Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 23, 1903, Page 6, Image 6

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The Omaiia Daily Dee.
Dally Bee (without Sunday). One
Dally Hm and Hundjy. Unt Year...... 00
illustrated Bee. line Year
Sunday Bee. Una Year 100
ftturday Hee. one Year 1.6t
Twentieth Century Farmer. One Year, l.uo
Dally Bee (without Sunday), per copy.. 2c
pally Use (without Sunday), per week.. 12c
Dally bee (Including Sunday), per week.Hc
Punday Km, er ropy 6o
Kvenlng bee (without Sunday), per week to
1venlng iiee (Including Sunday), per
Week 10c
Complaint of Irregularities In delivery
hnuld be addressed to City Circulation De
Omaha The Bee Building.
South OmahaCity Hall building, Twen
ty-rtfth and M streets.
Counrll Bluffs 10 Pearl Street
Chicago lfcw Unity building.
New York239t Park How Building.
Waahlngton 61 Fourteenth Street.
Communication relating to news and edl
torlal matter should be addressed: Omaha
Bee, Editorial Department.
Remit by draft, expres or postal order
payable to The Bee publishing Compiny.
Cinly 3-cent stamps accepted In payment of
man accounts, rersonai cnecKS. except mi
Umaha or eastern exchanges, not accepted.
State of Nebraska- nmir'u County, ss.J
George B. Ttachuck, secretary of The Bee
runusning company, being ouiy iwgni.
ays that the actual number of full nd
complete copies of The Dally Morning,
Evening and Sunday Bee printed during
the month of September, 1903, was aa fol-
1 .89,130
t S9.STO
1 2tt,820
10 2,1M
u awjtso
U st.aio
U i.4as
14 S0.O3O
U ttrt.MOO
0 20,040
Total 862,8X0
Leas unsold and returned coploa.... ,4ritt
Net tout sales .882,744
Net average sales... 2M.424
Bubscrlbad In my presence and sworn to
before ma this aota day of September, A.
t. 1 M. B. H UNGATE,
(Seal.) Notary Public.
Register today.
The financial storm aeeuis to be alter
nating between Pittsburg and Baltimore.
Tuesday, November 5, baa been set
apart as general bouse cleaning day
tor tbe court bouse.
The change in tbe management of tbe
Omaha and Winnebago Indian agencies
has been a long time coming and should
prove to be something worth waiting
Omaha Is In the heart of the great
American grain and cattle belt and by
rights should be, and in due course of
time will be, a great grain and cattle
The Twenty-second Infantry has al
ways been a 'favorKa' In - Omaha and
Nebraska, and it starts its Journey to the
Philippines with sincere wishes for a
safe return. , .
In order to vote you must register this
year, as previous registrations do not
' hold good for the coming election. If
you did not register last week be sure to
register today.
The American representatives who
participated for tbe United States in tbe
Alaskan toundary arbitration are on
their way home. They may not be met
with a brass band, but they may know
that the American people are fully satis
fled with the results they attained.
In this materialistic world there Is no
effect without cause. One rtyison why
Omaha has been outstripped within the
past few years by other cities in the
erection of buildings Is because ma
terials and labor are higher and rents
lower here than they are In cities like
Indianapolis, Toledo, Minneapolis, St.
Paul, Denver and Kansas City.
The announcement from Colombia that
the public treasury there Is on the verge
of bankruptcy may be a tip as to what
we may expect next In canal treaty
negotiations. If the Colombian finances
are as bad as they are painted we may
look for a financial proposition by which
Colombians will attempt to raise the
"dough" as the price of their consent
for the construction of yie Panama
Tbe SL Loul police captain who re
Igned bis commission on being indicted
for complicity in naturalization frauds,
declaring that he will ask reinstatement
when be clears himself, has sometbing
to commend him. The usual practice
for beclouded officers is to Insist on hold
ing their positions until their guilt is
proven in court by a verdict of convic
tionmuch to the demoralization of tbe
The Omaha fusion organ la very much
perturbed over the prospect that Judge
Sullivan Is liable to lose several thou
sand votes on account of the decision
on the blble-ln-the-publlc-schools ques
tion. If Judge Sullivan loses several
thousand votes on account of tbe con
troversy over bible reading it will be
because the Omaha organ of fusion has
projected bis decision to the forefront
and persistently keeps up the agitation
of that double-edged subject.
The establishment of the South Omaha
stock yards was the forerunner of
the establishment of tbe great pack
ing bouses that- have made Omaha
a cattle, market' in spit of the
resistance of the railroad traffic
managers Who were interested in main
taining the long hanl. The erection of
grain elevators and flouring mills and
above all the equalization of grain rates
between Omaha and Kansas City will
lu the no distant future make Omaha a
grab, market in jlte vt the resistance
of trade manager and elevator syndl
ntM. BUck. a plu there
a timk run CALMHKSS.
The Baltimore American, commenting
In the failure of financial institutions
that city, which has bad a more or
Iphs dlsturlilug influence npon confidence
generally, urges that the situation Is
one thnt calls for calmness and con
servatism. It points out that the diffi
culties of these institutions are due to
Indiscreet Investments In certain securl
ties and a genernl policy that could not
fall to result In financial trouble. Like
many other financial concerns In this
country the trust companies In Baltimore
were reckless in taking securities of
corporations whose promises seemed
plausible, but whone ability to meet
these promises was very meager.
Tbe Baltimore trust companies, like
those In other parts of the country, were
organized and conducted upon the Drlrf
clple that every financial and commer
clal venture, under the great prosperity
of the country, was certain to dbv ex
traordlnary dividends for nn Indefinite
period rtnd thot consequently there was
safety in taking whatever securities
ere placed on the market. For several
years this sort of thing seemed to be
Justified by results, but wise men. who
had in mind the lessons of experience
na the teachings of political economy.
knew that sooner or later a reaction was
inevitable and that when It came tbe
effect would probably be In proportion
to the excess with which speculation
and inflation' had carried values.
As was said In his address br the
president of the American Ranker' as
sociation, In session at San Francisco,
there sprung up among the substantial
edifices of our prosperity "artificial com
mercial structures which have failed
signally to stand tbe test of time. Over
sanguine people, some probably not over
scrupulous, had been canltallzlnir and r.
capitalizing schemes of all kinds and in
ducing people, with paper profits, to
underwrite flotations which they were
unable to carry. The boom had
too far, the natural reaction set in, and
general house cleaning begun wher It
was most needed in the weeding out of
over capitalized and Inflated securities."
iins same authority, however
dared ,that the substantial and legiti
mate business interests of the country
ore on a sound basis and WA sia
think, that there can be a reasonable
doubt In regard to this. The failure of
trust companies and banks that have
been putting their money Into specula
tlvo and Inflated enternrlse whii i.
efiect Is necessarily disquieting, should
not destroy confidence. Thoughtful busi
ness men will look beyond these Inci
dents of reaction and consider the sub
stantial facts that make for a continu
ance of prosperity and no one who does
this can have any doubt thr ,
ise for the future Is still bright
It Is a fact and a stransre one tna
that according to the best advices our
naval authorities are of the opinion that
our next naval conflict will be with
Germany. It is strange that thl ahm,M
be the Impression, because as a matter
of fact we have no Issua today 'with
the German empire and no quarrel with
anything that Germany Is to the slight
est extent interested In. But, they say,
Germany is Intruding upon us in various
quarters and therefore we must tak
measures to shut her out from every
relation where she may conflict with
our Interests.
Possibly that susrirestlon la Ho-hf tw
haps We OUght to take nrnoanrl.
against the posslhjllty of Germany do-
1 11 r ns-vm nil,l M
... uiciuiuK in me western hemis
phere that would be Inimical to nnr in
terests, We have heard a good many
.iiBtsrauoiis io uie last few years that
were to the effect that in the course of
tlme-and not a very great time either
we should have to measure nnni r.
with Germany. Even so great a man
as Admiral Dewey has been quoted as
saying that onr next great naval contest
will be with Germany.
However fallacious this m i.-
uiaj JX3
regarded by Americans generally. It Is
"Ul l" u uismissea as wholly without
warrant The men who r. in 4h.
. .so a-VU
trol of our naval establishment may not
be wholly accurate in their Judgment in
regard- to future events. It is not dim.
cult to understand that In their peculiar
field of observation the . ...
differently from the ordinary observer
Yet in the main their Judgment, both as
to present and future conditions, is en-
ut to me nignest consideration.
We do not believe that tt.u.j
States is in any present danger from any
foreign power and vet wh it
part of wisdom to accept the suggestions
. nme Bna patriotic men as Ad
miral Dewey?
The discussion that baa been ui
In the public vrenu ovpf tha nam
law and tbe litigation that has already
been started to test the constitutionality
of certain sections aiieiro n i.
v iui)vira
double taxation, emphasize the lmpor-
Miuc oi electing to tbe office of county
""""'r man wno can Im dennivt
upon to nut the new revenn. in
operation with a view to making It dis-
mum me Duraens of taxation uni
formly and equitably upon all persons
and corporations who should contribute
A A.
uiporc or our government
The taxpayers of Dmurina
county that furnishes one-seventh of the
state taxes and raises more local taxes
than any other five counties 4n Nebraska
-are mors vitally interested In the office
wuuij assessor man in any other
office to be filled at the coming election.
Without disparaging the nomlnerbn the
democratic ticket, w have no hesitation
in saying that In our Judgment and in
the Judgment of those best qualified to
airvnnW At ... .
Fia, me republican candidate for
county assessor. Harry n. Reed, la tha
Meal man for tha place.
Mr. Reed's superior fitness springs
from a residence in this city and county
extending over more than twenty years,
during which time be has la the course
of hUbualua beooiaa famUiar with
near! aver foot itt ground. aa4 building
Improvements In the district lie comes
nearer being an expert In tbe matter of
realty valuations and appraisements
than any man In the county, and bis
service upon the first Board of Review
that passed on the assessment roll made
up nnder the tax commissioner system
established by the new city charter has
given him an insight Into the details of
the taxing machinery few people pos
sess. Ills services on the reviewing
board moreover, more particularly his
determined stand for higher assessments
on the privileged corporations which -pre
vious to that time had been almost en
tirely exempt gives him an additional
claim to the support of . taxpaylng
ir qualifications and service alone
were the sole testa to be applied, all In
terested In securing equitable taxation-
democrats and republicans alike wonld
cast their votes for Harry D. Reed, con
fldent they would not be disappointed
when he should take hold of his official
It Is a most encouraging fact that
should Inspire and give a fresh hope to
every citizen and business man of
Omaha, that one of the most energetic
and enterprising of railroad men has
enlisted himself In the most enthusiastic
way In the work of promoting tha In
terests and welfare of this city. It Is
a most unusual, as' well as a most wel
come fact that Is presented in the coa
cern which President Stlckney of the
Chicago Great Western road Is showing
In tha building up of Omaha Interests
and we have the utmost confidence that
the work be is doing will result In con
tributing to our city benefits and ad
vantages of "inestimable value. Every
citizen of Omaha who has a sincere
Interest in the future welfare of this
community ought to feel a very lively
interest and sympathy in the efforts of
President Stlckney of the Great Western
The National Association of Local Fire
Insurance Agents.- now in session at
Hartford, Conn., la seriously discussing
the multiple agency evil and the pro
posed concentration of1 fire Insurance
business In fewer companies on a sole
agency basis. It is claimed that under
a proper local agency system a commis
sion of not over 15 per cent on all
classes of fire Insurance risks would be
ample. Estimated on the basis of tbe
business of 190S the change would ef
fect a saving of over $10,000,000 an
nually, now expended In the payment
of commissions. This program will
be doubtless very attractive to stock
holders In fire Insurance companies, but
the question patrons of these com
panies will ask themselves Is. How
much of the ten millions saved will 'be
conceded to them In reductions of fire
premiums and how much of It go into
the pockets of the Fire Insurance trust?
If tha whole $10,000,000 is to be ab
sorbed by the Insurance trust the
premium payers will much prefer to let
It be distributed In commissions to local
The paper read at the Mohonk Indian
conference by Agent Davis of the Indian
Rights association, denouncing the pres
ent system of appointing Indian inspec
tors, bits the nail on the head. The
declaration that very few honest Inspec
tors are obtained, most of them being
given to venality and to making white
washing reports In connivance with the
corrupt and incompetent Indian agents
whom they are sent to Inspect has been
proved over and over right here In Ne
braska. Worse than that honest Inspec
tors who have made true reports of the
scandalous condition of affairs hav
been transferred to other places and
their Integrity Impeached by sendlna-
dishonest inspectors to go over the
ground again and refute the original
findings. Agent Davis charges this up
to politics. A question of honesty or
dishonesty Is not a .political question
and the sooner such politics is eliminated
rrom our dealings with the Indians the
better It will be.
The managers of the St Louis expo
sition have been painfully shocked over
the resignation of United States Senator
Burton from the presidency of the Jeru
salem Exhibit company, which was to
reproduce the Holy City at the World's
fulr. The suggestive significance that
attaches to this withdrawal of the Kan
sas senator from the Jerusalem Exhibit
company Is found In the current report
that It was brought about by a row
with President Roosevelt over the use
of a letter, from Roosevelt to advertise
the scheme. President Roosevelt Is said
to have accused Burton of not treating
him courteously and is said to have re
marked that thereafter, so far as he
was concerned, Mr. Burton was not on
the political map. With the Kansas
federal Judgeship and other plums hang
ing In the air Senator Burton is anx
ious to be restored to tbe map as soon
as the weather will permit Hence his
Whether Daniel Freeman's predictions
of the effect of the blble-ln-the-public-schools
decision are prophetic or not the
effect of the agitation of the biblical de
cision upon Judge Sullivan will be about
the same as the effect of firing an old
shotgun that does greater execution at
tha breech than at the muzzle.
A Ceaaetery Kete.
Philadelphia North American.
Perhaps Mr. Bryan wlUberln to realise
that his platform la defunct, now that a
Missouri sllverlte has had an endorsement
of the Lincoln man engraved on his tomb
stone. The Ceaaeeaaatlea.
Saturday Evening Post.
Before we become too deeply aroused on
the subject of American heiresses marry
ing foreign noblemen, let us think well
on two points that project from tbe sur
face ot tbe matter:
First Is tbe sort of girl that buys a
title of a man she does not love a Ht or
desirable wife for a plain. Industrious
Second Isn't it better that a person who
spends bis, MT feer, taooms la asasclaes
luxury should spend it on tha other aids
of the Atlnntlo rather than In America?
Poaslbly there is just a wea bit o' aUler
even la the black cloud of the loss of so
many bewitching and rich American girls.
Battle of the Oeraas.
&aJtimora American.
Now It develops that lailnees la a dis-J
ease produced by a germ whoae full
name la "Unclnarla Americana." Its only
cure is tha Introduction Into tbe system ot
the sufferer of another germ, fatally an
tagonistic to the flrat, tha latter germ be
lng scientifically known as workum hardl-
Shlftlaa- Wlada ot raver.
New York Trb una.
Pitchers and catchers and batsmen have
had their months of siory and renown, and
now they pass out of popular favor until
next spring, while the well greaved Greeks
of the football field, with their tossing
locks and their all-lncaslng armor, excite
the eaa-er spectators to a delirium of
frensled adoration.
t Tbe Weat Not Worry la.
Philadelphia Press.
All reports from the west are to the effect
that the railroad business there Is very
active, with no sign of any depression.
That feeling of coming ruin Is confined to
Wall street, where they are squeezing the
water out of the stocks of trusts and other
uch corporations. Railroad bualnesa Is
active in the east as well as la the west
Links of Same Saaaace.
Philadelphia Record.
It Is more than a jest It Is food for
thought that one of the dummy directors
in the United States Shipbuilding company
was a director In the 10-per-cent-a-week-
get-rlck-qulck concern three of , the man.
agers of which are now In the penitentiary.
Ammon, one of the three, thinka the finan
cial methods of the two concerns a good
deal alike.
How Stocks Came Dowa.
Pittsburg Gazette.
When the banker who represented the
stock market as having walked down the
stairway from the top of tbe sky scraper
during the past summer. Instead of falling
down the elevator shaft, he overlooked the
fact that there were several flights of
stairs down which It had been kicked or
thrown. He also neglected to say whether
it would take the elevator up.
Sla-n of av False Flaar.
Baltimore News.
Dummy directors mean nothing more than
that the corporation that has them Is sail
ing under false colors. This is also true of
figurehead directors, who, unlike those of
the dummy variety, are usually men of
wealth and reputation. If the exposures In
connection witn tills shipbuilding case
arouse publio disgust for corporations with
either dummy or flsTurehead directors. It win
accomplish a good purpose. Just now the
promoters of other companies, under New
Jersey charters, who have taken too free
an advantage of the wide-open corporation
laws of that state, are feeling uncomfort
able over what Is coming to light In this
case, and some of them will no doubt take
the hint and put their management on a
more respectable basis.
HacUfestattoa ef ' laaastrlal Restric
tions la Severai Directions.
Washington Post . '
There are some rather prominent Indica
tions that the tide of Industrial activity
Is beginning to ebb, and a number of
events of tbe present month should serve
a warning, particularly, to laboring
men, that there Is. grave danger of a
check In the industrial activity that has
for several years past created a demand
for labor far In excess of the sujfply. It
must not be understood that there is any
aerlous danger of interference with the
present condition of general prosperity
throughout the country, but there is no
mistaking or denying the fact the men
who head the great combinations of capi
tal which haa been seeking Investment
In Industrial enterprises throughout the
country are beginning to trim sail. Every.
thing has been at fever heat for several
years. The demands for steel products,
the output ot the mills and factories of
all kinds, has been so great that the own
ers of these enterprises have not hesi
tated to Incur any expense necessary to
keep up with their orders. Mills have
been working day and night wages have
been very generally advanced, and capi
tal has been liberal, almost prodigal, in
the outlay tnat promised quick and profit
able returns. The fancy prices for mill
and manufactured products no longer ob
tain, the markets of the world are not
as attractive as they have been for sev
eral years, and there Is accumulating evi
dence that the Industrial enterprises upon
which this success has been based are
beginning to study plans of retrenchment
and reduction ct expenses.
The Vanderbllt lines of railway, the
Southern Pacific system, and a number
of other railway companies throughout
the country have already Issued notices
reducing the number of their employes in
certain departments. Some 6,000 men have
been laid oil In the repair shops of these
companies, the excuse being given that
the freight business Is slackening up, and
that as moat of the rolling stock of the
roads is new or In good repair, there is
no demand for the anrvlces of such a
large force. It Is also intimated that the
retrenchments of tbe working forces In
different departments of the roads. An
other discouraging sign Is found In the
report of building operations In the larger
cities of the country for the nine months
of the present year, as compared with
the corresponding period of last year.
This report shows a decrease of something
more than (40,000,000 In New York. Chicago,
Philadelphia, Pittsburg, St Paul and Min
neapolis, while other cities report a general
loss In this direction. This loss Is attributed
directly to the disturbed condition of
the labor market Notice la already
being served that the outlook for next
season's operation la . not promising.
Investors are hesitating to go Into
building propositions until the labor sit
uation becomee better adjusted. Then
too, there la always more or leas stagna
tion In Investment circles on the eve of
a presidential election, and. If there were
no other disturbing factor to the situa
tion, this fact alone would result In a
noticeable curtailment of large Investments
for 1904.
Perhaps the most discouraging feature
of the situation to laboring men la the
posting of a notice at the Carnegie Steel
company, at Pittsburg, that the wages of
all employes will be revised on January
1. Under an agreement with Its employes
the company undertakes to continue Its
schedule of wages for one year, unless
notice is posted three months In advance,
calling for a revision of the scale. . The
giving of this notice by the Carnegie com
pany does not necessarily mean that wages
are to be reduced at the end of the present
year, but It la hardly probable that the
company proposes to advance them. The
production of Iron and steel has fallen off,
owing to a lack of demand, and profits
are declining, so that the natural Inference
must be that the company proposes to seek
a reduction from the present scale of wages
paid to the employee. The upshot of the
sltustlon la that employes must learn
condition a, when a demand for Increased
wages rould be made with a reasonable
certainty that It would be complied with,
la whole er to part.
Seme Things Dene Fader the Cloak
Itartford (Conn.) Courant.
Respectability has this nominal advan
tage that It can do a lot of things that
are not permitted where respectability Is
lacking. To be sure, this privilege carries
with It a moral obligation to behave what
goes under the old-fashioned head of no
Means oblige but these are new days, and
"old-fashioned" Is not the sure passport to
High finance has within a few years
developed striking Illustrations of the prlv
lieges of respectability, a few of which are
perhaps worth recalling to mind. Take the
case of the famous Pennsylvania Coal com
pany. The rich concern had for a long
time been In a sort of opposition to tha
companlea which both mine and transport
It and Its eminently respectable managers.
In the Interests of the dear publio and
after a long fight secured a charter per
mltting them to build a road of their own
to tidewater, thus making them In depend
ent of the combination which had been
demanding toll from them. This was
great triumph for the people against
monopoly and dictation. Aa soon as the
layout was approved and' the road was an
assured thing, the managers sold out to
the coal combine at an enormous price, and
the dear people, whose representatives
had granted the charter, found that they
had got left while their benefactors had
coined millions by selling the charter that
had been granted free In the publio Inter
If this was not a betrayal of a trust. It
certainly was a surprise, and as for 'the
other coal companies, they had to pay big
money, and very big, to head off a threat
enlng competitor. It was put up or abut
up, and they put up about tS for each tot
of capital. On one aide the people got left
and on the other the coal companies got
well roasted. But the management
respectable to begin with, made new mil'
lions and so grew in grace.
The Louisville A Nashville railroad de
elded to Increase Its capital stock largely,
and, according to rumor, Insiders, antlcl
patlng. that the advent of the new stock
would lower the price of the old, kindly let
"the market" have all it wanted and then
suddenly discovered that the new stock
could not be delivered for a considerable
time, owing to formalities of the stock ex
change not previously taken Into account
by tbe sellers, but very clear to the buyer,
There they wers. and the "market" In this
Instance had happened to be an operator
already advanced in respectability through
Immense profits In the steel deal. He had
the company and could do as he pleased
with It He Kindly and most respectably
let those other railroads (which it could
seriously Injure) have his share of It, which
carried the control, at an enormus profit to
himself and at about 60 points above Its
present market value. It will readily be
seen that this shrewd operation added alike
to his respectability and his wealth.
The "I,.. N. A. A C." railroad fell Into
trouble and was conservatively and sue
cessfully reorganized by the Morgan Inter
ests. This done, the property was left to
govon by Itself and was doing well. Its
stock was sold on the exchange. All of
a sudden the fact came to light that the
control had been quietly picked up and that
the property was In hands that could use
It to the serious detriment of other roads
till then la harmonious relations with It.
Rather than have such a thing happen
these roads offered to buy it out at an
enormous profit to the seller, and rather
than open the war and loae money the oper
ator let them have it and took his profits
and another long step up In respectability,
He could have brought on a hot railroad
fight but for a price he did not Instead
he grew In stature aa a financier.
These are several recent illustrations of
what success In Wall street means. Now
look west and out In Montana you will
find that a band of citizens, called brigands
by the successful operators in Wall street,
have notified the Northern Paclfio road
that, If they do . not receive 150,000, they
will Inaugurate a railroad war which will
prove very disastrous to the property. This
price is not a week's Interest on what has
been made by the hold-ups in Wall street
but these western operators, sadly lacking
in respectability, are branded as black
mailers and in danger of prison. Their
ignorance of polite methods is shocking,
Sareastle Comment on Railroad Man
cere and Women Stenographers.
New Tork Sun.
A little while ago the Chicago agents of
the Grand Trunk railroad put up In Its
Chicago offices some impertinent rules tor
the reproof and correction of the women
stenographers. They were not. to turn the
offices into lunch rooms, and so on and so
on. The animus of the officials was clear.
They were bound to discharge all the
women stenographers. They would have
been much wiser to drive the woman out
without so frivolous and thin a reason.
More than twenty of the gowned profeaeors
of shorthand have been put out. The rest
will have to go.
The sunperlntendent of the western divis
ion of the Grand Trunk makes no bones
about speaking frankly:
"We dont want any more .women. We
have . nothing against members of the
weaker sex, but we have come to the con
clusion that they are not fitted for railroad
work. Civil service prevails to a great ex
tent In railroad work, and every employe
looks forward to promotion to the position
above him. Women stand In the way of
this system, because they are not fitted for
promotion from stenographers to chief
clerks and similar positions."
That's all right It Is tbe privilege of the
road to employ whom It pleases. It Is the
duty of the officials to employ the persons
whom they believe to be most competent.
But why should the Chicago agent of the
Grand Trunk whip up flubdub like thtsT
"They gossip about their matrimonial
'chances' during office hours, and their
manuscripts are often beamired with a too
liberal quantity of candy and creampuff
filling. A wholeaale discharge Is about the
only way to preserve decorum In the offices
and do away with chats about masculine
admirers of the night before."
Women stenographers are often In the
way. No doubt of that. They check the
free torrent of sulphurous speech. They
also Impede tbe recital of pieces of mas
culine literature of a certain kind.
In many other respects the Inferiority of
women Is evident. Thank the stars, men,
old. mediaeval or young, never. In their
bualnesa hours talk about women, horses,
baae ball, the "little time" they had last
night and so on. They devote their minds,
thoughts and conversation exclusively to
burtneas. Hence their towering superiority
to the weaker vessels.
Twin Specimens ef Graft.
Buffalo Express.
It has been discovered that one of the
original Incorporators of the United Stales
Shipbuilding company was also an Incor
porator of the famous Franklin syndicate,
which was operated by "620 per cent"
Miller. Both Miller and Bob Ammon are
serving time for promoting this syndicate.
Apparently the young man in question was
aa Incorporator of the Shipbuilding trust
for tbe same teason that bs was connected
with tbe Franklin syndicate to facilitate
tbe organisation of the concern. It Is pos
sible that one of the results of tbe ship
building affair will be a chaog In the
meifcol organisation.
Traslttea Ban Markets Refer Elee
tlea aa4 Its Baals.
New Tork Evening Poet.
There bus been rather more talk than
usual, thla week, of the probable bearing
of the coming "presidential year" on trade
and finance it Is a recognised tradition
of both stock markets and commercial
markets that presidential years are apt te
be unfavorable. The main reason Is that
uncertainty usually exists, until ths cam
paign Is ended, over contested questions of
publio policy usually currency or tariff.
It la admitted that the money question
will not come up In formidable shspe next
year. How far the tariff question will
flgTire, the financial community does not
feel certain. All are convinced, however,
that the trust question wilt play a leading
part The recent Wall street scand ila. and
the heavy losses by thousands of small In
vestors, are believed to make this a politi
cal certainty.
Preoedent Is rather odd In this matter of
"presldental years." In the majority of
them, circumstances have been such as to
disturb the markets, quite irrespective of
political uncertainties. Thus, 1900 was a
year of violent reaction In the Iron trade,
not In any respect connected with the po
litical campaign. The money question did.
however, cauae some unsettlement, and was
the one cause of the bad markets of 1896.
It could not be said that the electoral cam
paign was a dominant Influence In 1892, the
controlling force In finance and bualnei-s,
that year, being tha currency tangle result
ing from the Sherman act. On the other
hand, 1888 was a year when tariff discus
sions seriously checked business, the
rather unusual fact being that both parties
demanded a radical change which made
planning for the next trade season difficult
In 18S4 the campaign Itself was a minor In
nuence, the depression following Wall
street's May collapse being the year's real
Taking the record ss a whole, It Is safe to
say that while an electoral canvass never
helps business. It does not always have the
single and overshadowing Influence which
is ascribed to It
United States Senator Russell A. Alger of
Michigan la inspecting a vast tract of tlm
ber land In northern Mexico which has been
acquired by him and a number of other
Michigan capitalists.
General C. A. Whlttler, who was In
charge of the United States customs serv
ice In ManUa, has just returned to this
country by way of the Siberian railroad,
having crossed Siberia In fourteen days.
Morris Salmonson, for seventeen years
marriage license clerk In Chicago, Is able
to write fluently as welt as talk Yiddish
German, French, Italian, Danish and 8 wed
Ish and is at present studying Bohemian,
Official announcement Is made in New Or
leans that all the vast Hogg-Swayne Inter
ests In Louisiana and Texas, together with
those controlled by General Nelson A.
Miles, are to be combined In one. Thereby
the general will become an oil magnate,
Charles H. Voorhees has just died sud
denly at Lexington, Ky., at the age of
62. He was perhaps the most famous
American duelist that was ever graduated
at Heidelberg, having on his body at least
twenty scars caused from wounds received
In dueling.
Some eminently practical guests were
among those who aided in celebrating the
golden wedding of Mr. and Mrs. John Holt
at Independence, ' Kan. Useful and orna
mental gifts there were in abundance. In
cluding an overcoat for the husband and
a set. of false teeth for his wife.
Johti Howard Parnell, who had been se
lected to contest South Meath in oppoel
tlon to David Sheehy, Is a brother of the
late Charles Stewart Parnell and city mar
shal of the city of Dublin. Mr. Parnell rep
resented one of the divisions of Wlcklow in
the 1895 Parliament. This time he was de
feated, being opposed by the United Irish
Well-tubbed Great Britain Is excitedly
discussing the question of the use a.'.d
abuse of soap. Some say that the use of It
removes the natural oil of the skin and ren
ders the syatem liable to Contract colds,
rheumatism and various other maladies
others maintain that nothing but soap has
prevented utter deterioration of the British
Considerable surprise was manifested In
Paris over the fact that the king of Italy
did not applaud when President Loubet
took him to the opera there. Parisians did
not seem to know that their distinguished
guest does not care a rap for muslo or
poetry. King Victor Emmanuel takes his
pleasure on horseback or In an automobile.
He Is alBO fond of military life, being a
rigid disciplinarian.
Ex-Assistant District Attorney Osborne
of New York spoke recently of an ex
tremely able argument presented In the
course of a recent murder trial by a rising
young lawyer. "I don't like his delivery
or his style at all,' protested an Inter
ested and perhaps jealous bystander. "He
uses long sentences." Mr. Osborne turned
harply. "There are just two kinds of peo
ple who object to long sentences," he said;
they are criminals and fools."
Glen MacDonough, who wrote the libretto
for the comic opera, -"Babes In Toyland,"
waa, sitting In a New York cafe recently
with Victor Herbert, the composer, when a
waiter approached to take hla order. The
waiter smiled at Mr. MacDonough and
said: "You don't remember me, do youT I
used to sing in one of your companlea." "I
remember you very well," said Mr. Mac
Donough. "Are you surprised to see me
here as a waiter?" asked the other. "Not a I
bit." replied the librettist cheerfully; "you
know, 1 have heard you sing."
Waltham Watches
Keep good time all the time.
"The PerfedeJ American Witch' n lttastrted hook
of interesting information ihoat Hvttches, ulil be sent
free upon request,
AmericM WkUfum Watch Comptny,
Wiitfum, "ihss.
Decatur shoes for men
machine sewed the
are smooth inner sole welts and the 5.00 '
oner are hand-sewed hand -made a regular
rnade-to-order shoe not 6 and 7 but 5
The store selling direct from maker to
nermealees Aetlen Inaarea Snceeas
for State and Loral Ticket.
Lincoln Star.
There Is a very general Interest among
the republicans of the state In the result
of the election In Omaha and Douglas
county. Ths trend of the Indications, so
far as they can be gathered raises hope of
a very large republican vote for the regular
republican ticket there, county and Judicial,
which would, of course, bs equivalent to Its
The substantial test lies In the election.
There was a series of efforts early In ths
campaign preliminaries in Douglas county
looking to local party harmony. The
details of this movement the minutiae of
the diplomacy employed, are not of special
concern Just now. except as they bear upon
the Interests of the republican party In
the election. The republicans of Nebraska
who want to see their party mad strong,
will look to the election in Douglas county
to judge how matters have been handled
Roughly apeak lng. Douglas county con
tains about one-seventh of the population
of Nebraska. When there Is anything like
an even division between the republican
party and the fused opposition In the state,
the situation In Douglas county becomes
vital. When that sort of division dlasp
pear. as It is fast disappearing before
the growth of the republican party, the
situation in Dougles, of course, ceases to
be so vital. Rt It . nevertheless Is, and
always must be Important.
Under the circumstances of this year's
campaign the republicans of Nebraska will
muwitn special pleasure any Indications
of the solidification of the various elements
In Douglas, any sign of mutual concession.
!U T? IS "5 "t.da nm' ,im" humble enough
frwISfflnoWr? bftrd "n"
naTt1 J !?W ?"" that's
all glad
that's past and we hone'
seen the last of
it."-PhlladelDhla Pre.
.US'? 2eapon yent to a burleoti show."
,.V,d 8?.y h wa "hocked?"
..7,e"- !" ne w"" honest about it."
How do you mean?"
hluS "Emitted that he rather liked
the shock." Chicago Poat
-!yKBlr"wortn .,he bBrik nr. made
address last evening and It was an awful
... Yh,t seemed to be the
matter with
mm t
HIS Voice scattered an '
"They should have given him a little
window to talk through." Cleveland Plain
Rev. Dr. Fotirthlv ITnw ta nmr now
getting along?
ev. vr. uoooman reaceablv. I am
happy to any as yet. Chicago Tribune.
She We should all be generous with the
milk of human klndnea.
.He I never did like that phrase; what's
the matter with the cream? Detroit Free
"Your Storv." said the niihlUliee fit
Will permit me to sneak franklv' .,.'1
seem to have much literary merit."
..P. rht of that?" answered the author.
"Think of the ease with whlnh It en
dramatized." Chicago Record-Herald.
Elisabeth was holdlnr the last tt..ti
with Mary Stuart.
"At any rate," aald the virgin queen. "I
shall give my name to the age."
"Well, you ought to," retorted Mary,
"you look every day of It."
Realising the liar was nn. Marv retired to
make her will. New York Sun.
Tess She'anneara to have faiten In lnv
with him.
Jess Oh yes. some time arn. hut now
she's suing him for breach of promise. -
Teas Counting unon a-etttmr damasea for
the fall, eh? Philadelphia Press.
"If I dared. Miss Thlmbleton "
"Yes, Mr. Sawder."
'If I I dared I would ask you to"
"Yea, yes. Mr. Sawder."
"I would ask you to lend me a atreet car
ticket to ride home." Cleveland Plain
A. de Marconay In Buenos Ayres Standard.
Met a feller t'other niomln
Must arnusin' sort o cuss:
Had a cur ous styie about him,
Cert my coulun t weil ue wune
I says: "Where you nali 1 m, pardner?"
An he aralied in a knowin way.
An' replied In forren ilngo; .
Porto luco, U. b. A.
Seen a feller down on Broadway,
With a ahockln' head of hair. " .
An' a lot o' troplo garments.
An' a most oui.anoisn air.
Whar'e ne Irum?' a feller shoutedj '
An' before we'd time to say.
This yere heaihen turned an' ans'redl
iioneyluler, Li. a. a.
- i
Met a feller here on San some, ,
With a somber-e-ro on;
Had a lot o'stiaggy whiskers. -
Nearly all his clothes wus gone.
Stopped an' ast me tur a qua ler:
Hays: Mv home is tur away.
Wbur's you frum?" The varmint ans'
i'rd; V,
Santiago, U. 8. A.
Seen a feller down the Southern,
With a heavy Iron box,
Overcoat was lined with bearskin, '
Wore a dosen pair o' sox. .
Sited him up to be a miner.
Judgln by hla awkward way:
Seen him write In big char-ac-tersi
Circle City, U. 8. A.
Seen a saddle-colored heathen,
Weai in' earrings In his nose.
Linen cuffs around his snkles.
Most Indecent lack o clothe.
Where'd this heathen guy here spring
I Inauired In a lofty way:
An' he had the nerve to ans'er:
From Manila, U. a. A.
Hully gee! I never heard of
These yere cannibals before. ".
Air these heathens also o era?
will we stan fur eny more?
An' when nei' you ask a feller
Whur he's frum, say, he's bound to say,
With a loudly kind o' flourish;
"All creation, U. 8. A.
are NOT
$3. 50 grade
. 1
J ?