Tnn -OMAHA DAILY HKr.: TUESDAY. OCTOnKtt 2ft. 11HW. L J 1 'J I .i. . 0. J..L LU 11 11-JLD-J SPECIAL NOTICES 44trtlwaititi Ir the will a take til IX us. ! th vratg dl;l aad until 9. a. Ur nwilit geuday 4lua. Mat, 1 1-X a tr rt leaertlea, l wrd thereafter. Batata ttkti -far fee thaur fa the ftret laser, leau Thee a 4 van ! ta asaat fca naV tiifatlTl. . Advertiser, by reauaeMasf a auaav fcered tkitk, eaa ba asawer ad dressed ta aiakfrM laitar is vara f Tfc Maw. newer a addr. will fca delivered srtntla ef tat kMk air. WASTED MALE IIBI.P. : FALL TERM - ' - - -pjw OncrV ' ' 1 DAT AND NIOHT. TL'DBNTS ADMITTED AT ANT TIME. : Boyles' College . ' ' N&Vt I una. Lira. jiiwiJ. BCflLNtJiJi, SHuRrHAiW, Ala-EWRlT- -" .. ' 1NO, fc.NUL.lgli. , Apply (or Catalogue. B 001 OOOD messengers want ad; first-class pay. A. L). T. Co.. m 8. Uth. It but WANTlflD, flret-eiae wood turner at ohce. Ooodwagea, Lincoln Bash, Door ft Mfg. , Co., Lincoln. Nab. , B Jus ..WANTED, for U. 8. army, abl-bodld. an- , married men, between age of 21 and la, cltleena of United Slates,, of good charac ter and tenipcrale habits, who can apeak, ,, read Mid wrlla English. For Information ;'. Tlily (o recruiting oiilcer. lath and Dodge ta.t Omaha, and Beatrice, Neb. B-M1S4 WANTED Two agent at once; good sal ary; city work. C. F. Aduraa Co., li Howard H- B Mo WANTED", a newspaper ormagesln ao - llcltnr to work the city on a new prop, osltiea. Call at Circulation Dept. Omaha Bee.. Bi&Urt GENERAL agent who can and will secure , , biielneaa In Nebraska. Excellent Income. Writ home orftc. Flankers' Accident In surance Company. De Moines, la. .. . B704 19 YOUNCJ man to take course In Omaha Flor ence" sanitarium. Address W. I.. Rosa, mi La k at.. Omaha. ' B-M.38 tin WANTED, men to learn barber trade. Ton , wages paid graduates Tools and pol- . nans given, t ew weeks completes. Hpe- nai arrangements for distant applicants. Call or wrte. Moler College, 12 Douglas WANTED, fmjnedlately, 106 first-class ma- , cmpjsts arri nio expert harness makers. -Apply' ly letter-to "Commanding' Officer. Rock Jsland Arsenal, Rock Island, m." : . ' .-.... : . v J m79 ft WANTED, three good grey Iron moulders, . ( accustome.u . to neayy caeiings; eteaav . work; "rlo rrouhls.", Answer quickly to , John Sortlon Foundry Co., Atchison. Run. M W988 22 BOTrf ANb tlfRI Wanted' to sell rhoto . buttons, medaltona and Jwelry fine, boll- tJay glftj; no cupltal needed. A. Jghnaoti a voi iwt w ivqrtn ave unicmjo. 111. WAITED ALKMICM WANTED (.J alcemen. on for road and cna lor city. AOdreaa 'B i. Bee. ... ... 87319 CAN fUmlah permanent employment to V educated Christian man of Kood address aa aaieattiao. Addresa a 61, Uea nee. ' ' - - -M960 WANTED FKMALB HELP. 100 airl. CU Canadian offlca, istb podg - C-u TOCNQ girl to aaslst la housework; no - i . . , . " ( C Jtl WANTED, flrst-claaa ladlea' tailor. Mas Morrla, Itot Karnam. , C MUM ' WANTED, girl for general' houee work" I la family. Mrs, jBliaeral. 171 N. 28th ava. r - 1 C M4J4T WANTED Middle aged woman ta take rharge of boardjng-houa on ranch tit Wbeelar county; good wages and every thing furnished. Apply to A. T. Land and . ; Live Block company, Spalding, Neh. ,J-M7tOt2 WANTED, one flrst-claaa ahlrt waist , maker, .608 &. Sfl.tJijlt,. . C Vi 13 WANTED, a cook at The UllUlde. log N. 18thi C 775 13x WANTED Ladles to learn hair dressing, manicuring or facial treatment; practical ronrse by free clinic that sivea years' , -eall or write.. Moler College, 130) noulaa ft., Omaha. C M2U2 3x WANTED, a good plain cook. Mrs. E. A. Cudabv, 17th and Dewey Ave. C-M907 12 WANTKD, a jfood dressmaker to locate In WalnU Iowa. Address GrlffltK Han- aon; Walnut, Iowa. , C MU3C 20x,-- WANTED fy wing women In cloak depart njent... H'den Bros. C 88J 1 aADlE8,.$30jer hundred WTltrng ahort let ,ferji: np jlejirifiti io canvaaslo;: stamped en Viepe,; particulars. Ladlea' Snpplv Co, yTept.1). IndlaaapoHa. Jna. ' I C M4 fx "C .V'HKLp' WAlliTEB.' WANTKU, a gdod newspaper solicitor to Work R,. P. p. OH new proboxtgon: good money. - Call -at' 10 Tearf at.? Council muffs.- n. . ywn iOH' RkT UOtSKt. pUe, losaraafa. Ring-wait, Barker Rlk. . . , - . 1 14) HOUSES H! - D V6 TO MOVE right get Omaha Van Storage vv., uiu wx7 aa uniu, w A Via IiXy-4, FOR RENT, ten-room houee, modern, and - baru. in West Farnam district. Wm. K. foxier, nee. iso. jui brown bik. - - D M24 FOR RENT, s-room bouse. 2ba Woolworth Ave.. 1-0 per month 1 noaseaalon aiven Oe. , tober 17. -Apply to Mel L'hi. care Dally riewa omoa. vmmi v. I'AYNK-HOHTWICK t CO.. cnoiee houses. v 01-tiul Nw York Life itldg. 'Fbone lull 4 wjn WE MOVE pianos. Msggard Van at Stor age CO., Tel. J tan. vmce. 1, is wetster st. Jt)R RENT -room rotuge. t'd and Cali fornia sis., .:. Apiily at eur N. lPtti at. D-M74S MODERN 7-roora kbuae. near park. 1.V1 S. Mh. ' ' D-rj riVE-ROOM brick dwelling; modern e cepl? furnace. Apply at M 8. ISth st. J ' D 775 FOR HSST-rtHMSUKD ROOMS. O. M. E. hauls trunka. Telephone all E 14 iEWE Y European hotel. Uth and Farnum hV-H ROYAL HOTEL, European, ltith a Chicago ai NICELY furnished room. 1MB Capitol Ave. tiMaoi MICB.LY furnlshd rooms. Inquire Omaha sieam i-aunurv, usu venworth. -l'houa A 17 si . . EU AfiNA-HOOsiJ, Europe an. Uth bodaa ii ii PLEASANT fouth front room with private mo, ior one or two gentlemen. Ad . draa 8 K Be. , K M Ul NICELY rtirnUhed room in private family; . noti; new and modern. Stilt Jones fct. DKkThablE Jr6oni.T flrat-ella .Wwatlon. - i , awl sua SOUTH ALfV7 voni and smaller room; nwufrn. ao: tiaraey. fc, alsh7 itx FRONT room-with aieove; ttot water het . n, a fs h , c- . 1 F kA liKflHABLK RiMJMS at Th Farnam lh 4 FaxiiAiu a La. i run rekt tmriRjiisHKu rooms. TWO or three beautiful modern ronma. newiy papered: very Hgnt nouaeaeeping. for parties without children; board It de sired. UJb N. 17th. UM Ka LNFIRNISHED or furnished; throo rooms, basement; modern eacent furnace; ca-ner flat; available; smujl family. lu No lth. O Ml tOa rlRNITlRB PACKIHO. I'terson Luodberg, 1U S. 13th. Tel. L.11 M all FOR REST ITU UK S ARC OFVlCEt. Full RENT Building amtable for whole sale purposta at u amain, luxw, tour - sioriea ana nrse-ciaas cemented basement, elevator, iir t.nd buigiar proof vault, of. lice counter and fijuuiea. For price i-ud . parUcUlara inqulte C C. Roaewater, aeo . relary the live ttuilding Co loum luu, ilea building. - 1 HM FOR RENT The building formerly occu pied py 'i lie ilea at i tarnarn at, . it naa four alOritw and a baaemeiil, which formerly uaed by The bee press room, 'inls will be rented very reaauuably. If Interested apply at office of C C Rom water, avcretury, room luO bee building. l-BTORT nnd basement, Z2alC0; 1(X Farnam at. Inquire 314 First. at 1 bank bllf. I I-H1U FURNISHED private office with us at reception room, telephone and steno grapher, 401 War Block. I-MIM3 FOR RENT, three uppef stories In four story building at Id Farnam St.; two stories If preferred. Address C. C. Rose water, Bee y., Room loo, bee bids. 1 MWG AOKRTI WANTED. WANTED Canvassing agents Tn very county to solicit aubscripllons to THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER. Steady employment with assured good In come. Agents In the country, wltu horse and buggy especially desired. Canvassers make easily oo to tluo per month. Ad dress Century Farmer Sdlicilurs' bureau, be building, Omaha. J ill roa sale rvnaiTiRB. CULL Una of hard ooal stoves now an sale. Chicago Furniture CO., lilt) Dodge St. O 243 FOR SALE, (-ft. standing desk. Sp Brown block , . . t-,M44s FOR SALE Furniture must be sold this - week, few of the choicest pieces left. In' parlor, leather, library and oak dining room furniture, brass beds, box springs, hair mattresses, oak and mahogany culf . fonlers, dressers, UxU ruga, small rugs, " pictures, mahogany bookcases, mirrors, 'leather couch, easy chairs, elegant par lor suit, 6 pieces, center tables, oil pamt , ings, music cabinet, pedestals, lace cur , talus, bric-a-brac, also fin upright. piano, all rWls will sell, cheap separately. 12t : Nona -jtih Ave, . . . O Mto rOK SALE HORSES WAOOII, ETC, MONKOK sella- pleasure vehicles at U N. tath s)(. UAKRi FROBT'a Carriage and Wagon . works la on corner-of lull and Leaven- worun. , ... FOR SALE Two-seat, extension, top car riage, In good condition; ruobar tirea. Milton Rogers & Sous Co., 14th and Far nam at a. P Min ELEGANT Rocka.way for, aalo at great ..bargain. Address S 47, lie. . F MaiT 14 FOR SALE MlSCELLAKBOtS. TELEPHONE) POLES; long fir timber; . clUckeu fence; oak piling, tail Uougias. FOR SALE, secondhand locomobile, la first-clasj shape, at one-half arise. Call . rf addreaa. liMl Farnam 8L Q iX IRON Sc wire fences, tree guards. irelUsea. western Aiicnoi jienca CO., cut jn. litn ale CATALOGUE cut drug prices free. Sher man at Mcconneii urug- to,, Omaha. DLAN goods and relics. U18 F am ana FOR SALE Several scholarablps In ft flrst- ciaaa atanaara scnooi in Jmant, compris ing complete course In business, short hand and typewriting. Inquire at Boo offlca. Q 4V1 NEW and idhand typewriters. Uj rarnatn. FOR 8ALs-Co-M business. Capital required. f.vuv.vt a i, jol . 1 j ajg IDHAND safe cheap. Derlght, lll Farnam. . , . 4 a DOORS, windows, lath tx4a, cherry man- .-, .u.n.ft,. urumuiio elevator, stairs, rails, balusters, gaa fixtures, mar ble tile, kindling. Barker hotel. Omaha. Q M73 a FOR SALE A number one quartered oak mesa, witn cnaira-10 match; also ruxs and maps. Object for selling, leaving: buslnasa Room S.a, New York Life Bldg. Q-754 $900 STOCK of new Columbia records and macmnea at a sacrince. Address s 44, -M769 a FOR.' BALE Fine upright piano, parlor . auiv, ujiiina ana oca room lumiture: win -ell very cheap separately if taken this weea.. rss iNoren win Ave. vj-i-jd!)4 Ci CLAIRVOYANTS. MRS. -CARRIE SMITH, SOVEREIGN LADY QUEEN- of clairvoyant; every thing told, paat. present and future. Sat isfaction of no pay. HOT N. lfcih. 8 (US OYI.MER, palmist. 715 N. 23d; 'phone B .12461 ELECTRICAL TREATMENT. MME. SMITH, baths. Ill N. 16. Id floor, r. 1 - . . T M4U Nik PERSOaAL. PRIVATE Sanitarium for ladles befors and during connnement. Dr. and lira Uartaoa, luia CaJlforuia sb Term reasonable. u-ws PRIVATE hospital during confinement; babies adopted. Mrs. Gardals, 234 Lata let. nea-use. j BOSTON Umbrella Mfg.. W 8. 1. Tel. 1H7. Umbreilaa, parasol re-covered, repaired ' or made. U 4l PRIVATE hospital before and during con ftnemeht; best medical car and nuralng. Mra. L, FUhar, Uul Vinton. TeL lKsg. v-m PRIVATE home during confinement; babies adopted. Tbs Good Samaritan Sanitarium, 1st Av.. Council Bluffs, la. , r U-1S MAGNETIC PILE KILLER. IT CURES. At druggists tl. U--33 U TUNING, piano or orrin repair fng. per field Piano Co., t Be bldg. U 471 lax WE RENT aewlng machines st 75c per week. 12 par month; w repair and sell parts for every machine manufactured; eecond-hand machines from 11 to 10. Neb. Cycle Co., lath and Harney. U K7 VIA VI"1 way to health; m Be building. 'Omaha. DR. PRIES treats sur-reasfully all dlaeases and Irregularltiea of women from any - cauae;- - experienced ind reliable. LAJ Dodge sc. Arlington block. Omaha. U-3 - MO.MtY TO LOAM REAL ESTATE- WANTED, city loans and warrants. ' W. Fariuun- Smith 4k Co., lii Farnam- 84. , ' ' -;-.. . w-eU PRIVATE money. Sherwood. 137 N. Y. Life. . W-44 WANTED, real estate I oar a and warranta. H C. Meters A Co., Be bljg. ' W Ha' FIVE PER CENT loans. Garvin Bros . 1H .Farnam, W 44 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead. 1 JS Doyf'aa W-47 4 TO P. C. money, Bemla, Paxton block. li'MI to loan for nullaing purpose, il. Thomas. First Nat l Lank Il ia W. . w isrt on FA KM and city loana. low rate. W. H. Vbotnaa, Fir at Nat i bank LiJ. TeL 14. w vi Jos A Billings said: MO.EY TO LOAM CHATTELS. C'ACV TO GET. C AO I TO PAY Beat explains our. methods. ' We loan on f rnlture. pianos. Warehouse ret el p is, etc. Or If you have a permanent position we can make you a SALARY LOAN without security, except your own agree ment to. repay. Our, rvk?e is quick and confidential and w always try to pleas. All that ws adk la that you give Us a eall before you borrow elsewhere. OMAHA MOHTUAOK LOAN CO., 11 Board of Trade bldg. Tel. 22. ' Established l-. JM 8. lath St. . ... , ' . X-M f t.tftltttt f SALARY LOANS FURNITURE LOANS Reliable Credit Co, ; Rooms 307-308, Fax ton Block. X 861 f Itlft ttlt f MONEY LOANED ON FURNITURE. PIANOS, LIVE STOCK, SALARIES. ETC. Low rate and easy term a. business Confidential. Try us If you want to save money. I PHOENIX CREDIT CO.. (33 Paxton block. 14th and Farnam Pta X-C41 ' LARGEST BUSINESS IN LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLEt merchanta, team sters, boarding houses, etc., without se curity; easiest terms; 40 offices in prin cipal cities. Tolman, 440 Board of Trad Bldg. X-fU MONEY loaned on plnln not to salaried people; business confidential; Inwe-t rate. 114 Paxton block. The J. A. Hutton Co. X S64 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture. Jew elry, horses, cows etc. - C. F. Reed, iilS S. 13, X 10 ; CHATTEL, salary and Jewelry loans. Foley ijoan o., k s, naraer niocx. .x Zii BtSIJlESS chahCes. FOR SALE, good grocery and butcher's fixf lures, lhclduing ice box. Inquire Z7i3 Fare nam. - ,Y 6! FOR SALE, an old established liquor bust : ness (barrel bouse); goojl trade, old loca tion. Owner baa dlher Interests. Addreaa P ZS, be. Y-Ua M WHEN you want to buy, sell or exchang uny property or business quick, ace J H. Johnson, 843 N. Y. Life. , " Y-i4 ALUMINUM The metal of the future; a new process for Its production dlacovered by which the company now forming will control the markets or the world; we are offering a small allotment of stock at publlq subscription; send for prospectus and particulars; the opportunity of a life 'time. I. Mayer at Son. 437 Mormod-Jao- ' card bMg., St. Louia, Mo. Y M769 Zix FOR SALE Weekly paper, established In lfwey northeast 'Nebraska; must be sold; owner' wishes to go west. Address S 4u, Be. Y-M764 20X SLATE, any thickness, kny else-, smoothed and cut In a. thousand shapes for a a thousand purposes. Large and small specialties. Roofing slate all sixes. Ea- ' tfmates cheerfully given. J. 'N. HOW ELL, Pen rgyl. Pa. , - Y MS34 S0x FOR SALE, three elevators on B. St M , In Address 8 li. Be. h Y-'M672 Z3s t,000 SHARES of gilt-edit mining stock for sate; great uargain; must veil. Jimrwi B 4Lcae Pee. T MW7 x FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. RANCH and farm tanas for sals by the Union Pacific Railroad company. B. A. McAUealer. land commissioner. - Union - Pacific Headquarters, Omaha, Neb. , " Williamson Co., ar3kgri! RE Wl FKEE HOMESTEADS. Tour laat chance In Minnesota to secure a beautjful. home FREE- The 10th of November the gowerument will, opon 750.000 acres of fine farming lands at Casa Lake, Mlnri. Send. II. 00 to Fred Clark, Caas I.ake. Minn., for full Information about these valuable claims. Don't wait until It is too late. RE M447 lux TIMBER! "'TIMBER! THE best ' inveatment Large or small tracts Reference urnlsheU. . Writ your wants. . ' SIMONS REASONEJR. Ashland. Ore. RE-M43& N7x FOR SALE Or rent, on, bet Dodge ana uavenport sis., s-room new nouse, strictly modern. See owner Mr. Soren son, 1206 Lincoln blvd. RE MM1 24x HOUSES and lots In air parts of city; also acre property ana farm lands. I n o. F. Davis Co., Jloom MS, Be bldg. RE 860 FOR SALE, modern house of T rooms. In quire . 613 8. mm, RE M666 ALL about North Dakota and where to buy gooa.ianas rneap; aescnptive aoiaer ana list sent free; - reliable representatives wanted. Whitney Wheelock, IS Broad , way.. Fargo, N. t. RE 881 FOR SALE OR TRADE FOR SMALLER yKOFEKTI-S-room modern house and splendid bam; lot 42x108. Apply owner, ?14 N. Wth st, Rl--M7?4 Ml ACCORDION PLEATING. GOLDMAN. 200 Douglas block. ACCORDION pleating. cheapest. best quickest. Mra A. C Mark. 17th and Doug ft 1 i ATTORNEYS. J. M. MACFARLAND. CI N. T. L Bldg. c a BALE TIES. OMAHA Hay bale Tl Co, HI North Uth. Dm CHIROPODISTS. DR. ROY, rooms 2-1 ISOS Farnam st . 14 CARPENTERS AND JOINERS. ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing prniupi:T incpura 10. 4. 1. ijcaiitr. loth na 11 ke 8ts. 1 DANCIXQ ACADEMY. MORAND'S. lth and Harney; clasaes now forming for children; Wed., 4 15 p. m.; Sat., m a. m and 1 p. m. Adults. Tuea. and FrL. 1 p. m. Asaembhea Wed., I p. to. Clasaea always epea to beglnnera Private lessons dally. For terms and particulars call or Tel. 1041. 410 Nt DRESSMAKING. KEISTER'S Ladles' Tailoring College, 1TV Cuming SL" Writ Tor booklet tS IN FAMILIES. Miss Sturdy.' 134 N. Fh. " . . M44 Nsx L . - 1 .1 I1 l-.X-au I '3 DRESS C'VTTISO 8CUOOL. , ' STANDARD GARMENT CUTTING COI LEGE moved from Paxton blk. to .31 Farnam 4t - fur better acx-ommodatluna. ' Extra clafaa taiugbt from.T ( 9 p.. aa. . . ' r M 95" KXrtfRT ACCOUNTANT. L R. RATHBUN. mora 1ST Coral Natl bank. Private laaaoua in bookkyntg. eta. FIR DHKSS1KG. J. E, WALLACE. Taxidermist, u 8. 13i h. Jul - - If -you "want -to be noticed you must get in front of folks and worry 'em some." DETECTIVES. CAPT. T. CORMACK. B17 Karbacb Hock. Tel.- A2M33. -5. BEBOl'T Detective agency, 7 N. Y. lafe. Tel Jtf.V ; NIH FOR RENT FARMS. A LARUE and -well Improved farm In Stanton county for rent; Mo acres with llv.vuu worth of Improvements. R C. PETERS at CO., Ground Floor bee Building. -M707 FLORISTS. HESS 8WOBODA, 1414 ramam. 4WS L. HENDERSON, florist, 151 Farnam St. ?7 GARBAGE, ANTI-MONOPOLT GARBAGE CO., Cleans cesspools and vaults, remove garbage and dead. animals at reduced prices, ail N. 16th Tel. 177. 2S GOLD AND SILVER PLAT1KG. OMAHA PLAT1NU CO., Be Bids. Tel. tS3a. 1 , LAW AKD COLLECTIOHS. 8T1LLMAN PR1CB, 410 1st Nat, Bk. bldg. . -; NEW SNOW-CHURCH CO., 1st floor N. Y. Life bldg., attorneys and rollectors every wnere. J. M. MACFARLAND, 111 N. Y. L, Bldg. ftJCl -i LOCKSMITH. C. R. HEFL1N, 309 N. 16th 8U TeL 3874. at 1. LAW1 MOWERS. SHARPENED. P. Melcholr, 13th At Howard. . j LOST. LOST, between' Omdha. and Millard. Neb., DeOl. 1A, 1MHU 1.HB, . T. A., from Grandma.'. Under plase notify Thos. W.- T. Armstrong. 2a-'4 8. ith St., Omaha. -" Lost MUM 22x MEDICAL. LIQUOR HABIT cured In three days. Pay when cured, rxo nypoaermics. vvriie lor circulars, Uatliir lnatitut. iA B. 14th. .... . -. LADIES1 ' Chichester's English Pennyroyal Pills ar tne Deal, eate, renaui. nil no 'other. Send 4c, starnpa, for partlculara. "Relief for Ladies," in letter by return ' mail. Aak- your druggist:" ' Chichestet ; Chemical cd., Philadelphia. Pa. - MIS1CAL. THOS. J. KELLY, voice. Davldg Block. 3U E. D. KECK. Vole Teacher. Darlda bldg. ' JAW nVflA LETOVBKY'S ORCHESTRA. TeL L-2S84. EERKOWBKY. violin. R. 10. WlthneU blk. M eJl N " OSTEbPATHY. Johnson InUtute,4:N. Y. Ufe Bldg. T. 19M Th Hunt Inflrtnarr. McCagu Bldg. T. X33. .... mi . , :,,'l , Atsen Farwell. Psxtoa Blk., S04-7. T. 13Si DR. GRACE DEKOAN, 131 N. T. Life. TeL vm. PATEXTB. H. 3. COWOILL No fe unless sucoessful. SIS 8. 16th 8U, Omaha. Tel. 1798. 881 PATENTS Sues & Co., Omaha. Neb. II lustrated patent book free. Tel. 1623. M-70 N18X PAWNBROKERS. EAGLE Loan Office. Reliable, accommodat ing; all business confidential. 1301 Douglaa SHOHTHARD AND TYPEWRITING. , A. C VAN 8 ANT'S school. 717 N. Y. Ufa .NEB. Basin at Shorthand ColUg. Boyd's Theater. ass SAhITORIlM.i OMAHA Florence Sanltorium. 'Phone Red 2U4; 1 blk. w. of car Une. City 'phone, ll- 1 M-4U0 2 STAMMERING ASP STUTTERING,; CURED. Julia Vaughn, 430 Ramge Bldg. STORAGE. OH. Van Stor. Co., ISUis Fkrn. Tela. 1G&9-0S. ' -S3 TICKET BROKERS. CUT RATH railroad tickets everybody. P.. H. Philbin. 106 Farnaxn, 'Fhoo 7,4- . a IPHOLSTERINQ. GATE CITY. 170S St Mary's ave. TeL B307&. ' 38 When You Write to Advertisers remember It only take an extra stroke or two of the pen to mention the fact that you saw the ad In The bee. POSTOFFICE NOTICE. (Should b read DAILY by all Interested, as changes may occur at any time.) Foreign mails fur th week ending' Octo ber 17, I'juS, will doe (PROMPTLY In all raaes) at the General Fostofiic aa follows: PAKC'ELS-POST MAILS closa on hour earlier than closing time shown below. Parcels-Post Mails fur Germany close at t p, ta. Monday. Regular and supplementary malls close at Foreign Station half hour later than closing time shown below (except that Sup plementary Malta fur Europ and Central America, via Colon, close one hour later at Foreign Station.) Tranaatlaatl Malla. TUESDAY At 1:30 a. m. for ITALY direct, . per s. a Cltta dl Napoli (mall must be directed "per s. s. Cilta dl Napoli"); at 11:30 a. m. (suplementary 1 p. m.) for EC HOPE, per s. s. Kaiser W llhelia ll, via Plymouth, Cherbourg and Bremen. WEDNESDAY At 2 10 a. m. for IRELAND . and letter mail for Liverpool, per s. s. Oceanic, via gueenstown (mail tor other . parts of Europe must be directed "per s. a Oceanic"); at 4.30 a. m. for EUROPE, rr s. -s. St. Louis, via Southampton; at . 30 m. for NETHERLANDS direct. , per a. a. Btaateadam mall muat .b directed "per . s. JSuiaUiidam" ). THURSDAY At (:tu a. m. for EUROPE, per s. s. A sgusta - Victoria, via Ply mouth, Cherbourg, and Hamburg (mail for France muat b directed "per a. a Augusta Victoria": at 7 a. m. for .FRANCE, SWITZERLAND. ITALY. SPAIN. PORTUGAL. TURKEY. EGYPT. GREECE. URI'I IijJt )ND1A and LOR ENZO MARuUEZ, per s. s. La bretague, -via Havre (mall for' other parts of . Europe must b directed "per S. a. La Hretaaus ") SATURDAY At : a. m for EUROPE per a. a. 1 muna. via- jueenstown; at 1 a. m. for- BELGIUM direct per a a. mail mint be directed "per a s. Kroonland "); at 1:30 a. ni. fx- ITALY Oirect. per a a. Prlnca lieu (mail b dir.ted "per a Pritireas Irene ); at .v a. w. (or BCuTLAND direct, per Did h wuftin "aivtrtitr POSTOFFIt H -KOTIC'K. 1 s. s. 'FurneaislA (man murt b dtrectert "per s s. Furriewila'T ; -at 11 s. m: f'r IENMAHK direct,, per. s. .. Norge (mal must be directed ,"uer s. s. Norgo'U.- PRINTED MATXElV, I7TC This steamer take Printed Matter,' Commercial Papers and Samples for Germaity only. The sum a claas of mail matter for other Tarts of Europe will not be sent bv this ship unless specially directed by her. After the closing of lie Sprnlementary Transatlantic Malla nxmed above. . addi tional Supplementary Mails are opened on the piera of the American, English, French and German steamers and remain open until within Ten Minutes of th hour of sailing of steamer. Malls for Sooth and Central Amerlea, West ladles, TUESDAY At :30 s. m. for NEWFOUND LAND, per s. s. Silvia; at 9:30 a. m. (sup plementary I0:S0 a. m.) for CENTRAL AMERICA (except Costa Rica) and SOUTH PACIFIC. PORTS, per . s. . Yucatan, via Colon (mall for Guatemala must be, directed "per s. s. .Yucatan"); at 11 m. for NORTHERN BRAZJLe per s. a. Gregory, via Para and Manaos: at 12 m. for SANTIAGO, pet" s.- s. Upland (mall must be" directed "per a. s. Onland"): at I p. m. for PORTO RICO (ordinary mall only), per 8. a Pathfinder, via Mayagues. WEDNESDAY At 10 a. m. for HAITI, per s. s. Prlns Mam-its' (mail fur Cape Haiti, Port de I'alx, Curacao, Venesueln, Trinidad. British and Dutch Guiana must be directed "per s. s.- Prlns Maurits"); at 12 m. (supplementary 12:10 p. m.) for BAHAMAS, per s. s. Antllia (mall must be directed "per s. s. Antilla''); St 12:M p. m., (supplementary 1 p. nv) for TUBKS 18LAND and DOMINICAN REPUBLIC, per 8 s. Cherokee; at 12:30 p. m. (sup- Slemetitary 1.30 p. m ) for ST: THOMAS, T CROIX. LEEWARD and WIND WARD ISLANDS. BRITISH, DUTCH and FRENCH GUIANA, per s. s. Korona. THURSDAY At 1 a. m. for CUBA, per s. s. Esperania .mail for Mexico via Pro greso, Campeche and Vera Crux must be directed "per s. s. Esperansa"); at 12 m. (supplementary 12:30 p. m.) for BAHA MAS, per s. s Saratoga .(mall for Mexico via Tampico, must be directed r" s. s, Saratoga'); at i p. m. for NEWFOUND LAND, per S. s. Siberian, from Philadel phia. SAsSURDAY At 8 a. m. for BERMUDA, per s. s. Pretoria; at 8:30 a. ,m. "(supple mentary 9:30 a, .m,) for : CURACAO - and VENEZUELA, per s. s Zulia (malj for- .Ba vanilla and Cartagena., must be directed "per s.,8. Zulla"); at 9 a. m. for PORTO ..RICO,, per a a. C.oamo. via San Juan;, at 9:30 a. m. (supplementary 10:30 a. m.) 'for M1HTI7VTE Ifti.ANn JAMAICA-.. SAVA- NILLA. CARTAGENA and GREYTlJWN, per s. s. Alleghany (mall for Costa Rio . must be directed "per s. s. A,llt"gfiany")5 ' at 10 a. m. for CUBA, fcer s. s. Mexico via Havana; at 10:30 a. ni. (supplemen tary 11:30 a. m.) for TNAQUA and HAITI, per s. s. Bolivia. . ;. .7. '.'.' ;.r - Malla Forwarded Overland,'. Etc., E eept TrauspaeiSe; CUBA Via Florida. ' closes at thls'offlc daily, except Thursday, at 1:30' a. m. (the connecting malls - close hero on Wednesdays and Saturdays .via Ta.npa, and on Mondays via Miami). . ; MEXICO CITY-Overland, unless spetilally aqJressed for dispatch by steamer, closes at this offlca dally, except Sunday, at 1:30 p. m. and 11:30 p. m. Sundays at p. m. and 11:30 p. m. NEWFOUNDLAND By rail to North Sld- . ney, and thence by steamer, closes at this . office dally at 6:30 p. m. (connecting malls ciose nere every Monday, weanesaay ana Saturday.) JAMAICA-l-By rail to Boston, and "thence by' steamer, closes at this office at 6:30 p. tn. every Tuesday. ' ; ' MlQUELON Bv rail to Boston, and thrtie by steamer, closes at this office daily rat :so p. m. BELIZE. PUERTO CORTEZ and OUATE . MALA By rail to New Orleans, and ' thence by steamer, closes at 1 this office dally, except Sunday, at U :W P. Tn.' and 111:30 p. m. ; Sundaya at II p. m. and U:ft0 p. m. (connecting maiL. closes here Mondaya at 11:30 p. m,) ...?..., . COSTA RICA By rail to New Orleans, and thence by steamer, closes at .this office daily, except Sunday, at 1:30 'p, m, and 111:30 p. m.; Sundays, at 41 p. m. and 11:30 p. m. (connecting maiA close here , 1 ueaaays at ill :u p. m.) . REGISTERED MAIL closes at p. tn. previous day. , . ' TraaapaelSe Mails. ' TAHITI and MARQUESAS ISLANDS, via San Francisco, close here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to ucioner ji, inclusive, lor aesDatch Der s. s. Marions. NEW ZEALAND, AUSTRALIA (except West), NEW CALEDONIA, FIJI, SA. MOA and HAWAII via San Francisco, clone here dally at 8:30 p. m. up to Octo ber 24th, Inclusive, for despatch per . s. Sierra. (If the Cunard steamer carrying the Britsh mail for New Zealand does not arrive in time to connect with this des- ratch, extra malls closing at 6:ft a. m., :30 a. m. and e:30 p. m.; 8undays at 4:30 a. m., 9 a. m. and 6:30 p. m will be made up and forwarded until the, arrival Cunard steamer.) ' .' ' ' ' HAWAII. JAPAN. CHINA j and aneclslU-' -. addreased mall, for the PHILIPBIN.E lot ik'na i.i. Ba. .. , . z.. . 1 ' . -r ..a 1, , 1 1 an jnu.i, LIUBP 11 t dally at 6 JO p. m. up to October (28. In clusive, for despatch per s. a. 'Conflc. . PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, via Ban Fran cisco, close- her daily at 6:30 p. ra. up to October 2T ' Inclusive, for ideapatch per V. 8. transport. .' CHINA AND JAPAN, via Vancouver and Victoria. B. C, close her daily at 6:20 n . ' m. up to October 27, incJuslve,. for oespatcn per a. a. ctnpreaa or Japan. (Merchandise for IT. S. postal agency at Shanghai cannot be forwarded via Can- CHiVa" and JAPAN, via Sea'tW. claee" her dally at 30 p. ni. up to October f. in cliiHlve, for despatch per s.. s. Tosa Marti. HAWAII, via San Francisco, iose here daily at 8:30 p. m. up to November 12. In clusive, for despatch per s. a. Alameda. ' AUSTRALIA (except West). FIJI 1ST- ANDS and NEW CALEDONIA, ila Van couver and Victoria, B. C, close her aany at :ju p. m. up to isovemher 7, In clusive, for despatch per. s. s. Aorangl. NOTE Unless otherwise addressed . Welt Australia is forwarded via Europe; and New Zealand and Philippine Is(ands via onn r rancist-o me quicaest routes, Phal lpplnea specially addressed "via Canada" or "via Europe'' must be fully nrer,l,1 the foreian rates. Hawaii Is forwarded via nan t rancisco excnisiveiy. Transitaclflc mails are forwarded to. ( of sailing dally and the schedule of riorum is arranarea on tne presumption of their unlnterruDted overlnnrt IRegistered mall closes at . p. m. - pre vious day. . COR NET. ITS VAN COTT. Postmaster Postofflce. New York, N. V., October IS, 19(4. GOVERNMENT NOTICES. CHIEF QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE. Omaha, Neb., October 16, lstoa. Sealed pro posals, In triplicate, will be received here and by quartermasters at the poets named a.wv.,.1, iv a. in., central tune, r. o vember la, ltait, for furnishing Oats, Bran, Hay, Straw and Corn, during reinainrier of ftVcal year ending June ). 1904. at Forts v-rooK, jsioorara and Robinaon, Neb., Omaha Q. M. Depot, Neb., Jefferson Bar recks. Mo.. Foru Leavenworth and Riley, Kansas, Logan H. Roots, Ark., Keno and Sill, Okla. I'roDoaals for delivery at other points will b entertained. !.- if. reserve rignt to reject or accept any or ant pro posals, or any part thereof. Information furnished on application here, or to quar termasters at stations named. Envelopes conlainii.g proposals should . be marked "Proposals tor Forage," and addressed to undersigned or to quartermasters at posts above named. WILLIAM E. HOKTON Acting Chief Quartermaster, O17-19-20-21-N1M4M OFFICE CONSTRUCTING -QUARTER-master, Sheridan, Wyo., Oct. 18, 1XX Sealed .proposals In Irlpllcate will, be re celv'ed here until 10' a. in , November 2U, lsoj, for cofistructiorf of "a 1? -lad brirk bos Pital at Font Ma ken ale, Wyo. , iWgrk. ah building shall commence jiot later Uum March 1, 18o4. Plui spei ltlcatlons, " iif structiona to Mddejs, proposal Jilank Jku4 other Information may be obtained: at of fices of depot quartermasters .at Otnah, St. Paul, Drover and Chios go and t this ui. ftj. n- ieeri ea me. jipt ui. accept or reject any or all or art r.uet thereof. Envelopes oontalning proposals should be endoteed. "ProiowiiS for Uios.- pltal. adjree4 Capt Thos. Hwolw, Q. M. Oi-2o-a-4j-Nls-TaM OFFICE CHIEF . OUARTEJUd ASTTiR- Omaha. Nell., Octo,cr 16. 1X1. Sealed proposals. In trlpllcf te. subject o , th usual oondltlona, will be received here o'litf' lu o dock a. m , central standard time, No vember lo. tor tne coiisiruution of a n w Unarterinaster's Storehouse at Nab. Full Information furnished on aouii- COVERTOtf KST NOTICRS. cation to this office, where plans and speci fications may be seen. Proposals to be msrked I'roposals for Quartermasters Storehouse " and addressed to WILLIAM E. HOKTON, Acting Chief Oiiartermsster. , Oi;-19-2tv;i-Nl3-14M p AILRQAD T1MH CARD. tKIOK -STATIONIOTH A5D-MARCY. Illinois .Central.: ... Chlcaro Express...".... Leave. Arrive, a t .10 pm 8:08 am bl0:8l pm aiO:SS am , l v. .S 7.26 am Chfcsuo. M inneniftolla A Sr. aul Limited a 7:60 pm Minneapolis A St Paul Express b T:S5 am Chicago T,ocal 10:15 am Chicago Express...1 Chlcaao Great Wasterai Rr, 102 Ft. Dodae Express, .a 2:4a pm 7 Ft. Dodse Express.. 101 Ft. Dodx Express.. all am b 9:10 pm a 6 21 ptn a 6:16 am Missouri Pact So. St., Louis Exnresa alfl 00 am K. C. A St. L. Ex al0:(0 Pm tklongn A Kort hvreatrra. "Th. 1 .Inft, Fast Chicago a 1:40 am Kts II . . . . ill! mn a 7.-V0 am a 8:3u am a 3:3V pm a 9. bo pm all 10 pin a 9:1! am a 9 60 am a 1.4o pm a 8:16 am a 2:40 pm b 9:60 am alfi 15 am am Loral Sioux City a 8:10 am uayngnt t. 1'aui a i w) am Daylight Chicago a 8 00 am iinmea cnichgo a K1& pm Local Carroll a 4:00 pm Fast Chicago a t.nO pin Fast Bl Paul a 1:10 pm Fast Mall Loos I bioux Clty....v...b 1:00 pm Norfolk A Bonesteel....a 7 :28 am Lincoln A Long Pine. ..b 7:26 a i am Chicago, Mock lalaad EAST Chicago Davllxht L t d. a 1 A 1'aelS. 56 am a I M am 00 am a 9:3S m 16 am a 6.35 pm 30 pm bll nO am 30 pin a 1:26 pm Chicago Daylight Local. a 7 cnicago Expresu bll Des Moines Express a 4 Chicago Fast Express.. a k WEST. Rocky Mountain L t d.. a 7 a 7:30 am a 758 am Lincoln. Colo. Bprinae. Denver, Pueblo and West at Texas. California and ' Oklahoma Flyer a I Wabash. :30 pm a 8:09 pm :15 pm all: 40 pm St Inils -Cannon Ball" Express a 6:66 pm St. Louis Local, Coun cil Bluffs a 9:15 am t alon PaeiSc.' i . Leave. 8:20 am alO:SO pm Arrlv a 9:60 pm a 1:26 pm a 6:30 pm a 7:90 am a 8:40 am a 1:40 am bl2 60 pm a 6:15 pm b 9:36 am Overland Limited a 8.40 am Th Fast Mail California Ex press... ...a 4:20 pm Pacific Express all:10 pm Eastern Express Th Atlantic Express.. Th Colorado Special... a 7:10 am Chicago Special L,mcoin, neatnee Stromsburg Express.. b 4:00 pm North Platte Local..,. ..a 1:00 am Grand Island Local b 8:90 pm Cklcaaro. Mllwanke A St. Pa I. ' Chicago lis'ftlght.'.,....,a 7:46 am all:16 pm Cblpagq r saf Express. .a :o pm a s:w pm Chicago ' Limited., ...... .a 8:06 pm a 7:60 am Des Moines' Express.... 1:46 ant' a ):40 pm Webster depot isth a whbster Cjt'lcas:,1 St. Paal, Mlaaapll A Omaha. "' Leave. Arrive'. TwinOlty Passenger.. .a 6:30 am. a 9:10 pni Sioux CMy Passenger.. a 2:00 pm all:S0 am Oakland Looal........b 6:46 pm b 8:46 am ' CMicago A Northwestern, Siehraaka :.. aad Wyomlnai Dlvlalon. , , D1..I, ' urn. n.., Lead, Hot Springs... .a 8:00 pm a 1:00 pm Wyoming, Casper - .nd Douglaa ' d 1:00 pm 1:00 pm Hastings. York, uavia Ciiv. noerior Oaneva. . Exeter and . Seward. ..b 3:00 pm , b 140 pm , Mlssoai f PaeiSc. Nebraska LocaL Via. Weeping; Water b 4:10 pm alfhSS am BCHLINQTON STATION 10TH A MASON Chicago, Burlington A talacy. - t ' ..- Lear - Arrlv. Chicago Special a 7:W am a lik pm Chicago Veatlbuled ex. .a 4:00 pm a 7.46 am Chicago Local a, ...a 9:18 am a) 1:00 pm cnioago camitea. Fast Mall.., ..a 1:06 nm a 7:46 Dm a 1:40 pm Kaaaaa City, St. Joseph A Caaacll Bluffs. Kansas City Day Ex.... a 9:15 am a IK pm nt. uouis r iyer a : pm aii:uo am Kansas City Night .Ex.. al9i46 pm a .S am Burllugtou A Missouri Rlvr. Wvmnr. ' Trt. t rlt.m .s ' - ' . Lincoln-' ....a 8:60 am bll:0S pm tfehruakn. Tlxurauas I u .iw a ? . m Denver Limited a 4:10 pm a 8:46 am Black Hills and Puget Sound Express all:10 pm a 1:10 pm Colorado Vestibuled Flyer a 1:10 pm Lincoln Fast Mail b 2:61 pm a 9:o8 am ton i. took ana piatts- mouth b 8:16 pm blO:S6 am ueuevue k 1-acinc jct..a 7:60 pm a Bellevu A Paclflo Jet. .a l:&0 am . riaiiv t. n.i a . n ,,-.ft. a tun. icr,i Daiurudy. iany xcpt JUOnuay, SEASONABLE FASHIORS 88l Plaited lUrt 22 to f 0 waist. Eleven Gored Skirt 4S:i Having slJe plaits laid in each gore at flounce depth and box plait in center back, perforated for dip in front. Plaited skirl of all sorts are to be noted among, th smartest design of th saaaon. This on Is mad of moleskin cloth with, trimming of French knot braid and handsome applique ornaments, but the design is sultsd to all reasonable fabric, The many gore allow of snug fit over th hips with generous flare below the knees. which Is Intensified by the wide plaits that ar laid, at th edge of the gore and ex tend to flounce depth. Th narrow front gore and th box plait at th back'both are feature worthy of special note. Fancy braid of all sorts Is available a trimming or slmpl tailor stitching with sllk can be substituted if a more sever garment Is desired. . . Th skirt 1 cut in eleven gores, and the box plait which 1 arranged ever th center back seams. The front gore Is unbroken in length as Is the box plait, but at th slds seams are laid deep plaits' that extend to flounce depth and are turned toward the front. The quantity of material required, for th medium size is 9'4 yards 27 Inches wide, 6V yard 44 or 63 inches wld. .The pattern 4U.1 Is cut In sixes for a tl, 14, 26, 28 and 30-lnch waist measure. For th accommodation of Th- Be reader ines patterns, which usually retail at from p to 60, cents, will b furnlai,od at a nominal price. 10 cants, wblch covers all expense... lnbr(ler. to get a pattern enclose 19 cents, give number and nam of pattern- Very Near a Crlsae To allow constipation to poison your body, Dr. King's New' Life PlMs cur it and build up your health or no pay. 25c. For sal by Kuhn A Co, . . - Father Prefer Charges. Ray" Swansen. the- 16-year-old boy who -to.e X .fruin the pocket of Nick L-vrbato. tn Italian workman, last Saturday.. ws vipn.1, over to the dial rl, t xjurt on caru Malnt' charging incorrigibility, which Was -.referred by I. la father. He will not b let ut on bond and therefor th court re frained from fixing any. OIEEFFE STILL OS WARPATH Deoltm that Retttra Btt of Affair Exists is Court Hou. : ' -A if a..-' t CHARGES OF . OfflCIAL MISCONDUCT Dlvalarea AUeared Ml& Ceuaneetleu with Jtrldge. . Ca1raet and Furulshl. f Vault la th Balldlag. Commissioner O'RX-fTe ! rtllf on' th warpath and does riot, prorte ,lo be sup. pressed by Ms associate In th ibasemrnt of the--court "hmse. " ' ?'' "There has been a. rotten. State f f- flrs,", declares , the cxinmlssanrtr,-"tllt I feel In duty; bpuM o Ventllare. ; .1 am. -not talking through, mjf .hat,.6rT:trylh(t to mas. campaign capital, i for . I am noti a candidate this fall and majrnot be a year from now. If we cotlld only :ge an h'onest and thorough investigation, three would ha startling revelation for thro fctxpayerS of Douglas coUnty. . '" 'My personal .inqulrlea. mvrw -been, con fined to th bridge cdhtracls and th con tracts for furnishing the' vaults In th court house. In examining th Toucher on file In the -rounty auditor's offtc I find that 84S328 hv been drawn out'of the treasury for tubing - wn- th . Elkhorn bridge that did not exist' and caused th bridge to. sag. ..It would have collapsed If It had not been strengthened this summer. This tubing was contracted for at 126 per vertical foot, or just double the price which the same contractor received the year fol lowing for the same kthd or rk. And yet nothing has .been done up. to 'this time to recover from the contractor,'. wh now offers to remedy the" defect for 876. As a matter of faot. It. would taktf, from 82.M to 13.000 to carry out the prov4sloiis of th contract. . -. i ........ Cava Only, flueas Kateat. "The extent of the bridge ateal can only be gteased at by. making comparisons be tween the cost of th Waterloo brldg and th brldg near - Elkhoro City. Th , Water loo bridge was built tn th fall of 188. and winter of 1K9 and th Elkliofn brldg year and a half, later. In, 1900. Th Waterloq brldg Is ten. feet longer tlrnn th Elkhorn bridge, but It only oiat 34.600, ha against 113,G..i8 for th Elkhorn brldg. This, wag without' extras. They sifb qtichtly were f obir-elled Xo put ll .''I bnams at three timea tlkelc oidlnarv i-ost snd Wld a Nlr of 11.800 for them: The tUIMhg, which Va to 'b IM feet, wajs paid for at. th rat of $2S per vertical, foqt. '. ItSOC, which was an overdraft of 848126. an Ac count of . th shortage of tha .ttjpes. ; At tlorenc. near the water works, four .and one-half teet of stett tubing, -was put In at 829 per lineal foot, when It should Bay been less than IS per foot, t i ' . une thing I have forgotten to nntlon. and that la that Just as soon aa I' com menced i to pry Intd th brjdg contract th plan ah speclflcatlons ol th Elkhorn brldg mysteriously disappeared from! th court hous. - All this show the graft of th brldg company, but I Ila discovered a good deal ranker Job In th county vault work. -. . ' . Records Will Show. "Th records In th -clerk's- office sHow that vault fixture were contractsd by reso lution and referred to . the committee on court hous and Jail In 190S for the vault of the county clerk, arid the bde paid waa 84,788, .Ai ther' wag no money in th 'treas ury .they had to wait until July lw, 1908, when th levy, waa mad for thla year. - Aa soon as the levy was made , tb bill was filed and a warrant ' drawn and paid: on July 11. Thetrafm -was ndt fe'rerfei to any committee, but w--aiVroaded through "in my absence, to the Omaha Printing; com pany's red. '- ' '"(.' "I suspected that there .wis a big tUrkery In that woodpile and had drawings and saeclflcations mads of . the... vault and fix tures by J. R-.Dtetrick, and htd it sub til t ted for bids Lo. different manufacturers. . Th highest. bid was 82,663 and the lowest bld was made by' the Befgef 'Manufactur ing company of Canton, O., whd offered to duplicate the work complet for 92.250, which shows that there wss .t least from 12,800 to 82,500 more paid tWn w could hav had th work don for." . ., DRUGGISTS MIST BE CHARY. . They SeU All Kind of Hair Prcpara. tloaa, aad Fea 4e Dlacrlntluate-. Druggists' sell' iy kinds 'of b.ali' prepara tions, and as a rule they ar wisely chary of giving prefertnc' lo any particular one, but many of them hav com out plainly for fjewbro's Herj)Tc(ie. U) new treatment that ansolutely1tftVAthed.andr'ua germ.' H. Swannell 4 F6n,,Cbampajj.n, Ul. say; ';On pustomer of nlirs wbo (114 not bv av hair on top of his head when -he .began, to us Herplctde now has a faJr atAH ,toward a good head, of hair.' ..We believe Usrplcld to b ,by far th beat preparatld'n of (ta kind on th market,',' Iuudids pf .slnruUar. testi monials from everywhere'. Sold by, leading drugglats. Send lOo in- stamps -tot sampl to The Uerpifid, Co,. Detroit,, .MJih. Sher man A McConnell prag o..'MOt.. P R E P AR J N G . FO R GOOD ffi H IB IT Pepl la orthweetiNeyrak'v. Plau alag (or WtM-ld'a KU IMsplay front Ikst seclem. ' . . '-'t : - t. ' ' .Secretary li. f.t Shedd of the- Nebraska commission to the St. Louis exposition ha Just returned , from an 'extended tour through Cherry county and northwest Ne braska on private and general buMneaa. He said: . ', .; ."' . .. ". . "The people'' In that section vr taking a lively interest in th proper representation of their section of th Stat at tbs exposi tion. 1 could but notice that the stockmen, by persistent Industry, ar eitendlng th bay flat by extemilnatlng the .weeds and planting timothy, brome and alfalfa, and a a result these flat that used (o produc but two or three 'macks' of h'a' ar now producing from, fifteen to thirty, "Another interesting problem that la be ing solved up ther In the sandhill country is that of tree planting under, th. direct supervlson of the general government. Th trees that wer' set out a few years ago are thriving finely and th experiment la proving a success. A large ku ta of tree will be planted this fall P1 next, .prlng, and. as you know, the' .governir-..t, will jari tor them for an mdefinit per oJ. An other thing noticed WiU .thu '. fence are , coming down- rapidly. The - enttlonten hav come to the coik los(on that ) fence have got to come dona and tliqy pav rec onciled themselves to lias Inevitable." . ' Mortality Statistic.. ( . The following births and des Ilia, have been reported to the Board 4f Heal tin- , .. Births Charles T- Biuwn. 1 South Eighteenth, boy: Bert Brown, 624 urh.lx teenth, glcl; .Wlillajn- ia.rnsileu-r, lioa Sewardt girl. .-. -- ? -.- Deaths-rMrs. Jr.ette . C. .aiimlMill. f'.6 North Twenty-thfrd. 47; Tlioina-t Murray. Thirteenth and Frederick, 74;- .Aririur M. 5ie(ern, 16.4 (:.,; Olu e C Uanhar, t)0 North Seventeenth, 26: Frank A. Hultmau, Ci6 North Fourth avenue. 74. - v.'-'f .. - .... . s . . ,, r i - ' - It s Four nerve, ' Dr. Miles' Nerrtor will strengthen teiri sa4 trt rweet sleep anil health. ' temf Is ilaiif eroua. AU druigtsts' sAl and ' guaraaba. Bnd postal for book on nervous d'aaa. IVA, MJX8' MEDICAL CO., BkbAft, D I V-