TTTTJ OMATTA PAITjY BEE: SUNDAY, XOVEMDEK 1, 100.1. B E I R N I S3 G rJJORIDAY THE BIGGEST n n A Ill I n (HM la 0 HELD IN HAM A TWO IMMENSE CAR LOADS OF THE FINEST FLOOR COVERINGS. SALE BEGINS MONDAY MORNING AT 8 O'CLOCK, ALL THE CARPETS AND RUGS IN THIS PURCHASE ON SALE MONDAY ALL THE OIL CLOTH AND LINOLEUM GOES ON SALE TUESDAY MORNING. rn-, 10 ft) MM Go IS 17 IS fet RTIO OS From as eastern railroad claim agent we bought two carloads of freight consigned to a well known carpet house. The first car consisted of 124 pieces of floar oil cloth, 86 bales of 9x12 French Wilton Rus, 41 bales of Smith Axminster Rugs, 24 bales of room size Smyrna Rugs: Some of the goods from this car are damaged, but the greater portion are sound and psrfect j j The other car consisted of 92 roIU of b:st gradi Lim.eun, all 2 yardi widi, 33 rolls of Brussels Carptt of various grades, 25 rolls of Axminster Carpets, 45 rolls Wilton Velvet Carpet. ,Some of the goods from Jhis car are damaged, but mast of them are sojhd and perfect. The dama jed goods are damaged by water only, You should not fail to atteni this sale Monday as th:re will be some of the greatest bargains ever offered in Omaha in high class floor coverings. .? j In view of the fact that the firm to whom these goods were consigned carried only a superior grade of goods, and inasmuch as we bought them extraordinarily cneap, mere will be some phenomenal bargains j 350 FRENCH WILTON RUGS at S25 EACH In this lot are all the 9x12 French Wilton and Hartford Wilton rugs. These are in high class Art Nouveau and Oriental patterns and are positively the best Wilton rugs made. They are sold in Omaha today at $50.00 each. Most of these rugs are absolutely sound y and perfect. You should be on hand early for this lot, W as the handsomest wll go first. As long as they last, at .1 !WIIJ.l!J.,WWUWikMt! 1 ESS i 035 RUCS AT 519.98 EACH In this lot are 23 Hartford Axminster and Smith velvet rugs. These are in the most beautiful patterns ever shown and in the very best Ax minster carpet made, livery rug r in this lot is sound and perfect and , U go as long as they last, at, each D'98 371 025 RUGS AT 012.98 EACH In this lot are 25 9x12 nartford Axminster rugs that are slightly damaged. 50 Brussels rugs slightly damaged and 23 double faced Smyrna rugs. These last ones are absolutely The rugs in this lot are positively worth, $25.00 each, and are very slightly damaged, go at, each - sound and perfect .98 010 and 015 RUCS AT 05.98 and 07-50 EACH 05 WILTON RUCS AT 01.98 EACH In this tot are all the 7-6x10-6 double faced. Smyrna ruga that Rfl Jn this lot are all the door Size fine Wilton rur in OJjer at.... fr r J o-ro o mi. t t - generally etll for $15. 00, we All the $10.00 6x9 double faced each. ...... Smyrna rugs go at, s 5-98 27x54-inch size and 86x72 Smyrna rugs. at $5. 00 each, but go in this sale at, each , These always sell 1.98 .0 BEAUTIFUL AXMINSTER and SMYRNA RUCS 3 bales of royal Axminster rugs that generally sell up to $7.60 each, in I they last at, each ta 26-inch Smyrna rugs, the $2.00 kind, willge as long as they last at, each ' M 9 C ALL THE FINE CARPETS BOUGHT FROM THE RAILROAD COMPANY. $1.50 Carpets at 79c Per Yard. Wilton and Hartford Axminster Carpets, all absolutely new pat terns and most of them guaranteed to be absolutely sound and perfect. In parlor, library and sleeping room designs, some with border and some without. Here is a carpet that is sold In Omaha today for $l.CO por yard. Wa will offer the entire lot yard. You should see this lot to appreciate again. will you get a chance to buy such fine per yard Dme wuri Doraer ana some aha today f"""l tat 79c per ts It. Never jfiJ carpet at, J hJPJI $1.25 Carpets at 49c Yard. In this lot are ail the vlvet Axminster and Brussels Carpets that were In any way damaged. Many of thsse were only damaged on the outside folds. We have cut away the damaged portion and will offer for sale only the sound and perfect goods. Of many of them It leaves only enough for hfalls, sleeping rooms, etc. Of others thera are many sound and per fect mil roils, in view or tne ract or the high grade goods in this lot and that they are all sound and perfect, at 4Go per yard they will not last long. You should be on hand early for this lot.. . flic 75c All Wool Ingrain Carpets at 25c In this lot sre many half rolls of logr&ia carpet that is worth 75o per yard. These were damaged oa the outside lolds. We hare out away the damaged portion and will offer for sale only sound and perfoot goods. This lot it an exceptional bargain and as the goods that ws will offer are all sound and perfeot think of it 75o all wool Ingrain carpet for, yard 50c Stair Carpet Damaged on the BJgea, 15c a Yard 13 roll a ot very heavy stair oar. pet, large variety of patterns and designs, has been wet on the extreme 11 ft "edge only, as long as it lasts it goos at, yard.....' Ivw 25c All the Oil Cloth and Linoleum in This Purchase go on Sale Tuesday Morning. ON SALE TUESDAY ALL OF THE OIL CLOTH, NO MATTER WHAT THE QUALITY IS. UP TO 2 YARDS WIDE, MOST OF IT WORTH 35c A YARD, WILL GO AT, per square ard 5c 75c Linoleums at 39c Per Square Yard In this lot are all the Linoleums, $1 Linoleums at 49c Square yd. In this lot are all those extra heavy linoleums, two yards wide, that you generally pay 7Sc per sqare yard for, all in Q 2 yards wide, in high grade patterns that you would expect to pay, regu- ft Q new handsome designs, will go Tuesday, at, -SlSlP larly. fl.OO per square yard. These are all absolutely sound and fciSilR per square yard.. ; .PttJ perfect and will go at, per square yard TfW Last Day of the New York Dressmaking Stock The last day of the New York dressmaking sale will be the greatest of alL We have set aside one great bargain square with goods' that have not been shown during the early part of the sale. $2.00 Dress Goods at 69c Yard Tailor Cloths, Silk Crepes, Cheviots, Voiles, Etamines, etc. also dainty party shades in V" sTy. sheer woolens to make total clear- W vjl ijF $3.00 Dress Goods at 95c Yard Zibelines, Amazons and Broadcloths, Panamas, elegant Silk Eoliennes, Voile Et amines, etc. every style and ' weave at Q5c ance a yard A FORTUNATE NEW PURCHASE OF FINE DRESS GOODS New and practical dress goods at 29c a yard. We bought all a jobber had on hand of new and desirable goods Storm Serges, Granite Cloths, Scotch Worsteds, Flecked Zibelines, . Armures, Panamas, etc! worth 60c and 75c at. , 60c and 75c French Flannels. nJ theMain Dress Goods Dept- striped ferBian dots, , qa etc., Fancy Waistings -"vflP. 29c 50-ltich Ladies' Cloth, As trakhan Tailor Cloths, Mohairs and Fancy Suit ings, at, a yard 39c at a yard, T sT tTT . new juercenzea waistings, new Mohairs for shirt waist M suits, and Canvas Et- ZI,lll. AW amines, at, a yard , fill the Stock! Sillis from tho Ashley-BoilGy MUST BE CLOSED OUT TOMORROW .AW thete fine black and colored iilk$ must go Monday-Prices lower thn sver before offered in new and fashionable silksIn three lots. LOT 1-At 25c Yard LOT 2 -At 48c Yard Lot 3-At 69c Yard 2G50 yards of plain and fancy silks, Stylish shirt waist silks, yard wide Choicest silks of the stock beauti- black and colored brocades, figured lining silks, dress foulards, black ful glace taffetas, pin check hair silks, Ashley-Bailey peau de sole, etc,, , A T Hoe silks, three tone f wholesale price 50c, J Ashley-BaUey whole- tLfe QJ lorocadeB,jetct Ashley- Q Jf at yard... , fymg'Z.1? pAtiT!1.... 100 pieces crepe de chine-every shade, the SPECIAL SALE OF BONNET BLACK SILKS a lard"19 BUCh 69C 0. J. Bonnet & Co., Lyons, celebrated black taf- Black siik velvets-100 Vieces secured AQn . fetaJ, evfy 7T? selvag-We at fortunate purchase, worth f 1, at yd..,. H: are direct agents. Waist patterns-Fancy velvets, metallic velvets, f&?ttT..V..5. - SUK Persian panne velvets, full waist - U no $ K ga...?!!..!. -JS patterns, at.... ...LVO" l.dd . f?. $!'29 .. m i a i . l i.u ! .ntii . i ii i i.. ii .in. mbl 'MM"" nm" J1 " 1 L -"" " """" An Inviting Millinery Offer Exquisite Trimmed Hats at $6.49 ' i Beautiful and practical trimmetl hats in season's most (fetching styles Ostrich trimmed, flower and foliage effects, chenille and silk velrwt combinations the modish close- fitting turbans, medium and large, dress hats and toques, la great qartety have, been sold a high as L 60 Monday at 6.49 Dress Shapes at $1.69 Frenoh silk long nap beaver shape and flats, all the prettiest and most desirable obades- actually worth 13.60- Monday at n.68 Black Dress Hats at $3.49 A stunning black dress hat, materials and work- A manship very seniceable for many occasions "p fu worth 7.00-at. Trimmed Hats in the. Basement All the f2.50, ?3 and f3.50 hats in modish effects and all the pretty fall trimmings a special value for Monday, in the basement, at 1.98 Splendid Street Hats at 39c Here are very jaunty and modish street hats in the tailored effects, trimmed prettily with pompoms, quills, ribbons, breasts, etc. many attractive shapes and all the pretty fall shades. These ready to wear hats are .worth as 1.50 and $2.50 tomorrow in the basement and second floor. 39c Beautiful New Creations in Cloaks and Suits Beautiful new suits for tomorrow's sala We recently purchased 200 elegant dress and walking suits In New York at less than half price -r- $Oyf .50 Cl C zl all are samples and some are worth as high as $75 Monday " & P " 65 New E vetiing Gowns and Coats Gowns are beautiful crepe de chine, peau de $'")Q up Si'lQ eoie, spangled nets, etc, at (o lOV Coats in white broadcloths, white $ACup $QQ ribelines, doeskins, etc, from to DISPLAYS IN HIGH ART FURS We have taken the most extraordinary pains this season to select the very finest, most desirable and most beautiful fur pieces. Many charming and exclusive effects Double fox scarfs $4.98 up to $30 Mink scarfs $9.98 up to $125 ar seal coats .. $29 Up to $65 Genuine seal coats, from $125 Up to $300 Stunning new walking suits made in en- C Oft tirely new and fetching effects, Just purchased Splendid tailor made suits in the very 1 A latest cloths and designs, at , 14,ou 3.08 New coat modes fresh new showing of medium and 14-85 lonff cont effocta new leaf rapes Watt mil ca tnd mi liary ITects, at tti.U). I19.UD and Smart new golf skirts late effects, at Sample dress skirts verjr well, at 6 .90 Cravenette Coats Fine cravenette for driving, HQ automublllng or rainy weather. CoaXa worth J 112.50, at W..!!!-.M' 12.50 Special Bargains Monday in Picture Dept. Carbonette. assorted " r pictures, brown mQ frame, err pretty.. m Panel Pictures, gilt frame, fitted with photo colors, fy g regular 75c article, ajVyC at : v Anna Held' Fencing Olrls. black frame with orna- A ment, worth 98o, C J Q The Younr flother. framed with ffilt frame, oval or square mat thla is the one you have A g always wanted CJL- C worth tWo, at w Ollt Frame With Water Color. mounted with double thick white mat a beauty and cheap at one dollar SZ fv and a quarter, j Q Twenty-Inch Pharaoh's Horses. put up to Florentine pattern frame with gold burnish QH ornament, the kind you pay 11.94 for Imported Oleographs, fitted in hardwood frame with gold lin iosr, both parlor and iialug room subject, the six . " fQ dollar kind J at Monday's Big Specials Ladies' Fall and Winter Underwear Plain and fleecy lined vests and panta medium and heavy weight. natural wool, silver gray, etc. worth up to f 1.25 a garment at ' 25c-39c-46c-69c 59c Ladles' & Children's Fine Union Suits at 39c-69c-98c 1.50 Kid Gloves Latest style and colors in fall kid at 59c pair gloves many real Kia would be good valne at $1.50 a pair at, pair Silk Veils and Beautiful embroidersd effects in silk Hat Drapes 49c the new browns, vj A new blues, etc. one and one-half yards W long at Turn Over Lace and embroidered turn over - ff Collars collars the pretty and popular lJ fruit effects worth up to 35c each at Wool Golf Imported Scotch and camel's hair Gloves at 29c gloves, also cashmere and tf fleecy lined all sires worth fl a pair j at, pair. - ; Handkerchiefs Ladies' and men's handkerchiefs, all at 5c and 124c pure linen, plain white and fancy border all widths of hemstitching PJ -f 1 ' worth up to 25c A Jhi'Ks i r See Our Show Windows-All the Advertised m.9 Pictures on Display. JP51 L Finn B e- J