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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 14, 1903)
THE OMAHA DAILY HEE: WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 14. 1003. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Tirm Cablet and Smaller Visible Surply AdTtnoa Price of Wheat. CORN PRICE FOLLOWS UPWARD TREND Price of Oats Advanced Late In nr, While rrovUlons Were Firm 4 Resisted Attempt to Uwtf Prices. CHICAGO, Oct. 13 A good cash demand and a smaller Increase In the world's visible than haa tieen expected caused a strong upturn In wheat touay and December ciose.i Va'1; nlhr. Lecemlier corn whs up H time, oata were He higher and provision to ?fcc higher fur the January pro- dUKtrin cables In the face of the big de cline here yesterday were a bull effect at the start ami December wheat opened a a nude to Wva higher at 7V 78-i(,u. Out side market were weak however, and this fact In addition to the favorable weather In the northwest brought out considerable Belling orders during the first hour and a weaker tone developed. St, Louis houses were leaders In the early selling movement. Vlth but little demand iJecemtier sold on to 1Hc. An upturn at Mlnreapoils, due to a belter demand lor flour i.nd a strong casn demand, caused a sharp rally later in the day. The bull feelings, augumented by the comparatively small increase In the world s vlMible supply, Bradstreet's reports show ing an Increase of 4,1H6.(AI0 agulnst 8,mooO bushels a year ago. 1 here was somo In fluential buying late In the session, with but little disposition to sell on the part of anyone. Closing prices were near the top. December being Vcfic higher at 79c, after touching Wu,Vt. Clearances of wheat and (lour were equal to iati.&U) bush els Primary receipts were l.Kft.ajO biiHhels against 1,U6,50( bushels a year ago. Minne apolis and Duluth reported receipts of (76 cars, which with local receipts of l: cars, none of contract grade, made a total receipt for the three points of i71 cars agnlnbt l.lot cars last week and 1,196 a year ago. Corn ruled weak the early part of the ses sion due to mild weather throughout the weMt and on the weakness in wheat. Pro vision Interests were again on the selling side of the market and there was an ab sence of any bull support. The lute strength In wheat stimulated buying on the part of the local traders and the market turned strong, closing at the top with De cember jo higher at 46fcc, after selling between 44V4C and 46Vc Local receipts were 43S cars with El of contract grade. Oats were easy at the start under selling by commission houses with little apparent effort to support prices. Toward the close some of the early sellers turned buyers and a firm tone developed, final figures on December being He higher at 8710, after ranging between &&Mc and 31c Local receipts were 227 cars. Provisions were firm at the opening, due to the steady hog market and on covering by shorts, with some demand from foreign ers for December and January lard. Con tinued selling by packers caused a break later In the day, but the loss was all re gained before the close. January pork closed 2Hc higher at $12.10; lard was up traflVto at $6.W86.92Hc while ribs were $y, 4(ftc higher at W.47V4.60. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: wheat, 100 ears; corn, ISO cars; oats, 146 cars; hogs, 111,000 head. , The leading futures ranged as follows: Articles. Open, Hlgh.l Low. Close.lTes'y. j r 78H4? 79H 7S; 78VilH i'Jh 78 44S 46 44 444" 46 44H 43144 44W 43 37VMT 4 '""7S 36 11 37Kf HW 'ii'ii" 'ii'ii" ii'od" U $7K 13 $2Vi 13 20 2H 85 80 6 fak t 90 6 (12 87 6 2H 86 Id I 67 8 55 47 ( 50 6 45 $60 e 62 6 50 Wheat a Dec. May Corn Oct. Deo. May Oats Oct. ' Dec. May fork Oct. Jan. May Lard Oct. Dec, Jan. fllbs Oct, Jan. May 79 78 78WH 79&H 45 44 4S4 44Hb&. 4443W 37 87 4st S6H 37T 11 25 12 10 12 27 6 82' 6 90 11 IS 12 07H 12 m. 6 77 6 80 6 86 8 60 5 45 6 50 2 8 65 6 50 521 a New. No. t Cash quotations were as follows: FLOUR Steady: winter patents, t3.CfJ 110; straights, $3,606)3 90; spring patents, 4.HXS4.60; straights, 3.ngJ.60; bakers, $2.60 fc 8 40. WHEAT No. a spring-. 7982c; No. 1 red, ORN No. 1 45c; No. 3 yellow, 469 7o. OATS No. J, 86Q36c; No. S white, 36 B-39C. KYB No. 1 WAfi. BARLEY Jood feeding, 4142c; fair to Choice malting, 4757c. BEEDS No. 1 llax, 86c: No. 1 northwest ern, 11.03; prime timothy, $2.80; clover, Contract grade, 810.864ill.C0. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., 111.20 4511.25. Lard, per 100 lbs., !.&& 87. Short ribs, sides (loose), $7.7Bffr8.nO; dry salted shoulders (boxed). M.6K(6.75; short clear Sides (boxed). $8.12)8.25. WHISKY Basis of high wines, $1.25. The following were the receipts and ship ments of flour and grain: Receint". Shipments. Flour, bbls. l.sno 14,800 Wheat, bu 118.601) 42.400 Corn, bu 814,400 230.300 Oats, bu 348.100 119,700 Rye. bu 6.700 Uarley, bu 128,200 1,800 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was steady; creameries, 15 80c; dairies. 14fijl"c. Eggs, steady; at murk, rases Included, 184319c Cheese, steady; 11 ,fyuc HEW YORK GENERAL MARKJ2T. (notations of the Day osi Various Commodities. NEW YORK. Oct. 11 FI,OTTR Rm-elnli $4,976 bbls.; exports, 1.162 bbla. The market was fairly active and Arm; winter pat ents. $3.9064.30: winter strata-tits. 13 mm $.96; winter extras. $29063.26; Minnesota bakers, $3.75&$.96; winter low grades, fi.Wtf $.06. Rye Hour, firm; fair to good, 13.2lKi $.40; choice to Fancy, $3.46a$.&). CORNMEAL r'lrm; yellow western, $1.10; City $1.08; kiln dried, $3.Xoii3.25. RYE Steady; No. 2 western, 62c, nomi nal f. o. b. afloat; state and Jersey, RMifitk!. BARLEY 8teady; feeding, 4c c. I. f. Buf falo; malting, Whide c. 1. f. Buffalo. WHttAT-P.ircclpts, 46.1C8 bu.; exports, 39. 31 bu. The market for spot was firm; No. 2 red, M4c, f. o. b.. In elevator, and 6e, f. o b., rk.t; No. 1 northern Duluth, c. f. o. b., afloat; No. I hard, Manitoba, nominal, f. o. b., afloat. The forenoon wheat market as a wtiole was firmer to day. Better cables, light northwestern 7e-ceiptsy- room covering and strength at Min neapolis wru null influences. There wus also talk of a better export trade. Last prices wcr- top for the day, and a above Monday; My. fc:7,B3 13-itic, cloning at Jc; Decen-wxr. &47kcji6c, closing at tu. CORN Keceiptu, none; exixnts, 2:'4.S27 bu. Th market for sjiot wu llrm; No. , fc'o In elevator and &2V, f- o .b., afloat; No 2 yellow. 64c; No. 2 white, 6-."c. Option market act.-d slow all the morning, but wus fairly steady, with wheat. Later it ad vanced on covering and closed i,o net higher: May. 49 7-ltii4nSc, cloning at 49Vc; iMx-emher. 61W'i61c, closing at 61c OATS Receipts, lb,fjH bu. The market for spot was steady; No. 2. 41c; standard white, 4.1c; No. 3, 40c; No. 2 white, 43Vc; No. 1 white, 43c; track, white, 4Jfy4tic. HAY Steady; shipping W)il70c: good to choice, gov 9oc. HOPS Steady; state medium to choice 19ii3, dia.-; l:K'l. common to choice 214 'AVsc; olds. loql3c; I'aclfic coast, lu3. me dium to choice, 2iu30c; l common to choice. UiWc; olds. lOrfilSc. HIDES Steady; Ualvestun. 2n2S lbs., 18c California, JTliu-a lbs., Uc; Texas dry. 24ui $U lbs.. 14c. LEATHER Steady; acid. LI'S SUtc. RK'E Steady; domestic fair to extra, 4 !; Japan, 6'tc. PRO VISION 8-Beef, firm: fumily mess 100 to l.OuO lbs., $.lC0t8.5u; beef hams, 1,100 to 2.0 lts.. city extra India uiess, l!4 (KVn 16. Co; cut toe-it j Irregular; pickled bellies. JlSOftll.OO; pIcKled shoulders. J5.7f'ji.O0; pickled hams, $11 w'".j' 11.60. Lard, firmer; weatern steamed, $7 -j-refined, firm; continent, J T.ho; South Amer ica, p) W. compound. $7.1.Vi.,. Pork easy; family, i 19 So; short c:eur. 1116) tfl.60; n-e-, 113 25j 13.75. TALLOW-Dull; city ($2 per pig), vc Bl'TTKK Receipts, 9.8 pkks ;nrm CHEEbE Receipts, 4.6u0 pkgs.; market dull. tOOS Receipts, 8 00 pkgs.; market stertv: we-tern. 175;Sc. POULTRY Alive. nominal; dressed slow; westi rn chickens, 12(jl2c; fowls lie; turkeys. Hi lie. Mllwaokeo Crsls Market. MILWAUKEE. Oct. 13-WHEAT-Uc lower: No. 1 northern. M5r4Wc; No. 2 mirth em, KlfisSc; Decern )r. TVi79c asked RYE-Dull; No. 1. r6fii0c. ",JU-HAHI.EV-Lowr; Ni, 3, 66c; sample. 4otfiUc. " CORN December, 4Sd45c asked. Liverpool Cvalsi Market. LIVERHUOL, Oct. 13-WHEAT-No. I ted winter, Weateru, 6s $d; No. $ noithirn. spring, no stock. Futures steady; Decem- i wrx rpni, American mijten, nrm ni 4 6d Futures steady; October, 4s 4d; No- . . ; . . . . . . , , m . (new), 4s ld. OMAHA tVHOLKsALM MARKET, Ceodltloo of Trade and Qaotatleae on Staple and Faoey Prodeee. E'lOrt r resh stock, loss off. 19c. LIVE POULTRY Hens, oc: spring chick ens, 9ilic: roosters, accoruiiia i ase, 4'ibc; turkeys. L"(13c; old Uui Ks, 6c; young due km, hiv-jc; geese, ai; Ul l i hit packing" etoCK. 13c; cnoice to fancy dairy, In tubs, lul8c; separator, ilc. FRESH FISH Fresh caught trout, lie; pickerel, 8c; pike, 10c; perch, 6c; buffalo, (Hc; bluefisn, 16c; whlteflsh, 10c: salmon, Jlc; haddock, loc; codfish, 12o; redsnspper, 11c; lobsters, boiled, per lb., ;; lobsters, green, per lb., 2Kc; bullheads. 11c; catfish. 11c; niacK nass, zi"(Uc; naiiDui, vv; crapjiies, 12c; :errlng, be; white bass, 10c; bluefins, 60. oihtero Jxew lora counts, per csn. 45c: tr gal.. $2 00: extra selects, per can. 37c; per gul., $1.76; standard, per can, 30c; per tim., ii.aft. BRAN-l'ei ton. $14 00. HAY Price auoted bT Omaha Whole sale Dealers' association: Choice No. 1 up land. $9 0: No. 2. $8.50: medium. $8.u9; coarse, $7.5j. Rye straw, $7.00. These prices sre ror nay or good color ana Quality, ie- mani lair ana receipts light. LUItJI-WO. OATS 3Sc. RYE No. 2. Soe VEGETABLES. POTATOES Colorado and Dakota, per bu., Or; native, 66ig76c. SWEET POTATOES Home gTOwn, per baket, 0c: Virginias, per 3-bu. bbl.. $:i.25. crnwn. wax. Der market basket. 4oft50c; string, per market basket. .ii:x)c. TOMATOES Home grown, car basket. 60c. NAVY BEANS Per bu., $2.66. CELERY Mlchlean. ner dox.. 800350: large western, 4bo ONIONS New home grown, dry. per lb- lVxc; Spanish, per crate, $1.66. I'RUJTg. TLUMS-Utah and Colorado. Wc$1.00. PRUNES Italian, per box, $1.00: ftllver, $1.00. PEACHES Utah freestones. 90c: Colo rado Albeitas, $1.00, i'fiAit toioraao ana utan lveuers, CRABAPPLE3 Per bbl.. $4 00. APPLES Jonathans and Onmes Oolden. $3.6o-n3.76; Snows, $3.26; Michigan stock, $3.60; California Bellflowers, per box, $1.60; New York stock, $J.25ii3.50: Oregon Spits, Oreen- inps and urlmes uoiden, per box, 81. lb. GRAPES California Tokavs. 11.60: Corln- choln, $1.60; New York, per 8-lb. basket, 27c. CRANBEKRIES Per bbl., $7.60; per dox, $2.75. . CALIFORNIA QUINCES Per box, $1.66. TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANGES Valenclas, 126-150 slses, $3.75; Mexican, all sizes, ' $3.76. LEMONS California fancy, 800 to $60 Sixes, $4.26; choice, 240 to 270 sixes. $4.00'4.26. FIOS California, per 10-lb. cartons, S6c. DATES Persian, per box of 30 packages. $2.00. CHEESE WlscgnsiH twins, full cream, 12c;' Wisconsin Xeung Americas, 13c; black Swiss, 16c; Wisconsin brick, 12c; Wisconsin llmberger, 12c. HONEY NebrasKa, per 24 frames, $$.60; Utah and Colorado, per 24 frames, $3.60. POPCORN-Per lb.. 2o; shelled, 8u3o. HORSE RADISH Per case of 2 dox.. packed. ttOe. iiiut; MO. 1 green, 6c; io. z green, 6c; No. 1 salted, 7c: No. i salted, 6c: No. 1 veal calf. $ to Li lbs., 8c; No. 1 veal calf. 12 to 16 lbs., 6c; dry salted hides. 8u 12c; sheep pelts, 267qc; horse hides, $1.6oui 2.6a NUTS-Walnuts. No. 1 soft-shell, per lb.. 17c; hard-shell, per lb., 14a; No. 2 soft-shell, per lb., 13c; No. 2 hard-shell, per lb., 12c; Braxlls, per lb., Ilfel2c; filberts, per lb., U(Kl2c; almonds, soft-shell, per lb., 16c; hard-shell, per lb., 16c; pecans, large, per lb., KygVio; small, per lb,, 11c; peanuts, pVr lb., 6c; roasted peanuts, pr lb., 7c; Chile walnuts, 13c. St. Loala Grain and Provisions. ST. LOUIS, Oct. IS. WHEAT Higher; No. 2 red cash, elevator, 86c; track, 86(9 87c; December. K6rU'65c; May, 83H(i3c; No. 2 hard, 7lWf79c. CORN Higher; No. 2 cash, 42T0; track, 44c; December, 40c; May, 407c. OATS Easy; No. 2 cash, S60; track. $79 38c; December, 88c; May, 37c; No. 2 white, 41c. RYE Easy at 6354e. FLOUR Dull; red winter patents, $3 $09 4.10; extra fancy and straight, $3.60X96; clear, $1. 303.40. SEEDS Timothy, nominal at $2.763.0a CORNMEAL Steady at $2.40. BRAN Easy; sacked, east track, 73750. HAY Timothy, $8.00U.60; prairie, $4.00 10.00. PROVISIONS Higher: pork. Jobbing, standard mess, $11.96. Lara, higher at $6.72. Bacon, steady: boxed extra shorts, $9.12; clear ribs. $9.60; short clear, $10. IRON COTTON TIES-$1.06. BAGQINO Mf56c. HEMP TWINE 60. POl!LTRY Easy; chickens, 9e: springs, 8c; turkeys, 14c; ducks, 9810c; geese, 7c. BUTTER Good demand; creamery, 14 22c; dairy, lB&ttte. EGGS Steady at 19c loss off. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 11,000 14,(100 Wheat, bu 74,000 72,000 Corn, bu 37,000 40,000 Oats, bu 104,000 100,000 Kansas City Grain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY, Oct. 13. WH EAT De cember, 69c: May, 69c; cash, No. 2 hard, 73'y74c; No. S, 6h4i71c; No. 4, 61(jj6oc; rejected, 6Mi60c: No. 2 red. 82'ftK3o: No. 3. 79f?80c. CORN October, 3kc; December, 870 3Sc; May, 8c; casn, iso. z mixed, 40o; No. 2 white, 41c; No. S, 40c. OATS No. $ white, 38&39c; No. $ mixed, 25e. HAY Choice timothy, $9.6010.00; choice prairie, $8. BUTTER Creamery, 1819c; fancy dalrv. 17c. EGGS Firm; Missouri and Kansas, cases returned, ISViic; No. white, cases included, 19c. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu 311.200 118,400 Corn, bu 23,200 13,600 Oats, bu 36,000 10.000 Philadelphia Trodaee Market. PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 13. BUTTER Firm and good demand; extra western creamery, 21c; nearby prints, 22c, EGGS Firm and good Inquiry; fresh nearby, 24c. at mark; western, 24c, loss on; .,.,tk.,..l.ra 9"', 'n,. aniithAm 91ff??y, CHEESE Quiet but firmly held; New York full creams, fancy, 12c; choice, 12 Vic; fair to good, UVtfiic. . Minneapolis Wheat, Floor and Bran MINNEAPOLIS, Oct. IS. WHEAT December. SOSic: May. 79c: on track. No, 1 hard. 83c; No. 1 northern, 82c; No, 2 northern. Hiie; No. 8 northern, 7g'7c. FIUR First pu tents, $4.46 4.56; second patents,'im w; nrst clears, x.oro3.6o. BRAN In bulk. $13.25. Toledo Seed Market. TOLEDO, Oct. IS SEEDS Clover, Oc tober, $6.75; December. $0.67; January, $6.70; February, $6.72; March $6.75; alslke, prime, nw; umuiuy, prime, n v. Peoria Market. PEORIA, Oct. IS. CORN Lower; No. 1 46c; No. 4, 44c. OATS Steaiiv ; No. $ white, 3637c; No, 4 white. 36im6Kc. Dnlnth Gratn Market. DULUTH. Oct. 13. WHEAT On track No. 1 northern, 81c; No. 2 northern, 79c December, 7!c. Roston Stock Qaoiatlons. BOSTON. Oct. 13. Call loans, $1 per cent; time loans, 5'fH per cent. Official closing prices on stocks and bonds: Atrhlson 4 ?V Amlg.mat4 .... AlctitMn USiblnKhftm do pld liS I'.lum ss Hcls Roaton Allianr.... 34 K'enlannlftl ... M ... :, ...440 .. 144 ... 44' ,.. I ... t ... U ... 14 ... a ... 1 ... n ... ... it Hoaton Klval4 law' "prr Hans ... N Y . N H. H...1M rraaklls t'nton Pacific i Royals Mfi. Ontrfcl American Sugar . lo pfd American T. A T Dominlun I. A Ocn, Klactrlc .... Maw. Klactrtt ... do pfd t'nilnd Fruit I S glael da pfd . . in. Mohawk . lua (Md Domlaloa . , .wt'i ocoia ..10. Parrot .. t Cluiacy ..141 Santa Pa Coppar .. 18 'rrmarack .. Ti Trinity .. S3 t'nitad Btatas . .. izii tan a7 - - ,14 Victoria W Wratlnah. CommoQ.. 41 Wtnona 2 An.anturs wolvarlns cs Alloues i Kerr York Mining- (tnotatlons. NEW YORK, Oct. 13,-The following are the quotations on mining stocks: , A 4m ma Coa i Llttla Chtaf .... .' a Altca 14 ilnlarte 44 Hrca 10 Ophlr tlrunawlck Coo 4 Hhtieilx roraalncB Tunnal 1 ip0toal aa Ton. fal. A Va IN Saa to Horn Sllvar It jsiarra Kavada .. " 44 Iran FilY.r la Small Hupaa M LdvlUa Coa I standard n Offered. 1 Foreign Financial LONDON. Oct. 13 MONEY There was an increased demand for money In the mar ket today. Ll.-i-ount hardened owing to the political uncertainty regarding affair In the far east, the financial position In Amrlcan and the state of tb foreign ex changes. On the stock exchange a more eheei ful tone prevailed, the settlement d lav true ting attention from far eastern affairs and oilier doleful matters, the outcome ba- aimer feeling. Con- f result of the more I ernlng the genernl I sols recovered as the favorable views concei situation of affairs. Selling ceased for the present and this fact uplifted the market generally. Home rails were Irregular, but they showed some Improvement. Ameri cans opened steady and mostly above par Ity. The market then became Inanimate, but subsequently rallied, being helped by the government crop report, and closed firm and steady below the best prices of the day. Japanese securities recovered some what. The amount of bullion taken Into the Bank of England on balance toduy was 46.000. PARIS. Oct. 13 Three per cent rentes. 96 francs, 77c for the account. Business on the bourse opened hesitatingly today and with a tendency to heaviness, but became firmer in the afternoon. Rio Tlntos gained 6 francs. BERLIN. Oct. 13. Kxchana-e on Tendon 20 marks. 4 pfgd for checks. Discount rates, snort puis, 3 per pent; three months bills. $ per cent. Prices on the bourse todsy were quite weak, notwithstanding more reassuring reports from the far east. NEW YORK STOCKS AXD BONDS. Professional Traders Developed a Stronger Market for Stoeks. NEW YORK. ' Oct. 13. Today s stock market passed through a number of sep arate phases and ended the day In a nearly stagnant condition and with prices for the most nart not far from lsst mzht's level. The market enjoyed Its period of decided strength during the early part of the day when the selllna Dressure. which has been so conspicuous recently seemed to be entirely withdrawn. An or ganised party of professional traders made an attempt to start prices upward, per ceiving a number of circumstances while at work In favor of tho attempt. The most notable of these was the building up of a large short interest, which aave evidence of Its existence by an eagerness to borrow stocks for delivery, causinc a number of Industrials to command a slight premium for that purpose In the loan crowd. London was Inclined to take a more cheerful view of the financial outlook and felt somewhat reassured over the pros pects In the far east and decidedly so over the absence of trouble In the progress of the stock exchange's attempt. Buying for the new account In London puts the next settlement ort for two weeks, and on these terms London was disposed to buy tew stocKs nore. nut the most impor tant effect of the London position was its relaxation of pressure here. Specu lative circles were inclined to attach Im portance to some very large and concen trated buying or United States steel pre ferred, which was noted yesterday, and gave rise to reports of a very important accumulation. The stock, In consequence, recovered to 60 and Inspired a hope that Its downward course had been arrested at last. The Importance attached to the shipbuilding case was Indicated by the good effect of a rumor that the suit was to be adjusted and discontinued. At the same time there was some talk of a divi dend Increase on Amalgamated Copper and of a declaration of a dividend on Reading second preferred. A downward plunge in united mates Steel preferred to 67, the lowest price on record, had a chilling effect on the whole movement and caused a reactionary ten dency. The selling of the stock was asso ciated with the renewed stock market flurry In Pittsburg and it was rumored that the steel preferred onerea in me market came out of collateral for a loan which was affected by the Pittsburg money troubles. A three-point break In Westing house Electric, and a drop of 11 points In the first preferred, were supposed to find their origin at the same source. The slump of 9 points In Colorado Fuel had no news to explain it, dui was supposed to be connected with a speculative accu mulation of this stock while Its control was still disputed. As a minority stock the demand has so far fallen off as to offer little market for a forced sale. The equipment companies were still notably weak until the Influence of the official admissions of large measures of economy by the great railroad systems, which are expected to become general throughout the railroad world. A sale or old kock isiana stock at a decline of 15 points attracted some attention. The break In Canadian Pacific Just at the close was attributed to orders from Montreal. The western demand for currency is still deferred and New York exchange at Chi cago went to 16 cents premium. The money market Is correspondingly easy in tone, but bankers maintain a large de gree of caution on the possibility that the demand, though late, may still come up to the normal. Outside of the nuctuations in Bteei nonas the bond market was narrow and unlm- Eortant. Total sales, $284,000. United tates 2s advanced per cent on the last call. Following are the closing quotations on the New York Stock exenange: Sales. High. Low. Close. Atchison ..36.410 4fc tv pj'j do pfd 660 87 Bait, ft Ohio 9,400 73 do nfd 8; 1164 148 28i 24 614 14 25 154 16 71 B4 47 18 150 233 18 65 26 65 47 165 67 73 Ma S2 18 Canadian Pacific .... Central of N. J Chesapeake & Ohio. Chicago & Alton 8,606 iii iic 900 $,510 SO 24 62 U 156" wit 70 12 47 19 150 232 66" 27 66 47 165 24 62 14'A 154 8V4 lti 70 83 19 160 230 6B 664, 47 164 do pfd 610 915 '200 200 100 100 650 100 100 400 800 Chicago & Great W... do pfd Chicago ft N. W.. ...... Chicago Term, ft T.... do pfd C. C, C. St. L Colorado Southern ... do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Delaware ft Hudson.. Del., Lack, ft West... Denver ft Rio Grande do nfd 500 Erie S7.665 do 1st pfd l.&oo do 2d pfd 1.40 Great Northern pfd., 200 Hocking Vfilley do pfd Illinois Central Iowa Central ., do pfd K. C. Southern 266 128 128 go pia Louisville ft Nashville 2,K0 Manhattan L !. do pfd 300 31 ; YH0 103 42 Metropolitan Bt. By.. Mlnnea polls ft St. 100 Missouri pacino M.. K. ft T do pfd N. R. R. of Me. pfd New York Central .. Norfolk ft Western . do pfd 8,410 874 lti 88 115 700 800 1,600 1,032 Ing regarded with a ca 81 XI 97 9HS 130 1294 104 It i3 43i 43 88 87 34 33 S8 S8 116 115 67 66 88 88 20 194 118 117 56 56 46H 44 "es" 62" 24 21 (9 58 -44 44 13 13 SO 30 136 136 '40 'iiH 17 lti 71 70 22 22 Oil 88 19i ... no ... 1.910 ...24,420 ... 100 ...16,750 V.'. ' $00 ...11,850 ... 270 Ontario ft Western Pennsylvania P., C, C. ft Bt. I. Reading do 1st pfd , do 2d Pfd Rock Island Co...., do pfd Bt. Louis ft Ban F do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Bt. Louis 8. W 117 65 44 75 62 23 584 12 60 41 13 29 270 .... 100 .... 850 ....11,508 fcioo ....vo.400 20 do pfd 6t. Paul ..... 13S4 170 394 1V 70 214 16 24 do pfd Southern Pacific ... Southern Railway , do pfd Texas ft Pacific Toledo. St. I,, ft W do pfd Union Pactflo' do pfd Wabash do pfd Wheeling ft L. E.. Wisconsin Central do pfd .. 1.000 "sis ..20.000 .. H0 .. 8"0 ,. 1.700 .. 400 .. l.SoO .. 200 25 70 84 17 14'J 15 35 24 9 1H 2S 134 15 35 83 16 19 13 14 85 Adams Express American Express i.3 196 100 200 1'nlted States Express Wells-Fargo Express Amalgamated Copper. 850 $54 21 654 9 26 American Car ft r .... do pfd 2.092 American Linseed Oil do pfd American Locomotive 13 '4 2,470 rjo.-o 71 40 86 American 8. ft R do pfd American Sugar R... Anaconda M. Co Brooklvn R. T Colo. Fuel ft Iron ... 60 63 31 is 10 170 Columbus ft H. Coal. Consolidated Uas .... General Electric International Paper.. do pfd International Pump.. do pfd National Biscuit National Lead North American Pactlio Mall People's Oas . pressed Steel Car do pfd Pullman Palace Car.. Republic Steel do pfd Rubber Ooods do pfd Tetin. Coal ft Iron.... V. 8. Ieather .4 do Dfd 140 10 WJ 81 65 35 12 it 18 90 29 7o 210 A on 14 67 6.410 470 75 U. 8. Rubber do pfd U. 8. Steel 40.155 18 do pfd 11.932 60 Western Union $4 12 67 67S aiT Total sales for the day, 637,400 shares. Dry Goods Market. NEW YORK. Oct. 13-Th dry goods market Is quiet, witn more or leas Irregu larlty.n certain lines, although Induce Dientaimade In order to sell quantities are not a a rule effectual. Buyers are In a waltisa- attitude, looking for further de cliua. while tb sellers foresee a favorable 37 S.t4 22S 21 67 65 'ii' 'iii 74 71 41 39 87 fci'i 7,600 109 107'4i 6(41 A4 K3 4.9 324 31 3.70 33 26 I'D 10 10 2IW 170 170 ) 140 140 100 11 11 i0 ST.'i 35 TL5 12 12 "406 "is" 'lH l.Mi 91 fc'S iSfio 291 29 4rio 71 70 l'a) 212 212 1.226 T 7 1.625 6T 56 2-0 14 14 "zk '$64 7 6 76 activity when buying ones commences for the spring trade. New York Money Market. ke-w -vnuK rw. 1 MONEY On call. steady st 2fiJ per cent; closing bid, $ per cent; ofTered at 2 per rent: time money, easy; sixty days, 4fi4 per cent; ninety days, 6 per cent; six months, 6 per cent; prime mercantile paper, twiti per cent. STERLING EXCHANUK About steady. With BCtllnl business In bankets' bills St $4.8545t-4.85fiO for demand and st $4 821H14 8220 o sixty days: posted rates, $4.83 ana; commercial bills, $4 81. . .. SILVER Bsr, 60V; Mexican aoiinrs. anc. BONDS Government, firm; railroad, lr- rcvular. The closing Quotations on Bonos are aa follows: V. 8. ref. Is, ret... IKS Hocking Val. 4Ha ..l'HH do coupon lmt t u a . sni. aa do J. res linvaman. tna. gain w....i"" do coupon .v mex. cenirai as .t do is ine .1(6 Miss. 4V St. U 4s... M .HOW 11., K. ft T. 4s V liosti do ta n .l'li'M. R. R- nf M. . 4s. 74 .1024 n. Y. C. tea. I... ! . k N. J. C. .sen. aa 11S . iNo. Farlic 4s ln . WW do la 70 . N. ft W. cos. 4s 4H . 1 '(Ire. S. L. 4 A P... do new 4a, rag.. do coupon do old 4a, rat- do coupon do fta, ret do coupon Atchison sen. 44. do aol. 4a Atlantic C. L 4a Bal. ft Ohio 4a.. do la.. Central of Oa. 6 l4Hlp-nn. eonT. IHa Vi do la Ino 7 , Rcadlnn tea. 4a t Chca. A Ohio 4a...iniH ft. U A 1. M. c. (a. 10414 Chlcaxo A A. Ia... IZ St. b. A S F. ts. 4B. C, B. A q. B. 4a... lH:8t. I. 8. W. 1 3 H ft n r . 4a. -i"1 seaboard air l. as.., ai C. A N. W. e. 71....11I V80. Haclfle 4s C, R. I. P. 4a.... 7i14 Ro. Railway Ka 1114 do col. Sa 721a;Teiaa A Pacltc Is.. .11.1 C C C A St L s. 4a.. M4iT.. Bt. L A W. 4a. V Chlcaso Ter. 4a I'nlon Pacific 4a 111014 Con. Tobacco 4a M'4 do eonr. 4a S314 Colorado Bo. 4a 24IT. 8. Btl N is.... PeiiTar ft R. O. 4a.. K,Wban la 11a Erla prior lien 4.... M'4 do deb. B 61 do general 4e 114 Whaal. ALB. 4a.. M r. W. ft D. C. Is.... 10 IWIa. Central 4s I Offered. ' London Stock Market. LONDON, Oct. 13. Closing quotations: Conaola for money HNw York Central... .110 do account U T-14 Norfolk ft Wasters. do pfd Ontario A Western, fennarlvanla Anaconda to t 04 II M It 17T4 Atchlfon i4 do pfd Baltlmora A Ohio., 7r,s Rand Mlna anadlan Paclflcj USVtl Readlnx Cheaapeaks A Ohio... SO do lat pfd Chlcaao O W. 13 do Zd prd... M. & Bt. P. .140 Sontharn Railway.. nBeara . . 1'4 do ptd Den Tar A R. O . 114 . Southern Pacific... 41 do Dfd Union Paclflo 71 Erla .N... do pfd 97 do lat prd..., do Id pfd..., (7Vk 41 United States Steal... 1.14 oo pra oi4 Wabaah II Illinois Central ltt Lnularllla A Naah.... do pfd It) Mlsaourl, K. A T 17141 BAR SILVER Strong at 28d per ounce. MONEY 1u2V ner cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills a dwM-i per cent ana lor three-months bills is 3ijj;j4 per cent. Bank Clearing;. OMAHA. Oct. 13. Bank clearings for to day ate $1,358,175.48, a decrease under the corresponding date of last year of $83,061.24. Wool Market. BOSTON. Oct. 13 WOOL Tho advent Into the market of some of the big mill buyers caused a distinctly better feeling In the wool market this week; prices are strong and there Is no semblance of weak ness. Following are the quotations: Ohio and Pennsylvania XX and above. 33g34c; X, 30fr31c; No. 1, 32(33c; No. 2, 3132c; un- wasnea, zl'4c; nair-mooa, unwasnea, zo ffi26c; three-eighths blood, unwashed. 25 26c; one-quarter blood, unwashed, 2323c: fine, washed, delaine. 86c. Michigan. X and above. 27(g2)c; No. 1, 29tgO0c; No. 2, 28 29c; fine unwashed, 21((r23c; quarter-blood. unwasnea, Z4'(izbc; tnree-eigntns Dlooa, un washed, 23(t'Joc: half-blood, unwashed, 24 25c: fine washed delaine, 32ft93c. Kentucky, Indiana, etc. three-eighths blood, 244j25c; quarter blood, 24&25c; braid, 22i'23c. Cal- llornla, northern, choice, 21tQ?2c; middle counties, utB'iBc; southern, 12i3j. Terrl- tnrv Titnhn HtiA 1 An 1 Ama mMtliim IfiiHl 17c; medium, l(i19c. Wyoming fine, 14 15c; fine medium, 16f&17c: medium, 18 19c; Utah and Nevada fine, 16l6c; fine medium, 174jl7c; medium, 19tt2icj Dakota fine, loiinfto; fine medium, 16(Ul7c; me dium 1 Qi, 'k. Unnland lln. 1 Q ?1 20c; fine medium, choice, 1924)c; sample, 20tft21c: medium, choice, 206121c. BT. LOUIS, Oct 13. WOOL Steady j me dium grades, combing and clothing, 173 21c; light fine, 1617c; heavy fine. 120 14c; tub washed, 206JOc. Metal Market. NEW YORK. Oct. 13. TIN The London market was higher, spot advancing 7s 6d to 114 and futures 6s to 114 12s 6d. Locally tin was about ten points lower, however, .with spot quoted at $25 SOg 25.87. coppkk was lower in ixinaon at snoi ?uoted at 53 12s 6d, a decline of 10s, wnlle utures declined only 6s and closed at the same ngure. locally copper was quiet. Lake Is quoted at $13.00(313.25: electrolytic. at $13.0tK"u 13.12 and casting at $12.75. LKAU-wai uncnangea at a.11 in the London market, and remained firm here at $4.50. HRELTER Declined Zs 6d In London to 205, but remained quiet. IRON Closed at 60s in Glasgow. Locally Iron was quiet. No. 1 foundry northern Is quoted at $16.ntv?fl7.00; No. 2 foundry northern at $15. mi 16.00; No. 1 foundry southern and No. 1 foundry southern soft at tin (KIWIS R0. . ST. LOUIS, Oct. 13. LEAD Steady at $4.30. DrijiiTLn steady at x&.u. Available Snppljr of Grain. NEW YORK. Oct. 13 Special cable and telegraphic communication received by Bradatreets show the following changes in available supplies as compared with ine previous account: Wheat, united mates and Canada, east of the Rock mountains, Increase, 1,993.000 bushels: afloat for and In Europe. In crease, z.zou.uou nusheia: total supply. In crease, 4.i!H,uuu Dusneia. Corn, United states and Canada, east of the Rocky mountains, decrease. 1.203.000 bushels. Oats, united States and Canada, east of the Rocky mountains, increase. 1.000 bush els. The leading Increases are 1.000.000 bush els Tit northwestern Interior elevators. 102.- 000 hashels at Louisville. 101.000 bushels at Nashville and 60.000 bushels at Minne apolis private elevators. The leading decreases are tzo.ntn bushels at Chicago private elevators, 266,000 bush els at Dallas and 66,000 bushels at Evans- ville. Oil and Rosin. NEW YORK, Oct. 13.-OILB Cottonseed, steady: prime yellow. 89ii'4ilo. Petroleum. firm; refined New York. $9.00; Philadelphia and Baltimore, $8.96; Philadelphia and Bal timore in num. b.m. KOHIN Firm. TURPENTINR Firm. OIL CITY. Pa., Oct. 13. OILS Credit balances, $1.68; certificates opened at $1.70 bid and closed at $1.76 bid; no sales; ship ments, 76.875 bbls.; average, 78,739 bbls.; runs, 17,153 bbls.; average, $7,417 bbls.; shipments, Lima, 64,635 bbls.; average, 66,462 bbls.; runs, Lima, t.296 bbls.; aver age, 60,363 bbls. SAVANNAH, Oa., Oct. 13 OILS Tur pentine, firm at 65c. Rosin, steady; quote: A. B. C. $2.12; D, $2.26; E, $2.35; F, $2.50; O, $2.55; H, $2.70; I. $3.60; K, $4 10; M, $4.26;, N, $4 30; WO, $4.40; WW, $4.70. Co fee Market. NEW YORK. Oct. IS. COFFEE Ths market for futures opened steady at un changed prices to a decline of 6 points and ruled moderately active. The initial de clines were due to realising In connection with a slightly less active demand, and while afterward these losses were re gained, the market In the afternoon was slightly easier, and the close, while steady, was net unchanged to 6 points lower. The cable news was unlnfluentlal and owing to the holiday there were no official advices from Brazilian markets. Sales were 31,000 bags, Including: November, 4.75f4.80c; De cember, 6.0lr6.05c: March, 6.264jj.30c; May, t.40((i5.50c; July, &.6u46.$uc; August, 6.66c; September, 6.655.70c. Cotton Market. NEW YORK, Oct. 13. Cotton futures rnjrkfti4 ft 1ftn Vnvomhar ''An rianamK.. .27c; January- .27o; March, 9.330; April, onerea, jutty, .aHc. LIVERPOOL, Oct. 13. COTTON 8 pot, mnl.rala tlllMlnMKA dnn' X rwtlnta hl.h.p. American middling, $.64d. ' St. Lonls Live Stock Mnrket. ST. LOUIS. Oct. 1J. BATTLE Receipts, 7.0u0 head. Including 6,000 Texans; market steady to strung; native shipping and ex port steers. $4.5oi6.66; dressed beef and butcher steers. $4.2oi6.25; steers under l.uiQ lbs., $3.4O4r5.00; stockrrs and feeders, $2 4K $.85; rows and heifers, $2. 0132.60; rannera, $1.76r2 10; bulla, $2.3fxQ$.0O; calves, H.0 $.&u; Texas and Indian steers. $2. 256$. 75; cows and heifers, $2 ujkoS.OU. IIOGS Receipts, 7.& head; market steady to strong; pigs and lights, $5.&4r 80; pack ers. $5.; butshers and beet heavy, $5.401 -i 5. SHLKP AND LA M B8 Recel pts, $.000 head; market slow and steady; native nut tons, $3 3otn4.00; lambs. $4.r6.60: culls and bucks. $2.UU64.00; stoikers, $2.0u6$.00. glens City Live Stock Market. SIOUX CITY. Ia.. Oct. l$.-(8pecia! Tele gram. CATTLE Receipts, 2.a: stockers slow, kllltrs steady, beeves. U i0$ ; cows and heifers, $2.2uu3.60; stockers and feeders, $2 &V4I3 66: calves and yearlings, $2 ,25'q3 W. Hi HJri Receipts, l.uuO; market lift) blber , at $i.Usr.4i; bulk, la.SO. OMAIIA LIVE STOCR MARKET Not an EzoeMlrt Ban of Cattle and Prioet Held Gnerlly Butdy. HOGS SOLD STRONG TO FIVE HIGHER Another 43oo Ran of 8 keep, kat De nana 4 Contlnned Brisk for Botk Killers nasi Feeder nn4 the Market Hel4 Fnlly Steady. SOUTH JDMAHA, Oct 13. Recelnts were: Cattle. Hoars. Bheen Offlclal Monday 6.8-S6 X,vv4 3u,l3 Official Tuesday 6,(M) 2.900 19,6(10 Two days this week...l2.86 4.984 Same day last week....l2.tiNl 8.132 Same week before 15,376 6.7f$ Same three weeks ago.. 14. 9.3 4.7K2 Same four weeks ago.. ..14.974 6.TO1 Same days last year.... 17.080 $.871 49,6i6 64.298 51.39 41,390 $8,776 20.666 RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR TO DATE. The following table shows the recelute of rattle, hogs and shenp at South Omaha for the year to date and comparisons with last year. 190$. 1902. Cattlo 817,862 731,67$ Hogs 1,804,760 1.J87.620 Bheep .1,254,160 1,166,981 A versa-a nrlea mm (n, hn at Inc. 86.U3 16,140 67.179 South Omaha for tb last several days with com Date. j 1903. l$O2.l$OL1900. 1189$. 189S. 18T. SenL JO 7 IS $ 761 $ 221 $ 861 i U 4 21 a Jl $ 71 1 71 4 CI 4 01 $ M $ 74 I 8$ $ 82 a $ 7$ $ $3 $ 81 $ 81 $ 8i $ 79 a $ 73 $ 71 3 64 $ 64 $ 62 $ 53 a 3 69 3 56 $ 66 Sept, 21... Sept. 22.. 8ept. 2$.. S 81 I 80 a r 491 ' 2I C 891 ! 6 841 6 14 $ 731 I 77H 6 744, I 67 U,, 7 CI 4 41 a 4 41 3 77 $ 77 Sept $4.. Sept. 26.. Bent. 5 T 67 7 65 m s i 7 $7 75 t 16 4 391 8 71 Sept. 27.. $ 79 6 15 4 sol 8 7Z Dept. 28.. Sept. 29.. Sent. 80.. k S3 116 t II a 6 13 6 18 4 44 4 $7 S l 7 31 7 22 3 $4 $ 67 6 70V $ n i 75: 6 68 4 $6 Oct. 1.... 62 6 61 6 85" a 5 66 6 641, 1 14 7 a 4 89 4 42 4 $7 4 $1 4 34 4 35 4 35 4 33 4 81 4 23 4 20 $ 71 a 1 GUI Oct. ... Oct $.... 7 $01 $ 69 6 191 Oct. 4.... Oct. 6.... 7 32 a 7 42 7 39 0 Of 6 62 6 ZU 6 10 6 11 a 6 08 6 02 4 92 $ 64 $ M $ 63 t fR Oct. 6.... Oct. 7.... Oct. .... 5 41 6 18 6 19 8 49 7 28 7 14 6 S3 6 13 6 14 6 16 6 69 Oct. 9.... Oct. 10,... Oct. 11.,.. Oct. 12.... Oct 13.... a 8 fi4 S 21H 7 04 $ 96 4 90 4 93 4 93 $ 67 K mtu. 6 20 3 56 $ 69 6 87 7 07 Indicates Sunday. The nfflnlnl niimhj,, .or, r9 atAnlr brought In today by each road was: Roads. Cattle. Hogs. Sh'p.HVs. C. M. Bt. p. Ry 8 7 .. .. Wabash 4 2 Mo. Pac. Ry $ 1 Unlnn Pnrlfln mvmtam 1 11 ' 9S 11 c. a. n. w. Ry ;;;;;; $ 1 K. A M. V. R. R 62 9 29 2 C., St. P., M. & O. Ry.... 1 4 .. .. B. A M. Ttv M a is C, B. A Q. Ry 1 4 K. C A Rt .1 i C., R. I. P., east 1 n. i. c t-., west z ., .. Illinois Central 2 Tdtal receipts 236 62 72 16 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the number of head Indicated: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co.. 3xo 319 623 Swift and Company.. '610 635 4.869 Armour Co 438 1,142 1,760 Cudahy Packing Co. .1,164 706 832 Armour, Sioux City.. 110 .... .... Vansant A Co 212 .... .... Carey As Benton 276 .... .... Lohman & Co 194 .... .... McCreary Clark.... 4 .... .... Hill A Huntzlnger.. 10 .... William Underwood.. 67 .... Huston A Co 39 .... .... Livingstone ft Shaller 81 .... .... Hamilton Rothsc'd 142 .... L. F. Huss 64 .... .... Wolf 4 Murnan 93 B. F. Hobblck Ill Sheridan Meat Co 89 Other buyers 1,209 .... 1,632 Totals 6.201 2.890 9,706 CATTLE There was hardly as heavy run of caatle here this morning aa was generally anticipated, but the market was delayed In bad shape by the slow arrival of trains. At 11 o'clock there were still eighty cars of cattle back or about a third of the receipts. The, general market was about steady, there being soma weak spots and some strong ones. . Receipts Included quite a few corn fed steers and some of them were In good con dition. The market was rather uneven, and, while some sales looked a little easier, others looked fully steady. Buyers did not take hold with any too much life, so that the morning was well advanced before even the early arrivals were disposed of. In the majority of cases, however, there was no great amount of change In the prices paid. There was rather a small run of cow stuff In sight and the market ruled quite active and steady to strong. A big run of cows was generally anticipated, and as It faded to materialise, buyers were out early and offered a shade better prices than they paid yesterday.. The bulk of the cows were disposed of at an early hour. .Bulls, veal calves and stags ail com manded good steady prices. The stocker and feeder market was cer tainly no more than steady. There was not as good a demand from the country yesterday as speculators expected, and as a result they were rather bearish. Sales men on the other hand held out for steady prices ana ine maraei couia Dent do des cribed by calling It draggv, but btmut steady. The best grades, of course, sold without much trouble, but the general run, and especially the common stuff, was rather slow, Strictlv choice yearlings are not In much better demand than thev have been for some time, but the common kinds have shown no improvement. There was no quotable change in the prices paid ror western grass beer steers. The quality was common, the same as usual, but the prices remained lust about the same as they were yesterday. Range cows sold a little stronger, while stockers and feeders were not very active, but sold at right e round steady prices. Represent- iivt sales: BEEF ffTCERS,' Kb. At. Ft. Ha. 1( 11S4 4 44 11 , ?. 1J0 4 TO M - lSt 4 Tt 4 . Tt. ..1120 4 ,.1!J I It ..1191 I U ISM 4 BO STEfTRS AND HEIFERS. itrr it no COWS AND STEERS. 61 4 00 COWS. 14 t II if 1 16 tit I 00 4 net Ml 1 of t HMD 11M i fis 1 1M1 1110 I w $ 1170 ss IS HHIFTCRS. M t 00 T 740 (10 1 M IS 4 , 107 t 40 6 147 BUIJ& 14S0 1 n 1 140 1100 8 14 1 11M CALVKd. tot t tt 1 no W II 1 1T0 IN 1 TB 1 170 t 74 t TO 1 Ti I 00 I 7 t K I 74 1 SS 8 44 4 40 4 T5 1... 1... t .. 8... t... 10... (... I... $... I 84 TOC KERB ANU fr nlBDEKtl, 131 00 1 006 8 XS tat I 00 14 al I 40 441 8 IS 4 717 4 40 0 I 26 NEBRASKA 1 feeder... 740 27 feeder.. 702 46 feeders. .1031 1 feeder... M0 15 cows 953 1 heifer.... 660 12 heifers... V 12 feeders.. 619 8 feeders.. 43') 1 heifer.... 660 $ lo 11 feeders.. 732 1 10 $ 00 3 00 2 36 3 t5 1 00 2 IS 2 15 2 16 $ 00 2 25 2 70 $ 26 1 80 I 26 $ 56 8 66 $ 25 2 65 2 00 2 60 $ 35 3 26 1 feeder... 950 4 feeders., 1028 4 cows 1046 2 cows 10.5 1 heifer.... 430 12 heifers,.. 910 6 cows 903 $ cows 1010 $ 50 1 stag 13tX COLORADO. $ feeders.. 906 3 10 13 cows.. 7 heifers... 6M 2 60 14 cows.. 1 bull 1070 2 $6 2 cows.. 11 cows 810 2 26 16 feeders.. 8.6 $ !) 2 cows.. $ feeders. .166 3 21 lcow... $ cow UZ3 2 70 WYOMING. .. 945 ..1032 .. 820 .. 790 .. $90 1 feeder... 1060 Z 70 $ feeders.. VH6 $ 70 1 feeder... 1'6' $ 60 1 steer 1110 $ 30 11 steers.. ..lo69 3 0 4steets....ll30 $ SO 1 steer 910 $ 30 1 steer 1230 $ 30 1 steer 1X0 $ 30 1 feeder. 990 2 76 8 60 $ $0 $ 90 $ 30 $ $0 $ 30 3 $0 $ $0 1 feeder. lOftfl 4 steers. ...1017 $ steers. ...116 1 steer 1110 4 steers. ...12o2 2 steers.. ..lO 1 steer 90 4 steers.. ..1017 1 steer 1210 4 a B. Tulnln Neb. $1 feeders. .103$ $ 40 1 feeder 1 feeder... li 'O $40 ' $0 steers. ..1210 ..lino $ 40 $ :o $ 26 $ 00 2 K I 09 lcow ewj 126 lcow.... 1 feeder.. .1070 $ 40 2 feeders 940 966 w. 11 ingles md. I feeders.. 9"0 $ 20 $ cows 926 17 cows. KM 7oO M X 00 I cows 920 2 00 E. Rose Neb. $ 70 4 feeders.. IflSS 1 76 1 steer 1130 1 cow. $9 feeders. .1194 1 cow 850 B. 4 feeders. .lo $ feeders.. 14$ 1 steer 930 26 feeders.. 871 I steers.... 914 $ 00 $ $6 $ 40 $25 $ 40 $ 75 $ 65 $ 60 $ 10 2 26 y t 90 Itt a. Plnney Neb. S 40 1 feeder., . 960 . 470 .1'! . 871 .1270 $ 00 2 26 $ 40 2s 2 46 $ 00 $ 40 2 76 $ 66 1 steer... 19 feeders $ feeders 1 steers.. $ cows !() 41 feeders. 97 $ feeders 1 steer... 1 steer... 1 steer... 997 4 steers. ..111 . 710 . 830 .1110 1 steer.. 4 steers. ... 890 ..1087 W, B Hogg Neb 1 bull. ... 4 fenders. .1411 1 1 II cows..., t feeders. , 919 619 . $7$ I $6 1 feeder.. .1010 $ $5 1-feeder... 770 $09 1 feeder. ..11x0 t Ho 1 feeder. ..1040 $ l 1 feeder... UtiO $ Do 2 cows 910 2 60 1 steer 1300 $ 4o 1 steer 12ia) $ 40 W. K. Clark N b. 9 rows 8il 2 t 14 steers..., 635 $ 60 1 stsg 70 3 00 1 heifer..., wa) 2 t0 $ hellers... IM Ui 1 stag 1300 2 $0 J. B. Murnan Neb. 1 Steer 8l $ 66 1 cow 1230 $ 80 28 cows 11)70 2 76 2 rows 960 2 25 X cows 10H0 $ 26 9 heifers. .. HI IN J. R. Phelan Neb. 60 feeders.. 993 $ 40 22 steers.. ..1194 $$5 14 Steers. ...11N6 $ 35 2 steers. ...1"70 2 60 1 steer 1220 2 90 1 steer 680 I 44) 3 steers.... 915 $ 90 Robert Bird Neb. $ feeders.. 100 $35 $ feeders. .1050 $$5 1 feeder. ..1110 $ 35 9 feeders.. 93 $70 24 heifers... 8H2 2 65 1 heifer.... 60 2 40 1 feeder... 1000 3 36 $ feeders.. 983 $$5 O. Peterson Neb. 24 feeders. .1064 $ 50 26 feeders.. 1029 t 47 B. McNllt Neb. 27 cows 1023 2 86 A. O. Crawford Neb. 1 cow 920 2 00 8 cows 102$ 1 T 1 bull lHfO 2 16 8. Carrothers Neh. $ Steers. ...1262 $ 10 32 steersf ...1068 I CO R. M. Crawford-Neb. 14 heifers... ?9 2 65 1 bull 1180 1 cows 11H0 1 20 1 bull 1340 2 06 1 cow lio 2 20 3 cows 933 2 66 Thomas Collins Neb. 21 feeders.. 9o4 $ 20 2 cows 1040 2 25 1 feeder... t 20 20 cows 9ti9 2 46 4 feeders.. 846 8 20 Scows Hot 2 00 B. Greathouse Neb. $ cows 10X5 2 60 80 feeders.. 1040 $70 6 cows 1(160 2 66 $ feeders.. 966 2 75 S feeders.. 832 8 15 M. C. Hubble Neb. . 4 feeders.. 1M2 3 60 $ cow 941 1 90 4 feeder. .1HH2 $00 lcow 830 190 4 bulla 1360 2 10 O. Anderson 8. D. 1 oow 960 2 85 2 cows 1020 2 85 lcow 710 $25 $ steers.. ..12ii0 $85 $ steers . ..1151 $ 40 27 feeders.. 1076 $60 Western Ranches Ltd. 8. V. 1 steer 1150 $ In 6 steers. ...1172 115 $7 steers.. ..1166 3 16 P. Duhamel 8. T. 18 steers.. ..1128 8 45 27 steers.. ..1140 t 45 H. Franklin 8. D. 21 steers.. ..1166 8 20 2 steers.. ..1110 166 J. T. Craig B. D. 46 steers.. ..1156 $35 w. B. Tlce 8. Jj. 25 feeders.. 1090 $ 65 2 feeders.. 1020 1 00 13 cows 9-.6 2 40 lcow 930 2 00 6 cows 101s 2 00 Z bulls 111 2 Zj 1 bull 16f0 2 15 C. L. Crelgh S. D. 49 steers. ...1050 3 40 1 steer 780 $ 40 O. J. Hansen 8. D. 4 cows 930 2 50 $ cows 1010 2 35 lcow 1210 3 00 2 steers.. ..1315 $75 J. M. Garnet 8. D. 1 bull 12M) 2 10 2 bulls 1330 2 10 45 feeders. .1066 $ 55 5 feeders.. 10.6 $00 17 cows 1076 tit 28 cows 1006 2 60 1 cow 10CO 2 00 P. Edwards 8. D. 6 feeders. .1108 $60 10 cows 10r i Ki 1 bull 10 2 10 2 steers.. .1310 8 80 8 steers.. ..1090 $15 2 cows 1110 2 30 lcow lino 110 23 steers. ..1219 $80 William Wellm 8. D. 24 feeders.. 934 $ 40 1 feeder... 1210 $ 00 3 cows 966 2 20 4 cows 9X7 2 TO 7 feeders.. 9X0 3 35 1 feeder... 970 3 00 1 feeder. ..1090 3 35 7 cows 1055 2 60 S cows 963 2 20 J. Mallan 8. T. 9 cows 980 2 65 2 cows 9SS 2 68 1 cow 910 2 00 1 stag 1240 3 00 II feeders.. 1045 $30 $ feeders.. 980 8 80 A. S. Wills Colo. 7 cows 8X8 1 75 8 heifers... 680 2 50 $0 cows 1013 2 56 2 cows KN5 2 25 9 calves... 140 $ 86 6 cows 1063 2 10 $ calves... 156 3 00 2 cows 1060 2 10 E. O. Bralnard Wyo. 1 steer 12S0 $ 65 1 cow looo 2 90 S steers.. ..12-J6 $ 65 7 cows 857 2 90 7 steers. ...1060 8 66 1 bull 14C0 2 35 4 steers.... 860 $30 1 bull 1200 2 60 R. F. Nelce Neb. III feeders. 9X1 3 30 5 feeders.. R1 S 00 39 feeders.. 1055 8 60 4 feeders.. 1056 3 00 R. F. Fowler Neb. . 21 feeders.. 1026 3 45 48 rows 998 2 70 U cows 1045 2 25 t John English Neb. 14 cows 18 2 96 cows 1065 i 40 4$ steers.. ..1178 8 46 J. H. Cook Neb. 25 heifers... 895 3 00 23 feeders.. 1056 $85 J. 8. McGinn Neb. 5 feeders.. 994 3 76 22 feeders.. 1119 8 $5 E. II. Clon Colo. I feeder... 960 8 25 lcow 1050 2 75 4 cows 650 2 76 1 steer 1000 2 65 $ cows 1176 2 75 1 feeder... 950 3 50 1 feeder... 910 $ 50 32 feeders.. 9'6 $60 1 feeder... 120 $60 1 feeder... 760 $60 1 steer 1060 2 66 4 cows 1035 2 3) HOOS There was another light run of hogs here this morning and as a result the market improved a little, ine oiiik 01 ine hogs sold strong to a nickel higher than yesterday. The market on paper looks even Detter man mai. owing largely m, me iwm. that the weights were lighter, which helped out the average very materially. Trading was fairly active, so that all the early arri vals were disposed of In good season. Some of the trains, though, were late In arriving, which delayed the close until a late hour. The bulk of the heavy hogs sold from $5.25 in If. AO mixed and medium welehts sold largely around $5.35 and lights sold all the way from $5.40 to $5.60. The most of the late hogs sold In about the same notches iui those that came in early, though at the extreme close there was perhaps a trine weager leeung. itepre sentatlve sales: K'o, At. 8h. Pr. No. At. Bh. Pr. 13 14H 40 I 15 46 m U IIS II 174 80 4 IS 44 fc6 100 4 15 II 447 ... 4 40 44 148 180 1 37 4 304 taO C 40 44. ...... .J 120 4 17 44 Ml 40 I 3U at U4 120 4 17 41 324 ... 4 30 344 ISO 4 37 44 301 IN IUI 44 Ml (40 4 40 17 2T ... 4 10 '1 214 130 4 40 (( 31 40 133 43 334 ....4 40 64 20 MO 4 32 48 244 40 4 40 45 Jf.T 4O0 4 46 17 2(4 ... 4 40 40 341 80 4 34 (4 ill ... 4 40 (1 271 120 4 14 76 232 320 I 40 84 t ... 4 36 64 247 10 I 40 41 281 ... 1 36 41 224 120 1 42 II 234 M 4 36 110 242 140 4 46 46 141 ... I 36 40 224 80 I 40 46 110 40 4 14 71 81 130 4 40 64 320 80 6 36 77 Ill SO 6 44 44. ., 291 140 4 86 24 107 ... 4 40 44.. 20 40 4 86 43. ...... .143 ... t 40 40 Ihi 10 t 14 . 8HEEP There wss another liberal run of sheep here this morning, which makes ths supply for two days this week amount to about 60,000 head. The demand, though, was again In good shape and an active and fully steady market was experienced. Packers continued to have liberal orders to fill and all the desirable mutton grades changed hands at an early hour at prices fully steady with yesterday. Ewes sold as high as $3, yearlings brought $3.66 and lumba of fair quality $4-60. It was a good active market from start to finish and very satisfactory to the selling Interests. There were a good many feeder buyers on hand again this morning, and In spit) of the liberal offerings tho prices paid wet fully steady and trading very active on the better grades. Even the commoner kinds sold without much trouble at steady price. Quotations for grass stock: Choice west ern lambs, $4.76$6.O0; fair to good lambs, $4.50N.76; choice yearlings, $3.60iit3.S5; fair to good yearlings. $3.4O3.60; choice weth ers, $3.36(13.60; fair to good wethers, $3.162i 8.35; choice ewes, I2.854t3.10; fair to good ewe, $2.50i!f2.80; choice feeder lambs. $4.10i$ 4 36; fair to good feeder lambs, $3.604.00; feeder yearlings, $3.85&3.60; feeder wethers, $3.0(1413.25; feeder ewes, $1.5u2.50. Repre sentative sales: No. Av. Pr. K Idaho feeder ewes 93 2 10 500 Idaho feeder ewes 100 2 25 227 Nebraska feeder ewes loo 2 26 1X8 Wyoming feeder ewes.. 96 2 26 90M Wyoming feeder eweo 83 $ 82 $11 Wyoming feeder ewes 88 3 60 66 Idaho ewes 96 2 60 M Wyoming ewes 103 2 75 42 South Dakota ewes 89 2 76 414 Wyoming feeder ewes 107 $ 85 827 Wyoming ewes 103 3 00 120 Idaho ewes 118 3 (tt 4!l Wyoming ewes 115 $ 00 tH9 Wyoming ewes 99 $ 00 193 Wyoming ewes 101 $ 00 19 Wyoming ewes 98 $ 00 2X2 Wyoming feeder lambs 45 $ 16 239 Wyoming feeder lambs 35 $ 16 9'. South Dakota yearlings 66 $ 30 iM Wyoming yearlings 97 $ 60 715 Wyoming wethers 100 $ 50 6tii Wyoming yearlings 78 $ 60 V Wyoming wethers 100 $ 50 126 Wyoming wethers 102 $ 60 101 Wyoming yearlings 83 $ 50 27 Idaho cull ewes 9S 2 25 90 Idaho cull busks 148 2 35 1377 Wvomlng feeder ewes 90 2 40 94 Idaho ewes 100 75 1M4 Wyoming ewes 98 2 85 13 Wyoming ewes 114 3 00 45 Wyoming wethers 117 3 60 85-i Wyoming 'ami , 66 3 65 827 Wyoming yearlings I 3 65 $f5 Wyoming feeder lambs 66 3 6a Jx5 Wyoming feeder lambe 53 4 00 95 Idaho lambs 69 4 35 43 Idaho lambs 61 4 35 47 Idaho lambs 61 4 35 107 Idaho ewes 66 4 40 2 Idaho lambs 64 4 60 1484 Wyoming lambs J4 4 60 lot Idaho lambs 64 4 S 22 Wyoming yearling 79 3 50 44 Wyoming feeder lambs 64 S 75 PU Wyoming feeder lambs 49 $ 7S l.'(9 Wyoming feeder lamb 4 $ Jrt 479 Wyoming feeder lambs 61 4 60 1J9 Wyoming feeder Ismb 1 4 00 j ri Wyoming feeder lambs 63 4 SO 43 Wyoming feeder lambs 4 00 816 Nebraska feeder lambs 63 4 00 AO Wyoming feeder lambs en 4 1 3 Wyoming feeder lambs 57 4 $0 830 Wyoming feeder lambs so 4 so IK Wvomlng feeder lambs 67 4 80 V Wyoming feeder lambs 67 4 86 467 Wyoming feeder ewes 0 $26 41 Wvomlng feeder yearlings.. 1 $ 86 199 Wyoming feeder yearlings.. 96 $86 M Wyoming feeder yearlings.. $ 44 Wvomlrg feeder lambs 41 4 66 U8 W;ooili4 feeder lambs M is) CHICAGO LIVK STOCK MARKET. Small Receipts of Cattle and) (log,, Fair Receipts of Sheep. CHICAOO. Oct. 13.-CATTLK-Recelpts, 6.0KJ head, Including 6O0 Texans and 1,:oo westerns; good to prime steers, $i.h66.J5; poor to medium, $,t.5ij,4.75; stockers und feeders, $$.2&ti4.2o; cows. $l.40tiH W; heifers, $2.ti4j6.00; cauners, $1.4t'f2 60; bulls, $J.tK,i 4 35; calves, $2.6tKjf7.;5; Texas fd Sleets, $2.iwfj1.75; western steers, $3.'4J4.6o. HtKJS Receipts todsy, 8,000 head; esti mated tomorrow, 20,(0 head; mixed and butchers, $5.35(ii6.(); good to choice heavy, frS-Vy Sit; rough heavy, $4.!v.r.35; light, $5.2Mifr 90; bulk of sales, $6.2ni5.66. 8IIKK1' AND LAMBS Receipts, 2.1.0O1 head; the market was stesdv to 16o lower; good to choice wethers, $3.30rt 4. 25 ; fair to choice mixed, $2.0O4i3.OO; western sheep. $2.2S1r4.00; native lambs, $$6v46.76; western lambs, $4. (Km 5.25. Revr York Lire Stork Mnrket. NEW YORK, Oct. 13-BEEVE8-Re-relpts, 161 head, all consigned direct. No sales reported. The market fbr dressed beef was steady: city dressed native sides extreme range, 6fri9'c per lb. Cables quota American steer at !fiill0 dressed weight. CALVES Receipts, 311 head. The market was weak. Veals sold at $o.004Y9.0-i per 1.4) lbs.; reported sales, grassers and fed calves at $2.7hi3.50; city dressed veals, general sales. XVrfllc per lb. HOOS Receipts, 6,913 head. The market was stronger. State hoas sold at $6.36SiH.40 per 100 lbs.; western pigs, $5.76. Reported exports today, 1.54) head beeves, l.ioii sheep and 44 quarters of beef. SHEEP AND LAM 158 Receipts, 6 F0I head. The market for sheeii wss slow and easier; for lambs Hlftc lower. Sheep sold at $2.5001.1.75 per Km lbs; lambs. $5..w h6 35; culls. M.OOifit.SO; Canada lambs, $5.65; dressed Canada lHmbs, $".61. Dress-d mutton, 5ifj'7c per Ib.j dresred lambs 8llo. Kansas City Live stock Market. KANSAS CITY, Oct. 13. CATTLE Re ceipts, 16.800 head natives, 1.M0 Texnns, 2,700 native calves, 300 Texas calves; corn fed cattle quiet and steady; wintered west erns slow and steady to lower; cows steady; stockers and feeders teadv to strong; quarantine slow; choice export and dressed beef steers. $4.u5.4ii; fair to pond. It.OO'i 4.60; stockers and feeders. $2.(ifi4.0O; Tcxns and Indian steers, $2.15rr(3.fvl; Texns cows, $1.40(fiZ.50; native cows, $1. 60(113.25; native heifers, $2.0004.00; canners, $l.0oru2.30; bulls. $1.7'.'ii2.70; calves. $2.O0(ff4.0(. HOGS Receipts, 8.000 head; market stnndv to 20c lower; top, $5.80; bu'k of sales, $"..rvi 5.70; heavv, $5.2jxu6.55; mixed packers. $.").. :0 (ffo.70; light. $5.55((i'5.80; yorkers, So. 70(f) o.tM; pigs. $5.505.75. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, K.floo head; market steady; native lambs, $3,255 6.26; western lumba. $2.90f(5.15: fed ewes, $2. $o$3. 75; Texas clipped venrlltiRS, I'J.WMi) 4.00; Texas clipped sheep, $2.4003.75; Stock era and feeders, $2.0oij33. 50. St. Joseph Live Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. Oct. 13. CATTLE Re ceipts, 7,500 head; the mnrket wss stead V to 100 lower; natives, $4.00fiu.4O; Texas snd westerns. $2.POif4.15: cows frjul heifers, $1.50 S4.75; stockers and feeders; $2.7iVt4.25. HOGS Receipts, $.775 hendjVthe market medium and heavy, $5.2635.70; bulk,- $X2n'ii) 6.75. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 2,529 head; the market was generally steady to strong; native lambs, $5.60; wethers, $1. Stork In Sight. Following are the receipts of live stock at tho six, principal markets yesterday: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha 6.000 20 19,no Chicago 6,000 8.000 25.0 Kansns City 21.000 s.ono S.OM St. Louis 7.000 7.500 3.0rt0 St. Joseoh 7.500 3.775 2.J29 Sioux City 2,200 1,000 Total .....48,700 80,175 68,029 REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. DEEDS filed for record yesterday as fur nished by the Midland Guarantee and Trust company, bonded abstracter, 1614 Farnam street: Elisabeth Dufrene to Genevieve Ty lee, lots 6 and 7, block 62, Souih Omaha $4,50) Calvin H. Hall and wife to Joseph P. Boyer, lot 6. block 10, Bennington... 140 Julia C. Harrier and husband to Ida . Orr. sit) feet lot 3, block 1, Har rier's 3d add to Valley 23 Ida W. Orr to William L. Wright, lot 8, block 1. same 1,000 Peter B. Halght and wife to Henry C. Templcr, part taxlot 65. 10-15-13.. 1 Henry C. Templar to Ella P. Ha'ght, same 1 V. Opal MoGaw to Jennie E. Scarr, lot 9, block 10, South Omaha 600 Luthera E. Grlffen to Laura Scott, 4 acres In s s n w 32-15-13.... 8 0 Joel A. Grlffen to same, two acre lu same , EO) Frank Langpaul and wife to Hugh 8. Thomas, s s lot 1, block 4 Hascall's sub 6 MSPHONE 0 ANY Or OUR ISO OFFICES MET PRICES ON We Bav ths lorseat private wire system in America, and will glv you tb latest telegraph prices at Chicago, Minneapolis and Duluth. Orders tor future delivery sxecuted st ths markets prompt service given. tTommisslensi Wheat, l-loc per bu on eat and com, I -4V per bu. Caumlaaloa en stocks, 1.4 pr casta CHIP TT t& YOITR WHRAT AND OTHER QKAINS. W gsarantae highest eash prtras and prompt returns, paying drafts la advene upon con signments. Commissions, o per buaual. No latsrntt tTbarf tt for Carrying Leaf Stock. COMMISSION CO. CAP. SUP.PLU & 9SOO.OOO GRAIN STOCKS GENERAL OFFICBSt NEW YORK I.I4--H DLOO., MINNEAPOLIS. ROBT. VANCE, Correspondent. 1(418 Farnam St., Omaha. Tel. 31(17. EDWARDS, WOOD & GO. CHICAGO OMAHA MINNEAPOLIS ST. PAUL-DULUTH-WINNIPEG. Grains, Stocks, Provisions Bought and sold In all markets for cash or on reasonable margins. MEMBKHS OF LKALINO EXCHANGES, prlvat Wires. Write for our dally market letter and private telegraph cipher mailed free. SHIP YOUR GRAIN TO US. Best Facilities. Liberal Advance. Prompt Returns. Telephone $614. 109 Dee Dldr, Omaha. The Merchants National Bank of Omaha, Nb. Capital tad Surplus, $400,000 PI4M mmm, Pr. sen. t. woo, v. . U.TIU 94UIE. C nww. etxtt T. lAMlUOa. AtsL Caskkw. lUestv tamiiu st kaaaa. kasnara, aorsar. BUeaa, Ana ana IsAlvMsal aa Urarakl Saraaa. foralss BiekaBS bouBt aaa aol4. Lstlan at Cndlt iaaya4. snUlakt Is all ana sf Ika earl, tmtaraat bJS m Tlaae OrUAaaia of Dspaslt. (allacttsaa saaoa prosistlr ii aacuwuiKallj. Wa rasaast aarraan laaaaaa. TM vFOIvfflE MA 7IiEAT.flATS0IiH tfOE VEARE GnAI.'l GO. , $10-11$ Boas' at of Trade. OMAHA. NEB. A O. W, twerd, Unnasses. Tel. . , j f-7 ' : t