Daily Bee. i 1 HE PART I. PAGES ! TO 8. ECS? iSiEkvEi"iMi V r ESTABLISHED JUNE 19, 1871. OMAHA, SATURDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 17, 1903 SIXTEEN PAGES. SINGLE COPY THREE CENTS. Omaha ..A DEVONSHIRE AT HEAD Former President of the Council How Pres ident of free Food League. WILL OPPOSE CHAMBERLAIN'S POLICY Dow Hot Gira Promiie of Opposing Other Plant if Ministry. ACCEPTS. THE CONDITIONALLY Mait Be Oonrulted if League Deiires to Broaden Scope. GOSCHEN TAKES ISSUE WITH LEADERS ays Propose Flan WoiU Bo Bat eidal, aa Enfland Depends for Mack of Its Food Ipen For. els Countries. LONDON. Oct 18. The duke of Devon shire, recently lord president of the council, has conditionally accepted the presidency of the Free Food league, which la organizing a campaign against the fiscal policy of Mf. Chamberlain and Mr. Balfour. This Im portant move In the fiscal contest developed lonight at the meeting- of the parllmentary committee of the league, when a letter From the duke of Devonshire t Sir Michael Ulcks-Beach. Mr. Ritchie's predecessor as :hancellor of the exchequer, accepting tho jroffered presidency of the league upon cer tain conditions, was read. The committee passed a resolution unani mously accepting the conditions, and this action was Immediately communicated to he duke of Devonshire. The substance of he duke's letter follows: DEVONSHIRE HOUSE. Oct IS. Dear leach: You Informed me when we last net that the wlnh had been expressed that join tne league and taKe a part in its norjtlonn. I understand that the principal 'oJect of the league la to oppose the new leparture In the fiscal policy, which now has been Definitely announced ana wnicn notaries the taxation or food imports from oreto-n countries and preferential treatment (or In. fiilnnlpfl am well A 1L arenoral tariff 1 . J- J n imponea manuisciurea gouua. Partial Opposition to Government. I understand that these objects do not In- olve oDtiosltlon to the policy or tne g rnmMil Inanfni- flu that nollcv Is limited to Mrrvfnff tn the rnvftrrment the rtsrht of Proposing to Parliament tariff legislation or tne uuroooe 01 negotiating commcmiu Irr-Btles and the mitigation of hostile I tariffs- Continuing the duke of Devonshire refers o the desirability of restraining "the trongly protectionist tendencies manifested t the recent conference at Sheffield," and lay's the duty of combating before the lountry the policy of the Tariff Reform kague should not be left entirely to radicals nd members of the Cobden club. Thus, the uke of Devonshire says, he cannot reject the Invitation of the Free Food league to ecome lie president although he must ac- fept that office conditionally. Continuing esays: T i mi4 Tn V tinAtf T am altd tn loin. I flthongh bearing the name of the league. Is kibstantlailv a parliamentary committee. I J Intlclpate that you will seek to broaden Its msiltiiimn, witn Tne omri or emenuing a operations. If this Is done and I am In dted to accept the presidency I must ask a be consulted as to the nature of such ex tension, so T may have the opportunity of termlnlng how far I feel myself In unison flth the new constitution. I also ask that t be made clear that the vlewe I have fbove expressed as to Its attitude toward as government are fully shared by the league. It must also be understood that urn services as I could render can only be limited In character. Will Not Make Flcht. Tt la seventeen years since I took an ac tive part In the campaign against home rule. It is not In my power to take the me active part now that I took then. I mat tw reenrded as adverse to the propo rtion, rather than aa a combatant of It.. It ' J with some reluctance that I consent to foversy. but I feel that many unionist iembera of Parliament whose Ideas, I be tve agree with mine, are making great Serlflces In order to maintain their opln- ns. and I am unwilling that they should gird me as Indifferent to their political , ..It"'.. Sincerely y"toKVON8HIRH. (Mr. Ritchie, the late chancellor of Uhe jeehequer, and Lord George Hamilton, late Lcretary of atate for India, hare also lined the league. rrhe duke of Devonshire's adhesion to the L-ee Food league Is regarded aa greatly jngthenlng the free trade party. The vArai papers una muming (iuiiu uui umi b a repetition of 18S8, when the duke, on tparatln; from Mr. Gladstone, tried to Jmaln independent, but was eventually sorDea vy m coniorvsiivw. du wow KING AND QUEEN VISIT MINT Ruler of Italy Sees Medals la ,111s Honor Made la France. PARIS, Oct. 16. King Victor Emmanuel and Queen Helena of Italy,, escorted by President and Mme. Lou bet, today visited the mint where medals In commemoration of their visit were struck off. The president presented their majesties with the first medals and Flnace Minister Rouvler offered the royal visitors two caskets containing unique specimens of counters used by members of the royal house of France. Subsequently the party proceeded to the Hotel de Vllle through dense crowds of people, who loudly acclaimed the Italian king. At the Hotel de Vllie, a reception was held by the municipality, at which notabilities of commerce. Industry and the arts were present. The police prefect of the department of the Seine, delivered an address of welcome, to which the king briefly responded. The city of Parts presented to King Victor Emmanuel a beautiful cabinet con talnlng specimens of medals struck off for sovereigns and two Ideal figures on Ivory and bronze. The general council of the Seine gave the queen a reproduction In gold, en rlched with brilliants and pearls, of Its In slgnla, and a cordon of pearls. Ths dinner given by Foreign Minister Delcasse tonight in honor of the Italian sovereigns was a brilliant function. The guests Included the president of the repub Ho and Mme. Loubet, the high officials of the government the foreign ambassadors, Count Caeslnl, Russian ambassador to the United States, and Countess Casslnl. King Victor Emmanuel conversed at some length with the ambassadors. SAYS CI11UST1ANCY DID IT Miller, Accused of liking Bribe?, Beard in Hii Own Defense. RYAN ORDER PASSED BY NEBRASKAN Boch la the Claim of Defendant, Who Bays that He 'Wanted to Deny Malls to Tart Firm. TO DEFEAT SPEYER'S CLAIM Canadian Creditors of Consolidated Lake Superior Company Aalc for Legal Relief. TORONTO, Ont, Oct U.-'lml law suits concerning all the branches of the Con solidated Lake Superior company's troubles have been filed, one here, the other at the Soo, both attacking the agreement with Speyer & Co., and the mortgages and bonds, and asking that these Issues be declared beyond the power of the company, contrary to law and of no effect, and to have them Set aside. One of the suits Is by James Conmee and Charles K. Bowman, members of the provincial Parliament, against the Algoma Central Railway com pany, against which they hold claims of nearly 1500,000; also against Speyer St Co. and the Consolidated company. The other, entered at the Soo, Is In be half of all the creditors and practically to the same effect Both ask for Injune Hon and the appointment of a receiver. and In the first, Mr. Conmee's writ, Justice McLaren today granted the order of In Junction, returnable on Tuesday, when the other side will be heard. NEW YORK, Oct. 18,-The banking firm of Speyer St Co. has Informed the gentle men connected with the reorganisation committee In Consolidated Lake Superior company affairs that it will agree to reasonable postponement of the sales of the assets of the company, even for sixty days, provided the properties are turned over to the charge of Receiver Brackenthal of Philadelphia, who was appointed receiver at their lnatance. - r: 4 1'! t e duke of Devonshire and his unionist Uowers will be unable to maintain an ependent attitude of supporting the gov- nment except on Its fiscal policy, but 11 be compelled by the force of cl'cum- moee to fall Into line with the liberal e traders. Goeebea Opposes Food Tax. ord Goschen, who was chancellor of the chequer In Lord Salisbury's second ad- finlatrallon, delivered a strong speech In Jfndon tonight against the taxation of Ld. He pointed out that France and prmany had begun with small taxes on teat which had risen rapidly with the rartan demand, with the result that In eat Britain the price of wheat was out T shillings less per quarter than In rmany and from I to 11 shillings below Od price In France. i M there waa no doubt that such i-'lxes were paid , by the consumer, and as a eat Britain depended upon foreign Applies for four-fifths of Ita food re tirements, as compared to Grrmany, Lli-h took one-third of Ita food aupply Jm foreigners, and France, which took It ! per cent. It would be most liiad lable thus to tax food. addition to this the speaker said there no guarantee that the colonies would V A satisfied with the small tax proposed. f Hey might demand an increased tax; then B r would be friction and the renewed & that the empire was endangered to tlfy the oonceoslon of the Increase de- nded. fVlth regard to the prospect of workmen ng better paid under the proposed plan td Goschen polnte.tj out that wages In many were 10 per cent lower than In at Britain, while It was prepoterous suppose that the tax of t shillings on eat would appreciably benefit the agrt ture of Great Britain. FRANCE' IS . SETTING READY Over Five Tb.oaaa.ad Exhibits To Be Installed at the St. Loola Exposition. PARIS, Oct IS. M. Boeufve, chancellor of the French embassy at Washington, has been appointed representative of the for eign office at the St Louis exposition. He sails for the United States tomorrow and will go direct to St. Louis and begin in stalling the French exhibits. M. Boeufve has conferred with all the leading branches of the French exhibits for St, Louis and says tho exhibits will number 5,000, against 3,000 at Chicago, and that they wi'l exceed In general Interest and completeness any previous French ex hibits. They will Include an elaborate ex hibit of the government's furniture. Gobe lin and Beauva'a tapestry and Sevres pottery. Automobiles, laces and silks will be largely represented, and the methods of education, farming and mining In France will be shown. The cepartment of labor will make an elaborate showing of French methods of Industry and production. The manufacturers are seeking an enlarged space. The director of fine arts has Issued a notice to artists that all works destined for St. Louis must be submitted before Novem ber 11. The Jury, which will select the work to be exhibited, will alt from Novem ber 17 to November 28. To Bey American SteTu j LONDON, CK t. 1.-The Dally Telegraph Jterta that Harland at Wolf, the shlp- tdlng firm or Belfast, has signed a eon 0t to take all the Iron and steel It re res frons the United States Steel oorpo 'on. It is estimated that this will ount to 1SO.0OO tons yearly. NO DECISION YET REACHED Rnmor that Alaakan Bonndnry Com- nalaaloa Favors United States Is I'nfoanded. , LONDON, Oct 11 The Associated Press baa the highest authority for, saying that the announcement made by the London Morning Advertiser today that the decision of the Alaskan Boundary commission vir tually concedes the American case Is en. tlrely untrue. The commission, thus far, has reaohed no decision and no vote has been taken, even In the private session, which would indl cate Chief Justice Alverstone's position. It Is quite true that the general trend of opinion among those connected with the tribunal, aside from the commissioners, la that the ultimate decision will be In favor of America, but there la yet not the slight est warrant for saying It has been reached, Confirming the statement that no de cision In the Alaskan boundary arbitration has been reached, the St James Gaxetta this afternoon adds: "There Is, however. Increased Canadian confidence." The commission adjourned today until to morrow without making any announce ment Rnaaln Agrees to Sugar grhedale, BRUSSELS, Oct. 18. There neema to be good proepe t of Russia, giving its adhe sion to the sugar convention. Domestic arrangements hitherto had Interfered, but Russia has now volunteered modifications which It considers ought to satisfy the signatories of the convention. Baron Kerff, sneclat representative of the Rus sian government, "has been Instructed to fully explain to the permanent sugar com mittee, now In session, the proposals of his government Vice President liiinn Power. L'ATAQl IL. Oct. l-Vlce President .iquoltto yeeterday assumed the cxecu j(u poi-. President Plasa leaving for ( hie, rrorinoe of Banabl, to Bee hli i-ho la dying. Drake Marrlea Dneheas. VIENNA. Oct IS A newspaper of Bu chareat announced today the marriage o Grand Duke Cyril, son of the oar's uncle, Vladimir, to the divorced Grand Duchess Victoria of Hesse, daughter of tho kue duke of Edinburgh, CINCINNATI. Oct 1.-The trial of D. V. Miller and J. M. Jones for alleged con spiracy to extort a bribe was resumed be fore United States Judge Thomas today. District Attorney Sherman McPherson con tinued the cross-examination of Johns, who was on the witness stand yesterday. To a question put by McPherson aa to why Johns did not mall the decision en closed In a letter from Miller to his client (Ryan) rather than arrange for a meet ing with Ryan in Cincinnati, the witness replied that although he had written con. tracts with Ryan he went to see him and make sure of getting his money. He de nied that payment was contiguous on get ting specific rulings. The witness was closely questioned as to how Ryan could make him any trouble, also as to why he did not give Ryan the Chrlstlancy decision of December 6, when they first met on the night of December 6 at Cincinnati and withheld the same until Ryan paid the balance of the S4.400 the next morning, Johns was again questioned as to what he had read on postal laws and his special qualifications for practice before the Post- office Department where the Ryan case was the only one In which he participated He denied that Miller was the one who was expected to revise Ryan's literature, or that his friendship with Miller was his special qualifications. He said his telegram to Miller reading: "Our first proposition accepted," did not refer to the written contracts with Ryan but to another mat ter. Johns was again questioned as to his bank books and checks but nothing new waa brought out- As to Johns Record. A telegram was presented, showing that Johns had offered his services before the postofflce to Secretary Smith of the Na tlonal Security company of St Louis and then the witness was closely questioned whether he considered It professional to solicit business. Albert M. Adams, an attorney of Rock vllle, Ind., with offices adjoining those of Johns, was examined aa to his relations with Johns and some business he had transacted for him, and also as to Johns' calling Miller by the name of "Jim." W. H. Nichols, cashier of the Rockvllle National bank was examined as to Johns' business and produced records of the bank Thomas. Aldelotte, sheriff of Parke county, Indiana, and brother-in-law of Johns, testified to accompanying Johns to Cincinnati December 16. He did not hear Johns tell Ryan: "Here, I brought you the goods," or "It took clever work to get that signature of Chrlstlancy," or any thing of that kind. He saw Ryan settle with Johns on that occasion by paying the balance of 11,000 In checks and cash. Miller a Defense Beajran. The defense of Johns then closed ard Chief Postofflce Inspector Cochran of Washington was called a the first witness for Miller. He testified to an Interview with Miller, In which he charged that "Ryan had been held up," and wanted Miller to explain it Inspector Cochran also testified to wltholdlng Miller's mail. Francis Huebner, a clerk In the office of the assistant attorney general for the Postofflce at Washington, testified that Chrlstlancy thought It would be better to have Ryan St Co. revise their literature so as to comply with the postal require ments than to Issue a fraud order and so Instructed Miller. D. W. Miller then took the stand. He stated he advocated that a fraud order issue against Ryan,' but on the presenta tions of Outcalt of Cincinnati, counsel for Ryan, that Ryan tt Co. would eliminate all objectionable features of their turf commission and guarantee enough deposits to pay all certificates, Chrlstlancy allowed the concern to continue on the observance of certain stipulations that were made in writing. Miller also testified that the much disputed supplemental report of the postofflce Inspectors on the Ryan case was delivered to htm December 9, when Chrlstlancy waa with him In their office and that the latter read It and said there was nothing new In it and directed Miller to write a letter on the Ryan case, sim ilar to the ruling In the Arnold case, hut to write It with "a airing to It" Letter with, a String to It. The witness read the letter and explained that the first part was the ruling and the lost part was the "string." He explained that Ryan was not then paying on dr mand, but on thirty days' notice, on ac count of being ruled off the turf at New Orleans. Miller aald the "string" waa In tended to prevent Ryan from using the let ter for promoting or advertising his betting schemes. In the afternoon Miller testified to order ing Ryan's mall held up at 8t Louis for violations of postal laws after the Chrls tlancy ruling had been mailed to Johns, and produced copies of those orders. Miller aald he had mailed the ruling to Johna because the latter had so requested as Ryan's attorney, and thouggt It the same as sending thoae documents to Ryan. He denied receiving anything at any time from Johns that would Influence his offi cial action. He also denied any under standing with Rysn, Johns or any one else as to his official action. After a direct ex amination of an hour and a half the cross examination was begun at 2:30 p. m. by Assistant Attorney Darby, who questioned Miller about previous lntervlewa with Brls- tow, Robb, Cochran and others in Wash ington during the Investigations, when he sent letters to Johns he addressed the en velopes himself. This waa the esse with the decision In the Ryan case, although It was not customary for the assistant at torneys In the department to address their own envelopes. Denlea Arenrney of Rotes. The stenographic notes taken by Watson when concealed In Brlstow's office during the Robb-Cochran interview with the wit ness were again produced and the witness waa clotely questioned about his state ments that be had sent tho decision to Ryan and not to Johns and many other statements differing from subsequent re plies. Miller said the notes of Watson were not complete and did not give hla response to Ro-)b and Cochran In full. When Miller waa confronted with the atenographlo reports of the Interviews In the offices of Generals Brlstow and Robb he aald he did not know that Watson was concealed In a corner at the first Interview. He was closely crostexamined as to discrep ancies In his statements at these different conferences with both Robb and Coch 1 ran. The witness stated he would have been MPRESSIVE SERVICES HELD Tribute to Archbishop Kaln la Balti more to Be Followed by Elab orate Fnneral. BALTIMORE, Oct IS Impressive serv ices were held this afternoon over the body of Archbishop John Joseph Kane at St Agnes' sanitarium. When the services had been completed the casket containing the remains was borne to Camden station, and. under the escort of a large party, left at o'clock over the Baltimore A Ohio for St. Louis, where Interment will be made on Wednesday. It was nt first arranged to hold a solemn high mass, but after receiving Instructions from Archbishop Glennon of St Louis It was announced that only the regular serv ices for the removal of the body acceding to the ritual would be held.' Bishop Dona hue of Wheeling has arranged to have a body of the Catholic clergy accompany the remains through West Virginia, At Cincinnati the train will be met by a delegation of priests from St Louis. These will accompany the body to St Louis. From the station at St Louis the remains will be carried to the late residence of Mgr. Kaln, where they will He In state. Cardinal Gibbons will leave on next Mon day for St Louis. A requiem high mass will be celebrated at ths cathedral In St. Louis next Wednesday with the cardinal as the celebrant The sermon will be preached by Archbishop Keane of Dubuque, la. The funeral services In St Louis will be elabo rate. CHANGES IN THE LAND LAWS Effort to Be Made to Repeal the Desert, Timber, Eton and Pre-emption Acta, SENATOR HANSBROUGH TO EIGHT BILL Proposes Amendments Which Ho Be lieve Will Remedy Present Evils nd Trevent Land Grabbing; by Bis; Corporations, THE BEE BULLETIN Forecsst for Nebraska Fair Saturday and Sunday. 1 Devonshire Heads Food t.eaane. nye Chrlstlancy la Responsible. Contest Over Change in Land l.nwa Dowle Dracenda Siew York. 2 Japan Mnea Its Flarhtln Men. Clergyman la Denied a I'nlplt. PaelHe Kxprena Service Tied I'p. l'ewa from Kekraaka Towna. Strike Hits City's Milk Snpiily. Fonr Men Per lull In the Flames. Army Rendy for First Problem. Reanlts of School Bnnrd Primaries. Affairs In Sonth Omaha. 6 Conncll Bluffa and lown Kewa. 7 Dan Pnteh Brenka Wagon Record. Civic Federation Talka Open Shop. Convleta Found Gnllty of Mnrder. 8 Fight on tw Kevenae Law. Hevlew of the Week'a Trade. Methodlata Are Contlnn to Omnha. I nloisvof Three Churches Plauned. 10 Tons of Vseleas Postage Stamp. Steamboat lag on tho Mlsaonrl. It I'nrle John'i Poathnmoaa Joke, Fnmlly Proposition In the Army. 13 Editorial. lb .Money Hopewell's Drenm. 14 Financial nnd Commercial. 15 Knrnlnire of llnrrlmnn Llnea Drop. FORGE MILWAUKEE CHECKS Railroad Places Special Detectives I'pon Trail of Men Who ' Did the Work. " MILWAUKEE. Wis.. Oct. 16. Special de tectives of the Chicago. Milwaukee & St. Paul road have been assigned to Investi gate what may prove to be a most ex tensive series of forgerios. The forgery con sists of a duplication of the official check of the company, according to statements of officials. A few days ago, according to the story told by John A. Hlnsey, who Is at tho head of the detective service of the company, a check was received at the pay masters office In this city, that had been cashed at an Interior point. The check waa made payable to "Jack Dillon" and was for ICS. It waa on a form similar to that used by the company, being an exact duplicate of the railway check, save that Is was printed instead of engraved. It bore what purported to be the nlgnatures of the two officials of the auditing department that are necessary to make the check valid. and that of the assistant paymaster. The check bore the endorsement of the sup posed "Jack Dillon" and others through whose hands it had passed. Special de tectives of the company are now engaged in an effort to trace It buck to the per son who originally received It. It la con sidered by the detective to be Incredible that only one check was printed, filled out and signed. (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON, Oct IS. (Special Tele gram.) Evidences are at hand that a strong effort will be made at the coming session of congress to secure the repeal of the timber and stone act, desert land and commuted homestead laws. The move ment hae been formed by Interests Identi fied with Irrigation associations. Its pur pose Is said to be to prevent land exploita tion by corporations and encourage the set tlement of the public domain by homeei-k- era. There are Indications that eftorla to repeal the desert land laws will be vig orously resisted. Senator Hahsbrough of Nort Dakota, chairman of the public land committee, waa In conference today with Interior department officials concerning this matter. Bona tor Hansbrough believes that the timber and stone act ar.d desert land laws should be amended in some Important particulars, but condemns any movement having for Ita purpose the repeal or amend ment of the commutation clause of the homestead laws. The senator said today that, he was preparing and will present early in the session a bill proposing amend ments to the desert land law and timber and stone act. The bill v. ill provide for the ANXIOUS FOR BULK SALES LAW saio ci ine umoer on government tanas Temperature nt Omaha yesterdayi Hour. Dear. Hour. Deg. S a. m Ul 1 p. m ..... . tut U a. m , oN il p, n,,.,,i lU T n. m a a p. m Ul a n. u 3l 4 p. iu US On. m 43 S p. ui .V4 1U a. n 4 Bp. m U3 11 a. in AU 7 p, u Ul lli in CO 8 p. in M V u. in. ..... o4 to the highest bidder In tracts not exceed ing 320 acres. The timber to te scaled prior to auction and a thorough examina tion made by officials to determine ita quantity and value. Under the Hansbrough bill no person or corporation could pur chase more than one tract. Aa to the des ert land law, the bill will prohibit the as signment by an entryman of his desert Credit Men Will Confer with Retail Grocers aa to Some Defi nite Action. At their regular dinner meeting In the Commercial club rooms Thursday eveulng the members of the Credit Men's associa tion decided to again push, some action right prior to making final proof. Under locking toward the passage of bulk sales the present laws an entryman can assign i his tight the moment he makes his filing. "If my amended bill prevails," said Sen ator Hansbrough, "It will have the effect of making the desert laud entrymen prac tically three-year homesteaders because they will be required to live on their land laws, and a motion was carried to appoint committee to confer with the Omaha Re- tall Grocers' association with the iuca of forming some definite plan. .As President J. H. Taylor was absent the appointment of the committee was deferred tor a few days. Credit men are very anxious for and make Improvements for three years gome law which will prevent merchants before making proof and they can make from selling their goods in bulk to other parties and then refusing to pay for tha same. Such a lawls now In force In fif teen states. no assignment during that time. Stern Sent to Jail. Leopold J. Stern, tho Baltimore con tractor, recently indicted in connection with a postal contract, appeared In Ho police court today. Judge Scott denied the re quest of Btern' counsel for an Immediate hearing. Bond was fixed at $5,000 and Stern waa committed to Jail, Bodies of Soldiers Bnrled. AFTER MAYOR AND ATTORNEY Kanana Officers Aeenaed af Permit ting-Crime to Continue Wlth- eat Punishment ',. KANSAS CITT. Oct lS.-Mayor T. B. Gilbert and County Attorney James 8. Gibson may be oustM from office If the plans of the committee of citizens now In vestigating charges of alleged corruption are carried out. M. A. Waterman, chair man of the Mercantile club and citizens' committee, which first divulged the charges of boodllng made against the Board of Education and later started a fight on gambling and licensing of Joints or illicit saloons, said today: I have no hesitation In saying that for making the statement Mayor Gilbert did before the Mercantile club, when he said he knew of the existence of gambling and of Joints and permitted them to run in violation of law because public sentiment favored them, action will be instituted to remove him from office. The same applies to County Attorney James 8. Gibson, who has admitted by his arts in tiling Inlunc tlon suits and by word that he knows of open violation of the prohibition lows. We are not going to excuse any one who is guilty of any offense unaer the law. Mr. Waterman announced today that the committee Is now ready to enter upon Its work of securing evidence for the grand Jury, which will undoubtedly be called next Monday. TO - PAVE MILITARY AVENUE tfha bodies of eltrhtv-five American aol- the anti-rebate. dlers. who died in the Philippines, were T. w. Austin reaa a paper on legai Su- buried In Arlington cemetery today with "one with foreign complications. appropriate religious services. Elliott la Inaane. Peter Elliott of Minnesota, who was ar rested at the White House on October t. and who made a violent attack upon the officers who had him In custody, today waa officially adjudged Insane and recommitted to 8t Elizabeth's Insane asylum. DECLINES TO BE AUDITOR Henry Enatls of Mlnnenpolla Does Not Wnnt Placo In Postofflce. ST. PAUL. Minn., Oct. 16.-The Dispatch says: William Henry Eustls of Mlnne- ioIIs has been offered the position of auditor for the Postofflce department at Washington, recently vacated by Captain H. A. Castle, and has declined the same with thanks. A letter waa sent to Secre tary Shaw yesterday. In Which Mr. Eustls atatea that he doea not 'think It would be for the best Interests of the republican party In the state to have the audltorshlp go to Minneapolis In view of the recent ap polntment of Mr. Eugene O. Hay to the appralsershlp on the Board of Customs Ap peals. It waa Intimated today that M. C. Fosnca, tho present head of the rural free delivery, will succeed Captain Castle. jCv&Uaued .Peoond Page-l NOT GUILTY OF ASSAULT Jnry Freea Wall Street Maa Aeenaed of Attempt to Mnrder. i FREEHOLD, N. J-. Oct lSThe Jury be fore which David Lamar. "Monk" East man, Bernard Smith and Joseph Brown were tried on a charge of assault with Intent to kill James McMahon, returned a verdict of not guilty today. Lamar, who Is a prominent figure In Wall street, and Smith, his brother-in-law, were accused of hr.vlng hired Eastman and Brown to assault McMahon. The last named was formerly Lamar's coachman and had had trouble with hi employer. SAM PICKETT UNDER. ARREST Charged with I slag Malla to De fraad People Who Would Jola Opera Company'. DENVER, Colo., Oct lt-Sam Pick ett traveling organizer of the atrical companies, was arrested In this city today and arraigned before United States Commissioner Capron on a charge of using the malls to defraud. 11 is bond was fixed at IS00. Pickett came from Salt Lake City recently and an nounced his Intention of organizing an opera company. He is accused of fraud ulently obtaining money from would-be actors and managers, for whom be adver- C. N. Robinson lead in a discussion of the anti-rebate coinsurance clause, which has caused comment lately. The credit men all were averse to this clause, which Is only in operation In one other city. It waa re solved to Invite some of the prominent In surance agents to appear before the as sociation at Its next meeting and explain Contract Let to Hugh Murphy Total of Five Thousand Dollars. for The contract for laying 1.500 yards of .l.l.-n o a-lri n Vlllllarv WESTERN' MATTERS AT CAPITOL avenue from the county line to the paving already down Inside the city was awarded I yesterday afternoon to Hugh Murphy by the park board. The price is I1.50 per run ning foot, meaning that the Job will cost about $5,200. Other bidders were the Colo rado Paving company, which waa 8 cents per yard higher, and Charles E. Fanning for brick, who bid 18 cents per yard lesa than Contractor Murphy. It was decided to stop all work on Central Indian Bureau Knows TVotblng Alleged Trouble on Omaha Agency. (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON, Oct 18. Special Tel- egram.) Indlon Commissioner Jones today said he had received no advices regarding depredations alleged to have been commit- I vouievar(i north of Farnam street until the ! ted by a gang of white men on the Omaha termination of the litigation trought by den were the Zion guards. In black, unl- D0W1E IN NEW YORK Zionist Crusaders Beach Metropolis Bead to Begin Regeneration of City. CROWD TILLS STREET AROUND FERRIES Police Fores Beqrmsd to Avoid Serious Congestion of Urban Trafflo. PLANS FOR HOUSE TO HOUSE CAMPAIGN Leader of Party Bays Every Family Will Be Visited Twioc COMES AS PROPHET 'ELIJAH OF OLD Saya that He Doea Not Vlalt New York aa Head of Religious Organise . tlon, bnt la Prophetle Capacity. NEW YORK. Oct. 1.-Under the direction of an advance agent CO member of John Alexander Dowie'e Zlon hosta arrived from Chicago on the Baltimore ds Ohio railroad early today to participate In a crusade for the regeneration of New York. All ap peared happy nnd anld they had had an en joyable trip. They landed at the Battery and at once boarded car for Madison Square garden. As soon as the first car started the crowd on board began singing a hymn and a large crowd of curious spectators gathered around those waiting outside the ferry house. Men In the Dowie party distributed tracts among them. The men were all dressed In a uniform resembling that worn by the United Btates infantry. The women did not wear uniforms. The crowd around the ferry house grew so large that It blocked the street and the po lice drove the spectators back to the curb. One of the features of the party waa the Junior choir, consisting of about fifty little boys. There waa also a drum and fife corps of thirty men dressed In lhakl uniforms. Thirty per cent of the party were women and children of all na'Jonalltlea. Dowie Arrlvea In Speelal Train. Dowie himself arrived In hla special train at the Grnnd Central station, disappointing the crowds who were awaiting to see him at the West Shore railroad ferry, hla train having como from Albany over the Hudson river division. His private carriage was awaiting him at the West Shore depot and the Zlon loader, with his son and two lieu tenants, took a public'hnck to the hotel. A number of own people greeted Dr. Dowie, but there was little demonstration. Another train bringing Dr. Dowle's ad herents hnd previously arrived on the New York Central. A train with 100 Dowleltea were met by a score of their adherents.. They were hurried In cabs or trolley cars to Madison Square garden. It required more than ten trucks to haul all their bag gage Some of the trucks were decorated with small gold crosses printed oa white paper and stuck on the baggage. Besides hla son, Dowie wad accompanied by his wife, Carl F. Stern, chlsf of police of Zlon City, and Robert Massy. AU reg istered at the Plaza hotel. . Madlaon Square Garden Headquarters. Madison Square garden, which Is to be the headquarters for most of the host, will soon be occupied by 1,800 oi the citi zens of Zlon. Each presented at the en trance an Ident Ideation card, with the pho tograph of the holder, and every person was carefully scrutinized by Director Mitchell. All had expected to breakfast tn the gar den, but it had been it.. possible to make provisions today for any meals before 6 p. m., and they left the garden In search of a meal In a neighboring restaurant. Scattered around tho entrance to the gar- POLICE LOOK FOR MURDERER Maa Arrested at St. Louis on Sus picion oi'lItTlng Killed Mrs. Lanmnn. reservation. Mr. Jones' attention was coarse A. Joslyn. James C. Kitchen, John called to a press dispatch from Decatur, coad George L. Miller and Charles Meta Neb., In which It was stated that Indians . enjoin the collection of the assessment of BKunK ana won loages were in a nign to ftV foP improvements. slate oi excitement, ana inai unitea States Commissioner Sloan had sent dep utles to quiet the Indiana and arrest guilty white men. It Is customary," aald Commissioner Jones, "In case of any trouble whatever upon an Indian reservation, for the agent or bonded school superintendent to advise this office at once by wire. We have heard nothing of the reported outbreak." These rural carriers were appointed today Totten: substitute, Clarence E. Totten. Douglas, regular, Hugh A. Hensley; sub stitute, Iman Hensley. Hosklns, regular, Albert T. Waddejl, George Weatherbolt; substitutes, John Kautin, Henry Wet llsch ST. LOUIS, Oct. 16. The police worked diligently all day today to discover some iti tn thA murder of Mrs. Kate Lauman. Nebraska-Cozad, regular. Edwin whoM dead body wa, found it ght lylng In a clump of bushes by the roadside near Normandy, a suburb. O. H. Clarlg, aliaa George Roe, waa ar rested In a saloon today near the scene of tha rrlmn as a suspect He Is being held Kearney, regular. Kooert A- ieitcn. , clavton until his story of his where George A. Mercer; suosuiuies, james aa. -hn,., foP the DaKt three days can be In Leltch. Israel King. Vesta, regular. veatlgated. The Lauman family has offered George . Myers; substitute, James a reward of 1600 for the apprehension of the rowers. Iowa Truro, regular, rea Mont- i mur(jerer, gomery, euDsmuie, jonu xiogue. Two new additional free delivery routes will be established November IS at Falls City, Rlohardson county, Neb. The routes embrace an area of fifty eight square miles; population, 1,150. Cuthbert St Black of Chicago weie today awarded the contract for the conduit and wiring system of the new publlo building at Norfolk, Neb., at $1,497, and agree to complete the work December 80 next Major Adrian 8. Polhelmus, surgeon. RIVER CONVENTION TO MEET People Interested la tho I'pper Mia. slaalppl Will Assemble at Dav enport Wednesday. DAVENPORT, la., Oct IS. The program for the first day of the Upper Mississippi River Improvement convention, to be held tiara next Wednesday and Thursday, waa will proceed to Fort Crook for duty, re- ,BBned today. Addresses will be delivered llevlng First Lieutenant Charles Marrow. by Governor Van Sant and Senator Clapp assistant Burgeon. Lieutenant Marrow of MlnneBOta, Congressmen Wade of Iowa, upon being relieved will proceed to Fort BartnoUi of Missouri and Prince of Illinois. Sheridan lor duty, WIVES MAY BE DISCHARGED New York Court Upholds itlgat of Board to Dispense with Mar ried Teachers. NEW YORK. Oct. 16. A decision handed down by the appellate division of the au- preme court In Brooklyn today declares In effect that the Board of Education of this city had the right to enact a by-law declaring the place of a woman principal. GENERAL ACCUSED OF PERJURY Head of Colorado Brigade of Mllltla Will Be Plaeed oa Trial Moaday. DENVER, Colo., Oct 16. It was definitely learned today that the charges on which Brigadier General John Chase of the Colorado National guard has been sum moned before a military court next Mon day are perjury and disobedience of orders. I head of department or teacher, vacant In The perjury Is In connection with the lm prlsonment of Davis, one of the strike leaders at Cripple Creek. General Chae signed court papers which stated that Davis had been released. His friends say he did not read the papers care fully and committed the act Inadvertently, the event of her marriage. Movements of Ocean Vesaela Oct. 16, At New York Arrived: Augusts Victoria, from Hamburg. Southampton and Cher bourg. 8alled: Celtic, for Liverpool. At Liverpool Arrived: Germanla, from New York via Quejnstown. Sailed: Arabic. His enemies say that is no excuse for the I for New York via Queenstown; Victorian, . I ivr i-cw linn. act. I a ..-.nn A 1.,. v..a, Charges against Colonel Frederick Cross from Boston for Liverpool and proceeded and Colonel Frank Kimball have been At Movnie uanea: Astoria, ror isew formulated by Major Arthur E. William. ' f S'rr from P.. and General Chase. They alleged that Francisco for Hamburg. loaded weapons were drawn by Cross and I At Havre Arrived: La Touralne, from Kimhall. on Major Wllllama and two order- "J.11 liea. General cr.ase win me ctiarg. s w th the governor against Adjutant Genet al Sherman Bell, but the governor. It Is Inti mated, will not hand them to the Judge advocate unless Chase should demand a spe cial court martial. At Hamburg Arrived: Pennsylvania. from New York. At Antwerp Sailed: Memphis n, for San Francisco. At Naples Sailed: Prince Oscar, for New York. At Nsntttrket Lightship Passed: Augusts Victoria, from Hamburg via Southampton and Cherbourg, for New York, form and a black peaked cap. On the rap Just above the peak was a love In gilt and under It the word bialded In irllt let ters, "Patience." In the belt they wore . was the usual sword strap, but irstead of ' a weapon the strap held a bible. All who wished were assigned to nearby hoarding houses. Conspicuous among the arrivals was the Zlon band, numbering thirty-eight mem bers, all dressed In a bright green uniform. Among the most prominent of those who arrived today was Elder Abraham F. Lee, general recorder of the Zlon "restoration host," who has charge of the "restora tion" movement all over the world. Others who arrived were Charlea F. Barnard, formerly a Chicago banker, and now gen eral financial manager for Dow Is; W. O. Dlnlua, chaplain of the host and Elders Farr and Hall of Chicago. Dowie Calls the Roll. After a rest Mr. Dowie proceeded to Madi son Square Garden, where about 1,000 of the - host awaited him. When he stepped Into the roota the assemblage arose and faced him. He held up his hand and said: 'Peace be to thee." "Peace to thee multiplied," answered the great crowd In one voice. Dr. Dowie than made his way to ths bal cony, asked for a roll tall and assigned the audience to sections of ths hall, sepa rating them according to the trains by which they arrived. His orders were re peatedly Interrupted by the hammering of carpenters still at work preparing the hall for the Zionists, but who at first paid little attention to his orders to desist hammer ing. When Dr. Dowie sent an overseer to ask them to atop they sent word tbat they were vorklng to keep a contract and could not stop. The roll was then called. Dowie to Reporters. After looking over things at Madison Square garden. Dr. Dowie r tbered the reporters together and talked to them for over an hour. He said that hrs mission here is one of peace and that during the three weeks that the followers of ths Christian church are here they expected to visit every family In this city at let twice. He says also that ha comes In the capacity of the prophet Elijah and In accordance with the revelation he made In 1901 to audiences of 7,000 people in the Auditorium, Chicago, and promises to ex plain more fully what the revelation means. He said that he la A law-abiding Citizen of this country, is opposed to se cret societies and only asks for fair p'.ny for bin) He if and his people. lis said further he has fought many battles against wrong and has alwaya won; that hla com ing to New York Is not a money making scheme and he doea not care If the people here do not pay hla gas bills. He said: I have not come to New York as the representative of a powerful ecclestastie body, but in my prophetic capacity. 1 rare not for your smiles. I ant aa Indifferent to ridicule as to any other wrong. Your facile pen should never be huriiessod to ridicule. There is a place for ridicule anl satire, but I aay your pena should never be used in ridiculing any man who be lieves he has a meaage to humanity, it never pays to fight against God. I am not going to dodxe anything. I am a vary open maa and have bo vunccaliuvnu 7 .1