Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 25, 1903, PART I, Page 4, Image 4

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to pay. Our LIBERAL. CREDIT SYSTEM enables you to obtain
the comforts and necessaries of life in exchange for your promise, to pay.
We trust you unhesitatingly. As to prices convince yourself by com
parlson that you ave money by trading here.
Star Estate Steel Re one
la mucin nf lieavv steel date lined with
extra thlckiu'n" of asbestos, ashpit door,
fitted with screw reenter, nil parts ground
to fit has lower closet -4 J f
Star Estate Ranges OleOvl
upward from
Peninsular Bane Boraera
We are sole agents for Peninsular Bass
Burners guaranteed to heat three rooms
all winter on two tons of coal factory
guarantee with every f A t
stove on sit le tomorrow 5JJ
upward from m
Our Coral Oak Heaters
Can t be matched In Omaha at anywhere
near our prices four slies, each from 10 to
20 pounds heavier thnn any other make of
stove at the respective prices nickel top
ornament and bottom ring has draw
and shake grate down Q J (
If you wish upwards OeO"
A Lance Line of Cook Stoves
Guaranteed first-class Q LaS "V
In every respect upward OsOll
from vf
Special Iron Bed, Hattress and Spring For the coming six days we of
fer what will undoubtedly prove one of the greatest values ever introduced
" a Va bed. a $3 spring and a $3 mattre! fit worth of good, honest value for
this week's sale only during which time only a limited number ft (tf
will be sold to each customer and positively none to dealers for va-.w w
Chiffoniers made of the best selected golden oak highly pol- a qq
Ished a real 7.60 article this week C
500 Rockers flo on Sale Tomorrow Golden finish choice of either
wood or cobbler seats In many designs worth from $4.00 QQ
to 15 sole price tomorrow mzrj
Ingrain Hugs, !xl2, beautl- f QQ
ful line patterns, worth 18.50..
Ingrain Rugs, 9x12, extra Una fZ
quality, choice colors sj, at cJ
Brussels Rugs, $18.00 0
fir ' riiM-a; ft
(Til - IP m)
m asm - im m tmm
All wool extra super Ingrain RBr;
Carpets were 76o cut to "-"'"
Best qua lty Brusnels Ca-pets, r72c
were Wo cut to yard
Heavy Pile Velvet Carpets QQr
beautiful colors were 11.25....
values, now
Double Sleeping Derth
DITV Tierrr firrtnr rissiis it
union station loth & Marcy.
Whiskey and Beer Habit
Phystclaas pronosnce dirnaksnnsss a disease of the nervosa system, creating a morbid
Craving for a aiinanlant. Continued indulgence In whiskey, beer or wine eats away toe
stomach lining and stupefies the dlyestivs organs, tbua destroying the digestion and
raining the health. No "will power" can heal the inflamed stomach membranes.
"ORKINE" permanently removes the craving for liqnor by acting directly on the
affected nerves, restoring the stomach and digestive organs to normal conditions, Improving
the appetite and restoring the health. No sanitarium treatment accessary ; " ORKINE"
can be taken at yonr own borne without publicity. Caa be given secretly if desired.
Mr. E. T. Sims. Bronklvn. N. T . writes!
"Usemv nam as a tweuty-year drunkard
restored to manhood and health by four
tioisa of 'ORRINE.' It Is a wonderful and
marvelous cure (or the drink habit."
Mrs R. Wycllff. New York City, writes!
"ORRINE' cared my husband, who was a
steady drunkard for many years. He now
has no desire for stimulants, his health Is
good and he Is folly restored to manhood,
lie need only flv boxes of "OR KIN E.' "
Mrs. W. L. D., Helena, Mont, writes: "I
bsve waited one year before writing yoa
of the permanent cure of my son. He took
sanitarium truatment, as wall as other ad
.vertlaed cares, but they all failed until we
gave him 'ORRINE.' I.e la now fully re
stored to health and has no desire for drink."
Mr. U. L. R., K ansae City, Mo., wrlteat
"I am satisfied that druukenneaa la a die-
rw and the worst in the world. 'ORRINE,'
my opinion, will cure any caas It taken as
yoa direct. I was a common drunkard for
7 7 vui iweij a nm iree oi any
desire for liquor. Yon have found the spe
cific. God bless you 1"
Mr. A. E. L.. Atlanta, Ga., writes: "I was
born with a love of whiskey and drank It
for thirty-two years. It finally brought me
to the gutter, homeless and friendless. I
was powerless to resist the craving and
would stsal and lie to get whiskey. Four
boars of 'ORKINE ' cured me of all desire
and I now hate the smell of liqnor "
Price St pur box, boaes for fS. Mailed la
plain, sealed wrapper by Orrine Company.
S17 14th street, Waxhlngton, D. C. In Is rest
ing booklet (sealed! free on request.
avoid and recommended by
Stan & McCcoaill Drug (to
Cor, Iwthand Dotgsil., Otnaha
525.00 to
That is the Hack Island's rate. It is in effect
daily. Applies to Los Angeles, San Francisco, San
Diego and hundreds of other points in California.
Corresponding reductions to Halt Lake City, Og
den, Bpokane, Seattle, Tacoma and Portland.
Tickets are good in tourist sleeping cars, and
you can go west via Colorado or El Paso, as you
Full information at this office.
Cliy Ticket Olflca
1323 Farnara Street, Omaba. Hi),
f . P. Eattertcri, 0. f . A,
Niw BflTeiue Law Held to B laeffsctir
Until Kelt ApriL
Taxpayers Kot Canapellesl to Aaswer
Mo-Called Iarrlnslnatlna; dies.
, tloas rialatlffn Satiated
with Decision.
Judges Baxter and Day yesterday an
nounced their decision in the case of War
ren Bwlttler against William Fleming as
tax commissioner for the city of Omaha.
The decision In Itself did not occasion sur
prise, but the fact waa made plain that the
new law la not to become operative until
April 1. 104. Thin feature of the new law
seems to have been generally overlooked.
Judges Baxter and Day held, however,
that the new revenue law Is applicable to
the city of Omaha, but that the tax com
missioner was premature in attempting to
enforce Its detailed provisions at this time.
Upon the convening of court In Judge
Day's room a large company of attorneys
and Interested cltlxens was present. The
decision of the court was made orally by
Judge Baxter. In his opening remarks
Judge Baxter said that the bill brought by
Mr. Swttsler embodied soma Important
points. Speaking to the general proposi
tion laid down by Mr. Bwlttler that the
new law was not applicable to the city of
Omaha, Judge Baxter said that If this con
tention was correct the entire controversy
would be at once disposed of.
Reference then was made to section it,
which had been repeatedly referred to In
the presentation of the arguments. It was
held by the court that the city claimed that
the reference to this statute Is In such
general terms as to become merely a guide
as to how the tax commissioner may and
to what extent he can perform his duties.
The fact that no reference was made In
the new law to the charter under which tha
city of Omaha la operating, was held to be
no argument against the proper direction of
the work and authority of the assessor.
Applies to Omaha.
In deciding the question as to whether
the new law Is applicable to the city of
Omaha, Judge Baxter said that after ma
ture deliberation and full Investigation
both he and Judge Day were agreed on the
proposition that It was applicable to the
city of Omaha. It waa held that whatever
powers are conferred upon the county as
sessor under the new law are conferred
upon the city assessor, and that it was up
to the tax commissioner "to leire one horn
or the other In this dilemma." IA other
words, he must reach a conclusion, person
ally, as to whether he has or has not more
or less power than the county assessor and
then be ready to stand by his decision, pro
viding It be Justified by the law.
Regarding the contention that the tax
commissioner was attempting to Include
within Ms schedule a list of Questions
which are alleged to be Incriminating, the
court held that answers to these questions
could not be enforced at this time for the
reaaon that the new law does not . be
come operative, according to its own pro
visions, wtdch seem to have been gener
ally overlooked, until April 1, 1304. It waa
therefore held that the tax commissioner is
without power or authority, until April 1,
1904, to compel any person to take the oath
or answer the questions embodied In the
schedule submitted by Mr. Fleming.
Regarding the Insertion of the word
"None" after each question where the space
has formerly been left blank, the same
rule applies namely, that the Insertion of
this word cannot at this time be enforced.
Dec Into a Is . Overlooked.
A very Important phase of tha contro
versy waa then reached when the court
passed to that portion of Mr. Fleming's
schedule which provides for the imposition
of an extra SO per cent to an assessment
which haa not been voluntarily and truly
'It is evident that our legislature," said
Julge Baxter, "in placing this in the new
law, overlooked a decision of our supreme
court In the Fifth Nebraska, 661, we find
a case which determines the constitution
ality of this point"
Tha case cited by Judge Baxter grew out
of the attempt to make good a penalty of
60 per cent above the regular assessment
because of failure on tha part of the party
making the return. In part the supreme
court has this to say:
Under the revenue statutes of thin state
the assessor does not fix the value upon all
taxable property. The assessor values
part and the owner part. The owner values
his "moneys and credits" and "Btocks or
snare in incorporated companies In every
iniunce, except wnen me owner tails.
neglects or refuses to list, to take the
prescribed oath, then the assessor de-
.erminea tneir value.
After having made the above prefatory
remarks to its decision in his case the
supreme court say a:
Error la Clear.
It seems clear that there waa an error
In adding the 60 per sent to the assessed
value or tne property or the plaintiff.
O I n , t Y. .........
UVII I in IA Ul vi'llBlllULlUn,
declares, "that every person and corporation
snail pay a tax in proportion to the value
or nis. ner, or Its property and franchises.
This is the fundamental law, and notwlth
standing the legislature shall direct thi
manner in which this value snail b an.
rertalned. yet the levying of the tax must
be by valuation. It Is the value of the
property which la to be ascertained, and no
citizen can be compelled to pay a tax
greater man in proportion to tne value or
his or her property. Hence when the value
la ascertained, there can be no 60 per cent
or other sum added thereto as a tax
penalty or otherwise.
itegaraing tne powers or -rne tax commis
sioner, about which ao much has been said.
it was held by the court that his present
powers were acquired or given to him
under the old section ts, and were not Im
parted to him or newly acquired under the
new revenue act. He will have additional
powers under the new act, but he can not
exert these powers or attempt to enforce
them until the new law becomes operative
on April 1, 1S04. It was held that the com
missioner has the present power of com
pelling full and complete listing of prop
erty and also has the power to compel tha
owner of property to take oath that he baa
made a full, complete and true return.
Kajolaed froas Eaforrlng It.
It was therefore decreed, finally, that the
tax commissioner Is temporarily enjoined
from attempting to enforce the provisions
of the new revenue law and that the re
turns made by property ownera did not
have to include answers to the alleged In
criminating questions and neither did they
have to contain the word "None" after
each question, where It might suitably bs
Following the decision Mr. SwIUler, the
plalntifT, stated that since City Attorney
Wright had previously given the tax com
missioner explicit Instructions, which the
latter had obviously disregarded especial
reference being had to a letter submitted
by Mr. Wright to Mr. Fleming, earlier In
the year, In which Mr. Wrtght, as city at
torney, held that It was unnecessary for
property owners to submit answers to the
alleged Incriminating Interrogatories the
plaintiffs had secured all they sought by
this suit and that the statements embodied
in Mr. Wright's letter to Mr. Fleming, to
gether with the decision of the court, had
secored for the plaintiff all that they de
sired and that there waa bo further need of
pressing tho suit
Former Governor of Nebraska a Native
of Ireland and Therefore Ki
clnded from White Hoase.
"No," said Governor Boyd yesterday
as he smoked calmly at a superior cigar
in the rotunda of the theater, "I could
never be vice-president of the United
States, I was born In Ireland."
The ex-chlef of the Lincoln government
blew a cloud of pale blue smoke with
perhaps a suggestion of regret on his face-
then smllled genially.
"Vaughan had no authority for pub
lishing my name in the National Elk's
Horn, In connection with the office." he
continued. "At the time of Cleveland's
second campaign when Stevenson ran for
tha vice-presidency, I was approached by
the Illinois delegation which wanted me
to run. They did not want Stevenson.
The move originated In the Irriquols club
of which I was a member. I was then at
the height of my glory," here Mr. Boyd
added two more clouds for reminiscence
and another of his smiles, "having been
elected to the governorship, and might
hava received the nomination, for the New
York delegation was ready to follow
Illinois. But the answer I gave them was
the one 1 have given you that I was born
across the water and could not run. When
the Elk's Horn mentions me as a candi
date, the editor Is evidently not aware of
this fact. So the thing ends there."
Don't bo guliled by abem prejudices.
Order champagne according to your own
e,od taste Lhea It U if Cooka Imperial.
Orders Engineering Department to
Pash Barber People Into Fixing
the streets.
Orders have been given by Mayor Moores
to the engineering department to insist
that the Barber Asphalt company immedi
ately repair asphalt streets under expiring
guaranty contracts. Very little work haa
been done by the company this year, and
the city officials are anxious to have It fin
ished before the cold weather begins.
"The Barber people have been trying to
embarrass the present repairs of asphalt by
the city on streets where the repair con
tract has expired," said Comptroller Lo
beck, "but they have failed to attend to
their own affairs and repair those streets
which they are obliged to do free of cost.
I do not know how much repairing of this
class Is necessary, but I propose to find
out and Insist that it be done. These
streets are to be repaired by the com
pany, under contracts expiring this fall:
Sixteenth street from Howard to Leaven
worth; gutters on Sixteenth street from
Douglas to Izard; Sixteenth from Tierce
to Vinton; Dodge from Fifteenth to Seven
teenth; Half Howard from Thirty-sixth to
Thirty-eighth; Twenty-sixth street from
Poppleton avenue to Wool worth avenue;
Poppleton avenue from Twenty-ninth ave
nue to Thirty-second street and Thirty-
second avenue from Lincoln avenue to Dor
cas street."
Comptroller Lobeck and Building In
spector Wlthnell will go over the ground
this afternoon and determine what repairs
are necessary.'
Connty Commissioners Adjonrn Till
Then Owing; to Multiplicity
of Proposals.
. r
Owing to the multiplicity of bids sub
mitted for the repair work to be done on
the county road, the county commissioners
adjourned yesterday to meet again on
Monday, when the bids will be arranged in
tabulated form.
A proposition looking to the placing of
fire extinguishers In the court house,
jail and county hospital, was referred to
the committee on supplies.
Ole Olson and S. McCarty were awarded
a contract for 800 yards of grading, ad
joining Melius' place, near Seymour park.
The contract amounts to $160.
A petition was presented by citizens who
desire the Bowman road opened across the
B. A M. railroad tracks.
The action on new bridges was deferred
until the next meeting also. It is pro
posed to build a number of small bridges
throughout the county where there is a
pressing need for them before the advent
of winter.
Maslclans Will Play . for Hospital
Patients, Whom Governor Also
Will Visit. '
This afternoon at 12:30 o'clock there
will depart from Eighteenth and Farnam
streets a party of thirty-five musicians,
under the leadership of Albion Huster, on a
visit to St Joseph's hospital to give a
sacred concert for the special benefit and
entertainment of the patients at that Insti
tution and In honor of the Creighton Me
morial hospital and the Sisters of St. Fran
cis. The affair Is wholly voluntary and com
plimentary to the institution.
At i o'clock Governor Mickey, accom
panied by W. O. Templeton and Council
man Charles Huntington, will make an
official visit to the hospital. Arrange
ments hava been pending for the pleasant
affair for about ten days under the
auspices of Frank Dunlop and D. J,
Pair from Sarpy County Held Pead-
lag tha Arrival of
On Information from the authorities of
Sarpy county the police have arrested Jay
Wyman and Benny Thomas, a pair of
overgrown farmer lads, In whom the pen
chant, to steal Is said to be abnormally
developed. The Information regarding the
young men from their home county says
that ths disappearance of a wagon load
of apples has been traced to them and that
they are under suspicion of hsvlng com
mitted the crime of burglary by entering
a farm house and stealing several small
and practically worthless articles. Captain
of IKitectivcs Dunn put the boys In the
rwoat box, but could get little out of them.
They are being held pending the arrival
of the sheriff of Sarpy county, who Is ex
pected Sunday.
Wake up! Wake
up! You sleepy
fellow! Take one
guickly and effectively in all cases of Nervous Headache, Sick Headache,
umbago, Sea-Sickness, Car-Sickness, Irritability, Periodic, Bearing-Down
anu Ovarian Pains.
m- 1! haVe befn. troubled a great deal with sick headache and vomiting. The spells came on
me nt regular intervals. lr. Miles' Anti-Pain Fill, was recommended by a friend, and I began
taking them whenever occasion required. They always .cured the headache anri relieved the
distress in my stomach. 1 very seldom have these spells now, but when I do. It ts when I am
ff7i Rnd nervous, but one pill nlwpys cures me. They have saved me much suffering, and
I gladly recommend them." MRS. SfSIK O'JIEHS. North I'latte. Neb.
MR. 11. R HAVENS one of "our boys," recently returned from service In the Philippines,
formerly of Atkinson. Neb., but now living at 1127 Olive St.. St. Louis, writes: ' I have been a
sufferer from nick headache all my life until about two years ngo, when I began using Dr.
Mllec Anti-Pain Pills, the first dose affording me almost Instant relief. I have never found
anything that does the work as they do, being entirely different from other hendache remedies.
In that they are not In the least depressing. Whenever 1 feel that dreadful sickness coming on
1 taki a 1'nin Pill, which always wards off the attack."
"For many yars I have been a constunt sufTerer from neuralgia snd headache, and have
never been able to receive any relief from various headHche powders and capsules, until I tried
Dr. MII03' Anti-Pain Pills. They always glvo me relief, curing my headnche in five mlautes
lime. Thev arc the finest remedy for pain thst I have ever used, and I will never be wltho;
them." FRED H. SWINGLEY, Cashier First National Bank, Atkinson. Neb.
"I have used Dr. Miles' Antl-Paln Pills for pain In my side and shoulders, and received
5 rest benefit from them. My husband had neuralgia In his head, ar.d suffered terribly. Ths
octor Injected morphine, hut It gave him no relict. I then rave him Antl-Paln Pills, and In a
very short time he as relieved of his suffering. We think they have no equal, and are glad to
testify to their merits." MRS. MONKQK JONES. David City. Neb.
"I had suffered a great deal with headarhe, and have found that Dr. Miles' Antl-Paln Plllg
always give me relief. I know of nothing better."
MBS. H. B. NXUOH. Virginia City. Nevada.
Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Sciatica, Backache, La Grippe, Pain in Stomach, .
Ague Pains, Indigestion, Dizziness, Nervousness and Sleeplessness.
"Ever since I waa a little girl, I suffered with nervous headaches, and as I grew older they
became more severe, snd would confine me to my bed for two and three days at a time. The .
pain became so severe that my head was drawn back, and my suffering was dreadful. I found s
nothing that would help me until I commenced to use Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain rills, which have
greatly benefited mo. For the last two years, when I feel one of my headaches coming I take
one pill, which gives Immediate relief. I have never been compelled to give up and go to bed
slnco using them." MRS. GEO. SCHMELZEU Falls City, Neb.
Dr. Miles' Antl-Pnln Pills have saved me a great deal of suffering during the oast two
years. For years previous to this I had terrible spells of nrrvous snd sick headache, . whlci
I nothing I could get would relieve. A friend wanted me to try Antl-Paln Pills, which I did
and to my surprice I got quick relief. When 1 take a slight cold, or feel headache coming ou.
1 take a Pill one to three times a day, and they invariably help me."
J. KNOTTS. Beatrice, Neb.
, "I use Dr. Miles' Antl-Paln Pills, and don't know how to get along without them, as nothing
else that I can find will stop nick headache for me. Until recently 1 had spells of hendache ever?
few days, so severe as to seriously interfere with my business. I found Antl-Paln Pills relieved
the pain at once, and I now use them as a preventive with great success."
U J. BLOWERS. David City. Neb.
"During the past five years I have used Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills for all kinds of unpleasant
sensations, headache. lackache, and stomachache, and I wish to sav It Is the best remedy I hava
found. I consider them truly wonderful." HENRY C. URBANER, Sutton, Neb.
"I have been subject to headaches nearly all my life, and I never found anything as
effectual as Dr. Miles' Antl-Paln Pills. They invariably help me and my family. They relieve
almost Instantly and prevent sttacks If taken In time." S. A. HEAR, Palmer, Neb.
Dr. Mills' Anti-Pain Pills are sold by all druggists, 25 cents a ..ox, under a
positive guarantee that the first box will benefit or money refunded.
The Genuine Dr. Miles Remedies are Never Sold at Cut Prices,
The picture In tbs centra of this advertta
known urlo-. If you ran send us a oorrwrt
paula OV MAY SiiAliU IN TUB UltUH
adTerttaemant illustrates s well-
t solution of tus picture
'HI MIT'l'li iM fir it fart kl
WHICH Wl AUt G1VINU A WAY fur duinr a lit! la work for an. 1 tils
yon i-an do by rtviiur up a llttls of your apars Mine. This and othar
in oat llbsrml oners are ooade to Introdwa ona of the vary lat Maw York
uairsiinaa Into evsry bows In ttia United Htataa and lanada. WB DO
KUl wr UK! (Jan T OF iOUK MONEY. V ban jrou liaa mads ont
tba rabua, writs your aolntlon i.Uiuly aud aand It to ua, aud you will
baar from ua promptly B V KEl'UHN MAIL. It may take an entire
evenliiir to eolva iua rabua, but Sl'lGK TO IT AND GET YOt'lt
KHAKI OP Til It J'oro A copy of our FAHCIN A'l ING sf AGAZ1NK
VYILI, BR BEN T yUKKlo avsrr ona answering- tula e1rrtlauDt ln
not delay. Baud in voqr answer Immediately. NVK INTEND To GIVg
AWAY VAST HUM 4 OF MONEY iu tha lutnre, Jiit a ws here done In
the past, to adrartiaa oar CHAHMlNii MAUAZINK We And It la tha
vary heat slvertlsluii we ran irer to give away LAHUR BUMH UP OOI.D
VKCK. Here are te uamea and addreaaea of s few people wa hava
recently award.! PKKB UOLD H1UKH: Mr. 1. M. Iolilln, Twenty
tlilrd tilreel, rlttalmrif. Pa. II9UUU; Mr. U. P. Arkarman. Bill, N H.,
i: u: Mrs. Frad Peace, 14 Atkinson Htreet. Koclieatar. N Y ,i.ou;
Mr. Uaorir Corbett, Vive lalauda. Nova Srotia. t'auada, fMUO: H. :.
Hare, e WIsmju'Iu Aranue, luiuuibus, O , l,iWuu uhla includes tha
eev WJ 11 u 1 I) I
brainy people who are alwaya alert snd ready to rrmap a real Mod tktBfr.
Vi JT iiV 4-.;.: . , .7 .. . . . J. v'" eier eua ihm
anoruioua bnaiueaa bv belli alert eua HIimI fm
Kaf. DIS1 RIBU1 luKA U. are n.tinn-n.
l. ...... b, a h V luii r - v r ' i - . i i . T . T." .
.'a vu rrMuva- ...- j.. unvntan pnse. 1 BIB apSClM fOataaS
wa consider one of the irrealeat oflara aver made. De not delay la
siTlnir ibis Disttar your Immediate attention, and If yon can make
out the piiule picture, aand your answer st onre U,ta. ) A WB
will be paid to anyone wbo can prove that Ua taw tuany I raw Caueh
Contests we neve conducted in tka past years ws did not do siscily
aa we as-read. bate a bl capital, and anyone ran eeelly ascertain
about our financial condition. To pay ont Uiaae bis sold rasa priaae
la a pleasure to ua Vt intend to bate tbs lanraei cirewTattoa car
btirn-clsas inae-aiine In Iba world. In Una pro reealT are
ruhllaiiers find that they mnst be liberal tn riTlns- swsy prtsss oi
"uui i.i uiuuejr. ie oe voir aoocvsaiui way to sat yeuf Bui
. . I Ml, U
sine talked about.
yon should read the psxsle picture
Uraud Vprlirlit Ha
noli )'. Kettle, rut
Canon Street, Flu,
bunr, la, uu;
Miae Martha Una.
ory, I Park Street,
Nor walk, Loou.,
Iiue as; Mrs John
Juat, Bui T,,
N. H , till DO Ya
conld ho on snd
point to nnudredaof
names of iop)e
who bare satued
lares annas of
nionsf from our
oonteata, but only
Siva s tew uainee. aa
ws aeniw uie epere
a all atmut
B p K C I A I.
St.usoo IN
RIB 01
be rebne i
and wa ahould band yon a auui of money aa a free prise, yon would
SI.inpr.!V.V.ho", ' uii. now, would youf Ve POfct
J I V K I Y CLAI M tbel Ton Will ba amnlr mirHI t .h.-l -
II (UO.IU In Oold PreeOOsr. Of onnrae. If yon are eeafly dlacouraa-ed and
are not patient and are not willing- to aiwud any Un a in irjlcs- to
work ont tha solution, yon certainly cannot espert to win. Tlila adraw-
it waa out wruteB fur druses ox idlers, wno are not wtlllns as
ais s liberal oas as
to tell yo
l tf 19
rebns csn be
sol red by sn slert
and rlsrar pereon,
tud ths reward is so
andeouie that It
will amply nay yon
their tine, weaa-
rt the rentier to
sosne work sad
sie II toe lime snd
st teat Ion II da
aervaa i'SB VOL It
B UAI US- If yon
are aniMefnl In
eolrlnf It, wait and
rood. Write yonr
solution snd sand It
to ua, and we will
be Jnal as macs
does not eoet
one caul to solve
and saswer inn)
Voaay Offer, it will
be vary looitah far
foe to nana il by.
a ail fat roves sjve
It aotne of your Jet
sore time unTu
ck-ms 18 rr t !t-
Brains snd enerwy nowadays are winnluir uianv Oolden Wtu. Htmlw
II vary carefully and let ua aee if you are clever and a.nart enonirli to
make out the well-kuown aaylu. WE 11AVK TUK 1.UMM IS GOLD.
Hava yon tne bratna and euerayf If you can luaka It out, aand yonr
eolation to us without one reut of money. Heineiuber t hat title la our
t'.soous iu (luld Free lttrlhiit!nn. and wa dou't want you to aand any
money When we ray PLKK. ws mean PfcRPM' I LY r KKk. Ws
would ratbsr take tble way of edverttaiua our sn-ellsut mee-ailne tbau
apeaiflna many tliou-tand nf dollars In other ways. Ws freely aud
ehaerfilllr 'e the ni.nivy sway Vol! MAY WIN We do not rare
who cwta the maory. To PI.KAriK Ol'tt KEADK118 13 tll'K DELIGHT.
The qiieeuon la. wti you solve tus stiove nuioue propttaltton f 1 yon
can do ao, write arhel yon read it to li. aud aand your full ad 'Irene plainly
In a iattar and niall il to ua. aud yotl will hear from ua promptly by return
nialL Money la a nios thlna- to have, be.anae there are ao many naeful
baee wa eau put it to. By s little eiirs sff'.irt someone will set tbs money
wesiveewe. Souse laay and foollnh people often newieot tbaee errand
eoideu free offers we make sod then wonder sud complain abonl their
Bed luck. Tiaarw are always pieat of food opportunities tur clever,
THnrnHTtrr l-anar r. end the nsnes of PATXCkB IS
lNlKhkhT AND LA2llkr.a. o. dear .rasdar. do not wa Una oaf .
rlthrnl trylti liaru w ?'!" a. r"t y2 ! .Vr "
PrilM'l AD IN 1 Ut ft 1 mi'r 1 ui Aivii i iit. atmiwl
that you carefully lead thla oSar eeveral tlu as before eiviyif mp taw Ida
of solving- ti.s rtnut Tha harder il serine the mora jwuanas and aV
termination cn should liee toureaeen'l datarmliiatliin win ny of
tha 1 KU1H T 1 UK loor aliare ill Cft'H tklLIL altlSiJfT aWS! alBU
1 ION deili'Baiitlrf!y upon yonrown eiierjry sud brains. XotiH delay a
moment iu TM1NO Tfi Hof.VK lllln PKHpLKlIKU tlUVi. ar.y
of the people as hare recently aent larire anma of rr.or.ey to tn owr Pes
Klonsy I'Utnbutlone write ua kind anae-relaful lettera, prorueeJy thank-fiie-
r.a for our prompt and boueel deallnira. and aai'lns- that if ws had
not an atronaly nrsed them lo try to win they wonld not have been
suiieaafui sud would not bsvs been the beppr rectpieote of a lai
euincf money for only a few honra' effort. II slwaya paya to rtve
tcuUon to our a-raiid and liberal oflera. OUR DIG ( A81I pkit
avs rladdened the tiearta or many paranne who needed lbs mower.
teeciat i. n iw mis
iiu.t r iLa.
I yon peed n.onay yon will rlva attention to this teecial
vary minute, u you solve tt, write ua liiiinwllaiaiy.
r lULaNk
k IWt SayaX i
M M fcianaaMiS
m v aet M atrtoieaa.
I - rimwcui s'is-
- liauisaAn,2
Tea Bif a for sssatura.
trrllatwas or uloarsliuM
of save OSS neuibranas.
Pelateee, sad not aWu
0 eni or BOieuaons.
A Matf
i er seat In ntats wr
I by ml preae, prepal
. j (I to ur botllcsSi
O liikttiae- ssM est la
stats wrsspes.
presaie, um
M 7a.
lJ&M -w CBlCMst-IIlt'f4 K.NOlUalil
siffc--mt VtVU Ul bwifl nave,.
I UmmAgmtrmtts stwliieiUsma nai Tltf
HasnaaU svf Mttml ! BaVaUS4 st I
l W t tr PrsnUnTs, Tn4
sU "mtrU I.ii,". iMsjr. s rm
&kng Matiin 0. TsHlfsie.eit4.
st mtm mnm a .nij . a
n. unafucciDTTi, D.v.a-
CXBoe mjut iBflnavrv, MU sad Mum Msy
VMst Jfsv Z3iUeLSak