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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 23, 1903)
TITE OMAITA' DAILY BEE: FRIDAY. OCTOBER 23, 1003. Jfol OjAA Pvnfrn liJ li&froez r73 n r"i IU1 THJB RULIABLH STOH1S. M' nnrlerful -k Coupon Sale Greatest Remnant Sale fJevi York Dressmaking Stock The Qltaotlc Sale of the Past Week Has Left Ua With TUay 69c 49c 25c 19c Coupons with every purchase. The most liberal and valua ble tickets ever given absolutely free with every purchase. To still further prove that these coupons are absolutely free, note the prices quoted for the following sales. No other house east or west can or will offer such values. Remnants To Be Sold Below Coat A YARD FOR ALL THE $2.50 DRESS GOODS Every conceivable color and style, Bilk Voiles, Etamlnes, Voiles, Crepe Eollpne, Gloria, etc., in the new party shades. A YARD FOR ALL THE $1 AND $1.50 DRESS GOODS Tailor cloths, Vollea, Etamlnes and everything in high fa vor today. A PIECE FOR SETS OF IMPORTER'S SAMPLES Another lot of thoa famous French and German Dree Goods, hnavy cloths and lighter weight foods, every color and style, three or more pieces anxe, enougn ior waists, coma, miru, tic YARD FOR 50 CENT FLANNELS, WAISTINGS. ETC. French Flannels, tfcotch Flannels and Waistings, in all col ors, stripes and fancies, and enormous variety. IUI AMITfiFcW ""lay is Remnant Day In h P Ltk in Omaha's Groatest Domestic Room. AA, THE REMNANTS OF WOOt, OOODfl, COTTON GOODS, LINENS AND FTiA NNEL8. WILL, BE N BALK IN THIS GREAT DEPARTMENT AT ONLY A NOMINAL, PRICE. $1.00. $1.60 AND 11 M WOOL. DRESS GOODS AT BSHJ AINU 4!nJ. Remnants of all wool Ibeltnea, all wool vollea, all wool cheviots, all wool nenri etttas, all wool etamlnes and other roods. worm up to ii.wj per yara ait win go on snle at two prices QQr at wc ana ww JSC AND 75G DRESS GOODS AT 19C. Cashmeres, Jacquards, fancies and other half wool good, worth kkj, 4c, wo ana 7!v will in at the rounter Ift. on one sn'e only. at. yard 130 19C VALUES 6,000 remnHnts of Scotch plnshams, Scotch madrasses, sephyr gingnams, mercensea lining and extra heavy 1A flannelette, worth up to 18c, Friday. I SB 1BC VALUES 6,000 remnants or dark plnld gingnams. tancy coiorea aeeraucaer gingnams, oiue 5c and white and black and white Royal plcquee, medium colors. In yard wide per cale and other novelties In cotton, dress roods, worth up to lBo Friday 1.000 FULL PIECES German and French flannelqttes, imported percales, dark colors. 36 Inches wide, and heavy Venetian stripes, the very latest waitings worth up to 2c 10 1m Friday ISjlG 1.000 FULL PIECES Victoria, Gever and Eclipse flannelettes, extra heavy and fine, great sellers.- for house dresses and klmonas, worth Tim, up to 19o Friday I C BOO FULL PIECES French flannelettes, In dark snd fancy col ors. Just the goods for children's fall ' and winter dresses (J worth up to lao Friday 3 G French Flannels, Canh meres, Henri ettas, Veilings, etc., for P waists and little dresses JjC apiece Longer lengths of all the fine Ooods-a IOC piece xw Silk Remnants from f ho Dig Salo Pin Plain and Fancy Sllk In Taffetas, Foulards, Shirt f Waist Silks, etc worth up to on dollar a yard j 7 at.... Remnants of Silk Velvets Fancy Panne, r Velvets, Corduroys, etc. a y yara Remnants of black peau de sole and taffeta, I to 11 yard lengths, on half their value. DRESS TRIUUINGS FROU THE DRESSMAKING STOCK Vine Dress Trimmings and Laces in remnants from the great New i??..':1!! 10c-19c-25c-39c-49c Remnants dark outing flannel worth 10c per yard Remnants 36 Inches wide extra good cotton flannel, worth Kee per yard . . Flannel Department. 5c tton 31c Remnants of white wool flannel and em broidered flannel, less than cost. 11-4 full size cotton bed blankets-each 45c BOTE cJW BIG LINEN LM DEPARTMENT Special Remnant Sale in the Basement 5c ...2c TUB STORK. , DOZ. NAPKINS. 60c. EXTRA LARGE ALL LINEN BLEACH- I ED NAPKINS, WORTH t2 A DOZEN, AS I LONG AS THEY LAST, tt DOZ. for Sue. 8V4o LINEN CRASH, 6c. EXTRA HEAVY BROWN LINEN CRASH, 8Hc quality, at 6c a yard. 60o TABLE LINEN. 29o Heavy cream homespun TABL1S LINEN. tmo quality, at zvc a yara, ONE 8V4c MUSLIN. 6e. BIG TABLE HEAVY BROWN INDIAN HEAD MUSLIN, WORTH 8o a yard, LONG MILL ENDS, at 6o a yard. 66c SHEETS. 47Hc LINEN FINISH BLEACHED SHEETS 2K wide, 2H yards long, 65c values, at iVfa lOo PILLOW BLIPS, 7Ho. BLEACHED PILLOW CA8ES-42x3, Slse lOo quality, at 7 Vic 600 REMNANTB OF ALL KINDS OF TABLE LINEN.' FROM 1 TO yard lengths AT HALF REGULAR PRICES Fine Mercerized Waistings, in short mill lengths, worth 75o, go at yard Cottonade, for boys' pants, in mill lengths, go at yard Suits and Cloaks. Hesvy red duck skirt- I Cnarabray gingham Forty-Inch fins lawns, Ing, at, per s-y I remnants, per yard 1 OC I OiC onl O2C Various grades of Can- Fancy printed wall Outing flannel In mill . ton Flannel, s cloth, per f t lengths, worth worth 12Vic, yard- C Pr yard mJlC at, yard oniy 2 only vv Mercerised dopble fold Comforter sateen and Baby flannel, plain col Farmer'a satin 4 sllkoUne p ored and dainty -) 1 In mill lengths, I OC per yrd ' aC atrtpes. per rtiC per yard MX onljr yaxd fj, Fine 19c gingham Lining cambric, best Fleece back wrapper mill lengths, fy grade, per 4 1 flannel, per 1 per yard. O2C y&- 12C yard- O2C only only only RAILROAD ASKS DISMISSAL (Talem Pactfle Files Aaswer to Pr ' tests froas loath Omaha Frehol4ers. ' The defendants In the case of Uagdalena Flvonka against Frank Koutaky, mayor, and the council of the city of South Omaha, filed their answer in the district court yesterday. This Is the suit Instituted by freeholders In South Omaha, asking for an injunction to prevent tha council of that city from passing an ordinance opening up and ex tending certain streets for a right-of-way for the Union Paclflo railway. The de fendants deny that the granting of the use of certain streets would work Irre trievable Injury to the protesting free holders. A dismissal of the suit at plain tiffs cost is asked. Red Hot from the Osa Was the ball that caused horrible ulcers on G. B. Steadman, Newark, Mich., Buck, len's Arnica Salve soon cured him. 26a For sale by Kuho Co. When you are talking into your trans soiwer with your Hps close to the mouth piece and you do not bear toe other party It is because he is not talking with his Hps close to he mouthpiece and you should tell tin so. Horse covtra made to fit your horsa Omaha Tent and Awning Co., 11th ens' Harney streets. Crlmlaml Co art Notes. In the criminal division of the district court the case of the State of Nebraska against A. V. Todd was ca'.led. The de fendant Is chanted with embesxlement. It la alleged that he failed in his capacity as asent to turn over to the life insurance company fur whom he was working the sum 01 Hie. The Jury In the case of the State of Ne braska against John D. Smith and James Gaughan, who were charged with assault wua intent to roo, nas returned a verdict of guilty. The defendants attacked a stranger to the city of Omaha in September and after a struggle secured a two-tent postage stamp and a piece of tobacco. The stranger had 15 cents on his person, but , this the assailants failed to locate. Tha fact that he was a stranger doubtless ac counts for the fact that he had as much as SB cents, according to a version of the anair which was given at trie court house. AMsiosiBOemeats of tse TsestsTi, The hit made by "The Country Girl" in London, New York and other metropolitan centers has been repeated In Omaha. This latest of the "girl" series of musical come dies is well worthy the attention it has re ceived from its managers and the patron age the publlo has bestowed upon It. Its catchy songs, sprightly music, pretty cos tumes and the capable company that is presenting It make up one of the best at tractions tha Boyd has to offer this season. It ' will bo repeated this evening and on tomorrow a matinee and evening perform ance will bo given. Hoyt'a "A Bunch of Keys" will be the following attraction, with two perform ances on Sunday. The attraction at the Krug- theater tonight I and tomorrow afternoon and night will be the peculiar comedian, W. B. Pat ton, In the beautiful pastoral play "The Minister's Bon." This is a new attraction for the Omaha puhile, but It has been a great suo oess In ths eastern cities for two seasons. For ths matinee Saturday tha Krug theater popular price of 25 cents for Una best sats wiu prevail. George Westerdahl, tha Omaha boy, will be a special feature of the bill at the Or- pheum tonight. This Is his first profes sional appearance and he should make a "go" of It ' He will make application for an engagement around the Orpheum cir cuit Mr. Westerdahl has lived in this city all his life, and for the past dosen years he has been employed at the trans fer station between here and Council Bluffs. Another lot of beautiful suits received. Every express brings us new suits and coats. These 00m e in browns, blues and blacks. 75 sample suits to be sold at about one- half price Women's suits, made of finest quality Ly man's wool cheviot. In blue, brown and black there are no better In America for J25 our price only $17.60. Women's suits, made of very heavy chev iots, beautifully trimmed and satin lined- worth 118.60. for only 112.00. A most beautiful line of women's suits for style and dignity, full taffeta lined ooats. compare well with the $36.00 suits our price only $24.76. Women's $10.00 coats. On this price we staao our reputation We claim It to be the best coat for ths price to be found anywhere and will cheer fully refund vour money If you find a bet ter one they are all made with capes over the shoulders, lined with the famous Skin ner's satin, and come In slbellnes and ker seys. You see $16 ooats elsewhere not as good our price $10.00. Here is wnere we snow an m now Ktvlna and trlmmlncs that SO with tha beautiful garments U6 each. mm Friday is Wrapper Day in Our Cloak Dept 60 dos. fleece lined wrappera made of good quality of materia! for only 89e. wnm-n1. hoavv floneleiU wrarjDers made with 16-lnch k flounce, - trimmed two rows of braid, regular $1.60, quality for 680. Women s naneiette ana percaio wrini-wwiu and Extra Special Women'a black sateen underskirts for 75o each. Women's shoulder shawls for 25o. Women's Eiderdown and flanelette dress lng sacques for 89c. Friday Remnant Silk Sale. 1 Ann .iiw hiaotr alllr In nlaln taffeta and Peau De Bot. black fancy silk' plain colored taffetas, fancy waist silks, trimming silk, the greatest assort A.JV h nv hnima in f-ltv. it will Day you to Investigate for you can save money en every silk remnant you buy at Hayden's Friday. Ml iiJ 0; 0 Many people become angry when told how to use a telephone and yet very many peo ple do not use it properly. Talk with your Hps close to the mouthpiece. We Clean and Press Golf skirts for 76c; Lined skirts, $146; Flannel' waists, 60c; Bilk waists, 76o; Men's suits, $150 and Overcoats, $1.60. Men'a suits, 11.60 and Overcoats, $1.60. All work guaranteed. Try us. THE PAflTOMUU 407 . Utk 8t Tel. M OMAHA. ' Te Stop at lloaolvla ssl Guam. BAN FRANCISCO. Oct. 42. Orders have been Issued, according to Major Gevol, gen eral auperinienaeni 01 tne transport serv ice, for the troop ships to stop at Hono lulu and at Guam on every trip to the Orient and that a stop will be made at the first named city on eacn reiurn tui Home of the boats may aiso cau si .- aaki to coal. saga- Mrs. J. Benson Knit Underwear For Ladies and Children We ar showing a very complete line In light, medium and heavy weights in cotton, fleeced, part wool, all wool, alia, ailk and wool. Men quality Black Cotton Tlghta, 6Sc; Wool Tights, 75o up to f2.00; Mercerlaed Tights, pretty as silt, colon, black, white, piuk and blue, prlcea'll.UO, $1.75 and f2.2S; Vesta to match. Cbildran's Black Tlghta and Drawers, iSo up. Knit Corset Covers, la cotton, wool, part wool, silk ' and silk and wool long or abort sleeves; price, 25e up. A large and handsome line of Outing Flannel Night Urcaoes (or ladle) and children. Getaar West This Fallt Whether the Journey Is for pleasure, busi ness or health for a few days or several weeks nearby, to Oklahoma or 'cross con tinent to California It will pay you in dol lars saved, comforts gained and aights seen. I to call or write me and And out all about the low rate personally conducted excursions over the Santa Fe to Great Southwest and California. E. I Falmer, Pass. AgU 4a Equitable Bldg., Des Moines, la. Very many of the errors in telephone service are caused by the subscribers them selves. A subscriber calls for 1336. H gives the 1 rather faintly and the 396 in a louder tons of voice and central bears only the $96. If parties would give each number distinctly many errors could be avoided. YOU CAN'T PLEASE US any better than to compare our prices with others ws will laKe cnances, rt..N, having your business. $1.00 Peruna all you want at 36c Castorla the genuine at $1.00 Pierce's Medical IMseovery $1.00 Pierce's Favorite Prescription at.... $1.00 Palne's Celery Compound at $1.00 Celery Nervine at $1.00 Temptation Tonlo at $1.00 Warner's Safe Cure at .00 CRAMER'S KIDNEY CURB at... We guarantee Cramer's Kidney cure. W HI Til RIBBON LIQUOR CURE Allcock'a Plasters genuine 6U0 Down's Kidney Pills 6O0 Cutlcura Snlve 26o Pierce's Pills 2uo Purkhsrt's Vea-etable Compound Me Wizard Oil $2.00 Chester's Genuine Pennyroyal Pills $1.00 boo isar Ben c 6O0 Pozxonl Faoe Powder Z7a 25o Carter-a Little Liver Pills. Lowney s Candles O Brlen s Chocolates CUT FRICB DRUQ ST94B B. T. TATKS, Proprietor. Iw. rttestOB T4T mm TST. leth mmm Calcace Streets, Omaha. Chicane Great W cetera Railway. Short line to Mlnden, Harlan, Manning, Carroll and Fort Dodge. Two trains each way. Leave Omaha at (:20 a. m. and t:6 p. m Leave Council Bluffs at a. m. and 110 p m. For Information apply te Oeo. F. Thomas, Gen'l Agt., room 11$, Omaha National Bank building, Omaha, Neb., and M Pearl BU. Council Bluffs. la R. COLE. w. m. MCKAT, Cole-McKay company, undertakers and embalniers. U1T Capitol ave. TeL 464. Btop scolding the operator and talk with your lips close to the mouthptooe of your transmitter and your Ulephoos service will of 67c i'4c fixe tiso 7Ho 66c Zio 7Ho 76o 60c 12o 3!c iC 13 1C &C SCHAEFER'S A Great Skirt Pvirchase 1,000 Women's Walking Skirts go on Sale Friday. We bought the entire surplus stock of a well known skirt manufacturer at less than 40c on the dollar We are going to sell them the same way. They are made of the best materials such as meltons, chev lots and swell mixtures all this season's newest shapes. Faultless in fit and workmanship Here is your chance to get a stylish up-to-date Walking Skirt for less than the material would cost you. We Have Divided the Entire Purchase lnt Three Lots: LOT 1 $7.50 VALUE 4 QO LOT 2 $10.00 VALUE 6QO LOT 3 $12.75 VALUE 7 'QQ $30:52 BUYS A TICKET AND Qleeplng-Car Berth VIA y Union Pacific CALIFORIIU or CHECOM a 0 GETOQRS. 0 CHARGE OF CAES. 0 CHARGE OF ROADS. "The Overland Route" all the way . ran tufonnclaa saw miry tantahaS oa appUoulaa to OITT TICKET OFFICH, 1834 FARM AM IT 'Phone gig. 3 Jiii jv. JV- llfjThere's double gain fH for you la trading at Bennett's. Our bargains re unequaled (or money saving and green trading stamps go with every sale. This makes Bennett's the biggest and best Item In your household economy. Special Sale of Scarf Pins 300 14 K Solid Oold Scarf Pins At $1.50 Elegant new goods at a special price. The nicest ever sold for the price. , We will be glad to show them to you . BROWN & BOR&HEIM, ta South 16th Street. tibi sue. jimj saved 1,11 lm Tlmi Smd Tlma Sired . 15,000,001 Poinds . , . Tin Sued , Tlmi Smd Time Si stove lanxe ndTlii Smd Fur rues Repairs Tins Sued Sl0ck Tlma Smd Tlma Smd that's whyi Time Smd Tims Smd 0mnstove TBljIMi . . . Repair Works .. . . Tlma Sired rul ,l0 Time Smd Tlma Smd u" ,0"," s,r,e,Tlma Sired Tlma Smd Time Saved Tlma Smd rOOj iBsfpMlOtfe n.URiuAccioni9 o.v. s. CITY VKTBRXXAJLIJJl Omee and Infirmary, Sstk end Meesei Bta TateBMeam Perfield's Bee Bldg., Room 7. Weber. Sterjr Clsrk Cut Price Piano Co. Telephone 701 L4wlf Scaler. w EDDING INVITATIONS, ANNOUNCEMENTS, AT HOME, RECEPTION, 'ADDRESS CARDS, ENGRAVING, STAMPING, EMBOSSING. Engraving for Business. Bank and Private Stationery Initials, Monograms, Crests, Heraldic Devices engraved te order and 1 embellished In gold, silver or colors. WHITE rUH SAMPLES AND PRICES THE MOYER STATIONERY CO. 220-222 SOUTH I6TH STREET. The betrothal ring should a Dl AMD MD SOLITAIRE. The fiver ahould remember to ma;e U VALUABLE as well a. BEAUTiFUL: for diamonds are the be.t investment of the day Increasing la value at the rate of 15 per cent per annum. Srse particularly An gem. Ojf)Jir THE POST OFFICE. ALBERT E3HOLM, Jowoler. 107 WORTH SIXTEENTH ST. Otlt OIO.SS Have juet received a shipment of Cut Glass, which we offer for sale at a small margin. Don t fail to see our new American Pedometers. They are O. K. P. L FLODMAN & CO., Jewelers, ,5lVi.piw Remnants! Remnants! ANOTHER DAY FRIDAY WILL BE DEVOTED TO AN ENORMOUS SHOWING OF REMNANTS. WE MAKE REMNANTS EVERY HOUR, REMNANTS OF LINENS, DOMESTICS, SILKS, DRESS GOODS, LACES, RIBBONS, TRIMMINGS, ODDS AND ENDS IN WO MEN'S AND CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR, HOSIERY AND GLOVES. REMNANTS OF 8-4 SHEETING 1Ari VALUE 25C, PRICE lUV REMNANTS OF 9-4 SHEETING 1Q - VALUE 29C, PRICE lOU REMNANTS OF CANTON FLANNEL OU VALUE 14C, PRICE ...O3C REMNANTS YARD WIDE SnAKER 1)ln FLANNEL VALUE 25C, PRICE J -tW REMNANTS OUTING FLANNELS ' Or VALUE 120 AND 15C, PRICE Perfumes! Perfumes! From the best makers of Prance, Germany, Italy, England and America. we nave tne most seieci or. an. La France Rose Extract per ounce Pins; Pang- per ounce Eastman's Nile Carnation RDr per ounce cvw Eastman's Blue Rose . sr)r per ounce uww Plnaud'a Greek Ulao (quint 7Rr 25c 50c Violeta (Vee-o-lay) Vlolette ;r ounce 75c Violets (Vee-o-Iay) Farnese rteL per ounce aic Plnaud'a BcAjquet Foscerlna j JtL per ounce mm Swan Down Powder 1Ac essence) per ounce Plnaud's White Rose (quint 7Er essence) per ounce UW Plnaud'a Chrysanthemum 7CP Violets (Vee-o-lay) Amber " ' -7f A?ilrio1" ,ar Powder Royal ner ounce per box Violets (Vee-o-lay) Chypre "7r La Blanche Face Powder CVJc jer ounce Ow per box Face creams, dentrlflcrs, manloure goods, toilet soaps, complexion brushes, all found In perfume section of drug department. .. Btln Skin Powder , 20c per box ........ Butln Bkln Cream 20c Ter box " uw GOc Most Popular Grocery in Western Country Urge stocks bought direct enables as to save or eastoaaers ostf on every purchase. GHEHH TRADING STAMPS FREE vtth very purchase. Free postal cards. Telephone 187. FRIDAV SPECIALS. 25c 12c Bennett's Capitol Coffee, per pound Santos Co flee, fresh roasted, per pound .... Imperial Japan Tea, Oftc per pound avW Tea Slftlngs, 1 Sc per pound . auw Gunpowder Tea. flMc l-r pound KJJSt Fresh Country Butter, (c Ixt pound u" Bennett's Capitol Creamery, Oftp per iound - Strictly Fresh Country Eggs, 22p per dosen mtt Golden Syrup, lOln 8-lb. can lafitfc Olives, Q bottle Breakfast Cocoa, tCr cun wmnn extract, botUe ow Ruyal Luncheon Cheese, 1f)r per Jar '" Imported Sardines, 10c can ,uv California Prunes, , Rc per pound Pancake Flour, lOc 8-lb. packuKe v'w Baked Beans, lOc 3-lb. can i Rolled Oats. Oc 2-lb. package "WlHoonsln Cream Cheese, l2eC 2-lb. packHKe Rice, per pound Qq UU1 J Friday Candy Department Special. Chocolate Creams, vanilla flavored, delicious, 12C per pound li A Car of Colorado Fruit for Friday What I Guarantee W per cent of the price paid. n mm! TUnzs and Rings crnd Rings OpaJs, 2.00, up Garnets, $2.00 up Seal Rings, 13.00 up with monogram Turquoue, Fancy Btone Rings, UK wedding Kings, Ttnany Wedding JUngs, wana Kings, all prices tipeud a few minute la oyr store. Liook loi Uie uame. S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler and Optician UltDiugUs 5trat. AKI CiOUUS tOU Cilr-TS Marble and Ebony Pedeatala, Jardlniers, Umbrella Stands, Royart Ronn Vises, Austrian Vanes. Kuokwood V ottory. Fii and Vases, Suotrh Wutlo S'are, Ruaalan Souvenir Cups, Fayrllle Glaas, Ouexal fayiille Olass, Bronse Figures, etc. Come and see the pretty things for gifts ajid Vvuis. or write for cataWgue. Mawhlnney & Ryan Co., JewUn and Art Stationers. UUx and Douglaa BU., Omaha. Write for our catalogue. ' J I be mix-a Unproved,