Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 24, 1903, EDITORIAL SHEET, Page 12, Image 12

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- - -T '
Cocoa and Chocolate
i Because they yield THE
The Finest Cocoa in the World
Cosb less than One Cent a Cup
Out Choto R-fpa Book, tmt fna. 111 ym
low Mka rwlf nS gm( rU(jr e feloijr
4Wh frae. w Cvco. u4 Choeslau.
Walter Baker & Co. Ltd.
EiTAiuonio i;n
a Hitmir twiRoi in
Car AU SpeouU
i Treat-neat aad Medietas
Essmlnatlons and advloe fro at offloe or
by-vinall.- Written eontreote- given In all
eurable dlseaso -w refund money paid for
treatment. Treatment by mall. M years
In pm.ha.
Car. 14th aad !. OMAIIA, IBB.
4 v"
; 11 IT
1. v-
Put! In Cut, Bate! on Grain, to Minneapolis
ai u Chicago.
Omrlala ot Oilier Local Mae Die-
auriiit t adertaklngr of Great
Westera, bat General
- Cat ta Expected.
"Effective October 14, the Chicago Great
Western will establish a basis ot cent
on wheat and I cent on corn from Omaha
to MinneapolU. When originating at polnta
west of the Missouri river points It will take
rate of II cents ot higher on wheat and 10
cents tor higher on corn."
This announcement was made public yes
terday morning by General Agent Oeorge F.
Thomas of the Chicago Great Western.
This Is In addition to the Chicago rate mads
several days ago, as announced In The Bee,
but hot officially published.
No proportional rats to Minneapolis baa
xisted, the prevailing tariff being a local
of 21 cents.
The railroad officials are still worrying
over this matter and. the meeting of the
executive ' officer of the Chicago-Omaha
lines at Chicago on Thursday Is said to
ave been a red hot one. Assistant Gen
eral Freight Agent Elmer Wood of tha
Union Pacific was present at tha confer
ence, but all matters are held secret.
It Is stated that the other lines may be
breed to meet the Great Western's rates.
Freight men say that President Stlckney'a
project will never go through. Most all the
officials who were Interviewed evaded the
topis by saying1 that tha matter Would be
handled from their general -offices at Chi
We have not been advised as yet. what
our road Is going, to do and as a result I
ave nothing to say," remarked one promi
nent official of the Northwestern.'
'.'Omasa can"' give mora" than the Great
Western can give In -return," said an official
of the Union 'Pacific,'; "and tMt is Just
where this plan is going to fall through.
The people are going to stop and think it
over before they make the leap."
Hedaees Trala Service.
Following the conference of the Union
Pacific officials with E. H. Harrlman at
Chicago comes the announcement of the
ew fall schedule. In which are several
Important changes. Two trains, the North
Platte locals, are to be taken off. These
are known as Nos. 9 and 10 and the former
leaves Omaha at 7:47 a. m. and returning
arrives at 8 a. m. Tha latter arrives in
Omaha, at 6:15 p. m. and leavea at 6:20 p. m.
This service win ,now, be. covered by the
Fast Mall No. 102, which will have extra
ooaches attached and will b run as a local
from North Platta to Omaha. This train
now arrives at the depot at 3:25 p. m., and
the time will be changed, owing to tho
number of stopa to be made, to make the
train arrive on the former time of
the North Platta local. Coaches also will
be used on the fast mall going west, leav
ing the city at 8:46 a. m. This train also
will run aa a local to North Platte. Nos.
and 8, tha Omaha and Grand' Island ex
press, will be run through to Columbus
both ways, instead of stopping at Grand
Island, aa heretofore. Aside from a few
minor changes In tha time of tha arrival
and departure of the various trains this will
constitute the' make-up of tha new eolied-
With the new schedule which goes Into
effect on tha Union Pacific Sunday will be
a new train. 104, known aa the Colorado ex
press, which will leave the city at 6:20 p.
m. The time of the Grand Island local.
which has been changed to tha Columbus
local, will be the same .and. He., 43 for Beat-,
flee, Lincoln and Btromsburg. will leave at
1 p. m., Instead of "12:54 and arrive at 12:45
m. Instead of 13:18. Thy- time of No. 11,
the Colorado special, westbound, ha been
changed to 7:20 Instead of 7:10 a. m. The
trains of the Great Western to Fort DoJge,
which have been known as locals, will here
after be called the Omaha express, leaving
and arriving at the earns time aa hereto
fore. V
Dlspate Over Grablrona.
Tha Union Pacific and the Burlington of
ficials have both made application to the
Interstate Commerce commission for an ex
tension of tha time allowed by law tor tha
equipping of the englnea with grablrona
The safety appliance act, aa It Is called, Is
dated under June 10, and there Is likely to
be a clash between some of the big systems
and tha commission over the matter of
complying with the law. Tha committee
appointed by tha Master Mechanics' asso
ciation haa reported that tha 'location ot
grablrona on tha front end of locomotives
is not a aafaty appliance within tha moan
Ing of tha act of congress.' and It la feared
that a number of the roads will refuse to
equip their engines In the manner required.
The view taken by the Master- Mechanics'
association la that the placing of the grab-
Irons on tha front of the locomotives Is In
viting employes to take dangerous and un
necessary risks by riding tha pilot. Tha
members of tha commission hold an op
posite view aad hence tha trouble. '
llawley la Orleat Scheme.
"Edwin llawley,'.' president of tha Iowa
Central railroad. Is one of a number of
capitalists who are backing a new com
pany for railroad development In China.
Tha company already haa Incorporated
under tho laws' of New Jersey and is called
the' China " Investment and Construction
Company . of America, with a capital of
$1,000,000 A. W. Bash, who took a leading
part in the securing of concessions In China
for the American-China Development and
Railway company, whloh comprises 1,000
Churf Tbaa All Others
171 c GREW
Treat all terms af
A Msdlcal Expert
a Vr' ExpMleao
IS Years la Omaha
- . - --a
v '
, .- Vsiioamta. rree.L. blood Pol. """'?
CllMl llmHI D.U1HF. lm of VIUJ
Uy m H tormt tW ckroUM SismsK. ' ...
enr ti A. Mt SU Oafc tia
r-ai.t BCANa
fc.4 tttoulli.r legit.
f Wt
ttroia m Mt-CuaaeU Ouc Oiuaba.
does "Benjamin" meanth
same as-" Correct Clothes for
Men"? This famous, mark
answers i Because the aim o
BENJAMIN tailoring Is "correct
ness." BENJAMIN Fall Suits
and Top Coats, for example.
3,000 salaried experts, sup
plied with abundant air and
light, each tailor producing
but one portion of the gar
ment, are the chief factors in
attalointf this ideal That
BENJAMIN Suits and Overcoats
are correct Is attested by thou
sands of correct dressers wear
ing them season after season.
Tha prka Is right. Your moacy
back II anything goat wrong.
art buta DMrliHib
j tori hart.
niinttrrrc n A ff
I J 151921 Dotiu Street
T (Ul
IL liti
y uy
lo) a fo)P
Come I See the greatest, grandect and most pot-eouti display of semiprecious stones evr made. Come I
fool the money lender. Come I See whether you can detect the difference between Barrios and real diamond.
See the stones that
are the.nearest approach to genuine diamonds erer discovered. The brilliant flash ot the old mine
stones, the deep, rich color of the costly gem, are reproduced in the Barrios Diamond. Ther hare
all the luster, fire, color and brilliancy of the real gems, and will stand acids, heat, alkali, etc in fact, they can be washed and cleaned like ordinary diamonds and so
nearly do they resemble them that the most astute diamond experts In the world cannot detect the marvelous Barrios Diamond from the genuine stone. '
Barrios Diamonds have steadily gained in popularity sines their introduction into this country. Their sale in Chicago has been phenomenal. Five of the
most beautiful stores in State St are devoted exclusively to the sale of these marvelous stones. The Barrios Diamond Company also own and operate stores in Den
ver, Seattle, St Louis, Detroit, Cleveland, Pittsburg, New York, Paris, Berlin, London, Buenos Ayres and In over one hundred of the smaller cities throughout the
United States. X. , '
Set In Rings. Pins, Brooches, Studs, Ear
rings, Etc., that seem to be worth from
950 to $750 and actually worth $6 to $12.50
SSI-50 to $4-
Cluster Slog.
' Pearl Amethyst or
Sapphire center. Beaa
tlfuL pure white and
sparilac ootaMs staaea.
1 A besuUfml rbif taat
,ahoul4 be worth kt ,
jf -W. S. 1
y Op--
Bound Belcher.
The roost popalar ring
ef tbe Ubss. Warrant
ed for It yean. This
rlag aaaaet be told freta
a . rtog set with a g-
ini dlaakosd worts
ia.B0. Osr f A
MM aad.
( 1
Largs Martjelss
Beaatlfml pure white
brtlltaat stones, with
Baby, Emerald or Tnr-
eeowe eentar, tbs ani
Inal ws C Jt Ci
Esuod Belcher.
The moat popular ring
af the times. Warrant
ed for II year.. Tbla
rto eannot be tolS from
a rlag sat with a ra
lae diamond worth
tllBO. Oat
i.oe ec
p - ":- :
Claster Scart Pin.
10 braaflfnlly wblU anfl
perfeetly bTtlUaiit
atenas, Sasalag sal
sparklleg, areand a 1
1 Baby, Kmorald or Tar- '
aaolse center. The moot ,
be artful sad stylUh
searf r'! ever wera.
FiTe-SUn lloep
A dainty sad pvpalar
deilgn. fire evenly
matched and perfectly
brllltaot steaea, monot
ed ay band la eva'
rtely Bsaahod heavy sold
filled. A rlag aetnally
worth 115 00, It aboo-
Triple Serpent
A emlqoo aad beaattfnl
deslp. Sot with any
eemblaation ef stones,
Boblea, Bmoralds. Tor
aaolse or pure whlto.
perfectly brllilaat Bar
rloa Dlsmonda A ring
that should (ffy A A
sell foe eSJ.UU
Our prtre .-'svv
Star Sanbtrrst or Pendant.
A bias of brilliancy. Riact eony
ef a Ttfaay denlnt eosttag tali.
Sot - with matacntlT beaatlral,
para wait and brlUiaat stones,
ueary geld filled aionatimga. aar
malrd U wear for U( A rffV
yeara. Actually worth 2l4.3ll
jlO or IX Qnr pri. .. V
dv' W
mm. mm4
Solitaire Drop Earrinfs.
Daplloatea of toe famous Jew
els wore by Hme. Barrios,
pronounced genuine by
porta. Thooe oarrlsgs are of ex
tra aearr rom tuauo
to wear for IS ysara.
gold plate, warranted
Met with
perfectly white aad brilliant
stones that absolutely defy
aotecnoa. xaey seem to oe
worto ac least
$l&000. Oar
mwmm to o
7. .4t,.., ,wf.
Three-Stone Oypsy
Any eomblnstloa ef
stones, Barrios Dia
monds, Bnbtos; Kmer
slds er Turquoise. A
beauttf rlns that
aoesoa ta oo
.-!' nr.
worta ..w.a.1.1111
m o v w
Oar pries
Oypsy. Blag.
Baod made Boasting,
warranted for U years.
Fore white brill' t
and perfectly Saw less
stone, guaranteed to .
retain its brtiUaney for-,
ever. A mux to cent
A graeefal
and stylish
Two sxceu-
Uonally white aad
eparkllnf atones, per
fectly matched, or com
bination of aay color.
Cannot be told from the
Vorth $100.
our price
a n.
Gold Tracery Breech.
One of the handsomest snd
daintiest brooches ever de
signed. Burnished gold, filled.
Will wear for 16 yrs. Set with
seTOn msgnlDceatly beautiful
tones, a pergaiai
at fiv.uu.
Oar price
L , UT auu, it.
7 r
Large, Small Clae
tcr Binf.
Aa wa Um'Vi&.t '
costing iiooakj. Emer
ald, avahy er TnrqnolM
eeaitora. A masaLOcoot
jewel, warranted for 1-
Small Marquise
BMnttfm white and
finny. Emerald or Tur
Ouoase eeatara. Bach
atono set by nana. A
posttlr boanty and
cannot bo dlstina-alahod
Flve-Stene Bintf.
A marrel
and- aolori
of brilliancy
A (Tiffany
deolga. rite beautifully
white, brtlllan
It matched id
-.a tod stones. A ring aota-
at, pertact
ind grsdo-
slly worth
. Oar nrloa .
,1 Mitt,- fj
m. mi
Tiffany Enfafe
ment Blnf.
Aa exact eopy ef the
original Tiffany design.
'Tbe -rlag le-hand made
with perfect care. Ton
absolutely canoot toll
the ring from one with
a- genuine '- diamond
Our prtca
Engraved Belcher
Hand made, exquisitely
engraved. Iarge, pure
white, perfectly brll
ilaat and sparkling
stone, guaranteed to re
tain IU brilliancy for
ever. Mounting guar
anteed for years, . Caa
ba distinguished:
from genu
Ins w'th
our i
The latest and most popular
daslga la Bsrrlnss this season.
Two magnificently brill's t pure
white stones, perfectly match's
oet la extra hoary filled gold,
Tou aosltlvelv --aanaot -dlitln- 1
gulsh them from A A
k'XZV: $Z.0U
riat Belcher.
A ring that seems to be
worth at leaat fJOO.00.
Heavy hand made
mounting. Sot with
large, .magnificat spark- '
ling stone. The most
DopuJar maa's rlst of
Ttarrios Diamonda have stood the test of time and in places where they have been sold for years are more popular to-day than ever. Every stone is absolute
ly guaranteed to retain its original brilliancy forever and any stone which fails to give complete satisfaction or by accident proves to be unsatisfactory in any way is
replaced without any expense whatever to the purchaser. Read our guarantee: -
We guaranta aaeh and every at en. to retain Ita brilliancy forever and
the mountinga to glva perfeot eatlef aotlon, Wa wUI glvs 10,000.00 to any
charitable Institution If It can ha shown that wa ov.r r.fua. to roplace
'atone that does not glva aatlafaotlon. BARRIO DIAMONDS will stand'
olds, heat, alkali, oto. In fact, they can ba waahed and cleaned like ordi
nary diamonda, and ao nearly do they resemble th.m that government e
ports have been deceived, t BARRIOS DIAMOND CO.
Seal Barrios Diamonds have never been .old in this city. Do not
eonfou&d them with the worthless imitation! lold at Rhine Stones,
Alaikan, Bolivia, Brazilian, Montana, la Perla or any other imitation
diamond, no matter what the name may be. Barrioi Diamond! have
stood the test of time and are guaranteed to retain their brilliancy f o
ever. I
mllea of ' right-of-way from Hankow to
Canton, Is already on the ground and la
arranglog for the construction of tbe road.
The development of railroads in tha Orient
la the prime object of the corporation and
tho syndicate will practically revolutionise
transportation In the east. Thomas Oakea,
former president of the Northern Pacific,
also la Interested in tha deal
That Became m Faet aa Pleases Many
. . . . . - ' .. . . -
A. R, Lewis, M. D., in a lengthy article in
the columns of the American Journal ot
Health, aaya concerning hair: "Its deterio
ration la a constant source of worrlment to
humanity, consequently bald people" art
readily deceived by 'fake' hair restoratlvea.
Tha wish thjit a hair preparation will 'fill
the' bill' Is father1 to the' fane that It Is
likely to do so. A rare case In point is that
of Newbro's Herpicide, which actually does
'fill the bill. It destroys the parasite that
attacks tha hair root and preventa dandruff,
falling hair and baldness." Bold by leading
druggists. Bend 10c In stumps for sample to
The Herpicide Co., Detroit, Mich. Sherman
& McConnell Drug Co., agents.
uuei P. Caslek Laid at Rest with
Trlbates from Members mt
'Fore aad Lodge Moa.
Funeral services over the remains of tha
late James P. Cuslck; patrolman, were held
Friday at Sacred, Heart Catholic church.
where requiem maas was said. Tha funeral
cortege from the residence to the church
and from tha church aa far as the city hall,
wss made up of four platoons of police un
der command of Captain Hase. There were
ton men in. each platoon officered by Ser
geants Ha yea. Cook, Renfrow and Gibbons.
Each officer wore a badge to which was at
tached the regulation Insignia ot mourning.
At the church the casket was strewn with
flowers presented by the police department
and Ancient Order- of -United Workmen
lodge No. 1S9, of which deceased was a
member.' Tha floral off-Ting 'by the police
department represented a regulation badge,
shield shape, in-white, with, club, the let
ters "M. P." and the officers number "60"
worked In colors. The fire department also
presented a beautiful floral tribute.
Interment waa a Holy Bepulchre ceme
tery. -
"Garland" aiovea and ranges bake the
bread and roast the meat that make tha mas
Eoturni'from lansai City Sate Meeting
Much Encouraged Orer Outlook.
Secretary of Commercial flab Thinks
Missouri Rates Will tome
Dow a aad Saya Nebraska ' -VYOald
Secretary J. E. Utt of the Commercial
club haa returned from Kansaa City where
he went aa a representative of the club In
attendance on the Missouri State Railway
commission meeting which haa In view the
probable reduction, of rates from Mississippi
river points into the state of M..surl.
The commission began taking testimony
Wednesday afternoon and continual
through Thursday, hearing the business
men ot Kansaa Cl.y. It the,n adjourned un
til Monday to meet either at Kansas Clcy
or St. Louis, when the railways will present
their rep.y In writing. All arguments must
be In by December 10, after which the com
mission will publish its declson. Mr. Utt
goes back Sunday evening.
"Omaha is strongly Interested In the re
sult of this hoerlng." aald Mr. Utt, "be
cauao It haa always been the custom of the
railroads to make the same rates to all
Missouri fiver points from the east, and if
the rate is lowered from the M.sslsslppl to
Kansas City, that Is from St. .Louis, Han
nibal and Qulncy to Kanaaa City, St.
Joseph' and Leavenwort.i, the railroads un
doubtedly will put the same rates In effect
between Dubuque and 'Davenport and
Omaha. This will give us a lower through
rate to Chicago. The Missouri commission
undoubtedly will reduce the rate. If It
makes a small reduction the railroads prob
ably will, accept It, but if the' commission
makes It aa sweeping a cut aa tbe business
men hope, tho 'railroads will go to court
about It, and It will have to bo fought out
aa It waa in Iowa. I believe that tha com
mlaelon could win In the courts'.
Rests oa Klklaa Law.
"The proposition on which the esse rests
Is thls Before tha Elklns law was passed.
which requires tbe railroads to charge tbe
full amount of their printed tariff, tbey
werw In tho habit of making from S to H
per jeeat reductions to Jobbers. This waa
cut off by the new law and the full rata
wss -barged. It waa thought that the rail
roads would themselves then reduce tbe
rate. The commlasloa took cog nUanou ef
the situation and asked the Kansaa City
commercial organization to prepare evi
dence. Trie railroads already have admitted
that the ratea are too high by granting re
ductions, ao that the commission will hold
that tho present teriff la too high.. This re
duction. If It la made, will put Omaha
ahead a long way In Ita competition with
Minneapolis, . gt. Paul and Denver, which
have been getting low ratea In from Duluth
an the gulf."
"Tha Kanaaa City grain men are wild
about the reduction announced by tho Chi
cago Great Western- for Omah," stUd Mr.
Utt. He found that they all had clippings
from The Bee and were waving them in
each other'a faces. Kansas City has drawn
a large part of Ita grain from eouthern Ne
braska and sent much of It to Minneapolis
and they now fear that Omaha will, with
the new rate,, take It from thelf market.
"I didn't hear much about the barga
line that is talked of here to run grain
down the river," said Mr. t'tt. "The Kan
sas City people used It during their meet
ing to urge river improvements, because
If they could show that the river waa neces
sary for commerce they would stand a bet
ter chance for the large Appropriation. A
line also waa mentioned In the statement of
the present rate case. They may even start
a few barges, but the proposition will not
be a commercial success."
Voa Take ao Risk
In using-.. Dr. King's New Discovery for
Consumption, Coughs and Colds, it cures
all lung troubles or no pay. 0c, 1100. For
sale-by-Kuhn Co,
are entertained that tha o:her eye is af
fected and that it may be permanently
impaired. Tha accident will mean his re
tirement from th. game.
Pitcher tones Blunt of Bye.
ST. LOUIS. Oct. 23. James Hackett, the
St. Louis- National league pllcher. has loot
the elxht t his left eye from Ivy poison
contracted while hunting recently and fears
Aa Attractive Locatloa oa th Omaha
Ksteusloa Cblraso Great West
era Railway. '
Th. townslta department of the Oreajt
western railway announces inai an open
ing sale of lots will take place' at Wlghi
man, Calhoun county. Iowa, October V.
Special provision will be made to accom
modate those who wlh to attend vbe auc
tion, Including a One-far. ' round trip rats
from all stations on the Great Western
Railway to Fort Dodge, la., and' excursion
trains leaving Fort Dodge at I SO a. n... and
Omaha, Neb., at 6 '30 a. m.. on date' of
sale. For particulars address E. B. MagllL
Manager' Townslta Department, V. O. W.
Ry., Fort Dodge, la. .
fijpr BOTTLE o BEER ; -7
Made by a master of the art of brewing awarded
highest honors at the American Brewing Academy
the only beer made from pure spring water
delicious appetizing healthful.
Delivered to any part of Omaha, Council Bluffs or Booth Omaha,
Orcfor a case from the JETTER BREWING C O . '
or HUGO F. BILZ, 1324 Douglas St., Omaha. Telephone 1542.
or LLL MIC11LLL, Wholesale Dealer, Council .Huffs. Telephone 80.
I 1 t.
: H i n