Defense of the Mohammedan Uy An European Traveler Who Has Spent Years in Mohammedan Countries La..i. - J. ,,,-,.. Jm.... - - - .. , .i. , ,A. -Lii:,m2-tol"''i,lte--" KTTBIAN MOHAMMEDANS BY THR NILS. (Copyright, 1903, by T. C. McClure.) El in Macedonia! Turks kill 50,000 I r'VirlKtffinn' finAahul Bvtrvl And the newsboy sped down the street, selling his papers like hot cakes to people eager to read about th latest atrocities of the "unspeakable. Turk." An educated Mohammedan from Con stantinople, on a visit to America, bought ona of the papers and read the cable grams and editorial comments, smiling cynically the while. "Do you people really believe all this? he asked an American friend. "Do you really believe that we Mohammedans are such monsters of depravity, and that w take pleasure in wiping out Christians Just because they are Christians? Such a course is totally opposed to the spirit of Mohammedanism." "Then," asked the American, "how da you account for these massacres we hear so much about?" "Many of them never happen," was Ilia reply. "They are Invented by the Mncix donlan revolutionary committee, the Bul garlan authorities and other enemies of th Ottoman empire. Other 'massarres, aa your papers pall them, are really battle When the Macedonian rebels are beaten In a fight, the survivors call It a massacre." "And what about the Armenian affair? Surely the same remarks can't apply; there." "The Armenians and the Kurds," said the Mohammedan apoloRist, "have always been at deadly feud. For centuries Ar menians have slain Kurds, and Kurds Ar menians. It Is not a matter of religion at all; it Is a matter of race, of politics, of commerce there are a thousand points of difference. The Armenians have become a race of cowardly hucksters and usurers, while the Kurds have remained a race of warriors. The Kurds are paying back old cores, and the Armenians can no longer keep their end up." as you would say. That is all there Is to it. "Believe me, any slaughter of Christians In Turkish dominions, or In any other Mo hammedan country, arises from some other raw- than trie ffict ttiat they- am Chris tians. We. have no animosity toward Olirls tlaiut. They aro what the Prophot. called people of a bock' ('ahl kitab') that is to says followers of a revenled religion and kindly treatment of them la expressly com manded la the Kontn.. They- ara tolerated by via, and even ccrorished nnd assisted whim, they deaarveu It- Ixk' reason, at high of the poor. The Mohammedan peasant would probably offer the same rvamms for killing them that the Ituaaljiis offer for the Kishincff massacre and the persecution of the Jews. Others are plotters of the moat desperate, anarchistic type, who think nothing of blowing up a mosque full cf pecpic with dynamite, or of poisoning the stream opaa which a Muhammfilitn Jews nnd Christians of all serfs are per niltttil to live and practice their religion within his territory. And the better Jewa and Christiana they are tlio better he like them, he avers. The Mohumnv. dan asserts that he ex tends tolerance to tho practices and exac tions of any fulth, be It what It may. Ilia religion teaches him reverence not ouly A COPTIC SCHOOL TOLERATED BT THE MOHAMMEDANS. character and good works." "Then, If you are so tolerant," said the still skeptical American, "why all this trou ble?" "There are many reasons," said the Mo hammedan. "A great many of the Chris tians In Turkey and throughout the Levant are not by any means nice people. It you had them here I don't think you would like thorn. "Many are usurers who grind the faces village depends for water. "If they simply practiced the Christian religion, und were other wine peaceable, lavr Qblding, useful subjects nobody would trouble them. Hundreds of thousands of other Christians, who have those qualities, live under Turkish rule and have uo com plaint to iruike about it." ThL-i, In brief. Is the defense of tho Mo hammedan. He denies Btrenuouxly that he la intolerant, and points to the fact that for his own creed, but for ail revealed re ligions. If tho Solvation army went through the streets of a fanatical Moham medan illy, beating Its drums and flaunting Its banners, it would meet with nono of the Insults which it sometimes encounters In the slums of western cities. As toon as the Mubammf dani under -toed that this curloua and novel demonstration was ordansd by the religious belief of the actors, they would treat It not tnetely with polite tol- THH RAW MATERIAL OF A MOHAMMEDAN ARMT.