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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 15, 1903)
8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, OCTOBER IS. 100.1. t I J 1 t V COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Tom of Wheat Market Tended to Lower Lerel of Prix 8. PRICE OF CORN SOMEWHAT HIGHER Oats Market Wn Aboat Stead?, with TracllaaT ol Moderate Propor tion Prevlaloas Market Waa Little Firmer. CHICAGO, Oct. 14. Increased primary receipt with ft. reduction In the premium of Uie cash article were Influences that tended to weaken values In the whtat mar ket today and closing prices were weak. December being ftc lowtr. December corn was up V(,c. with oats oft 4c, while January provisions closed from x'fruuc lower. There was a general ulspusltton mani fested among wtieat tradeis to sell out Ions lines anu with sn absence of any news thai nngtil be construed of a bullisn character the market developed a weak undertone. Opening prices were easier on rather Indifferent rabies, favorable weather for the movement and larger receipts, De cember being Vtfo lower at 7vu.SVc. Trading was dun the early part of the session and prices flurtuaieu within a nar row range. The tendency was toward a lower level however, Influenced by the mailer demand for cash and the lower prices at Minneapolis. Later a fair rally occurred on buying by traders who had old short early, wnlch sent December up gradually to 7Sc. A slight rally at Min neapolis and a stronger market at St. Louis were causes for the covering. During the last hour of the session there was selling on the advance, credited to a prominent bull operator and with an absence of sup port the market again weakened. Closing prices were near the bottom, with Decem ber hie lower at 7ffo, after touching j78T)iC. Clearances of wheat and flour were exjual to JKO.SoO bu. Primary receipts were 1.152.800 bu., against 1,122,900 bu. a year ago. Minneapolis and Duluth reported receipts of 616 cars, which with local receipts of 104 cars none of contract grade, made total receipts for the three points of 619 csrs, against 647 cars last week and (61 cars a year ago. Corn got a tlrm start under the Influence Imparted from westerday's shipping busi ness, and on higher cables and smaller re ceipts than had been estimated. There was a fair demand from locals early In the Jey and with light offerings the market developed additional strength, helped to . some extent by the small offerings from tb country. The late weakness In wheat affected corn and the close was onlv a trifle higher than yesterday, December being up c at 4.ic. after selling between 4SV4o snd 46'ic. Local receipts were 32 cars, with fifty-six of contract grade. Trading In oats was of moderate pro portions and prices held about steady, liuylng was mainly by one or two com mission houses and local shorts, while the selling wss scattered. The firmness In corn snd light offerings were early bull factors, but later the market eased off with other grains. After selling between 87o and 87Hc, December closed M,c lower at 871jc. Local receipts were 144 cars. An Improved cash demand, with better prices for hogs at the yards caused firm ness In provisions early In the day, but aside from some buying for foreign ac counts the demand was limited and as the session advanced the market became easier. Selling by packers was a weaken ing Influence later In the day. The close was steady, with January pork and lard ach 2Hc lower at I12.07H and $.874ax.90, while ribs were down 2Wa5c at 86.46. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, f2!Tt; c1Tn- 228 cari: oat. 138 c"s; hogs, 19,000 head. Tha leading future ranged as follow: Artlcle. Open. Hlgh. Low1. Close.Ye'y. Wheat f Dec. May Corn Oct Deo. May Oats Oct. Deo. May aPork- Oct Jan. May Xard Oct. Dec Jan. May Ribs Oct Jan. May 46 4546 441 87 i is u go ffi 82H 7H R 50 60 60 4Mfc 46 4 87 87' it H 80 2H 82S 97Vi 8 60 6 62tt 80 464 4S4 44V 8B 37' 12 07H 82H 87V4 87H 8 60 45 &2H; 7874 7i 4SH 45 V 43T&44, 8S4 87V 11 25 12 074 12 27 8 87 vu 96 8 60 6 45 62541 794 46 45 4414 87'i 871. 37487 U 2S 12 10 13 27 82 to 2Vk 8 66 6 60 6 62 t New. No. 8. Cash Quotation war a follow: a LyRrtettd: winter patents. fTttwa 4.10; straights. 83.6C&3.90; spring patents 8U0.p4.60; straights. tS.euuiS.So; bakers, 82.60 WHBAT-No. 8, 78c; No. 1 red. 79T40 CORN-No. I, 45H4W6e; No. 2 yellow, 473 47e. RYV ' WhUe' ehetLmEaT,g?4tSScedln,r' fa" to BEJP&T,No- 960 : N- 1 northwest rti, 81.03; prime timothy, 82.80; clover, contract grade. 10.85iai.OO. ,,yiSlON8-Mes Prk- P" M.. 11.25ffl V!rd' J? 1,10 'b"iL 6.f7V4fi.0: Short ribs side (loose), t7.7ffS.O0; dry salted shoulder (boxed), W.fincf,$.75; hort clear Ides (boxed). 88.124,8.26. " JLh.,.foJl2wln wfre receipt and ship ments of flour and arraln! ,, , Receipts. r our, bbls ,400 Wheat, bu 29,flO0 Corn, bu 425,300 Oats, bu 222 60 bu Barlev. bu an-wi On the Produce exchange today the but mrket was steady; creameries. loWt XOc; dairies, 14Uc. Kgns. steauv; at inafiT c'"f,,',n.?'udKi Mlo. Cheese, steady at 11111 a WW YORK GGKBHAL MAKKET. laetatleas Shipments. 18.400 94.300 415,000 13,40) 24S.200 Various f tha Day Commodities r lIT"YJf - ct- "-FLOUR-Recehpts. Sif J'1''. "Porta, 14.724 bbla The mar J'." ny .active at former prices; S aiT; ogaten.1". -:-! winter straight 83 8ijj J.9S; winter extras, I2.90.&3.15; Minne- K tuV" W 79i: winter low graded $3-2t'fu3.40; choice to fancy, l3.4Exti3.60. , CORNMEAI-Steady; yelhow western HYE-ateady; No. 8 western, 2c, noml. &?'Ftm?y: teAi"'- ic c. I. f. Buf-VHfc.AT-Re-elpts. 135.610 bu. The mar ket for spot was stesdy; No. 2 red. 84c .levator and 86V.O f o b. afloat: No i north.-rn Duuth. fciHo f.o.b. arfoat: No 1 lrd Manitoba, nominal, f.o.b. afloat De cember was stesdy for a time this morning on covering but eventually followed th depression Ih hoy and the unevenes. of uU,,di '"' which was In part ac counted or by western receipts, light ex port demand and some small, clears Later prices rallied on export rumors, but Anally eased off again and closed Vjjv.c lower K""'" Decern tor l'iS5'4c. closed. 8640. ' -OK1Wte,,u- 3T 4U) bu : Ports. 21(5-fU- Th ."" '" apot wu Arm ; No. 2. 6S0 elevstor and 63c f.o.b. afloat- Ni 2 yellow, 56c; No. whit?. 6s" Option market was steady to Arm on prospect of sain wl tiMiplt-d with fair rk-rancrs and a good cash demand at Chicago The close was So net higher. May. 4Vfi5oC cjod.wc; DecemUr. 61i2T4c. clos7 . OATg-Recelpts. 96,300 bu.; exerts. 11; bu. The market for spot was quiet; Nu. J. 41Uc; stspdsrd white, 43c; No. 1 40U whi.i. w: n- hu- HAY-Hteady; shipping 6t870e; good to choice. sonOc. HOPS ISteadv; state medium to choice 1W3. 2H'itS3c; lt common to choice 2ii olds. HvqlJc; Paclftc coast. 19y3.' me dium to choice, fiVqSoc; 19,4 common to choice. Slti'bV: olds. 104il3c. common ,0 HI DES Steadv; (ialveston. WiSi lbs 18c California, 2126 lbs.. lc; Texas dry.' 24 LEATH KR Steady : acid. ItfiKWs. lut h. aieacy; domesltc fair to extra n, V'xic. s'-lleef. Arm: family UuO Ihs . tn Cfu..H (.1. nama, 3.100 to 2.3ti ltw., cly India mess, tl f"n 16 Oil; rut Arm; pickled bellies. t9.6nrll.uo: .iiuuiurn, n.w, iicNiea nams. IIMwil2;ff Ijird, steadier: aeetern sienmed. 7i5- re Aned, Arm; continent. 87.70; South America 87 90: comoound. 7.12Mi7.s::w I'ork. dull'- family, li.iv.i 19 so; short clear. 81461 TALUiW-Steady; city (12 per package.). bi'TTKR Recelpte. 8 000 Pkgs.; very mm- 1-reme.T. imjr: eiais a.tlrv. 15H19c C11KKBIJ Receipts. ROW) pkgs.; dull; tts UV: lrr". cnlursd and white, llc. Koag-Kacelpt. 811 pkgs.; Arm; western. I,6r3bc. POI'LTRY Alive, slow: western chick ens. V: fowls, llct turkeys. 11c. Dresd Irregular; western chtckti.s. ll-Hc; fowls, lc; turkeys, izu Inc. IUi-E-Steac'y; 4UiiHc: Japan, I'KpVISIONS 100 'to l.OuO mess. te( extra met ts. pickled OMAHA TVHOLKSAt.H M Alt KET. Coadltloa ef Trade awd Qaetatlnas oa Btaple and Faaey Frodaeo. Er.JOP Kresh stock, Inss oft. 19'4c. LIVh; lOL'LTKV Hens, c; spring chick ens, Xifloc; roosters, nccoiulng 10 age, 4ii 5c; tuikeys. l.''(ii:lc; old ducks, 6c; young ducks, vrintj.-; geese, a-ijV" HI.'TTKK-l'acking stock. IV j choice to fancy dairy. In tuba, IwJlSc; separator, tic FRKSH KISIl-Fresh csught trout. 11c; pickerel, 8c; piki, loc; penn. Be; buffslo, ihiiHc; bluellsli. Ijc; whltetlsh. 10c; salmon, 11c; haddock, pic; codflsli, 12c; redsnspper. 11c; lobsters, boiled, per lb., rv-; lobsters, green, per lb.. 28c, bullhendr. 11c; catflah, 14c; blscic bass, 2"ji2Rc: halibut, 9c; crsppies, 12c: herring, 6c; white Unas. 10c; blueAns, 8c. OY8TKH6 New Kork i-ounis, per can, 45c; per gal., IJ.00; extra selects, per can, 37c; per pal., 11.75; standard, per can, 80c; per g:il., 11.35. HHAN Per ton. 114 00. HAY Prlc-a quoted by Omaha Whole sale Dealers' association: Choice No. 1 up land, $9 0; No. 2. 88.60; medium. 88 ; coarse, 87.61. Ry straw, 87.00. These price are for hay of good color and quality. De mand fair and receipts light. CORN 48o. OATS 38o. RIK-No. 2. BOc VEOETADLES. POTATOES uolorndo and Dakota, per bu , fOr-j native, 'iif76c. SWEET POTATOES Home grown, per basket, 0c; Virginias, per 3-bu. bbl.. 83.36. BE.VN8 Heme grown, wax, per market basket. 404) 50c; string, per market basket, n50c. ' fMATOES Home grown, per basket, 60c. NAVY PEANS-Per bu.. $185. CELERY Michigan, per doc. SOtflttcj larre western, 4tx ONIONS New home a-rnwn. dear. Mr IK. lV4c; -Spanish, per crste, 81.66. FRUITS. PLUMS Utah and Colorado. tOcfl.OO. PKUNKS Italian, per box, 8100: 6Urer, 81.00. PEACHES Utah freestones, 80c; Colo rado Albertas, 31.00. PEARS Colorado and Utah Keifers, $1.75. CKABAPPLE8 Per bbl.. 84.00. APPLh4 Jonathsna and 4rimea rSolden. 83.60a3.76; Snows, 83.26; Michigan stock, 83.60; Caliiornla Bellflowers, per box, tl-60; New York stock. 3.26'3.60; Oregon Spin, Green Inge and Orlmea Golden, per box. Jl 15. URAPES California Tokays. 31.60: Corln- choln, $1.5o; New York, per 8-lb. basket, 27c. i-iiAfBt,Kui.B-m Dbi., 7.oo; per box, 82.(5. CALIFORNIA QITINCES Per bX. H.B6. TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANGES Valenciua, 126-150 sixes, 83.75; Mexican, all sizes, $3.76 LEMONS-Callfornla fancy. 800 to 80 Sixes, $4.26; choice, 240 to 270 sixes, 84.0O&4.2&. r n.-1 a 1 norma, per jo-id. cartons, etxs. DATE&-Perslan. ner box of 30 nacka.sea. 82.00. MISCELLANEOUS. CHEESE Wisconsin twins, full cream, 12Vc: Wisconsin Yeuna- Americas. 13Wc: black Swiss, ftc; Wisconsin brick, 12Vc; v isconain umoerger, 10. HONKY-Nebraska. per 24 frames. $3.60; Utah and Colorado, per 24 frames, $3.50. POPCORN-Per lb., 2Hc; shelled. 84j3V4o. HORSE RADISH Per case of 2 Hn . packed, 80c. H1JJKB no. 1 green, 8Hc; No. !. green. 6Vc; No. 1 salted, THc: No. 2 salted. 6V4c; No. 1 veal calf. 2 to 12 lbs., 8Uc; No. 2 veal Ota If 19 - 1 A IKai Clln s.e a.n 1. V, t C.-A 12c; eheep pelts, 25y76c; horse tildes, $I.5uj 2.50. NUTS Walnuts Nn 1 soft-shell nmr lh 17c: hard-shell, ner lb.. 14c: Nn. 2 soft-shell per lb.. 13c: No. 1 hsrn-ehell ner lh I2n: braxlla, per lb., HV4S12V4c; filberts, per lb., lKuUVic; almonds, soft-shell, per lb., 16c; liard-sjiell, per lb., IBc; pecans, large, per lb., I(r;l2c; small, per lb., 11c; peanuts, per 10., oc; roasiea peanuts, per ID., 7c; cull walnuts, 18c. St. I.ouls Grain and Provisions. ST. LOUIS. Oct. 14 WHFAT-Tyw No.. 2 red. cash elevator. 8i4c: track. 8iM 8Hc; December, SSVaHc; May, 82l4c; No. 2 hard. 78ra794c. 'CORN Lower; No. 2. 36c; track V&3SC, December, 40c; May. 41c. OATS Stronger; No. 2. 86c: track, r S8c; December, 3674c; May, K7H4l37?ic; Xo. 2 white, 404c RYE DuU, 63c. FLOUR steadv: red winter natents. KI.M 64.10: extra, fancv and straight. ISftirSSflR: clear, $3.3iKy 3.40. TiMUTH 1 nEr.L3 Steady: $2.75313.10. CORN MEAL Steady; $2.40. BRAN Easy; sacked east, track, 733750. HAY Slow: tlmothv. i8.0ma12.&0: nrairi. $6.0iKfilO.O0. JUUIN COTTON TIES $1.05. BAGGINGS 646S4C. PROVISIONS Pork. unc.hana-ed : tnh. blng standard mess. $11.95. Lard. un changed; 86.72H- Bacon, steady; boxed extra shorts, 89.12V4; clear libs. $9.60: short clear, $10.00. 1 , T 1 'P LJ V W..L, .kl.Lu. A . I a w. a com , uiniktriiB, vt, springs, 9c; turkey, 14c; Vucks, 8W310c; ges 7HC. BUTTER Demnnd. rood: creamery I7ffl 214c; dairy, 14618c. ' , t5iina imy. . liuuo-vicnuj, 47731;, IUN oil. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu 83.000 74 ono Corn, bu....i 28,000 29,000 Oats, bu 73.000 81.000 Kansas City Grain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY. Oct. 14. WHEAT De cember. 68684c; May, ?Hc; cash. No. 2 nam, ac; ino. , 6i72; No. 4, 61a67c; re jected, 9alc; Np. 2 red, 8283c: No. 2, 80 4Mc. CORN December, 39c; Mav. 37c; cash. No. 2 mixed, 41m4c; No. 2 white. 4141V4c: No. 3, 404c. OATS No. 2 white. 280390: No. z nlT. 35(!Clc. ' RYE No. 2, 53He. HAY Choice tlmothv. 29.80010.00! ehl prairie, $8 (K). buttek - creamery, 18V419c; dairy, fancy. 17c. KUUS- Bteady; Missouri and KsnsAs cases returned, 184ci new, No. 2 white wood cases Included, 19c. . . Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu 182.4:10 123 ?oo Corn, bu ; 20.800 12I000 Oats, bu 32,000 17,000 Philadelphia Prodneo Market. PHILADELPHIA. Oct. 14. BIITTTCR- ste,ady; fair demand; extra western cream ery. 20c; nearby prints. 22c. Aiu aieaay; moderate request; fresh nearby, 24c at mark; western. 23&24c loss off; soiithweritc-n, ZX'LZk-, southe.rn, 215'M2c. CHK.E31i Dull and lower; Nw Ycrfc full creams fancy, 1244c; choice, 12; fair to good, llfettfllfcc. Minneapolis Wheat, Kloar and Bran. MINNEAPOLIS. Oct. 14. WHEAT December. 7914c; May, 7)c: on track. No. 1 hard, 83ic; No. 1 northern. 82ie: No. 2 northern, 80'ic; No. 3 northern, TwgTSc. FLOUR First natentn. 84.45uM.65; sec ond patents, 84.SyVS4.40; first clears, $3,403 3.60; second clears, 82.7&02.85. tSKAN-lll DUIK. U. The lark of further alarming fsr eastern news was Interpreted favorab v. Consols hardened, uplifting other sections. Home rails Improved In spite of unencouraglng traffic reports. American's opened weak, but recovered to shove parity. They eaed slightly later, the movements were Irrogu Isr and prices closed steady. Canadian ll'acllle was weak. Kaffirs were firmer on cape and continental buvlng. Bullion to the amount of lin,rio was taken in the Bank of England today and 2o.ori was withdrawn for shipments to 8'uth America. PARIS. Oct. 14. Three per cent rentes Wf 80c for account. Kx. hnnf.-e on Innlin 2.if 15c for checks. Trading on the bourse to day was favorably Influenced by Japan denial of the reported tension with Russia and the signing of the Anglo-French arbi tration treaty. Prices had an upward tendency throughout and closed Arm. BERLIN. Oct. 14 The tone on the bourse somewhat Improved today following Lon don advice and as a result of that favor able news regarding the far eastern sit uation. Exchange on London 20 marks 42 pfgs for checks. KKW YORK STOCKS AD BOSP1 Weakness of Amalgamated Copper Stocks Was Featare of the Day. NEW YORK, Oct. 14 Attempts on the professional traders to advance stock prices today were disturbed by the devel opment of a number of weak points In very much the same manner as yesterday. The advances which were achieved were in con sequence generally wiped out and the last prices were below last night as a rule. The strength In the early dealings was heled by the higher range of prices In London, where the Ananclal community felt great encouragement over the prospect of avert ing hostilities between Russia and Japan. The stock market situation at Pittsburg wss much Improved today snd market values of Crucible Steel preferred went far toward repairing the damage done by yes terday's panicky break. The responsive pressure upon United States Steel pre ferred, which broke that stock In yester day's market, was relieved In consequence. Official denial of some of the disturbing corporations indicated the activity of bear manipulators In disseminating the rumors and prompted to some recovery. The break in tha Canadian group of stocks offered the flrst Interruption to the advance and servel to add to the anxiety caused by yesterday's rumors of financial difficulties In Montreal. The effect on the general list was not very marked and attempts were mule to contest the reaction. The market was without any animation, however, after this development. Later in the day the weakness of Amal gamated Copper overshadowed the whole situation. This stock was lifted a point In the early dealings and reflected quite an active speculation based on tomorrow's div idend meeting. The late break to S37, a low record for the etrick, caused all sorts of surmises about tomorrow's dividend no tion. The weakness of the American Smelt ing stocks seemed to be associated with that of Amalgamated Copper. The violent break In the American Car stocks toward the close of the session also had an unset tling effect. The common fell 3d and the preferred 4V4- The premium commanded by this stock in the-kan crowd this morning Indicated an over-extended short account and the covering by the bears aided them In the early market. The erTect upon senti ment of the later break was correspond ingly greater owing to this supporting In fluence of the market. No news developed regarding the property. Several attempts were made to rally the market after the various points of weakness had developed. One of these took the form of a bidding up of the Vanderbllt group. This seemed des tined to give the impression that the lead ing members of the family In control, newly reiurnea rrom anrond, was buying the stocks, but their subsequent release pointed to the movement as a trader's device. There was a buying movement at one time In Rubber. The resumption of the hearing In the United States Shipbuilding suit seemed to exercise a depressing effect on the trading. United State Steel bonds rose at one time, but lost practically all of the gain. The bond market generally was unimpor tant. Total sales, par value, 81,870,000. United States bonds were unchanged on the last call. Following ars the closing quotations on the New York Stock exchange: Bales. High. Low. Close. ..17,416 6414 634 634 73W 8.950 73T4 73V4 870 1,650 100 2,065 2SH 29 24S 23H 62H 624 14 14 650 156 155 100 8 8H 700 '71 TOii 20 llJ 11 300 48 'I ' 48 700 19 18 iori 231 23i 4110 18 18V4 412 66 66 ..12,730 27H 2T4 .. 700 66 65 .. 400 47 47 110 1.317 123 128 100 32 32 88 34 :w Mllvvaokea Grata Market, MILWAUKEE. Oct. 14. WHEAT Firmer; No. 1 northern. 85lKc; No. 2 northern. 82tfr83Wc; December, 78. RYE Weak; No. 1, 64c. BARLEY Steady: No. 2. 65c: a rani. 40460c. cun.x iecemoer, M4 nia. Liverpool Grata Market. dull; No. 2 red western winter, 6s d. Fu- CORN Spot, firm; American 'mixed, 4 6d. 4jSd; December, 4s3d; January, new. 4s ld. Dnlath Grain Market, DULUTH. Minn., Oct. 14.-WHEAT-On track: No. 1 northern. 81o; No. 2 north ern, 78i',e: December, 77c. OAT soc. Toledo Seed Market. TOLEDO. O., Oct. 14. SEEDS Clover, October. $6.80; December. $6.75; January, $ri.76; March. $6.80. Alslk, prime, $4.40. Timothy, prime, $1.45. Peoria Market. PEORIA. Oct. 14.-CORN Higher: No. 2. 45c; No. 4. 44c. OATS Steady ; No. 2 white. 27c; No. 4 whlte,a 36c. 1 lloatoa Stock Quotations. BOSTON, Oct. rent: time loan closing prices on Atrhtton 4a Mri. Cantrsl 4a Atrbiaou lfd Baslea A Alius?.-: iotoa Klermted.. N Y . K. H. H ritruburg M t'nloa PtrlAu aWi. rulrl Amrlrn Sugar .. do pfd Amrlaa T. T. . lioailDloa . A 8. lies. KlerU-lc Maw. kiactrlo ... so p(4 failed Fruit 1. . eiMi da pld Wlnh- Cvainoa... Adumrs ... 14. Call loans, 4j per , 5fu per cent. Olllclal stocks and bonds: . tit Ailouei .. . W IDaljr Watt . HI i,hm . M f .lumrt A Hacla. 14 .Cer.lcnnlal 4 MSa ..144 U uLiiMtr Kna' ,.11M ilioomales Coal ..llMV rranklia .. tH Iila R or a la .... .. i vhw ..liu'aoid UomlDtoa . ..UtVtooi ..HI frrul , 1 VWuiatj IF T u Id U l 'A tnt. Forelga rinaarlal. LONDON. Oct. 14. MONEY Waa plenti ful In the market Wviay and rates easy, which affected discounts. Business on the Stock Kxchange opened quiet with prices tirm. There were Indications that tomor row' pay day will pasa without difficulty .14: . it . M . it Santa Fa Connsr.. 1aiarack Tnoltjr I r 114 B La tea .... I lib 7Vluort . Wlnoua .. .. 4V'lvarlua ..13,750 "25'.ii6 "'ioo S.400 .. 900 , 200 ,. 500 . 300 13.100 .' 6!775 . 900 . 1428 400 00 200 ..30,9i) ,.. 828 .. 300 .. 1,400 .. 100 .. 1,750 .. 700 57 88 f04 117 Atchison do pfd Bait. & Ohio do pfd , Canadian Pacific ... Central of N. J Chesapeake Ohio Chicago ft Alton do pfd Chicago A Gt. West do B Dfd Chicago A N. W Chicago Term. T.... do pfd C. C, C. ft St. L Colorado Southern .... do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Delaware ft Hudson.. Del., Lack, ft West... Denver ft Rio Grande do pfd Erie do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Great Northern pfd Hocking Valley .... do pfd Illinois Central Iowa Central do pfd K. C. Southern do pfd Louisville ft Nashville 1.650 97 Manhattan L 1.605 13n Metropolitan St. Ry.. 2,800 103 Minn, ft St. Louis Missouri Pacific 4,460 Mo.. Kan. ft Texas do pfd 600 N. R. R. of Mex. pfd. 100 New York Central Norfolk & Western.... 1,838 do pfd 119 Ontsrlo A Western... 600 Pennsylvania P.. C. C. ft St. L.. Reading do lilt pfd do 2d pfd Rock Island Co..., do pfd St. Louis ft Ban F do 1st pfd Y do 2d nfd , Bt. Louis B. W..,. do pfd St. Paul f do pfd Southern Paelflo :... Southern Railway ... do pfd Texas ft Paciflo Toledo. St. L. ft W... do pfd Union Pacific do pfd Wabash , do pfd Wheeling ft L. E. Wisconsin Central do pfd Adams Express American Express .... United State (express Wells-Fargo Express Amai. copper 1 American Car ft F.... 4.900 do pfd 3.lo American Linseed CHI 600 do Dfd American Locomotive. 1.000 do pfd 1.700 American 8. ft R 11.M5 do pfd 1.645 American Suaar R.... 850 Anaconda Mining Co. 370 Brooklyn R. T Colorado Fuel ft Iron Columbus ft H. coal. Consolidated Gas .... General Electric International Paper . do pfd International Pump . do pfd NatKinal Qlscult National Lead North American Paclne Mail People's Gas Pressed Steel Car ... do pfd Pullman Palace Car. Republic Steel do- pfd Rubber Goods do pfd Tenn. Coal ft Iron.... U. S. I-eather do pfd 17. 8. Rubber do pfd U. S. Steel .... do nfd Western Union 26.915 117 115 116 . ... 14W 28 23 61 t$L 154 8 16 69 48 18 150 231 18 65 26 65 47 165 65 74 128 3n, 38 30 96 130 102 102 40 87 87 Pi 33 3X 77 77 96 ino 33 38 8.300 116 116 115 56 88 46 "m" 24 58 40 17 71 22 16 24 70 84 17 29 13 16 86 19 117 '45'" '63 23 68 56 87 19 117 55 45 76 60 23 68 .... 62 .... 60 44 44 13 ' 13 30 30 136 134 135 .... 170 39 16 70 22 16 24 68 84 16 29 IS. 84 200 100 100 6,795 1.610 , 21 66 10 "ii" 70 . 40 86 110 63 82 19 83 18 1 10 'ii 70 39 84 108 63 81 28 256 171 550 860 900 "266 "615 2.410 410 156 600 .. 2.20 .. 41)0 2.550 .. 6V) .. 850 .. 100 "37935 ..47.950 1.110 10 60 'S5 "to" '90 so 7 209 7 56 14 '27 6 76 "l3 58 81 60 "si" '76' '90" 29 70 209 7 64 13 '26 6 73 8 'l2 67 80 39 16 70 21 16 23 68 84 16 29 13 14 84 2?S 175 jno 2(irt 34 19 61 9 25 11 70 89 ios 62 81 27 10 170 141 10 60 81 65 34 12 70 18 89 28 69 2u9 7 64 13 67 26 73 8 84 12 7X4 80 Total sale for the day, 460.0UO shares. How York. Mlnlnaj ((notation. NEW YORK. Oct. 14 The following are . 1. tlnn. nn mnn ,tnV. A da ma Cos...... Alloa braace Bruaawlck Coa... roaisloi'k Tunnal. r-oa. (al. A Vs.. Hare eilrar Iron Sllvar LaadTllla Cos Offered. , I) il.lllla Chlaf ... 14 llnlarls ...Id Ophlr ... 4 Phonli ... foteil ...1M Snaga ...Md IS'arra Navada ...16a .small Hopaa . ... 3 tat.dard 1 47S 14t t 21 M K too Bank Clesrlaajs. OMAHA. Oct. 14 Bank clearings for to day are $1.280.449. 75. sn Increase over the corresponding data of last year of $li,56.0w. Dry Goods Market. NEW YORK. Oct. 14 Operations In dry goeds have not been nn an extended seals and yet slightly more Inquiry ha developed and buyers bava sbown mvr oesir to In quire regarding the future. They realise their stocksvare down to a level where It wl'l take considerable active purchasing to bring them up to their normal rondltlon, but are waiting more favorable prices. Revr York Money Market. NEW YORK, Oct! 14-MONEY-On call: Steady at I4i2 per cent; closing bid. 1 per cent; offered at 2 per cent. Time loans: Easier; sixty days. 41 4 per rent: ninety days, 5 per cent; six monlhs, 5,ff5 per cent. Prime mercantile paper: 6i6 per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Steady, with actual business In bankers' bills at $4 8&5il 4 8555 for demand and at 4.8215fM 8226 for sixty dav bills: posted rates, $4.83 and $4 86; commercial bills, $4 82. SILVER Bar, fc; Mexican dollars, 46c. BUNDS Government, steady; railroad. It regular. The closing quotations on bonds are as follows: rag... 10S Hoiking Val. 4a...l04 ina' b. A N. ant. 4a M l"7SMn. ron. gold 4a. ...10014 .l'A,Mx. Central 4a 70 Its do la lie 14 V. 8. ref. la, do coupon do la, reg , do roupon do Daw 4a, ref. do coupon do old 4a, reg., do coupon do fra, rag do coupon Atrhlann gan. 4a.. do anj. 4 Atlantle C. U 4a. Bat. A Ohio 4a... do ma Central of Oa. la.. do la Ino.... 1J1 Minn. St. L. 4a... Hi ....llii'V M.. K. A T. 4a Hi ... now! do u Tis ....ImvaiN. R. R. of . e. 4a. 14 ....l'UmN. r. :. gen. ii4ia...i7S .... S N. J. C. gen. le IWH .... to IMs. Tarlfle 4a .1004 . )Vti do ia TA4 . r N. A W. eon. 4a JS . M ,'lra. (. L. a A P... o .1041 Pans. (hit. tHa K . 7 Reading ten. 4a Kt Cttea. A Ohio 4Va. . .loiH'st. U A I. 7. c. ta.lott nicago a A. ia.. ristst. 1 a B r. rg. 4a. l C, B. A Q. n. 4a.... HtSt. L. 8. W. la Mti C, M A st p g. 4a..inattjaboard Air L. 4s.. M C. A N. W. e. 7a....iiiHiHo. PartSo 4a HJ14 C, R. I. A P. 4a.... 70 go. Railway Ka Ill 7! iTrxaa A Pa.-lflc la. ..Ill mT., St. L. a W. 4a.. l do col. 6a. C C C A 8t L. g. 4a. Chicago Ter. 4e , Con. Tobacco 4a Colorado So. 4a Pcnver A R. O. 4a.. Erie prior lien 4a.... do general 4a , r. W. A I). C. la..., Offered. 11 (2V, 1 a Union Pacific 4a lon ao conv. as 11 P. S. Steel M to Wabaah la 11414 do deb. B I1 Wheal. A L. n. 4s.. n lOVi Wla. Cantral 4a II Cotton Market. NEW YORK, Oct 14. The cotton mar ket opened steady at an advance of two points to a decline of two points, the gains being due to the high cables and reports of a better demand trom spinning Interests abroad, while the declines were under re alizing as a result of better weather, unexpected. No frosts were reported and while temperatures in northern sections of the belt were still rather low for the best development of cotton, the forecast called for warmer weather. For a tlm the market ruled very quiet, showing lit tle change from the opening prices, but with the receipts running behind last year's and private reports being received from the south telling of firmer spot markets, an advancing tendency soon became apparent and trading turned more active. There was considerable covering by recent sellers on the advance and there seemed also to be a better demand from outside sources, at tracted by the predictions of a better de mand from consumption and encouraged by the more peaceful aspect of the far eastern troubles. The market, after reach ing a level 10&12 points higher on active mouths, was eased off by realising, how ever, the profits afforded the room longs by the advances of the day In connection with those of yesterday, proving attractive while there was also some selling on the reaction theory. The market was finally steady, net one to five points higher. Sales were estimated at 500.000 bales. Port re ceipts for the day, 42,800 bales, against 67, 783 bales last year, and the estimates for tomorrow receipts at leading points were light. Exports reached about 16,000 bales, making the total for the season thus far some 679,000 bales against 975,000 last year. The southern spot markets were generally firm from unchanged and 6-16c higher, and the New York spot market waa advancing 10 points. NEW ORLEANS, Oct. 14. COTTON Steady; sales, 6,700 bales; ordinary, 6 13-16c; good ordinary, 8c; low middling, 9c; middling. c; good middling, t ll-16c; mid dling fair, 10 l-16c; receipts, 10,211 bales; stock, 116,837 bales: futures, steady; October, 9.27ia9.28c; November, 9.26&9.27c; fecember, 9.25&4).26c; January, 9.32i&9.33c; February. 938(fi9.4)c; March, 9.46V&9 47c; April, 9.63IJI 9.56c; May, 9.60c; June, .65c; July, 8.70c. ST. LOUIS, Oct. 14. COTTON Firm but unchanged; middling, 9c; sales, 88 bales; receipts, 503 bales; shipments, 448 bales; stock. 945 bales. LIVERPOOL, Oct. 14. COTTON Spot, moderate business done; prices, two to eight points higher; American middling fair. 6.22d; good middling, C04d: middling, 6.88d; low middling, 6.6M; good ordinary, 6.32d; ordinary, (.lid. The sales of the day were 8,000 bales, of which 600 were for speculation and export and Included 600 American. Receipts, 8,000 bales. Including 2.500 American. Futures opened firm and closed steady; American middling, g. o. -., October, 6.36d; Qa tober and November, 5.10a6.16d; November and December, 6.10d; December and Janu ary, 6.59d; January, 6.07(66.08(1; March, 6.08d; March and April. 6.08d; April and May, 6.08&6.09d; May and June, 5.0Sd. Wool Market. BOSTON, Oct. 13. WOOL Following are the quotations: Ohio and Penn sylvania XX and above. 3334c; X, 30 31c: No. 1, S2i33e; No. 2. 31i32c; un washed, 23(fi'24c; half-blood, unwashed, 26 (ftL'tkr, three-eighths blood, unwashed. 254$ 26c; one-quarter blood, unwashed, 2323c; fine, washed, delaine, 36c. Michigan, X and above. 27T28c: No. 1. 2930c; No. 2, 28S 29c; fine unwashed. 21(ft22c; quarter-blood, unwashed, 24C?25c; three-elghjths blood, un washed, 23f025c; half-blood, unwashed, 24 25c: fine washed delaine, 32 33c. Kentucky, Indiana, etc. three-eighths blood, 24rj25c; quarter blood, 24&25c; braid, 22023c. Cal ifornia, northern, choice, 21iff22c; middle counties, 17&18c; southern, 12313c. Terri tory, Idaho fine. 14315c; fine medium, Wrp 17c; medium, 18919c. Wyoming fine, Wt 15c; fine medium. 16R17c; medium, 18'tf 19c; Utah and Nevada fine. 15fl6c; fino medium. 1717c; medium, 19'S2to; Dakota fine, lStffiec; fine medium, 16(&'17c; me dium, l20c. Montana fine, choice, 19 20c; fine medium, choice. 19S20c; sample, 20fa21c; medium, choice. 20fr21c ST. LOUIS. Oct. 414. WOOL Steady ; me dium grades, combing and clothing. 17fi21c: light fine. 15S17c; heavy fine, 12ft14c; tub washed, 20&30C. Oil aad Rosla. NEW YORK, Oct. 14. OILS Cottonseed, dull; prime yellow, 395T40c. Petroleum, firm; refined New York, 39.00; Philadelphia and Baltimore, $8 96; Philadelphia and Bal timore In bulk, $8.06. ROSIN Firm. TURPENTINE Nominal, 69(g0c. SAVANNAH, Oa., Oct. 14. TURPEN TINE Firm at 66c. ROSIN Nothing doing. Quote: A, B, C, $2.15; D, $2.25; E, $2.36; F, $2.60; G, $2.65; H. $2.70; I. $3.60; K, $4.15: M. $4.26; N. (4.80; W. G., $4.40; W. W., $4.70. OIL CITY. Pa.. Oct. 14. OILS Credit balances, $1.68; certificates, $1.75 bid. Sales, 10.0410 bbls.; cash, at $1.76. Shipments, 87.093 bbls.; average, 79.682 bbls.; runs, 80.016 bbls.; average, 87,759 bbls.; Shipment. 64.726 bbls.; average. 66,830 bbls.: runs. Lima, 74.968 bbls.;. average, (2.418 bbl. agar aad Molasses. NEW YORK. Oct. 14. SUGAR Raw, firm; fair refining, 8c; centrifugal, 84 test, 374c. Molassea sugar. 3c. Refined, steady; No. 6, 4.36c; No. 7, 4.30c; No. 8, 4.25c; No. 8, 4 2oc; No. 10, 4.15c; No. 11. 4.10c; No. 12. 4.05c; No. 13. 4c; No. 14. 8.96c; confectioner' A, 4.60c; mould A,. 6c; cut loaf, 6.3&c; crushed, 6 35c; powdered, 4.85c; granulated, 4.6c; cubes. 6c. MOLASSES Steady; New Orleans open kettle, good to choice, 3142c. NEW ORLEANS. Oct. 14. SUGAR Dull ; open kettle centrifugal, 3lf?3c; centrifu gal white, 4c; yellow, 2 13-1634c; seconds, 2(il 3c MOLAS8E:s Dull.' centrifugal, 618c; new cane syrup, 33c. - Evaporated Apnlea aad Dried Fralta. NEW YORK, Oct. 14. EVAPORATED APPLES The market was quiet with fu tures firm, but spot supplies rather easy at quotations; common are quoted at 46c; prime at 6V4(&5c; choice, at 6ao and fancy at 6i(7c. ... PRUNES In good Inquiry and a fair buslnees is reported at quotations ranging from 3o to 7c for all grades. APRICOTS Firm at 4)o for choice, 10tiloc for extra choice and ll'ol2c for fancy. . . , PEACHES Quiet but teady; choice are quoted at 7t7c, extra choice at 78o and fancy at 9tfl0 Coffee Market. NEW YORK. Oct 14. The market for coffee futures opened steady at unchanged prices to a decline of ( points. For a time it ruled very quiet and featureless, In keeping with the early news, but later bo came active and firm on a resumption of the demand from various sources recently noted, reports of an Improving spot de mand, continued apprehensions as to the growing crop and covering. The market closed steady at an advance of 6il0 points. Sales were 68,0uO bags, including November at 4.80i4.85c; December, 6.05c; January, (10c; March. (30c; May. (.456.50c; July, (due; September, (.6&4)6.75c. Wbtaky Market. CHICAGO, Oct. 14.-WH18KY-8teady at $1 25. CINCINNATI, Oct. 14. WHI8KY-Dis-tlllers' finished goods, steady on bail of $1 26. HT. LOUIS. Oct. 14. WH 18 KY Steady at $1.80. PEORIA, Oct 14.-WUI8KY-St.ady, on baal of $!.. OMAUA LIVE STOCK MARKET Vrjr Littl Oban; in the Frioes Baling on. Tti OattU or Taeden, HOGS ADVANCED FIVE TO TEN CENTS Another Liberal Raa of Sheep aad Lambs, bat Demnnd Was 'snfflclent to Hold Prices Folly Steady oa All Desirable Grades. SOUTH OMAHA, Oct. 14. Receipt were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Oftlclsl Mondsy .8K 2.i4 30,165 Official Tuesday 6.87 3.180 18.858 Official Wednesday 6,826 8,600 22:0J Three days this week. 18.687 9. 84 71 523 Same days last week. ...21. SiO 11.931 76 68) Same week before 21.254 11.3V1 69.876 Same three weeks ago. ..22.19 8,3x3 50.5W Same four weeks ago.... 18.515 19.731 89 0! Ssme days last year 26.588 7,828 38.667 RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR TO DATE. The following table shows th receipt of cattle, hog and aheep at South Omaha for the year 10 date and comparison with last year. ' . 190$. 1901. Inc. Cattle 623.6SS 737.W 86.778 Hog J, 808.640 1.7W.3S9 17.241 Sheep 1.276.018 1.177.9;8 98,090 Average price paid for nog at South Omaha fur th last several day with com parisons: Data. I 1903. 1802.1801. 1900. 1898. 189S.I18W. Sept. 20.. Sept a... Sept. .. Sept. 23.. Sept 84.. Sept 25.. Sept. 28... Sept V.. Sept 28.. Bept 28.. Sept. 30.. Oct 1.... Oct. ?.... Oct. 3.... Oct. 4.... Oct. 8 Oct. 6...'. Oct. 7.... Oct 8.... Oct. 9.... Oct. 10.... Oct. 11.... Oct. 12.... Oct ISt... Oct. 14.... T 88 I 81 (80 I T 418) 6 77 7 1 ( 74 7 67 67i 7 66 B 7 87 I 7 84 (89 (71 7 81 ( 70 7 22 ( 2 1 14 ( 61 7 20, 6 65 7 80 7 32 8 66 ( 6'. 7 42 6 41 7 39 (18 7 28 6 19 7 14 (21 7 04 6 96 6 80 (87 7 07 ( 43 7 18 761 ( 21 8 851 ( 23 - XI t 891 84 ( 141 H ( il 8 75j ( 16 I1 I 10 811 a 8 27 8 76 8 68 6 69 8 67 ( 62 a 6 49 6 83 6 13 ( 14 6 16 6 20 a 6 28 ( 18 ( 17 ( 13 ( 18 ( 19 6 30 ( 16 ( 11 a ( 08 ( 02 4 92 4 90 4 93 4 93 4 21 4 31 4 41 a 4 41 4 391 4 86 4 44 4 87 4 86 4 39 4 421 4 37 4 31 4 34 4 35 I 4 35 4 33 4 81 4 23! 4 20 4 24 3 71 3 71 3 73 3 77 3 77 1 $ 71 3 7X1 8 84 a 3 ' 8 71 a a 061 3 64 8 64 3 63 8 58' ( 69 a 8 64 3 67 3 66 3 59 8 63 4 C8 4 01 8 M 3 76 t a 8 82 a 8 78 8 83 3 81 8 81 8 8i 3 78 a 3 78 8 71 8 64 3 64 3 52 3 53 a 8 69 8 66 3 51 3 54 Indicate Sunday. The official number of car of stock brought In today by each road was: o. uatt . iioits. Nn n.u r. C, M. & Bt. P. Ry. ttnUiinil aaaaa.aa Mo. Pac. Ry 7 U. P. System 83 C. & N. W. Ry 1 F., E. ft M. V. R. R... 92 C, St. P.. M. & O. Ry. 2 B. & M. Ry..... 80 C, B. & Q. Ry 2 K. C. & St. J 3 C, R. I. & P., east.. .. C, R. I. & P., west.. 6 Illinois Central 1 Great Western 1 II 1 1 11 8 15 6 1 a '5 1 8 1 26 89 29 1 1 steer 1150 3 40 . 9:0 .1045 .W2S .10.K) I 3 60 8 $ 05 Total receipts ....239 60 84 24 The disposition of the (lay's receipt wa as follows, each buyer purchasing the number of head indicated: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep Omahr. Packing Co.... 631 Swift and Company. .1,028 Armour & Company.. l,5i8 Cudahy Packing Co.. 8B5 Armour A Co., rioo C. Carey A Benton , Iobman A Company., McGreary tk Clark... Iewls A Underwood.. Huston & Company.. Livingstone A Shatter. Hamilton L. F. Hus Wolf A Murnan B. F. Hobblck Badue A P Leighton A Company.. Morton & Gregson.... Lee Rothschilds Sam Werthelmer Sol Degan Held over 80 169 86 18 44 11 242 274 83 431 237 90 814 6 758 251 685 928 728 658 1,123 1,853 397 1,600 213 262 194 16,484 Total 6,919 8.819 21.357 CATTLE The supply of cattle In sight this morning was again moderate, receipts for the three days this week showing a de crease as compared with last week amount ing to about 3,000 head, aa compared with the same day of last year there Is a de crease of about 7,000 head. There were a few cars of cornfed steers on sale thia morning and they sold at gen erally Bteady prices, as compared with yesterday. There waa nothing on sale as good as the cattle that sold yesterday aft ernoon at $5.30, as will be seen from the sales below. Taking quality into consider ation though the market could not be quoted anything but steady. The fact should be kept in mind that It now takes a good bunch of cattle to bring much over $5.00. The cow market was active and steady to strong. The demand for butcher stock on the part of all packers Is very liberal, and as the supply of cows coming forward Is moderate, trading rules active on most days. All the early arrival this morning were soon disposed of and but for the late arrivals of trains the market would have closed In good season. Bulls, veal calves and stags, did not show enough change from yesterday to be worthy of mention. The stocker and feeder market was none too active this morning and the tendency on the part of speculators was to be rather bearish. Anything choice either In the way of good cattle or good light weights sold readily at steady prices, but the com mon grades of all weights were rather slow. -and if anything, a little weaker. Range beef steers sold in Just about the same "notches they did yesterday. The bet ter grades were active, while the common stuff wa du'l the same as usual. Range cows commanded steady to strong prices and the best grades of feeders held steady while others were dull and weak. Repre sentative sales: BEEF STEERS. He. At. Pr. No. Av. 1 1300 t 60 M 144 Id 1400 4 U ' It 11 M Hit 4 M M 1100 IN IS STEERS AND HEIFERS. U Ul IN COWS. I .... ni III 1 UN t m 1 10M t 40 1 liM I to I 60 I 44 1 143 4 OS 1106 3 W 1 1140 4 li hcifbrs. :-w,4W mtu 1 10 8 CALVES. 6 M I 1 W IN 40 Ml 1 la t 00 1 lao 4 00 T04JKUHS ANU FEEDERS. 1 1070 I TO 00 1 ID Ml im J r.liHADK A rr. 4 M 4 M ( 36 4 I 4 feeders. .1000 18 feeders.. 1114 1 steer 1120 3 bulls 1670 8 feeders.. 1036 72 feeders.. 1044 19 steers.... 774 10 heifers... 646 1 heifer.... 670 1 bull 1410 23 feeders.. 904. 9 feeders.. 762 16 steers.. ..1044 34 heifers., 74 cows 87 feeders. 15 feeders. 8 cows.... 1 feeder... 810 40 cows Inn 1 steer 1020 1 bull 1260 1 feeders. .1010 8 feeders.. 1043 81 cows 10u6 3 cows... 1 cow.... 7 cows... 34 cows... 13 cows... 1100 . 820 .1040 . 968 . 813 821 .1056 .1070 . 791 . 880 O. 1022 3 10 8 30 3 26 2 15 3 60 3 t0 3 76 1 30 2 15 2 76 8 10 8 70 8 30 2 60 2 60 3 36 2 00 2 36 Peterson Neb. 8 40 4 feeder. .1070 2 80 1 feeder... 960 2 70 Roberts Neb. 2 80 J. Wiley-Neb. I feeder. 8 feeder. 41 cow.... heifer.. ( feeder. 12 cow.... 984 600 982 739 3 10 2 76 3 00 2 80 8 16 $ 00 3 14) 8 0) 2 00 2 26 2 65 3 10 1 90 2 15 2 00 106 1 eters....l116 3 40 6 steers 1118 1 25 C. Msrksmyer Wyo. 4 cows PI55 8 7 3 feeders 6 feeders.. 11 82 8 10 10 feeders 1. S. Bodgett Wvo. 18 cows 946 2 10 8 heifers. 41 cows 9;9 2 55 1 heller.. 1 cow MM) 2 55 A. E. Sammons Neb. 1 cow kso 2 5i 1 feeder... 940 Scows low! 2 85 Scows 9.16 2 reeders.. 9f5 8 30 (cows..., 1 cow 970 t Oil 1 reeiier.. 2 cows 940 2 55 8 rows..., 1 cow 8nn 2m Scows,.., 1 cow 9H0 2 55 V. L. Ilnyden S. D. 10 cows 918 2 75 19 feeders. 1 cow 11:0 2 35 1 feeder.. 1 Dull 1470 2 16 G. Danlelson Wyo. 1 feeders.. 1122 3 35 3 feeders.. 1122 J. D. Thorn Wyo. 23 feeder.. 869 2 26 John Klrk-S. P. 1 feeders.. 1006 3 50 3 feeders.. 99 8 18 K. G Woolfork-8. D. .1124 8 45 A. Holben-B. D. , 710 2 25 15 cows. 780 2 50 1 cow.. W M. Mllchell-8. I. 2 70 11 steers. 2 70 1 cow..... 2 00 W. Moss Neb. 2 46 9 heifers. 1 90 8 cows.... S. Green Neb. 102S 70 877 773 9) 9S0 41 steer. 1 cow..., 1 steer.., 8 cows lopi 2 cows 96 1 cow 670 C. 17 heifer.. 694 1 cow 830 8. 19 cows 794 32 heifers,. 34.1 . 972 , 800 ..1156 .. 870 343 897 3 30 2 (5 2 56 3 80 2 55 2 66 t 26 2 50 I 75 2 M 2 25 1 8 75 2 00 1 60 1 90 64 steers.. 1 steer... 1 cow.... 1 steer... 1 steer... 21 feeder ..1096 .1200 .1270 .1140 . 940 . 894 M 870 feeders. 1017' 1 90 1 feeders.. f96 i 38 o u 1 hull llfijl 9 20 cows 922 2 50 4 feeders.'! 846 8 35 W. II. Lamb. 8 30 1 steer 1050 8 30 3 30 ( cows 1028 3 00 3 00 1 cow 1080 3 00 3 30 1 steer 1120 3 30 3 30 1 steer 910 3 80 3 10 J. Gray Idaho. ItOOft-TI..I-. m.. .ntt... ...... ll-V.. .... of hogs here this morning and ss a result packers were powerless to prevent an ad vance In prices. The market opened active and 6ifil0c higher than yesterday's sverage. The heavy bogs sold largely around $5 40. medium weights went around $5 45 to $5 50 snd the lights sold from $5.50 to $5.60. Trad ing waa quite active, so the bulk of the early arrivals was disposed of In good sea son hilt Ih. r. m A nm I . . .. I . I ... an uruni, rrvri mi .inillS wern lu I. in ..,.1.. v. i , . , .-. . w ... n.ii.iMK. vriu, ,1 urittyru llie close until rather a late hour. lonays an van re makes the market a shade higher than It was a week ago to day, the decline of last week having been more than half regained. There was no particular change In the market until the extreme close, when the feeling was a little weaker, the same as hns been the case nn most rinvs tnv tlm past. Representative sales: No C4... 7... 44... 7... M... 63.. (2... It... 4a... 7... t... M... ... ... a4... 21... 1... (0... on... 44... 3... an... 63... (.4... 70... 1... 60... 6J... 6C... (0 At. .. 74 ..I8 ..121 ..237 ..21 ...244 ...270 ...223 ,..200 ..J(,l ..Sao ...261 ..345 ...270 ..432 .. 2f.5 ..222 ..321 . .24 ..too ..3l ..27 . ,2H)t ..IS ..2)3 ..3113 ..300 ..202 .122 .270 8b. 40 ino 10 120 SO 80 80 100 120 40 10 40 80 '0 2 HO 120 80 80 340 40 80 40 Pr. t 20 6 at t 271, 4 40 6 40 I 40 40 6 40 6 40 I 424 I 45 ( 46 4 60 t 60 i 31 6 40 6 40 6 40 4 40 6 40 6 40 4 40 4 40 6 40 t 424 6 42S 4 42 '4 ( 42t ( 42 4 42 No 41... 43... 61... 1... 4... 42... 4... 74... 40... t... 20... 62... ti... 11... 61... 21... 76... 7e... ... 61.... 44... 11... 61.. la.. 71.. 66.. :4.. 24.. At. ..20 ..Ul ..'it ..144 ..231 ..226 ..200 ..247 ..111 2iU 210 2D6 2M 277 246 27 25 271 247 318 2MI 261 27 2f. 214 m 17 IK! 117 Hh. 10 10 16 IM 20 40 lau i'tit 120 40 40 60 120 120 HO 140 U0 40 Pr. 6 42 4 42 6 42 6 46 6 46 6 46 6 46 4 46 I 46 6 46 6 4 6 46 i 46 6 4i 6 46 4 46 6 46 6 4 6 46 6 46 6 47 47 4 M 6 60 t 6 6 55 5 to 6 40 i to 850 825 U. 35 feeders. .1062 21 cows 8041 1 cow 1030 23 feeders. 26 feeders. 41 feeder. 16 cow.... 13 cows.... 1 bull 13 feeders. 9 feeders. 6 feeders. 14 cows.... 88 feeder. 1 cow . 912 . 891 8. . 811 W. . 947 .1025 .1150 . 726 . 911 . 883 . 970 .1108 .100 P. . 966 .1430 . 886 . 312 . 902 17 feeder. 6 feeders.. V- 4 feeders. .1110 22 cow .... 977 C. 47 feeder.. 1234 8 65 1 steer 620 2 00 3 steers. ...1316 3 00 Mrs. J. L. Drlscoll Neb. 31 feeders.. 1178 8 40 W. W. Drisnlll Wyo. 97 feeder.. 1067 3 50 47 cow 810 3 80 L. Horn Wyo. 3 66 4 feeder 2 75 1 cow..., 2 46 49 cow... COLORADO. 3 75 4 feeder. 3 10 96 feeder, C. Lewis Neb. 8 66 1 stag 1060 3 00 K. Bhupp Neb. 1 4U 2 00 3 30 3 20 3 fO 2 60 3 46 MONTANA. 8 10 7 cow 823 2 45 2 46 H. Dillon-Neb. 3 66 3 bull 1215 2 66 3 cows ll'Si 2 36 I cows 870 2 36 F. Neece Neb. 2 90 82 feeder.. 823 W. W. Drlscoll Wyo. 1 steer 1140 4 00 8 .steers.. ..1110 t teer....lW) 86 I steer 8M i heifer 1 bull.. 1 cslf 2 calves.. 1 calf 7 cows.... .. 660 ..1460 310 tM 150 B64 10 heifers.. 4 heifers. 1 heifer.. 1 heifer.... 50 R. 8 feeders.. 1161 ..1047 7o0 3 40 2 80 3 10 3 10 3 75 2 46 1 46 2 00 3 26 2 MS 2 35 2 50 4 00 5 00 100 2 20 2 10 t 10 8 80 8 86 1W AHPi::. ... - . t . ""'"er iiDerai run or sheep and lambs on sale, but the demand Jaa again equal to the supply. This was true 0? both killers and feederi and an ac tive and steady to1 strong market was ex perienced all around. tf Kker" wer-e out ear,y nd tne market on ail the more desirable grades of killers was active and fully steady with yesterday. A "nme ha been the case all along, the bulk of the offerings had to sell for feeders, so that the supply of fat stuff was E2h.''ry.., ftn.d everything was out of first hand In good season. t d"r iy1"" j"" aBain on hand In arge numbers and the supply was none too nHhRlt?.me.tJne iulrments of the trade. The bulk of the arrivals was disposed of be fore noon. Of course the common stuff th LmMe2rJe"5. K'ted, but still even that sold T4v steady prices. Quotations for grass stock: Choice west- SmiS b"' J4',754'00! ,falr t0 lambs. $4.60?r4.75; choice yearlings, $3.60(3)3.86: fair to good Vearllngs, $3.403.60; choice weth ers, $3.353.80; fair to good wethers, $3.15 3.35; choice ewes, 32.85tfi3.10; fair to good rwce",.$7l502-80: cholo f'ear lambs. $1,104 4 36; fair to good feeder lambs, $3.504.00: feeder yearlings, $3.353.60; feeder wethers $3 06 3 25; feeder ewes, $1.502.50. Repre sentative sales: INO. 72 South Dakota feeder ewes!!! u.w Wyoming xeeaer ewes 266 Wyoming feeder ewes 264 Wyoming feeder ewes 260 Wyoming ewes 121 Wyoming ewes 31 South Dakota feeder lambs. 177 South Dakota feeder lambs. 1471 Wyoming feeder yearlings. 236 Wyoming feeder yearlings.. 94 Wyoming feeder yearlings.. 260 Wyoming feeder lambs.".... 126 Wyoming feeder lambs 583 Wyoming yearlings 355 Wyoming vearllngs IS WrnmlnD 1 1 180 Rbuth Dakota feeder lamb's! ivi nnuin naaoia reeder lambs. 648 Wyoming lambs 10 Wvnmlnir i,11 faAm 241 Wyoming feeder ewes .! oi moniana reeaer ewes , 1936 Wyoming feeder ewes 501 Montana a, .. 109 Wyoming ewes ...!.!! Wyoming wetners 17 Wyoming feeder yearlings.. ?65 Wyoming yearlings ,. 153 South Dakota feeder lambs. 663 Wyoming feeder lambs , 196 Wvomlng feeder lambs 1085 Wyoming feeder lambs 64 Nebraska htirks 3"1 Nebraska ewes ??6 Mexican yearlings .', i inano ewes 27 -Idaho ewes , 150 Idaho wethers 1016 Idaho lambs 397 Idaho feeding lambs CHICAGO LIVR STOCK MARKET. Cattle Market Steady ta Lower Hog Hlirker Sbeea Steady. CHICAGO. Oct. 14. CATTT.TC Reoelpts, 24.00) head. Including 700 bead Texans. 4.5O0 head of westerns; market steady to Ion lower: good to prime steers; $5.irhrf6.ffi; poor to medium, $3.604.75: stocker and feeders, 8I.zVxb4.15; rows. 31 4074 .60: heifers. 32 0O4I (.00; canners. $1.42.50; bulls. $2.004 : calve. $2.75(47.35; Texas fed steer. 83-75 8.75: western steer. 83.0004.50. HOGS Receipt todsv, 14.000 head: esti mated tomorrow, 7.0i hesd: market 1Xri20c higher; mixed and butchers. 35.45Oa.20; good to choice heavy, $5 55fWUO; rough heavy, $soni50; !lght, $5.40tr.10; bulk of sales. $5 40t?f6.85. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 23.008 head; market steady; lambs steadv to strong; good to choice wethers. $3ST4 2K; fair to choice mixed. $2.oiii3.00; western sheep. 82.25ei4.7(: native lambs. 83.5Ofo4.0O; wtstern lambs, $4.0005.16. Av. Pr. .75 1 50 .80 2 40 . 90 2 45 ,90 2 45 ,90 2 45 , R5 2 76 , W . 2 85 . 41 ' 3 00 ,39 8 00 ,96 3 36 ,88 3 40 ,73 8 46 44 3 65 , 61 3 55 ,93 8 66 66 3 65 67 8 75 50 3 85 54 4 00 68 4 91 1 25 W 2 :o 85 ?S 96 3 50 90 2 0 94 2 60 103 3 71 3 56 -87 S 3 64 4 16 F 4 k) 58 4 V 1 rs 93 3 is "C 3 60 69 3 50 10T ? t M W S 8 TS 81 4 50 65 4 SO St. I.ools Live Stork Market. ST. LOUIS. Oct. 14 -CATTLE Receipts, 7,5iD head, including 6.001 head of Texans. The market wu steady to Ktrang. Native shipping and exiairt sloers, $4 5o4i6.50; dressed beef and butcher sters, $4.oom5.3o; steers under l.ux) pounds, $3.2n'.ftj.0o; stock er and feeder $2.45314 00; cow and heifers. $2 254.00; canners $1"; bulls, $!50 4)3.25; calves, tj (iHJt'i; Texas and Indian steers, $2.30(3.75; cow and heifers, $.'.00 43 2. 70. HOGS Receipts,- 6.000 head; the market was active, strong and higher; pigs snd lights, $5.304ifi.76: packers. $.r) ."Xii0.6j; butch ers' and best heavy. 85 3&'5.H. SHEEP AND LAM HS Receipts, 8 000; heud; market steady; native muttons, $3.35 473 90; lambs, 64 051; culls and bucks, $2.2634.00; stockera, $2.EO03.OO. St. Joseph Live stock Market, ST. JOSEPH, Oct. 14. CATTLE Re ceipts. 3.360 head. The market was steady to 15o lower; natives, $4.0'u5 25: cows and belters. $1.5001.65; stockers and feeders, $2.7y4 IV HOGS Receipts, 3.410 head. The market was steady to strong: light, $5.6 05.85; me dium snd heavy, $5.2v4).7o. SHEEP AND LAMIiS Receipts, 12 8 head. The market wa steady; lambs. $5.6J. Bloax City Live Stock Market. SIOUX CITY. Ia.. Oct. U 'Special Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts. 2.0up; stockers slow and lower; killers steady: beeves. $4 00 06.00; cows, bulls and mixed, $2.2it3.50; stockers and feeders, $2.6Ojj3.70; calves and yearlings. 42 6&3 40. H'XJS Receipts, 1 000; market 10c higher at $6.26.50; bulk. $6.40. Kaasaa Clfy 1.1 ve btoek Market. KANSAS CITY", Oct. 14 CATTLE Re ceipts. 14.000 head of -natives. 2.000 lieud of Ttxsns. 1.660 head of native calves, 250 head of Texas calves. The market for corn-fed cattle snd wintered westerns was dull snd lower; for Texas and western cows steadv, for stocker and fsdr lower; the ealf market wss glutted; choice expirt nnd dressed beef steers, $4 5oti6 35: fair to good, S4 2Mi4 50: stockers snd feeders. $26Oi4.0O; western fed steers. $2 15174 50; Texas snd In dian steers, $19oS25; Texas cows, $1 tio'iT 2 '.'5; native cows. $1 Iv.f3.90: native heifers. $2.5t44.40; canners. $H4l2.30; bull, $1 50 2.50: cnlves, $1 ouOiK.OO. HOGS Receipts, 6,000 head. The market was steady; top, $5 75; bulk f Snles. $5 ti n 5.70; h avj $5 rfi5 55; mixed packers, $." 4.V'i 5 65; light, id. 2006.76; yorkers, K.7o6.75; pigs. $5.oi.',.7?t4. SHEEP AND LAMBS-Recclpts, 6.000 head. The market was 10fr715c lower; na tive lambs, $3.2603.30; western lambs. $2 9of 5.10; fed ewes. $2 34i8.75: Texas clipped yearlings, $2.5o'u4.Mi; Texa clipped sheep, 2.4ojj3.76; stocker and feeder. $2.oo'fl3.50. of live stock yesterday: Hogs. 8heep. 8. OKI 22.5(10 Kerr York Live Stork Market. NEW YORK. Oct. 14 CATTLE Re relpt. 2.783 head; market for good steer steady; for medium and common slow to loo lower; for bulls and cows steady to strong; native steers, $4.tV06.4n; ose a. stnge, t3.00Ai4.30; bulls. 82. 2f.Si 3. 75 ; cows. $1.2 .1.45. Cables quoted live cattle stesdy sa 1iviiifco dressed weight; sheep selling at li'Vfjiao dressed weight; refrigerator beet dull at 8'c. Calves, reoelpts, 2.0J8 head; market for veals 25o lower; grassers easier, about Soo being unsold; veals, to.OH(!i7).76; culls, $4.0004.50; grassers and fed calves. $2.753.50; westerns, $4.16; city dressed veal weak at 8t013c; country dressed, 70114jc. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 6.592 head; market for sheep was easier; for lambs 15i26c lower; sheep, $2.60fH'3.n6; choice, 84.00; culls, $2.00; lamb. t5.4o-fie.12H; on car. $6 25; culls, 4.0004.60; Canada ismbs, $6.40 0V6O. HOGS Receipts, 7,740 head; market firm; tats hogs, $6.40; Pennsylvania pigs, $6.00. Export 5,783 qusrters of beef. I Stork la Sight. Following are the receipts at the six principal market r.ttu Omaha 6.825 ' t nlcaro 9i nort wnwi it onA Kansas City 6.000 6.000 Ht. I.ouls 7.ry eono 3.000 SI. Joseph 8 350 S410 1 'in Sioux City 2.000 V000 Total 60,475 $4,010 67,708 Metal Market. NEW YORK. Oct. 14-TIN-The local market was higher and steady today, clos ing at $25.80025.90, the advance belng'malnlv due to the firmer tone in Ixindon, where prices were 15 shll'ings higher at 115 5s for spot nnd 12 6d higher at 115 15s for futures. COPPER Advanced 12s M to 54 5s for spot In Ixndon, snd futures 10s to 54 2s 6d. Locally copper remains quiet. , I,ake Is quoted at tl3.Ofktil3.60; electrolytic at $13.00 013.12. and casting at $12.75. LEAD Closed at 11 and was unchanged In Ijondon. as It was also here, where the price remained at $4.60. SPELTER Cnchsnged at $600 In the New York market and at 20 6s In Lon don. IRON Closed at 50s in Glasgow and at 4Si Ad In Mlddlesbnrough. Ixcallv Iron wss quiet: No. 1 foundry northern. $16.oOj?17.O0; No. 1 foundry northern. tlU. n016.OO; No. 1 foundry southern soft. $15.000 15.'50. ST. LOUIS. Oct. 14.-LEAD SiKfrdy at SPELTER Steady at $5.45. Italian Kin; and 4neea la Paris, PARI8. Oct. 14.-Klng Victor Emmanuel and Queen Helena of Italy arrived here at 8:30 p. m. A large crowd at the station greeted their majesties enthusiastically. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. 1614 300 2,025 DEEDS filed for record yesterday, as fur nished by the Midland Guarantee and 1 rust company, bonded abstracter, Farnam street: Frank Koutsky and wife to Mary Kelly, lot 1, block 32, 1st addition to Corrigan Place $ Sheriff to Harriet W. Wlnslow et al., trustee, lots 6 and 0, block V, West End addition Llxsle Scott and husband to John W. RoDblns, lot 7, block 1, Summit Place Emily S. Strlhllng and husband to William Strlbllng, !ot 14 and part of lot 13, block 3, Patrick's addition and other land William Strlbllng and wife to Emily 5. and James Strlbllng, same Charles S. Huntington et al., executor, to Joseph. A. Connor, eft outlot 193, Florence 7 Henry Hardy and wife to George W. Holbrook, lots 1, 2. 3, 4 and 6, blork 6, Saunders & Hlmebaugh'a High land Park addition Ella M. Bond and husband I. -Tf-. sop Backet t, eS3 reet lota 21 and 22, block 10, Shull's addition Omaha Savings bank to Omaha Realty company, part lot 13, Forbes' sub-division Waiter E. Keeler and wife to William A. Saunders, lot 81 and other lots In North Side addition :. Charles H. Brown to William M. Glass, nH lot 21 snd s38 feet lot 22, block 3, Summit Place George W. Holbrook and wife to Clara Hughes, lots 8 and 9, block 4. Saun ders & Himebaugh's Highland Park addition Mvra Whtdden and husband to May Wright, e30 feet lot 10, block 8, Lincoln Heights addition George Kelley and wife to Interstate Investment, trustee, limited, lot 11, block 8, Kountxe A Ruth's addition.. 200 250 2,000 1 3,100 53 SoO 5,000 i ANY OF OUR ISO EFICES LRKET PRICES ON .12 Em t.- sjj-r .. lyilEAinATSfiOMl We bar th largaat private wire ayatem II America, an will give you the lataat telecraph sru-ea al Cnloego Miaaeapolts and Duluth. Or ars tar latere dettvery executed at tb aaarketi araaapt service (Ivsa. Oimaalaatonai wbaat, 1-16 per bai oa eat snd -cura, I -8c per a. Cainilnln ea stocka, 1-4 par csat. .VHIP IT OA YOU WHEAT AND J J OTHER UK AINS. Ws guaraatee fclfTiaat cask prtoas and prompt raiursa. paying 6rt ta advance upoa oon slgaiaaats. Co-emissions, fc par bus bat No brUrest Charged fr Carry lag Unf Stark. a2 COMMLS-SIOfaTCa Jbmmt- CAP.V tUJUPLUS SOO.OOO GRAJN STOCKS GENERAL OFFICES! MBW YORK LIPB BUHL. MINNEAPOLIS. ROBT. VANCE. Correspondent. 14J1S Paraam at., Omaha. TeL 8401 CHICAGO. OMAHA. MINNEAPOLr iduords, Uood a Go Room A Manhattan Bid-.. ST. PAUL. MINN Dealers In Grain, Provisions, Stocks Bought and sold for cash or on reasonabh margins. Members Important Kxebaagee. Prt rate Wires. , Write for our dally market letter snd prl vate telegraph cipher mailed free. Ship Your Grain (o Us. Best Fscllilles. Liberal Advances, i'rompt Returns. too Bee Bid. Ffceae 83141 Osuaba, Nebraska. Dalatb. Wlaalpeg. VEAItE GIlAin CO. 110-ltt Boar f Traa OMAHA. NEB. C. W. werel, Maasger, Tet,4s. J ' 4 r J u i li J 15 --V