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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 4, 1903)
Omaha Daily Bee I HE ESTABLISHED JUNE 19, 1871. OMAHA, WEDNESDAY MORNING, JjOVEMHKIl 4, 1903 TEN PAGES. SINGLE corr TIIKEE CENTS. r it H 4 V, THREE STATES SAFE Bepnblieaiit Carry Pennsylvania, Massachu aetti and Ohio bj Good Majorities. TAMMANY IS ON TOP IN NEW YORK George B. McClellan Carries tb City hj About 70,000 Plwalitj. GROUT AND FORNES ARE BOTH WINNERS Greater fart of JDemeoratio Ticket Carried with the Head. J- ELECTION RESULTS IN OTHER STATES u, Hil Doubt Over Effect of Vote la Maryland, a. Ticket la Hard to , Coul-Dfmwrali Claim , Ktatirkr. NEW YORK, Nov. 8. After a remark Able campaign, In which there was united against him nearly all of the newspapers and practically every minister of religion In this city, George B. McClellan, son of the civil war general, was today elected third mayor of the greater New York over Beth tow, fuslotiist, the present mayor, by a plurality of about 70.0H0. Edward M. Grout was elected comptroller, and Charles V. Forties president of the board of alder men. These two men were originally on the fusion ticket, and were Indorsed by Tammany, whereupon the fualonist. (took, tbelr names from the Low ballots-and nom inated other candidates. It was the nomi nation of Grout and Fornes by Tammany that caused Hugh McLaughlin, the veteran leader of the Kings county democracy, to bolt and declare that he would not support men who were not democrats. In spite of Ms defection, however, McClellan, Grout and Fornes carried .Kings county. The 'management of their campaign there was taken over by Stat. Senator Patrick H. McCarren, when McLaughlin resigned: A surprise was the low vote for -William 8. Devery, former chief of police, who ran on an. independent ticket, which was given practically no support. This result shows a tremendous change of public sentiment since Mayor Low's election two years ago, when he won by 81,632. At that time he carried all the boroughs but Queens, his plurality In Manhattan and the Bronx be ing 6,668 and Brooklyn 25,767, and In Rich mond 768. In Queens, Shepard, dem., had a plurality of 606. Today McClellan carried Manhattan and the Bronx by about 68.000, a gain of 63,000; Brooklyn by about 6,000, a gain of 8,000; aud Queens by about 6,000, a gain of more than 4,000. This makes a total net gain for McClel lan of about 108,000. as compared with Bhep ard's vote of two year ago. , Low carried only one borough Richmond by about 200 votes. The result was known early and at 8:15 Mayor Low sent a tele gram of congratulation' to McClellan, as follows: ' I congratulate you on your election. If I can be or service o yon, rJ me. tSigned.) - BK1H LOW. . The mayor then aaldi think that tha telegram suras up all that I ixav-io nay , tonight.'. ' Colonel McClellan. who Is at present a member of congress, made tho following statement: 1 am deeply grateful to my fellow cltlxoiia . ,.r thflr confidence In me. 1 renew the promises which 1 have made before else lhav no bitterness of feeling for any 1 shall go at opce to Washington to pre pare for the extraordinary session and as I..,.. u. th niiHKtlon of Cuban reciprocity is disposed of I shall turn my attention to the Hmurs oi mo cny. . I Invite the co-operation Of every cltlsen. whether he aupporieu me or nm sou re gardlciw of his political views. In the ad' t nf the city's Brood. This victory should encourage and unite all democrats for the presidential contest In 1904. Republicans elect entire city and county ticket at Buffalo. No election for mayor . this year. At Blnghaiaton the mayor and entire, republican ticket is elected. Republicans carry Ithaca. Demo crats carry Auburn, except for a few minor Offices. . 1 At Utlea the mayor and whole democratic city ticket Is elected. Rome electa repub lican mayor. At Oswego the democrats elect mayor and fi a democrat for mayor. Returns from the state Indicate the elec tion of republican mayors In (Syracuse, Rome, Elmtra, Plattsburg, Rochester, Al bany, Blnghampten, Watertown and Oneida. - In Oswego, Schenectady, Troy and Am sterdam democratic mayors were elected. Returns from the assembly districts, up state, Indicate a few gains by the republic ans, the returns up to 11 p. m. showing four republican assemblymen In districts formerly reported by democrats. In New York county the republicans had gained one assemblymen, seven districts tieing unreported. The republicans gained a state senator In the twenty-third district, a successor to Charles McClellan. dem. who resigned to accept a federal appoint ment The senate holds over and strongly republican. Returns at midnight from all assembly districts of the state give the-republicans a net gain of six In the assembly, with ' two districts In doubt, thereby Increasing the republican majority In the state sembly. Harvey Watterson, sua of Colonel Henry Walter-sou of Louisville, was defeated by a very close vote In a strongly repub lican dlMtrlct In Manhattan. The vote of Brooklyn for mayor, with four districts missing, give McClellan 101, 439. Low to). 123. i 8YRACl'8K, N. Y., Nov. 1 Alan C. Fober, rep., elected mayor of Syra cuse by about 1,400. The entire, republican ticket, city and county, including four members of tha assembly, Is elected. KIM IRA. N. Y.. Nov. 8.-W. T. Coleman. rep., defeated Mayor Sheehan, dem. En tire republican county ticket elected. ALBANY, N. Y., Nov. 3.-Charles H Cans, rep., was re-elected mayor of Albany today by a plurality larger tha that of two years ago, defeating Colonel William Oorham Rice, formerly United stales civil service commissioner under Cleveland. The entire republican city ticket is elected. , MASSACHUSETTS. BOSTON. Nov. 8. John L. Bates wss re elected governor of Massachusetts today by a plurality of about .7,000 over Colonel William A. Gaston, the democratic caudl ,t dat. With a dosc-n cities and towns to t hear from Bates had a lead of 82.816, but I as the mlHHing towns ar all strongly re I publican, there was every indication at a r latt hour tonight that the plurality of the republican candidate would be prac tically the same as that of last year, al though the total vote may run higher. Th It-tflalaluiS remains praotlo&U. (ui- changed bo far -tocrata and re- ' the socialist last year, member publican are com. V party, which had tin will be represented by" from Brockton. The eoc. v reii oft considerably from last yeal . to re-elect Rnresentatlve Ca'; hill, one of the party leader a. ;V ber of the lower branch of the K'v for the last five or six years, wa Dure the feature of the election. With return complete from every town and city In the state, the total vote for governor waa: Bates rep., 199,393; Gaston dem., 163,544. OHIO. COLUMBUS, O., Nov. 8. The republicans broke their record In Ohio today tn plurali ties for governor by electing Colonel Myron T. Herrlck, rep., over Mayor Tom L. John- I son, dcm., by considerably over 100,000. The I plurality on joint ballot of over 100 in the I legislature for the re-election of Senator Itanna more than triples any previous rec ord. Senator Foraker has a record-break ing majority of thirty-five on Joint ballot for his re-election two years ago and that for JIanna this year Is three times that majority. Hanna sucoeeded John Sherman In the senate March 6, 1897, by appoint ment from Governor Bushnell and when Hanna was elected for the unexpired Sher man term and the full term of six years ending March 5, 1906, he had only one ma jority after the most bitter contest that waa ever waged in an Ohio legislature. Senator Hanna will have the distinction of having the largest as well as the small est majority of any senator elected from Ohio. On account of the vote on five consti tutional amendments the counting was de layed all over Ohio tonight and when re- turns were received they could not be com- j pared with those of any preceding state election as the seventy-one municipalities with 6.000 population or over had been re- dlstiicted under a new municipal code that wont Into effect this year and changed the voting precincts In those reorganised municipalities. Almost all the returns re ceived were from th'e cities in which .the I usual rate of gains or losses could not be definitely determined, but most of them made such republican gains over their vote of last April, with which comparisons could be made as to Indicate that the drift was with the republicans In the towns even greater than In the rural districts, where the republicans were gaining a doxen to the precinct over the vote of last year, when the republicans had a plurality of over 90,000. At the same time the repre sentatives of the county men, so far r.s heard from; Indicated that the republican tidal wave had carried without the close or doubtful districts and counties for state senator and representatives so that the republican majority on Joint ballot was larger than ever before. As early as 10 o'clock Interest slackened, sji there was rt longer any doubt about the result and the only question was as to the site of the state plurality and the ma jority on Joint ballot for senator. It is said that the democrats who opposed John son today will continue their organisation to prevent him from controlling the next I ,v ViT V w" nominating i the Ohio delegates at large to the next umnuUTBUO Convention. , viiNwAIl. u., NOV. Ona hundred I prerfnots In Ohio. -twt lncludmsr y rftylrf Low la the effect of t he ' result" of the or s.twi inn&Dltant or over, give 'Herrlck I 15,643. Johnson ' 8,852. Earn in 190B gave .. uigeiow s,4is. Net repub- I Mean gain, 1,127. I Complete returns from the city of Cln-lhls clnnatl give Herrlck 44,149, Johnson 17,835, a I plurality for Herrlck of 16,814. making a republican gain of over 11,000. The entire repuoiican ticket of Hamilton county la elected. Including three senators and ten representatives. Therepubllcans carried every on of the twenty-rour wards of the city, wu&ixj. Nov. s. Mayor Jones today Is- sued a signed statement in which he says: "It will be next to a miracle If the John- son legislative ticket In .this county in elected. It Is a question1 between demo- crats and Jones followers." Jones also prophesies that "there will never again be elected a democrat or other party can- didat as president of the United States, save a representative of the machine now In power." t'uuvjsuAWjj, jmov. I. At 10:16 p. m. Senator1 Foraker telegraphed Senator Hanna his congratulations from Clncln- natl. Senator Foraker said that 'Hamilton county would give a republican plurality of about 80,000. At the same hour Elmer Dover, Hanna's private secretary estl- mated that the republicans will have a majority" of eighty tn th legislature on Joint ballot. VIRGINIA. RICHMOND, Va., Nov. 8.-The election in Virginia for assembly . has resulted In a democratic sweep of the state. There were few contests, the fields as a rule being left open to the democrats. At 11:80 the out come at the hardest fought points was still undecided. 8urnr1ses. however o nn. i the defeat of the democratic nominees In Botetourt and Fredericksburg. Th vote generally was light, belne- In Richmond, for example, about 25 Der cent of the registration. A fierce fight between democrats, one with and the other without the endorsement of the state committee for the treasurershlp of Henrico county, was a feature of the election and led to a heavy vote In that county. At 11:30 o'clock the Indications favor the election of the man without the endorsement. COLORADO. , c, i-wiui repuDiicans ana fT" c,a,mln election of Jus- t lia fatr tha sat 1 rtsA I sa tfimi a sa a Lr, 2 " .. ... - . . . iimi the result will be close. ' Conservative re publicans estimate the plurality of Wilson. dem., ever Campbell, rep.. In Denver at about 6,000. No returns received yet, Chairman Fowler of th republican state central committee claims the election of Campbell for Justice of the supreme court by 6,600. At democratic headquarters it Is claimed that Wilson, dem., will have a small plurality In the state. LEADVILLB. Colo., Nov. 8.-Twetve pre- . . . i i w. " -c. tfV """"' NEW JERSEY. CAMDEN. N. J.. Nov. 8. Four demo. oratio eiectum "' auegeo re- pester wers unwira mrw tuuay. -in lor- mer wr arre.tea o .u- ,ney rerusea 10 aooepi me voir. u. .r...... NEWARK. N. J Nov. S.-A light vot waa cast In all parts of New Jersey ex- ceptlng Jersey City. Hoboken, Paterson and a few other cltle In which mayors went voted for. it Is a foregone conclusion that the republicans win control oom nouss. of the immature. tlghty-or.e voting Diamine war tried In th stat. They ail appear U bav worked satisfactorily, GREAT ilCTORY FOR MURPHY Election in Hew York Plaoes Him Tinner at Head ef Tammany. DEMOCRATS HAD PLANNED HIS REMOVAL Carrying; of Braoklya for McClellan Caased Great Astontehment Hay Prove to Be Downfall of McLaughlin. NEW YORK, Nov. 8. The victory In this city, great as It Is for McClellan, Is of more significance to Mr. Murphy, who made up the democratic ticket, and who managed the campaign. Defeat today would have meant for him deposition from his post as leader, with all Its powers and opportunties, and the accession to control of another faction. Indeed, plans had been made by certain Independent democrats, based on the belief that Low would be re elected, to reorganise the democracy of the city. To Mr. McCarren, bIao, the result meant much, for had Mr. McClellan lost, Mc Laughlin would 'again have been In control, and McCarren and his friends would have had little to hope for. The carrying of Brooklyn for McClellan caused astonish ment, as It was believed the cry of "No red lights In Brooklyn" would cause an Increased vote for 1aw In that borough. The campaign was one of the mont In teresting In the history of New York. From the day Mayor Low was renomi nated his supporters urged his re-election, on the ground that no partisan question was Involved,' but that every man' should vote to uphold the existing administration, because It had given the city a business like conduct of affairs, and because It had done much to stamp out the "red light" evil of the east side. Bitter Fight on McClellan, It was argued by fuslonlst orators that the return of Tammany men to office would mean a ' "wide open town," unre- stricted lawlessness, and the renewed ter rors of the infamous system by which ig norant girls were forced Into lives 'of shame, 'their earnings going to men whom they supposed to be' their husbands. Mr. McClellan wis attacked by the speakers for the fuslonlsts becauBe they tilleged he had sold the name of his honored father to cloak the designs of evil men. To these statements the democrats re sponded with the charge that Low's non partisan claims masked an attempt to ke cure control of the city In the Interest of Governor Odell; that all the credit for the 800a U8'" administration unaer ixw oe longed to Grout, who waa on the demo cratic ticket, and that every democrat should cast his ballot for McClellan in view of the important bearing this city's vote would have on the presidential election next year. Both candidates made nightly speeches. Low's principal supporting orator was Dis trict Attorney Jerome, who bitterly op posed the mayor's , renominatlon on the ground that he was unpopular, but who. ,, in.nn ...,.,. quent ,peeches for the fusion ticket. For McClellan Bourke Cochran returned 'to lnnl1Hni.t antlvKW Anil m.A bwml MvAu.Kaa Scarcelv second In Interest tn tha WM vote on tha fortunes of Huch McLanirhlin who for more than a quarter of a century had been the undisputed leader of the Kings county democracy and who now finds that former lieutenant. McCarren. waa able to so manage McClellan'S candidacy that a I democratic plurality resulted In spite of I McLaughlin's spirited opposition. What the I result of the situation will be cannot be foretold I ' KENTUCKY. I LOUISVILLE, Xy., Nov. 8 With the I close of an election characterised by an I unusually heavy vote, numerous disorders I and evidences of many gross Irregularities I the re-election of Governor Beckham, dem., I over Colonel Norris B. Belknap, rep., by a I majority of fully 15,000, seems assured. The I republicans concede the election of Gover- nor Beckham. The day In Louisville -;ras an exciting one and the election was bitterly fought. The republican managers claim they have proofs that In thirty-two precincts In this c,tv the polling places In republican pre- clnts were either kept closed all or a part of the time or removed to obscure placer They also charge ballot box stuffing, the forcible ejection of republican officials and I the Intimidation of negro voters by the I policemen and firemen of the present demo- cratlc city administration These conditions led to many fights, the most serious of which occurred between Tom Kliey, a democratic election officer, and Jacob Krleger, a republican Officer. The men used pistols and Kiley Was serl ously wounded. Of the 119 counties tn the state returns have been received from thirty-eight These give Beckham 65,054 and Belknap 86,770. Over forty of these counties are reraote' ow ot them Deln" nearly two I Qa ,rom 'PU" r wiegrapn wires. Louisville ana jenerson county gave Beck ham 5 800 majority over Belknap In rojind 1 numDerBi I Yerkes, rep., carnea lmisviuo and Jef erBon county at the last gubernatorial election by 6.100. This gain of 10,000 votes added to Beckham's majority of 8,500 at the ,aBt election Insures htm a majority of U600 If all the other counties In the state duplicate the vote of he last gubernatorial election. Beckham, however, has made a total gain ot nearly 8,000 in his total vote from the twenty odd counties heard from, i . .,nain i... ... nUhed republican njajorlty and will I 1 probably duplicate It this year. Returns from that district will not be completed before Thursday night. . Beckham's ma Jorlty outside the Eleventh district Is s tlmated at 85.000. None of the counties in the district has been heard from. PENNSYLVANIA. PHILA DELPHI A. Nov. 8-The po closed In Pennsylvania at 7 p. m. Informs """'Vr.... ,1 "ICS.. Z -" ! I UlUltata ,' t iiaav ua civ-uwii w cex i iiii prevailed th. vote was unusually light, owing to the lark of Interest In the con test. The republican state ticket was sleeted by a majority exceeding 150,000. ' Reuben Moon, rep., was elected to congress from the Fourth district, to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Robert H, roerderer. rep. Mr. Moon's opponent was i jla(ji in(, dem. 1 x th. candidate, on the republican city t,ckjt wefe tleotea today by ,h uua, ,arB4 republican plurality. Although the vote ponej wa, not heavy the official figures wm ,howva plurality for the several can- atdate of probably tr.ore then 100,000. The successful candidates are: Judge common piea court No. 8. Robert Von Moschilsker I )Udge common pleas court No. 4, William Wllklns Carr. a democrat, who was noml I nated by both republican an-l democrats JdUtriei attorney. John C. Bell; city trsaa- urer, Henry R. Shock! register of wills, Joseph H. Klemmer. Reuben -O. Moon, rep., was elected te congress from the Fourth district, to nil the vacancy caused by the death of Rob ert H. Foerderer, rep. The candidates on the republican state ticket for state treasurer, auditor general nd two Judges of the superl ir court car ried the city by, pluralities as large as that ven the local candidates. The election was ana f the quietest held here In years. There wre no factional dif ferences In the republican ranks, but tho democrats were dlvld"d. t'.ic bolting faction tyling Itself "the Independanoe party." The vote of the independence party was not large. PITTSBURG, Nov, I. Returns from Al legheny county are very slow coming In. At 8:30 the county chairman of the cltisens- republloan-democratlc fsslon said the eltl sens would carry the tounty by between 10.000 and 12,000. The republican, chairman will not make an estimate at this hour. PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 8. The city complete gives Ma then, rep., for state treasurer, 163,316; Hill, dera., 26,767;' Patton, pro., 1.154; Smith, soc, 2,766. Republican plurality, 136.549. The election in the 1bnrth cnnflrresiitnnnl district to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Robert H. Foerderer resulted: Moon, rep.. 17,567; Raft Ind., 2,280; Ress ler, pro., 262. Ind. MARYL BALTIMORE. Nov. l-At 10:30 p. m. no fficlal returns have been received from a single one of the 308 prerlncts of Baltimore city, nor from any onaf of the twenty-four counties of the state. This is due to the great length of the ballot. The indications are that complete returns cannot be re ceived tonight and that the result of the state election will not be known until to morrow. Reports from nine precincts show a demo cratic gain of 28 votefs At 1 o'clock this morning the returns from Baltimore city and the Maryland counties are meager, owing to .the length of the ballot, and therefor It Is impossible to accurately estimate the result. The in dications, however, point to the election of Edwin Warneld, dem., as governor, over Stevenson A. Williams! rep.; and that the legislature, which elects a United States senator, will also be (democratic Up to this hour' returns havej been received from only forty of the 308 precincts tn Baltimore city and only scattering returns from the Ltering retur IFcfwiA. counties. CALIF SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. S.-Incomplete returns received up to 9:30 p. m. indicate the probable re-election of, Schmtts, the union labor candidate for mayor, by a email plur- ty, Partial returns from 117 pre cincts give Schmlts l,f; Lane, dem., 7G6. 450; Crocker, rep., SACRAMENTO, Cal Nov. 8. W. J. Has- sett, dem., was elected mayor of Sacra mcnto over Albert Ellam, rep., by from GOO UTAH., 8ALT LAKE CITY, Nov. 8. Incomplete returns from three precincts show heavy democratic gains and, Indicate the election of Norris, dem., for riavor. The .vote was very heavy, lt.irMJT-'VrUWv--nd re turns will be late. . 't Returns from thirteen ot th fifty-two election precincts give Knox., rep., for mayor, 1,936; Morris, dem., 2,280. The re turns Indicate Morris' election by at least 1,000 plurality. ' CONNECTICUT. NEW HAVEN. ' Conn.. Nov, (.-Mayor Charters, the labor candidate. Is re-elected in Anson la by 40 votes. Indications point to the re-election of Dennis Mulvihlll, the "Stoker" mayor, dem., at Bridgeport. K-rrlsoa Goes RepablleM. LOGAN, la., Nov. 8. (Special Telegram.) Republicans have surely elected a full county ticket In Harrison county. Over half, of the returns are In, ehowlng big majorities, .and electing Kling, representa tive; Edgecomb, supervisor; Ogden, treas urer; Shlnn, sheriff; Bralnard, superin tendent; Huff, surveyor; Hosbrook, coroner. Woodbury County Republican. , SIOUX CITY, la., Nov. 8. (Special Tele gram.) Woodbury county goes republican by about l.oOO. The only possibility of a break Is on the senatorship, A. 8. Garret son, dem., giving John H. Jackson, rep., a close rub, and is likely to win out. CREIGHT0N TO .MEET INDIANS Local College Eleven Will Thereby Meaaare Power, with University of Nebraska Team. As showing the relative strength ot th Crelghton and University of Nebraska foot ball elevens, local foot ball enthusiasts are looking forward .with Interest to the game between Crelghton and the Haskell In dians In this city Saturday. The Haskell Indians were defeated by the score of 17 to 0 by the Comhuskers. Crelghton has no hopes of a victory, but the question Is how low can the score be kept. The Haskells are a whirlwind In both defense and offense and Crelghton will have Its hands full. It Is expected that Captain Callahan will be back In the game and he will be able to direct the team to the satisfaction of Its supporters. As Crelghton will not play the University of Nebraska, the game Saturday with the Haskells will give local foot ball enthusl asts some Idea of the relative strength of the Crelghton team a. compared with the university team. WOMAN AND CHILDREN LOST Mr.. Mettle O. Molhern of Reyaolds- vllle, Pennsylvania, I. Believed to Be la llebrnskn. Relatives of Mrs. Mattle G. Mulhem.twho lately resided at Re noldville, Pa., be llev the woman and her thnw children are now somewhere In Nebrask. Under date of -October 80, a letter was written to the chief of police requesting him to enlist the service of tlje several police force, of the state and the newspapers In locating th missing woman. The letter Intimates that Mrs. Mulhern Is suffering from a slight mental .liberation and fear is expressed that the children may com. to harm. It Is also cited in the letter that on the death of her husband, some months ago, Mrs Mulhern drew several thousand dollar, in life Insurance, which she took with her when she departed from Reynoldsville, August 17. Acting Chief Mostyn has taken steps to give the matter a. much publicity iiuwusuuui iuu mm yuMlDie. ' Argentlnn Aaarehtat Arrested. BARCELONA, Nov. 1. Jean Casedemont, an anarchist, who had been expelled from th Argentine republic, and waa on his way to Baragossa, was arrtwUd en board a steamer her today. IOWA KEEPS UP RECORD Republican State Ticket is Elected hj Large Majority. DAY PLEASANT GENERALLY IN STATE A. Resalt the Vote Is Heavier Than Expected, Tha. Increasing Ma jority for Baecessfnl Ticket Over Estimates. (From a Staff Correspondent) DES MOINES, la., Nov. 8. (Special Tele gram.) At midnight the returns for the I state of Iowa Indicate that Cummins, can didate for governor on the republican state ticket, was elected by about 60,01)0 majority over Sullivan. Returns have come In slower than usual, as not Over one-fourth of the state was heard from tonight. Gov ernor Cummins estimates his majority at about the figures given, but the demo crats, with fewer precincts hesrd from, Insist that the republican majority Is not above 40,000. The returns from 400 precincts show that th democratic) gain was about 13 to a precinct, which would make the republican estimate about right. In these precincts Cummins gets 40.943 and Sullivan 88,046. The Cummins vote Is about as It was two years ago. but th democrats have polled a fuller vote than before. Ther was much scratching done, v In the legislative districts the democrats have poHHlhly made slight gains. They had seventeen In the house last year, and claim twenty-five this year, but the re publicans do not concede over twenty. Thomas Stapleton was elected senator by democrats In the Iowa-Johnson district. In the Bremer-Butler senatorial dlBtrlot the democrats elected John Wade over E. W. Soesbe. In Hardin county, where there was fac tional fighting, William Weldon Bolting, rep., was elected over Mark Furry, regular nominee. In the Wlnneba go-Worth district Oleson was elected over Miller In th same way. In O'Brien county George Whltmer was elected over Donahue. In Cass county the democrats elected Delano over Pipper. The republicans car ried Scott county, which was close. On 430 precincts In Iowa the Vote is: Cummins, 62,561; Sullivan, 84,111, or a total loss to Cummins of 4,205, which is loss than 10 to a precinct. These returns also Indi cate the total vote ot the state at about 400,000. . DES MOINES, Nov. 8. (Special) Elec tton day in Iowa waa a pleasant one and generally favorable to a good vote. The morning opened cloudy and" with threats of rain, and th. night previous rain fell In a large part of the state. As th. day progressed the sun came out and reports from nearly every part of the stat. in dicated that the day wa. a good on for yotlng. Th democrat had been hoping for a wet and disagreeable day, claiming that would be to their advantage, but the day was more favorable to a full vote and fair . expression , of opinion. Tha re turns, however. Indicate that the vote was not as full aa. expected and only in a few counties jmum there, sufflniert -local. joit merit to make th voter turn but. In many counties of the state the falling oft in the vote was marked. .The returns . Indicate that the repub licans have held their own pretty well and their total vote will compare favorably with that of two years ago, when they cast 226,000 votes. The entire vote at that time waa about 890,000. The vote last year moved up about 6,000. This afternoon Gov ernor Cummins estimated that his vote would be about the same as two years ago and that he would have about .'.0,000 plurality, which is the normal plurality of the party In the state at this time. He estimated that the democratic vote, be cause of the personal popularity of the candidate, and for other reasons, would be at least 15,000 more than two year. ago. Returns tonight Indicate that these figures 1 are not far from right. In this city and county ther was no local contest and the voting was dull end Incomplete. A . great many republicans bolted the ticket because of the all but open bolt of a number of "stand-patters" on the head of th. ticket and the deter mination to cut down the Cummins ma jority aa a personal affront to him. The plurality on the state ticket will not reach that of two years ago by at least 1.500 Returns are meager-and unsatisfactory be cause of the lack of local Interest. Congressman J. A. T. Hull and Governor Cummin, walked to the polls together and would have voted at the same time In the same precinct but the congressman made th discovery that he was not registered. He had been too busy making speeches to register and he had forgot that he lost his vote last year by remaining In New York tn charge ot the congressional cam paign. DES MOINES, Nov. 8. Returns received up to midnight Indicate the re-election of Governor Cummins by a plurality of 60,000 and some of his associates on th. repub lican ticket by substantial pluralities. At democratic headquarters so large a plur ality is not admitted. The legislature re turns, although not complete. Indicate lit tle change from two years ago, when the house contained eighty-two republican, and eighteen democrats, and thesenate forty republicans and ten democrats. Th. demo crat, may gain two or three members of th. house. The following statement, were made at midnight: Governor Cummins Ihad estimated I would receive a plurality of 60,000 and did not see how I could go above that. How ever, If th. present rat. la kept up I will go higher. Chairman Bpecnse, of' the Republican Committee The returns are coming In slowly and it Is impossible to estimate the character of the legislature at thl. time. I had expected a plurality of 60,000 for Cummins, but the Indications to at least 60.000. Chairman Jackson, of th democratic committee "I still hold that Cummin.' plurality will not b over 80.000. W. win several members of th. legislature." J. B. Sullivan, democratic candidate for governor, at his home in Creston tonight, without giving figures, expressed a belief that th democrats bad mad a gain over two years ago, when Cummins was elected by 88,000. and expressed satisfaction with th. outcome of the campaign. BURLINGTON, la-. Nov. 1-Sulllvan, dem., for governor, will carry De. Moines county by about 200 plurality. Two years ago Cummins, rep., carried the county by 14 plurality. CRESTON. Ia., Nov. t The city com plete give. Cummins 774. Sullivan 714, a net democratic gain of 175 over la.t year. This Is Mr. Sullivan', hom. city. DAVENPORT, la., Nov. 8 Returns from 156 precincts In Scott county show that th democrats carried the county by 6tO plura lity against 182 democratic plurality last fall CONDITION 0FTHE WEHER Forecast for Nebraska Rnln Wednesday and Thursday; Cooler Thursday. Temperature at Omaha Yeaterdsyl Hoar. Dear. Hoar. Dear. S a. an 54 ' 1 p. m "t a i. i p. T a. as...... n.'t a p. m " a. m M 4 p. sn 61 9 a. m Ail B p. Rtt lO a. an n e p. an...... R It a. as 54 T p. m...... (Ml 111 an.... M M p. m B p. m 5 NEW CABINET FOR ITALY Most Important Member Is Considered Especially Favorable t- tho tnlted States. ROME. Nov. I Th new Italian cabinet Is composed as follows: Slgnor Ololelti, premier and minister of the Interior; Slg nor Tlttonl, minister of foreign affairs; Slgnor Ktnchettl, minister of Justice; Slgnor Lutxuttl, minister of the treasury; Slgnor Roseno, minister of finance; Gen eral Penottl, minister ot war; Admiral Mlrabello, minister of marine; Slgnor Or lando, minister of public Instruction; Slgnor Tedesco, minister of public works; Slgnor Rava, minister of agriculture; Slg nor Stellutiscala, minister of poets and telegraphs. The ministers took th oath today. Slgnor Luxtattl is th most Impor tant among th members of the new cabi net). He Is especially a friend of the United States. Speaking of Americans, he said: Th.v are the rtennle who alone In the economic field challenge the world, while all countries, ours included, ask now snuu we be able to relft their power, which is unreachable, inviolable and uncoerclble, being welded together In a free and glo rious nation, the richest In variety of races. i NEBRASKA HAS CHOICE SPACE tat Is Well Cared For as to Loca tion at St. Louis, Bay. Pearae, "The snac reserved for Nebraska In the education building at the Louisiana Pur chase exposition is a choice one," says Su perintendent Pearse, who has Just returnea from St. Louis. "It Is thirty feet square and In an excellent location. This is the Orst world's fslr to have a whole building dedicated to education and the .tructure Is large and Imposing. Although planned to be as large as the machinery and elec trical buildings. It has been found neces sary to enlarge It by covering a large open court. "With th exception of New York, Chi lago. St. Louis and possibly Cleveland, the cities will not be allowed Individual ex hibitious. Therefore the showing by the Omaha public schools must be made In connection with the Nebraska exhibit, of which Prof. Barber of the university ha. charge. Until I have consulted with htm and given mora7 thought to th matter I cannot tell Just what the Omaha schools will send. A great deal depends upon the apace that will be allotted to us. "Work on the exposition I. progressing satisfactorily and every Indication point, to the greatest fair In the history ot the world." LtXES , TO SHOOT- POLICEMEN Man front C'blcno Arrested In tLonl for Killing an ' , OiSeer. St. ST. LOUIS. Nov. 8 Detectives arrested a couple giving their names as George end Maude Dolle on the street here last Satur day, and after close examlnstlon at police headquarters they were taken to Chicago tonight, where Dolle will answereharge of murder and with assault to kill. Burglar tools were found in the room occupied by the couple here. "My husband hates policemen and has a hobby of shooting them," said Mrs. Dolle at police headquarters, "and It is a wonder to me ho did not resist arrest." . Dolle had a big dirk knife on his person when arrested. He deplored the fact that he had no revolver. Telegrams have been received by Chief of Police KMy saying that Dolle Is wanted In Evansvllle, Ind., for burglary and Jail breaking, and In Cincinnati for a daring diamond robbery. The charge, in Chicago against Dolle are that he killed a policeman and wpunded another in resisting' arrest, and escaped to St. Louis a month ago. SAILOR FROM KANSAS DEAD rdnaneo Officer of tho Battleship Malaa Die. a. Re.nlt of v a Fall. NEWPORT, R. I., Nov. 8. Lieutenant Albert M. Beecher of Dodge City, Kas. ordnance officer of the battleship Maine, fell from the forward turret tn the hand ling room, a distance of forty feet, today and died an hour later without regaining consciousness. At the time of th. accident the battle ship was oft Gay Head, en route for Me nemsha Light, to engage In target prac tice. 'Lieutenant Beecher was examining articles of ordnance when he lost his bal a nee and pitched head foremost through the turret to the handling room. News of the officer', der; was communicated to Admiral Ctiadwlck by wireless telegraphy. ami the battleship returned to Newport, SHOTS ARE FIRED AT EWEN Chief Witness In Fend Trial Assailed by Persons Who Fall la Object. LEXINGTON, Nov. 8. Twelve shot, wer. fired at Captain B. J. Ewen, th. star witness in the feud rases, recently tried in Breathitt county, as he passed along the dark end of Walnut street to. night. The shots were fired fro a a blind alley. One shot went through hl hat and another through the lapel of hi. coat, but none of them touched him. II. wa. walk ing along with' Judge W. H, Mann, at whose home he Is stopping and the Judge had crossed the alley In front of Ewen when th. firing began. Ewen returned th. Are but without effect and hi. assailant escaped. NEWSPAPER OFFICE BURNED Flra at Troy, New York, Destroys Largo Hanker of Bualaueas Blocks. TROY, N. Y., Nov. 8 - Fire which started on the CitIznV line: pier tonight threatens a great property ' loss. Several of th. largest business houses In Troy are In flames, th. Western Union telegraph office Is burned out, snd Its wires and those of th Associated Press are down. Th. Troy Record, a morning paper, has been com pelled to vacate Its quarters and seek the assistance bf other newspaper la getting out It morning extra. BARNES WINS OUT Over Two Hundred Freoinots Eeard from OnUide of Dotiglai Oountv. BARNES RUNS AHEAD OF MICKEY'S VOTE BaJlivan, However, Making ft Better Bun Than Sollenbeck. REPUBLICANS LEAD ON PRESENT RETURNS Comparison! kn Being Hade with Tot of Two Teari Ago, HEN TWELVE THOUSAND REPUBLICAN Indication, that Total Vot Wilt Bo Somewhat Larger Thaxa that Cast for Reaervrlrk and Hl lenboek. At the hour of going to press the return. from Nebraska are coming in slowly, 218 precincts outside of Douglas having been beard from, casting more than 80,- 000 votes. Out of this number Barnes rep., had 1C696 and Sullivan dem.. 14,037. Tha some precinct two years ago gave Sedgwick a majority ot 608 mora than they glve Barnes thl. year, indicating that Sullivan 1. running better than Hollenbeck did then. Barnes, however. Is considerably ahead In these precinct, ot th vot given for governor a year ago. The vote this year I. compared with that of Sedgwick and Hollenbeck for .supreme Judge two year ago, when Sedgwick, rep., had a plurality of 12,919. The republican state committee at Lin coln had return, from nearly 200 precincts which showed only a email loss for Barnes as compared with Sedgwick two years ago. but the later return, were showing Im proved figure, for Barnes. R E. Le Hehrman, who place as clerk of th su- prem. court depend, on Sullivan's re-elec tion, admitted defeat early In the evening. The World-Herald, the 1-mocratlo organ here, conceded Barnes a majority of 8,000 outside of Douglas county, expressing a faint hop that Sullivan might offset this lead In this city. ' Th. weather condition, wet bad through- " out the state, so that the vot la sure to be light In Omaha and Douglas County. Almost nothing tangible ia available tor thl. early mall edition bearing on th re sult In Omaha and rkniglae county, Kot only wa. the registration In thl. city and South Omaha light, but the Intermittent shower, cut the Vote down lower than It otherwise would have been. The election boards seem to be working without any systematic plan, counting th vote, tn many use. on school board can didate, and minor offices In advance of the head of the ticket Foil returns,, rore, will be very late, especially as the proportion of scratched tlck.ts is larger than usual. Tha scratching Mem. for the moat part to be largely dictated by personal favorit ism or friendship for candidates, rather than according to any prearranged plan, except possibly with respect to the Judicial ticket on which a special attack was mads In th Interest of a so-called bar ticket. A commute of union labor representatives also' undertook to center what waa called a "plunker" ballot tor Dickinson and Yeiser, voting for these two only, Instead of for seven. What few return ar in Indicate that th republican, ar holding their own. Partial Returns. Ill 5 5 I 11 I'M : i . ill f 624 ' &'; 6421 6HS 9M 6sa i4fi 3: SU 28! 34 a 1 113 114 10 l?v liusl lfW jHZ 214 10U 223 K8 243 2411 276 25 J 763 6w6i 7i 43 " 6i ' 874 4!'! 2Cl 244' 249 J.O 8-t IWI ins 7 47 a.So! 4 (ul Im'i Xiu 834 2.7 67t 453; 4W 51 a 6M 6i 641 5o m 121) lhi 111 648 647 W4 44 HI 87 WO 96 r 87 7S 63 73 70 Wl 241 .ISO tS 2oa 62 91 72 lit 137 116 149 1 64 hh ?5 14! 733 1 158 778 871 IN 6 840 247 8h6 2 ) 107 6H1 112 71 461 8t.'2' 487 261 119 77' l'r M5 412 900 617 916 213 170 2)2 K,i 1M 27l 185 ft Vi tool tort .' 4.5 44't 40 1 421 836. :-8 4b 8i6 2301 304.' 240 13 9S! 13611 103 2u2lM: Ml 210 lWSOol 140371 117122! 18X56 COUNTY. Adams, 6 out of 20 Antelope, 15 out of 86... Blaine, 1 out of 6 Hrnvn 8 out of 9 nunalo, 19 out of 29..... Burt, 8 out of 17 Butler, I out or zu Cass, 10 out or 25 Clay. 7 out of 20 Cuming, 4 out of 20...... Dawes, 8 out of 9 Dawion. 10 out of 28.... Dixon, 7 out of 17 Dodge, 4 out of 20 Franklin. 9 Out of 17.... r ui iwa . vut wi Gage, 8 out of 38 itoHocr, 1 out of 16 Mail. 7 out or ID Hitchcock. 2 out of 20... Jeff ei son, 2 out of 18.... Johnson, 1 out of 15 Kearney. 8 out of is.... Kimball, 1 out of 4 Lancaster. 13 out of 63. Uiiooln. 8 out of 42 Nuckolls. 4 out of 18.... Otoe. 1 out of 23 Pawnee. 6 out of 14 Pheips, 2 out of 17 Platte. 7 out of 80 Red Willow, 6 out of 23. Sarpy. 8 out of 11........ fcaundors, 10 out of 70... Haunders. 4 out of 26... Thayer, 6 out of 16...... we baler, out ot is York, IS out of 20 , Valley, i out of 16 Totals 218 ADAMS Juniata precincts giv Barnes 141; Sullivan, 107. First ward. Hastings, gives Barnes 1S4; Sullivan, l&L Third war J. Hastings, Kenesaw and Roseland town ships give Barn 297; Sullivan, 80S. Two years ago, Sedgwick, 642; Hollenbeck, 666. , BROWN Johnstown, Garfield and Buf falo precinct, giv. Barnes 126, Sullivan 113. Two years ago: Sedgwick, 114; Hollenbeck, 104. BUFFALO Gibbon give Barnes 164, Sul livan 120; Platte, Barnes. 82; Sullivan. 8. Judge of Twelfth Judicial district: Armada, llostetler, 66; Hand, 46; Platte, HosUtler, 82; Hand, 7. Two year, ago: Sedgwick, 170; Hollenbeck. lit. Kearney. Second ward, Barnea, 157; Sullivan. 77; Hosteller, 1M; Hand, 60. Loup