Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 01, 1903, PART I, Page 2, Image 2

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Tel. -!
w cxona iatuh dats ax t p. m.
"Cwftnre ki the Tmtrrt
takes a bA capshta at
statin the III areaae bl ana
'itf ef asking Ik at
ill wirll sppr.eJatlag
Pre m
Onr entire line of the celebrated "Orlwoola" Flannels go on
eale at 75c -per yard.
These fine Imported Scotch flannels were sold in Omaha ex
clusively by us. They are sold the country over at f 1.00 per yard.
To close lhem out, we place them on special sale at 75c per yard.
1'eople who know this flannel and appreciate a fine quality, will
take advantage of this opportunity.
, Cloak Department.
LADIES' 8HIRT WAISTS perfect fitting, pretty styles, in ell-over blsck lace
at $12..
VELVET WAIST8-in nary and black and white metallic at M 50. '
BRILLIANT1NE WAISTS-et $3.00 and $3.60. '' . '
petticoats in black iik-at $5.00, $e.50. $7.80, $10.06 and 111.50. '. 1 ,'. ,
PETTICOATS In fine black mercerised cotton at, 11.00. ,
NEW DRESS SKIRTS Very hamlsoma styles, elegant materials, moetperfect U
fit-et 110.00, IllSO, $15.00 and $18.00. j ...
STYLISH COATS-The very latest effects of fitted and .half-fitted backs-at 1 50,
$12.60. 1S. A, up to $S0.00. - -1
FINE TUR SCARFS Made of extra fine selected skins, In marten, fox. beayer,
bear, squirrel and other stylish furs-from $10.00 tov$4.00..'
. , ;?.'-,'. .' '. ' .'
.11 ihi iira (y?a
(Y. M. C. A. BuUding,. Corner Sixteenth and Douglu St)
Thej Are Crashed Under a Hnge Ussi of
Slat from the Boot
BaBBBBa)amaB '
Twa Others Are go Badly Hart that
Tbey May pl,' While Two
Beaa with Only Slight
PEORIA. 111., Oct. II. Word has Just
reached bare that three men were killed
and two injured tn an accident at " the
Xewsam coal mine at Farming-ton. -
The man hud been lowered tn the cage to
the bottom of the shaft and, entering a
mule car, started to work. In making a
turn near the switch the car Jumped the
track, ran into the side ot an entry, knock
ing down the prop. .
This loosened a mass of alate, which
dropped on the men. McKann and Ander
son were Instantly killed and Williams
tiled a . half ..hour later. Robert Anderson
was severely injured end may die.
The mine was the property of the New
sam brothers of this city.
The killed:
' Severely Injured:
Robert Anderson.
William Brown, boy. .
Slightly Injured:
Leddy Bowen, boy.'
W1U Thurston, mule driver. . '
Meaieas Committee Cam Deviso No
Plan to Ope a Mines at
' Batte. '' V' j .
BUTTE, Mont", Oct. U.'-The committee
on mediation called a the request of the
Chamber of Commerce of Great Falls and
with the consent of representatives of the
United Copper company and the Amalga
mated Copper company, after a session
lasting two days, came to the conclusion
this afternoon that It could not find any
solution of the Butte shutdown' situation.
The statement issued and signed by the
members of the committee Is given here
with: BUTTE, Mont., Oct. 81. Herbert Stevens,
Preatdeut Great Falls Business Men's As-siK-lation:
We, the undersigned members
ii f tha mediation committee, entered upon
the discharge of our duties realising tha
niftKtitludo and difficulty of the work. Nev-ei-Uinles
we have labored asslduoualy to
, accnmllsh the purpose of our appointment.
We have failed to obtain stipulation from
the parties litigated which will insure a
resumption by the Amalgamated Copper
company and have been unable to devlsj
any plan looking to that end which did
not Involve the mutual consent of the par
ties interested. .
We regret this exceedingly and hope
some 'common ground may yet be found
by the parties themselves upon which they
can stand. J. xiiui..
. , W. A. CLARK.
. J. K. TOOI.K, .
All of the fires In the great Washoe smelt
ers at Anaconda were withdrawn ton'.ght
A week tgo over 300 men found employ
ment there.
Nearly 100 pedple left Anaconda on the
evening trains for points east and west.
Colorado Coort-Martlal Adjoara After
Hearlaa- Argnmeats by Oppos
ing Coaasel.
DENVER. Oct. 81. The court-martial for
trial of Brigadier General John Chase,
commanding officer of the Colorado Na
tioiuil Guard, charged with perjury and
disobedience of orders of the government.
lUtuned to arguments by the opposing at
torneys on the latter charge today, and
took -the caae under advisement. Adjourn
ment was taken until Monday. The charge
of perjury was practically dismissed yes.
terduy. ,
V Chavtes P. Kaha.
BMATRICE, Neb... Oct 41. (Special.)
Charles F. Kuhn died Thursday night at
his boms In West Beatrice after a lingering
lllneas of tuberculosis, aged 88 years. He
Is survived by a widow and two children.
The funeral was held yesterday afternoon
it the German Lutheran church. Inter
rent was In Evergreen Home cemetery.
r r 1r7TimT7mn n
- Li.JlUI I IriU'lAi the P-m and horror of
M aa aa child-birth. The thought
of the suffering and danger in store for her, robt the expectant mother
or ail pleasant anticipations ol tne
shadow of gloom which cannot be
have found that the use of Mother's Friend during prermancy robs
confinement of all pain and clanger,
and child. This scientific liniment
time of their most critical trial.
r . I I. I
carry women saieiy inrougn uia
gently prepares tho system for the
sickness," and other dis-
fi.oo per bottle. Book
i e a? 'a
containing vaiuaoie luiormauon tree. 11 OJ; ' ' Iff i
Tia PrmAtlA Boi.latn f.- Atlanta.. (L. : I If 1 1 1 'J J
Bm, Not. i. 1901 ,
, Special Sale
or f lanneis
Reporters Barred from Blair's Home
Receive Reports Collar. -'
at Pet.
ST. LOUIS, Oct 81. The strictest seclu
slon is now maintained at the home of
James L. Blair, who Is still Improving from
his recent collapse. Excepting in rare In
stances no visitors are admitted. Mr. Blair's
physician makes occasional visits but does
not remain long. As newspaper men have
been refused admittance to the premises
they, hit upon the scheme of tying messages
to the collar of Mrs. Blair's pet dog. . The
canine eoems to appreciate tbe situation
and scurries Into the house every time a
messago is attached. Sometimes replies are
sent back by the same means of cummunl-
catlon. and it was learned today that Mr.
Blair continues to move about the house on
crutches and. reads the newspapers exten
Deputy sheriffs have been unable to find
Andrew Blair, brother of James L. Blair,
who is wanted as a witness by the grand
jury'. ' It is believed lie has gone to On
James T. Roberts, who firat accused Mr.
Blair of illegal transactions, visited the
office of United States District Attorney
Dyer . today and .made Inquiry as to the
punishment for a violation of the federal
statute which forbids the use of malls with
purpose of defrauding.
Roberts spoke .of the charges against
Blair,' and said that as mall matter had
been transmitted tn the transaction of cer
tain of Blair's business, it was probably
an indictable offense. Roberts left the of
fice with the understanding that he would
call again.
Former yalrkory -Maa Blows Oat
Bralas at His Boat la
Los Aageles . .
LOS ANGELES, Oct, 81, Fred A. RIdder,
a German saloon keeper, SI years old, has
oommltted suicide In a sensational manner
a hla-home In this city.
With his wife and two children standing
before the door of his bedroom, In, which
he had locked himself, and with words of
entreaty and prayer "for him not to. injure
himself, RIdder blew out his 'brains wish
rifle. RIdder came to Los Angeles last
May from Falrbury, Neb.
FAIRBURT, Neb., Oct 31;i-(8peolal Tele
gram.) Ferd A. Rider, who committed sui
cide at Los Angeles yesterday, resided In
Falrbury eleven years and was engaged In
the saloon business until last April, when
he tUspoeed of his property here and re-
moved to California. He was about 40 years
old and leaves a wife and two young boys.
A younger brother killed himself b shoot
ing five years ago In this city,
Saya Records Will Show that His Son
Was Bora ta Lawfal
ESSEX, la., Oct. 81.-sJohn Murray Dowle,
In regard to the statement mads by his eon,
The statement that I am not the father
of John Alexander Dowie Is the greatest
riiyin uror uuoitu uy wis raiiuin or man.
It Is Scandalous that my son should re-
pudlate me after I have done so much for
him. He Is my son and was born in lawful
no one csn qeny it.
The records
may db naa at tne jrreat reg-
Prlncess street, Edinburgh.
Scotland. I have always lived a quiet,
peaceful Christian life and It break tn
heart to have this trouble come toward the
The resemblance between John Murray
uowie ana -jonn-Alexander vowie la so
close that the father has oftoa been taken
fqr the son.
I'alted States Commissioner
that Irish Crime Was a
Political One.
IMDIANAPOLIS, Ind., Oct. Sl.-Federal
Commissioner Moorea this afternoon In a
long decision released James M. Lynche-
haun, the Irish refugee. He held the crime
to have been of a political nature.
He began .reading his decision In the
T.Vnrhhaiiin ja at IHI n m TKai tn.
mcnt will require an hour to read. Before
kaalnnln- Anm I V. . , a. a. .1...
what its effect would be. From Its tenor
It 1. almost certain that he will releaM
Lynchehaun. He says that while the
crime was brutal, it was of a political na
ture, and therefore not extraditable.
Ii an ordeal which all
women approach with
indescribable fear, for
nT? nothing compare with
coming event, and casts over her t
shaken off ' Thousands of women
and insures safety to life of mother
is a god-send to all women at the
Not only does Mother's Friend
Jr ....... . .
penis ot cbild-birth. but its uso.v
coming event, prevents morning
aWnar rm mm mna iMt
forecast of Probable Berolt in Gonteits of
Kstienal Interest
la Okie Democrats Only Claim Ele-
tlaa of I.ea-lelatnre, -Oaacedlas
Ik State Ticket ta -.
Repnbllean Tarty.
CINCINNATI, Oct H. The campaign
Ohio Is practically closed tonight, . with
rallies everywhere.
The election Tuesday Is for a full state
ticket and members of the legislature that
selects a successor to United States Sen
ator Hanna. For the first time in Ohio
the two parties have had nominees for sen
ator. The republican state conventions of
U9S and-1901 endorsed Forakor- for sen-
tor and those of 1897 and 1903 endorsed
Hanna for senator. Ohio democrats never
made an endorsement until last- August,
when John P. Clarke of Cleveland was en
dorsed. The senatorial, fight In Ohio has
predominated over state affairs. John P.
Clarke's 4 speeches have been directed
against Senator Hanna. Mayor Tons L.
Johnson and other democratic speakers
have also made Hanna the target of their
attaoks. .... 1
Senator Hanna aimed his speeches at
Mayor Johnson more than at his senatorial
opponent. Johnson was charged with being
the real candidate for senator as well as
for governor and prospectively a candidate
for the democratic nomination for presi
dent next year.
The republicans have brought Into the
campaign many prominent speakers. In
cluding senators and ' congressmen from
other states, but no unusual Interest was
manifested except at the meetings of
Hanna, who has been a greater drawing
card than ever before. With the exception
of Bryan, the democrats have had very
few prominent men on the stump. None
of the old leaders In Ohio or from other
states participated
The Indications are that Johnson will
get most of the socialist votes, which was
over 17,000 last year, but It is doubtful If
the whole of that vote would equal his
democratic losses. All predictions are that
the republicans will elect their state ticket
by a large plurality and the only claim of
the democrats Is for the legislature,
Forecast 'of New York.
NEW YORK, Oct. 31. Three days before
the municipal election well Informed men
on either side find themselves unaoie to
predict the outcome of the election. It
seems probable that the election will be
very close and that a few thousand votes
will decide whether Seth Low or George
B. McClellan will be mayor for the next
two years. William S. Devery, who la run
ning Independently, is not regarded seri
ously as a candidate. All the leaders today
Issued estimates of large majorities for
their tickets, Charles E. Murphy, claiming
the election of the democratic ticket by
100,000. M. Linn Bruce and R. Fulton Cut
ting declared that Low will be elected by
about 83,000, as many as In 1001, or per
haps more, and. even Pevery said that his
election Is certain. It is known, however,
that none of them has confidents in his
published estimate!) and that either side
looks for the election of Its candidate by a
small plurality.
.Not only 'be return of the democrats to
the control of the city's government, but
the leadership of Murphy In .Tammany
iiau. la invoiveu in mw hubb.o. uuiu,
It Is generally believed, was placed in the
leadershln by Richard Croker and It la
thought, that defeat would mean his dep
osltton. . .
Little Iaterest la Colorado.
DENVER, Oct Little Interest, has
been taken by the general public In the
campaign preceding the election of a judge
of the state .supreme court, which will be
held next .Tuesday. No public meetings
have been held and the electioneering work
has been confined almost entirely to the
The list of nominations for tne juageamp
follows: Democrat, Adair Wilson; repuD'
llcan. John Campbell; populist, Frank W.
Owera: socialist, Channlng Sweet; socialist-
labor. I. N. Knight
Either Campbell, who is at present cniei
justice, or Wilson, a former Judge of the
court of appeals, will be elected. Owers'
candidacy Is regarded as helpful to the
republican candidate. Just as his candidacy
for the aovernorsmp was a year me
vote undoubtedly will be light, and the re
sult cannot be told until the votes are
Outlook In Iowa.
rncH MOINES. Ia.. Oct. 81 Interest tn
the Iowa campaign, which closed tonight
was centralised w a number of contests in
representative and senatorial districts.
Factional contests among republicans In
several counties have led the democrat to
expect to Increase their vote In the legls-
i.hi. Aoatliv SS 10 me siaie lu
causes a light vote to . .VTI
dieted, with an attendant roduction in the
I .nnhlleaiv nlurallty. cnairmaa Bpura m
republics " "u -nmmittea nredlcts a
the .republican etate committee preaicts a
I nlurallty for Governor Cummins or Dot
i. go 000. Chairman Jackson ot tne
" " ' ,,,. Cummins' nlu-
I democratic committee says cummins piu
rallty win noi ".-
Rhode Island Campalaa.
PROVIDENCE, R. I-. Oct Sl.-The sUte
political campaign wae Prcy con
cluded tonight. On Tuesday Rhode Island
will vote for- all state - uunn.. .UU...B
members of the legislature. Governor "L.
F Cj Garvin of Cumuenanu, uib m yc.a
ocVatlo chief executive ot the state in
twelve years, who defeated the republican
I!!," . it vear by 7,500 plurality, Is a
candidate for re-election, and the leaders!
of his party say ne na,
The republican candidate Is Colonel 8. P.
t,..,.. Prnvldence. whose popularity is
I w,llrht to ba sufficient to overcome, the
I democratic plurality obtained last year,
. v Maaaachasetts.
" , Mmnala
BOSTON. Oct. W -The 1S eampahjn was
practically closeu i"'.'
for governor.
I hnlrl that tneir -
Colonel William Gaston,
I .,..1UV I ! 1 R 11 V SlVeU
111 overoome tha
in the state to the
republican canuiaate, m , -
.mall margin.. The repuWicap.
that Governor Jonn aio "...
elected by a safe plurality.
Warm. 8a Old lentockyv
LOUISVILLE. Oct M.-A flying trip from
Covington into Louisville, with numerous
speeches onroute. brought to a close the
campaign of Governor J. C. W. Beckham
tot re-election. His republican opponent
Colonel Morris Belknap, who is a wealthy
Ijulsvllle business man and a Spanish war
veteran, wound up bis seven weeks' work
by a speech at the Auditorium tonight.
Tha contest has been remarkable for its
vigor, and has been characterised by con
siderable bitterness. Colonel Belknap made
his fight principally on the pardon record
of Governor Beckham, while the cry of
the democrats has been that a vote for
Belknap meant the pardoning of those
convicted of the murder of Oovernor Goe-
bel. .
False registration In Louisville hsa been
charged by both sides and yeaterday the
tepubllcans swore out 160 warrants which
they say they will have served on election
day when those charged with Illegal regis
tration appear to cast their ballots. It
la believed that the democrats will carry
Louisville by 8,ono to t.ouo, but the repub
licans claim they will carry the smaller
iens by enough to offset this. The ae-
leotloir of a euocensor to the laU Vtnecnt
Homing, congressman from the Eleventh
district, will not take place until November ,
10. Tbls district Is strongly republican-
Salt Lake's Warm Campalga.
SALT LAKE CITY, Utah, Oct U.-The
present municipal campaign hae been one
of the most hotly contested since" the days
of the old liberal and church pertie
Charges that tbe Mormon church was
taking an active part, and the reflection
of many republican leaders, headed by Na
tional Committeeman "Sautsbury, have re
sulted In considerable bitterness and the
largest registration ever known here. R.
P. Morris, present county recorder, Is the
democratic) candidate for mayor. Frank
Knox, a' banker, heads the . republican
Both Claim Maryland.
BALTIMORE, Oct 81. Tbe campaign In
Maryland, which closed tonight was al
most unprecedented In the history ot the
state for enthusiasm and partisan activity.
John R. Hanna, chairman of the repub
lican state central committee, In a formal
statement late this afternoon. Said he would
not give out any figures as to the expected
actual majorities tn the various counties,
but claims that a decided triumph Is as
sured. ' Murray Vandlver, chairman of the demo
cratic state central committee, also Issued
a statement this afternoon claiming that
the democrats will carry the state by 15,000
Kaows Bo I.ljtle Aboat Rldlaa; Ho Is
jOhlla-ed to Moaat from a
(Copyright 193j by Press Publishing Co.)
PARIS, Oct 8L-(Nw York World Cable
gramSpecial Telegram.) Now that the
royal guests have gone Parisians are talk
ing about an event that was glossed over
during the visit out Of politeness.
At the grand review it was. noticed that
the king of Italy did not mount his horse
before the multitude. Le Crlade Paris says
that the horse was led Into a tent, where
the king stepped on a stool, his legs not
being long enough to mount from the
ground,. and adds that for a week prior to
the king's arrival the smallest pupil at the
Ecole de Saumur practiced mounting the
horse from a low stool wearing In his hat
lofty nodding plumes, such as the king
wore later at the review, with the idea of
habituating tho horse to stand still while
the king thus mounted.
The flaper says pofslbly the. king only
walked his liorse before the troops because
of a fear of possibilities should a bolder
gait be attempted, and thinks an equestrian
statue to the king would be out of place.
The same paper says that General Andre.
mounted on a magnificent white horse, was
regarded as Imitating Boulanger,- and fre
quent cries of, "Viva Boulanger!" were
hoard, r '
Frenchmen Bo JSot Aarree with
Atwater on Food Value ot
the Mqeld.
(Copyright. 1908. by Press Publishing Co.)
.-AJtlS, Oct 81 (New York World -Ta.
I legram Special Telegram.) The ant!
alcoholic congress, opened with such eclat
oy casimir-Perler, continues, the most
Interesting feature to Americans being the
fact that Duelaux, the feeding French
scientist, as been-: bitterly scored by his
fellow members of the congress for Indors
Ing many ot the theories nd Ideas of tbe
American, Tr, Atwater, as to the tike of
alcohol as a food eubstance.
Eugene Jtostand makes a plea for savings
Institutions as ths' gt-eatest' -force gainst
the, evil of alcohol, whereas (ilcbh'OI Is' the
greatest,, foe of savings, end to inculcate
the. saving , habit- eradicates drinking
Tales Haret, French V rltrr, Falls to
Practice What lie Has
(Copyright 1903, by Press Publishing Co.)
PARIS, Oct. 81 (New York World Cable,
gram Special Telegram.) Jules Iluret, i
French writer, who has actually found
eoirethlng to criticise in the American glrli
biiu who says tne American cannot love as
passionately as the Frenchman, returned
the other day to Paris after a long ab
To a request from the Lodon Chronicle
for en interview he sent the following tele
gram: "Mon Cher Confrere: I regret
to be unable to give you an appointment
this week. I am getting married tomorrow,
an American, and, we leave, the same even
Ing for the south. I hone you will excuse
me In vlew'bf the circumstances.
Disappears from Home la Celorade
prlags and Foaad la City
ol Cripple Creek.
Mrs. Margaret K. Kelso, a young woman
who disappeared from her boarding house
In this city October 6. has been located In
Cripple Creek, and will be cared for tempo
rarily by the pollre department.
It Is learned that Miss Kelso Is from Phil.
adelphla, though she says shi came from
Pittsburg. Her brother recently died In
Pittsburg. Her friends In the east have
been notified.
'- Will Be Baet to Death.
SALT LAKE CITT, Oct. 81. Unless th
State Board of Pardons intervenes Peter
Mortensen, the murderer of James R. Hay,
will be shot to death at the state nenlten.
tlary here November 30. the supreme court
having refused him a new trial.
Tbyslelaa's Wife Found Oat,
The wife of a well-known physician of
Oakland, Cal., was brought back to health
and strength by food alone at a tima whan
she had prepared tu die.
She says of her experience; "I am tha
wife of a physician and have suffered from
catarrh of the stomach mors than ten
years, during which time I suffered untold
agonies of mind and body, for I oould no
eat solid food, and even liquid foods gave
me great distress.
"I waa brought at last to confront tha
crisis of my life. I actually made ready for
my departure from friends and huttband,
for I expected to die. When in that state
wss Induced to try Grape-Nuts, anl the
wonderful effects of this food prove com
pletely that all my trouble was duo to l:u
proper feeding.
"I began to improve immediately and m
weight Increased until I have gained ta
pounds since I began the use of Grape.
Nuts, while my stomach Is as sound and
well as ever It was, and my husband gives
all the credit fur my wonderful recovery to
Grape-Nuts. I have no set time for eatin
Grape-Nuts, but Just feast on it wheneve
I pleaae. I wish I might tell my sisters
everywhere of the marvelous health and
strength-giving, fiesh-butldlng elements ot
Grape-Nuts." Name given by Post urn Co,
Battle Creek. Mich.
Look In each package for a copy of the
r.tnoua Uttle book, "The Road le We'l
President Issues Proclamation Deslgnatta
Thuridaj, Hovember 26, as Time.
aye that Preseat System at Cheeking
Aceoaata la Cendnclve to Dis
honesty and Bhoatd Be
WASHINGTON, Oct. 81. The president
today Issued bis annual Thanksgiving proc
lamation In the following terms:
I)y the President of tha L'nited States
of America: ,
The .eautnn M mt hnnif when. .rrTirritna-
to the custom ot our people, it tails upon
the president to appoint a day of ptalse
Slid IhanksKlvtna to God. Uuiinv the
last year ths Lord has dealt bountifully
wnn us, giving us peace at nome ana
broad ana the chance for our citizens to
work for their welfare unhindered by war,
famine or plague. It behooves us not
only to rejoice greatly becaune of what
has been given us, but to accept It with
a solemn setine of responsibility, realising
mni unuer neaven it rests witn us our
selves to show that we are worthv to use
aright what has thus been intrasted to
our care.
In no other place and at no other time
has the experiment of the people, by the
people, and for the people been tried on so
vast a scale as here In our own country
In the opening years of the twentieth cen
tury. Failure would not only be a dreadful
thing for us, but a dreadful thing for ail
mankind, because It would mean loss of
hope for all who believe In the power and
the righteousness of liberty. Therofore,
In thanking Ood for the mercies extended
to us in the pant, we beseech him that he
may not withhold them In the future and
that our hearts may be aroused to war
steadfastly for good and against all the
forces of evil, public and private. We
fray for strength and light, so that in
he coming years we may with cleanliness,
fearlessneHS and wisdom do our allotted
work on the earth in such manner as to
show that we are not altoaether unworthy
of the bleating we have received.
now. wererore. I. Tneotiors Roosevelt.
president ot the United States, do hereby
designate as a day of general thanksgiving
Thursday, the "Gth of the coming Novem
ber, ami do recommend that throughout
tna land people cease from tneir wontea
Occupations and In their several homes
and places of worship render thanks unto
Almighty God for His manifold mercies.
In witness whereof, I have hereunto set
my hand and rttined the seal of the United
States to be affixed.
Done at the cltv of Washlnirton this
thirty-first day of October, In the year of
our Lord, one thousand nine hundred and
three, and of the Independence of the
United States the one hundred and twenty-
. inraimiKK kuubevblt.
JOH.N HAY, Secretary of State.
By the President.
Report of Postal Aadltor.
Various recommendations to cure defects
in accounting methods under which abuses
have occurred are made by . Henry
A. Castle, auditor for the Postofflce de
partment in his annual report to the sec
retary of the treasury and the postmaster
general. He says that tbe detects pointed
out make Infinitely greater postal abuses
than those already disclosed not only pos
sible, but safe. .The report says the ag
gregate transactions of the postal service
during the fiscal year were 11.026,731,408, as
Hows: Revenues, 8134,221,443; expenditures.
J138,7St,4S8; total amount of money orders
issued, 838,863,GS4; money orders paid, 8364,
85,8X ilt. Castle says: "Presumptively there Is
'double audit' ot all governmental re
ceipts "and disbursements, but, literally,
under existing laws and conditions, 80 per
cent ot the postal transactions can have
no examination whatever in the Postofflce
department. Less than 1160,000,000 Of the
81,000,000,000 annual transactions can have
the shadow ot a 'double audit.' "
As to claims for railway . tranivortaUon.
aggregating about-140,000,000 a year, the re
port says, the auditor must rely wholly on
the bald statement of tho lepsrtment
authorities that the amounts certified .are
due and payable.
To Stop Grafting;.
The auditor tecommends that congress
amend the laws so - as to provide when
"any branch ot the government desires to
use a patented article In the public service
some Just mot hod of deciding on the value
of that article, based on coat of manufac
ture, reasonable profit and fair royalty,
and that the same can be fixed as the price
to be paid therefor. The manufacturer
would doubtless in all cases be willing to
accept the price thus established. He
would have no motive for offering bribes
to any official for approving the sale, and
the government would secure the desired
Improvement at a minimum cost. If the
manufacturer should refuse the price thus
established, provision might be made for
Invalidating the patent as to articles re
quired for the publlo service."
This recommendation is based oh the al
leged criminal practices, for which trials
are now pending, for attempts In every in
stance, the auditor says, have occurred In
the purchase of articles covered by pat
ents, and as to which the general principle
prevailing In purchasing government sup
plies on Competitive bids cannot be en
forced. '.
As to Jewish Massacres.
The last chapter in the history of the
agitation, for the present, at least, result
ing from the Kishlneff massacre, waa writ
ten today when Simon Wolff of this city,
representing the executive committee of
the B'nal B'rlth, called by appointment at
the State department and presented to
Secretary Hay the petition which has been
In circulation throughout the United States
fo'r several months. ' directed to the ' presi
dent, and which the Russian government
declined to receive. It will remain perma
nently at the department.
The text of the petition Itself has already
been published, and attached to It when
presented today were the signatures ot 60,-
000 representative Americans of all creeds.
Tho petition was accompanied by a letter
to Secretary Hay from Leo M. Levy, pres
ident of the executive committee of tbe
B'nal B'rith, to which Secretary Hay re
Change at Port Crook.
Contract Surgeon James Ashburn Is re
lieved ftom. duty at Fort Crook and will
proceed to relieve Contract Surgeon Sam
8. Turney. Contract Surgeon F. A. Hod
son la relieved from duty at Fort Macken
sle and will proceed to the Philippines tor
Importing Fewer Lnxorles.
A significant fact Is noted In the tress
ury statement Issued at the close of bust
ness today. It Is that the recelpte and ex
penditures of the government for the first
four months ot the present fiscal year are
practically the same, the surplus being so
small aa to be only a fraction of tha ag
gregate. One year agothe surplus for the sams
months of the fiscal year was 8i8.S00.0OO,
to which $5,000,000 of anticipated Interest
should properly be added, making a total
of almost exactly one-third of that for the
entire fiscal year, which Anally stood at
164,000,000. There is no similar anticipa
tion of Interest during the four months of
this fiscal year, and there practically no
surplus. The total receipts for the fiscal
year have been about 81H0,397,2S5, and the
expenditures llbS,Hl,7, leaving , a sur
plus of about S&,000. An analysts
of the statement shows that the -practical
wiping out of the surplus Is due not only
to a decrease In the receipts, but also to
an Increase of expenditures. The customs
receipts fell Off about t8.000.0i), while the
expenditures of several departments In
creased slightly. In addition to those nat
ural Increases 8S,Ono.ufO was paid out In aid
of the Louisiana Purchase eiporitlon. Sep
tember's tailing off In oustom receipts cams
Baso Burners
I ; l GAEM1
5 t AND
Emm : HOE!
Yule on Oaks, First class
soft coal heaters, nickel Jf" 7C
trimmed, regular Yalue ni lU
t7 .00 this week , M
Base Burners Hand
some, larpe self feed, eOH QH
latest pattern, regular llswu
value 35 this week 0
Stoves gad Ranges gold on payments.
t "saWr
Milton Rogers & Sons Co.
14th and
Great Sale Still On 5
The&e Records are not the cheap black encs
i iS!s
1 - . T.',r.-rirr
' "
"r 1
We are jobbers for Edison Phonographs, Records and
supplies. Write for catalogues.
30,000 Records io Select From and Always
a Lurge Stock of Machines.
We are the largest automobile dealers between Chi
cago and Sau Francisco.
15th and Capitol Avenue.
largely In the sug-ar and the steel sched
ules. A significant change In customs re
ceipts between this year and last Is the
falling off In ths importation of articles of
luxury. Internal revenue receipts are
slightly more this year than last. Miscel
laneous receipts are large. The sales of
public lands, the returns of which go to
ths Irrigation funds, have been phenom
enal, - .
Parcels Post with tkiinn.
A parcels post treaty between the United
States and Hong Kong, China, was agreed
on today and will be formally drafted at
once, provides a maximum limit of four
pounds six ounces.
ttaarrel Over Tltelr .irU.
Mary Clark and Miiyile Dyer, who re
slde near the intersection of Seventeenth
and California, were the cause of a small
wsr which occurred In the vicinity of their
home yesterday evening. It seems from
the tales related by the contending parties
that Burl Klche of Millard, Neb.; Char r
Norton, '-T27 Crown Point avenue, Charles
A. Case tsj'ii North Twenty-first street, and
Frank fyer, 8f33 North Twenty-first street,
hava all been calling upon the young
women. Iast night Case and Dyer visited
the Salvation arinr meeting, where they met
the itirle. who aaVed them to sot ss their
escorts home. The boys consented, and
when they reached-th house where one
of the girls resides. Rlche snd Norton
rushed upon them from the rear of the
dwelling and sssaulted them. The two
escorts made their escsjpe ss rapidly a
rioseible, and complained to the .police, who
ook their assailants Into custody.
Hallewe'em Party.
The ladles auxiliary of Maple If
chapter No. 162 gave a regular old-fashioned
Htilloween party to the members of the
lodge at Masonlo hall last night. The
room was decorated for the occasion.
Lighted pumpkin heads were placed along
the stalrwav and about the hall and a
witch's cauldron hissed and seethed in one
coiner of the floor. There was a fish pond
snd a fortune teller to advlwe one for future
happeninga One of the members presided
over a kangaroo court and asked imperti
nent queetlons of those who were unfor
tunate enouKh to fall Into his hands. Dur.
Ing the evening laughing girls threw the
customary apple peel over their shoulder
snd looked Into mirrors and walked back
wards down the steps and Did everything
one is expected to do on Hallowe'en night.
The mualc was furnished by Bhook's or
cheatra. '
Socialists Club Cautpnlaa.
The soclallHts close their fall election
campaign tcmlKht at Washington hall,
when Hen Hanford, a printer and sneaker
of some locul note In New York, will ad
dress them. Tne socialists win uom a ""
meelinir e week from tonight, at which
John V Brown of Connecticut will sneak,
and they will regard this ss tbe opening of
their campaign for presidential year.
. American Miner Mnrdered.
g AN FRANCISCO, Oct. Sl.-rnlted Slates
Vice Consul Klser of Masatlan. Juat ar
rived here, tells of the murder of an Amer
ica nminer named Uuinbncher, near that
city It l thought roblry was tbe mo
tive, as $6,000 which be was known to
have possessed was missing. The I nlted
Slates consul at Mazatlun is investigating
the case. .
Tarawa from far.
Jennie Weldner. aged 17. was thrown
from a Farnam street car going west lust
evening at :li near Twenty-third street,
11 ULeJllaana
to buy; see our immense I I
- -i-tt- I w
stock oi rciiaoic, guaramexu
heaters and ranges.
On All ol Our Celebrated
and Oak Stoves.
Hot Blasts. Splendid
smoke end gas con- trt fit
suming heaters,
Steel Ratines, With high
closet, pouch feed, with tff 7C
gfbestos liolrjf.guaren- Ue I u
teed A fine baker, only.. J
Writ lor circulars and prices.
Farnam Sts.
. j
$10.00 Qraphophones tS.BO
$-0.00 A. T. Graphophones U.M
I 1 hj vj a. u. urapiiopnones
111 I-I.00 Concert Oruphophoncs ..$18.50
Ill WOO Concert Grai'hophones ..$K.0O
111 S'-0009 Concert Oraphophoncs.. $72 50
I KJ t inft -,nt rir.nhfirh.. Ill Kit
aw'.v w'w w . ...... ..w -vw .,
f" ' 000 ttck oC Columbia Records
to seltct from.
Telephone 2161.
and sustslned a seve-e tiaVur and
had the right slue of bin- fai-e .aJlr bru'sd
and scralcnfd I v tl fell on the sspba' .
Savement. SV. oarrled Into Orthft.V
rug store, at 7Vft'r-fmrth and Farnoc,
and her Injuries wore U-t4 by a pbrev
clan, after which she vai sent to ;
home, at Twelfth on.l Douglas. Miss
Weldner stated that sn notified tha con
ductor to stop at this point, snd under the -impression
that the car waa slowing up
she stepped off on the pavement. Ths at
tending physician said shs was not ' in
jured internally. -
Twa Yaaths .Start Sattla
. arndge and Ost Uses a
A fight occurred at a dance given by the .
Bohemian lodge of tha Modern Woodmen
given in Mets ball this morning about 1
o'clock, which resulted In ths serious
wounding of "Will Chavllk. who resides at
1708 South Tenth street, by a knife in the'
hands of Willie Van Drucky. 1717 South
Fourteenth street. Shavllk Is about 17 years '
of age and Van Drifcky Is IS. The two boys been enemies for soma time, and when'
' they met at the dance last night the trouble
was ronswed. During the evening they hart,
trouble two or three times. Finally they
met In .the gallery of the hall and the older
boy struck the youhgef. Van Drucky pulled
his knife and cut his Opponent twice, once
tn tha breast and again in ths hip. Tha
wounded boy was removed to ths police
station in ths patrol wagon, where his
wounds were dressed by Police Surgeon
Schleler. lie was afterward removed to his
home. The boy who did (he stabbing was
arrested at his home by Sergeant Ulbbnns a
few minutes later. It is not thought Bhav-'
Ilk will die. but he will be confined to his
home for some Urns.
Fayette Cole; Osteopath, 60S Paxton block.
Grace Rhoades, a young girl living at l'-'M
Chicago street, haa been arrested on the
charge of Incorrigibility.
V. Patterson of Seventeenth and Center
streets was locked up at police headquar
ters last night on the charge of being drunk
and abusing bis family.
The funeral of J. A. Cruthera, who was
killed by being run ovsr on Seventeenth
street a few nights sgo, will occur at the
undertaking parlors of Bralley ft Dorrance
at I p. in. Monday. Interment will be at
Mount Hope.
Ruth Rebekah lodge No. 1, Degree of
Rebekali, gave a dance and . eucliil to
cne members of that association last night
at I. O O. F. hall, tlolos were sung by
May linage and Prof. Keves, and a piano
duet by Mrs. Johnson and Miss- Uddel.
Ous Rolbold, Twenty-fifth and Marcy:
Flllle Porsev, 10 South Twenty-nfth. and
Arthur Smbllng, ot Patrick avenue,
looked like they were preparing - to cele
brate Hallowe'en too strenuously yester
day evening, so they were placed In lull
I for safe-keeping until the night had passed.
At a meeting of the vestry of All Saints'
church, held Thursday evening st the resi
dence of C. B. Montgomery, Vlctir Cald
well was elected junior warden to fill the
place made vacant by the ren
Knox from the city, and A.
by the reinovsl of J. S.
u. Hurnanen
and C. J. Ernst were elected vestrymen
te nil vacancies in ms vestry.