10 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, OCTOBER 27, 100.1. CAIUE RILL ED, BUT MEN LIVE Etrtnga Etiolti Fellow Oo liiion of Two B & M. Freight Train SEVEN MEN HAVE REMARKABLE ESCAPES Ess-la Plow! Tbrssah Cssso.e . Wiser MB Ar SI tils; Kills Cattle la Cava ea fin Q !MfnnHtirfijl o " CouDon Sale I - WW - - l 'I UK RELUULU Sl Ollfc;. n mi rprn? J m I JUiesd. -seren tral in en narrowly escaped death yenierday morning at an early tiour In a collision botween two stock trains near Seymour road, on the 11. M. railroad. Both trains were heavily loaded with stock. Each train upon reaching the summit of ths hill In the vicinity of Seymour road put on a full head of steam and run down the steep grade as fast as possible, In the endeavor to get a sufficient momentum to carry It up the steep grade ahead of It. The first train had made the S run' down the hill and failed to acquire sufficient momentum to get up the hill on the other side. The train In the rear came down the hill with great speed and It ap peared to the engineer that the train ahead of him was proceeding siowly up the steep grade ahead of him, but when It was too lata to stop his train he saw that ths train In front had come to a standstill. Not Man Killed. The engine of the rear train smashed Into the caboose and two rear cars of the first train. And a most remarkable thing hap pened. In the caboose were seven men and with the exception of a slight bruise upon one of them not a single one was harmed The engine eontluea to plow its way through the next two cattle cars, however, and cattle were killed In each of these cars. The caboose was literally smashed to pieces, and the engine was reduced to a bit of scrap Iron, and yet through It all ths seven passengers In the caboose escaped with slight bruise. Several head of cattle. however, In the stock cars ahead were killed. , Railroad men In speaking of this affair ay It was one of the strangest things that ever came under their observation. They could not figure It out how the men In the caboose escaped Instant death, while cattle In ths cars ahead were killed , ' Csald Not Bleep for Coohlna-. . "In the winter of 1903 I contracted a se ver cold and It resulted In pneumonia," ays Mr. Bert Hatch of South Dayton, N. T. "For five days and nights I could not sleep, was constantly coughing. Mr. J. J. Rundel), knowing of my Illness, sent ma a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, and In a short time It gava me relief, so that I could sleep, and two bottles of the remedy ' cured me. I had taken five dif ferent remedies, but could get no relief until ' I began using Chamberlain' Cough Remedy. Too much can not be said for such a medicine. " When a druggist takes the liberty of sending a medicine to a friend you may kn6w that the remedy sent Is a rood on. Aamovaceaneats of the Theaters. v This evening Ezra Kendall and hi com pany will , repeat "Th Vinegar Buyer" at the Boyd. Th success achieved by this ' comedy ha been entirely deserved. It gives Mr. Kendall an excellent chance for th exhibition of the peculiar quiet style ef comedy and humorous expression of which he Is a master, and ha a well some excellent opportunities for other actors. On Wednesday afternoon and Wednesday and Thursday evening "Burled at Sea," on of the 'new melodramas, will be pre sented. It Is a powerful play, well written, and acted by a competent company. Th trend of fly closely written aots of , "Iris," the new play by the famous Eng lish playwright, A. W. Plnero, In which Virginia Harned I to appear under th di rection of Charles Ftohroan at the Boyd Friday. Saturday matinee and n!gh la, according to common report, toward th everlasting- varieties of life and retribution. From what Is said of this much talked about play, It seem to be an accepted fact that It Is without technical ' faults or In equalities of workmanship, while It epi sode have th breath of life In other words, about a true to nature a It Is possible for a playwright to create both hi scene and his characters. There are abundant reasons for entertaining th be lief that Mis Harned will be given a generous welcome by the theatergoers, as there must of necessity be a natural de lr to se this greatly discussed play. Beat sale opens at th box office today. Harry Clay Blaney and his big company In "Across the Paclflo" pleased another large audience at the Krug last night The defense of th block house In the , Philippines, with Its gatllng gun and other realistic effects, makes a great Mt There will be only one more matinee of "Across th Pacific," Wednesday afternoon, when the price wilt b 26 cents for the best seats. ' Reserved seats' for Ward at Vokea, In their big musical comedy, "Th Two Pinks," at ths Krug, November t and . will b placed en sale Thursday morning of this week. Col West This Kail I Whether the Journey Is for pleasure, busi ness or health for a few day or several weeks nearby, to Oklahomaor 'cross con tinent to California It will pay you In dol lar saved, comforts gained and sights seen, to call or write me and find out all about the low rate personally conducted excursions ver the Santa Fe to Great Southwest and California. E. L. palmer. Pass.. Agt., tot fequltabi Bldg., Des Moines, la. - Bask Cvrtlneates. W Issu certificate of deposit for I, or tl months, bearing 4 per cent interest. J. L. BUANDEI8 SONS. Banker. CONDITIONS GENERALLY GOOD Crop Ke.slts for Past Week Favor, ably Heporlea Aloaa; the Bar. . llaaytoa Haste. Th Burlington crop report for the week ending October 24 says that ths weather In all territory has been very dry. In east ern Nebraska the days have been warm and th night quit cool, with several very heavy frosts. AH of ths wheat seed ing ha been completed on the two eastern divisions and probably about the average acreage of wheat has been sown. On the western division In certain localities the seeding Is practically completed, with an average acreage, and on th other part t th division th ground ha been too dry to plow a part of the time. On the astern and southern ends of th Alliance division about an average acreage of wheat has been sown. The recent dry weather has been very favorable for drying the corn, and considerable husking already ha been dona The yield ot the corn crop Is about as has been predicted for the last month. There Is an abundanos of rougn feed In the country for the stock and the pasture and range are In good condition Tobacco Heart may be cured. Don't neglect your gymp. torus. Dr. Mile' Heart Cur la a great heart and blood tonic about which you will learn a great deal and also about heart trouble by sending postal for free I " w . m. . bhu nmrvrm. erUJk aUUUCAX. CO, UWS li2k & sou eJ n Sale of Swiss Clocks at 49c Swiss Ornamental Wall Clocks We secured the entire stock of a well known importer. These little clocks are of a beautifully carved wood. All brass movements bone and ivorv dial, fnticv hro ze a y m m. m weights. A beautiful orna- VL (i )Cl ment and a correct piece. Your choice day, at 49 $5 WAISTS AT S2.50 For today we will place on sale for the first time tuff Ha and peau de to tilk waists tn toUd colors, black, pink, lihl bluet, wnue, also cntckea ana poika at t jfp in wutsit, all of thtm huiidtomely tucked and trimmed, ulto un t eptionml line of henry mercer iz'd w ils Jor win ter wear, tn white and new colon, made in the latest ttyle and all guaranteed to be C5 waists, on tale aU 'art, pinks, liht bluet, $2-50 Silk Veils and Hat Drapes 49c 49 c $1 Ready-to-Wear Hats at 39c A Dew lot of ready-Ntu-wear ha is, all guaranteed tube J d this season' styles, on sale In basement at, VJ f" eaoh W 50c Children's Caps at 15c 15c Thousand of all silk chiffon ready made veils, yard long, all silk embroidered and chenille spots in black and all colors, worth up to tl.50, on sale at .-. Another largo lot of assorted children's caps, fur both b ys and girls, all styles, kinds and sizes, on sale la basement at, each .-, In Our Basement Dress Goods Department 6oc dress goods at 25c This lot includes henriettas, serges, PJ ' cheviots and suitings, all on sale on basement bargain Jjfj square, at, per yard m Specials in Our Silk Dept. 50c quality Taffetas, Loulaenes, Foulards, etc., at 75c and $1 quality Walstlng 311kg, Corded Taffetas, Crepe-de-chines, etc., at $1.25 quality elegant Crepe-de -chines, Glacea Taffetas, etc., 29c 49c 69c Advance Notice Two carload of Carpet, Linoleums and O.lcloth bought from a railroad claim agent; On Sale Monday, Nov. 2, and Tuesday, Nov.' 3. These two carloads have become damaged In a recent railroad washout Borne of the goods In the cars were slightly damaged; a large portion are abso lutely sound and perfect. We bought at a phenomenal bargain, and offer the carpets and rugs on Monday, Nov. t oilcloths and linoleums on Tuesday, Nov. S. Watch the papers for further particulars. IT. TC. gfcftttbri & &0it f. Qtnnbtl & pons - 1 t-I.UlLMH..UIJtllLU.t..liIUai..H.. --.Low Rate.. UESEEKERS'EXCURSK Tuesdays! VIA THE 'Em October. 20th November U and 17th ..AND.. 1903 T IRON MOUNTAIN ROUTE. To Certain Points in the WEST AND SOUTHWEST AT ONE FARE FR the round trip -Tm- w-m.m- (PLUS $2.00) Final Limit of Tickets, 21 Days. Btopoyere will be allowed within transit limit of 15 days going after reaching first bomeeeekers' point en-route, route. FOR FURTIIER INFORMATION or land pamphlets, folders, maps, etc., address any agent of the company, or T. F. OODFRBY, Passenger and Ticket Agent, Ton HUQHE5, Travel ing Passenger Agent, OflAHA, NEB. K. C TOWN5END, deneral Passenger and Ticket Agent. St Louis, Ho. POWER FINDSN0 DEVICES Sheriff Declares He Coals Lsrate N GaJBbllaa- Ostata at th Dia mond Salsoa. Additional developments In th gambling case which have been before Judge Vln- sonhaler at frequent Intervals of late, were noted yesterday when Sheriff Power re turned a search warrant, claiming that he could find no gambling paraphernalia at the Diamond saloon. Another new feature of this matter, the papers In w.iK-n were entitled, the State of Nebraska against V. I Chuoovlch, Pat DennUon, A. C. May, Asa Blnford. Kred Summers, William Dalrymple. James Coatea and Meyer Cohn, Included the complaint of I. J. Dunn, who charges the defendants with being common gamblers. Each of the defendants gave bond In the sum of 00, with J. A. Sonnea berg as surety, and their trial is set for November 10. Ar Simply Perfect. Dr. King's New Ufe Pill ar prompt, safe, gentle and always satlafy or no pay. Beat for stomach and liver. Sc. For sal by Kuhn Co. Hosme.eek.re Baearatsas. On Tuewiaya, November and 17, the Missouri Paclflo railway will sell both one way and round trip tickets at very low rates to certain points In Arkansas, Kan saa, Oklahoma, Southweat Missouri. Texas, ate. Stopovers allowed on the going Jour ney. Limit of tickets Is twenty-one days. For further Information call on any agent of the company or Thos. F. Godfrey, pasa and Ticket Agent. S. E. Corner ltlh and Douglas Streets. Omaha. Neb. R. V. COLJt W. It afCKAT. Cole-McKay company, undertaker ac4 mbalmsrs, lalf CayJlo." av. TL M, Attentioa, Odd Fellows. All member of Beacon lodge No. SO are requested to meet at hall, 1 p. m., October 28th, to attend funeral Brother J. C. Ernst. Members sister lodges Invited. J. L. A L VI SON, Secretary. W. W. STEWART, N. O. Attention, K of P. Officer and members of Triangle No. M. K. of P., are hereby requested to attend fpeclal meeting at hall. Twenty-second and Cuming streets, ( o'clock Tuesday evening, October Tl, to arrange for funeral of Brother J. C. ErnBt. By order of ' HENRT HOFFMAN. C. C. J. R. STINE, K. of R. S. Attention, K. of P. Officers and members of Triangle lodge No. M, K. of P., are hereby requested to meet at Caatl hall, - Twenty-second and Cuming, Wednesday afternoon, October. 28, at 1:30 o'clock sharp, to attend funeral of our late brother, J. C. Ernst. Visiting Knights Invited to attend. ' HENRT HOFFMAN, C. C. 3. R. STINE. K. of R. 4k 8. Funeral Nstlc. Master butchers, pleas take notice. On Wednesday afternoon, October 38, at t o'clock, the funeral of our brother, J. C. Ernst. Will take place at Twentr-fourth and Franklin streets. A full attendance of the maater butchers of ths city of Omaha I earnestly requested. Mason!. Nebraska lodge No. 1. A., F. Jb A. M., will work M. M. degree, Tuesday, October II, at 6 :90 p. m. (Three candidates ) Muslo and refreshments. Visiting breth ren Invited. OEOROE A. DAT, W. M. W. C. M'LEAN. Sec Horse covtrs mm Omaha Tent and Aa Haracy streets. o at your horse aiAg Ce, uta an Coupons with every purchase. The most liberal and valua ble tickets ever given absolutely frce with every purchase. To still further prove that these oupons are absolutely free, note the prices quoted for the following sales. No other house east or west can or will offer such values. WOOL DRESS GOODS ZIBELINES. Tuesday we will sell our fin line of lib ellnes at the following prlres: Our I5.P0 extra heavy black tlbelines for making long coats will go at Our $3.00 slhellnes. black and col ors, will go at Our 12.98 slbellnes, In black colors Our $2.50 slbellnes, In black colore , 3.98 .2-79 2.29 .169 Any $1.9 voile or colors VOILES In black 2.69 Any $2.50 roll. In black or colors Any $1.98 voile In black or colors I.59 1,39 TIME SALES FROM 9 TO 11 A. M. We will eelt all our Imported wool ehallles from 60c to $1 00 per yard, at I9c FROM a TO 4 P. M. We will sell our high grade French flan nels, worm irom ioc to ll.oo lfj a yard, at awG Great Sale of Velvets Tuesday Fancy velvets and corduroys, worth $1.00, for , Persian Paon velvet for waists, only...... AH colors mirror velvets, VII BIAIC Fine silk velvet In black and colors , 24 Inch coating velvet, black. wuiiu i.du, ror 59c 69c 75c 59c 75c black. 27-lnoh coating velvet, worth $2.50. for All silk Oriental paon velvet only 32-Inch 'all silk coating velvet, worth $7.60, for 32-lnch fine black velours, on sale On sale Tuesday 100 boxes velvets In browns, blues and greens only, ar ... Ctfto .1.50 1.50 .3.50 2.98 uiwwno, uiuw mm BieefiB im worth 75c, for this day at. Specials for Tuesday. Tuesday we will place on SHle a line of uie tamous pnotograpn rmow Tops, in various designs and colors, worth $1.00 each, for 25c. Two to each customer. W are clearing up our stock of stamped I linen dresser scarfs, center pieces, tray cloths, pillow shams and pillow tops, and you can buy on Tuesday 2fa Pillow Tops for 10c. 3fiO Pillow T'ps for 15c. 60o to $1.00 Tops for 2oc. Grand Veiling Sale Tuesday w place en sale thousands of yards or styllBb Net and Fancy Dot Veil ings. This will be the greatest opportun ity ever offered In veilings. 25o veilings for 7c. 3xi veilings for 10c yard. 5"c veilings for 15c. Drape Veils for hats, 25c. Naydon's Reliable Grocery Department Nebraska's Headquarters for Pure Food products 20 LBS FINE GRANULATED 014 rifVForce breakfast food. Der ouuaj, r un v v 25c 10 bars best laundry soap, for S lbs, Pearl barley, sago, taptcoco, . ftr farina, etc IVC S bs hand picked navy beans, 1QC 5 lbs good Japan. 1Qr rice ' w Quart cans golden table 7ir syrup v Soda, oyster, butter or milk St-" pk'r.. Neutrita "breakfast food, per I'k'g Vitror breakfast food, per Pit's" Vim breakfast food, per PkK Malta Vita breakfast food, per Pk'g Egg-O-See breakfast food, per Pk'g , Malta Ceres breakfast food, per Pk crackers, per lb The Last of the Fresh Fruit. Season ...7ic ....7c ....7ic ...74c ...7ic ....74c ..74c Large boze fancy sweet pears r Washington blue plums, per crate ;.. . .$1.50 95c California honey, per rack Fresh roasted peanuts. measure. per 15c 3c Fancy Hallowe'en dates, per . 9 ' ' r '- ' . ' - - - rrS Misses' Shoes There 1 a vast difference In welt sole on some of them ar not as good nor do they give the satisfaction that a machine sewed sole does. ' These misses' welt sole shoes have the solid inner sole and the flexible oak outer sole. That adds to the cost of manufacture!, but It gives double the service. , Chl'.d's sizes, thi to 11, at $1.75.' Mioses' slscs, 114 to 2, at $2.25. Young Women's sizes, 2i$ to" 6. with either spring or low heel, at $3.00 Drexel's guarantee of "your money back If you're not satisfied" with every pair. DREXEL SHOE CO., 1419 Farnara Street. Ossaha's Upto-Dats Sho Hou a e This is what people say of our BASE BURNER and all we ask for them Is $5.00 down and $5.00 per month, or the wholesale prlc for cash. 4W. H : hWAVJ-1 t s 1 Ur. Murphy or Mr. Bar Ion would not like to stand on their feet all day when nothing was to be sained by It THEY CXHM-D AND WOULD DO IT IF NfcX'ESSARY. The boys who pull the street curs of Omaha would gladly buy and Install their own stools and would glad'y STAND VP WHIl.K KUNNINU THKOUGH THB BUSY lOKTION OF THE CITY but what a relief It would be to have a stool to sit on, when running through the suburbs. HOW ABOUT THAT CHH1STMAS PRESENT MK. SMITH? MARVEL. WHIRLING SPRAY SYRINGE -nt postpaid to any address $2 26 $1.00 Nervlta c $1.00 8exlne Pills h'K: ro Bar Ben 4oc $J00 Chester's Genuine Pennyroyal Pills $100 36t Laxative Uromo Quinine 16c ii&c Qutnacetol, guaranteed cold cure.... 3uo t ounce bottle Syrup White Pine and Tir 25o We guarantee the above cough syrup. $1.00 Peruna. all you want at 67a 36a Genuine Csetorla 2,c Koo Doan'e Kidney pills 39c due C'uUcura Salve 3!c fcw CRAMERS KIDNEY' CURE guaranteed 40c UOWNEY'S It O'BRIEN'S CANDIES. CUT PRIC" DRUO 5T04B Mr. DuiiKles. 618 South ail h. who rerentlv moved to Omaha from Philadelphia, called at our store to see a Base Burner. When he saw the Rochester, N. Y., Batte Burner he asked, the spot chhIi price of It. Being told the price h Bald he would take II. He said he knew all about It and knew that there was no better made and that was as cheap as he could buy it in the eaat. Mrs. Cuvenaugh, 2217 South 19th, after fhf ordered a &tel range last week said. "If this riiiiRe proves to be as good as the Base Burner I bought of you four years ago I will be happy. The Base Burner Is the best I ver used. We sell the best stoves sold In Omaha, and we make the easiest terms. The Stoetzel Stove Co. 714 South 16th Street. yjjBORSrl DIAMONDS An Elegant Stock. Let us have the pleasure of showing it to you. DROWN & BORSHEIM 222 So. lath St. SCIIAEFEITS T. YATES. Proprietor. Tots rnna T47 an TT. $tn mm tateaa-s strssia, Omaha. Perfield's Cut Price Piano Co. B Bldf, Room 7. Telephone 70 1 Meraviars, Lussl acslisf. J L 7. COLLAR I i.n; 'W FALL AND WINTER Underwear For Men. Women ntid Children. Here 8 prices on underwear that's impossible to equaU Males no difference whit shape you are long short stout or regular will fit you proper at the smallest prices you ever paid for good first class underwear. Men's Underwear. 45C FrTi.wA,yjHDFiIlRT RiB,,,ED KrPlan cotton shirt, and draw. -.Tk. 'J new "lors. and plain ecru or white, the correct IhII weight-also fancy fleoce lined-a warm and strictly non-shrinkable garment. Regular 75c values for 45c. 75C E?.8.FiNP Q"ALI7T NATURAL GRAY merino, self trimmed regular-wltSr weight r y ,an colored plU8h back "'-, Regular Dollar Value at 75c. COMBINATION SUITS. Heavy combination suits, in cotton, merino wools and mercerised silk very desirable color and weight , Best Makes from $1.50 to $3.50 a Suit. 25c 45c 45c Ladies' and Children's Underwear. C'jNdn's fall weight, Jersey ribbed, natural combination suits, sizes Regular 50c Quality for 25c. Ladles' fine finished, fleece lined, Jersey ribbed vests and pants, In natural ecru or white, a splendid medium weight for the season's wear Regular 75c Value for 45c. LADIES' ONITA STYLE Jersey ribbed combination suit, nicely finished with light fleecy plush back In natural, gray or white a very serviceable and warm suit. Regular 75c, Value for 45c SPECIAL. JQp 60 dozen ladies' fancy colored flannelette under- skirts, pretty patterns, with flounce, regular value, 50c, for, each 29c Green Trading Stamps Are Good as Gold. o)lL JV IMI JV Clot hi n SAVE MONEY Here's Thre Warm Numbers FIRST ONE Steam shrunk sanitary underwear, our reg- j ular price $2 money saving $" price, per garment SECOND ONE Cooper's derby ribbed underwear, sold the world over for $2.25 per garment money saving price, per f garment $1.50 THIRD ONE Silkine union suits, sold everywhere for $5 per suit money saving $ 5 ff price,' per suit... ns KjKJ CLOTHING DEPARTMENT Mail Orders Filled GROCERY! GROCERY! Always in advance In the grocery business. Fresh Foods at lowest prices ple&se the people. j GREEN TRADINQ STAMPS WITH EVERY PURCHASE. FREE POSTAL CARDS. TEL. IJ7. Tuesday Specials u I Booth baked beans, 1 lb can 3c Breakfast cocoa, 44 lb can 13o Corn starch, 1 lb pk'g So Peas, X lb can to Imported sardines, can .' luo O'ives, bottle c Salmon, 1 lb can 10o Golden syrup, t lb can 12Hc Wisconsin cream cheese, per lb..U'c Hand cheese, each 2'o N.ufchatel cheese, each c Pancak flour, 3 lb pk's" Bl( Shipment of Butter Dally Fre.h country butter, pr lb lo Kennett a Capitol creamery, per lb.xj Medium sour pickles, pint 6o Beat Values In Teas and Coffees Imparl"! Japan, per lb 26a Tea, sifting, per lb l&o B. V. Japan, per lb tn Coffees RoastcU Every Day Ban to coffee, good, per lb ,12o Bennett' Capitol coffee, per lb.... too Collect Your Stamps They Mean Much. STICK PINS Opsls, rubys,. garnets, w have a beautiful tin of signet pins for your Initial or monogram; some lu rose gold finish, some with lesves and pearls. This Is s lieautlful line tlpend a few minutes In our slurs Loo) or the name. S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler and Optician . 1I Douglas StMb V