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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 8, 1903)
TIIE Ox TTA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, NOVEMBER , 190.T eek of Remarkable Offer in SCORES OF GREAT PRICE ADVANT AGES IN EVERY DEPARTMENT WILL MAKE THIS WEEK NOTABLE FOR ITS MONEY SAVING CHANCES. A HOST OF ABSOLUTELY NEW BAR GAINS GO ON SALE MONDAY FOR THE FIRST TIME-EACH ONE BEARS THE BRANDEIS LABEL OF EXCEL LENCEAND RELIABILITY. WfflHBB 10 w .Bargain gsr' New Dress Goods for Winter Seasonable Novelties at Attractive Prices For Monday's Selling:. FOUR BARGAIN SQUARES STOCKED WITH DRESS GOODS OF THE liEST STYLES AND COLORS: AT 29c YARD 64-inch Astrakhans, all wool suitings, prunellas, zibelines, o 1 (v I d s. cheviots, serges, etc., blnck and all colors. AT 39c YARD Granite, mohair, zibeline, plaids, 48-inch Bedford cords, cloth suitings, etc., all colors and black. AT 49c YARD 54-inch kerrey cloths, rainy day skirtings, mohairs, Cheviot, panamaa, voiles, eta mines, black and all colons, worth up to 11.60 a yard. AT 69c YARD Goods representing the highest art fancy black (roods, dainty silk and wool eollenne, crepes, voile, etamlnes, tailoring o 1 oths, unfinished worsteds, cheviots, etc. Best French Flannel at 30c We reserve one bar- 39c KRln square for walstlngB the moat desirable wool waistlng, albatroHHcn, silk stripes, embroidered fanoy cords your choice of them 90c, 7&o and 860 foods, at . , Fashions Newest Ideas in Ladies' Coats, Suits $25 s? $98 Bargains in Main Dress Goods Dep't We are constantly receiving the extreme late novelties in dress good a from abroad. Oar display is always a complete and varid Bhowing. , 75c black nunsveiline 54 inches wide. 171 jry popular, at hi. 2ft ssilk vniTes all sha.daa.fnr struct and nartv O C ear. cream ana ueui saaaes. 40 incites w ae...... v w w vavenette lor rain coats a sensible stylish, Efl kbric, 56 inches wide, a yard . . . . Cream zibeline for party coats for Monday, a yard..... .. ........ 1 ...... J-Jv New Zibelines just arrived from France in single dress patterns. We have such a display of the best that far over reaches anything previously attempted. We invite you to see our assortment of these, highly modish fabrics. Artistic Millinery Offered ar Alluring bargains Our Best Trimmed Hats at $5 and $10 ' yfr 1 Tomorrow we offer our finest trimmed hats the season's most exclusive styles, many original models, other produc tions oi our arn worsrooms, at reanaraaoie Bargains, we make really unheard-of offers which should be of interest to appreciative buyers. Stunning New Evening Gowns and Coats Beautiful crepe de chines, peau de sole, CJI K UP (10 spangled nets, etc., at .....Yp-swO- to ZpIOV Coats in broadcloths, white zibelines, doe- . ' " skins, etc.,. from .... Two Hundred Elegant Dress and Walking Suits K Beautiful new suits for tomorrow's ' 1 TTT 1 1 . , t i nuie. ve recently purcnasea uu eie eant dress and walking suits in New NYork at less than half price all are ,Usamples and some are worth as high .jna 175.00 Monday . 24.50, $35, $45 $ Sttinrr Now VlnUrlin 5.lf0 v$ Madein entirely new and Q QO fetching effects, just purchased O Pretty Tailor-Made Suits In the very latest cloth andl DC designs, at lHbeOO Season's Most Beautiful Furs ( We have taken , the most extraordinary pains this ttASon tojseleqt the very finest, most desirable and most beautiful fur pieces. Many charming and ex elusive effects Double Fox Scarfs, $4.98 up to $39. fllnk Scarfs, $9.98 up to $125. Near Seal Jackets, $29 up to $65. Genuine Seal Jackets from $125 up to $300. New Coat Modes Fashionable and Exclusive Silks . That Are Vqry Moderately Priced A Special Sale of B 0NNET SILKS r-fe- The celebrated 0. J. Bonnet & Co, black silks at very special prices. All our $1.50 fancy weaves Louisenes, peau de rene, peau regent, f- .' peau mignon, at, a V C! yd tL All our $1.50 black oil boiled taffetas- 27 inches wide, at MM IIMM MMHI 1.00 All our $1.50 and $1.39 peau de sole and C 7 ' peau de cygiie at, a yard ........... JL w $1.00 quality .silk, every yard stamped, TA wear guaranteed, Monday only, a yard Cravenette Coats. Fine Oravenettes for driv ing, automobillng or rainy wather. ' ; Coat worth $12.80, g Qg Coats worth $17.60, 3Q Fresh new showing of med ium and long coat effects new leaf capes Watteau 'capes and military effects, at 24.50, $19, 14.85 1 znnzzz Golf and Dress Skirts Smart new golf skirts , o qd late effects, at wvO Sample dress fWd.:ar:e.7.6.9o Pretty Parisian nets 25 pieces, 32-inch printed Paris ian nets for party dresses these patterns worth $1.25, Monday aT yard J. UW Exclusive new silks Si New silk velvets 50 pieces in all the new scarce shades, fancy Persian velvets, broche velvets, panne velvets, etc., worth up to 1.50, Qn at, a yard ks and fancy grenadines, mouselines, broche, fine collection of patterns, direct impor tation from Lyons, f O A. France ..VoC TO JRRI, L a chine, T Crepe de chine 100 pieces, 2 4-inch all silk crepe de 65 different shades, including black and white, Z f positively worth $1. 00, at, a yard O W Silks on Bargain Square Over 5000 yards of new fashionable silks, fancy shirtwaist silks, new glace taffetas, black guaranteed taffetas, black and colored seeded silks, heavy wool and silk poplins, white Louisenes, etc., worth up to $ 1.50 a yard, at The trimmed Hats that for merly retailed at $15, $18 and $20, will go tomorrow at $10 The trimmed hats that have . been selling at rlt $10 fo tomorrow A REMARKABLE CARPET SALE HOHDAY An Immense lot of odd rolls of Velvet Moquette, Ax minster, Brussels, and other high-grade carpets of vvhich we have but one roll of a kind. Many of these carpets are worth $1.57, but to close them out quickly Monday at 59c. We bought them cheaply and will sell f3 them ridiculously cheap.; ,$1.75 carpets at yd. JjiiJ(i This Is ths biggest bsrgaln carpet said Omaha has ever known- 69c and 39c Sale of SnUrl Gold RiflgS A Manufacturers Entire Sample Line of Gen uine Solid Gold Rings at Great Reduction. BABY'S SOLID dOLD 5IONET RINOS-Dalnty little rings In old Roman gold finish, one initial engraved free worth $1.80, at LADIES' AND MISSES' SOLID GOLD SET. RINGS These rings are set in turquoise, garnets and pearls, warranted solid gold and worth Sl.BO, at BABY'S AND niSSES' SOLID OOLD BAND RINGS a re markable bargain, chased and plain rings, at ' LADIES' HEAVY GOLD WEDDING RINOS-Solld gold rings, worth two dollars sale , , price LADIES' SOLID GOLD RINOS WITH TIFFANY SETTINGS pearl, turquoise. t in emeralds and rubles I 1U 49c 49c 49c 98c worth $3. BO, at. We show on Moaday a special line of Fur Hicts, both trimmed and untrlmmed,, Including mink, sqlrrel, moleskin and other popular- furs. This will be an Important millinery event. A Special Sale of Street Hats Bmart Street Hats, including productions of the best makers, will be offered at extraordinary reductions. The hats that 'formerly sold at ?5.00 O kdmX kC P OH $7.50 and f9, tomorrow. .-V WOy "J JJ Special Line of Street Hats 25c up. ! Three Attractive Values Ostrich Plumes S2.S0 Amazon Plumes 98c, $150 Amazon Plumes $L98. $5 Amazon at $2 SPECIAL VALUES IN LINENS rixtra heavy cream table damask a 35o kind will be olTarrd at 19c 64 -loch full bieactied t&ble damask H is being offered as a big special leader in many stores at 3Uo, ourprlca . ,.aOw 72lnch very heavy Scotch cream damask some stores' leader at 69o our price C ,.; 1.00 .2.50 75c quality of Scotch, Irish and German table damask, from 64 to i lui.'iies wiue, at, a yard 70 inch very heavy bleached German damask, new and elegant designs, a very superior quality, worth regularly Sl.JK), our prlcesfor Monday only , 22-Inch Napkins to match these, at, doaen Assorted lot of napkins, many grades and slies, bleached and half-bleached a Job lot that we bought specially for this sale most of them worth $2.50 a dozen Monday, at, OC dozen I.O On one. bit; bargain square, ws offer in immense lot of table linen remnants. These are mll ends and warehouse sam ples. Tbey come in lengths from a yard to 3 yards, and will be sold for a yrvat deal less than their real a!ui to morrow. ' 39c 50c Balance of those fine buck damask and bird's eye linen towels that we have had on display in our front window worth up to $1.00 each, and" o ri o t sjyc 600 fine damask lunch cloths. 86x38 Ins., hemstitched these would be good bargain at $1.50 each q tomorrow, each yQC 100 fringed table cloths they are the 8x10 alze, red and blue borders they sell regularly at1.08 each f for Monday they go at. each. 1 Bedspreads on - a bargain counter. White and colored, fringed and hemmed. One big heap of them, all at much less than their regular price. They are drummer's samples some of them are slightly soiled. Tito Most Extraordinary a w i i I'rff V.; ? tt- :'Ti 1..'.; 'il ";' "W J T v.;-. ,- tV-'' i '.i'i-r" ' r. .' ' t.'-:ix'.'i'".-V,i'..s . OommoMi mt f I Ever Hold in tho West! Entire Fall and Winter Surplus Clothing Stock ' Frcm S. iS. Marks & Co., tifgrs., 10 V. 4!h St., N. Y. Our great Clothing sale has created a genuine furore. Omaha men who visited our Clothing Department in throngs were impressed with the magnitude of the bargains which we offered. . Tomorrow will be another remarkable day of the sale. Although our sale yesterday was tremendous, the stock was so . vast that the assortments were scarcely affected. B0Kt uosf le phenomenal bargains Ycur Choice of all th8 511.53 2nd 515.00 en's Suits and Overcoats Ycur Cholea of all tho $20-00 end $18.00 Qn en's Suits and IJvcrcoats e) 0 Remarkable Sale of Ladies' and Children's Fine Underwear . .. ' . . . ... n i . tm 1m.11. a, . nw vnrit. Owlnr to tha utremalr backward season we wwe able to buy at lens han cost to manufacture, two carloads of underwear the greatest purchase of the ktn.' ever mad. In the west. Oti Sale Monday at Big Bargains. CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR Excellent grade of underwear fine cotton an 1 fleecy lined 4 g j ip worth up to th.rty-flv. oenta Q and ltJC BOYfi' UNDERWEAR-Fleecy llnd all wool and part wool medium and heavy worth "IE?- o r A f up to on. dollar- OC"jy C"4y C MISSES' UNDERWEAR Fine and f- heavy rtbed Vests and Pants worth up to I fP. fifty cents at Mrw UNION SUITS Misses', chSdrn'a aad beys Union Suits all kinds at : 39c-49c LADIES' UNDERWEAR Fin. ribbed Under( f tT wear silk trimmed medium and heavy ' 1 UP' T" . weight worth up to 60c at TA' EXTRA FIND UNDERWEAR Medium and heavy lit fin. Egyptian cotton, sll- A r f g sray. natural wool, camel's VIC II VIC etc., worth up to 11.45. at... X w w LADIES' EXTRA FIND UNDERWEAR Medium and heavy weight nne ugypuan cotton, sll- ver hair, LADIES' UNION SUITS All fine coton and wool worth up to ll.&O a suit at per suit tv: A ! 39c-49c-69c-98c "(4 Ifff 0-90 8l 14-20 CMO tf 4.90 .Boys' Overcoats AB"BZVZ1o 2-90 m 9 np Young Hen's Suits and Overcoats i to 14 years Worth up to a . a r i i 1 1 sw CO'IS Hf" LI asi v w k ssw aU n ' w - a BLANKETS and COMFORTER SPECIALS In this department we were never in a better position to deserve our well-earned title The Tremiei- Blanket Department of the 4West. A succession of fortunate purchases added to our already immense stock enables us to show the largest assort ment, and to quote bargains that out-distance all competition. Full Bleed fleeced cotton blankets lu gray, white and tan, a good ESQ-t Picture Dept. Special 10.000 assorted iuatted pictures, all good sul-jpots. on sale Momlay luorulns wortu 2oc at, f sacu 1UC Picture Dept. Special 75c framed pictures, fitted In both gilt and black frames, assorted subjects and plenty to A f select from, st 4VC BAROAIN SQUARE SPECIAL HOSIERY-Oad lots of ladies men's and chil- 1 dren's fine hosiery, worth &o 10c-I2k-15c BAROAIN 5QUARE SPECIAL LADIES' COHSETS- Fine corsets in all the pop ular colors, worth OKi-i fl and tl.50, at J BAROAIN SQUARE 3PECIAL KID GLOVES, all new falUhades, worth $1 cq. and J1.50. at. . . . .. 0 7L WOOL GLOVES, for ladies & children J heavy blanket, at, a pair Extra heavy full 11-1 alxe fleeced cotton blankets In white, gray, tan or matted, a regular $1.50 blanket for, QQfj AJ1 the rery heavy and extra large .fleeced cotton blankets In white, gray or tan. that usually sell up j Of) to fl.08 Monday's price.. .. zr Large size very heavy strictly all wool blankets In gray and scarlet Q Q a rtgulur ft value, at, palr.. .O Very tine all wool blankets In pretty grays snd plaids, extra alze and worth up to O HQ $3.50, at, pair 0VO Elegant line of fine wool blankets from the California and Oregon Mills white, scarlet and pluids, aud sous worth 7.50 a pair at, a pair 4.98 Full alze ailkollne comforts filled with -whit cotton and closely knot flQ, ted, a special bargain, at, cacLOC Extra large silkollne and sateen com forts filled with very fins cotton, knot ted or quilted, at, O each 1 .01 Extra large slxe comforts with 1 1 French sutt-on cover a regu- s lnr H comfort, at, each 1 , Beautiful eliltWown comforts, tille.i ,. . , geuulne eiderdown, covered Willi ele gant designs In French sateen, would be cheap at $500 O O Q Monday UVO T