TIIE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, OCTOllEtt IP, 190X - Aaolhes Opportaalty Heaieeeekere to llinr-rrk, Tti FY1sro System main ennounees thst It will nil tickets from St. I-onln and Kansas City to point In Oklahoma, In dlan Territory, Kansas and Texas, at the very low raunA-trlp rste of IIS 09, Opportunity for homes In tha Fouthwest ara atlll plentiful, and tha beat lands are by no meatia all taken up. Excursion tick eta sold at thla extremely low rata will be good on any of tha Frisco regular tralna leaving Bt Louis at 2:30 p.m., I 15 p.m and 10:00 pm. October 20. and leaving Kanaaa City Mi p.m.. and 11:30 p.m., on tha same data. If you are looking to the Southwest for a future home, this excur sion of October toth Is an excellent op portunity to Investigate tha country. Your own home ticket agent will be able to give you full Information as to rates and limits af tickets. Write for our Interesting booklet en titled, "New Lnds Along the Frisco Sys tem," by Bryan Snyder, and for de tailed information to K. S. Lemon, 8to retary Frlaoo ln-mlgratlon Bureau, St lxuis. Horse covers made to fit your bora Omaha Tent and Awning Co.. 11th and Harney streets. A card party and dance will be given by Minnehaha Council. Degree of Pocohontaa. at Myrtle hall. Suturday, October 24. Very Low Rates. On Tuesday. October 20, the Missouri Pa cific will Mil round trip tickets at very low rates to certain polnta In Kansas, A r kan aaa, southwest Missouri, Oklahoma, Texaa, etc. On Mine date will have special very low rates to all polnta in Texaa and to certain polnta In Alabama, Mississippi and Louisi ana, Including New Orleans. Full particulars at Union station or city offices, 8. E. corner Fourteenth and Doug las streets, Omaha, Neb. , THOS. F. GODFREY, Pass, and Ticket Agent. Regent-Baths, 206 Ramge Bldg. Tel 2)79. Card of Thaaka. v We wish to thank our many friends for the kindness extended to ua during the sickness and death of our mother, Mrs. Hannorah Robblna. MR. and MRS. 3. E. MARSH. $23.05 to Mississippi and Lonlaai aad Back. On Oct. 20th. the Illinois Central R. R., will sell tickets to any point In Mississippi and Louisiana -(Including New Orleans) on their lines, at rate of good for re turn 21 days from ds-fe of sale. This offers a splendid opportunity for visiting the South and October Is k good month to go, Particulars at 111. Cent. Ticket Offlce, No. 1402 Farnnm St., Omaha, Neb, 8oa4hern laveataaenta. Take advantage of the Illinois Central's big excursion to Mississippi and Louisiana on Oct. 20th, for which a rate of less than one fare for the round trip has beem named. and Investigate the opportunities offered (or Investment In Southern Fans and Tim bar lands. . Particulars at 111. Cent. Ticket Office, No. 1402 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. Bs.m'1 Burns gives 10 per cent off on Llb- txatfs cut glass this week. Attention, Eagles! All Eagles are requested to meet at Eagle hall at 1:30 p. m. Sunday, October 18, to at' tend the funeral of Bro. Arthur Peterson of aerie No. 33 Funeral from residence, 1C34 Cass street C. E. ALLEN, Secretary, No. 18, Atteatloa, . Omaha Lodge A. O. V. W. The funeral of our late brother, A. Edel son, who died at Fort Worth, Tex., October 14, will take pldce from 'the residence of Max Rosenbloom, 1956 South Twelfth street, Sunday, October 18, at 10 o'clock a. m. Members of the order are 'invited to-attend. PETER MILHEDE, Master Workman. Attest: C. H. COLLIER, Recorder. GOREA AGAIN III DANGER Ru.sts, Japan aad China In nix-Up Likely to Disturb at an early Day THE PEACE. OF THE WORLD The Critical Sltnatloa la Maacbarla Is Iateaslfled by Troafbl la Cerea. x Those yellow people In Asia seem bent upon trouble. Russia Is not unwilling to have them engage eaoh other In battle. In fart the Bear of the North is all ready to make a grand rush Just as soon as trouble begins. It Is bad enough to have the Chinese and Japanese engage In a quarrel, but their controversy Is likely to IPSKT TIIE MAP OF ASIA an Involve nearly all the civilised globe In warfare. Manchuria Is a slice of territory which the hungry Russians sche to swal low. Corea Is a menace to both China and Japan, and trouble on that peninsula will Interest Germany, France and Eng land. The United States will not neces sarily be Involved, but this nation Is a world power now and cannot be Indifferent to Oriental difficulties. Meanwhile the BARKERS RESERVE LIFE will peg away steadily In the heart of tha Mnerlcan continent undisturbed by the fracas likely to be kicked up on the other side of the Pacific ocean. This sggres slve young western Institution will grow Into a $10,000,000 company next year, In spite of wars snd rumors . of wars. Its field force, already large, will be doubled within three months and will be actively campaigning In eight of the best states In the American Union If' R. ,11. ROBISOX, PRESIDENT, can secure the men for the work. Good territory Is awaiting solicitors, snd man agers' contracts can be made now which will make money for the ' managers and build up the company. Under the new charter of the company, with up-to-date policies and splendidly equipped field men. the $50,000,000 high water mark will be reached before 1910 as sure as the decade which ends with that year will pass Into history. R. V. COLE. W. M. MCKAY. Cole-McKay company, undertakers and embalmers, ' 1617 Capitol ave. Tel. 4G4. Notice! We' hereby wish to express our rriany thanks to our friends and neighbors for their kindness and sympathy during the sickness and death of our beloved wife and . mother. Also for the many . beatlful floral offerings. Sincerely. J. J. AABEL and FAMILY. Have Root print It. Kanaaa City, Mo. From October IT to 21 Inclusive, Missouri Paclflo Railway Co. will sell a special round trip ticket to Kansas City, account the great horse show. Full particulars at City Ticket Ofllufc, 8. E. corner 14th and Douglas streets. 1-4-11-7 Waiting all want you. Faaera If otlco Atteatloa, Red Meal The funeral of Brother Arthur M. Peter son of tribe No. I' will be held from his residence. Seventeenth . and Cass streets. Sunday, October 18. at I p. m. All Red Men are requested to meet at 1 p. m. at Brother Saxman's, Fifteenth and Dodge streets. By order of committee. J. 'SONNENBERQ, E. C. WOLCOTT. C. E. ' HOLLIDAY. Cvlcago Laundry Beat work. Tol. 204. DIED. PETERSEN Arthur M.. October 11 IMS. aged 23 years, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hans j'eieraen. Funeral from residence. 1(24 Case street, Sunday at 1 p. m. Interment at Forest Lawn, r rienua invited. KIMBALL Jeaanette, October IS, wife of Funeral from famllv residence, 8824 North Twenty-tMrd street, Sunday, October IS. at s p. m. r nenos or lamuy invited. We Invite Comparison Yes. snd Invite anyone to SHOW US how It PAYS TO PAY from 10 per cent to 26 per cent more for these soods than elsewhere. lust to get TRADING STAMPS especially wnen we give a per cent coupons, redeem able ON THE SPOT, WITH EVERY PURCHASE. 35c Castorla the old original 24a Sl.ro Pcruna tne genuine J7o 11.00 Plerce'a Prescription CSo 11.00 Pierce's MeUlcal Discovery 68o jl.00 Pain a's-Celery Compound 79o 75o Moeller's Cod Liver Oil . 64o 25c Pierce's Pilla Iflo 50o Doan's Kidney Pills S9o 60c Cutlcura Salve 39c $1.00 Chester's Genuine Pennyroyal PlUall 2.o Carter's Little i.iver tins.. . jto 26o Packer's Tar Soap 15o 25o Colgate s Talcum powder 15c 25c Graves Tooth Powder 10a Allcock s Plasters, all you want at.. J2n 60o "Catarrh Rem." guaranteed Wc 60o Charles' Flesh Food 40o LOWNET'B CANPIEB. urun all muni. y CUT PRICE DRUO STORE E. T. YATES, Proprietor. Two Phoaee T47 ! 7ST. tta aa Chteaare Streets, Oasaha. OVERCOATS. Our entire second floor Is devoted to over coats. On overcoats, like everything else we save you money. Good quality at a lower price than good goods are sold for Isewhere. Our best overcoats are $20, they are as good ss others ask $30 for. For 113.00 we show yos elegant coats that com pare favorably with , made-to-order gar ments. Our 111.60 overcoats are sold for Us 00 at high-priced stores. Our 110.00 line t overcoats and ulsters defies comietl tlon. Strong, serviceable overcoats and ul Itera at 17.60. We also have some as low is 15.00. If you wish to see a handtiome. tasty assortment of suits look In our win low; here you find them frmn $26.00 down to C00. 126.00 Is the highest price! suit we tarry, but we consider them as good n the best, no matter what others hold theirs St. Our 116 00 line of Alfred Benjamin fine suits must be seen to be appreciated. For 110.00 we show an extra lure Una of nobby, up-to-the-minute patterns,' single and louble-breuHted, and we doubt If you can match them at 115.00. Our Una of 7.60 suits consists of good, serviceable guoJa that caa stand wear. Our men's pants Hue Is another Una on which we lead. Extra good men's pants U K; better ones at 1150. J O) and 13 60. TiUB GUARANTEE CLOTH1NO CO.. ll-liU Dvugla bt. Misses School Shoes Wa have a line of arenulne welt sole shoes made with smooth Inner soles and oak sole leather outer soles the large trade we have built up on tnese snoes is proor enougn oi me quality we put in mem. Children's sixes, 8H to 11. U.75. MlseeV sixes. HVs to 2, 12.25. Young women's sizes. SVi to 4. $3.00. These last have either the spring or low heel. We recommend this shoe for fit. style, comfort and wear, and give you your money oacJt it not satisnea. DREXEL SHOE CO., ' 1419 Farnam Street. I sksasisswoaassiilaisj sJsbgHis .jgL IQ12 & TAIiNAM 6TEEET5, OMAIIA4 (TIIU PEOPLE'S rVRMTVHB AND OA HPET CO.) Big Stove Sale On account of tha continued warm weather and In order to glva everybody an opportunity to be ready for the cold snap that Is sure to come shortly we hava cut the price of our stoves almost one-half. Make your selections now whilst the prices are low. Sols Agents Peninsular Base Burners md Estate QaK Heaters. is. fncJi rAl Easy Terms tilg Sal of Coral Oak Stove -1 guar- 8.50 BIIVCCU 111 9 J t V9v, all parts well mounted and nicely trimmed In nickel, sale pries Steel Range with high closet (37.60 sold on a pay ment of 14 down, and your promise to pay $1 a week. Home Coral Baseburners. nicely nickel trimmed,. draft, heavy base, a good serviceable hard cool burner, worth 122.60, ..I i 14.75 2 75 coal burner, worth J22.60. tomorrow Air tight wood heater, steel bottom, worth 14 ho snnriaj Cook Stoves We are offering a No. 8 cook 0.50 sAfe Couches, Chairs, Curtains, Etc. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OB . Couches go on sale tomorrow, six rows of tufts, handsome frame, new sanitary construction worth $14 00, on sale tomorrow, y 50 MORRIS CHAIRS IN ASSORTED finishes and assorted cushions worth 115.00 on sale to- Qf morrow at ' THREE-PIECE PARLOR SETS frames in mahogany finish, uphol stered In tapestries and ve-f O 7CZ lours worth 30 sale price1" t-' DRESSERS. SOLID OAK. FRENCH bevel plate mirror, worth (2 Cf $16.00-speclal, at O.UU 200 COMFORTS, . WELL QUILTED and well filled, worth $2.30, I OC tomorrow at 400 PAIRS BLANKETS, FULL STZE, in grey, on sale tomor- CQ row at OVW A BIO LINE OF WOOL BLANKETS, 11-4, worth from $4.00 to Kf) $5.00, tomorrow at t.JJ ONE BIO LOT OF PILLOWS, worth $1.76 per pair on RQn sale tomorrow NOTTINGHAM LACE CURTAINS full width and length, button holex edge, rennalssatice patterns f TR worth $4.00 on sale FIVE-FOOT CURTAIN POLES 4Qr with trimmings 65-PIECE DINNER SETS. NEW AR rlvaln, pretty designs, C OS worth $S.6o, special J'CJ 100-PIECE DINNER SETS, nice de signs, good ware, worth U 7S $12.00. special M TtlQus Dconoll Company 1 6th and Harney Sts., Omaha. The Leading PUno House of the West 7? r lx 25 Per Cent Discount on All 0 For This Week 100 Boauliful Pianos to Select From !3SS Omaha's Up-toDats Shot House, in fine Rifle .u i v j j j a vi win ill vjuo sitit I The Kern Burner .1 Highest candl power gas burner in the world sizes to suit space to be lighted. Shapes to suit your fancx No blackened mantels or wire sup ports. ' "OUTLIOIITS ALL OTHER L1G1ITS." Kern Incandescent Gas L-lg-ht Company, Chicago, x D. W. Dudgeon, Agent, Plumber and Qaafltter. 'Phons 1966. 2910 Paroam St. JUDGMENT- IS NECESSARY In selecting, your Station- a specialty of high-grade engraving, designing and embossing. We are constantly aiming In our Stationery and Engraving Department to Intruduce new, attractive and tasteful effects to meet the demands of fashion snd supply the wants of changing tastes and seasons. Out-of-town customers are cordially invited to call at our store snd Inspect our line of Stationery and Engraving. W would also be pleased to send samples by mail. ( THE MOYER STATIONERY CO. 220-222 SOUTH I6TH STREET. SClMEFEfl'S W. T. WOOD & CO'S CELEBRATED See Tools. . Best tools made and we are ex clusive westorn agents. Then' i carry thi largest liai of Builders' Hardware. Contractors' Supplies Tools for all Trades. Pocket and Table Cutlery IN TIIE WEST. JAS. MORTON & SON CO- ISIlDodgaSt It Stands to Reason that you will be more pleased with a suit when you have selected the put tern, had it made for you aud know thai you look well in II. A great many men do themwilvea Injustice by wearing clothes that do not be come them. We abk you to come, examine our exclusive, handsome pat terns. We will tell you who wa are making clothes for and you'll ttiui the beat dressed men In town In that list. HELGREN & CRADMANN. TAILORS J09 South Sixteenth St. r 4- FBI The fry Shoe $3.50-$5 They not only fit and wear, but they have that peculiar ap pearancethat fashionable and up-to-date stylishness and ele gant finish that is so much ap preciated by good dressers. No Other Shoe that Is sold at the same price gives such perfect satisfaction in ease and comfort to the foot; in correct and stylish appear ance; in splendid wearing qual ities, and in the way it holds it's shape to the end. Inspect our new fall styles. son THE INDIAN BEADS;! The fad of the Day We carry the largest Una of colors in BEADS of any house. Send us X vnll I" mull nnl mrm c n r iu.m. .-. u I V. 1 n we can fill your waMs. Looms to weave beadworlc pattern books, needles, everything pertaining to the BEAD work. Alao the largest .n 1 most compVte yarn department In the west. We WHOI.K8ALB or RETAIL, and can till your wants for any quantity. I JOSEPH P. BILZ 1 - 3 8. 16th Bt OMAHA, ... NEBRASKA. pooooooooooo AiAinniA WINDOW GLASS LADIES SWELL CLOTHES Cleaned to perfection without removing the trimming. We guarantee our work In every respect; don't hesitate to send ue your finest clothes snd we'll make them look like pew. THE PAUTOniUH 407 So lota St TL 864 OMAHA. We do all kinds of glazing and repair work. First quality glass, expert workmanship, -prompt servlcs lowest prices. Use our telephone! No. J425 snd you will be pleased with the prompt attention given VAiir f w- ' Myers Dillon Dru; Co., PAJNT DEPARTMENT. 1416 Harney. Tel. 3425, All on Easy Payment Plan areen Trading Stamps as Freely Given In iluslc Dept. as In all other sections of the store, ' ' IT'S AN INCREASED SAVING TO YOU! Buy a Piano on Easy Payments snd jet stamps 10 to a dollar on every payment yon make. IT'S INTEREST 03 THE HONEY YOU SPEND! Here are sortie Amazing Bar gains for this week: SIIO SI28 SI30 $138 SIG5 S2I0 S248 S295 an llll TI1K RELIABLB STORK. coupon SALE Coupons with every purchapc. The most liberal nnd valua ble tickets ever given absolutely free with every purchase. GLSTtllU 1 SALE. Hin ScKiffocH U Marx Hand Tailored isf A lucky cash purchase front over stocked pnanufacturiTS makes it possible to sell $12.50, $15.00, ?17.- A - ra i Sj at uu ana fio.uu suns nil iur SS0.00 This is unquestionably the best values in men's winter suits we have ever offered. This sale in cludes a splendid line of overcoats bought in the same lot and suld at the same bargain prices. These suits and overcoats are all fully guaranteed of the best fab rics in the latest patterns and made ' in the most approved styles and all tailored in the highest art and best workmanship. N We have talked so much about the II. 8. & M. make of clothing, it might seem as if other makes had no merit whatever. This of What we do claim and what everv wearer of good clothes must know is that the Hart, Scha liner & Marx make of clothing is absolutely indisputably the standard of excellence in everything that goes to make a suit of clothes all that an attractive and dressy suit ought to be. Neither is it claimed that no merchant jtailor can give that desirable fit and finish that good clothing should have, but everyone knows it is rarely done and never surpasses that genteel elegance always found in the Hart, Schaffner & Marx line of clothing. Flease bear in mind that, that entire make of clothing is wel' represented in our stock and at our well known lowest prices. hsAVDEft BROS. K X 'h we do course not claim. GALL OR WRITE You can trade as safe ly (with us) by mail as you can in person GET STAMPS Eearn Interest hn the Koney Spent- ...The... Bennett Company 16th and Harney St'. .Omaha ' Perfield's Cut Price Piano Co. Bee Bldi , Room 7. .Telephone 701 Wesw, Sterjr fcCUrk, Laalj Sckltor. REPAIRS For All Makes sf Cooks, Ranges, Heaters and Furnaces. A REMINDER Now or cetUn your stoves sad furnas repaired or looked after : vau will self la (mat comfort wben toe aypreal wa tm a an sets la. OMAHA STOVE REPAIR WORKS Are the Stove Repairers. T. 960. 1207 Deaxtw Si m SlsrSBBI Style, weorlns; quall&r and comfort are the essential featuits of our shoes. Shoes should fit,' loo J well snd feel easy In addition to bens; durable. Onlmod Ona-Man gives aatlsfaitloD. Always $3.50 3$250 RogCRf Shoo Go. 205 So. 15tb St. ai n ,-4ssssjsjsi V Soft Coal Heaters The only thlnjr really new this year in soft coal stoves is the ACORN OAS BUUtt ER. This stove comes very near burning all of the smoke and gases in cheap soft coal. Then we are agents for Cole's Original Hot Blast Ituunlng in price from $10.00 up. Either of these stoves Trill hold fire 24 hours with soft coal. Oak stoves from W OO up. Acorn Base Burners You will find many dealers who will tell you thatthey have a hard coal stove as good as The Royal Acorn. Well, per haps they have, but we have never seen one. It's so much easier to control the fire in the Acorn than in others and on a cold day they're such powerful heaters that- they are not only comfort givers, but fuel savers. ' John Hussie Hardware Co. "If you buy It of Hussie It's right." 2407-09 Cumins; Street ;;HfiSi.yri4 'si. TmrTrmr as XT T5s t . kim "nlmnnruil." a com- DIAMONDS-" is no -y ,,-,te frotn other inoouy ot wn. J"",' -thirteen years of fair deallns .-."rn-Jtft narnT'ef" -iKnser" Wnonymou. with line Diamonds throughout tils section mm Another Victory for the Union II r reqaest, enable all to have their teeth esamlaed aad flxed, we mill extend cat prices till November 18. Call early and avoid the rasb. We are always crowded. Our saeceaa bds startled the dcatlsta of the west. Deatlsts raisins; parses to set false reports oat, show's the people wo do tho work tho best way and at prices half charged by other dea tlsts. -v FULL SET OF TEETH . . . 53.00 T-fi FILLIN6S, from .... 25c TEETH EXTRACTED . . .FREE CROWNS, from ... $2.85 Work Ruarauteod 10 years. We are here to stay No students, but skilled specialists In each department. RELIABLE DENTISTRY FOR ALL Oar Methods ask tho estraetlas;. Ilia a aad crowalac ot teeth a pleas are. Why bo robbed by aay eosublao o trmet deatlsts. Union Dental College 1613 DOUGLAS. Opea Dally Til I 830 p. as., Saadaya a. aa. to 4 p. at. lift -J DOTTLCVo, DEER lllH itZXj real pare old fsahleaed er aet 1 (ooad ererrwhore these lui briaas a rsUsh tor disbar ewod throuah aad laro. OaU?en to say Mt of'0is. CisaiH Stash er SaaU Oust, Order a r. freai JETTER BREWING CO. or LEE MICBELL, Wbolctak Dealer. Cetsidl ft Tel 80. or Uust F. I'M. 112 Dwsgu Strtet Tdco ,ooo 1SU