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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 3, 1903)
THE OMAHA DAILY DEE: TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 3. 1903. i I I I! CASH IN STATE TREASURY A 1 Irerj Cent of FmuBot Bciot.! Fuod ' ; Drawing InUrMt ' ' OmmmWMn MORTCNSCN HIES OCTOBER STATEMENT Glvea Banka la Which Mitf In Hli Chars la Defroalte Aaaeaot ra Deposit la Each , " Oat of Them. ' (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Nov. 2. tSpeclal.) The report of State Treasurer Murtenacn, filed with the auditor today, shows that every cent ot the permanent rihool fund has been In vested. The report last month ihowed that onljr 4 rents remained fn thla fund, but this, with the $0G,OCi.U received during the month, la now drawing Intereat for the school. The report In detail with the banka and the amount of money deposited In each follow; " Balances Balances Oct. 1... Re- Pay-Oct 31. Funds-. 1903. ct-lnts. mf-nts. lf. General ,?tt $ 75,349 t 79.H49 I 2,441 Perm, achool t.Uf5 W.Of Temp. Jsohool.... 174,813 .4s.l.9 2, TIN 220,a , .... .W4 6.W4 .... 65.674 14.1U1 1,4! 60,17t 7HS ... . I 77 6,MJ 3"0 6. i B.WT 18,987 4,2X7 23.o 3,kiX 39 i.m tha city. On the county ticket It la upecf"! that the drmocrsts will carry tha city for two Candida tea. but that thla will be over come from tha country district. APPROVES HERD'S CONTRACT lXSTV t- trie Una under tne new cooe. me vote win Perra unlvers., Ag. col. endow.. Temp, unlvere.. llosp. Insane..,, State library.... I'nlvers. cash... Normal library. Norms I endow.. , Norma Interest Inheritance tax. Pen. ap. labor... Pen. land ....... Ag. M. arts... Li. 8. exp: ata... t 5X2 2.18 2.HMI 4.53 1.M9 ' 1,1)17 1.810 '"ia "ijbO 1,3111 5l!7 i.m 2.51 8.3D 2.K1 3.370 JK.-iil 1.190 MAKES MISTAKE IN MEDICINE Child Dies freaa Caraolle Arid Given la Place ef Coach MeaV-lelae. M'COOK. Neb., Nor. I. (Special Tele gram.) Little Eva Inglls, young daughter of Engineer Jamea O. Inglls ot thla city. died at 7:30 thla evening from a doe of carbolic acid given her thla morning by her mother by mistake for cough syrup. Board of Education Tot to Award Build lug of atontnonta BchooL MRS. DRAKE RESIGNS HER POSITION Will Go ta Alameda. California, Where Her Daughter la Llaaj III Leavee Dlreeterahln f Kladergarteas. The Board of Education met In regular be compared with that of last year, when the repubtlcana carried tha state by over J.Ona plurality. At that time Rev. 1L F. S. Bigelow or Cincinnati, recsgniiea as a member of tha Johnson element, waa de feated by Secretary of State Louis C. Lay Un. The republican plurality aaa greater than at any other time In tha history of tha atate, with tha exception of three years, when tha conditions were not :it all normal. I Tha republicans claim that Johnson himself a 111 be defeated for governor by a larger plurality than waa his representative last year, and they have even gone so far aa to aay that anything lesa than a plurality of inn.ono under existing conditions would not Rata la Welcome. HARVARD. Neb., Nor. 1 (8peclal ) A light rain haa been falling much of ths time alnce Saturday noon, with Indications of continuing through the day. the amount of rainfall being close to one Inch. Thla rain la much appreciated by tha farmer. who asps In It with thla warm weather a better acreage for wheat and fall grain, aa well aa fall feed. Bkeletoa la Hard Lack. NORFOLK, Neb., Nor. 1 (8peclal.-At a Hallowe'en party given In the gymnaalum of the high achool young men of the aenlor class brought forth a coffin, in which rested a ghastly skeleton. The boards of which the coffin was rudely constructed, gave way in the midst of the stunt and the akeleton was almost demolished. , session laat night and adjourned to meet be considered a republican victory. On all on Monday, November I, at which time of these calculations republ'cana have been the election returns will be canvassed. expecting tha total vote to be not less than Tha report of Superintendent Fears 900,000. It hss been raining all day today In showed that the number ot pupils In the most of the state, and rain la predicted for Omaha schdbls October a waa 16,078, being Ohio again tomorrow. The republicans have an Increase of 276 over the corresponding expected gains from the rural districts and data for last year. Including tha suburban the Inclement weather mty make the rural schools Gibson, Central Park and Sher- vote light. man there were. In the gradea between J Colorado. the kindergarten and the high achool, six I MNVrR x-r, t Th. rooms ta which the membership, at tha poIltIca, parte, hllve doing all In their tlmo the report waa formulated, waa more power today. to brJnf; ou the,r fuU ,tremjth than fifty-five, and eight In which the mem- , tomorrow., eIecton of a judg(S of tn berahlp waa lesa man tnirty-nve. gtaU unrem. court. Republican Chairman Tha committee on building and property, Painey Bay. Jud c.mnh(l1, w, v. . to which waa referred the lesolutlon of .,rPtA t,v a iym t in m m,...ih. i ...... Mr. Homan. to list the vacant property BO ,...., mnA ' ,,,,,, ,h, ,,,..,. oi me ecnowi u.Bir.c ior .. wouM be perrntted. Milton Smith, chair- tnat on account or xne preaeni. conuiuun g,tn of the democrllt,e ,tate committee, oi tne real estate maraei, n was nni aa- Md. ..wllson., Puramy tn Denver will be visaoie xo iiw im from 4.000 to 10.000. We expect to carry the mou WM arrieu -u... .w..,. uw rt of th, ut. by a Bma piUPaHty- We any offer made to the board for any part do oup t0 prevent any trmuiuUnt Totals I5,M $214,154 $18314 1337.r5 By Btata general fund warrants....! 63,214.22 Cash on hand 1,220.3)1 Cash mi deposit : 282.941.10 Total , over aouthweatern night Nebraska since last .. 1337,375.68 Baak Balances. Farmers' and Merchants, Lincoln.. 9,(542. ill P-snk t)f Commerce. Lincoln City National, Lincoln ' Columbia . National, Lincoln First National, Lincoln Commercial NatlonuJ, Omaha..,.. First National, Omaha Merchants' National, Omaha Omaha National, Omaha 1'nkm National, Omaha V. 8. National, Omaha First National, Alliance Lattle ( rwk Valley bank Hazlla Mills bank Lrokea Bow State bank Custer National, Broken Bow State Rank of Curtis:..., Tiannebror Stato bank...., , Commercial State, Grand Island... .1 urana isiana tmiiaing .cumpaiijr 11,492.29 l;i.242.S7 ia.290.46 13,iM1.34 13,3a.G3 4 SECRETARY MOODY ON NAVY x Head ot Department Telia of Admin istration of that Branch ot Government. CAMBRIDGE. Maaa., Nor. 2 William H. FAMILY TROUBLES AIRED Fineral of V. n, Bootu-Tnokaf Ooctilon for Diiplaj of Bad reeling. SAYS BALLINGTON BOOTH WAS INSULTED Secretary of Velaajeera Wrltea Letter to Salvation Army Omeer Dee Ha lag Prlvlleao ot Brother to View Rlster'a Remalaa. NEW TORK, Nov. t -General Balllngton Booth, head of the Volunteera of America, who refused to remain at the servlcea in memory of hla alster. Consul Emma Booth Tucker, at Carnegie hall 8unday, because the Salvation Army officials refused .to per mit a family gathering prior to the public services, later reoelved a letter from Colonel L. M. Hlgglna of tha Salvation Army explanatory thereof, together with an Invitation to view the rematna privately at the Salvation Army national headquarters today. In reply the national secretary for the Volunteera of America, forwarded a letter to Colonel Hlgglna, which la as fol lows: Tour letter to General Balllngton Booth haa been received, In which you aay that If he wishes to privately view the body of hla sister today (Monday) you will exclude the public from the lying-in-state, aa his doing so was Impossible at Carnegie hall. After the Inconsiderate and indifferent way in which General Balllngton Booth waa treated yesterday at the Carnegie Muslo hall It would not be wise for him to sub ject himself to further misunderstanding. During three-quarters ofn hour he waited there it would have been quite possible for you to have acceded to his, as also Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Booth'a, request for a family gathering. Waa Present tor Renalon. Nature's Greatest Cure For Men and Women Swamp-Root is the Most Perfect Healer and Natural Aid to the Kidneys, Liver and Bladder Evr Discovered. SWAMP-ROOT SAVED MY LIFE I received promptly the sample bottle of your kidney remedy, Swamp-Boot. I had an awful psln In my back, over the kidneys, and hed to urinate from four o He waa at the hall with the understand ing that you had been fully consulted aa also Commander Booth-Tucker and Mlse Eva Booth. His request was one perfectly natural to any brother, simply to pray with the members of the family for a brief time around the coffin. He came purely In the . i linlon Ist&te. Harvard First National, Hastings German National, Hastings.., First National, Holdrege First National, Loo in la Cltlxens' onnk, McCook Newport State bank...... Norfolk State bank First National, O'Neill First National,. Ord.... Bank of Orleans r. Vlerre Cotintv bank. Pierce. Packera" National, South Omaha. Flao Rain at MeCoolc. M'COOK. Neb., Nov. . J. Special Tele fcTam.) A fine soaking rain haa prevailed I of this vacant property, would be consld- I vote being cast." r ln aro. Podu 1st Chairman A. B Geo. .alltJ ICIH"-AI"" Ul a-lH . ft, OHlnlOTl thftt tW ! A frftn or wK .i . . . . a I - " w m, ii wu aa mrector or ginaerganens waa accepiea. ablllty of ... -,., -f n a Mrs. Drake'a daughter la seriously ill at of money wa wa(fered ,odly at m to n " " "T 'vor of Campbell aa against Wilson. nun, iiu in in, xji atrj win u iu iiih,i, fjiucv i to be at the bedside of her daughter. Maaaachaaetta, The achool board refuses at this time to BOSTON, Nov. J. With good weather to- act favorablr uron a Detltlon framed by I morrow the party manaaers arrea that the pupils aaking that certain of the high there will be a heavy vote cast in Maaaa- hr'1-'1, of sympathy and unofficially, aa also school rooms be fitted up for athletics, chusetts. not only for gpvernor. but for the n was T furthered from their thought to TVi aa annMinrtamnn Moodv. ecretarv of th navy, delivered an I . . . ... .A I m- i . ... yani.rin. k.v ihnnvhr h-1 whilA ii'- 'j Uddresa thla evening before the Harvard ,h. VM for many veara have the the public was allowed to tmrticlpate In the H - UMttinl rl.ih n the Administration of y many years nave the democrata worked obsequies of their sister, they, us membere 13.uat.7S I Political club, on the Adminiatrauon oi i - u.i, .m r.t k1so hard and their .km. k.... . .v. n i,. -,J milit tn Navy." in tha couraa of hla remarks, Rn(.r(1 of F,,,.,llr,n wa- ,n.,- ... th, oughly atlrred un thnle n,nni. .1... never have gone near the Carnegie Muslo i 5 L which outlined In a general way the tunc- rti.,-v . ..!,,. atate haa been better ,,., , .J V hH hl he not been assured over tha wire 8,2S.l)5l , , . ,. I display of a traveling exhibit of drawings "ate nas oeen better canvaased than for bv vour renresontatlvea that Ida requests 5.I.W. 1 """" vl " ' ',v , . " " " I collected from a number of cities of the I len years. I would have been respected. General Bal- at Irtetl (Ml fi.tr41.7U ...... ... - . . . I Ua.J lm.Om aTmkmi 4 eaai m.nRSPr 8.(Wd.58 ,ra u..- ; - " . the democratic ticket, said today: "We are dltely waived that wish in deference ot 1.516. ao navy were desertere from tha British navy. J Tha committee on buildings and property perfectly aatlsded Tha voter. .111 .iT V - Miss Eva Booth and Commander Booth- " VVi-V! tempted to the United States service by tha I recommended that the bid of Thomaa Herd I ... I Tucker. B.4i9.)jO I. . . 1 . . .. . .. . I"'"ry. I T ,,- 1....- . V. ninniln. vnn nver 4.IW4.91 n'ner Pv . Ior lne. e.ruon. or mo Monmoutn par Majop Thom TaIbo, ...,. nf t. lifSyC ih. express Diirnose of Oeneral Balling' After stating that this allegation was en- school building be accepted, provided Mr. I renuhllcan .t.t. .... " ton Booth a and Mr. Herbert Booth'a visit tlrely without foundation, Mr. Moody said: I Herd enters into a contract which shall I nrosDecta of remihiio.n ... ,Ti ri, 1 r. would nave oeen respectea. uenerai nai- Colonel Kdward McSweeney. tha oamnalm Booth was told In the hearing of ,... n, Wl, . o . campaign Mr. Booth thllt nla arrangements were ac- nanager of -nilllam A. Oaston. leader of ceded to, all but one point, and he Imme- 1.498. M 2.945.82 2 000.00 4.14H.U I accuracy of computations baaed upon the 2,000. 00 number of hits discoverable by an Inspection I coat of tha building about $5,000. The con to the Carnegie Muslo hall. It was for a "I peraonally have : Mucb faith In the contain certain modifications of hla bid. hav . ..'""V " r " - ' L".mi f ?t".t"n .22.1 ?,3FL SSL ' pTPIB OI mi "Y - . ' rucn proposed modincatlons to reduoe tha BUt, can del)end.d on deplorable exhibition of Salvation Army verahia hv an insnctinn I coat or tna Duiidinr about xb ood. Tha eon. 1 . . " 1 soirit ana we cannot advise uenerai uai- t'fKV-'slf ships sunk or buVned In tha battlea of I tract with Mr. Herd 'for the construction 9,Hoo.U' Inila bay or Bantlago. It la enough to I or tha new building waapproved 4,(J."0 1 aay that the enemVg seamen were driven 1 Claims for the month of October, aggra- 9 wi ' m ,rom the,r UPi thBlr hlps were set on rating $36,938.42, were allowed. South Omaha National .0iU.30 ". were sun or oeacnea ana mai not one Bt. paui... ognise honesty and fidelity Buch aa Gov ernor Batea baa shown." Kentacky. IXIUISVILL Nor. 2.-The camoalan uus r aiK was named as Janitor of the I managers nave not changed their estl- Cltisens' National First State, St. Paul First State. Sterling Farmers' a nd Merchants , Stroms- burg iuv Bank "of Svracuse..., Valentine State bank Saunders County- National, Wahoo First National, Wayne West Point National..' Wolbach State bank City Nation il, York First National, York Total . Engrlaevr Scott Anewera, 4.441.00 cacaped." I Train achool, to take the place of Jamea mates made public this morning on the re- i,vv. Dr.. airing Af th. Ktn-K k 4k. I t fl I tlfd reslmpa. I BUlt Or tomorrow'. KoIIa.Im im V r " - " innuo it J liiq ' .. u..wv.tiB H AeillULKf, gunnera in recent practice teate Secretary lnB secretary was mstmctea to send let-l iiw aemocrata claim the state for Gov 4.OW.Z0 Moody said: "Theae results have been .n. ters to the various manufacturers of achool ernor Beckham br a malorit nr wn 5'ISk'IS ompllahed by American cltliens. All of our . stating that tha Board of Education I and to thla they add ,000 which they expect 5,lao.4 I l course, Americana ana or I cnM i - umviiio ana jenrerson county .iu nitn. (irupusiiians on tna same win i to give ineir ticket be received by the secretary until Novem ber 14. y 6,)3.33 the 29,800 enlisted men 79.8 per cent are na 1 Si) 00 1 " born- 10 ' prr c'nt Rr naturalised clti s!(i67!40 Ien -ri1 Pr cent are aliens, which la 4,t)84.ii suDatantially that of several years paat. Wa $282 941.101 m.ciic. iniio uiner navies in ""w vi none, nowever, ana If I learned of one I would Inatantlv di.. Tha secretary was authorised to rent a piano for use In the kindergarten depart ment of tha Beal achool. The committee on text books and course County Engineer Bcott. whose office was charge him. created by tie late legislature, haa niea in the supreme court his answer to the ictlon brought by the county commission ers to teat the right 10 Inspect bridges. He claims that tha commissioners are acting at the Instance of Bheely, the bridge con tractor. War ! fcfcanu thai-go for building bridges tho county haa had ao much litiga tion. - - I JEFFERSON CITY. Mo.. Nov. tTh. case nf Sen. tne TVanlr tr it.m.1. .v.. . . w M nmtlT .7. . ...... ........ vm.ibcu J0HN3UN UUUNI T ALU niun I witn bribery, goes over until tomorrow or a special jury, The republican state campaign la conn. dent of tha election of Colonel Belknan and the entire republican ticket, estimating the republican majority In round numbers at 12.000. The socialist and the socialist labor par- I soli llngtnn Booth to be exposed to the pronanie repetition of disrespect that would be shown mm were ne today to visit tne salvation Army a own headquarters. View Body of tho Dead. Thousands of persons from this city and vicinity, mainly of the poorer and middle classes, to whom Mrs. Booth-Tucker had devoted her life, viewed the body of tho dead Salvation Army leader aa It lay in state all day at Salvation Army head' quarters here. Few left the hall with dry eyes. All around the casket were massed many floral trlbutea and directly ovr t was a long American flag. Tomorrcw morning there wHl be a fare well service attended by members of the Salvation Army and relatives of the dead leader, after which the body will be taken DELAYS " TRIAL OF SENATOR Motloa for Special Jary (ends ' Missouri Case Over On Day,- - of study waa authorised to purchase thirty- ties have full ticketa in the field, but they ""-. v,i ui ovum cut BDeo utelv no flarnre. Vivn. n-.i.. I .. . America, one of Europe and one of the r.i.n. . to wooaiawn cemetery ror interment. world, making th.rty-flva In alL The coat b.M of "g. " r.0... i"! . I . .-n " ., .,.:. ll.C Bll 1U L enforcement by the police department of of tha mapa will bo $500. Thirty-one of tha maps are for use in tha grade schools. four of them for the-high school. ON EVE OF ELECTION (Continued from First Page.) 'i Will Giro tho Katlre Republican Ticket tho Old Tlmo - Majorlttea. TECTJMSEH, Neb., Nov. 1 (Special.) If there waa ever a year that Johnaon county republlcana were ready for an elec tion It la this one. In the first place the ticket Is considered the very best that It waa poasible for the party to name. Each candidate haa made a thorough canvass of the county and there la no doubt but that each of them will bo elected. And thla ta aa It should bo In a strictly republican county.', The state and judicial ticketa, too. are all right In Johnson county. The can didates tor supreme Judge and regents to . the state unlveralty are very acceptable to the republlcana here and the republican judicial ticket will receive od-tlma majori ties.,. Many voters of the oppoaltlon hava become, disgusted at -the bolt some so-called vepubllcana of " Rlchardaon county saw fit to make on, one of tha republican candldatee'for judge and will support that ama candidate In consequence. In fact, tha republican ticket from top to bottom la all Titht In Johnson county. Goodnow Goes to the Alton. BLOOMINGTON, 111., Nor. I J. It Bar- In Queens. While abating nothing in con fidence the fuslontst leaders claim no more than 30,000 plurality for Low, although rett, general superintendent of the Chicago I their closest estimates point to a majority I looked for, at Alton, reaigna rtovemter x, ana win be or aoout naif that ngure. Bucceeded by C. A. Goodnow, late general The fuslonlsts pin their faith in victory manager of the Rock Island, and whnu I on their ahllltv tn r.rrv Rnmlilvn hv new title Is general manager of the Alton. I least 2S.000. which with uttm.t.4 r.inr.1. vl "iw-wun in inis city it is generally con Itles of 3.000 In the Bronx and 2.000 In Rich- "V"" lu" contest tor mayor oeiween tne law prohibiting The carrying of con cealed deadly , weaponav. Those who go to tne pons with concealed . weapons tomor row are liable to arrest. t'tah. SALT LAKE. Utah, Nov. 2-Pluralltles of from 1,000 to 1,600 ire claimed for both 1 touching addresa In which he reviewed the the republican and democratic ticketa in I et'v nd effective 11 rework of his daugh Servlcea In London. LONDON, Nov. 2.-There was an Immense gathering of Salvationists at Congress hall, Clapham, tonight', at a memorial serv Ice for Consul Mrs. Booth-Tucker. General Booth, commander-in-chief of the Salvationists throughout the world, and father of Mra. Booth-Tucker, made back they tell us In silence that our kld- neyB need doctoring. If noslcctcd now the disease advances unU the face lo. ks r' or sallow, puffy or dork circles tinder lh eyes, feet swell, nnrt sometimes the hearl acts badly. There Is comfort In knowing that lr, Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney. liver and bladder remedy, ultlls evnry wish In quickly relieving such troubles. It or rectB Inability to hold urlno and 'scalding pain In passing It, and overcomes that un pleasant necessity of bilng compelled to get up many times during the n'ght to urinate. seven times a nleht. often with smarting and burning. Brick dust would settle In tho urine. 1 lost twentr nounds in two wrens. and thought I would soon die. I took tha first dose or your Swamp-Root in int- even. In at bedtime, and was verv mucn sur prised; I had to urinate but once that night, and the second night I did not get up until morning, i nave usea tnree nntiies ot Swamp-Root, and today am aa well aa ever. I am a farmer, and am working every day, and weigh 190 pounds, the eame that I weignoa oeiore waa taaen sic a. Orateruiiy yours. See. F. A. I. U. 604. T. 8. APKETl. April t, 1903. Marsh Hill, Pa. There comes a time to both men and women when tickness and poor health bring anxiety and trouble hard to bear; disap pointment seems to follow every effort of physicians in our behalf, and remedies we try have little or no effect. In many auch cases aertoue mlsttkes are made In doctor ing, and not knowing what the d'.sease la or what makes us sick. Kind nature warns ua by certain symptoms, which are unmis takable evidence of danger, auch as too fre quent desire to urinate, tcanty supply, scalding Irritation, pain or dull ache In the SwamfRooi a Blessing to Women Yf v Irlrin.u. and hlndilnr B-Iive 4 great trouble for over two months snd 1 suffered untold misery. I becamo wean, emauiaien II ; t--'A and very much run down. I had great dim culty In jetalnlng my urine, and wa c oliged to pass water very often night and daj. After I had used a sample bottle of Lr. Kilmer s nwmii-nuui, ' reauest. 1 experienced relief, end 1 Immedi ately bought of my druggist two Hue. bot tles and continued taking It regularly. I am pleased to Bay that Swamp-Root cured me entirely. 1 can now stand on my feel all day without n-iy bad symptoms what ever. Swamp-lioot haa proved a blessing to me. . Gratefully vours, MRS. E. AUSTIN. 19 Nasaau bt., Ptooklyn, N. Y. To Prove What SWAMP-ROOT, the Great Kidney, Liver and Bladder Remedy Will do lor YOU, Every Reader of the Bee May Have a Sample Bottle FREE by Mail. n.n..T T.t.E t ... .iMr r "-feBl hadlv." aend at onca to Dr. Kilmer & Co.. Binghamton. N. T.. who will gladly .end you by mall. I"' ' J" cost to you. a sample bottle ot Swamp-Root and a book telling all and containing many of tha thousand, upon thousands of testimonial letters r . eUed from men and women cured. In writing to ur. Kiimer o., - " sure to say that you read this generous orfer In The Omaha Dully Bee it you are already convinced that Swamp-Root la what you need, you can pur cha-a the regular fifty-cent and one-dollar .H bottle, at the 1 Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root. Dr. Kilmer a Bwamp Root, and the address, Binghamton, N. Y on ever bottle. tomorrow's municipal election. On account of tha bitterness which haa marked the campaign an exceptionally heavy vote ia California. BAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 1 On the ova ter in connection with the Salvation army. He urged that a greater devotion to the purpose of the army would be the best memorial to Mra. Booth-Tucker. General Booth read a message from Commander Booth-Tucker of the Bal v. tlon army of the United States, also mes sages of condolence from all parta of the world. Including a large number from mond and a drawn battle in Queen. 11" Ited States. uiiica to nanasomeiy onset a conceaou I ' - - i.m. . , . . . I ia a fee II nr. hnw.v.i- .mnnv nr,n,i.M. tiu,mu.r vi u.wu ivr acvmun in Juan- .. - --- . . asir neiis ai Mil hattan. Itnat uniesa the democraU and republicans 1 IU mlUwrllr MAIl UN I nlAL Not to lag behind tha other combatants 1 ""J" to a lars on one candidate Pronslso of Portly Cloady and Showora Tocaday, with Fair Wadncodny, tn Nebraska, In confidence, William S. Devery announcea "chmldu, who is the present mayor, stands I Johai H. Leflaad of Oskalooaa Charged WASHINGTON. Nov. 1 Forecast: For Nebraska Partly cloudy Tuesday, with showers in aouth portion; Wedneaday, fair. For Iowa Partly cloudy; probably show- era in southern portion Tuesday; Wednea day, fair and cooler. For Illinois Fair Tuesday, except show- that ha expecta to poll not leaa than 46 per cent of the total registered vote. Do very waa elated tonight when Police Com missioner Greene consented to have hla returns telephoned to headquartera with thoaa of Low and McClellan, instead of being sent in by messengers with thoaa of the rest of the field. Considerable Intereat attachea to the alsa of the vote that De. era In northweat portion; Wtdneaday. fair. JSJ W,U """V"0' ,nd raay hav eriou cast tomorrow. a good chance for re-election. Mississippi. JACKSON. Miss., Nor. 2. Today before the general state election finds the voters apathetic. There ! little or no Intereat in tha election tomorrow, aa the democratio state ticket haa no opposition. In tha Au gust primary nearly 10,000 rotea were cast, but It is doubtful if there will ba 25,000 , ". Court Hoaao for Batto. NORFOLK, Neb., Nov. .(Special.) Ac cording' to telegram from Butte, Boyd county will hava no courthouae thla year. At a special election held Saturday, at which It waa propoaed to vote a 5-mlll tax for three years In order to erect a $11,000 building, the vote stood 1,200 for and 600 agalnat. The, 'lively lptereet taken in the alectloa is shown by tha fact that there are but tion voters In the county and that 1,800 of theae turned out In a country where rail roads are scare and long drives' necessary. For Missouri Fair Tuesday and Wednes day, For North Dakota-rFair Tuesday; cooler In northweat portion; fair and cooler Wednesday. For South Dakota Fair Tuesday and Wednesday; cooler Wednesday. For Colorado Fair Tuesday and Wednea day; warmer Tueaday In weatern portion. For Kansas Showers Tuesday; Wednes day, fair, For Wyoming Fair Tuesday and Wed nesday; warmer Tuesday. Influence on tha result. i ne usual reports on "colonisation on a largo scale are still Industriously clrcu lated and the campaign of State Superin tendent Morgan to check Illegal voting which waa concluded today by tha summon ing of several hundred witnesses to atatlon houses to testify In regard to casea of Illegal registration haa been the moat com pleta inquisition of the kind aver under taken In tha city. No less than 30,000 aus picious cases have been Investigated out of a total registration of 6J8.80S, and It is probable that many arrests will be made larylaad. BALTIMORE, Nov. .Though ths cam paign in Maryland practically closed on Saturday night, there waa one more re publican rally today, when Stevenson A Williams, the nominee for governor, and other candidates on the republican state ticket addressed a meeting at Crisfleld, on the eastern shore. Chairman Murray Vandlver, pf the demo cratic atate central committee and Chair man John B. Hanna of the republican com- I Kentucky of the fourth claaa with phys mltteo hava Issued lengtny addresses to leal indignities. The former, it la altered. with Haslagr at Annapolis Aeadeasy. ANNAPOLIS, ltd.. Nor. (.-Tha proceed ings of tha naval court-martial called for the .trial of tha throe midshipmen of the first claaa charged with basing members of the fourth claaa began today In tho office of the commandant of midshipmen. The first midshipman to be arraigned waa John H. Ixfland of Oskalooaa, Ia., and hla plea waa not guilty. All of today's-, session waa occupied with the hearing of witnesses for the prosecution. Aa soon aa the trial of Lofland ia completed tha court will take up tha caaea of Joseph D. Little of Spring field, O.. and Earle W. Chaffee of Rhine land. Wla. Tha men are charged with having sub jected Midshipmen W, W. Lawrence of Colorado and Churchllh Humphreys of For Montana Fair Tuesday and Wednes- tomorrow when every polling place will tne,r respective parties, in which a strong was compelled to stand on his head and the appeal is maoe to voters u support tne i utter was forced to undergo protracted Republican - Preapoeta la Otoe. day; cooler Wednesday. Fcr Indiana Fair Tuesday and Wednea day; light to fresh weat wlnda. Local Record. OFFICE OF THE WEATHER BUREAU, NEBRASKA CITY Neb.. Nov. t 8pe- j OMAHA, Nov. .-Official record of tern rial) On the eve of election everything looks favorable for a good vote,' and thel repuDHcan m.rnvar. arc i-unuusu, v. .wv eesa for both the state and county ticket. The registration tn thla city waa 1.S03, and With thoaa aworn tn tomorrow will bring the vote up to nearly l,4oo, the full vote of l Derature and precipitation compared with T. ii.. .1 . OV.A le at. Rain or Snou proof Jicath'cr lSOJ. li. 101. lOOn Maximum temperature.... 67 M T 66 Minimum temperature.... 63 46 81 J Mean temperature oo oi ou Precipitation , , Record o' temperature mid veclmiatlon at Omaha for this day and alnce March 1, Normal temperature 43 Excess for tlie day 1J Normal precipitation 06 nch I.-.,..,,, for the day 41 Inch Total t-xeess slr.te March 1 96 Total rainfall slni-e March 1 31.81 Inches Excess since alarm i . di incnea liirtclency for cor. period, 1iJ.... $ 28 Inches Petlclency for cor. period, 19ul.... 4 W Inches It sport a from Statlana at T r. H. is Ideal Leather The sew leather which is always bright, .loasy, strong and soft, and can't . gtt hard. Rain or mow tion't affect it. When you buy allocs look for this labeL u!fl FiucsM Laalhof Co. MiaseltMa. I V ITmS iMut 14 771 I CONDITION OF THB WKATHEM. Omaha, cloudy Valentine, clear North Platte, cloudy .. Cheyenne, cloud I Hull 1K.- city, ciear .. Rapid City, clear Huron, clear i v'iiu.ttm. clear ClilciK. partly cloudy Hi. IaiuIs, clear , St. Paul, clear ......... I'Avenport, cloudy ... Kansaa City, cloudy . lHr. clear v I lilsmarck. clear liln. clear Ualveslon, cloudy "3 : 1 8 ':V:l ? i 1 : 1 ? i a : Bi t 67 .33 6 4 .(.0 64 s.; .11 4H 61 .00 60 64 .00 lit t 00 04 70 .00 6-i iu ou hi .00 4 7u .00 I b" M .00 bll Wi .12 Oil .00 4I 74 .00 6t 74 .00 48 6N .00 7u li .00 T Indicates trace of Treclpitstlon. L. A. WELSH, Forecaater. For oougha and colds children take Piao's Cure without objocUoa. 36c be under tha cloae scrutiny of the super lntendent'a deputies who will hava tha as sistance of tho strongest fores of watchers ever "placed at the polls, organised by the Cltlsena union. With theae precautions It is predicted that illegal voting will be reduced to a minimum. Tammany made Its final preparations for the struggle to night by the distribution of sinews of war to the amount of between $160,000 and $200, 000 to the district leadera for election ex penses. An intereating minor feature of the situa tion waa the declaration today by Deputy Attorney General T. C. C. Craln that the destruction of the houses of 600 voters In the fire at Coney Island yesterday, being an "act of God." could not be used aa a pretext for depriving them of tha right to vote. Oalo. COLt'MBUS. O., Nov. .-On the eve of the election tha estimates of tha two par ties continue to repreaent tha two ex treme The democrata give no fifures on tt.e state ticket and claim only a bare majority in the legislature, while ffce re publlcana claim a larger plurality with a single exception than aver before on tha atate ticket, and almost twice aa large a majority In the legislature aa ever before. It may be 'difficult to ascertain the re buK in Ohio tomorrow night from incom plete or early returns. Under tha new municipal code, enacted by the last legis lature, the wards and precincts in all places of 6,000 population and over were changed thla year ao that the rota tomorrow nlaht cannot be compared with that of any nre- vlous heated election, except on auch re turns aa coma from tha rural districts and towns of leaa than 1.000 population. Of the 1167.646 population In Ohio. 1.811- 7H are in the seventy-one municipalities that were reorganised this year under the new code, and M16.E4 are outside of these placea very few of these "outside pre clncta" have aver been heard from until tha day after tba election , There were 3,31$ voting placea la Ohio at party nomlneea. At tomorrow's election the polls will be open at a. m. and -close at 6 p. m., tha Australian system Of secret voting being In force. Both parties anticipate a full vote and an orderly and quiet election. Marahal pbyalcal exercises. The members of the court-martial are: Lieutenant Commanders W. C. P. Mulr, W. R. Shoemaker and W. H. G. Bullard. Lieutenant Commander B. W. Wells, jr.. Is judge advocate. Daniel R. Handall, Farnam ot tha police department announced atata a attorney for Ann Arundel county. today that tne entire ponco loroe win do on was appointed to act aa counsel for tha duty at the polls tomorrow. This morning the ballots were placed In the hands of the police department and will be distributed tonight. - Rhode Island. PROVIDENCE, Nov. t Tho political leaders of tha state were making final arrangements today for tomorrows balloting. Tha republican campaign waa concluded Saturday night. Tonight the flnal rally of tha democrata waa held, with Governor Harvey, Congressman Granger and others aa apeakeTs. Today the democrata are claiming the state by 3,000 and the houae by a amall majority, while the republlcana were count ing on from 6,000 to 7,000 plurality for their candidate for governor and the control of both branches of tha legislature by a safe margin. Poaneylvanla. PHILADELPHIA, Nov.. 1-Tha apathy which haa marked tha present campaign in thla state Is apparent in almoat every county in Pennsylvania. Tha victory of tha republican ticket la practically a fore gone conclusion, tha also of tha majority being the only question. Liittle tnort haa been made by either party to get out a big vote, except In the boma counties of tha different candidates. where circulars were aent to tha voters urging them to coma to tha polla Xevr Jersey. accused midshipmen. Tha witnesses examtned today were Midshipmen Lawrence and Humphreys. whom It ia charged were haxed and a number of other fourth claaa midship men. All of them, aa la usual In cases of tha kind, ahowsd tha greatest reluctance to say anything that might tend to Injure the accused midshipmen or even to admit tha existence of haslng. mpeipiwpiwp I' "i'iW )'ilV"il)1J-LJltl t C53n' : 'ysSv ' . Come to our office and I will make a thorough and scientific LXAM1N A-. TION of your ailments KEH. JJ CHARGE, an examination that will disclose your true pny'u- condition, without a knowledge of which you are groping in the dark If you have taken treatment without success, I will shoe, you why It failed. I want all ailing men tof eel that they can come to our office freely for examination and explanation of their condition without being bound by . i .. .w. treatment - I J any uoiiaiiii v II unlesa they so desire. Evesy man. , l whether taking treatment or contem- Vt .h,,M ink. arivantHKe 111U. 1 1 1 1 ft Mine, ........... . " of this opportunity to learn his true condition, aa i wiii av.....u ..v.- - lvJru of mal,hood best regain ma neaun ana siroustu j. r mm Hrwi aid Ut. 1 I I WILL CURE YOU fl uted, neuner ao w k - ' ' ,,w ni ptc o i in- .nH T.AST. lira their natrons ge, but wo guarantee a COMPLE1L, BAFb. and cure in t QUICKEST POSSIBLE TIME, without living Injurious effect? In the system, and at tha lowest cost possible for HONEST. unto ripe old age. -rfidSf It U not so much of calamity that a man contracts tUseasea or waaknssses. Hut that he neglects them 1 1 J?y falls to saenre tha proper treatment tor their cure, or u " ba haa experimented with too many free treatment and quick cure schemee. nr. uivv wn MISLEADING STATEMENTS or deceptive propositions to .2JtIJiunttitm IN A FEW l5A3 In order to secure 1NU cu au-iT.T.irTTT. 1N1) SUCCESSFUL services. Wa cure crmrniDP VARICOCELE. NERVO-SEXUAL DEBILITY, SION5, IMPOTENCY, BLOOD POISON, (SYPHIMS) RECTAL, KIDNEY AND URINARY DISEASES, and all dlseaaea and weaknesses due to Inheritance, evil Ublta, trxcesMv or the result of specific dlseaaea. , COSSILTATIOK FRKE Wrlto If yon cannot call. Office hours, H a. m. to 8 v. n. Snndays, 10 to 1 onlr. Stato Electro-Medical Institute. 1308 Farnam Street, Between 13th and Uh Streets, Omaha, Neb Ems- BRIEFLY TOLD. There Is No Use Leaving Omaha Bslifivs ths State ' msntsot Omaha Residents, Endorsement by residents of Omaha. Proof positive from Omaha people. I Cannot be evaded or doubted. Read thla statement: Mra. Quata Bohlman, 1911 Oak street. aaya: uoan a money rina are a gooq remedy. I took them for kidney trouble which started about seven years ago. caused by a cold settling in my back. I procured them from Kuhn Co.'s drug NEWARK, N. J., Nov. t-Except In the store and they cured me." - cities where there are mayoralty contests For sale by all dealers, price 0c. Foe- It la expected a light vote will ba cast in ter-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. T., sole ageiu New Jersey tomorrow. Six state senators for the United States. and a full house of assembly are to ba Remember tha name Doan's and take no cbosea. t substitute. CAR OF DYNAMITE EXPLODES Penn.flTinia Tarda at CmtUae, Ohio, a Boene of Kuln. LOSS MAY REACH A HALF MILLION DOLLARS Hnadreda of Frolgkt Cara Aro Com pletely Demolished While Many Houses In tho Town 'Are Wrecked by Concussion. CRESTLINE. O.. Nov. J.-Tho Pennsyl vania railway yards hero preaented a scent of ruin today aa a reault of the explosion of a car of dynamite on a sidetrack last evening. So far aa known no Uvea were loat, although tha maaa of wrecked freight cara hava not yet been thoroughly searched. It la estimated that tho financial loss will run from J400.000 to I500.0DO. Hundreds of freight cars were almoat completely demol ished, while a number of houaea in the vicinity of tha exploalon were wracked. A number of persona received serious cut and bruises from flying glaas and Umbers. Nearly every window In town was emaahed by tha terrlflo concussion. Smallpox at Cheyenne. CHEYENNE, Wyo., Nov. I. (Special.) Fort Russell has been quarantined against Cheyenne on account of smallpox here. Tha city achools have been closed and ths mayor has asked the people to refrain from attending public gatherings, holding dancea and social function until the epl demlo haa abated. Tha dtaoaao Is confined almost entirely to the children and up to thla time has appeared only In a light form. Quaker Maid Rye 9 1 y ' 'iJ:",y fa W J Rest 'Whisker tnsde Is "Quaker Maid." Everybody drinks It Everywbers.. Vou can get It Aoywbcic. For aale at tha lead ing bare, caf mm and drug stores. S. HIRSCH & CO. laatif CHf. Ml. IIAEN ANDWOMER. Iklhn'J dl.rhsrnM.iBl awwiU u irrittto&s e. . m m pmi. l'.f'" faiiilMS, sad sot tvaas Catwicai Co. ,ni i rowiuu. - 8iKiiiri,.t A ,s',", b V i" at sn iu llu oi "mypli ltOi,rlb.MUrtli mih-- Circular acui r-s n A Man Badly Injsurod. Or painfully hart, burned, bruised or wounded gets quick comfort from Bucklen's Arlce Salve. It conquers pain. fco. For sale by Kuha V Co. TMgratr Rata Tatorlaanaav Food Inspector. Q.L.R&UA0C10TTI. D.V. S, CITT VET12RIMAJUAM. MBoo and IaOrmary, lata and Maaoa 8ta i