Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 16, 1903, Page 6, Image 6

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Tim Omaiia Daily Bee.
XaiJy He (without Sunday). Onf Tear.ljOO Bee and Hunday, one Year
Illustrated Bee, Uni- Vear J
Hunday Bee. One Year '
(Kfurd.iv Bee, One Vr
Twentieth Centurv Farmer. One Tear. 1.00
Pally Hee (without Hundny). per copy.. 2c
Dally Bee (without Buiuiayi. per week. .12c
Dally bee (Including Bunua) , per week.lre
Hunday Bee. cr ropy jo
Evening tiee (without Sunday), per week 6c
Evening bee (Including Sunday), per
week ....10c
Complaint of lrrr?guln rifles In delivery
houid be addressed to City Circulation De
partment. OFFICES
Omaha The Hee Building.
Houtli OmHha City Hall Building, Twen-ty-flfth
and M Btreet.
Council Bluffs 10 Pearl Frreet.
Chicago 1W0 Unity BuMdlng.
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Washington 601 Fourteenth Street.
Communications relating to news and edi
torial matter ishoiilil be addressed: Omaha
Bee, Editorial Depiirtment.
Remit by draft, exprem or postal order
payable to The Bee Publishing Compmy.
Only 2-cent stamps accepted In payment of
mail account. Personal checks, except on
Omaha or eastern exchange, not accepted.
grate of Nebraska. Doug: County, sb ;
George. B. Tsschuck. secretary of The Hee
Publishing Company, being duly worn,
aya that the actual number of full and
complete coulee of The Dally Morning,
Evening and Hunday Hee printed during
the month of September, 13. wu aa fol
t.. ......
... .210370
.... 29,830
... .ZO.STO
11 2,4.tS
14... 2HMHH
li it,oo
Total tM12,230
Less unsold and returned copies.... W.4M4I
ll! 88.H70
If S,WK)
20 a,44
Jl 2H.HH0
"2 2H.8NO
23 "k,tmo
24 28.T80
25 28.720
27 27.340
28 X8,7M
2 2H.8B0
30 2U.U40
Net total sales Hr.2.744
Kt average sales as. 44
Subscribed In my presence and aworu to
ueiore me tnis auto nay or September, a.
D 1J3. M. B. H UNO ATE.
(Seal.) Notary Public.
Have you registered? If not, don't
fall to do bo next Friday.
No wonder Charles M. Schwab had to
retire from the head of the Steel trust
on account of ill health.
Kx-Presldent Cleveland mar have, lost
weight physically, but his public ad
dresses ore JuHt aa ponderous as of yore.
Did you register yesterday? Tf not,
your next chance to Ket your nnmo
properly enrolled for the election will
conic Friday, October
Duaucxctxo amkrican TAitirr.
In one of his addresses Mr. Chamber
lain took particular occasion to denounce
the American tariff, his manifest pur
pose In doing this being to create a
prejndice not only in Kngjand but in
the British province against our tariff
system. It was a perfectly natural
position for him to take under the
circumstances, notwithstanding the fact
that there seemed to te a little Incon
sistency in his assailing a protective pol
icy on the part of this country at the
same time that he was advocating a
change of policy on the part of the Brit
ish empire In the direction of a protect
ive policy.
It Is to be borne In mind, however.
that the policy advocated by the former
British secretary of the colonies Is not
one of absolute tariff protection, as we
have It in this country. Mr. Cbamber
luln's idea, after all, is not the Ameri
can idea, but rather a modification of it,
something like what we know in this
country as n tariff for revenue only.
The Chamberlain policy Is really con
servative in Us propositions. It does
not, in its present propositions, contem
plate any very radical departure from
the old system, but only so much of
a change as will bring the Integral parts
of the British empire Into a closer com
mercial relation with each other and In
this way bind them more firmly as an
Imperial whole.
That is . the meaning of the whole
scheme which is today agitating tho
British nation and the outcome of which
will hnve on important bearing upon the
commercial relations between the United
States and the United Kingdom.
As the matter-now stands there is no
reason to apprehend that anything will
be done which will in tho slightest de
gree mitigate against the trade between
this country and the Dominion. A good
deal is being said In regard to the pos
sibility of our commercial relations
with Canada suffering from issues be
tween the two countries, but there Is
nothing in the trade statistics to indi
cate any such danger. On the con
trary all the evidence is to the effect
that in our business relations with the
Dominion we arc holding ouc own, with
the probability of continuing this posi
tion. What effect tho Chamberlain
policy, if it should succeed, would have
upon these relations, it Is not easy to
say, but It is quite conceivable that the
United States would suffer less from
whatever change in trade relations
might be effected than would Canada, or
even England herself. In short, while
the United States might experience
some little loss from the policy which
Chamberlain is advocating, the prob
ability Is that the United Kingdom
would be by far the greater sufferer.
need of dodging. If It Is made at the
Instance of competing railroad com
panies the people ought to know It
There ran lie no middle ground. The
council cannot clniw to stand for Omaha
and play into the hands of the corpora
tions that are trying to fence competing
railroads out of Omaha. The truth Is
that there has been too much tampering
with the council. The people of Omaha
have stood it a good while, but they will
not stand it forever.
Francis M. Cockrell of Missouri, whose
fifth term In the United States senate
will expire March 4, 1005, when he
reaches the age of 71, is already laying
his pipes and reconstructed his po
litical fences for a sixth term. Eminent
Missourlans ' who aspire to Senator
Cockrell's brogans are assured that his
step is vigorous, his handshake whole
some and the world still looks good to
the senior senator. Whether Senator
Cockrell will surpass Thomas Benton In
length of continuous sen-ice in the upper
house of the national legislature time
alone will tell. In the language of the
governor of North Carolina to the gov
ernor of South Carolina, "It Is a long
time between drinks."
Many of the New York multl-million-alres
have established residences In New
Jersey and Connecticut to evade their
personal taxes and their example seems
to have been followed by a number of
Omaha dcml millionaires and men in
comfortable circumstances who have
established their homes within the past
few years outside of the city limits
under the pretext of a need of fresh air,
but in reality to beat their personal
The annual report of the register of
the treasury shows that only a very
small proportion of the registered bonds
issued by the United States are held
abroad. This la quite a change from
conditions that existed a few years ago,
when foreign capital was in a large
part the basis of the American national
credit. Nothing illustrates more strik
ingly the tremendous expansion of
American financial resources.
The fine Italian hands of the superin
tendent of schools and the secretary of
the school board are visible in the ma
jority of filings of school board candidates.
Members of tho city council who want
to know what public sentiment Is with
regard to municipal ownership or the
fencing out of the Oreut Western rail
road had better put their ears to the
In naming the place near Fort Klley
chosen for the assembling of the troops
for the fall maneuvers Camp William
Carey Sanger, the authorities should
know that they are taking grave liber
ties with the weather man.
Republicans Interested in better school
government should not forget to take
an active Interest in tho republican pri
niarles for nominating five members of
the school board to take place between
Mvu and night tomorrow.
The Colombian Senate. Is said to ba
figuring on a new plan to expedite the
construction of tho Panama canal. The
quickest way out would bo for the
Colombian Senate to back up and indi
cate its readiness to ratify the rejected
treaty if given another chance.
The restoration host of Dowle's ZIon
City, made up of 3,000 crusaders, has
undertaken an Invasion of (Irvater New
York. Fortunately or unfortunately
the crusaders will make their advent
Into the metropolis a little too late to be
able to vote at the Impending election.
The "no answer" column under the
head of party affiliations In the rcgistra
tion books is gradually weakening as
compared with the party declarations.
Voters have discovered that a reply to
this question in not an unreasonable
prerequisite to participation in party
Some of the disclosures in the tdilp
building combine cases tend to furnish
explanations why the trust magnates ob
ject so strenuously to enforced publicity
f their financial operutlous. Those little
underhanded schemes to bunco the in
noceut investor can be worked much
more successfully under cover.
In his speech at the banquet given to
tlie State Bankers' association (iovernor
Mickey declared there was a time when
the liauker was looked upon as a
nuisance In the community, but that it
Is different now. Some people may
disagree with the governor as to his
conclusions, dt all depends whether the
man Is borrowing or has bceu cited to
pay up.
The defeat of the electric light bond
proposition will only intensify public
sentiment in favor of municipal owner
ship. It afford proof punitive Ithat
municipal self-government will continue
to be a farce so long as city councllmen
are more Intent on serving the corpora
tions than on serving their own con
"Me, Toot"
Chlcaco Tribune.
Why, Mr. Piatt! You giddy old thins!
The constitution of Nebraska expressly
requires all property to be assessed and
taxed In proportion to its value. That
applies to men who sell goods at whole
sale and at retail as well as it does to
finished products In mill and factory, and
to the wage worker as well as to his em
ployer. Nobody should be obliged to
pay more than his due proportion of
taxes and nobody should be asked to
pay lea. Io the matter of taxation the
law contemplates no distinct Inn ami uo
favoritism between property-owning iu
Uvl4uala JLruus au corpora Uona,
The members of the present city coun
cil were elected five months ago on a
platform pledging them collectively and
Individually to municipal ownership.
Tho first practical step in that direction
was the ordinance Introduced at the
instance of Mayor Moorcs submitting to
the voters of Omaha at the Impending
election a proposition to issue bonds for
the establishment of an electric lighting
Under the charter every proposition
for a bond Issue must be published at twenty days before election. Con
sequently the very last day on which
the ordinance could be made effective
was Wednesday, October 14. The elec
tric lighting ordinance was introduced
in the council two weeks ago and should
by rights have been passed a week ago.
Its final passage was defeated by the
absence of a quorum at the regular
sessiou Tuesday night and the failure
of a majority of the council to respond
to the mayor's call for a special session
on Wednesday morning.
The question citizens of Omaha will
naturally ask is. Who broke up the
quorum, and what explanation can
councllmen make to Justify their de
liberate violation of the pledges on
which they were elected? Why shonld
councllmen leave the city when they
must have known that their presence
was absolutely necessary In order to
pass the electric lighting ordinance?
Was the absence of these membera vol
tuitnry or was It brought about by the
agencies which the public utility com
panies usually employ to gain their
One of the absentees is reported to
hnve snld that he believed public sent!
nient was no longer In favor of mu
nicipal ownership of electric lighting. It
would bo Interesting to know from
whom the absent member got his In
formation. Was It from the paid run
ners of the electric lighting company,
who havo been tagging after members
day and night and pulling them from
saloon to saloon? What right have
members of the council to assume that
public sentiment has changed? Why
should' councllmen refuse to trust the
people and let them decide for t.henv
selves through the ballot box whether
they want to coutinue public lighting
through private corporations or prefer
to have it done directly by the municipal
Another member of the council wants
the people to believe that the failure of
the electric lighting ordinance is due to
the anxiety-of the coum-U to prevent
the passage of the ordinance closing cer
tain streets for the accommodation of
the Chicago Great Western railroad.
This Ik altogether too gauzy. There is
uo connection or relation between the
two propositions. The council could
have passed the electric lighting ordi
nance and deferred action on the Grea
Western ordinance. It could have passed
tho Great Western ordinance and voted
down the electric lighting ordinance.
If the members of the city council
who are playing hlde-aud-teek Imagine
they are finding the people they are
very much mistaken. If the obstruction
of tho passage of the Great Western
ordinance is made In good faith for the
hfifflt of real estate owners whose
4ropert would b Luuavd tUera la no
Wasn't Feel In a- Well, Jut Then.
Cleveland Plain Dealer.
And yet Mr. Schwab was a sick man
when he made that Ship trust killing:. Lots
of people are wondering what would have
happened if he had been feeling good and
strong. . ..
Pessimism of Old Aare.
New York World.
John it. Reagan of Texas, sole survivor
of Jefferson Davis' cabinet, says that "the
United States is drifting rapidly Into
monarchical form of government." As Mr.
Reagan la 85 years old the republic will
doubtless laHt his time and longer.'
Creatine; Artificial Famines.
Baltimore American.
Another coal strike la Impending in the
west. When the much-tried and long-suf
fering public do rise in their wrath and
take a hand In these artificial famines of
the necessaries of life, as eventually they
will do, the result will be such aa will be
seared into the memory of all responsible
for the public suffering.
Morg-naeerlnsT "liown t Be
Cestdeaee Game.
Maa-e I Miner Scenes aa4 Ineiaents Sketched
the "pot.
Kansas City Star. I Quartermaster General Humphrey has
Tteoent events hare furnished an answer tinder consideration a proposition to en-
to Wall street's question as to who Is the large the army clothing plant at Phlln
real enemy of prosperity. The New TorJi delphla so as to make all uniforms for
Bu.v voicing one view of the situation, h's army officer. It Is aald the quartermaster
been Implying that the president's hostility I will favorably recommend the matter to
to law-breaking on the part of the trusts congress. At the present time only the uni
ts ruining the country. The noble efforts forms of enlisted men are made at the
of the captains of lnJustry to benefit the army departments, the officers being corn
people. It has Intimated, have been frus- pelled to patronlie high priced tailors.
tratcd by executive hostility. In the last There Is constant kicking among military
few days, however, another phase of the I men over the cost of their service clothes,
affair tins been forced to public attention, land It will doubtless continue until the gov-
JmbI week the United States Steel cor- rrnnient agrees to make them at coat
poratlon reduced Its quarterly dividend In price.
common stock to one-half Its former rate. I General Humphrey estimates that he can
Since this stock was known by well In
formed outsiders to be wholly water, the
reduction had been anticipated. In fact.
It was repeatedly pointed out at the time
of the trust's organization that the pay
ment ef dividends on the common stock
could not continue and so would only mis-
cut the cost of tailor made uniforms for
officers from 40 to M per cent, and at the
same time furnish goods of a quality equal
to that provided by the best tailors. He
has talked the matter over with Secretary
Root and the latter heartily Indorsed the
plan. In fact, he suggested the scheme of
lead careless Investors. In defiance of I making the officers Independent of the mill
sound business principles the management tary tailors.
continued to pny the dividends, apparently The numerous tind bitter complnints that
for the sole purpose of "boosting" the followed the recent changes In the uniform
stock. I were responsible for the Idea of a service
Its success was shown by the fact that tallorina establishment. General Humphrey
at the last report of the corporation there I beiie.VeS that in addition to saving the
were 28,000 holders of common stock, of I officers a great deal of money this scheme
whom S.OOO had been added within the pre- I - mi do mor o bring uniformity 1n the
ceding year. Undoubtedly many Investors cithes of officers than all the rules that
believed the 4 per cent dividend would be have bcen KBW& on the subject. He says
permanent. Its reduction, revealing tne es- that ,n BpUo of the m08t carefully drawn
sential weakness of securities with a face regulations the hatters of the country find
value of $600,000,000, must tend to shake ,t lmp)B(,iDie to turn 0ut service hats that
public confidence In the policy of the coun- conforra to the requirements. In a com-
try's largest tmst. panv of a dosen officers the visors of no
On the heels of this event, comes the , . TIU,ti- almllar. Discrepancies
testimony aa to the promoters' plot in the aro found in tho coat and trousers of
shipbuilding combination, rne exposures
impel so conservative a newspaper as the
New Tork Evening Tost to remark that
more vulgar conspiracy to pluck or
shear the Investing public" has seldom
been discovered, and that the "vendors of
salted' mines are entitled to hold up their
beads compared with the discovered trick
sters." ,
The men involved In these proceedings
are considered financial leaders. They
have been bitter against the president for
Interfering In any way with their plans.
Just what sort of "prosperity" has been
involved in these plans has leen strikingly
indicated In the last few days. Tho public
could have no clearer proof of who are the
real conspirator against the nation's wetl
Hl'GE confidence: game.
army officers.
The average tale that is told In the offl
clal papers that drift Into the government
archlevcs by the thousands dally is what
has come to be known as a "human in
terest story." There are dreary wastes of
platitude and heaviness, wearisome mo
notony and "hard luck stories" galore.
But amid all these and relieving the tedium
of the rest are bright bits of unconscious
humor, sharp sallies of wit and expres
sions strikingly original and funny. The
(Treat bulk of the "queer" papers among
the official documents reaches the pension
bureau, reports the Washington Star. The
veterans have a way of writing epigram
matic letters on occasion and of drifting
Into President Lincoln's habit of illustrat
ing points by anecdotes culled from per
sonal experiences. The following from
man, who is something of a fatalist in his
way, will show a peculiar vein of thought
and expression:
"I Alwase Been a Puglecan Party.
"I Alwase saclated with it.
"I Beet turned Down by It.
"I Beed my Blbcl.
"I find from It hel Is doomed.
"I am also doomed.
"I spoas I must go to the BoanArd.
"I must cloas."
Down In old Missouri lives a veteran who
evidently regards the receipt of an official
letter from Washington as a mark of dis
tinction and importance. Presumably he
Green Goods Men Outclassed by Cap
tains of Industry.
Chicago News.
When the green-goods man sells to the
countryman enough rubbish to fill a carpet
bag with the understanding that It Is coun
terfeit money good enough to fool the pub
lie It Is a case of a clever rascal swindling
a stupid rascal. When a gold brick changes
hands the conditions are much the same,
since the Inference Is that the brick has
been stolen somewhere. The law puts
swindlers of this sort in stripes and prison
When, however, trust promoters gather I wanted to show the answer to his neigh
up a few manufacturing plants which have bora as an earnest of his close relations to
made their owners wealthy or which at J the powers that be in Washington, and
least look imposing from a distance, pay- I that Is what he wrote to the commissioner
Ing huge prices for them In bonds of a I of pensions:
new company, issuing preferred and com- I "Dear Sir I haven't got nothln' espeshal
mon stock of the face value of millions of I to rlte about but Just thote I would con
dollars and by moans of prospectuses and I gradulate you on the effercacy of your work
other forms of romantic fiction Inducing I In genral and your standing as a high and
the Dublio to buy ,the slock, the game Is I onerabel gent In particular. I would like
not called a confidence game. There Is no I to have the oner of your repll In ten days
protection given,to the person who has l wruten on a typewriter, etc. -
confidence in ttya pintegrUy. of financiers It Is not to be suppooed, of course, that a
possessing great .Jiamea and playing con- pensioner or his witnesses are masters of
spicuous parts fn,the world's affairs. The medical phraseology. Sometimes, how
tradition of business honor reaches far. ever, the veteran wanders from the path
It possiblo, say modest, hard- l or generalities rouowea by most. lay minds,
working folk, that such eminent men would I and gets the vernacular of the medical
conspire to rob us of uur few hundreds or I fraternity mixed to a ridiculous degree.
thousands. Bo they buy the shares, be- I The following was discovered in the pa
Uevlng t-at they have Invested their money I pers filed by a claimant who was seeking
snreiy ana wen. , a pension unaer tne general law: raraiy
It Is a nno game, the profits being ene-r- I sis of right side has generally extended
Limited Itefnge for Doodlers.
Philadelphia Record.
If Secretary Hay shall succeed In ne
gotiating treaties with foreign powers mak
ing briberies and embectlements extra
ditable offenses It will put a new barrier In
the pathway of professional political pro
moters and thlmblerlggera. It Is to be
feared that Instead of fleeing to Mexico and
Canada they may be Induced to seek safety
In Pennsylvania.
LaMubs Scoot for Cover.
Springfield Republican.
Every few days Wall street announce
the discovery of signs that the public la
returning to the stock market. And every
few days there come revolutions like this
In the Shipbuilding trust flotation, which
show why the public Is out and likely to re
main out for a while. Confidence has been
described aa a tender plant, but the trust
promoters have acted aa if It were an oak
treo which could not be blown over.
mous in many Instances. Who shall draw
the line between well-managed trusts run
by honest men and mere stock-gambling
devices which also . bear the name of
trusts? Since the business of launching
huge combines for a consideration engages
tho attention of even that grea.t banker
to adjacent parts of the brain matter,
causing paralysis of application and in
tention." What he really meant, and what
he was pensioned for was paralysis of
right forearm resulting from a chell
Not long ago a man who does not be-
with the mouth-filling name, J. Pierpont Heve In glittering generalities had this to
Morgan, how shall the outside public with say In an affidavit filed In a pension claim,
money to Invest distinguish between the to show the widowed claimant's financial
safe and the extra hazardous when paying standing:
out its money for stock? The talk about " says, upon oath, that claimant has
trusts being a natural evolution of business only two horses and two cows and very
leaves out the busy promoter, who makes young colt, a two,horse wagon worth about
trusts as a boy makes kites, except that he $15. Had somo other property when sol-
files them for huge personal profit, not for I dler died namely, two mules, one team of
fun. Was the shipyard trust a natural horses, one heifer and one steer. One mule
evolution? Hardly. According to the evl- died and one heifer was killed by lightning.
denco it was an attempt of men with names The remaining mule was sold to defray
that nave been nonorea in tne past to make funeral expenses and other debts, one horse
great profits and to sell out quick.
The federal and state governments must
take hold of this matter firmly. There are
goods trusts and there are trusts that are
little short of Infamous. Publicity and
punishment for crimes committed by Im
posing confidence men who utter green
was taken sick and which waa not worthy
of attention since that time and the horse
was given away. The steer was sold to
pay doctor's bills and other debts, and
further affiant sayetH not."
Active preparations are now In progress
goods In million-dollar lots must be applied at the capltol for the coming extra session
ror tne protection or tne pumic ana for the 0f congress. The officials responsible for
preservation of old-fashioned
the business world.
honesty In
Trying to Ride Two Homes Headed
la Opposite Directions.
Chicago Inter-Ocean.
Comptroller Grout , of New York City
has Issued a statement In which he char
acterises the removal of his name from
the Low municipal ticket as ' "lynch law
and mob rule." The trouble with Comp
troller Grout Is that he has failed abso
lutely to understand the conditions of his
existence as a public offl.-lal.
He was a member of the Ixw adminis
tration. He was renominated by the
forces that seek to kees that adminis
tration In power on a platform which de
fined the forces which seek to put that
administration out of power as "an or
ganization davoteU to public plunder
an organized agency for the protection
of vice and crime." He accepted that
nomination, and so made that definition
of Tammany his own.
Tho Tammany convention met and
also nominated Mr. Grout, on a platform
which described the Low administration
as Inefficient, extravagant, and corrupt.
Mr. Grout also accepted probably so
licitedthat nomination, and by so do.
trig made that description his own.
Here was evidently a situation in which
no man could be neutral in which every
nun Interested must stand with one party
or the other of his associates In which no
loyal man could possibly accept the support
of both sides.
The fusionlsts had said that Mr. Grout's
associates In Tammany were scoundrels.
Tammany had said that Mr. Grout's as
sociates among the fusionisla wers
scoundrels. As a private cltlsen Mr. Grout
might have maintained friendly relation
with both sides. But aa a candidate fot
public offce It waa necessary for him ts
take a side.
He refused to do so. He showed that he
was utterly destitute of any sense of
loyalty to any one exeeot himself. And
he bus suffered the penalty which always
comes sooner or later to suck Shufflers
sua sUreddlera.
o Apparent Jteeesslty for Cnrreney
St. Louis Globe-Democrat.
Another "highest" has been reached in
the amount of : the country's cash the
highest absolutely and the highest propor
tionately to population. The total amount
of money in circulation in the country
at the beginning of October, according to
the treasury's figures, was $2,4u4.S17,oi. At
the estimated population of S0.8J1.000 this is
per capita circulation of 129.75. The high
est previous per capita circulation, that
of June 1. four and a third months ago,
was I29.M. The probability Is that tho modatlon of the approaching session are
J30 mark will be reached by the beginning I ready to put In place. The speaker's lobby
Of 1904. , I has been finely frescoed bv Roeherman.
in me pasi iwene monins mo assre- nupil of Brumldl. who for many years
gate circulation of the l.'nited States has was engaged on the decorations of the
increased approximately J12S.0U0.W0, and the I capltol, including the dome.
per capita gain has been II. 11
the accommodation and comfort of congress
have Instructed Superintendent Ell'o't
Woods of the capltol to have it ready for
occupation before November 9. Extensive
Improvements have been In progress since
the dissolution of the Fifty-seventh con
gress, some or these having been under
taken two years ago, but Mr. Woods de
clares that the capltol will be ready for
congress by November 1.
The Fifthy-elghth congress will be com
posed of 3M representatives and four dele
gates, an Increase of thirty over the mum
bership of the last congress. The hall of
the house has been so arranged as to seat
200 members on each side of the main
aisle, thus making provision for an in
crease of ten members. Tho new dusks
were procured for the last congress, and the
additional number required for the aecoin
respondence. Many of the writers aro
castle and nearly all of them take the te
marks of the chemist seriously. One or
them, as stated above x?rrr'4 the opinion
that If a bald vate waa a slim of intel
lectuality, Dr. Wiley must surely have an
excellent growth of hull. Dr. Wiley Is
making preparations te start the piyo'i
sqimd on the fill ccurse. He denies In
dignantly that It In his purpose to inaujr.l-
ate experiments to ascertrln the effect of
s.lcohot on tte human ystem. The popti-
larity cf an;ohol c :!s ' Is sttested by
the large nutnher of volunteers who of
fered to sacrifice themselves In the Inter
ests of science. It is the purpose of Dr.
Wliey to confine himself te experimenta
tion with solids and not take up liquids,
as he realizes that the government has
no facilities to care for a group of ine
briates. I
Preparations are In progress In Washing
ton for the meeting of agricultural sci
entists and experts which will be held
about the middle of November. The local
arrangements are in charge of Dr. A. C.
True of the departmental experiment sta
tion service. There are sixty-five colleges
and sixty experiment stations to be repre
sented by the delegates, and as each col
lege and station Is entitled to one repre
sentative the attendance is to be large. The
program is now In the hands of the execu
tive committee, and Is expected at the de
partment any day. Dr. True is annually
appointed by the secretary of agriculture
as one of the two government delegates.
He gives some Interesting data concerning
the Importance of the Institutions to be
represented at the convention. They have
funds and equipment estimated at 170.
000,000 and an annual Income of HO.000.000.
There are 3,600 men In the faculties of the
Institutions and a total student body of
tfi.6f9. Of the students (.299 are studying
agriculture alone, and as each of them In
tends to make a life business of farming,
their practical demonstration of the latest
methods of scientific agriculture are ex
pected to be of great servloe to the coun
try at large.
The Income of the experiment stations
proper In 1902 was ll.SSO.OOO. of which
Isoo.oiX) was contributed by the national
government. The stations employ about
700 experts and issue some 400 publications
annually. In addition to their work at the
station many of the employes conduct or
deliver addresses at farmers' meetings, and
In 1902 it was estimated that they parson
ally expounded the latest theories of agri
culture to more than 1,000,000 people.
I ,
American none Life Tnshaken by
Specnlntlve Sharpers.
Joe Howard's Letter In Boston Globe.
The United States is emphatically a na
tion of homes. Domesticity Is our chief
virtue. Tho first thought of every honest
man, young or old, la to get a home. Now,
so far as I tan discover, the American
home life, unaffected by monkey dinners,
wrist bracelets, smart-set divorces, disloyal
friends and toadies to wealth, is ss solid
and substantial today as It was years ago,
when there was less glitter and more gold
in evidence. Study the army of men, young
and old. that starts out every morning to
work. What are they going to work for?
Every one of the millions either seeks op
portunity for labor or goes to his regular
toll. What for? He earns his daily bread
by his early struggle. In great centers like
New York and Boston there Is more or less
poverty, and with poverty, suffering. The
great mass, however, earns literally Its
dally bread. They know Indistinctly that
there are very rich men, some good and
some bad; rich women, some good, many
silly, and In a vague sort of way they
recognize that this, that or the other man
has a million dollars or more. What does
It mean to them? Nothing. As a chain Is
as strong ss its weakest link only, so a na
tion is as prosperous as Its humblest class.
In no offensive meaning Is the term, hum
blest, ysed, but rather to Indicate the great
majority of us who say, with feeling, "Give
us this day our dally bread," meaning'
thereby tho elements that enter into do
mestic safety, comfort, ease and surety.
Go to the markets, to the stores. Do you
find any diminution in domestic purchas
ing? Never In the history of the nation was
there so much sugar, tea. coffee, butter,
lard, flours of all brands, meals, molasses
and syrups sold. This la a well-fed nation,
and food can't be had without Its purchas
ing equivalent.
Where there Is one Rockefeller with sn
unsavory reputation, financial, greedy and
avaricious, one Morgan dominating for a
while his rivals and friends alike, one sys
tem, blood sucking, nerve-wearing and community-undermining,
there are millions of
honest men earning, thank God, their
dally bread. For whom is this bread? It'
is the nourishment of wife and children; It's
hospitality to friends and neighbors; It's a
solid and substantial satisfaction to the
man who earns It. as he sees those, who.
to be sure, are dependent upon him, but
who also love him, partake of and enjoy
It. Of the right kind of prosperity the na
tion has full measure. Of the watered
nearly worthless, pretentious prosperity we
have had more than enough. Thank heav
ens, those whoso cunning Induced It and
whose avarice bloated It and floated It,
for that matter are finding out, at a late
date, to be sure, that while wind is useful
In Its sphere, no gas bag has ever yet
been Invented strong enough to prevent Its
bursting when pushed beyond its power of
rKHoii ft ones.
tleneral John P. Gordon ef Oorgls ties
rvsumrd his lecturing tour In ths south.
Gradually old Institutions lose their
glamour. Since these late flood experiences
down folks wonder less about Noah.
Mrs. Corteiytwi will make her first of
ficial appearance ss the wife cf a cabinet
minister at the public reception on New
Yenr's ly.
Countess Miranda, better known ss Chris
tine Nllssou, the singer, hss complete!
the furnishing of her new palace near
Madrid. She has a rare collection of oil
pnlntinRs and old playbills.
Cnptain William 8. Cowles has Just er.
tiered himself to sea in command of the
battleship Mississippi. He was acting Chief
of the Bureau of Navigation when that
order came to It, and so passed it along
to himself.
Margaret E. Songster has been selected
by the American committee as the third
representative at the Canadian national
convention of the World's Women's Chris
tian association, which will meet In To
ronto on October .
Former Chief Justice AYlllism E. Pnr-
menter of Massachusetts has Just died In
West Cambridge. Ho had been a lawyer
since 1842, and remembered Boston ss a
town and saw Lafayette when the latter
visited America. He was born In 1S17.
Franklin T. Davis, recently appointed
district deputy grand master by the grand
lodge of Free Masons of New York.
received sn elaborate gold official badge
from Hiawatha lodge, of Mount Vernon.
recently. Mr. Davis Is past master of
Hiawatha lodge, past high priest of Mount
Vernon chapter and pust commander of
Bethlehem oommandery. Knight Templar.
LAlGltlXl GAS,
"Did your college confer any degree on
"No; but they gave me the third degree
In ray secret society, and you bet that's hH
T want. I'm aching from it yet." Chicago
Post, (
Mr. Pepper I don't believe there ww n
dry eye In the house when the curtain went
down on the third act. Mrs. Pepper No;
hut" there seme4 to be tlm usual number
of dry throats. New Yorker.
wreck! What's the miittsr with you?"
"bii tpening." ( v .
"What: you don't mean to T-vy, you went
Into a crush of female shoppers like "
"No, coal hole." Philadelphia Press.
about that
ready. I
Editor Yon needn't bother
historical editorial.
Leader Writer But It's all
wrote It In two hours.
"Well, I want a humorous on In Its
place. How long will It take?"
"Oh, about two days." Brooklyn Life.
"Aren't you ashamed to be an object of
pity and derision?"
"Oh, I don't know," answered Meandering
Mike. "Dere nln't nobody puttln' cartoons
about me In de paper, or makln' Jokes be
cause I want to give away libraries an'
colleges." Washington Star.
In that
time. A rapid Increase has taken place
In the past few years. In the middle of
XS'A the per capita was 1.10, although It
was somewhat higher than that in the pre
vious dozen years. In 1880 it was 119.41, and
In 1879 it was 116. To. As the specie resump
tion act went into operation in the be
ginning of 1879, and as this Incited a
business activity unknown before since the
civil war days, it would seem that our
present proportionate circulation ought to
be amplo for all legitimate needs.
The speculators are the only persons who
are urgently asking an Increase in circu
latlon at this time. The fact that the
per capita of less than 120 was found to
be adequate a little over twenty years ago
when trade was remarkably brisk, would
Indicate that the present figure, which is
half as large again, is big enough for
safety. While the country's population is
increasing with considerable rapidity, its
circulating medium Is expanding much
faster. This Indicates that the country
can get all the money It needs without
making any assault onvour financial laws.
"It's a safe bet that you have a strong
set of grinders and a luxuriant growth of
hair," writes a correspondent to Dr. Wiley,
the eminent chemist of the Department of
Agriculture. This aarcastlo observation was
brought out by the assertion of Dr. Wiley
that the human race Is becoming so Intel
lectual aa to render It toothless and hair
less. This condition of affairs, he con
tended, was not alone due to advancement
Intellectually, but to the use of prepared
foods aa well. Since this celebrated inter
view Dr. Wiley has been deluged with cor-
Most Eye Troubles
begin In childhood. A little abuse a little
strain early in Hie means much more after
maturity. The slightest symptoms should
Moreover, a very large proportion of the '.? ,r. pror1b ,n tlm,
gain of the circulation is maae oy I actual disease Is prevented end they can
gold element of it. most or wnicn is re pre- 1 1 discarded as the child gros older.
sented by Its paper represenianves or cer- . tlllTrtft nnrfflll f
tlncatea.. The condition of the country s I liU LdUil WrllUwL WU,,
flnancra will satisfy all reasonable oe-
:iJ Saitl Ittt Street, Paiti Black,
Pity lor the Dying.
Baltimore American.
The trusts are being approached more in
sorrow than In anger Just now by those
who comprehend the financial situation.
Excited Democrat We'll drive you fel
lows out of the promised land yet! All e
need is a Moses!
I'hlegmatlc Republican That Is what a lis
j-ou. You are always getting a Moses, llo
Iads you In sight of the promised land and
leaves you there. Chicago Tribune.
"Is dey anything in de roun' worl'
sweeter dan 'possum?"
"Pass de plates roun"! DIs Is no time for
problems!" Atlanta Constitution.
Milwaukee Sentinel.
"Tis with pain." said Hiawatha,
"That I read the many stories
Now in active circulation
Relative to local hoodlers;
'Tis with pain and consternation
That I see the various papers
Teliliig Low they llrct uinoiwoiMd '
And denounced the awful practice
In our lovely -little city. '
Boodllng, as I understand It,
Is an ancient proposition:
Mother Eve began the practice
When she told our old friend Adam
How to get a little rakeoff
From the apple tree of knowledge;
Yes. they got a little rakeoff
Little Cain and lltUe Abel!
And from that time on, my dearies,
Boodllng flourished through the ages.
Take Leonldas. for Instance,
Old Leonldas, the Spartan:
Would his name have lived In history
If the wise old duffer hadn't
Held a pasa? Not on your tintype!
I could cite a thousand cases
If I had the inclination.
But I think the wisest boodler
That I ever knew or heard of
Was a sawed-off little Injun
Known as .Hand-Behlnd-His-Blanket,
Who was on the common council
In the land of the Bigmlttahs.
In the land of grafts and holdups.
Hmooth was Hand-Behlnd-Uls-Blanket,
Very heavy on the varnish.
Smoother than a Newport leader.
Smoother than the dimpled cheeklet
Of the maiden In the chorus,
Yet with all his lovely polish
He wss caught at last, my children,
Caught and dvalt with quite severely;
This Is how It was accomplished:
In the village lived a maiden.
Little Chemlcal-Gasella,
Who had been Infatuated
With old Hand-Rohind-Hls-Blanket, k
Till he left her for another;
Then did Chemlcal-Gozella,
In a suit for breach of promise.
Introduce, aa testimony,
This Incriminating letter.
Signed by Hand-Behlnd-His-Blanket:
'Darling. I will buy those earrings
That you've hinted for ao often
When we vote upon the measure
Now before the common council:
When I cast my little ballot
As my blooming conscience dictates
There will be live thousand In It.
And we ll have a champagne blowout
Mumm's the word your lovey dovev.
In the center of the vlllagn
Was a little Iron flagstaff.
There the neighbors oil assembled
For a last long. Ilniterlng look at
Dear old Hand-Behlnd-lllH-rianket.
Who was fastened to the flagstaff.
Plentifully saturated
With that staple prepuratlon
Snld by John D. Ro k feIIr:
TJpward. upward, ever upward
Rolled the smoke, until the village
Looked a little liko Chicago.
Thus did H:inrt-rlhlin-l(ls-Planket
Pay the penalty for boodllng!"
Waltham Watches
They go.
'The Perfected American Wilch," n Hasirtied book
cf interesting InformAtion booi wtche3, tolll be sent
free upon request.
American. WittUm Witch Company,
Wlthm. Mass.
We originated the famous "banker's Iat"
It's worn by buniness men and evory other
man, no matter what his occupation.
Decatur is a mighty sensible Hhoe. , '
13.50 and 5.00.
Direct from maker to wearer.
r H'TTIfsTT'
',.eW.tcos XV