Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 24, 1903, PART I, Page 9, Image 9

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ar vTYl
Now showing $150,000 worth of
Stein" Block Co., A. B Kirschbaum
& Co., L. Adler Bros. Co and B.
Kuppenheimer & Co. Jinest clothing.
lVorlds greatest overcoat stocks
thousands of overcoats, .exclusive show
ing of new loose-Jit ting "patent B.
Kuppenheimer and L. idler collars
and concave shoulders.
our matchless display suits & overcoats
Most extensive retail
display of fine clothes
in existence.
Graceful Overcoats in appearance
and character, better than cus
tom made at twice the price.
R7 .Tt H
i s
5 I
The new shaped English
Walking Frock (Jy
English Tweed Suits,
season's mostclever
Finest Worsted and Vienna Suits
grand showing of, ne
lecU the bet f?arraenta
produced at $20 and
Suits of new shapes salts of fault
less make in handsome patterns.
No othor suits fit a well fetching
high art suits thai lead every ad
. varies in correct apparel.
Adler' J2.00 dress gloves at (1.25
Adler's swell dres gloves in the
new aud stylish dark and tin shades
qualities that usually sell at $2.00 and are
worth every cent of the money. We now offer
these gloves at $1.25.
Young Men's Special Sizes 15 to 2o-iatest novelties
r . : unique and artistic. . See our
new peaked lapel suits for $7. 60, $10, $12 and $15. See our new
semi loose overcoats -they are beauties, for$7.'50, $10, $12 to $22.50
Baji Soiwtb Opposed Tlin to Aueu Btoc'i
lolder. of Ship Bui.dinj Company.
Mr-.- - i i -
Hear last KJtuu This Afternoon aad
Teetlsneay of "enwao aad P
May Xet Be. Taken for
Tot Weeks.
NEW TORK..Oct. 2S.-Lewla Nixon oo
eupled the witness chair yesterday again at
the bearing beore tba United States com
missioner on the ' shipbuilding case, and
Cava much valuable testimony concerning
tho corporation. 11a testified that he had
apposed the Sheldon reorganisation 'plan
and had a counter pro post Jon ursed that
stock be aaseaeed in order to raiae toe
amount to aava the combination from
bankruptcy. His plan of assessment waa
apposed by Cbarlea M. chwab. bolder at
that Urns of tX.tK0.COO of tba stock, who,
according- to Mr. Nixon, declared that tha
stockholders would net pay tha aaetea
atent. Mr. Schwab, so Mr, Nixon swore, declined
to put up any more unless the Bethlehem
k. . I M
wvumm ware girca yreierence as m iku vyun
4& shipbuilding plants to tha first mort-
leveloped the fact that there waa a wide
Vocrepancy aa to estimated earning! in
letters written by Treasurer Gary to mem
bers of the reorranlaatioa committee and
anuei tTatermerer, counsel for the botid
koldera. aaked If It did not ahow that
there had been an attempt to minimise the
rala of the ehlpyarda and magnify the
raise o'f the Bethlehem plant, but the wit-
would not aay ao.
Myaterlaas Cheek Is Ftsae.
Much time waa taken up with an unsuc
oaaful. ettort to get at the history of the
mysterloua check . for . SZU.OCM found at
the Trust Company of the Republic It
res drawn to "Lewis Nixon or ourselves"
M the same day tha checks were made out
tor tha payment of the caah given to the
Wk Beeeaefce aad reee a3 the troeblee taei.
a ral le a auioae mm el Ike itm. esrk aa Iv
nm liuM, Draeaww. leim. afier elif,
lui la im 8 ta kile tnai atoet reataia
aaie amin u fteaa tlMva la cartef
)lfasacae.y Carter". Uule Llif Musi s,aoHi
ValmaM la OwjiiiMHwe, cunae aad Miveuuitg
taa eaMTtBi cwniAmt. aue lky i'mmw
ail Swore! W lb. aisaMra. enaiaiai tee Irver
Oad reriueie lae Wweja. ea U tij eaif carve
AAe Buy weeM aalaMei aelcta te these who
euOre trua taie iiiiem capwuai; hal loet
aateiF laeir gntnnrnt 4on mat na am, as4 thaee
try lane en.i 1.4 t.n itwl Hliet.ia.
aM la ee ataa; nji thu aiU ao4 M erUiiag
la do auauet laeat. iMUaiut ail atck bod
le the eaae e m Baa j 11 rs thmt her where we
state ear (net hiiu Ow puat eato k whiM
eua . sue
. k.i. v ftm. a
a.a7 aatr ta laka Oaer m Bilieataaaa Siiaa.
'A Tary are atrm.f en tale aaa ae (np a
f P parr, bal kt Iknr graue eciaia piiM all aka
ta iia la ia. ai (stasia: le iu il. Buaa
:j hr af4jpatTwyaa.a aaei ky awl
f CJ-Jtxni: uhdicike cx,
1 Mow York Clt
vendors for their plants and property. Mr.
Nixon swore that he had never seen the
check before and that be knew nothlng
of Its history. Both aides disclaimed
knowledge of It history and the destina
tion of the amount for which It was drawn,
and the only explanation offered from any,
eource- waa that. It had bees mads out
by . mistake and had been simply put i
through the banks by the' Trust Company ,
of the Republic The effort to get the
history of the check will bo renewed later.
Mr. Nixon testified that he knew as early
as last, April that unless the combination
could get some money from the Bethlehem
property or eleewhere It must fall and
warned his associates on the directorate
that they must husband reaources.
It was brought out on croae-examlnaUon
that the share of promotion profits set
aside for Mr. Schwab, of which tr. Nixon
spoke yesterday had not been paid.
Tho hearing will go on tomorrow after
noon and at the close will " probably be
adjourned for ten days on account ot
set engagements of ' counsel. This ad-
Journment will probably prevent the tak
ing Of the testimony of Measra Schwab and
Pam until some time week after next.
Depaty I ailed Itatea Marshal la M la
ta farreader.
Raney was killed bear Hartvllle. Mo., to
day by Deputy United States Marshal W.
T. Brown, of Springfield, and Deputy Mar
shal Thomas, of Norwood.
Raney waa with his nephew. Con Raney,
and both were armed with rlflea. when
ordered to halt by tha officers a battle
ensued. C. R- Raney was killed almost
Immediately and Con Raney waa wounded,
but not seriously, aa be made his escape.
C. R. Raney waa an alleged postofflce rob
ber. SPRINGFIELD, Mo.. Oct a Rod Ral-
ney waa SS years old. He waa under In
dictment In the United States court
at 8L Louis for using the malls - to
defraud. The TUlnejs operated first tn
Wright county and established several al
leged country atorea, for which credit was
obtained In Kansas jClty, St., Louis and
other cUiee. Goods wera secured on false
representations. and eighty wholesale
houses were deceived by tha gang. The
goods bought were never paid for and tha
crowd made a large amount of money
before tha United States took action.
Driver of tprUUlag Cart Breaks l
Jekaaea Meetla at Ctaw
CIXOTXN'ATI. Oct n Congressman
Robert Baker of Brooklyn, William Everett
Hlcka of New Tork and others have been
holding meetings here for some time In tha
Interest of Mayor Tom L. Johnson's can
didacy. Hlcka was addressing a meeting
near tba postofflce building this afternoon
when Anthony Scholer, driver of a aprink
ling cart, told tha crowd to clear the way.
and when tho crowd did not move, ha
went ahead and came very near runalng
over Congreaaman Baker, who protested
and then the driver used his whip on Baker
and turned on the water and tha crowd
waa drenched.
An Incipient riot followed until tha po
lice arrested both Baker and Bcholer.
Baker was promptly released and Scholar
was held oa ball. ...
hortkorm Brooders Cap Gen to
Wlaooaala for Beat Two
KANSAS CITT. Oct. a-At the Ameri
can Royal Cattle ahow today tho associa
tion apeclal. a &M challenge cup offered
by the American Shorthorn Breeders, waa
awarded to George Harding of Waukoska,
WW, for tho best two animals, the product
" Ip '
These $15.00 values present bet
ter clothes than tailors can possi
ble produce for $35.00.
A wonderful stock of hundreds of
suits, of hundreds of overcoats for
men and young men, in hundreds of
fabrics of choice brands in scores of
variations, shapes, lengths, cuts, etc.
Handsomest and best fitting suits
and overcoats ever seen for $15.00
P" f Men's all silk Neckwear at 50c A fine
ill I lot ot about 200 dozen men's fine fall eilk
" neckwear, in neat figures, stripes and spots,
French four-in-hands and tecks all tLe new up-to-date
shades and combinations special sale
price, 50 cents.
400 extra heavy wolfriezeand kersey over
. i coats for men and young men
-Impossible to duplicate them under $15, in elegant new mod
els, all sizes regulars, stouts and slims special at $10.00
of one cow, owned and bred by the ex
hibitor. The sweepstakes prises for tha junior
and senior champion cow or heifer were
won by the Brookaide Farm company's
Ad-dia of Brookaide farm. Fort Wayne,
Ind., and O. K. Clarke's Isinty of Waver
iee farm, 8 Cloud. -Minn., respectively.
Minister Powell Telia Little RepabKe
that It Mast Line If ta ObU
attoaa. BAN DOMINGO. Republic of Santo Do
mingo, Oct. a Tha United B tales minister,
Mr. Powell, delivered yesterday at tha
national palace an autograph letter from
President Roosevelt congratulating General
Woe Gil upon his election as president of
the republic Mr. Powell referred to the
kind wishes of the president and people of
the United Btatea for the prosperity of the
Dominican republic, adding that If the
Dominicans wished to maintain this friend
ship it waa necessary for their government
to live up to IU obligations and carry out
fully Its promises.
Mr. Powell pointed out that C-e Washing
ton government did not seek to oestroy tho
autonomy of thia government and' was
ready to protect Its territorial rights, but
would not 'protect Santo Domingo against
its lawful creditors. .
President Gil replied that Santo Domingo
Intended to act la accordance with in
powerful neighbor and aald It' "was the
government's Intention to settle all differ
ences amicably. He thanked tha American
mlniater for tho kind - words conveyed to
him from President Roosevelt.
Decrease la Saaaber of Bew Caaea at
Laredo,' evltk Oaa Death
' Beported.
LAREDO, Tex.. Oct. 3- The decrease In
tho number of yellow fever cases In the
city, which began yesterday, continues.
The official bulletin: New cases, 12; deaths,
L Total cases to data. 497; total deaths,
No report was received from Nuevo
Laredo today. Reports received from Mon
terey say there wera twelve cases and
three deaths there on Tueaday.
BAN ANTONIO, Tex.. Oct. a Tho state
and federal health authorities have taken
charge of the yellow fever situation hers
anl under their Instructions tho following
bulletin was Issued: '
New eases today. 4; deaths, none; total
eases to data, (; total deaths, L
Two of tha new cases today axs out of
danger. Tha others are serious. .
JUlaols Coatral Railroad Kaaaoa ta
. porlataadeata aad Deals mat ee
Their JarUdleUoaa.
CHICAGO. Oct a -The Illinois Central
has announced tha following assignment
of division superintendents: A. H. Evans,
rroea Chicago to LoulsvWa; A. Philbrick.
from Louisville to Omaha; B. GUleas, from
Omaha to Dubuque and F. B. Harrtmaa
from Dubuque to Chicago.
Wkea Foead Gcorgtaa Was arartsoa
to Bear Mo Bad Beoa
' " Lost. '
DENVER, Oct. axv7. 8. Love of Savan
nah. Gak, who has been missing from hia
borne for several months and who - waa
reported to havo been drowavad. has been
located la this city, where he baa been
working aa k bookkeeper. Aa oaatora In
surance company. In which Love held poll
ekes, delayed payment' upon thorn antil-an
taTstlgarJoa ho to his reported death could
bo made. Jordan W. Garrison waa de
tailed ta rjako tho laveotigaMoa aad while
la Dearer a other trualneos accidentally
met Love on the street and recognised
hlra. Mr. Garrison says that be due cot
believe there was an attempt to defraud
the Insurance company. Mr. Love aaya he
made no effort to conceal his Identity alnce
coming here, but used his real name and
in seeking employment gave the . name
of Savnrirwa business men aa referencea. .
Desperato Mea Seise Locosaotlvo aad
Caaso Baspeaslea of Treats
oa Dlvlaloa.
MILWAUKEE," Oct. a -The theft of a
Chi go at Northwestern locomotive by
six desperadoea has stopped all traffic for
twenty miles south of Janesvtlle.
At 11 o'clock Thursday night the men
stole the locomotive from the gravel pits
near Beloit and started south at full speed.
The theft was not known until the engine
was seen leaving Beloit with the throttle
wide open, aud the mm aboard yelling de
fiance to tho railroad men, who had dis
covered that the engine had been stolen.
Just too lata a turn a switch snd stop
the runaway.
Just as soon ss the Janesvtlle officers of
the company were notified the dispatchers
stopped every train between Janesvtlle and
Cajedonia, IlL Tha Chicago officers of the
division were called out and emergency
crews with officers started out In pursuit
of the fugitives, and every effort la being
made to catch the runaway engine and
Its crew.
CHICAGO. Oct- a The offlciala of the
Chicago Northweetern railroad today de
nied i the report that tramps on a stolen
loconjotlve running wild tear Janervtlle,
Wis, had caused a tieup of traffic on tha
Tha report, according to the officials,
grew out of the fsct that an engine used
In gravel aervlos near Beloit ran away,
stopping for want of steam after covering
several miles of tha main lice.
Federal Grand Jary la Ksaaaa la
- diets general Cattleaaoa Who
Are fader Boada.
TOPEKA. Kan.. Oct. a -A deputy Uni
ted States marshal went to Riley county
today and p laced C. P. Dewey snd his son,
Chauncey Dewey, under srreet on a charge
of fencing government .land and Intimi
dating tha settlers In Cheyenne county.
The Indictment was returned by tba grand
Jury at Leavenworth and Included James
McBrida. William McBrida and William
Ratilffe. employes of tba Deweys on their
western ranch. Among tha principal wit
nesses for tho government . will bo the
Berry brothers, whoso relatives were mur
dered some months ago on a ranch near
tha Dawey horns.
Tho Deweys were arraigned today and
gave bond until their bearing before the
federal court at Topeka at a data to be
set later.
ay They Made Xo Legal Coatraet, at
Caaso oa Proaaiao of
. Work.
against deportation were sent to Washing
ton tonight by the Welsh miners who are
detained here by tha immigration commis
sioners as violators of the contract labor
law on their way to work at Ellsworth.
Pa. A daclaioa hi expected by them before
the hour fixed for their sailing Saturday.
British Consul Powell and the Welsh so
ciety of Philadelphia are taking an Inter
est la the mea and are doing their utmost
to stop the dorroed deportaUwa.
Under Instructions from tao British eon
ul tha British vice consul with a clerk
touk tjie statements of ail those detained,
twenty-seven mea aad ono woman. It la
understood that the Waiahmen deny that
thex made 4 legal contract with tho Ella
worth . company, but aay they accepnd
ao ofter of work at good wageo ao.d good
conditions othorwiasx
4 M
Men's ?1.50 Fancy Dress Shirts. 50c
Men's fancy dress shirts in all the new
styles special lot of fine S1.50 shirts
which we secured at n radical price concession
strictly custom made shirts, plain and plaited bosom
special, at $1.00.
Cbarlea Krata, Who Forfeited Boat at
St. Loala. Arreated la
Mexico. '
ST. LOUIS. Oct. a-A special to the
Post-Dispatch from Guadalajara, Mexico.
aays that Charles Kratx, a member of tha
St Louis city council Indicted on a charge
of bribery, who Jumped S3),000 bond. . was
arrested today by the local authorities on
orders from the federal government at' the
City of Mexico. He will be held until
officers with requisition papers from tho
United Btatea arrive.
Mr. Folk expects to have Kratx back In
Missouri within ten days. The papers
necessary for the extradition are all In the
state attorney's possession and he will dis
patch a man tomorrow morning to Mexico
for Krat The papers were signed In St.
Louis by Governor Dockery and the local
offlciala some weeks kgo .and were then
forwarded. to Washington. There the neces
sary signatures of the federal officials were
attached and the papers returned. They
are now In the state attorney's safe.
Wataoa Asked to Agala Pit His Skill
Agalast Asaerleaa Taeht
LONDON. Oct a-Despite the denial of
T. W. Lever of Birkenhead having any In
tention for tho America's cup, the fact
that he has asked George L. Watson If
he would undertake the work of design
ing and superintending a cup challenger.
Is now sdmitted to bo Indisputable.
Mr. Watson, thus far. has neither
definitely declined or accepted and this,
possibly explains Mr. Lever's denial, as
he is not likely to act without Mr. Watson.
Tho Utters answer may be affected by
the fact that a well known Clyde yachts
man, a lifelong friend of Mr. Watson,
contemplates challenging," and broached
tho subject to the yacht designer before
Mr. Lever.
Deposed Sarveyor Ceaeral of Arlaoaa
aad His Cleric Aecased of
PHOENIX Aria.. Oct a-Eleven Joint
Indictments were found today against Hugh
IL Price, the recently deposed surveyor
.Tweed norelty colored. Overcoats in
plald3,stripend mix- f
tures. Long cut, loose S. S -
d- fitting, belt back, at . .
milled, best overcoats st
price, hand tailored, per
overcoats from
in black end oxford, purs .ilk
lined, finest bsnd work, very dres
sy, particularly
will appreciate them, st
1 II, O0S -
V - i i
Overcoats that compel admir
ation. Investigate our wonderful
overcoat business.
Men's $2
at $1.50
fine lot of
wool underwear made
front qualities that in
sold at $2.00 special,
Suits for men 50 extra fine pure worsted and tweed suits
. fonnen. Impossible to duplicate under $15.
Suits are serge lined, hair cloth, self retaining fronts They fit as
if moulded to the form special at $10.00.
general of ArUona, and his chief clerk,
W. E. Murphy, removed. They are charged
with eonspracy to defraud tha government,
acceptance of bribes and extortion.
Fr easier of France Says that Govera
aaeat WU Destroy Co'agregav'
tloaal Edacattoa.
PARIS. Oct. a The first debate in the
Chamber of Deputies since the opening of
Parliament last Tuesday resulted today
In an unqualified victory for tha govern
ment. Premier Combes demanded that
the Interpellations, of which - there are
many on tho subject of the religious con
gregations, bo united with the ' general
policy of tbs government, and the re
ligious Interpellations were withdrawn.
Opposition speakers. Mm. Gauthler and
Dansette, dwelt chiefly on the recent
strike riots at Armentierea and Hennebont,
reproaching tha government for not taking
measures to prevent disorder, to maintain
liberty to work and for not ordering the
troops to Interfere until the houses bad
been pillaged and burned. The premier
replied that" the cabinet had determined
to govern with the entire republican party
against the reactionary coalition. Re
ferring to the situation at Armentierea,
he said there had been plenty of troops
there and the fact that no action waa
taken was due to the military commanders.
The civil authorities bad neglected no pre
cautions. Tha government Intended, the premier
continued, to carry- on the war against
tho congregations as well as a war for free
thought against slavery of the Intelligence.
In conclusion M. Combes announced tho
government's intention to repeal the Fal
loux law, thus destroying, congregational
education. The chamber voiced its unqual
ified confidence In the government by a
rots ot 132 to 2a
Veatre Draws for Seat Uearlag of
Alleged Coasplratora' lader
Federal Statotes.
CINCINNATI, Oct. a-A special venire
for the second trial of Daniel Voorheis
Miller, of Terre Haute, lad.,' and Joseph
M. Johns, of Rockvllle, Ind., for an alleged
conspiracy to extort a bribe In connection
with pohtal ruling, was drawn tonight. The
case will be called before United 'States
District Judge Albert C. Thompson No
vember It.
Every Day Something New
Dress Skirts, Waists, Petticoats, Wrappers
Compare our prices.
Oar styles are absolutely correct.
' We claim superior fit and finish.
O. K. Gcofield Cloak and Suit Co
' v. IOIO Douglas Street.
Melton Overcoats, triple
richest materi
Finest English Box Cloth Overcoats,
fastidious peopl
Lamb's Wool Underwear
This is an exceptionally
men's Australian lamb's
with double back and
many places are regularly
at, $1.50.
Young Chicks
No. 1 Ham
No, 1 Bacon " 13c
If you thoroughly enjoy a dainty chop,
a dellclously tender and Juicy steak or
roast this is the meat market to come to
for them. We make a specialty eC fancy
meats and send them out in, neat shape,
all ready for tho roaster or broiloT. ,
end far nam sin.
for a Turkish bath, but get a
ten-cent cake of HAND SA
POLIO, which lasts a montrl
and see what a luxury a '. bi.h
can be made. Have a cake on
the washstand to keep the hands;
soft, prevent sunburn, rough-.
ness, etc v ' " ' !
Not Hungry
when you should bo means disordered
nerves, whict will lead to nervous p ros
tra t loo. Dr. Miles Nervine Is ruaran-,
teed to benefit you or money refunded.
Book on nerves sent free.
DR. MILES MEDICAL CO.. K.khart, Ind.'