TTTEOMAnA' DAILY TIKE: FRIDAY. OCTOHEK 1. 1903. r- WfloorOll4lr?Ng:J3jrdprloof THE GRANDEST PURCHASE OF jQ Is UVU IaI L-l Evor Uado By Us. cm 10c 50c All Wool French Flannel Remnants, 19c We closed out the entire remnant stock of one of the largest French flannel manufacturers in the U. 8. The highest grade of all wool goods they come in all im -f "v aginable colors, on sale on bargain I KJ Q All lengths of French flannel less than one yard, apiece. ... .,. ... . r, . . ... ... ., ... ... ... m..MMm M All smaller pieces of French flannel, at Er II PICCG. wmtwwmm kt-,r.-..r.rM v 1.1.1.'. , r. t s,.- $1 ALL WOOL DRESS GOODS AT 25c ,Wa closed out every remnant of one of the finest dress goods manufacturers in the U. 8. consisting of albatrosses, cashmeres, henriettas, serges, crepes, etc., In white, cream, high colors and black, C all go at apiece...... .,mnj..rMem -"VW All shorter lengths in this purchase... . ,5c arid 10c $1.50 Dress Goods at 69c TafW cloths, cheviots, slbeUnes unfinished worsteds, Scotch suitings, voiles, eto., blacks and allcolors, worth 1L60 a yard, and many worth mora, at a yard J All the dress goods we have been selling- at IL0O snd"lL25"" vary weave and style of this season, a yard...... ...... 69c 49c 16-oz. Cloths at 39c Yard Mannfaetwers samples of 64-inch. 16-ounce cloths. In 3. 6 and yard. adPled 'or blanket, underskirts, etc., 3SfC f . Siik Remnants for Friday AO KJnds of Silks, 2 to 15 yard lengths, from regular lines of ff 69o, 69o and 08o silks, bargain square, at, a yard 5"C Remnants of Black TaffeU and Peau de Sole lining satin, eta, at one half their repular value. Rsmosnfs of 511k Velvets, panne velvets, Persian velvets, etc., cr f Pr 7rd OVC Remnant of Laces vals and Remnants of Velis-yard and yard Mechlins, all at, r and a half lengths for bat g lpyrd CJC drapes, worth 25c,at lUC Extraordinary Remnant Bargains Basement One new lot of forty-Inch Lawns, worth fifteen cents a yard r i ot ; 02C One table of fine Muslin and Cambrld Remnants, worth lOo a p yard, tfoat " gr Heavy bltlrtlng remnants, worth eighteen cents a yard goat......,,,.. Cottonade remnants, worth ten cents a yard jo t 86-inch fine Sllkoline remnants, yard..... 31c ..2c Light colored Ontlng Flan nel remnants, yard Plain colored Baby Flan nel remnants ,5c .5c .8ic Tart wide Dutch o 1 Calico j 2 Scotch Gingham remnants , 61c Fancy Comfort Print - remnants .....s.jG Canton and Shaker Flannel, p heavy quality .. t5C $1.00 Mercerized Waistings in mm remnants Twenty-five cent Wall Cloth Mercerized double fold black Farmer's Satin. , 25c ..2c 15c 3T. "T. Ptnnbtlm & pon f. "JL PrnnbtU ft Pen ArnVim..i wmwwmu I. ...UH,u - I, , PLEASE REMEMBER That we sail the beat goods in Sewing Machines and supplies. We are agents for New Heine. Domestic. White. Standard. H ousehold, and others-a?trS?y Are !clas machines with latest Improvements. Ball, faction maranteed In all our deaUnga. P. E. FLODMAN & CO., - 1514 Capitol Ave. Tel. 1574 OX SALE MONDAY, OCTOBER 19, A Great Nir York Dreiiaaklig Stock at J. I Bramdels Bomb, 1 ' 1 Beatoa Store. Come prepared Monday to buy the srand at bargains ever offered. This dressmaking- stock was sold by Charles Shongood, United States auctioneer, by order of the V. B. district court, eastern district of New York. The splendid stock consists of mumy areas stuffs and more practical goods for street costumes, thousands of yards of silks and velvets, laces and trim mings, and 88 made-up costumes. Ws secured this stock at a very low fig ure and offer highly fashionable drees goods at a fraction of their coet to import J. I BRANDEI8 & SONS. Prop.. 1 Boston Store. I Laeo Cartalna. Far Friday only we will sell all our JU.60 fcnd 115.00 Brussels. Irish point and Arabian curtains, special, for $8.76 per pair. Drap ery department. ORCHARD & WILHELM CARPET CO. OS.OS to Mls.U.lppl Unbaia d Bark. On Oct. 20th. the Illinois Central R. R. rtll sail tickets to any point In Mississippi nnd Ijoulauuia (Including New Orleans) on their lines, at rate of 123.OG. good for re turn tl days from date of sale. This offers splendid opportunity for visiting the South and October is a good month to go. Particulars at III. Cent Ticket Office, No. Va Faro am St.. Omaha, Neb. Cola West Tkla allt ' Whether the journey Is for pleasure, business or health for a few days or sev oral weeksnaarby, to Oklahoma or 'cross continent to California it win - you In dollars eared, comforts gained and. ignis seen, to can or write me. and find out all about tha low rate personally con ducted excursions over the Santa Fs te Oreat Bouthweal and California. E. L. Palmer. Paaa. Agt, 40 Equitable Bldg.. Xcs Moines, Is. toe Aagelee. Cat, Saat Kraartaco. The Missouri Paclno railway will sell tickets to Los Angeles or San Francisco and return at the very low rate of too. Tickets on sals from October S to 17, In elusive. For further Information call or address day agent of the company or Thomas F. Godfrey, passenger and ticket agent & 23. corner 14th and Douglas sts.. Omaha, Neb. Atteatloa, Hetall 14oor Dealers. All members of ths Retail Liquor Dealers' association are hereby requested to attend tha regular meeting, Friday. October 16th, 4 I .o'clock p. m.. is Continental hall, to transact business of importance. JULIUS TREITSCHKE. Secretary. Horse covers soaoe to at your horse. Omaha Tent and Awning Co., lit and Haraey streets. Another Opportaaltr for Hosaeseekers to Home-Seek. The Frisco System again announces that it will sell tickets from St Louis and Kansas City to points in Oklahoma. In- dian Territory, Kansas and Texas, at the very low rounA-trlp rate of IIB.OO, Opportunities for homes in the Southwest are still plentiful, and ths best lands are by no means all taken up. Excursion tick ets sold at tills extremely low rate will bs good on any of the Frisco regular trains leaving St Louis at 1:80 p.m., 1:35 p,m and 10:00- p m.. October 20, and leaving Kansas City 7:15 p.m., and 11:30 p.m.. on the same date. If you are looking to ths Southwest for a future home, this excur sion of October 20th Is an excellent op portunity to Investigate the country. Your own home ticket agent will be Sbls to give you full information as to rates and limits of tickets. Write for our interesting booklet en titled. "New Lands Along ths Frisco Sys tem." by Bryan Snyder, and for de tailed Information to R. 8. Lemon. Sec retary Frisco la-migration Bureau St Louis. ' Hock Island (ku(. B Time. Train No. 6. eastbound, leaving here formerly at 8:35 p. m., now leaves Omuha at 6:30 p. m. Train No. 7. Oklahoma and Texas Express, leaving here formerly at 6:40 p. m., now leaves Omaha at 6:16 p. m. R. V. COLE! W. M. MCKAY. Cole-McKay company, undertakers and embalmers, 1617 Capitol ave. Tel. t&. DIED. SASflTROM Lena, October 11, 1903. sged 53 ,UUUii.., . uiji, wire or rank Sasstrora. P'ln.rnl RntnrHnw nAM..M . ' clock, from residence, ma North 1 eniy-iurin street. interment Forest Lawn. Friends invited. A Hero Glanco at a good diamond Is ample as Indi cating lis quality. This can be In H', " !,P'1 o any one of the stones wnlcn you may chance to examine out or our Immense collection, every soli tary stone not falling one lota short of deserving the appellation "a gem " And equally emphatic will even those of moderate coot prove. BROWN &B0RSHEIM, Z3 South Uth Street SCIWLLEit & MUELLER THE OLD RELIABLE PIANO HOUSE 1313 FAKNAM ST. Do You E3eed a PI A WO? IF SO HERE IS YOUR OPPORTURITY r7 All the Instruments on exhibition at the carnival grounds, all pianos returned from rental to concessionaires, and about three carloads which arrived too late from the factories to be exhibited during Ak-Sar-Ben week, will go on sale tomorrow at prices to eclipse all nrevlous records. feorle expect exceptional values at Schmooller & Mueller's hlr ntunn hnlia. and it is to our Interest to see that they are not disappointed. With this object in view, we shall offer pianos, fully guaran teed for 6, 10, 15 and M years, at one-halt ana even less of their original value. One Ebony Upright, only U d U iLaUUO Till: HKLIARLH ITUIIC. WONDERFUL COUPON SALE .$88 One Oak Upright, good Cf 1ft condition, only a I Vf One Stelnway, rosewood case, fully guaranteed, enly $125 One Kimball Upright. San Do mingo mahogany cuse, One Kranlch : Bach Grand, worth double the money, cOH . only JaiaiO NEW PIANOS FOR RENT 13, Si AND $5 PER MONTH. n.fnrn niierhiialro' rv a ..I.I. -t 1 spection or write for catalogue, prices and 1 a Wm .iiapantM rri a ht.. . . I . Our easy terms of $10.00 cash and 15.00 per monin are in iorce ounng inis special sale. Schmoller& Mueller Hannfartnrera and Largest Handlers of Pianos la the West. MAIN STORE 1313 F&rnam RL. Dmnha IOWA BRANCH W12 Broadway, Co. Bluffs. LINCOLN BRANCH-135 S. 11th St. WHY TAKE CHANGES On being abln to have your trading stamps redeemed? Didn't Omaha have a TA8TE OK THAT SORT OF PUDDING A FEW . : ," , ' ' " B ' ' vuuiuu. 1 Will OUT register with every purohnse, which are REDEEMED ON TILE SPOtf AT 5 PER UKNT OF THEIR FACE VALUE IN TRADE, AND YOU DON'T PAY 10 PER CENT NOR 6 PER CENT MORE FOR OUR OOODS ON ACCOUNT OF THEM BOTHER. DON'T FORGET THIS POINT! 11.00 Peruna no limit 70 $1.00 Pierce's Prescription SSc $1.00 Merce's Medical Discovery xc $1.00 Temptation Tonlo 230 $1.00 Palne's Celery Compound 7Hc $1.00 CELERY NERVINE-guaranteed..65c $1.00 Hers Malt Whiskey ....64c $1.00 Pure CanHtllan Mai Whisker 75c $2 Chester's Genuine Pennyroyal Pills. $1 2So Laxative Bromo Quinine 150 2oc QUINACETOLi GUARANTEED COLD CURE 20c BOc Doan's Kidriey Pills .'390 6ic Cramer's Kidney Cure guaranteed.. 40c 3.V3 Genuine Cnstorla 24c 60c Cutlcura Snlve 'so,. LOWNEY'S CANDIES. OPEN ALfc NIGHT. CUT PRICB DRUO STORE SCIIAEFEfl'S E. T. TATES. Prnnriatn. Tw Ptoses 747 mmt 797, Chicago Streets, Omaha. "Follow the Flag" LESS THAN HALF $23.05 .ROUND TRIP TO Mississippi and Louisiana Tickets sold October 20th. Long limit snd stop-overs allowed. All Information at Wabash City Office, 1601 Far nam St, or address Harry E. Moores, a A. P. D. Omshs, Neb. REPAIRS For All Makes of Cooks, Rouges, Heaters and Furnaces. A REMINDER Now of getting- your stores and furnass repaired or looked after; you wlU find your, self in srat comfort when ths tuorouh. Ins WINTER set In. "- OMAHA STOVE REPAIR WORKS Aro tha Stove Repairers. TeL 960. 1207 DoutUs St ASK QUESTIONS r Don't hesitate to come In and advise with us about dyeing-, ren ovating or remodeling your old clothes, that's our business, put ting new life iuto old garments. M'e're experts, too, and our prices are very reasonable. Try us. THE PAtlTORlUn 407 15th St OMAHA. TsL W3 Perfield's Cut Pries) Piano Co. Bs Bldg.. Room 7. Telephone 70 1 Wtker. fttery AOark. LaS svhHer. Coupons with every pureluise. The most liberal nnd valua- LI. a!1 . ... . I uie iicseis erer given aDsoiuteij iree wuii every purchase. Friday is Remnant Day in Omaha's Greatest Domestic Room o,REM.N.ANTS Ann ACCfMULATIKO PO FART THAT WE HAVE TO TAKK HERE 18 WilAT.WB ARE OOLNO TO DO WITH THEM: Remnants of 2.50, J1.98. tl.60 and 11.00 high n wooi arens sooan, in lengths 'f 2'i. SV 5 and 6 vanla enyh. In vnilr. Stamlnvi, tailor suitings, sthellnes, Sretoli iiiiiiurn, mo aji win so at nr. three tirloes. 43n 9ln nnct ... 3C 19p and 25o VALUES remnants of French, German and .aiiici ii-iui nanneieiies, in pieces or from 3 to 10 VHrds each these are all the new est deolRiis and colorings ill WS Will sell Flidnv fnr 1vC 15c and 13 VALUES 8,000 remnants of yrd wide flannelettes. rrencn percales, Scotch ginghams, mad- raxM, 27-lnoh cashmere plnlds. itephyr piKKiittiii!. mm vicunn naniieietres, yard ""10 mercerizes ana Aioreiea un- 1 InRS, wo will sell Friday for I S 12'ju and 15c VALUES I.O'iQ remnants of dark Scotch plaid sine nams, seersucker Rlnshain.), Roval pi quos, dark blues and black and" white yard percales, extra heavy flannelettes, and other novelties we will sell Friday for $)C Remnants of full standard prints, in hluo nnu 1 rua ss - we will sell' Friday for f. Amazing Bargains in Our Cloak De partment Friday 60 dozen women's waists In heavy flannels I and vesting, black and white brilllan tlnes, fancy mixtures, red, black, Mite and white flannels, worth I fl up to la.&O-for. each liUU Women's wrappers made of percale nnd imnneimie regular values, OOn .... 9UU .. 49c 25c fur only, each Women's eiderdown dressing; sacques at Women's shoulder shawls at, each , Just received by express, 75 beautiful suits tallmade the n6w Bty,,,to sell for Friday only 20.00 Women's cloth capes, $5.00 quality for only Women's silk waists worth 15.00 for only Women's silk underskirts, reg ular )8 value for only 2.98 2.98 5.00 Extraordinary Silk and Velvet Bargains 25 pieces fine FIGURED SILKS, In black, white, red, blue, brown, nr. Frray and tnn, only . ,Qv I colors In taffeta, fine strong Of. rllk. only j f C MANUFACTURER'S STOCK OF VEL VETS AND VELVETEENS Over M0 fleces In excellent line of colors the qual tles such as sell for from 60c to 76c and will make fine waists or coats. We offer Friday at sensational prices, in two lota, at lie and 26o a yard. We sell best metallc. prints, gun metal. Persian and other novelty r ft - velvets at 0ac 20 pieces high grade English corduroy, In all the leading shades and black. 17 mcnes wiae, and worth Cfl. . tl.OO only OS0 24-Inch wide guaranteed black COATINO visiivjsr, wortn i.&o ir. on sale Friday, at I 3 The Groat Reliable Grocery Dept. Every article smaranteed t be sb olately pare. 30 POUNDS FIE GRAJTILATED SL'OAR (or fl.OO 1A lin r. rt t I,.., 1 or v 1 ' . jm i.u'iut; i-v" i' iui .......: 6 lbs. hand-nicked navy beans for ISc 6 lbs. breakfast rolled oats for 19o 6 lbs. good Japan rice for lfto Tapioca, pearl barley, sago, hominy, etc., per pound 'Aa xnu ton. n mm j LHinn nvrup uir ,.,,ig Pure home-male tomato catsup, bottle. .70 -iu. in.K sen rising pancaaa nour 10 Elastic, electric, celluloid or I. X. L. starch, pkg 7o l.ltl 1 1 L imnnrtml mauivil r1 . .. 1-lb. pkg. best corn starch '.'.Iso O-IU. UIIIB UHKnl UCailB AftC 8-lb. cans golden pumpkin 5c Soda, oyster, butter or milk crackers. per puuuu ........ ...... ..uc FRESH FRUIT SPECIALS Fancy large freestone peaches, box. ...95c 'Largo baskets Washington blue plums.. 25e L.arge juicy lemons, eacn 10 1-lb. pkg. California tigs 80 Cape Cod cranberries A BIO TANDY SPECIAl- Cream mixed candy, lb Burnt peanuts, lb Chocolate creams, lb lium drops, lb .7Vic ...15o ...15c ..10c ...5c Choice mixed candy, lb 8'io Salted peanuts, lb 12o Fancy cream caramels, lb nc Cream wafers, lb Mic Almond or maple fudre, lb loo TEA AD COFFEE SPECIAL Good Santo coffee, lb 10c ! Fancy Golden Santos coffee, lb 12Vic J-I. rJ. C. special blend, lb 17ao uoiong, uunpowarr, ,ngusn ureaxrast or Ceylon tea, lb J80 Choice Tea Sittings, lb lc FREE TO ALL A nice hot pancake with pare Ohio maple syrnp to every customer Im our Grocery Department, Friday. in InJ 0)10 TIID BETROTHAL RI1NG The rlns? . that seals your betrothal should hold a gem of first water nona other should be given on this occasion. ' The consciousness that It Is such heightens the Joy of those concerned. If selected at our establishment it carries this assurance. . ' Mawhimiey & Ryan Co., Jewelers and Art Stationers. ISth and. Oouglas Sts. Omaha. Write for our catalogue. ' Gold Crowns from S3.00. Work Guaranteed. Special prices continued until No vember 5. We are here to stay. Consult the pro feasors free. Sittings, from ....... M 2r get of Teeth for f 2.00 Teeth Extracted , FREE Union Dental Company, 1522 Douglas St., Room 4, open till 8 P. M. TT HE reason why we keep harping on DIAMONDS OPPOSITE THE POSTOFFICE is because, first, we know how to BUY DIAMONDS ourselves, and, second, we are willing- to SELL THEM to YOUR ADVAN TAGE as well as ours. Moreover we take great pleasure ia exhibiting- them, ALBERT EDHOLM, Jeweler. 107 NORTH SIXTEENTH ST. Trr iwrz-'S WEDDING PRESENTS All of the latest designs In ths Cut Class and Sterling Silver. . Inspection ... rVsTYi THERE IS NO NEED of having trouble with your sight when our opt loan can in ;uu wm, m. jr ui iuwc. m overcome tne eye strain lie Is a specialist, yuu know.who thoroughly understands this line of woik. 8ieiid a few minutes with hlui no ex- Menmv uiiitro uu wucr iiawi. xjooa tor me name. S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler and Optician. Ills Dsurlss trst. ' Hats That Are Extra Values,,, What's the use of buying a hat in a haphazard sort of fashion at the first place you happen to come across? What's worth buying is worthstudylng. It's just as important that you should get the best your money can buy in a hat as in any thing else. We want your hat patronage we're going to win it if your judgment of best values is as good as we think it is. What do you pay $1.00, $2.Q0, $2.BQ or $a"og If you usually pay $2.BO, we'll give you a hat lor $1.BQ equally as good, or if you have been in the habit of paying $4 or $3 you'll find our $8 line as good and often, times better than you've been getting. im v : awWWSWSIM SSIBBBaiSBiBBBBSBBIBv Green Trading Stamps With All Purchases fn) Ri ri ifh I v r II il II il II II It ID mam Remnants Remnants Friday morning we commence such a sale of remnants as will actually astound Ike community. The enormous business of Ak-Sar-Ben week has made thousands of remnants. In addition we have purchased mn enormous stock of mill ends, pound remnants and odd lots. There will be remnants of silks, remnants of dress goods, rem nants of linens, remnants of domestics, remnants of white goods, remnants of laces and embroideries, remnants of ribbons and trimmings, remnants on every counter and every table. Friday and Saturday. Women's Winter Waists Four Splendid Offers TOLEDO FLEECE CLOTH Medium and dark fancy colors, tucked ns blouse front, serviceable and neat VdC FRENCH FLANNEL Fine and heavy, colors, cardinal, wine, navy. c myrtle and black, iiloated back and front, silk buttons, a 1.75 waist l5o MERCERIZED BASTING-White with stripes of black, navy and ri red, a very nobby 12.00 waiHt. at ' . ' I. OU , IMPORTED TRICOT-Colors, pink, lWit blue, receda, dark blue, ff red and black. This wulst should sell at W.uO-our sale price I-VU unor.. uargatn table sale short, medium and long, sttalght Ati front drub and black, 75o corseU, at .4oC Handkerchief Special 200 dozen handkerchiefs, plain hemstitched, lace trimmed and embroidered edges and comers, all linen and cambric, some slightly soiled. Off Goods worth up to 25o each Friday and Saturday, for DC Friday Bargain Day in Hosiery Dept. We put on sale ono case children's "all wool" hosiery, fine ribbed e aires G to goods worth 20o a pair Friday and Hattiniay, per pair IOC 20 doren Samples misses' nnd boys' underwear, part wool, "will not shrink " Goods sold in the regular way as hlirh as 11.00. fnr the large size y0 Friday we put them on sulo at, per garment 40C Handkerchiefs for a Penny Friday and Saturday (mm 10 to 11 a. m. we will sell hemmed handkerchiefs for women and children worth Go to 10c euch Frlduy and a Saturday ONE PENNY A PIECE IC THE CROCKERY DEPARTMENT Is worth coming from far to seg. It is without a doubt the most attractive of any store in the west. Here are bargains that are not duplicated even in Chicago: Havlland & Co. Ranson shape, 100 piece COS C0 dinner set 4slVO Japanese China Salts and Peppers, . e each OC Japanese China footed nut bowls, furnished In Cobalt blue regular OS,. $1.00 values for Friday a9C Lend blown, 9 ounce table tumblers, r each OC Specials In Roclngham pitchers, pie plates, baking dishes and "' B. mixing bowls, values up to Xo, on Friday, each OC t-inch flower pots and saucers r each OC SEE OUR LARGE LINE OF JAPANESE CHINA. PRICES CUT IN TWO. Bargains in Hardware l0Ly Hard coal base burner, with removable fire, patent auto matic lift cover to magazine, nickel work, ventilated, all nickel work removable, fastened without bolts, kite shaped bottom flue, duplex grate with shaking ring, large ash pan, the stove that was made to sell for $18.r0 in er our price OsOU 16-in. "Hot Blast Heater." Hums any kind of coal, polished steel body, nicely nickeled, high grade heater the i jr stove that was made to sell for $18.50 our price. . . I4sv J Money Saved is Money Earned That is What is Meant by Buying Your Gro ceries Here. Green Trading Stamps with every purchase. Free postal cards. Tel. 137. Friday Specials Rumham's Clam Chowder, 8-lb. can 15c Wisconsin Cream Chee, per Ib..l2'ic New York Cream Cheese, per lb... 10 . . 1 ir.rt Asnarajrus. new. 1-lb. cull IKc Ollves, liottlrt l'epper Baue, bottle la Wheat for l'.reakiast, 2-lb). pkg.... luo Plum Pudding, cn luo Golden Syrup, very superior, 3-lb caji l?Ho Hand Cheese, each io Preserves, assorted, 1-lb. glass..., 4c Maple Cream, rake Ko. Imported Sardines, fun 10c Rolled Oats, best, 2-lb, pkg loc Tea and (offers Best Yalaes. Tea SlftingM. rxr lb... H. F. Japan, per 10 Impel 1m4 Japau, per lb Coffees Roasted Dallr. Benett'a Capitol Coffee beat pro- duced 1-lb. piS Golden Klo Coffee, splendid, per lb. Santos Coffee, tins flavor, per lb.. 15n i:o THE BEtJMETT COMPANY, V ...I