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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1903)
TOE OMAHA OA1LY J1EE: SUNDAY, OCTOBER 25, ' 1003. 14 Tiie Omaiia Sunday Be& E. R03EWATER. EDITOR. rcBLibiiiD nvEnr morning. TERMS Or SUBSCRIPTION. Dally Bos (wlihouf Sunday). One YsjrM-9 L-ally Bee and bundnv. un tcir h.'m Illustrated llec, uni Year Cunday bee. One Year ' Saturday Dee. One Year J ' Twentieth Century Farmer, one Year. I.ju DlSUVKRED 1JY CARRIER Dally BS (without Fundny). per copy.. 2c Dally Hee (without bumlay). per wek..K'a Dally Uee (Including Sunday), per week.Hc Sunday Hee, er copy Evening Bee (vltlinut Sunday), per week c Kvenlog Uee (Including Sunday), per week : Complaints of Irregulnrilles In ciellvrry should be sddressed to City Circulation De partment. OFFICES Omaha The. Bee Building. South Omaha City Hall Uulldlng. Twenty-fifth nnrt M atreeta. Council Bhiffa-1'J Pearl street. Chicago 1G4 Unltv Bulldlns. Kew York M'JX Pitrk Ko Building. Wasiilnston M Fourteenth Street CORRESPONDENCE. Communication! relating to news and edi torial mutter should be addressed: Omaha Bee, Editorial Department. REMITTANCES. Remit by draft, expres or postal order ftayahlo to The Bee Publishing Compmy. Only 2-cent stamps accepted In payment of nisll accounts. Personal checks. except on Omaha or eastern exchanges, not accepted. THE BEE PUBLISHING COMPANY. STATEMENT OF CIRCULATION. B'ats of Nebraska. Dougas County, a: Oeorge B. Ttschuck, aot-retary of lbs Mv Publishing Company, bel'ig duly sworn, aaya thai the ucruaf number of full ana complete copies of The Dally Morning. F.ventng and Hunday Bee printed during the month of September, lft was as fol lows: ....28.030 ....X8.910 ..,..STO ....ItS.eSttO ....tftl,44 ....lS,fSO ....2e.K ...a,3ao .... 21,730 ,...Xtt.TUU i -,iso m... t fl.aro K... i mru u... 3II.8TO It... i su,sro to... Wl.tOS SI... J S,820 22-.. 1 3W4TO a... guoo u... 10 20,1 SO IS. 11 80.220 ll sro.aio li 6.4:i 14 S0.020 U ,...H,WOU Total aoajr-to Less unsold and returned eoploa.... 9,4 Net total sale SSi:.T44 Net average sales 2M.424 OKORQB B. TZ3CHUCK. Subscribed In my presence and a worn to before me this Uih day of September, A. u. wz. (SeaL) 2 XU,206 27 UT.240 2S as,To a XS,tMM 3U XII.040 Notary Public, All thft most progressive statrs In the union ore republican states. Keep Nebraska In tbe front row. , Nebraska stands ready to furnish the rice presidential timber for both big party tickets In the coining national campaign. Nebraska, and Its Immediate vicinity can safely defy the world to show up a better brand of autumn weather than it la now enjoying. Third-termers In the pen can have their good time as well as tbe third termers out of the pen so says .the Michigan supreme court Everyone wants to live in a beautiful City. Any city can be made beautiful if all the people who live In it will exert themselves to make It beautiful. Nearly a million immigrants have come to the United States from foreign shores within the past 'year. ' The United States Is big enough, however, to take care of them all without over crowding. The M. Gs. of Nebraska and all the other states of the union will organise at the capital of the United 8tutes on November 9. The P. Ms. of Nebraska will organise In the city of Lincoln next Tuesday. The Lincolu Journal is very much ex ercised editorially over the campaign in Now York. It is very careful, how. ever, to keep its editorial columns free of any comment on the campaign Nebraska. In Interesting development In the Ship building trust ca mo are expected when Mr. Schwab goes on the stand to give his own testimony. The more light we have on the crooked combines the bet ter for the public. The republican state convention en dorsed Roosevelt for 1004 In its plat form declarations. The best way for Nebraska republicans to emphasis this endorsement Is to roll up a bigger ma jority than ever for the candidates on tbe state ticket. '- - - Superintendent Fcarso enlightened meeting of educators at Lincoln lust week with his. views ou tbo business side of the work of the school super I n tendent and principal. Ho could have given some much more valuable Int ers on a political side of the superin tendent's work as exemplllied by his own experience. ViHsriHlAU ID Ut.Fr.AT ItOOSIVlLT. The ettrtaliis ' Industry nud railway iine:wte-, w'.io ure emlonvorlng to fabricate itlstra hr the adoption of a H!Icy of sntnninry retrenchment, are not likely to accomplish their purpose. The calamity f'tmpalpn tney have In .'iiijrur.ited Is too transparci.t to deceive the American people.' There Is doubt less ;t community of Interest among stock Jobbing trust magnates to act In concert In liny plan to restore popular confidence In their Inflated securities, but that cannot bs accomplished by nrtlllclul depresKiou of the labor Mar ket through the discharge of wage workers and the closing of mills, fac tories antl mints. Mlillc It wns to have been expected that extensions nnd Improvements of roadways would be checked snd cur tailed with the approach of winter, there Is no rational excuse for the pro posed wholesale rilsciiarge of railway employes under pretext of enforced economy. There never .vas a time since the first mile of railroad was built when railroads have been n prosperous as they are today. The year l!K(2 was re garded as a record-breaker In railroad earnings, but the (rear 1903 will even excel Its predecessor. A few examples will suffice.' The annual statement of the Bur lington railroad rystem. Just made public, shows an increase of gross earn ings over the preceding year of $S,S48,i:i3 and n net increase amount ing to ),ft&l,.3(i. In other words, after paying $8,83 1,370 interest on the Joint Burlington collateral bonds, of which 12 were Issued for every dollar of stock, nnd after paying dividends on the stock not deposited as collateral, the company has a surplus of $4,491, 337, or nearly 4& per cent on $100,- 000,000. The Illinois Central, which held Its annuul meeting last week, makes an almost equally favornble showing. President Stuyvesant Fish Is quoted as saying: "The business of the country is so good thnt there can be no further serious decline in railroad securities. This company expects to do an enor mous business this winter." Vice President Harahan of the Illinois Cen tral, reviewing the future outlook Is quoted as saying: "There does not seem to bo anything in the condition of the country to warrant a prediction of hard times. On the contrary, the outlook Is most favorable. A readjust ment is going on that will be beneficial for the country. The gross earnings of all the railroads have vastly Increased within the last two years, although the cost of operation has increased propor tionately." President Ingalls of the Big Four de clares that the Big Four is earning a sufficient sum to pay the operating ex penses snd fixed charges and to leave a surplus, and he can see no indication In the falling off of the volume of frelsrht trfH I At the annual meeting of the stock holders of the Irenver & Itio Grande last week the directors were congratu lated upon the splendid . financial ex hibit and bright prospects of future traffic. These reports indicate clearly that the general laying off of railway em ployes on the great railroad systems Is preconcerted not because retrenchment has become imperative, but for creating general discontent In the ranks of labor. It Is given out cold from Wall street that J. Plerpont Morgan and other cap tains of industry and their allies, the railway magnates propose to inaugu rate a policy that will stop at nothing to defeat Theodore Roosevelt for presi dent, with this end in view w told they will continue to make the most of the bear movement In the mar ket in order to discredit him with the people, as they have In the past, and they will leave no stone unturned to Injure hi in with the financial powers. iirgpnnmng to ft question why the leaders of Wull street wuut to down Roosevelt, Mr. Woodlock. the editor of the Wall Htreet Journal, made this answer: amount which It proposed to pay Colom bia lor the concessions asked, $ 10,000, 000, is liberal. It is of course no con cern of the United States what Colom bia may demand of the French com pany. If that government can squeese a few millions out of the company well and good, but this country should not Increase to the extent of a dollar the proposed Indemnity, which Is several millions more than was originally pro posed and Is ample. If what Is re ported as to the attitude of the presi dent Is correct he can bo depended upon to firmly adhere to it and undoubtedly ho will be sustained by congress. Although a little late, the opening of tho Iowa Htate Women's Christian Tem perance union's crusade against the soda fountiilu habit may have some good effect if uothlug more than In pav ing tho way for unother cure-ail nos trum that will supplement the sure cures for the alcohol habit, the opium habit aud the piuk tcu habit. They do not like such Independence as he demonxtrated In the coal atrlke and In the Northern Becurltloe matter. The hove what I call the "court circular" prena of the street, city and atate hehirM th. but I doubt whether they will win. The best Indication that they will fall lu the future Is that they have failed In the past. Their opportunity are grow ing leas day by day. All danger of a panic U over. There will be failures, of course, within the next year, but they will be spurauic. j ne recent rulliires cannot ha iaia si mo door of Mr. Roonevelt. Thev are due to a market glutted with aeourltles una overcapitalization by stock watering. Manifestly the calamity campaign Inaugurated in Wall street Is fully un derstood In New York and will be dis counted by the whole country long be fore the presidential campaign of 1004 opens. VUAUA'S JCBILKK. V;e are fast approaching an epoch making year for Nebraska nnd Omaha. On the 80th day of May, 1854, Nebraska became nn orgMiIzed territory by act of congress and during the succeeding summer the town site was staked out and the first settlement by white men made within the area of the present city of Omaha. It requires no argument to impress tho people who now constitute the citi zenship of Nebraska's metropolis with the der.lrablllty of commemorating In an appropriate manner the laying of the keystone of tho great mld-contlnenl city. The only question before us Is how to commemorate and when to be gin the preparatory work for a suitable celebration. These questions will have to bo considered aud discussed by the men and women of Omaha in all the walks of life, beginning with the pio neers and ending up with the younger generation upon whom Omaha relies to continue the tnsk undertaken and suc cessfully carried out by the founders. The field for commemorative work la broad. It includes the compilation of fifty years of Titanic labor and progress and such possibilities as a 'ubllce mon ument to the pioneers, a museum col lection of mementoes of pioneer home life and settlement with the Incidental struggles In blnr.Ing the path of civiliza tion across the continent and forging the links that bind the people of the Taclfic Coast with those of the Atlantic seaboard by electric telegraph and the Taclflc railroad. While the initiative for the celebra tion of Omaha's jubilee properly bo longs to the first settlers who still sur vive aDd are Justly entitled to front places, no time should be lost in im provising plans for the co-operation of all the various commercial, industrial, benevolent and social organizations. Omaha never hac done things by halves and It is scureely necessary to appeal to Its civic pride to make its semi-centennial m nlversary a mile-stone in its history. vbw or ova busdb abroad. The tnnual report of the register c; tbe treasury makes the interesting statement that only about $4,000,000 of United States bonds are lu the hands of foreigners. ' While the amount held by foreign banks snd Investors is in excess of this, all but the sum etated is depos ited ill this country. It appears that the largest holders of our bonds reside lu Cuba, where more than oue-baif of the individual owners live. France and England come second and third, respec tively, in the list of foreign Individual owner of our national bonds, each country reporting about $300,000. Ger man Investors hold only $41,000 worth of our securities. The report says of the fact that prac tically the ent'-e outstanding indebted ness of the United States government, aggregating something like $030,000,000, is he'.d here, that it Is a remarkable in stance of tho patriotic faith ef the American peoplo In the financial stabil ity of the government It would be strange Indeed If there was not such faith. No other country surpasses the United States In resources, while the policy that has prevailed during the last forty years has promoted the rapid de velopment of national wcaltfc and en abled this nation to attain a h!gber stan dard of credit jan Is enjoyed by any other country. There are national se curities that pay a higher interest rate than those of the United States, but there are none that are safer. of the expr'nicntlng amateurs, pro ducing phologrsplis of people with hands nnd feet Mger than their bodies, or of horses which seem to hare grown nil Into head, are teadily re called. Photographs that have been doctored turning the mid-day sun Into a midnight moon, or superimposing dis tant objects one upon the other are by no means a rarity. The snm and sub stance of It all Is that tbe camera can bo made to Me Just as easily as the sketch artist and that the veracity of photography depends as much upon the photographer as upon tbe Instrument employed. An honest photographer can produce an honest picture, presenting things precisely as they are, while a dis honest photographer will have no dif ficulty In calling his srt to aid bis ras cality. Moral: Before you believe what you see in a photograph find out who made the negative and who printed the picture. Pledges are being exacted from the sophomores in various colleges and uni versities to refrain from hazing the poor freshmen. The trouble with tbesy pledges Is that the present sophomores will have benn moved up to be Juniors by next year and the next crop of hut lug exploits will be perpetrated by the poor freahuicu who are this year the victims. It will take an endless chain, of pledge to eradicate hating once and for all. A coiamltfe of business men from the river cltlea on the upper Mississippi will be sent to congress at Its next ses- sion . to present a memorial and lobby for an appropriation of $13,000,000 for the Iruproveut-nt of the. np;er Missis sippi. The lower Mlsslssiiipl lobby may ba couuted on to ask for twice that 'amount The cities along the Big Muddy will probably be satisfied with p,0ft,00Q, mors or leeav OFFKH TO COLUMBIA JS Flit A L. According to reports from Washington our government will not entertain the idea of a larger ptyment to Colombia for the canal fi.w.chlse. It is stated tliut President Roosevelt will not con- j sent to xnny modification of the terms; in the treaty which the Colombian senate rejected and that the haggling over the price to be paid for tho .franchise will be treated with complete Indifference. The Washington correspondent of the New York Times remarks that there Is reason to believe that the prcsldeut has made his determination clear lu s way to be understood by tbe canal company aud Colombia may squeeze a few mil lions out of tbe stockholders In France, since there Is understood to bo a disposi tion In France to pay something to have the matter settled. It would be a reproach to our govern ment to dicker with Colombia over this matter and even were, the sdmlulstra tiou inclined to do- so it can be cunfl dently assumed that', cvngress) would not permit it The treaty negotiated with the southern republic ,1s entirely fa'.C Sa4 Just ' Li lis Urius tuxd. the Tfl VettAClTT VF PHuTuQRAVUT. The Army and Navy Register calls attention to the fact that a s.-rious of ficial shock has been administered to tho Integrity of photography by the op ponents of a plan advocated in a gov ernment report relating to certain guns and their carriages, which the officer stoning the same had illustrated co piously to re-enforce his arguments. The camera had come to be regarded as the most authentic means of record and to be so firmly established in pub lic confidence as to threaten the trans formation of official reports and other documents iuto profusely embellished picture lKoks. In the example In question, however. the critics insist that the photographs havo been specially taken from such dis creet positions as to exaggerate the tie fects of their cause and to minimize the faults on tbe other side of the ques tion. They go so far as to say, an to cite the authority of experts, that a photograph may be so taken as to mis represent entirely actual conditions to the support of oue sldo and to the dis advantage of another, and that two sets of photographs taken with a premedl tuted puiiose may be made to prove exactly opposite conditions. Apprehen slon Is expressed that the likely result of this controversy Is to be to call s bait on the indiscriminate uso of the camera and Jts productions as adjuncts aud ap pendixes of government publication Worse than thatthe veracity of pho tography is likely to he impeached for a great many uses for which the camera was supposed to be infallible. Any one who has, ever had anything to do with photography knows that the negatives can fee made to turn out the inoet distorted views of the objoct por- IrujtJ- TUe wjcJtrful acbiereiacnU SVPKHTIatOn OF TRUST COMPAiriKS. The creation of trust companies, such as those Baltimore concerns which have gone into the bands of receivers, has been very marked during the past few years. Some of these financial In stitutions are undoubtedly sound and are conducted upon right business prin ciples, but that this is not true of all of them is quite conclusively shown bH the Baltimore failures aud It is not surprising that this experience has sug gested the question whether these trust companies should not be placed under federal supervision. Although the com panies operate under state charters and, like state banks, have no direct rela tions with the national government, it is yet thought that they might be re quired to make certain reports to the bureau of corporations, in order that a restraining Influence may be applied to prevent injudicious and reckless handling of the funds entrusted to them. It Is stated that tbe bureau of cor porations has already considered the general question of the government having some sort of supervisory power over trust companies as well as other corporations acting In tho capacity of banks, but doubt Is expressed os to whether under the law tbe bureau of corporations possesses the authority to require reports of business operations from trnst companies. It is pointed out that the bureau has to deal entirely with corporations engaged In Interstate commerce: and while It Is t,rue that tbe trust companies loan money In adjoin ing states, it Is a question whether this makes them subject to tbe law under which tbe bureau of corporations will set. A treasury official is quoted as saying that it would be desirable for the gov ernment to have a hand In the super vision of large trust corporations, even if It amounted to nothing more than to receive regular statements of the na rare or the business being done. The difficulty, however, In the way of this Is the limitation which the constitution places upon the authority of the gen eral government in regard to corpora tions. It can reach none but such as are engaged in commerce between tho several states or with foreign countries. It would be a very broad construction of this provision of the constitution that should extend its operation to the trust companies. That the ruestion of supervision of these companies Is important will be understood from the fact that accord ing to the Inst reports to tho Treasury depnrtment, which gave returns from only twelve states, there were 417 trust companies whose total resources amounted to nearly $2,K).000,000. Cor porations having such vast financial power ana responsibility certainly ought to be subject to some sort of su pervision and the states that charter these companies and in which they do business should provide for properly supervising their operations. The Balti more failures have clearly shown that! there Is recklessness In the affairs of somo of these concerns and there Is some reason to fear that this Is so gen eral as to constitute a very real danger. . BOTH TO BM VOllliRATVLATKD. Mr. Frederick W, Seward, the name of whose distinguished father Is forever associated with the acquisition of Alaska by the United States, says In communication to the New Y'ork Tribune that both nations are to be congratulated upon the boundary de cision. The Americans sre to be con gratulated that their title Is reaffirmed and uo lunger disputed as to the region which they bought from Russia and which has been held snd occupied by them and the Russians before them ever since the day of Its first discovery. The British sre to be congratulated that they did not win their contention. nor even stubbornly Insist upon it to tbe point of a deadlock. 'To have ob talned possession writes Mr. Seward, of a harbor and town built owned and occupied by Americans for thirty years would have been to England a most unprofitable victory. Skagway would then have beeu between Great Britain and the United States what Strasburg has beeu between France and Ger many, a perpetually rankling thorn. It would have put an end to that Interna tlonal friendship on which both nations are building such high hopes." It will be well if this rational view shall ho Impressed upon tbe Canadians, who are still manifesting resentment, though they ought to see that this is wholly useless so far as the United States is concerawd- Tbe people of the Dominion should reallz that by no pos sibility can they gain a ay thing by find Ing fault with the boundary decision, while there Is danger of , creating among Americans a feeling that would not be conducive to neighborly good will. "The Alaska boundary decision," says Mr. Seward, "seems s guarantee of perpetual peace between Grea Britain and the United States and thu i' l ? ' it ' m -At : if- .ty "I ! WW auise mm if ; SI tii ;iw sttt-ift?f3flle.-. Ml IfcL i -. Fer full Infermatloej flit out this ceupoaj or write THE FQUITABIE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY, H. D. NEELY, Msesrec First National bank Bldg., Omaha. riease send me Information regarding an dowment for t If Issued at yeara of age. Name .... Address 5S ress and civilisation worthy of the open ing of the twentieth century." Works Everywhere. Baltimore American. Ths western adage, "Never run when you're rattled," applies to the nnanclal world as well as elsewhere. Mas 1 feat Destlar. Chicago Tribune. The day will come when, to paraphrase Cecil Rhodes' famous expression, the map of North Amor lea will be all red, white and blue. No man can tell vhen that day will come, but come it will. Woatl More Hoaest Than Mrs. Milwaukee Journal. The number of women now employed In business and confidential positions which offer opportunities to dishonesty Is very great, but It Is rarely that any embetxle ment, defalcation or breach of trust 1 4 committed by them. This Is perhaps to be explained largely by the absence among women of many of the temptations to which men so often lay themselves open and also In 'great measure by that sensi tiveness as to reputation, which Is more acute among women than among men. NEBRASKA IK BRAZIL. Asaerlean Dlploanatle Representative Haa Achieve Popularity. C. VI. Pepper In New York Independent. Tellow fever epidemics In the paat and the torrid beat of Rio Janeiro have pro duced a peculiar condition with reference to the dlplomatlo representatives of the foreign countries. The members of the dlplomatlo corps live throughout tho year at Petropolls, twenty-five mile away. Ths ferry boat takes an hour across the bay and then there Is another hour climb ing tbe mountain on ths cog rail way. Many Brasillan families also have their summer homes at Petropolie. yet the dlplomatlo corps la In a stats of al most complete Isolation from the people of Bio d Janeiro, socially and In every other way. Probably in no nation in the world Is there so little contact with ths national life of the country to which they are accredited. Tola Is not gooi either for the countries theyY is Step enward la ths march of prog-' iteUo Wis, represent or far Brasll, which should have closer acquaintance with them. The fault la not of ths foreign ministers, but some of tnem exaggerate meir irouDies and speak of tbeir residence la Brasll as an exile to the Botany bay of diplomatic life. This does not strengthen their In fluence In ths country to which they are accredited. If in tba official sense thsy are pcrsonaa grates to the government, as they must be, nevertheless they appear te ths Brazilians generally as ungrateful persons. Ne country likes to be depreciated by those who come to It In official positions and who, perforce, must be accorded ths courtssy - to which foreign officialdom la entitled. Brasll Is a vast country with a proportionate political Influence In South Ajnerica and with unlimited commercial possibilities for all ths world. It is not therefore ths best diplomacy to slight her and to send ministers who ths day after their arrival begin talking of their martyr dom and speculating on how long thsy will have to wait for a transfer. Tba United States Is fortunate In being an exception to this ruls. Mr. Bryan, ths former minister, enjoyed great social popu larity. Mr. Thompson, ths present minister, In a few months' residence, has won ths respect of all classes. Liking ths Brasillan people and the officials of tbs government with whom he Is thrown into association, he has not been afraid to say ao. Ia con sequencs ths isolation which results from ths tssidsnos In Petropolls Is felt less by him than by his colleagues and he is mors In toucb with ths government and tbs people. The United States and Bra ill have so many points In which they should be more closely associated and should under stand each other better that It Is a decided advantsga to have the Aiptumstis Inter- course sstabiube4 on this) mutually syaspa- ECILAR SHOTS AT TUB riXPIT. Washington Post: Church workers ars complaining that the cltlsens of ths VnlteJ States spend 40 per capita for whisky and but 40 cents for missions. Tho heathen will have to begin drinking if they want to get their share. " St. Paul. Pioneer Press: A Milwaukee preacher has contracted with a newspaper tor a display advertisement every Sunday morning, which indicates a belief that by Injecting mors business Into religion more religion will be Injected Into business. Kansas City Star:, The accession of Archbishop Olennon to the archdiocese of St. Louis will bring Into greater prom inence one of ths notable figures in the Catholic church In . the United States. Archbishop Olennon will prove a worthy colleague to such men as John Ireland, P. I Chapclle and P. J. Ryan. In Knns:is t'lty, where the new archbishop in best known, the extent of the gain 10 thu church throi:ch his elevation will be best understood. Philadelphia Record: The original Elijah, whom the ravens fed, end his first rein carnation, who wore a leather girdle t-nrt ate locusts nnd wild honey, wero wonVr fully different from Elijah It, who Is I vlng at the Plasa l.otel, In, New York; whose horses and cartlagcs were -cnt on trom Chloago In advunce of his arrtvRl In the private car of a railroad president, und whoso wife was robbed of a piece of Jewelry worth 11.500 as soon as slii landed in the metropolis. Philadelphia Ledger: - A r! urch In Cleve land has proved its up-to-dateness by en gaging a press agent to see that the church and its pastor and the Laiilni' Aid society an 1 the Christian Endeavor society and all the other agencies of tho organisation shall get a proper degree of publicity. Ths next thing we msy expect to see la the covering of ths walls with church advertis ing, and persons entering cities by rail may pass by huge wooden signs commend ing the excellencies of ths various pluces of worship and setting forth the attrac tions of the pulpit orators. Springfield Republican: The newly con secrated bishop of Cebu, Thomas A. lien drick, has arrived In New York from a European trip, In which, of course, he saw the pops and talked with him In a general way about ths Philippines. His Interesting experience was that of being "held up" In the ascent of Vesuvius, at a point whero he and his brother could neither get up or down without the help of the guides, who threatened to abandon them or throw them into the crater unless a certain sum of money were given them. They paid It. and It seems that they let It go so, but It ts a pity they didn't devote a little pains to fetching ths robbers to Justice. Tourists suffer many such things, however, rather than go to the delay and expenso of pro ceedings In ths local courts wblrh for that matter seldom punish these licensed banditti. DOMESTIC PLEASANTRIES. "Tou want to marry my daughter, do you? Well, I'm free to say you're ths most Impudent upstart that sver " ' ys, you're free to say it because you're hei dad. If you wasn't I'd knock your old te.'-d off'n youl" Chicago Tribune. "And before I accepted him," said Miss Pattsay, "I asked him if he would love ma when 1 was old." "Ths idea!" exclaimed Miss Bright, "why. If be proposed to you he had al ready proved thai, hadn't hs?" -Philadelphia Press. "Jane Passay astonished me today by Claiming ahe had a ti"W Met." "Why did It astonish you?" "HeiHuee who has Imd hut One Idea for (he last twenty yrare to get a husband." Cleveland Plain Dealer. Mr. T'minidd How would a girl feel if she received n proposal by lettr? Friend if she didn't cars for ,vou, she'd feel Insulted. Mr. Tlmmldd Um well r supioss she dl-l onre for mef Friend She'd sny "yes" by telegraph. New York Weekly. Jude Did you strike your wlfeT PrUoncr No, rir. Judte Old you approach her and address her in such u muuaer bs to cause this troktf of liuunUy',' Yes. sir. judKft What did you say te hsr? 1 rltoner i told her 1 loved hr. New York limes. PAT AM) KITIRE. itswi; A Dream. I riHd; you came Hid ctood beside my bier. And bitter ttars tr. fsw i'.ay know you a uea; Koi mo ua Pearly Oates swung low I vi,rd your cry and to your side I fled. You kr.ow .'i not, snd yet 1 dried your tears Anu turned onr bllur thoughts to heiiven and God, Then sought lie tales and oun.l them cloaej: Thus fel my father's chastening rod. Pe-are. Art thou hup;y? Ask the heart; Probe It to Its Inmost core Ah, It answers with a tlait. Whispering of tho day of yore. Ask It why the days of yore. When youth's (towery paths were t'Od, Comes tho answer, soft and low ' Then was 1 st peace with Qod." Aurora, Neb. -HARA 1$MXX. HUTESON FITS EYES GRINDS LKNSK8. See him about your ea. HUTESON OPTICAL CO. 211 S. lth St, Paxton Block. A Knife For Nothing If yon have not seen onr fall catalogue of Clothing and Furnishings, you don't know about our Knue Llub. We shall give away 150 Bolid Silver handled knlve about December 1. through our fifteen etore, to . an equal number of amateur artists. -The catalogue gives particulars. on may have a copy by calling for it at our tore. ' ISO CI.OTMIrvQ PITS LIKE OUR. Browning-Kins K. 8. WILCOX, Manager. V ... I -