IT n. n A MESSAGE FROM HENRY I By A. M. Davie Ogden. THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY. OCTORER 24. 1003. n ISi emu 'M tanoot-f YOU CAN IF YOU CARE TO- There's no red tap to it nsMe It's conretilent You establish a eriHUt through It Yon would simply do what the rest of mankind Is doing. Every dealer In this city tan not prosper without getting goods on credit It la the basis on which all business in tranonrted. Why shouldn't every lndlrldual buy on credit Yon mnke your purvhnae, pay a payment down and get the goods. You do not give any security. We ask no refer ence. We charge no Interest All business confidential. Do not endan ger your health by denying yourself any wearing apparel, when you can get It on credit and pay for it as you like. SATURDAY IS BARGAIN DAY Km4 Ta4or4 j CMM, VrOtnvoj ai Tp.-JVraorifftt THTS NOBBT SUIT ON PAYMENTS FOR I1J.60 Union Made. Serge Lined, ' hand made fronts. Omaha irteao Itf K w) ) tep- (Slothing 0 r-?v We want you who hare become dissatisfied with treatment elsewhere to call at our offices to thoroughly Investigate our Wonderful New System Treat ment by Electricity with Absorption and by Finsen's Violet Rays. We will give you the moat thorough examination jou have ever received, go over every symptom you have, and If we find your case Is still curable, will give you our legal guaranty, barked by abundant capital, so you will run no risk whatever. A positive cure Is what you want. Wn all others fall. You have never been cured, and why we can core you when ail -others fail. You have never beeen treaton-try aur-fiietnoo.. -rii naacureu inwwwiiui nri.. 7' i . It will enat you ent you nothing to call and investigate iur meriis. o ouu iuaia.y an- Ither day. No dioeas remains at a dangerous. Our Tertti9 Don't let money matters keep you away. Pay ments may be made by the call, week or month, as benefited or when cured. We will do more for you In one week than any other doctor can In six. No matter how long you have suf fered or who has failed to cure yon. don't give up In despair before con - suiting us. V3 Cure Blood Poison In 30 to 90 Days, Pimples, : Soros, Etc. 7a Cure Nervous Dability In 30 to 60 Days, Nervs Waste. Brain Fag, Etc. V3 Care Bladder Diseases, No Matter of Long Standing. The great volum of our business enables us to mike this liberal offer, placing our swvtoea within the reach of the poor as well as the rich. We give dooaal treatment at lowest prices. DOiT OIVB VI BErORH CO StLTl!a VS. WB CIHB FOR UrK. WB IOVT "PATCH Tf." Elewtrletty aad Absorptloa Never Falls. reasaltatlea Free This Heath. Read Testlmoalal at Those Cared by the New Violet Rays. It will ir r to Mil and lavestlcate oar method before placing year eaae elsewhere. If yon raaaot ea.ll, write for aaestlea blank to day. COOK MEDICAL CO. 1 10-113 5outh Hth St Over Daily New. Omaha, Neb OfnCE HOURS a. m. to I p. m. Sundays 10 a. m. to 1J:30 p. m. A well heated for $10.00 per ' Before the cold weather seta to think whether yon are apt to winter. There no use staying THE BEE BUILDING U you ssk one of Its tenants you will find It' always oomfort able, no matter how ooU the weather. You would better mov before it's cold. There are three pleasant small rooms at U0.00 per month one or two larger rooms R. C. PETERS & CO. RENTAL AGENTS rl n u m n e s s rTin uiATORn UBB tiiMint .jam STROfBE PROS. HAND TAIL OKKIJ SLITS, HANI) TAIFy- AI1' J. 1 I 1- 13.90 ORKI) THRfll OHOL' REOI LAR $J250 VALUES. FOR... BTROl'PR A BROS. PURE WOOti WORSTED Bl IT. HAIR CLOTH r KO.NT, HAND PADDED BIIOLLDER8. ALL TAILOR MADE, AT 15.00 MEN S ALL WOOL 8 1 ITS. HARD FIN ISHED WORSTEDS.. 12.50 MENS LONO W ITH BELTS OR OVERCOATS, 7.50 WITHOUT, FROM $3.00 DOWN TO MEN'S ENGLISH VICTNA OVERCOATH, SATIN UN ED THROl'GROUT. NOHHT AND DRESSY, AT.... 17.50 MEN'S IRISH FRIEZE OVERCOATS. 4.98 MEN'S MELTON OVERCOAT, VERTICAL POCKETS. 48 IN. LONG. BLACK AND GRAY, AT 11.98 All goods Union made Business Strictly Confidential $I.OO a Week dresses any man well Goods sold to people on payments, livlngr In Council Bluffs and South Omaha. B Ftrnam standstill if z-eglected. Delays are Free R. R. Fare for people who live at a distance. Come for one visit and Vou may return home the same day. Come and Investigate our NEW SYSTEM OK TREATMENT AND FIN SEN'S VIOLET LIGHT CURE before spending your hard-earned money with other physicians who know but little of your true condition. office month In. It might bs well foe yen to stop freese to death la your offloo thl in a cold office all winter. at reasonable prloa. GROUND FLOOR DEC BUILDING -ADS e.e o o oe oe-eo e o 0.-0 1 OBs (Copyright. 190S, by A. M. Partes Ogden.) Tho wholj trouble was caused by the fact that at th last moment Henry con fided tho matter to Nicholas. Therefore. It was Henry's own fault, for who else would have trusted a person known in the family by the soubriquet well deserved, too of "Tho Terror." Fancy anyone being such an ass. Henry was U and cautious, as against Kick's 25 years and reckless spirits. Henry was- susceptible and flirtatious, to Nick's scorn of girls and openly expressed preference for men's society, and Henry never would stand up for anything If he could help It. while Nick defied the whole world to come on. I know; for I'm sister to them both. All that winter Henry had been quit de voted to Letty Ferris, one of the season's prettiest debutantes. Really he had been nice to her In every possible way, and though I cannot see what she wsnted In such an old man, she appeared to like It extremely. "Encouraged him," mother de clared on day. But Henry pooh-poohed the Idea. "Debutantes are not dangerous," he said; '"they scatter their attention so widely. They are not bent on getting mar ried like the older girls. And besides, they all know that I am m confirmed old bach elor." A Lent drew near, however, Henry be gan to get nervous. Qlrls were sometime unreasonable creature. And then on night at dinner he announced that he wa sailing on the next Saturday. We all ex claimed, even father, and Nick laughed. He who courts and runa away. May live to court another day, he quoted disrespectfully. "Kh. HenryT" But Henry got quite stuffy and said that there was nothing extraordinary In his going away. Everybody went In March. It was the proper thing to do. So Nicholas and I went down to see Henry off. I think that ho was half sorry when he really got on board the ship, he fldgetted so. He always did hate the water. And his stateroom did look so small. Just a the bell rang for us to go ashore he called Nick back and said something in a low voice. I heard Nick answer "all right," and then we started to descend the steep gangway. Half way down Nick stopped and looked back to where Henry stood leaning over the rail. "Shall I writs something on the card?" he yelled. "Anything you like," shouted Henry. That how the thing started, and I think it was very Imprudent of Henry. But I suppose he hadn't time to think. and Nicholas fairly pulled mo away so that Henry might not have a chance to change hi mind before It was too late. "Come along. Kid." said Nick, as we left the dock It's most undignified to be called "Kid" when you're nearly fifteen, I know. but what can you do with Nick and then he called a hansom and told the man to drive to Thorley'a. "I want to see your freshest violets," he said to the flower-man. And they were Just lovely, so sweet and fragrant I hop that someone will send me violet when I'm grown up. But mother says little girls shouldn't think of such things. Well. Nick picked out six great purple bunches, next he produced one of Henry card heavens knows from where and wrote something on It In a little backhanded writing Just like Henry's, Then he ordered the whole lot sent to Letty. How pleased she must havo been. In those day Nicholas did not know Letty, b went out so little and then only under compulsion. But now that Henry was gone, Madge insisted that Nicholas must take her about,'' and consequently before very long he met Letty. It was at some dance, and I expect It must have been during supper for Madge says that dur ing tho dancing Nick only stand In the doorway and looks bored. Any way ho was cross as you like next morning. And a time went on, and Letty and Madge struck up quite an Intimacy, he only seemed to get crosser and crosser. "I expect It's on Henry's account," ex plained Madge. "She always blushes when I mention him, and th other day asked me for his address. Do you suppose that he Is serious thl tlmeT Or 1 it only that she thinks so?" Nicholas kicked the fire angrily. "Hasn't she told you anything?" he asked sharply. "Not a word." . "But I thought that girls always told acn other everything." "Nonsense." sniffed Madge. "Not Letty' kind anyway. But do you think that Henry is reaiiy serious T" going back to her nolnt. 'Henry's a cad," burst out Nick sud denly. Then, as Made and I stared, sur prised, he quieted down a bit. "I mean." he explained carefully, "that Henry may some day go too far and hurt somebody's leeiings. Henry's sister laughed. "It seems odd to think of anybody taking Henry seriously," she scoffed. "But gins are geese." "Well. I'll bet Miss Ferris Isn't." declared jmcx. and If she believe In Henrr it's somebody's fault. And thoughtlessness is no excuse, either." he added, giving the Are another vicious poke. I had never seen jvicnolaa so upset. "You ought to know something about It," remarked Madge. "You've seen a good deal of her lately. Are you trying to take Henry' placer' "Henry" place, Indeed," cried Nicholaa. Henry'." and without another word he turned and dashed out of tho room like a young tornado, alamming th door behind him. Madge smiled in her superior way. "What a temper that boy has. I pity th woman who gets him." . "Nicholas is a brick," I retorted hotly, "and worth a dozen of you and Henry." But she only laughed the more. Madaa can be awfully aggravating. A few days later came a letter for Nicho las from Henry, at which he looked first surprised, then furious. About two week later another letter came, and thl time be strode off to the library before opening It I wa dying to follow, but didn't quite dare. When, at last fortifying myself with the thought that It wa only Nick, I ventured to open th door, th slant of the dei. looking figure In ths big chair mad m for get everything else. Running to him I nung my arms around bis neck. "What is It, Nlckle?" I aaked. givina- r.lm a sympathetic hug. Nicholaa tried to smile. coining. Kid. Don't strangle me," he responded, patting m on th back, "If only Henry." "I he "mad?" I demanded. Nicholaa stared. "About what?" "Why- bout the flowers," said I, timidly. 'The flowers! What do you know about th flowers?" he began, then he remem bered, "Ob, you were with me." "Tell me, Nick." I begged. "You know I never repeat things. Did Letty writ to him?" "Yes." groaned Nicholas. "And Henry V "Henry' frightened," saltf Nick, bitterly "Frightened! Good Lord!" "What did Letty say?" Thanked hire for th violets. It seems, and then added that she would answer hi message when he cam horn. So he wrote to ask what th deuce I bad said. And now-now he write that ho won t com home: aay I have got him Into th scrap and thit I must get him out And after X told hint that he must come " broke off Nick despairingly. I looked at htm In sur prise. "Why, do you think Letty care for himr I questioned. Nicholaa sighed. "I'm afraid to." , "Perhape she doesn't," I haxarded. But Nick shook his head. "I can't hop for that Even Madge think so. And It' all my fault too, send ing that cursed mesnag. It was a low trick and I ought to be shot for It" But eh wouldn't have fallen In love with Henry Just through a message,' I ob jected sensibly. "No. But It might bring things to a climax. By believing ha cared ah might let herself care." "I don't believe people 'let' themselves fall In love," I persisted, "Was it a lovery message?" "It might bav been taken to mean a lot or nothing," said Nick uncertainly. "She seems to have taken It th first way." "Then there is only one thing to do. You must tell her th whole truth," said I positively. Nicholas Jumped. "Don't talk nonsense," he exclaimed. Ir ritably. But I Insisted. It' not nonsense," I declared. "If she really understood why, she's get over it at once. I know she would." Nicholas looked stunned. "Ought I?" he whispered. "Must IV Then he squared his shoulders as he always did before anything unpleasant to be faced. "I will think about it Kid." he answered. And with that I had to be content But I wished he would tell her. It didn't aeem fair. Lata that afternoon I was In the library reading, and a th light waned I perched behind the curtain In the big window to get th last raya I know its bad to read by a fading light and all that but I was Interested and I forgot From the draw ing room, where Madge had some girl for tea, cam the murmur of tongues, but I paid no heed, and it must have been some time later, when the light was al most gone, that I realized that there were two people talking lnthe library. I could not have said how long they had been there and I dare not move, for I recog nised the voice of Nick and Miss Ferris and feared that my sudden appearance might cause trouble. Besides I knew that I had no business there anyway. I tried putting my finger to my ears I'm no sneak but the words would fore their way. I caught Nick' vole first and took a furtive glance. "I I want to tell you something," he was saying and his voice sounded queer. "And yet I don't know that you will ever forgive me. Thought, perhaps my. It's It's something about Henry," he went on, "you see, he that la, I" The girl started and glanced up swiftly. "If your brother has anything to say to me cannot he say It himself?" the asked, with some spirit. Nicholas groaned. "But it's my fault" he stammered, "po even at th risk of your anger oh, I have acted like a cad," he burst out suddenly, "and I cannot hope that you will ever forgive me. But. You remember the day that Henry sailed, the flower you re ceived and the message?" Yes," murmured Letty. She had grown very white. "Yes, go on." "It it was not Henry who sent them," confessed Nick desperately. "It was I, I meant it as a Joke on Henry, I never thought of you. And then, when I met you. Ah, don't look so. I've written to him, I've told him to come home; he will, he must Don't look so, please," he begged. Letty, her lips quivering pitifully, lifted wide grieved eyes. "You," she whispered. "You! And I thought. But why should he come back, What do you mean?" "Why why didn't you expect him?" blundered Nicholaa too earnestly .to be tactful, "Don't you car for him then?' a flash of hopefulness illuminated his face. "Don't you?" Th girl, trembling and in dignant, flung tip her head. ' "I car for him," she crief, her vole shaking. "And hs think so, too. Oh!" wltn a sharp little cry of distress. "You are quite mistaken," she went on after a pause. "I care nothing for your brother," with Icy precision. Nicholas drew a long breath. "I I'm mighty glad to hear it," he said sincerely, "he' not half good enough for you. No one 1 for that matter, but" "aiad,". Interrupted the girl with pa' ionato haste, "glad! You are not half so glad as I am. How I would hate, hate to be connected with with any of your fam Uy,' she ended fiercely. Nicholaa took a hasty step forward. "You mean that," he demanded un steadily. "You really mean that You cannot forgive me then." Letty, who had bidden her face, remained silent and Nicholaa watched her with wist f ul eyes,' till suddenly to his consternation, th girl broke Into a perfect storm of tear. Th sound of her weeping seemed to drive away hi last remnant of self- con troL "Letty!" he cried frantically. "Letty!" The girl, sobbing harder than ever, re treated a pace. "How dare you call me Letty?" she gasped. "You hav no right I forbid It "Miss Ferris then. Only stop, please stop. I will go away. I will do anything, only stop. Oh, Letty, can't you forgive me, do try. You say you don't car for Henry." "No." "Then there I such a splendid way to prove It to him. Only you'd hav to forgive me." But I won t cam th voice, still muffled behind the handkerchief. "Well, don't forgive me then. But marry me anyway. That will show Henry his mis take." "Marry you!" "Just give m a chance," begged Nicholas. "With you to reform me I'd be a perfect angel. Won't you try it? Since you won't be my sister, won't you. Ah, Letty, won't you be my wife?" "Marry you, when a moment ago you wanted me to marry your brother," sobbed the voice, still unconvinced. Wanted you to!" cried Nicholas. "Wanted 1 Oh. Letty, you cannot Imagine how I suffered at even th Idea of your marrying any other man. For I love you so dearly, sweetheart Surely you know that, you must know It; everybody else does. But your happiness cam first and for that. But you say you don't car for him: then Isn't there a chance. Just the least chance for me? Do you, can you love me, even the smallest bit? Letty," In his excitement he gar her a little shak. Answer me, Letty r That night Nicholas and I composed a letter to Henry: Dear Henry: I am sure that vou will be interested to learn or Mm Ferris encase ment. While not yet formally announced she wishes her old friends to know of It. and, of course, you. The Km is perrectiy aengnted, as she is to be bridesmaid: already she and Uidtt inn Lity are quarreunK over the shttiwe of the hat, but the wedding Is not to take place until June, for although I cannot see anything- unlucky in May r Kept, perhaps. Its length girls are supfrsiltious. 1 note you win D duck by then and readv to act as best men. for the iroom. 1 Deiieve 1 lorgot to leu you. 11 votir tre- mendoualy lucky brother. NICHOLAS. But he never would hav told her If it hadn't been for me. Hot cover mad to at your bora, Omaha. Tent and Awning Co.. 11th an4 Harney strata Marrlac Llreases. These licenses to wed hav been granted ny me county juuge-. Name and Resldmc. Ace. Clajs LtMlthJe. t Ik horn. Neb 43 Kllsabeth Morley, Omaha Walter R. liaaker, Omaha a F.dna L. Spears, Omaha 11 High in Ooality-Low in Price The "SYSTEM'' upon which we have built up a drug business which is the largest of auy retail drug store in the Transmississippi states is a very simple one. First of all,' "WE ITAV2 the goods which our patrons wish. Second, the goods we offer are always the "GENUINE"' axid "ORIGINAL" ones no imitations nor goods of doubtful purity. Third, our prices Are ALWAYS the LOWEST OBTAINABLE quality considered WE WILL NOT BE UNDFU SOLD. Fourth, an adequate service at all times. Sherman Corner The Prices SOa AaTBeW Catarrh Pewter wo ell Oo BAe Allew's Lnif Balsam wo sell 40o aa Alleoek's I'orooa Plaster wo sell two for Stfto 12 00 Alkavl's Kidney Cure wo sell U.71 6U! Aaater'a fetroleam Ka.l- alon we sell 40a 1 Aatl-Germ wo sell Too Anti-Germ la a powerfal disinfect ant and deodoraat. DOe Antlpblos-lstine wo sell 40 26c Arnica Tooth BoaD we sell loo 6oo Ayer'a Cherry l'ectoral wo sell 4Uo $1.00 Ayer's Cherry Pectoral we sell.. 80c 1 00 Ayer's Hair Vigor we sell 8uo zoo Ayer s sectoral piasters we sen 26c Ayer's Pills we sell $1.00 Ayer's Sarsaparllla we sell b"c Armour's Kxtract Beef we sell.. 80a .. 400 .. sua with IL.00 Armour s Extract Beer we sell. Il.uv Aihlopherus we sell Arsealo Complexion 'Wafers Iroa, the great blood earlcher aaa skin whlteaer, afteea aay' treat meat SOc, S3 days' treatment $1. By nail apoa receipt of price. 1 Baker's Barley-Malt Whiskey we sell ............1.. 7So Per dosen .' 8.00 This la tho aaost Malt Whiskey tade. BOo Bar-Bea wo sell 40 SOc Ballard's Hoarhound Syrup we sell 40o 26c Beecham's Cough Fills w sell.... 2u fl Beef, Wlao aad Iroa wa sell BOo Bird Manna makes birds sing loc Bird teed, German Mixed, per 1 pond package wo sell.. 4 Write for oar Catalogae eoatala- lag; tea thoaaaad drag; atoro articles at eat prices. Parties IItIbk oatsld of Omaha ahonld clab together aad sead a their list. l'3 Birney's Catarrh Powder we sell..' 40o aou tuner water (imported) we sell... zdo buo Blackberry Cordial we sell Ac Black Draught we sell..... $1.00 Booth's liyumel Inhaler, com plete, we sell 60u Borolyptol w sell 25c Boschee's German Byrup w sell.. Ha luo 80a ituc euc uoaanKO s uougn ana iung Byrup we sell 400 6ua sue 10a tOc Bovlnine we sell $1.00 Botanic Blood Balm w sell 25o Braadrcth's Pills w soil... Small Bromo-Caffelne we sell 10c 000 Bromo-Chloralum we sell ,.M 4uo 60c Bromo-beltzer we sell 4mo 2uc Brown' Campti. Tooth ' Powder w soil ZOo 2B Browa's Bronchial Troche we sell M l&a $1.00 Brimidla (Battles) we sell 860 iuxi BuL-klen's Arnica Salve we sell 2oo loc bull's Cough byrup we sell aoo 6uo Burkhart's Vegetable Compound we sell 40o $L0u Burnham's Saraaparllla we sell.... tvo W sell over forty styles of At- osalacr aad Nehullsors. Small Caldwell's Byrup of Pepsin, our price inn 26c Camphor Ice we sell 1hj 2bc Carter's Little Liver Pills we sell., lie $1.00 Carlsbad Sprudel Salts we sell.... 6c 60c Carnlck's Bo.uble Food w sell 40o 2&c Caacarets we sell Sua ooc Cascarets we sell 4uc 35c Caatoria (genuine) we sell Zoo 26c Chamberlain's Cough Syrup we sell 2vo $2.00 C'hlsholm's French Pennyroyal nils we sell $L00 Chichester Kagllsh Penay. royal Pills Diamond Braad.. ..S1.T4 $1.00 Crystal Tonio for 80c $1.00 Cramer's Kidney Cure w sell .... 7So 6uc Coke's DamlrufI Cure we sell ...... 400 $1.00 Coke's Dandruff Cure we sail via ac Colgate s laicuin Powder we sell., lao Coldolda quickest aad safest earo for eolds SQo Coleman's Carbolated Olatmeat... rUe For horses, cattle aad other aal mals. A great healer. Crystal Eye Water Dr. Scott's tho oalck car for soro eye.. 2So By mall atte BUo Cashmaa's Menthol Inhaler wo sell 40o $1.00 Coltsfoot Expectorant w sell Sue uuo Cudaliy's Extract Beef we sell Sua 26a Cuticura, Soap we sell 2'mj 6ua Cuticura Salve we sell uc 60c Davis' Pain Killer we sell tms 6"C Danderlne we sell 26c Davis Headuchn Powders we sell., am $1.00 DeMiracle Hair Renewer w sell. uo 20c Dewitts One Minut Cough Cur we sen zoo 2c Dewilt's Witch Hazel Salve we sell $10 50c Dix's Tonic Tablets we sell 4"c 60c Doan's Kidney Pills we all c xi.ou Durry s Mall wniakey we sell Sue U. Mi. U. bicscma lure, per bwt t le.Sl.oo This remedy Is sold and guaranteed by us for skin olnvaaea. 26c Eagle brand Condensed Milk we sell 15c 'jc Euert's Tar and Wild Cherry we aen sie 91 Klker-HoaT'a Coasamptioa Car h By mall N HA 15c Electric Silicon (for cleaning) we sell loo 6c Ely's Cream Balm we sell 400 6no Ei-kay's Food we sell 4-io 25c Ec?y's Fragrant Cream we sell., 'aui 25c Euthymol Tooth Past we sell 2c Eacalyptas Catarrh Jelly. th blaadest aad best remedy for ca. tarrh. Sold la KB aad BOo alaes. Samples free. $1.00 Falrchlid's Essence of Pepsin w sell isa $1.00 Fellows 6yrup Uypophosphlles w ecu 11. 1 Boa Fig Syrap eaalao w sell aue 60c Fischer's Extract Beef (Laeblg oroceaa) we sen i4o $1 00 Five Drops w tell aOo 60c Foley's Honey and Tar Cough Syrup we sen 40c BOo Gara-llna Oil we sell SIX; Small Garfield Tea we sell ,. 100 600 Olycothymollne we sell 4"c $1 00 Olycothymollne we sell 660 6ou Graham's Cucumber and Elder Flower cream we sen too Uray'a Kldaey Pills, th harmless bat effective kldaey aad bladder care. Price Bfle. By asall apaa re ceipt of prlro . Gray's Servo Poad Pills, a speclao for aervoaa debility, slecplcssaess aad los of appetite aad aervo. force. SHERMAN & ncGOfJtJELL DRUG Wholesale and Retail Druggists, A Corner Sixteenth anil Dodge Streets, Onaha. nn ana joicme ocConnei Sixteenth and Dotip Streets. Quoted Below Clinch the Argument 91 er box, six for fS. WrKo for circular- FOc Oansom's Kidney Pills we sell 40o $1.00 Oray's Glycerine Tonic we sell.... gro $1.00 Gude's Pepto Mnngan we sell 860 Gunning's Bird Tonio keeps blrdi well) 2Bo 60c Hale's Honey of Hoarhound and Tar we sell eOo KOo Hamlin's Wizard Oil we fell 4o &fc Hay's Hair Health we sell 40o 1 Herptclde Mewbro'a wo sell.. TOo HOMOEOPATHIC MEDICINES IN OMAHA Wholesale aad Retail. A 1 well known, we are th only house in Nebraska who carry any considerable line of HOMEOPATHIC mtHliclnes, and our stuck, which oc cupies the firm floor of our new ware huute at 1.;H Dodge afreet, la In charge of a trained homeupathlst, and comprises a complete line of the MA TERIA MKD1CA I'HED BY HOMEO PATHIC PHYUICIAN3, In variety from A to Z, and In potency from tinctures to 2U0th centesimal dilution, numbering in all nearly 20,000 reme dies. Parties ordering Homeopathlo Medi cine of us can rely upon getting Just what they want and obtaining It freah and at as low a price as any Pharmacy in th United State. SOc Hind' Honey and Almond Cream we sell ISo 60c Hoarhound Tulu Cough 8yrup (for children) we sell S5o $1.00 Hostetter's Bitters we cell 7o Z6o Howell's Antl-Kawf we sll )0o 26c Hydrogen Peroxide we sell too $1.00 Hyomrl Inhaler, complete w sell DOe $10) Her' Malt Whiskey we sell Mo $1.26 1 nperial Grsnum w sell aoc 60o Jn ne's Expectorant we sell 400 35a J: 'ne's Vermifuge we sell too 26a Johnson's Baby Powder we sell.... 150 60c Johnson' Digestive Tablet we sell 40o 0o Jo-H Ol! for 40c 25a Kay's Lung Balm (liquid) we sell.. 10c 60c Kay's Renovator Tablets we sell.. 40o 60c Kemp's Cough Balsam we sell 40o $1 00 Kendall's Spavin Cure we sell 60c King Cactus Oil we sell 40o 26c Klckapoo Indian Oil we sell ZOc 60c Kld-ne-olds (Morrow) we sell 40o BOo Kilmer' Swamp-Root wo ell.89o HI Kilmer' Swamp-Root wo Bell TSo 91 Kirk' DaadraS Care tho tea day dandraff care we sell... Too 60c Kodol Dyspepsia Cure we sell 40a $1.00 Kodol Dyspepsia Cure we selt too $1.00 Kutnow'a Effervescing Powder we sell NBo 60c Dablanche Face Powder wo sell..., 85o $1.00 Dactopeptlne Powder (1-os) we sell S6c 26c Laxative Bromo-Quinlne we sell.... 16a Llthla Tablets, c-grala each, per bottle we sell..... 2So SOc Ueblg's Extract Beef (genuine) w ell 40a Boe litqnosoao we sell ......... , 40e 81 Llqalsoae wo sell BOo 91 Listeria Lambert' w sell. T4o SSe Listeria Lambert' w sell 19o 25c Malt Nutrlne we sell. bot. 19c, !5 $1.00 Maltlne Preparations we sell 85c 6uc Malted Milk iHorlick's) we sell 4"a 60c Malvlna Cream or Lotion we sell.... t?o 93.BU Marvel Whirllaa- Spray Syria wo sell,. 92. IS 60c Mecca Compound we sell 40c 60c Megrlmrolne (white or yellow) w sell : 40o 75c Mellln'a Food we sell C0o 23o Meaaea'a Talcam Powder wo ell 11 25c Mentholatum we sell SOc 6"o Mexican Mustang Dinlment w sell 40c 25c Mistletoe Cream we sell 10c Moeller's Norwegian Cod Liver Oil wa ell 5o $1.00 Mother's Friend we sell sua Mull's Grape Tonic we sell 4"o 26c Munyon's Remedies we sell joo 26c M. L. Florida Water we sell too BOo Aral's Dyspepsia Tablets w sell 40o 91 Newbro's Herplcldo wo sell... TWe 10c Omega Oil we sell 4fla Ontario Port, pints, 40c, quarts 660 This is a very pur and palatabl wine. $1.00 Orange Blossom we sell 80c Yc Orangelne we sell too $160 Oriental Cream (Gouraud's) w sell $1.15 $1 do Osomulslon w sell S0o BOo Palmo Tablet w sell M 40 J5e Pain Killer (Perry Davla) we aell.... 19o doc Parker's Hair Balaam w sell euo 60c Paao Pile Ointment we sell 40c 25c Pear' Glycerine Soap w sell 16c 6"o Peptogenlc Milk Powder we sell 4"c $1.00 Peruna we sell bsc $100 Pierce's Golden Medical Discov ery wo sell t9o 60o Pierce's Smart Weed we sell 4i 60c Plnaud's Eau de Quinine w sell.... Sv $1 00 Plnaud's Eau de Quinine we sell.. Tic 6ic Pink of Perfection we sell 40c $1.00 Ptnkhim's Vegetable Compound we sell T6o 26c Plao's Consumption Cur w sell.... Mo 6uc Pond's Extract we sell 40c $100 port Wine (good quart bottles, w sell too The Best Paints LJade Th SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINTS are fairly entitled to this description, becausa wind, rain or sun, separately or collect ively, do not aflert them wind does not bleach, rain does not "wash" or "chalk." sun does not fade. For these reasons and hundreds of others the Sherwln-Williams Paints have for 50 years stood as the stand ard for hlKh grade paint other makers have TRIED to make AS GOOD NONE HAVE SUCCEEDED. The cost of these goods is just about th same as that ankd for grades of indifferent quality. GET THE BEST boy Sherwin Williams PAINTS. ENAMELS, VAR Nlblitd. Wood Fillers, Barn Paints IT COMES IN HUGE CANS and barrels for cars, barns and dwellings or in cut Utile pots and cans for th small decorat ing jobs of th houaewlf. Floors painted with aherwIn-Willtains Floor Paints dry hard enough to walk on in ONE NIGHT. Call for color card. ALL READY to use "JLST STIR IT UP" Write for Catalogue. (D. Omaha. Half pint can Family Paint ISo Half pint can Varnish Stain 2.'.o Half pint can Screen Paint Quarter pint can Knamel Paint........ iOo Quarter pint can Bicycle Enamel loo Half pint can Buggy Paint... 8"o Half p t an Hath Tub Enamel 6"o If all l-vl can Oil Btain ISO One i'..rt bottle Baundor's Ruby Floor Oil 4C0 I pound can Bhlnon Floor Wax 60o Ask for book abnut finishing floors. I rail on can Outside Houne Paint $7.78 This will cover 1.600 square feet with two coat . I ration can Creosote Barn, Roof and Fence Paint $4.19 Quart can fin Iiald or Outside Varnish T5a Quirt can Floor Lao (varnish stain for floor ;. TSa Quart can Floor Paint (dries hard in one night 40a P-Int Brushes We have th largest stock and th lowest price on Paint Brushes . Flat 1-inch Brurih 1V Flat lH-lnch Brunh.... 15o Flat J-fnch Brush Sf.o $3.00 Prychlne for $3 50 too Pyramid Pile Cure we sell ,'. 400 Insist on getting what you ask for when buying drugs. SSe Pat si a, the'sreat wall paper eleaaer wo sell. ......... .f .. .. 12a Our stock of patent medicine comprises' not only th rapid selling and well ad vertised articles, but thousands of medi cines which have only a limited sale yet which are known and valued by those to wh'ee attention their merit has been brought. We also hav in stock a ' large number of articles of French, German and English manufacture which we pbtaln direct from th Importers In New York. American patent msdlclnes are obtained by us direct from th manufacturer. Ask u for the things you use our prices will al ways be found the lowest.. 600 Radway'a Ready Relief w sell 40a too Ransom' Hive Syrup w aell , goo 26o Raymond' Pectoral Plaster w sell too 60o Reslnol w sail, .- 400 60o Rock Candy, Rye Whisky and Glycerine w sell 8"o Rough on Rats (small) we sell 16a S5a Rough on Rats we sell 26o Rub! foam we sell S0o 25c Shrader's Headache Powder w aell loo 26a Shrader's Fig Powder we sell lo 75c Bosodont (liquid and powder) w aell 4jo 91 flqalbb's Sarsaparllla, with rod clover aad daadelloas, wo aell TBo Thl Is the nest blood purifier. 25o St. Jacob's Oil we sell 20o 26c Stearn s Electrlo Rat and Roach Paste we sell log 25o Steam's Headache Wafer w aell.. o BOo St Bart ' Catarrh Tablet w ell 8Se 91 Staart'a CaUarra Tablet wo ell T 91 Swift' Syphllltlo Sparine, we sell TB 91.TB Swift's SyphlUtlo Spectoe wo aell 81.14 BOo Syrnp of Flare w aell. B4 Oar Prescrlptloa Department la a model oae, omploylaa; doable the aamber of pharmacist of aay other drag store la these parts. Dr. Scott's Crystal Ky Water wo sell 23o By mall . 8O0 Tho best eyo water made. $1.00 Scott's Emulsion wa sell tna $1.00 Seven Sister' Hair Grower we sell 85o $1.00 Sexlne Pins we sell tto $1.00 Sherry Win (good), quart bottle, we sell (0o 60c Shlloh's Consumption Curs w sell.. 4oo too Tetlow's Swan Down we sell 4o 25o Trask's Magnetic Ointment we sell., too 26c Vapo Cresolln (liquid) w sell...... too $1.60 Vln Mariana w sell $1.00 Vlaol the great aatratlv toalo aad reeoastractlve. If yoa are weak, debilitated, "re a dowa,n try a bottle. Sold la qaar gackage for 91. Victor' Arsenic Complexion Wafer max clear whit akin, 60c and tl.uo per box. Victor's Tonio Lotloa ba best remedy for blackheads, pimples bar bar's Itch aad all kla aCeetloao per battle, BOo. Our price cannot be duplicated in th wast. S5o Warner's Llthla Tablet (t-graln) w sell ,, ZOo BO Waraer Sodlam Phosphate, effervescent, wo U.. A3 Weetmal's Coldolda a sur cur for colda 26o Weatmal' Little Senna Pills the liver pill without a pain Zjq 91 Whit Rtbaoa Llqeor Bern. edy wo bell . fioo By mall hoe BOe Williams' Plak Pills we sell, 3Uo 91 Wlao af Card at MeHlree'o w aell T4o 25c Woodbury's Facial Soap we cell.... 14 $100 Weyth a Beef, Win and Iron w ' sell no lio Mm. Yale' Soap. Cake i;j 26o Mm. Yale Article we sell 200 Sue Mme. Yale's Articles we sell 41k $1.00 Mm. Yale' Article we sell , o $1.60 Mme. Yale's Articles it sell $1 a ' $2.u0 Mm. Yale's Articles w sell $1.7J Writ or call fur Mm, tales Beauty Book. BOo Eema Care wa sell 40 TRUSSES ,'ND SUPPORTERS. Our stock o( 't russes and Supporter for men. women and children is a most com prehenxlve one and embraces all th styles which have any acknowledged value among iw.ntn anlti.rUl.. haw a r.... ... for fitting Trusxes, with men and women experts In attendance. GO.,