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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 14, 1903)
THE OMAHA DAILY REE: WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 14. 100.1 A rent for Roger, I Peet & tJ Clofhlnr LJ 1!vW . Ill t iJ5lirl Agents for Dr. Reed Cushion Sole Special Sale of Millinery. A $7.50 TRIMMED HAT AT $2.50 Today toe offer m special lot of trimmed hats prepared expressly for carnival week. There is still a gret mswrt- tnent of these left, no two atike, exact copies CI C color and materials are of a high quality. These hats are worth, up to $7.60 each, at $2.50 READY TO WEAR HATS AT 98c A splendid array of $2.50 ready to wear hats go on sale Wednesday at a great special at .-. VELVET FOLIAGE 98c Thar are gre demsnda for velvet folia for trimming this year. W offar nil shadings and coloring In lair bunches, wortl ik at. ..... ...... 39c Fresh Lots of Kid Gloves at 69c Pair Tut received fresh new lots of autumn kid gloved, many real Idd leather, all colors and all sixes, none worth le?s than t and tin to $1.50, all at, a plr.. . . 2 25c Laces at 5c Yard Xna laces and Inserting. French vals. point d'esprl elnny, etc. worth up to 2So a yard 69c 5c Sale of Handkerchiefs Excellent Quality of handkerchiefs, worth toe each, some slightly mossed, tomorrow, at....-.-... , 5c 6c 12c Rare Picture Offers VT must reduos oar present stock of pictures and make room for tremendous now shipments that are now coming in. To secure more space we offer some of our finest pictures far below their value. &xlO gilt frames with fancy colore, fitted with mat for cabinet photographs, at Framed pictures, no two alike, fitted with scenery, figures, etc,' actually worth up to $3 each, ' QfJn at..,-: - - 15c In the Basement An extra special bargain in the basement, quard and basket weave mercerized waistings in long mill remnants, worth 75c a yard, at. . Fancy jac- 25c i r".v Street Railway Pay Checks and all other checks are cashed at our bank. We open accounts for one dollar to three thousand dollars and pay 4 per cent interest, . Z. Brandeis & Sons Bankers f WEDDING PRESENTS All of the latest desiens in the Cut X All of the latest designs in the Cut Glass and Sterling; Silver. Inspection Invited. 7 Homeseekers' Bscnralon. On Tuesdays. October th and 20th, th Missouri Paclflo Ry. will sell both one way and round trip tickets at very low rates to oartain point In Arkansas, Kansas, southwest Missouri, Oklahoma, Texss, etc. Stopovers allowed on th going Journey. Limit of tickets 21 days. for furth.r In formation eall on or address any ageut of . tb company or Thos. V. Oodfrey. Pass and Ticket Agent, 8. E. corner 14th and Douglas streets. Omaha, Neb. Colas; West Tkls fallf Whether the journey Is for pleasure, business or health for a few day or scv ' oral weeks nearby, to Oklahoma or 'cross continent to California It will pay you In dollars saved, comforts gained and sights seen, to call or write me. and find out all about the low rate personally con ducted excursions over the Eanta Ke to Great Southwest snd California. E. L. Palmer, Pass. Agt.. 09 Equitable Bldg, Dos Moines, la. SS.OO, Onlr Five Dollars. Omaha to Bonesteel. 8. D., and back. Via the Northwestern Line. Special Excursion leaves Omaha Webster St. Station, Oct. 14. 'I p. m. An exceptional chance to visit and view the great Rosebud reservation. Full Information at City Office 1401-1403 Farnant 8t. Chicago Ureal Wester Hallway. Short line to Mtndun, Harlan. Manning, Carroll and Fort Dodge. Two trains eacb way. Leave Omaha at 6:30 a. m. and 3:41 p. m. Leave Council Bluffs at (:46 a. m, and J. 10 p. m. For information apply to ueo. v. 'Ihomas, Gen 1 Agt., room 3U, Omaha National Bank building, Omaha, Neb., and 3k Pearl kit.. Council Bluff, la Horse covers made to r.i your horse. Omaha Tent and Awning Co.. nth and Harney streets. fori a I uut, The degree team of North Omaha Lodge No. 15 A. IX V. W. will give their first serial ball at WssLlngton hail. Thursday - evening; ucioDer is. Admission 36 cauls. Shoes that have remained In stock a long time become dry and hard ened and crack easily. Be careful that the leather In the shoe you buy is new stock. Tou'll be certain of it at our store. Every pair of shoes Is this season's production. Style, dura bility and fit is what you get when you buy of us. Onimod On-a-Man . give, satisfaction. Always $3.50;$2.50 Regent Shoo Go. 209 So. ISth St. ill OT nn? vnnnPRPiii JiJS coupon SALE LZ3 THIS HKLIAULB IVUH& Coupons with every purchase. The most liberal and valua ble tickets ever given absolutely free with every purchase. HATS TRIMMED FREE OF CHARGE A MILLINERY FURORE THURSDAY S3 00 and S2-50 Trimmed Street Hats 69c This offering of the choicest styles of the season's ' Street hats is without a parallel iu the annals of millinery retailing iu the western business world. $3.00 and $2.50 Trimmed Street Hats, on sale Thursday 69c See Window Display. HATS TRIMMED FREE OF CHARGE. Wednesday in Omaha's Greatest Domestic Room We are now prepared for another great sale for Wednesday. About 80 cases of New Fall Dress Good bought for the Carnival and arrived too lata will be on sale at prices that you will have to see before you will believe. HERE ARE A FEW OF THEM IS l-2o and lSe Good will go at 5 yd 12Hc Flannelettes, lBo percales, 3-in. wide, i-fic noyai rauie, aara colors; 1210 Scotch ginghams, and a great varletv of outing flannels, worth up t to lSVic DC ISc. luc and 2tlo Goods at T l-2c 36-In. fine percsjes, 19o nuality: 86-in. Eclipse flannelettes, ic quality; ao-tn. uanlderon flannelette for wrappers, waists, etc. 8H-ln. dotted flannelettes, worth 16c: 32- In. Scotch madran and other goods Tfl worth up to 25c yd., will go at, yd.... I aw Other eales on underwear. Imported Ann nelette, wool dress goods, etc., at less than nair value. Wool dress goods, worth 75c, at S9c. f Wool dress goods worth 31.26, at 69c. High Grado Wool Dress Goods SPRC'IAIj MLI! ox voiles From Ni3t to 9i30 a. m. Any 31.25 volln in black or color and only one pattern to a customer, OQs will go at, a yard 096 Front lO to 1 1 l.'IO a. m. Any 31 voile, etamlne or canvas cloth, one pattern to a customer Ofllk 60 minutes only at SfOC From il to 4 p. m. Any $!.! voile ." 31.S Any 32.50 voile . 3189 Any 32.98 voile 31.98 This Includes blacks and colors and only one pattern to a customer. OTHER SALES DURING THE DAT. For popular priced Dress Goods see Do mestio Room. Specials for Wednesday Men's heavy fleece lined shirts and draw ers. 60c quality, at S5c. Men's 75c heavy fleece lined shirts and drawers at 45c. Men's 3150 wool shirt and drawers In single or double breasted style, st 11.(0. Men's 31.00 wool shirts and drawers at 76e. Men's 25c neckwear. In bows and four-ln-bnnds. at 10c. Men's 25c socks In plain and fancy colors at 10c Men's wool sweaters In all colors at 11.00 and up to 34. EO. Ladles' - heavy fleece lined nose, regular 25c value, st 15c. Ladies' plain and fancy colored hose st 10c, 16c, snd 25c, worth double these prices. Roys' 60c shirt waists at 26c. Roys' 31.00 waists with separate collars or collars attached, at 60c. Indies' wool shawls at 25c snd up to $2.50. Boys' sweaters at 60c end 31-00. Indies' jersey ribbed knit vests and pants, fleece lined, silver or ecru, worth 39c, at 25c. Indies' extra heavy fleeced Jersey ribbed vests and pants, worth 60c, at 33c Ladles' fine Jersey ribbed vests snd pants, fine hand crocheted finished. In wool, worth 31.00, at 75c. Ladles' fine red medicated wool vesta and pants, worth 31.26. at 31.00. Ladles' Jersey ribbed fleece lined combi nation suits, worth 31.00, at 60c. Ladies' wool mixed combination suits, in white and sliver, worth 31.60. at 9Sc. Ladles' fine Jersey ribbed combination suits, Stratford and Harvard Mills make, perfect fitting garments, wool, worth 32, at 3160. Ladies' fine silk and wool combination suits, perfect tilting and hand finished, worth 33.00. for 33.00. ' Children's Jersey ribbed vests, pants and drawers, fleece Jlned, In ail sizes, worth 26c, for only lie.. Boys' extra heavy vests snd drawer with heavy fleeoe, linlug, worth 39c, at 25c. Children's fleece lined combination suits, worth 39c, at 26c Boys' extra heavy combination suits. In all siies. worth l.&0. at 880. Big Linen and Domestic Department Too Table Linen 40c. Extra heavy Silver Bleached Table nnmask. maranteed all Dure linen. 10 patterns to select from, 75c quality, at Jd 85o Table l.lnen B9c. Silver Bleached Satin Damask Linen. 85c quality, at yd IM)c Table Linen 65c. nrtirlnnl Silver Bleached Table DamaBk this Is one of the best linen on the market all the new patterns, mc, cc quality, at yd wS 49c Table 59s Linen 40o Table Dansaalc 2fi. Snow Whit Union Damask, all the up-to-date pattern too quality, 2SC 6O0 Table Linen Rffc. The old home spun Table Damask, pretty pattern, 6O0 value, 35C 7Se Table Linen 40c. Full bleached fine, all Linen Irish Linen Damask, 75c value at yd SPECIAL BALK ON MUSLIN SHEETING ANI READY TO SHEETS AND PILLOW CASES. Table 49c AND USE Grocery Department A bargain In coffes 19c Golden bean coffee 12o Santos coffee 13c Government standard Mocha & Java .. 15c Golden' crown Mocha & Java 28c Ping stiey tea very fine 25c Formosa Oolong tea 25c Imperial tea ...25c (ireen japan lea , Sun dried Japan tea. English breakfast tea Young Hyson tea rtHRk.L tired tea Hanta Clara evaporated peaches per lb.l2Vtc Pan dried peas per id lao 25c 25c 25o :'5c 25o California apricots per lb.. California prunes per lb.... Choice Colorado peaches .. ..12c ... ioc .. 7Ho A BIG CAXUY SPECIAL. Cream mixed candy per lb 15c Burnt peanut per lb 15o Chocolate creams per lb 10c Gum drops per lb 6c Choice mixed candy per lb 8o Salted peanuts per lb l5o Fancy cream caramels per lb iTc Cream wafer per lb Ko Almond or maple fudge per lb 16c 20 lbs. granulated sugar 3100 Drug Special Egyptian Massage the newest and best thing in massages This "rolls up," leaving the skin as pink and white as a sea shell. Put up in 2-oz. jars, 5-oz. jars and pounds. Sample free at our Drug Department. Sample mailed to any address on receipt of 10c. Drug Department llayden Bros. ' nrn 3 Li V OJ ni 1 ana gXa.SS to Mississippi aaa Laai.i and Back. On Oct. 2uth. the Illinois Central R. R. will sell tickets to any point in Mississippi and Louisiana (including New Orleans) on their lines, at rate of 33.35. good for re turn 21 dioa from date of sale. This offer a splendid opportunity for visiting the South and October la a good month to go. r srticuiar at 111. Cent Ticket Office, 1402 Kara urn St., Omaha, Neb. No. R. V. COLR W. M. MCKAT. Cole-McKay company, undertaker aud erabaltners, 1U7 Capitol ava. Tel. 4 Gold Crowns from 83.00. Work Guaranteed. Special prices continued until No vember 5. We are here to stay. Consult the pro fessors free. Sittings, from .......... u....;.-.. .25c Set of Teeth for .... JJ2.00 Teeth Extracted ...,..... Fit EE mmmmmr'-Jru .. l.i.n'S3 V... ., n n OUR BOYS' SUITS at $1.50 and $2.35 ARE THE GREATEST VALUES IN THE CITY. We don't know of a single person who has come In to see these suits at $1.50 and $235 who did not buy. This statement Is made after a personal inquiry of the salesmen In the boys' department So, ycu see, you have a right to expect ' a great deal. You'll not be disappointed in the least, for there's a Especial saving on every suit in the lot. All new fall weights in Norfolk and double breasted jacket styles, the greatest suits at the price you have ever laid your eyes on. ONE HUNDRED AND TEN DIFFERENT STYLES AT TWO PRICES: $1.50 and $2.35 SCHMOLLER & MUELLER THE OLD RELIABLE PIANO IIOUSE-1313 FARNAM ST. Do You FJeed a PIANO? IF SO HERE IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY rfhe Bennett Company All the instruments on exhibition at the carnival grounds, all pianos returned from rental to concessionaires, and about three carloads which arrived too late from the factories to be exhibited during Ak-Sar-Ben week, will go on sale tomorrow at prices to eclipse all previous records. . People expect exceptional values nt Schmocllcr & Mueller's big piano house, and It Is to our iu tercet to see that they are not disappointed. Willi this object In view, we stiall offer pianos, fully guaran teed for S. 10, 15 and 20 years, at one-half and even less of their original value. Union Denial Company, 1522 Douglas St., Room 4, open till 8 P. M. TIRED EYES Vncomfortable feeling dimness of sight moans that you need glasses. Our optician Is a gradaata. If be fits giasaea for you they will be properly fitted. Tou know our reliability. Look for the name. S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler and Optician, '111 PxUg trC One Ebony Upright, only .$88 One Oak Upright, good 41110 condition, only PV One Stelnway, rosewood case, fully guaranteed, $125 One K!mball Uprlg'ht, .Sun Do mingo innhogany case, $148 One Kranich & Bach Grand, worth double the money, 99 only sPSaC NEW PIANOS FOR RENT $3, ft AND $5 PER MONTH. Reforn nurchaninc Day us a visit of In spection or writo for catalogue, prices and terms. We amarantee you a big saving. Our easy terms of J10.00 cash and $5.00 per month are in force auring mis special saio. Schmoller& Mueller Manufacturers and Largest Handlers of Piano In the West. MAIN STORK 1313 Karnam St., Omaha, IOWA BKANrri C2 Broadway. Co. Bluffs. LINCOLN BRANCH lau 8. 11th St. THE HEW FALL STYLES $3.50 and $5.00 We are showing more kinds and more styles of ladles shoes this fall than ever before, and we have never been so well prepared to suit sll tastea In up-to-date foot wear for women, as we are this season. x FRY SHOES at $5.00 or $3.50 are oetter than others at the same prices. Our well known high quHlity is in every pair; the style Is always correct and eleKHnt. and the fit Is easy and perfect. They're Just right. iSe-D0U5LA2CU Money Suing Sales In Grocer) Dept. New, Fresb Goods it lowest prices. 6REEN TRADIN6 STAMPS FREE. POSTAL CARDS FREE TELEHOPNEJ 37. BAKED BEANS, 1-lb. can 3c JELLY, assorted, glass 5o GOLDEN SYRUP. 3-lb. can 12Hc BREAKFAST COCOA, i"lb. can. lie PARLOR MATCHES, 600 in box.. 4o PRESERVES, assorted, 1-lb. Jar. !)o BEST LAUNDRY SOAP, bars.. So MINCEMEAT, package.. S'bo PANCAKE FLOUR OLIVES, bottle 2-1 b. package Best Values in Teas and Coffees IMPERIAL JAPAN, per lb. GUNPOWDER, per lb JnC os . STEDlVl COFFEES ROASTED SANTOS COFFEE, pure, Bennett's Capitol Coffee. AILY. per Ji3 per lb.. 10c 9o IT! L'Sc Country Butter, Direct from the Dairies. Fresh Country Butter, per lb I6c Drug Gpartinont MAIN FLOOR Pierce's Favorite Pre scription PIso's Cure at Frllow's Syrup Hypophonphutes 69c 20c 1.15 Scott's Emulsion 80C Mlteno Preparation S5C Enstman's Violet Cold Cream Malvlna Cream. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery Ozomulslon at Bennett's Emulsion at .15c 40c 69c 80c 59c Albert's Remedy for ROc Uhmininllnm. 0 Rheumatism Espey's Fragrant Cream Bennett's Anti-Chap Swift's Specific, TRc small "w Swift's Specific 1 id. large Holmes' 20C Frostella Milkweed 40c Cream -vw v.. Powders. Toilet Powc'ers, nentrlllees Toilet soaps In profnston. In P.rlom. section of Drsf 4epntent southeast corner. Main floor. Creme Mealys, '.Vee-o-lay).... 20c ...15c 48c Toilet Reaalsltes, Sonnott's Good Shoos For Boys and Girls Aro tho Best. Boys' box calf, double extension sole, rock oak bottom O flfl Ij,tt,e K,r1"' C",f' "tenlon 0, shoes 4mtJ low heel, tip shoes. 50 Little gents', of the -4 CZ eame ...ItOl Ladies' Dongola patent tip. Isce shoes, heavy or light sole, worth x G-.rls' box calf, extension sole, low $3.00 4 A Q heel, tip shoe,. 75 ror . Is40 The S ennett Company. i REPAIRS For All lfaka ef Cooks. Ranges, Heaters and Furnaces. A REMINDER t Now of getting your stove and furnae repaired or looked after; ycu will find your self in great comfort when th approaoho big WINTER seta In. OMAHA STOVE REPAIR WORKS Are tho Stove Repairers. Tel. 960. 1207 DougU St We Clean and Refinish ladles' Dresses, Skirts, Waists and Jackets, Just as tbey do in Purls. We remove all dirt, greaso and germs and make them look like new. No danger of fudUis or shrinking the most delicate fabric. Our prices are rlfht. Try us. THE PAfiTomun .07 S 15th St. OMAHA, Tel. M3 "VELCOUE" Now what do you think of a sign llk the above IN THE WINDOWS OF AN UNDERTAKING! ESTABLISHMENT? Mvbe tliev mean you are WEI.COMI J IF YOU ARE A DEAD ONE! Such it sign is Jum about hi Hpproprlate as tli "CUT PRICE KBUO HTORI5" elgns me over SOME Dltt Xi STORES. Tl.ey rut prices 'CAl'SK. THEY HAVE- To. aixl WHEN THEY HAVE TOVNOT 'CAl tt: THEY WANT TO-SEE THE POINT. II, ("l I'erunu nil you wani tl.OO I'len'c's Medicines , fl.uo Orrine to rlose out "WHITE R1HBON" the guaranteed Liquor Cure CsHtorla the gonuii.e kind 2:'k-. l.MXntivo Hmmo tjulnlne UUINACETOL guaranteed - Cold ruin 4-oj!. bottlo Syrup. White Pine and Tar 2Sij The aoove rouijn rup m mnua ity ma well known Arm t Parke. Davi & Co. :.iic Ir. Churles' Flexh Food 40q ilc' Kldiiev Pills 31'0 II il ller's Malt Whlxkey want it?... M.i ft mi 1'tire Canuillan Mult WhlHkey .... '.Vt liM CheHtor's Genuine Pennyroyal Pills tl OPEN ALL NIGHT. CUT PRICE DRUG ST KB E. T. YATES, Proprietor. Two rhoaas 74T and TOT. IStn Chicago gireets. Ontaba. WO BVt -'l! loo SCHAEFER'S THE ANTIQUE BOOK CONCERN 213 aad 21 ICarbaeh Ulk. Successors to The Antlqurlan. Reooiid-liand books bought and sold. Col lege ai.d school text books bousht and sold. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER I'lne Photographle lllnslratlons. BUY A FARM oi Monthly Installments. Farm homes In Polk and Barron Counties, Wisconsin, within from M to 76 mile front Ht. Paul and Minneapolis, fk to fl& per acra, upon payment of from to cents to J1.60 per acre cash, balance in three, five or t.n years, 011 monthly paymsnla Monthly in slalluients of from U 10 K will procure a farm. For maps and full information ad dress. LECKE'S LAND ACFNCY. Cumibrltnd WIonlu PLEASE REMEMBER That we sell the best goods in Hewing Machine and supplies. We are. agent for ' New Home, Domestic, White, Standard. H ouaehold. and others atrlctiy tlrst-class machines with latest lniproveraenls. Satisfaction guaranteed In all our dealings. P. E. FLODMAN & CO., - 1514 Capitol Ava. Tel. 1574 BANK YOUR 8AVINCS la DIAMONDS. A SMALL DIA MOND is a COOD INVESTMENT, a BIQ ONE U better. Don't for get that OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE are Diamonds ffreat and smU to be bad from 11000.00 down as low as 15.0J st s nrnw r I n I .... I w MLULK I aln WUIsl, MUWUIUi IV7 NORTH SIATaKNTIi 0-