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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 15, 1903)
10 TILE OMAHA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY. OCTOBER 1J0.1. HEW lORK I)RK.M KIO STOCK TIII Be old In Omaha Moaday, October 10. T . I BP.ANfKlS A SONS, BOSTON STORK. This stock was eoH by Charles Shon fcrood, T'nltcd Ktates auctioneer, by order jof the U. S. district court, Eastern dlstric t ef New York., The low figure at which l secured thla stock enables tis to offer the moet fashionable dress goods at a fraction of their cost to Import. Thla splendid atork consists of dainty dress stuffs and the more practical goods for street fostumes, also thouannda of yard a of alike and velvets, X8 made-up cos tumes and a whole stock of laces and trimming. Come Monday to buy the grand frit bargains ever offered by J. I.. PRANDE13 SONS, ' . Proprietors Boston fit ore. The regular mid-week matinee will be Kiven at the Orpheum this afternoon. There will be one change in the bill tonight. Bell nan and Moore will substitute "Hester's Promise" for "A Gallery Goddess." The kill la proving- a good drawing card, the andlencea having- been large throughout the week. The etafe of the Boyd theater will be Occupied by one of the T. M. C. A. lec turers tonight Friday night the house --ill tm dark. Saturday matinee Blanche rW'aJsh opens her engagement In "Resur rection," which Includes Saturday night and SL special matinee Sunday. Sunday matinee was originally booked for "McFadden's How of Flats." but owing; to the company's Inability to arrive, from Denver In time the afternoon was given to Xfiss Walsh. fThe gala of seats for the Walsh engage- Orient opened yesterday and Judging from l Tj demand for tbem the engagement will V very good. .it Convict Stripes," Which will be seen w the Krug tonight and the balance of 4at.Js week, la considered one of the most pic riiresque scenla productions of the day. The play take place amongst the pines of South Carolina, near Charleston. Aot first la an exact reproduction of an old southern school house; the second an exterior of a southern home: the third the famous (government quarry and the fourth the florae of the quarry guards. These are beyond doubt the most reallatlo ecenJo pictures ever presented by a traveling company. - The thrilling explosion scene and the death defying swing for Ufa in the third act Is conceded by all to be the acme tot all scenlo affects aver attempted on riy stage. Samuel Burns Is selling a real Libby eat ton ben, $2.00. Another Opportunity for Homeseekers to Home-Seek. The Frisco System again announces that It will sell tickets from St. Louis and Kansas City to points In Oklahoma, In dian Territory, Kansas and Texas, at the very low rounoVtrtp rat of 115,00, Opportunities for homes In the Southwest are still plentiful, and the best lands are ty no meana all taken up. Excursion tick et sold at this extremely low rate will be Rood on any of the Frisco regular trains leaving St. Louis at :S0 p.m., :S5 p.ra, and 10:00 p.m., October JO. and leaving PEansas City 7:18 p.m., and 11:30 p.m., on the same date. If you are looking to the (Southwest for a future home, this excur sion of October 20th Is an excellent op portunity to Investigate the country. Tour own home ticket agent will be Mo to give you full Information aa to gates and limits of tickets. , Writ for our InteresUng booklet en titled, "Mew Lands Along th Frisco Sys tem," by Bryan Snyder, and for da. tailed Information to K. 8. Lemon, geo retary Frisco Immigration Bureau, 8L Mul. Hi' . JO Lj Men. nsr" m gala THURSDAY-. SPECIALS 50c Silk Ruffling at 10c a Yard 1 , 150 yards of the finest taffeta silk Pleating and Ruffling a a . .s m in an t widths lor dress trimming and skirt flounces. This milling is very high grade and worth up to 50 cents a yardhas been shown in in our show windows today at yard 10c Bfg Sale of Underwear This is the time for warmer underwent" ifldlps', mlsaps' and children's neecy nni Vests and rants. In medium and heavy weight also all wooi silver irray ana camera nair underwear, worth up to merit, on bargain counters 69c-49c-39c-25c Great Millinery. Events Today ACK TVS mmi High class trimmed hats, trimmed with aa r inmnlCU velvets, breast, beads, etc., a regular 3 Hat at $2.50 r:.??.... ess shapes In 1.89 Dress Shapes & Flats $1.89 A splendid assortment of the newest dress shapes In iiais. in me r rencn long biik nap beaver. These high era do dress shapes are worth up to 13.60, they come in all colors, nne value, at $2.50 AND $3.50 STREET HATS AT 39c Readyto-Wear Special for Thursday In the Basement The biggest Street Hat bargain ever offered in Omaha. We have an immense lot of very stylish and attractive Street Hats, in the flared effects, (urban. etc., trimmed with pretty wings, cord, tmssels, velvets, buefcfes, etc. , highly modish and worth actually up to r S. I R ,.60 mad $3-60 each a tremendotis'bargain for Thurs- jLf , day only in the basement at mm B Ladies' Fall Suits and Wraps Cravenette Rain Coats at $9.98 Stylish and and highly serviceable rain coats of the new Cravenette cloths all the proper styles for this year a sensible, modish coat g f thoroughly water proof New Golf Skirts at $1.98 Stylish Golf Skirts in the fall and winter weights all the late styles In the new rx .-- cloths and colors sells everywhere at $3.50 tomorrow 75 Fall Box Coats at $4.98 Novel new styl.s in Box Coats something new and very attractive splendid a r-v wearing coats all heavy kerseys, etc. Ladies' Fall Suit Leader at $9.98 Venetians, co- verts, broadcloths, etc. all the late style features never such a splendid value offered f. f. Ptanbtx & pon3$. I. Prunhtim & pun GORHAM SILVER. W are showing; one of the nicest stocks of sterltnr sil ver In the city. Bon Bon spoons. $1.26, 1.60, $2.00, $2 60 8uar spoons, $1.50 up. Cream Laddies $1.60. $1.76. h 12 M and up. Berry Hpoons, $4, $4.60. $6. $5.50, $7 and $1" Bon Bon iJlshea. fe. fa.60. $6 and up. These are nobby, tw?5 goods. Spend a few minutes In our store. Look for the name. S. W: LINDSAY, Jeweler and Optician, ISUDourUs Street. () I Beaaeseekers Kzeeralaas. On Tuesdays, October 6th and 20th, th Missouri Pactflo By. will sell both one way LOd round trip tickets at very low rates to certain points In Arkansas, Kansas, Southwest Missouri, Oklahoma, Texas, etc. Btopovers allowed on the going journey. Umlt of tickets n days. For further In formation call on or address any ageut of th company or Thos. F. Godfrey, Pas, end Ticket Agent. 8. E. corner 14th and PoucUU streets, Omaha, Neb. Rock Island Ckaage la Time, Train No. t, eaatbound, leaving: hr formerly at t.SS p. m., ctow leaves Omaha at 6:30 p. m. Train No. 7, Oklahoma and Texaa Express, leaving here formerly at :40 p. m., now leaves Omaha at 6:16 p. m. oathera laveatmeats. Take advanUge of the Illinois Central's big excursion to Mississippi and Louisiana en Oct. 20th, for which a rat of leas than n far for th round trip has been named, .and investigate the opportunities offered for Investment In Southern Farm and Tim ber lands. ' Particulars at DL Cent. Ticket Office, No. J403 Farnam fit. Omaha, Neb. octal Daaee. Th degree team of North Omaha Lodge Ho. 159 X. O. XI. W. will giv their first serial ball at Washington hall, Thursday evening, Oolober 15. Admission SS cents. A Card of Tksaki. We desire to thank our many friends that Bo kindly during the Illness and fcereavement of -our loving daughter and !rlfe, Mrs. W. R. Smith. MRS. EMMA ROT. MRS.' RACHEL tXaNSOM. W. R. SMITH. Flfia Ward Repnfclteaas. Th Fifth Ward Republican club will foeet Thursday evening, October 15, 190S, at Toung's hall, Sixteenth and Corby streets, fill candidates are cordially Invited. W. B. CHRISTIE, Preeldant, , PAUL B. BEWARD, Becretary. Horse covers made to nt your horsa tmaha Tent and Awning Co., lith and barney streets. "liprtme" New Improved Hot Blaat Does away with the defects existing in the oldfaahloned and so-called original, lias front feed door and ash pan, and la the only clean Hot Blast sold In Omaha. All we ask for them Is $3.00 down and $3.i0 per month, or the wholesale price for cash. V- l- ir.i'-.V!?i tf r-.r?" V-i . fk Tassi'J .1 Jt K 9 I Prog-resslv and Intelligent people al ravi hi i v th l.t.., i ... -a u - - . . V-.T. I'll iPflt the benents and comforts out of new iri- Kias aad Make I p. Blanche Payne, in a fit of anger, broke l-rire water pitcher over her sister's head and was fined $S and coats for the strenuous act. Her sister appeared against her at trial, but after It was over paid her fine and hand-ln-hand they suuaht their home lu South Eleventh stret together. If It's a "Garland." that's all you need to know about a stove or range. . wHuuiui vui oi new in vention. Ann tmnmiAntnnta arkil. . . foiry buys old has-beens and makea life miserable. Tha Slcotzcl Sfovo Go. 714 S. 1 6th Street. ClUeaca Groat Wiittra Rati way. Short Una to Mlnden. Harlan, Manning Carroll and Fort Dodge. Two trains each way. Leave Omaha at 1:30 a. m. and $:4 p. ra. - Leave Council Bluffs at 1:45 a. m. and 1:10 p. m. For information apply t Geo. F. Thomas, Oen'l Agt, room tii, Omaha National Bank building. Omaha. Neb., and M Pearl Sc., Council Bluffs, la. R. V. COLE. W. M. MCKAY. Cole-McKay company, undertakers and embalmers, 1517 Capitol ave. Tel. 464. MRS. J. BENSON Dressing Sacques, Kimonas J and Louninir Rnhes. Q Q " We Lave the prettiest and newest styles of j j vl l"e8e goods made, for the money. Handsome outing flannel sacques and kimonas, from f 1.15 up lo ?3.00. Kiderdown, J1.15 up to f 4.50. Iamb's wool, 6.00. Beautiful challis. 5.75 Ul) to T nnnfrinor l?rou l f( in9rtfin ' v-, 5 COLGATE CO.'S -ILER GRAND iX-SIR-BEN EXHIBIT. We now have In our window on package or more of every article manufactured by COLOATR CO. Tnla Is the Ak-Sar-Ben exhibit which was displayed at the ILliK GRAND, during the first ten days of October. Thousands of dealers from all over the west have viewed this and pronounce it the F1NKST display of line soap ever made. This complete display was pur chased by us of Col. K. L). Hurford, West ern representative of Colgate Co. Kvery article will, bo sold bv tia at retail at Colgate Co's. lowest wholesale price. See them in our window. READ OUR CUT PRICES $1.00 Dr. Charles' Flesh Food for '.40o jtoc Allcocks Porous Plasters, 3 for ..25c jSo Mention's Talcum Powder for llo $1.00 Stuart's Dyapepala. Tablets for ..79o 60o Stuart's D.VBepU Tablets for Kkj KKLNal'B Ca'irrh Tablets for 4)c $1.00 De Miracle for ". 80c J-80, Modene Best Hnlr Remover fcfto Plsos Cure for Consumption 2oo $1.00 Temptation Tonic for 190 $1.00 Kilmer's Swamp Root for 7o f0o Kilmer's Swamp Root for 3Sto JOo Colgate's Pansy Blossom for 25o 5? S0.1."'!" anco Roao for....74o $1.00 Llstertno Lambert's for 740 Sir- Llsterlne Lambert's for i&j Write for catalogue showing 10.W0 ar- I Cor. 16th aod Dodge. Omaha. Neb, Extra Quality of I4k Solid Gold Jewelry There are two kinds of solid gold Jewelry, 14K and 10K. We make a specialty of 14K Jewelry, and can say without egotism tluit we have the largest new stock and new and unique designs In fine Jewelry in OmaVa l',?i,eS. Pcl"J,y for our fall and holiday trade. Special designs suitable for bridal gifts from the groom. Let us have the pleasure of showing you. BROWN & DORSHEIM, m South 16th Street. When Drujjs arc Needed be sure the drugs are pur and carefully compounded. If you come to as you can always feel perfectly safe. None but the purest drugs reach our shelves. Our prices on patent medicines are lowest Read them then compare: Mermen's Talcum Powder Uc 4711 Soap in. Swanadown Powder 160 Peruna .........68c Plnkham Compound ...74c Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery .ttK AVer's Hair Vigor ,.7o Hall's Hatr Vigor ,. . 790 Packer's Tar Soap j40 Menthol Pencils Mecca Compound uc nn llll VOHDERFUL COUPOtl SALE Tlll RKLIABLH ITOMiO. Coupons with every purchase. The most liberal and valua ble tickets ever j?iven absolutely free with every purchase. THURSDAY'S GREAT SPECIALS in the ILLMERY SECTION HATS TRIMMED FREE OP CHARGE $3.00 and $2.50 STREET NATS G9c Theursday will be a remarkable day of selling of the most excellent values in millinery ever offered any where in this big country. We will sell on this day one hundred dozen trimmed street hats, the choicest the market affords that are selling everywhere up to 13.00. THURSDAY 69c OUR TRIMA1ED HATS AT $1.90, $2.98, $3.98 and $4.90 ARE WORLD BEATERS HATS TRIMMED FREE OF CHARGE. Cloaks and Suits 6.98 A LOT OF NEW SUITS JUST RECEIVED By EXPRESS This lot of suits and coats are all made . . W ...... ' -'. uvtui. V V V back coat, Is now the coat. ' r R mane srrnnfl-mritfl with a monn. racturer in New York to shlD us l.ono suits and 1.500 jackets Just after the street fair was over they are here now and are wormy oi your attention. WOMEN'S SUITS Handsome collarlesa skirted blouse coat, taffeta lined, 83 Inches long, showing revere faced with silk and finished with fancy braid; new cape and sleeves; 9 gore flare BKiri. snowine- sine piaus arouna bottom the value is VJZ.60; the price is WOMEN'S JACKETS Women's Jackets made of extra fine cloth lined, with guaranteed satin-fly front, finished with 15 lapped seams, the value Is 15.60; the Q Rfl price Is JsJU Women's suit of I.ymansvllle cheviot In black and navy, collarless skirted blouse coat, taffeta lined, showing rolled revere faced with silk and edged with fancy braid; t lrciilar cape, plprd with taffeta new shape skirt, finished with straps of the material; the value Is 122.50, the . 650 Women's ' conts. .. Fall weight 33 Inches long; made of fine Imported cloth, lined with an extra quality of satin finished, with IS strapped seams; the value (A QO Is $17.50; the price Is IUf O Women's ' coats. Fall weight, 84 Inches long, made of fine french kersey In black, lined with guaranteed satin, finished with 17 lapped seams the value Is $22.50; 17 Rfl the price is v. Women's suits made of French broad cloth In black collarless skirted blouse coat 84 Inches looav. taffeta lined, showing circular cape sad trimming of straps of peau ae sole axis ancy nraia new sine Dlalted skirt trimmed to match coat: the value Is $20.00 the . I C Q ft price Is ..V.. I0i90 Women's 9fcn. coats, winter weight of fine black kersey satin lined, tight back, cape epaulette., handsomely trimmed nn back, front and sleeves, with - If Cf embroidery; price.. ICiuU Women's suits of fine French venetain In black and navy eollarleas plaited blouse coat, taffnia lined, showing double circular caps finished With ptltched band of taffeta new sleeves, new. side plaited skirt, the K.!.f??.M:..:...,... ...27-50 Women's 80-inch ( coats, winter weight of black kersey, satin lined, half fitting back, eapulette capes over shoulders, trimming of velvet and braid around collarless ne-k. rolling revere trimmed with fancy If) nn braid, price .' I9iIO Women's 87-inch, .coats, winter weight, skirted blouse effect of fine stbeline in black, satin lined, velvet collar bolt of PrTce.!,.,:.....L.: 18.98 . , Extra Specials for Thursday Women's peau 'de' sole skirts with ruffles, worth 10:w for Women's rainy skirt for Women's black mercerised the regular $1.50 value for trimmed .... . 650 1.98 underskirts, 79c Women'i wrappers IF flannelette I Women's eiderdown dressing sacques for Children's coats, worth $6.00 for only ...39c 49c .2.98 Specials for Thursday Men's heavy fleece lined shirts and draw, era, 60c quality, at Sf. Men's 75o heavy fleece lined shirts and drawers at 46o. Men's $1.60 wool shirts and drawers In single or double breasted style, at $1.00. Men's $1 00 wool shirts and drawers at 75c Men's 25c neckwear, in bows and four-ln-hauds, at 10c. Men's 25c socks in plain and fancy colors at 10c. Men's wool sweaters in all colors at $1.00 and up to St. 60. 1 Ijadles' heavy fleece lined hose, regular t6c value, at 15c. Toadies' plain and fancy colored hose at 10c, 16c. and 26c, worth double these prices. Hoys' 60e shirt wttJsts at 26c. Boys' fl.00 wal&ts with separate collars or collars attached, at 60c. Indies' wool shawls at 26c and up to $2.60. Boys' sweaters at 60c and $1.00. Ladies' Jersey ribbed knit vests and pants, fleece lined, silver or ecru, worth 39c, at 26c. Ladles' extra heavy fleeced jersey ribbed vests and pants, worth 60c. at 39c Ladies' fine jersey ribbed vests and pants, fine hand crocheted finished, in K Wool, worth $1.00, at 75c. Ladies' fine red medicated wool vests and pants, worth $1.26. at $1.00. Ladles' Jersey ribbed fleece lined combi nation suits, worth $1.00, at 60c. Ladles' wool mixed combination suits, In white and silver, worth $1.60, at 98c. Indies' fine Jersey ribbed combination suits, Stratford and Harvard Mills make, perfect fitting garments, wool, worth $2, at $1.60. Ladies' fine silk and wool combination suits, perfect fitting and hand finished, worth $6.00, for $3.00. Children's jersey ribbed vests, pants and drawers, fleece lined. In all sizes, worth 26c, for only 16c. ' Boys' extra heavy vests and drawers with heavy fleece lining, worth 39c, at 26c. Children s fleece lined combination suits, worth 39c, at 26c. Boys' extra heavy combination suits. In all sixes, worth $1.60, at 98c. Drug Special Egyptian Massage the newest and best thing in massages This "rolls up' leaving the skin as pink and white as a sea shell. Put up in 2-oz. jars, 5-oz. jars and pounds. Sample free at our Drug Department. Sample mailed to any address on receipt of 10c. Drug Department Ilayden Bros. nn LnJ n?rn ? LiVl fn)o) L2)U0 Perfteld's Cut Price Piano Co. Bm Bids., Rom7. Tclephon 701 Wesar, ktery atttark, Laswlg KkUer. Tooth Comfort What a comfort to know your teeth were properly fixed by patronising a reliable dental office. Wa have no fake Inducements to aSer. Fillings 7$o up. Set Teeth $i 00 up. TaiVs Dental Rooms 1917 DouxlaaSU mm ,m , I, 'm'1mt" Fall and Winter UNDERWEAR For Men. Women and Children. Over four hundred different styles of men's and wom en's underwear to select from, in medium and heavy weights, representing the finest productions of the best for eign and domestic manufacturers. We purchase our under wear direct from the makens save all the middlemen's profits and retail it at wholesale prices. Men' Underwear . mm Men's medium weight MWfm derby ribbed Eryptian If-iJ cotton, in natural, ecru and fancy colors. Drawers with heavy sateen bands, shlrtx with soft and silk trimmed fronts, with French neck a reg ular 76o quality, 45c All sixes. Men's medium snd heavy wela-ht nature 1 wool underwear, for early fall and winter wear, also heavy plush back. In tan and fancy colors, regular $1.2 neo's Underwear. 75c rien'a Underwear values at 76c j AA Men's fine quality Aus- Vl llll trallan wool and -TO I II If French merino under- wear, in natural, red. tan, and white, well trimmed and properly made, best values ever shown, regular $1.60 qualities at $1.00 all sizes. flen's Underwear .vwv v.VVV 'A Ladies' and Children's Underwear M mm tfi1:':'.-.';..' TINDERWEAIt, 4oc Extra fine quality ribbed Spa IslHnd cotton underwear, beau tifully trimmed with silk, in tights, pants and vests, a regular 75a value, at gar ment m. ..... COMBINATION SUITS Ladles' Oneida style Jersey ribbed Egyptian cotton suits. In natural. Peeler and ecru colors; nicely shaped and finished a regular 7Sc val ueat CHILDREN'S COMBINATION SUITS 4iio Hovs' and srirls' combination suits i. fine iersev ribbed cotton Oneida style or open down front in natural, ecru and white a regular 75o quality at LADIES' HOSrERT, 10c Special lot la dles' fancy coiored cotton fast black hose, a regular 25o quality LADIE8' HOSIERY, 15c 1 case fine qual ity, very elastic silk fleece lined, guaran teed fust black hose, good early fall weight, regular 25o value two for 25o pair 45c 45 c 45c 10c 15c IjADIES' HOSIERY, 2.x: Special lot ladles' heavy fleece lined cotton cash mere and fancy solid color cotton and lisle thread hose, early fall weight, every style and pattern reg ular 6uc 2Sc value pair SCHOOL HOSE, 12c-Boys' heavy 2x1 and lxl ribbed cotton school hose with high spliced heels and double toes, are excellent stockings for. wear -i5c-two 25c pair for asw Men's and Boys Sweaters - . nAVCl, B"Uft ATI 7C- Men's good quality, 3-4 wool A JW he ivy ribbed sweaters, In solid colors, navy, maroon and black, all size, a regular dollar quality, at 75c. Better grades equally as good . . . . -v ... .i i m values, ai l.uu, l.ov. mm 45c rr vcr fiivr APTTT?S Ravi' fonnvr ami ri rrnA awAutara. navy aeruy riuoca, in uimn, nttvy, maroon and fancy colors. 45c. Better eeaaa anliallv O InW In tlHp. YttT variety of styles and colors. Tog, fcc. POST OFFICE PAY CHECKS Street railway pay checks and all other pay checks are cashed at our bank. We issue certificates of deposit for thrfe, six or twelve months bearing 4 per cent interest J. L. Brandeis & Sons Btxnlers FREE at Hi M T. B. Norris 1517 Douglas Street. SI.OO Coupon Cut this out pilpp and present it at our I nn tor"' BDd uPn maklD? $I.UU a purcbaae of (1 worth of ahoes or more, we will five you ten 10 stamps la addition to those you will receive with your pur chase. Signed, T. B. NorrU. Veld after Nevtaaber IS. $2.50 and S3 Shoes for Men and Women The swellest styles In all new leathers ever sold in Omasa at POPULAR PRICES Bovi'. voutha'. misses' and children's SPECIAL SCHOOL SHOES for $1.50. T. B. Norris 1517 Douarla St. fil sassyjgyvTfy Smft m ASK f.!R. L. 0. SIMONS, the genial publisher of tha "WE8TLICHB PHKHHK" itlmaha's best German i'aperl and he will tfll you that he had the WORST COUtlll JSVKH. and Kept an m neighbors awake more effectively than a whole family of black cats on the bark fence, be took a few doses of that WHITh, PINE AND TAR CoiikIi Byrup ot outs aim has not couched since. This is NO PATENT MEDICINE AD. but B 4SENU1NK UNSOLICITED TESTI MONIAL. ABK MR. SIMONS. Wm wnnM like Lo show you our new prescript lou equipment; w would like to have your FAMILY DOCTOR see It. A nice, light room, all by Its self, with every thing uecessary for tilling the meat In tricate prescription or family recipe. Two REGISTERED PHARMACISTS have rharn of thla deDartment and ONE CHECKS THE WORK OF THE OTHER thus reduclug the liability or errors io me minimum. HERE Id SOMETHING TO RKMEMHER. BC1UEFKKB BELL. IT tjH itaS THIS MEANS DRUUS. OPEN ALL UlUl-lT. CUT PstlCB . Dua sTm B. T. TATE3. Proprietor. Tw. rkaaes T4T aad 191. letk aad CkOesa f tracts, Onsahs, SCIlftEFEfl'S $3.50 Isn't Much Tet it's a treat deal when you pay it out for a pair of men's shoes that ara worth no mora and for all you know until you've worn them a wesk a great deal less. Our customeni never take such chances with our 13.60 specials every pair has more than $3.50 value to them and our auarantea Is your money baok If you are not satisfied. Patent colt vicl kid box calf and velour calf lo all tha new 1903 lasts and toes. DREXEL SHOE CO., 1419 Farnam Street. asaaa'a Up-to-DsU Shoe House, Save 80 per cent in Gas Bills ?Th KERti BURNER Sliea to suit space to be lighted. Globes to suit your fancy. No blackeaed mantale er wire supports. Special light for the library. Out light all e(Ar ligfut. Kara locaadsaceat das Ugbt Cm , Chlcage. Jt i D. W. Dudgeon. XK f Plumber sad Qaallttcr. 21 FARNAM AT. fltONtJ, 1 h i i I ... f