlta. Vigor. Vim and Egg- O-See. per pkg T0 Fancy crisp aoda oyster, butter or milk crackers, per lb Ko Horsosboe or Star tobacco, per lb Site FRESH FHCIT BPEtl ALS. Fancy Hallowe'en date, per lb Fancy California new Aks, per pkg 6c Large, lulcy lemons, each , lo Large Brazil cocuenuls, each .....4a CANDY! CAKOY! CANDY! .10c .luc .1UC .I'M! . l'KI ..loo Chocolate drops, per lb Yankee peanut candy, per lb Leinun drops, per lb Cocoanut squares, per lb Baited peanuts, per lb c innamon oros, per id. Eaatafrana or wlnlergrten drops, per lb.. luc Iio:rnuund drops, per ll loo Covoaaul taffy, per lb..,lk........J..w.UM10o GIFT COUPONS WITH EVERT PUR-. CHABE AND A HOT PANCAKE FREu! IN OUR OROCERY DEPARTMENT. TEA AM) COFFEE. Good Santos coffee, per lb M....10o Oolden Bean Baiitoe coffee, per lb...... ,12c tireen Japan tea, per 10 2m Oolong i-ngluih or Ouniowder tea, per lb 25o Ciioic. bauket-ilred Japan tea, per lb....;io MEAT DEPARTMENT. As an Inducement to secure your Novem ber mxat order we will make some .Lar tllng reductions In meat price. Boll beof, per lb Chuck roust, per lb Round steak, per lb Kir loin steak, per lb...... Veal stew, per 10 Veal roast, per lb Veal chops, per lb Veal rib or loin chops, per lb Veal round aleak, per lb.............. Mutton leg, per lb Lurob leg, per lb Mutton stew, per lb Mutton loin chops, per lb. No. 1 bacon, per lb ' No. 1 California ham. ner lb 1 All kinds of sauauae. ner lb.7tn ! Pork steak, per lb IOo Pork chop., per lb , llVkO WE AI.SO CARRY A FULL LINE OF SMOKKK AND tt ALT i'iSU, CELERY A.NO OlBTLiUJ. ...2Ho DO 7o 9o ...$-o :::t:ic tc ..12 ...O'.iO &o ..12'o