Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 01, 1903, PART I, Page 7, Image 7

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An n rIHn f"
tin I fr I1
pin -pj in 1 withm ny
and pm:ir:ni run oi
( y riuii: it inn, B r o n
rhltis, atrvrrli, AMlJti
and U 1 liroat and
I -jri AfTwtionA. ' ft
putlt-.v nl radical
cure for Kcttmii Ih bll
Uy n all VI rrtont
( umpiiinta. it tith
totted I ta wtmi In 1 ul
crmltT powfr In ilif
r.n1 o( rnr, ami df
r ni to rUft liumnn
tmiimrif HI an id
fr-p nt charfr to all wiio
t IMi It, thi iwipt, la
(irron, i rewhnr Knav
1 nh.with fnll rtlwilora
ti r pnprlnf ml mtnit.
Hti! by nmil, hj al
rtrrain)f, frith tamp,
i-uiuj the apcr.
C47 PowerV Block,
Rochcctcv, N. Y
Ioc'emeat Weather Cannot Keep Walnut
Hill People from Meeting.
John I.. Kennedy Tells Mow the Al
iened Monpartlaaa Jnrtlclel Ticket
Was Nominated at Meeting
of the Bar.
and wear a Black Suit bearing
this famous mark
jfJIJVed jenjamin & (j
Dressy and durable fabrics,
because shrunk by the London
Cold Water Process in the
BENJAMIN DlanL Dressvstvles.
because cut after correct New
York and London designs.
Perfect fit, because measured
on a figure exactly like yours.
Superior tailoring, because the
handiwork of salaried experts
In sanitary workrooms, doing
one thing the year round, and
doing it well. Exclusive cus
tom tailors can't tetl BENJAMIN
Clothes from their own. '
Tfet prk if right. Your money
back )l anything goes wrong.
. , Sola m thi city oy u only.
1519-21 Douglas Street
The price and quality of Egg-O
Soo make it a standard for the
world. It Is displacing ninety per
cent of' all other flaked wheat foods
wherever introduced.
r- (i
Judirn W. W. Slabuugh and John L. Ken
nedy Initiated Walnut Hill dwellers In the
mynteries of the current campaign Friday
evening at Fortieth and Hamilton. Despite
the Inclement weather there was a goodly
representation of the party strength of the
hill and Mr. Kennedy referred to It In his
talk aa being a must auspicious sign and
Indicative of republican success at the polla.
Judge Slubaugh. as the first speaker, re
ferred In brief to the lata condition of strife
In local republican ranks, which he was
happy to say had been brought to a fitting
termination by the Infusion of party har
mony strong enough to last. "The repub
licans were like that old rooster of mine
that fought his reflection In a looking glass.
He harinenlred when he broke the glass.
The republican party harmonised when It
broke both the machine and antl-machlne
factions. Henceforth there will be no fac
tions and no factional fights the mirror Is
broken and this fact will be demonstrated
next Tuesday."
"We have the party of great deeds back
of us." declared Mr. Slabaugh, "and we
have the county ticket, the Judicial ticket
and the right man for the supreme bench;
success at the polla Is assured."
Candidates Charles Unlft, for county
clerk; M. J. Kennsrd. for county commis
sioner, and A. C. Troup and W. A. Redlck,
on the Judicial ticket, each made a short ad
John L. Kennedy, president of the Bar
association, was the last speaker. Re
ferring to the Judicial ticket, Mr. Kennedy
"I-et me sny a few words with respect
to the nonpartisan Judiciary. The trouble
with the so-called nonpartisan Judicial
ticket is that It Is not nonpartisan. That
ticket was recommended by the Omaha
liar association, (I say Omaha Bar asso
ciation because the countlen outside par
ticipated In It only to a very limited ex
tent), by what was strictly a party vote.
The vote east by the bar on that propo
sition was divided on party lines, almost
as fully, and completely as the vote at
the election will be divided. We have In
the Omaha Bar association an executive
council of five members selected by the
association. It Is their privilege under the
rules of the association to request the
president to call a meeting to discuss any
particular subject or take any particular
action. The executive council requested me
as president of the Omaha Bar association
to call a meeting of the Fourth Judicial dis
trlct to consider the question of recom
mending men for nomination as Judges
of the district court. I called that meet
Ing as I was required to do. After 'the
meeting was called a reporter Interviewed
me as to the. wisdom of such a move-
"Iris" at the Iloyd.
Miss Virginia Harned and company In
"iris," a drama In five acts by Arthur
Wing Flnero. Presented under the direc
tion of Mr. Charles Frohman. The cast:
Iris Hellamy Virginia Harned
Fannie Sylvain Ethel Wlnthrop
A urea Vyse Margaret Gordon
Mrs. Wynntnf Elisabeth Goodall
Miss Plnsent.... Mabel Bnyder
Woman Servant at the Villa Prlgno....
Amy Moers
Woman Bervant at the flat In Park
street Eleanor Sandford
Frederick Maldonado Henry Jewett
Laurence Trenwlth William Courtenay
Crocker Harrington.-. ..J. Hartley-Manners
Archibald Kane Stanley Park
Colonel Wynnlng Frederick Burt
Servant at Mrs. Bellamy's in Kensing
ton ...Harry Iewis
Bervant at the Villa Prlgno
Lawrence Eddinger
Mr. Arthur Wing Ptnero undertakes to
approach the problem he persists In dis
cussing from several angles, with -he
unfortunate result that he obtains almost
Identically the same perspective. To re
peat a phrase used recently, he opens to
the erring woman a vista as cheerless as
a look down a coal hole. And after seeing
Iris," one Is inclined to the opinion that
Mrs. Tanquary, or even Mrs. Ebbsmlth, Is
to be preferred. They at least realised
where they were and made one earnest ef
fort to (ret out of It; Mrs.' Bellamy
poor thing. Is left in her misery. It la
unnecessary tc undertake an analysis of
Mr. Plnero's latest heroine; he kindly at
tends to that through the progress of the
play. Mrs. Bellamy unfolds at all times
the weakness of her nature, the tollies she
commits and the foibles she Is wedded to,
and she takes her course deliberately. It
may be that she didn't look ahead, but
that Is not an excuse for her. Circum
stances that seemed against her were only
those which would have given a real
woman fortitude to fight on, to endure to
the end. She had the prospect of a few
months of poverty, to end In happiness
with the man she laved; she chose to sao-
rlflce the only chance for happiness she
had for a life of luxury that could only
have one end. It Is doubtful If a sane
woman would have acted sot at all events
the pity that goes out to Iris is tinged
with the thought that thore are more
Maslovas than. Mrs. Bellamys In this
mlxed-up world of ours. As for the men
in the piece, they are for the most part
of the neutral type, only one showing any
real tinge of red blood. Mr. Maldonado
Is an excellent conception of one kind of
man; the sort who believes solely In him
self, with no consideration for others, and
who lets no 1'ttle minor considerations.
such as honor, sentiment, or even decency,'
stand between him and what he has set
his desires upon. His thin veneer of cul
ture Isn't sufficient to hide the animal man.
nor is he, when In his moments of repose.
at all particular that it should. It Is only
wnen nis guard is up that he' conceals the
beast in his nature. And Iris his seen
him with his point down before she filled
out that first check. Just before leaving
Cadennabla, and she 'la for that leason
even the less to be excused:
About the players much can be said In
praise. Miss Harned , la still graceful In
motion or repose, still has a voice of won
Council Bluffs Feopla Com to Inspect tie
Carnegie Library Building.
Coroner's Jary Derides that Death !
James enlly Was Hoc to an Acci
dent and No Blame Attache
to Company.
Retails at (Q cent
derful DOaalblllttns flevlhls rsannant n,.,.
ment at that time and Inquired as to the ,lcai under ,,. .,. .,, . wlth
probable outoomo according to my Judg- .exquisite taste and iudemant. Hr notion
of Mrs. Bellamy Is probably the best that
can be devised, but even her ability, while
it may win momentary sympathy, doea not
gain any permanent affection for the un
fortunate woman who heedlessly follows a
course that she knows leads only to one
destination. If the part could be made at
tractive It would become so In Miss Har
ned' s care, but even her most earnest effort
falls to arouse an expression of Interest
ment. I ' then stated, - for publlca-
tion, that If the bar acted with
unanimity In the selection of men to be
nominated by the political parties In their
conventions. It ought to carry some weight,
but if the bar divided on party lines it
would not carry much weight, and ought
not to carry much , welgnt. When ' the
meeting was held nearly all the speeches
In favor of taking action and recommend.
Yet the quality is tha best and the
package is full weight. Tha largest
food mill ia the world enables nt
to do this. '
Atf Tmt Orocir for tin Grin Packm
If yor (toott do sot keptt,MndhlMM
eu4 ISo and w will mai j ou pack prpftd
ASdrvai bU oocumuR1otlooa to
Earar-O-Bee, Qnlnrr, III.
Ing candidates for the Judgeships were further than that Mrs. Bellamy used very
muue oy democrats, nearly every speeen Dad Judgment. Beyond this, and the pity
against such action, was made by repub- I that la natural for suffering of any kind.
inarm, vvnen ins vote was taaen on mat t ms arilts away from memory,
liiujiunuiun as to wimiuor action snouia Dei Mr. jeweu made nla Maldonado nnlt
taken, the bar was so evenly divided that I what one might fancy ideal during the first
a second count was necessary to determine I three acta. In the fourth he loses him-
how that had been determined. When self and In his effort to accentuate what
that vote was cast most of the republicans I has become apparent his oaddlahnesa he
present withdrew and the ticket presented becomes a brute, and makes love with
A committee of the library board of Coun
cil Bluffs visited Bouth Omaha yesterday
afternoon for the purpose of Inspecting the
Carnegie library building, now being con
structed at Twenty-third and M streets.
The visiting committee wss composed of M.
F. Rohrer. W. 8. Baird, Dr. J. H. Cleaver
and John M. Galvln.
President Bruce McCulloch, W. B. King)
and W. K. Cheek of the South Omaha
Library board met the Visitors and escorted
them through the building. After a thor
ough Inspection Mr. Rohrer declared that
the building was first-class in every respect
and that some of the Ideas In construction
might be used In the Council Bluffs library
building. Mr. Carnegie gave Council Bluffs
170,000 for a public library.
Coroner Holds Inquest.'
Yesterday afternoon Coroner Bralley held
an Inquest over the remains of James
Scully, who died from the effects of a fall
from a street car. The accident happened
about a week ego at Twenty-sixth and N
streets. At the time the attending physician
thought that Scully was not badly Injured.
Later on, when he had been taken to the
Bouth Omaha hospital. It was found necea
sary to perform an operation. Scully died
and as the police thought that a robbery
had been committed the coroner was asked
to hold an Inquest. Fourteen witnesses
were examined. From the testimony given
the Jury brought In a verdict that Scully's
death was accidental and that neither the
street railway company nor ' Its employes
were to blame.
Undertaker Brewer will Inter the remains
at St. Mary's cemetery today. The deceased
came here with stock from Gillette, Wyo.
Most Hea-lster Today,
Today Is the last day of registration and
all voter must register. So. far this year
the registration In South Omaha shows a
galn: for the republicans of 154 over the
democrats. An effort will tie made today by
the republicans to Increase this lead, and
those who are In charge of the campaign
here predict that this will be done, as every
effort will be made to get out every repub
llcan voter to register today. ,
Parish Dinner.
Members of St. Agnes' parish have made
arrangements to serve dinner on election
day at the Ancient Order of United Work
men temple. Twenty-fifth and M streets.
Meals will be served from 11:30 a. m. until
p. m. Already a large number of tickets
have been sold and those who are serving
the - dinner expect that the hall will be
crowded. .Those who are In charge of the
cuisine say that the tables will be spread
with the best that the market affords and
that the best of service will be given,
Republican Meeting;.
In spite of the rain there was a good-
sixed crowd at the republican meeting held
at Thirty-sixth and U streets last night.
J. L. Kaley was the principal speaker of
the evening. He delivered an Interesting
address and advocated that all voters,-
when they go to the polls on Tuesday next
vote' the straight-republican ticket. .His
remarks were received with applause. A
number of candidates were present and
delivered shdrt addresses. B. E. Wilcox I
and Joseph Koutakjr. also spoke briefly.
: Clothtnar, on Credit..
The Only Double
Track Railway
between the
Missouri River
and Chicago.
to the democratic and republican conven
tions was selected by those who remained.
I was authorized at that -meeting to ap
point a committee to present those names
to the political conventions. I appointed
that committee. That committee presented
to the republican convention assembled at
Washington hall a request that the con
vention adopt the recommendation of the
bar association, and when the vote was
much the address of a pugilist or a wife
beater. He could hardly have hoped to
win a woman of any refinement by the
tactics he pursued. A tittle of the finesse
he used In Introducing the checkbook Into
her life adapted to his exhibition of affec
tion might have gone a long ways to. in
gratiate him even with Iris. His final ex
plosion of Insane wrath, after he had
played the spy and learned what he must
taken there was but one delegate In that I tave suspected, comports with his general
MwnlAcmt aolld tr.l to ChlcMro. wmrjrf
Koi.t and drin.ruo. .lulne liT. buflo.
brbr. bath, wipIii, dlnlna can aud ebMnwuua
Klavtrio UdBtM tnrounnout.
convention, beside myself, who voted In
favor of receiving the report. The re
quest of the committee having been re
fused by the republican Judicial conven
tion, -the convention proceeded to nom
inate seven Judges. As chairman of the
Fourth ward delegation In that conven
tion I assisted 1n making the present ticket.
It la a good ticket and I know of no reason
why it should not receive the support of
. V, - .1 .... 1. 1 1 .. H . V. 1 -
O.UUAM IntAILANlIU tArntoa ciai district.-
meeting; on west usTcswerth,
Notwithstanding the extremely Inclement
weather some fifteen or twenty loyal and
enthusiastic republicans assembled at
Thirty-ninth and Leavenworth streets last
evening to attend the political meeting an
nounced for that place. There was some
confusion as to the exact locality, as a num
ber understood the meeting was to be held
at Forty-fourth end Leavenworth, and
went there. The speakers, H. P, Btoddart,
J. E. Van Gilder and Ed Morearlty, with
one or two of the candidates, wer on hand.
but owing to the bad night It was unani
mously agreed to call the meeting off. ' K
half-hour or more was spent talking over
the prospect of republican success In Doug.
las county next Tuesday, and the general
consensus or opinion was that the outlook
for the election of every man on the re
publican ticket was never better.
Pnllm-,. 4iin-room d toori.t alMplnc SMS sal
etBl&t tan, aa ir rauumna uu
Pulluaa drawtnrroom nd toarl 1mdIi( er,
frM nolmlnt oars, butUt UUnin wd uukiu
tnt IHalus
3M lis 1rwti)-momlplBSr. bntmk
11 And ancTUbrarr Mr an'l fra racllulua
. iuur U Caiuo. lJlningcara.
II If) in Through aarloa Omaha to t'hioaio,
I . 1 aM Norlb wi.ra atandartt dar eoaeua
" and Ina obaii oara. inning aaia,
7 50 A!J 0tl0 ' mlor
0 I fl Dtl Pallmaa alaaplni ecri. tnSt library
O, I U ' a u4 txaa noUnlutf onaur oara,
O fin mii Ta rMmnat I.lolnWnhro.T rid Pity.
VsUU Im ork. Utia, Kowetrd, ( 8up
rlor, Norfolk. Loo Via: '( r, Hoi Mumi,
l4woo4 turi fd. Throofh rtsclUiu chmU
f Ar ... a v I 1 V.hAS Knrfnlk.
I.J) AM Lou Ynm, t-wditir,feottiii-ui4
JjVoetUud lnrtlu nisnniiUvD country.
UQI and 1403 Farnam Street.
Cable Subject to Delay.
NEW YORK, Oct. 31.-The French Cable
company gives notice yiat owing to ex
traordinary electrical disturbances It ia In
formed by the European administration
that business will be subject to heavy
Quaker Maid Rye
it sy - aV Isemr
Best Whiskey made
It "Ouaker Maid."
Everybody drinks
it Everywhere.
You can get it
a.." - ".
; i -. i rr m
1 -..-MJ-i-'
For sale at the lead
!i) bar, rates sad
ui uu stores.
1mu Crtr. Hi.
n V-fjav '-m- 4a'-W. Baa r no I-
nature very well, and Is an excellent ex
empuncatlon. or the general wreck in
which he has Involved at least three Jives
through his brute passions.. Let Mr.
Jewett amend his lovemaking If he, want
to have anybody believe that he la sincere
In trying to win Iris; even the could hardly
be deluded by his manner.
Mr. Courtenay gives a characterisation
to the part of young Trenwlth that Is ad
mirable; even in the final act, where he
sees his structure of hope shattered, ' he
maxes mm a man, actuated by a man'a
notions of what Is right and wrong, even
to the Implied refusal to take his own
Just share In the responsibility. Mr. Hart
ley-Manners gives a great deal of life to
the thankless, but extremely necessary to
the play role of Crocker Harrington.
Others In the company are of such capacity
as to make Mr. flnero lines sound melodi
ous without detracting from their pollah
and to give real existence to the characters
he has so sharply outlined.
A large audience was present last night
but It would be hard to say if it were more
charmed by Miss Harned a efforts and
those of her associates or shocked by the
baldness with which certain disagreeable
possibilities of life were presented. The
piece Is most tastefully staged. It will be
repeated at a matinee this afternoon and
again this evening.
Jary Takes Four Honrs to Reach
'Agreement la Case oi Andrew
"Guilty of murder in the second degree"
was the verdict returned by the Jury at
Friday night against Andrew Tucker,
the negro accused of killing Hiram Bappiio
in South Omaha last summer. Exactly four
hours after the case was placed in its
hands the Jury announced it had reached
a decision. Both the prisoner and his at
torney seemed rather pleased than other
wise over the verdict. The penalty 1 not
less than ten years to life Imprisonment
Sentence will be passed by Judge Estelle
next week. Attorney McFarland, who han
dled the case for Tucker, said he thought
a new trial would not be demanded.
It was o'clock when. the Jury, headed
by Foreman O. W. Lancaster, filed Into the
chamber. Judge Estelle had already taken
his seat on the bench. A few minutes later
Deputy Sheriff Flynn ushered in the pris
oner. Tucker waited stolidly for the ver
dict, showing no signs of nervousness, xs
he was charged with murder in the first
degree, he had no means of knowing
whether or not hi own life would pay for
the one he ended. After hearing the ver
dict he smiled once or twice.
Buy now, pay later, if you wish a fall
sut or overcoat rand.. cannot spare the
ready cash You can come here and select
anything you wish In the line of clothing-
suit, hat or men' furnishing goods and
pay a little every pay day. Our price are
the same as if you paid spot cash- Suits
from IS to $30; overcoats from $7.60 to $11
Call and examine our stock of good and
Investigate our term.
251$ N Street. South Omaha.
Maclo City Gossip.
Today Is the last day of registration.
Every republican should register.
V. J. Lewis of Rock Island. 111., 1 here
looking after his property Interests.
Mrs. John Clashey of Chicago is here
visiting her aunt, Mrs. Mike Fa
Twentieth and I streets.
A barn belonging to Charles Wehner,
Thirty-second and Iv streets, caught fir
yesterday and was damaged to the extent
Of $150.
Just to see the horses run, a young man
pulled the keyleea firebox at Twenty
fourth and N streets yesterday afternoon.
Ther wua no cause for the alarm. The
firemen are keeping an eye out for that
young roun.
Boy Cored of Creep In Fifteen
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy cured our
little 1-year-old boy. of croup In fifteen
minute. My wife and I have used .this
remedy in our family for the past five
years, having tried many other kinds pre
vious to that time, and can fay that we
consider It far superior to any other. We
are never without It in our home. Frank
Hellyer, Ipava, 111.
Short Rib Are Too High.
CHICAOO, Oct. U. John A. Fluck and
George Newman of the firm of Flutk. Boo
Ac Nuwman. (Jlouueeter, EngUutd. today se
cured a temporary Injunction restntlning
Jchn Gtd.les from making any settlement
of contracts entered Into by him on behalf
of the complainant for tha delivery of
abort ribs. Fluck and Newmaji charge that
a comtr la being nutlntaJned on th4ioMrd
of Trade and that the price of short ribs
baa baea raised W tu Ubreeutonable price.
li I!
The most
Liberal Credit
in Omaha.
A magnificent display of women's
fashionable attire, fall & winter wear
on our largf Second Floor. New standards of style, taste snj boauty. We havo m arched the markets of tho enst for the
latest and-best-Idea and we nre proud of the result. We can show plenty new styles that will plense you. You'll be as en
thusiastic ss we sre when you see the garments, such splendid mntTlnls and such excellent workmanship have never betoie
beerf" shown here. Just tenThe salesperson to "charge it."
Suits at $15.95 Sensational vnlues
in new long coat, blouse style suits,
fancy mixtures in black,
blue and brown, faicy
trimmed and lined with
silk s k 1 r t new gore
style, new lot, plenty of them and
all sixes.
Suits at $20.00 Just
received a
of long style suits, made of
gr extra mannish mixtures,
r1 I I II I n black, blue and brown
f I UU extra wilght Panne
v cheviot lined with
heavy taffcU silk skirts new tail
ored style perfect fitting In every
way well worth $32.50.
Girl's Winter Coats at 5.95-At
lhi3 price we will rive yon it glrl'a
substantial winter rout.
blue, or
i-.tcst stylo
yenrs. This
is a great va'ue for Monday only.
Fluffy Furs for Fall Of course
your suit Is collarless all the new ones
are. They're pretty, but
not altogether comfort
able the chilly 'n.s
unless yo hsivti a Fl'rt
SCARF or a BTOLfc for the neck. We
are showing a sable fcx ssarf tin'.shrd
with six tnila, or a grf.y lynx wolf
scarf with cords and lu.'.g tassels,
at $13.75.
5 an substantial w!nt
IIC frrnU quality of
t red sideline
' v -.lies 6 to 14 yen
is a great :
Fluffy Fun
your suit Is c
Vesting Waists at $2.9S Msde
wita vitMer square or pointed yoke.
co'.l-u- and puffs ftnlshnd
v-lth silk novelty braid
ront and back j.ialtcd
below yoks to walit
line, rretty pouch slneve with
throe rows of wtd tucks forming band.
Reaular $5.00 value.
Priestley's Cravenette Rain coats
The ouly thoroughly complete stock
of genuine cravenette
coats In Omaha-!l tho
new plain and belted ef
fects are here, la both
plnln and fancy materials colors are
black, ton, olive and oxford. Prices,
$37.50, $30.00, $2.00, $20.09 and $10.00.
Western Travelers Danee.
The Western Travelers' Accident associa
tion gave Its annual party and' dance lust
niifht at Metronolitan hall. Notwithstand
ing the Inclemency of the weather there
was a large crowd present. This Is the
eleventh affair of the kind which has been
given by the association, and precedes the
business meeting of the organization, which
will be held st me omces in tne united
States National bank building today. Olfl
cers will be elected and business of a gen
eral nature will be talked over and disposed
nf The association now has members in
forty-four states of the union, and as this is
the national headquarters the members in
this city are especially Interested in the
growth of the Institution.
"77" breaks up Colds.
"77"' knocks out Orip.
"77" stops Coughs.
"77" dries up Influenza.
"77" relieves Pain.
Humphreys' No. 27 controls the action
of the Kidneys a blessing to children and
old people often required by men In mid
dle life.
Humphreys' No. 10, for J3yapepsla and In
dlgeatlon, keeps the stomach clean a great
help In time of Colds.
Humphreys' No. IS clear the system of
L'rio Acid, curing Rheumatism and Lum
bago brought on by exposure and cold.
In small bottles of pleasant pellets that
fit the vest pocket. At Druggists, 25 cent.
Medical Quid mailed free.
Humphreys' Med. Co., Cor. William and
John. Streets, New York.
Difference in. Rubber Shoes:
1 A rubber shoe is a good deal like the
lining of a coatsubject to lots of wear.
Durable, or worthless. No style, no
chance for variety except in quality.
There hasn't been until recently,
any difference in the quality of rubber
shoes; all made by the same com
binationgood enough to sell; in fact,
sold too often for your good.
The Selz Royal Blue Rubbers are
different. . The better-than-usual rub
bers that come packed one pir in a box
like shoes. They last and don't cost any
more than the old, frequent-selling kind.
Ask your dealer for them.
frrteat ratten of food tboes ta taa world.
Announces the Opening of the
Mi Short Line to St. Paul and Minneapolis
Two Superbly Equipped Trains daily, making fast time. The
Electric Lighted Limited leaves Omaha at 7:55 P. M.f Council
Bluffs at 8:20 P. M. Arrives St. Paul at G:55 A. M., Minneapolis
730' A. M. T,.
The Day Express ieaves Omaha at 733 A. M.,-Council Bluffs
at 8:00 A. M. Arrives St. Paul 7:38 P. M., Minneapolis at 8:10
P. M.
' The Fort Podg? Passenger leaves Omaha at 3:23 P. MM Coun
' " oil Bluffs at 3:50 P. M. r Arrives Tort Dodge at(8:00 V. M. . ,
All trains leave Union Depot, Omaha and Chicago Great1 '
Western Station, corner Main St. and Ninth Ave., Council Bluffs.
For further information apply to k
313 Omaha Hat'l Bank BIdg, OMAHA, 36 Pearl St., COUKCIL BLUFFS. V
j . j
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