Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 16, 1903, Page 7, Image 7

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""Earth's Eaigrass" Places Before TJl Hu
manity Disrobed of All Frills.
The gherrods" la a Morf of Ihc ( nm-
People In Which the Scene
la Laid In Indiana and
"Earth's Enigmas" in a book In which
re hare placed before ua humanity, dis
robed of alt frllla, and In which we are
taken Into the world of nature and of an
imal life, by Charlea O. D. Roberta, author
f "The Kindred of the Wild," "Barbara
Ladd," etc. This beautiful edition con
talna three new atorlea and la Illuminated
by te.n platea from drawing done by
Charles Livingstone Bull. These drawing
re very appropriate and aerva to make
plainer the author'a text. In the first
story, "Do Beck Their Meat from God,"
Ve are made to feel the very presence
tf the panthers aa they go Into the wooda
for their prey. Civilization baa driven
farther and farther away the deer and
mall game upon which -the wild beasts
iiave before subsisted. They are Buffering
from hunger; for two whole daya the prey
lift boeti (cant, besides the baby cube
smuggled away In their lair must be cared
lor. Together they started toward the set
tlement, when suddenly there arose a
Xound which made them lift their heads.
St was the wall of a child and the panthers
fchanged their course and glided toward
the direction of the sound. A baby boy,
ft years old, had Wandered Into the forest
fend night lmd overtaken him. At the
frame time his piteous cry aroused the
panthers !t attracted a man who was
jrolng borne from work. Inatlctlvely he
associated the cry with a' lonely cabin sit
uated n the woods. He thought of his own
little one, grabbed his gun. and hastened
toward the cabin. The panthers, too,
hastened aa ' the cries grew clearer and
feearer. Mr. Roberts saya: "Their' s was
hot hideous or unnatural rage, as It la
the custom to describe It. They were but
Keeking with the strength, the cunning, the
deadly swift r ass I given them to that end.
the food ostivenlent for them. On their
Burets tn accomplishing that for which
ature had so exquisitely designed them,
epended not only their own, .but the lives
. t)f their blind and helpless young, now
whimpering In the cave on the slope of the
fenoonli; ravine.' The settler saw the two
v great beasts, took aim, once, twice, and
' they dropped. He hastened Into the cabin
only to find the child was his own boy.
. In the lair behind the rocks the baby cubs
ktarved to death.
The other stories are equally as Interest
'. In. The persons, the birds and the beasts
. each exhibiting traits of character and
naturalness, , and there In a new and
original way la put before us, for thought
t I fend study, those "problems of life or
nature to which, as It appears to many of
lis, there Is no adequate solution within
y; Ughf I C Page A Co., . publishers.
We have received two recently published
Volumes by Dr. William Rosenau, for
fcnerly for several years rabbi In this city
fend now In charge of a congregation in
Baltimore and on the Instructional staff of
STohnS Hopkins university. The one volume
entitled, "Hebraisms In the Authorised Ver
tlon of the Bible,". embodies the results of
study nude by Dr. Rosenau, designed to
Show the Influence of the Hebrew language
fepon the English, language through the me-
alum of the standard and accepted trans
lation of the bible i To the layman the moat
InterestTngTJarl of Ms work" Js f (fund In the
chapters narrating the growth, of the Eng
lish language and the history of the Eng
lish bible, with special reference to It as
fe factor In the growth of the language.
tThe comparisons of- Hebraisms In the
Original and In the authorised version are
necessarily technical, and of more concern
to the students of philology than to casual
readers. .
The other volume la of more popular Ira
port, dealing aa it - does with "Jewish
Ceremonial Institutions and Customs." Dr.
Rosenau has succeeded signally In giving a
graph lo and Intelligible description of the
rttualiam of the Jewish church and the Big
nlfloance of the ceremonial objects utilised
In the service. Freedom from confusing
controversial discussion' of history is an
ether strong point, so that the reader Is
. taught the meaning of the different Sab-
5 bath and holiday services and of the ape
etaj ceremonials In a manner simple and
, direct. No one Studying Jewish : lustltu-
i lions can ran to pront by ret-Ungpr,
j Rosenau'a volume, which is a popularlxa-
I tlon of a series of lectures given by him
t at John Hopkins university. The lllustra
i tlona, which are photograph lo reproduo-
9 tf tlona. are well . e.hnsen and . KnnrnnHat
0fr ooin volumes are published by the Frleden-
waia company, 1903, Baltimore, Jdd.
"The Sherrods," by George Barr Me
fcTutoheon, Is a story in which the scene Is
laid In Clay county, Indiana and Chicago.
St deals, for tbamost part, with the "com
mon" people. Jud Bherrod, the finest boy
In the county, has Just married Justine
Tan, the sweetest and best girl. Jud was
fen artist,, and while thoy were wandering
au-ound one day, and he was sketching
places they knew and loved, a . wealthy
young woman. Miss Wood, came along
and, suspecting from their youth they
were lovers, gave Jud, a $50 bill and laugh
ingly suggssted he buy a wedding present
With It. The beautiful ( donor was from
CnlcegdV' Unconsciously' she sowed the
eeds of ambition and unrest -in Jud's
fceart and he decided to leave hla young
wife on the farm and seek fame and for
tune In Chicago. While there he met Miss
Wood, from whom he kept his marriage
feecret, and In due time wedded her. Un
The Dr. Deirucl Under
wear is the body's true pro
tector and shield. It makes
the Bkin "all face;" that is,
hardy, robust and unaffect
ed by temperature changes.
Booklet telling all about It
ttfcl ilia garuMuU may Ut had
At Leading Dealers Everywhere
The Delmel Linen-Mesh Co.
(OrWinawnol "Useo-Meta").
41 Breasway, Mew York.
i S13 and 1C14 lUrhatk Hlk.
Successors to The AnOuurtan.
I S4
nd-hand books bought ,nH mi. rL
axd euhu4 Uat buuks bvUtfUt and suiX
suspecting Justine suffered alone on the
farm, finally ahe feared fie must be 111
and went to Chicago, when she discovered
the facts. The woman fainted and Jud
cut his own throat. Mrs. Bherrod No. 1
and Mm. Pherrod No. t Wisely decided to
devote the remainder of their lives to each
other and to "Jud. Jr.," Justine's boy.
It Is a story with a very Intricate plot,
which the author has worked out In a
pleasing and masterly manner. The beau
tiful full page Illustrations are by C. D.
Williams. Dodd, Mead Co., publishers.
"A Deal in Wheat" la a collection of
short stories by the late Frank Morris.
The title la suggestive of Chicago, but the
fact Is the stories are of the west of the
plains. They are highly dramatic, well
written stories, and lovers of this class of
reading will thoroughly enjoy them. Double-day,
Tage & Co., publishers.
"Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm," by Kate
Douglas Wlggln. In "Rebecca" Mrs. Wig
gin gives her readers a character that is
lrreslstable in her qualntV humorous orig
inality. This little country girl is "no
body In particular." Man has done noth
ing for her; she has no money, no educa
tion worthy the name, has had no advan
tage of any sort; but Dame Nature flung
herself Into the breach and said:
This child I to myself will take.
She shall be mine, and I will make
A Ijidy of my own." N
Houghton, Mlfllln tt Co.
"The Career of Mrs. O bourne," by
Helen Mllecete. This novel narrates the
adventures of two charming young women
who escape from tiresome country rela
tions and take an apartment In London
under the fictitious chaperonage of Mrs.
Osborne. Their escapades, their many de
vices to avoid detection and their final
disposition of Mrs. Osborne are highly di
verting. The Smart Bet Publishing com
pany. "Four Epochs of Woman's life," by
Anna M. Galbralth. M. .. is a work writ
ten for the instruction of the laity on sub
jects of which every woman should have
a thorough knowledge. The language used
Is clear and comprehensive, yet, withal,
modest, and the meaning easily grasped
even by those unfamiliar with medical
subjects. W. B. Baunders Co., pub
lishers. "The Harvesters," by Aubrey Lanston,
relates the story of the marriage of Donald,
the son of an English earl and a student at
Oxford, to Miss Btark, the daughter of a
clergyman. Donald was a "blood," bright
and Intelligent, with good breeding on his
side, but a lover of wine and a gambler.
The marriage, owing to the Innocence ftf
the girl, was a vsry hasty ' one and was
solemnised without banna. Donald, him
self, had been drinking and was ready for
an 7 adventure. The old earl and the
clergyman decided the young couple ahould
abide by their hasty action, and at once set
about legalising the marriage. It la a story
6f fascinating Interest and full of exciting
and dramatle situations. R. IL Russell,
New York, publisher.
"Two Prisoners," by ' Thomas Nelson
Page, is a touching and beautiful story of
Molly, a.llttle crippled girl, who had lost
her parents and who lived a life of extreme
poverty aid neglect. Near Molly's window
hung a neighbor's mockingbird, and through
this bird and a little dog she comes into
great happiness. The story Is beautifully
Illustrated In color, and Is written with
much tenderness and simplicity. R. H.
RuSsell 4 Co., publishers. New York.
"In Old Alabama," by Annla Hobson and
dedicated to er L brother, Richmond Pear
son, ..the ' hero of Santiago and Merri
maq. Is perhaps the moat accurate delinea
tion of negro character since "Uncle
Remus." "Miss Mouse," the "little black
merchant," Is the narrator of some exceed
ingly good stories, all centering about her
self, the whole forming a remarkable and
moat humorous picture of life In a small
southern town. The beautiful full-page Il
lustrations by Carol McPherson are from
photographs. At the end of the volume Is
collected a number of plantation songs.
Doubleday, Page St Co., publishers.
"Conquering Success, or Life in Earnest,"
by William Mathews. Mr. Mathews la
probably beat known as the author of
"Getting On In the World," a book which
on Its publication thirty years ago soored
an extraordinary success. "Conquering
Success," also addressed to young men on
the threshold of life, la written with all the
author's , old time, earnestness and en
thusiasm, and la equipped with a wealth of
anecdote and example which makes It an
unusually Interesting as well as a very
helpful book. Houghton, Mifflin & Co., pub
lishers. "In Babel," a collection of short stories
and sketches of Chicago, by George Ade.
The public which read Mr. Ade's -"Fables
tn Slang," -with so much avidity and de
light In them, will welcome this work from
his pen The Incidents are short and
pointed, with no suggestion of a plot, and
while aome of them are allghtly pathetic,
as a rule they are on the humorous side of
life. McClure, Phillips 4 Co., publishers.
"A Reverie and Other Verses and Prose,"
by John Alfred Wooda. The author of thle
little book appears aa both poet and crltlo.
The prose Is Itself marked by poetic Insight
and feeling. Bonnell, Sliver 4 Co., pub
lishers. "The New Thought Simplified," by Henry
Wood. Mr. Wood Is a veteran writer In the
New Thought, and his former works have
passed through from three to thirteen edi
tions each. Lee 4 Shepard, Boston, pub-
"The Stories of Peter and Ellen." bv
Gertrude Bmlth, author of "The Roggle and
Reggie Stories." etc This Is a very at
tractive little book, containing the adven
tures of those busy little children. It Is
beautifully Illustrated In color, and Is a
book that will certainly charm the children.
Published by Harper Broa. ,
"The Career Triumphant." by Henry
Boone, la a story with action, and buatla
and hustle. Pretty girls, brave men, horses.
dogs and fox hunting keeps things lively
from beginning to end. D. Appleton 4 Co.,
"Esperanto," the universal language, the
Dr. Zamenhof system, compiled by J. C,
O'Connor. This work is a student's com
plete text book, containing full grammar
exercises, conversations, commercial letters
and two vocabularies. Fleming H. Revell
4 Co., publishers.
"A Doctor of Philosophy," by Cyrus
Townsend Brady, Is a novel which has for
its theme "the baleful commingling of
blood." Mr. Brady's book Is a strong one,
and all those who have made a study o
or are Interested in the subject will greatly
enjoy It. Charles Bcrlbner 4 Buns,
'John A. Lowell 4 Co. of Boston are mak
I rig a ateel engraving of the cup defender.
Reliance, from the original painting by
Marshall Johnson. It will be an engraving
of Intrinalo value and aa a work of art will
be highly prised In the future. No more
than 150 of. the signed artist proofs will be
The above books are tor sale by the Me-
lath Stationery Co., 110s Fax nam atreet.
World-Herald's Zeal for "Nonpartisan"
Ticket Provei Disastrous, .
Jadare Bnrtlett Exposes the Trick Be
hind Which the. Effort te Defeat
Tat Renabllraa Candidates
Is MasaneraSlag.
E. M. Bartlett, chairman of the Judiciary
campaign committee, for the Fourth Judicial
district, In apeaklng of the antics of the
World-IIerald In Its campaign, says:
"The front page of the Morning World
Herald of October 8 hna a cartoon. It Is a
picture of a man soiling goods over the
counter, before whose wondering gam the
merchant holds the flimsy, gauty stuff. The
merchant In the cartoon Is labeled "Douglas
County Democracy.' The goods he la dis
playing Is a boit of cloth and Is labeled
'Democratic Ticket.' The customer la
labeled 'Voter.' The customer is closely ex
amining the material. He looks doubtful
and serious.. The merchant wears one of
those beatific, disingenuous, Bryan smiles.
Above the picture, tn black type, are the
words, 'Good Good a' Underneath the pic
ture la the following: 'All wool and a yard
wide, and warranted not to rip, ravel or
run down at the heel.' The expression
upon the merchant's countenance, as well
aa the language Itself, Indicates the extent
of the sincerity of the merchant (Douglas
County Democracy) In representing the
stuff to be 'good goods' to his customer, the
voter in representing that It Is 'all wool'
and a "yard wide,' ete. If It did not run
down at the heel It was because It had no
heel to run down.
"Turning from this cartoon to the edi
torial page of the same paper the true
character of theae goods Is disclosed. The
cotton threads, frayed out, proclaim It to be
shoddy. It does not feel right to the voter.
There Is something wrong with it. And this
tell-tale material, which enters Into the
cloth, ran be plainly seen under the edi
torial heading, 'A Dangerous Injunction.'
The piece of goods exhibited Is not 'all
wool' nor a "yard wide.' It will Yip and
ravel.' and when we look at the poor old
'Douglas County Democracy we find It
badly run down at the heel.
Indications of CetoB Warp.
'Going back In the files of the World-
Herald to September 6th, last, we find some
more Indications of the cotton warp In theae
headlines: 'Bar Ticket Nominated by the
Democrats. Favors the Selection of Non
partisan Judiciary In this Judicial District.
Irving F. Baxter, Republican. George A.
Day. Republican. Charles T. Dickinson, Re
publican. Lee 8. Eatelle, Republican. Ar
thur N. Ferguaon, Democrat. Ernest C.
Page, Democrat Guy R. C. Read, Repub
lican.' '
"Baxter, Day and Eetelle' were nominated
by the republican party. Read and Dick
inson were candidates for nomination in the
republican convention and failed of nom
ination. The democratic party Is In the
minority In this Judicial district, and has
no possible chance of electing a democrat
to the bench by its own party vote. To
elect one democratic Judge by hook or crook
Is the best they could hope to do, but the
endeavor Is to elect two democrats. They
nominated only two democrats, and the
election of those two Is desired by the dem
ocratic party. How can this be done while
the republican party has a large majority
In this district T Simply by creating dis
tention In the republican ranks. How do
they expect to accomplish thte? Their
course has made It' plain'.' ft Is to be done
by making a fight against Just two repub
licans, Sears and Sutton, and booming
Dickinson and Read In the hope of making
possible the election of Ferguson and Page.
Itnmbled am Sears.
"But, In starting out upon this course
they find that Sears' record Is too strong
for them. Much to their dismay, they
learn that he is one of the ablest lawyers
In the district, and Is popular and welt
thought of at home. With this condition
of affairs confronting them the situation
becomes desperate. They talked for a time
of putting Baxter and Estelle off of the
ticket, because they had not filed a state
ment of expenses for their endorsement by
the democratic! convention, but the demo
crats found It was not necessary as Baxter
and Estelle had not been candidates before
that convention. A prominent democratic)
attorney wrote and published an exhaustive
legal opinion to Justify .the committee In
taking the names of these two, candidates
off the ticket, but his premises and conclu
sions were unsound, and, as there was no
law against a man running for office If
he did not file a statement of expenses tthe
Inhibition only preventing him from getting
a certificate of election In the event of his
failing to file such statement), that scheme
was abandoned.
'The World-Herald's attack on account of
his alleged Incompetency proved to be so
absurd that It put Sears way ahead, but a
place must be made for a democrat at
11 hasards. The World-Herald Is not In
terested In Dickinson and Read, apostate
republicans, but Is Interested In Ferguaon
and Page, stmon pure democrats, so the
World-Herald applied the ax to Dickinson's
head. It was a bloody act, but It had to
be dona. True, Dickinson bad ruined hla
chances politically when from pique or de
sire to hold office he left his own party and
became a democratic nonpartisan, but to
make assurances of his defeat doubly sure
the World-Herald takes the pains to ad
ust Dickinson's head to the editorial gull
lotlne In the morning edition of October I
In thla fashion:
A Ds
s Injnaetlem.
"Government by Injunction haa coma to
be recognised as one of the rreat evils
of the day, and a restraining order, which
nas Deen grained Dy judge Dlckinaon of
thla dlHtrlct, la certainly open to criticism.
"in the past the World-Herald has had
much to aay In ptalse of Judge Dickinson.
He nas oeen one or tne Deal ana ablest
udgea ot this district, and the World
ierald has given him most earnest auo-
Dort In hla candidacy for re-electlun. In
many aeciaiona ne naa vindicated tne right
and rebuked the wrong, protected the peo
ple's Interests and checked encroachmanta
upon u. it la, ihererore, with regret
that the World-Herald feela called upon
to criticise him for the restraining order
which he Issued, and which contains the
following language:
'until the further order of the court
herein, that the said James H. McDonald,
Ignatius j. uunn ana Lysie l. Abbott
are hereby restrained from making, or
causing or Inducing to be made, any com-
iatnt against piainiirr ror soiling up or
eepinc any gamming taoiea. aaniunng as
vice or gaming machine or gambling, at
1311 Dougiaa street, commonly Known as
"The Diamond," and from in any manner
causing or Inducing the raiding of said
flnce or the arrest of the said plaintiff or
ils employee on any charge of the nature
herein apecinea. ana the eaia jotin J
Donahue, chief of police, and John Power,
sheriff of Douglas county, their deputies
and all other officers having knowledge or
notice hereof. be ana hereby are re
strained from In any manner molesting
said plaintiff or his employes or raldln
hla aaid place of business on any charge
of the nature herein stated, made by or
Induoed to be made by aaia defendants.
McDonald. Dunn or Abbott, thla ordvr to
be in full force upon the said plaintiff
giving an undertaking in tne sum or V.
to be approved by tne clerk oi sal a mi
trlot court.'
"It must strike sny fair-minded and In
telllgent person, and we are satisfied that
It must strike Judge Dickinson himself.
that the above language aa used in hla
order goes beyond Die power or duty
a court, and beyond the statements made
In the petition which plaintiff filed. What
ever may be done with the garnblln
charges, and whether gaanbllng la or I
not carried on at the place named. It
icwtaluly not prefer for any court to Wsu
such sn order and use such sweeping lan
guage aa was used la this case.
Dickinson's Farther Dodging.
Immediately after the publication of
that editorial an order was nade by Judge
Dickinson modifying the restraining order
referred to In the editorial, but the modi
fication appears to be a more drastic In-
trument than the original order, for the
original order specified the acts and doings
restrained, while the so-called modified
order let down the bars entirely and re
trained the defendants from "making or
causing to be made, any complaint against
the plaintiff for setting up and keeping In
said pool room any device, machine or
Instrument used tn operating said pool
room.' Vlt Is worthy of note that Judge
Dickinson, on the last day of the Ak-Sar-
Ben carnival, dissolved the restraining or
der absolutely. And thla Is some of the
warp and woof that enters Into the demo
cratic ticket that la advertised as 'all wool
and a yard wide, and warranted not to
rip, ravel or run down at the heels.' "
Prospect Hill Improvers Line V la
Favor of the Move et the
Central Club.
An Omnha Beautiful" was the theme
discussed at the meeting of the Proapect
Hill Improvers last evening. Small attend
ance did not deter those who were there
from entering earnestly and vigorously Into
the spirit of the meeting.
Mr. Dally spoke of the condition of
streets and alleys, which, he told the club,
are In fair condition for winter, and In
view of the shortage of funds Tith which
to carry on street work the probability of
further Improvement In that direction he
considered very remote this fall.
Mr. Talbot, who looks after the street
lighting on the hill, or at least ts willing to
help, spoke of the necessity for a gas lltrht
at the corner cf Thirty-sixth and Dy.r.tu?
He moved that the matter be referred to
the commlttse on street lighting, which
motion carried ant a coinmlt'.oe wits In
structed 'u bring te matte- to the atten
tion of the city council.
In connection with the movement among
all Improvement clubj making- for an
Omaha l.eautlf il" Mr Doll culled th at
tention of the r!ub la till timns tneetlnir cf
Improvers shjditljd for the Cld of the
present month, to be held nt In county
courthouse In courtroom No. :, and at w hich
gentleman from St. Louis, skilled In the
improvement line, would deliver a lecture
Illustrated with scenes from his home city.
He also spoke at some length of the plan
proposed at the laat meeting of the central
body looking to the organisation of the
school children Into Junior clubs, to help
along In the general scheme to render the
city beautiful and of the proposition, also
advanced by the Central club, to place the
grounds of the city schools In the hands of
the park commissioners. He advised the
Prospect Hill Improvers to be alert, and
being the oldest club tn the city suggested
that it was proper for the club to take Im
mediate steps to organize a Junior club and
xpressed the hope that such a dub would
be a tangible thing before the date of the
proposed mass meeting.
Special Meeting; Held, bnt Tery Little
Pressing Business Gets
The call of Mayor Moores for a special
meeting of the city fathers laat night
brought forth a quorum, but there was
mighty little doing. ' The mayor waa not
there, and Chairman' Nicholson of the
street Improvement "and viaducts com
mittee pleaded for more time on the spe
cial report In his hands1. The report deals
with the ordinance Vhlch will grant to
the Chicago Great 1 Western railroad the
right and franchise' Tfor certain territory
within the bounds of' the city. President
Zlmman stated that an opportunity will
be given to the property holders to plead
their cases today at 10 o'clock, and Mr.
Nicholson then annbunced that he would
hold his report until next Tuesday.
The entire meeting was not over twenty
mlnutea' duration and the members cor
ralled were Evans, Dyball, Nicholson,
O'Brien and Zlmman. ' The absentees were
Back, Hoye, Huntington and Schroeder. A
bunch of four vetos from the mayor were
received, but theae were speedily disposed
f by President Zlmman announcing that
they could not be heard at this special
meeting and they were laid over without
being opened. City Clerk Elbourn an
nounced a list of places for registration
and the ' following resignations were ac
cepted from the registration board: J. H.
Berger, George W. Coryell. H. A. Daniel,
W. S. Greenleaf and George Eckles.
A resolution commending the action of
the city clerk In publishing the notices of
the places of registration In The Evening
Bee and the World-Herald was adopted,
as was also one changing the place for
registration in the Fourth district of the
Fourth ward to 2GM Douglas street The
last resolution, , providing for the filling
qf vacancies on the board of registration
for both parties, was adopted, and then, on
motion of Councilman O'Brien, the meeting
Precedent Established y Finding
. Gnllty Woman Charged with
Larceny front Person,
In the criminal division of the district
court the first conviction ever made before
Judge Estelle on the charge, f larceny
from the person waa made yesterday after
noon. The case was that of Minnie Brown,
The defendant' In this case was a resi
dent of the burnt district Of late the In
crease in the number of cases where lar
ceny from the person was charged, has
worried the county officials, as it Is a hard
matter te secure convictions In these cases.
The plaintiff In this case, H. D. Jones,
while a visitor at Miss Brown's domicile,
had six $20 gold pieces taken from his per
son and charged Miss Brown with the
theft. The case was called before Judge
Eatelle Tuesday morning and yesterday
afternoon the Jury returned a verdict of
guilty and the defendant Is therefore sub
ject to a penitentiary sentence.
Speaking et this case, Judge Estelle
aid: "This conviction Is a matter of much
concern to me and I am gratified to know
that we have established this precedent
It will give the habitues of the resorts
below the line some Idea of what they may
expect In future cases of this kind. They
victimise every one of the persons who
have exhibited such poor Judgment as te
visit theae places. There are no reasons
however, why wholesale robberies should
be made a rule, even In theae resorts."
In this case the proeecutlng attorney
was Assistant County Attorney Frank L.
Society ef St. Mary's Avenne Congre
gational Transacts Seme
The society of the St. Mary's Avenue Con
gregatlonal church, which has charge of the
financial Interests of the body, held a meet
lng In the church parlors laat night to
transact the regular annual business.
Reports were received from the various
officers and trustees of the church. The
financial report showed a gain of about 109
per cent In the revenues over one year ago.
Some of the floating Indebtedness has been
THehandy vayio broilj
Moore's Steel Range.
cleared off during the year, and one-third
of the first mortgage, amounting to 110,000,
aa been paid.
The constitution waa changed to provide
for nine trustees, hereafter. Instead of
five. The following officers were elected:
President, M. J. Kennard; clerk, J. B.
Piper; treasurer, L. M. Talmage, trustees
for three years, J. W. Griffith, J. B. Piper
and Mr. Wright; for two years, J. II.
Evans, L. M. Talmage and C. S. Hayward;
for one year, A. 8. Stelger, N. B. Updike
and G. H. Day.
A vote of thanks waa extended to the
officera of the financial committee for the
good work done by them during tho past
year. W. J. Connell, who has served on
the board of trustees of the church for al
most twenty years, received the thanka ot
all the speakers for his hard work and time
expended in furthering the Interests of the
church. He was tendered the election aa
a member of the board for the coming year
but declined.
Committee to Prepare for Spread for
the Association Named Last
The meeting of the Veteran Firemen's
association held In the office of Chief Salter,
last night was quite well attended. The
applications of E. H. Walker, Zenaa Ste
vens, Alfred R. Tooser and Charles F.
Manderson for admission as members of
the association were received and all were
elected to membership. A resolution favor
ing an annual banquet to be held some
time during the latter part of November
waa passed, and a committee of four,
composed of William Alstadt, John Baumer,
Charlea Brunig and F. H. Koeatera, waa
appointed by the chair to (et the date
and arrange the details. It was decided
that each member who desired to attend
the banquet should be asaeased tl for his
own" ticket and the same amount for
guests invited by him.
A communication asking that the asso
ciation become a member of the National
Firemen's association was received from
the secretary of the national organization,
W. Olllan of Chicago. ' A resolution
Instructing the local secretary ' to fill out
the application blank and send the Initia
tion fee, amounting to $2. to the national
association waa acted upon favorably.
Mrs. Sarah E. Parr expressed her appre
ciation of a donation amounting to 115
made to her by the association In time of
her alckness, by a letter of thanka which
was read.
The meeting adjourned subject to the
call of the special committee appointed on
Follows neglect of throat and Iun - dis
eases, but Dr. King's New Discovery cures
such troubles or no pay. GOo, $1.00. For
sale by Kuhn ft Co.
Movements ( Ocean Vessels Oct. 14.
At New York Arrived: Oceanic, from
Liverpool: Prlnaesa Irene, from Genoa.
Sailed: Philadelphia, for Southampton;
Pvtadam, for Rotterdam via Boulogne; Ma
jestic, for Liverpool; Oscar 111 for Copen
hagen. .
At rnuaaeipnia Arnveu: nnyniana,
from Antwers.
At Queenatown Arrived: Invernia, from
Boston for Liverpool and proceeded.-
At Liverpool Arrived : FTlesland, from
Philadelphia. Sailed: Canada, for Quebec
and Montreal; NoocdlanU, for Philadel
phia via Queenstown.
At Plymouth Arrived: . Pennsylvania,
from New York.
At Bremen Arrived: Kronprlns Wll
helm, from New York via Flnouth and
Cherbourg; Barbarossa, from New York
via Plymouth and Cherbourg.
At Hong jvong arnvru ; cinvtnin,
from San Francisco via Yokohama; Hlo
Jan Maru, from Seattle via Yokohama,
At Naples Baiiea: camproman, xrom
Genoa, for Boston.
How much Water Should Be Drank Daily?
How much time Is ever given to the serious considetatlon of this question? In the proper elimination of the waste material!
from the body and the proper assimilation of nutriment by the system two quarts of pure spring (not mineral) water
should be imbibed daily. If no desire, cultivate it. Small water drinker are as a rule not healthy and are short lived.
Give the children all they desire; all drank will escape in a few hours; does not remain la the stomach. With plenty of
pure spring water and . .
as one of the articles of your daily diet there will be do digestive torpor nor constipated bowsls. Dr. Price's Food Is a
strengthening food properly prepared to meet the wants of the system,
Pchlablo nutritious Easy of Digestion end Ready to Eat
Mr Ignntar en
eery nacfcaje.
Dr. Price, the creator of Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder and Delicious Flavoring Ei tracts.
A seek keek eeatalalsg 7t ueelleat reeeleU far eslag the Fee saallea free te aay address.
Prepared by PniCE CEn COnPArJY, Chicago- .Kinols.
.W ' Just
Mrs. C. M. Schneider and Mrs. Stephen
son entertained at euchre Wednesday after
noon In their apartments at The Sherman.
For her guest, Mrs. . C. J. Rick ot Mat
toon, in., Mrs. Clinton Mlsser gave a Ken
sington afternoon, Wednesday, at her
home, 1019 Georgia avenue. A gucoslng con
test contributed to the afternoon'a enter
tainment the Women present be Ins: Mmes.
C. J. Rick, J. B. Rahm, Caswell, Dollecker,
Harris of Chicago, E. J. Halstead, Frank
Crandall, Joseph Polcar, Arthur Noe, J.
Northrup. J. R. Manchester, C. W. Haller,
A. W. Bowman, Baker of Marion, la., E.
L. Robertson, A. O. Buchanan, J. O'Connor,
Frank Illbbltts and Miss Jennie McAus
land. The prlxea of the afternoon wore
awarded to Mrs. Haller and Mrs. O'Connor.
The card party to have been given this
afternoon by Mrs. Charles Oyger for Mrs.
William Metzgar ot Denver has been post
poned. Mrs. Elmer Neville will entertain at cards
Friday morning at her home on South
Thirty-second street, the game to be fol
lowed by a luncheon.
Mrs. E. W. Arthur will be hostess of
Saturday evening's meeting of the Round
ers. The club includes twenty-four mem
bers. High five will be the game.
Mrs. A; F. Griffith Is entertaining at
cards this afternoon in compliment to her
guest, Mrs. John Lovejoy of Houston, Tex.
The box party at Boyd's to have been
given last evening to the Paxton-Allen
bridal party by the ushers was postponed,
owing to the enforced absence from the
city of some of the men. !
The Carnation Social club Will give the
CrBt of Its winter's series of dancing parties
Monday evening, October 19, at Metropoli
tan hall.
Mrs. John R. Manchester has Invitations
out for a card party to be given Tuesday
afternoon, October 30, at her home, 1313
Park avenue.
The Thurston Rifles have issued Invita
tions for their opening party to be given
at their armory, 1810 Harney street, Tues
day evening, October 20.
Captain and Mrs. David L. Stone re
turned. Wednesday from their wedding
trip thrbugh the south and are guests, for
a few days, Of Mr. and Mrs. George A.
Hoagland, before going to Fort Crook,
where they will remain until the regiment
starts west the laat of the month.
Mlsa Myerson, who has been the guest of
Mrs. 8. A. McWorther, will return to her
home In St. Louis Saturday.
Miss Harriet Evans has returned to her
home, Hyde Park, Chicago, after a pleasant
visit with Omaha friends.
Miss Louise McFarland has returned to
Boston to resume her studies at the New
England Conservatory of Music a
Miss Paulene Schenck ts also studying in
Boston under Car Bearman.
Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Van Inwegen are back
from a six weeks' visit in New York City.
Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Scannell have gone for
a brief visit to Chicago and Cedar Rapids. -
Miss Mabel Hake returned last evening
from Albion, where she waa a guest at the
Ouenther-Peters wedding last week. Mlsa
Petera returned .with Miss Hake and will
be her guest for about two weeks. .
Mr. Farnam Smith has been called to
Lincoln by the serious Illness of his
Miss Emily Ebert Is expected from Kan
sas City Saturday, to be the guest of Miss
Elizabeth Allen and remain for the Allen
Paxton wedding next week.
a mi 11 la Is
pull the chain and tip
goes the whole FrontTop.
Then you can lay kindling,
poke the fire, broil or
toast, free from the usual
We want to show then,
to you. mi
Nebraskao. Chosen at One Vice president o!
Army of Cumberland.
Orator for Nest Year Is the Only Prt
rate Soldier Who Attended First
Session of Present Re
union, WASHINGTON, Oct IB. Votes of thankj
to General H. V. Boynton, aecrelarj
of the Chlckamauga Park commission,
and corresponding secretary of the So
ciety of the Army of the Cumber
land, and to General Charles V. Gfosvenof
of Ohio, for their services in connection
with the military park at Chlckamauga,
were features of the first session of th
thirty-first reunion of the Society of tht
Army of the Cumberland, which was hel
here yesterday.
At the afternoon session General Henry
V Boynton of Washington was elected
president of tho society. General Boynton
has for many years been Its corresponding
secretary. The other officers elected were:
Corresponding secretary, Major - John
Tweedale of thla city; recording secre
tary. Colonel John W. Steele of Ohio;
treasurer. General Frank Smith of Wash
ington; historian. Colonel G. C. Shlffen
of Washington. Among the vice presidents
are: California, Colonel Peter T. Bwaln;
Colorado, Colonel W. F. Fitch; Iowa, Gen
eral D. B. Henderson; Kansas, Captain
Kannehlll; Missouri, Colonel John Cono
vers; Nebraska, General C. F. Manderson.
ft... . . 1 1 1 V V.nlJI ( Tnla.
1 no lie A , UIOTVIII. V. 1 1 w IIVIU t. .uumir
apolls during Chlckamauga week.
Orlando A. Sommers, the only private In
attendance, was elected orator for next
year, and General Charles F. Manderson
alternate. General II. C. Corbln, as chair
man of the Sheridan statue committee,
made a brief report.
'Tonight a public meeting of the society
waa largely attended. General H. V.
Boynton, the new president of the society,
waa preaented to the members by General
Parkhurst of Michigan In a speech com
mendatory of General Boynton'a serxlces
in perpetuating the memory of the vet
erans. " Remarks were made by General G. P.
Thurston of Nashville, General John M.
Scofleld, Major General John R. E rook a,
Major General Henry C, Corbln, Major
General G. M. Dodge, former Speaker
David B. Henderson, Hon. John James
Garfield, Major. General O. O. Howard and
Admiral Wlnfield S. Schley. i
The campflre of the Society of the' Army
of the Potomac waa held tonight. Thoae
who made addresses included former Sen
ator Thurston of Nebraska, Hon. Thomaa
B. Henderson of Illinois, Major, General
Brooke, General O. O. Howard. Hon.
Horatio King of New York and Mrs.
John A. Logan.
Doa't Lose a. Meal
Through dyspepsia and Indigestion. Take
Electric Bitters. They cure stomach
troubles or no pay. Only 60c. For sale by
Kuhn tt Co.
For Attoslnsr His Family. -
J. H. Hlett, 1933 Vinton street, waa ar-s
rested yesterday afternoon on the charge
of abusing hla family. The police report
that not only haa Hlett been in the habit
of abusing his family, but he also refuses
to furnish them enough money on which
to subsist, although he makes good wages.
His wife is in the county hospital and the
children are said by the neighbors to he
In want, so much so that small amounts
of money have been raised In tho neigh
borhood with which to buy bread for them.