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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 23, 1903)
Fhe ' Omaha Daily Bee. ESTABLISHED JUNE 19, 1871. OMAHA, FRIDAY MORNING, OCTORER 23, 1003 TEN TAOES. SINGLE COPY THREE CENTS. CZAR MAKES THREAT Upin Interfe-eic ia KMohiria Will Compel : t Tak" Agtioa. CHINA IS TOLD HOT TO HELP JAPAN Ilraa'cacd with titer Punishment if it Bidet with Island Kiadom. IITCH THE PENDING NEGOTIATIONS 2aii that Japan Ajki TqTial Elrot4 Eight i ia Vaachoria. THERE IS NO TALK AT ST, PETERSBURG Asked for Ittlrant It easts a P welt lea. Attach ( rvir Osaee Beads Dispatch Shewing Feellag at Tekla. DISHONORS CHECK OF WIFE Wei a Maat jlitwrr rttrt Ptrftrr Preferred tf BT Hasaaad. f PIERRE. 8. D . Oct. & (Special.) Sheriff '-lighlln jMtfrdij brought In from Amu Mr. Kate Peterson, who la charred 4 A OVDOX Oct. 22 It la reported from Peking that M. Lrwar, the Russian min ister, has addressed a long not to Prince Chin, bead of the Chinee Foreign office, taring that Japan'. Interference In the Manrhuiian question will compel Rnoeta to adopt final measures and threatening China with severe punishment If It aides rlth Japan. This action, while the ne gotiations are pending, has caused deep Bmbrage. A dlepatch to Reuter'. Telegram com pany from Toklo says It la believed that another conference) of the cider statesmen will be convened, probably tomorrow, when Seditions haying Important bearings on the futtira course, of events ara expected, al though there Is do fear of aa Immediate rupture.. In tho meanwhile precautionary preparations are progressing. Htteh la Megetlatleaa. YOKOHAMA. Oct 2X It Is currently re ported that the bitch ,in the negotlatlona i dne to the Japanese demand for equal railway rights in Manchuria, but It Is be lieved that a more serious difficulty ex ist. Dispatches are expected here from Admiral Alexleff. the Russian viceroy. The feeling of popular unrest Is growing. The Asahl or Toklo announced today that a preliminary mobilisation order had been Issued to the Thirteenth army division. 1 hough this was officially denied, the re port eetncWe with much open prepara tions again contingencies. Thirteen v els of the Japanese standing squadron are engaged In gun practice. Basslaaa De He Talk- ST. PETERSBURG, Oct. 22. A request of tho Associated Preaa today for a statsnunt from the foreign office, Ind.eatlng Uuasla's position In connect-. on wiJi tho far eastern question, elicited only the significant read ing of a leas reassuring dispatch from Toklo. The newspapers bar say the Russian ' Pacific squadron . eonsista of forty-four war snipe, including aix battles hips. ght first class and fir second claas cruiMra. sever seagoing gunboats, two torpedo cruisers., two rp f ri. . transports and twenty-roar torpedo boat destroyers, having an aggregate of 190 oncer and 11. XO men. Taere are now on.tb way to the far east two battleships, three first class cruisers and eleven torpedo boats of various tilmsns with Ml officers and "LIS men. The Novo Vremya declare that many af the most influential Japanese newspapers arc ubsidiae4 by Americana and English men. PEKING. Oct C It baa been announced that the Russian viceroy of the far east. Admiral AlexleS. la opposed to the opening of Manchurlaa towns to foreign trad. This xclted no surprise her. The treaty of commerce between China and th I'aitad Stales recently signed at 6hanghai provtdea that suitable concessions be given at Mukden and Aa Tung for the residence of foreigners and for their coo more. Russia's latest proposals to China, which embody Viceroy AiexlefTs policy, stipulate that suck eoncesaloas b gives only to Russians. Th ofScials of th Japanese legation her say that th negotlatlona at Toklo between Russia and Japan are proceeding aatlsfnc-tortiy. Js a story which will have -he courts. Several daya sheep rancher from ", came into the , this city and In he threw out two ,hich he declared to go western Pierre Natio, checking op hla .. checks for 13 each. be forgeries. They bad been cashed by the First National bank of Rapid City, and bore the endorsement of Kate Peterson. Ths signature looked all right, but Peter son declared that they vers forgeries. He further stated that Kate Peterson had been his housekeeper for several years, but was not related ts him. 'Without much difficulty Kate Peterson was located In Nebraska and expressed her willingness to coma to South Dakota without a requisition. When Sheriff Laugh lia went after her he found that ah had two small children witi her. one a few years and the other but seven weeks old. On reaching this city she was given her liberty on her own recognizance. Ths woman claims to be Peterson's wife. saying that they were married In Rapid City four years ago, and that th children with her ar the issue of that marriage. That som Urns ago aha was suffering from rheumatism and that Peterson took her to the hospital at Rapid City and after paying currant expenses left her three checks signed In blank, to be filled out by her for necessary expenses while In Rapid City, and that the checks in question are two of them In which she 'filled th figure. The Pierre National back is paying ths expenses of th woman and children while in this city. ANNEXATION TALK LN CANADA Many Frefer to Eeooxra Part of UaiUd 8uu at One. WILL THEN HAVE SOKE INFLUENCE Others Adveeate th Poller ( Thrww. lag Off th Tk f Esglasd aa Bee-eaatag aa lade, staleat net lea. KETTLE FILLED WITH GOLD Rich Discovery- Xaat aa Presaleee f las Beeeatly Fsaai De-ad la Bed. SIOUX PALLS. 8. D- Oci.3. 'Bpecial.V Whfls searching ths premises of the late Arney Baker, an aged and wealthy farmer, who was recently found dead In bed at his bom on a Turner county farm, an old kettl nearly full of gold coin and a glass Jar full of paper money were found. The gold coin had bee unused so long that It was quite rusty. In tb kettle and Jar were near.y fO.4'0 On the very day th eld man was found dead he had an appoint ment with aa attorney, hia intention being to turn hla wealth over to a bank and have a will executed bequeathing his cash and property to OUIe Roberta, a neighboring farmer, who had agreed to car for him. Th old man waa supposed to hare had about (10,00 in cash hidden on his premises and it is suspected that each night search ing parties ara at work endeavoring to locals ths wealth which is believed to be burled in th ground or concealed aome wher about th old buildings on th place. Bo far as knows Baker had no relatives and suck of his money aa is found by the nOoers of the county will, unless relatives appear, be turned ever ts the state of South paJtota. For this reason It Is thought that private parties are secretly carrying on th search under cover of darkness in hopes of ending som hidden treasure, and If successful they win keep ths matter quiet and convert the money to their own us. BUSINESS MAM IS FAVORED People af Manila Kinross Prefereaee (as sles see af Palltpplae Cai Sheep I aspect er Glvea Mar rawer. WASHINGTON. Oct 22. To facllltat tb shipment of th sheep from Wyoming, in view of tb Imposition of reatrl catena to eradicate sheep scab. Acting Secretary Moor of th department of Agriculture today wrote to Governor Chatterton that ths department inspectors will be In structed to use discretion In cases where sheep owners dipped their sheep and eradicated the scab from their flocks. YANOOCVER. B. C , Oct 21 Local feel ing Is very bitter over the sward of the Alaskan Boundarv commission. There is much talk of annexation and of Canada be coming independent Business men are generally much dissatisfied at what they pronounce British disregard of Canadian interests to pleas ths United States. It Is a matter of comment that the loudest amongst th discontented ar Englishmen residing her. Many of these say that Can ada will never achieve Its greatest possibili ties until It becomes a part of th United Statea Rev. Elliot S. Row, tb leading Metho dist minister of British Columbia and who, with Chief Justice Hunter, constituted the Labor commiralot which sat this summer in an interview hers said: I am a Britisher and I have always been a Britisher, but if tireat Britan Is to hand Canada over piecemeal to the United Slates. I say let ua Jois the American republic also. Hv doine so now we are large enough, pi-p- uloue enough rsd important enough to liav something to say regarding the terms of such annexation, and aiso wouid be potent enough to have something to say In th af- rairs or tn rputiic oi wiucn we w form a part Cut If we wait until our beet and richest territory is given away we shall simply be absorbed. It looks to me as If Canada had won ths case and lost tb ter ritory. Mayor Need lands of Vancouver thinks that ths Alaskan award may lead to the establishment of Canada as an Independent nation. Cesg-ratslates American Menaberm. WASHINGTON, Oct S2. On receipt of official advices concerning the award of the Alaskan boundary commission Presi dent Roosevelt sent the following cable gram to Messrs Lodge. Turner and Root ths American member, of the commission: Congratulate you heartily In the nam of th people of the L'niled Statea. TUEOUUKE ROOSEVELT. Ce at pares Canada and Irelaad. OTTAWA, Ont. Oct 52. In th senate today Sir McKenxls Bo well, leader f the opposition, asked for Information concern ing the a leak a boundary award. Mr. Scott for the government repUd that the most Important reason why tb Canadian commissioners did not swiovs of ths award was that it was a Judicial decision. Lord Alverstoos bad in the first Instance agreed that the center of tb Port' land canal should form the boundary lines. The four islands should hav gone to either on country or ths other, depending on tb position of the tin through the Portland channel, consequently Lord Al vers ton de fleeted th Una so as to throw two of th islands to ths United States and two to Canada, that la, Wales and Pears Islands want to Canada and tb two smaller t ths United States. ' . Sir MeKensle Bewail said that It' bean unfortunate that when, negotiation had taken place betsreen Great Britain and th United States where Csnsds was con cerned, th United States had Invariably won. "Now." said Sir MeKensle. "the United Statea will command Fort Simpson. Ia any case Canadian Interests were aacrl- fle-ad." Senator McMuTIen said ths decision would create as much dissatisfaction In Canada aa there was in ths Transvaal and hi Ire land. DOANE IS COMING, TO OMAHA Asaisrsed ta Departaaeat af th Ml aeart aa Jadajw Ad vacate at the Dearsseat. (From a Staff Correeponderit) WASHINGTON. Ort a. Special Tele gram.) First lieutenant W. O. Doane, assistant to the Jwdg advocate of the De partment of the East, who has been sta tioned at Governors island for some time, will shortly be ordered to the Department of the Missouri, with headquarters at Omaha, as Judge advocate of that depart ment General Corbin. who assumes com mand of th Department of the East would hav been glad to retain Lieutenant Dosne at Governors frlsnd. but aa the transfer which has been agreed upon will give aa Omaha boy advancement the former adju tant general of the army reluctantly con sented to Lieutenant Doane's transfer. His assignment to Omaha will lat for four years. Recently Lieutenant Doane tried a cas In th Department of the East which Judge Advocate General Darts said was on of tb best tried cases that has com to bis observation and he waa glad that Lieu tenant Doane should b thus honored. The secretary of th Interior today ap proved the transfer of the following In herited Indian lands In tb Ysnkton. S. D., agency: From tsamori uray niti ana wlfs to A. H. Pes tb northwest quarter of the southeast quarter and the southeast quarter of the northeast quarter of section S2 and the southwest quarter of the north west quarter of section C ip township W. range GL The secretary of the interior today is sued an order resnrdlng grazing cattle. horses and sheep within the Medicine Bow forest reserve. Wyo. The secretary's order permits th gracing of t.SOO head of cam and horses in the reserve between May and October and . sheep during practi cally ths aams period. The shefp herders must confine then flock within th fol lowing described areas: Township 17. rang n. west: townships 15. It and 17. range Rt west: east half of townships It 15 and 14. range SO west: sections S and X. Inclusive; township 17, range 10 west The remainder sf ths reserve Is to be set aside for cattle and horses. Ths stock of actual reserve residents is not to be affected tn sny man ner by this order during ths ensuing year. HAN11A, Oct It A eon-mitte ap pointed by tb American chamber of com. mere in this city appeared before the Philippine eommiasion and submitted a cablegram to President Koosevelt recom mending the appointment of a business ansa of th United State as a member of tb commission upon tb retirement of Coventor Taft The commissioners present whil they raised so objection to ths cablegram being forwarded to the president decJned ts ea- 1 1 mmm a r. w nnfnlnM iiiiah t i i II There i. . pronounced objection here to Do"nT Th"r"1" f"? . !' " th propcaal that th. president appoint th Uow of th? Uta "if" " K.ohn BeekLanTlntbrop. ., JCtant Wh PecnUy " B" ln to tb. vacancy and several head, of the ' -"Itartum Consequently ah. will not 1 CaVITT Out BPr icrvramt, mrm.ui t.u -ravisnu- NEW CABINET, FOR NORWAY Saa af Dramatist Iaeea Will Repre sent Ceaatry la Steek balsa reaaell af lata. CHRISTIANIA. Norway. Oct E.-Prof. Hagerup has succeeded ln forming a new cabinet In succession to tb. Blehr minis try which resigned yesterday in conse quence of a Parliamentary committee's de cision ln favor of tbs opposition In a dis puted election case, whereby ths opposi tion gained four seats. Tbs new cabinet is constituted as fol lows: Prof. Hagerup, premier and min ister of Juatire: R . iriia rA IWn I a. mn if E1 "" Henrik Ibsen, the Norwegian poet and BAGGS. Wr, Oct Z2-(Special The i dnunatlat) Norweclan minister of stats at quiet of th town waa disturbed Tu--lay Stockholm; Pastor H. N. Bauge. minister night by the announcement that Kiss j of instruction; M. Scnoeninge. minister of Floy Ward bad escaped the yiguanc or , cvmmrrc; B. Kfidal, minister of finance: Will Ship Jet t Ka Bland. DILLON. Wyo., Oct E (Special. The owners of the Jet mines near hers are in correspondence with English manufactur ers and It is expected that large quantities of the Jet will be ahipped to England. The discovery of the Jet caused considerable excitement Prospectors and miners ara now aearchlng for other deposits of tbs valuable fossil mineral. CHASE MADE LEGAL OATH roart-Marttal la Colorado Belts Agalast Coeteatlea of Aeeased Brigade Ceaaaaler. DENVER, Oct. 1 The Brigadier General John C T of the National guare" o, now on trial before a or -jal. are lead ing the court totr -e of legal tech nicalities. On ty of the court (here ire but two j. Today th. court decided tr ' .el Chase made a legal oath in ' ..iurn ta the habeas corpus se tM which the perjury charge la founded, although tne notary testified yes terday that he did not formally swear. General Sherman Bell was called to the stand and asked aa to tb aonrc of his au thority In th field. Attorney Willis V. Eldot. for th. defense, rates th point that tb testimony af Governor Pea body was the best svUStne Jr." this wetter, and at tb same Hme announced that the da- fens proposed new io attack tba validity of the perjury ebarge because af tba fact as b. sJleged. that it does not nanism tbs allegation of an oath, which he declared was necessary before perjury could b proven. He immediately launched into ar gument but was stopped by the court and told to file his brief on tbs point Bell was then questioned as to the habeas eor pua proceedings, being repeatedly Inter rupted by Mr. Elliott Angered by this, he arose and. pointing his finger at Elliott declared he would answer questions In his own wsy. Elliott replied hotly snd for a Urns It looked as If they would come to blows. Ths court ordered the room cleared, however, and the bearing pro ceeded behind closed dsors. PACING RECORD IS LOWERED Dta fitch ReooTtn Cbaaipicmihip Which Ho Loot U Pri&ot AJ.rt CUPS TIKE THREE-FOURTHS OF SECOND Croat Desseaetratlea Crests Ret era af Klag ta Hie Owa Whea Be Make th Parlag kee erd liMl-4. MEMPHIS. Tenn, Oct 2. A mils hi lT- was made by Dan Patch today at th. Memphis Trotting association's track la a trial against time. The pacer clipped three-fourths of a second from the world's record of 1ST. held by Prince Alert and lowered his own record by two and three- fourths seconds. The mile waa paced with out a wind shield and at the finish Dan Patch seemed fresh and vigorous. The demonstration that greeted the new world', pacing champion aa he flashed under th. wire was a memorable one. Horse owners who stood about the track before tb. starter's stand bad caught the time with their own watches and before th. official tim. was flashed out across the track they set up a shout and threw ha la and caps high into the air. The about was caught up by the people in the grandstand. the apace before it and en ths club bouse grounds and the victory of the pacing idol was proclaimed In shouts of applause that reached their climax as Driver McHenry pulied up before the Judge'a stand and doffed his cap in acknowledgment of the ovation. The trial was made with two runners to set ths pace, the sulky preced lng the pacer carrying a canvas strip be tween th. wheels. The quarter mas reached in 0:T, tb half tn I i4 and the three-quarter ln 1 Aa the horses swung into the stretch Dan Patch was pushing th forward runner so closely that scarcely a band's breadth Intervened between his nose and the back of the driver in the forward sulky. Perforssaae a Sarprlse. Th performance of Dan Patch today In setting a new world's record waa a sur prise to even hla moat ardent admirers. The betting on the trial waa I to t that he would not beat hla own record of 19. He went the mile with so little apparent exertion that tonight bis admire ra are pre dicting that he will still further lower ths world's record should he start against It with weather and track conditions a. favorable aa they were today. With the exception of the 2.0J class trot th events of the card went to favorites. In the 1:08 trot Monts Carlo, tb favorite, bad th second heat st his mercy, only to break and lose It within 100 yards of the wire. Summary: Trotting. 1:10 class, purse K.000: Walnut Hall. br. h. (E Benyoni i George Muscovite blk. h. C Bund).. 1 Toosy, blk. m. (W. Pnow X Palm Leaf. blk. p. (W. McCarthy).... 4 Tiros: 2 :sV Pacing. 2: class, purs C000: Nervola. b. h. (Hudson) Star Hat oik. h. 8nw1 King Direct blk. h. (Oeers) Wlniield Strstton. b. h. (J. McGlree ... Cubanola, blk. b B. Walker) Time: 1.-01. i tfii Trotting .to wagon, amateur drivers: DoUie LfilMt. (jl sa, (Mr. Deveraaar... Uueen Wilkes, nr. m. (Mr. Smalberst. f ranker, b. g. (Mr. Jonest S X Imogen, rh. m. (Mr. Eillings) 4 4 CONDITION OF THE WEATHER Forecast for Nebraska Fair Friday and aaturoay; warmer rrtday. Teasperatare at Oi Bear. Dear. a a. ss 4T a. as 4A T a. ss ax H a. at 4.1 a. as 4-1 1 a. ss 4S 11 a. as 4T X3 sa. 40 Teeterdeyi Hear. Dec 1 a. as 50 S a. SB s a- as. . . 4 a. as . a. as. . . T p. . a. O'KEEFFE CITES NEW PROOF abaalts Letters llawlag that Vaalts Caald Have Beea Beeght far Lees. TALKS OF CURRENCY Adrlrwa by VClMa & Eidjley Kadi Before tho American Bankers' Aaaooigtioa, GREAT IMPROVEMENT W CONDITIO Comptroller Ztjt that tko Farmn ud f redioera Hto Aorunalatad Cash, PROSPERITY ON THE BEST FOUNDATION Eigttj Pgr Cent of Inert ii Circulation Em Eatn Gali SAYS GREENBACKS SHOULD BE RETIRED speaker Weald Like ta ee Xetklag la 1 1 era La t lea bat Geld aad Baak Setea Based aa Geld Reserve. 1 1 i her parents and eloped with Charles Turner. Tb couple were married at Dixon. GIRL MISTAKEN InThE LAW Decide that the I Xat W 14 ew af tba Lata Abrahaaa B. Keha. CHICAGO, ays: Oct The Tribune today departments say they will resign if Win- tfcrop gets tbs position. It Is said that th commission favors General George W. Davis. ' Tbs news has Just been received that a baad of lad rones surprised tb towa of lnga 4a th province of Amboa Camarlnea, lAiaos. and killed tbs wife and uncle af the presi Jer and three volunteer. Befor rearing th. y captured nine guns. Ouofra. the leader of the lad rones was killed. The presliWnte eaya that ha was be trayed by the municipal secretary. secretary steel ta ras-la. PARIS. Oct Sr-Secretary of War Root has arrived here snd Is ths guest of Am bassador Porter. The secretary is receiving many congratulations on the result of ths A Lajaa arbitration. Hs does not wish to publicly tlieruas the findings, but to friends be indicate that ths aecisioa arrived at was inevitable sa th presentation aaad. Mr. Rout today was presented to President Loubet by Ambassador Porter. I Hah her legal rights. The decision Is said ta bars followed a conference with her attorney, ln which sb outlined th basis of her claim. Mh Thurmaa believed ah waa en titled to receeraitton in th courts, snd based that claim upon what she supposed was the law." said a man speaking for her. Shs has been sdvised stie was mistaken. There ass no ceremony and Miss Thur maa'. assertion that she was Kohn's widow grew out of a wrong understanding of th. conditions et tb common law marriage in llllnota" M. Hansen, minister of public works: M. Mathleeen, minister of agriculture; Lieu tenant Colonel Strugstadt minister of war; M. Mlcbelsen. a shipbuilder snd M. Vogt, a lawyer, are appointed ministers of state for Norway in tbs council of state, sitting at Stockholm. MAY CHALLENGE FOR CUP Watsaa Asked ta A gal a Pit Bis Skill Agalaat Asaerieaa Taeht BaUder. LONDON. Ort C Despite the denial af T. W. Lever of Birkenhead having any in tention for the America's cup, ths fact ' FIND RAILROAD MAN INJURED Many iaaeraeate Ismster, 8ALON1CA. Oct H Recent advtrei from Moeastir say that a eoaa.dciable number of U1" eurrenaereo. in reapones te before. Tb mystery Is that be waa not can. ne nrsi oi iBese instantly killed. His condition ts was surrenoerea were beaten and is- Ageat af Greed lalaad Bead is D la revered la Bavta at fit. Jeeeabu ST. JOSEPH, lit. Ort C -Patrick O'Bhay. agent of the St Joseph A Grand Island railway at Moray. Kan., was found unconscious today at the bottom of a fl?ty foot ravin near the Reck Island round hous. South St Joseph, where ha had fallen from a passenger trala fifteen hous that ha baa asked George L. Watson tf ' he would undertake the work of design ing and superintending a cup challenger, la now admitted to be indisputable. Mr. Watson, thus far, has neither definitely declined or accepted and this, possibly explains Mr. Lever's denlaL. as he la not likely to act srlrhout Mr. Walsen. The tatter's answer may be affected by the fact that a well known Clyde yachts man, a lifelong friend of Mr. Watson, contemplates challenging, and broached the subject ts th yacht designer befcre Mr. Lever. WANT TO G0BACK TO 2I0N Tw Haadred af the Followers at Dewt Beeaeae Tired at jew Terk. NEW TORK. Oct 22. Two hundred of ths followers of John Alexander Doaie In dicated that they were tired af the work af reforming New York City and wanted to I return to Zion City when the "general" In vited all who wanted to give up the work and give others a chance to take It up to step forward at the early meeting ln Madi son Square Garden today. Do wis at that meeting aeld be ahould en deavor to convert th pope. He added that be had received many bogua checks sine coming to New York, but that others had been good. "There is no need for followers to rash back to Zion," aald he, "because of tbo suits by merchants of Chicago. They are against me personally and not against Zion." Turning his attention to kissing. Dowis said people should be careful of the kisses, and uae them carefully even ln the family. "Why, my son Gladstone never kissed a woman outside the family," be said. William A- Brady, the theatrical manager, who, with Lorenxo Winter, waa arrested and charged with disorderly conduct In the crowd about Dowie's meeting in Madison priacaed. but under str agent ordo-s from tb T Id g palace, all tb men wh ar now coming ia ar well received and hav beea pardoned. staeala aad Aastila PreaeBt Deaaasa. , CONSTANT1NOPUE. Oct. aThe Rus sian and Auxiruia ambaxsadura today pre atd te the porte notes embodying th demand agreed sa at tb recant conference -between the caae aad Emperor fteaUa haU at Mtirsstaav Stns Instantly leal crtt- C ret lama ta Sa Extradited. SOUTHAMPTON. Eng., Oct S.-The two CTe times ahe were arrested on board th steamer Pni'aae'phla en Its arrival hers yesterday from New Terk today were re manded ta Bow street police court Lon don, for extradition oa the charge ef mur dering Thoaaas Fere-usoa. a railroad coat-actor, at West Mlddleutwa. Pa Septa-aber X. Tb att bad bJuv ia laaur r saaiai m whea take lata guatwdjr. Wright Case la Paataaaed. LONDON, Oct 22. -The case of Wbltaker Wright the company promoter, against whom ths grand Jury at ths Old Bailey found a true bill October St. on the charge of attempting to defraud the stockholder, of the London and Globe Finance corpora tion, waa adjourned today until tb Novem ber sessions oa tbs application of Wright, a hoes defense la cot ready. Square Garden last night was discharged ln police court today. Mr. Winter was paroled to give him aa opportunity to bring witnesses to tesiify to th brutality and bad Judgment of the police. Miner ta Oaaee (kaakerUia. LONDON. Oct S. Representatives of ths Miners' federation of Great Britain held a conference In London today te consider Joseph Chamberiain'a fiscal proposals, aad passed a resolution to the effect that ta their opinion any chang in th fiscal policy of the country wouid be detrimental to k general tntereeta. Crate Aleaar feaM af Mealea. SAN FRANCISCO, Oct 22 -Tb cruiser Martleheed aad the training ship Michigan hare aued for a cruiae along Lhe ruul of Mexico. The saociuir Wywoiina. une gun boat Con. urd and las cruM boecua wtd fuuew. Tba Pacin f-j,'i"-'f '"1 wii r-M lt-t laia- at Agaenaur- WESTERN MATTERS AT CAPITAL Faetaeasters aad Baral Carriers Ar S eased far Xtkraaka, leas aad j teeth Devkata. (From a BtaS Correspondent) WASHINGTON. Oct 22. (Special Tele gram.) Postmasters appointed: Nebraska Rest Custer county, Lucinda J. Neve, vice J. Wardrobe, resigned. Iowa Proa, Warren county, John E. Merrimaa. trie W. E. BramhalL resigned. Sooth Dakota- Roanoke, Faulk county, Thaddeu C Schooaover, vies H. P. BechteL resigned. A rural free delivery route will be es tablished November 1 at Cambridge. Fur nas county. Neb.; route covers an area of fifty-two square miles; populataon. &2S. Rural carriers appointed today: Ne braska Elkhorn. regular. Max H. PeUra; substitute, o. W. Corry. Falrbury. regu lar, Orio Adkina. vie Ed a'tvtrn Tal saage. regular, WUllasa B. Edmandson; subsUtnte, EUsabetk M. Edntondaon. loss Beacon, regular. Maud L. Lewis: substl tuts. WUliam Winey. McCaaalsad. rega lar, William P. Ploog; aubatitute, H. Ptoog. Norwich, regular, M. C Maxwell; subsUtats. W. P. Lancaster. Oaeeala. regular. Mrs. Alice W. Wenaar; subsututa, Fred A. Wenner. South Lwketa Yankloa. reguiara. Siiiioa D. Liadberg. Andrew B. Stmpaun: auhatituta " m-aat Aadarsoa, Wanwa Osberm, To beat ISf. pactegt Daa PaXen. a. a. (McHenry). time by quarters: :2, 4:!a. 1:2TV liv Trotting. J:( class, purs COW: Fereno, bL m. (E Benyoni 1 1 Hawthorne, rn. m. iHuiben) S S Monte Carlo, b. g. (B. Walker) 1 S Wentworth. bL g. (Spear) 4 4 Marion Wilkes, b. m. I A. McDonald) . .ds Time: V. 26V Half-mile dash, pacing, purs tMO: Ntrvola, b. h. Hudsoni 1 Fanny Dillard. b. m. Bnow) 1 Chestnut ch. g. (J. Belli 1 UajieU b. m. (McDonald) 4 Dan R, ch. g. E. Benyen) 1 Harold, b. g. (Geers) Time: :aH. VICTIM OF TWEED "iS DEAD Oaea Blek Maa Seat ta Prlaaa by a Packed Jary Dies la t Pa vert y. NEW YORK. Oct 22. Suffering moat of his life as a result of a victory over Wil liam H. Tweed, In the days when that "boss" was st tbs height of his power. Vincent Cody la dead. Cody waa one a wealthy man. He died a watchman on the Rapid Transit subway, and. since the civil war, through which hs fought had served thirty-three years ia states prison, all of which was du to- tb fact that ha eucceeded ln defeating Tweed' candidate for the assembly ln th "boss a" own district shortly after ths war. be cause he bad not succeeded la getting his old political Job when hs returned from th front lie declared Tweed followed him up snd that later, when be was arrested because of an accidental shooting ln which hs was Involved he was convicted by a packed Jury and sent to prison for life. Cody's sen tence was commuted by Governor Roose velt but be left the prison much against his wllL As tending to prove his assertion that the vaults placed ln the county court bouse were too costly and that some on must have pocketed a nice sum of money unjustly. County Commissioner O'KeeCe hss submitted for publication the follow ing letter, from the Berger Manufacturing company, wherein It ts explicitly stated that the work could have been done ln a first-class manner for C.2M: CANTON. O., Oct Y Mr J. E. Diet rick. Omaha: Dear Sir Referring further to ours of 9th. relative to the metallic equip ment for the Douglas county court house, we have gone over th. matter very care fully and are pleased to band you herewith our proposition addressed to the commis sioners, that we trust will merit their fa vorable consideration and result In having this work placed under our care, ss we feel confident that we can furnish some thing handsome, up-to-date and to their en tire expects ti mis. Ton will observe that we hav based our estimate for the Installing of this work. However. s the equipment will go forward m sections. It may be possible that yon could l"ok after the Installing and If so will lllow txa If this can be dona We realise, of course, that railway far and board would be quit an Item, snd for this reason believe that you could handle the work to better advantage and cheaper than by having our workmen cover the distance for the Installation of this work. In all events, we are extremely snxlous ( supplying this equipment and shall, there fore, await your Instructions as to th out come In the matter, and again thanking yost for any eourtesie that may be extended In our behalf, which we shall fully appreciate, believe us. very truly. , THE BERGER MFG. CO. CANTON. O, Oct 7. The. Honorable Board of Commissioners, Douglas County, Omaha: Gentlemen Ws propose to furnish, deliver and Install the metallic equipment in th vault of the Douglas county court bouse. Omaha, in accordance with specifi cation and blue print submitted by J. E. Dletrlck. architect and embodying suck improvements and changes ss may be agreed upon, complete snd In first-class workmanlike manner, for tb sum ef 12 200, terms net cash upon completion of work. All material used In the construction of the eoulptne t covered by this proposal will be of the best grade of open bearth. cold rolled, full pickled and doubi an Denied eteeL entirely free from all scale, rust and other imperfections. Tba steal ah seta, used la the raastructium of expanded finished ends and panels shall oa paieni icveieu to insure a sunace ire lMllllltla ra-crnmentai aid in from buckle or war. j mg the situation ss It exists at the p res- Ad work shan be thoroughly cleaned be- ti- While these Important questions , . . - . . . . , " . I are all mora or lees concerted snd inter - for being finished, thus leaving the sur-1 w',7vcn. tba ba.aa situation is not to faro free from dirt oil or rust after which sny very great extent due to currency or two coats of beat baking and rabbtng I financial causes, and It is not ta leaisia .. ..... . , ... "" i tiun we should look for permanent relief. enamel shall be applied to all parts and , lf .a . -,,-, and esueciaiir a am I clastic currency system, we might hav SAN FRANCISCO. Oct C-Tb second day's war-ion of the American Bankers association was made Interesting by th rddrees of William B. Rldgely. comptroller cf the currency, and by the flattering tes timonials of the country's prosperity re ceived from the delegates of numerous states. The attendance today was large, equaling that of ths opening day. and ths interest of th financial men of th nation continue unabated In the proceedings. Tomorrow will witness the closing of th session when Ellis H. Roberts, treasurer of the United States, will make an address snd the officers for the ensuing year will be elected. After a discussion on som. minor mat ters cam. ths paper by Hon. William 8. Rldgely, comptroller of th currency, his subject being "The Currency." During the years of very eetlve snd pros perous business which have bad sine the country began to recover from the de pression following the panic of la. (her has been a very marked Improvement In the fundamental condition of our people and the amount of both capital and wealth they hare produced and 'saved. Thia Is especially true among the farming sad pro ducing classes, who have not paid off a vast amout of debt but nave ae-a aula ted money and property of sll kinds to a greater extent than ever before. There hss been a great increase in th vnJum of money in. circulation aosong the people and there is more money ln the hams ef the banks to their credit. Since l'-f there baa been a greater Increase in the amount of money In circulation than during any like period snd about per cent of this Increase has been in gold. We are contin uing to add about eighty millions a year to our gold In circulation and about one half of all the currency in circulation is gold. Our prosperity In business has been based on the v.ry best foundation. It has been the result of the moet legitimate causes snd forces snd all thee are not only still tn operation, but give every ev idence of continuance. As la always tne case, however., tn such tiroes, this move ment of sctsvity has been accompanied by a Urge amouat of speculation, not only ln stocks, bonds and securities, bat in many other line, and credits have be come more and more expanded. In stork speculation snd promotion ev?ctally we have gone too last, with th inevitable re sult of a serious collapse, and such a -din ln prices that ieopl are becoming alarmed and beginning to ask If this may not end tba whole saovemsnt ar pros perity. Tbi causes doubt and Increaatns; h sanation ta bwarinesa etrcies. There is sino a demand for ni. social and currency baked at a temperature of Xs) degrees. Color of ensmel to bo either maroon, olive .pared from some disturbance, if or green, as selected, and all handles, label ( h.d ," ,.n out of general ctr- bolders and trimmings to be either brass or i culation. there might not be so much fear bronxe. plated In oxidised brass or plain of a tight money market But on ths , . , . , . . , . j ! other hand, tf there has not been the most nickel cr black, aa may be select d i absolute confidence in the soundness of our It ia hereby. unaerstooa that vault Is to be clear of all other fixtures, fittings, etc., for the erection of the above work. Hoping that th. above proposition will Influence your acceptance, and awaiting your favorable consideration and early in structions, believe us. yours truly. THE BERGER MFO. CO. DEPUTY MARSHALS ARE HELD ea tress Whesa Prlssaer May Themselves Get lata Treehle. PHILADELPHIA, Oct 22. Deputy United States Marshals E. H. Davis and Allah Paker ef Denver, from whom Albert E. Bell, th mail pouch thief and check forger escaped, today asked permission of United States District Attorney Holland to return to their homes. Their request was refused. "Tbs men must remain ln Philadelphia until we have concluded our Investigation. said Mr. Holland ' Government officials ssy they see no rea son, under ordinary circumstance, for th. deputy marshals remaining tn thia city more than twenty-four hours unless their presencs was necessary at a commission er's bearing. As Baker and Davis did not deliver their prisoner, they will not be es sential as witnesses if tbs fugillvs la re taken, and their continued stay la tb city ts regarded aa significant LOOKS FOR GOOD MEETING Presldaat Slaeaegh af Ceatral la. areveaseat Leasee Predict Saeeeas af Bally. President Slsbaugh of the Central Im provement league of Omaha looks for a crowded meeting in th assembly room of tb Board of Education ln the city baa tonight in the interest of an "Omaha beautiful." 1 The address of th evening is to be mad by Earl Layman, secretary of " th at Louis Civic league, who, by the aid of stereo pticon views, will show what has been accomplUhed by a live and strong organisation ln hia city. Because of ths exposition the improvement league has been one ef tb n ost active in th country dur ing the last summer. The league has, sines March, opened and operated six free open-air playgrounds, each having free baths, library and shelter houses. Three of these were built outright this year. Over Sue.CK children hav been enrolled and 73,000 free baths havs been given. Tb league sees a great field la sav ing children from tba streets aad hopes to so impress the publc that the municipality will hav to take up tb work. Th league has prepared an ordinance which will make billboards less obnoxious to the public eye without interfering with their utility. Through the Waigue's efforts waste paper boxes will be placed about tb city, as the comptroller has Just an nounced an allowance of SS.OOu. Tbs Omaha federation has similar aork In view, and while th open nature of the city does not maka playgrounds, for In stance, necessary, yet there Is a great field for Improvement la Omaha, the members JOCKEY TAKESJjIS OWN LIFE Illness Caeae Meaaahla Bide ta Pat Ballet Tareaga His Bead. ST. LOC1S. Oct 22--A very Rally Fergu son af Memphis a Jockey, .hot himself through tba bead la the presencs of bis brother and a littl girl Monday night dying later la th day. For boss reason the police did not discover ths fact of th suicide until today after th body had bean buried. 4 Ferguson had been ill far asm weeks and DENNISON FILES AFFIDAVIT letara MeDaaald Tried ta Estert Pretectlea Meaey frees Chaeevlea A ropy of the affidavit of Thomas Dennl soa tn the rase of Vaao L. Cburevtch againat James H. McDonaid was filed with tba district court yesterday. He alleges that McDonald sought to extort "protec tion money from Churovlch, who was charged with operating gambling device. It la also alleged that McDonald, relying oa bis influence with a former county at torney for protection, acquired a one-fifth Interest in Chucovtch's estabhstuaent and that later be turned about and belabored tn latter. Pllipiaa Eaaislt Arrives. SAW FRANCISCO. Oct. 22 The bulk of the products which are to compoee the Fi i pine exhibit at the Su Louis eausiiion reached here oa tne steamer Coptic. Tt.e aiiiimrct includes auuivt logs snd native it ia baaleved that he shot himself because 1 fainii:g iaiuneeehta 'In remainder of th u Him aars va era af dssysnrtency rssUU&c truss big Ulncea. j trU currency, the disturbances In the markets for securities ln the past two years would probsbiy have spread very much fanner, and doubt leu e.dod ln a serious crisis 1th severe industrial and commercial -pression. Waald Reiir Greenbsvrka. I am a thorough believer In currency re form and agree with those who wish to sea the greenbacks retired, the sliver with drawn down to the point which it is practi cally subsidiary coinage or currency, leav ing nothing in circulation but gold, as coin or certificates, and a real bank note circu lation by gold reserves with such regula tions for Issue snd redemption that It would be s matter of indifference to the banks whether their credits remained with them as deposits or were circulating as notes. This is the only true solution of our cur rency matters, and I hope to see it soma day accompUahed. This, however. Is a I tiling which can only be gradually done, ! and baa little or no practical bearing oa the present butnrs situation. Ws have another very uiffurent system In force and it ia with it we nave to meet and cope who our prevent problems. It has two vary great advantages. Our people ar used to it snd have had no experience with any other. Only the veterana ln business re member snything different Its greatest advantage la. however. Its absolute safety and soundness. Realise what this has meant In the last year or two and est- cialy in the lat few months. If there bad been li.e aiiglitl doubt or uncertainty In regard to any of our currency, our standard cf value or jut national nnanoee, toe squalls we have thus lar stood so well wouid have developed Into a cyclone that would have swept the whole country, leav ing ruin and dhtaster on every side. It Is a very good system which resists such strains, snd th re is great force la th argument tnat thia is not the tim for any very radical change If ws should now at tempt sny st all. What Is needed now is buitineas sense and good Judgment, not leg islation. We may need currency legislation as as have needed it for years, but it Is not to meet this situation, and there is no nee to delude oura lives with the hope that legislation will help us out of trouble due ta over-expanvion snd speculation. We need sil the reserve money we can get. bat legislation will not produce It. , We must wait (or the accumulation of gold, the enlv real reserve money, it wilt be no real help to make a further large increase In bank note circulation and no on wouid thlr.k of adding to the volume of the green backs. No leailaiion tan Chang fixed capital to productive capital. That la merely a quextlon of time, and Uier. is nothing to do but to wait lor It Meaey Market AaTeeta AIL There Is slso a tendency toward recrtmi natlun aad placir.g the blame for ptveent busineKS conditions on soms one eiae; tor or.e section of the country to biame an other; tur the west to say it is sll tn fault of the east sod Wall street- Some very foolii-n people say they are glad to see the sliecuUlora ioa bsca'.ie they loo a re to blame and the real ut the peo( will not be hurt. Tlior. can hardly be any more mistaken view than thia There Is no man. women or chi.d in the civilised world so poor, so remote or obscure as ant te be more or lees affected by the large move meets In tne nnancial camera vary re cently 1 have known personally of enter prises in the mountains of North Carolina, in California, in Hi wail, la Alaaka and la the Philippines wboss proposed oparations have been curtailed en eccouni el ti un certainty of the money market The result la tnat the amount of money to be spent for wages and supplies among people so widely keparaied in different pari ef the world has been reduced and the people who, if they have ever heard of awh mat ter, regard themselves as tar te yoc.d their reach and inilueuce, have been directly affeci&d la the amount of their wagns and Incomes and the price of their praauct. This IS no ums f" sny leelii. o dis cussion betweea different eartloiia ef th country. rLaars of people, or knes ef trail as to who la moat to blame or who caa stand it be-t Ws ara ail lace to face the aituatioa aaxl iuaiiy in'f fi,. It ia no tun tor paeaioa or excitement, or tear, but f'r qiuet calm conaidwatieni. courage snd firm sctaxi base en stud iuosnuatt aad conservatism. Considering laa tb Urvu-lutlaai Satd Nt a waia