Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 03, 1903, Page 8, Image 8

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tat Prices Ars Lower in Chicsgs on
PtrtlsUnt Selling'
lrTlila Market U lllher oa Jaa
uir Option, Wlille ta Qaetallon
far tJate Shews Sllaat De.
rllae la Trlrc.
tHICAQO. Nov. J. Persistent Felling of
December wheat by a prominent operator
wan a check to higher prices In the wheat
market today and December Hosed H'fi'aC
lower. December corn waa up He, Decem
ber oata were off c. while January provi
sion were from 2H" to 7Vc higher.
Moth the CHHh and speculative business
In wheat wan of an extremely di'SKElUR na
ture and price showed little Inclination
to move one way or the other. Continued
selling; of December by Armour waa the
only feature to enliven an otherwise dull
market and thin selling had a depressing
Influence throughout the day and finally
succeeded In forcing prices a trllle lower.
The early market was Inclined to firmness
on smaller Russian shipments and steady
cable, and after opening unchanged to
higher at 80Tc to 81c, December sold up to
81"VtlHc but soon, eased off again to the
opening price. The close waa at wNfi soc
a loss of H'o"H"- Clearances of wheat and
four were equal to &:,4o bushel. Primary
receipts were l,7Bl,10t) bunhelM, against 1,811,
800 bushels a year ago. The amount on
passage Increased 2n8,mO bushels. Minne
apolis and Duluth reported receipts f l.M.
cars, which, with local receipt of 10!t cars,
none of contract grade, made total receipts
for the three point of 1,44ft cars, against
1,090 cars last week, and 1,428 car a year
Corn bad a firm undertone, but the mar
ket wa an extremely narrow affair. Ixcal
traders were Inclined to be bearish, but did
not sell much owing to the weather condi
tions and to report of small acceptances.
The presence of a few buying order from
the country had a stimulating effect, as did
the better tone In cables. Trading was
dull and featureless. After selling be
tween 4444Hc December closed aSjC
Usher, at WfMiVtc. I.ornl receipts were
t"3rrs, with 47 of contract rrade.
Helling bv local traders due to a liberal
Increase In stocks caused weakness In
oats, but the volume of trading was small.
December ranged between 85'c and S5-vc,
closing e. lower at 3Sc. Local receipts
were 832 cars. . . , ,
Provisions ruled firm with a fair trade.
. Decreased stock at IJverpool and an Im
proved cash demand for lard were bull In
fluence. Packer sold pork and rib
through commission house and those
Drodiict were easier at times, but the
strength of lard was a supporting feature,
rinainir trlcea were firm with January
Pork 6o higher at 112.30. January lard up
tWTHo at I6.87V4 and ribs 2c higher at
42. t ,
Kstimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat,
200 cars: corn, 620 cars; oata, 290 cars; hogs,
IB.nm bead.
Tha leading lutnres raryca n iquqws.
Articles. Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Safy,
Wheat I
tnec. )m 8iffr Sf, snHff, n
May T9&H 79 79H4Ttt 79VSH 79
Corn I
Dec. 44Srl 44 44 U(ffVt 43
May m 44
July 421 43 42 43 43&H
Tec. 25H V
May ) 96 80, 36W 3GVtt'4
- Jan. 12 22H 12 374 12 22H 80 1!
May 12 35 12 47V, 12 35 12 40 12 37H
DeoT 8 70 T7H 70 77t4 57
Jan. M 7H 80 87
Mar 6 87H 6 95 I 87 95 6 87
JanT 87 45 27 42 40
May 60 66 (60 ( 62 6 60
No. 1 tNew.
pRih mioratlnna were a follow:
FLOUR-Steady; winter patent. $4.009
4.20: straights, I3.704j4.10; spring patents,
S4.10-5H.50; straight. 3.703.90; bakers. $2.56
WHEAT No. 2 spring. We; No. S spring,
KrViffKlc; No. 2 red, g2Vj,SR3Hc.
CORN No. 2, 44Vo; No. 2 yellow, 44S4fr4Sc.
OATS No, 2, 36Hc; No. S white. 354)370,
RYE No. 2. Mo.
BARLKY Good feeding, 41 42c; fair to
choice malting, 4w54c.
BERD No. 1 flax. 89c: No. 1 northwest
em, 96c; prime timothy, $2.75! clover, con
tract grade, $10. 4fc 10.60.
PROVISIONS Mes porlt, per bbl., $11.50
m.62. Lard, per 100 lbs., H.d7fl.70. Short
rib sides (loose). 27.007.50. Short clear
Idea boxed). I7.2txg1.50.
The following were thereceipts of flour
and grain:
Receipt. ShlDments.
Flour. bbU... ......' 24,700 12.600
Wheat, bu 112.600 48.400
Corn, bu 608,600 894.W0
Oata. bu 827.700 S!'2.500
Rye, bu 3,8(iO US,")
I.arley, bu 113,200 ' 10.2U0
On the Produce exchange today the but
ter market wa easier; creameries, lbWii
Xlc; dairies, 14dil8c. Eggs, firm, at mark,
cases Included, 19U20c. Cheese, steady,
i i i .
4.aotatloa ! tha Day oa Varloae
' Comane-ditles.
NEW TORK, Nov. 3. FLOUR Receipts,
17,56 lbl.( ex potts, 22.180 bbl.; market
quiet, but nrni; winter patents, S4.0uu.4.
winter atralghts, $!( 4 10) Minnesota pat
ents. $4.tMu486; winter extra, $3.0u3.40;
Jtllnneaota bakers, $3.75(34.10; winter low
grades, $2.$bft3.20. Rye Hour, rlrra, $3.40;
cnoice to tancy, 3.xff3.w. tiucawneat nour,
steady at $2.40ii'2.50.
COKN MEAL Dull; yellow western, $1.06;
city, $1.06; kiln-dried. $3.20413.26.
RYE Steady; No. 2.wetern, (2c nominal
Z. o. d., afloat ; state and Jersey, UiAibxc.
BARLEY Quiet; feeding. 42c c. I. f.,
xiunaio; mailing, Oii)WK', c. I. I., uunaio.
WHEAT Receipt, 138,500 bu. ; exports.
n,ni du. ; spot, ateaay; no. i rea, siMiO,
elevator; No. j red, lc, i. o. b., afloat
No. 1 northern Duluth, 2c, f. o. b., afloat
No. 1 hard Manitoba, nominal. L o. b.
afloat. Option displayed early strength to-
any on tne Duuisnnesa or weekly statistics.
better cable and room covering. Later It
gave way allghtly under Door export de
mand and closed unchanged from Isuturdiy.
May, SS-itttOWc, closed at 81Vc; December.
767 6 16c, closed at 87c.
CORN Receipts, 219,950 bu.; exports, 73.
ttft bu.; spot, dull; No. 2, 50n elevator and
61 o f. o. b., afloat; No. 2 vtllow, t4c; No.
I white,. 614kC Option market waa dull, but
fairly steady on rains west, light world's
shipments and steady cables, the close be
ing net unchanged. May, V8 15-16o49Hc,
closed at 4Vc; December, GOVa&lc, closed
at 5o?ic
OATS Receipt. 106,500 bu.; e.tporvs, 39
" bu.; spot, dull; No. 3, 42c. landard
white. 43c ; No. 3, 40c: No. 2 white, iXKc;
Mo. I white. 42c: track, white, 4i4'4oWc
HAY Quiet; ahlpping, Mltsic; good to
choice. &o'fiN9c.
HOI'S Steady; state, common to choice
19i3. 2432c; 19'i2. 2rC: olds, 9'"nl2c; Pa
clrto coast, 19i, 2Ut2hc; 1802. 214(2f.i-; olds,
HIDES Steady; Gslveston. 10 to ti lbs.
Jc;Callfniriila21 to 26 Iba., 19c; Texas dry!
LEATHER Steady; acid, 23i&2Bc.
RICE: Steady; domestic, fair to extra
4i)tir; Japan, nominal.
PROVISIONS Beef, sleadv; family.
$10rw;in&0; mesa. $8 008 6i; i,Mf hams
$l.fiino23 00 packet. 10.00; city, extra
India mess, $14.01kt 18.00. Cut meatf. eady;
pickled bellies, $9.2f.4i 11.0 1; pickled shoul
ders. $.S.6ot(j6 76; pickled hams. $11.00,ji 12 0k
Ijtrd. hrni; western steamed, lirmer; conti
nent, $7.66; South America, $8.2o; compound
i 87&7.37. Pork. Ktt-ady; fa.mlly. $9 6o:
short, clear, $13 2515.00; mess. $13 0(V&13 50
TALLOW-Dull: city ($2 per iwciag'e)
4": country (packages free). 4ftic.
IiUTTER-Recelpta. 4.149 pkgs.; steady:
creamerv. ltMT22c; state dairy, loJvc
CHEESE Receipts. 3,3fil pkgs.; unsettled;
State, full cream, fancy, small colored. Sep
tember, 13c; October, 11c; small Septem
ber, 13c; October. 11c; large colored, Sep
tember, llc; October, 11c; large colored.
September, Uc; 0'toher, 11c; Urge white,
September, llc: October, lie.
EUs Receipts, i 248 pkga; strong; west
POULTRT Alive. nominal: dressed.
aulet; weetern chickens, ll12c; fowls. U
iic; turaeys, no.
Philadelphia Proa see Market.
Firm; western creamery, 22c; nearby
EGGS Film, good demand; fresh nearby,
3fH. los off; western. i4i29c; soutbwetlern,
J7t2Sc; southern, 26ai26c.
CHEV:8E Steady, fair demand; New
York full cream, fancy, 12c; fair to good,
Visible tapaly af Grala. ,
NEW TORK. Nov. I The visible supply
or grain ttuber 31 aa compiled bv the
isew ion froouce exchange la a follows:
Wheat. 2.216.UI0 bu. decrenae 26!.0iJO bu: corn
T 332 OuO bu., incrcise 8 0iO bu. ; oats. 7 -
000 bu., lucres so I 701.0MJ bu. ; rye. 2038(10
u., increase e.ouo eu. ; barley, 4,118.0uu bu..
Llvergtos:! Grala Market.
red. urn, winter Is 2d; futurca, sUady;
December. 66.1: Mai-ch. sS4d: May,
W... . .......
i i.ikk-spot, ensv: American mixeo, as
21; future, steady; December, 4ld,
January, 4s Sd.
Coadltlaa nf Trade aad Qaetalleae ea
Staple and Prr Preface.
EOOB Fresh stock, loja off. Joe.
LIVE TrSTitc: spring
chickens, 8sc; roosters, according to age.
r'nc: luraeys. italic: duck. SWu'JC. geese.
Co Sc.
BUTTER Packlnr stork. 13c-. choice to
iHncy nniry. in tuns, wyiHc; separator,
FRESH FISH-Fresh caught trout,
pickerel. 8c; pike, 10c; perch, 4c; bufl
TVfcijS; blueflsh, 16c; whltcflsh, 13c: pair
fancy dairy. In tuhs, l&jjlftc; separator. 21a
1 .nn
11c; haddock, 10c; codfish, 12c:t reusnapper,
11c; lobsters, boiled, per lb., TOc; lobsters,
green, per lb.. .: bullheads. 11": catfish.
14c; black bass, 20i2."o; halibut, kc; crappies.
c; nernng, or: wnne Pass, iuc: Diuenns, so.
uisiEHS-New xork count, per can.
43c: rer gal.. 1.00: extra select. Der can.
36c; per gal., 11.76; standard, per can, 27c;
per gal., $1.35.
tiliAN-Per ton, tJ 60.
HAY Prlre ouoted bv Omaha Whole
sale Dealers association: Choice No. 1 up
land. $s 00; No. 2. $7.50: medium $7.00;
coarse, $c,60. Rye straw, $6.60. These prices
are for hay of good color and quality. De
mand fair and receipts light.
K.yn in o.
OATS 3(ic.
RTE No. 2, Rflc.
POTATOES-Colorado. 75S80e: Dakota.
per bu., 70j7ic; native, 6?37oc,
SWEET POTATOES Home grown, per
basket, 76c; Virginia, per 3-bu. bbl., 13.00.
BEANS Home grown, wax, per market
baxk&i, 4u0c: string, per market basket,
TOMATOES Home grown, per basket,
NAVY DEANS Per bu I2.f.
CELERY Small, per dos., 26036c; large
western. 46c.
ONIONH Vw hnm mti itrv. rmr IK.
lHc: Ppanlsh. per crate. 21.60.
CABRAOE-AVlsconsIn Holland, le.
TURNIPS Canada Rutabagas, per lb., lo.
PRUNES-Italian, per box, $1.00.
PEARS Colorado and Utah Keif era. IL76:
winter Ncllis, $2.2662.&0.
Ai-ri.r.a Jonathans and Orlmes Golden.
W.i6tr4.fHi; Michigan stock, $3.25: Call
tornla Bellflowers. per box, $1.60; New York
Greenlnga and Baldwins. $3.26; eating
varieties, $3 60- Oregon stock In bushel
boes, $1.15&L25.
OHAI ES-Cttlifornls, Tokays. $1.66; New
York, per 8-lb. basket, ; peiy Catawbas,
22c; Imported Malagas, per nee. $5.0(K(i.50.
CRANIIF.llRIhM.Por l.hl t&U,- nor hnT.
$3.00 Wisconsin Bell Bugle. $9.60.
v-AutuKMA yutNCES per DOX,
ORANGES-Mcxlcan, all alsea, $4.00.
LEMONS California fancy, 3u0 to $60
sines, $4.60; choice 240 to 270 sises, $4.X84 26.
FIGS California, per 10-lb. cartons, 85a;
Imported Smyrna, . J-crown, 14o; 6-crown,
16c; 7-crown, 18c ,
DATES Persian, per box of 80 package.
$2.00; per lb., in 60-lb. boxea. 6c.
B AN A N AS Per medium sised bunch, $2.00
62.50; Jumbo, $2. 76-33. 25.
CHEESE Wisconsin twins, full cream,
12o; Wisconsin Young Americas, 13c;
block Swiss, 15o; Wisconsin brick, L'o;
Wisconsin limberger, 12c.
HONEY Nebraska, per 24 rames, $3.50;
Utah and Colorado, per Z4 trames, $3.50.
MAPLE SUGAR Ohio, ter lb., 10c.
CIDER Pet bbl., $6.76; per -bbl., $3.25.
POPCORN Per lb., 2c; shelled, 86c
HORSE RADISH Per caae of 2 dos.,
packed, 80c.
NUTS Walnuts, No. 1 soft-shell, per lb.,
16c; hard-shell, per lb., 14c; No. 2 soft-shell,
per lb. 13c; No. 2 hard-shell, per lb., 12c;
Braslis, per 1U, t:&llc: filberts, per lb.,
llrllc: almonds, soft-shell, per lo.. 15c:
hard-shell, per lb., 13c; pecans, large, per
id.. ji'tf.ue; small, per id., ywgioc; peanuts,
per lb., 6c; roasted peanuts, per lb., 7c;
Chile walnut. 12tfrl3c: larza hlckorv nuts.
per bu., $1.76; shell-barks, per bu., $1.7&9
2.00; black walnut, per bu.. $1.26; eastern
cnesmuis, per id., J4C
HIDES No. 1 green. 6ic; No. 2 green,
E',t No. 1 salted, 7c; No. 2 salted, 6c:
No. 1 veal calf, S to 12 lbs., 8c; No. 2 veal
calf, 12 to 15 lbs., tiHc; dry salted hides, 8J
12c; sheep pelts, 2575c; horse glides. $1,609
8t. Lonla Grata and Provisions.
ST. LOUIS, Nov. 2. WHEAT Heavy; No.
9 rsaH BH ail Air S tew anmlno I 4anlr ir?iCUA.
December.' 88c; May. 8282c;' No. i
nara, inmr.ic.
CORN Firm; No. 2 cash, 40c; track,
42fji42c; December, 40c; May, 4040ty,c.
OATS Weak ; No. 2 cash, 35c; track,
Mwqjtc; wiay, ayc; no. i wnite, 38WC
RYE Firm at 5o.
. FLOUR Steady; red winter patents, $4.00
oi u; extra i.incy ana straignt.;
Clear, j.trM j.zv.
SEED Timothy, steady at $2.252.0.
CORNMEAL Steady; sacked east track.
(1191 UC.
HAY Firm; timothy, $6.0012.00; pratrle.
PROVISIONS Pork higher' Jobbing
standard mess, $12.50. Lard higher at
frt.Ho. Bacon steadv; boxed extra short,
$8.25:-clear ribs. $8.75; short clear, $9.00.
POULTRY Steady; chickens, 7c;
springs. 8c; turkeys, 12c; ducks, X39c;
geese, Vic
BUTTER Steady; creamery, 1822V4c;
dalrv. 14ffjl8c.
EGGS Steady at 21c. loss off.
Keceipts. unipments.
Flour, bbl.
Wheat, bu.
Corn, bu....
Oats, bu....
.. 14,000
. 32.000
. 77.000
Kaasaa City Grata 4 rravlslens.
cember. iWc; May. 69c; cash No. 2 hard,
73c; No. 3, 7tWi72c: No. 4, l7c: re
jected. 04tic: No --. 8182Vic; No. .
,iW'Wc. Receipts, 141 cars. j$jj
CORN Decenioer, i. .of: May. $7iff'38c;
No. 2 mixed, 39c; No. 2 white, 39c; No. $.
OATS No. 2 white, S4g37c; No. t mixed,
RTTC-No. 2. 49c.
HAY' choice timothy, $9.60Q10.00; choice
prairie. $8.
EGGS Firm ; Missouri and Kansas, cases
returned. 20c per do.; new No. 2, white
wood cases Included, 21c.
BUTTER Creamery. 1820c; dairy
fancy. 18c.
Receipts. Shipment.
Wheat, bu 112.wi0 . 68.4ort
Corn, bu 18,800 6.4(10
Outs, bu 20.000 10,000
Mlaneapolls Wheat, Floar aad Braa.
cember. 79'&8nc; May. 7Hc. On track:
No. 1 hard. M'Ac; No. 1 northern. 8144c; No.
2 northern, lfto; No. 3 northern, 7375o.
FLOUR Klrst patents, 4 WWI4.70: second
patents. $4.5W 4.60; first clear. 83 40fi3.50:
second clear. 2. 80$ 2. 70.
BRAN In bulk, $13.Z. ,
Mllwaafcee Grala Market.
northern. 8,VfiSJie; No. 2 northern, HQ82c;
lxocmbcr, SiKyWiTc.
RYE Eesy; No. 1. s&oc-
BARLEY Weak; No. 2, 64c; sample, 409
CORN December, 44Vc.
Peoria Grala Market.
PEORIA, Nov. t CORN-fiteady; No. S.
43c; No. 4, 42c.
OATS Kasy; No. t white. 3535c: No.
4 while. 34a34c.
Dalata Grala Market.
DULUTH. Nov. 2. WHEAT On track.
No. 1 northern, 81 c; No. 2 northern.
December. 76e; May, 77c.
Metal Market.
NEW YORK. Nov. 2 METALS Tin ad
vanced 7s 61 in London, spot closing at
U8 1-'s6d and futures at 119 6. Locally
tin waa steady, with spot quoted at $26.7d
26.25. 8pot copper declined 2 6d In London
to 59 7s 61, while futures were unchanged
at A.58 15s. Locally copier was unchanged.
I-ake is quoted at, electrolytic at
$13.75 and casting at $li 60. The exports of
copper for the month are reported at 12.846
tons, making 101,728 tons for the ten
months, a compared with 142. 62 tons for
the same period last year. Iad was un
changed at 11 5s in London and at $4 50
In New York. Spelter advanced 2a 6d in
London to 21, but declined c here, clos
ing at $6 00. Iron, closed at 49s la Glasgow
and at 42s lrtd In MUidlesborough. locally
Iron was quiet. No. 1 foundry norlbc is
quoted st $15 No. 1 foundry north
ern at $14.7115 2 , No. 1 foundry southern
and No. 1 foundry southern, soft, at 114. U
jl4 75.
ST. LOUIS. Nov. I.-METALS Lead, dull
at $4 .25; speller, dull at $5 35.
Sugar aad Molasses. x
NEW YORK. Nov. 2.-6IG AR-Raw.
steady: fair refining, 3c; centrifugal, 96
test. VI": molses 3c; refined,
steady; No. . 4.3Sc; No. 7. 4 SOc; No. 8. 4.25e;
No. 9. 4.2oc: No. 10. t.lrV; No. 11. .loc; No.
1. 4 05c; No. IS. 4c; No. 14, 3 95c: confec
tioners' A. 4.6oc; mould A, 6c: cut loaf.
135c: rruhed, 66?; nowdered, 4.85c; gran
ulated. 4 7V-: rubes. 4c
MOUAS8F8 Steady. New Orleans open
kettle, good to choice, 31'r42c.
Quiet; open kettle centrifugal, $c; centrif
ugal, rrsnulated. IW: whiles, 4 Hoc; yel
lu. St 15-18-: seconda. c.
MOI.ASSt;! Onen kettle new, Wfltoc;
centrtfuKHl. tedy, new, 1662Sc; new syrup,
steady at t7JJo.
Stqusnoa of Holidayi Oaniei Da!laen on
Hw York Exahan;,
Fact that t. Laals Is talllasr far Na
Mare Cash Has Iteaetelal Effeet
1 Geld Ceasing; (rant Eng
land. NEW TORK, Nov. 2.-The sluggish ac
tion In today market had little signifi
cance. A number of factors conduced to
the extreme dullness. It was a holiday In
London and tomorrow will be a holiday
here. More time wa given by broker to
betting on tc morrow election than to tha
trading In stock.
The advancing tendency In stocks of
New York corporations reflected the views
of operators of the effect ft the supposed
outcome of tomorrow f lection on tho
values of those securities. American Car,
In face of a reported decrease of $226,049 In
net earnings for the quarter ended August
31, rose sharply and carried the othet; rail
road equipment stocks with it.
Money continued to go to the Interior,
the subtreasury transferring $650,000 to
New Orleans and $2io,0u0 to Chicago. The
movement to St. Louis was discontinued
with a beneficial effect upon sentiment.
The rates for time money hardened decid
edly and not much business was done under
6 per cent. Call loans, on the contrary,
eased notably and fell to 2 per cent at the
lat. The market for foreign exchange wa
fairly demoralised and broke violently un
der offerings of cotton bills, with very light
demand for remittance. A report which
circulated that $l,000,ou0 In gold had been
engaged In London for shipment ' to New
York, although not officially confirmed, was
generally credited and formed the basis of
an expectation that further gold would
come in.
This was the dominant Influence which
resulted In advance reaching about a
point in a number of Pacific. Amalga
mated Copper was neglected and heavy,
presumably on account of the failure of
the mediation committee to effect a set
tlement of the Montana trouble.
The advance In money rates continued
to restrict business in bonds; gain alter
nated about equally with loeaes. Total
ale, par value, $1,858,000.
United States 3s and the old 4s advanced
4 per cent on the last ca'.l.
Following Is the number of shares of
stock sold, range of prices and closing
bids on the New York Stock exchange:
Sales. High. Low. Close.
Atchison 11,400 7Ta 67 ,67
do pfd 30 804 90 '0
Baltimore as Ohio.... 4,950 76W 74 75
do pfd 87
Canadian Pacific .... 1,249 1181, 118 1 118
Central of N. J loo 15x14 158 157
Chesapeake Ohio .. 430 30 30 3
Chicago & Alton 28
do pfd 1 63
Chi. Ot. Western.... 400 15 15 16
do pfd 100 20 26 26
C. & N. W 900 166-y 165 165
Chicago T. eV T. 9
do pfd 18
C. C, C. A St. L 72
Colorado Southern.... 100 13 13 13
do pfd 150 66 55 65
do 2d pfd 210 22 22 22
Del. A Hudson 165
D. L. A W 235
D. A R. G 1,010 19 18 19
do pfd 400 68 68 67
Erie 2,300 27 27 27'
do 1st pfd 745 66 66 6A
do 2d pfd 100 49 49 49
Great Northern pfd 160
Hocking- Valley 72
do pfd 8)
Illinois Central 3,600 131 130 131
Iowa Central 34
K. C. Southern 18
do pfd 100 30 80 80
L. AN 462 101 101 101
Manhattan L 4,210 136 135 136i
Met. Street Ry. 2,900 111 110 110
Minn. A St. L 45
Missouri Pacific 7.500 85 92 92
M., K. & T 100 lfiH 16, 11
do nfd 300 36 35 3
Nat. of Mexico nfd 38
New York Central.... 1.650 119 119 119
Norfolk A West zuu do tx w
do pfd 85
Ontario A Western 20
Pennsylvania 16,870 121 120 120
P.. C. C. A St. L.... 100 60 J 60 60
Reading 7.620 46 46 45
do 1st fd 76
do 2d pfd 61
Rock Island Co 400 25 , 24 25
do pfd....- 200 69 69 69
St. LAB. F.. . 65
do 1st pfd 61
do 2d pfd 115 46 46 46
St. Louis' S. W 13
do pfd 100 81 81 80
St. Paul 6.700 1W 138 189
do pfd 500 172 172 171
Southern Paclflo 4,500 42 42 42
Southern Railway ... 600 18 18 18
do pfd
Texas A Pacific 600 24 23 23
Toledo. St. L. A W .....
Hn nM 120 26 26 2-
Union Pacific i.200 72 71 72
do pfd 85
Wabash 600 19 19 19
do pfd .7O0 34 S3 3&1
Wheeling A L. E 1"0 15 15 15
Wisconsin Central
100 16 16 16
American Exnress...
Well-Fargo Express
U. 8. Express
Amal. Copper U.220 39 M 38
Am. C. A F.... 1.7"0 21 19 20
do .pfd HO S 67 M
Amer. Unseed OH
AtnerLocoUve'.'.'.". "35 'l3 'jjii 13
do pfd - 100 78 78 78
Amer" 3. R 150 43 43 43
Amer SuV" Ref'.V.V. 6,000 ii iiH
Anaconda Mining 100 4 64 65
Brooklyn R. T ".....16.975 36 $5 36
Colorado F A I....
Columbus A M Coal.. ... .....
Consolidated Oas 108 16 175 17o
General Electric 100 160 160 150
International Paper JJ
do pfd JjH
International Pump J'
do pfd 2,,
National Biscuit JJ
National Lead J
North American JJ
Tt I.. U.ll ' 21
I-ni.iui: ....
People's Oa ,
Pressed Steel Car
1.6V) 78 W 2
PuPlrian PaYa'ce'ciir'.'. 170 216 216 2!6
Repobllc Steel 7
An rjfd 00 52 01 Kl
Rubier Ood. 100 14 14 14
TennPc1mVA-iron7.::;r W 29
U. 8. leather 1.4M 8 Ji JTJf
do nfd 4"0 78 77 77
do pf;i... ......... -j 13lt
udfd I..::::::::.:
Western fnlon 10 63 83 83
Northern Securities.. .....
Total ale for the day. 197,500 shares.
Hew Tork Moaey Market,
NEW YORK. Nov. 2-MONEY-On call,
easier at 1i 4 Pr cent; closing bid, 3:
nrTered t 2; time loans firmer: sixty end
ninety day. 6&5 per cent; six month.
M a la! vil I I rtMlaka
rtkr LINO EXCHANOE-Steady after
weakness, with sctual business In bankers
. . " iiiriKi uk tnr demand and at
$4 8t for 60 days' hills: posted rates $4 8!J
commercial bills.
4.82 ana it.Bo-tt! .
u rou.
Mexican dollars,
firm; railroad.
The closing "vitations on bond are as
follow. m..WHL. A K. aaL 4s M
d. ooudos 1071,'Manhsttsa S 4S..J0J1,
d SB. ref
do coupoa ....
im aaar 4a, rag
do cospoa ....
do old 4a. rag
do coupon
do la. rag....
do cuupoo ....
. ... i' VI a... . u . , , ......
....ll'' do 1st Ine 14
13-, Mlna a St. U 4a... II
....1HV8 , K. A T. s..... m
....111. do la
....111, rf. R. R. of M c. 4a. 14
....loiu N. Y. C g. ! H
....10iv,N. J. C. g. ta 1S0
Atrhtsoa gaa. aa.
do adj. 4a
Atlantic) C. L. 4a
a. av a 4
do lsa
Gaatrsl of O. la
....llH'V No. Facile 4a. lul
.... Ml W
1S.N. A W. c. la i
....lWiaO. s. U 4s A par..., &i
KuPons. oasv. im taw
.10 Hasdisg ges. 4a 110
. 4 irlt. U 1. M. e. Is 1
da 1st inc
n, Jk naia 4Ua...loova8t. U S F. f. 4a. 2
Ckirags a A. ISa... 7 t. I- . w. is iv.
C. B. a U. a. aa.... wtwtni a. i.. aa... at
C. M. a S. P. g. 4s.. 11 I&0. Pad Bo 4s Ill
O. A N W. e. 7a. ...131 8o. Railway aa lii
C, at. I. A r. 4s.... 74HTaiaa P. la at
da col. la 7T , St. L. A W. 4a.. Hilt
err. A St. L. g. 4. t VsIm PsciSs 4a ln
rklcsgo Tar. 4a 14! do aoav. 4a
Cos. 4a W U S. Slaal Id ta.... t
Colo. A So. 4s , M Walaak la
Iwtivar m U. s.. su a. a a
grta prior I las 4a.,.. asw. A U E. 4s..
o ss. 4s Ml, la- C .nlral 4a. .
r. W. A D. C. U....1M tele. raal a. la..
Horklag VaL ....XW
. a
Farelsa FlaaaclaL
PARIS, Nov. 2. Business on the bourse
today opened strong and active. Later the
market became calmer, but prices con
tinued to go upward. International Indus
tries generally were very firm, Rio Tlnto
advancing 21 franc on the American news
relative to the closing down by the Amal
gamated enmnany in Montana. The pri
vet rate of discount was 2 13-14 per cent.
Three lr cent rutea. tit T:a for the
account; exchange on London, 25t 14e for
B E R 1,1 N, Nov. 2.fltoeV on Ihe hour
today opened firm, particularly Industrials,
but price weakened later. Government
funds were quiet. Krchant on London,
2om 42 pfgs for checks; discount rate,
short bills, 3 per cent; three months' bills.
4 per cent.
DON. Nov. i Bullion to the amount
of 220,nno wawlthdrwn from the Bank
of England for shipment to Egypt and
2,000 for shipment to Batavla.
Boatoa Stock 4antatleae.
BOSTON, Nov. . Call loan. jr3 per
cent; time loan. 6fii per cent, Official
closing of stocks and bond:
Atrhiaen 4s
4vi Allmtet
w. Central 4...
So pfll
Rnatnn a- Albany.
PoKton A Main..
n liunie
n Bingham
M It'al. Her Is..
74 Ontennlal
170 K'ftDixir Rancs .
. stv
. 31
. 1
. 47
. 14
. I
. Vt
. rr
. 11
. 7
. M
. I
Hostnn ElevstM
..140 Dominion rqal
N. Y., N. H. H...1S iFranklln
Kltrhbtirf Jifd 1M 'nle Roral
I'nlon Parlfln
. 724 Mohawk
Maxlcan Central
Amer. Sugar ...
do pfd
Amer. T. T..
Pnm. 1. A g....
General Electrle
Mam Elerarle ..
do pfd
t'nlted rrolt ...
V. . Steal
do tfd
.. lOld pomlnloa
. .11sonreol
..lioi Parrot
Kanta Fa Copper..
I'nited States 174
Victoria t
Winona 8
Wolrerlns 44
Wasting, common.... tT
AdTentur 4V4
Kew York Mtalaff Qaotatloas.
NEW YORK, Nov. 2. The following are
tne closing quotations on mining stocks
A da ma Con
io , i.nti unisi ..
Bmnawlck Con.,
Comatock Tunnel
Con. Csl. V.
Horn Pilver
Iron Sllrer
Leadviiia Cod ...
.. 14
.. 10
.. 4
Sierra Nevada
Small Hopes
.. II
.. II
.. 10
.. li
.. 1
I.lTFrpool Stocks.
LIVERPOOL. Nov. 2.-Followlng are the
stocks of breadstuff and provisions In Liv
erpool: Flour, 42.000 sacks; wheat. 1,562,000
centals; corn, 428,000 centals; bacon, 6,20)
boxes; hams, 1.500 boxes! shoulders, 1,900
boxes; butter, 11,900 cwts.: cheese, 120.500
boxes; lard, 6.700 tierces of prime western
steam, and 800 tons of other kinds.
Gold from Loadoa.
NEW TORK. Nov. 2 -The report of the
engagement In London of $1,000,000 In gold
for transportation to New Y'ork was ef
flclally confined at the National City bank
before the' close of the day.
Bank Clearlaa.
OMAHA, Nov. 2. Bank clearings for to
day are $1,430,823.59, being a decrease from
the corresponding date of the year pre
vious of $19,565.87.
Holiday la Loadoa.
LONDON. Nov. 2. Today Is a holiday on
the stock exchange. ' Money, 8S4 per
cent; discount rates, short and three
months' bills, 3B3 per cent.
Cottoa Market.
market opened weak at a decline of 14(921
points and showed some little further de
cline on the call under heavy liquidation
and selling for short account, which was
promoted by lower cables than expected,
better weather than predicted, continued
full receipts and reports that the far east
ern situation was aasumlng a less favorable
aspect. Right after the call, however, the
bulls came to the support of the market and
prices were rallied to within 8310 points of
Saturday's finals. At the close the market
waa finally steady, net 1420 points lower.
Sale were estimated at 600,000 bales.
Easy; sales, 6,800 balea; ordinary, 716-16c;
good ordinary, 8c; low middling. 9c; mid
dling, 10c; good middling, 10$-16c; middling
fair, 10 9-16c; receipts. 10,262 bales; stock.
130,030 balea. Futures were steady; Decem
ber. 10.03filO04c; January, 10.07 10.08c ; Feb
ruary. 10.15'10.17c; March, 10.24(8 10.25c; April.
10. mi 10.32c; Mav, 10.8710.38c; June, 10.39(3
10.41c; July, 10.47lgl0.49c.
ST. LOUIS. Nov. t-COTTON-Steadjr.
1 1-lRc lower; middling, 101-lSc; sales, 90
taies; receipts, 23 balea; shipments, 60 balea;
stock, 2.476 bales.
LIVERPOOL. Nov. 2. COTTON 8 not. In
fair demand; prices, 24 points; higher;
American middling fair, 6.05d; good mid
dling, 6.88d; middling, 6.78d; low middling,
6.72d; good ordinary, 6.60d; ordinary, 6.40d.
The sales of the day were 7,000 bales, of
which 600 were for speculation and export
and Included 6,900 American. Futures opened
firm and clos?d easy, American middling
g. o. c. : November, 6.55d; November and
December, 5.60d; December and January,
6.48d; January and February, 6.47d; Feb
ruary ann juarcn, e.4t.'ut.4Ya; March and
A ! KICJ. A nl . ...... E JfC , . . ma
and June, 6.45d; June and July, 5.446.46d;
July and August, t.4335.44d.
Wool Market.
NEW YORK. Nov. J.-WOOL-Firm ; do
mestic fleece, 28(&32c.
BOSTON. Nov. 2. WOOL The following
are the quotation for leading descriptions:
Ohio and Pennsylvania. XX and above.
4&.16c: No. 1. 32S33c; No. 2, 31(f32c; fine
unwasnea, Z4aztc; nsit mood, unwashed.
26H'(T26c: three-quarter blood, unwashed.
25(S26c; quarter blood, unwashed, 26ffl25c;
fine washed Delaine, 36c. Michigan, X and
above, 27'28c; No. I, 230c; No. 2. 2829c;
nne unwasnea, zifnc; quarier Diooa, un
washed, 24fi25c; three-eighth blood, un
washed. 2432c: half blood, unwashed. 246)
25c; fine unwashed Delaine, 8233c. Ken
tucky, Indiana, etc., tnree-eigntn Wood,
24f25c) quartsr blood, 24(7r25c; braid, 22'fi'23c.
Territory, Idaho, fine, 1415c; fine medium,
16igl7c: medlvm, 18il9c; Wyoming, fine, 14
15c; An medium, 16517c; medium, 14
Utah, fine medium. 17ri7Vto; medium, V&
20c. Dakota fine. 15016c: fine medium, 16Vtf
17c; medium, 19'20u. Montana fine choice,
19'ri?0c; fine medium choice. 19320c; staple,
20821c: medium choice. f0(t21r.
ST. LOUIU, Nov. 2. WOOL Steady; me
dium grades, combing and clothing, 17(3
20c; light fine. lValTc; heavy fine, 14$
14c; tub washed, 2430c.
OI and Hesla.
NEW YORK. Nov. 1 OIL-Cottonseed,
eay; prime crude, nominal; yellow, l43
86c. Petroleum, firm; refined New Tork,
30c; Philadelphia and Baltimore, $9.26; In
bulk, $6.36. Turpentine, firm at 66&57o.
ROSIN Firm; strained, common to good,
SAVANNAH. Not". 1-OIL Turpentine,
firm, 56c.
ROSIN-FIrm; A. B. C. D, $2 30; E, $TS8;
F. $2.50; O, $1.55; H. $2.60; I. $2 70; K, $2.90;
M, $3.05; N. $3.50; W O. $3.8); W W. $1.10.
OIL CITY, Nov. 2 OIL Credit balances,
81.77: certificates, no bid: shipments Oc
tober 81, 81.891 bbl., average 76,63 bbl.;
Run October 31, 18,879 bbl., average 75,
232 bbls. Shipments, Lima, October 31, 71,
169 bbls,' average 69.006 bbls.; shipments,
Lima, November 1. 59,867 bbls.; runs. Lima,
October Si, 164,203 DDIs , average w,a3 DDIs.
Coffea Market.
Rio, steady. 7c; Invoice, 6c. Mild, steadv.
The market for futures opened steady, with
November unchanged, but 6til0 points
lower otherwise, under liquidation, follow
Irar rather disappointing early cables and
slightly heavier receipts, while the expecta
tion IS mat tne worm visinie supply state
ment, due on Wednesday, will show a fair
Increaae. The close was steady, net l(ri20
points lower. Sales were 102.000 bags. In-
6.6Vi't6.75c: January. s.ToitiS'aCic; March, 65(
6ic; May. 6 li6. 25c; July, 6.2txU.SOc; Bep-
lemoer, .,'p.wc.
Evaporated Apples aad Dried Pre It a.
APPLES The market continue quiet with
attractive fruit In light supply and the
demand moderate, common are quoted at
4r5c; prime at 6j6c; choice at 6&6c;
and fancy at 7c.
are still in fair demand for export, but
domestic needs seem smull and the market
1 rather easy In tone. Quotations range
from 8e to 7c for all grades. v Apri
cots are fairly active and the market
strong. Choice are quoiea at sipn'c.
Peachea also are in fair request and firm.
Choice are held at 7$7c: extra choice
at 738c; and fancy at QiO4c.
Whisky Market. ,
PEORIA. Nov. t-WHISKY Steady; en
basl of finished goods, $1 a.
ST. LOUIS. Nov. 2. WHISKY Steady,
ti 81
CHICAGO. Nov. 1-WHISKT-On basis
of high wine, steady, $1.26.
lers' finished goods, stesdy; on basis of $1.26.
a Dry Goods Market.
market Is in better condition, with more
general deaire to purchase, not only for cur
rent requirements, but also to anticipate
their needs. More or leas inquiry nas neea
received from China and. while the ma
jority of bid have been too low for action.
contracts nave peen consummated.
Elgla Batter Market.
ELOIN. 111.. Nov. 2 BUTTER Firm
official market. 22c; offering today, 170
tubs, all sold at 23c.
loam City Live Block Market.
SIOUX CITY. Is . Nov. 2 (Special Tele
s-ram.) CATTLE Receipts. 4.uo; stockers
KurilSc higher: killers, steady; beeves. $4 00
fi6 10; cows, bull snd mixed. $2 203 40:
stockar and feeders, IJoOJSob; calves and
yesrlln. $2 25i3 40.
noon-Receipts. ?nno; market, to higher
at $t .bta io; bulk, K it
Bif lu of Cgttlo, bat Ett lillen Held
8tkdj, with readers Lower.
Rheep tteeetpta Kot Excessive aad
KJIIere Re led Active aad Steady,
Feeders Rather Blow aad Weak
Compared vrltk Last Week.
Receint were! faille HnffN Rhern.
Ottlcial Monday ls.owl
Same day last week. ...11.1x3 1.791 22, bW
Same week before (.911 2.446 18,8-1
Same three week ago.. .8Ni a.OsI 3v,16i
Same four week ago.... 6.843 2,4il 81,176
Sam day last year.... 7.677 3,590 I3,8M
The followln tabla, shows the receipts of
cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omana for
the year to date and comparisons with last
1903. 1902. Inc. Deo.
Cattle 912,158 820.124 2,034 ....
Hogs , :...1.S.214 1.872,099 .... t.US
Sheep 1,471,631 1,$55,676 106,256 ....
Averse tirices tiaM tnr hnn St Routh
Omaha for the last several days with com
parison: Data lfot. U02.l01.lMO.m.lUS.ll87.
Dot. 1...
4 62 I 141 6 75 6 1$ 71
6 61 f 20, 4 68 I 18 4 $9
6 6l 1 p) ti 19i 4 4a I 66
iU67l204 t'l64
I6v IK 114 ill IM
64 7 42 1U 111 Ib3
6 4iV 7 39 6 49 45158
6 18 f &i I (3 OS 68
6 18 7 14 4 18 I 02 4 38
6 2l 7 04 4 14 4 92 4 83 64
6 4 16 4 90 4 31 I 67
SO 420 4 93 4 23 $56
6 17 707 4 3 4 20 $ 5
43 7 14 4 4MS63
49 7 00 18 4 82 $69
t 8 91 6 22 4 72 4 20
t 22 7 16 29 4 64 4 16 $ 70
7 02 ( 27 4 62 4 10 I 67
I 11 23 4 61 4 16 S 73
03 92 4 68 4 61 I 71
6 0 6 82 I 4 13 I 66,
6 16 6 70 6 05 4 62 , 3 65
6 11 6 76 6 9 4 61 4 16
6 14 6 74 I 01 4 61 4 14 I 66
6711054484 13 168
(25 6 00 4 f8 4 IS $ 64
6 18 6 61 4 61 4 10 3 62
6 OS 6 61 6 89 4 10 J 47
4 97 61 i 81 4 62 1 64
4 92 6 69 6 72 4 60 4 09
IV7j 6 41 (67 4 47 4 03 1 66
64(734 61 401165
4 99 ( 72 460404145
Oct. I...
Oct. I...
S 7
$ t4
I 52
3 61
I 66
I 64
S 69
3 (4
I 60
$ 64
t 62
I 53
t 63
$ 46
I 41
3 42
3 38
8 38
I 31
S 29
Oct. d...
Oct. I.,.
Oct. ...
Oct 7...
Oct. I.
Oct, ...
Oct 10...
Oct. 11...
Oct 12...
Oct 13...
Oct 14...
Oct. 16...
Oct ...
Oct. 17...
Oct. 18...
Oct 19...
Oct. ,...
Oct 21...
Oct. 22...
Oct. 23...
Oct. 24...
Oct. 25...
Oct 26...
Oct. 27...
Oct. 28...
Oct. 29...
Oct. 80...
Oct, 31...
Nov. t..
Nov. J..
Indicate Sunday.
The, nffiolal ,,,,, a ra r. i9 atrteb:
brought In today by esch road wss:
Roads. r'attle liners Hh'n H'r'a.
ai. et oc f. y.... 3
18 . t
'4 27 't
10 27 1
a a
13 t
'i V.
" 74 T
Missouri Pacific Ry.. 6
Union Pacific System 82
C. aV N. W. Ry 1
F., E. cV M. V. R. R..137
C, St, P., M. aV O. Ry 2
B. M. Ry 191
C, B. a . Ky 1
K. C. V St. J
C, R. I. P., east.. 4
. ., n. i. r, west.. i
Illinois Central 2
c a. w l
Total receipts ...464
The disposition of the day's receipts waa
as follows, each buyer purchasing the
number of head Indicated:
Buyers. Cattle.
Hor. Sheep.
Omaha Packing Co 711
Swift and Company ....1,736
Cudahy Packing Co.. ..1,939
Armour 4k Co..
Armour from S.
vansant & Co. .
Carey & Benton
Lobtnan Ac Co. ..
McCreary Clark
Huston A Co
Livingstone & Shaller...
H. F. Hamilton
L. F. Huss
Wolf St Murnan
Hobblck ft B...
Sam Werthelmer
Sheridan Meat Co
Other buyer
Totals 7.946 2,122 IV, 237
CATTLE There wa a very heavy run of
cattle reported this morning, and, In fact.
this was one of tne Dig any ot tne year
to date. The stormy weather of courso
made the cattle appear in bad form and
certainly did not heir the market any.
Other point also had liberal receipts, but
till the prtoes paid for fat stuff were not
much different. There were about a dosen
car of corn-fed teer on sale and any
thing at all decent sold without much diffi
culty at teady prices with last Friday.
Common and warmed up cattle were of
course more or les neglected, the same a
usual. The bulk of the cattle offered this
morning were of the short fed variety and
that made the market appear rather dull.
The cow market also held right cloe to
steady with last week. Trading was by
no mean active, but still the cattle kept
changing hands and the bulk, was disposed
of in fairly good season. The market
could probably best be described by calling
It steady to a little lower on all kinds, as
there was more or less unevenness to the
trade. . , . ...
Fat bulls were aDOUl sieaay. uui itrvn
bulls. If anything were a little
where the quality was good. Veal calves
remained unchanged. ,.,
The feeder market was slow and lower
except in the case of something good. The
La weather made buyers rather caution
and beside. that they looked , fof amal
number or ouyer unm V i i.r.
mon cattle were exirernoiy ""
of at any price, aa the demand for that
kind from the country Is ve"-y limited.
vnt aeventv-flve cars of
western grass beef steers Included In the re-
celnts. snd witn me ruu
"nicest bunches the market was a little
lower and rather slow at th ,e
R.-n cows were steady to a little tower
fndnrbest -tochers 'snd feeder, were
not much different, with common kinds
low and lower. Repre.ent.tlve sales:
.. m
.. Ml
4 X
a io
4 M
1 M 1
t IB M .....
I w
$ M
8 04
4 cow. 875
1 .teer 850
1 bull W0
I 50
1 steer 1040 2 60
I (10 1 steer..... w 3 00
1 50 42 cows 1016 I 25
60 feeder... 821
91 .-nr. 1141
1 96 5 feeder... 871 2 25
2 96 20 cow. 947 2 65
14 feeder... 1136 I 10
10 11 cow. w t f
f cow. 1000
1 80 1 feeder... 806 2 25
2 20 1 feeder... WxO 1 00
1 go 1 bull 12O0 2 26
2 15 4 cow 935 1 55
1 65 2 cow. 0 2 15
1 66 4 cow. 883 2 15
I 25 4 feeder... 810 I 26
$ 20 22 feeder... 79 3 20
?0 13 feeder... 854 1 20
1 20 2 feeder... 850 2 60
12 cow. 1033
t cow..
8 cow.....
1 cow.....
2 cows....
22 feeder.,
39 feeder.,
28 feeder.,
10 feeders.,
Bayers Neb.
20 feeder. .1276 2 80
72 feeder... 1108 20
I teeaer.
.1450 4 00
te Neb.
CO feeder... 1011
T cows...
984 3 25
t a
.720 $ Oil
H. E. FalrchPd Neb,
24 feeder.
45 feeder.
670 I 65
686 I 56
and A.
70 2 0
1 feeder... 530
I 65
1 00
2 25
2 0
3 05
3 06
1 30
2 30
2 feeder. . 585
g feeder...
8 feeder..
41 feeder..
6 feeders..
3 feeder..
Wright Neb.
1 feeder.
1 feeder.
2 90
1 05
$ 05
$ 05
4 feeders.
5 feeder.
1 heifer...
1 heifer
3 30
21 heifer...
Mr. A. Pierce Montana.
21 cowa 1006
2 feeders.. 115
18 ters....lW
1 steers.. ..1025
I 10
4 feoders.. 911 2 50
1 60
L. Smith-Wyo.
3 40 2 steers..,
t 28
.1350 4 00
at K.-WyO.
17 feeders.
1 feeder... 12
934 t 20
$ feeders.. TO
I 60
Oleger B. IV
feeders. .1177 I $0
feeders.. 11-1 $
2 feeders. .U'O I 80
$ cows., .1033 2 V)
1 COW "'("
4 cows lout 1 00
rows 146 I 60
Cattle Co. . D.
U steers.. ..l'6 I 20
Harris Franklin
1 steer 112" I
66 steers.. ..1183 J 00
W Trwtn 8. IT.
44 steer... ..1172 I 00 20 steers. ...1231 I 60
woos There waa a fair run of hogs re
ported this morning, but a good share of
them was consigned direct to local pack
era and aa a result there waa scarcely
enoush on sal to make a fair test of
the situation. Trading waa rather slow
from start to finish, a it wa hard for
buyers and sellers to agree on price. As
a general thing the market wa a II 1 1 lo
higher than Saturday'a close, but scarcely
aa good aa the beet time Saturday. Th
v.riM coat of all th hnea today wa a
trifle higher. The heavv hog wild largely
from 84.90 to $6.00. medium weights went
from 86 to 8a 05 and light all the way up
to $6.26. All the early arrival sold is
aood season, but. the same a ususl. a
few load came in 1st and they did not
sell o as good advantage. Representa
tive sales:
Ms. Av. Sk. Pr. fa. Av. Sh. Pr
W M IM 13 14 W 111,
HI Ill 4 n I 00
" 1W I 00 rr ti ss 1 on
41 14 124 S HA rS 40 I 0,1
JM so m no TI 4 t 02
I in IM 7 11. s ..lot
M ..44 M It M I SJ
M Ill M 4 Sn 14 tat SO tc
II 1 IN 44 14 ..106
11 n .. 4 i m i. s u
4! 11 m 4 ?-4 U IM IK I 06
44 317 40 4 .,V4 Ml 2 .. I M
71 MO 4 H 47 17T .. I IS
M 117 40 4 H 44 IM IM 6 00
65 314 so 4 ta
SHEEP There was not n excessive
run of sheep and lambs here this morning
and as the bls end of the offerings con
sisted of feeders the market on fat stuff
ruled active and steady. Packer all
wanted a few and there were none too
many to meet the requirement of the
trade. Good stuff in particular waa carce
so that even the less desirable grsde sold
without much trouble at last week's
The feeder market was rather dull snd
weak. Very few buyers put In an appear
ance, owing no doubt partly to the bad
weather and also to the fact that tomor
row will be election day, which always
keeps a good many buyers at home. I'p to
a late hour not many were disposed of
and those that did change hands did so at
lower prices than were paid last week.
Quotations for grass stock: Choice west
ern lambs, $4.6Nij4.76: fair to good lambs,
$4.25i4.50j chore yearlings, $3.6KfiP3.80; fair
to good yearlings, $3.4O4iS 60; choice weth
ers, $3.403.60; fair to good wether. $3.15
8.40; good to choice ewes, $X7533.00; fair to
good ewes, $2.50ij2.80;' choice feeder lamb,
$4.004 26; fslr to good feeder lambs. $3.25'9
4.00; baby lambs. $2.5O6S.O0:' feeder year
lings, $3.26(S3.65; feeder wethers, $3.WVy3 25:
feeder ewes. $1.60r2.60; culls, $1.0vHs2.00.
Representative sales:
No. Av. Pr.
S native bucks 90 2 00
2 Wyoming ewes 80 2 70
541 Wyoming ewes 98 2 70
179 Idaho ewes 100 2 75
4 Idaho ewe 87 2 75
91 native ewes 79 3 00
211 Wyoming yearling. 83 $ 30
686 Idaho yearlings 98 I 40
328 Idaho feeder lambs 63 1 65
4 native lambs 57 4 40
258 Wyoming ewes 87 2 90
93 Wyoming cull lambs...'. 44 , 3 35
306 Wyoming feeder lamba 50 I 45
2M Wyoming feeder lambs 48 8 66
477 Wyoming feeder lambs 50. $50
240 Wyoming yearling 93 i 50
Fair Receipt of Btock, with Steady to
Strong Market.
CHICAGO. Nov. 2. CATTLE Receipts.
26,000 head. Including 6.000 head of Texans
and 600 head of westerns. The market was
stronger and generally steady; good to
prime steers, 16. 35(36. 76; poor to medium,
$3.50Si4.90: stockers and feeders. $2.25W4.35;
cows, $1.50f4.00; heifers, $2.00116.00: canners.
1.15rtf2.60; bulls, $2.ooi4.2r: oalvea, $2.004i6.25;
Texas fed steers, $3.003.75; western steers,
HOGS Receipts, 27,000 head; estimated to
morrow, 21,000 head. Ihe market opened
strong, but closed weak; mixed and
butchers, $4.8616.50: good to choice heavy,
$5.0fV(i5 30; rough heavy. $4 6Oh4.90; light,
$4.90fj5.45; bulk of sale, H.:,fi5.25.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 60,000
head. The market for sheep was steady to
lower, for lambs 10c lower; good to choice
wethers. $3.504.00; fair to choice mixed,
$3.00(fi3.50; western sheep, $2.tsXa3.65; native
lambs, J3.50iy5.40; western lambs, $3.50(6.10.
New York Live Stock Market.
ceipts, (,004 head, the market for steers
was slow, with top grades about steady;
for others, demoralised; for bulls, 10c
lower; for cows, steady to 10c off. Native
steers, 1.1.264(6.20; half-breeds, $3.364i3.60;
oxen, $2.85(ti4.16; bulls, $2.00&3.60; cows, $1.20
63.20. Cables steady.
CALVES Receipts, 1,932 head. The mar
ket for veals was alow; for grassers, steady
to lower. Veals, $4.(XKfi8.60; choice, $8.75;
grassers and fed calves, $2.5Wrf3.00; fed,
lias.SO; common westerns, $2.16; city
dressed veal, 8frfl3c per pound; country
dressed, bUlic per pound.
HOGS Receipt. 19,860 head. The mar
ket wa 15t25c lower; state and Pennsyl
vania hogs. $5.40g5.60.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 18,166.
The market for eheef) wa slow; for lambs,
very uneven; some sales, 6100 higher;
bulk of sales, 10ii'15c lower. Sheep, $2.00a
$.06; culls, $1.50; lambs, $5.00(fi6.75; general
sale, $5.15fi5.60; Canada lambs, $5.00(85.75.
Shipments tomorrow, 804 cattle, 1,150
sheep and 4,200. quarters of beef.
Kansas City Live Btock Market.
ceipts, 8,200 head of natives, 1.80J head of
Texans; Calve, 1,300 head of native and
200 head of Texans. Corn-fed beeves and
western beeves, steady to lOo higher; stock
..... n fud.ra Btariv t o hlsrher: Quaran
tine, active and strong. Choice export and
dressed beef steer, $4 505.46; fair to good,
$3.50fri4.50; stockers and feeders, $2.60it3.i5;
western-fed steers. $3.6504.50; Texas and In.
dlan steers, $3,004(3.50: Texas cows, $1,454$
2 25; native cowa, $1.40(03.26; native heifers,
2 85(H4.00: canners. $1.UU42.25; bulls, $1.75f
2.80; calves. $i.0f.00.
ItOtitJ Keceipts, o,iKAi neau; mm noi, vie lWiKc lower: ton. 15 40; bulk
of sale, $5.15dT5.3i; heavy, $5.Ofxff5.20; mixed
packers,; iigm. o.ioiou.w, jwi -,
5.3IK&5.40; pigs, $5,104)6.40.
SHEEP AND LaMBS Receipts, 10,000
head; market, steady; lambs, 10c lower; na
tive lambs, $3 25(j5 25: western lnmbs, $2.90
S.00; few ewes, $2.Mi3.75; Texas-clipped
yearlings, $2.5(Kfi4.0o; Texns-cllpped sheep,
$2.40ij3.76; stockers and feeders, $2.0('(8J.50.
St. Loots Live Btock Market.
HT. I.OI7IH. Nov. 2. CATTLE Receipts,
5,500 head, Including 4,000 head of Texans;
market, steady. Native snipping ana ex
port steers, $42616.60: dreaaed beef and
butcher steers, $4.0"i6.60; steers under 1,0(4)
lbs., $3.90rii6.25; stockers and feeders. $2.6.V
8.50; cows and heifers, $2.6oT4.00; cannera,
$1.75(83.00; bulls, $2.2644.00; calves, $4.004.50;
Texas and Indian steers, $2.26fc3.2-; cow.
and heifers. $2.002.65. . .
HOGS Receipts, 4.000 head; market
steady to strong. Pigs 'and lights, $I.MK
(.35; packers, $4.65(36.15; butchers and beat
heavy. $5.0065.40. .
head; market steady Native mutton, $s)
(R3.70; lambs, $4.60ci6.5O: culls and buck.
$3.00(34.00; atockers, $2.I03.I4.
St. Joseph Live Stock Market.
ceipts, 2.970 head. The market was steadv:
natives 83.75415 50: cows and heifer. 11 .U
4.50; stockers and feeders. $2 504j4 tV
HOGS Receipts, i.tso neao. in marsei
Was steadv to 10c higher; light. $6 151)6.46;
medium and heavy, $4 85ti5.15.
SHEEP AND LAM H8 Receipt. t head;
lamb. $5.50; sheep, $3.76: ewes. $3 26.
Stock la Sight.
Following are the recelpta of live stock
at the six principal western cities yester
day. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Omaha 11.30 I.900 19.000
Chicago 2.t) 27.i Jcn
Kansas City 11.500' 10.000
St. Iouls 6 500 4.000 2.600
St. Joseph 2.970 1.750 ' 20
Sioux City 4.300 2.000
Totals ....
Vegetables, Except Oyster Plaats, Bo
hold a Dismal Fotore and Are
Therefore Downcast.
Aa the rubber plant II unknown in the
wholeaale district,, the fruit and vegeta
bles, with the exception of the oyster
plant., that were offered are in a misera
ble and down-hearted condition and could
see nothing better In th future than the
peddler.. A ripple of Interest broke the
sea of dullness when a carload of Musca
tine (la.) sweet potatoes disembarked and
turned up thetr peelings at the bottom and
waded ashore. These potatoes, which come
In bulk, are recognised friends of the people
and are almoat as popular as ths Virginia
The Wisconsin cabbages are beginning to
catch on and are getting located for the
winter. The Nebraska cabbages are about
the one redeeming feature of the local
produce market, and while they last will
be able to keep in the ring with any
comers. Honey is as sweet as ever this
year and is about all housed for the sea
son. The local bees don't cut much ice
in the general market and 'the west con
tributes largely. The stocking up season
is nearly finished.
The produce market was very uninter
esting and vegetables that had paid to get
In wanted their money back. Potatoes
were poor and cost as much as 86 cents.
Th cabbages were all right snd there
were a few small but rather good sweet
potatoes going at 96 cents, and a smaller
lot of carrots. Ben Davis apples are the
hardy boys and hold down the benches,
but they srs second choice always.
Cheese Is moving along quietly and not
saying a word. The American twins say
there Is no truth in the statement that
they are taking skippers aboard because
of the wet weather. No Indeed! The twin
cheesea sell for 12 cents, th young
St fM IKI $ W
America, wholesale for 13 rents. Ihe 11m-
burger Is going at 12 cents per meter (per
gaa meter) and the brick cheese 4ats at
the same figure.
Pair of Prlsoaere foafess to Theft.
Rat Deny Holdlac Ip
i '
Complaint waa filed In police murt against
Rill Bailey, alias Frank domes sn4
Charle Cartwrlght. charging them with
me inrceny or two-coils of copper wire from
the power house of tha Omaha Kleelrlo
Light and- Power company. Both men have
confessed to the theft of the wire, but deny
tne story or the night watchman at the
light pHnt, who claims to have been held
up with a shotgun on the night the wire
disappeared- This wire in said to ha' worth
$40, but S8 the two men laalnal nhnm lha
charge of larceny was filed only secured
is on It. the value could not be made
more by the police In Issuing complaint.
Captain Dunn 1 sorely perplexed because
he cannot locate the missing wire. He had
u located last Saturday morning near the
B. 6V M. roundhouse On the river front. It
was seen there by a fisherman named West,
who reported to police headquarters. An
officer was soon afterward dispatched to
where the wire was discovered to guard It.
dui on arriving found only the Imprint of
the wire In the loose sand. He also found
Wagon tracks and Imnrlnts nf h nrses' hnrtfs
demonstrating, he says, that the wire had
oecn named away, it has been traced to
the junk Shon of Morris Cohe
Cartwrlght and Ourness $18 for It. Morris
Cohen refuses to give up the goods'gnd a
complaint waa filed against him charging
him with receiving stolen property.'
May Yet Be Saved.
All who have severe lung trouble need
Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump
tion. It cures or no pay. 60c, $1.00. For
ale by Kuhn,4k Co,
-Pennsylvania Declares Dividends.
PHILADELPHIA. Nor. 2.-The directors
of the Pennsylvania Railroad company mat
today and declared the regular semt-anu-nual
dividend of 2 per cent, payable No
vember SO, to stockholders of record No-,
vember I. .
To Stady Wheat aad Cora a row In it.
PHlPAfin XTn, Xkf T7 J w ,. - ,
..u v, . -" . . -. ,. nnj mupeir ana
Several nlh.. mnmKA a n . i . ..
,, mur,. ui me mureiy edu
cational cnmmuuiion who recently came to
this country for the nurnose of m.i vlr,
edncntlfirisl onH I .11,1 . .
rived In Chicago, From here it I expected '
that the entire nartv. which nnmhera iki. .
will go to Kansas City, where they wili
make a tudy of tha condition existing In
the wheat and corn-arowlnar aaoiinna f .-
Deed filed for record yesterday, as fur-
",n" "y 'no Aiiaiana uuarantee and
irust company, bonded abstracter, 1614
r arnnm at rata, f
Henry C. Flower and wife to Ernest
aim Anna ovaow, e33 reet lot 10, block
5. Reed s 3d o.-w.
Charles S. Huntington, et al." execiiVofsi
iu rfunn r-erson, lot 8, mock 63, Flor-
ence gj
Nicholas Holmes and wife to Lena
Benle, lot 5, block 6, Deer Park ad
dition i
James Bolan to Margaret Mtirphv. lot
6, block 1, Horhach'a 2d addition.... 1
Donald H. Brotchle and wife to Josle
Nledl, lot 10, block 2, Klrkwood ad
dition B. 1,000
Wllhelm Wollberger, et a, to William
Peters, lots 1 and 2, block 8, Millard 700
ciiiiim i . l h v j ann nimnnnn in ,nn.
ert 8. Melvlne, lot 15 and all feet of
lot 14, Parmenter Place 475 -
E. S. Rice and wife to Frederick Clin- '
ton Rice, lot 13. block 4. DuDont Place 1.
A. W. Mlckell, administrator, to Wil
liam A. Bell, lots 8 and , block 123,
Dundee Place 465
Margaret A. Platner and husband to "
Redlck's 2d addition 3.100 -
A. W. Mlckell, administrator, to Ounle
May Oulttean, lot 7, block 123, Dun
dee Phice 164
Frank P. Brown to Ted Beeeher, w50
feet s ne, 4-16-13 2,000
Edwin L. Reeve to Ted Beeeher. a
strip off e30 acres, se ne. 4-10-13.. 1
Ufriruue ntirmrr m wnruis xiuunia, '
part of se 29-16-13 ,...t 189
rlArtmA Unamar .rfmlnl.lralni n
Cartha Bouma, part of se. 29-16-18 . 705 .
Albert F. Olson and wife to Frank 8e-
born. lot 2, block 21, Credit Eoncler
addition 50
Cornelia A. Secor to Edward R. Rea
son, part lots 120 and 121, iselson
addition 300
COi fcfpo,',te()
ius'rW.".1! $600,000.00
Grain, Provisions
P aI naa j T r n sl C
llll IIN arlliSI llllllll
UUkUliU MM 1 1 19 aVII -
Urrttt Prtitc Wirt Syttcm lo Atnerks.
150 Branch Offlees In princi
pal northern cities from New
York to Seattla, Klvln s ser
vice, unexcelled.
Responslbla antt Conservative.
175 National and State
Banks are our depositories
and references.
We chart; no Interest for carrying;
long; stocks.
General Offices: N. Y. LIFE BLD'G.
ISIS Faraaaa St Ouaaa. Tel. 8407.
Room A f
Hanhattan Bids;., fcf El sfl
Dealers In
Grsin, Provisions, Stocks
Bousbt and sold for cash or on reasonable
Member. Isapertaat Escbaaaea, Prl.
ate Wire.
Write for eur dally market letter and pri
vate telegraph cipher mailed free.
Ship Your Grain to Us.
Best Facilities. IJberal Advances.
Prompt Return.
lOO Baa Bids. Phaaa SS14
Oaaaaa, Hlraka.
Dalata. Wlaalp.
vcare Gnnm CO.
110-111 Bear ft Tradaw
C. W. Sward, Maaaaer. Tel: 1S10L
Addre Oaaaaa, b.