in THE OMATIA DAILY PEE: Fill PAY. NOVEMBER 0. 1003. Clreat J Sole of Shirt Saturday I rr rs i i hi R3 Today. Most Extraordinary rwe Shirts at 2Sc TS Entire Accumulation of Dress Goods, Waistings and French Flannels that Sold Up to 75c a Yard at 15c a Yard Here are French Flannels, Waistings and all -4 kinds of Dress Goods from the regular de- I partraent, have been selling up to 75c yd $1.50 and $2.50 Skirting JIT Cheviots, TaiUr Cloths, tr coats, skirts, etc.. C- . in- v-.4 worth $1.60 and $2.60-at Lie, 0i u w iaiu. a yari $1 Press Goods at 49c Yd. Every color and weave, heavy and medium weight cloths, for chil- A Qp dren's dresses, skirts, etc, at, yard Traveler's Sample Sets at 25c Each Bottw valnon thnn over in these splendid sample sets on bargain imj wire value up to $2. (XX each 69c 25c Dresa Oooda at 10c Piece Thousands of lengths of highest class (".- Dress Goods, every popular color and style, at piece . . lvfw Dress Goods in Basement 4 PICCC ' M ft Bargain square plle- " ed bl(h with una goods, many pieces alike value up to tl a yard, at 2fto a piece. . 10c Yard Fancy plain col ored Ar- murea and Jacquarda, in red, nary and tie. twenty-five quality. myr-uent cloth of the flneat and purest wool, three, Ave and eight yard lengths. Black Silk Remnants Manufacturer's sample line of black and oolored silk velvets, all at, a piece Black Peau de Sole and Taffeta 200 yards on bargain square, at 25c 59c Sample Coracts-Dozens of styles of fine eorsota, from a rt?n manufacturer's stook, in all oolors and sixes well worth ll-40w Special Remnant Sale in Basement Embroidered Edge Skirting Flannels, 2 C 3l2C 10c 8c 6e . 3c 5c 8c 6y8c Heavy Cantos Flannels, all grades, a yard Plain and fancy col ored Baby Flannel, a yard Black Mercer ized Sateen, yard Figured Sateen f tor comforters, I J C ayar-d ww Comforter ff Sllkollne, a mjC yard And Hundreds. of Other EXTRA Yard wide Percale, a yard Imitation French Flannels, a yard i . Fleece Back Wrapper Flannel, rd a yai Mercerized White Walatlng, a yard All klnda of Dresa Callcoa at, yard Remnants In the Basement SPECIAL 1 Notice our south window It Is full of all kinds of Carpets Moquettea, Ax mlnater, Wilton Velvets, etc. worth up to $1.75 a yard, at 89c a yard. This la the greatest Carpet bargain ever given In Omaha. Jl. TZ. Pranbrf & pan L gL Pnra&f tt Pons 4 Per Cent Interest Paid All Deposits Payable on Demand PRESJENT FORESIGHT means future independ ence. No trouble ,to save when you've once started. You balk at the beginningthat's all. When you see the figures beginning to mount up in your pass book, you'll need no further urging. - J. L. DRANDEIS & SONS, BANKERS. Accounts opened from one dollar to three thousand dollars. Our A E I8K WEDDINC RINGS are worn by thousands of Omaha's good-wives. When YOU WANT OH E remember that OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE i to found the VERY LARGEST 8 ELECTION in the city comprising the fashionable Tiffany and the wide, medium and narrow regu lation oval. ALBERT EDHOLFel, Jowolor. I07 NORTH SIXTEENTH ST. CLOTHING SAL.K IATIROAT. I Eatire Mlgn. Barplaa Bteek froaa . H. Mark Co., 10 W. th St., H. Y em Rale. ait Boatoa Men. AT PHENOMENAL BARGAINS. . Entire fall and1 winter Block of one of the beat clothing manufacturers In the country bought by us will be offered at lees than SOo on the dollar. Every suit and overcoat Is ofhlghest grade. Watch papers for par ticular. J. L. BRANDEIS 6ON8, ' Proprietors Boaton Store. Horse covers cnaae to Bi your ttorse. Omaha Tent and Awnljag Co., 11th and Harney streets. DIKD. BAILEY Georgia C. wife of Ira U Bailey and daughter of C. K. Ught. Mon day, October M, at Kearney, at the age of 1 years, I months and M days. RBADLT.1 A New Towi Bite ta Bremer Coaaty, Iowa. Opening sale of lota will take plaoe No vember 10. On that date special trains will be run from Dubuque, Marahalltowu, Fort Dodge and Mclntlre,' la., - and Inter mediate stations. For particulars address E. B. Maglll, manager Townslte depart ment, Chicago Great Western railway, Fort Dodge, la. Mast Trade Tkreng Agent. BAN FRANCISCO. Nov. S.-The whaling bark Alice Knowlea has Just arrived here. The captain reports that the landing of whalemen at the South Bea Inland of Penlop for fruit and vegetables has been barred by the agent of the German Trading company, who will allow sua one, ashore and Insists If any trading la done It will have to be through htm. B. R. Patten, dentist, McCague building. MRS. J. BENSON Art Needlework. Our department never was so full of new and pretty novelties us this fall, and now is the best time to choose what you will make up for Christmas. Among the strictly nevvvthingH is the NORWEGIAN CANVAS AND PATTERNS FOR DARN ING WORK. RIVA CANVAS, stamped and tinted In pillow topa, table rovers and opera bags for CROSS STITCH WORK. Stamped pieces for pin cushion tops. Jewel, handkerchief and collar boxes and cases, laundry liats, calendars, match scratches, no fa pillow tops, laundry bag, table cover, etc. ' New Battenberg an,d Ruibilaaunce patterns. .. Mercerised cord and tassels. In all colors, 26c to 10c. Rest IfiMvo doau baby pillows, 45c Uncovered sofa pillows. 45c up to $2.25. All sums and best qualiUes (or the money. Infant's baskets, handsomely trimmed, aW up. Vtoyia Cjtdt Xun tor sweaters. stohk. ayr THIS Hal I.I A BLR Wonderful oupon Sale , Coupons with every purchase. The most liberal and valua ble tickets ever given absolutely free with every purchase. To still further prove that these coupons are absolutely free, note the prices quoted for the following sales. No other house east or west can or will offer such values. Uaydcn Bros' Gloali Dep t. Particulars As tlio Goods Gomo In. ' We have promised you the particulars of our garment buyer when in New York last week. We give them to you as the goods come. Watch the daily papers. 1175 women's tailor-made suits, new, nobby, up-to-date, styl ish garments many samples in the lot representing the stock of three manufacturers closed out to our buyer at a little over one half price. ( Bargain No. 1 Women's suits, made of cheviots, serges, broadcloth and Vene tians, in brownv blue and black, coats satin lined, made to sell by the manu facturer for f 1G.50, our price only,, each $10.00 Bargain No. 2 Women's tailor-made suits in Irish tweeds and fancy Scotch mixtures, made with the long, grace ful coats, lined throughout with Giv ernaud Bros' silk, made to sell for $25 our price only $18.00 WOMEN'S SAMPLE SUITS A mixed assortment of women's suits, high class Btyles, beautiful creations, made to sell for $30, our price enly .$22.50 EXTRA SPECIALS. Women's flannelette wrappers at 39c Women's flannelette and percale wrappers, regular $1.50 quality for J ...98c Women's eiderdown and flannelette dressing sacques, for... 39c Women's black mercerized underskirts, worth $1.50, for ....79c En the High Grade Dross Goods Dep. , FROM 9:30 TO 11:30 A. M. We will sell the finest grade of Gros Romans FRENCFI FLAN NELS, in all the fine Persian styles,. and sold always at from " 75c to $1.00 per yard, and not over one large pattern for wrap per or kimona to. one. customer at, a yard, only 1 9c - Other sales on other grades of dress goods. 75c Pillow Tops at 39c Thursday morning 'we placed on sale, two styles of new 'pillow tops and backs one an American Beauty rose pattern the other a winter scene. These are the two finest patterns shown this season. , Only two patterns to each customer. ' , 25c black tailor belts i ..V .V. 10c $1.00 chatelaine bags 39c Grand embroidery sale Thursday. Embroideries at 2c to 25c-worth 7c to 65c. Friday is Remnant Day in Omaha's Greatest Domestic Room Almost two carloads of remnants of heavy wool dress goods, heavy cotton dress goods, percales, prints, ginghams, etc. they are bought direct from the mills, cleaji, and good long length. BE ON IIAND EARLY.'. TIIEY ARE THE BEST AND CHEAPEST YOU WILL SEE THIS YEAR. $1.50 VALUES Remnants of all wool novelty dress goods, all the wool zibeline, Scotch mixtures, all wool voiles and German plaids worth up to $1.50 Friday, 49,c and 39c 25c VALUES -Remnants of French and German flannelettes, Scotch madras waistings and extra heavy German plaids, in red and black, .worth up to 25c Friday 10c 19c VOILES-Remnants of Eclipse, Genore and Vicuna cloths and flannelettes the greatest fabrics for wrappers and house sacques, worth up to 19c Friday 7-Jc 15c VALUES Remnants of 36-inch wide percales, in light and dark colors, Scotch ginghams and madrasses, gold Du Nord zephyrs, Royal Piques, seersucker and Scotch plaid ginghams, French cashmere plaids and extra heavy flannelettes worth up. to 15c Friday 5c Jl mm BITTIR BE SURH THAN SORRY. Come In now and select your Chrlntmas presents. Make a. small deposit and let us lay them away for you. We will exchange them later should you And something more auliablo. Then you are sure, and you take no risk. Our Christmas goods are in now. j Mawhinney jx Kyan Co., Jewelers, Diamond Merchants and Art Hiaunnere. ISttt and Douglas 8ts Omaha. Wilte for our catalogue. BE SURE TO GET THE BEST If you are looking for a good Sewing Machine or supplies for same you will be sure to find such at 1514 Capitol Ave. Everything we sell Is guaranteed reliable nd as represented. W1U not make promises that we can or will not fulfill. 1914 Capitol Ave-, Tel. 1574. P. E. FL0DMAN & CO., Jewelers, Overstocked on Winter Clothing Our buyer got bark last week from the eastern markets, where be found soms of the foremost and best known manufac turers heavily overstocked on suits, over coats and pants. He took advantage of their anxiety to turn their over production into ready cash, these goods are now belli g unpacked and will be placed on sale Satur day morning. Prices that will satisfy the most economical purchaser. Don't buy a dollar's worth of clothing anywhere until you have looked over our offerings. For full particulars watch Friday evening's and Saturday morning's papers. The Guarantee ClotlUng Co., UX and l&a Douglas Street. 7 m CLOCKS that keep time are i what we handle. They are uaed in all ma- ' teriala from tl.uo up 4 4 r SCIIMOLLER & MUELLER, Piano Alanufacturcrs Wholesale and Retail Dealers 1313 Farnara St., Omaha, Neb. ,6 mm aj fg imV ..1 jTw",wwgtaBWWslsam Tn looking for a piano remember that we offer you the largebt variety. STEIN WAY, STUCK. 8TEGER, 5MERSON, VOSE, A. B. CHASE, HAHDMAN and OTHERS. The best value. Our own "band-mado MUEL LER rold direct from the maker to the buyer at one umall profit and the easiest terms, 510.00 cash and t.S.00 pur month, of any piano house In the United States. You nre cordially Invited to open an account with uh, nnd nil your business will be treated confidential. New pianos for rent, $3, $4 and JS per month, six months' rent al lowed If purchased. We lake old instru ments In exchange at full value; tune, move and repair instruments at our own factory. Square pianos and organs, $1?, $25, $35 and up. Used upright pianos, $85, $95, $105 and up. New eustern-made pianos, $135, $145, $155 and up. Our own hand-made Mueller pinno. $225, $250, $275 and up to the price of the Stein way, the standard piano of the world, which admits of no reduction. Piano players, new and used, $125. $150, $175 and up to the price of the PIANOLA, the only piano attachment endorsed by the worldls greatest musicians, Paderewskl Rosenthall, Moszkowskl and Sauer. Write for Illustrated catalogue and bar gain list or call and examine our stock be fore buying if you want to save money. (iNCORPORATtO) MANUFACTURE-WHOLE SALE -RETAIL J IA M O S MAIN HOUSC AND OrPICKl 1313 FARNAM factory: i3ia farnam TCLfSHONK 128 OMAHA LINCOLN. NEB iss a. iith st. TIL. TSS CO. BLUFFS, IA eoa BROADWA" TIL. see ' "It's all In that powerful ventilator" that makes our Rochester, N. Y., BASE BURNER so popular. All we ask for it is $5 down and $6 per month, or the wholesale prices for cash. sr. 1 f . A . .. ... Mr. Emery, manager of the Cooperage Works of the Union Stock Yards, who has from 150 to 250 men unuer his charge, Called at our store last Saturday and after look ing over our Rase Burners a few moments Inquired the price of our largest else. Being told the price he axked when we could de liver one. Being told that we could deliver one rl?ht away, he said he would take one and paid for It. After he bad paid for it he raid he was from the eat himself and knew all about the Rochester Base Burner. It had the reputation in the east of being the best Buae Burner made, and he would not look further at any other. THE STOETZEL STOVE CO., 714 South 16th Street. We sell the best stove sold in Omaha and make the easiest terms. , LOTS OF PEOPLE can take advantage of these prices 'cause they are good la two sforei under the s:ime management belonging to the same PERSON and conducted In the same man- BCHAEFER'S CUT PRICE DRUQ STORE, 10th and Chicago Sts., Omaha, Neb., or 24th and N Bta., South Omaha. Neb. Address all letters to E. T. Yaies, Prop. Out of town people can Mititl In their mail orders to either store suit yourself and all will be filled promptly at thane prices: II. 00 Peruna. i. njl you want, at $1.00 Pierce's Mcdiciens, no limit, at ... $1.(0 Wine of Cardui, at $1.00 Listerine, at 36o Genuine Castorla $3 Chester's Genuine Pennyroyal Pills. $1.00 CRAMER'S KIDNEY Ct ltE guaranteed $l.uu German Klmmell Bitters .., $1.00 Coke's Dandruff Cure $1.00 Parisian Hair Tonic, guaranteed. 25c Mennen's Taleum Powder lfo Laxative Bromo Uulnlne LOWNEY'S CANDY. O'BRIEN CANDY. CUT PRICE DRUQ STORE E. T. YATEfl. Prop. 16th. aS Chleasn Streets. Ooiak. fiSo ,.75o , 75c . 2fn $1.00 . TPc ,.75o . tftu , 75c . 12o 15r SCHAEFER'S One of the comforts of the 20th Century Is Hot Water. We cannot all (o to the Hot Sprints and en Joy the comforts provided by na ture, but we can at a small expense have Hot Water, and that In liberal Quantities. There Is no excuse for having cold water, or even warm water, as by our system of puttlnf n Water Fronts we can live you hot water, and t at in large quan tities. Why not see us about It, and let us show you how easily your stove or range can be sup plied with hot water attachments. Duplicate parts for all makes of stoves, ranges, furnaces, steam and hot water plants. OMAHA STOVE REPAIR WORKS. 1207 Douglas Street Ct9BSsjJ5 SPECIALS ON SALE FRIDAY Women's Shoes worth $2.50, $3 00, $3.50, on sale Friday for Sl.OO. Can you wtar size S, 3$, 4 or 4 If so, com to our ladies? shot departmint bright and early Friday morn' ing, and buy wimsn's shoes milt of Jim leather that sold for $2.50, 3 and 13.50, for ftf. They come in the above sizes only. If we had all regular sizes they would be sold for 2.50 to 3.50. Special price Friday, Sl.OO. Ladies' 75c Gloves for 45c idles' golf gloves, oome In blacks, white and fancv colors, In Bcotrh wool and casslmTe. beautiful styles, all sizes Regular 75o VALUES FRIDAY raercerlred .... 45c Ladies' Kid Gloves worth $1, for 59c 6peclal lot of ladles' kid gloves. In all the newest shades, wlUi two clap blacks, whites and colors REGULAR $1.00 VALUE FOR F RID AT OVC Ladies' Belts worth SI, for 48c Special purchase of ladles' belts In velvets, leathers and silk The new tailor made suit belt, in black, white and rede also every shade of crushed reguabV 48c Women's Vests and Pants, 25c Garm't Ladles' good, heavy weight, ribbed fleece lined vests and pants, In Egyptian. wh!tft ctr natural. rtArfoetlv .h.n.i1 ,nd Hmm m. ON BALE FRIDAY FOR. PER GARMENT : S.OC Ladies' Extra FlflB Quality Underwear, 45c Ladles' extra fine quality underwear, In silk fleece, jersey ribbed vests and pants, In white ecru A c REGULAR 75c QUALITY FOR FRIDAY 40C , Ladies' Combination Suits, 45c uMSApffi fy! ..rf.V! 45c Children's Underwear, 19c s natural gray, Jersey ribbed cotton. Combination suits, 2 to 12 REG U LAR 45c QUA LITY-rFOR FRIDAY ji..iiih., .1.1. i i..i J....JJ a,i in ..ii inMWTin.mMww i T' T Children I ages D)t?nnrvi luvJuvJ 0 lc IT'S UP TO YOU! We are giving value's that are not urpaased east, west, north or south. -We are making specials that are real surprises in modern merchandising:, and we are giving Green Trading Stamps with all purchases. ARE YOU OUR CUSTOMER? Bargain Sales for Friday and Saturday (n the Dry Goods Department SHORT SALES AT SHORT PRICES! ONE-HALF HOUR FRIDAY, 11 TO 1150 A. M. 1500 yards eilk finished calicoes, value 10c, Op one-half hour sale Jt ONE HOUR FRIDAY, 8 TO 9 A. MJ Fifty pieces worsted plaid dress goods, 28-in. wide, Ap value 15c, one hour sale Tv ONE HOUR SALE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, 10 TO 11 A. M. Hemmed handkerchiefs, worth from 5c to 10c each, one hour sale, each 5000 yds pure white baby shaker flannel, 36-in. wide, Ap a good 25c flannel, from 9 to 10 Saturday, only, a yd. . I U v 35 pieces cream Danish cloth on bargain section, 101 p main aisle, per yard ..Ism 2v MILL, ENDS OF CAMBRIC 300 yds very fine white cambric in lengths 2 to 10 yds, the 10c and 15c grade, while they last Friday, per yd. . UL 200 lengths 45-in. pillow case muslin, the good 15c Hp quality, domestic counter Friday, per yd lUv Women's and Children's Outing Flannel Under-Garmsnts We have Just 0ned fifteen caaee of these goods that should have ben tn and sold 60 days ago. This gives us an enormous slock later than we should have them. We must make prices to unload. Women's flannelette gowns at 50c, 75c and 98c Children's and misses' gowns v. 35c Children's dresses ,35c Children's petticoats 25 C Women's petticoats 25c, 35c, 450 and 50c FURS! FURS! Come and get a fur scarf, boa, cape or coat at prices such as you have never heard of before. Grocery! Grocery! Salmon, 1 lb can ICo COFFEES ROASTED DAILY. Golden Rio, very delicious, per lb.. ICo Bennett's Capltot ooffee, per lb....n Java and Mocha, finest, per lb STks TEAS-BEHT VALUES OFFERED. U. F. Japan, Oolong, Gunpowder, English breakfast, per lb 38a BUTTER DIRECT FROM THE BEST DAIRIES. Country butter, per lb 16c Bennett's Capitol creamery, per lb..Mc FREE fHLVER PLATED SUOAR SPOON with every package Nutrlta. 12Vtc I lb can clam chowder. Burn ham s 15c Rreakfast cocoa, U lb can l.'tc Maple sugar, per lb , 12 V Olives, bottle to Baked beans, $ lb can luo Oelaline, package Ktt Peas, X lb can 7c Rolled Oats. 2 lb package lc Wheat breakfast food, I lb pk'g.,.10c Parlor matches, 6J0 In box 4c 9 BROOCHES Diamond mounted. Pearls. Sunbursts. Opals, and dos ens of fancy picres. We have a beautiful line of thrse goods at H 50. tu 00, 17.00. $10.00 and up. We have S nice line In gold filled brooches also. Spend a fi-w niltmiuv u our sloie. Look for the name. 5. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler and Optidan. Ilia Douglas Slrset. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER ASareas Outaaa. e. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Aserees Oaths, s. . Perfield's Cut Price Piano Co. Bs Bldg , Rsom 7. Telcpboovs 701 Weker Slery SsUark, LSlaas4aier.