TTIR OMAnA DAILY ItEE: SUNDAY. NOVEMBEU 1, 1003. : j k .GRAIN AND produce mariet Whtat Galni Half k Cant In friot on Good Famand, CORN PRICES HAVE A NARROW RANGE i i Viaotatleae far Drcakt Cars a. Little Higher, with Oats Folio wir la ynspathy Market for , rrerlstoas Firm. ' CinCAnO. Oft. tl. fimall contract stock ana a good nipping' aemana were Influences that created an urgent demand for Decem ber wheat today and prices in that pit ruled irons. December closing with a rain of Ho. iMrtmbrr corn and oats wcra each a shade higher, while January provisions closed from l(mi2W higher. There waa a bettor trade In wheat than for acme tlma pant and after an raster opening tha market turned strong and prices were well maintained throughout tha day.' The opening- waa a trlile lower on oasler cables favorable weather and larger receipts in the northwest, December beine- Wc1Wc lower at 8oVi4(Oie. Boon after the lopnnin commission bouses became active -buyers of December and with trader! show ing a disposition to hold on to that month .the market quickly turned strong and the nee advanced to me wiibin the first hour. tiay was innuenrea rty me sxrengtn in tne iiearny oonvery and snowed a fair advance. Heavy clearances were a bull factor late in the session. Just before the close some of the advance waa lost on realizing, but !he close was strons;, with December Ho higher at Hfko. Clearances of wheat and 'flour were equal to 6JW.0OO bushels. Primary (receipts were 1,223,000 bushels, against l,t3, :fO bushels a year sgo. Minneapolis and jOuluth reported receipts of W& cars, which with local receipts of 87 cars, none of con tract grade, made total receipts for the Jthree points of 1.03 cars, against 772 cars ai wees sna i.inn cars a year bko. I Early selling of corn, due to the weakness Vf cables, caused an easier feeling at the tart, but offerings were light, and when wheat began to enow signs of strength the corn market also became firmer. Trading. however, was light and prices kept within a narrow range. December closed a shade higher at 440, after selling between 43H iio and Vu 4414c. Local receipts were 4 Csrs.'wllh (V of contract grade. There was a little selling pressure In oats t the start along with the weakness In Inther rralns. but the strength In wheat anifti checked this selling desire, prices remaining practically stationary. Hecelpts were fair iwlth a small Improvement In the shipping unniana. 1 raaing was dun tne entire ses-lelon.- - December ranged between tSSio and closing a shade higher at 85c. Local receipts were cars. Provisions were Arm, the feature of the trade being covering by a local packer of January lard and ribs. Prices advanced sally, helped to some extent by the better tone of the hog market, and the gain was wen maintained, out to small onenngs. January pork closed 10c higher at S12.L5. "Vnuary iara wan also up utc at I'l.MKjb.&.'ft, while ribs were 12'4c better at fi.40. 1 Estimated receipts for Monday: Wheat, "106 cars; corn, 415 cars; oats, 140 cars; hogs, I.iuj neaa. The leading futures ranged at follows: Articles. I Open. I Hih. Low. Close ! Yea r. Wheat fDoo. May Corn Oct. Dee. May Oat Oct. Deo. May Fork- Oct. Jan. May Lard Oct Deo. Jan, ' May Ribs- Jan. : May OK 78, 7S7t iTMLIn-Xl, "9Vt 7i4 43' 4SV,74l4r,-4i 4.W 44 43(-n4( 4i!VUJ 4UH, V4 43 86 Pin 11 so 11 20 12 25 BO 11 CO 12 26 11 42Vj 13 SO 12 40 13 to U 25 W 11 13 12 25 12H1 7Mi 2H 45 6 67V. 72H 8?H 87 T2 C Tiz. I f 771.4 " " a 07ii I to 8 46 40 to 45 40 SO uh! V -1 1 l ; A2KL I No. 8. fNew. Cash, Quotations were as follows: FLOUR Steady; winter patents, 84.009 4.20; straights, 83.704jM.10: Spring patents. 84.10434.60; stralghta, 3.7033.90; bakers, fi.ii t.3.40. - , WHEAT No. t prtnr. rifr4o; No. t gprinjr. 78Jf3c: No. 8 red. 814ig2Ho. CORN No, i. 4401 No. 8 yellow. 44UfflMic OATS No. 8, 86o; No. 8 white, 8J(&37o. RYS5 No. 8, 66c. BARLEY Fair t choice malting. 41flMo. SEED No. 1 flsx. Use; No. 1 northwest rn, o; prime timothy, $2.90; clover con Irset gTSde. 810.8OW10.60. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl.. 811 SO Rill.62H- Lard per 100 lbs. 86 )Q6 62. Short ribs sides (loose). 87.00Q7.6O; short clear sides (ooxeoi, wj. The following ware the receipts ot flour I and grain: Reoetnts. Shipments 1 . .... M.500 t2.SflO 118.ii0 6T1.8I0 ...........871,800 R7,8J Whea Corn, Wheat bu. bu. Oats, bu ......842.800 8S7.810 Ry ' bu....... : 1.400 ''MAO llarley, bu 116,400 8,200 On the Produce exchange today the but ter- ma SlVici cases to nrm. HEW YORK GBMEHAL MARKET. ttaotatloas ot the Day - Coasatodltle. oa Varioas NKW YORK. Oct. 81 FLOUR Receipts, 19.098 bbls.; exports, 6,876 bbls.: quiet but firm; winter patents, $4.004.85; winter tralghta. ' 88 96d4.10: Minnesota satenta. $4.GtKu4 86; winter extras, 83.00tiS.40; Mlnne- ota bakers. 3.754i4 10: winter low grades, 14 a. . Ot. X ... a.,., a-, an, K.. I . t to fancy. 83.4Mtf8.tu, Buckwheat flour, quiet "Sat $3 40fti2.60. jCOKN MKAL Stead yi yellow western, l 06; city. $105: kiln-dried. -88.20118 25. rv 1 1 V Wl A I a a ,1 v ' Kn t WMtarn. K,- nnmlnal t. o. b.. afloat; state and jersey, tkiliiic. BARLKY-Oulet: feeding. 4S,c c. 1. t, K) u 1 1 n k, , niKiiiiia ouvc c. i. e., auiiaiv. WHKAT ReeeiDts. 19 50S ba.l exoorls. 25. 644 bu. : Arm: No. 8 red. 87"Ac elevator: No. 8 red. 87Ho f. o. b.i afloat: No. 1 northern Duluth. 2Uo f. o. b.. afloat; No. 1 hard Manitoba, nominal f. e. h.. afloat Options developed considerable firmness on btullxh talk about the movement, light stocks and room covering. The close was very firm on further covering and prospects for only a small change In Monday's visible, with l,.u n.l lila-Kcr- Vav ITlLflVfi rioaea ueceuiuer, svg'4isie, uotia 87 io. CORN Receipts, 82.100 bu.; exports, 69.169 W; sales, 26.0(0 bu. futures, 48.0u0 bu spot. RmL firm: No. 8. 61a elevator and 610 f. o. b,. afloat; No. 8 yellow. 64c; No. 8 white, 51 .c. Options advanced on small rec-lpta. dus to the heavy southwest rslns i and In sympathy with wheat. The cloee waa nrm and HVV'C net nigner; siay ciosea toe; ieceniber, oivc. ciosea divc. OATS Receipts. 126.000 bu.: exports, 7 807 Pit. Spot, firm: mo. I. w; standard wnue, 43o; No. 8, 40c; No. 8 white. 43U,c; No. 8 white. 43o: on track, white, 4ivii.46ii0. HAY Firm: atiipplug. Otitic; good to eh nice. HMxSo. HOPS Steady; state, common to cholco, 1908. i4fi!2o: 19i2. 2H-i2ue: olds. IMviac: Vn- cino coast. Idol, ZlwUc; ltJ2. 21T2JVac; olds, limp-RBtearlv Halvesfon. JO to 15 lbs.. 18c: California, 21 to 16 Iba.. 19c; Texas dry. 14 to so ir.s , 14C. LKATHKR Uteady: acid. tS-a2Ec RICE Steady; domestic, fair to extra, 4iJo; Japan, nominal. PROVISIONS Beef. steady; family, $10 (wfl0 6o; mees. $8 00fl 60; beef hams. 11 60 23 00: packet, $9 ooilO.OO; city, extra India mess. I14.t"-ti uo. Cut meats, oinet; pickled bellies, 4rllc: pickled shoulders, 6'n!c: nlckled ham a. llfilic Laird, firmer: western steamed, $7 20; October closed 7 '.V bonilnaJ: refined, steady; continent. $7.40: South America, $8 00; compound. $i.7'' 7 87. Pork steady; family. $19 60; short clear $11 25i?15.ji; mess. $lS.0(u 13.50. IlllTTER Hiesdy; extra creamerv, 22c; creamery, common to choice. 16ir2o: Imi tation creamery. liSo; state dairy. 1'iiJ !: renovated, 13;nl7c: factnry. 13,!jl6o. CHKKSB Strong; alate full cream, fancy small colored. September. llc; October, IWo; small white. September. llc; O. 'o- 1.. 1H. . 1 LJ. ........ a,,... October, llu; large white, September, 11 ijT1c. EOOS Firm: state and Pennsylvania, fancy mixed. 87c; state and Pennsylvania, eoonds to firsts. Ii2ii25c: western extras. 26c; western thirds to seconds. 19r4e; west- ' em nrsts. sx-: refrigerator, Ji'T!Ziaie. TAL1)W Steady; city $2 tO rwr park- age), 4c; counuy (packages tree), 4m -.t. Luala Grata aad Fravrinoas. BT. LOUIS, Oct. 81 WHEAT Higher: No. 8 red caah, elevator, Se: track, f6H K: December. 88o; Way. 62WaS2o; No. $ barn. 7.'l)lc. CORN-Hlgher: No. 8 cash. 40c; track. Co; Iecemlr, 40c: Mav. 4'ic. OATJ Firm: No 2 cah. V.c: track, $4 tjjic: aaav. nw; no. 1 White. c. RYE Firm. 64e. "..v"! OUR Steady; red winter natenta. 4 Kl A4; extra funcy and straights, $3.70iij4.06; Sr Ti t Timothy ." steady tlftfil (0. fXiFtxr WKAl Steady. '81 as. PROVISIONS Pork, market easier: lob bing. Uu.daxi moaa, $11.90. Lard, higher. rket waa easier; creameries, Tbw I Z't"--'.rrar at 1flU,i'llA 1 F-10Ci giiou liruiiiarjr, o-gi-, m iiikiuiiiih, at loviouo. middling. 10et good middling. 10 7-lKc: Rfi?1. Paeon, steady: MVed extra shorts, . W.V5: 'clear rll. tH.'.bi short clear. W OO. " I MHRAN Steady; sacked east track, ' 75 fi Tro ll AT Steady; timothy, 7.KtJ12.00; prairie, K wrrj III HI. iiiun cotton tie isominai at i.w. H A 1 I N J tK. 1l fO. It KM I TWINU 6n. I'OULTRT Steady; chickens, 7c; springs, 8ic; turkeys, 12c; ducks, 3V; geese, 7H?. . .. hljttkk steady: creamery, waw, dairy, IvulRc EUU Steady, ziftc, loss on. necemts. Bnipmrnn. Flour, bbls 12,onn Wheat bu 6.i"i w.v.v Corn, bu 26."0 IN.onn Oats, bu le.OOO 60.OU0 OMAHA vVIIOIESALR MARKET. Ceadftlea of Trad aad Qnetatleaa Staple nad Fsaey Prod ace. KflflS-Fresh stock, losa off. 20c I.1VK POULTRY Hens. laV,c; spring chickens, frftSe; roosters, according to age, i'abr.; turkeys, 124jUc; ducks, Vi'f-c; geese, tt4 -Js I u UTTER Packing stock. 13o; choice to fancy dairy. In tubs. lvlc: separator, 21a. jj IBM Fresh caught troui. 111c; pickerel, 8c; piko, 10c; percn, Be; burtalo. VHaSc: Mueflsli. 16c: Whitehall, lie: salmon. 11c; haddock, )uc; codiisli, Uc; redsnapper, 11c; lobsters boiled, per lb., 70c; lobsters. 14c: black bass'. 2WjSc: halibut, he; crappies'. 12c; herring, Ha: white bass, luc; bluenns, so. uiaillKli-Ntw Xork counts, per eta, tic; per gaU. 2.00; extra selects, per can, tuc; per gal., tl.76; standard, per can, ilc; per gal.. l.l iiuAN-fer ion, 14 00. HAY Prices auoled br Omaha Whole sale Dealers association: Choice No. 1 up land, tH oo; No. 2, 17. b0: medium, 17.00; coarse, lti.60. Rye straw, 16.B0, These prices are lor nay ot good color and quality, iw mand fair and receipts light OATS Silo. VBlKTABLEa POTATOES Colorado. 76080o: Cskota, per du., lUOiac; native. tu7uc. SWEET POTATOES iiome grown, per banket, 70c: Virginias, per -bu. bbl., W-Ou. UliANS Ilotne grown, wax, per market basket. 40&O0C-. string, tier market basket. 4'.x)e. . TOMATOES Home grown, per basket. NAVT T1F.ANS Pee till . 12 RS. CELERY Bmall. tier dux. 2235c: large u.muwt-New home grown, dry, per id., lHc: PDanlah. ner erute. t1 SO. OAHHAIilO Holland. 1UC. TURNIPS Canada Rutabagas, per lb., lc. FRUITS. PRUNES Italian. Mr box. S1.0A. PEARS Colorado and Utah Kelfers. 0..75; Winter Nellis. t-lSJhtaU bu. Al'PL.h.3 Jonaihuna anrl urimea UOlden. 3.7fi4.()0; Michigan stock, .2: Cali fornia Bellflowers. tier box. II. 60: New York uiBuiuiigs ana tiaiawins, ti.ib, eaiina varieties, J.'loU; Oregon stock, In bushel boxes. Il.164tl.25. UKAP.6 californl-. Tokays. $1.8B; New York. Ier H.lh haHliAt 3tlk- nanv CllMwbal. tic; Imported Malagas, per ke, $6.0C(.50. CRANBEHIUKH Per bbl., Ia.60; per box, j.iu wiconln Uell Htigle, J3.60. CALIFORNIA QUINCES-Per box, tl.76. TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANOKS M' xican. all aixea. 14.00. LUUONtt Callluriilu tuncv. 2u0 to $60 Sizes, $4.60; choice 240 to 270 sizes, !4.00ttf4.2o. k 1 al fnrnla njii llUlh. itarlnna. ' Imported Emvrna. S-crawn. 14c: fc-crown. iuc; 1 -e row 11, ic. DATES Persian, ner hm nf HO nackages. 12.00: per lb.. In t0-lb. boxes. Co. dA.NANAS Per medium sized bunch. 12.00 tJi.uu; JumDo, a.753.26. MISCELLANEOUS. CHEESE WiBcunsln twins, full cream. IU'uc; Wlscousin Young Americas. 13Vc; muck is wish. 16c: vvisconalu bricK. l:o: wiHconuin umberger, lie. HONEY Nebraska, ber 24 frames. 23.50: Utah and Colorado, per 24 trainee, I3.&0. MAPLE SUGAR Ohio, cer lb.. 10c. I'lliL'U 1 . V. k 1 ... . ..... 1 . V. I M OR POPCORN Per lb., iW. shewed, aftJVic. HORSE RADISH Per case of 2 do.. Backed. 80c. u 10 wainuts, no. 1 soit-sneii. per 10., lot 16c; hard-shell, per lb., 14c; No. t soft-shell. !?" )b. 13c; No. 8 hard-shell, per lb l'Jc; lJrazlls, per lb., liSUHc: filberts, per lb., 114illo: almonds, soft-shell, ner lb.. 16o; V. 1 .u.ii . ,w t. . : .... i,uu-biivii, ywr 1U., AOV, ffJL:e.ll, lavish vci - I in 1 1 L 1 1 am. a., h U li 7. 1 . ly ,umitN. per 'b., 6Vao; roa'ated peanuts, per lb., 7c; Chile walnuts. 12rl3c: large hickory nuts. per bu., $1.76; shell-barks, per bu., 81.750 8.00; black walnuts, per bu., $L26; easteru ciiesinuts, per io., 10. HIDES No. 1 areen. CUe: No. 8 green. No, 1 veal calf. to U lbs.. 'c: No. 8 veal calf. 12 to 14 lbs- &ic: dry salted hides, fit susep fens, toiniaK, uorse niuos, sx.bu S.BV. Cottom Market. NEW YORK. Oct. 81. COTTON The market opened steady, 8 points lower to 2 points higher, the declines being on the high position, on the failure of snows and rrosts to materialize as predicted, and the ouuooK tor a neavy movement, while sen- In waa checked by the reported heavy rains in the southwest. Following the call, sbot ceonle bought moderately. Ku rope was operating on the long side of the market, and with bull support prices were generally firm at a net advance oX II to 14 DOlnta.' OKLCANH, Oct. Jl.-COITON- Futurea, firm; November, 10.02c; Decemtier, lU ionio nc; January, io.raio ic; ebruary, middling fair. 10 13-16C Receipts. 24.408; Stock, 130.557. Bj. iaiuib, ct. iupi nrm, higher: middling, 10Vc; sales, 49 bales; re ceipts, 409 bales; shipments, bone; stock, I RiiS hales. l,lvfcKFUou oct. bi. i uin rspot in limited demand: nrlces unchanged: Ameri can middling, 6.74d. The sales of the day were 4.000 bales, of which 400 were f"fc I speculation and export kand Included 1. 800 I American: receipts. 29.300 bales, all Amer- 1 , . . n .. 1. . n ,1 ..Ln... barelv steady; American middling, g. o. c I November. 6 6od: November and De November, 6.65d; November and December, r r i. J . 1 . V. . ..A 1 . r. , . . v.. & . t A.,1 ID 1V I i uflvriiiu'-i wn.lvm.J, u . ,.u. January and February, S.47d; February and jVtnrcn, S.WO.aiu, mnuii aiia nyi 11. . . - r . p j-.a. i a. am.ii r. i r . 6.4ii6.46d. . Kssmi City Grata aad Provisions. KANSAS CITY. Oct 31 WHEAT December!. 69SriBc: May, 69?tSc; cash No. 2 hard. 734174c: no. ( nard. 70na o. 4. 61itjWSc; rejected, 69Uj2o; No. 2 red, 82Hc; No. I, iHuaoc. CORN Decemlier, 37e; May, 87; Cash No. 8 mixed, axvac; ISO. 1 wtute. ibiso; ISO. 8. 39c. tiAio no, i wnue, sianc; no. I ui" " RYE No. I. 4SV4o. HAY Choice uuiotny, $9.60$fao.oo; choice orulrle. $8.00. bUTTKK Creamery, fancy. 18c. 18c320c; dairy, Kansss cases returned. ' c; new No. wood oases lucluded. 21c. 8 white Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu f8.) tui.joi Corn, bu ,( 19,AJ oata, yu , is, ouo Evaporated Apples aad Dried Fratta. NEW YORK. Oct. 81. EVAPORATED AFFLts-Tlia market continues nrm: re ceipts are moderate and demand fair; com mon quoted at 4v; prima at oic; choice at t)"4!(it,4c; rnncy at 7c. CALIFORNIA LRIED FRUITS Prunes remain unchanged here, though coast ad vices Indicate a rather easier feeling among holders; spot quotations range frNftic for all grades. Apricots show little change either in general conditions or prices. Choice are quoted at v4l(Iso: extra cnoice, lmame; fancv, ll12Vc. Peaches also are good; choice are held at 7'i(7o; extra choice, 7 &o; fancy, !10c. Liverpool Grata aad ProTlaloas. LIVERPOOL. Oct. XL WHEAT Spit, steady; No. 8 red western winter, s 2d; No. 1 northern spring, no stock; futures dull; December. OS d; jaarcn, as en.a; aiay. s-iL. . . . . . .... n)HN-einot. easier; Aiwnwn miaevi, as t.d- futures dull: November, nominal; De cember, 4s ld; January, it. Philadelphia Prodaeo Market. PHILADELPHIA. Oct. SI. BUTTER Quiet and steady; extra weetern creamery, 22c; extra nearby prints, uc. Kint4 rnrm: good oemana: ireain nesrDy, v. wa off: freah western, twhjso: fresh southwestern, 27U'Jec: fresh southern, SoMtO. CI1EKS B Unchanged. Mllwaekeo Grata Market. MILWAUKEE. Oct. 81. WHEAT Dt ill; N. 1 northern. 84c; No. 8 northern, Sl'f J'V: Ie-eTnrier, iiii!''c. HVE Steady: NO. I. 66VC BARLEY Weak; No. 8. 66c; sample. 409 CORN December, 440 askea. .. Mlaaaapolla Wheat, Flobr aad Bra a. MINNEAPOLIS. Oct 81 WHEAT De cember 611c; May, 78o. On track: No. I hard, 82c; No. 1 northern, Jc Dalatb Grala Market. DULUTH. Oct. SL WHEAT On track: No. 1 northern. 81Vc; No. 2 uorthern, 7K-; Ueoemrxsr. 7tc; alajr, Tik April and May, 646(U5.46d; May and June,waJ n NEWYOESlOCKSiSD-BONDS' Ltngnid Adfacoe Dtn to Ifyittr in tba Sank Statement WEST NOW NEEDING CASH FOR CROPS Bxaeetatloa that New York Wosld Not Be Called Ipoa to Aid la the Hovesiest Bald to Bo DleproTed. NEW YORK. Oct. 31. Today'g bank statement proved to be the usual enigma 10 stock market observers. The statement reporta a decrease In casu of IVMl.tAr;. A number of estimates are compiled every Friday from bank odlclals themselves. Yes teruay none of these estimates regarded as reliable showed a cash outgo for the weak of lens than $13,000,000 and some of them ran to over Sl6.oo0.uoo. Last Saturday tuo bank statement In its Item of cash reserves failed to show tha estimated decrease by $4,9W,000. Under the workings of the aver age system last week s discrepancy would tend to be corrected in this week a state ment. The conclusion Is unavoidable that the actual showing of the cash reserve Item in the bank statement, If It correctly represents the actual condition or tne bunks, must be based upon money move ments not disclosed to the public In the Information u(ion which the Friday esti mates are based. Today's statement failed to have convincing effect In stock market circles and a very languid upward move ment of prices resulted. This was partly due to the fact that a skeptical feeling was felt yesterday as to whether the for midable decrease In cash would be reflected In today's bank statement. The discrepancy In the bank statement may oe expminea by cash operations between the banks and trust companies, which do not appear In the reports of currency movements. The Increase In loans, which reached $4,409,600, was not unexpected and Is attributed to preparations for November first settlements and to borrowings by St. Louis and other Institutions In connection w'th their large cash withdrawals. The closing was steady, but very dull and with the advancing tend ency checked. The emergency Shipments to tst. j.ouis are believed to be a te.f.porary need, al though the Increasing activity of the west ern monev market mav keep the money there over the crop-moving period. The de velopment of the western crop moving re qulrtinents has demonstrated that the sea son's needs for that purpose must be met from New York as usual, and has disproved the expectation that western resources would be sufficient to meet the require ments, which has been maintained in some quarter. The indulgence. Of that belief last fall proved cosuy to a large specu lative element In the stock market and the story of last fall's experience begets a- spirit of caution. The rise in money rates nss naitea tne Investment absorption of bonds, but has caused lltle reaction In prices. Lond houses report a good inquiry and an expectation that the falling off In business activity will lead to some accumulation of Idle cap ital within a short time, and a demand for safe Investment In mortgage securities. The purchase of some t25,0O0.0OO of bonds In sub sidiary companies of the Pennsylvania com pany by bnnkers was tne event ni me week In the bond market and regarded as evidence of the revived market for bonds tJnltpd States 2s advanced U and Ss and I old 4s H per cent over the closing call otl I , at weelr Following Is the number- of shares of stock so'-' range of prices and closing bids on tiT7rew York Stock exchange: Sales. High. low. (.'lose. ..10,(K) 67 66'i Atchison do nfd loo 90 75 90 Baltimore A Ohio 1,120 7l74 87V do nfd Canadian Pacific Central of N. J Chesapeake A Ohio... Chicago & Alton do pfd Chicago Ot. Western. do B pfd Chicago & N. W 1,200 11SU 113 i'.i66 'is" '27 118ii -i?7 157 29V. 28 Vs 63 15 2H 165 , Chicago Term, tt i... do bfd 1T 73 C, C, C. A St. L Colo. Southern 121 do 1st prd do 2d pfd 120 63 65 22 164 38 18i Delaware & Hudson.. Del., Lack. A W Denver A Rio Grande 700 19tf 19 do pfd 674 Erie 700 560 100 27H 66.4 49 27 6614 49 do 1st pfd An Sd nfd 48 160 72 81 Great Northern pfd.. Hocking Valley do pfd Illinois Central 100 72!4 724 US laott Hon uoh ee lll Iowa Central do bfd 84 18 K. C. Southern do pfd Louisville A Nashville "' 101 100i KKWi 800 Manhattan L taiO 1351A 135IH, 13.W I Metropolitan St. Ry. I0 110 109i 100 Minn. A St. Iiuls.. 10 47H 47H 46 91. 90'4 91 '4 Missouri Pacltlo Mo., Kan. A Texas... do pfd N. R. K. of Me, pfd. 6,200 .... 8514 N. Y. Central Norfolk A Western... 410 119 210 67 6ti 56i 85 do pfd ...i I.... 'io" Ontario A Western 600 24 20H Pennsylvania g.ii0 120(4 119 12o P.. C, C. A St L... Reading - 69 1.400 45ft 44 46 do 1st pra do 2d nfd ..... ..... ..... in 60 Rock Island Co 600 25 24 2I74 69, do Pfd St L. A San F bo a... ..... ..... 60 do 1st pfd do 2d bfd ..... ..... ..... 4)4j St Louis S. W 12a do pfd BO St. Paul 1,200 188 138 1X8 do nfd 1YZ Southern Pacific ... Southern Railway , do pfd Texas A Paclflo T.. St. L. A W 8,126 . 600 42 18 41 17 150 23 23 do pfd 283 8,900 "ino 2,300 24 71 'i 83 24 71 'l9 83 Union Paclflo do pfd do tfd Wheeling A L. E. . 14 Wisconsin Central ... 100 16 16 do nfd 84 Adams Express ?28 188 100 2u0 American Express IT. S. Express Wells-Fargo Express Amal. Copper 6.100 American Car A F.... 1,500 do ptd American Unseed OH 88 19 88 19 28 19 6rt J do pfd Amerlcsn Locomotive 18 do pfd S3 I American Smelt A it In nM 87 American Sugar R.... 1.000 116 114 115 Anaconda Mining CO M Brooklyn R. T 1.650 35 82 85 Colo.' Fuel A Iron 1j0 Columbus A H. Coal Consolidated Oas aannrhl v.lertrlo 82 174 148 11 61 International Paper... do nfd 100 61 (1 International Pump... 81 66 85 do pfd National Biscuit National Lead Pacific Mall 100 21 People's Oas 131 94 Pressed Steel Car 1,860 27'4 do pfd l'" ' 9 Pullmsn Palace Car.. - loO 216 12 21 S'3 21 94 sv, . 21s XI 69 215 Republic Sleet .... do pfd i. . 1,700 , . 230 ! "no . 2o0 ' . 100 '. 2700 61 14V "28 7 IK "28 7 Ol-i 11 Rubber Goods do pfd Tenn. Coal A Iron 28 U. S. leather 7 do pfd U. S. Rubber 8 do pfd U. 8. Steel do nfd 85 13 8i 13- 13 6N 8 . 5,100 Western Union 100 - 82 Total sales for the day, 76,0u0 shares. Loudoa Stock Market. LONDON, Oct St. Closing quotations: Coaula for maawr. H I-lf Naw Tork Central... 121 da aouMiui aa an inurioia at vaaaiara. AaaeouOa - '. aj II Atchlaan otan a wsstara., So Ufa..... IX tnnajivaoia 1 Baltlsiora Ohio... hand Uloas Caaadiaa raiiac ui Kradins ( kaaapaaka Ufete io lat ptd a 11 tUliaao O. w.. lit do 14 p.'d , outlvani Hallwar;., do pfd Soutaarn Fmctfle,.,.. Ualoa PaeuVk do pti.-., V'sitad stalas Bual. C. M. A Bt. 1.. 141 " . 10 DtBaani iMnvar a S.. U 4314 40 BIS Erla rt tt 3H 014 do Id old lul SO P14 a. llllaola Caatral.... JJ6 toaalvllls a Naak.-llUa. H'abasa fa 4a fli.. 84 Mlaaourl, K. A T "V itAK sil ek 2id per ounce. - il ON E Y at',jnj4 per cent The rate of discount In the open market for short bills is 3-V.iJ-n per ca-nt and lor inree-moniua buia s auA per ceuu Weekly Bask Btatoaaeat. NEW YORK, Oct. 81 The statement of averages of the clearing house banks of tnis city lor tne weeK snows, l-oun. son, Um.itM. increas. 84.4iM.6iav: deiwslts. l-5.i.l-i. HO. d.rease. $eu. ouO; cln-uUtion. $4u4.4.i0.. uuO, litcrease. t:.l. &uo; lettals, 4i6.!y4.6io, de- creaiM. Tl .v iZ.ia,: siei le. li,4.iss.ui: de cre.i.e. $7 025i; reaK-rvee. $131 ".$, de- croajMi. tl aVd.kuu: reiKTve reuuircd. 11 UO, decresaa, Jl.0-4.6wo, urplus, J.u.iiiO. 27.7n.fmn: t'nlted States deposits, flecresse, 27,fixi,tfln. llft.u63.350, - Hew Terlt Moaey Market. NEW YORK. Oct. M.-rRIME CANTILE PA PER SHU rer cent. Money on call nomlnnl. No losns. KI'KKI.IN'll KXCMANO K Weil k MER- wlth actual business In bankers' bills at II M7;M 4 M7 for demand and at 2 .812WH..1S0 for sixty rlnvs bills; posted rates, $4 214'Sr4.83 and MS'H: commercial bills, 24.MbA&l-fl- PtLVER liar, 5&c; Mexican dollara, 46o. HONr8 Government, steady; railroad, Irregular. The closing quotations on bonds are as follows: V. . rf. ts. r....l7H'U N. nl. 4a H On coupon Manhattan c. g. 41. .ll'l do U, ..iu4;-M. i:mral 4S 14 ..1IWV4I do 1 Ino 14 . .IHVMInn. St. U it... tT ..1154 M , K. A T. 4 'U ..U1H' do It 7j ..1111 N. R. R. ot M. e. it 71 ..101 Vt N. T. C. (. IHI ..102t N. 1. C. I. M II 1-4 ..loo No. Paclnc 4s. lo:s .. 1V do It iO'i .. SI'4 N W. e. 4a H ..lonso. S L. 4a it par.... l .. ISSl'mn. cony. IVtl (7 do coupon .... do naw it, reg. do coupon . . . . do old 4i, rg do coupon ... do . rt do cwupon .... Atchlion gen. 4 do adj. 4 Atlantic C. U 4 U. O. 4a do IS Central of On. (a... 1IMV Rrndms gtn. 4 no lat lna. 4 HL L. a I. M. e. b..lI0H Cnra. & Ohio 4H....1"H4 Ft. Chlraso A A. ! tl jPt L i I. r, t. 4s. Dl't b. s. W. Is C, D. A 4. C, M. A S. C. A N. W. a. 4a.... M Saaboard A. U 4a., 7H 7V 11. Hi 114H , 41 join , , 14 P. .4a..lltiSo. Par l do 4a Ta....l.l ISO. Railway 6a C, K. I. A P. 4a.... io Tcxaa P. la T., St. I,. W. 4a. oo col. 4a T4 Ceo. A St. L (. 4a. ? t'hicaro Tar. 4a T4 In Ion d'acldo 4a.... do cotit. 4a Con. Tobacco 4a K tt. 8. Blael Id St.... Colo. A Ho. 4a ... lnrer A R. O. 4 Erla prior lion 4a. do gen. 4a P. W. A D. C. la. Hocking Val. 4Sit. Offered. Wnbaah la do dPb. R . W. A L. K. 4s . KJ j. H is. Central 4a .lt; 'Colo. Fuai con. 6a.. 711s Rostoa Stock Qaotatlons. BOSTON, Oct. 81 Call loans. 80.T4 per cent; time loans, 6ff6 per cent. O&cial closing prices on stocks and bonds: Atrhlton 4a . tlVa'Allonoa . 4H . : . Hi .4b . 141, . 4 . 1:14 . W . . t . 10' . 67 . iv . M . . PO Mt-i. Central 4a.... Alrhlaon do pfd noetoa A Albany.. HuatiQ A Malna.... N. T., K. H. A H. Fltchbnrg prd I'nion Pacifie Mrx. Cantral Anier. Sugar 41 Amalgamatad ,. Hlngham . .! .170 . 4 ,l1f.i 'al. A Hecla... Ontennlal 'Coppar Itange . Pominlon Coal Franlills in Knyala .... Mohawk Old Domlnloa do prd .11SW Oaceola Amor. T. A T Hi Parrot Hon. I, A S. V Qulncr Crnaral Electric ,.147 ! Santa Pe Copper. .. Tamarack ,. IIV Trinity .. - I'nlted States .... .. U ftab ,. lHi,A'ictorla .. 47 IWInona .. 4 I Wolverine alaaa. Flcctxlo .... do ptd TTnltad Fruit .. 174 ,. t;v U. 8. Steal do pfd Wetting, common. Adventure ,. s ,. 44 Asked. Ker York Mining floatations. NEW YORK. Oct. 81 Th fol1mi . .... " iiiw tjuvjiiaiiuiis VII milling SIOCKS; Adama Coa 15 Little Chief . T i'.0 uo ...... 14 11 40 It 210 Alice 14 Ontario Breece 1ft lophlr . Brunawlck Cos 4 Phoenix Comatock Tunnel .... (APotnal Con. Cal. A V IOC Savage Horn Bllver ........ .bid Sierra Kavaaa , Iron Silver 171 Small Hopea LcadvlUa Con 1 luiandard Offered. Forelga Flaanelal, LONDON. Oct. 81 Mnnav m,m I. demand in the market today. Discounts Were firm, owfnsr to tha baaCn... n York exchange and fears of early exports of gold to the United Baates. On this point tne Btaust observes: "The opinion Is held that the amount of a-nlcl taken .,iu be moderate." On the stock exchanaa the aiienaance was meager, many operators taking advantage of the tine weather to leave town. Business was stagnant and Irregular. Consols were Irregular. Ameri cans onened dull on tha :7 'v'" of ,rn workers and In expecta- 1 i,u" "l ,lor new xork Dank statement I tn artm Inalanaa IH. AK . . . .. .... . v. t nil iniuruva- ment. but the market closed lifeless. Tha failure was announced of H. E. Philiina a small Jobber In Americans. Bullion amounting to 160,000 waa wlthdrawn-from i?i fnK 01 England today, 4,100,000 of vvuku wan lor inijimeni ana A.O0.0U0 to South America. ' PARIS, Oct. 81. Trading on the bourse today was hesitating but calm and cloed Inactive with pricey fairly strong. The private rate of discount was 2 i3-l per .cent. Three per cent rentes, 97f 65c for the account. Exchange on London. 26f l4vtn for checks. BERLIN. Oct. 81 Tha Waolrtiaaa i .... tordav In the New York. Paris un r don markets had uo Influence on the mar kets here today. Coal, iron and bank wvtiw iiiajuer. exenanga on London, 1 -nii.o iiji i nruan. uiKi ouni raraa' ?"i?rt a J?11" Pr cenU three monthB' wins, 7 per cent. Baalc Clearlngrs. OMAHA. Oct. 81 Bank rlearlna-a . .. week are $9.0o7.096.83. an lnrra. na, ah. corresponding week of last year of $931.999.i4. . ' 1903. 1903. Monday $1,546.1X3 70 '$1,268.737 81 Tuesday 1,310,652 46 1,128 756 91 Wednesday 1.2H6.914 49 1,197.677 65 inursaay 1.269.ft7 1 9 1,126,806 26 Friday 1,332,468 81 1,118.82 81 Saturday 1,301.975 6J 1,284.336 15 Totals ..$8,067,096 83 18,125,097 29 Kew York Imports aad Exports. L,"Ji ji'i"?' m. iotai imports of I v it f a"ifrai rnercnanaise at New the week vara valnai u . 641.105. , '"" Exports of specie from this nnrl fnv Ik. week were $941,906 silver and $8,000 rold. Im ports of specie at New York for the week wvjcv pi, iva silver inn aiy.jfu gold. Wool Market. ' NEW TORK. Oct. SL WOOL Firm d, mestic fleece. 2S&32c. BOSTON, Oct 81. WOOL The following at" iua uiiumuuna lur leauing uescnptlons; onto and Pennsylvania, XX and above. 84f35c: No. 1. 8233c; No. 2, Sl(i?32c; fine unwasnea, Z4(02oc; nan mood, unwashed 25Woi26c; three-auarter blood. UnwnahnH 2fi26c; quarter blood, unwashed. 2&'iilihLo One washed Uelnlne, 8c. Michigan, X and aoove, imt-'sc; no. i. zvffjje; ino. z, 28g29o fine unwashed, 21A22c; quarter blood, un wannea, jiqic; iiiree-eigntns Diood. un washed, 2425c; half blood, unwashed. 240 86c; fine unwashed Delaine, 82 830. Ken tucky, Indiana, etc., three-eighths blood, 24Cu25c: quarter blood. 24iijX!5e: braid. 22tfi-Al Territory, Idaho, fine. 14lJ15c; fine medium lW17c: medium, l8col9c: Wyoming, fine. 14H 16c; fine medium, liij(17c; medium, 18S1.. titan, nne medium, wuiv'to: medium, imi 20c. Dakota fine. 1616c; fine medium. 10f(f 17e; medium, lP'iT'.'oc. Montana fine choice, licoOc; fine medium choice. I4j20c; staple, JOifMc: rnedliim choice. ?0W21c. BT. LOUIS. Oct. 81. WOOL Steady: me dium grades, combing and clothing, 17r Mc; light fine, li(ffl7c; heavy hue, 12Q 14c; tub-washed, 2o4c. IONPON. Oct. 81. WOOL Arrivals for the sixth series of auction sales amount to 62.769 bales. Metal Market. NEW YORK. Oct. 8L-METALS There were no material changes from nrevlous conditions or prices today, the principal metals being In quiet demand. The under tone was steady for copper and spelter, but easy on tin and dull on Iron. Tin Is quoted at $ 25.87. Copper, lake, $14; electro lytic. $i3.76; canting. $13.50. Spelter, $6.12. Lend, $4.50. Iron, nominal. ST. LOUIS. Oct. 31 METALS Lead. dull. $4.25. Spelter, dull, $6Jo. ' Dry Goads Market. NEW YORK. Oct. 81. DRY OOODS-The market ends the week In a firm condition and the volume of business shows a reduc tion from the comparative activity which margea tne nrst or tne weea. iiuying is conservative and yet there Is Indication In certain quarters that buyera are. willing to anticipate tneir neeas io a certain extent jobbers are transacting only a moderate business. Whisky Market. PEORIA. Oct. 81. WHISKY Steady on k..i. a I . i mrxnAa II K bt, louis, oct li. wiiioK.x steady at 81.81. CHICAOO. Oct. 31. WHISKY-On basis or high wines, steady. il.a CINCINNATI. Oct 81. WHISKY Distil lers finished goods, quiet on basis of $1.25. Mextcaa Part Geta a Hoad. SAN FRANCISCO. Oct. 81. Word has iuat reached here by mail that tha Mexican pert ot Masatlan Is about to hava railroad communication wit ft tne interior ot the republic, by the extension of a branch line of the International railroad to Durango. The proposed line Is to be 160 miles lung ana wui coat Arrest a Isapeet. John Wise, the traveling companion of George Enser of Odebolt, la., who lost $a) last bunday wnue enroute to this city, has been uibrebended by the police. He Is be. lleved io be I lie man wno got tne money although Enser was asleep when the rob. bery was committed and, therefore, cannot say positively wno took ma roil. Idlers Uaeort Cola to Ship. BAN FRANCISCO. Oct. 81. The sunerln tendent of the mint has turned over a ship. ment or 1.4no.uuo peaos to me war depart ment. the lost that will be coined here foi long time. A guard of twenty soldiers escorted lbs coin to the trt.nspor( tUtWatlaJa lor uuvoriuoa o uiaii. lerresse OMA LIVE STOCK MARKET All Oattlt Lower for th Weefc Excapt Good CoTuffld and Orasi Steerv HOGS ALSO SHOW QUITE A LOSS Fat heep aad Iimhs Trifle Lower Thorn Week Ago, bat Feeder Sheep Aro Steady, with Old Ewes aad Light Lambs Hack. Lower. SOUTH OMAHA, Oct. 81. Recelnts were Cattle, llogs. Sheep. Omolal Monday... umclal Tuesday , Ulflrliil -Wednesday .... OfTltlal Thursdav 6,102 6.141 4.55 3.7J8 2.&UD 18. 413 1U.4!I 12.2M7 6.ir3 (.147 2.2S1 600 Official Krlday OfIto!al Saturday 4,146 1.124 Week enrtlno- Oct St .34,003 .Hi MA 24.8J8 IS, 4:13 19.2J 21.8JO 21.612 89.736 7fi,49 76,161 . ti.OhO 72,070 74,730 Week ending Oct. 24.. Week ending Oct. 17.. Week ending Oct. 10.. Week endlnir Oct. X... ...27,113 ...31,677 ...81;l ...30,279 ..13S.2H4 ..14.S.0.18 ..101,4 ..l(U,74o ..1-H.B73 Same week last year.. Total, October. 19H3 10.4X3 263.201 Total, October, Hi2. Total, October, 1901. Total, October, lHOO. 109.994 834.8NJ 160,781 218.3'.'4 167,646 162.176 211,9Sv5 1.16.841 133,lti" 62.6H1 total, uctober, im. Total, October, 1W8. Total. October, IW. Total, October, 1XIM. Total. October. 18. .17.175 Hil.400 .112.102 106,304 . 85.730 96.186 4o.4'2 18,632 81.822 12,733 RKCEIPT3 POR THE ILAR TO DATE. l'he following table shows the receipts ot cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date and comparisons with last year: 1W3. 1902. Inc. Dec. Cattle 901.766 819,607 8J.089 Hogs 1.802.317 1 RiHi.ao3 8.986 Sheep l,4t:l 1,364,808 10S.093 Average prices paid tor hogs at soutn Omaha fur the last several days with com parisons: Data 1903. 1902.1801. 11900. 11896 .1133.11891. Oct Oct I... Oct I.... Oct. 4....' Oct .... Oct .... Oct 7.... Oct 8,... Oct. .... Oct. 10.... Oct. 11.... Oct 13.... Oct IS.... Oct 14.... Oct. 15.... Oct 16.... Oct. 17.... Oct. 18.... Oct 19.... Oct. 2'.... Oct 21.... Oct. 22.... Oct. 23.... Oct. 24.... Oct. 25.... Oct 20.... Oct. 27..., Oct. 28.... Oct 29.... Oct. 80.,.. Oct. 81.... 8 tl 8,78 7 82 8 78 ; 6 ti. a 7 4: 8 71 8(4 84 8 68 8 61 a 8 St 6 41H, 6 18 6 19 7 89 1 28 7 14 7 64 6 65 7 07 !w 7 00 t 91 6 ji, 80' 6 87l 8 64 8 li 164 3l 6 49, 6 S 6 22 611 a 6i 8 69 7 1 8 64 8 60 8 64 o 03vi 0 07 6 16T 8 62 8 61 t 63 a 6 14S 6 14 8 46 6 25 8 41 6 18 8 4: 0 II!) 4 97 6 61 (1 8 38 8 38 4 92 4 97 3 11 Indicate Sunday. The official number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was: Roads. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep JVt. 6t tt. f Wabash 14 1 6 6 13 4 11 i 8 Missouri Fncinc Ry.. Union Pacific system 18 C. & N. W. Ry F.. K. A M. V. R. R.... C, Bt. P., M. A O. Ry.. B. A U. Ry C. . B. A y. Ry K. C. A Bt. J C, It. I. & P. Ry., east.. C, R. I. A P. Ity., west. Illinois Central Total receipts 26 69 The disposition of the day's receipts was s follows, each buyer purchasing the number ol head indicated: Buyers. Cattle, Hogs. Sheep'. Omaha Packing Co. 44 Swift and Company.. Cudahy Packing Co.. Armour A Co Cudahy from K. C... Armour from 8. C... Ia. F. Husx Wolf & Murnan Other buyers 87 708 9i6 667 637 624 'is 4 , 6 834 Total : 689 8.421 894 CATTLE There were practically no cattle on sala this morning with which to make a tent of values. For the week there ts very little difference In the receipts as compsrea witn last ween, nut mere is gain over the same week of last year amounting to over 8,000 head. For the month of October receipts have not been up to the enormous run of a year ago by about 10,000 head, but they are far In ex cess of all previous years. The Increase over October, 1901, amounts to about 29,000 bead. Ttiere has been only a fair run of corn fed steers this week and the better grades In nartlcular - have been scarce. As result those kinds are Just about steady for ths week and could be quoted from $4.90 to $5.40. Fair to good grades such aa sell from $4.60 to $4.85 may be a trifle lower but not much. Quite a few warmed up cattle are beginning to show un In the receipts the same as usual at this time ot the year and are selling to poor advantage. They do not kill out well and consequently packers prefer the grass steers. Short fed stuff In fact is hard to sell at any prioe and a-oes mostly from $4 to $4.25. The cow market Is undoubtedly at the low point of the season and extremely dull at the decline. The latter cart of this week packers have acted very Indifferent and apparently nave now careo w net ner thev got many cows or not. The threatened strikes in the canning departments of the packing houses may partially explain the slump In that class of cows, but probably the heavy receipts of cows at all points doubtless have more to do with It as the hotter arades have sunered also. The gen. era! run of cows both westerns and natives may be quoted right around a quarter low for the week- while canners are 2iVd! "r lower. Canners are selling largely from $1.50 to $1.90, fair to good cows go from $2 tt $2.40 and good to choice from $2.40 to $3. A lew corn lea cows are beginning to arrive, but the same as with short fed steers thev are not selling to good ad antage and bring little more than rraaa cows. There have not been enough of them on sale so tar thougn to establish a market. Bulla are also considerably lower for the week In sympathy with cows. Good grass bulls are now selling around $3 and $3.25. Veal calves are not much different, the Dot grades selling up to . Tha stockier and jeeoer marxet nas been rather uneven all the week. The demand rom the country has not been good and consequently prices have eased off. The best - grades are probably lo15o lower, while horned feeders and common cattle of all descriptions are oft liVu-io. The de mand Is confined almost entirely to the cattle showing quality, and as a result common stuff is very hard to move at any price. ... X ne xrauw oil, woairni prua Urol aiewrs has been In fairly good shape, as the best grades, such as sell from $3.90 to $4.50, are about steady. The medium and commoner grades, though, are undoubtedly a little ower. pretty oocent came are now sen ng from $3.16 to $3.60, with common stuff from $3 down. Western cows and stockers and fr-eders are selling as noted above. HOGS There was another light run of hogs In sight this morning and the marknt opened about a nickel higher. Packers, thoiietv did not take noiu wun any me, and did not seem to be anxious for the hogs at the prices asked. After ths first round or two they shut down and only of fereil about steady nrlces with- yesterday The bulk of the heavy hogs aold from $4.90 til $4.95, medium weights from 14 aO to and lights sold up to $6.80, with a little bunch at $5.25. The earns as has been the case for some time past the trains were very slow In arriving and the close was a'nav a rui weak. 1 nag receipts ot nogs mis wees nave ucm heavier than they were last week, but are atvniit (nil head short of the same week of last year. For the month of October there has ttlso been rather a ugni run, as thers Is a decrease as compared with the same month of last year, as will be seen from the above tabla The tendency of prloea has been downward this week and the low point of the year has been reached. The net toss for the week amounts to about a dime. Representative sales: No. 14... At. a. Pr. At. ste. Pr. ..160 ..lit M Ot M IN'. U-u 4 II... li... II... M... I:... II... 44... M... 14... 14... M... 14... ti.. 13... ti... II... K... 41. ,. 41.. I.. , lltf 4 ? ,.Ht 40 I 00 .1.1 I II . .134 M I Ml ..IM 120 I . .fel I'll I M ,.1!S K I M ..Til Mil ..tat 40 I 00 47... is... it... 46... ... j... ti... ... ti... tl... U.'.'. 11... M... U... it.., 41.. 41.. tt.., .174 M IN ..Ul M IN ...44 ... 4 0 ... IN IN ...t M III ...i'4 ... Ill ...274 lM 4 II ...z4 no 4 ti ...111 4M 4 112 ...114 11 4 M ...n ... 1 16 ...771 14 4 M ...S M IK ..:?7 i 4 11 ...34 li 4 H ....rc ie 4 le ... 2..I 40 4 M ...III M 4 16 ...196 lat IK .mi 144 I 00 lw 40 I 00 0 171 t4 14 ! ll 221 tit 1 Ul lUt IN IN lit IN' us I os i AIM ... IN IN IN 4 I II Ml I IS 1W I 10 It I 0 I. I X BHEEP There were practically no fresh arrivals of sheep ana lambs here this morning and as a result a use of Hi market waa nut made. For the week re ceipts have teea about tue same as lur 751 6 131 8 71 68 6 181J 89 691 6 19 4 4i 8 66 6 671 6 20 4 87 $64 4 62 6 16 4 81 8 64 6 11 4 84 8 63 $ 49 4 85 8 68 t 83 I 08 6 69 6 13 6 Oi 4 86 6 14 4 92 4 33 I (4 15 4 90 4 81 8 67 ( 30 4 93 4 23 8 66 4 93 4 20 8 66 I 28 4 84 8 63 ( 18 4 82 8 69 6 4 72 4 20 $ 29 4 64 4 16 8 70 ( 27 4 62 4 10 8 67 6 21 4 61 4 15 8 73 4 68 4 61 8 71 6 26 4 13 8 66 6 03 4 62 8 50 6 4 61 4 16 6 01 4 61 4 14 8 66 6 06 4 48 4 13 8 68 6 00 4 f8 4 18 8 64 4 61 4 10 8 6-' 6 89 4 10 8 47 6 81 4 62 8 64 I 6 72 4 60 4 09 6 67 4 47 4 03 8 66 last week and a trifle heavier than for the corresponding week of last -r. For the month of October there Is an Increase over he nme month of last yeir amounting ti more than Hi.OtO head. The receipts fur Octolier of lat year were the Inrgest on record up to this time, which meuns that another record has been broken this year by a wide margin. Considering the heavy supplies the mar ket has been In very satisfactory condition. Packers have bought up the fat stuff In good shape sll the month, so thut very few nipments were rorwnroed or carried over rom day to day. As compare.l with the lose of Inst week the bent grades of fat heeo and limits are around a dime lower. with some of the less desirable grades per bsps a little more. Quite a few lambs that a short time ago were selling fr eders went to killers this week at prices thnt looked considerably lower, but of course they were lacking In qunllty. Feeder wethers and yearlings or desirable quality are steady for the week, with the demand fully equal to the supply. Feeder lnmbs. however, and particularly the light weight common kinds, are 15!if2t5o lower and old ewes have also suffered about the same amount The demand from the coun- rv. It seems. Is confined very largely to the better grades. Quotations for gmss stock: Choice west rn lamha. 84 60H4.75: fair to gnnrt lambs. $4 2574.60; choVo yearling". aS.SOlfiaSO; fall1 to good yearlings, n.eii'ita bo; cnoioe wetn er", 8?.4Ofr3.50; fair to good wethers, $S.15'(F 8.40; good to choice ewes, 83.75ff3.00; fair to arnnd ewes. 82.60ff2.80: choice feeder lmh. $4 00jl4 25: fair to good feeder lambs. $3.25'f 4 no; bsny mmtit, knnux.w: teener year- lings, 63.2T.ffr3.65: feefler wethers, TrorjT3.2&; feeder ewes. i .wiuz.&o; cuns, l.w.'yi.w. Renresentatlve sales: No. Ay. Pr. 101 Wyoming cull lambs 81 8 10 994 Wyoming feeder lambs 43 8 60 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET. Saturday's Quotations on All Ktada Rale About Steady. ( CHICAGO. Oct. 81 .CATTLE Receipts, W head; nominal; good to prime steers, 86.254it.Gt: poor to medium. 83.4iiff4.75; stock ers and feeders. $3.2584 40; cows, Sl.23ff4.36; heifers. $:.Ooii4.76; canners, $l.5i2.4ti; buns. $2.004.25; calves, $2.00''u6.75; Texas fed steers, $2.7r.i3.60; western steers, $3.0OiT4.50. HOGS Ret-ail Ms today. 11.000 head: esti mated Mondav, 80.000; market about steady; mixed snd butchers', $6.00iff6.46; good to choice heavy, $l.90.20; rough heavy, $4.twgi 4K; light, $4.90tf6.$5; bulk ot sales, $4.to9'. SHEEP AND LAMPS-Recetpts. 1.009 head: msrVet steady; good to choice weth ers, $3.00ff3.66; fair to choice mixed, S2.004J1 8.00; western sheep, $2.26u3.60; native lambs, $3.25(25.60; western lambs, $3.5005.26. Kaasaa City Lleo Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. Oct. 81 CATTLE Re ceipts, 1.000 head. The market waa un changed; choice export and dressed beef steers. $4.5073.3o: fair to good, $350174.50! stockers and feeders, I2.10n4v4.ou; western fed steers. $2.75S4.25: Texas and Indian steers, $2.00iS3.10: Texas cows. $1.2.".l.i6; native cows, $1.603. 20; native heifers. $'-'.50 ff3.90; ennners, 7ice$2.80; bulls, $1.00'(; calves, ii.avy ti.oo. iteeeipis ior mo wra, Cattle. 72.600 hesd; calves, 8,700 head. HOGS Receipts, 8.000 bead. The market was strong; top. $5.40: bulk nf sales. $4.K,v, 5 25; heavy, $4.805.12; mixed packers, $4.95T5.25; light, $5.155.3!; yorkers. $6 25 p5.40; pigs, $5.20ftf5.40. Receipts for the week, 83.300 neao. SHEEP Receipts, l.ino neaa. j ne mar ket was steady: nntlve lambs. $3.25fi6..5: western lambs. $2.90(&6.00; fed ewes $2.801 8.76; Texas clipped yearlings, $250U4.00; Texas Clipped sneep, j.nwj.ia, aiynri a and feeders, $2.00Sa3.uO. Receipts lor uie week, 47,400 head. St. I.ools Live Stock Market. ST. LOUIS. Oct. 81. CATTLE Receipts, Una head, including 800 head of Texans. The market was steady: native shlpnlnir and export steers, 84. 6fi R.40; dressed beef and butcher steers. $4.0Oi5.25: steers under 1.000 pounds. $8.605.25; stockers and feed ers. 82.60ff3.73; cows and heifers. $2.10ff4 00; canners. $1.5082.00; bulls. $; calves, $4.00ff6.50: Texss and Indian steers, $2,250 8.50; cows and feeders, 82.00-82.65. HOGS Receipts, l.iw neaa. 1 no marm was steady to so feigner; pigs ana ugni. $4.7565.35; packers. 1. 666.10; butchers and bet neavy. d.kkku.tu. SHEEP iteceipts, uu neno. xiie min was steady: native muito;, w"'Jj''L: lambs. $4.60?T5.5O: culls and .-.Ciit. $2.25 $.75; stockers, $2.60ffa.00. IKevr York Live Stock Market. NEW YORK. Oct 81. CATTLE Beeves. no receipts; no sales reported; dressed beer aiu ftiiv Areataed, native sides extreme range. 6ffc; reported exports for today, 1,300 beeves. 600 sheep, 8,400 quarters of beef. CALVES Receipts, 44 head; veals, slow and about Steady In brice; western calves. dull snd lower: maimy western veais niu at $4.608.60: a car of westerns at $3.00; city dressed veals, 8ff9c. HOGS .Receipts, 2, VOI ncail, uu aiaisa vflHF.P AND LAMBS Receipts, 6.658 . head; slow and weak; lambs lower ner ally and slow; sheep. 8ff5c; lambs. 6u&e: dressed mutton, 6io; dressed Iambs, 7 fflOc. St. Josepk Me Steele Market. ST. JORKPH. Mo., Oct. tL CATTLE Re- .1.... ko Via. maruet areanv: natives. I3.4W515; cows and heifers, $1.604,4.40; stock ers ana teeaers, ..wj.. . n HOOS Keceipw. neau; ini ;. to ec hlKher: llfht, a6.00tV6.S5; medium and hiE,P AND LAUEfr-Becelpt.. 164 Head; market steady. Slows City Lira Stoclc Market. ajrriTT-v rTTV Ta Oct. S1 fRneclal Tele- irram.)-CATTLE Receipts. 100 head. Mar- and tnlired, 12.20 J. 40; stockers and feeders, t2 BOtfM.60; calves and yearling. $2.26S.40. u. ir;aH.Alnta. 2.800 head. Marltet stronK to 60 higher, selling at t4.Swwo.00; bulk, $4.l Q4.V0. Stock ta Slcfct, Following are the recelpta of live stock at the six principal western uua day; Omaha Chicago Kansas City Bt. Ixiuls ... St. Joseph .. Sioux City .. Cattle. IIoss. Bbeep. 400 3.5(10 1.134 . 800 , .1,000 .. 850 ,. 622 . loO 11,000 8.000 l.jnO 27 1.SO0 8,000 1.100 800 104 Totals ..8.373 28,77$ 4.898 Oil Market. rtTT Oct. ai.oita Credit balances $1.77; certificates, no bid; shipments. 104.685 bhis.; average, uma., iui, w'"Zii in fai Mils.: shinments. Lima. 6!),7?8 bhls. ; averaite. tiD.tMm nois.; runs, a-unua. v,w. bhls.; average. 6S,630 bbls. nrm. rloain, nrm; j, u, i, 'i '" O. t2.E6; I. $2.0; M, $4.06;; wu.; WW V4.10. vtiii vnnir net. 51 Cottonseed quiet; prime crude, nominal; yellow, 36 3i;ic. Petroleum, firm; refined New York, 30c: Philadelphia and Baltimore, $8.26; in bulk, 0. 36. Turpentine, sieaoy. xiosin, firm; strained common to rood, Csffee Market. NEW TORK, Oct. 81. COFFEE B pot I . .1 . 1 Im.nln. 1 L " ml ,1 t MO ,1 V ' Cordova, V'a.ijj.iSo'. Futures opened strong at an advance or cii j" pcuu un ai:ui awiu general demand witn uotton exenange 111 i.raala annimsad to be oneratlnit for New riricana hravv buvers. Bales on the can were KS.000 bags, ana aunng tne morning the entire market ruiea inactive. .vera ahnut ns usual snd there were further apprehensions ss to the growing crop. The advance caught stop-loss orders and the market closed firm, net 1W20 points higher. Bales were 12H.B0U nags, liiciiuung novera ber at 6.6&9.70o; December, $.0&4u.$0c; Jan WOULD YOU INVEST $50.00 TO HAKE DRf. KIT HP $E fsfin and many times your money ritUrll Ur gUUUU back In the way of dividends? W SO, BUY 1 - COLUhlDUS CONSOLIDATED COLD MINING COMPANY'S STOCK Of the Black Hills, 8. D.( at 80 Cents Per Share. This price subject to previous sale, as I have only a limited amount of stock to offer at tills flirure. Fifty dollars Invested In Homestake stock when It first started shows protlls as above, and there Is no reason why COI.L'M fct'8 CON SOU DATED should not do as well, as Its claims cover part of the same ore deposits as the liomestake. The Columbus Company starts with 815 acres of ground, working seven mines lias a small mill In operation that la producing about tl uXw monthly. The company Id out of debt and has lOO.Outl on hanl with whloh to build a 1,000-ton mill, contract for which Is about to be let. As soon as this mill Is finished, the property will be on a dividend paylnic basis. This Is the , Best Proposition Ever Offered io the Public In the way of a mining stock, as there are at least 110 worth of gold ore in sight for every share of stock Issued. I will an ree to pay the expense of a trip to the black Hills and return to any one who will agree to tuktr at least t&.faO worth of the stock If the proposition Is ss represented. Don't fall to write for full particulars concerning this company. Block Is sold on the In stallment plan If desired at lay per hundred Sharon, in payments of 17.60 down and 17. W per month. HERBERT S. SHAW Offloea, 14 and IS Brown Palace Hotel, DENVER, COLO REFERENCES: WESTERN BANK OF DENVER, COLORADO. tiarr. SltOffflJKc; March. F.WftWc: 61.ini6.8oc; July, SSi.((i6.40c; ftutcnrlier, 6.50c. ... . : "' .. May. , 6.4HIII) r . : NEW YORK, Oct. 81. HUG Aft Raw. steady; fair refining, 8Sc; centrifugal. !' test 8c; molasses sugar. $c; refined, quiet; No. 8, 4. Sic; No. 7. 4"0c; No. 8, 4.25c; No. 9. 4.2: No. 10. 4.1V; No. 11, 4.1ic; No. 12, 4.05c; No. 13, 4c: No. 14, 8 96c; confec tioners' A. 4.60e: rsould A, 5c: cut loaf, 636c; crushed, i.'.ff, powdered, i.'fcc; gran ulated. 476c; cubes, 4c MOLASSES Meanly. Nw Orleans open kettle, good to choice, 3HN2c. Peoria liraln Market. TEORIA. Oct. 81. CORN Steady; No. 4nc; No. 4. 42c. OATS Pteadv; No. 8 white, 85tr3o! ; No. 4 white. 844c. REAL ESTATE THA8SFBR8. DEEDS filed for record yesterday as fur nished by the Midland Guarantee nml Trust company, bonded abstracter, 1614 Farnam street: James J. McLaln. executor, to Charles 11. Horton, part lot 8, George W. Forbes' sub $ 750 The Henson Ind Syndicate to Harvey J. Grove, lots 11 to 18, Inclusive, block 2, Itenson 1 Charles II, Flint and Wife to Oliver Ames et al, trustees, part lot 24 Mlllnrd fk Caldwell's add 800 Peter Mogls to Carrie E. Deyo. lots 1 and 8. block S, Hagedorn'e add.... 235 Frances E. Wilde to Anna R, Knlins. n s lot 14, block 16, Kountzo's 4th supplemental ndd 00 Oliver Ames et al, trustees, to Charles R. Flint, part lot 84, Millard l Cald well's add I.ijO Frank J. 1ewts and wife to John Wls ler, lot 17, block 2, Sheridan Place.... 1 Edmund K. I-ower and wife to Jacob Milder. n90 feet lot 1. block 72, city.. J.600 C0E COUMISSIOM QQ (Incorporited) iJHrVuV.".0. $600,000.00 BROKERS IN Grain, Provisions Stocks and Bonds Larrttt Prvate Wire System InAmerlca. 150 Branch OlHces la princi pal nortliem cities froui New York to Seattle, giving a ser vice unexcelled. Responsible and Conservative. 175 National and State Banks are our depositories and references. We charge no Interest for carrying long stocks. General Offices: N. Y. LIFE BLD'G. MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. TIIOS. At. WADDICK, Correspondent. 101S Faraaoa St.. Oiuslia. Tel. S4U7. CHICAGO. OMAHA. MINNEAPOLIS Room A rUnhattan Dldj., ST. PAUL, MINN. Dealers in Grain, Provisions, Stocks Bought and sold for cash or oa reasonable margins. Members li iportant Eiehasgii, ate Wires. rrl. Write for our dally market letter and prl- yate telegrupn cipner maiiea ires. Ship Your Grain to Us. Best Facilities. -Liberal Advances. Prompt Returns. 100 Bee Bide Phone ad 14 Omaha, Kebraska. Dnlath. Wlaatpeg. The Merchants National Bank of Omaha, Neb. U. t Mlliry Capital and Surplus, $600,000 ttxm Kinm, m. ux a. wood, v. LUTIEIOUKCCiihlcf. FIANK T. IAMILT0H. Ant anler. KomIts seoeunu et bank, baokf mkariL c stloaa, grias aa4 Ia4in4uals ea fsvoraftli tsnaa. Poralgn Kiebanc keufht sal sold. LaMtara of Cn4lt baua. sTslUMe IB all psrta mt tha world. InUraat p14 en Tim CartlHeatts ef IMpntlt. CoiiaMtiona siad raBiitlr aad aooaooiluall. w rassl aornas aeaaaoa. Uoo'd FOREIGN CAPITAL NOT AFFECTED BT WAI.t, STREET. Enabling owners of approved properties tu ' DKVKLOPUX 1 KKI) fctltIF IKDI'STRIAI.S, RAILWAYS, MIXES and similar enterprises. Address with full dutatls. 3. B. WHITE, Mnnnfter. Becurlty Life Ins. Co., 61 WALL STREET, NEW TOHK. MONTHS FREE Up-to-date Mining paper (fully Illustrated!, conu lo in all the latest news from the famous pold camp, Including WG CHEEK AND THUNDER nOUIIUlU l. a. MINI1SU JO; ltAU 1ST Kaasaa IU K. V. WEARE GRAIfl GO. 110-111 Beard mt Trade. OMAHA, NEB. O. W. Sword, Manager. - Tel. 13141. so L