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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 23, 1903)
THK OMAHA DAILY UEE: IT.IDAY. OCTOBER 23. Habit Special 5te nee "Get the 5pcUl Said Mr'i B 50c Utht Weirht 50c inr 1 Qiove "4 i DAVE YOU THAT OVERCOATISli FEELING? o ad-- Now tie time to j;et that overcoat oil rour mind and on your bark. Our winter otct eoatR, the growth of good wool, pood weaving, and gotnl tailor ing, will preserve vour pleasure and comfort for several Tear, riv the time we have shown von what overcoat style are worn, you will be able to decide which one become you and what cloth you want. All cloth, all colors, ail ftyie, that deserve to be tere, AI1E HERE. Friday and Pat unlay we olTer you the follow ing naps in Men's Suits and Overcoats. Price quoted will be good on Friday and Satur day of this week only. WEN'S OVERCOATS An oxford gray overcoat, 44 inches long, Irish Fries cloth, good body lining, &atin sleeve lining, velevet collar, a swagger young maa's coat regular price 12 our Q flf" price Friday and tsiturday waUU A plain black, swell overcoat, 50 inches long, serge body lining, satin sleeve lining, velvet collar, fine melton cloth, a coat that sells everywhere for fl5 our II F C price Friday and Saturday lis 19 An olive and brown mixed cheviot over coat, belt back, broad shoulders, Circassian lining, satin sleeve lining, velvet collar, 4S Inches long, vertical pockets, strictly a young taan'a coat, sells always for $15 our If QC price Friday and Saturday llu A black and white mixed cheviot overcoat, sfrge lined, satin sleeve lining, velvet collar, 4S inches long, an all wool coat that sells for flG.'GO our price Friday and Saturday r.iEn's suits An all wool brown and olive mixed cheviot suit, good lining in body and sleeve, a suit that is sold for $9 and f 10 everywhere a bargain at our price O 7K Friday and Saturday Us 10 An all wool suit, nobby pattern, blue with a dash of red and white, serge lined, good sleeve lining, coat cut in the style that the young men like so well our price "I Cfl Friday and Saturday I iuU An all wool cassimere suit, gray with an invisible black stripe, serge lined with good sleeve lining, coat cut in the latent style, a nobby suit and Tery cheap at the regular price of $12.00 our price Q ffi Friday and Saturday WaUU An all wool cassimere suit, dark with a brown and white mixture, serge lined, good sleeve lining, broad shoulders, a suit that fits, sells for $12.00 our price Q flft Friday and Saturday WaUU L1T8ALF 7.75 ETCflLF mm STEEET THROUGH TO PEARL ST. tA fc ASp St St St St St St A St g Jb A A - Z ' 1 i . ia. a. - T . m m ?" r mm ajat mm a. mt m V""" It cavs to buv of a firm full of ENERGY. Jr PUSH and HUSTLE Be it a diamond, a Zi fine watch, a pretty piece of jewely, some 5 thing in sterling silver or rich cut glass, rest assured you will find it here and at the very i price you wish to pay. 4, 1 1 Jacquemin 27 Main Street Council Bluffs SEND ALL MAIL. ORDERS Df CARE OF DKPABTMEJTT. I EDUCATORS COME H FORCE (CoDtinued from Fourth Pxe. i for tfaia mwa liMry rtiatra.anm 1 kookd 1 cr Lhla rear. i fr WLaM. rrtend of Hatk lirnH r tw chr. ! errinc a Kf iKHifnc In Fort MadliKm p-Jtontlary for tb tovrirr dt his wlf, r ac&.ta tnalcinc aa ffort o aorvrF hi paraoa. Th mattn- win be brourht Bp aaia at tbe next wwric cf tb krlalatom. Hall ba la ttow M years of are. sraa -temwi in March. He araa a llverrman. Aftrr fotlTir hia arlfe h attempted t take hia nrn life by cottlna; his throat. 1 1 1 J Net SCiOed Bar rain Pricts, but HIGH QUALITY Goes Kith B0URICIUS "A ben Be Selects Piaiios for His Trade. His -uoui-rs WANT no tlietp gds. old on tie five dollar-a-nioctb plan, jrhaj. talen bark and o3d and re xld on -any old i-aymect. The THINKING customer, who wiLes SOMETHING GOOD and UUIIABLE will find jut tLe inMniment to snit Lis taste at tLe right fignrv at liOUlHCirs, "where all pianos and other instrument are MAKKED in plain figures. BOURICIUS PIANO HOUSE, . her th Orxu 5Laa4a loa tbi BuUdUej 335 BROADWAY. MOT UNANifOUS ON DIVORCE Immm W. C. T. I. Tarai Dra Ca aalne IcmIiiIm idrr a, Balf4 Dfkur. KIOtTX CTTT. I-, Oct- E (Spacial Tele-aram- After a beated Aehala am otic tb nnbra, la which much feelinc aa li od. tbe I-a Women's Chriatiaa Tats iwraana union. In loicual cocTemioa tlu sfteroocm. turned doira a reaolutiao jirt entod r the reoutic oummtttM 6 tiouticin divorce aa foUcir: Rcired That ir rjcmiae the lav aunciatd bv Ctinw In VaTtrw - te T "''T Ui upon iTornr that tuld ubuii ajBoi. omii ana that r wtaftd for txt lniKratiua tom the laat 4 the cuausiwaJth. Anotbrr excitina Asroaskw U the worthtia' of the rwOetJoB aalrt ' hrbt. aet urad the" Arr-unmaxloa of "po lrutr" rather tha -Moraaulsm." the arrometit betof that the Church r ttter Uar StJcta. raicaiorjy b-a as the Hvr Btom church, ahcmld not be atieiuaUaed. The tasiritioa deoom(d Buaday baa ball. aiua tralfle ia the PhJBpjanea. child r d a few othr tlJi.f. aed adjourned.. " Wt ta Ba ttui trea BlorX CITT. Ia-. Oct . -TPperlal T?-le- Ncwninatiof.a for cfioers of the grunt Ittdcr cf l&ara Independent Order of Odd Kflk - fr made todtr. wia V Tufford cf Cluituo la Kum4 far grand fcJr and G. L. Br.rder of Jtarioa for dtvuty crud majrter. The oonteet was b the f warden, ul tan bu wrre named. The bus waa is lartad warden 1U ba frand Buiater tae years fraa date. Mrs. Wi T. Tvffort of Clinton was elected prawdM.t 4rf the Hetoekah aamembty. whi AKune4 twdajr. Tha a-raad Mn wtU djoura torraw. Tb. rrand lodf. cut down the number of repreaeatatlees la the rrand lodsa fraaa it to tc CRUISER K0T FAST ENOUGH i - M c' Memkra of ll.e triU buard did m ie eij-reaa aa ojiiuoa aa ta the cause tha alownea of ti mrtiw but J, . '; SHA&usrr was twd that aavther trial may j rivta the reeael la a mooU w so. ueaver Is Uw anir one e tta elui . I tracurd fcr arrestees sroota. all tha others riulrad ta aaake Hi ksota. FalU ta Dnetop j "l-d ta OaWlal ' Teat. f BorroV int. rlaaa m- tir lHrr was ivn n oJErial triJ trip on the .', A,.a u tod.,, i., tl,l e nar tte d e-Jd fur ta it. ard ate tut u& k.. ..ti.. mM UV ItTTlgr T tbe eroi.r t the d. t rua CrteJ1 tj.a meuaured miv, wtx n k mti.t- K-.Ji lur arteera ajwrta jr hwur . Trut:-a haat-a. Tfc.l rr- LLa crtuiwr fat a tiut tut taatgtod t a a da ate trlai d ; TW Tf'PX Ort -Wbll orula 4 ; the uawi baiiat otnara as ba Ua ) i KUI ' aaiuai. cr n.a I intf waa auac tnoay eDwi,A ui iih-t jrafc, I.i,a at t- ULka tr,.u, j.ia.j, i vi.i. a i t '.ti -i,t a a a M.n a T et . ii.w ii a Krr4 aua llw raua ai awea faw aettleaaau DIKE. Ia, Oct. (t-UJ.JkJ a ult of tha raoeiit aabbOaV cf Rermn. the e-frieat lacturwr wha was aa rwuchlr kaadlad here, ta la aaaoubewd tedar tha auu to tha aAeuut of m.M win ba broutht mraisat Uruadr oouatr At torter Tts Vuinar f 1M), baea bera liiattintlu . .... -Prtee and will start tha suit. Tbinoen Wmtutrnt farmers of tfcn - darad ta bar. b tha leader, of tb. M WUJ be m tha suit Caew (or ladtsrawtlam. t uaa Ctambertaia s Buanach ul Lfcwr Tablets f tnitreatioa aad fiad taat taei "J F eaa, bett tha aa, dWfa d7 I haTa ever triad, aad I have a-ad kxr differect remadiaa. I am nearly al rears of ae and ha. suSered a -iwat waaj from todertoa. I ca Mt a Latn I want ta bow.-Ger W Fmrr Rot MiUa. ir Foraa-e aa aVrtier. ; UVM SKT. O, Cx-l K-The oaadrtloa f F-t.ttf rkk.r, a La utm i.r. , l i irt.1, Kb h la irr--i io1tf Hn i 1' eld lti.t lue itx-ut wu i l-rut.t, ba axa la aiit U-a tua aii- GENERAL HAMILTON IN CAMP Brltiia CSctr jri9t 4t Tort "SJlfj ti Etut Lsotur. C010KEI VAGtR TALKS CF STRMtGY Pretest ti able aa ( Itaeittn Takoa ravre Today Kin Fart Utter Is to Ite Attaeke4 aad D. leaded by Sortie. FORT R1LET. Kait. Oct S-A a ipes tac.le to raae uK'S the military maoesrers today woald be diffiruK te ourpase. bat la potct T dramatic acttaa H amousiad te wry httltf The entire forte ta cams was formed lots a fliriaiea under the tmnul of Brrder General Grant and ordered ta dpy ta line c4 battla ta order ta rrotot Fort Riley ac-ainst an ewtf adraadnc ta attacA !t All hands were cut. Including" the bac rs a-artma, and the orona a the loi lines of careJry. Infantry and artillery -around OTer the hills to take u their jwal-ti'-ma, with tha sklrBUah line daehinr on at a run far la advaaee, wbiie the caralry acovts wars but amall dots oa the dtrttct nlUa. waa a picture that nuit tin beea ta ba appreciated. Thirteen tbouaanl man BDartnf Inte battle at me time and nearly erery man tn i-laln riew it eome thin that f-atinrt arten be aeex tn this country. On the praettcai tale the parting of the men tn aotnta of rantare wa pon mdered well done by the umpires and the days war was there ore a dlaiinc-niFbed uaoaaa all around. BrtMak Oifrr Crftlrloea. The American rrstea of placing a Use tt battle In the hoDcwe and leering the i-'Ph rround comnarstrrflT nnfnuiij . j something cf a surprlee to Colonel Fosier. the Bnuab military attache. I "I should hare placed greater strength on the hCls." he said. Colonel 8tcver of the Fourth cavalry , pointed out that the American idea we ta FbtHer the men as much at itoeKibie la tha low ground, a hers the st ene of operations was af destitute cJ natural oovrr aa is tas ground at Fort FJley. 'By keeping them flown," said Calund fitover. "we aroid ail chanre of a coneecutiFe lire apoa our men and have a chance to ut it into the other relifw." ColoDtl Foster admitted this advantage' but considered that the idea of abandoning the high ground waa not without defects. Tomorrow the problem Is te be the weightiest of the en Ore aeries. OeoeraJ Barry, with the Eeouad. Twelfth and Ta ecty-trrt regular, the First and Second Kaxiaaa infantry, ihe Trhth t ! cavalry and two batteries, is ta march out tonight and bivouac Tomorrow he will advance toward tha post General Bea. with the remainder of the troop, am maAa a reconnolaanoe to force and General Barry will attack him as aoua as possible It it estimated that the trope wia march all of eftaen to twenty-tws sUlea during the day. ' Wagraor Letarea. Ueutenant Colonel Arthur U Warner acknowledged t be one af the leaarng mJ3 tsry strateglats la the world.- lectured to night to m the brigade and staff oScars of the division. Including among hli audience General Ian Hamfltos, who arrived l.te this ternooa, Odoaet Wagmef. locture la part waa as frttowa: . penaiiig eaeenualiy t.a tne two taaii facta. Lr.i .. .V u'". meaical aaprue iflltm",4lUoa- M lW uperlor farce must be ooncvoirra'uui . . . m.,. ... UU11 oemamiii a cuna.d- aiiT wr the " eaercuie tarn iotiraent .k. mit inform, u ' enemy. fw tctratvr xf vl boieo- ma Piaia and eTmpiTrn 4ewea Li!?.?r. J .Cluneal ZAU wTL a . tiLr. . I Posin" mules but wrxan we reriect that r. a. ' r tTZJ' T iailr by tb commander at fc correct estimate and the 'athomlna trlk'I- cf human " otratear la CIvU VAair. The lecturer rkMrVn .k-. .. . taLwvnm oi the armie. of the Ohio and the Cumber ind and Ebertnaa s army from the be ginning af the war when the bases were on the Ohio rivw aad pointed out the suc oeaate, bases at Kaabillle. Chattanooga. Saratmab ai.. . . . vihthtoh, wumlttgw ton. Xeaburne and Kanatane. and ahowed that every snoveanent of the armies was dependent upea havtng a secure baas of uppllea The reaourcos of the nortb te niea and nnm mn ., ot the south, but the strategical attuatJn , -.. ln rawr r the latter and wol7 neutralised the auperior f,oes of f Kan IinlM. 4 L lo ciaae or the war there wore l.lW,o awn actually onder arms ia the union arm f if nor than 2M a, were actuaDr in tsct with the boKtflo . r.i ... - real Oi tnia enormous force was disseminated tn """ lI ' lines of eommuhjcaUaa SJd In omtryfeLg oaDured trrr'torT. was In all nrorctjont greater than that of modem European a-ara. The great operations in the Anwro-Prustrtan w.r af la and the FTanco-Gt-rmaa war of 1T70-71. in each cane corared ba area of not more tbAn half the aiae of sia.. Kansas, tli. th. cim war operations extended from the otomnc te the itla Grande and tram the Ohio rrmr u. t&e rulf The prlncJpl, of interior han was -ft ty rrfw-enre J the campaign in Italy, the campaign of lna ic vtr- Orva oeartptic, wu gtrwn f the Hnreng campaign. The Jtarrog, tampsign. so brllliaati, ,.,, would be tmpoMltae today, be said, a the telegraph n oewspapers would render it impos sible ta ooaoeal such a movement aa that W Xapaloon. and tha te.egraph and railroad would penalt the Auotrtan eoni fcu,a oollel bis troops ta time te oppoae with ewrr probabilrty of sucrose, tie continued; ataald Caaaaaaaicataaa aa Waa. Althougii great changes aaea beea Mlu arma and prtoectiiea. tl graut tZS have been br.nht a tK.ut t, T a-e l?eo! uuoa. I.naaraiy mtta.tted aid artncinaK uaratat avi UaTTJal fj aa alMwi' ,w cxerd and jo to be rJZVJ. maader te caeruae almu.Laoeotw control o- distant sr-mxa ana thu. J?erTe muUcatKaui ttt ,ouli lormer.'y haV.Teia l,K-e! II:,v iii. are l'o "n'tt r :t n - . aa-a W1UI ' r-VJ UWlf CaT-itSnTT tit nevametu from one nAe af the ihaier me oUmt. aiunevier. u WjerrapowLl enatwe the fgrwa .a lnu,,, liSe U contorted maanar that fermerlr oeen out d the awarmaT7 Wrtltaa-toa ana ttaeleaa. All Stratc.e fiuaCy Appends for Its ralua upoa wjeewful tactlca V t beat straii gkal (uaa wnii taU atitfl it outaanatea la a rta.Tr wane (war stralacy auar t rZ un-r by guud tactua. Wellitigion was nearly ootgArnaraled aa a straieriat ta ML by Vmuu. bat be eilrtraied buaaej treea tus atra.u-tnal oiiituBua cy wiuiiiig tne battle vl aVa amma In the M a ay be waa clerfy mtrtMraied by Kapatrui la ta t"atrtoa .a.ijrv but be nuotwa.d la lb bailie and uiua R4uu4 hia w.i!a " s ertct. tTriry tx be ffwti.e Btia4 aJaara t vieurot.s aad Urn gnrral li cUbire ard Oett.d i iua m,txM f ar Ut juaiuaua. 1'u It of rearing stylish overcoats. . . Ours ar no more expensive than the ordinary kind and are vastly more "up to th minute" and dependable. OUR SUITS Also represent the very best in tailoring thought and skill, and are of the kind that pay you large dividends in satisfaction. Overcoats from $5.50 to $30. Suits from $7.50 to $22.00. Joe Smith & Co., 415 Broadway. "The home of the stylish suit" ctvttlan critics are generally more se-eers la tbeir oomaMSiUi on nnfortanate generals than military men era. as they oo not appreciate the feet that IWnn seen by um so cleanly after the event were at the time matters of daubt and conjecture even ta the abieet cowimanoera. Amor.g American cummaridem. Grant Is entitled to a very high If not the higtet piaca. He unncS the nuai Hie of a great strategist and a great tactician, a combination rarely faund. &cirie generals. like Wellington, are rood tacticiane. but poor strategists, t'tbers, tike nerman. are great strategist a'hbout le:!g eminent as tctijiane. A r;wd rule ol strategy is. make yaur plan 1 opuberair'.y and rr fully, look out tar your narks atid guars your commuruca tiotia After making the plan wttB the ut most care, move Quickly and strike hard. DEATH RECORD. m iUlana M. Bartgat. William at. Barigfet. auprems treaaurer cf the Royal Achates, died suddenly at Cuero. Tex., yesterday morning at U o'clock after an nines cf but three days. The deceased was a real dent of Omaha for about tea rears and ia a brother af I. G. Baright of this dir. Hs bad been tn Texas for about two years. Instituting lodges of the Royal Achates, which order has tta headquarters tn This city. Treas urer Baright was J years af age and un married His body will be taken ts Pougb keepaie. X. T.. far inurmeat. L G. Baright will leave for Foughkerpsla today to at tend the funeral serricea. Jaasea C. Wblddea. BEATRICE. Xeb.. Oct 3 r Special. V lames C 'Whldfien. an 'Id resident of this city, died at his residence In Glenover Wodneeday. aged O years. Besides his aged conp anion be leaves a son, A. J. Whidden of Omaha, and a daughter. Mra. I. E. Jona'j of DeWltt, Saline cennty. Short aenluea w4 held 'at the home this afternoon at t o'clock and the remains wIU ba sent ts Ocnaha for latarment tomorrow. - ra. H. J. fayder. , ArBr&X. Oct. 2apactaX-Mra. tl. i. Bnyder died here yesterday of can cer, from which aha has t-een a sufferer for over a year. 5he was a woman of oon skderable ability and took an artive part In e-u educational work. Ebe baa bees a resident of the county fcr aver rwanty years. Her daughter. Miss Hattie atlnar. is a teacher la the Auburn schools. Joan abreast. CUICAOO. Oct. C-Joha Bocaot af Salt Xaka City, former district freight and passenger agtttt of the Xienrar A Bis Grande railroad, died suddenly today of acute pneumonia. Mr. Becket was a wealthy ranchman. Widow af BtT. Cbarlea H. fBarwea. UOKVOti. Oct. tt The widow of Rew. Cbarias H Byurgeon. the noted praacher. who died January B. 1HC died today. The telephone company furnishes the ap paratus, but good sen-Ice depends as haw it is used by the subscriber. Talk a 1th your Ups doss la the tnouthpioue. Moot riant to Besaasa Wark. JOIJET. I1U Oct. Offirlals of tlie IUtauis Steal company bare received orders te resume operaiioiis at the steel plant here nest Menday te all departments. 1'hts will give pi)iDil te lens nesL The plant st.ut Sot. two woeks ag under a general vder for an Indefinite period. FORECAST CF THE WEATHER Prosatso of Fair and Waraer far states Cf eat af tbe btieeoarl Today. w. AS HI KOTO f. OcL C Forecast: For Nebraska, Kansai. North Dakota and south Dakwte Pair Friday and BatBrday; warmer mday. For Iiliwae Fair Friaay. with cooler la south portion; Saturday fair and warmer. For Missouri Fair Friday and Saturday; warmer Saturday. For Colarade and Wyoming Fair Friday and Saturday; warmer tn eastern portions Friday. For Moctana Fair Friday and Satarday. OFFICE OF THE WKtTHER B CUE At. OMAHA. Oct. B Omnia! record of tew lraturo and prretpasuoa camparad with torreaj-onduig oay ut the last three ' jou. in. iw yaximum temperature.. BI 2 tS 6 MiuDun aemperaxura... si SI U M Moan teirperatura Tf S" 5 Frectpiieoon Keco-d of temperature ana precipitation st Omaha tor tLJa bjr and since March 1. Norma temper arnra...-. -5 Iiehcienry tor the day Tiiul excess slnre March L lb B ,. .vi lacn .OT iocn . M inches t a lticiM . i it inc bes . e-M inches ALLEGDEM BAM IS CLOSED First I atonal Deridst i & Itlg El3l of OoEbtrol tf. ASSETS CROUCH TO PAY DtfOSlTORS Fail are af tbe Federal laJloaeJ Bank rtttebarc Caaoc of Baa a the Bask ta Alle-sesi. PTTTSBfRa, Oct. r -Early today Vice President R. J. St obey. Jr of tbe First National back of Ailegheny. Issued tbe following statement after a meeting of tbe officers and directors of the clearing nouse committee of the Pittsburg Clear ins House association, which lasted Torn t o'clock last evening until it this morning-: ALU-GHENT. P . Oct. n At a meet ing of the board of dirertors of the First NaUonal bank of Allegheny, held this r -(-.una Cctober a. IHift- It waa reaolT that, although the baiik has ample naseta " tr au oi rti opos)iors la run ai.a leave a t.andsome surplus for tbe ahsre holdera. yet its supptised connection with Ihe Federal Nstiotial bank of Pittsburg has created a distrust and caused a run on thin bank to euch an ertent that we ivel m te be our duty to place the bank la voluntary liquidation and the officers of the bank and director! have deddod te maAe supplication te the convfKroOr of tbe currency te take the peceasary etcja ta accomplish this purpose. Bank OrwaaWea la 1H4. Tbe First National bark of Allegheny was organised ia 1M4 and baa capital st . of tu.m. a earplug of RM.M0 and vuUvided profits of gM.CXM. he ffficers are aa follows: T resident, Jean Thotnpson; rice prentorat. R. I. Stoney.' Jr.; cashier. E. R. " Kramer; As sistant cashier. John D. Kramer. Tbe First National at one of the eldest bank-mg- (Institutions la Allegtoeny- Tba directors of the bank are connected with some of tha anest Important naann larturitg iatereeta ia ADrbeny. Many rumors during the past few dan hare oao nected the bank witti the Federal and for two days people have demanded their deposits after learning of the condition of the Pittsburg Institution. Tbe clearing bouse committee bankers bees a Very sanguine opinion of the gen eral situation, hot the tea banks se unfor tunate at thin time wore found te be bej-end the immediate roach af aid. although both are declared te be solvent and la goad con dition.' ' The eerreRDOBdewts of the bank are as follows' New Tots. National Park bank; Philadelphia, First National bank; Chicago. First National bank. Sesaareei and lAebllltiee. The report at tbe eondJtloa of tbe First National bank ft Allegheny at the close of business sftnanlw ft. lfro. is as follows: Resources Loans and discounts. C Jao. orerdrafta. secured and unsecured. SS.012.X; United States bonds ta secure cir culation. E premiums on Vol ted Slates bonds.; stocks, securltits. etc . m.SS: banking bouse furniture and fla turea. gUt.BBJC: otlier real estate owned. ai.s7X.Tt; due from natlofial banka, BTITI; due from state banks and backers. KIHJa due from approved reserre adenta, t-t.-Bt EI. checks and atber cash Itenaa. ViMJs; enchangea for Hearing bouse. tS.HMJt; notes of other national banks. Cfcl; frac tional patr rurrency. nickeis and i sals cs.a. Lawful money reoerre in bank, vis : Specie. OMd; legal tedder natea. SC.1C. total lawful money riwio la bank. tl!t. Ui at. Tedenaption fnsd with United States treasurer (I per cent of circulation). tXi.Wr. due from United States treasurer, other than t per cent redemptioir fund. tl.f'M. TotaL U T Liabilities Capital stock paid in. SiS(i.l; surplus fund. Cad.tuH; undlt-6u ptosis, less ajtenaes and taxes paid, U Cbkls: nationaJ bank notes outstanding. tlHi.sM': Individual depoalta. (TLCSIt: cask and checks cut standing. K.XtC. Total. tl.TS rC M So Tradlac la Bank Mark. The Plrtsburv Stock ew hang r oprnit today was ouiet and trading lignt. By a -et ot tbe exchange tt was 6e- babk or trust slocks wd be dealt tn. The suspetisios of the Allegheny bank, which has been the representattee of the Federal National tank la the clearing bouses. It looked ujioa by barkers generally at an almost neceasaty eeoaence of th tailara yesterday and they bebere that a further trouble will tuUow. AH cf the oaide banka Wb have been doing tbeir ttrrotigli tbe Federal National bank hare made ararngementa with ether tianka te care for tbetr paier ia tbe future. Robert Lions, deputy oomptroller of tn rurrency of Waehlnrttan. Is tn charge of th bank. i. O. Cramer, the assistant caaLler. stated that aa aoua aa the eaneta were realised tb depoattlors weeid be paid dollar for dollar Avrttaej C ease reiser Sottded. TTBHINOTON. Oct. JX-The brtlr toenntrolier of the enrreney last night re ceived tb feboaing Zetler froan John Thompson, president of the First National oaak of Allegheny: At a meeting of tb directors ef ta bank held this evening at eas rnsxeed, on ac count of tbe edrrr rui.iora in connection with the '. aalure of te rowal Najoeal liank oi PlitMbjrg and ini-b hty t reaase aaxkly on assets, .o (a -rta olabtary HuuiJutlon. Th acting ct mrtroller i tales in :nia coi nection that aa ai p ica Jjb t gs io'o vorontary liquidation t arjic te oons'iftercd until tb bank ba been cmclally x nrl and tta condisa asrer ained. Beeeteeraklp ts neairi. BVTTK. MonU Oct. Sl-Jtidp Clancy a tn district court today refuand the re ceirerahin petltJti of Jehn MoQinnla. a stockholder in the Boston at Montana Min ing company against that company, but granted aa Injunction restraining b Boa tea A Montana from transferring' It stork ta the amalgamated Copper company and paying- Alrtdendat the .ooacora. The re ceivership pcutinc . ia , not . dtMkd irma neoCy. Harvester Compear Trwable. PETORIA. Oct. 2. Tbe Arm Harvester company, on of the largest raiaufarturers af implements, has been :orced to p tn Its aCaJrs ba the hands vl a coralttf r-pr-necung the creditors and isk an eat-ma-oa of time. This committee is composed f Ii. j. Forgan. vice president of the First Na tional bank. Chicago; A. G. Becker ef Becker dt C : G. H. Barr of fteere dt Burr. Beaton; Mania Kingman and r-J-nand Luthy. Peoria. Tha assets ef tb cosapany. It is aaaerted. are nearly M m.ann and considerably in ei cess ef the liabilities The eetnpany em ployes 7W men and Its toasiness was not confined ts this country, bat tt had a targe trade in South Aaaarloa. Tb reason amflgned for the embarrass ment are a bad season, bad collections and doing a business that was unwarranted by the capital pf th concern. IK hiie eo atae ment of fb assets and liabilities has yet been g-lven out. ouch atattment has been prepared and forwarded te each ef tha creditor asking that tbeir claim be placed in tb fcand of tb t-emiultt f wr settle ment and sUustment. This committee hope to f.nd means for a eonthnuaaos of the business, but at present the plant Is Idle, all th aaea baring beea laid bff aadeanltely. Cetd fttorage toes pa ay la naakrsst. MINNEAPOLIS, Oct. n.-The MUnneano lta Culd Storage ompauy has fiied a peti tion m bankruptcy and John Kuna has beea appeinted recerrer. Th liahiiitia may reach SM.M. whU th assets ar about Si.. It is ss tbe con jry has bees handi capped by lack of warsong capacity. The company will probably be reorganised. Tbe slump ia the eaatrn butter market Is eaelgaed by Tic Presadant Mullen aa one of the causes. Tbe prtnuipai creditors are the Knag Oil company, of which Receiver Ktms ia a member; th Iowa Etairy and BepexaUir oompanr. and A L. Flanders Tb pnn cilial buatneas of th oumpacy has been bui: cruun from tanners and ananufacv turh.g tt into butler. 1 bey Desna sa. Headacb. liver complaints. Wwel dls order demand Dr. Kings New Lif Itla dded that tor the balanoa ef tls weak a ' For aai by Kchn dt Co V nrmai BH-ecluitetJua- Irf"ietiry for u dKy PTecipttadoa etnte March 1 Haoess ainos March I Iaei-y for oor period. : ItebcM-ncy for oor. porto. lb. Beaorte tress Saatbswa at t M. CONrmw of TE vT&ATKLhV ? sr : ;. ; m : z I lilii (bum. partly cloudy ..... tkwOM. cloudy North Piatie. near ('() m, clear Salt Lake City, dear Rapid Oty. ries,r .. HurL ciear... i.iiitm. ciiar. ................ Chkago. clear fu Ix.uia, cwar fct. Paul, clea lMket.por"U cloudy ...... ... Kuiu OV clar Hon, partly csoudy. 1 ITUU1 t, l(ud.. (JroMtaa, cioar... a b .u k la .tt ot ii .1 OS Mi S V 'M m; 14 .at S4 4 . 4 . .U aa bl .ts a i... I e . lv U -te HOOTED Itt THE BLOOD. Alter tie ne cf 45 oc 50 wbea the vital potrer are ttxtnrally weaier it is noticed that a hurt of any kind heals alcralj- and cfttn a very i&aisiLcaat cratrh or bruise becomes ,, , . . l- .r. as A am ail wimpl aanaa on any Jaw, bat " an at a tiad tUcer OT dare. At neon or lnocnveaieaoa. and I aheald have lunu rui t1TTve ot Itle WaTTT sen akvat it asa it net 1 oentinued f fToertht. moles and f-im- sal: then ecab ever. bt would net or aoni tim then tbe r sans tiles that Lave been era beeaa tae and spread, entU it waa aa targe aa a ,K tj- baof aoiiax.wbeal beard A . a. a. and debsmUaod Ue voaj altaoet Ifoia u ilva It a tur trial, aat h li raawtabla east a !rth Imi to inflame nnul weaaeifal edect it bad from th besinaiag 1 tbe aera. L A- WaXaU. Local t urecaxtac 1 l-v , if... . - 1 . aarsa ea neai ana erir taaiber a w muti auaaa- txlartXTJ locg ,,4 asmxely. t hia waa w year aw 5 there are arclaxreeatixir.alOBrll.isF iuJ a aigas tit tb Cancer, and asv gsnerai beait Bl,1 '"'"'' ooaunaee good. Mr. Ja. khiUkkiL, Wyaeonda, Me. Wbeserer a acre or deer is alow ia "ttalicr tlaea yon tea te sure aome-' tluar is radkally wrronr with your blood. Some old taint or poison tLat Ivas beea alsicberias; there ior J-eaxa, is berissiar ta assert itself, and hreais oat and becotnes a bad alcer and persaps tL berixtcie; of Cancer. Tbeso old aores axe rooted ia the blood, and rtile eraabea, aoapa, aalvea, etc, keep ta SBirare cleaa LUry arc not Healia;. A blood Bedicinctape7ir7aa4atrexirtliesi tbe polluted Lktod and B toaic to boild tip the reneral sjstexa if what ia Beeded, asd S. S. S. is jnat each a remedy.' N poiaoa id ao powerftJ and tto rerra so deadly that tlis rTeal aer etable blood resnedy car not reach it, and ulcers of every kind tjukkly yield ta its wrondcrfcJ mratire propertiea. If yom bavr aa old ore car ulcer, write us all aboet it and tnediral adyice or asy tx tonunttOB joa x&ay tcaire arill be rtvea t y oar pLyaiciazis antbont cLarre, irr SVZTT PmS CO ATLhXTA, CJU j