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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 3, 1903)
TIIE OMAHA DAILY TtEE: TUESDAY, N'OVEMTlETt 3, 1903. 0 1 FECIAL UOTICES far aeea i I e take ! II sn. for tne .! ! and aetll an. . saarntan- and Saaday a-dlttan. ' ntee, 1 1-Bfl ware Brat Inaeetlen, . word tktrMlltr., tataer taken n. These 4nrtlimM anawt be i eaaaeentlv-ely. ' dvertleero, by reejnewttngt aa. 'fed ekMk, nl kift naewere aA to a trnt letter Id cars I"h Re, jltintrt aa 4irm4 will I delivered aa nreeen teuton tavo jox only. ' WANTF.D SITIATIONS. Wanted; expert lady bookkeeper ; ' ne years' experience (Ire and Hfe Inaur ice. Address, T 41, Bee. A 702 (x WATED-MAIB HELP. Educate for Business, .v . - i r; boyles uollege t NEW , XOAlK LIFE bUO. 'UNKsb, BHUAIlUAU.. 'A' tPEWRIT" 1NU, ENGLISH. S DAt AND NIGHT. JDENT9 AOMli lM-U a'1' ANY TIME Apply fer caullogu. :JD mtneuri wanted; nrat-elass pay. ( Li. I . Co., il B. iatn. u-n iNTED, nrst-claaa wood turner at once. I jo a wage. Laiiuoiu smuiu, Aor jaig, '-., Llnoulu, Neo. aa ' NTED, lor U. a. army, able-bouied, an' Ailltta lli:il, udiwmu age OC 4i Mud 4a, , ..milt of Called Slates, of good charac- i and temporal iiaolui, who can speaa, I 4d bnd Write knunaii. ur uuuriuaiioti I ; p.iy to recruiting oiucar, Inn aud AJvuge Guiana, nuit Beatrice, ieu. .,NTED Two earenta at onca: a odd sal- :v. city work, (l r.AOuiu co., lb a) award L B Ai8t .N TED, a nevspaper or magazine o vitor to work in uiiv on a nw prop iilon. Call at circulation Dept. Oinana ar. . . - ,i . , ti mi UNO" MAN BRIGHT Over 18, to pre- ire ior Uuv 1 position; good salary; per anent, gradual promotion. Box biO, c'e r Hapiu. ia. B 446 N27X . ic -1 ; r -- VNTLD Active grain -man for road ao ualnted with simmers in southern Ne- raaaa d norinrn Kansas. Auurtas iln relmancea and lalary axpeOUd, T 44, I - . ,.,,., RSON to call on ratall trade for manu ic luring house; salary t&i, paid weekly piii moiiuy advanced; previous ex jnenoe tmiiecesoaiy'. Utanuard Houta, axton via., cnicago. ' li M.iw ix ,'BTL.INO boy for office and errand work oo cnancn to advanca.. The Hmith Pre ner lypeariter Co. VNTKD Men d learrt the barber trade i w weeks completes; can earn nearly all 'Xpensea, incluuiiiK ooard 'aiid tools ba il a (raduatiiiK; splendid facilities, care ji instructions; aipiomas grantea. taia Hue explaining nirillod free. Moier Bar er college WOJ Uouglas Bt. . tt 6X ANTED. ood union forwarders, nnlsh rs, rulers;- tlrst-ciaas bluder. Adureoe bl. car ilea olUce. B M iil a . . ( .. i Ai player who 1 good singer ; lours. p. in. to 4 .s, m. Steady work. I kddresa, U 1, Bee B 71 4X W4JiTUl-k KM AJLai UKU. Olrla.. Call Caoadiaa otnee, Uta 4k Dodge. f. ... C o4 ANTED, nrat-olsss ladles' tailor. Mas Morris, !. jf aroam. u mam WO more young -women and one young I man to take courso ot training In Sana- f torlum. Address w. A moss, zui l.ake. i 'ANTED, .' competent - girt . for - general i " housework; rtttsee h"aBsMy.' -A: O.- Bee ' eon, 90S a. 88th at. - - C M777 8 'ANTED ladles to learn halrdresslng, i manicuring,.-electric or facial massage; I four to six weeks completes; poaiuuns !, waiting graduates at top wages; diplomas (grunted; complete outfit given each atu- dent, can or write. Moter college, inn Douglas Bt. v C Muil 6x ANTED Girl for ' lujo Georgia Ave. general housework. C J9J . . , FOR RENT HOUSES, un n all rarts of the city. R. nUUOC9 c. Feins Co., Bee Bldg. D ju (iOUSES. lnauranoe. King wait. Barker Bik. I Ik ti a i--8 iiJni IQPJ In all parts bt Hist city. T aUyOC. o. F, .Davia Co.. bun Bee Bit i :..; '-D-e- he dg. D-e-o- . TO MOVE right 'gf OmahA' Van Storage 2 Co., office llaVk'Fttl-naiu, or Tela iu9-uj. .1 . D-SiU FOR RENT, ten-room house, modern, and barn, in west amain aistnct wm. iv. Poller, Re., No. Ji Brown BUt - D-M634 I FOR RENT; 8-rocm house,. IMS Wool worth ' ,.A., I J) per rnduth; poeesion given Oc Mjor 17, Apply to Mel Chi, care Daily omce. D M991 i. .: 1 . i i - . VAYNE-BOSTWICK 4k CO... choice bouses. i eul-dwl New, York Lite Bldg. 'Phone loia, I D 904 SEVERAL good housea, $10 to 811 Chris ttoyer, Ui and Cuming. 'Phone 2049. . , D-M110 I NEW I-room modern .house. Immediate foaaession given. J. in. Maran, pnona lt.1, 446 Bciard of Trade. ' - D lit 'FOR RENT, nine-room modern brick houae In gooa conaiiion, win aw. mna starney. Wm. K. Potter, Receiver,, No. 803 Brown block. D 446 NEW flve-rovm cottage, modern. Phone i 26o8. D-6U FOR RENlVI-e-oom house. 1S27 N. lMh. D-693 i A-ROOM cottage, 2024 Vinton. 8. Hawver, : w I... . r ii 7-. 1614 Emme.t. D M778 8 LA KG 10 9-roem house, .gas. furnace, porce lain bath, witn nickje-piaiaa oxiures; good realr. lt0 Ho. 2oth st Ml- H. L. Whitney; telephotie F-8768, u 1 FOR RENT Flat at 2523 North 24th street. Apply w. A. Webster, fi uarger niot-x. LM-M7(Ss8 WE MOVE pianos. Maggard Van 4k Stor age Co., T1. 1494. Or.iot 1118 Webster st . ' - " D-9C7 FOri HF.sTk'l H.MIHEU ROOMS. O. M. E. hauls trunks. Telephone ill. hV-tl DEWEY-Kuropeaa hotel. 13th and Farnura. it i ' ROYAL HOTEU European, 14th 4V Chicago A6ll KICElV furnished rooms.- -Inaulre Omahi Steam Luuudrv, 1760 Leavenworth. 'Phone A-l.t ft M.I NICELY furnLhed.rnons In private family; 1 house new ana oiooera. ms jones at. . . , , , , he-M816 1SICELY furnished roamii everything new l and modern; gentlemea preferred. lult I LABK LIGHT.. AIRY BOOMS. j X1X.MI and up per momu. ! TSo and up a day. AT THE DELLONE, ! 14lh at. and Canitol ava Eteam heated; ele.-'lo lighted; private and I general bathe; ail- eunveuieucea; first ciaaa t orvie, . Eat where you please. ROOM AT THE DELLONK. - ie-ML4 NevJOX - ii FOR RENT, t or 1 furnished" rooms, single ' or, enauile; private family. 444 S. Sum. , - . . - E Ml f'U!')ANT front room, siSm heating and . 'bath, for gentleman. l-9 Capitol Ave. E 96 i I GOOD, waxis) room, modern. 26 Harney. ' . . 1 E-M.AO 7x TWO unfurnished or three furnished rooms f -r llfct.t houaok.e.jiiiig at U Cxuih lm feuratH. Av 14 3x Farm Lands Go H igher Every Year : An Investment Safe arid Sure ' . ' FOR RKT Kl RUSHED ROOMS. DESIRABLE BOOMS at the Famem. lih and larnaro fits. , " iv M 4 NICELY furnlhd roonw; all modern Im provements. 321 N. 19th St.: 6 minutes walk from postofflre. K M 7H7 x FIRMTIHU FACKIXO. Peterson as Lundberg ..116 8. 17th. Tel. 1.-2:16. M VI I FOR REST-ISFtRMSHliD ROOMS. WANTED, J or 4 unfurnished rooms, with neat, gun aim use ol nam room, near 26th end Harney; Mrs. Stringer, Ziil Har ney; tel., O M 1 Sx FOR RENT STORKS AND OFF1CKS. FOR RENT Building suitable for whole sale purposes at via far nam, iiiw, lour lories and hrse-class cemented baaement, eluvator, lira r.nd burglar proof vault, of fice counter and flxiuies. For price viid particulars inquire C. C. Rosewater, sec retary the Bee Building Co., room 1U0, Bee budding. 1-Mi7 FOt RENT The bulldliig formerly occu pied cy i na Bee at si v amara at. it naa four stoney and a basement, which was formerly used by The Bee press room. T'nls will be rented very reasonably. If interested apply at olDce of C. C Rose water, secretary, room lou Bee building. lM I-STORY and basement, 22x100; 100A Farnarn St. inquire 114 First. Nat l Bank Bldg. I Mill FOR RENT, three upper stories In four- story Dunning at mo r amain at.; two stories If preferred. Address C. C. Rose water, Sec y., Boom 10u. Bee bids. I-M3M. J-STORY and fine basement building In Wholesale uiHtrict; price fl.iiou. t. L. Wead, 1524 Douglas St. 140 N4 FOR RENT, storeroom and basement In good location, particularly adapted for a plumber show room and work room or a manufacturer with similar requirements; power furnlxhed If required. R. C. Peters & Co., rental agents, ground floor Bee building. I M7M AGENTS WANTED. WANTED Canvassing agents In every county to solicit subscriptions to THK TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER. Steady employment with assured good In coirie. Agents In the country wttli horse and buggy especially desired. Canvassers make easily fftl to tluO par month. Ad dress Century Farmer Solicitors' Bureau, Bae building, Omaha. J Hi WANTED TO BCT. WANTED To buy second-hand gasoline engine, 10 to 16 horse power. Address T 6, care Bee. N M604 3x FOR SALE Ft KB ITl RE. FULL line of hard eoal stoves sow on sale Chicago Furniture Co., 14lu Dodge St. ... O 24 OAK sideboard tor sale, 2209 Spencer st. O 58(5 FOR SALE HORSES, WAGONS, KTC MONROE sells pleasure vehicles at 611 N Itiih Ml F-ela HARRY FROST'S Carriage and Wagon Works la on corner of lnh anu Lea v en wort n. F 94) FOR SALE Two-seat, extension top oar rlage, in good condition! rubber tirea - Mliton Rogers & Sun Co., 14ih and Far bam sis. eum STATION rockaway, excellent condition, , pole and atiafls, only lim Address T 63, Jjue. i . P Mood BAY FILLY, ; by Tangent; 1U hands, 4 years; sound, kind, speedy; standard bred . trotter. O. O. Uibbs, Harian, Ac. P M798 8x FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. TELEPHONE POLES; long Br Umber; Chicken lence; oaa piling, sut vougias. W--a FOR SALE, secondhand locomobile, la nral-ciasj snaps, at one-naii price, call or address. Ida Farnam Bt . Q-94 INDIAN goods and relics. U19 Farnanv CJ-IUj NEW4 and 2dhand typewriters. U18 Farnanv V4 4 IRON Si wire fences, tree guards, trellises. Western Aiicno.- a ence vs., aa tt. inn at ' . 4 928 CATALOGUE cut drug- prices free. Sher- Iran jacconnuii uium vo., omana. ... i 988 FOR SALE Several echolarahlpa In a flrst- class standard sonoot in omana, compns lux comulete courae in butdneas. thort- hand and typewriting. Inquire at Hoe otnea W-4E4 FOR SALE Co-U bualneaa. Capital required. 82,000.00. i xi, AJee. . ... t a tDHJLND safe chean. Derlght, Ult Farnam. - w DOORS, windows, lath, studding, beaded celling, kindling, hydrauuo elevator, mar ble tile, radiators, gas - natures, rneap, Barker hotel. Q M483 Ix BILLIARD and pool tables, bought, sold. exenanaea ana reDairea. Mar nxtures and saloon supplies. The Western Bar Fixture ana jiotei ounpiy Mig. co.. iw Harney St.. Omsha. Neb. Q M788 N30 CLAIRVOYANTS. GYLMER, palmist 716 N. 83d; 'phone B URN. CARRIE SMITH. SOVEREIGN LADY OUfiB.i of clairvoy aula; evety- thing told, past, present and future. Sat lefactlon or no nay. fc07 N. ISth. ELECTRICAL TREATMENT. MME. SMITH, bains, 1U N. 14, Id floor, r. 8, T Al NftX PERSONAL. PRIVATE Sanitarium for ladles before and during contuiement. Dr. and Mrs. cerisco, 8j calilorula st Terms reasonable. U-S38 PRIVATE bosoital during confinement: babies adopted. Mrs. GaiUels, KM Laka Tel. it'll -ii4. U IMS PRIVATE home bablea adopted. during eonnnement; The Good rfiniuiiian Saultariuiu, 1M lat Ave., Council Bluda, la. u BOSTON Umbrella Mfg., 904 B. As. Tel. Uui. Umbrellas, paiasuls te-vovered. repaired or made. L SU THE Omaha Plating Co. will soon move to larger quarters at L Harney st. U M440 VIAVI" way to healUi; 4I Bee building, Omaha. U-146 PRIVATE hospital before and during con finement. Mrs. L. Fisher, lsol Vinton. Tel. W9. U-4US WE RENT sewing machines at 75c per week, tt per month; we repair end 'eall parts fur every machine manufactured; Second-hand machuiKS from 81 to 810- Neb. Cycle Co.. loth und Harney. U 7 MAGNET PILE KILLER. At druggists 8L IT CUREb. DR. PRIES treats successfully all disease and Irregularities of women from any cause; experienced and reliable, al Dodge St., Ariiugton oioua. COSTUMES for rent. 8318 B. 20th. Sack. U-M K9 d l MONEY TO LOAN STEAL ESTATE. WANTED, citv loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith St Co- U2U Farnaia Bt w eu PRIVATE money. Sherwood. 827 N. Y. LI fa W 944 i i ' ; WANTED, real estate loans and warrant K- C Petere at Co.. Bm Bldg. W-e FIVE PI It CENT loans. Faibaiu. QaTVUi Br"S., Hiu4 .W-t MOMCJ TO LOA5-RKAI. ESTATE. 4 TO I P. C. nonert Bemkv Faxton blnek. FARM and city loans, low rates. W. H. Thomas. First Nat I Bank Bldg. TeL 1US. w-ws PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1620 Douglas, W-M7 TO LOAN, I.VX) at 7 per pent on good roal estate security. Address F M. Bee. W-MM, MO.NBV TO ' LOAM CHATTELS. monk: loaned on FURNITURE. PlANud, LlVfe! STOCK. SALARIES, ETC. ' Low rales and easy Urmi, Business Coniuientlal. Try us If you want to save money. PHOENIX CRISDIT CO.. 131 Pax ton Block. ltn and Farnam Eta. MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, jew elry. Horses, cows etc J. V . neeu. urn a. u. -. X Me EASY T8 GET PAY Best i.uii.u nu.- .i.ethous. We loan uu lui'inuit, pianos, warehouse receipts, etc, or st you nave. a permanent pvsiiiou We can dihk you a . ( , DAUAlt X LUAN . without security, except your own agree ment to repay. Our service Is quick und confidential and we always try to please. All that we asa is that you give us a cull before you borrow elsewhere. OMAHA MOB1UAUE LOAN CU., UK Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. i2v&. (Established ltt). M H. lblh Bl. X-M1S2 EASY MONEY ON FURNITURE OK SALARY. BUSINESS STRICTLY C'OKIDEKTIAI rm v A i r. or r icE-B. RELIABLE CREDIT COMPANY, ao7-ao PAXTON BLOCK. X-M788 LARGEST BUSINESS IN LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE, merchants, team ters, boarding houses, etc., -without curltv: easiest terms: 40 offices m tirln. clpal cltlea - Tolman, 44U Board of Trade Bldg. - afc a MONEY loaned on plain note to salaried people; business oonnoenuai; lowest ralea, k!4 Paxton block. The J.- A. Uutton Co. X M CHATTEL, salary and jewelry loan. Foley Loan Co.. R a, Barker Block. X271 : BUSINESS CHANCES. WHEN you want to buy. sell or exchange .tiy property or ousineas quica, see J. rt. Johnson. D4 N. x. Life. Y-Su FOR SALE, good grocery aud butcher's fix tures. Including lee box- inquire 2ib4 Far nam. Y . FOR SALE, to active man. Interest in es tablished buslncHH; personal service and 86.CNIO required. Excellent opportunity for right party. Address T 37, Bee. Y 416 FOR SALE Foundry and machine ahop In the part of the best agricultural country of S. D., on account of sickness of the owner, at very low price. For information correspond with J. OV Mor mann, Yankton, . D. Y M4al 4 EXCHANGES of all kinds; to buy or sell a business or exchange merchandise for a land or city property, call or write Sholeep Armstrong Co., 721-2 N. Y. Life. Tel 19. Y M79J FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. Own a farm in South Dakota. The best land for the ieast money. :" :' - -ANCHOR LAND COMPACT'. " ; 1017 N. Y. L, Bid. RE M749 7 FINE BUILDING IjOT FOR BALE. 8760.00. -i South front on Burt St., just west of 24th St. Ixit la on grade, a fine location.: GEORGE & COMPANY, liiOX Farnam Bt : : . IU. 9 Cli Williamson Co., Han8k RE 9bl HOUSES and lota In all farts, ot city; also acre property ana tarm itinas. Are o, a. Davis Co.. Room 608, Bee bldg. RE 960 ALL about North Dakota and wnere to buy f;ood landa cheap; descriptive folder and 1st Bent free; reliable representatives wanted. Whitney 4k Wheelock, 13 Broadway,-Fargo, N. D. .. .. , HE Wll RANCH. and farm lands tox Sal 4 ' by" t Met tr.l.. T . T. - ll A ..U.I- -ii'. S V ' 1 1 1 1 1 Jt n...(,,u l.aiii view ivi..lil. d. m . Mc A Heater, land -coxnmlsaUfiir. .Vhi RE-9G8, FREE homes; send 2-cent stampT for' map of Rosebud reservation, giving full Infor mation. D. W. Forbes, Bonesteel. 8. D. ' ... RK-HOI:. FOnAE-OR TRADE FOR.BMALTn PUOPFRTY-A-roAm mnHwn - dim.. eplendld barn; lot 42x10. Apply, owner, f 'i r m ii r. ii . ,muii mnnmrn riiiiian rii 2914 N. 26th at. , .RSJ4M724 S14, TIMBERI TIMBER! THE best Investment Large or small tracts Reference furnished. Write your SIMONS REASONER, Ashland.' Ore. RE M4S9-N7X Investment. ' Double house on Douglas street, 18 rooms, excellent location; can be secured ' at a sacrifice. . Residence Lots. In West Farnam location; two choice, south front lots; tine corner at SSthv and Burt. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. ' . . - RE 795 8 FOR BALE, 190 acres land. Garner town ahip, 2Vi milts from Council Bluffs; good hjuse and barn. Addrees W. M. Nelms, care of C. Konlgmacher, R. F. D. No. 8, Council Bluffs., ia. RE M799 ix . FOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR YEL- ujw fir. c in me ooit ituiuw run Blt This timber ' compares favorably 111 quality with the While Pine of Wis consin and Michigan. Can ail be logged Avith big wheels. -No fire risk. Complete and tellable information. Perfect tlile. lands we control and can de liver 26.00U .CREd, Average i,lMi to the quurter section, price 87.60 per A.. 10,000 ACRES, average 2.0UU to the quarter eectlon, price 16. uu per A. 8,0)0 ACRES, average 2,000 to the quarter section, price lo.OO per A. 6,000 ACRES, average 2,&uo to the quarter section, price ln.uo per A. 14.UO0 ACRLb, Spruce and Hemlock, average 3.600 to the quarter section, price 812.09 CERTIFIED FOREST RE8ERVE BCRIP In laige and small amounts at the market , price. Refereucea furniabad. Correspond ence aoliciled. Address. AMERICAN TIMBER CO.. E. M. Runyau. Mgr., Marquam Bldg., Port land. Ore. - M3UI novli mm- , 1 ar ACCORDION PLEATING. GOLDMAN. 800 Douglas block.' ACCORDION pleating. cheapest. best quickest Mra A. C. Mark, 17th and Doug. M7 BALK TIBSk. OMAHA LUy Bala Tie Co, tu North ISth, CHIROPODISTS. I VtU ROY, rooms 2-8. 1606 Farnam at 148 WANTED TO BORROW. WANTED To borrow MO to 81.000 at 7 per cent on good South Omaha rental prop erty; security ample. Addrees T 2a, Lea M 8o8 94 600 90 on a large Iowa farm, well Im proved. AddrtK T 4J, Bae. M-ixi CARPENTERS AND JOINERS. ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing prompt' attended to. . a. oca. : tree, Joth and 1-nke Pt. . -70 DANC1NO ACAOEM1 MORAND'S, 15th and Harney, will sell you a ticket good lor twelve lesions at tne re duced price of M for lnt'.les and ti tor gentlemen for the new rises of beginners commencing i i Tuesditv and Friday, No vember 3 and t, at i p. m. Axaemblles every Wedneeday at tp. m. Admission 60u. Ilo N-6 DETECTIVES. CAPT. T. CORMACK. 617 Karbach Mock. . Tel. A2M2. -964 BEOOUT Detective ng-ency, 70S N. Y. Tel. 3M0. . Life. Nil EXPERT ACCOtSTANT. . Q. R. RATHBUN. room U. Cbm'l Mat! Bank. Private leasoua In bookkeeping, eta DRESSMAKING. KEISTER'8 College, 1706 Cuming, Suits to order. Night class, Aion. at inure, to v:i. isje IN FAMILIES. Miss Sturdy, S09 N. 23d. . ,i M44! lx STANDARD Garment Cutting College, 2231 Farnam. . at ttx injh FOR RENT FARMS. A LARGE and weli Improved farm In Stanton county for rent; W0 acres with 110,0(10 worth of Improvements. R. C. PETERS CO., Ground Floor Bee Building. MOT Fl'fl DRESSING. J. E. WALLACE. Taxidermist. 6ot 8. 13th. 701 FLORISTS. ' ' UE3 BWOBODA, 1416 Fartigm. L. HENDERSON, florist. Jfil Farnam St , w GARBAGE. ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO., oleana ceaspuuls and vaults, removes garbage 'and dead animala at reduced prices. wU N. 16th. Tel. 1779. - -2 UOLD AND SILVER PLATING. OMAHA PLATING) CO.. Bee BUtg. Tel. a&aa. LAW AND COLLECTIONS). 8TILLMAN A-PRiCE. 410 1st Nat. Bk. bldg. NSW SNOW-CHURCH CO.. 1st lloor N. Y. Lite ulug., atlornuya and uillectrs every where. ' H LAWN MOWERS. SHARPENED. P. Melcholr. lith 4k Howard. au LOCKSMITH, C. R. HEFL1N, 809 N. 16th Bt TeU 2974. M lift. .LOST, ' I WHlTJe fox terrier dog with black marking on iitau; my name ou coliar; mat aeea on lower . Douglas '. st, hnivr. , will int. re warded. -Ne P. Douge, jr.,vA44 arnara. t ,i...Loet Mi9i LOST Sunday morning oe; Paslrlc utreet or Park aveninj, betweH 'BlBt treet artd . i' lnit Bautist churchi' pean and aiamond troocn; aurtaoie rewaio PBa ior us re- turn If found. ur, cioyu sue vr. o, rv. Bldg. lout M7S) 8 musical; THOS. 3, KELLY,' Voice. Davldge Block. LETOVSKY H ORCHEflTRA- ' Tel. . L-2o4, ! Ui tERKOWSKYvloUn- R 10, AVlthnell bik. as i nt MEDIC AU' LIQUOR HABIT cured in three days. Pay wnen cured. No hypodermics. .Write for LAtorcui-.,'.0..4tu lUW' B- LAD Cluohfster.'a. .English . Pen nv royal H . j n .'.1 rStfrWanTe the ueaU Safe, Vvla,ble, . Take no '"'Relief, (or Ladies," -in letter oy return matt aix your qruggist , cnicnealet c neroicai u.f pniiaueiuiuaf a. OSTEOPATHY, .ft T. W . - The Unfit Infirmary; McCague Bldg. T. 81 - . . . ,ir-i . an At sen 4k Farwelt. Paxton Bik., S04-7. T. 1363. 978 LH GRACE DEEGAN, SUN, X. Life. TeL zooo. sag DR& LAIRD LAIRD, 3 Karbach bik. PATENTS. H. J. COWGILL No fee unless successful. sjb b. ior.n bu, omana. -ai. est PATENTS Sues ft Co., Omaha, Neb. II- iustratea patent book free. TeL JCA . M-67U NHx PAWNBROKERS. EAGLE Loan Office. Reliable, accommodat ing; au Business connaeatiat uui Douglaa - a SHORTHAND AND TK PIS WRITING. A. C. VAN B ANT'S school. 747. W. Y. Ufa . - 944 NFB. Business 4k Shorthand College. Boyd's PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, via . San Fran Theater. 4j cisco, close here daily at 6.30 p. m. up r i to November I'M, inclusive, for despatah ' ! T : : per IT. S. transport. SAN1TOR1UM. OMAHA Florence Sanatorium. 'Phone Reel . uia. w. oi car line, city 'phone, HM. wii.unin ana niassage parlors, Zl-l Lake. STORAGE. OM. Van Stor. Co., 16119 Farn. Tela 1559-snl UPHOLSTKRINQ. . . . GATE C1TT. 17US Bt Mary's ave. TSt B2076. STAMMERING AND STUTTERING. CURED. Julia Vaughn. 430 Ramge Bldg TICKET BROILERS. li r' RATS railroad ticket everybody. P. Ii. Philbln, 16ot Farnam. 'Phone 74 - : POSTOFF1CB NOTICE. ' (Should be read DAILY by all Interested, sa cbangea may occur at any time.) Foreign mails for the week ending Novem ber 7. Iiw3. will cloae (PROMPTLY; In ail cases) ut the General Postofhue as follows-PARCELS-POST MAILS cloe one hour earlier than closing Lima shown below Parcels-Poet Malla for Germany close at i p.- Bi. Monday per s. a. Kr on prlns Wll helm. and on Wednesday per a. Rheln (via Bremen). Regular, and supplementary-, malls cloae at lorvlan Station half hour Ui-r than cloning time shown below (except that Sup plsinen'ary Mails for Europa an Centrsl America, via Colon, close out hour later at Formic Station.) . " Transatlantic Malls. TUESDAY At 10 a. tu, tvr ITALY direct. POSTOFFICK NOTICB. per a. s. Citta dl Mllsno (mall must b di rected "per s. a. Cltta dl.Mllnno J; at.ll W a - rn. isupplemehtary 1 . m ) for EUROPE, per a. a. Kronprlna Wllhelm, Vli Plymouth, CherNiurg and Bremen. WEDNESDAY At 7 SU a. m. for NETHER LANDS direct, per s. s. Nnordiim tmall must be d'rected "per a. s. Nonrdam");at 12 m. (supplementary 1:30 p. m.) for EUROPE, per i. s: Certrlc. via yueens town (msil for France. Swliierland, Italy. Spain. Portugal, Turkey, K.(rypt, Greece, British India and Lorenfo Marques must bo directed "per s. a Cedrlc"). ' THURSDAY At 7 a. m. for r'RANCB. SWITZERLAND. ITALY, SPAIN, POR TUGAL, TURKEY. EGYPT. GREECE, BRITISH INDIA and LORENZO MAR Wl.'EZ, per . s. La Touralne, via Havre (mail for other parts of Europe must be directed ."per s. s. La Touralne"); at 6:30 p. m. for AZORES IFLAND8, per a s. Peninsular, from New Bedford. Mnss. SATURDAY At 1:30 a. m. for IRELAND, per s. s. Etrnria, via Queenstown tmiiii ior oiner parts or r.uropo must d anet'r per s. a. Etrurla ); at a. m. i"r EUROPE. per s. a. Philadelphia, via Foutha-ipton: at 7 a. m. for FRANCE, SWITZERLAND, ITALY, SPAIN, POR TUGAL. TUKkK, E-It'T. 1REECK. BRITISH INDIA aAd LORENZO MAR Oi:K7.. ner a. a. I .a Champagne, via a. m. for SCOTIjAND direct, per s. Ethiopia (mall must be directed "per a. s. vihi,, j.". o. ii . m fnr DENMARK direct, per's. s. Island (mall must be di rected "per a s. It-land"). After the closing of th Supplementary Transatlantic Malls named aDOve. auoi tional Supplemtntary Malls are opened on tne piers Oi tne American, r.n'i";-. r...,ih mr,A nwwnun ateaiTiers and remain open until within Ten Mlnutea of the hour or Bailing of steamer. Malls tor Sooth and Central Atnerlea, West Indrea, Eta. WEDNESDAY At 8:30 a. m. (suppiemen- 0:30 a. m.) for CENTRAL, fmrn; ICA (excent CosU Rica) and SOI in PACIFIC TORTS, per s. a. Seguranea, r-ni..n im..n fnr- riiintemnla must be directed "per a. a 8eguranca"); at 12:80 n m fsniMilcmenlRrv :M p. m.) for TURK8 ISLAND and DOMINICAN RE' nue a. New York. THURSDAY At 8 a. m. for CUBA, per a. a A i ) i i .. maii nw m.t in via i rnin-flu, Camneche and Vera Crux must be di rected "per s. S. viffiiBncia i " for HAITI, per s. s. Prlns der Nederlan mu(i rr,-t ,le T:(l?r Cane Haiti, nnaK,A i.r.min ftirftrno. Venesuela, 'irinuiaa. nntisn ana uunn ..,....- be directed "ner e. a. , Prlns der Nener- l landen"); at II a. m. for BRAZIL, per e. s. I nyron, via i-ernnmoiu-o, -"""rihlr-1 Hneiru nuu otiunn tine,, - rum, v cm n rr, fnr NKWHl '1NII c l.n , l u . .j .. - .... - ' a . LAND, per 8. s. Silvia; at iz m. ior T I AGO, per s. a. Yumtirl (mall must be .. . V . . o wir.MMTTTiA. i mentary 9:30 a. m.) for CURACAO and VENEZUELA, per s. s. Maracalbo (mall for Savanllla and Cartagena must be di rected "per a. s. Maracalbo "); at 9 a. m. for PORTO RICO, per a. r. - - Vretnrinr at n.MI a. m. ibmuuiv- URUGUAV and PARAGUAY, per a. a. Kgyptlan Prince; at 9:30 a. "-"uPlJ'; mentary 10:30 a nO for FORTlmiS iat iKf) JAMAICA. 8AVANILLA, CAR- D. fPAfllMA and llH H , T I f W CI . DTI B, a. Valencia (mall for Costa Rica must rw ui- rected "per a. a. Valencia j; nt i for C UBA, per B. s. mum-", via i.o.c-. . m m ii inn ,m en ta r v 11:30 a. m.i for INAGUA and ilAlll, per m. m. r ...- aria. ' Malla Forwarded Overland, Etc., Ex cept Tranapaelfle. CUBA Via Florida, closes at. this office rii v. except luursaay. i .- (the connecting mails close here on Wednesdays and Saturdays via Tampa, and on Monnaya via Miami). MEXICO CITY-Overlnnd, unices specially HIIU V" 1 " ' J . . . , tddreased for dispatch by steamer, closes VL'WF(ii;VTiI,ND-BT rail to North Sid- I and 11:30 P. m. . ... . ney, and tnence oy siraiiivi, eiu-. i oflice daily at 9:30 p. in. (connecting malls I close here every Monday, Wednesday an6 J Kutnrnnv.l 1 JAMAICA By rail to Boston, and tnence bV steamer, closes at this omce at b.ju p. m. every Auesaay. MIQUELON By rail td Boston, and thence by steamer, closes at ima ouice uaujr BELIZE, PUERTO CORTEZ and GUATB MALA By rail to New Orleans, and thence by steamer, closes at this office . 11-. ., . U.miluv a, 11 'OA m i iwl . 111.30 p. m.j fcunasys at it p. m. ana lll:S0 d. in. fconnecUng mail closes here Mondays at 111:30 p. m.) COSTA KlCA ay ran to ew urieans, ana tnence ny aieaiiier, tiunr. f. l hub vuic. dully, except Sunday, at 11:30 p. m. and !U:2 11:8 'uei jii:iiu p. rn.; Duimujfy a. ii u. anu 80 p m. (connecting mall closes here i.o.iluvs at (1:30 n. ni.l Uravtotm day! REGISTERED MAIL cloaes at 8 R. m. Transpacific Malla. via San Francisco, close her. dally at 6:80 p. m. up to November 12. In elusive, for desnatch per a. a. Aiametia. HAWAII. JAPAN. CHINA and PHILIP PINE islands, via nan r rancisco, close here daily at 6:30 p. m. up to November 15, inclusive, ior uespaton per America MarU. AU8TRAUA texce gt , L. ..... .-. . . couver ana Victoria, v. c, ciese ner dally st 6:30 p. m. up lo November P.Jh- elusive, ior apan;n ior m- m. Auranfii. CHINA and JAPAN, via Tacoma. eloea here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to November 10, inclusive, ior ueapaicn per a. s. v ic- neln I CHINA and JAPAN, via Seattle, close here I here daily at o.uu p. in. up in novemovr lit. Inclusive, ior oespstcu per s. s. naga Vtiirii. Hawaii JAPAN. CHINA and PHILIP. PINE 1BLANOB, via oan r rancisco, close here dully at e:ao p. m. tip to November US. inclusive, for aeupaicn per a. a. cores. NEW ZEALAND, AUSTRALIA (except : West)), INH.W tiALiivunia, rut, DA jlUA ana iiawaii, via Dan r rancisco, close here dally at 6:80 p. m. up to No vember 1 14, Inclusive, for despatch per s. - unnnm. Of the Cunard' KieumAP cur. rylng the British mail tor New Zealand rliiAM not arrive In time to conned with this despatch, extra malls closing at 6:10 a. in., 9:30 a. m. and :J p.- m.; Sundays at 4:30 a. m., 9 a. m. and 6:80 p. m. will bo made up and lorwaraea until the ar- rival of the cunara sceameri. CHINA AND JAPAN, via Vancouver and Victoria. B. C. close here dully at 6:80 p. m." up to November 124, inclusive, for despatch per s. s. Empress of China. (Merchandise for.U. 8. postal agency at Shanghai cannot oe torwaraea via can' ada.) TAHITI snd MARQUESAS ISLANDS via San Francisco, cloae here daily at 6 30 p. m. up to rnovemoer ., inclUHlve, fnr Tesnatch Der s. s. Mariposa. NOTE Unless otherwise adureissedT West Australia is forwarded via Europe; and New Zealand and Philippine Islands via Ban Francisco the quickest routes. Phil ippines specially addressed "via Canada" - "via Eurciue" must be fully prepaid at the foreign rates. Hawaii- is forwarded via San Francisco exclusively. Transpacific malls are forwarded to port of aaiiing oany na i. ' I closing la arranged on the presumption I .if their uninterrupted overland transIL IRegletered mall closes at s p. ra. pre. fftpurlirg VAN COTT. Postmaster. poatofflce. New York. N. Y.. October 80, 1908. LEGAL NOTICE, NOTICE. ' Sealed bids will be received at the office of Secretary of State up until 13 o'clock noon of Thursday, November 12. 19iO. for bait ing aud pullies for use at the penitent. ary aa per Itemised statement found in the .. u.....t,ru ,,f Ctala. The board reserves the rlht to reject any and s,ll bids. Becrutary. of Brutrd. NlJlut NOTICE FOR BIDS FOR STATE PRINT. Bids will be recelve.i Dy the State Print ing board at the office of the Secretary ,.f Riata at Lincoln. Neb., on or before 2:30 o clock p. m. weaiieaaay, rvovemoer ii .A.mHiii books for the State Board of 10O3, Ior lurmmiiiig luur-uuire as Havre (mall for other parte oi r,iinp r.. T.i kianm must be .directed "per a. a. La Cham- Ch ca;o Express. ... 7.1o am a 6.19 pm pnune"): nt 8:W) a m. for BELGIUM 'V.'Vf a 1 OR am dlre t. per a. s. Finland (mall must be dl- Bt; . I aul IJmlted.....a 7.50 pm a B.08 am reeled' ' per a. a. Finland"); at 8:30 a. m Vnnei,poll & St. Paul Brazil Argentine, Uruguay and P-'TJ"" Chicago Daylight L'ld.a 1:66 am a 8:50 am must be A rfcted per a. s. By"" " chlcajo Vinjut Local.a 7:00 am a 9:35 pm m- ?ry TJ.CA.TI?.UP, r. ; TlnK' lt l Chicago Expreaa bU:li am a 6:85 pm must be dlrec ed "per s. s. Tjomo ) Vet koines Express a 4:90 pm bU:W am m. for MEXICO, per a. s. Beneca. via c. 0 F iTxDress. .a 6M pm a l:iS pm , Tampico (.mull must De uirecitru - i - , wfc'ST- Equalisation and miscellaneous printing ,,ding October 81 says that fall plowing and stationery supplies for the Slate I . -ViASrH T f Irrigation. State Historical so- And sending has been completed on the two ciety. Hospital for the Insane at Hast- Ings, penitentiary and attorney general. Jrt. " supreme Bpeclttcatlnns for rams can be found on HI in the office of the Secretary of Slate, All bus must be accompanied by a bond iuiLa in T amount tu the probable cost of I.EOAI, NOTICES, the work bid upon. The board reserve the. light to reject any snd all bids. Lincoln, Neb.. 1 t. HI, 19. STATE PRINTING BOARD. By Lou W. Frasier, Secretary to the Board. Nld It GOVERNMENT NOTICES. PHOPOHAI.S for SUBSISTENCE 8TORE3. Office Purohsslng Commissary,- U. S. Army. Omaha, Neb., . October 27, 1M3. Sealed proposals, subject to the usual con ditions, will be received at this office until 10 o'clock a. m., November 6, lwa, at which time snd place they will be publlely opened for furnishing subsistence store as follows: BHCon, sugar, crfnned goods, etc. Preference will be EMven to articles or domestic produc tion. umnK proposals and specincstinns cui be olitslned at this omce. W. Ai. BEAN, Purchasing Commissary. uj-z-o-s - -. R IILROAD TIME? CARD. INION STATION lOT II AND MARCY. Illlaala Central. Chicago Express. Chicago .ale Nort kwestera. "The Northwestern Line. Fast Chicago.... a 8:40 am a 7:00 am Mall .. a 8:00 pro. a 810 am Local Sioux City a 6:10 am a 8.80 pin Daylight St. Paul. a 7:f0 am a 10:00 pm Dayllaht Chicago. .a 8:00 am all:IO pm Limited Chicago.,.. Local Carroll Faat Chicago ..a 8:16 pm a 6:16 am ..a 4:() pm a 8:30 am ..a 6:M pm a 8:46 pni ..a 8:10 pm a L am a 9:80 am a 8:40 pm ..b 4:00 pm b 9:30 am Feat St. I'aul St. Paul Express.... Faat Mall Ixcal Sioux City... Norfolk tt Bonesteel., .a 7:v am aiujro am Lincoln Long Plne....b 7:25 am b 10:55 am Local Chicago u:u am Mlsaoart Pact Sc. 8t. Louie Express alo:00 am a 8:26 pm K. C A Bt L Express. ai0:b pm .a c:u am Chicago Great Western Ry. Co. "i at a, uiMt,.. h noils Limited Ii: 104 Ft Dodge Express. .a 7:36 am 12 Ft. Dodge Express.. a 3:23 pm O) BL Pauf a Mlnne- sdoIIh Limited.... ...a 7:55 pm t Ft Dodire Express.. alt:10 am 108 Ft. Dodge Express.. a 8:30 pm Chlcao-o, Milwaukee Jk St. Paal. Chicago DayHgnt.., a 7:45 am all:lB pm rhlnarn Fmri UmrHi..a 6:46 Dm a 8:40 pm Chicago Limited,,. a 8:t pm a ?:wi am Des Mohies Express.... 7:46 am a 8:40 pm Chicago, Rock Islaud faeiae. Rocky Mountain L t d. a 7:30 am a 7:25 am Lincoln,- . COlo. Dpringa, Denver, Pueblo and West ,, a o.w pra and - ....a 8:15 pm al2:e on lezas. caiuornia - laloa .Paclflc. Overland Limited., ....a 1:40 km a 1:60 pm .... a 8:26 pu ....a 4:20 pro -..all:W pm .... - a 6:80 pm The Fast Mail California Express Paclno Express.,., Eaatern express The Atlantic Express... a 7:30 am The Colorado special... a :iu am a a:w am Chicago .special ... a :u ain Lincoln. Beatrice A Btromsburg Express.. b 4:00 pm bl2:6Q pm North Platte Local. .....a 8:00 am a 6:16 pm Grand Island Local;.... b 5:30 pm b 9:36 am Wabash. bt. Ixiuia "Cannon Ball Express .a o:w pm a a:zo am fie lunula Local.' Coun- ell Biuas, a :u am aiu:w pm WEBSTER DEPOT 15TH tt WEBSTER Chicago. St. Paal, Mlanecpolls . Omaha.- Leave. Arrive. .Will VII. Twin City Passenger. ..a 9:30 anv a 9:10 pm gioux city Passenger . .a 2:00 pm aU:20 am 0aklan Xocl. b b:4& pm D : am Chicago afe Northwestern, Nebraska ' " "" Rlack Hills. Dead:ood. jeaa,' not Dpiius m e.uv yiu m e.uupui Wyoming, CaspeT and lxjuglas d 8:00 pm S 8K pm HuatlliBS. TOfU. LSVIQ City, Superior, Ger. evi Exeter und SewrJ...b 8:00 pre b 8:00 pm MUsoart PaclSe. Nebraska Local. Via' Weeping water o t.ui pm aiv m am BURLINGTON STATION 10th St MASON i chie-. Borllaatoa k aalaer, I vaieago, I . Leava. Arrive. I Chicago Special a 7:oo am a 8:66 am ch ciin veetiDuiea ex. .a s:w pm a t :& am I Chicago Locai .....a :U am all:0o pm i Chicago Limueo a 8:0? 5tn a 7:46 pm Fast Mall z:i pm Kansas City, St, Joseph at Council Bluff. '," Kansas City Day Ex. ...a 9:15 am a 8:05 pm let, Louis Flyer., :;A....a-5:5 -pm ll:0i am Kansas. ciiy-,iNigir. ex. .u&v.w m .w am Barllngtoa 4k Missouri River. W'ymore. Beatrice snd I.incolrt v.-.. a 8:50 am blZ.Oj pm Nebraska Express a 8:60 am a 7:46 pm Denver Limited ....-a 4:10 pm a 8:46 am UlaCK runs aim rujci Sound Express ...all:10 pm a 8:10 pm Colorado Vestibuied Flyer a s:iu pro Lincoln-Faat Maii.......b 2:SC pm a 9:08 am iTnt-t (-rook and Platte. mouth ....i d a :io pm diu:jo am I Bellevue aV Paclfle Jcta 7:60 pm. a 8:27 am Bsuevue ft pactno Jct..a :uu am I I a Dallr. b Dally except Sunday, d Dally i except naturaay. e iany except aionaay. SUES FOR INSUnANCc MONEY Exeoator of Estate Scene to Foro Payment from the Banker Union. I In Judge Slabaugh's court th caae of Frances M. Henderson, executor, Clara I. Field and William D. .. Henderson against the Bankers Union of the World was called for trial. At executor of th estate of Harriet M. Dickson, Franoes M. Henderson Is suing th defendant company for a 82,000 life In surance policy, which was taken out by the deceased some time before her death, which was In April, 190L Th defendants set up th claim that Harriet M. Dickson was ths victim of a cancer at th Urns she took out the Insurance. The main ques tion before the court and Jury during the morning hours was as to th admissibility of a comunlcatlon of th physician who had attended th deceased before her death. wherein It was alleged that th statement was made that the defendant had known she was possessed of a cancer at the time shs took out the insurance policy. It was held that under the statute the I comunlcatlon of a physician to a patient wa- private and confidential and could not be Introduced Into court aa evidence. Boy Cared ( Crean la Fifteen Mlnates. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy cured our Uttle 4-year-old boy of croup in fifteen minutes. - My - wife and I have used this remedy In our' family for the past five years, having tried many other kind pre vious to that time, and can say that we consider It far superior to any other. We are never without It In our home. Frank I Hellyer, Ipava. I1L FALL PLOWING IS COMPLETED Work' Advanced and Winter1 Wl::i - Acreage la Nearly l ta That of Last Year. I The Burlington cron report for the week eastern division and the acreage probably wlll very Uui. le than that of last yM Drt tb. w,.,.r dlvtMon the acre!. will hardly he over ane-halt that of the y,ar previous. In the Republican valley and , , . . ,, h "rsncls branch th acreage will alO:N am equal that of last year1 and a good yield I expected. The acreage of wheat on the Al'lsne anil Sheridan dlvtelnns la the -same as last yrtr and the general rain new will be bnnrflclat to the grain on the western division. Con siderable threshing hns been done on the western and Alliance divisions and the corn Is generally dried out. Some of It already has been gathered In western places. Th yield Is about aa war anticipated: . ' vStock la In good rendition and there la an abundance ot rough fead In the ajtrlctilturaj territory. The potato crop In the north western Nebraska territory la alsd turning out very well. VASELINE NO GOOD FOR HAIR. Da a draff Geraa Thrives la It, aa Well aa In All Grease. A well known Chicago hnlr specialist Invited the Inter-Ocean reporter to come to his office and ace, under a microscope, how the germ that causes dandruff thrives In vaseline. The specialist aatd that all hair preparations containing grease simply fur nish food for the gerata and help to propa gate them. The only way to rure dan druff la to deatroy the germs, and the only hair preparation that will do that l New bro's Herplclde. "Destroy the cause,- you remove the effect." Without dandruff no falling hair, no baldness. Ask for Herpl- Ide. It la the only destroyer df the dan druff germ. Bold by loading druggists. Bend 10c in stamps for sample to The Herplclde Co., Detroit. Mich. Sherman tk. McConncIl Drug Co., special agents. KANSAS STUDENTS JN . FEUD Trouble Starts Between the Town Boys and Those Attending Agrlcaltaral College. TOPEKA, Kaa., Nov. S. A special to the Topcka State Journal from Manhattan, Kan., says a feud has broken out there be tween the agricultural College students and the young men of the town. A number of Hie students have been way laid at night and handled roughly. Satur day evening two students were severely beaten. Later In the evening a band of two college boys went down for a return attack. '.,:.. " Before the opposing forces met the police seised six of the leaders' and hurried them to the jail for the night. Many of the stu dents carried concealed weapons. ROBBERS ASSAULT CASHIER Strike Him on Head with Clob and Get Away with Pay Roll ' Money. ;;,'',,- NASHVILLE. Tenft. Nov. l-Melvllle Wheeler, assistant cashier of the Cumber land Telephone company, was assaulted in his office this morning and the company's safe robbed of 83,000. Mr. Wheeler Is not seriously Injured. ' Two persons have been arrested on suspicion. Mr. Wheeler was getting the money from the safe for the purpose of making his monthly payroll when two men, heavily armed, entered. As Wheeler tried to give the alarm he was struck over the head with a billy and stunned. The men then rifled the safe of 83,000 and fled. No Negotiations pending. BUTTE, Mont., Nov. I.-Presldent William Bcallon of the Anaconda Mining company and F. Augustus llelnsa both deny that any negotiations aro on foot for the purchase of the lleinie properties In Butte. This denial followed a report ema- natlng from Boston to the effect that Mr. Heinse had been offered $15,000,000 for his Butte mines. ,, Shoots Wife and Kills Himself". -WASHINGTON, Nov. 2.-Leada Nordfeldt shot snd Instantly killed his wife,, Sophie,' and then .committed suicide st, their lodg ings early today. He Is supposed to have been Insane. 6B8 Lady Doll's Set, 14. 14.22,11004. ' ',' Lady Doll's set 4508 Comprising shirred waist (to ha made high or low neck, with . of without bertha), shirred skirt, long coat and hood. Lady dolls, dresaed Just ax . mamma is gowned, are dear to the hearts . of all normal little girls and can be relied upon to find an enthusiastic welcome npon sny gift-making occasion. The. wardrobe shown possesses many charms, , It is quite up to dsts. It allows of an afternoon or evening toilet and provides the latest style of coat for the street or carriage with a- hood that means charm sad proteotion -in one. In th case of th model -the gown Is mads of pale pink crepe de Paris, with trimming of cream lace and black velvet ribbon) the coat is made of ore&ra. cloth with a finish of heavy lace snd the hood nf cream silk, but variations without Cum ber might be auggeated. All th Mason's pretty soft silks and wools ar suited to the gown and cloth or,, velveteen of any eolor makes an attractive coat with a hood f harmonising silk. The pattern consiata of the gewn, th enat and th hood. The gown combine s ahlrred waist) with a shirred aklrt and can be made high or low neck, as preferred, and with or without the circular bertha that gives ths broad shoulder effect of the season, Ths coat is looss and ample with wide bell sleeves snd is turned back to form revers. The hood is made with a full, soft :rown and a plam brim that le shaped to form points about ths face. Beneath the chin are soft ties terminating In frills, Ths qusntlty ot material required for th medium else 1 Inches) la. f or . gown'. lVt . yards a Inches wide, 1 yard W, or yards 44 Inches wide, with 4 yard ef all-ovee lace; for coat, 1 yard 21, or" H yard 44 inci'ies wide; for hood, H ysrd 21 inches wide, Th pattern 4568 is cut in size for dolls of U, 18 snd 22 inches In length, including ths head. For ths accommodation of Th Be, readers these patterns, which usually retail at from 26 to 64 cent, will be furnish a a nominal price. If cents, which cover afi , expense. Ia order to get a pattern enclose 18 cents, give number snd name of pattern. I Anti-Pain Pills - (Dr. Miles') prevent ss well ss car hoadacho, ttje commonest Affliction of mankind. Carry In your pocket No pplatea. Non-axatlva. There are no sub stitutes. Bold and guaranteed by all drur--sl'ts. 86 does 86 cent. . Never sold fa bulk. Lii, MILES MEDICAL CO.. Elkhsrt, lad.' SEASONABLE FASHIONS 1