Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 07, 1903, EDITORIAL SHEET, Page 11, Image 11

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, Iff ny Anbir Throwi a Few Will Into His
U Lisa of Business. -
Wadding; RIbt Gives Awit m. Girl's
eret Hww a. Vom Skirt Oared
th Dor JtatrlnaoalaJ
, Two hundred wedding guests wer es
'isnibled In ths Church of BU John Canttus,
In Chicago, one night last week, the bridal
party waa ready to leave the house and
- frtnnAm warn nrenarlnff for the banauet to
tL'oUow, when the bridegroom dashed Into
'he presence of hla fiancee and declared he
arould not marry her.
The young man wae roughly handled by
' i Hends f the bride-elect, and then wae car
t 1 led to a patrol box, from which the police
'' ook him to the West Chicago avenue sta
tion, to aave him from further Injury.
t BtanlBlaui Orochela, U Huron street, waa
'he lover of uncertain mind. He became ec-
liialnted with Anna Baaok, 19 years old. a
''rear ago at 354 North Carpenter street, her
A -eeldence. He won her consent to the mar
i.'lage three months ago, the young woman
('ays, and Insisted that sha set an early
' late for the ceremony.
' Vies Sasok and the bridal party were
frovdng Impatient at the delay last sven
ng when a cab stopped at the door and
Jroehela ran up the stairs.
"O. I thought you never were coming,"
'Its Basok cried,
vj Orochela was silent for moment, then
; ; uxfilns; from the girl and addressing the
' '-tilers, he said:
; J "Perhaps I might as well have stayed
' . way. There will be no wedding."
M J.slattves of Miss Sasok crowded around
I Irnchela and demanded that he cease Jeat-
'i. nd the girl, being the first to realise
hnt he was In earnest, fell fainting to the
v? Miss Basok's brother seised the young
nan, ana witn me aiu oi oinen urucnwi,
tit'ggling wildly, was borne to the side
walk. Beaten badly, the fllckle one then
vaa arrested for disorderly conduct.
Breaking the Kent.
A Wedding ring carelessly left on the man-
! of the house in which she was visiting
l 3d to the discovery of the marriage of Miss
JUiabeth Mayer, daughter It Mrs. Frank
'. Mayer of East Orange, N. J., to John B.
Ienry of Newark.. The bride Is a Fresby.
orlan and the groom a Roman Catholic
.'he wedding took place before a Presby
, eiian minister and afterward the bride
i'f at to East Orange to visit a friend.
Then Miss Katherlne Mayer, the bride's
,', Uter, came to visit at the same' home. The
it st thing she saw was a wedding ring on
: he mantel. -
$ -neiio, uszie," she said to her slstr,
I who has been married and leaves her
Redding ring kicking about the house r'
I "O Kate," exclaimed the bride; "John
I ienry and I have been married and I'm
irsm to ion momer.
The sympathetic sister consented to break
ho news and secure pardon for the bride.
Vomg Sktrt Settles It.
After borrowing a long skirt from the sis.
at ot the groom-eleot UtUe Miss Virginia
Uowllng, the 16-year-old dauhgter of V. T.
i 3owUng of Lynchburg, Va.. eloped and was
fSaarrled to Lewis A. Hoffman of Char
JlotusvUle. -a
Hoffman went to Lynchburg to meet bis
sweetheart. Bhe told her parents that she
' going to visit friends and left with him
ior Charlottesville. His. mother waa igno
! hant Of their Intentions and welcomed her
,'oung guest. At o'clock the next morning
jibe, was awakened by her daughter, who
'old her that her son and Virginia were
ibout to take an early train for Washing
ton to be married. t
J Tho mother had the young people before
r and pleaded with them not to take the
,'tep, but they wars stubborn in their de
, termination.
"Why, child," she said to Virginia, "no
t minuter will marry you. Tou are still in
short akirts."
i Miss Virginia became aware for tho first
time that her akirts lacked several Inches
31 reaching the ground.
I'll borrow Irene's." she said, and the
groom s sister gave her a skirt long enough
I o suit the conventions, and the two left.
Presently there cams an anxious teleirram
ifrom the bride's parents Inquiring ra to her
(wnereaoouts. The mother sent word
that the girl and her son had left on their
wedding trip.
Ocaeveel U tho Wlaa.
President Bourller of tho Louisville Cor.
nice and Hoofing oompany awoke the other
morning to find tho Joke of his life had
wn played on him. When he went to bed
A t house was dark and auiet. When ha
Jaached the breakfast table there sat his
jton and daughter also a son-in-law and a
Both, the new members ot his familv ha
inaw but not as relatives.
While ha stood la the doorway trrine- to
make himself believe that ha saw straight
lis son called out:
"IV ail right, dad. We're married, tw.
.11 M ' ' -
1 Father Immediately ordered up a few
bottles of wine and said he always had
wen a mcay man.
" naa come aoout m this Way: His
laughter. Mrs. Walter Elrod, a widow, had
Cocoa and Chocolate
Because they yield THE
The Finest Cocoa In the World
Cosb less than One Cent a Cup
Oar Caakw Sarin, hook, sari tr. fll M yaa
t makt twif a4 (rau mttttf at eaauj
' Walter Daker 6. Co. Ltd.
tniMiuu 1IM
ggsora isuict
been engaged to r. Westley Bailey, a Chi
cago pnauan. Juniie a. atouiuer, tus m-
ear-oid son, had Just become engMged to
Miss . LeUie Hamlet. , The physician was
about to wave Louisville tor urand Kapioa,
where he Is to establish a practice.
The tour were suting on the front steps
when some one proposed Immediate mar
riage. An agreement was reached and the
two men gave orders that the turally surret
be bitched. Into this they climbed end lelt
in search of two discreet friends. Then
they called on a minister, who was a frtnd
ot the family, and toid him of their deatte.
Both couplee were married at once, and tnen
Joining hands tbey heard the minister pro
nounce the benediction.
Again in the surrey they drove home, ar
riving before the unsuspecting father. He
found them at the breakfast table and or
dered the wine. "
Last a Wife, Oalaed a Mother.
For the second time a danshter of Mrs.
Jnoob Walters of Aurora, ill., has proved
undutlful, and for the second time Mrs.
Walters has barrrd her doors against a
member of her family. Miss Nannie Wal
ters is the second daughter who has mar
ried against her mother's will.
The girl Waa engaged to marry a young
man of Aurora, but at the lust moment she
lianted her mind and married one from
Muncle. Hor mother has exiled her for this
"Nannie was my favorite child," she said,
'and I miss her areatlv. hut I cannot
change the words I have said to her. She
actea contrary to my wlshes!n the matter
and without telling me a word of what she
Intended to do. Bhe did not treat me aa a
daughter should treat a mother. She has
made a great mistake."
Will KuhL the youni man of Aurora who
was Jilted by Miss Nannie, declares that he
win taae tne plnce of a son to the mother
whose daughter has acted contrary to her
Other Ties.
Samuel W. Hammers, who krnna a noun-
try store near Oettysbura. Pa., advertland
for a wife recently and In the course of a
iew uays received answers from 2.700 lorn
women of the region.
A young man In Moraantown. W. Va..
wanted to get married, but he didn't have
the money to buy a license. Thlnaa look
dark for him. but finally he decided to
mane a bold dash for fortune. He trlsd
poker and won t. The next day was his
wedding day.
A commercial rnmanra nam a in iik .
Louisville Isst week when Harry Murray,
vice president or the Louisville Heating
company, was married to Miss Emma A.
Laun, who had been employed as stenog
rapher by the company.
Tne reason for the iHiinnnnu. u...
Pansy Motteler. th iiu.hi n . i.v...
Louisville shoe dealer, has been discovered.
one was married In July to "Nick" Denun
slo, "king" of the newsboys In that city.
Her father has made a new will.
John Drast and Ma vrt. .,
Germans, are about to start from Los An
geles. Cal., on what probably is the strang
est honeymoon ever undertaken by young
v-uyie. mey leave In a small boat for the
Bering sea, where they will hunt the black
fox. They will spend the winter In the
frosen north.
John Habeoknr anri Ml., a i. n .
Morton. Tasewell county. Wis., went to
Peoria, III., to see the Pom nfmn.
get married. They procured a license and
..u,. up colics Magistrate Fox. who sug
gested that they miaht .k.
- -w. b,isv KIIU. UVU
on top of the city hall. If they desired. The
V " XMm rBrabIy. and the party.
wtW?. wltnMe". climbed to the top of
the bulldlrur. and th. wi t..,, .
off the noon hoar tho magistrate spoke the
-..u. mai joined them "for better or
Tho Delineator for December.
Amonar tha t.M. .
- wiiiriDuiors to the
Dumber D.l,ntor . re: Richard L. O.l-
. - "oaie romance, A Wed
ding Ulna- In tha ni .
. - . vuiiuumng lyrics
WltWn TZf r'iai W- A"
yjL JL ? of Power and
Pw:L5 BUelow
M.rf. rV. u roioies of the
ft. Ilnr.JMMU" Interest, entitled
DClrt'lMr "0 undrew
- amusing story-a trav
esty On the Uailal m Ir. .... .,. . .
ts- Aether oiL mc
tures of this attraotlve Chrlslm- number
re artlcto. by Ou.tar Kobbe r.. Hudson
, : ' mmen and the third
lrstUlment of Th. Evolution of a C,
Woman, the ..rial story which I. IU"
Kvm.i-i.m, '"""uie ciuo circles.
Exqulslts color work Is exhibited In the
hoUod SKh r?r-,,n Bbyhxx Child!
hood. Olrlboad and Motherhood-the work
fin 1ZT Z, 1 yjual0 Bcollard s
nfeUr."""'-. the
. . a "Peciai articles ap-
broorinta to k. "
f, . " - "'u ana replete with
tateresung and helpful Information round
out the number.
Pro.reas foty Constrwetlo. of
Cars Stops Whore Needed
As suggestive of the fact that government
ownership of a monopoly cannot be always
representative of the best of everything In
the administration of that monopoly, the
tnlted States postal department on several
occasions has served as an Illuminating ex
ample. That In one marked respect at the
present time it Is falling short of ths com
monest measures of precaution and safety
with reference to both Its men and Its malls
Is to be seen In the operation of the railway
postal system.
Twenty-flve years ago the traveling pub
llo began to realise from the net showing of
rsllway wrecks and collisions that a consld--rable
element of safety lay simply in the
olid, massive construction of the sleeping
oar. As compared to the ordinary day
coach In a head on collision, the passenger
In the sleeper had many chances for life
over tj,. passenger In the other vehicle.
When the vestibule attachment to the
sleeper was perfected the public safety
again was contributed to in a marked de
gree, and. finally, when It was discovered
that a fast train, vestlbuled from' end ot
end. virtually could not be telescoped under
ordinary conditions of wreck, the railroad
companies were quick to make every pas
enger coach In the train thus Immune, so
that today the limited trains on a railroad
virtually are made up of one coach measur
ing from the baggage car backward.
But forward of the baggage car 7 There
la the example of governmental shortsight
edness which seems economically Inexcus
able. Under the ordinary conditions of
making up a through train anywhere on the
continent there la. first, tha DrriMiiil.r. tin.
weight of the train In the pasengr section
of solid vestlbuled sleepers trailing at ths
end. In front there la a mirht i.i..
." avv.,,vvj va.
built for speed and welahi Tim flats-hat not 1 'an
tons, between there may be two. or three,
or four mall cars, built of the flimsiest pat
tern of wood, lacking the vestibule connec
tions that make for safety, and rolllne- there
uotwaen the weight of the train and the
laignt.Of the locomotive, raad r
into matchwood at the Impact of collision.
no ciaas or men In a train's crew suffers
more trora the average wreck than do the
puotal clerks. No class of matter carried
In a car may cause greater loss and Incon
venience than the destruction of the first
Class mail matter of one of these through
trains. Fire Is an element of danger In
one of these wrecked cars la always para
mount And all because the rwfrrm,r(
has not seemed to exact of tho rati roads In
their contracted services tho same economio
consideration that ths roads have given so
freely In their own Interests to ths travel
ing public.
The railroad postal clerk la deserving ot
mors consideration than he Is getting In ths
circumstances. . The efficient clerk Is bom
rather than made. He Is of material that
Is not easily picked up In a crowd. As mere
material be deserves to be husbanded mors
closely than his government is disposed to
do when It consents to have him placed as
a living buffer between the crushing possi
bilities of a 100 ton locomotive and a train
of rolld sleeping cars. Th!s Is the logical
age of steel. Give him a steel car that will
neither crush nor burn. Give him a show
for his life, even at tho expense of a little
more governmental red tape. Chicago
Remains of aa Old Torvn.
Relics of a prehistoric (own Inhabited
by mound builders have been discovered
In Montgomery county, Indiana. State
Geologist Blatchloy has received samples
of varloun articles. He says the eollpctlon
Is superior to any In the world. It comes
from the farm of J. H. Allen, which hs
and Winton Utterback have been years In
exploring. In the course of their research,
without opening the mound to any consid
erable extent, they have discovered an ax,
fifteen arrowheads, a ceremonial stone and
utensils for making bowstrings.
The ax Is a big one, much too large, and
unyielding for use in war. The ceremonial
stone Is the relic that has taken the fancy
of the state geologist. It is a smooth piece
of stone resembling a double-bladed axe,
with two grooves cut in the blades, but an
uninitiated observer might take the stone
for the petrified vertebra of some monster
fish. Mr. P.latrhlpy says he believes this
to be the finest of tho kind in the world.
' The utensil for making bowstrings Is a
flat piece of slnte, with two tapering holes
of different diameters running through It.
It is supposed that the Inventors of this ar
ticle used It for making deerekln thongs
into bowstrings. Chicago Chronicle.
As the Car Moved On.
On one of the front seats of the grip oar,
sacred to smokers, sat an elderly man with
a long gray beard.
He was smoking with great vigor a pips
with a big bowl and a stem a foot and a
half long.
The car stepped at a street crossing, and
a .buxom, rosy-cheeked young woman, find
ing the other curs crowded, sat down by the
side of tho elderly man.
Ho took the pipe out of his mouth.
"I'm afraid this smoke annoys you, miss,"
ho said.
"Not a bit," she replied. "My brother
smokes nil the time, and so does my father.
I'm smoke dried."
"Tou don't look It, miss," gallantly re
joined the old gentleman, lifting his hat.
Chicago Tribune.
The following opinions will be officially
1230. Wllklns against Redding. Error
from Douglas, Reversed. Glanvllle, C.
Division No. 2.
1. Where personal property is pledged to
secure the payment of a debt, tne pledger
cannot recover the property In a replevin
action without paying or tendering the
whole amount of the debt and keeping good
the tender.
t Where the amount of a debt Is not
In dispute a tender of the amount Is not
bad because coupled with a demand for
the return of the property, but must be
kept good, though it may still be on the
same condition; but where the amount of
the debt Is In dlopute. a tender of any
sum less than that claimed by the pledgee,
though equal to tha amount actually due.
Is not good if coupled with such a condi
tion. I. A pledgee does not forfeit his lien by
unsuccessfully contending that the equity
of redemption has been extinguished by
cor tract, or by a sale under his right as
( 1S&4. Union Pacific Railway Company
agalnet Howard county. Appeal from How
ard. Former Judgment vacated and Judg
ment of the district court reversed with
Instructions. Albert, C, Division No. 2.
1. The authority of a county board to
assess taxes la limited by section 5, arti
cle Ix, Constitution to 16 mills on the dollar
valuation, except for the payment of in
debtedness existing at the adoption of the
constitution, unlexs authorised by a vote
of the people of the county.
I. One object of such section Is to pro
tect tax payers against an abuse of the
taxing power of county authorities and the
limitation extends to every exercise of
that power.
1. A county board sssessed a tax of 15
mills on the dollar valuation and 8 mills
to pay bonded indebtedness; in sdditlon
thereto it asseseed 4 mills on the tax
able property of one of its precincts, the
county not being under township organiza
tion, to pay for the erection of puhllc
scales, erected In pursuance of ChapvVr
94, Complied Statutes, the scale tax was
not authorised by a vote of tin. people of
the county. In an action to restrain the
collection of the scale tax, held: Thst the
4 mill levy was in contravention of sec-,
tion 6, article Ix, supra and void.
4. Former Judgment vacated.
1256S. Wilcox avalnst Perkins county.
Error from Perkins. Affirmed. Holcomb, J.
1. The fact that an official bond of a
county officer as executed, is Joint, In
stead of Joint and several, ns required by
statute, is not an objection thereto of
which tho obligors upon the- Instrument
can avail themselves k a defense. The
bond is good to the extent it compiles with
the stall i in that regard.
2. While by the provisions of Section SO.
Chapter 3?, Compiled Statutes, entitled
"Frauds" fradulent Intent Is declared to
bo a question of fact and not of law, yet
It does not follow that such a question of
fact muxt in every can"? be left to a Jury
for its determination. If from the uncon
tradicted evliltncn all reasonable men must
reach but ono conclunlon, then It is proper
for the court to direct a verdict.'
3. Where a full and complete settlement
of a county ofneer with the county com
missioners, wno are autnonxeu to mau
the same, such settlement Is final and con
clusive, unless there Is fraud, mistake or
Imposition in making the same. Douglas
county acalnst Dennett. 61 Nebraska, aOO,
12tt4:. Wl lams against Fuller. Error from
Franklin. Former Judgment vacated: Judg
ment of the district court affirmed. Pound,
C. Division N- I
1. An asalirnment that "the court erred
in excluding from the testimony proof as
to the truth of the article and the charges
made therein," Is too general and Indefinite
to be entitled to consideration where a
portion of the testimony offered upon tho
subjects mentioned waa rightly excluded.
2. The answer in an action for libel
alleged, among other things, thst tne arti
cle complained of was not published of
or concerning the plaintiff, and that It waa
true. Held: that these allegations must
be construed so aa to be consistent, and
hence that evidence that the charges con
tained in such article were true of tho
plaintiff whs properly excluded.
l,2is. mull nros. ngainsi roweu. error
from Hamilton. Reversed end action as
to Stull lirox. dismissed. Hastings, C. Di
vision No. 1.
1. To authorise a Joinder of parties as
defendants they must ho under a Joint
liability or must be claiming some .right
In the subject matter of the action.
t. To authorise summons to another
county In a merely personal action for
money there must te an actual right to
Join the resident and nonresident defend
ants. t. A nonresident defendant may Join a
plea to the merits with a plea to the Juris
diction where the facta as to ths latter are
not apparent on the face of the record.
4. Where the question of jurisdiction Is
thus litigated the nonresident defendant
does not by appealing from a county
court's adverse decision waive his plea to
the Jurisdiction.
. Where defendant's plea to the Juris,
diction only inferentlally alleges a service
of summons In another county, ths tacts
of service sppearlng In the record will
be considered when his pleading Is at
tacked for the first time in this court.
13uuOP. Pomerlne against White. Error
from Lancaster. Affirmed. Oldham, C. Di
vision No. L
1. The master Is liable for tha negligent
set of a servsnt committed within the
scope of or as a necessary incident of his
i. Where, as an Incident of employment.
It la necessary for a servant to open a
trap door to perform his labor, and ho
carelessly and negligently leaves the trap
door open after performing the work, and
one to whom such duty Is owed Is injured
by such nrgllsance, the master Is liable.
1. When lulntlff makes out hi case
without dlacluslug coittrtbutoiy nesllgenco
tha burden is on defendant to eaiabllaa
its eslatrnce as an affirmative defenm.
4. In sn action ly a married woman for
personal inlurirs It Is proiHT to show that
she has beea Inca wiis led t'V t.non of
a. I
Barrios Diamonds havo steadily gained In popularity since their introduction Into tnls country.
Their sale in Chicago has been phenomenal. Five of tho most beautiful stores in State street are
devoted exclusively to the sale of these marelous stones. The Barrios Diamond Company also
own and operate stores in Denver, Seattle, St. Louis, Detroit, Cleveland, Pittsburg, New York, Paris,
Berlin, London, Buenos Ayres and In over ono hundred smaller cities throughout the United States.
Barrios Diamonds have stood the test of time and In places where they have been sold for years are
more popularto-day than ever. Every stone is absolutely guaranteed to retain Its original brilliancy
forever and any stone which fails to give complete satisfaction or by accident proves to be unsatis
factory In any way Is replaced without any expense whatever to the purchaser. Read the guarantee.
Come and See This Magnificent Display.
Diamonds at t -20 of Barrio. Diamonds possess .vary quality of beauty and Indottruotlblltty that m.k.s . rogular dlamosxi ratuabl.
Forovory pur.os. of .d.rnmont and b.auty Barrios Diamonds may b. u.od In .laos f aontilaa, witn th.tth.y defy dotoetlon.
RINGS that se.m to be worth $50.00 for $2.00 BCARF PINS that teem to be worth $200.00 for $2.50
BROOCHES that seem to be worth $150.00 for. $2.50 CUPP BUTTONS that toom to be worth $150.00 for.. $1.50
STUDS that seem to be worth $75.00 for , $1.50 ' LOCKETS that item to be worth $35.00 for. $2.00
f 7 5
Marguerite Brooch.
Petals of chased fold, mount
d wita cluster ix spiralis!
Vrflusnt, OssblDC stones la
tils center at4 perfectly
matched pare white stones,
of extraordinary beauty, be
tween the petals. A marnltl-
cent ornament. Ac-1
taslly worth fU. A
saxfaiD at .
0i JL
Solitaire Drop Earrinta.
Daplleatcs of th fa mo as w
tls wore by Mm. Barrios,
pronounced genuine by
Darta. Thee earrlnss sre of .x.
tra hssvy sold Dlat.warrsnted
to win for IS years. Set with
perfectly white and brilliant
Stones that absolutely defy
detection. They seats to b
avaia ta va
worts at least
IimTOO. Our
- i, .A .
Oreclan Scroll Brooch.
A dainty design copied from
a claMic fooad In Athens.
Beautifully ensrsved. with a
sparkling, flaslUng svon In th i
center. Cannot bs told from i
original brooch n w f
afK 9I.0V
Caff Battooa.
Those Unks are extra heavy gold
lilsd, xqulsitly flnlshsd, plain pol
ished gold with ens brilliant whits
stoas. Thiy appear to b worth I&0.
I and rstaln their brll- CI tX(
i Kascy. Our pries Vs-V
tbo purpose of showing the nature and ex
tent of tier injuries
t. Central City against Enale, tl N. W.
Rep., M8. examined and ,dlstlnKulhed.
d. Action of tho trial court In admiaalon
of evldenc. examined and approved.
T. Quantum of damages examined and
held not excessive.
12KZ8. M. H. Kaeilty and Guaranty Co.,
Baltimore, against Etienhflmer. Error
from lncaatr. Ames C. L1vb1uu No. 1.
L Principles of eBtuppel are uiututtl and
reciprocal. One who aurcaxafully altarUn
sppollate procvedlnas uj.on the groumi Hint
thy ar uitauthuiUrd by Uw and wholly
void la estopped afterwards to aMert that
they are la any r-it valid. This rule
applies to an ti.prl undertaking by which
to rclcia its briOicncy forever, end Hid KQ:nlinj3 to
Cfto perfect saibfcctioii. Uo uiEl cfro CI0.000.GQ
to cntchcritctto institution if it ccn bn chonn lint uo
over rofuso to rcplaca a oteno that does cot givo csti
faction. .DAliniOS DIALIQIIDS uill stand scids, feest.
slkcli, ofc; in feet they ccn ba ncshed crd dosned lib
ordinary diamonds, end so neor do tby rcsrafcfo tfcea
that 0UEnnr.IEf3T mmiS hm ti tzz
iff ' jit 1
W sasUasi-iryW
Triple Serpent
nakroe and beastlfnl
aesifa. Sot with say
combination of stones.
Babies, Gmerslas, Tor
quota or pure white,
perfectly brilliant Bar
The latest and moot popular
deslra Is Barrings this season.
Two ajagnH-eatly brill's t para
whit stones, perfectly srateh'd
sot la extra heavy filled gold,
Ton oesKirsty cannot dtoda.
rios lutmonat. a rmg
00 EvH$2.00
tost saouia n
sell for tM. J
Oar price
i h
Eairared Belcher
Baad mads, exquisitely
engrsved. Large, pur
white, perfectly bril
liant and spsrkllsg
stone, guaranteed to re
tain It brilliancy fr
vr. Mountings gnar
aatsed for years. Can
not dlstlnnliihed
I Larfe. Small Clue
ter llof.
Aa asset copy of ring '
i costing tlgt.OO. Ilmar
i aid, ffuby or Tnrquols i
' centers. A macnldctnt 1
jewel, warraotod for IS
! special bar. 4a50
gain at V ,
Cluster Scar! Pin.
10 beautifully whit and
perfectly brtlUant
stones, flashing and
sparkling, around a
Huby, Emerald or Tur
quala center. Ths mnst
beautiful and stylish
scarf pin ever worn.
is 1S2.50
A Quaint and beautiful doalga
origlsally worn a passant.
Aa exact copy of a Moorish
design costlsg 1275. Uesvy
gom aum sei
penecuy sriiii
.tAn.a A ana
bargain; oax pries
D. not oonfound Barrios Diamond, with Rtilne Stonss, Bolivia,
. Alaska, La Porla, Transvaal, Sumatra, .r, In fast, any
othor Imitation Diamonds, n. matter what th. nam. may bs.
Barrio. Diamonds ars th. nly stQn. whloh will posltlvsly rs
taln tholr brllllanoy. All othor Imitation, aro mad. ,of ehemloals,
ohssp glass or pasta.
Barrios Diamonds havo novor boforo boon Mid In y.ur city.
Any .no who may have sold y.u Imitation diamonds a. Barrloa baa
grossly doeolvod and eheatod y.u.
Koyalty and tho "400" who awn colabratod and costly dia
monds, ast In Naoalaooe, Tlatas, Brooehos. 010., heos thorn la
burlarprof safes, while they wear ta nobllo tho asset daali.
oatos sol la Barrios Diamonds, aad no ono over dotoots tho
from Cedar. Affirmed. Oldham, C. Divi
sion No. 1.
1. It is not necessary to republish tho
notlc of application for license to sell In
toxicating liquors after additional names
are n;rn.itted to be added to the petition.
2. Infant children, although residents and
Heirs to estates of Inheritance In real es
tate in the preclni't, are not qualllied sign
ers of a vetllion for the sale ot Intoxicating
Hiiunrs In such precinct.
13o48. loyer against Richardson Drug
'om;iajiy, Error from Dawes. Reversed.
Dume, C. Division No. I.
The endor of personal property cannot
rescind the contract of sa.1 and recover
poatieoalon f r( tn th vendee on th ground
f f f'Hiid and rt .- li t. f"- ..f r. .. ' .
' t ,
FiTe-Stene Hoop
A dainty and popalar
design. VIts evenly
ra sno poneciiy
it stones, moont
hasd In oxqnls-
brllllaat stones, meant
sd bv hssd In oxonls
it.lj Bui (lit d hosvy gold
Blled. A ring set nelly
worth l&oa It sbso-
Round Belcher.
Ths most popalar ring
f ' th tlmss. Warrant
d for IB years. This
ring cannot b told from
a ring set with a gen
ulna diamond worth
with par wt.lL,
f 12.00. Our
M.00 and
respoctlnc soma matter material to the eon
tract ana upon which the vendor relied in
making the sal and extending credit for
the purchase price.
U Woolaey against Chamberlain Bank,
ing House. Error from Johnson. Reversed.
HTrkpatrlck. C. Division No. t.
While the Hen of a tax upon personal
property la Inferior to a chattel morlgugs
given alter the taxes were levied, but be
fore the tax books cam Into the hands of
' the collector, such mortgage is inferior to
tne Ilea or taxes levied anu assessed against
the mortgagor for subsequent years upon
the property mortgaged remaining In his
pos- salon.
loooS. kicKeiisis agnlnst lleaumont. An-
eal frt-in Perkins. Judgment. Albert. C.
? ;:
rsrfostly white and
I brilliant 1 or a
; stones, aaad sat ta 1
heavy gold filled meant-
tags. Onr pries (they 1
sansot be dlsUaguiihed
frosi ths f
i taanlas) ..Jpl.DU i
f,-.- a
. will1 r&tmll-l-1----
J2) mW So
Star Titfany Sonbsrit.
Ao ezq
lanlsitetr beaatlfnl and
brtniaoc collection of bln-
whits stcntes. A brooch which
could not bo duplicated la geo
nt&e diamonds for less than
IJbO, out Brie
end yon ess t U
U front tho gsn
iV I
Oreclaa Scroll Brooch.
Chased gold, set with spark,
ling stones. On of th most
Supnlsr deslgss ever made,
leavy rolled gold plat. Will
wear a lifetime. In genuine
brooch Is w'th llTB.S4.Tll
Special srlc .... "JV
Oeld Tracery' Brooch.
On of tha handsomest snd
daintiest brooches ever da
Iro.d. Burnished geld, flll-d.
Will wear for lb yr. Bet with
seven magnlUcently braotlful
icently braotirul
stones, a bargain
at siu.uu.
war price ....
Coll Buttons.
bsasttfol sngravod ooslga set wtth
small hat vary br&ltant
Thoss bsftoaa saaaot h toid
goama goods worth
aus.0& They defy
taction. Oar price
, proper officer, showing that It was duly
acknowledged before him by the mortgagor.
may uo reaa in eviaeuoe without lurlher
i. To entitle the holder of a real eatata
mortgage to a decree of foreclosure, It is not
necessary to show that the mortgage has
been duly recorded.
t. One who redeems from a tax sale of
real estate, when he has no title to or In
terest In such real estate, Is a mere volun
teer, and such redemption a-ives him no
claim atralnst the o wnr of thtt land i.ur my
llu th Una ltaelf tor iU fUeniy
Uua iuey.
4. An Rpplicatloo tor a receiver U mC
drHHMM) to th sound dU(Ttlon of the trial